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  • One day of reading in the libraries of Iskitimsky district. The scenario of the holiday "World day reading out loud reading out loud in the library

    One day of reading in the libraries of Iskitimsky district. The scenario of the holiday

    On March 6, one of the most book holidays is celebrated in the world - World Day reading out loud. To mark it, you do not need to prepare special treats, make suits or invent decorations. It can be celebrated at home, in a cafe, park, and even on an uninhabited island. All you need is the text that will read out loud. Read aloud you can log or newspaper, latest news from the Internet or popular posts from social networks, but best - good book. Fantastics or detective, play or novel, poems or fairy tale - choose what you taste.

    Head branch number 1 Gallugaevsky library He conducted a single day of reading out loud under the motto "We read together, read aloud!". All day the guys read the most popular fairy tales, stories from school life, poems, classical works from the exhibition "Pyramid of reader preferences".

    The library stood fascinating silence when they read the "Twelve Months" fairy tale for the smallest users. It seemed that the magic would like to happen and revive the heroes of the book. Older guys with pleasure read the verses of V. V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?", They told who they want to become when they would grow about the professions of parents. High school students have chosen the work of N. V. Gogol "Night before Christmas".

    Librarians branch number 3 Poltava library within World Day Reading out loud was held by the action "World of Alexander Ekimtsev!". Guys kindergarten The "bell" listened to the verses of Alexander Efimovich "Grandfather Fog", "about hedgehog", "who wants something", "Fire in an anthill", "This is a kind river", "River learns to write" and gladly guess the poet's riddles.

    IN Aga-Batyr library Passed reading out loud "Dialogues about the main thing". Librarian Kuznetsova E.V. He talked with 3rd grade students about the main concepts in the life of every person: about family and happiness, friendship and kindness. Then I read the stories of V. Dragunsky "top down, macash!" And "the secret becomes clear" about funny and instructive moments from the life of Denis. And the guys told about themselves and their friends, and also played two scenes: from the life of the family and school. Each participant of the event received a booklet "Dialogues about the main thing."

    Users branch number 9 Russian library They joined the regional action "Wonderful world as a gift to children: read aloud Ekimtsev." They read out loud of the poem: "River learns to write," "drove a rain on horseback," "Puggy beasts", "who wants something", "white shower", "Grandfather Fog". For students of 8 and 11 classes, an action "Time to read!" To read the work of I.S.Sheleva "Summer Lord" - chapter "Maslenitsa" and an excerpt from the novel in verses "Evgeny Onegin" A.S. Pushkin, where the mention of the village of Carnival is found.

    IN branch number 10 Novoderievskaya library Gone promotion "We read together, read out loud"For reading out loud, surprisingly touching and warm poems were chosen by the wonderful children's writer Irina Petrovna Tokmakova. Reading poems, the guys learned how in a wonderful country of poetry fiction and reality, what trees and birds are talking about. Together with the librarian, the guys played with verses, because they have lines that repeat many times, imitated the sounds of birds, animals, nature phenomena. Children were happy to stage the poem by I.Tokmakova "Kukarek". Read the passages from the story "pine noise" about the life of evacuated during the Great Patriotic War children's house and adopted active participation In the discussion read. The books of Irina Tokmakova, caused their interest in guys and many wanted to take them home. Reading is over, but there is a feeling of warmth and joy.

    IN Roshkin library Young readers gathered to take part in the high-profile readings of the "Marathon poems Ekimtsev". Librarian Kustarnikova J.I. He told the guys about the meaning and benefit of reading. He conducted a review of the book exhibition "Anniversary in the country - reads", dedicated to the work of the Stavropol poet Alexander Ekimtsev. Poems A.E. Ekimtseva is permeated with the light of love for life and to nature. They always won well and justice. In just 30 years of creative work A.E. Ekimtsev released 29 poetic collections, 25 of them - for children. Then the librarian offered to read out loud poem A.E. Ekimtseva. There were a lot of those who wish, they read the verses "drove a rain on horseback", "Butterfly", "Grandfather Mist", "Forest tea", and others. In conclusion, a quiz was carried out on the works of A.E. Ekimtseva.

    Users branch number 17 Zaitsevsky library participated in the action " Alexander Efimovich Efimovich's poetic path. The librarian introduced the guys of grade 4 MKOU SOSH №22 with the life and creativity of the Stavropol writer A.E. Ekimtseva. Soshnikova Anastasia, Balibekova Sabrina, Transverzina Mislav, Yakovleva Alexander read the works of Ekimtsev about the war "distant road ...", "Here in December ...", "love your homeland", "The Song of the Old Frontovik".

    In the proletarian librarygone promotion "We read together! We read out loud! ", all day in the library sounded children's voices. The guys got acquainted with the informative fairy tales of Larisa Tarasenko. During the reading, they discussed the read, first-graders told about their observations for animals and insects. Was also organized reading marathon "Poetic tracks by Alexander Ekimtsev". The guys read poems A. Ekimtsev, everyone could take a poem with him.

    IN branch №21 SERNOWAL LIBRARY There were loud readings of poems about mom, spring and peace on Earth. Pre-selected poems read children class 3. The librarian read the poems of our Stavropol poet - Jubilerta Ekimtsev, offered riddles, questions from the book Ekimtsev A. "Who wants something."

    IN branch №23 Baltic Library There were loud readings "on the paths of poetry A. Ekimtsev." They read the poems of "Ten Good Trails", "River learns to write", "poems about the old pear" from the collection of poems A.Ekimtseva "Grandfather Mist". The guys were divided into two teams and in gaming form Games "Battle of Chorans" read poems whose team is more friendly and expressive. All participants received gifts - bookmarks for creativity A. Ekimtsev.

    For adults spent the day of reading out loud on the works of A.S. Pushkin called "Wonderful moment". The participants of the action received cards for which poems chose in the table of contents of the book and then they read them expressively. At the end of the action took photos for memory.

    IN branch number 25 Stoderevskaya library Passed the reader's marathon "Poetic tracks by Alexander Ekimtsev". Participants were 3 class students of MOU Sosh No. 10. All participants skidd out the poetic dance of the verses of the Yubililyra, everyone could read the poet poems, transfer the part of his mood to all those present

    October 9 - All-Russian reading day! purpose All-Russian Day Reading - try to return Russia the title of the reading country in the world. This date is pretty young. For the first time, the holiday began to celebrate in 2007 - then on November 24 a national reading program was adopted. Since then, in all regions of the country, various events and holidays promoting reading are arranged at this time of the year. As part of the reading day, the Chuvash Republican Children's and Youth Library on October 7 announced the republican action "Day of reading out loud."

    The libraries of the Krasnoarmeysky district took an active part in the republican action "Day of reading out loud."

    So, on October 7, the Shivbosinsky rural library joined the republican action "Day of reading out loud." For readers a book was chosen children's writer Faith Pie "With us and among us." This book is about pets that are constantly next to us. They are very clever, kind, and smart. In the story "Consumer Gusak", the main character He himself found a way out of a difficult situation. Interesting and instructive stories about our favorites really liked children. At the end of the event, they spent a quizzine on the book read.

    Almanchinsky rural library also joined the promotion. For readers, the book of Chuvash Writer V.G. was chosen. Enesh "Chi Phat Patchat". October 19 is 75 years old. Students became acquainted with the stories "ҫӑKӑr - ҫӗr Tӗrecӗ", "Kaiӑk Choulhi", "Chi Maturry", "Kӑmpaase", "Nimea". The instructive stories liked the kids. After a short discussion, the read young readers decided to continue reading out loud and other story stories.

    In Yamanakskaya rural Library The event was passed with the children of the pre-school group. Guests of books extraction "Long live a reading person!" Children were not accidentally chosen preschool ageAfter all, the guys at that age do not mind listen when they are read aloud. To read the librarian, a book about animals was chosen, as the October 4th was World Animal Day. Children carefully listened to, and then actively participated in the discussion, answered questions that it was important at their age - to learn to analyze and understand the heard or read independently. Active reached with pleasure agreed to paint the drawings about animals and coped with the task. Also for this holiday was created a wall newspaper, promoting reading and book.

    As part of the republican campaign "Day of reading out loud" in the Isakovsky rural library, students of the 4th grade of Isakovskaya OOS under the motto "We read together, read aloud". Children read out loud Valentina Kataeva's fairy tale, having passed her out of hand to hand and getting great pleasure from reading. Little readers tried to solve, in which the magic force is not only a fabulous flower, but also the act of heroine - the girls of the magnitude. They did not leave indifferent guys and the funny stories of Viktor Dragunsky "He's alive and glow", "the secret becomes clear" from the new collection of "Deniscory stories".

    Great interest among the guys caused the exhibition "Talking Books". The children decided to take and read the books liked in the library.

    Throughout the day, young readers who visited the library were suggested to read the book chosen by them.

    Reading books loud brings up kindness and attention to people, careful attitude towards animals, to nature, develops curiosity and interest in artistic words, to books.

    Workers central Library them. Yu. Gagarin Within the framework of the republican action "Day of reading out loud" spent loud readings for students 1 "in" class MBOU "SOSH No. 8" (25 people). The children met with the story of Marina Dorochenkova "Who lost a feather".
    The book is included in the series of children's cognitive literature "My Cognitive World" and introduces schoolchildren with the world of forest birds. In the work available for young readers language talked about appearance, habits and image lifestyle feathers. The book is colorfully illustrated, all the illustrations of the librarians have demonstrated the guys in the slide presentation. Reading ended quiz on the book read.

    Information prepared Edge Elena.
    Phone for certificates 77-38-02.

    Family reading library. A. Nikolaev invited pupils senior group "Pansies" of kindergarten №44 and students 2 "in" class school №12 to become participants in the action.
    On this day, young lovers of books and readings listened to the fairy tale in the verse of Julia Donaldson in Marina Boroditsky and looked at the wonderful illustration of the artist Axel Sheffler. D. Donaldson is a modern English writer, the author of prose, poetry, plays and educational literature for children. She is the Kavaler of the Order of the British Empire for merits in the field of literature.
    Once in a wonderful country - the library - each participant of the day of reading committed a small discovery for himself and acquired new friends - snail and whale. The guys with great attention listened to a touching story about the friendship of Kita-Giant and a small snail and about the fact that everyone under the power to make a big deal and realize his dream. Keith-giant shows a huge diverse world snail, placing her on his tail, and when it happens misfortune, the crumb-snail saves China.
    After reading the fairy tale, children took part in the games "Fisherman", "House for Snail" and Competitions "Caution, Keith!", "Who lives." With interest watched the cognitive films "Facts about the snail and whale". They performed crafts with their own hands "Kit" and "Snail" in the Origami technique. 37 children took part.

    Information prepared Elena Kostin.
    Phone for reference: 75-91-02.

    IN children's Youth Library On October 9, the story of Sergei Georgiev "Kothenok" was proposed on the day of reading the pupils of the NSRTSN.
    Cats - our four-legged friends. The guys learned interesting facts about these mischievous, charming animals, which are already thousands of years next to us. They remembered books, poems and songs, the main characters of which are cats, cats and kittens. The main characters of the story "Kitten" are schoolchildren who learn in the third grade. Trekch graders were afraid that the teacher would negatively react to the kitten, which was brought to school, and the teacher, meanwhile, was a participant in a similar situation in childhood. The present noted that the book teaches to be friendly, responsive and help comrades in a difficult moment.
    During the event, the guys answered the questions of the "cat" quiz, drew their favorite cats, met with merry books of the exhibition "Heroes of Books - Quong Friends." The event was present 19 people.

    Information prepared Elena Tavinova.
    Phone for references: 73-28-47.

    IN library of family reading name V. Davydov-Anutar spent an hour of reading out loud. Pupils 7 "b" class Lyceum №18 (28 people) met the author of numerous novels, fantastic leaders, tales of Tamara Kryukov. After the story of the librarian and watching a video "Tea-Tamara Kryukov", another talent of the writer, as an excellent storytellers, was revealed. Schoolchildren reacted to the emotional, brightly colored story of the author about his lungs, mischievous and instructive works. Reading along the roles of the story "Duty" from the book "Potapov, to the board!" caused the guys a rapid discussion. This is a collection of scolding funny stories and poems about school. In the scenes of some stories have been removed the same name. For the cycle of stories about Zhenza Muscovite and Lyok Potapov Tamara Kryukov awarded the title of laureate of the first prize of the IV All-Russian Contest of Works for Children and Youth "Scarlet Sails".

    Information prepared Gulnar Kalakov.

    IN children's Youth Library The participants of the action became young pupils of the Forest Polyanka group MBDOU №12 (22 people). To read the informative book of Marina Dorochenkova and Anna Kravchuk, "Who Lost Pyryshko?".
    The book hooked everything at once - the intriguing name, a bright cover, the colorful illustration of the artist Alexandra Malkov, the main characters and many interesting facts from the life of birds. After reading the guys got acquainted with the lifestyle of the feathers. Angelica's librarian, Angelica, said that the bird feathers were different: large and elastic, soft and fluffy and those that serve to decorate. The guys gladly studied the real feathers of birds. After conducting a number of experiments with feathers, the guys learned what would happen if putting it on his palm and blow on it or drop on a feather water. It was interesting to know what is inside the pen. Also with pleasure, the children read poems about the birds, solved the riddles and danced the "bird" dance.
    It was a real holiday of reading, on which the book, reader, word and listener reigned. There were 22 people at the event.

    Information prepared Angelica Igoshin.
    Phone for references 73-27-48.

    October 9th B. library them. N. Nosovafor reading day, pupils Dow No. 43, 2, 50 (104 people) were invited.
    On this day, the young readers of the library became acquainted with the work of modern children's writers. Employees of the library loud read the books: "Jingliki. Plevoe cause" Oleg Roy, "Incredible adventures of Domunik Mochnik and Banvestka Venichkina in Russia" Svetlana Krivoshlikova and "Notes for my descendants" Ariadna Borisova.
    Children enjoyed reading reading, played the game "Domotenka's praised", collected a mosaic, demonstrated their talents and made pets in Origami technique.

    The information was prepared by Natalia Arkhipov.
    Phone for references: 77-26-47.

    IN library to them. P. Khuzagayastudents 3 and 4 classes "Novocheboksarskaya general education school For students S. limited features Health "(17 people) got acquainted with the work of S.G. Kozlov. They found out about the touching friendship of the hedgehog, a bear and a hare, listening to the fairy tales:" Shake! Hello! "," As the hedgehog with a bear rubbed the stars. "The guys sang a song" Clouds "with the heroes of the works of S. Kozlov. The meeting ended with watching the cartoon" Autumn ships ".

    Information prepared Olga Mironov.
    Phone for references: 73-29-66.

    B. i library. N. Poleerussova Sheleibiwith students 2 "B", 5 "A", 4 "b" and 6 "a" classes spent the day of reading on the book of Tamara Kryukov "Unbearable lessons" (99 people). The guys on the presentation "Merry Stories of Tamara Kryukov" was told by the exciting biography of the non-suit life of the writer.
    "It will go to the board ...", "this phrase is familiar to each student, from which absolute silence comes in the class. The theme of its collection is the life of modern schoolchildren with funny stories. Lech Potapov - Dweller, and Zhenka Moskvichov is an excellent student. Lech - Tugodum, Zhenka - the most "ideological" man at school. But the friends of the inseparable Lech did not become a "man of a new type", or ultrarapis, no matter how hard his friend's friend was trying to him from the story of a new type man. History "Potapov, to the board!" caused a lively discussion from the guys, and schoolchildren with enthusiasm shared their impressions.
    Acquaintance with the book "Unbearable lessons" for young readers has become a holiday and caused a true interest in her.

    Information prepared Lyudmila Shumilov.
    Phone for references 73-77-35.

    Staff family reading libraries. S. Marshaka As part of the promotion, I went to visit in 4 "A" Class School No. 5 (29 people) to introduce schoolchildren with the wonderful stories of Marina Druzhinina.
    First, the guys found out brief biography author. M. Druzhinina worked as an engineer at the metallurgical plant and wrote stories for adults. When her son was born, she began to write for children. Until now, Marina Druzhinina is a permanent author of children's magazines "Murzilka", "Funny pictures" and others.
    Children listened with interest, and then discussed the stories "Call, you will sing", "good to be an optimist", "we are with you one blood!", "My friend is superman." Reading, with the help of the projector, at the same time accompanied by showing the wonderful illustrations of the artist Andrei Lukyanov. The book "Good to be an optimist" guys really liked, and they wanted to read other works of this author.

    Information prepared Natalia Zebrov.

    Yarkovskaya rural library

    On March 2, the World Day of Reading Louds Visiting the second-class students (Classier Head of Kushnir Tamara Vladimirovna) was a rural librarian Shcherbanyuk Tatiana Gennadevna and offered to read the good and touching stories of Valentina Aseva "Magic Word", "Three Comrades" and the Unusually Original Tale Eugene Schwartz "Tale of Lost Time."

    These are different in their mood and meaning of history - ridiculous, sad instructive, tuned children to reasoning about the actions of book heroes, on the memories of their little, but sometimes very rich events of life. The guys listened carefully and in these stories In7 it was recognized by themselves. Noted that in real lifeUnfortunately, there are situations where evil is stronger than good, but came to the conclusion - so that our life is bright and joyful to make good actions to be kind people. And in the conclusion of the event, Tatyana Gennadievna recalled everyone Council V.A. Osseva "Read and think." Reading was accompanied by a multimedia presentation "to good through the book!". 24 people took part in loud reading.

    Marynsky rural library

    In early March, the day of reading is noted aloud. This is a wonderful holiday when people take books and read them their loved ones, familiar, friends.

    In order to popularize the reading, the Librarian Marynsky rural library Aliyev Fatim Mohammedovna conducted a cycle of high-profile readings under the motto "Reading - Here is the best teaching" for preschoolers and students of grades 1-4.

    To the attention of the guys junior Group The kindergarten was presented by the work - the anniversary of 2016 "confusion" of Kornea Chukovsky, and for the children of the senior group of kindergarten, the librarian read the "Mukhokotuhu" Kornea Chukovsky. Pupils of grades 1-4 were read out by the work of the famous German writer Erikhazen's "Adventures of Baron Münhghausen", and the guys were able to travel along with the main hero of the snowy forests of Russia, in the seas and oceans, falling into various grinds, but successfully came out of them the winners .

    46 people took part in the events.

    Mirnovskaya Rural Library

    The Mirnovsky librarian of the Trenkov Natalia Nikolaevna for students of the third grade was held a loud reading "Tale of the wisdom of rich" dedicated to International Day Read out loud. Natalia Nikolaevna spoke about the history of this holiday and read the children a few fairy tales of Yubiles 2016, such as A.N. Tolstoy "Adventures of Pinocchio", the nose "The Adventures of Toli Shuvin".

    After reading the fairy tales, the librarian spoke about a significant role of reading in the life and raising children, in turn, students made for themselves the conclusion that the fairy tale raises the feeling of goodness, wisdom, sympathy and respect for the elders.

    For third-class students, an overview was conducted at the book exhibition "In the world of Russian fairy tales", with which the guys met and took books for home reading.

    Present: 20 people

    Novocrymsky rural library

    March 2 to the World Day of reading out loud head of the Novocrya rural library Nitchuk E.G. Visited the older group of kindergarten "Chamomile" (Educator Ablyalimov Aisha Kazimovna). The meeting in kindergarten was under the name "Spring. Spring. About spring. " Elena Grigorievna read the guys poetry poets about the spring, about Mom, the stories of the city of Skolvitsky, I. Sokolov-Mikitov, B. Belasha, and then they organized reading out loud in the syllables, Absilyam Esma told the poem "Birds flew." The mini-exhibition of the books of the series "Read by yourself" was presented to the attention of children.

    Inspired by reading, children wanted to get acquainted with the library. In this one day, the library was visited medium group Children's garden (teacher Zorinov Kristina Viktorovna) and students of the 2nd grade (Lesavina Master Galina Petrovna). Head of the library Nymichuk Elena Grigorievna read the guys a fairy tale A.S. Pushkin "Golden Cockerel". For students of the 2nd class, a literary assorted, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of a film director - Fairy Tale A.A. Row "revived fairy tales." Elena Grigorievna introduced children with interesting facts Writer's biographies. During the event, the most interesting excerpts from fairy tales were read and a video was viewed.

    Pavlovskaya rural library

    This Children's holiday took place in the Pavlovsk rural library on the World Hearing Day, held under the motto "We read together, read themselves!". On this day, in the library, the guys did not just read the fairy tales of the Knowers Chukovsky "phone" and "Fedorino Mountain", but also with great enthusiasm insisted the cheerful and instructive fairy tale "Aibolit". The event participated 12 people.

    Victory Rural Library

    As part of the World Personal Day, the head of the victorious library Kareeva Tatyana Borisovna visited the victorious kindergarten. As Vshechomlinsky said, "reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development." And to engage in developing children from early age. How to attach young children to reading, how to instill love for the book? Only by reading out loud. The "fairy tale of loud" -pody has passed this event. Pupils of the eldest group were offered a book "Tales of Tsarevichi". Indeed, in fairy tales collected in this book, a whole magic kingdom. It has not only wonderful strength and magic, and the most important thing is the victory of good over evil, the celebration of love, beauty and justice. The guys listened to the fairy tales "Maritime Tsar and Vasilisa Revision" and "Fullist Clear Sokol". Then the illustration was considered with interest and answered questions. Listening or reading tales of kids understand that you can learn to overcome various obstacles: to defeat evil and insidious opponents, helping those who need, love their relatives and their home.

    Svetlovskaya rural library

    On March 2, on the day of reading out loud in the Svetlovsk library for pupils of a kindergarten "Sunny", they read out loud with improvisation, listened, watched, empathized, discussed the works of S.Ya. Marshak "Tale of a stupid little face", "a fairy tale about smart mouse", " The sucked - striped "and others performed, the head of the Library of the Koshman Oksana Ivanovna and the teacher of Ceranian Tamara Frantzna. Poems S. Marshack read children with great interest and re-read adults. Until now, the books of Samuel Yakovlevich are produced by large circulations and are not parted on store shelves and libraries. Doscombergat got acquainted with the literary portrait of the writer, listened to the verses at the end of the event, the eponymous cartoon "Tale of a stupid little mouse" was completed. Everyone got great pleasure from communication!

    Komsomolskaya rural library

    On March 2, on the eve of the writers of the anniversaries of the 19th century poets, the librarian Mallarieva Elsar held a literary hour "Unimportant and great world of magical miracles of books" for students of the 4Klass of the Maslovsk school teacher Gulsen Shefketnaya.

    The motto of the literary hour was:

    The book is true

    Book- first,

    Book - best friend guys

    We can not be without a book,

    We can not be without a book! - All the guys say.

    This meeting was held in the framework of the library creative project "Contemporaries M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin, A.S. Pushkin, A.A. Barto, N.A.Nekrasova, etc.. Carefully listening to the story about poets, about the history of their creative LifeAll the guys gladly read their poems for memory remembered also children's poems A. A. Barto "Ball", "Horse", "Rattle". Children prepared and brought to the lesson on the lesson of the book with which they would fit and love to read in their free time. During the literary hour, the children actively responded, listened, shared their impressions with each other. Pupils are eagerly awaiting such interesting and entertaining lessons from the organizers.

    Every year, World Day of reading is celebrated in the first environment of March. This action takes place throughout the country since 2010 on the initiative of the Non-Profit Organization "Litworld". To date, this campaign is supported and successfully carried out libraries, schools and universities in more than 65 countries of the world. This year, the libraries of the Tobolsky district to read out loud were chosen by the works of the Tyumen writer K. Ya. Lagunova in ...

    Cat day in the Priirtish library

    02.03.2017 news

    March 1 in Russia celebrate the day of cats, which this year coincided with the World Day of reading out loud. This event came to celebrate students of 2-grade students together with teachers in the Priirtish rural rural library. At the event, the guys were able to learn more about the domestic cat, about her wild relatives and participate in the quiz "Soft paws, and in the paws - the scratches" during the event met the exhibition "My tender ...

    World day reading out loud

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    "Read out loud!"

    02.03.2017 news

    On March 1, on the basis of the school, the Degtyarevsky rural branch librarian was held "We read aloud!". Due to the fact that 2017 declared the year of ecology for children primary classes The stories of V. Biianki, K. Powestovsky, G. Szrevsky, K. Ushinsky, M. Svavina were read. Their works continue to raise love for nature in children, to the world, learn to be kind, help the weak and defenseless, take care of them. ...

    Reading island

    02.03.2017 news

    Library - Pier for curious. Every day, visit her users of Abalak settlement. It became a good tradition in the library on Wednesdays to spend quiet and loud reading hours. On March 1, it was no exception, students hurried to meet the library, where the next action "Day of reading out loud" was held in the cozy library hall, they were waiting for the book exhibition "Let the books of friends come to the houses", on which they stood ...

    World day reading out loud in Tobolturin Bibaim

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    On the World Day reading out loud readers of the Tobolturinsky rural library, took an active part in the action "We read together, read out loud!". Within the framework of this action, a literary hour was held "in the service of his people, or good shoots of Yakub Zankiyev". On April 6, 2017, our legendary countryman would have turned 100 years old. The librarian introduced the writer's biographies present with certain moments. The first writer-novelist from siberian Tatars, ...

    Reading day aloud

    02.03.2017 news

    In Sannikovsky rural branch, March 1, 2017, an action "Day of reading out loud!" Was held. On this day, the library visited a group of preschool children with their parents and an educator. Kulmmetova, where the guys read the stories about the animals of Savannah. On the circle "How good to be able to read" read Russian folk fairy tale "By magic". In the evening adult readers with their children gathered in the library, where the stories of Isaiah read ...

    02.03.2017 news

    On March 1, Nervyansky rural library took an active part in the campaign "World Day reading out loud." Young readers waited for a real holiday of reading, at which harmony reigned: a book, reader, the word, the listener became one of the whole. In the rural library from an early morning for kids from kindergarten "Christmas tree", loud readings were held. - "What books do you like to read more: with or without pictures?" From this...