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  • Agniya barto: notes of a children's writer. Agniya Barto

    Agniya barto: notes of a children's writer.  Agniya Barto

    Great about verses:

    Poetry is like painting: one work will captivate you more if you look at it closely, and another if you move further away.

    Little cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creak of unoiled wheels.

    The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is that which has broken.

    Marina Tsvetaeva

    Of all the arts, poetry is most tempted to replace its own idiosyncratic beauty with stolen glitter.

    Humboldt W.

    Poems succeed if they are created with spiritual clarity.

    The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is commonly believed.

    If only you knew from what rubbish Poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion near a fence, Like burdocks and quinoa.

    A. A. Akhmatova

    Poetry is not in verses alone: ​​it is spilled everywhere, it is around us. Take a look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life breathe from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

    I. S. Turgenev

    For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

    G. Lichtenberg

    A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. Not our own - our thoughts make the poet sing inside us. Telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He is a wizard. Understanding him, we become poets like him.

    Where graceful verses flow, there is no place for vainglory.

    Murasaki Shikibu

    I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in Russian. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. Because of the feeling, art certainly peeps out. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

    Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

    - ... Are your poems good, tell yourself?
    - Monstrous! Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
    - Do not write anymore! the visitor asked pleadingly.
    I promise and I swear! - solemnly said Ivan ...

    Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

    We all write poetry; poets differ from the rest only in that they write them with words.

    John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

    Every poem is a veil stretched out on the points of a few words. These words shine like stars, because of them the poem exists.

    Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

    The poets of antiquity, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. It is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times, a whole universe is certainly hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for someone who inadvertently wakes dormant lines.

    Max Fry. "The Talking Dead"

    To one of my clumsy hippos-poems, I attached such a heavenly tail: ...

    Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
    - My poems are not a stove, not a sea and not a plague!

    Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

    Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore drive away critics. They are but miserable drinkers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let the verses seem to him an absurd lowing, a chaotic jumble of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from tedious reason, a glorious song that sounds on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

    Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

    Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing but pure poetry that has rejected the word.

    Agnia Lvovna Barto was born in Moscow on February 17, 1906. According to some reports, at birth the girl's name was Getel Leibovna Volova. Agnia was born into an educated Jewish family. Her father was Lev Nikolaevich Volov, a veterinarian, and Maria Ilyinichna Volova (nee Bloch), who, after the birth of her daughter, took up housekeeping.

    The girl's father was very fond of Krylov's fables and from the very childhood of his daughter regularly read them to her at night. He also taught his little daughter to read, from a book. Agnia's father was very fond of the works of the classic of Russian literature, therefore, on his first birthday, he presented his daughter with a book called "How Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy Lives and Works."

    Even in early childhood, Agnia began to write poetry. As the poetess herself later admitted, in the first grades of the gymnasium she paid tribute to the theme of love: she covered more than one sheet with naive poetic stories about “marquises and pages in love”. However, the girl quickly got tired of composing poems about languid beauties and their ardent lovers, and gradually such poems in her notebooks were replaced by bold epigrams for friends and teachers.

    Like all children from intelligent families of those times, Barto studied German and French went to a prestigious high school. In addition, she entered the choreographic school, intending to become a ballerina. At the same time, the financial situation of the Jewish family, and even in the conditions October revolution, left much to be desired. Therefore, at the age of 15, Agnia forged documents, increasing her age by a year, and went as a seller to the Clothing store (its employees were given herring heads, from which soup could be cooked).

    creative career

    Once the choreographic school, in which Agnia Barto studied, was visited by Anatoly Lunacharsky, People's Commissar of Education. He came to the graduation tests of the pupils of the school and, among other things, heard how the young poetess, to the accompaniment of music, read out a very impressive poem of her own composition “Funeral March”. Although the work was by no means humorous, Lunacharsky could hardly restrain himself from laughing and confidently declared that the girl would write beautiful, cheerful and joyful poems.

    In 1924, Agnia Lvovna completed her studies at the choreographic school and successfully entered the ballet troupe. However, she still failed to build a successful career on stage: the troupe emigrated, and Agnia's father did not agree to let her go from Moscow.

    The poetess brought her first works to the State Publishing House in 1925. The Thief Bear and Chinese Wang Li liked the publishing house, and the poems were published. This was followed by collections of poems "Toys", "Brothers", "Boy on the contrary", "Bullfinch", "Chatterbox" and many others.

    The works of the young poetess quickly ensured her great popularity among Soviet readers. She was not a fan of fables, but created humorous and satirical images, ridiculed human failings. Her poems were read not as boring lectures, but as funny teasers, and because of this they were much closer to children than the works of many other children's poets of the early 20th century.

    At the same time, Agnia Lvovna always remained a very modest and shy person. So, she was crazy about, but at the first meeting with him she did not even dare to open her mouth. However, subsequently Barto and Mayakovsky still had a conversation about children's poetry, and Agnia learned a lot from him for her future work. And when she listened to one of Agnia's poems, she stated that a five-year-old boy had written it. No less exciting for the writer was the conversation with.

    Both in her youth and in her more mature years, Agnia Lvovna was distinguished by a kind of linguistic perfectionism. One day she went to a book convention in Brazil. She was to make a presentation, and translated into English language. Nevertheless, Barto repeatedly changed the text of the Russian version of her speech, which almost drove the translator crazy.

    During the war years, Agnia Barto was evacuated to Sverdlovsk with her family. She spoke extensively on the radio, published military articles, essays and poems in newspapers. In the 1940s, she came up with the idea of ​​a work about young teenagers who tirelessly work at numerous machine tools in defense factories. To master the topic, she even mastered the profession of a turner, and in 1943 she wrote the long-awaited work "A student is coming."

    post-war period

    After the war, the poetess very often visited orphanages, talked with orphans, read her poems, and even patronized some orphanages. In 1947, Agnia Barto published one of her most psychologically difficult works - the poem "Zvenigorod", dedicated to numerous children whose parents were taken away by the war.

    After the publication of Zvenigorod, a woman from Karaganda, who had lost her daughter during the war years, wrote to her. She asked Agnia Lvovna to help find her. The poetess took the letter to an organization that was looking for people, and a miracle happened: mother and daughter found each other after several years of separation. This case was written in the press, and soon Barto began to receive numerous letters from children and parents eager to find each other.

    The poetess took up a job that was beyond the power of anyone. In her radio program Find a Man, children talked about their fragmentary memories from the time when they still lived with their parents. Barto read out excerpts from letters, listeners helped her: as a result, a huge number of people found their relatives precisely thanks to Agnia Lvovna.

    Naturally, the poetess did not forget about her work, and continued to write books for the smallest. Her poems for children “Grandfather and Granddaughter”, “Leshenka, Leshenka”, “Bear and Uncle Vova”, “First Grader”, “Vovka Kind Soul” and many others were published in large numbers and read with pleasure by children all over the country.

    In addition, according to Agnia's scripts, the films "Alyosha Ptitsyn develops character", "Elephant and rope" were shot. A small filmography of the poetess also includes the painting "Foundling", for which Barto helped to write the script.

    Personal life

    The first husband of Agnia Lvovna is the poet Pavel Barto, whose name the poetess subsequently bore all her life. This marriage, concluded in the youth of both poets, lasted less than ten years.

    Pavel and Agnia had a son, Edgar, who died at the age of 18 in an accident.

    The second husband of the writer was Andrei Shcheglyaev, with whom she lived in happiness and love until 1970, when Andrei Vladimirovich died due to cancer.

    In this marriage, a daughter, Tatyana, was born, who later became a candidate of technical sciences.


    Agniya Barto died on April 1, 1981, the cause of death was heart problems. After the autopsy, the doctors were amazed that the poetess lived a long enough life despite the fact that she had extremely weak blood vessels.

    Many fans of Agnia's work subsequently recalled her phrase "Almost every person has moments in his life when he does more than he can" - and noted that for Barto such minutes stretched out for whole years.


    Pavlik is honored everywhere:

    Pavlik bakes pancakes.

    He had a talk at school -

    He spoke, opening a notebook,

    How much soda, how much salt,

    How much oil to take.

    Proved that instead of butter

    You can also use margarine.

    Decided unanimously:

    He spoke beautifully.

    Who said such a thing

    She can bake pancakes!

    But, comrades, hurry up -

    We need to save the house!

    Where is your fire extinguisher?

    Smoke is coming from under the doors!

    And the neighbors say:

    Those pancakes are on fire!

    Oh when it came down to it

    Our hero was disgraced -

    Nine pancakes burned down

    And the tenth was raw!

    It's easy to speak

    It's hard to make pancakes!


    That chatterbox Lida, they say,

    This Vovka invented.

    And when should I talk?

    I don't have time to talk!

    Drama circle, photo circle,

    Horkruzhok - I want to sing,

    For the drawing circle

    And Marya Markovna said,

    When I walked yesterday from the hall:

    "Drama circle, photo circle

    It's too much of something.

    Take your pick, friend

    Just one circle."

    Well, I chose from the photo...

    But I still want to sing

    And for the drawing circle

    And what about the talker Lida, they say,

    This Vovka invented.

    And when should I talk?

    I don't have time to talk!

    I am old now

    In our class, the head girl.

    And what do I want?

    Become a pilot, guys.

    I'll take the stratospheric...

    What is this, by the way?

    Maybe it's a stratostat

    When do elders fly?

    And what about the talker Lida, they say,

    This Vovka invented.

    And when should I talk?

    I don't have time to talk!

    I still have loads

    In German and Russian.

    We have been given a task

    Reading and grammar.

    I'm sitting looking out the window

    And suddenly I see a boy there.

    He says, "Come here

    I'll give you iris."

    And I say: "I have loads

    In German and Russian.

    And he says: "Come here,

    I'll give you iris."

    And what about the talker Lida, they say,

    This Vovka invented.

    And when should I talk?

    I don't have time to talk!

    Botany is sick

    Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!

    The lesson is cancelled.

    Dancing like a holiday

    Young pranksters

    And they shout: - Good day:

    Botanists have a migraine!

    Such a cry! Such delight!

    All like birthdays.

    Let her give her peace

    Doctor at the clinic

    Let her go to treatment

    We agree not to study!

    And the attendant says:

    I had diphtheria

    And it took six weeks

    Put me to bed.

    The leader was indignant,

    Pioneers listening.

    He says: We show

    Indifference to people!

    Called sweetheart

    They called glorious

    Our Olga Nikolaevna,

    And now we wish evil:

    Let the botanist go to bed!

    Here the detachment came to its senses,

    Everyone on duty reproaches.

    And the attendant says:

    Please don't panic!

    I had diphtheria

    Not botanists!

    The conversation went different

    Everyone sympathizes with the patient:

    It's time for you to get better

    Olga Nikolaevna!

    In vain we shouted "Hurrah" -

    This is us by accident.

    Letter P

    Five years of Serezha in January,

    So far - four, fifth,

    But they play with him in the yard

    And grown-ups.

    And how about sledding, for example,

    He flies boldly from the mountains!

    Serezhe only the letter "r"

    Spoils things a bit.

    Sister angry at brother

    Her name is Marina.

    And he stands in the middle of the yard,

    Shouts: - Where are you, Malina?

    She repeats: - Hold your tongue,

    Press tight to the palate! -

    He, like a diligent student,

    Takes up studies.

    Marina repeats: - “Cancer”, “stream”.

    Marina teaches her brother.

    He repeats: - "Varnish", "rays", -

    Sighing guiltily.

    She repeats: - Say "metro",

    We'll go to the uncle's in the subway.

    No, he replies slyly.

    We'd better get on the bus.

    It's not easy to say "belt"

    "Frost", "river", "cold"!

    But one day in January

    A miracle happened in the morning.

    Big sister sneezed

    He shouted: - Be healthy! -

    But yesterday I couldn't

    Say it this word.

    Now he loves the letter "r"

    Screaming, rolling down the hill:

    Hurrah! I am a bold pioneer!

    I will live in the USSR

    Study for five!

    In an empty apartment

    I opened the door with my key.

    I am in an empty apartment.

    No, I'm not upset at all

    That I'm in an empty apartment.

    Thanks for this key!

    I can do what I want -

    After all, I'm alone in the apartment,

    Alone in an empty apartment.

    Thanks for this key!

    Now I turn on the radio

    I will shout down all the singers!

    I can whistle, knock on doors,

    No one will say: "Don't make noise!"

    No one will say: "Don't whistle!"

    Everyone at work until five!

    Thank you for this key...

    But for some reason I am silent

    And I don't want anything

    Alone in an empty apartment.

    In the theatre

    When I was

    Eight years,

    Watch ballet.

    We went with a friend, Any.

    We took off our coats in the theater,

    They took off their warm coats.

    We are in the theater, in the locker room,

    They handed out the numbers.

    Finally, I'm in ballet!

    I forgot everything in the world.

    Even three times three

    I wouldn't be able to now.

    Finally I'm in the theater

    How I was waiting for this.

    I now see a fairy

    In a white scarf and wreath.

    I sit, I do not dare to breathe,

    I have the number in my hand.

    Suddenly the orchestra burst into the pipes,

    Me and my girlfriend Any

    They even shuddered a little.

    Suddenly I see - there is no number.

    Fairy spinning around the stage -

    I don't look at the stage.

    I rubbed my knees -

    I can't find the number.

    Maybe he is

    Under a chair somewhere?

    me now

    Not for ballet!

    The trumpets are playing stronger

    The guests are dancing at the ball,

    And me and my girlfriend Any

    Looking for a room on the floor.

    He rolled off somewhere...

    I crawl into the next row.

    Guys wonder:

    Who's crawling down there?

    A butterfly fluttered across the stage -

    I didn't see anything:

    I was looking for the number below

    And finally found him.

    And just then the light came on

    And everyone left the room.

    I really like ballet, -

    I told the guys.

    To school

    Why is Petya today

    Woke up ten times?

    Because he is today

    Enters first grade.

    He's not just a boy anymore

    And now he's a rookie.

    He's wearing a new jacket

    Turndown collar.

    He woke up in the dark night

    It was only three o'clock.

    He was terribly scared

    That the lesson has already begun.

    He got dressed in two minutes

    He grabbed a pencil case from the table.

    Papa ran after

    I caught up with him at the door.

    Behind the wall, the neighbors stood up,

    The electricity was lit

    Behind the wall, the neighbors stood up,

    And then they lay down again.

    He woke up the whole apartment,

    I couldn't sleep until morning.

    Even my grandmother dreamed

    What is her lesson.

    Even grandpa dreamed

    What is he standing at the blackboard

    And he can not on the map

    Find the Moscow River.

    Why is Petya today

    Woke up ten times?

    Because he is today

    Enters first grade.

    important prisoner

    It was spring time

    There was a war game

    And we got a prisoner.

    Captive! Captive!

    What an honorable prisoner!

    Although he is not tall,

    But he has a gray temple,

    He is a very important person -

    Head teacher

    Taken in the ring.

    He was in the game

    He lit signal fires

    And he was taken prisoner.

    Captured! Captured!

    Such venerable prisoners!

    I put a deuce not one

    He's in our diaries

    And today he is in captivity

    Schoolchildren in their hands.

    It's nice, whatever you say

    Things are going well...

    Secretaries run to him:

    Director! Your report!

    And he sighs: - Well, well!

    Warn me: I'm a prisoner.

    Such an important person

    Head teacher

    Taken in the ring!

    Such a priceless prisoner

    Alone in the entire universe!


    Spring, spring outside

    Spring days!

    Like birds are flooding

    Tram calls.

    Noisy, funny

    Spring Moscow.

    Not yet dusty

    Green foliage.

    Rooks roar on a tree,

    Trucks rumble.

    Spring, spring outside

    Spring days!

    Passers-by cannot pass here:

    There is a rope on the way.

    The girls think in chorus

    Ten times ten.

    This is from our backyard.

    Champions, Masters

    They carry jumpers in their pockets,

    They've been jumping since morning.

    In the yard and on the boulevard

    In the alley and in the garden

    And on every sidewalk

    In front of passers-by

    And from a run

    And in place

    And two legs

    Lidochka stepped forward.

    Lida takes the rope.

    Girls jump around

    Fun and smart

    And from the hands of Lida

    The rope broke.

    Linda, Linda, you are small!

    In vain you took the jump rope! -

    Linda can't jump

    Do not reach the corner!

    Early in the morning in the hallway

    Suddenly there was a clatter of feet.

    Neighbor Ivan Petrovich got up,

    I couldn't understand anything.

    He was terribly angry

    And he said angrily:

    Why all night in the front

    Someone stomps like an elephant?

    Grandma got up from the bed -

    It's time to get up anyway.

    This is Lida in the hallway

    Learn to jump in the morning.

    Lida jumps around the apartment

    And she counts out loud.

    Linda asks her grandmother:

    Turn around a little!

    I already jumped

    Almost ten.

    Well, Grandma said,

    Isn't it enough for now?

    Downstairs, probably pouring

    Lime from the ceiling.

    Spring, spring outside

    Spring days!

    Rooks roar on a tree,

    Trucks rumble.

    Noisy, funny

    Spring Moscow.

    Not yet dusty

    Green foliage.

    Lidochka stepped forward

    Lida takes the rope.

    Linda, Linda! That's it, Linda!

    Look, this is Linda.

    Rides for half an hour!

    I'm straight

    Me and sideways

    With a turn

    And with a leap

    And from a run

    And in place

    And two legs

    Jumped to the corner.

    I wouldn't be able to!

    Spring, spring outside

    Spring days!

    With books, with notebooks

    The students are coming.

    Full of noisy fun

    boulevards and gardens,

    And rejoice as much as you want

    Jump in every way.

    All for all

    We've arrived! We've arrived!

    The parents have arrived!

    With sweets, with nuts

    The parents have arrived.

    Girls and boys

    Jumping for joy

    In every suitcase

    Apples and sweets.

    Here is for my daughter

    in a knot


    And here are the pies

    Take care of them for yourself.

    Here's to the son


    In a sachet.

    This is my Petya

    This is no one else!

    And with bags in hand

    Gobble up in the corners

    From each other

    By secret

    Who is the pie

    And who candy.

    Vitya walks

    Past everyone:

    "If only I

    One nut!

    Not wait

    I stayed

    No candy."

    Suddenly guys

    Get up from your seats:

    We eat,

    Doesn't he eat?



    Would you like,

    But put

    Everything on the table

    Everything is one hundred!

    that we sat down

    In the corners?

    We'll share everything



    All for all:

    you walnut

    We are walnut...

    Everyone has everything

    Guys, is there?



    Gathered for a team gathering

    All! There are no missing!

    Collection serious:

    Need to choose

    The best girls in the council.

    Galya is crossed off the list!

    Everyone said to her eyes:

    First of all, you are selfish

    Secondly, you are a fidget.

    They offer to choose Sveta:

    Sveta writes to the wall newspaper,

    And she is excellent.

    But he plays dolls of Light! -

    Ilyina says.

    That's the new board member!

    Nursing her doll!

    No! - Shouts, excited, Sveta.

    I'm sewing a dress for her now.

    I sew a brown dress

    I embroider a belt.

    Sometimes, of course, by the way

    I'll play with her for a while.

    You even need to sew for dolls!-

    The squad moves in.

    Will sew later for grandchildren! -

    Pioneers speak.

    Natasha raised her hand.

    We must resolve the issue.

    I believe for dolls

    It's embarrassing to sew in the fifth grade!

    It became noisy in the school hall,

    A heated argument ensued

    But on reflection, they all said:

    Sewing for dolls is not a shame!

    Swan geese

    Kids in the yard

    They led a round dance.

    Game of geese and swan

    Gray wolf - Vasily.

    Geese-swans, home!

    Gray wolf under the mountain!

    The wolf does not even look at them,

    The wolf is sitting on a bench.

    Gathered around him

    Swans and geese.

    Why don't you eat us?

    Marusya says.

    Since you are a wolf, don't be afraid!

    The goose shouted at the wolf. -

    From such a wolf

    No sense!

    The wolf replied: - I'm not afraid,

    I will attack you now.

    I eat a pear first,

    And then I'll take care of you!

    Two sisters look at their brother

    Two sisters look at their brother:

    Small, awkward

    Can't smile

    It only furrows the brows.

    The younger brother sneezed

    Sisters rejoice:

    Now the child is growing

    He sneezed like an adult!

    Grandpa's granddaughter

    Walks to school in the morning

    All young Moscow

    People say verbs

    And difficult words.

    And Klava is a student

    Rushing in the car in the morning

    Along the Garden Ring

    Straight to the school porch.

    white-haired teacher

    Walking to class

    And Klavochka is in the car.

    And for what reason

    And by what right

    Carrying Claudia?

    I am grandpa's granddaughter

    My grandfather is a Hero of Labor...-

    But the granddaughter is a white woman,

    And that's the problem!

    She sits bored

    And put down the notebook

    But grandfather cups of tea

    Doesn't dare to submit.

    But he will ask his grandfather:

    Will you give me a car?

    I'm going to the skating rink!

    And call the garage.

    Sometimes it happens -

    All the people marvel:

    At the hero grandfather

    The idler is growing.

    It was in January...

    It was in January

    There was a tree on the mountain

    And next to this tree

    The bad wolves roamed.

    Here once,

    night time,

    When it's so quiet in the forest

    Meet the wolf under the mountain

    Bunnies and bunnies.

    Who wants in the New Year

    Fall into the clutches of a wolf!

    The rabbits rushed forward

    And they jumped on the tree.

    They pricked their ears

    They hung like toys.

    ten little bunnies

    They hang on the tree and are silent.

    The wolf was deceived.

    It was in January,

    He thought that on the mountain

    Decorated Christmas tree.


    Morning. It's hot in the sun.

    The cat is standing by the stream.

    Whose cat is this?

    Looks at everyone

    Like a savage.

    We explained to the savage:

    You are not a tiger in the Zoo,

    You are an ordinary cat!

    Well, purr a little!

    The cat is like a tigress again

    She arched her back and got angry.

    The cat is stalking...

    In vain we had a conversation with her.


    The speaker was young,

    He spoke about work.

    He argued from the podium:

    Work is always needed, everywhere!

    The school tells us to work,

    Teaching this squad...

    Pick up the papers from the floor!

    One of the boys called out.

    But here the speaker grimaces:

    There's a cleaning lady for that!

    The house has moved

    Near the stone bridge

    Where the Moscow River flows

    Near the stone bridge

    The street became narrow.

    There are traffic jams on the street

    Drivers are worried.

    Oh, - the guard sighs,

    The house interferes with the corner!

    Syoma was not at home for a long time -

    Rested in Artek Syoma,

    And then he got into the car,

    And he returned to Moscow.

    Here is a familiar turn -

    But no house, no gate!

    And Syoma stands in fear

    And rubs his eyes with his hands.

    The house stood

    On this spot!

    He has gone

    Together with residents!

    Where is the fourth house number?

    He was visible for a mile! -

    Syoma speaks anxiously

    Guard on the bridge.-

    I returned from the Crimea,

    I need to go home!

    Where is the tall gray house?

    I have my mom in it!

    The guard replied to Syoma:

    You got in the way

    You are decided in your home

    Take it to the alley.

    Look around the corner

    And find this house.

    Syoma whispers with tears:

    Maybe I'm crazy?

    You seem to have told me

    Do houses move?

    Syoma rushed to the neighbors,

    And the neighbors say:

    We all the time, Syoma, go,

    We're going ten days in a row.

    These walls move quietly

    And the mirrors don't break

    There are vases in the buffet,

    The lamp in the room is intact.

    Oh, happy

    So you can go

    Well, then to the village in the summer

    We'll go to this house!

    A neighbor will come to visit us:

    "Ah!" - but at home ... not at home.

    I won't learn my lesson

    I'll tell the teachers

    All tutorials away:

    The house walks through the fields.

    Join us for firewood

    The house will go straight into the forest.

    We walk - and the house is behind us,

    We are home - and the house ... disappeared.

    The house went to Leningrad

    At the October parade.

    Tomorrow morning at dawn

    The house will return, they say.

    Dom said before leaving:

    "Wait before entering,

    Don't run after me

    I'm off today."

    No, - Syoma decided angrily,

    The house should not run by itself!

    The man is the master of the house,

    Everything around is obedient to us.

    We want - and in the blue sea,

    Let's swim in the blue sky!

    Let's want -

    And move the house

    If the house interferes with us!

    His family

    Vova has a deuce with a minus -

    Unheard of business!

    He didn't move at the board.

    He didn't pick up the chalk!

    He stood like a stone

    He stood like a statue.

    So how do you pass your exams?

    The counselor is worried.-

    Your family, father and mother,

    Reproach at the meeting

    The director will be in person!

    We have a good twenty-five

    And three excellent families,

    But for now, your family

    The director is unhappy

    She raise a student

    Doesn't help the school.

    So what about my family?

    He says with a sigh.-

    I get deuces -

    And suddenly the family is bad!

    He would endure reproaches,

    Wouldn't show it

    But the question is about the family -

    The family will not be offended!

    Mom will be blamed:

    "We have good twenty-five

    And three excellent families,

    And you alone are a bad mother! -

    The director will speak personally.

    Sadly Vova looks into the distance,

    A stone lay on the heart:

    Mom felt very sorry...

    No, he will pass the exam!

    She will tell her mother: "Don't be sad,

    Rely on me!

    We must be transferred

    To a good family!

    There are such boys

    We look at the boy -

    He's kind of unsociable!

    He frowns, he grunts,

    Like drinking vinegar.

    Vovochka comes out into the garden,

    Gloomy, as if asleep.

    I don't want to say hello

    He hides his hand behind his back.

    We are sitting on a bench

    Sat on the side unsociable,

    He doesn't take the ball

    He's about to cry.

    We thought, we thought

    We thought we came up with:

    We will be like Vovochka

    Gloomy, gloomy.

    We went out into the street -

    They also began to frown.

    Even little Lyuba -

    She's only two years old

    She pursed her lips too

    And pouted like an owl.

    Look! - we shout to Vova.

    Okay, are we furrowing our brows?

    He looked at our faces

    Was about to get angry

    Suddenly how to laugh.

    He does not want, but laughs

    Sounds like a bell.

    He waved his hand at us:

    Am I like this?

    You are so! - we shout to Vova,

    We furrow our brows more and more.

    He asked for mercy:

    Oh, I can't laugh!

    He is now unrecognizable.

    We sit on the bench with him

    And we call it:

    Vova - former unsociable.

    He wants to frown

    He will remember us and will want to.

    Greedy Egor

    Oh, what a hubbub!

    Komsomol members are dancing.

    This is how the youth dance

    Whatever you don't want, let's go

    Dance on the tree.

    A merry choir sings here,

    Fables are read here...

    Yegor stands aside,

    Fat third grader.

    He came to the ball first

    To the school club at the Christmas tree.

    Egor did not dance:

    Why dance to no avail?

    He does not look at dragonflies

    And bright fish.

    He has one question:

    Santa Claus coming soon

    Give out gifts?

    People are funny, funny,

    Everyone shouts: - Scream! -

    But Yegor keeps saying one thing:

    And gifts soon?

    Wolf, and hare, and bear -

    Everyone came to the tree.

    Why stare at them?

    Laughing uselessly?

    The skiing began from the mountains,

    Egor does not ride:

    I ride in the park!

    He has one question:

    Santa Claus coming soon

    Giving gifts?

    Santa Claus plays collection:

    Here are the gifts, children!

    Yegor was the first to grab

    Golden bag.

    Sitting on a chair in the corner

    I wrapped my gift

    With sense, with arrangement,

    Tied with twine.

    And then he asked again:

    And on the tree in the park

    Will distribute tomorrow

    Gifts for students?


    Klava sighed endlessly:

    If I were curly

    I would, like in a fairy tale, the king-maiden,

    She eclipsed everyone with beauty.-

    And the student decided

    Appear curled.

    Chernobrova and Curly

    Beautiful girl-soul!

    Everyone whispers: - Petrova Klava

    Impossibly good!

    But he sits as if lifeless,

    As if plunged into a dream.

    Oh, - said the link, -

    Klava seems to be sick!

    Klava said: - Girlfriends,

    I really am alive!

    I tossed on the pillow:

    Curls interfered with sleep -

    All in pieces of paper head.

    Here she yawned again

    And fell asleep in algebra.

    Anna Aleksevna is watching:

    In the classroom - a sleeping princess.

    Oh, my friends are worried

    The quarter draws to a close

    And Klava has curls!

    No, they don't suit her.


    In order

    Line up!

    For charging


    We are growing

    In the sun


    Our feet

    Our shots

    Our muscles

    Not dim.

    In order

    Line up!

    For charging


    We are growing

    In the sun

    Lilac blossomed in the garden

    Andryusha was born in the spring

    One good day.

    The father is proud of the boy

    She is six years old

    Shouts to the little brother: - Well done,

    What was born!


    I am Volodya's marks

    I know without a diary.

    If a brother comes with a triple

    There are three calls.

    If suddenly in our apartment

    The ringing starts

    So five or four

    He received today.

    If he comes with a deuce -

    I hear from afar

    Two short ones are distributed,

    Indecisive call.

    Well, what if the unit is

    He knocks softly on the door.

    herd game

    We played flock yesterday

    And we had to roar.

    We growled and groaned

    They barked like dogs

    Heard no comments

    Anna Nikolaevna.

    And she said sternly:

    What kind of noise do you have?

    I saw a lot of children -

    I see these for the first time.

    We said to her:

    There are no children here!

    We are not Petya and not Vova -

    We are dogs and cows.

    And the dogs are always barking

    Your words are not understood.

    And the cows are always mooing

    Keeping flies away.

    And she answered: - What are you?

    Okay, if you are cows,

    Then I am a shepherd.

    I ask you to keep in mind:

    I bring cows home.

    To us, on colorful pages...

    To us, on colorful pages,

    Two tits have arrived.

    They say: - Trouble struck!

    We flew here

    Tell me about the slingshot!

    We are from birds! We are delegates!

    Titmouses are so worried!

    They speak with difficulty.

    They ask: - Give us some water,

    We'll come to ourselves then.-

    We brought them water -

    The tits have calmed down.

    One tit says:

    What's going on in the forest!

    The chicks are crying in the nest

    Help us in need!

    My baby bird is so scared

    Doesn't fly anywhere

    He already flew over the meadow,

    Hovered around the nest.

    And now he's afraid of everything

    Doesn't even eat caterpillars

    I want to move

    Fly away from these places.

    I heard there are young people

    But we don't have them in the forest.

    boy in a striped shirt

    A little light comes to us.

    If this boy again

    Suddenly appears in the forest,

    I am such a thrill

    I won't bear it!

    Here we found out from the birds

    Who is this bully?

    Turned out it was Alik

    Eight year old boy.

    This is him in the woods furtively

    He shot at small chicks.

    Here he is standing with a slingshot...

    Alik, do you recognize yourself?

    We tamed two tits,

    They were assigned the job

    May they be apart and together

    They fly to school, to class,

    And they bring news to the book

    From readers, from you.

    They will fly in a squad

    Cases will be checked by school ...

    Let them fly where they want -

    They are free birds.

    And we released them

    Now we stand and look after.


    Lesson don't ask me

    Don't ask, don't ask

    Lesson don't ask me -

    Squad on vacation

    On a decorated tree

    The lanterns are on.

    Schoolchildren will have fun

    On free days.

    We are out of town, in Sokolniki,

    Skiing, skating.

    Fall down to the waist

    To the waist, to the waist

    Fall down to the waist

    Stay in the snow

    And I'm skiing in the forest

    To the North Pole

    Run as you wish!

    Lesson don't ask me

    Don't ask, don't ask

    Lesson don't ask me -

    Squad on vacation

    On a decorated tree

    The lanterns are on.

    And all notebooks


    For now

    They will sleep.


    We are all morning

    fiddling with sprouts

    We planted them

    With my own hands.

    Together with my grandmother

    planted seedlings,

    And Katya went

    With a friend in the garden.

    Then we had to

    Fight the weeds

    We pulled them out

    With my own hands.

    We dragged with my grandmother

    full watering cans,

    And Katya was sitting

    In the garden on a bench.

    Are you on the bench

    Are you sitting like a stranger?

    And Katya said:

    I'm waiting for the harvest.


    The fable was chosen a long time ago

    Assigned roles,

    The link decided to act

    At a matinee at school.

    The girls decided to read

    "Quartet", there is such a fable. *

    Svetlana did not fit the role:

    I'm not stubborn at all

    Why should I play the donkey?

    Mom won't let me.

    The performers started making noise.

    One shouts: - She is a bear,

    And not a monkey at all!

    Another shouts: - Chur-chura,

    I said yesterday -

    I am a teddy bear!

    A day and two days go by

    Then five passes

    No way to rehearsal

    Artists do not collect.

    The goat came and sat down at the table,

    But there is no nightingale.

    Well, if so, - said the goat,

    Then I'll leave too!

    naughty monkey

    Rushed off to the skating rink

    And the clumsy bear

    Grabbing your coat

    Ran off.

    There is no monkey

    My aunt took me somewhere

    That bear is clubfoot

    Gone skiing with dad!

    When there is no agreement among comrades,


    The elder brother cradled his sister:

    Baiushki bye!

    Let's get the dolls out of here

    Baiushki bye.

    Persuaded the girl

    (She's only a year old)

    Time to sleep,

    Bury yourself in a pillow

    I will give you a club

    Get up on the ice.


    Do not Cry,

    Soccer ball,

    You will be the judge

    Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word!

    The elder brother cradled his sister:

    Well, let's not buy a ball,

    Bring back the dolls

    Just don't cry.

    Well, don't cry, don't be stubborn.

    It's time to sleep...

    You understand - I'm dad and mom

    Released to the cinema.


    Weekday and weekend

    Distributed behind the wall:

    Will you take me to the beach?

    What will you give me for this?

    Clear my pencil!

    What will you give me for this?

    Alexey came from school,

    I recognize his steps.

    He charges everyone.

    Buttoned up my brother's pants -

    Took him for a cookie

    Half a cookie.

    Raise your glasses, my dear!

    With the request of the grandfather to him.

    Dear granddaughter answers:

    Give me a penny - I'll raise it!

    Alexey came from school.

    He now came up with this:

    "If I learn the verbs,

    I give myself a nickel.

    If I learn prefixes,

    I need a raise."

    Weekday and weekend

    Distributed behind the wall:

    Alik, help grandfather

    To reach the eighth floor?

    Alexey, respect your father!

    And the answer is the same:

    What will you give me for this?


    If you're still nowhere

    Didn't meet the queen

    Look - here she is!

    She lives among us.

    Everyone, right and left

    The queen announces:

    Where is my coat? Hang him up!

    Why is he not there?

    I have a heavy portfolio

    Bring it to school!

    I charge the duty officer

    Bring me a cup of tea

    And buy me at the buffet

    Each, each one candy.

    The queen is in third grade

    And her name is Nastasya.

    Bow at Nastya

    Like a crown

    like a crown

    From kapron.

    Lenochka with a bouquet

    Lenochka came on stage

    Noise rippled through the ranks.

    From children, - said Lena, -

    I'll say hello to you.

    Lena on the 8th of March

    She spoke to her mother.

    Everyone was touched by a white apron,

    Bows, curls to the shoulders.

    Moms do not rejoice:

    How cute is she!

    Best program number

    This girl was.

    Once in the hall of the district council

    The deputies have gathered.

    Lena, a girl with a bouquet,

    Came out to them from behind the scenes.

    Lena is so bold

    Say hello to everyone,

    She is familiar with this:

    Performing for the third year.

    Third year, winter and summer,

    Appears with a bouquet:

    That will come for the anniversary

    That's at a teacher's convention.

    Lenochka can't sleep at night,

    During the day she does not drink, does not eat:

    "Oh, another student

    They would not have sent me to the congress!”

    Lena speaks calmly:

    Tomorrow I'll get a deuce -

    I have a district plenum,

    I teach greetings.

    Lena, a girl with a bouquet,

    Falling behind in all subjects:

    So when do you study?

    Tomorrow is another anniversary!

    Summer on the scales

    There are scales in our camp,

    Not just like that, not for beauty, -

    We find out in the morning

    Who has gained weight, by how many grams.

    No, we do not go to a distant forest:

    How about losing some weight while hiking?

    We spend the morning by the scales.

    We can not wander through the forests:

    All by the hour! Yes, by weight!

    And in the rain - we immediately under a canopy.

    Guys are valued by their weight!

    And how many dramas there are:

    Seryozha lost a kilogram,

    And for a long time he gasped and moaned

    All medical staff.

    Suddenly our routine has changed:

    In the morning we run to the river,

    We hug, we scream...

    Hooray! Don't hang your noses -

    Our scales are out!

    Fly, fly!

    The look of the birds is pitiful,

    We didn't recognize them!

    Apparently in a shambles

    The birds have been.

    At least news from the way

    You sent, birds!

    We were seated,

    The tits are talking.

    Do you know Taras?

    He's a second class thunderstorm.

    He goes - the whole class is trembling.

    That's what this Taras is!

    We decided not to be silent

    And a note to print,

    Post his portrait

    Shame on the whole world.

    He tore up the note

    He put us in a cage.

    We picked up the pieces

    torn notes

    And one night

    They broke out of the cage.

    Well done our tits -

    They flew out of the dungeon.

    They brought a portrait of Taras.

    We are Taras for more than an hour

    Made up of pieces.

    Look what he is!

    Brawler or parasite

    Don't be afraid to laugh

    Our birds never

    Now they're fading away again

    Come back to us here...

    amateur angler

    Sitting on the lake in the morning

    amateur fisherman,

    Sitting, humming a song

    A song without words:




    lake deep,

    Good luck fishing.

    Now catch a perch

    Amateur fisherman.




    Wonderful song -

    And joy in it, and sadness,

    And he knows this song

    All fish by heart.




    How the song starts

    All the fish are melting...



    blue skirt,

    Ribbon in braid.

    Who doesn't know Lyubochka?

    Everyone knows love.

    Girls at the party

    Gather in a circle.

    How Lyubochka dances!

    Best of all friends.

    The skirt is spinning

    And a ribbon in a braid

    Everyone is looking at Lyubochka,

    Everyone rejoices.

    But if this Lyubochka

    You will come to the house

    There you are this girl

    Find out the hard way.

    She screams from the threshold

    Announces on the go:

    I have many lessons

    I won't go for bread!

    Lyubochka rides in a tram -

    She does not take a ticket.

    Pushing everyone with elbows,

    Sneaks forward.

    She says, pushing:

    Ugh! What tightness!

    She says to the old woman:

    These are children's places.

    Well, sit down, - she sighs.

    blue skirt,

    Ribbon in braid.

    That's what Lyubochka

    In all its glory.

    It happens that girls

    Are very rough

    Although not necessarily

    They are called Love.


    Like our Lyalechka

    Almost a dozen dresses.

    I won't wear white

    Badly ironed!

    I won't wear yellow

    Yellow wrinkled.

    I'm not just a girl

    I am our guide!

    Grandma is confused

    Ironing after dinner.

    For counselor dress

    Will be ironed.

    There are such people -

    Give them everything on a platter!


    My grandfather and I were painting a barn,

    We got up with him a little light.

    Wipe the wall first

    My grandfather taught me. -

    You wipe it off, cleanse it,

    Then boldly take up the brush.

    So my brush flew!

    Thunder rumbled in the sky

    And I thought it was me

    I thunder with my bucket.

    Well, finally the shed is ready.

    My grandfather is so happy!

    Eh, I would take paints of all colors

    And paint everything!

    There is some paint in the bucket

    On the bottom, a little bit -

    I will rise at dawn tomorrow

    I'll paint something!

    cheerleader mom

    I do boxing,

    I'm into boxing

    And my mother assures me

    What a fight I got carried away

    Trouble! - Mom sighs. -

    I'm so depressed

    That I raised my son

    Such a brawler!

    I called my mother

    To the boxing gym

    She refused me.

    No, he says, I can't

    I'll run away from the hall!

    And she said bluntly:

    Boxing is disgusting!

    I tell her: - Mom!

    You don't think sports!

    Here's my first fight

    I really need a win

    My enemy brought with him

    Two grandmothers and grandfather.

    All his relatives showed up

    All for him, against me.

    He sees his whole family

    Feels supported in battle

    And I'm upset! I give up!

    And I need to defend the honor

    Ryazan schoolchildren.

    Suddenly I see - mom,

    Mom is here!

    Sitting quietly in the hall

    Sitting in the twelfth row

    And she said - I will not come!

    I instantly felt the rise -

    Let's beat the enemy now!

    Here he is with all the guys

    Tangled in ropes.

    Well, how did I fight? Boldly?-

    I run to my mother.

    I don't know, I was sitting

    With closed eyes.

    We are at the zoo

    - White bear!

    Does she live in ice?

    — Blizzard and sleet

    Bears are not afraid?

    - Oh, little teddy bear!

    - The child is only a year old!

    - He has such felt boots on,

    That they are not afraid of ice.

    - Oh, the brown bear is walking!

    — He is dressed in heavy fur.

    He is a portly figure

    Can fear catch up on everyone!

    Dinner! Dinner! Bringing lunch!

    No more patience.

    Don't give him lunch

    He'll eat his neighbor right now.

    At the little sable

    While the food is special:

    Everyone cares about him

    And they feed by the hour

    And he is


    He knows how to suck himself.

    Quiet time at the Zoo

    Just like ours!

    They are lying,

    And we lie.

    Same mode.

    We cleared the old garden

    We cleared the old garden

    from harmful insects.

    In the garden they saw a detachment

    Unfamiliar boys.

    They didn't just come

    Poppy seeds were weeded out on the beds.

    And an hour later appeared in the garden

    Another boy group.

    The detachment did not just come -

    The guys trampled the poppy.

    We were surprised: how can this be?

    And on the aspen two thrushes

    They explained to us: - Yes, yes, yes!

    Division of labor.

    This is how people do it:

    One group is planting a garden,

    The other one breaks it.

    At the school party

    The clown is on stage!

    He sharpens well

    Will say a word -

    And laughter is heard.

    School explodes

    Bursts of laughter:

    Clown is a first grader!

    Well, fun!

    girls laugh

    Especially the call!

    But not laughing

    One of the girls.

    Something got ruffled

    This girl:

    I don't feel like it

    Choke from laughter!

    The girls whisper:

    She's not laughing

    Tanya does not tolerate

    Someone else's success.

    Our neighbor Ivan Petrovich

    Know our neighbor

    All the guys from the yard.

    He them even before dinner

    He says it's time for bed.

    He looks angry at everyone

    He doesn't like everything.

    Why is the window open?

    We are in Moscow, not in the Crimea!

    Open the door for a minute

    He says it's a draft.

    Our neighbor Ivan Petrovich

    Sees everything is always wrong.

    It's such a good day

    Not a single cloud in the sky.

    He grumbles: - Put on galoshes,

    It will be pouring rain!

    I got better over the summer

    I put on five kilos.

    I myself have noticed this -

    Running became difficult.

    Oh you, bear clumsy -

    Mom and dad told me

    You added a whole pood!

    No, said Ivan Petrovich,

    Your child is too thin!

    We told mom for a long time:

    Time to buy a bookcase!

    On tables and under tables

    A whole mountain of books.

    Against the wall next to the sofa

    The new cabinet is now up.

    They sent it to our house

    And with difficulty dragged through the door.

    Dad was so happy.

    The walls are strong at the closet,

    It's finished in walnut!

    But Ivan Petrovich came -

    As always, upset everyone.

    He said it's not like that:

    That varnish will peel off the cabinet,

    That he's not good at all

    What is the price of such a penny,

    What will he go for firewood

    In a month or two!

    We have a puppy in our apartment

    He sleeps near the chest.

    No, perhaps in the whole world

    Kinder puppy.

    He doesn't drink from the saucer yet.

    Everyone in the corridor is laughing:

    I bring him the pacifier.

    No! - shouts Ivan Petrovich. -

    This dog needs a chain!

    But one day all the guys

    Came up to him in a crowd,

    Guys came up to him

    And they asked: - What's wrong with you?

    Why do you see clouds

    Even on sunny days?

    You wipe your glasses better -

    Maybe they are dirty?

    Maybe someone out of spite

    Gave the wrong glass?

    Away!” said Ivan Petrovich.

    I will teach you now!

    I, - said Ivan Petrovich, -

    Oh, what an eccentric neighbor!

    It is very bad to live in the world,

    If you see everything wrong.

    No tits: they didn't arrive!

    No tits: they didn't arrive!

    Where are the two tits?

    Empty in our book

    Motley pages.

    What happened to the birds?

    Where are they, pray tell?

    Look around you

    In the garden, in the park

    Ride maybe now

    Two little gray birds?

    Or birds flew into the house

    Straight from the book?

    curious tits

    They love new places.

    Please run after

    For every tit.

    No tits!

    All no and no!

    At least call the police.

    The right song

    We are learning to sing!

    We are now on Saturdays

    Don't just eat

    We sing along to the notes.

    We are many tunes

    You must remember:

    And on a long journey

    We need songs

    And a friend's house

    Sing at your leisure...

    There are smooth songs

    And there are dancers.

    Today we are in class

    Let's eat them for the first time.

    At every lesson

    That's how to sing!

    There is even a special song -

    For Wedding.

    That's twenty years later

    I decide to marry

    Then this song

    And I will need it.

    Once I broke the glass

    No, I've been unlucky in my life

    Once I broke the glass.

    It's under the sun

    It sparkled and burned

    And I accidentally - the ball!

    How hot I am!

    And since then,

    Ever since then

    As soon as I run

    Someone shouts after:

    Want to break glass?

    A lot of water has flowed

    Since I broke the glass

    But I just need to breathe

    Now someone asks:

    Are you sighing through the glass?

    Broken glass again?

    No, I've been unlucky in my life

    Once I broke the glass.

    Walks towards me yesterday

    Thinking about something

    A girl from our yard

    Good girl.

    I want to start a conversation with her

    But, correcting the curl,

    She's talking some nonsense

    About broken windows.

    No, I've been unlucky in my life

    Glass haunts me.

    When I am two hundred years old,

    My grandchildren will come to me.

    They will tell me:

    True, grandfather

    You took the cobblestone in your hands

    Bulleted at every window? -

    I will not answer, I will sigh.

    No, I've been unlucky in my life

    Once I broke the glass.


    Seryozha will not fall asleep in any way,

    He looks at lying down

    thin-legged deer

    On the lawn in the distance -

    thin-legged deer

    High on the ceiling

    He is handsome, majestic,

    He stands with his horns up

    And around the dark grasses,

    The meadows are spreading.

    Seryozha got on his knees,

    Looked at the ceiling

    He sees - cracks on the wall,

    He was surprised and lay down.

    Said the next day

    When the curtains were opened:

    I know it was a deer

    But he raced off into the mountains.

    Where are you from, tits?

    Where are you from, tits?

    Flying over the capital...

    Fifth grader waddle

    Slowly down the boulevard

    And, imagine, threw a stick!

    And in whom?

    In a baby!

    It suits the predator

    A decent bird

    It won't be treated like that

    To the defenseless chick.

    And by the river at any hour

    There is always a girl

    Lying with a piece of paper on his nose

    And looking in the mirror.

    The girl is tanning

    Grandma does laundry.

    We want, - said the birds,

    Look at other children.-

    Again fluttered from the page

    And they set off again.

    I'll put it off for later

    What am I suffering

    Over a blank slate?

    No, I'm a blueprint

    I'll put it off for later.

    It's not glued

    Am I to the drawing?

    I run to Shura,

    I'll tell her a secret.

    No, I probably

    I'll lay the secret

    I'm better with a book

    I'll sit for a while.

    The book got

    weighty tome,

    I put it off

    For later,

    I suffer again

    Above a clean slate...

    So many worries

    All business and business...

    It's a pity I am the night

    I couldn't put it off.



    Soon ten years Serezha,

    Not six more

    Everything can't

    Grow up to Serezha.

    Poor Dima,

    He is younger!

    He is jealous

    Brother everything is allowed -

    He's in fourth grade!

    Can he go to the movies

    Take tickets at the box office.

    He has a knife in his briefcase

    Badges on my chest

    And now Serezha

    The doctor prescribed glasses.

    No guys, this is too much!

    He suddenly appeared in glasses!

    In the yard he said to the boys:

    I'm terribly nearsighted!

    And this is what happened the next morning:

    Poor Dima suddenly went blind.

    There was soap on the window

    He said it was bread.

    He pulled the tablecloth off the table,

    Ran into a chair backwards

    And he asked about Aunt Katya:

    Is that the closet in front of me?

    Dima sees nothing.

    Chair takes - sits by

    And shouts: - I'm nearsighted!

    I need to see a doctor!

    I want to go to the doctor

    I want to wear glasses!

    Don't worry and don't cry

    The doctor says to the patient.

    He puts on a robe

    Takes out chocolate.

    Didn't have time to say a word

    The cry of the patient is heard:

    I don't need chocolate

    I don't see chocolate!

    The doctor looks at the patient.

    She tells him sternly:

    We are not fools!

    You don't need glasses!

    Here Dima walks to the house,

    He remained foolish.

    Don't envy others

    Even if he is wearing glasses.

    First love

    Everyone can guess -

    Antonina is in love!

    So what! She's almost twenty

    And it's spring outside!

    The phone just rings

    Tonya whispers: - It's him!

    Became gentle and meek,

    Walks with an easy gait

    Sings like a bird in the morning...

    Suddenly, the younger sister

    A little light wakes up

    He says: - It's time to fall in love!

    I am almost thirteen years old.

    And Natasha in class

    Looked at all the guys

    "Yurka? Too plump!

    Petya is too small!

    Here is Alyosha, a glorious fellow!

    I'll fall in love with him, I guess."

    Repeats the class on the map,

    Where is the Irtysh, where is the Yenisei,

    A lover on the desk

    Gently whispers: - Alexey!

    Alik looks distressed:

    "What does she want from me?"

    Everyone knows that girls

    He is afraid of fire

    He can't understand her!

    She rolled her eyes,

    She asked for a rubber band

    She sighs heavily

    Then for some reason a blotter

    Gives him love.

    Alik has lost his temper!

    He treated her cruelly

    Fucked up after class.

    So from the first date

    The suffering begins.

    First lesson

    I am in class for the first time.

    Now I am a student.

    The teacher entered the classroom

    Get up or sit down?

    How to open a desk

    I didn't know at first

    And I didn't know how to get up

    So that the desk does not knock.

    They tell me - go to the blackboard -

    I raise my hand.

    And how to hold a pen in your hand,

    I don't understand at all.

    How many students we have!

    We have four Asi,

    Four Vasya, five Marus

    And two Petrovs in the class.

    I'm in class for the first time

    Now I am a student.

    I'm sitting right on the desk

    Although I can't sit.

    Song of the Sailors

    We are sailors

    Shoulders are wide

    Strong hands

    Flared trousers.

    It's hot in the stoker!

    It's not hot in Africa!

    Machine pulse beats

    It looks like we're in a hurry...

    We are sailors

    Shoulders are wide

    Strong hands

    Flared trousers.

    Sea in a storm

    The waves are murky

    Into the black storm

    Singing gear.

    Look, what a jock!

    You bounce like a ball.

    Hey, look from the deck -

    Wouldn't fall overboard!

    We are sailors

    Shoulders are wide

    Strong hands

    Flared trousers.

    We are sea devils

    We will draw out the whole sea.

    Petya is tired

    Petya took "Native speech";

    Decided to lie down on the sofa.

    Let's take something...

    Vitamins, right?

    Weakness felt again

    I'm at school today.

    Mother's face changes

    Vitamins A, B, C

    Suggests to Pete.

    (Vitamins A, B, C

    Very fond of children.)

    Mother looks at Petenka

    And, sighing furtively,

    Asks: let him not sit

    Long over the notebook.

    Well, perhaps you're right -

    The cunning fellow groans. -

    I'll rest for two hours...

    I'm so tired!

    Stuck in closet

    "native speech"

    And the mountain fell

    Vitamins A, B, C

    The cat rolls on the porch.

    On the way to class

    Nikita hurried to the lesson,

    Walked without slowing down,

    Suddenly a puppy growls at him,

    Curly mongrel.

    Nikita is an adult! He is not a coward!

    But Tanyusha walked by,

    She said: - Oh, I'm afraid!

    And immediately tears hail.

    But then Nikita saved her,

    He showed courage

    He said: - Go quietly to class!

    And drove the mongrel away.

    His Tanyusha is on the way

    Thanks for the courage.

    Save her one more time

    Nikita wanted.

    You will get lost in the forest

    And I will come - I will save you!

    He offered Tanya.

    Well, no! - She replied. -

    I won't go for a walk alone

    My friends will be with me.

    You can drown in the river!

    Here drown sometime! -

    Nikita offered her. -

    I won't let you go down!

    I won't drown myself!

    She responds angrily.

    She didn't understand him...

    But that's not the point!

    He's all the way to the corner

    Saved Tanya boldly.

    Saved her from the wolf in her dreams...

    But then the guys came to the class.


    Tanya has a lot to do

    Tanya has a lot to do:

    Helping my brother in the morning

    He ate sweets in the morning.

    Here's what Tanya has to do:

    Tanya ate, drank tea,

    I sat down, sat with my mother,

    I got up and went to my grandmother.

    Before going to bed, she told her mother:

    Undress me yourself

    I'm tired, I can't

    I will help you tomorrow.

    Time to say good-bye

    Two birds flew

    themselves are small,

    How they flew

    They got into the book.

    They circled through the leaves,

    Befriended us.

    Two birds said:

    Difficult without habit

    And we are too small

    To fly through the books.

    Need to come back

    We are in the forest thickets,

    Where it's always cold

    Where is the babbling stream.

    Us in the woods titmouse

    Waiting for roll call.

    Two birds sighed

    By itself small:

    It's time for us to say goodbye

    Break up with you!

    You are in a snowstorm in winter

    Give us feeders!

    Fell off the pages

    Our two girlfriends

    Sat on the cover

    Yes, and on the road!

    Saying goodbye to the reader

    Nimble tits.

    This closes

    Motley pages.

    Come help me

    Dear children,

    They say that among you

    A strange boy appeared

    Nicknamed "Showcase".

    He made a stool

    He knocked her down somehow

    But painted in a cage,

    But the lacquer shines.

    You can't sit on it

    But the boy said:

    She's good for show

    Where is the showroom?

    Dear children,

    They say that among you

    A strange boy appeared

    Nicknamed "Showcase".

    He is a sister - at a party -

    He carried sweets in two handfuls,

    And then - without strangers -

    Threatened: - Try, touch them!

    And the neighbor's cat

    He caressed for a reason:

    The neighbor has "Victory"

    Ride until lunch!

    Dear children,

    Gotta get the kid away

    If I can't do it alone

    Come help me!

    About lazy Fedot

    Someone recently told us

    About lazy Fedot.

    He's in a hammock all day

    Dozing with an umbrella in his hand.

    Fedot is called to the garden,

    He says: - Reluctance ... -

    He says: "I'll go later,"

    And yawns under an umbrella.

    He has one job

    He's in the hammock in the morning.

    We learned about Fedot

    And decided like this:

    Let's go to him together

    And we'll kill the lazy one.

    We fly the day

    Flying second

    Camp under the mountain.

    The links are busy weeding,

    And one boy with bangs

    Drags water to the garden.

    Everyone shouts: - Here, Fedot! -

    Is this the one or not?

    No matter how you watch him

    He's not a bum, he's not lazy!

    Smiling Fedot:

    It's me, but I'm not the one!

    bee venom

    New house on Neglinnaya -

    Green balconies,

    Poppies ripen on one

    The other is lemons.

    Some have a balcony in the spring

    Like a hanging garden

    Others, on the contrary,

    It's not a garden, it's a vegetable garden.

    And on the third, oddly enough,

    The bees are bred by the beekeeper.

    In the new house - bees!

    That's the new settlers!

    In the morning on Neglinnaya

    A swarm of bees is rushing,

    And from there - to the boulevard

    Collect nectar from flowers.

    The beekeeper breeds bees

    He did not take into account one

    What are they after all

    All residents will be thrashed!

    Grandma carried a pear

    little grandson,

    Suddenly a bee is on the stairs

    How I got into her hand!

    And yesterday I was crying out loud

    Galya-Komsomol member:

    The poor thing's nose is swollen -

    Bitten by a bee!

    Everyone screams: - From your bees

    There is no rest for people!

    We'll make a protocol

    We will complain!

    Beekeeper in defense of bees

    I even read the lecture.

    He said: - Bee venom

    Many have been prescribed

    The doctors now say

    To bite the sick!

    And with bee venom

    The sisters go home.

    If so, said one

    The lean citizen

    If they are so praised

    Let me be stung!

    I rarely get sick

    The neighbor says

    I'm afraid of bees like fire,

    But just in case

    Let them sting me too

    So, perhaps better!

    All the old ladies say

    Bite us too!

    Maybe bee venom

    Makes you younger?

    In the house - hobby:

    New cure!

    The whole house is talking about one thing -

    Let the bees bite!

    Even we now go

    Right after school

    To the bees for injections.

    Rubber Zina

    Bought in the store

    rubber zine,

    Rubber Zina

    Brought in a basket.

    She was loose

    Rubber Zina,

    Fell out of the basket

    Soaked in mud.

    We'll wash in gasoline

    rubber zine,

    We'll wash in gasoline

    And wag a finger:

    Don't be so sloppy

    Rubber Zina,

    And then we will send Zina

    Back to the store.

    The river has overflowed

    Returned third class

    With books from the lesson.

    He sees the river rise

    Spread widely.

    Where there was a skating rink recently,

    There is a raging stream.

    The river threw down bridges

    Escaped from captivity.

    Everything is nothing to her now.


    Flooded the garden

    Rushing along the ravine

    Rooster floats on the river

    It took the poor man away.

    Well, now it's over.

    He is an inexperienced swimmer.

    But with a wave of racing

    Down the steep slope

    Rushing along the river bank

    Schoolchildren guys.

    They run to the ravine

    Streams flow around.

    heavy driftwood

    The guys are dragging.

    The rooster is flying somewhere

    The water carries him.

    Here! - the guys shout.

    Swim here, swim here!

    A gang runs to the river,

    A snag flies into the wave.

    For a snag, for knots,

    The edge of the board caught.

    The rooster flutters its wings,

    He flies to the shore.

    looks around,

    He does not believe in happiness.

    Everyone knows that the third grade

    Saved the rooster today.


    Sela red girl

    Relax under a tree.

    Sat in the children's park

    In a shady corner,

    I sewed a nurse doll

    Batiste apron.

    Oh yes, beautiful girl!

    What a handicraft!

    It's obvious that you're young!

    Does not sit idle:

    Taught two boys

    How to hold a needle

    Oh yes, beautiful girl!

    What a handicraft!

    Teaches everyone how to sew and cut,

    No one gives two.


    Dad worked

    It was forbidden to make noise...

    under the sofa


    I'm looking under the sofa -

    I don't see a cricket

    And he, as if on purpose,

    Cracking from the ceiling.

    That close cricket

    That cricket is far away

    It suddenly chirps

    That is silent again.

    cricket flies

    Or does he walk?

    Cricket with mustache

    Or with a colorful belly?

    And suddenly he is shaggy

    And scary looking?

    He crawls out to the floor

    And surprise everyone.

    Petka told me:

    Come on piglet

    Then I'll tell you

    What a cricket.

    Mom said:

    Cracking endlessly!

    Need to be evicted

    Such a tenant!

    Everywhere we searched

    Wherever they could

    Lost umbrella

    under cabinet

    Found under the sofa

    glasses case,

    But no

    Didn't catch crickets.

    Cricket - invisible,

    You won't find him.

    I still don't know

    What does he look like.

    Serezha teaches lessons

    Serezha took his notebook -

    Decided to take lessons.

    The lake began to repeat

    And mountains to the east.

    But just then the fitter came.

    Serezha started a conversation

    About traffic jams, about wiring.

    A minute later the fitter knew

    How to jump from a boat

    And that Serezha is ten years old,

    And that he is a pilot at heart.

    But now the light is on

    And the counter worked.

    Serezha took his notebook -

    Decided to take lessons.

    The lake began to repeat

    And mountains to the east.

    But suddenly he saw through the window,

    That the yard is dry and clean,

    That the rain is over

    And the players came out.

    He put down his notebook.

    The lakes can wait.

    He was, of course, a goalkeeper,

    Came home soon

    Around four o'clock

    He remembered the lakes.

    He took his notebook again -

    Decided to take lessons.

    The lake began to repeat

    And mountains to the east.

    But then Alyosha, the younger brother,

    Serezhin broke his scooter.

    Had to fix two wheels

    On this scooter.

    He fiddled with it for half an hour

    And ride by the way.

    But here is Serezha's notebook

    Opened for the tenth time.

    How much they began to ask!

    Suddenly he said angrily. -

    I'm still sitting on the book

    And all did not learn the lakes.

    Strength of will

    We had a sailor at the gathering,

    He spoke about the Black Sea.

    He served four years

    A stoker on a battleship.

    He is in the ice on an icebreaker

    Stayed for the winter.

    He said willpower

    It must be developed from childhood.

    Alyosha after collection

    Walked home on foot

    I dreamed that it would be soon

    Polar sailor.

    He will temper

    And evening and day

    He will heat up

    Everyone will be surprised

    And ask about it.

    He didn't know where to start.

    Maybe a whole day to be silent?

    Maybe lie down on the bare floor?

    Stop playing football?

    The clock on the tower strikes

    All lights are off.

    Quiet in the rooms, no sound.

    Closes windows grandfather.

    He goes to visit his grandson

    And he's not in bed.

    He sleeps near the chest

    On the floor, no mattress.

    Alyosha is tempered

    Like a sailor.

    Alyosha did not sleep long:

    "It's kind of hard to sleep in here."

    And Alyosha got up from the floor

    And sleepy went to bed.

    "Now it's not hard at all, -

    He thought in his sleep.-

    Lying on bare boards

    And it’s so nice for me!”

    Well, there are failures!

    He decided not to be discouraged.

    He will try differently

    Develop willpower.

    Everyone screams at recess

    And he is sternly silent.

    He's twenty-five minutes straight

    Didn't say a word.

    He tried - he was silent,

    But no one noticed.

    It was beyond strength.

    He asked his comrades:

    Of course you don't care

    What have I been silent for a long time?

    Well, there are failures!

    He decided not to be discouraged.

    He will try differently

    Develop willpower.

    He bought toffee

    Decided not to eat it.

    But how not to eat toffee,

    When is the toffee?!

    Well, there are failures!

    He decided not to be discouraged.

    He will try differently

    Develop willpower.

    All the kids in our school

    Develop willpower.

    The tits are back

    Where have you been?

    Is it far?

    On the Arbat were

    Went to third grade.

    (Here they both sighed.)

    There Smirnov lagged behind in his studies,

    And, imagine, because of us!

    "The nimble sennitsa is jumping,"

    He wrote on the board

    And for this unit

    Smirnov's diary.

    He was upset, poor thing,

    Tears gushed from his eyes.

    Yes, and we, of course, hard,

    That they write us wrong.

    The tits told us:

    What's going on in the hallway!

    Schoolgirls jump in a flock,

    Boys rush in a crowd,

    Everyone is screaming.

    We willingly jump on our own

    Up and down, back and forth

    We never scream.-

    Here two tits sighed

    And fluttered off the page.

    The starlings have arrived

    A tall maple awaits guests -

    The branch house is fortified.

    The roof is painted

    There is a porch for singers...

    In the blue sky, chirping is heard

    A family of starlings is flying towards us.

    We got up early today

    Waiting for the birds yesterday.

    Security walks around the yard

    Drives cats out of the yard.

    We wave our hands to the starlings,

    Drum and sing:

    Live in our house!

    Well you will be in it!

    The birds began to approach

    Arrived at the yard

    We couldn't resist

    Forget about the snowman.

    I followed my mother

    Waiting for her at the door

    I'm at dinner on purpose

    He talked about snowmen.

    It was dry, but galoshes

    I dutifully put on

    Before that I was good -

    I did not recognize myself.

    I hardly argued with my grandfather,

    Didn't spin around for dinner

    I said "thank you"

    Thank you all for everything.

    It was hard to live in the world

    And to be honest,

    I endured these torments

    Only for the snowman.

    What have I tried!

    I didn't fight girls.

    When I see a girl

    I will punch her

    And I'm going to the side

    It's like I don't know her.

    Mom was very surprised:

    What's wrong with you, pray tell?

    Maybe you are sick with us -

    You didn't fight on the weekend!

    And I answered sadly:

    I'm always like this now.

    I stubbornly pursued

    I messed around for a reason.

    Miracles, said my mother

    And I bought a snowman.

    I brought it home.

    Finally now he's mine!

    Go to watchman.

    Hanging ad

    At our gates:

    Need a dog

    Guard the garden.

    You know me,

    I am a brave puppy

    The cat will appear

    I'll knock her off her feet.

    I can yelp

    I can growl

    I know my

    Distinguish from others.

    Kittens are afraid of me

    Like fire.

    Tell me honestly:

    Will they accept me?

    Dad has an exam

    The lamp is on...

    Dad is doing

    thick book

    He took it out of the closet

    He scribbled and notebook

    And a notebook

    He must tomorrow

    Pass the exam!

    Petya fixed it for him


    Petya said:

    Be sure to submit!

    Adults are learning

    After work,

    Carried in briefcases

    Notebooks, notebooks,

    Books are read

    They look in dictionaries.

    dad today

    Didn't sleep until dawn.

    Peter advises:

    Listen to me,

    do yourself

    Daily schedule!

    Shares experience

    Petya with his father:


    Come out with a cheerful face!

    Won't help you


    In vain you are transporting with her,

    Time is a pity!

    Adults are learning

    After work.

    Come with a book

    Pilots for the exam.

    With a thick briefcase

    The singer comes

    Even the teacher

    Haven't finished studying!

    At your dad's

    What marks?


    Neighbor's daughter

    And he confesses


    Our trio:

    Worried too!


    The puppy was fed milk.

    May he grow up healthy.

    We got up at night and secretly

    They ran to him barefoot -

    Feel his nose.

    The boys taught the puppy

    Fumbled with him in the garden

    And he, slightly upset,

    Walked about.

    He is accustomed to grumbling at strangers,

    Just like an adult dog

    And suddenly a truck came

    And took all the guys away.

    He was waiting: when will the game start?

    When will the fire be lit?

    He is accustomed to a bright fire,

    To the fact that early in the morning

    The trumpet is calling for gathering.

    And he barked until he was hoarse

    To dark bushes.

    He was alone in an empty garden,

    He lay down on the terrace.

    He lay flat for an hour,

    He didn't want to wag his tail

    He couldn't even eat.

    The boys remembered him

    Came back half way.

    They wanted to enter the house

    But he didn't let me in.

    He meets them, on the porch,

    He licked everyone in the face.

    The kids caressed him

    And he barked with all his heart.

    Lesson in the garden

    Our teacher gave a lesson

    I didn't call to the board.

    Us in the lesson is a breeze

    He blew a little.

    Spring, spring, spring is here!

    Wrap his throat.

    We understood that he was hurt:

    He is at risk of injury

    But stop messing around with him.

    We have recently decided.

    Let him sing like a cherub

    He's a real talent

    But let's talk to him

    Not very kind!

    - Listen, future singer!

    You are too quick

    You will give Petka, finally,

    A collection of postcards?!

    And if you don't give up, blame yourself -

    Get hurt these days.—

    But there was no injury

    He just realized these days

    That he is not the most important.


    She sat down on the chest of drawers with us

    clay bird

    And looks around:

    "What would you like to enjoy?"

    Like round glasses

    She has eyes

    And swallows patches

    Bird instead of food.

    Dropped a coin

    There was a penny - and no!

    Became a predatory owl

    Claim your rights.

    Lame stool

    She lies three-legged

    In the kitchen, on the side.

    experienced a lot

    In my lifetime.

    For a long time someone burned her chest -

    They forgot the iron on it,

    Then the kittens paws

    She was scraped and scratched.

    Andryusha whole winter

    Told: - I will do it tomorrow

    For a stool leg.

    However, the whole winter

    She lay in bed

    As if understanding

    That she is lame.

    Promised to buy nails

    Neighbor one summer

    But (trust people!)

    Neighbor forgot about it.

    Put her in order

    Volodenka promised,

    But the guy needs to grow up -

    While he is three years old.

    Petya in the school workshop

    All tools at hand

    But the stool is not in the plan.

    And if he's not in the plan,

    Let it lie in the closet!

    I'm talking to you, kids!

    Take note:

    It's time to get on your feet

    Lame stool.

    I beg you, my reader,

    Don't you leave her lame!

    The friends shouted:

    - How is your health?

    Grandma Praskovya?

    Grandma got excited:

    - Where is my apron? Where is the rag?

    How do I welcome guests?—

    And set the table for tea.

    Trouble at the stove

    Puts chips:

    Tell me girls

    What do you drink, strong?

    Drank girlfriends

    Seagull in a full mug,

    Grandma Praskovya

    She said: "Good luck!"

    I won't drink tea

    And washed the dishes.

    And she was so tired

    She even got sick!

    Enough for the old lady

    Attention has been shown!

    Friends went home

    Saying: Goodbye.

    I'm ticked off in a notebook

    Placed in the squad:

    "Surrounded by love

    Grandmother Praskovya.

    Joke about Shura

    leaf fall, leaf fall,

    All the link rushed to the garden,

    Shura came running.

    Agnia Lvovna Barto was born on February 4 (17), 1906, in Moscow, in an intelligent family. The future writer received her primary education at home. Then she was sent to study at the gymnasium. At the same time, young Agnia attended a choreographic school. The first poems were “born” at about the same time.

    In 1924, Barto graduated from college and remained in the ballet troupe. She worked there until 1925.

    The beginning of the creative path

    Barto Agnia Lvovna, still in her youth, attracted the attention of the People's Commissar of Education A. V. Lunacharsky. Having visited a demonstration concert of graduates of the choreographic school in 1924, he was delighted with her professional performance of poetry. Having expressed his admiration, the People's Commissar invited the girl to his People's Commissariat. A conversation took place there, during which Lunacharsky convinced Barto that she needed to develop her talent.

    The heyday of literary creativity

    The collection "Poems for Children" was published in 1949. The collection "For Flowers in the Winter Forest" - in 1970.

    In 1976, the book "Notes of a Children's Poet" was published.

    Agniya Barto contributed to the Soviet cinema. In 1939, together with R. Zelena, she wrote the script for the film “The Foundling”. In 1949 the script "The Elephant and the Rope" was written, in 1953 - "Alyosha Ptitsyn develops character", in 1961 - "10,000 Boys".

    Social activity

    In 1930, a letter signed by A. Barto appeared in Literaturnaya Gazeta. In this letter, the author opposed another well-known children's writer, K. I. Chukovsky. Chukovsky's children's fairy tales were seen as "anti-Soviet".

    In 1944, Chukovsky received a reprimand from his colleagues from the Writers' Union. The writers, led by Barto, firmly asked the writer not to write more "absurd charlatan nonsense."

    From autumn 1965 to February 1966, Barto hosted Active participation in the process of writers Yu. M. Daniel and A. D. Sinyavsky. They were also accused by Barto of "anti-Sovietism".

    In 1974, at the insistence of A. Barto, the daughter of K. Chukovsky, L. Chukovskaya, was expelled from the Writers' Union. Until 1987, her publications in the Soviet Union were banned.


    Personal life

    From his first marriage, A. Barto had a son, Edgar, who was born in 1927. On May 5, 1945, he died after falling under the wheels of a truck.

    The second spouse of the poet was A. V. Shcheglyaev, corresponding member of the ANSSR. Their daughter, T. A. Shcheglyaeva, is a candidate of technical sciences.

    Other biography options

    • There is confusion in the date of birth of Agnia Barto. “Officially” she was born in 1906, but researchers believe that this happened two years later. The confusion arose due to the fact that Barto, who knew poverty and hunger early, wanted to get a job, but she “lacked” a couple of years for this. So she faked her metrics.
    • In her youth, Barto fell in love first with the poems of V.V. Mayakovsky, and then with him. She never dared to confess her feelings to him. They met often, but Mayakovsky never found out about Barto's love. Once he mentioned that writing should be for children. Agnes did just that.
    • Barto rarely dedicated works to her own children. She preferred to look for her heroes in pioneer camps and schools. But the famous poem "Our Tanya cries loudly" was dedicated to the poet's daughter, Tatyana.
    • In 1937, A. Barto took part in the international congress, which took place in Spain during the Civil War. For some reason, the noise of explosions prompted the poet to purchase castanets. Ignoring the difficult situation in the city, Barto got to the store and made a purchase.
    • This act served as the basis for A. Tolstoy's jokes. He periodically asked his colleague if she planned to purchase a fan for fanning during the next raids.
    • During the Great Patriotic War Agnia Barto's family was evacuated to Sverdlovsk. There she had to learn the profession of a turner. She worked on a par with those who had long been standing at the machine. For labor exploits during the war, she was awarded a prize. But Barto refused the money, donating it to the construction of the tank.
    December 8, 2014, 13:57

    ♦ Agnia Lvovna Barto (1906-1981) was born on February 17 in Moscow in the family of a veterinarian. She received a good home education, which was led by her father. She studied at the gymnasium, where she began to write poetry. At the same time she studied at the choreographic school.

    ♦ The first time Agniya got married early: at the age of 18. young handsome poet Pavel Barto, who had English and German ancestors, immediately liked the talented girl Agnia Volova. They both idolized poetry and wrote poetry. That's why mutual language young people found it right away, but ... Nothing but poetic research connected their souls. Yes, they had a common son, Igor, whom everyone at home called Garik. But it was with each other that the young parents suddenly became incredibly sad.
    And they parted ways. Agnia herself grew up in a strong, friendly family, so divorce was not easy for her. She was worried, but soon devoted herself entirely to creativity, deciding that she should be true to her calling.

    ♦ Agnia's father, Moscow veterinarian Lev Volov wanted his daughter to become a famous ballerina. Canaries sang in their house, Krylov's fables were read aloud. He was known as a connoisseur of art, loved to go to the theater, especially loved ballet. That is why young Agnia went to study at the ballet school, not daring to resist the will of her father. However, in between classes, she enthusiastically read the poems of Vladimir Mayakovsky and Anna Akhmatova, and then wrote down her creations and thoughts in a notebook. Agnia, according to her friends, at that time was outwardly similar to Akhmatova: tall, with a bob haircut ... Under the influence of the work of her idols, she began to compose more and more often.

    ♦ At first, these were poetic epigrams and sketches. Then came the poetry. Once, at a dance performance, Agnia, to the music of Chopin, read her first poem "Funeral March" from the stage. At that moment, Alexander Lunacharsky entered the hall. He immediately saw the talent of Agnia Volova and offered to engage in literary work professionally. Later, he recalled that, despite the serious meaning of the poem, which he heard performed by Agnia, he immediately felt that she would write funny poems in the future.

    ♦ When Agnia was 15 years old, she got a job at the clothing store - she was too hungry. The salary of the father was not enough to feed the whole family. Since they were hired only from the age of 16, she had to lie that she was already 16. Therefore, until now, Barto's anniversaries (in 2007 it was 100 years since the birth) are celebrated two years in a row. ♦ She always had a lot of determination: she saw the goal - and forward, without swaying and retreating. This feature of her showed through everywhere, in every little thing. Once in a torn civil war Spain, where Barto went to the International Congress for the Defense of Culture in 1937, where she saw with her own eyes what fascism was (congress meetings were held in a besieged burning Madrid), and just before the bombing she went to buy castanets. The sky howls, the walls of the store bounce, and the writer makes a purchase! But after all, the castanets are real, Spanish - for Agnia, who danced beautifully, it was an important souvenir. Alexey Tolstoy then, with malice, he was interested in Barto: did she buy a fan in that shop in order to fan herself during the next raids? ..

    ♦ In 1925 Agnia Barto's first poems "Chinese Wang Li" and "Bear Thief" were published. They were followed by "The First of May", "Brothers", after the publication of which the famous children's writer Korney Chukovsky said that Agniya Barto is a great talent. Some poems were written jointly with her husband. By the way, despite his reluctance, she kept his last name, with which she lived until the end of her days. And it was with her that she became famous all over the world.

    ♦ The first huge popularity came to Barto after he saw the light of a cycle of poetic miniatures for the smallest "Toys" (about a bull, a horse, etc.) - in 1936 Agnia's books began to be published in gigantic editions ...

    ♦ Fate did not want to leave Agnia alone and one fine day brought her to Andrey Shcheglyaev. This talented young scientist purposefully and patiently courted a pretty poetess. At first glance, these were two completely different people: a "lyricist" and a "physicist". Creative, sublime Agniya and heat power engineer Andrey. But in reality, an extremely harmonious union of two loving hearts has been created. According to family members and close friends of Barto, for almost 50 years that Agnia and Andrei lived together, they never quarreled. Both worked actively, Barto often went on business trips. They supported each other in everything. And both became famous, each in their own field. Agnia's husband became famous in the field of thermal power engineering, becoming a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences.

    ♦ Barto and Shcheglyaev had a daughter, Tanya, about whom there was a legend that it was she who was the prototype of the famous rhyme: “Our Tanya is crying loudly.” But this is not so: poetry appeared earlier. Even when the children grew up, it was decided to always live big family under the same roof, together with the wives-husbands of children and grandchildren - this is how Agnia wanted.

    ♦ In the late thirties, she went to this "neat, clean, almost toy country", heard Nazi slogans, saw pretty blond girls in dresses "decorated" with a swastika. She realized that the war with Germany was inevitable. She, sincerely believing in the worldwide brotherhood, if not adults, then at least children, all this was wild and scary. But the war itself was not too severe for her.She was not separated from her husband even during the evacuation: Shcheglyaev, who by that time had become a prominent power engineer, was sent to the Urals. Agnia Lvovna had friends in those parts who invited her to live with them. "So the family settled in Sverdlovsk. The Urals people seemed distrustful, closed and harsh. Barto had a chance to meet Pavel Bazhov, who fully confirmed her first impression of the locals. During the war, Sverdlovsk teenagers worked at defense factories instead of adults who went to the front. They were wary of to the evacuees. But Agniya Barto needed to communicate with children - she drew inspiration and plots from them. To be able to communicate with them more, Barto, on the advice of Bazhov, received the profession of a turner of the second category. Standing at the lathe, she argued that "also a man." In 1942, Barto made one last attempt to become an "adult writer". Or rather, a front-line correspondent. Nothing came of this attempt, and Barto returned to Sverdlovsk. She understood that the whole country lives according to the laws of war, but still she missed Moscow very much.

    ♦ Barto returned to the capital in 1944, and almost immediately life went back to normal. In the apartment opposite Tretyakov Gallery Domasha, the housekeeper, took care of the housework again. Friends were returning from evacuation, son Garik and daughter Tatyana again began to study. Everyone was looking forward to the end of the war. On May 4, 1945, Garik returned home earlier than usual. Home was late with dinner, the day was sunny, and the boy decided to ride a bicycle. Agnia Lvovna did not object. It seemed that nothing bad could happen to a fifteen-year-old teenager in the quiet Lavrushinsky Lane. But Garik's bicycle collided with a truck that had come around the corner. The boy fell to the pavement, hitting his temple on the sidewalk curb. Death came instantly.
    With son Igor

    ♦ We must pay tribute to Agnia Lvovna's strength of spirit - she did not break. Moreover, her salvation was the cause to which she devoted her life. After all, Barto also wrote scripts for films. For example, with her participation, such well-known tapes as "Foundling" with Faina Ranevskaya, "Alyosha Ptitsyn develops character" were created. She was also active during the war: she went to the front with the reading of her poems, spoke on the radio, and wrote for newspapers. And after the war, and after the personal drama, she did not cease to be at the center of the country's life. Frame from the film "Foundling"

    " Alyosha Ptitsyn develops character" (1953)

    ♦ Later, she was the author of a large-scale campaign to search for relatives who were lost during the war. Agniya Barto began to host a program on the radio Find a Person, where she read out letters in which people shared fragmentary memories that were not enough for an official search, but viable for word of mouth. For example, someone wrote that when he was taken away from home as a child, he remembered the color of the gate and the first letter of the street name. Or one girl remembered that she lived with her parents near the forest and her dad's name was Grisha ... And there were people who restored the overall picture. For several years of work on the radio, Barto was able to unite about a thousand families. When the program was closed, Agniya Lvovna wrote the story "Find a Man", which was published in 1968.

    ♦ Agniya Barto, before submitting the manuscript for printing, wrote an infinite number of options. Be sure to read poems aloud to household members or by phone to fellow friends - Kassil, Svetlov, Fadeev, Chukovsky. She listened carefully to criticism, and if she accepted, she redid it. Although once she categorically refused: the meeting, which decided the fate of her "Toys" in the early 30s, decided that the rhymes in them - in particular in the famous "They dropped the bear on the floor ..." - were too difficult for children.

    Tatyana Shcheglyaeva (daughter)

    “She did not change anything, and because of this, the book came out later than it could have,” remembers daughter Tatyana - Mom was generally a person of principle and often categorical. But she had a right to it: she did not write about what she did not know, and she was sure that children should be studied. All my life I have been doing this: I read letters sent to Pionerskaya Pravda, went to nurseries and kindergartens - sometimes for this I had to introduce myself as an employee of the department of public education - I listened to what the children were talking about, just walking along the street. In this sense, my mother always worked. Surrounded by kids (still young)

    ♦ House Barto was the head. The last word was always behind her. The household took care of her, did not demand to cook cabbage soup and bake pies. This was done by Domna Ivanovna. After the death of Garik, Agnia Lvovna began to fear for all her relatives. She needed to know where everyone was, that everyone was all right. “Mom was the main helmsman in the house, everything was done with her knowledge,” recalls Barto's daughter, Tatyana Andreevna. - On the other hand, they took care of her and tried to create working conditions - she did not bake pies, she did not stand in lines, but, of course, she was the mistress of the house. Nanny Domna Ivanovna lived with us all her life, who came to the house back in 1925, when my elder brother Garik was born. This was a very dear person for us - and the hostess is already in a different, executive sense. Mom always took care of her. She could, for example, ask: “Well, how am I dressed?” And the nanny said: “Yes, it’s possible” or: “Strangely gathered”

    ♦ Agnia has always been interested in raising children. She said: “Children need the whole gamut of feelings that give birth to humanity” . She went to orphanages, schools, talked a lot with the kids. Driving around different countries, came to the conclusion that a child of any nationality has the richest inner world. For many years, Barto headed the Association of Literature and Art for Children, was a member of the international Andersen jury. Barto's poems have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

    ♦ She passed away on April 1, 1981. After the autopsy, the doctors were shocked: the vessels were so weak that it was not clear how the blood had flowed into the heart for the past ten years. Once Agniya Barto said: "Almost every person has moments in his life when he does more than he can." In her case, it was not a minute - she lived like that all her life.

    ♦ Barto loved to play tennis and could arrange a trip to capitalist Paris to buy a pack of drawing paper she liked. But at the same time, she never had a secretary, or even a study - only an apartment in Lavrushinsky Lane and an attic in a dacha in Novo-Daryino, where there was an old card table and stacks of books piled up.

    ♦ She was non-confrontational, adored practical jokes and did not tolerate swagger and snobbery. Once she arranged a dinner, set the table - and attached a sign to each dish: "Black caviar - for academicians", "Red caviar - for corresponding members", "Crabs and sprats - for doctors of sciences", "Cheese and ham - for candidates "," Vinaigrette - for laboratory assistants and students. They say that this joke sincerely amused the laboratory assistants and students, but the academicians lacked a sense of humor - some of them were then seriously offended by Agnia Lvovna.

    ♦ Seventies. In the Writers' Union meeting with Soviet cosmonauts. On a notepad, Yuri Gagarin writes: "They dropped the bear on the floor ..." and hands it to the author, Agniya Barto. When Gagarin was subsequently asked why these particular verses, he replied: "This is the first book about kindness in my life."

    Updated on 08/12/14 14:07:

    Oops ... I forgot to insert a piece from myself at the beginning of the post)) Probably, it was Agnia Barto's poems that influenced the fact that since childhood I feel sorry for dogs, cats, grandparents who beg for alms (I'm not talking about those who are like watch every day stand in the same subway crossings ...). I remember, as a child, I watched the cartoon "Cat's House" and literally sobbed - I felt so sorry for the Cat and the Cat, because their house burned down, but they were pitied by the kittens, who themselves have nothing))))) (I know it's Marshak). But the poor child (I) was crying from my pure, naive, childish kindness! And I learned kindness not only from mom and dad, but also from such books and poems that Barto wrote. So Gagarin very accurately said ...

    Updated on 08/12/14 15:24:

    Persecution of Chukovsky in the 30s

    Such a fact was. Chukovsky's children's poems were subjected to Stalin era cruel harassment, although it is known that Stalin himself repeatedly quoted The Cockroach. The persecution was initiated by N. K. Krupskaya, inadequate criticism came from both Agnia Barto and Sergei Mikhalkov. Among the party critics of the editors, even the term "Chukovshchina" arose. Chukovsky undertook to write an orthodox Soviet work for children, The Merry Collective Farm, but did not do so. Although other sources say that she did not quite poison Chukovsky, but simply did not refuse to sign some kind of collective paper. On the one hand, not in a comradely way, but on the other ... Decide for yourself) In addition, in last years Barto visited Chukovsky in Peredelkino, they maintained a correspondence ... So either Chukovsky is so kind, or Barto asked for forgiveness, or we don’t know much.

    In addition, Barto was also seen in the persecution of Marshak. I quote: " Barto came to the editorial office and saw proofs of Marshak's new poems on the table. And he says: "Yes, I can write such poems at least every day!" To which the editor replied: "I beg you, write them at least every other day ..."

    Updated on 09/12/14 09:44:

    I continue to reveal the topic of bullying)) As for Marshak and others.

    At the end of 1929 - beginning of 1930. on the pages of "Literaturnaya Gazeta" a discussion "For a truly Soviet children's book" unfolded, which set three tasks: 1) to reveal all kinds of hack work in the field of children's literature; 2) to promote the formation of principles for the creation of truly Soviet children's literature; 3) to unite qualified cadres of real children's writers.

    From the very first articles that opened this discussion, it became clear that it went along dangerous path, along the way of baiting the best children's writers. The works of Chukovsky and Marshak were summed up under the heading of "defective literature" and simply hack-work. Some participants in the discussion "discovered" the "alien orientation of Marshak's literary talent" and concluded that he was "clearly alien to us in ideology" and his books were "harmful, meaningless." Starting in the newspaper, the discussion soon spread to some magazines. The discussion exaggerated the mistakes of talented authors and propagated the non-fiction works of some writers.

    The nature of the attacks, the tone in which these attacks were expressed, were absolutely unacceptable, as a group of Leningrad writers stated in their letter: "attacks on Marshak are in the nature of harassment."