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  • Zavertyaev Mikhail Ivanovich biography. Zavertyaev Mikhail Ivanovich "In our country, even a toy Mauser can be recognized as a firearm"

    Zavertyaev Mikhail Ivanovich biography.  Zavertyaev Mikhail Ivanovich

    The Investigation Department of the RF Investigative Committee for the Central Federal District has terminated the criminal case against the infamous businessman Yevgeny Dvoskin. Dvoskin was suspected of being beat the chairman of the board of the bank "Intelfinance" Mikhail Zavertyaev, and while the latter was in the hospital, 11.7 billion rubles were illegally cashed out through his credit institution. However, the statute of limitations expired on the episode with the beating, and the former employee of Intelfinance took all the blame for the financial scam.

    As Mikhail Zavertyaev told Rosbalt, the other day, investigator Yevgeny Golubev informed him that the criminal case under Article 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intentional infliction of minor bodily harm) was terminated due to the expiration of a 2-year statute of limitations. “Apparently, Dvoskin admitted his guilt in beating me, because, according to the Code of Criminal Procedure, the case could not be closed without the consent of the suspect,” said Zavertyaev. Also, according to him, the investigator said that on the fact of fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) with the funds of Intelfinance, charges in the final version were brought against the former chief accountant of the bank, Elena Chernykh. “During the investigation and during confrontations, Chernykh took all the blame, saying that she carried out the scam alone, which, of course, simply could not be,” Mikhail Zavertyaev told the agency.

    Recall that the reason for initiating proceedings against the "authoritative" businessman Yevgeny Dvoskin (on the picture) was the statement of Mikhail Zavertyaev himself. As the banker told a Rosbalt correspondent, in the spring of 2007 he was offered $500,000 to carry out a series of operations to “cash out” several tens of billions of rubles through the Intelfinance bank. Zavertyaev responded with a categorical refusal, after which threats rained down on him. By the fall of 2007, the "cashers" raised the rate to $1.2 million, but the banker refused such an offer.

    And on December 5, Yevgeny Dvoskin appeared on the threshold of his office with guards, who attacked Zavertyaev with his fists. The banker turned out to be not timid and hit back. Then he was brutally beaten with the butt of a pistol, after which the heads of the bank were taken away in an ambulance. According to Zavertyaev, while he was in the hospital ward, “fake” payments were made on behalf of his bank for 11.7 billion rubles, which were withdrawn from the accounts of Intelfinance. In particular, dealers received more than 7 billion rubles in cash at department No. 5 of the Moscow State Technical University of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Elena Chernykh, chief accountant of Intelfinance, also took an active part in this scam, according to investigators.

    According to Zavertyaev, while he was in the hospital, a young man was brought to the ward with a demand to take him to work at Intelfinance. Later, the banker identified this young man as Kirill Ustinov, one of the organizers of the theft of 1.25 billion rubles from the accounts of the Russian Pension Fund. It is noteworthy that after Intelfinance, Elena Chernykh took the post of head of internal control at Prombank - it was he who received part of the stolen PFR funds.

    In the summer of 2009, on the facts of the attack on Zavertyaev, extortion of money from him and fraud with the funds of Intelfinance, the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case, which was then taken over by the Investigative Committee of the UPC RF for the Central Federal District. As part of this case, Dvoskin was repeatedly interrogated, he was confronted with Zavertyaev, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation announced that the businessman had the status of a suspect in the investigation materials. However, no charges were brought against him.

    A native of Odessa, Evgeny Slusker (later he took his mother's surname, becoming Dvoskin) left for the United States back in 1990. Over the next decade, he was detained by the police 15 times for various petty crimes, but was released for lack of evidence of guilt. In 1995, Evgeny Dvoskin ended up in the same cell with a thief in law Vyacheslav Ivankov (Jap) , who at that moment was awaiting trial in the United States on charges of extortion. After being released, Dvoskin, as the FBI established, began to prepare a major scam. In 2001, he was expelled from the United States for violating immigration laws, and only two years later the American authorities put him on the wanted list on charges of fraud and money laundering. By that time, Dvoskin was already living quietly in Russia. According to the FBI, after Yaponchik returned to Russia, Dvoskin maintained close relations with him. Last year, a wreath from a businessman was delivered to the farewell ceremony for Yaponchik.

    The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation believes that in Russia, Dvoskin, with the help of his extensive connections, launched an active activity related to the credit and financial sphere. According to operatives, banks came under the control of Dvoskin in various ways. At first, they tried to bribe the owners of credit institutions, if this did not help, force was used, as was the case with the chairman of the board of Intelfinance.

    In 2007, the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation launched an unprecedented criminal case in terms of the amounts mentioned in it, one of the main defendants in which was Yevgeny Dvoskin. According to policemen, an organized criminal group, which included representatives of a number of banks, businessmen (including very well-known ones), illegally cashed and withdrew about $5-6 billion from the country in a short period of time.

    On September 13, 2007, operatives and investigators searched the home of one of the main defendants in this case, Yevgeny Dvoskin, after which he wrote a statement that an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Alexander Sharkevich, was extorting $ 1 million from him. Sharkevich was arrested, the court found him guilty only of illegal possession of ammunition. Thanks to the case against the policeman, Dvoskin himself was taken under the witness protection program. The very case of "laundering" $ 5 billion was divided into several separate investigations, which have now virtually come to naught.

    Thanks to state protection, Evgeny Dvoskin felt quite confident in Russia and even decided in 2008 to go on urgent business to Monaco. However, in this country was detained by local police at the request of US authorities. Soon, however, Dvoskin was released, now he is in Russia.

    Yuri Vershov

    Particularly heavy transfers by Evgeny Dvoskin

    In Monaco, an Odessa citizen was caught seizing Russian banks

    As it became known to Kommersant, a major financial fraudster Yevgeny Dvoskin, wanted by the United States and Russia, was arrested in Monaco. The Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation expects to obtain the extradition of Mr. Dvoskin for conducting investigative actions with him in dozens of cases related to the cashing of billions of rubles. However, most likely, the suspect will be sent to the US, where he faces a 25-year sentence for stock fraud.

    Dvoskin, aka Slusker, aka Altman and Lozin

    Jason Pak, senior special agent of the US FBI's national press service, told Kommersant that Evgeny Dvoskin, a native of Odessa, was arrested by his colleagues "about two weeks ago" in Monaco and is now at the disposal of the FBI. Mr. Dvoskin, according to Agent Park, was wanted by the FBI since 2003, when the court for the Eastern District of New York charged him and eight of his accomplices with securities fraud and money laundering in the amount of $ 2.3 million. All participants in criminal transactions were then arrested and convicted, only one Mr. Dvoskin managed to escape.

    The crimes committed by this man in the United States were described in more detail by Agent Park's colleague, FBI legal attache James Tracy in his correspondence with the Investigative Committee under the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to Tracy's agent, the frauds in question were committed in 1997-1998 with the shares of several large companies, the shares of which were officially listed on the US stock exchange at that time. The FBI managed to figure out the crimes committed only five years later: on May 5, 2003, Mr. Dvoskin was accused in absentia of "conspiracy to commit fraudulent acts and legalization of proceeds from crime" (Articles 371 and 1956, Chapter 18 of the US Code ). According to local law, the defendant faces up to 25 years in prison for these crimes. The accusation in absentia was brought because in 2001 the US Migration Service caught Mr. Dvoskin in using a fake passport of a Canadian citizen and expelled him to Ukraine, where he was born and raised.

    By the way, according to the FBI, from 1990 to 2000, Evgeny Dvoskin, who also used the names Slusker, Sousker, Slushke, Shuster, Altman, Lozin and Kozin, was arrested 15 times in the United States, including for hooliganism, robbery, tax evasion, theft taxi and more. At the same time, judges almost always limited themselves to fines or suspended sentences. He received real terms only twice, and they did not exceed 2.5 years.

    Returning to Ukraine, Mr. Dvoskin soon made himself a Russian passport (recently the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation invalidated it) and moved to Moscow. Here, as suspected by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB of Russia, he joined a group Jumbera Elbakidze , which specialized in large operations for cashing out funds. The members of the group, according to operational data, acted in the interests of clients of large Russian banks. They approached the leaders of small banks and, through threats, blackmail or bribery, took control of them. Then, using firms-"gaskets", swindlers for several months drove billions of dollars through such banks and cashed them out. When the Central Bank and the Ministry of Internal Affairs began to check suspicious transactions, the "provisional administration" abandoned the lit bank and hid. Two years ago, when the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office came to grips with the investigation of Mr. Elbakidze's operations, he went into the shadows, and, according to operational data, Yevgeny Dvoskin could take his place in the group. Since then, as they say in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mr. Dvoskin has become a defendant in dozens of criminal cases, but he turned out to be a suspect in only one of them. The Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation suspected Mr. Dvoskin of causing moderate harm to the former chairman of the board of the Moscow bank "Intelfinance" Mikhail Zavertyaev. […]

    Billions of cash in a couple of days

    The events in "Intelfinance" took place at a time when the Supreme Court of Dagestan was considering the first results of the activities of the group of "cashers" in this republic. According to the investigation, in 2005-2006, shadow financiers from Moscow somehow managed to take control of the heads of the local banks Rubin and Antares, Kazbek Gimbatov and Abdulmalik Vagabov, respectively. A year later, the investigation found that through these two banks, before their licenses were revoked, Jumber Elpakidze and his accomplices managed to pump 88 billion rubles. All this money was allegedly withdrawn from the accounts of banks by their clients - the directors of "garbage dump" firms who do not have a certain social status and place of residence. How Moscow financiers managed to enlist the support of Dagestan bankers, there is no one to ask: the latter are still on the run. The directors of the "garbage dumps" appeared before the court, they were all accused of illegal banking activities as part of an organized crime community and imprisoned.

    All in all, according to Russian law enforcement agencies, the brigade of "cashers" was, to one degree or another, involved in the use and subsequent bankruptcy of dozens of Russian banks. So, for example, in 2004 and 2005, shadow financiers used the Rodnik Bank, AKA Bank and the Project Lending Bank, cashing out about 235 billion rubles through them. and €66 million. Through Kumost-Inkass in 2006, they withdrew 75 billion rubles from circulation. Bank "Falcon" on the instructions of the "financiers" cashed out in 2007 about 100 billion rubles.

    In most of the criminal cases initiated in connection with fraud in these banks, their former managers are brought to criminal responsibility. So far, the investigation has not even been able to bring charges against Mr. Dvoskin. To do this, at least it is necessary to conduct a confrontation between him and the injured Zavertyaev. However, it will be problematic to do this, since the detained Dvoskin will most likely be extradited from Monaco to the United States. However, hoping to get the suspect at least for a while, to carry out investigative actions, the investigative committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is already preparing a corresponding request. The same investigative committee plans to take into its proceedings the criminal cases initiated as a result of the activities of the group of "cashers" in various banks. Now they are in the production of other law enforcement agencies.

    [IA "Rosbalt", 03/18/2010, "The swindler of the century" will he wait for the charges?": First, a representative delegation of FBI and CIA officers flew to Monaco, who interrogated the detainee for a long time. Russian special services got involved in the situation. As a result, the authorities of Monaco simply sent the businessman to Russia. In April 2009, an FBI delegation flew to Moscow, whose representatives, at negotiations with the heads of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, raised the issue of a joint investigation against Dvoskin. However, in Russia he was charged only after a high-profile scandal with the funds of the FIU. - Inset]

    The new body is called upon to carry out advisory functions in the preparation of individual legislative acts, develop conceptual solutions to various socially significant issues, and also develop practical recommendations based on the results of an analytical assessment of events taking place in Russia and abroad.

    The Expert Council under the LDPR faction in the State Duma included well-known Russian scientists, public figures, economists, political scientists, sociologists, analysts representing leading domestic universities, research centers and large enterprises in key sectors of the country's economy.

    Members of the Expert Council:

    Lisichkin Vladimir Alexandrovich - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Advisor to the head of the LDPR faction of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, full member of the Russian Academy of Engineering and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Chairman of the Expert Council;

    Prokhotsky Yuri Mikhailovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director General of the Scientific Research Institute of the Center for AES, member of the Presidium of the Academy of Engineering Sciences. A.M. Prokhorova, Chairman of the Innovation Commission of the Expert Council;

    Moiseev Nikolai Nikolaevich - candidate of historical sciences, lieutenant general, deputy chairman of the EC, member of the commission on innovations of the Expert Council;

    Makarov Nikolai Vasilyevich - Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Head of the Department of Applied Biotechnology, Moscow State University, Professor, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the Innovation Commission of the Expert Council;

    Motorin Viktor Nikolaevich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, member of the Commission on Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Rantsev-Kartinov Valentin Andreevich - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Russian Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", member of the American Physical Society, member of the Commission on Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Vorobyov Sergey Ivanovich - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Prof., Director of the LLC Scientific Research Laboratory for Biological and Physical and Chemical Study of PFOS, winner of the Government Prize of the Russian Federation, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the Innovation Commission of the Expert Council;

    Nikogosov Khristofor Nikonorovich - Ph.D., head. laboratory of the Academy of Public Utilities, member of the Commission on Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Shimko Vasily Yurievich - Ph.D., General Director of the company "Svyazstroy", member of the Commission on Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Shikhaev Kirill Nikolaevich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, member of the Commission on Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Litvintsev Alexander Ivanovich - Ph.D., General Director of the ALSPORS concern, professor, member of the Commission on Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Pakhomov Sergey Viktorovich - Ph.D., General Director of the Scientific Research Institute of the Center of AES, member of the Commission on Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Filippov Pavel Gennadievich - Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Deputy Head of Department of the State Corporation "Russian Technologies", professor, member of the Commission on Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Chabak Alexander Fedorovich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of the Russian Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", member of the Commission on Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Dyakonov Igor Vladimirovich - writer, member of the Innovation Commission of the Expert Council;

    Slavyantsev Viktor Vasilievich - Deputy. Head of the Department of Innovative Technologies, Promising Projects and R&D of the State Corporation "Russian Technologies", Member of the Innovation Commission of the Expert Council;

    Manankov Andrey Yuryevich - General Director of the company "Infrom", member of the commission on innovations of the Expert Council;

    Shkarin Nikolai Yuryevich - General Director of the Infra company, member of the Innovation Commission of the Expert Council;

    Paponov Vladimir Dmitrievich - Ph.D., President of the Fund for the latest medical and environmental technologies, member of the Innovation Commission of the Expert Council;

    Kolesov Vladimir Vladimirovich - Ph.D., head. department of IRE them. V.A. Koteltnikova RAS, Member of the Innovation Commission of the Expert Council;

    Reshetilova Tatyana Anatolyevna - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Scientific Secretary of the IBPM RAS, member of the Innovation Commission of the Expert Council;

    Dolbenkov Vladimir Grigorievich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, General Director of OAO KBSM, member of the Innovation Commission of the Expert Council;

    Dorofeev Valentin Ivanovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, leading researcher at the First Central Research Institute of the Navy, member of the Innovation Commission of the Expert Council;

    Zemlyanov Andrey Borisovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Head of the First Central Research Institute of the Navy, Member of the Innovation Commission of the Expert Council;

    Danilov Evgeny Valerievich - President of the Investment Fund, Chairman of the Commission on Economics and Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Dakhnovets Andrey Anatolyevich - First Deputy. Chairman of the Commission on Economics and Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Sychugov Alexey Vasilyevich - Deputy. Chairman of the Commission on Economics and Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Sidorov Mikhail Nikolaevich - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head. Department of the Russian Economic Academy. Plekhanov, Member of the Commission on Economics and Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Simchera Vasily Mikhalovich - Doctor of Economics, full member of the Russian Academy of Engineering, professor, member of the Commission on Economics and Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Dobryshina Lyudmila Nikolaevna - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of the Institute of World Economy of the State University of Management, member of the Commission on Economics and Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Kalinkin Evgeny Vasilievich - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head. Department of the Russian Economic Academy. G.V. Plekhanov, Member of the Commission on Economics and Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Ivankov Pyotr Fedorovich - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, President of the Russian National Academy of Sciences, member of the Commission on Economics and Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Obrezha Vyacheslav Vasilyevich - PhD in Law, Public Council of Civil Society, Member of the Commission on Economics and Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Ivashov Leonid Grigorievich - Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Academy of Geopolitical Problems, member of the Commission on Economics and Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Pazov Albert Khachimovich - lawyer, member of the commission on economics and innovations of the Expert Council;

    Grabets Konstantin Romanovich - candidate of technical sciences, member of the commission on economics and innovations of the Expert Council;

    Grekov Viktor Vasilievich - Member of the Commission on Economics and Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Zavertyaev Mikhail Ivanovich - PhD in Economics, member of the Commission on Economics and Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Shevchenko Boris Ivanovich - Doctor of Economics, Professor of Moscow State Educational Institution, Member of the Commission on Economics and Innovations of the Expert Council;

    Nikolaev Mikhail Sergeevich - professor, doctor of medical sciences;

    Obidin Andrey Borisovich - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Deputy Head of the Department of Innovations and New Technologies of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Administration of Civil Airports (Airfields)";

    Larin Evgeny Valentinovich - director of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Krymzhelezobeton", representative of the Expert Council in the Republic of Crimea.

    Presumably, Zavertyaev Mikhail Ivanovich is the head of the companies, the list of which you see below. We remind you that the companies listed below can be managed by different people (namesake). This information was obtained based on the analysis of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, may be outdated and does not violate 152-FZ "On Personal Data" in accordance with Art. 6 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs".


    Region: Moscow

    Jur. address: 109165, MOSCOW, st. DONETSKAYA, d. 23, building. 2



    • . Manufacture of ceramic products, except for those used in construction;
    • . Extraction of gravel, sand and clay;
    • . Production of ceramic tiles and slabs;

    Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia No. 39 for MOSCOW


    Region: Volgograd Region

    Jur. address: 404103, VOLGOGRAD region, VOLZHSKAYA, st. ALEXANDROVA, 60

    Wholesale of other intermediate products, except agricultural, not included in other groups


    Region: Volgograd Region

    Jur. address: 404131, VOLGOGRAD region, VOLZHSKY, st. ALEKSANDROVA, 60С

    Provision of installation, repair and maintenance services for other general purpose equipment not included in other groups

      The Ministry of Emergency Situations warned of a thunderstorm and strong wind in Moscow

      The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Moscow warned residents and guests of the capital about increased wind and thunderstorms on Tuesday, July 16.

      In Moscow, electric buses launched two new routes

      Two new routes for electric buses were launched in Moscow at once. They will follow #778 and SK. Route No. 778 will connect the Rizhsky railway station with Spartakovskaya Square.



    Zavertyaev Mikhail Ivanovich

    Moscow city

    According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Zavertyaev Mikhail Ivanovich is the founder of PROJECT-INVEST MANAGEMENT COMPANY LLC. Date of registration - October 24, 2005, registrar - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for MOSCOW. Full official name - LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY MANAGEMENT COMPANY "PROEKT-INVEST". Legal address: 123104, MOSCOW, st. BOLSHAYA BRONNAYA, 23, of. 200. The main activity is: "Management activities of financial and industrial groups". The company is also registered in such categories as: "Consulting on business activities and management", "Holding company management activities".

    Information on the activities of MANAGEMENT COMPANY "PROEKT-INVEST", OOO

    Information on Zavertyaev Mikhail Ivanovich obtained from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRLE) and does not apply to personal data in accordance with Art. 6 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs". The information may be inaccurate or out of date. If you do not want this page to be available to other users, please fill out

    04/16/2009: Explanatory note to the Address to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

    An important role in the intensification of the crisis in the Russian Federation is played by violations of the law, negligence and corrupt practices on the part of officials of the Moscow State Technical University of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, who created the conditions for the raider takeover of CB Intelfinance (LLC) in order to carry out illegal banking operations to legalize (launder) money funds acquired by criminal means. As a result of the actions to conceal the crime committed by these persons, conditions were created for the fictitious bankruptcy of the bank, including orders were issued to revoke the license from the bank (in the absence of real grounds), to remove the legal representative of the bank, preventing these actions. For obstructing the seizure of the bank, the chairman of the board of the bank, in my person, was included in the list of persons with a bad business reputation.
    President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev has repeatedly pointed out in his speeches that corruption has become a systemic problem, and we must counter this systemic problem with a systemic response. The President is concerned about the scale of corruption and its hidden nature and considers it necessary to pay special attention to the "assessment of corruption by society." The President noted that it is necessary to achieve "transparency in the conduct of state procedures related to contracts, tenders, administrative regulations, and to create a generally more favorable business environment." In his opinion, it is also necessary to think about the procedure for pre-trial appeal of the legality of the relevant decisions of civil servants.

    I, Zavertyaev Mikhail Ivanovich, from May 18, 2005 to December 5, 2007, acted as the Chairman of the Board of LLC CB Intelfinance, registered as a legal entity on June 10, 1994. According to the charter, LLC CB Intelfinance is a credit institution. Until May 2007, the Bank of Russia had no claims against the activities of LLC CB Intelfinance (hereinafter referred to as the bank). In January 2008, the bank's license was revoked, subsequently bankruptcy proceedings were initiated against the bank, and information about the chairman of the board of the bank was entered into the database of information on goodwill, which does not allow him to continue to hold positions in credit institutions.
    In accordance with paragraphs. 4.4 Regulations on the consideration of documents submitted to the territorial offices of the Bank of Russia for making a decision on the state registration of credit institutions, issuing a license for banking operations and maintaining databases on credit institutions and their divisions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2008 No. 2111-U) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation), in order to provide information support for their activities, the territorial branches of the Bank of Russia accumulate information on the business reputation of members of the board of directors (supervisory board) of credit institutions, managers, candidates for positions of managers in databases data. According to paragraphs. 4.6 of the Regulations, the database contains information about the heads: 1) in respect of which the territorial institution sent requests for their replacement as heads in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)"; 2) dismissed from management for committed violations in the financial sector or dismissed by decision of the authorized body for the management of the credit institution (branch) for the reason specified in paragraph two of this clause of the Regulations; 3) holding positions of heads of a credit institution (branch) in which, in accordance with the order of the Bank of Russia, a temporary administration has been introduced to manage the credit institution with the suspension of their powers, including in the case of participation of the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" at the proposal of the Bank of Russia in implementation of measures to prevent bankruptcy in accordance with the Federal Law "On additional measures to strengthen the stability of the banking system in the period up to December 31, 2011"; 4) who held the positions of managers during the last 12 months prior to the date of revocation of the banking license from the credit institution; 5) whose activities led to the issuance of an order to the credit institution to restrict (prohibit) the conduct of certain banking operations, as well as to repeated (two or more times over the past 12 months) failure to comply with the instructions of the Bank of Russia to eliminate shortcomings in the activities of the credit institution (branch ); 6) in relation to which the fact of counteraction to authorized representatives of the Bank of Russia, employees of the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" when they conduct inspections of credit institutions (their branches), members of the provisional administration for managing a credit institution is recorded in the established manner; submitted to the Bank of Russia false and (or) incomplete information regarding the qualification requirements established by federal laws and Bank of Russia regulations adopted in accordance with them; 7) if there are other grounds established by federal laws.
    When forming databases in accordance with the Regulations, information is used that is revealed during inspections of credit institutions conducted by the Bank of Russia, audit organizations, financial, law enforcement and other authorities, as well as other documented information located in the territorial institution (clause 4.9 of the Regulations).
    In accordance with paragraphs. 4.10 of the Regulations, information on the business reputation of members of the board of directors (supervisory board) of a credit institution, managers, candidates for positions of managers may be entered by a territorial institution into the appropriate databases at the initiative of the Bank of Russia (Department for Licensing Activities and Financial Recovery of Credit Institutions or at the suggestion of other structural divisions central office of the Bank of Russia in agreement with the Department for Licensing Activities and Financial Recovery of Credit Institutions). When deciding whether to enter information about the above persons into the relevant databases, the Department for Licensing Activities and Financial Rehabilitation of Credit Institutions, if necessary, requests the opinion of a territorial institution.
    In accordance with paragraphs. 4.12 of the Regulations, the grounds for excluding information from databases before the expiration of the period provided for in the first paragraph of clause 4.11 of the Regulations are: to the relevant databases, to violations by the credit institution of the requirements of federal laws and (or) regulations of the Bank of Russia, which served as the basis for entering information about them into the database; 2) the entry into force of a court decision to invalidate the order of the Bank of Russia to revoke a license or appoint a temporary administration, as well as to cancel the order of the Bank of Russia to impose restrictions (prohibitions) on banking operations; 3) the entry into force of a judicial act on the annulment of a guilty verdict, as well as the cancellation or removal of a criminal record from the persons specified in paragraphs. 4.11 Regulations.
    I believe that information about me, as the head of the bank, was entered into the database without legal grounds for that, for the reasons stated in this application.
    In May 2007, an unidentified group of persons raided the bank and removed from office the Chairman of the Board of LLC CB Intelfinance, elected by the participants of LLC CB Intelfinance. Starting from May 2007, the management of the bank was carried out by a group of people who illegally seized the bank.
    On 09.06.2007, on the basis of an order to conduct an audit No. PT-16-6/7275dsp, Branch No. 5 of the Moscow GTU of the Bank of Russia conducted an unscheduled thematic audit of the bank's activities. After completion of the inspection, the Inspection Report No. AT1-16-3/8179dsp dated 06/27/2007 was drawn up, as a result of which the order No. 55-21-12/11342DSP dated 08/03/2007 was issued against the bank.
    According to Order No. 55-21-12/11342DSP dated 08/03/2007, a 1-year ban was introduced from 08/06/2007 to open branches and carry out the following banking operations: attracting funds from individuals and legal entities in deposits, also by selling their own securities , opening bank accounts, issuing bank guarantees. In addition, the bank's right to make settlements through the settlement system of the Bank of Russia by transmitting information via communication channels has been suspended.
    On 12/24/2007 Branch No. 5 of the Moscow GTU of the Bank of Russia issued a second order in respect of LLC CB Intelfinance No. 55-21-12/19906DSP. According to the order of December 24, 2007 No. 55-21-12 / 19906ДСП, from December 24, 2007 for a period of 6 months, a ban was introduced on the following banking operations: collection, settlements on behalf of persons.
    On January 16, 2008, the Bank of Russia issued Order No. OD-29 “On Revoking the Banking License of LLC CB Intelfinance”, according to which, as of January 17, 2008, the bank's banking license was revoked. As stated in the motivational part of the order, the reason for revoking the license was the repeated application of measures within one year, provided for by the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation". On January 17, 2008, the Bank of Russia initiated the bank liquidation procedure.
    However, as follows from the letter No. 55-21-12/22308 dated November 21, 2008 from the 5th branch of the Moscow State Technical University of the Bank of Russia, the real motives for revoking the license from LLC CB Intelfinance is the raider takeover of the bank. I immediately informed the Bank of Russia about the fact of the raider seizure of the bank and contacted law enforcement agencies. Conscientious participants of CB "Intelfinance" (LLC) represented by A.S. Mazur, I.I. from raider capture by a criminal community specializing in such illegal banking operations as “cashing out” and illegal withdrawal of funds abroad.
    The activities of the criminal community of raiders - "cashers" were not only coordinated, but also directly supported by some employees of the Moscow State Technical University of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, about which I repeatedly informed the leadership of the Bank of Russia, including G.G. Melikyan, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Bank of Russia. (Appendix No. 1). In the above letter, I asked, in accordance with Federal Law No. 86 “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation” (Article 4, Clause 8), to suspend the banking license of CB Intelfinance (LLC) in order to prevent illegal banking operations in the bank’s premises , captured by a raider criminal community. This letter was not only ignored by the Moscow State Technical University of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, but the employees of the Moscow State Technical University of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation continued to actively help criminals, providing them with unhindered receipt of cash (through Branch No. ) (more than 600 million rubles a day) using obviously forged documents (established by a handwriting examination) (Appendix No. 2).
    Favorable conditions for the seizure of CB "Intelfinance" (LLC) were created directly by employees of the licensing department of MSTU of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, who for two years sent deliberately false letters to bona fide bank participants refusing to register them as participants and members of the board of directors of CB "Intelfinance". At the same time, persons outside the bank who were related to one of the leaders of the licensing department Kuznetsova N. (her husband Nagaev I.A.) were registered as members of the board of directors, creating legal prerequisites for the actions of the above-mentioned community of raiders - “cashers” ".
    Members of the criminal gang, using the above-mentioned legal collision, blackmailed me, the Chairman of the Board of the Bank, forcing me to participate in illegal banking operations, threatening that if I refused, they would organize a criminal prosecution, referring to their connections in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (Shevarov's father A.A. holds a senior position in the personnel department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation).
    Having received a resolute refusal to participate in the crimes they committed, the threats were carried out: on April 6, 2007, I was detained and arrested for 10 days without legal grounds (confirmed by the decision of the Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow dated July 8, 2008).
    On April 21, 2007, after my release, one of the leaders of the criminal community (Shevarov A.A.) continued to blackmail me. If I agreed to become an accomplice, I was offered a bribe in the amount of 500 thousand US dollars. Having received a refusal from my side, Shevarov A.A. together with an employee of the Moscow State Technical University of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Chashkin V.V. 05/07/2007 carried out a forcible (raider) seizure of CB "Intelfinance" (a criminal case No. 122763 was initiated on this fact, CB "Intelfinance" (LLC) was recognized as a victim (Appendix No. 3)).
    Having seized the premises of the bank and kept it under their control (while the actual activities of the bank were blocked, employees were not allowed into the premises), the members of the criminal group (Chashkin V.V. and Shevarov A.A.) continued to force me to commit illegal banking operations, otherwise, they threatened to organize the issuance of instructions from the Bank of Russia and the subsequent revocation of the license from the bank.
    On June 13, 2007, within the framework of the proceedings of criminal case No. 122763, the premises of the bank were liberated from the above-mentioned unauthorized persons and the normal legal economic activity of the bank was restored under my leadership. However, referring to the omissions in the period from 05/07/2007 to 06/13/2007 (when the bank was seized by raiders - "cashers"), MSTU of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, represented by the head of the 5th department Korneshov A.L. in confirmation of the threats of Chashkin V.V. (former employee of the Moscow State Technical University of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation) and Shevarova A.A. issues an order (dated 03.07.2007) to restrict the activities of the bank, not taking into account the positive dynamics of the bank's work after the premises were unblocked by the decision of the investigating authorities and the bank was recognized as a victim as a result of a raider takeover in the above period.
    In the period from 07/03/2007 to 12/05/2007, against the backdrop of incessant threats from members of a criminal group against me (organizing the revocation of a license from a bank and physical violence against me and my family members), actions are being taken to steal shares in the authorized capital of the bank "Intelfinance" and forgery of bills of the bank (criminal cases No. 140806, No. 140688 were initiated on these facts).
    As a result of active actions on the part of the legal management of the bank and my principled position on compliance with the norms of the law and protection of the interests of the bank, and as a result of the measures taken in the framework of criminal cases on the facts of attempts to raider seizure of the bank, forgery of documents and bills of the bank, the relevant decisions of the Moscow Arbitration Court, criminal plans at that time were not fully implemented.
    I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we prevented an attempted raider seizure of the bank without any help and support from the Bank of Russia, and often with the full connivance of the latter and the actual support of the actions of the raiders.
    At the same time, we restored the normal functioning of the bank, and the bank continued to demonstrate positive dynamics of work (monthly profit and capital growth), despite the existing instruction of the Moscow State Technical University of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which limited the economic capabilities of the bank.
    At the end of November 2007, the leader of the group Sitnikov I.V. appeals to me with a proposal, in case of my connivance in the implementation of illegal banking operations, to pay a sum of money in the amount of 1 million 200 thousand US dollars. Referring also to the capabilities of her mother, Sitnikova Galina (head of the 2nd department of the Moscow State Technical University of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation), Sitnikov I.V. announced his long-standing ties with the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency", thanks to which, after the completion of illegal banking operations and, as a result, the revocation of the bank's license, the aforementioned state corporation will appoint a liquidator of the bank managed by him (Sitnikov I.V.), who "will notice » traces of crimes (confirmation of these words in the materials of criminal case No. 140806).
    Understanding the seriousness of intentions on the part of the criminal group, I filed an official statement about the impending crime to the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. My application was accepted to the pending criminal case No. 169277, in which I was repeatedly interrogated, and I was asked to conduct operational and investigative measures on the territory of the bank I head using CCTV cameras in order to prevent the impending crime and catch criminals.
    Starting from November 30, 2007, I provided law enforcement officers with access to the bank's premises at night to install the necessary equipment. But, despite all the measures I took to protect the bank, the criminals, confident in their own impunity, under video cameras activated their threat of physical violence against me (12/5/2007).
    Being in the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. N.V. Sklifosovsky with craniocerebral injuries, on December 5, 2007, I sent a letter to the First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Melikyan G.G. (Appendix No. 1). In the above letter, I asked, acting in accordance with Federal Law No. 86 “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation” (Article 4, Clause 8), to suspend the banking license of CB Intelfinance (LLC) in order to prevent illegal banking operations. In addition, I notified correspondent banks of CB Intelfinance (Alfa-Bank, UralSib Bank, Sudostroitelny Bank, etc.) of the inadmissibility of conducting transactions through correspondent accounts of CB Intelfinance (LLC).
    During my hospitalization (from 12/05/2007 to 02/19/2008), the criminals, having forged my signature on numerous payment documents, present them for payment to department No. 5 of the Moscow State Technical University of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and receive cash from them in the amount of more than 600 million rubles daily, although:
    - the forged signature did not match the sample signature card;
    - I notified the management of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of my hospitalization;
    - I notified the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the leadership of the Bank of Russia, the leadership of the 5th branch of the Moscow State Technical University of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation about the raider seizure of the bank;
    Thus, the total amount of illegally obtained funds through our bank amounted to 11 billion 700 million rubles, of which 7.5 billion were cashed out in 20 days, and the rest were sent to the accounts of foreign companies.
    In response dated November 21, 2008 No. 55-21-12 / 22308 to my appeal, the head of Department No. 5 of the Moscow State Technical University of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Korneshov A.L. (Appendix No. 5), recognizing the fact of the raider takeover of CB "Intelfinance", confirms my non-involvement in violations in the activities of the bank I head and reminds me of my participation in the meeting held on December 18, 2007 in Branch No. 5 of the Moscow State Technical University of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, where I, reiterating the raider takeover of the Bank, demanded from the management of the Bank of Russia the immediate cessation of all illegal operations carried out using a forged signature and the suspension of the banking license of CB Intelfinance (LLC).
    However, even after this meeting, the leadership of the Bank of Russia continued to be inactive, thereby helping the “organized criminal group” (as they themselves write (Appendix No. 2007, 12/20/2007, 12/21/2007, 12/24/2007).
    On this fact, I wrote a statement to the FSB of the Russian Federation, which was accepted for processing by the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.
    Having learned from the management and employees of the Bank of Russia about the measures I was taking to curb criminal activity, the raiders made a new attempt to put pressure on me: on the night of December 13-14, 2007, while I was in the hospital, the criminals burned a car belonging to my family (On this fact, criminal case No. 84005 was initiated, which is being processed by the investigator of the investigative department at the Department of Internal Affairs in the Sokol district of Moscow, Fedin K.A.).
    In my opinion, in order to conceal the crimes committed, including the theft of funds in the amount of 11 billion 700 million rubles, officials of the Bank of Russia issued instructions, on the basis of which order No. OD-29 dated 16.01. license bank, and on February 22, 2008, the Arbitration Court of Moscow, in the absence of signs of bankruptcy of the bank, introduced the liquidation procedure for CB Intelfinance (LLC).
    The interim administration of the bank appointed by the Bank of Russia did not take any action to return the stolen funds, despite my statements (Appendix No. 4). Moreover, it deliberately brings CB "Intelfinance" (LLC) to bankruptcy in order to conceal the committed acts by the criminal community and the impossibility of returning to the state the money stolen by forged signatures in the amount of 11.7 billion rubles.
    The liquidator represented by the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" includes counterfeit bills in the amount of 5 million rubles in the register of creditors' claims for subsequent payment (the fact of counterfeit bills was established in criminal case No. 140806, which I notified the corporation about), which indicates the execution persons belonging to a criminal group of their plan to conceal criminal acts and indicates that they have connections with officials of the Bank of Russia.
    At the same time, the Bank of Russia, while recognizing the fictitious bankruptcy of CB "Intelfinance", in the response I received from the Licensing Department of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 33-5-18/6412 dated December 29, 2008, does not take any measures to terminate the bankruptcy procedure of the bank and return the banking license.
    In confirmation of the threats Sitnikova AND.The. In order to cover up the traces of crimes, the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" creates a falsified report No. 2893 on checking to identify suspicious transactions in LLC CB "Intelfinance", approved (by the leadership of the Group of Companies DIA) on April 29, 2008, in which, ignoring the facts and my statements ( Appendix 2 and Appendix 4), a deliberately false conclusion is made about the absence of such transactions, despite the fact that:
    - the forged signature did not match the sample signature card and the forgery of my signature was confirmed by an expert examination (Appendix 2);
    - I notified the management of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of my hospitalization and was physically absent from the Bank during this period;
    - I notified the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the management of the Bank of Russia, Correspondent Banks, the management of the 5th branch of the Moscow State Technical University of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation about the raider seizure of the bank;
    - the bank did not receive such sum of money even for a year.
    In addition, in the above report No. 2893, the DIA Group tries to present the theft of funds from CB "Intelfinance" (LLC) as the issuance of loans to organizations with a dubious financial situation in order to withdraw assets, but this also contradicts the facts (Appendix 4), since only I , having the right of the first signature, he not only did not sign the relevant documents, but also prevented the theft of funds from the Bank by all legal means (for which he was beaten by criminals), while constantly demanding from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the DIA to take appropriate measures provided for by the Law.
    On August 12, 2008 and September 30, 2008, I sent 2 petitions (715-08 OU-1) and (17 / x-116) to the head of the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation about the need to combine criminal cases No. 244192, No. 140806 into one proceeding, No. 122763, No. 140688, No. 169227, No. 84005, No. 327267 (attached).
    Deputy Prosecutor General Grin V.Ya. instructed the leadership of the Main Investigative Directorate at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow to combine these criminal cases into one proceeding (Appendix No. 6).
    On January 26, 2009, I submitted a petition to the investigative department of the investigative department at the Department of Internal Affairs of the Central Administrative District of Moscow in the framework of criminal case No. 140806 on the seizure of counterfeit bills and on criminal prosecution of employees of the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency".
    In accordance with Art. 74 of the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of Russia", the Bank of Russia has the right to revoke a credit institution's license on the grounds provided for in Art. 20 of the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activity" (hereinafter referred to as the Law). In accordance with paragraph 6 of part 1 of Art. 20 of the Law, the Bank of Russia may revoke a banking license from a credit institution in the event of non-compliance with federal laws regulating banking activities, as well as Bank of Russia regulations, if the measures provided for by the Federal Law "On the Central Bank" were repeatedly applied to the credit institution within one year. RF”, as well as repeated violations within one year of the requirements provided for in Articles 6 and 7 (with the exception of paragraph 3 of Article 7) of the Federal Law “On Counteracting the Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime”.
    In accordance with the Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2000 No. 268-O, coercive measures applied to a credit institution are issued in the form of an order, i.e. in the form of an administrative act. Revocation of a license to carry out banking operations is a decision of the Bank of Russia, taken in the manner and on the grounds provided for by federal law. The recall does not entail the termination of the activities of the credit institution as a legal entity, but only means a prohibition to perform any banking operations and is an exceptional measure of influence that is applied to a credit institution that violates the requirements of federal laws regulating banking activities and Bank of Russia regulations.
    I believe that the Bank of Russia deliberately did not apply (deliberately violated) the provisions of the Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 1997 No. 59 “On the application of sanctions against credit institutions for violations of prudential norms of activity”. As follows from the order of the Bank of Russia to revoke the license, the Bank of Russia limited itself to establishing the existence of the fact of two instructions, however, the measure of influence chosen by the Bank of Russia in the form of revocation of the license is excessive and inappropriate to the nature of the violations committed, the causes and circumstances of the violations.
    I believe that the order of the Bank of Russia to revoke the license is not justified due to the fact that the Bank of Russia did not fully clarify the circumstances relevant to the case, namely: the nature of the committed offenses that served as the basis for issuing orders, the reasons for which the these offenses, no assessment was given to these instructions, the involvement or non-involvement of bank officials in their commission was not established.
    The violations revealed during the audit were committed at a time when bank officials could not commit them due to physical removal from the management of the bank by a criminal group of persons, or being treated in a medical institution after physical violence and bodily injury.
    The chairman of the board of the bank (who alone had the right to first sign) was deprived of the opportunity to manage the bank due to his physical suspension during the raider seizure in 2007 and being in hospital from 12/05/2007 to 02/19/2008 in a medical institution after being beaten. The legal participants of LLC CB Intelfinance were not able to prevent the raiders due to the fact that, for some unknown reason, information about them was not registered by a branch of the Bank of Russia.
    In particular, Mazur Ivan Ivanovich acquired a share in the authorized capital of the bank in the amount of 5.231143552311% under the agreement for the sale and purchase of a share in the authorized capital of LLC CB Intelfinance No. 1 of 04.04.2006. The participant notified CB Intelfinance LLC by letter of the completed share purchase. LLC CB Intelfinance, in connection with the change in the composition of participants, decided to amend the constituent documents (Charter), prepared amendments No. 5 to the Charter and sent them for registration to the Bank of Russia. However, registration of changes No. 5, in violation of the law, was not carried out and the documents were not sent to the Federal Registration Service for registration of changes and making appropriate entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
    According to paragraph 4 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law of 08.02.1998 No. 14-FZ "On Limited Liability Companies", changes made to the constituent documents of the company are subject to state registration in the manner prescribed by Art. 13 of the said Federal Law. Changes made to the constituent documents of the company become effective for third parties from the moment of their state registration, and in cases established by the Federal Law, from the moment of notification of the state registration body. Thus, the new participant, until the moment of state registration of changes to the constituent documents, could not exercise his rights as a member of the company, including seeking judicial protection of the violated right.
    In accordance with the Decree of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2005 No. 11-P, in the Russian Federation, as a state of law, a person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value, and their recognition, observance and protection are the responsibility of the state; the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the Russian Federation are recognized and guaranteed in accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, they determine the meaning, content and application of laws and are provided with justice (Articles 1, 2, 17 and 18 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation ).
    Article 1 of Protocol 1 to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of November 4, 1950 (hereinafter referred to as the Convention) states: “Every natural or legal person has the right to respect for his property. No one may be deprived of his property except in the public interest and under the conditions prescribed by law and the general principles of international law. These provisions do not detract from the power of the State to enforce such laws as it deems necessary to exercise control over the use of property in accordance with the general interest.”
    The state has a fairly wide discretion in matters of regulation of property rights, in particular, the state has the right to control the conditions for the use of property or establish restrictions, while not allowing violations of the property rights of individuals. Given that such restrictions or control measures may entail negative economic consequences for the rights and legitimate interests of the owner, Article 1 of Protocol 1 of the Convention proceeds in this case from the requirement to observe the principle of balancing public and private interests.
    According to this principle, in order to achieve a public end, no means should be chosen that would lead to the imposition of an excessive burden on private persons or impose restrictions other than those really necessary.
    The revocation of a bank's license and the decision to initiate bankruptcy proceedings against a bank, made in violation of the provisions stipulated by the norms of international law, cannot be lawful, because. violate the rights of individuals.
    In my opinion, the officials of the Bank of Russia have chosen an excessive and economically unjustified way to eliminate the violations of the bank. As mentioned above, the revocation of the license and declaring the bank bankrupt did not take into account the actual circumstances and the true nature of the violations committed through no fault of the bank's officials or participants.
    The bankruptcy of a bank, in my opinion, is nothing more than the destruction of property without compensation to the owners of financial losses. At the same time, by laying blame on the participants of the bank and its legal representatives that is not due to the real state of the bank, officials of the Bank of Russia, using the legal norms governing banking activities, by their actions actually brought the bank to bankruptcy.
    According to paragraph 2 of the Information Letter of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated 20.12.1999 No. C1-7 / SMP-1341, the European Court admits that the state may, in exceptional cases, restrict private property rights in the name of maintaining public public order. Such restrictions should not be of a fiscal nature. In most cases, restrictions on private property rights are permissible only on the condition of compensation.
    Taking into account that the revocation of the license occurred in connection with the commission of a raider seizure of the bank by a criminal group and the commission of illegal actions to “cash out” funds and withdraw them outside of Russia, the bank’s bankruptcy, revocation of the license, removal of the Chairman of the Board from the bank’s management and filing about him data in the database of persons with a negative business reputation are nothing more than placing an additional burden on the owners of the bank and its legal representative.
    As explained in the Decree of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2004 No. 3-P, in cases of forced seizure of property from the owner, regardless of the grounds for such seizure, effective judicial control must be carried out as a guarantee of the principle of inviolability of property. In accordance with Art. 35 (part 3) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, no one can be deprived of his property except by a court decision. The term "deprived" means the forced nature of the termination of the right of private property and implies the existence of a dispute, which necessarily requires judicial control, which can be either preliminary or subsequent.

    Meanwhile, in violation of the law, officials of the Bank of Russia committed gross violations of the norms of the law and by-laws, which did not allow the bank's participants and its officials to take full advantage of judicial protection.
    The conclusion of the Bank of Russia that the bank committed violations and is therefore bankrupt is based solely on the consequences of the seizure of the bank and the physical removal of the legal representative of the bank and its participants from management.
    Meanwhile, in itself, the commission of illegal actions against a bank does not indicate the existence of grounds for revoking the bank's license.
    I and the members of CB Intelfinance (LLC) took all possible measures to protect the bank and their reputation, including: 1) timely notification of the Bank of Russia and its territorial divisions about the seizure of the bank and the commission of illegal actions in relation to its assets; 2) applications and complaints to law enforcement agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, on which 7 (seven) criminal cases were initiated; 3) actively continues cooperation with the investigating authorities to solve the above crimes.
    The volume of illegal banking operations in Russia has become alarmingly huge, deputy. Head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Viktor Melnikov estimated it at 1 trillion. rub. in 2007, while 104 banks in the country had their banking licenses revoked on the basis of violations of Federal Law No. 115-FZ. Melnikov also said that this amount of 1 trillion rubles. per year, this is only 26% of all suspicious transactions in the financial sector.
    Thus, it can be stated that:
    1. The current appearance of combating illegal transactions by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not lead to a decrease in their volume, but, on the contrary, to an increase in both volumes and “shadow” commissions and related corruption.
    2. The detected amount of money stolen and withdrawn from taxation is many times greater than that stated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, each time, shrugging its hands helplessly, informs the public about the next "burning" of the bank.
    3. But even the named annual volume of illegal banking operations is almost 2 times higher than all the cash balances of all banks in the country (including banks with foreign participation) (M2). Thus, the shadow economy in our country will continue to grow at a faster pace, fulfilling the task of "doubling" the "black GDP" ahead of schedule, being a reliable source of financing "gray" wages, corruption, contract killings...
    4. Intentionally or due to professional incompetence, employees of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation do not name the true customers of illegal banking operations, thereby wittingly or unwittingly helping the latter in hiding crimes and presenting small banks as "switchman" at best.
    5. Like other liquidated banks that were used in similar schemes, remaining one on one with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, we cannot resist corrupt employees who are in a criminal community with raiders specializing in seizing banks in order to conduct illegal banking operations. Despite the money offered to me personally in order for me to become an accomplice in this crime, I am ready to go to the end until truth and legality prevail.
    Eloquent proof of the validity of stating the above conclusions is the following:
    At my meeting with the Management of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation represented by the First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Melikyan G.G. and his colleagues, held on June 17, 2008 at the address Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, 12, I handed over an Open Letter to the country's leadership on how to put an end to all illegal operations in the Russian Federation (the text is on the website Recognizing the effectiveness of the method I proposed to suppress illegal operations, the leadership of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, having taken the documents I provided, promised to study them carefully. What was my bewilderment when, at the end of June 2008, instead of putting an end to illegal banking operations in the Russian Federation, recognizing them as void transactions with withdrawal of the entire amount of the transaction to the income of the State, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation signed by Melikyan G.G. introduces a six-month moratorium on the application of "punitive" measures to banks engaged in illegal banking operations, thereby effectively canceling the effect of Federal Law No.
    The introduction of this six-month moratorium allowed the criminal community, according to Rosfinmonitoring, to triple the volume of illegal banking operations, which led in late 2008 - early 2009 to an unprecedented outflow of capital from the country and the denomination of the ruble by 58%, while the participants in these operations, not a single license was revoked for violating the requirements of Federal Law No. 115.
    Taking into account the above circumstances, as well as acting on the basis of articles 1, 2, 17, 18 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 31.03.1997 No. 59, Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms dated 04.11. 1950.
    It is necessary to ensure high-level control over compliance with the Law in this case, to help return the bank's unjustifiably seized license, and also to return the bank's stolen funds. This will help us, conscientious bank employees and owners, to regain an honest name for ourselves and the bank in the eyes of the bank's customers and the public, and will also show all members of the business community the possibility of a joint struggle between the state and entrepreneurs against raiders and corrupt officials with them.

    APPENDIX: on 26 (twenty-six) sheets.

    Chairman of the Board of CB "Intelfinance" (LLC)
    M. I. Zavertyaev