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  • How to learn to write correctly in a short time, and why it is important to write without mistakes. How to write correctly: useful advice for adults and children.

    How to learn to write correctly in a short time, and why it is important to write without mistakes.  How to write correctly: useful advice for adults and children.

    Of course, we all went to school, learned to write, took lessons in the Russian language, grammar, and everything equal, we continue to make mistakes. This is due to many factors, one of them is a highly developed technique that thinks for us, correcting spelling, because lately, I mostly type everything, and not write by hand. Easy enough to use on a computer special program to check your spelling, and it will highlight or correct all your mistakes. At the same time, we forget the spelling and, faced with the need to fill out any papers by hand, we find ourselves in unpleasant situations.

    Start by turning off the spell checker on your phone, try to write correctly on your own.

    Not knowing the spelling can make a person look stupid, so you need to improve and strive to become more literate. In order to combat this, you need to resort to the memories of the school curriculum in the Russian language, or even go to courses. But first, let's make a couple of independent attempts to improve our level.

    Learn to write correctly and without mistakes

    As with all teachings, you need to follow the sequence, dividing your actions into theory and practice. Start reading more fiction, it will develop depth in you even more inner peace... Another plus of smart books, they can add new words to your vocabulary, and visual memory afterwards practice, will then fix attention on compound words Oh. Take Pushkin, Dostoevsky or Tolstoy, for example. Read in a relaxed atmosphere, preferably at home, reading every word, slowly so that your memory remembers the words, you can aloud, not only to yourself, expressively.

    Opposite to the classics, yellow press, any magazines, as a rule, they contain grammatical errors... Spend forty minutes a day reading, this is not so much, but it has a certain effect. In general, this is a basic rule, read as much as possible, if you have more than forty minutes a day for books, do not limit yourself, believe me, you will only do better.

    Practice grammar

    After reading the book, you should consolidate the result in practice. Take one page from the book, slowly rewrite it, and best if someone dictates it to you. To write, as already mentioned, to begin with, you need to slowly, thinking over each word, try to avoid mistakes, gradually increase the speed. Then immediately check it, read it twice, the first time to check the punctuation marks and spelling, and the second to check the correctness of the sentences and their meaning. Often times, errors are mostly due to lack of care.

    There is a little trick to get rid of sliding your eyes over the text, read it backwards, this will allow you to grasp every word.

    Purchase a spelling dictionary, in printed form. Scrolling through it in search of the right word, you will pay attention to others, and, of course, your visual memory is trained. But, unfortunately, not everyone has good visual memory, sometimes they come to resort to cramming. Theory is good, but it's time to move on to practice.

    Spell improvement technique

    The method of reading books, nevertheless, has a drawback, many are so immersed in the meaning of the book itself that they are not able to pay attention to the spelling. It's good if you still have textbooks from school days, they have a lot of different levels useful rules and exercises of different levels. Of course, a person should not remember all this, but it would be nice to repeat it.

    1. The first rules that need to be repeated are the declension of nouns and the supply of punctuation elements, remember the cases. After reading, make your own table on this material.
    2. The basis of grammar, knowledge of morphology is a part of grammar about the correctness of speech, syntax is a section on the study of sentences and ways of combining words inside. To use written speech correctly, you need to understand the structure of words, understand which part the words belong to: nouns, adjectives, numbers, verbs, participles, particles and adverbs. And it is very important to understand the composition of a word so that you can then break it down into parts, identifying problem areas: root, suffix, prefix, ending.
    3. With the complication of punctuation, remember the rule of signs, that is, commas are used to pause. Read the sentence aloud without the written punctuation marks and try to intuitively guess where the pause should be.
    4. With a weak spelling, the rule of unstressed vowels at the root of the word is generally lame. Learn the rule and the words of the exception, in many ways it will be useful to you again.

    Every time you want to give up your studies, think that excellent knowledge of the Russian language makes you a literate person, which means more respected, leading, remember this and have patience. Paying attention to reading books, give preference to Soviet bindings of artistic classics. They are more literate, since in modern books, many typos are allowed, some changes in the semantic load. Choose books according to your interests to make your reading and learning a pleasure. Genre doesn't really matter.

    All people perceive information in different ways, someone has a different visual memory from nature, and someone learns everything by ear. Hone your auditory memory, feel free to read your hearing. Memorizing a text by heart, for example, poetry or a book read the day before, will also help you perfectly. After the first small practices, there will be an undeniable result. Ask someone for help, it is more effective when another person checks you, helps to write dictations, conduct a dialogue. It is recommended to create a dictionary of your difficult words, which are not easy to learn, not memorized. When writing these words, highlight problem areas. in capital letters, for example, a privilege.

    As you practice consistently, focus your attention on problematic common mistakes. Only work on them until you eliminate them.

    Unconditional, we all have different abilities and mindsets. Someone has a mathematical talent, someone has an excellent visual memory, but someone is naturally given an intuition for correct spelling. In the absence of such an ability, the first rule among all others is constant practice until errors are completely eliminated.

    Video: how to learn to write correctly in Russian

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    Read more. Abundant reading fiction will allow you to expand your vocabulary, subconsciously memorize the spelling of various words and punctuation rules. You will also get some idea of ​​how to logically, coherently and engagingly present your thoughts, chronicle of events or description of something on paper. Try to read quality literature, such as Russian classics or contemporary authors, which are highly regarded by professional critics. Remember that some phrases and individual words found in the works of writers of the 19th century are outdated in our time and have practically gone out of circulation.

    If you have not yet mastered the skill of eloquence too skillfully, then try to use complex sentences with many turns as rarely as possible. Use them only when you are sure that the reader will not lose the original meaning. Sometimes short sentences can look much more colorful and graceful.

    Try to follow the clear structure of the text: introduction, main part, conclusion. It is in the main part that the main idea of ​​your text is revealed, the introduction is created only in order to introduce the reader to the course of the topic of the text. The conclusion usually provides short conclusions and summarizes the results.


    • Reference and information portal GRAMOTA.RU

    English is essential in many fields of activity. For example, his knowledge is required when applying for a job in companies that maintain contacts with foreigners. Therefore, it is important to be able to write correctly in order to be a competent specialist.

    You will need

    • - textbooks;
    • - books in English;
    • - access to the Internet;
    • - icq.


    To begin with, you need to get basic knowledge of the English language, have an idea of ​​the structure of declarative and interrogative sentences, and have at least a minimal vocabulary. Sign up for courses for

    A long but enjoyable self-improvement process should start with the basics. Foundations are those basic knowledge and skills that create a solid foundation for further personal development. Without them, all human effort expended may be in vain. One of the foundations of a successful personality is the ability to write correctly. How to learn to write without mistakes? Sooner or later, this question is asked by every person who is trying to change his life for the better.

    The ability to write correctly will definitely be needed in life.

    Most people today communicate their thoughts in print rather than in writing. Take a look at your correspondence in social networks... You will see common mistakes such as beginning a sentence with a lowercase letter, missing punctuation marks, misuse of "not / no" particles, etc. Everyday life many people simply do not notice this or consider it the norm.

    Constant disregard for the rules of the Russian language leads to the fact that at the right moment a person puts himself in an awkward position.

    Where can the ability to write correctly come in handy?

    • Recruitment.

    Some employers offer to send your resume by email. In such a situation, there are no special problems. You write your resume, copy it into a special spell checker, correct mistakes, and send a beautiful text to your potential boss.

    But lately, employers are increasingly offering candidates to fill out a questionnaire by hand at an interview. There is no computer assistant, the first difficulties arise. Why hire such an uneducated employee who cannot even write correctly in Russian?

    • Personal acquaintance.

    You may have tried sometime to make acquaintances on social networks. Finding a soul mate is much more difficult than finding a friend or regular conversation partner. A potential partner will evaluate you according to the criteria that are at his disposal.

    On social networks, he is able to appreciate only two things: photographs and text of correspondence. You may find yourself interesting companion... But if you write with numerous mistakes, then your interlocutor may feel a chill and go in search of a more educated partner.

    • Mastering special professions.

    Sometimes being able to write correctly is a necessary requirement. So, if you want to become a copywriter, journalist, writer, teacher or public relations specialist, then ignorance of the rules of the Russian language can play a cruel joke on you.

    The process of increasing the level of one's own literacy can be divided into two stages: theoretical and practical. You should start with a theory, but you should not sit on it for a long time.

    Theoretical stage

    Remember school lessons when you just started learning to write correctly sentences in Russian. Take school textbooks, notes, exam preparation books and review the basic rules. Start with simple rules on spelling, and only then move on to punctuation and style. I must admit that this is not the most interesting activity.

    There is also a nicer way to learn how to write better. Constantly read books that are truly interesting to you. The classics of Russian literature are best suited for this purpose, since such books have a rich vocabulary, as well as many turns, introductory words, dialogues. You should read slowly and in a calm atmosphere so that the necessary words have time to be imprinted in your subconscious.

    Reading articles on the Internet is unlikely to help you learn how to write correctly.

    After all, the main content creators on the web are copywriters, many of whom work in a constant rush. There are also some authors who cannot boast of the ability to write correctly. Reading light literature is also not suitable for you (for example, romance novels), because the structure of the sentences in these books is as simple as possible.

    Constant and persistent practice

    The practice phase helps you learn how to write correctly faster than learning theory. Even at school, the rules of the Russian language were given a maximum of 20 minutes of one lesson, and the rest of the time the students performed various exercises.

    Below is a list of useful practices.

    • 1. Follow the exercises from the Russian language textbooks.

    Buy such books, which at the end contain the correct answers with detailed explanations.

    • 2. Write articles, stories, poems and check them in special services.

    You may prefer to use a keyboard instead of a ballpoint pen. In this case, write texts with a volume of at least 5000 characters daily. Then find on the Internet good service spell checker (for example, and parse your text.

    Have a rule book on hand! Any special service does not always recognize errors or points to places where they actually do not exist. Therefore, you should analyze the text, and not automatically correct any mistake. Service is your assistant, not a standard of literacy.

    • 3. Reread the written text at least twice.

    Some mistakes are made by a person due to carelessness. Try to slowly go over each word and sentence. The text can also be read from the end to avoid the effect of sliding eyes.

    • 4. Always keep a spelling dictionary handy.

    If during the creation of the text you began to doubt the spelling of this or that word, do not be too lazy to look into the dictionary. When will you find the right word, say it out loud syllable at least three times to help you remember it.

    • 5. Try to write your own notes.

    Read the topic in the tutorial, complete the exercises. Then imagine yourself as a teacher. How can you present the material so that students remember it better? Come up with your own curriculum... These can be rules with examples, presented in short form, or visual tables. This activity may seem useless to you. But in fact, you will perfectly learn and remember all the material.

    Thus, learning to write correctly and competently is not at all difficult! It is not so much yours that matter here. intellectual abilities how much patience and moral willingness to practice regularly. If you follow several of the teaching methods suggested above, then after three months you will begin to write without mistakes.

    Today, a rare person can boast of expressing their thoughts in writing and error-free writing. If you want to achieve something in life, constantly learn, improve yourself, even when you are at the pinnacle of success. In one movie the main character said: "Before you decide on something, think about whether it is worth the candle." In this case, without hesitation - "the game is worth the candle." Since an educated person is a useful person, and before useful person all roads are open.

    Be patient and morale

    If there is no desire to improve your Russian language, there will be no result. The more literate a person is, the higher he takes a place in life, becomes more independent, leading. Keep these thoughts in mind every time you want to quit.

    Read a lot

    Take our Russian language course

    There are not so many topics of the Russian language in which people most often make mistakes - about 20. We decided to devote the course to these topics. " In the classroom, you will get the opportunity to practice the skill of competent writing on special system multiple distributed repetitions of the material through simple exercises and special memorization techniques.

    All people have different abilities. One person has a well-developed visual memory, another has an auditory memory, and a third has a motor memory. More often mixed prevails: either visual-auditory, or visual-motor, etc. Therefore, choose the advice that works the most for you. This is the basic rule and the secret of your future success in learning Russian.

    Almost 70% of schoolchildren make certain mistakes in writing. What is this - general illiteracy? Are teachers unable to teach everyone to write correctly?

    If a child is mistaken in writing, parents force him to cram the rules and rewrite each text an infinite number of times. As a result, the number of errors for some reason increases. And the student is imbued with hatred for the lessons of the Russian language.

    Previously, such children were considered idlers, fools, not amenable to standard training. The teachers waved their hands at them, put "stretched" troikas and periodically left them for the second year.

    Now these children are diagnosed with dysgraphia. According to some reports, the number of children with dysgraphia among junior schoolchildren in Russia is 30%!

    With dysgraphia, the child, oddly enough, knows the rules of the Russian language, but when he writes, he cannot apply them. Paradox. How is this possible?

    Let's see what a child should do to write without mistakes?

    First, isolate the desired sound from the word. Then remember what letter this sound is designated by. Then imagine how this letter looks like, how its elements are located in space. After that, the brain "gives the command" to the hand, which performs the correct movements with a ballpoint pen. At the same time, the student must remember which rule should be applied at this moment in writing.

    As you can see, writing is a complex process in which the entire brain is involved: frontal lobes, temporal, parietal and occipital. More precisely, in the process of writing, one part of the brain transmits the necessary impulses to the next part, and so on along the chain. If at some stage an obstacle arises, the process is interrupted, the impulse goes along the wrong path, and the child begins to write with errors.

    This means that we must teach the brain to write, and the child's brain must be ready for this learning.

    How to understand if a child has dysgraphia?

    Or does he just know the rules poorly?

    Let's look at the student's notebook. The following types of errors indicate the presence of dysgraphia:

    1. Errors in stressed syllables("RODE" instead of "JOY").
    2. Skipping letters.
    3. Failure to describe words and letters ("stack ..." instead of "stack").
    4. Permutation of syllables ("apple" instead of "apple").
    5. Repetition of the same letter ("Magazine" instead of "store").
    6. Letters "b", "c", "e", "z", numbers "4", "3", "5" are turned over to the other side (mirror letter).
    7. Forgetting and missing rare letters ("ъ" and "e").

    8. And finally, the "sloppiness" in the notebook:

    9. The child "does not notice" the field and continues to write to the very edge of the notebook.
    10. "Slips" off the lines at the end of the sentence.
    11. Wraps words incorrectly.
    12. Often does not make spaces between words.
    13. Does not notice the end of the sentence, does not put periods, continues to write the next with a small letter.

    How can you help a child with dysgraphia?

    Here are some games and exercises that speech therapists use. Parents can play at home with their children.

    1. If the child skips letters, do the "Magic dictation" exercise.

    You are reading a sentence or part of it (3-4 words). The child taps the syllables (ma-ma, we-la, ra-mu) to catch the rhythm of the sentence. After that, he writes this rhythm in the form of a dotted line, where he puts dashes instead of syllables. The next step is to write each word in the form of dots (according to the number of letters in the word).

    2. If the child does not finish writing the ending, we do the exercise "Image of the word".

    Say a word and ask your child to name a word that begins with the penultimate letter of the word you said. Or third from the end. Or to the letter that you need to remember in the dictionary word: for example, in the word kOrabl - to the second letter. Words can be selected on one topic (for example, animals, plants) - this will be a good training in classification.

    3. If the child makes mistakes in vocabulary words, we suggest the exercise "Funny cartoon".

    We give the child the task of mentally composing a very funny cartoon in which the objects that you name will appear in order. The child closes his eyes, and you begin to dictate vocabulary words, very clearly pronouncing all unstressed vowels, unpronounceable consonants and other difficult cases: ship, cow, ladder, korzina ... He ties them up in his head in some funny story, then opens his eyes and tells his cartoon. You react vividly.

    After that, the child, remembering the plot invented by him, must write all these words. Then - a self-test: you give the child a sample by which they dictated, and offer to check whether he wrote correctly.

    If there are mistakes, next task: you need to draw the word in which the mistake was made so that it is clear what the difficulty is in this word (for example, in the classroom, the author drew a cow on a bicycle or a cow with huge round eyes in the form of two letters O; a station with a large letter K; stairs with letter T).

    4. If the child does not remember the rules of the Russian language well, we do the "Encryption" exercise.

    This is how we play on group lessons to improve literacy. The alphabet is written on the board, each letter corresponds to some kind of image: a square, a triangle, a dancing man, etc. We need to write a note to a friend so that at least one word contains the rule that we are working out.

    For example, the alternation of ber-bir. The entire text of the note is encrypted, except for BER or BIR. A friend should understand what they wrote to him and respond in the same way.

    5. If the child does not apply the rules when writing, do the exercise "Zoo".

    Everyone sits in a circle, best of all on the carpet. Everyone chooses an animal and a conventional sign: for example, a lynx (depicts ears with tassels with his hands), a sparrow (flaps his elbows, wings) ... Everyone demonstrates their movements, the rest are trying to remember.

    The one who starts the game makes his own movement, then the movement of one of the participants. Everyone must catch this, repeat their movement and again make the movement of one of the participants. The pace is gradually accelerating. Anyone who is wrong, fulfills a fant: publicly sings, dances, reads poetry, etc. This is useful for liberation, overcoming fear of the audience.

    Tips for parents

    • Let the child play enough in preschool childhood. Research results show that 95% of children with literacy problems do not know how to play role-playing games, do not know the rules of even the most famous children's fun, such as hide and seek and tag. In games, you need to follow the rules, so the kid learns to arbitrarily regulate his actions and behavior. But it is precisely arbitrary regulation that underlies competent writing.
    • Walk with your child more often. During walks, the brain is saturated with oxygen, its performance improves. This is very helpful for successful learning.
    • Take your child to a sports section or dance. Sport perfectly teaches voluntary regulation, develops motor skills, develops attention and reaction speed. And deep breathing during training saturates the brain with oxygen.
    • Music lessons (in particular, playing the piano) develop hand motor skills and improve the interaction of both hemispheres of the brain.
    • Massage your child's cervical and occipital areas more often after school.

    All of this will immediately have the best impact not only on literacy, but also on overall school performance.

    Irina Nadrus,
    speech therapist

    Author's article


    Maybe it's good that we find an explanation for everything. But before all these clever words were not there. And we had enough literate people. Until the 10th grade, I wrote with errors. Although she loved to read. And suddenly she began to feel the tongue. It helped a lot that my mother worked at ITAR-TASS at the beginning as a proofreader. They were given huge rolls of texts, which were then edited by editors. And the task of the proofreaders themselves was to check spelling and punctuation errors. So, my mother asked me to read, and she herself was on a copy of the error rule. Of course, finding a mistake, she stopped me, and we corrected it. There they also had special designations. For example, underline a letter twice at the bottom is to change the lowercase letter to the uppercase one. As a result, I completely imperceptibly began to look for mistakes myself and was very happy when I found them.
    One more thing - everyone says - the child must be interested. Yes, I was interested. But it was ALREADY 10th grade. At that time, I did not even understand what was interesting to me. Finding an approach even to your child is very difficult. And the main thing that hinders us is our desire. We so want our children to read and write correctly that we do not tolerate their objections. And, of course, we meet with resistance.

    The article is good.
    Another question is how to get the child to engage in all these useful items ??
    For a long time I was looking for some kind of game, or a development book, so that I was interested in studying. Found "Letters from a fairy tale. Learning with passion". Type in search, a very useful thing!

    10/19/2013 10:58:58 PM, Swabrmania

    Fighting dysgraphia is difficult, but it is possible and necessary,
    if only teachers, as specialists, even a little helped to find it in time and knew WHAT to suggest ...
    From the experience of dealing with dysgraphia, 1-4 parts of the DIARY

    Our country is quietly approaching the education of mono people. A person who is versed in one area of ​​knowledge is far from another, even similar and close. My eldest son, studying in one of the best school city ​​and having, as it turned out in the 4th grade, dysgraphia, studied with tutor teachers starting from grade 1, none of the 3 understood what the child's problem was ... The second child went to grade 1, already studying, with one of the leading specialists in speech therapy (teacher of the pedagogical institution of higher education), it was revealed that there is no dysgraph ..., now he is in the second grade, Russian is solid 3 ... And the reason is 35 people in the class, it is difficult for everyone both for the children and the teacher. I propose to stop the race for education, well, at least a little bit, to give children a psychologically relieved childhood, well, we will stop pulling money from parents, putting this diagnosis on such a number of families

    12/17/2011 11:04:30 AM, Good afternoon!

    Well, at least some advice, a good article

    Good article!

    My God! You may not know the rules of the Russian language and write correctly, but you can know and write somehow. Rules and literacy are different things. First, they will develop an intensive school curriculum stuffed with rules and exceptions, and then they are surprised that they do not write correctly. So after all, they did not teach this!

    Comment on the article "How to teach a child to write without mistakes?"

    Dysgraphia: when a child writes with mistakes. Dysgraphia in children - disorders written speech... Should I start taking her to a speech therapist? On the other hand, all children are different, and there are hardly two students with similar symptoms. There are three main types of dysgraphs.

    Thank you all very much, today we bought a special pen. The daughter said that in the class, many children write just like that. Even the eldest asked for the same. We'll see at the weekend how she will write.

    This is to the question of the need / not need for school preparations, in fact ...

    The teacher is opposed to someone else teaching, most likely due to differences in "spelling". I met a program where they teach to write letters in a completely different way from what we were taught, start writing on the wrong side of the stick, not so the connections of letters are formed ... I would ask the teacher to recommend a recipe, perhaps for "5-6 years" your program.

    There are attachments for the handle that contribute to the correct grip, look at the link, such as these.

    There is also a finger trainer, Yaska liked it :)

    My daughter is being assessed on a general basis, but she doesn't mind. Another thing is that she is not spoken about at school and is not forced to rewrite for 3 hours. With mistakes, the teacher sends back, yes, correct. Sometimes she emphasizes the places where mistakes are, so that the daughter herself will correct them and get a chance for a higher grade. But I am calm about the grades for the language: better than it was and okay. The main thing for me is for my daughter to try and gradually progress.

    I would categorically not allow mine to keep after lessons for 3 hours, especially since simply rewriting is ineffective. I also write dictations and essays with a bunch of mistakes, but there are other tasks: to answer the rules, exercises where you need to substitute the word in the desired grammatical form or redo an existing proposal. Here mine performs them well, we have practically got rid of copying errors. On their basis, one can also attest, and on average get a good mark. I don't care what dictations are formally two.

    Tell the child not to be nervous, to concentrate on what works best. I would agree with the teacher so that she would use other certification methods ALSO along with well-deserved marks for dictation. If he has a good memory, he may well be able to learn the rule and answer in the lesson - now he is no longer a bad student. By the way, my daughter is very similar to yours in description, also dyslexia, dysgraphia, problems with spatial orientation and ambidextrous, it seems. Well, we study and develop a philosophical approach to life. In your situation, I would still lean on the development of a computer, teach it to type quickly, it will come in handy in the future.

    And is it possible to teach a child living abroad more or less competently to write without loading him with rules? At least my little one at the end of grade 2 wrote everything almost without errors - from the rules they only went through there like. Dysgraphia: when a child writes with ...

    IMHO, it is important not to overdo it, so as not to completely kill self-esteem. When mine begins to perform, that, they say, he cannot do better, I propose to see how he drew / wrote at the age of 4 and 5 :) I partly agree about "fashion". When 50% of children (I personally know such a case) are diagnosed with dysgraphia ... Overdiagnosis comes to mind. And the teacher's wish primary grades push the children to a speech therapist :))

    12/14/2006 11:33:32, LaMur

    How to teach to write correctly. Educational programs. Children education. How to teach to write correctly. We wrote a quarter dictation in 3/3. And in general he does not write correctly, rewrites badly.


    In general, for self-study it is good to use the Russian language CD from the "Family Tutor" series. This series begins with the second grade. The advantage of this program is that it is focused on individual approach- you work on what you can't do (there are diagnostic, correctional tasks that explain the material, examination, sound dictations with subsequent verification). The series is made up to grade 7 (each grade has its own CD).
    If in primary school This is enough effective remedy, then already in the sixth grade, the efficiency of use decreases (the volume is large, and to work out each rule separately is to waste time).
    Therefore, now we are studying according to the book by N.B. Samsonova "How to improve literacy: The system of spelling and punctuation classes for students in grades 8-11 / Ed. By PA Lekant" .- M .: TsentrKom, 2001. I bought the book from the publishing house itself (t. 973-20-64). The advantage of the book is an individual approach (the ability to determine your level of literacy and, depending on it, determine the procedure for working off errors, all spelling patterns are combined into a single spelling table, and most importantly, reasoning schemes are given in complex rules).

    Can be learned with dyslexia and dysgraphia>. Dysgraphia: when a child writes with mistakes. In such cases, I do not understand only one thing: how did you survive to grade 3 without any doubts and torment?