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    How to become an interesting source for the company. How to be an interesting person

    "I longed to communicate - I wanted to talk to someone. Over time, I began to realize what you need to do something to withstand loneliness. If I continue to be alone in silence, it would just be crazy. " These words belong to a person who has seen a single conclusion in a single conclusion and was deprived in one of the most important needs of a person - communication.

    Indeed, it is very important to speak! Everyone is so arranged. This is an indispensable way to express feelings. For example, if you want a spouse to know how it is expensive for you, you need to talk about your feelings. But for many communication is not the lungs, a big work that is often avoided.

    What obstacles may arise on the way to art of an interesting conversation or communication? How to become an interesting interlocutor?

    Talked with himself. An interesting interlocutor, however.
    author unknown

    Obstacles to the conversation

    1. Shyness

    One of the most complex problems towards communication. Shy people themselves closes themselves from others. Why? Perhaps they were brought up in, in which they did not particularly communicate with each other, but, on the contrary, they separated from others.

    2. Insecurity

    Many people may experience fear from what they look stupid, or they are afraid to get under the shower of criticism. Therefore, they believe that it is much easier to avoid conversation with others.

    3. Complex of inferiority

    This is the case when a person does not mind talking, but considers himself a "unable loser", so prefers silently suffering.

    There is another side of the medal: many people feel free to communicate, but when they say another, they tend to interpret, thereby depriving their interlocutors of joy from sincere communication.

    How to overcome these difficulties and learn to talk with others interesting and warmth?

    Listen, interest, be careful

    If you find it difficult to say, do not despair. In fact, you know much more than you think.

    And if you often catch yourself thinking that no one wants to listen to you or you are not interested, analyze how much you can listen to. To maintain a conversation, it is not necessary to constantly speak.

    Both interlocuts should speak. In this case, you need to be guided by the principle: "Take care not only about your needs, but also about the needs of another."

    For this:

    • integet to others, their mental state. Early before talking about yourself or ask for anything, ask about the activities of the interlocutor, for example: "How do you feel?" Or "can I help with something?";
    • pay attention to the facial college - she talks about the feelings of another more than his words.

    The not surpassed interlocutor can bring to despair, that is wordless - to a crime.

    But what to do if you talk with those who are not strong in conversation?

    Anyway, let's the interlocutor of the opportunity to express your feelings. To do this, ask tactful questions. Suppose you speak with the elderly.

    Inspake him about how much peace has changed or family life since his youth. In addition to what you know a lot, you will make a pleasant companion.

    How to become an interesting person and develop charisma

    In society, and especially among public individuals, people who do not have spectacular appearance or high status are very often found, and in general, at first glance, you will not say that such a person can be demanded in the team, have many friends and acquaintances. Nevertheless, from the first minutes of dating it becomes clear that this person is an incredibly interesting person, with his charm attracting people to him. In such cases, it is customary to say that a person is very charismatic.

    The view is widespread that Harizm is impossible to develop as some skill, and that this nature feature is given to people from nature. This is a certain proportion of truth, the predisposition to charismatic behavior allows person to behave more confidently, at ease and naturally, but this does not mean that unhappy dooms deprived of this gift are doomed to stagnation outside the social circle.

    In order to take the first step towards becoming, it is necessary to perform one simple action that, despite its simplicity, is stubbornly ignored by many people. We are talking about the development of a good attitude towards yourself, you need to love yourself, take all the shortcomings and weaknesses, and then try to focus on the advantages.

    In love, you should not look for selfish motifs, because it is absolutely natural. To love herself does not mean exalcuting over all others, it is necessary to understand that a person who is not able to love himself does not have any chance to earn the love of another person.

    Just starting to respect himself, a person becomes open to the adoption of love from the outside.

    The next step directly follows from the previous one. Respect for yourself automatically increases self-esteem, and this is very important for successful interaction with others. It is impossible to become a charismatic personality if numerous complexes, fears and other consequences of understated self-esteem become on the way. Next to the charismatic and sociable person, others also begin to feel more relaxed, relaxed and relaxed.

    A closed man for his behavior makes others feel embarrassed, and as a result, with such a clamped man trying to stop chatting as soon as possible. You do not need to try to be someone else, because it is impossible to bear all my life, and you will not run away from ourselves. It is much easier to be yourself, to stop shy your drawbacks, and this is a lot of work, which has done only by attaching considerable efforts.

    As you know, any skill develops in the process of training. It is impossible to learn how to cook well, play on a musical instrument, understand the technique, only on the basis of theoretical knowledge. The same applies to the ability to communicate and have surrounding. To develop this skill, it is necessary to communicate a lot with different people, preferably with strangers. Such training will help to form the ability to quickly navigate in the conversation, and a pleasant bonus will be the emergence of new acquaintances, and maybe friends.

    Smart and well-completed interlocutors are much easier to support any conversation, therefore, and communicate with such people more pleasant. It is necessary to read a lot of literature on a variety of topics, people very thinly feel well-read and have respect for such a person.

    Thus, a worthy and fair attitude towards themselves, we will be transferred to themselves and on the people around us. If the attitude is positive, then the return in the interaction will be positive. It is necessary to follow the golden rule and refer to people as much as possible to get the same in return, then no problems will arise.

    Video: how to be an interesting interlocutor in any situation

    10 tips, how to become an interesting person and interlocutor

    Pay attention to people who belong to the circle of your communication. Agree that some of your friends attract more attention to themselves, they are listening more, they are sympathetic, and others remain unnoticed, even if they make attempts to be in the spotlight.

    Obviously, few people will be pleased with the society of a bullish, permanent, who has retired from the life of a person. After all, the interlocutor in the process of communication, I want not only to speak myself, but also to learn interesting information for yourself, to charge the energy from the partner.

    In order to like people, it is necessary to be an interesting interlocutor. Following our advice, you will feel that your life is filled with paints, saturated with events, the experience accumulates, the circle of dating is expanding.

    1. Become a good interlocutor

    • Learn to listen carefully;
    • Ask questions to the interlocutor, so you will demonstrate that his story is really interested;
    • Express your emotions about what he heard. For example: "I am outraged by his act ...", "How did you do it ...", "After all, it is so beautiful that everything happened to you ...";
    • Support the conversation with interesting facts from life, books, articles;
    • No ridicule, over the feelings of the interlocutor;
    • Do not consider, do not insist, but advise and recommend.
    What to talk about familiar about.

    3. Have your own hobbies

    When you are passionate about you, you have eyes burn, emotions are overwhelmed, you are full of energy that is transmitted to others.

    4. Experiment and share your results and experience.

    It will be useful for others, you will be grateful.

    5. Do not sit at home

    Visit more different events (exhibitions, concerts, lectures, meetings, sports). There you will definitely see something interesting, meet friends, perhaps you will get acquainted with someone. You will have a lot to discuss with friends.

    6. Register on social networks

    Connect to your friends more people, even if you are not familiar with them, find groups of our like-minded hobbies.

    Put interesting photos on your page, join the discussion, express your opinion.

    7. Communicate with a variety of people.

    Do not be afraid of new acquaintances. Know if you are active, you are interested in other people. You want to listen, your opinion and experience is valuable and useful, do not doubt.

    8. Be sure of yourself

    Remember that you with your own peculiarities, with your "cockroaches in the head" are unique, therefore, others are interesting. If all people on Earth were the same, we would all get out of boredom.

    9. Give sports

    Yes, it is not easy, especially if you have never even done the charging before. But it is not necessary to reduce yourself with simulators, if it does not like it and not for your pocket. You can start with quick walking or running.

    People who are engaged in sports are always more confident in themselves, more energetic.

    10. Watch out

    The first thing that rushes into the eyes is the appearance of man. Watch out for clothes, shoes, hairstyle, makeup. Try not to be old-fashioned and not dress tasteless.

    If you do not like today's fashion, you need to explore the rules for selecting the classic wardrobe and follow them.

    Remember that trying to become interesting for others, you will, first of all, will become interesting for yourself. As a result, you will enjoy self-esteem, you will stop attending sad thoughts, because of the variety of interests and workloads of fascinating affairs, you will have no time to cry, and there is no need. Life will be filled with paints and meaning.


    Remember that as it should be difficult to communicate with others today, you can always fix it. Do not forget that the best incentives for the conversation is friendliness, tactfulness and good sense of humor.

    Develop similar qualities in yourself, and communicate with you much more interesting!

    Support any conversation, add dialog to the facts, decorate the speech by successful verbal turnover and quotes - is a whole art that a person is learned from early childhood. We learn to listen to the interlocutor, catch the thought and support it, using the information that we receive daily from the media. It is very important to be able to competently build your thoughts and express them during the conversation. Oratoric art makes us a charismatic, awareness and wise man. Let's find out how to become an interesting interlocutor and what to do for this.

    Fighting internal "I"

    If at least one complex is sitting inside you, then he can make you clamped and unsure. An interesting interlocutor is first of all the one who was able to carefully work on himself. If you are shy, modest, cowardly and unsuccessful person, then this article is for you. Try to spend a little experiment: Take a sheet of paper and mentally draw a line in the center. In the first grade, write down all your positive qualities and hobbies, in the second - all your fears and complexes. Take a look at the list and surprise: after all, in the first column there will be a minimum of 5 interests that partly make you happy. Each hobby can paint into something more and ambitious that your complexes will eventually defeat.

    Right Society

    You will not learn how to become an interesting interlocutor if you try to get everyone and everyone. Sometimes you do not notice that people surround you, whose hobbies are in the root differ from your inner "I". This can manifest itself as ignoring the interlocutor or comments on your address that you are not interested in and boring you.

    First, analyze how your worldview coincides with the surrounding society. Then simply change the circle of communication. Do not know where to find it? Visit concerts, museums, sporting events, poetry evenings, needlework courses or foreign languages. Improving your interests in reality, developing them, you will notice how your environment changes, amazing people who want and will listen to you with extinguishing.

    If your partner is a man

    Men love smart, they like it when the interlocutor can support any conversation. It is not necessary to be limited to the fact that men are a strong floor who are fond of sports, fishing and cars. First of all, the male part of the Earth is the same representatives of the human race, which are fond of cooking, and cinema, and literature, and animals. To become an interesting interlocutor for the male half of the population, you should not pretend that you like the dialogue, and do not try to pull out any intricate facts. It is enough to be open, to arrange a partner to yourself and do not be shy to share your hobbies. I remember this simple advice, you will know the truth, how to become an interesting interlocutor for a man.

    If your partner is a girl

    Girls are a wonderful floor. They are mysterious and romantic, dreamed and fragile. Girls, as a rule, love ears, so for such an interlocutor you must find a specific approach. First, listen carefully every story. If you are bored in the middle of the story, then perhaps it is not your partner. Secondly, not all girls love fashion, animals and photos. Many are fond of fishing, hunting, mechanical engineering, and someone much better than men repairs household appliances. Here the principle is simple: to learn how to become an interesting interlocutor for the girl, it is necessary to be competent and read. You can hit the girl only by facts, knowledge and non-standard thinking, and not just beauty, strength and solid character.

    Books for self-development

    Many begin with small and wonder: "What books to read to become an interesting interlocutor?" It is enough to understand that you should develop constantly, and for this you need and read literature, and watch scientific programs, and attend interesting events, and travel, and communicate with various people. Literature in this case will help to know only the theoretical part of the spectrian art, but not more. After reading the books, you need to communicate to learn how to hone the skill. We present to your attention the top 10 literary masterpieces that will help you know the human nature and take a look from the ideal interlocutors:

    What do you need to be an interesting interlocutor? Become more open. You will not be able to attract attention if you are closed in your cocoon. Open people, learn to trust them, do not be afraid to tell about your hobbies, desires and dreams. But no one talks about being annoying and strive to conquer the hearts of all others.

    If you do not know how to become an interesting interlocutor, then you will have to learn to talk about yourself. If you are clamped and closed in yourself, then a slight exercise will help you: write out stories from your life on a piece of paper, carefully read. Try to present the thoughts and feelings on paper that you can not tell out loud.

    Do not be afraid to express your opinion and defend your personal point of view, do not be afraid to ask about the activities of the interlocutor and give advice if you are asked. Keep confident and proudly, do not lower your eyes and head. Feel free to make compliments and call the interlocutor by name. Performing all these tips, you will learn how to become an interesting interlocutor.

    Throughout life, people are often asked deep questions, which are not so easy to find the answers. Each person in its essence is a thinker and sage. We often create problems themselves, which turn into entire philosophical dilemmas. We all wish to society and yourself. And what is needed for this? Probably, you should be an interesting and very instructive person who throughout his life is improving and strive for his goal. How to be interesting for society? Let's deal with it once and forever!

    How to change your life to become an interesting and happy person?

    Try to constantly receive new knowledge, do not sit in one place. You probably have a friend or friend with whom it is incredibly interesting to conduct a dialogue. And you did not think about why? Perhaps your interlocutor lives a very interesting and rich life - he has many entertaining stories and adventures, he boldly speaks, smiles and impress a generous person. Believe me, you are exactly the same! You just need to reveal your potential. So let's start changing your boring life right now!

    You need to drastically edit your routine of the day. And why, actually start? Let's imagine how you are going to work: you get up in the morning, clean your teeth, breakfast, dress up, go out of the house and go to work on the already familiar and boring route. Don't you think that you have become a little robotic? Each step from this consecutive chain is predictable, and this is already uninteresting a priori.

    Let's fix it! Waking up in the morning, do a light charge (run, gymnastics, aerobics, fitness). Physical training well raises mood for a whole day - you will constantly be vigorous and on a positive. Then proceed to breakfast - use only that food that is good for health and which you like. Very banal council, however, if you act according to this plan, you already eliminate a significant part of the negative from the coming day. After the meal, we leave home and choose the most unusual route for yourself. Let you be late for a few minutes to work, but your emotional reserve has been replenished with new places and impressions.

    Stop paying ourselves "Black Mirror"

    In the century of modern and information technologies, people stopped being "alive." Whoever takes, everyone has gadgets with a set of rich and interesting features. Undoubtedly, the latest technology began to make life much easier, and this is at least interesting, but smartphones, tablets and laptops catastrophically absorb our lives. Some people are simply dependent on the devices, so this hobby should be limited to some time.

    Also, it is not necessary to neglect the real living human communication, because it is here that the answer to the question of how to be an interesting person and the interlocutor is being stored. Disconnect the phone! Let for a few hours, day or week - it does not matter, most importantly, do it. The world has an infinite number of classes that are waiting for you. Meet dawn together with friends and loved ones, go to the Chinese restaurant, take a walk on puddles in uninterrupted shower. All these absurd and sometimes infantile things make you more interesting as an interlocutor, a friend or relative.

    How to be always interesting? Be generous!

    A truly interesting person always spreads to the surrounding man. You must constantly share your finds with others. If you managed to satisfy your life with exciting events, it is always worth showing the initiative in their narration. Sometimes those things that seem to be obvious to you will become a real discovery for your interlocutor. For a long time forgotten - this is something new to others. Sociable and generous man never forgets his ideas, they multiply with

    Never postpone important things for tomorrow. The courage and perseverance will turn your life into an endless series of exploits. A sad and boring person is tend to wait, and he himself does not fully understand what. A happy person does not know what the "insurmountable obstacle" is! Go to those places where you are waiting for where you have to find yourself: Sit the phone does not make sense - call, wait for the invitation is also not an option - invite yourself, turn ideas in the events, help others, and it will be easier to live easier. This is how the soul of the company and the whole core of the society become the soul.

    Stop striving to ideal, because it is simply no! There is nothing perfect in the world, as no "normal" people. Each person has a number of shortcomings, complexes and oddities. Some suffer from it, and others do not give values. And who is right? Such answers are not waiting for any questions. Own shortcomings and oddities need to be able to take, and sometimes proudly demonstrate! This is the concept of personality.

    An interesting person is always unique, because he remains himself! His pride and individuality demonstrate power and dominance within socium. Stop apologize for your difference from others, because there is nothing wrong. Your views and values \u200b\u200bare inherent only to you and more to anyone, they should not be changed for the sake of public opinion. This does not mean that you should not give a damn on everyone, because in this case everyone will simultaneously appear on you. This suggests that you prove the vitality of your own solutions to society: you are expressing what you know what you know what you know, and live as you think necessary. And you will not need a big niche for this - enough and a small block of land, in order to stick its flag.

    How to be an interesting man in communicating with women?

    • Provide the impression of a successful and not fearing the difficulty of a person.
    • Let's give delivel advice and offer your help.
    • In communicating with women, behave like a real gentleman.
    • Never joke overly went.
    • Try as much as possible to be expressed alone.

    Tips for men on how to be interesting. A woman is very easy to seize if you follow the following rules:

    • Show and show your respect for wonderful sexers, they appreciate it and feel.
    • Never do and do not speak much too much - a real man must be responsible for his words.
    • Remember all the little things and details that your interlocutor describes in order to further prove that her words are not empty for you.
    • Respect her borders that she defined for himself about your love and attention.
    • Show bravery and fearlessness.
    • Make her unobtrusive compliments.
    • Be yourself.

    In communication with people, it is extremely difficult for us to understand what time we become boring, because we really tell you about interesting facts and believe that this is the best thing to tell a friend or friend. If a person begins to take a glance and simply yawning, then try to finish your story immediately, perhaps he also wants to speak. Overly long a story about yourself, loved, quickly bored, not in vain say that the best interlocutor is a good listener.

    How to win the interlocutor?

    How to be interesting in everything to keep the listener? Try to ask as many questions as possible to quickly find common interests. In case of victory, your dialogue will turn into a mutual pleasure, where you will with excellent pleasure you will exchange experience and experiences.

    Rule three stories

    The interlocutor is rarely interested to listen to how many megapixels on the camera of your phone. People always have real life stories that have ever happened to you. Try to always have a couple of adventures from personal experience, which are filled with emotions and exciting events. After all, no wonder society adores various dramas and reality shows. Talking your story, try to keep the interlocutor in constant tension, so that he looks forward to hearing, how will your narration ends.

    Is the charisma?

    How to be an interesting and charismatic interlocutor? The definition of charisma became some kind of ambiguous. People interpret the meaning of this word in different ways, bringing into it those epithets that themselves invent. Some boldly argue that with charisma is born, while others believe that it can be trained. But here is an interesting fact: In 1966, the team of British scientists conducted a study, as a result of which it was revealed that at the moment of dialogue, people pay only 7% of their attention to the meaning of the narrative, and the rest of the attention was directed to facial expressions and gesticulation. From here we can conclude that a good mood, smile and explanatory gestures are able to increase the interest of your listener.

    How to interest the interlocutor? How to become interesting in conversation? How to attract people and be able to communicate with any interlocutor? We will tell about all this in our article.

    If you want to be interesting for the interlocutor - talking to him that he is wondering, copying his behavior to him and be similar. After all, people like interlocutors who have similar interests - so read a simple theory, accessible to understand everyone. And really, what's the difficult thing here?

    But, as often happens, one of the theory is coming out, and in practice - completely different. Not all people can find common interests and common topics for communication, and just do not always understand the topic that the interlocutor says. Therefore, if you suddenly have such a problem, several practical advice is presented below in order not to be a boring person and interest the interlocutor in a conversation.

    1. Your interlocutor of interests consists of several categories: "People", "place", "time", "values", "process", "things". Usually people have several favorite things about which they love to speak, and the rest do not cause them much interest.

    2. In order to be an interesting companion, it will be useful to determine the categories that are interesting to him. To do this, listen to what the interlocutor says, if you have not started a conversation yet, or as an option unobtrusively ask his interests, try to prove to him your resemblance and find common points of contact.

    3. In the conversation, try to determine the nature of your interlocutor (just do not succumb to the first impressions) and his mood is currently. It will help you avoid conflicts and presenting yourself in a disadvantage.

    4. Your drawbacks better imagine how the continuation of your advantages, unobtrusively emphasizing them, you can even with humor. This will help you not to scare away a person and make a positive idea of \u200b\u200byou as a person who does not hide its drawbacks, but also does not put them

    5. For a better understanding in practice, it is also worth getting acquainted with each type of people individually, in order to determine the type of the interlocutor on time and adapt to it.

    So let's go:

    1. The interlocutor who is interesting people will first of all speak of the environment, some personalities. It is important to him who he communicates with how to communicate with him and what is his environment. He loves to express the opinion of other people.

    2. The interlocutor who is interested in the place is primarily interested in the space in which it is located, and things that surround it. Perhaps he traveled a lot, and he likes to talk about his beloved attractions and places in your city.

    3. The interlocutor who is interested in time will be, oddly enough, be interested in time and timing. All that is connected with the flow of time - its horse. Maybe you will hear in conversation his last story about how he left the house late and almost late to work, or nostalgia in the old time in which he lived.

    4. The interlocutor who is interested in values \u200b\u200bwill tell you about her view on the world and, perhaps, compare them with others. He can act in his own way, if appreciates personal freedom, and make an unpleasant job because "so necessary." Typically, such people look at the world of pragmatically, looking for in all means, for themselves and, maybe others.

    5. The interlocutor who is interested in the execution process and the sequence of execution will ask you about what he needs to do, but how to do it. He can have good matching skills and analysis, and lay everything around the shelves, acting step by step. In addition, keep in mind that for most people the enjoyment and emotions from doing any matter are also important.

    6. The interlocutor who is interested in items will pay attention to the items around him. He will surely turn attention, where there is a TV and what is the TV, in his speech you can often hear the names of any things, perhaps not only material, but also spiritual.

    It is worth noting that the interests of people can make combinations, and the fully clear type you will not meet anywhere.

    And the main advice that can be given in this article - more practices and your own experience. Use the theoretical knowledge you get, but make your own conclusions.

    Are you telling an exciting story and see that people yawning? Perhaps this story is not as interesting as you think. Try to complete it and give to speak out to others.

    2. Head listen

    Let the interlocutor tell about yourself. Ask him oncoming questions. Strange, but people who like most of all, always say a little.

    3. Discuss the interests of the interlocutor

    Ask a person about him, ask different questions and discuss them. You are already 80% close to please. If you are well versed in the passion of the interlocutor, you can easily support the conversation. If not, ask him in more detail. He will tell with great pleasure.

    4. Keep three stories in stock

    People are not interested in the function of your new phone. What really turns them out, so these are the real events that happened to you. Therefore, always have three stories that can be told. They must be exciting and emotional. Let the interlocutor be wondering what happens next minute.

    5. Develop Harizm

    In this word invests so much sense that it becomes difficult to understand its true meaning. Someone says that with born, and someone believes that this personality property is produced by years. But that's what's interesting: research The Heart Of Social Psychology: A Backstage View of A Passionate ScienceIn 1967, spent in two psychologists in 1967, proved that in a conversation only 7% of attention is paid to the words. The rest falls on the tone of speech and body language.

    Laugh, smile, be emotional. Do not forget about gestures and do not rely only on words.

    6. Live an interesting life

    Communicate with different people, read more books, watch movies, travel. The most correct way to become an interesting person is to live an interesting life. And believe me, it will give you much more than just the opportunity to be a good interlocutor.