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  • Nazarova Integrated Education Genesis and Implementation Problems. The introduction of inclusive education. Organizational forms of integrated training

    Nazarova Integrated Education Genesis and Implementation Problems. The introduction of inclusive education. Organizational forms of integrated training

    One of the most disturbing trends of the XXI century was the steadily increasing number of children with health problems, including children with limited features. Problems of education of these children in our country are very relevant. Currently, inclusive education is the leading direction in training and education of children with disabilities. An inclusive education model involves the creation of a barrier-free learning environment for children with special needs educational environment To their needs and the provision of necessary support in the process of joint training with healthy peers.

    Inclusive (Franz. Inclusive - inclective, from Lat.include - I conclude) or included education - the term used to describe the process of learning children with disabilities in general education (mass) schools. The concept of "including education" is a form of learning in which students with special needs:

    a) attend the same schools that their brothers, sisters and neighbors;
    b) are in classes together with children of one with them age;
    c) have individual, corresponding to their needs and opportunities educational purposes;
    d) Provided by the necessary support.

    Eight principles of inclusive education are distinguished:

    1. The value of man does not depend on its abilities and achievements.
    2. Each person is able to feel and think.
    3. Each person has the right to communicate and to be heard.
    4. All people need each other.
    5. Genuine education can be carried out only in the context of real relationships.
    6. All people need support and friendship of peers.
    7. For all students, the achievement of progress is more likely to be in what they can do than that they cannot.
    8. Variety enhances all directions of human life.

    Foreign experience and Russian practice recent years Convincingly testify to the effectiveness of joint training of children with disabilities, children with disabilities and healthy children, however, today we can identify a number of inclusive education problems:

    1. Lack of regulatory documents regulating inclusive training. The legal basis for inclusive education is the documents in which international norms in the field of education of disabled children are identified, such as the "Convention on the Rights of the Child" (1989), "World Declaration on Survival, Protection and Development of Children" (1990), "Standard Rules To create equal opportunities for people with disabilities "(1993)," Declaration on the Development of Compliant Education "(1994) and others. However, at the federal level, the law "On the formation of persons with disabilities" is not adopted, there is no provision on inclusive training, where the rights and obligations of the educational institution and parents would be identified.

    2. Insufficient preparedness of pedagogical personnel working on an inclusive education model. Mass school teachers who have never come across the peculiarities of learning children with various health problems often do not have the necessary knowledge, techniques and special methods educational processEven despite the fact that advanced training courses have passed. Teachers do not have the necessary qualifications for the correction of violations available in the child and to engage it into the educational process. In addition, some teachers are opponents of inclusion because it gives them additional difficulties, but does not bring substantial material remuneration. Consequently, inclusive education must be accompanied by special support for teachers, which can be provided both within the school itself and outside it. It can be organized:

    Tuters for inclusive education (liberated by teacher with special education);
    - organization of professional dialogue between specialists who have special knowledge and teachers working with children who have limited health opportunities;
    - holding pedagogical councils;
    - consulting external specialists (from rehabilitation centers, speech therapy services, special schools and etc.);
    - improving the qualifications of teachers (lectures, seminars, trainings, conferences, etc.).

    3. The unpretentiousness of society to the adoption of children with disabilities, manifested in the presence of negative social attitudes towards children with development problems. In particular, in the reluctance of parents of healthy children, they teach them together with children with disabilities. In addition, parents of healthy children have concerns that inclusion will reduce the quality of learning their children and care for children with disabilities will be made to the detriment of care for other children. All this indicates the need for medical and psychological and pedagogical enlightenment of the entire population and special learning Parents, healthy schoolchildren, teachers aimed at changing all participants in the educational process of schools of stereotypes in relation to children with disabilities.

    4. Insufficient financing of inclusive educational institutions. There are not enough special technical training for children with special educational needs. With the inclusion of children with disabilities in the educational institution, it is necessary to provide special technical means and equipment, in particular, deaf and weast-hearing children - high-quality electro-acoustic equipment; children with impaired musculoskeletal system - wheelchair, ramps, elevators; Children with violations - special innovative technical means.

    It is necessary to equip medical offices, the Cabinet of therapeutic physical culture, sensory rooms, rooms for speech therapy and correctional classes with defectologists and psychologists working on an inclusive education model.

    5. Lack of a system of medical and psychological and pedagogical and social accompaniment of children with disabilities in school. The inclusion of a child with disabilities in general educational institutions Ensures constant support of the educational process in terms of inclusion. This means that without special teachers working directly at the mass type school, inclusion is impossible. The educational process with children with limited health opportunities involves constant and targeted accompanies by psychologists, social teachers, speech therapists, specialists-defectologists, taking into account individual features Child. This accompaniment involves not only a special correctional and developing work with children in individual and group form, but must and work with the administration of an educational institution, a pedagogical and children's team, parents.

    To solve the designated actual problems of inclusive education, it is necessary to adopt a comprehensive program for the development of inclusive education in Russia. Further development Inclusive education is associated with improving the regulatory framework, financial, logistical and personnel support this process. The effectiveness of inclusive education depends on the possibilities of the child, the desire and assistance of parents, as well as the presence of qualified psychological and pedagogical and medical accompanies at all stages of training.

    1. Special pedagogy: studies. Manual for studies Higher. studies. institutions / ed. Nazarova. -M. : Publishing Center "Academy", 2009. -359 p.
    2. Rud N. N. Inclusive education: problems, searches, solutions. Toolkit. - M.: UC "Perspective", 2011.- P. 4.
    3. Kuchmaeva O. V., Sabitova G.V., Petryakova O. L. Problems of development of inclusive education in the capital // Education of schoolchildren. - 2013. - № 4. - P. 3 - 11.

    Teacher of inclusive school.

    The state guarantees any child the right to receive free general Education. Pedagogical integration involves the collaborative life of children who have deviations in the development and their normally developing peers in an educational institution.

    One of these changes was the development of ideas to ensure equal access to education as one of the social values \u200b\u200bof various categories of persons with disabilities, overcoming the barriers to public discrimination and the development of the community, including "different as equal".

    Inclusive education it is one of the components of the polycultural education.This is a new area of \u200b\u200bpedagogical knowledge that attracts not only specialists, but also wide

    layers of the public. Thus, education for everyone and for everyone is one of the current challenges of modernity. It requires the creation of the most accessible and efficient educational spacewhich will be organized taking into account all the individual characteristics of students and inclusion in it not only students, but also teachers, parents and specialists of the helping profile. One key is a teacher who can create and maintain an inclusive process. Such a look at the person and the conditions for its self-realization and adaptation in the world can not not change the ideas of education, its goals. The requirements for the teacher's professionalism are changed. Professionalism suggests that the teacher accurately represents the strategic goal of his activities, can see this goal in specific conditions, thus formulating the task. The teacher owns a wide range of means of solving such tasks and can, how to choose requirements Of the already available and create new ones. He implements all its actions in a certain value frame, guided by the professional ethical code and personal value system. It remains to add that all its actions he does not affect the concept, but consciously, reflecting and improving its capabilities. And last: a professional knows that he is a professional, and this fact is the subject of his self-esteem.

    The internal beliefs of the teacher-professional can be represented as follows: "I know why and what I do; I see the way to achieve your goals; Clearly know the borders, including ethical, their actions. I know that I know how to solve the challenge in front of me is good, beautiful, gracefully and I like it. I'm professional".

    Tasks in front of the teacher:work with gifted students; work in the implementation of the school of inclusive education programs; teaching Russian students for whom he is not native; work with students of mass schools that have problems in development; work with deviant socially launched students who have serious deviations in behavior; Monitoring and examination of quality learning, relevant international standards, etc.

    The content of the professional pedagog standard.

    Pedagogical activity on the design and implementation of the educational process in general education organizations, including features such as learning, education and development. Pedagogical activities for the design and implementation of general education programs, which include features such as pedagogical work in the pre-school educational organization, in primary school, subject-pedagogical activities for the development and implementation educational programs general secondary education.

    In the educational process, the teacher of the future should: to own forms and methods of learning, beyond lessons (laboratory experiments, field practice). Use special approaches to learning in order to include in the educational process of all students: with special needs for education; gifted students; students for whom Russian language is not native; Pupils with disabilities.

    IN educational process Teacher's teacher should: own the forms and methods of educational work, to use them both in the lesson and in extracurricular activities; effectively regulate the behavior of students to ensure a safe educational environment; To put educational goals contributing to the development of students, regardless of their origin, abilities and character, constantly search for pedagogical ways to achieve them.

    In accordance with the principles of inclusion, according to a new standard, the teacher must: be able to communicate with children, recognizing their dignity, understanding and taking them; To be able to design and create situations and events that develop the emotional-value scope of a child (the culture of experiences and value orientations of the child); Be able to build educational activities taking into account the cultural differences of children, age and individual characteristics, support children's team Business friendly atmosphere.

    Requirements for professional competencies necessary teacher for developing activities.The most important of these includes: the willingness to take different children, regardless of their real educational capabilities, features in behavior, mental state and physical health. Availability of a professional installation for the provision of any child, the ability during observation to identify a variety of problems Children associated with their features of their development, the ability to protect those whom they do not accept the children's team. An important competence of the teacher needed to implement the process of incorporating a child with special educational needs, the ability to draw up jointly with other specialists a program of individual development of a child and monitor the dynamics of the child's development.

    The requirements for any teacher and the educator repeated in the standard: work in the implementation of inclusive education programs; teach students in Russian students for which he is not

    is native; Work with students who have problems in development. The standard puts forward and requirements for the personal qualities of the teacher, inseparable from its professional competencies, such as: readiness to teach everyone without exceptions, regardless of their inconsistencies, abilities, features of development, limited opportunities.

    In a certain sense, the demand of the professional standard is a social and state order to professional activity Teacher in the realities of the modern school, including inclusive.

    In an inclusive school without a reflexive and creative attitude of the teacher to teach a child with disabilities with disabilities, it is almost impossible to provide its qualitative accessible education.

    The new type of professional school's professionalism is to perceive, hear and listen to the children themselves and in the ability to interact with colleagues, work in a team, the ability to be in the situation of uncertainty, when there are no ready-made answers to emerging issues, in the ability to exhibit research interest in The subject area of \u200b\u200bthe sphere of knowledge in which it works. Good teachers are not born - they become. Of course, it is impossible to make everyone ingenious teachers, but it is absolutely accurately possible to teach teachers to be effective and fulfilling their work well.


    1. Aliehina S.V. Preparation of pedagogical frames for inclusive

    education // Pedagogical journal. 2013. No. 1 (44). P. 26-32.

    2. Hidden E. Extralling World. How globalization changes our lives.

    M.: The whole world, 2004. C. 318.

    3. On the way to the inclusive school. Manual for teachers. USAID, 2007.

    Nazarova N. Integrated (inclusive) Education: Genesis

    and implementation problems // Social pedagogy. 2010. No. 1.

    4. Modovanov P.V., Yarska-Smirnova E.R. Disability policy: Social citizenship of persons with disabilities in modern Russia. Saratov: on

    scientist book, 2006.

    5. Olshakova I.I., Yarska-Smirnova E.R. Integration in differentiation conditions: problems of inclusive teaching of children //

    Sockeological problems of the formation of atypical children. Saratov: Ped. Int SSU, 2002.

    Psychological readiness of the teacher to inclusion

    In the context of the development of inclusive education, the emergence of new requirements for professional abilities, the activities of the teacher are significantly complicated. Professional activity is associated with the peculiarities of the psychological readiness of the teacher to change.

    Since psychological readiness is the condition of the effectiveness of the professional activity of the teacher. In this regard, an important psychological limiter of the teacher's activities is the uncertainty of the learning outcome. Then the teacher appears a sense of uncertainty in their efforts. The main question arises from teachers, which we will teach these schoolchildren.

    Teacher's thoughts are not focused on the individuality of the child, its capabilities and resources. The installation on achieving success in learning. As a result, the unwillingness of the teacher will appear in the inclusive class, the resistance of the idea of \u200b\u200binclusion in education, disbelief in its success and the possibility. One teacher will not be able to cope with this problem without the help of specialists: special and pedagogical psychology, in the area of \u200b\u200bcorrectional pedagogy, methodical service Schools and her leaders. The implementation of an inclusive approach changes the individualization of teaching children with special educational needs. First of all, students with disabilities are falling. The competence of an inclusive school teacher is the ability to work with children with different learning opportunities.

    The experience of teachers is associated with the understanding of their own lack of knowledge in the field of correctional pedagogy. With ignorance of forms and methods of working with children with disabilities in development. For this teacher undergo professional preparation. The introduction of the practice of cooperation and joint teaching of common and special teachers will allow to destroy the psychological barriers of the teacher, builds a new perception of a child with disabilities.

    Psychological readiness of the teacher is the emotional adoption of children with various types of disorders in development, motivational attitudes of the attitude towards the idea of \u200b\u200binclusion, personal readiness of the teacher.

    Interest in this regard represent the results of the study. Institute of Inclusive Education Institution MHPUs, which took part 640 teachers secondary schools Moscow, working in inclusive practice. As part of the study, the following types of psychological readiness were studied: motivational, emotional, readiness for inclusion, satisfaction with professional activities. Motivational readiness of teachers includes a set of motives, adequate to goals and tasks of professional activities. Based on the research data, 38% of teachers are oriented primarily on personal achievements of students, 26% - on their own satisfaction, that is, the inner motives of the teacher are put on the first place. At the same time, objective factors showing the success of the teacher's activities, such as student performance and successful participation in subject Olympiads, are noted only in 13% and 9% of teachers, respectively. That is, they are not for teachers leading motives in assessing their own professional performance. The relationship of external "experts" has a feeling of the teacher of his own effectiveness. The assessment of the school's management was noted only 3% of teachers, and 11% responses.

    The results suggest that teachers are focused on internal motives, and it is they defining in the preparation of teachers to inclusive education. Thus, it is required to work with the internal motivation of teachers, which includes, first of all, analysis and reflection of their own experiences, the needs associated with the work.

    In the field of emotional adoption of students showed that teachers in more than Ready for the adoption of children with motor disorders than children with intellectual disorders. Children with intelligence disorders are the most problematic group. For them, it is necessary to use an individual adaptive learning program. The satisfaction of this category of children is related to obtaining them specially organized and implemented by special methods of labor learning, socio-cultural adaptation in society.

    The teacher's professional confidence, emotional and motivational readiness to work in terms of inclusion depends largely on the help of specialists and school administration. Properly built work on the preparation of the school to implement the inclusive process.

    An individual adaptive program should be developed, a complex of monitoring studies associated with the dynamic assessment of the psychological parameters of the Inclusion process in a general education institution and in the system as a whole.

    The teacher of inclusive learning sees, hears, perceives children with HSA. Also finds out of any uncertain situation. Show interest in the subject area of \u200b\u200bthe knowledge of the knowledge in which it works.

    The article is devoted to the issue of readiness of teachers of general education schools to implement the inclusive education of children with disabilities in the mass school conditions as one of the main issues that require the development of advanced training programs and psychological support of the participants of the inclusive process. Here are the data illustrating the main parameters of the professional and psychological readiness of teachers to incorporate a "special" child in a general education process. The professional difficulties of the mass school teacher associated with knowledge deficit about the specifics of the development of children with special educational needs, methods and technologies for working with them, as well as the psychological difficulties of their emotional adoption are described. Special attention by the authors pay issues of the development of a system of comprehensive support for teachers of general education, entering into an inclusive process, from experts in the field of correctional pedagogy, special and pedagogical psychology. The article rises the question of the need to develop a complex of programs for the dynamic estimate of the parameters of the inclusion process in general educational institutionsOne of which, according to the authors, should consider the readiness of the teacher to professional activities in the conditions of inclusion.

    Alekhina S.V., Alekseeva M.N., Agafonova E.L. The readiness of teachers as the main factor in the success of the inclusive process in education // Psychological science and education. 2011. No. 1. P. 83-92. Copy

    Fragment of the article

    Inclusive education, which is intensively included in the practice of modern school, sets a lot complex questions and new tasks. Foreign practice of inclusion in education has a rich experience and legislative consolidation, while Russian experience is just beginning to develop and develop. According to ideal canons, inclusive (including) education is a process for the development of general education, which implies the availability of education for any child, which provides access to the formation of children with special needs.

    Inclusion covers deep social aspects of school life: a moral, material, pedagogical environment is created, adapted to the educational needs of any child, which is possible to provide only with close cooperation with parents, in the cohesive team interaction of all participants in the educational process. Here people need to work, ready to change with the child and for the sake of a child, not only "special", but also the most common. For children S. OPS Principle Inclusive education means that the diversity of students with disabilities should correspond to the educational environment, which is the least limiting and most comprising for them. Implementation of this principle means: 1) All children should be included in the educational and social life of the school at the place of residence; 2) the task of an inclusive school - to take a system that meets the needs of each; 3) In inclusive schools, all children, and not only children with disabilities are provided with support, which allows them to be successful, feel safety and relevance.


    1. On the way to inclusive school: manual for teachers. USAID, 2007.
    2. Nazarova N. Integrated (inclusive) Education: Genesis and Implementation Problems // Social Pedagogy. 2010. No. 1.
    3. Romanov P. V., Yarska-Smirnova E. R. Disability policy: Social citizenship of persons with disabilities in modern Russia. Saratov, 2006.
    4. Lisakova I. I., Yarska-Smirnova E. R. Integration in differentiation conditions: problems of inclusive education of children with disabilities // Socio-psychological problems of the formation of atypical children. Saratov, 2002.
    5. Shcherbakova A. M., Shemanov A. Yu. Discussion issues of the child's identity development with intellectual failure // Psychological science and education. 2010. № 2.
    6. Federal State Standard of Primary General Education. http: // mon.
    7. Yasvin V. A.. Educational environment: from modeling to design. M., 2001.
    8. Lipsky D. TO., Gartner A. Achieving Full Inclusion: Placing The Student At The Center of Educational Reform // W. Stainback and S. Stainback (EDS). CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES Confronting Special Education: Divergent Perspectives. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1991.

    Novikova Tatyana Vladimirovna

    « Actual problems inclusive education "

    Inclusion is a joint training of children with special educational needs with their normally developing peers.

    The domestic education system for a long time shared children on ordinary and disabled people. Disabled children could not get an education and embody their abilities on a par with normally developing children. Children with disabilities (OBAs) are always affected by discrimination and alienation. Most of these children are trained in special (correctional) educational institutions. These institutions have created all the conditions necessary for such children.

    Children with ABS should have the same opportunities with other children in obtaining education. There is a need to include a form of training that creates children with OWS optimal learning conditions.

    The spread of inclusion on children with ABS in educational institutions is another step to obtain an affordable education. Inclusive education gives the right to meet its need for each child.

    The purpose of inclusive education is to provide equal access to education and the creation of the necessary conditions for achieving success in the formation of all children. To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve a number of problems such as:

    1. The problem of the rejection of children with OVD;

    2. The problem of denying an idea of \u200b\u200binclusive education;

    3. The problem in the presentation and implementation of approaches to children with HSAs;

    4. The reluctance of most parents teach their normally developing children together with children with OVD;

    5. Negative attitude of normally developing children to children with ABS;

    6. The exercises of the socio-psychological adaptation of children with ABS.

    When solving these problems, children with ABS will show a higher level
    social cooperation with its normally developing peers compared to children who are in special

    Speaking about inclusive education, it should be noted that it is not only the creation of technical conditions for learning children with OVD, but also

    accounting for psychophysical abilities of the child. High-quality psychological and pedagogical support should be organized in educational institutions, as well as a special moral and psychological climate inpedagogical and student teams.


      Korkunov V. V., Bryzgalova S. O. Modern model special Education In the context of the integration of the child with special educational needs with the general education medium //
      Special education: scientific-method. journal / Ural. State Ped. University, Institute of Spec. Education. Yekaterinburg, 2006. No. 7. P. 7-12.

      Mafeev, N.N. Integration and special educational institutions: the need for change / N.N. Malofeev, N.D. Schmatko // Defectology. - 2008. - № 2. - s. 86-94.

      Nazarova N.M. Integrated (inclusive) Education: Genesis andimplementation Problems "// Scientific Methodological Journal" Correctional
      pedagogy". - 2010. - №4 - s. 40.


    The article discloses the activities of the social teacher to address the problems of inclusive education in a specific educational organization. The activities of the social teacher to address the problem of regulatory support for inclusive education may include: the provision of practical legal assistance; an increase in the legal culture of the subjects of the inclusive educational process; examination of legal regulation of relations; Participation in the development of local regulatory legal acts. To solve the problem of social partnership, the main directions are: the formation of public opinion; establishing and maintaining links with social groups and organizations interested in the social and pedagogical aspects of inclusive education; Ensuring the legal space of social partnership. When organizing the maintenance service, the professional activities of the social teacher lies in the implementation of traditional directions, taking into account the characteristics of children with disabilities and their parents.

    maintenance service.

    social partnership


    social teacher

    inclusive education

    1. Lysenko E.M. The attitude of teachers for inclusive education // Inclusive education: experience and prospects: Materials of the International. Scientific practice. conf. (Saratov, October 14-17, 2008). - Saratov: IC "Science", 2009. - p.318-323.

    2. Mikhailina M.Yu., Saifullina L.R. Inclusive education of children with disabilities and children with weakened health // Inclusive education: experience and prospects: Materials of the Intern. Scientific practice. Conf. (Saratov, 14-17 Nov.2008). - Saratov: IC "Science", 2009. - p.336-344.

    3. Nazarova N. Integrated (inclusive) Education: Genesis and Implementation Problems // Social Pedagogy. - 2010. - №.1. - S.77-87.

    4. Naumenko Yu.V., Naumenko O.V. INTEGRATED EDUCATION: Harmonization of the child's relationship with disabilities and peers // Social pedagogy. - 2013. - № 4. - S.57-66.

    5. New value values. Parents and school - partners. - M.: 2004, Issue.1 (16). - 130 s.

    The humanization of foreign pedagogy and psychology, in many ways due to liberal-democratic reforms, and at the same time, the creation of new pedagogical technologies associated with the acquired technological and information capabilities, contributed to the development of the theory and practice of inclusive education abroad, which began in the second half of the twentieth century. Recently, in Russia, interest in inclusive education is increasing, characterized by a change in social and political consciousness: from the culture of utility use to the culture of dignity, to recognition of unconditional value for society of any human person.

    We will specify that under inclusive education understand "... not only the active inclusion and participation of children with disabilities in the educational process of the usual school, but to a greater extent the restructuring of the entire process of mass education as a system to ensure the educational needs of all children."

    Inclusive education has several advantages. In relation to children with disabilities - this is an improvement in their social integration (more rich curricula, the development of activity and independence, stimulating the formation of social skills and skills, the activation of compensatory mechanisms, etc.). In relation to ordinary children - the promotion of their moral and moral development, recognizing the intrinsicness of each person.

    However, it is necessary to emphasize that the advantages of inclusive education can be implemented when overcoming a number of existing problems. Analysis of research (for example, N. Nazarova, E.M. Lysenko, M.Yu. Mikhailina, L.R. Saifullina) allows you to highlight the following groups:

    Problems of regulatory support: the availability of legislation covering all aspects of inclusive education;

    Professional and personal readiness of the teacher of the educational organization for teaching children with disabilities: the presence of knowledge about the age and personal development of children in the conditions of an inclusive educational environment, the ability to differentiate educational difficulties of students, design and flexible implementation of the educational process, taking into account the correctional and developing potential of its components , adoption of children with disabilities, etc.;

    Organization of learning children with disabilities related to the content of education (modification curriculum, adaptation of training programs), with forms of training (drawing up by specialists, teachers and parents of individual classes of classes), with funds and methods of training (complete set of dispensing didactic material, allowing to participate to all children in educational process in accordance with their characteristics);

    Creation of a certified educational environment, including material and technical equipment (ramps, lifts, hospitals of therapeutic physical education, psychomotor correction, etc.);

    Social partnership, including the moral and ethical relations between the subjects of the inclusive educational process (which includes a tolerant attitude towards children with disabilities in a children's and adolescent environment, the attitude of the parents of ordinary children to inclusive education);

    Organization of the service of medical and social, psychological and pedagogical support, including specialists and teachers;

    Special preparation for work in the conditions of inclusive education of teachers and specialists of the mass system of education in the system of higher and secondary vocational education;

    Prevention, early detection and early integrated assistance to children with disabilities and their families in order to facilitate the follow-up integration of the child.

    Thus, the solution of a complex of problems of inclusive education is a complex multi-level process requiring consolidation of the efforts of specialists from various profiles. A key figure of inclusive education is a teacher possessing, as indicated above, basic and special competencies. There is a need to increase the staff of medical personnel, the introduction of the positions of the speech therapist, a flawthologist, a massage officer, a physician of the LFC, psychologists of different specialization, special attention is paid to the work of the second teacher in the educational process and the tutor. Personnel support puts new problems. By emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive approach, we want to meet the work of the specifics of the professional activities of the social teacher in terms of inclusive education. We proceed from the following arguments. The post of social teacher was preserved in the staffing of many educational organizations. And most importantly: the purpose of this specialist determining the remaining components of professional activities is the successful socialization of the child. Thus, the social teacher already has certain professional opportunities for solving the problems of inclusive education in a specific educational organization.

    The solution to the problem of regulatory legal support of inclusive education at the level of the educational organization is associated with the implementation of the social teacher's security-protective function.

    To protect the rights and legitimate interests of the child, the social teacher must have regulatory competence. Its continuous developmentrences occurring in the federal and regional legislation in the field of education, the formation of regulatory support for inclusive education. Therefore, work with legislative acts, regulatory documents, periodic printing, Internet resources is an important component of the professional activities of the social teacher. Another feature is the existence of legislatively regulated technologies (algorithms) protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the child.

    In the context of inclusive education, the child's rights to education and health should be administered first. The activities of the social teacher may include several directions: the provision of practical legal assistance (representing the interests of the child, the implementation of the protection of the violated rights of the child, etc.); an increase in the legal culture of the subjects of the inclusive educational process; Examination of legal regulation of relations related to education by children with disabilities; participation in the development of local regulatory legal acts aimed at promoting the ideas of inclusive education and its regulation.

    Another important problem of inclusive education, in the decision of which the social teacher can play a crucial role, -Social partnership as a full-fledged productive interaction of the school, the public and parents, adults and children.

    Ensuring partnership is in itself an important and difficult to implement the condition for the development of a modern educational organization, the implementation of inclusive education significantly increases its complexity. We will reveal this thesis. Partnerships can be disclosed as follows: this is "... A method of voluntary interaction for the sake of achieving common (or relatives) goals and joint solving problems based on mutual respect and recognition: equal rights of subjects (participants) of interaction and communication ...; Own interests of each of the participants, their sovereignty, autonomy and independence; the needs of the development of uniform action methods and the norms of behavior and following them. Based on the specified understanding of the partnership, it becomes clear why inclusive education makes it even more difficult to interaction: not all parents of ordinary children consider the necessary training in the usual educational organization of children with disabilities. So, Yu.V. Naumenko and O.V. Naumenko provides data from the poll of Russians in 2012 by the public opinion fund, which was attended by 1,500 respondents from 43 subjects Russian Federation. Anti-integrated (inclusive) formation is 35% of respondents; At the same time, 26% of respondents are confident that the joint training of disabled children and ordinary children will lead to a deterioration in the quality of education; 39% of respondents are convinced that ordinary children will feel bad when learning along with disabled people. The problem is exacerbated due to the fact that, through the traditional socialization mechanism, children assimilate their views, beliefs and demonstrate their hostility towards children with disabilities.

    When solving the problem of social partnership in inclusive education by the main directions of professional activities of the social teacher, from our point of view, are: the formation of public opinion; Establishment and maintenance of relations with social groups and organizations interested in the socio-pedagogical aspects of inclusive education; ensuring the legal space of social partnership. We note some aspects of the specified areas of professional activities of the social teacher.

    The formation of public opinion is associated with the disclosure of the values \u200b\u200bof modern education, the feasibility and the possibility of an inclusive educational process. Understanding the information received, the emotional response to it contribute to the adoption of values. Moreover, it is necessary to start discussion with parents and school students. It is they who determine the focus of public opinion.

    The educational organization establishes and maintains systematic relations with social groups and organizations of various spheres (the scope of publication of society, economic activities, social protection, education and socialization of minors, etc.). To the objectives of establishing and supporting the social educational institutions, can be attributed to the consolidation of values and opportunities. This is, first of all, ensuring the external support of the educational organization with inclusive education in the implementation of social obligations. Special attention is paid to the organization of volunteer activities with attracting both adults and children, while the social teacher should be monitored by the condition in which the volunteer can serve as a reference to the relationship for other entities of the inclusive educational process (reliance on the leading initiative, moral satisfaction, etc.).

    When providing a social teacher of the legal space of the partnership, it is important to bring acts of interaction between social partners in compliance with existing legal norms, professional assistance is also needed in the development of their own regulatory documents specifying and regulating their relationship.

    Another key problem of inclusive education, in the decision of which great importance Has professional activities of a social teacher, - organization of the service of medical and social, psychological and pedagogical support. Systematic activity of specialists of the maintenance service is possible as involving them in educational organizationand on the basis of interdepartmental interaction in the presence of the contract and the plan of collaboration. Thus, the social teacher, being an employee of other institutions, can be involved in an inclusive educational process. The specifics of the professional activities of the social teacher in the maintenance service lies, in our opinion, in taking into account the characteristics of children with disabilities, the health of their parents when choosing a content, forms, methods and techniques for the implementation of traditional directions for this specialist, for example, prevention of psychoactive substances or the prevention of juvenile offenses .

    Summing up, we hope that our article can make a certain contribution to the work on the development of models of professional activities of specialists - subjects of an inclusive educational process. And once again emphasize the importance of multidisciplinary team approaches as the basic principles of professional activities of social educational conditions of inclusive education only increases.


    Aleksandrova E.A., Dp., Professor of the Department of Methodology for Education Faculty of Psychological and Pedagogical and Special Education FGBOU VPO "Saratovsky state University name N.G. Chernyshevsky "Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Saratov;

    Shamionsm.m., D.PSH.N., Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Psychological and Pedagogical and Special Education FSBOU VPO "Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky "Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Sratov.

    Bibliographic reference

    Kirilenko N.P. The specificity of the professional activities of the social teacher in solving the problems of inclusive education // Modern problems of science and education. - 2014. - № 6.;
    URL:\u003d16642 (date of handling: 09/19/2019). We bring to your attention the magazines publishing in the publishing house "Academy of Natural Science"