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  • International Humanitarian Law. Responsibilities of medical personnel in armed conflicts Civil War and Professional Doctor's Responsibilities

    International Humanitarian Law. Responsibilities of medical personnel in armed conflicts Civil War and Professional Doctor's Responsibilities

    It should be emphasized that the implementation of professional duties with medical personnel in armed conflict is regulated by international humanitarian law, which is confirmed by the provisions of the Geneva Conventions and additional protocols to them.

    The main provisions of international humanitarian law were confirmed by the Four Geneva Conventions, adopted on August 12, 1949, and two additional protocols to the Geneva Conventions adopted on June 8, 1977:

    * Geneva Convention for the Improvement of the Fate of Wounded and Patients in the Army;

    * Geneva Convention on the improvement of the participants of the wounded, patients and faces injured, from the composition of the Armed Forces on the sea;

    * Geneva convention on the handling of prisoners of war;

    * Geneva Convention on the Protection of the Civil Population during the war;

    * Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949, concerning the protection of victims of international armed conflicts;

    * Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949, regarding the protection of victims of armed conflicts of an internationally international character.

    Currently, the Geneva Convention is recognized as more than 150 states, i.e. Almost all international community, so they are mandatory international standards. Medical staff working in the conflict zone must comply with the requirements of the Geneva Conventions and additional protocols to them, since their violation is a violation of international humanitarian law, for which responsibility and certain sanctions are provided.

    Duties of medical personnel

    Medical workers who are attracted to assist in armed conflict, should know and clearly fulfill the following duties.

    1. In any circumstances, to act humanely, it is responsible to fulfill their duty as Meld conscience.

    The principle of humanity, compassion for victims is one of the fundamental principles of international humanitarian law.

    2. Medical staff providing their services during armed conflict is obliged, as in peacetime, comply with the principles of medical ethics.

    He must fulfill the basic rules of the Geneva Oath, adopted in 1948 by the World Medical Association, in accordance with which the doctor should:

    * Perform professional duties in good faith and with dignity;

    * not to disclose trusted secrets;

    * Do not allow any religious, national, racial or political discrimination in the fulfillment of your debt;

    * recognize the absolute value of human life;

    * Even under threat not to use medical knowledge against the laws of humanity.

    The World Health Organization and the International Committee of Military Medicine and Pharmacy in 1957 approved the "Rules of Medical Ethics for Wartime" and "Rules for Help Help and Patients in Armed Conflict", which confirmed the principle of unity of medical ethics in a peaceful and wartime.

    3. With persons who directly take part in hostilities or failed, it is necessary to contact humane.

    Thus, the wounded, patients, the victims of the shipwreck, prisoners of war, the civilian population in the territory of the enemy or the occupied territory should be used by respect and protection, the appeal to them should be humane.

    4. Care is provided without distinction, for any reason, except for medical.

    The principle of providing assistance, without any discrimination - the fundamental principle of international humanitarian law. The doctor should see in the wounded patient, and not "his" or "enemy". The ingrediency of assistance is determined exclusively by medical requirements, a conscience of a doctor and medical ethics. Special attention should be paid to the most vulnerable groups of victims: children, old men, pregnant women.

    5. Persons under the protection of conventions are prohibited from subjected to any medical procedure, which is not shown for their health, as well as exposing any medical, biological or other scientific experiments.

    Especially strict control in this area implements international humanitarian law. This is due to the crimes against humanity during the Second World War. It is necessary to exclude any experiments on those who are in power of the enemy.

    6. It is necessary to respect all the wounded and patients.

    If the patient is able to consent to treatment, the doctor must receive it before proceeding with treatment. At the same time, actions that can cause damage to the health of the patient (for example, medical experiments) are prohibited, even if the patient gives consent to them.

    7. Medical personnel committing violation of international humanitarian law is subject to punishment.

    In medical personnel, working in the zone of the armed conflict, is a big responsibility. It should be aware that violation of international humanitarian law can cause the most severe consequences not only for victims of this violation, but also for the very medical personnel. Serious violations are officially considered military crimes, they are subject to criminal prosecution regardless of time and place of the commission.

    Personal rights

    1. Protection of medical personnel while fulfilling their duties.

    It should be noted that, fulfilling its duties in the armed conflict zone, medical personnel enjoys the protection of international humanitarian law, Geneva Conventions and additional protocols. Protection is provided with medical personnel provided that it is exclusively implementing humanitarian tasks assigned to him, and only during their execution. In addition, during this period, medical personnel must comply with a number of crucial requirements.

    * Have identification signs and documents.

    All medical personnel members who use the protection in the armed conflict zone should be clearly visible distinctive sign (for example, a large red cross on the chest and back or for civil defense personnel - a blue equilateral triangle on an orange field) and have an identification certificate of the established sample according to additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions.

    * Comply with neutrality in armed conflict.

    Medical staff should refrain from any hostile actions or any interference in hostilities.

    * Have only personal weapons and use it exclusively for self-defense and protect their wounded and patients.

    Weapons can be used to prevent acts of violence against medical personnel or wounded and patients, as well as to maintain order in medical institutions.

    2. Medical staff can not be punished or prosecution for their fulfillment of professional duties in accordance with medical ethics.

    This means that medical activities, if it is carried out in accordance with medical ethics, under any circumstances, regardless of who is assisted, cannot be a reason for violence, threats, persecution and punishment.

    3. It is not allowed forcing medical personnel to commit actions incompatible with medical ethics.

    This provision complements the previous one. Medical personnel can not be forced to take action against wounded and patients incompatible with the provisions of conventions, protocols and medical ethics.

    4. It is not allowed to coordinate medical personnel to the provision of information about the wounded and patients.

    Medical staff has the right not to give information that can harm injured, patients or their families. However, if the domestic legislation of one of the parties to armed conflict forces medical personnel to provide information, it provides its leadership to further permit the situation.

    5. Immunity from capturing. The following categories of medical personnel are used by this right:

    * Medical personnel sent by the International Committee of the Red Cross;

    * Medical personnel of the neutral state, provided by one of the parties in conflict;

    * Medical staff of hospital ships and sanitary aircraft.

    It must be emphasized that the Convention and Protocols provide special rights to medical personnel sent to the zone of armed conflict in order to ensure the implementation of the most important task - to assist the wounded and sick.

    The experience of organizing medical and sanitary assistance to the population in local armed conflicts suggests that it is carried out taking into account the situation of hostilities and the creation of the necessary grouping of medical forces and funds. For these purposes, medical institutions and the formation of the Medicine Service of the disaster, th, other ministries and departments, as well as various international and humanitarian organizations can be involved. In their work, they must comply with the requirements of medical ethics, international humanitarian law and high professionalism to provide medical assistance to victims.

    In turn, the World Health Assembly also does not remain indifferent to the legal problems of medical personnel participating in armed conflicts.

    So, on its 10th World Medical Assembly in October 1956 adopted "Rules for the time of armed conflict"

    medical armed conflict right

    General rules for the time of armed conflict

    The requirements established by the International Code of Medical Ethics "of the World Medical Association are acting both in peacetime and during armed conflicts. The greatest responsibility of the doctor is a professional debt, in the implementation of which, first of all, should be guided by its own conscience.

    The main task of the medical profession is to keep health and save lives. Therefore, for doctors is considered unethical:

    B. Weaken a person physically or mentally without explicit medical attention.

    C. Use scientific knowledge in order to encroach on the health and life of people.

    During hostilities, as in peacetime, experiments on people limited in their freedom are prohibited, in particular, in prisoners and prisoners, as well as on the population of occupied areas.

    In emergency situations, the doctor must always provide the necessary assistance regardless of gender, race and nationality of the patient, his religious beliefs, political addictions and other similar criteria. Medical actions should continue as much as necessary and possibly.

    The doctor must provide medical confidentiality.

    The doctor is obliged to distribute those at its disposal, the privileges and conditions of patient content only in accordance with medical testimony.

    Rules for helping patients and wounded, especially during armed conflicts

    BUT.Under all conditions, each person - civil or military - should receive assistance in which he needs, regardless of gender, race, nationality, religion, political addictions and other non-medical criteria.

    Any interference that may cause damage to the health, physical or mental integrity of a person is prohibited if it is not directly justified from the medical point of view.

    IN.In urgent situations, doctors and auxiliary medical personnel are required to provide immediate help as well as possible. For a doctor, there can be no differences between patients, in addition to the state of the state of the state (urgent (or urgent) states, a group of diseases requiring urgent medical intervention (often surgical), the failure of which threatens serious complications or a fatal outcome for a given patient).

    Doctors and medical staff should be guaranteed protection and assistance necessary for the free exercise of their activities and the full performance of professional debt. They should be provided with freedom of movement and complete professional independence.

    The execution of medical duties and debt under no circumstances can be considered as a misdemeanor. The doctor should not be pursued for compliance with professional confidentiality.

    Doctors, performing professional duties, wear a special distinctive emblem: Red Snake and Staff on a white background. Using this emblem is governed by special rules.

    And at its 55th session, paragraph 13.2 of the agenda, the World Health Assembly adopted the following resolution - "Protection of medical missions during armed conflict", which says:

    Fifty-fifth session of the World Health Assembly, reminding and confirming the resolution WHA46.39, entitled "Medicine-sanitary and medical services on time of armed conflict";

    reaffirming the need to promote and ensure compliance with the principles and norms of international humanitarian law and guided by the relevant provisions of the 1949 Geneva Conventions and their additional protocols of 1977 as appropriate;

    realizing that over many years, approaches based on international humanitarian law and respect for human rights led to an improvement in the protection of medical personnel and their recognized emblems during armed conflict;

    deeply concerned about the recent reports of increasing cases of attacks on medical personnel, institutions and branches during armed conflicts;

    alarmed degree in which the civilian population suffers from the lack of medical care due to attacks on health staff and other humanitarian personnel and medical institutions during armed conflicts;

    aware of the adverse effects of such conflicts for high-priority public health programs, such as an expanded immunization program, the struggle against malaria, tuberculosis;

    recognizing the benefits of cessation of fire agreed for national immunization days as appropriate;

    i am convinced, in accordance with international law, to ensure protection against attacks on health staff, hospitals, health facilities and infrastructure, ambulance machines and other medical vehicles and communications systems used for humanitarian purposes,

    1. Calls upon all parties to armed conflicts to fully comply and carry out applicable norms of international humanitarian law, protecting civilians and combatants who do not participate in hostilities, as well as medical, nursing and other health staff and humanitarian personnel, and comply with the provisions governing the use of the Red Emblem Cross and Red Crescent and their protective status on international humanitarian law;

    2. Urges Member States to condemn all health personnel attacks, especially those that impede the ability of such personnel to carry out their humanitarian function during armed conflicts;

    3. Urges Member States, United Nations System Organization, other intergovernmental and non-governmental bodies that are actively working in the humanitarian field or in health care, to promote actions that ensure the safety of health personnel;

    4. It also urges the parties to the conflict and humanitarian assistance to ensure that ambulances, other medical vehicles, health care facilities or other structures that promote health care personnel have been used only for humanitarian purposes;

    5. Invites the Director-General:

    (1) to promote the protection and respect of personnel and healthcare facilities;

    (2) maintain close relationship with the competent organizations of the United Nations system, including UNICEF, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Activities, the Bureau of the High Commissioner for Refugees and the Bureau of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, together with the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Societies Crescent and other relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental bodies in order to facilitate the implementation of this resolution;

    (3) to extend the present resolution widely.

    Currently, in Russia, the following document has been operating in Russia: "Guidance on international humanitarian law for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (approved. Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation 08.08.2001), which regulates the rights and obligations of medical personnel in armed conflicts:

    Art. 58. Medical and spiritual staff enjoys respect and patronage and cannot be an attack object if this personnel did not perform actions beyond his professional (medical or spiritual) duties, and refrain from participation in hostilities. Protection can be terminated only after a warning with the establishment in respective cases of a reasonable time and after such a warning has not been taken into account.

    Art. 59. Medical and spiritual staff detained by the party in conflict in order to assist the prisoners of war will not be considered prisoners of war, but at least will be advantageous to the adequacy provided by the prisoners of war. They will continue to fulfill their medical and spiritual duties in the interests of prisoners of war, by the advantage of those belonging to the armed forces, which they are listed.

    Art. 60. To ensure the protection of possible encroachment on physical integrity in the implementation of medical (spiritual) duties, the conservation of individuals of medical and spiritual personnel is carried out. If necessary, they provide the possibility of visiting prisoners of war and conduct correspondence on medical (spiritual) activities.

    Art. 61. The captured temporary medical personnel of the enemy (the personnel of the armed forces, specially trained for use as sanitation, sealing or portraits for the search, selection, transportation or treatment of wounded and patients) receives the status of prisoners of war and can be used to perform its medical functions in accordance with the level of its special training.

    Art. 62. The captured spiritual staff of the enemy should be able to freely fulfill their responsibilities until the holding side itself is able to provide spiritual assistance. Provisions related to the captured medical personnel of the enemy are applied by analogy to the captured spiritual staff.

    Art. 63. It is prohibited to attract detainee medical and spiritual personnel to the fulfillment of works that are not related to its medical or spiritual duties.

    Military doctors in the army - the figures are very distinguished. With honor, they include both ordinary and the highest officer composition, considering doctors with people smart, intelligent, "intelligent."

    Middle salary: 45000 rubles per month




    Input barrier


    Becoming a military doctor means to be prepared for the need to help the wounded soldier at any time of the day. Such a profession requires a person's character and cold-blooded person. During the battle period, the doctor turns into a wizard who saves the lives of fighters. But how to get the appropriate specialty? This article describes the mechanism of admission to profile universities with further advancement of the career ladder.


    Military medicine has a rich centuries-old history. In ancient Egypt, there were special tents on the battlefield, which tied out wounded soldiers. Long before our era, in Greece and the Roman Empire, there were separate unarmed brigades that were evacuating from the warriors of warriors with injuries, and provided them with basic assistance in more safety.

    On the territory of Kievan Rus during military campaigns, soldiers used specific tents (ubolls) performing the feature of the first aid point. Here, the warriors tied orders and stopped bleeding.

    On the territory of the modern RF, military medicine has been actively developed in the XII-XIII centuries. However, the official specialty appeared in 1620. At this time, the first military charter of Russia was issued - "The Book of Military about all shooting and fiery tricks". The document was clearly prescribed by the organizational nuances of the Regimental Medical Service, taking into account all the legal and financial foundations of the profession of a military doctor.

    In 1798, the Medical and Surgery Academy is based on the decree of the emperor, which becomes the first higher education institution in St. Petersburg and all Russia, where military doctors are engaged. In the XIX and XX centuries, the active development of the specialty continues in accordance with the ever-changing conditions for the conduct of hostilities. The use of innovative types of weapons forced field doctors to quickly adapt to new conditions and to invent new approaches to the treatment of wounded soldiers.

    An important role in the formation of military medicine was played by N.I. Pies, which in 1847 for the first time in the conditions of hostilities applied ether anesthesia, which significantly improved the quality of the emergency assistance.

    Description and Characteristics of the Profession

    Despite the romantic halo, which gives the profession of movies and books, to be very difficult to be crowded. Such work provides for the possession of deep knowledge in medicine with a parallel fulfillment of all the responsibilities of an ordinary soldier. The main task of the doctor during hostilities is to provide emergency care for wounded comrades. In the peaceful period, the emphasis is placed on ensuring the relevant army divisions with the necessary drugs and conducting preventive work.

    Medical workers in the troops are enough. These are Sanners, Feldshera, Sanitars. However, the doctor can only be an officer. Therefore, all doctors are not lower than younger lieutenant.

    The advantages of the profession of a military doctor can be attributed:

    1. Respect on the side of colleagues. Often, the junior officer commander of the part is drawn as to equal me, which emphasizes the importance of the profession.
    2. Free studies with further advanced training. In peacetime, about a third of all the time of military service, coming up to a variety of courses and trainings to improve the theoretical and practical skills of the Doctor.
    3. Privileges, which are provided by the state for military personnel.

    Despite the indicated advantages, it must be remembered that the coin always has two sides. Military doctor should be ready to cause it at any time of the day. Doctors are often faced with difficulties in the issue of housing due to the need for accommodation in barracks. In the event of the beginning of large-scale combat clashes, the corresponding specialist will work in their very epicenter. Therefore, before choosing a profession, it is necessary to thoroughly think about all the pros and cons of such work.

    Specialty, universities and objects of the exam

    To prepare military doctors in Russia, higher educational institutions have been created, specializing in the presentation of not only the profile medical material, but also demonstrations of future graduates of all services.

    Applicants should be prepared for parallel development of fundamental sciences (anatomy, physiology, therapy, surgery) at one level with construction training, the organization of medical service in the army and the like.

    To become a military doctor, it is necessary to finish a specialized higher education institution, and we will give the list of the most popular universities below:

    1. Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov (St. Petersburg). This is one of the most popular educational institutions in the country. Here there are three basic faculties that are preparing specialists of marine, flight and ground troops.
    2. Military Academy of Rocket Forces Strategic Appointment named after Peter Great (Moscow).
    3. Tomsk Military Medical Institute.
    4. Samara Military Medical Institute.
    5. Academy of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Moscow).

    After 6 years of study, each graduate receives a diploma and the title of younger Lieutenant. Next, it is necessary to pass the internship (1 year). For admission to the relevant universities, applicants need to provide the results of the USE to the following subjects:

    • biology;
    • chemistry;
    • russian language and literature.

    It is important to remember that for admission to the relevant universities requires good physical training. Students regularly run cross, swim on time, make skiing. Therefore, learning to a military doctor - the task is not a lung.


    Military doctors become people, ready if necessary to go to the "hot point". During the hostilities, the responsibilities of the Doctor are reduced to the provision of qualified medical care in specially equipped mobile items. Depending on the provision of a specific dressing unit, operation or stopping bleeding can be carried out in a conventional tent or a full-fledged mobile hospital.

    In peacetime, a military doctor also does not sit idle. His key responsibilities are:

    • control of sanitary and hygienic standards in the division;
    • the implementation of therapeutic and preventive measures;
    • carrying out the prevention of infectious disease epidemics;
    • control of supplies of medical preparations, tools, dressing material and the like;
    • conduct medical examinations.

    The quality work of field doctors is an integral part of the prosperity of the armed forces of any state.

    Who comes up with this profession?

    Becoming a military doctor is not easy. This requires an excerpt, the ability to cope with stressful situations, readiness for the defense of the country. Traditionally, this profession choose mainly men. However, the number of women in the armed forces of many countries is growing every year.

    A good physical training remains a prerequisite for effective duties. In the presence of overweight, it is difficult to carry the service and guarantee the qualitative provision of medical services in combat terms.

    It is important to remember that the position of a military doctor is closely related to the need to participate in the appropriate teachings or hostilities. Accommodation in barracks also causes some discomfort. Therefore, the one who wishes a calm and measured family life, chooses the profession of a civil doctor.


    The wage of the military doctor depends on its title and experience. Junior officers can receive 20-30 thousand rubles per month. Over time, after growth in the career stairs, this indicator increases. In addition to the relevant fee, the doctor may additionally count on social benefits that reduce its daily expenses.

    The wage level can also fluctuate depending on the working conditions in a particular hospital or medical unit, where the doctor is functioning. Graduates of relevant universities, which are just starting work, receive an average of 10-15 thousand rubles per month.

    How to build a career?

    To date, the profession of a military doctor is becoming increasingly popular. The reason for this was a personnel reduction after reforms in the 2000s. Career development provides a clear execution of the tasks and qualified provision of medical care. An increase in the rank contributes to the growth of both respect among colleagues and colleagues and increase wages.

    Unofficially all military doctors are divided into "hospitals" and "organizers". The first group specializes in providing medical care to soldiers with all the advantages and minuses of relevant activities. The second part of the doctors is engaged in the supply of drugs, providing hospitals with the necessary equipment and other similar functions. If you have already decided which one branch is closer to you, then you need to be patient, and at first can be content with the least prestigious job. As the qualifications and the experience increases, the chances of translating into larger military units increase and, of course, wage growth.

    Prospects for profession

    The profession of a military doctor is still relevant. Even in peacetime, the state allocates big money to support the adequate functioning of the medical service in the structure of the Armed Forces. And taking into account the constantly emerging military conflicts, in which the Russian servicemen are also involved, the lack of work is not yet foreseen.

    Wage sizes may vary depending on the state policy. However, respect for people and the opportunity to participate in the protection of their own country still remain the reasons that prompted young guys and girls to enter profile medical universities. Before the final choice of profession, you need to calmly weigh all the positive and negative sides of the specialty of a military doctor and decide for yourself if it is worth it.

    International status of spiritual personnel of warring powers (O. O. O.)

    Date of placement of Articles: 03/30/2013

    In addition to the right to religion, international legislation prescribes the status of persons implementing this right of citizens in the conditions of armed conflicts, the spiritual staff of the warring parties under international legal protection. Consider some of these international legal instruments ratified by the USSR or Russia.
    The first of these is the Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war (Geneva, August 12, 1949), ratified by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet on April 17, 1954, which, in particular, contains two chapters: Ch. IV "Medical and spiritual staff detained to assist prisoners of war" and ch. V "Religion, intellectual and physical activity." They consolidate the right of prisoners of war to freedom of religion and the obligation of warring States for the implementation of these rights, to create spiritual personnel of favorable conditions for the satisfaction of the spiritual needs of persons in captivity.
    So, Art. 33 The Convention establishes that the health and sanitary composition and spiritual personnel detained by the Power of Power in captivity in order to assist the prisoners of war should not be considered prisoners of war. They will use at least the benefits and patronage of this Convention, and they will also be provided with all the features necessary to provide medical and spiritual assistance to prisoners of war. They will continue to fulfill their medical and spiritual duties in the interests of prisoners of war, by the advantage of those belonging to the armed forces, which they are following, within the framework of military laws and the charters of the Power and under the guidance of its competent authorities, as well as in accordance with their professional ethics. . When performing their medical and spiritual duties, they will also use the following benefits:
    a) It will be allowed to periodically visit prisoners of war in working teams or in hospitals located outside the camp. Captive Power will provide them with this purpose the necessary means of transport;
    b) The doctor and, equally, the priests will have the right to apply to the relevant camp authorities on all matters relating to their professional activities. These authorities will provide them with the necessary opportunities for making correspondence on these issues;
    (c) Although the detainees will obey the inner discipline of the camp in which it is located, but it cannot be forced to carry out work not related to its medical or religious duties.
    During hostilities, the parties in conflict will agree on a possible change of delayed personnel and establish the order of this shift. None of the preceding provisions exempt keeping the POLUME from the obligations lying on it in the field of satisfying the medical and spiritual needs of prisoners of war.
    As can be seen, international legislation regulates the procedure for the implementation of the obligation to fulfill the definition of the powers to meet not only the medical, but also the spiritual needs of prisoners, for which the head of the club or the deputy for educational work is attracted, and the priests, spiritual staff to which the Convention imposes certain Religious responsibilities for the satisfaction of these needs and provides them with certain empowerness to implement these spiritual duties.
    It is also noteworthy that the spiritual staff is placed together with health care in one article, doctors with priests are endowed with approximately equal empowerment to meet the needs of prisoners, both medical and spiritual. From this, it is possible to make an important conclusion that not only doctors, but also the clergymen are vital to a person during the war and the international right this recognizes and enshrines, imposing the relevant commitments on the parties to the armed conflict. After all, a person is not only the body, but also the Spirit, the soul, which, as well as the body, may need treatment, but by special - spiritual means.
    In art. 34 The Convention provides that complete freedom will be provided with full freedom to fulfill the rites of their religion, including visiting worship, subject to their disciplinary order prescribed by the military authorities. For religious services, proper premises will be assigned.
    The procedure for the implementation of the specified in Art. 34 of the convention of freedom devoted to Art. Art. 35 - 37 Conventions that establish that the ministers of the cult in the military clergy who fell into the power of the enemy power and the remaining or detainee to assist the prisoners of war will be allowed to serve their spiritual needs and freely send their duties among their units in accordance with their religious conscience. They will be distributed among various camps and workers in which prisoners of war belonging to the same armed forces speaking in the same language or belonging to the same religion. They will be provided with the necessary opportunities, including the vehicles provided for in Art. 33, to visit prisoners of war outside their camp. They will enjoy the freedom of correspondence to be censored, according to the religious matters of their cult with the spiritual authorities of the country in which they are detained, and with international religious organizations.
    Prisoners of war, which are servants of the cult, but who were not part of the military clergy in their own army, will receive permission, which would be their religion, freely send their duties among their units. In this regard, they will contact them as representatives of the military clergy, detained by the Captive Power. They will not be forced any other work.
    In cases where prisoners of war do not have the spiritual assistance of a representative of the military clergy from among the detainees or the prisoners of war - the servant of their cult, at the request of the prisoners of war to send these duties, the minister of the cult will be appointed, belonging to the religion of these prisoners of war or to similar religion, or absence Such will be appointed knowledgeable secular face, if it is permissible from a religious point of view. This is an appointment that must be approved by the Captive Power will be carried out with the consent of the community of interested prisoners of war and where it is necessary, with the consent of the local spiritual authorities of the same religion. The face appointed in this way should act in accordance with all the rules established by the Power Captive to maintain discipline and ensure military security.
    As can be seen, the indicated international legal norms that have a mandatory legal force for Russia, the procedure for the implementation of the religious rights of prisoners of war, the duties for their implementation of officials holding the Power, as well as the status and powers of the military clergy, are obligatory.
    The second-focus on the international legal act relating to the military clergy is the Geneva Convention on the improvement of the participants of the wounded, patients and faces, victims of the shipwreck, from the composition of the Armed Forces on the Sea (Geneva, August 12, 1949), also ratified by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council The USSR on April 17, 1954, this Convention also contains in Art. 37 A number of important provisions relating to spiritual personnel. So, medical, hospital and spiritual staff, intended for medical and spiritual services, in case he falls into the hands of the enemy, will enjoy respect and patronage; He will be able to continue fulfilling its professional duties until it is necessary to care for sick and wounded. Then he must be sent back as soon as the commander-in-chief, in the power of which he is, will consider this possible. Leaving the ship, he will be able to bring things with him who are his personal property. However, if it is necessary to detain a part of this personnel in connection with the sanitary and spiritual needs of prisoners of war, then all measures will be taken to plan it as shore in the shortest possible time. After landing on the shore, the detainees will fall under the provisions of the Geneva Convention of August 12, 1949 on the improvement of the participants of the wounded and patients in the existing armies.
    The third international legal act containing a large number of rules relating to spiritual personnel is the Geneva Convention on the improvement of the participants of the wounded and patients in the existing armies (Geneva, August 12, 1949), also ratified by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet on April 17, 1954. Consider only Some most important of these norms.
    In art. 7 The Convention provides that patients and wounded, as well as sanitary and spiritual staff in no way will be able to refuse, partially or completely, from the rights that the Convention and Special Agreements provide them, and Art. 24 The Convention establishes that the priests consisting in the armed forces will enjoy respect and patronage under all circumstances.
    By virtue of Art. 28 The staff in the power of the opposite side will be lingering only to the extent that this will require a sanitary condition, spiritual needs and the number of prisoners of war. Persons belonging to the personnel detainee will not be considered prisoners of war. However, they will use at least the advantages of all the provisions of the Geneva Convention on August 12, 1949 on the handling of prisoners of war. Within the framework of military laws and orders of their powers and under the guidance of its competent service, as well as in accordance with their professional ethics, they will continue to implement their medical and spiritual duties for the benefit of prisoners of war preferably from the composition of the armed forces to which they themselves belong.
    According to Art. 47 The Convention High Contracting Parties are obliged both in peaceful and in wartime to distribute the text of this Convention in their countries and, in particular, to include studying on military training programs and, if possible, civil education in order to with its principles The entire population was familiar with the whole and, in particular, fighting armed forces, sanitary personnel and clergymen.
    Thus, the above international legal norms not only provide for the creation of favorable conditions for the activities of spiritual personnel, but also establish obligations to distribute and study these norms in the troops.
    The fourth international legal act affecting the activities of the military clergy is an additional protocol to the Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949, regarding the protection of victims of international armed conflict (Protocol I), of June 8, 1977, signed on behalf of the USSR in Berne on December 12, 1977 . and ratified by the USSR Sun Resolution dated August 4, 1989 N 330-I with a statement. The protocol entered into force for the USSR on March 29, 1990
    This protocol in Art. 8 determines the content of terminology used in Geneva Conventions. In particular, it is determined that spiritual personnel means persons like military and civilians, such as priests who are engaged exclusively to fulfill their spiritual functions and gods:
    1) the armed forces of the parties in conflict;
    2) medical formations or sanitary facilities of the parties in conflict;
    3) medical formations or sanitary facilities;
    4) civil defense organizations Parties in conflict.
    Spiritual staff can be attached constantly or temporarily.
    In the same article, the protocol indicates that the distinctive emblem means a distinctive emblem of the Red Cross, a red crescent or red lion and the sun on a white background, when it is used to protect medical formations and sanitary and vehicles, medical and spiritual personnel and equipment or stocks.
    In art. The 15 protocol provides for the protection of citizens of medical and spiritual personnel, including it is indicated that civilian spiritual staff enjoys respect and protection. The provisions of the Geneva Conventions and the specified protocol relating to the protection and identification of medical personnel are equally applicable to these persons.
    Requirements for identifying spiritual personnel are contained in Art. 18 Protocol and establish that each party in conflict seeks to ensure identification of medical and spiritual personnel. In the occupied territory and in areas where the battles go, civilian medical personnel and civilian spiritual staff are recognized by the distinctive emblem and the identity card confirming their status. Article 20 of the Protocol prescribes that repressals against persons and objects that are provided is prohibited.
    Article 43 of the Protocol eliminates the spiritual staff from among combatants, pointing out that the persons part of the Armed Forces of the Party in conflict (except for medical and spiritual personnel referred to in Article 33 of the Third Convention) are combatants, that is, they have the right Take direct participation in hostilities. In art. 33 The third convention (about the treatment of prisoners of war) is about health care and spiritual staff detained by the Power in captivity.
    Thus, without being a combatant, a participant in hostilities, but being with a person in the thick of military events, the military clergy enjoys the patronage and protection of international law.
    In particular, in Art. 85, providing for the prevention of violations of the specified protocol, it is indicated that the actions characterized in conventions as serious violations are serious violations of the Protocol if they are committed against medical or spiritual personnel, medical formations or sanitary facilities under the control of the nasty side and hosting protection Protocol.
    In Annex I, the Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949, concerning the protection of victims of international armed conflict (Protocol I), sets out the rules relating to identification in which the identity card requirements and distinctive emblems are set.
    When circumstances interfere with the issuance of personality to temporary civilian medical and spiritual personnel, similar to the identity card, the description of which is given in Article 1 of the Rules, such staff may be issued a certificate signed by the competent authority, certifying that the person she was issued is entrusted to fulfill the duties as part of temporary personnel, and indicating if it is possible, the term of this purpose and the right of its owner to wear a distinctive emblem. The Help should be the names and date of the birth of the owner (or, if this date cannot be established, age at the time of issuing a certificate), the functions and personal number, if anyone is. Help must have its signature or imprint of his thumb or even.
    Depending on the instructions received from the competent authorities, medical personnel and spiritual staff, who fulfills their duties on the battlefield, should be a headdress and clothing with a distinctive emblem. A distinctive emblem (red on a white background) should be so big as justified in these circumstances. At night or with limited visibility, the distinguishing emblem may be lit or be luminous; It can also be made from materials that allow it to distinguish it with the help of technical detection tools. A distinctive emblem, when possible, applied to a flat surface or flags visible from all possible directions and with a greater distance.
    As can be seen from the above, international law pays great attention to the spiritual needs of the personnel of warring parties and regulates the duties of both the warring powers and spiritual personnel - the military clergy - to implement the religious rights of persons participating in armed conflict. In addition, international legislation prescribes including the duty of states both in peaceful and in wartime to teach the spiritual staff with these international standards, that is, a military clergy. Moreover, on the territory of conducting hostilities and in the arrangement of the enemy, the military clergy is empowered by a special legal status, protection due to the need and importance of fulfilling its mission, its professional duties towards personnel, its spiritual needs, the need to realize the rights and freedoms in the religious sector. .
    In conclusion, it should be noted that in Art. 22 of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2007, N 1495, established that the soldier is obliged to know and comply with the norms of international humanitarian law, the rules for the treatment of wounded, patients, faces, victims of shipwreck, medical personnel, spiritual persons, civilian population in the fighting area, as well as with prisoners of war.
    At the same time, nothing says the charter on how to realize his right to religion in military service, in a combat situation, when there is no full-time military clergy, and access to the secular clergy is impossible due to the specifics of military service.
    By summarizing the foregoing, it should be noted:
    1. International law suggests the presence of military clergy (spiritual personnel) to meet the religious needs of the personnel and ensuring the mental health of the troops (the removal of the emotional stress due to the combat actions).
    2. International law has priority to the Constitution and the National Legislation of Russia, and therefore Russia should ensure that the military-religious service (spiritual personnel in the face of priests) should ensure that the military-religious service (spiritual personnel in the face of priests) must provide.
    3. Russian legislation is contrary to the international military clergy in the troops in the troops, instead of which in the troops of only the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the posts of specialists in working with believers, and they do not imply the presence of a mandatory spiritual sanity in individuals replacing these posts .

    Military doctor is a person with a higher medical education that has a military rank.

    Military doctors have a special neutral position that was enshrined in 1864 by the Geneva Convention. According to the Convention, military doctors are required to fulfill medical duties, to assist victims of hostilities or armed conflicts without exception.

    In the army, military doctors are considered the most important figures. Without this category of military, the army could not exist. The doctor monitors the health of the soldiers, provides them with the necessary medical assistance if necessary.

    Responsibilities of a military doctor

    The military doctor must have commander skills and be able to organize a medical service, the ability to solve the tasks of providing medical care, both in peacetime and in armed conflict or hostilities.

    The doctor must follow the state of the health of the military, if necessary, to provide medical care or to send to a narrow specialist.

    The doctor is obliged to provide assistance to everyone without exception.

    Military doctor surgeon

    The Surgeon's military doctor carries out treatment and is responsible for the transportation of wounded from military conflict.

    Modern weapons can apply a large percentage of severe injuries to a person, which leads to some difficulties in the treatment and transport of victims during hostilities.

    Military surgeon differs from civilian treatment methods under military conflict. The doctor provides multidisciplinary help, therefore, it should be understood in all areas of surgery.

    Modern equipment, which are equipped with military field hospitals, new surgical technologies allow you to provide qualified assistance to victims and save life.

    All new types of weapons appear in the world, in scientific laboratories of military surgery, they investigate the impact of modern weapons and develop new surgical devices that can be used in military fields with minimal risk to the affected life.

    Military doctor dentist

    Military doctor dentist organizes medical care and treatment with injuries with damage to the maxillofacial area.

    In the process of learning, cadets study dental diseases and injuries, observing the state of patients in the clinic. However, with combat injuries, future military dentists do not face, which makes it difficult to conduct practical exercises and assimilation of software issues.

    Military sanitary doctor

    The military doctor sanitary supervision supervises the sanitary condition of troops, the saving of their health, the elimination of external adverse factors, and also controls the quality of food, which makes it possible to increase the professional ability of the country's army.

    Military veterinarian

    The war doctor veterinarian protects animal health in the troops, restores their suitability to the service, ensures control over the supply of meat and animal husbandry products.

    How to become a military doctor?

    The military doctor profession is not from the lungs, in order to become a specialist in this area, it is necessary, first of all, possess excerpt, military discipline, outstanding knowledge. Many military doctors have been taught from the young age to military life, most of the military lyceums are energized before entering the university.

    After receiving the certificate about the average education, the person planning to become a military doctor must enter the Medical University.

    To prepare a qualified specialist, time is required - six years of study, and one or two years internship. In addition, any doctor must regularly increase its qualifications, as medical science does not stand still, should be aware of new treatments.

    The first four courses of training can occur in any medical institute, but in the fifth year should be transferred to the Military Medical Faculty (for example, to St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy).

    Military doctors are more deeply studying items important for military (surgery, radiology, toxicology, military-field therapy), but the diploma is practically no different from a civilian doctor.

    The practice of cadets of military medical universities is held at the site of service, often young doctors have to undergo an internship in the conditions of military operations remote garrisons.

    Where do you learn to a military doctor?

    Military doctor The first four courses of training can pass at any medical university. In the fifth year, it is necessary to apply for transfer to the institute, which has the Faculty of Preparation of Military Medicines. The most famous are the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy. Kirov, State Belarusian Medical University, National Medical University. Bogomolets in Kiev.

    Preparation of military doctors

    Future military doctors are trained at the Faculty of Military Medical Cause. In the fifth year, cadets are more deeply studying the items necessary in the work of military medical staff. Young professionals learn to act and provide the necessary medical care for gunshot wounds, with toxic substances poisoning, with radioactive irradiation, etc.

    After studying the theory, a young military doctor is heading for the practice of military units, where for several years under the leadership of the supervisor will learn to apply the knowledge gained at the Institute in practice, in a real military service.

    The titles of military doctors

    After graduating from the Military Medical Academy or University, a military doctor receives the title of the Lieutenant of the Medical Service.

    Day of the Military Doctor

    Military doctor celebrates his professional holiday along with other medical workers. The day of the health worker is celebrated in the third Sunday of June.

    Call of doctors for military service

    The military doctor after the end of the Medical Academy is sent to serve under the contract. After the deadline for the contract, you can either extend the service life or leave the Armed Forces.

    Benefits of military doctors

    Military doctor after 10 years of service has the right to sign up for a queue for free housing.

    Benefits are not laid if the doctor left the service after the end of the term of the first contract, however, if the dismissal was due to reduction or illness, the benefits are saved.

    Benefits are earned by military doctors throughout the service life. After 20 years, the doctor has the right to monetary after leaving the armed forces, medical services (including family members), etc.

    Certification of military doctors

    Military doctor undergoes compulsory certification, which is an important form of material and moral stimulting staff. Certification is carried out according to the national nomenclature, taking into account the requirements and characteristics of doctors.

    The first certification is held in a military medical university, before receiving a diploma. Cadets, successfully passed certification receive a diploma on obtaining higher education in the specialty and qualifications of the Master.

    Then, after a certain period of time, doctors are certified to assign the qualification category and to confirm the qualification category.

    Salary of a military doctor

    In addition to wages, a military doctor receives survivors to salary for long service, for the special conditions of military service, etc.

    Military doctor - the profession is difficult, on his shoulders there is a medical support of the armed forces, including medical and preventive work, anti-epidemiological measures, sanitary and hygienic control, medical supplies, etc.

    The concept of medical personnel covers persons who are part of medical formations and are appointed by the warring party to fulfill exclusively medical purposes: the search for wounded, patients, facial shipwrecks, their evacuation, the establishment of the diagnosis, medical care, conduct measures to prevent diseases, and For administrative and economic support for medical formations, sanitary facilities and maintenance (Art. 8 of the Additional Protocol I) as we see, under the term "Medical Personnel" are understood not only by professional doctors, medical sisters, but also administrative and economic workers, drivers and TL. Holy Personal Personnel are appointed by the parties in conflict, on a permanent or temporary Inea. Temporary medical personnel operates only at the time of appointment, unlike permanent personnel, which is included in the structure of the Armed Forces. Medical personnel may be military or civil. But it was precisely the appointed civilian personnel of the warring party enjoys a sewn of international humanitarian law over a certain period of its work. For example, a civilian doctor who performs his professional duties during the period of armed conflict and does not have the appointment of his state for such activities, does not fall under the concept of "medical personnel" within the meaning of international humanitarian law. Of course, the procedure for appointment must comply with the internal legislation of the state exercising such an appointment. This is due to the fact that medical personnel during the period of armed conflict enjoys special rights, and since the warning state is responsible for any actions of persons relating to this category, it also implements proper control over their activities. For example, government agencies do not allow medical personnel to engage in commercial or other activities that are incompatible with its destination. The personal composition of medical formations is equal to the personal composition of volunteer assistance companies, a specially trained contingent for using it, if necessary, as auxiliary seats or porters for searching, seabling, transportation or treatment of wounded, patients who were shipwreck, authorized by their government, as well as National Societies of the Red Cross and their corresponding other voluntary societies. Persons of medical personnel may also be citizens of foreign countries that are not parties to conflict. They fulfill their professional duties by order of their government. In addition, representatives of the National Red Cross Societies or the Red Crescent Society of Nevable States may be included in the medical personnel. They tend to work under the guidance of the ICRC. The legal status of medical personnel includes the rights, obligations provided for by international humanitarian law, and liability for violation of its norms. The main purpose of establishing legal status is to ensure that medical personnel can carry out human rights entrusted to it during the period of armed conflict. Medical personnel, consisting of armed forces, is under the sewn of international humanitarian law within the framework of military laws and orders of their powers and under the guidance of its competent authorities, as well as in accordance with professional ethics, they continue to carry out their medical duties in the interests of prisoners of war preferably from those The armed forces to which they themselves belong. The main responsibilities of medical personnel are: strict compliance with the norms of international humanitarian law, a humane treatment of the victims of the war (not subject to persons relating to these categories, no dangerous procedures for their health, experiments, experiments, respect their physical and mental integrity); the rendering of wounded, patients, prisoners of war, faithful shipwreck, medical care (unwise of such assistance is a violation by persons of medical personnel of the norms of international humanitarian law); strict compliance with the principles of medical ethics, i.e. His medical duties (Art. 16 of the Protocol I; Art. 10 of Protocol II) in accordance with the "Hippocratic Oath" (460-380 BC), the provisions that are developed by -Henevskaya oath and the International Code of Medical Ethics »Developed by the World Medical Association (TL. In good faith to fulfill professional duties; with its main concern to consider the health of the patient, the wounded; not to disclose the secrets trusted by him by patronage persons; respect the value of human life; not to use medical knowledge against the laws of humanity; not allow no religious, national, racial, political or social discrimination in the performance of their debt; even under the threat of life, do not use medical knowledge against the laws of humanity); The implementation of the rules of medical ethics for military time and the rules for providing assistance to the wounded and patients in armed conflicts (approved in 1957 ICRC, the Intercursed Committee of Military Medicine and FZRMATEs, the World Health Organization and approved world medical! Association). humane and human-loving appeal without any differences with persons who directly take part in hostilities or failed; No medical procedure for preparing for the health of patronized persons, as well as medical, scientific or other experiments in their respect; Obtaining the patient's consent (if it is able to do this) for treatment, surgery associated with risk for his life. His professional duties' violations of medical personnel, as well as the commission of serious or other violations of international humanitarian law, entails disciplinary or criminal liability, which will be about the scan of international misty law (Art. 24. 28 of the Convention I; Art. 36 of the Convention II. Art. 33 of the Convention III; SG. 9 of Protocol II) ensure the protection of spiritual personnel to which the military (military priests) and civilians are related to the protection of spiritual personnel. The spiritual staff performs exclusively spiritual functions and can be permanent (to be in the armed forces) or temporary, i.e. Purchase to armed forces, medical formations, transport or civil defense organizations. If representatives of the spiritual personnel fall under the control of the opposite side, they can linger only to the extent that the spiritual needs and the number of prisoners of war are required. The persons of the spiritual personnel during the detention of non-Motong are considered as prisoners of war, but are at least the advantages provided by the Prison Protection Convention. They are subject to possible assistance in the implementation of spiritual duties, and they should not be forced to fulfill the tasks that are not compatible with their humanitarian mission. Warring powers, under the control of which are these persons, allow them to attend prisoners of war in working teams, hospitals outside the camp.

    More on the topic 2.5. Legal position of medical personnel and clergy:

    1. 42. Whether the provisions of the collective agreement are valid for which the employer (urban hospital-state institution of the subject of the Russian Federation) at the conclusion of a collective agreement has assumed obligations quarterly to index wages, to provide employees an additional leave for a long experience of work in medical personnel posts, compensate for the cost of food during working hours?
    2. 4.4. The procedural position of the person in respect of which production is underway to apply forced medical measures
    3. Forensic medical examination on professional offenses of medical professionals
    4. § 1. Concept and legal nature of forced medical measures
    5. Forensic medical examination of medical care: meaning and evaluation in civil proceedings
    6. 5. Social role of the political activity of the clergy
    7. 2. Legal basis for the appointment of medical measures and the organization of compulsory treatment
    8. American Medical Association Principles of Medical Ethics Preamble

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