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  • Fistea portal. Fiztech schools and faculties. International activities in MFTI

    Fistea portal. Fiztech schools and faculties. International activities in MFTI

    Moscow Physico-Technical Institute is the leading technical university of the country, which is included in the prestigious ratings of the best universities in the world. Here they are trained in fundamental and applied physics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, biology, computer technologies and other natural and accurate sciences. Today, Fiztech is an advanced scientific center.

    MFTI is one of the leading technical universities in Russia. The Institute prepares specialists in physical and mathematical sciences, management systems and computer science, biotechnology and high-tech technologies.

    Day open doors In MIPT online:

    Moscow Physics and Technology - Presenter technical University Russia, which is confirmed not only by the achievements of our scientists and graduates, but also high positions in international and national ratings. Today, MIPT is the only russian Universitywhich is included in the 100 best universities in the world in physics according to two international ratings at once - Quacquarelli Symonds (42 place) and Times Higher Education (78th place). Fiztech is also one of the three universities in Russia (along with MSU and St. Petersburg State University), which is included in the 100 most prestigious universities in the world.

    His founders and employees were academics P.L. Kapitsa, N.N. Semenov, S.A. Christianovich The first professors were Nobel laureates P.L. Kapitsa, N.N. Semenov and ld Landau. Among the graduates of the IFTI - Nobel laureates, Andrei Game and Konstantin Novoselov, the founder of ABBYY David Yang, one of the architects of the Pentium III processor Vladimir Pentkovsky.

    University divisions:

    • Fiztech School of Radio Engineering and computer technology
    • Fiztech School of Fundamental and Applied Physics
    • Fiztech school aerospace technology
    • Fiztech School of Biological and Medical Physics
    • Fiztech School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics
    • Fistech school of physics of materials and quantum systems

    From the very basis of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the original system of training specialists, which has been widely known as the "Fiztech system" in which is combined and complement to each other fundamental education, engineering disciplines, research and research work of students.

    Preparation is conducted in directions:

    • Applied mathematics and physics;
    • Applied mathematics and informatics;
    • System analysis and management;
    • Computer science and computing;
    • Motion control systems and navigation;
    • Biotechnology;
    • High-tech technologies and innovation economics;

    and specialty:

    • Computer security.

    Fiztech students from the first and until the last course receive a wide range of knowledge in various fields of sciences. In order to comprehensively develop the personality of students, a large number of departments were created.

    MFTI makes it possible to pass on all levels higher education - master the programs of undergraduate, specialist, magistracy and graduate school.

    The institute takes care of the full development of the individuals of its students. An organization of extracurricular work with students on the scale of the institute is engaged in the Center for Student Youth. Everyone knows how difficult young professionals find a job after graduating from the university, without having almost no experience. In order to provide the highest possible assistance in the employment of students, a Career Career was created.

    More details Collapse

    scheduleMode of operation:

    Mon, W., Wed, Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 18:00

    Recent MFTI reviews

    Nikita Mammoth 12:19 07/11/2013

    Ege I wrote brilliantly, with informatics 276, with physics 269. It remained only to choose a university. My choice fell on fistees for several reasons. First, this is a name. Open after Patriotic War MIPT was initially a faculty of Moscow State University, located in the city of Dolgoprudny (18 minutes from Timiryazevskaya station on the train), but after a time he became a world famous institution, whose teachers were such scientists as Kapitsa, Sakharov, Landau !!! Their portraits hang around the university) Secondly, ...

    general information

    Federal state autonomous educational institution Higher Education "Moscow Physico-Technical Institute ( state University)


    No. 02421 acts indefinitely from 04.10.2016


    № 02585 Experts from 04/27/2017 to 26.06.2021

    Previous names of MFTI

    • Moscow Energy Institute

    Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for MFT

    Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
    Efficiency indicator (out of 7 points)5 7 7 6 6
    Middle Screen EGE in all specialties and training forms93.43 94.45 93.08 92.90 91.99
    Middle score exam enrolled on the budget95.13 96.78 96.31 93.83 94.99
    Middle score exam enrolled on a commercial basis83.59 83.6 83.02 78.62 79.48
    Medium for all specialties minimal score Ege enrolled in full-time compartment73.78 73.3 71.74 72.14 71.46
    Number of students6240 6095 5878 5611 5326
    Full-time compartment6240 6095 5878 5611 5326
    Part-time compartment0 0 0 0 0
    Extramural0 0 0 0 0
    All data Report Report Report Report Report

    University reviews

    The best classic universities in Russia in 2009. The rating was compiled by the international information group "Interfax" and the radio station "Echo of Moscow"

    The best financial universities of Russia according to the magazine "Finance". The rating is compiled on the basis of data on the formation of financial directors of large enterprises.

    O MFTI

    Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) - one of the best universities Russian Federationin which they are engaged in training highly qualified specialists in various fields of science and technology.

    Mission and Fiztech System

    MFTI is engaged in the preparation of high-class world-class specialists who will be able to develop and implement the latest technique and technology in priority areas of development of the Russian economy. Thorough education received by students at the university allows them after graduating from the university in short time To develop the latest technologies that are used in enterprises, and non-standard approach to solving problems and tasks occurring in the workplace.

    Many MPTI graduates subsequently occupy the leading position in the world of science. And this is no accident, because at the university there is a certain system, thanks to which students practically are involved in the research activities of the university. This allows students to get high-quality education that will contribute to increasing their competitiveness in the labor market.

    The "Fiztech system" was developed by Peter Leonidovich Kapitsa and at the moment is the most unusual system of learning students in Russia. It lies in the fact that:

    • the training of students in the specialty chosen by him is conducted not only at lectures, which are read by teachers of the university, but also in practical classes that are underway in the laboratory equipped with the latest technicians and technology under the guidance of researchers;
    • preparation of students in the specialty is carried out individually, so every student has its curator, to which can contact any time on any issues;
    • starting from 2-3 courses, all students are involved in scientific workwhich are held on the territory of the IFTI;
    • after graduating from the university, each student owns all the methods of both theoretical and experimental research and sufficient engineering knowledge for solving problems that may occur in production.

    University structure

    In order to ensure the effective functioning of the IPT, which will allow students of the university to receive high-quality education, the institute has a fairly complex structure of the university, each component plays an important role in the educational process.

    The university has:

    • the MFT-Telecom's own provider, which allows students and university employees to maintain constant communication with the outside world, thanks to the Internet connection. This provider covers the entire territory of the MFTI and its student town;
    • university Electronic Library, where there is a mass of the necessary literature for students of the university, from which you can find online at any time of the day;
    • the scientific journal "Proceedings of MFTI", which is produced by the university and in which scientific works of students and university teachers are published;
    • Fiztech-polygraph - department of the IFTI, which is engaged in the release of scientific and methodical literature university;
    • Fiztech Center - a department coordinating the work of the university with schoolchildren and contributes to the development and education of talented children who like and easily give natural-mathematical sciences;
    • correspondence physico- technical School - Union of Pedagogues of MFTI, working with gifted children, which will subsequently become students of the university;
    • Center Additional vocational education - University Department, where working professionals can undergo advanced training courses or retraining, in order to become more competitive in the labor market;
    • Corporate Entrepreneurship Center - University Department, where specialists are preparing, who will be able to open, launch and successfully implement their own entrepreneurial projects;
    • Center for Student Youth - Association of University Students, thanks to the forces of which various concerts and contests in MFTI are held for the comprehensive development of student youth.

    International activities in MFTI

    International activity The university is carried out through the International Relations Department. The main activities of the department is:

    • mutually beneficial cooperation with international funds and organizations, thanks to which scientists of the MFTI can participate in international programs, Find yourself foreign partners, take part in seminars and contribute to the promotion of its intellectual products to the world market, receiving grants for their research;
    • advertising and marketing activities, in the course of which the educational process is studying in foreign universities and the introduction of MFT students in the training of the most qualitative and effective educational programs. It also contributes to engaging in high school foreign students Through the development english version MFTI website and advertising brochures for foreign applicants in foreign languages;
    • registration activity, which takes place for the registration of foreign students in MFTI, as well as assistance to teachers and professors from foreign universities in obtaining a visa and invitations so that they visit French and read their lectures there;
    • joint research activities of students and teachers of IFTs and foreign universities.

    Moscow Physico-Technical Institute (State University)

    Moscow, education and science, tehn., Phys.

    1. MFTI

    Vocabulary:S. Fadeev. Dictionary of contractions of the modern Russian language. - S.-PB: Polytechnic, 1997. - 527 p.

    . Academician. 2015.

    Watch what is "MFTI (GU)" in other dictionaries:

      International Technology and Investment Fund tehn. MIPT MIPT MFTI (GU) Fiztech Moscow Physical Institute (State University) from 1995 ... Dictionary of contractions and abbreviation

      mFTI - South., Number of synonyms: 2 Moscow Physical Institute (2) Fistee (3) Synonyms Dictionary ASIS. V.N ... Synonym dictionary


      MFTI - Moscow Physical Institute ... Dictionary of abbreviations of the Russian language

      UNPK MFTI Training Scientific Production Complex of the Moscow Physical Institute of Technical Institute of Dolgoprudny Moscow, Education and Science, Techno., Piz ... Dictionary of contractions and abbreviation

      MFTI (State University) - Moscow Physico Technical Institute (State University) (MFTI (GU)) International name MOSCOW INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY (State University) MIPT (SU) Motto ... Wikipedia

      MIPT UNPK UNPK MFTI SCIENTIFIC SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION COMPLEX OF MOSCOW PHYSICAL INSTITUTHING INSTITUTE G. Dolgoprudny Moscow, education and science, tehn., Piz ... Dictionary of contractions and abbreviation

      Correspondence physico-technical school at MIPT - correspondence physico technical school at the Moscow Physics Technical Institute (ZFTSH at MFT) was established in September 1966 in order to create an additional educational environment For high school students who are interested in physics and mathematics. She is designed ... ... Wikipedia

      Basic departments of MFTI - An integral part of the so-called "Fiztech system", departments for training students of MFTI in specialties. Most basic departments are not located in the MIPT itself, but in t. N. Basic institutions related to wounds and other structures. Similar ... ... Wikipedia

      Faculty of Aeromechanics and aircraft engineering MFTI - Faculty of aeromechanics and aircraft (Fold) One of the faculties of MFTI. CONTENTS 1 History 1.1 Deans Falt 2 Basic and Faculty Kaf ... Wikipedia


    • Collection of tasks in physics. The tasks of the MIPT, the goat SM .. This collection includes the tasks that have been proposed for many years to students of the Moscow Physico-Technical Institute in physics exams. Initiative to publish a real collection ... Buy for 2036 rubles
    • Selected tasks of student Olympiad MFTI on the course of general physics Tutorial, Bulygin Vladimir Semenovich, Kremlin Mark Germanovich, Prut Eduard Veniaminovich. Tutorial Contains the tasks of student olympiads conducted in MFTi from 1980 to the present. The authors of the tasks are as teachers of the department of general physics, so, in some cases ...

    Prepares specialists in the field of infocommunication and computing systems and technologies, wireless communications, radar and information security. In addition to basic disciplines, such as physics and mathematics, the program is focused on teaching engineering, radio electronics, computer science and control of technically complex systems. Fundamental, but at the same time, almost aimed training in the physical school of radio engineering and computer technologies is a valuable capital and a solid foundation for further successful graduate self-realization.

    Fiztech School of Physics and Research. Landau (Fiztech School of LFI, LFI)

    Fiztech School Director:

    Continuing the tradition of faculties of general and applied physics (FOPF) and problems of physics and energy (FPE), (LFI, until 2019 - Fiztech School of Fundamental and Applied Physics) is preparing specialists who can perform scientific discoveries on the most advanced borders of physics and high-tech technologies.

    The scientific work of students and graduate students under the leadership of the leading professors is the main criterion for the success of the entire cycle of training specialists in demand in leading scientific centers in Russia and abroad. The research works of LFF graduates are devoted to physical laws in the field of quantum computers and nanofysics, the origin and structure of matter, the universe and the forces of nature.

    Fiztech School of Aerospace Technology (Fact)

    It gives multidisciplinary training of specialists with knowledge in the fields of physics, mathematics, informatics, chemistry and biology, as well as special knowledge in the field of biotechnology, including bioc and cheminformatics, as well as ohhms technology.

    Programs are developed with the participation of academic institutions, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and are predominantly applied. Educational process Inappropriate training for students to conduct project innovation for business development. FBMF graduates have great freedom of career choice and successful professional development.

    Institute for Nano-, Bio-, Information, Cognitive and Sociality Sciences and Technologies (InbiSt)

    Director of the Institute: Forsh Pavel Anatolyevich

    (INBIKST) is preparing interdisciplinary educated specialists focused on solving problems in the field of environmentally-like technologies at the junction of sciences.

    The scientific and educational base for InbiSt is the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", in which unique scientific laboratories with the most modern equipment, including world-class mega-installations, are working highly qualified scientists and specialists involved in global international scientific projects. The collaboration with the Kurchatov Institute guarantees a high level of training of students and topical topics of the NIR.

    Physics of Fistech schools of the MFTI are specified in.