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  • Seminars for an accountant abroad. International programs

    Seminars for an accountant abroad.  International programs

    Business education abroad is very popular today. Many people strive to attend trainings abroad. Such training allows as soon as possible improve the level of professional skills.

    Do you want to stay ahead of the competition, always develop and strive for success? E&V Advisor will help you get training abroad! We are pleased to offer you both short-term (2-3 days) and long-term (up to 8 weeks) programs. Education is always conducted in prestigious business schools in English.

    Benefits of foreign business trainings

    Many businessmen have no free time. For this reason, they often postpone training! This does not allow for successful development and improvement.

    Practice shows that even short-term programs at businessschool allow:

    • get the experience you need,
    • expand knowledge in the chosen direction,
    • become a real professional!

    Not surprisingly, CEOs of large companies value employees who not only do a good job of constant tasks, but also constantly improve.

    Rest assured! Business education will be an excellent investment in your future career.

    All trainings abroad have a number of advantages.

    1. Informativeness curricula... In no time, you will receive a large amount of knowledge and valuable skills.
    2. Individual approach. It allows you to pay attention to the problems of each student.
    3. Practical orientation of classes. During the training, you will analyze real situations, find ways out of crises.

    Most popular business trainings

    We offer the following business trainings:

    • Sales and business negotiation skills,
    • TeamBuilding,
    • TimeManagement,
    • RiskManagement,
    • LeadershipandManagement,
    • CustomerServiceDevelopment,
    • Top Teams Coaching and Development,
    • Project Management etc.

    Didn't find a suitable program? Just contact us. Experienced specialists will take into account all your requests and wishes. They will select an individual training program as soon as possible.

    Options for business education programs abroad

    The trainings are designed for those who really work in the field of business. As a result of training, our students receive not only a certificate of completion of the courses, but also gain experience in solving specific problems.

    We offer various program options.

    You can opt for:

    • MBA courses,
    • business trainings to improve qualifications,
    • seminars for top managers,
    • Executive Education.

    Features of MBA programs

    The MBA abbreviation stands for Master of Business Administration, which translates as "Master business administration". This degree is appreciated all over the world. A specialist with an MBA education becomes a middle or senior manager.

    The training presented is aimed at stimulating initiative and independent decision-making. During the classes, questions that can be encountered in practice in management, marketing, finance and other business areas are discussed. MBA education allows a specialist not only to acquire basic knowledge in the field of business administration, but also skills in a narrower specialization.

    We are also ready to offer you and special program for senior executives - Executive MBA. It was developed by the famous British businessschool LSBF. As a rule, participants in Executive MBA programs have many years of experience in a managerial position. The Executive MBA program brings together corporate leaders different countries, which makes it possible to exchange experiences, ideas and knowledge.

    Have you decided to do self-education? Do you want to quickly climb the career ladder?

    E&V Advisor will help everyone.

    We are ready:

    • increase your level of English language to start learning,
    • prepare the documents required for training abroad,
    • provide visa support.

    In order to always remain a real professional, you should regularly attend various events aimed at improving your qualifications, including various seminars abroad, which will be held in 2019 as well. Otherwise, very soon you will notice that your knowledge is outdated, and career became a dream rather than a real goal.

    Why are foreign training events good?

    This training has several positive features. For example, at seminars abroad in 2019, you will have a great opportunity to communicate on professional topics with colleagues working abroad. This will allow you not only to look differently at solving many work problems, but also to redefine your working conditions and career prospects.

    One more positive feature seminars abroad in 2019 is that you will be able to master foreign working methods. It is no secret that at present many managers have begun to actively introduce foreign practices into business. This is a really smart decision, because in order to be successful, you should try all kinds of methods and options. The ability to introduce new technologies will be useful to any professional who wants to climb the career ladder.

    Thus, if you want to improve your qualifications, you can attend one of the seminars abroad in 2019 and thus make the growth prospects more realistic.

    Why choose us

    For many years now, our company has been organizing various events aimed at improving the qualifications of professionals. We conduct seminars, webinars, and various other similar events. By contacting us in 2019, you can take training not only in one of the cities of our country or via the Internet, but also attend a seminar abroad.

    Our lecturers are real professionals in their field, so each training event is a great way to improve your knowledge. The seminars of our company are very lively, because we understand how important it is for a specialist not only to receive information, but also to actively discuss it with colleagues and experts. And this format of acquiring knowledge is one of the most effective, as practice shows.

    In addition, the topics of the seminars organized by our company are always relevant. We spend a considerable amount of time and effort to analyze what issues are of concern to specialists in a particular field, thanks to which we select only the most interesting and useful topics for events. And we try to adapt the format of the seminar or webinar to the wishes of our clients. We collect feedback from event visitors and analyze them, so we always know what our customers would like to see and hear, and we make these changes.

    At the present time, the development of modern business is impossible without an active exchange of information, without studying the experience of world experts, without mastering new technologies, therefore, an important role is played by staff development, participation in international congresses and exhibitions.

    The heads of organizations and enterprises should think about carrying out advanced training of workers, specialists in various industries abroad.

    What are seminars abroad for?

    Recently Russian companies need to expand business ties with foreign partners, searching for investors and promoting their products or services on the world market. Training companies provide an opportunity to take part in seminars and trainings held abroad, in the CIS countries in various areas and businesses.

    Seminars abroad are an ideal tool for raising the level of professionalism of personnel, so they are essential for companies wishing to develop rapidly. Corporate trainings allow you to take into account the specifics of the activities carried out, the competence of the working personnel, which will allow you to adapt classes individually to the needs of a particular organization.

    The key to the successful operation of any company and an important condition for the required level of professionalism of the personnel is continuous training and development that meets the realities of a constantly changing market. Note that saving on seminars is a rash decision. As practice shows, under difficult business conditions, conducting corporate trainings for personnel is a reliable investment that pays for itself many times over, which will allow the organization to remain successful even in the most difficult situations.

    A professional approach to the organization of comprehensive training programs for employees abroad allows a systematic approach to the development of employees, ensuring the development and growth of not only people, but also the organization itself.

    Comprehensive trainings and seminars for training personnel abroad, conducted by professional specialists, are an important step towards victories in business and achieving the set goals.

    Open and corporate trainings

    Open classes are held by training companies according to a specific schedule and topic. As for, they are guided by the specifics of the customer's work. Picked up individual program training for the manager and staff, taking into account the scope of the company, working conditions, staff competence. Classes are tailored to the needs of the business.

    Every manager who is concerned about the development of the company, raising the qualifications of his subordinates, maintaining a healthy climate of working relations, organizing and organizing the work of the company's departments should understand the importance of such trainings. In the world of information and technology, which is constantly changing, in order to maintain a decent level of competition and achieve the set goals, it is necessary to learn from the experience in more developed countries where business is at a high level.

    During the training, the level of professional knowledge of employees is determined, possible directions and topics of training are considered. The establishment of communication between the manager and staff is ensured. Only through the work of the united team can the assigned goal be achieved. Business seminars abroad will help staff find new techniques and ways of working in a particular team. After passing them, there is a tendency for the rapid development of the company, so the cost of training fully justifies itself.

    Features of seminars

    Classes are conducted by highly qualified specialists from different countries (associate professors, candidates of technical, psychological and economic sciences), consultants in various sectors of the economy. The topics are determined by the company in which the trainings are held. Naturally, the wishes of the customer regarding the specifics of the enterprise's work, difficulties in work, etc. are taken into account.

    Often, training is conducted in Russian, thereby eliminating the barrier of communication between teachers and students. There are also no problems with translation errors.

    For example, the seminar "Project Management Techniques" examines what a project is, the context, stakeholders and the environment of the project, the life cycle, organizational structures... The project management process groups are specified, namely initiation, planning, monitoring, execution, and completion of work. Issues such as project management results, certification preparation, professional responsibility, etc. are discussed. The material is accompanied by examples of the lecturer from his own professional practice, practical exercises are carried out, which gives the greatest result.

    Recently I decided to get a second education, but just not in Russia. Knowing about the quality education that my peers in Europe and America receive, I also wanted to follow their example. According to statistics, 10% of Russian students annually go to study and conquer the USA, Canada, Czech Republic, England, China and other countries. The issue of free education abroad is still relevant today.

    In which countries can a Russian student study for free?

    First of all, I decided to decide in which country it would be easier for me to live, where education would be cheaper for me.

    Please note that you can study for free only in public universities... They provide free education foreigners.

    In other organizations, tuition is paid.

    Many people call the training "free" in quotation marks. The reason is that you should provide for themselves , you will have to spend not only on food, but also on a library, a gym and other services educational institution... Everything is paid annual contribution ... In addition, if you yourself are not applying to the university under the funding program, then you will need transfer money to your bank account, which would be enough for accommodation and meals throughout the entire period of study .

    Since I work and can provide for myself, I did not pay attention to the "free" education. Studying in Russia, we also spend on accommodation and meals. Moreover, considerable sums are spent on renting housing, and if I will live in a student dormitory then my costs will be much reduced.

    So, I will list foreign countries where you can get free education and with what entrance requirements:

    Note that educational institutions of the Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, China and other countries provide the opportunity to receive free education for Russian students.

    But teaching at universities is not conducted in English, but only in native language of this country, for example, Czech, Chinese, etc.

    Despite this, they are admitted to universities without exams, after school and after completing the first year of a Russian institute.

    Basic requirements for incoming foreigners

    Each university and country has its own requirements, however, they are almost the same.

    Foreign applicants can enter universities, taking into account the following requirements:

    Documents required for study abroad

    A standard package of documents includes:

    Each document submitted to the commission plays an important role.

    If you do not submit any document, you may be refused admission.

    5 ways to study abroad for free

    There are several methods for getting free foreign education... All forms directly associated with gratuitous aid ... It can be provided to students by an educational institution, the state, a private entrepreneur, a representative of a public fund.

    I will list 5 ways of such training:

    • Grants or the so-called social help students , which is intended for educational expenses, the implementation of a professional project, training in summer schools, courses, etc. The grant is issued in a lump sum in the form of an incentive. You can receive it again.
    • Scholarship ... Upon receipt of a scholarship that can cover the cost of all or part of the tuition, huge role plays a motivation letter. The scholarship can be awarded for achievements in the volunteer, sports, creative, academic, or other talents. The scholarship can be issued by the university itself, or by the Russian state.
    • Research scholarship ... This way of getting an education is intended for those who have graduated from the "HSE" and are planning to enter the magistracy for further research activities... This scholarship can be issued by the state, representatives of private or public funds.
    • Assistant ... Designed for those who wish to enroll in doctoral studies. In addition to training, you will work as an assistant professor. His responsibilities include reading introductory courses in your specialty, participating in research projects that your department implements. Such financial support can be provided by both the state and the institution itself.
    • Global Education Program ... A program was developed so that a student studying at the expense of the budget of the Russian Federation abroad, after graduating from the university under the master's, postgraduate, doctoral programs, returned to Russia and worked at the enterprise for 3 years. This is a great opportunity to get a free education and have workplace at the end.

    So, as you understood, get free education abroad is possible ... The main thing is to have a desire. When choosing an educational institution, I rely on entrance exams and requirements.

    If you are also going to study abroad, then my advice: think over everything to the smallest detail, how you will finance your studies, how much money will be needed for accommodation, meals and other expenses, what exact documents should be sent to the university upon admission.

    The issue of studying abroad is becoming more and more relevant lately. The increasing demands of employers, on the one hand, and the growing level of competition in the labor market, on the other, make many school graduates and students think about getting higher education Abroad. But, unfortunately, around studying abroad, like around most fast-growing trends, a large number of myths have arisen, forcing inexperienced people to give up their dreams.

    Let's try to figure out which myths hinder the decision to study abroad the most.

    strong> Myth 1: I'm not smart enough. Only the smartest study abroad.

    This is perhaps one of the most common myths about studying abroad. Many believe that only those of us who graduated from school with and who have only "excellent" in the student's record can study abroad. This is not true!

    It is not the smartest who study abroad, but the smartest. And if you are reading this article, then you are already thinking about studying abroad, and accordingly you can already class yourself as smart.

    Most often, marks in a certificate or diploma do not play a decisive role in admission to foreign university, but you will have to tinker with the registration of the package of documents. But no one said it was easy. On the other hand, you can entrust this work to professionals and save yourself time and nerves.

    strong> Myth 2: Studying abroad is very expensive.

    This myth has been imposed on us since childhood. We hear all the time: "Do you know how expensive everything is there?"... And how much it is "expensive", no one really wants to figure it out.

    Studying abroad can be completely free. It is only necessary to find an appropriate grant or take part in any. If we talk about paid foreign education, then its prices compare favorably with the cost of the Russian one. For example, the cost of studying in Austria is only 363 Euro / sem. Now ask how much it costs to study in Moscow.

    em> "But, after all, a student needs to eat something and live somewhere," you say. Yes, but studying abroad has a number of advantages here too. A student can always find a hostel or rent an apartment. Yes, you heard right - rent an apartment. In Europe, the practice of students renting apartments is widespread, since you can easily find a very small apartment not far from the university, the rental price of which will not exceed 300 Euro. And if you rent an apartment with someone for two, then the costs will be reduced by another half.

    As a rule, food abroad costs on average, even cheaper than at home. This is affected by the constant increase in food prices in Russia. And if earlier some products could still be bought in Russia cheaper than in Europe, now foreign prices are already lower than Russian, and even more so Moscow.

    strong> Myth 3: First you need to learn at least one foreign language.

    Paradoxically, this is also a myth. You can enter and start your studies in almost any country in the world with knowledge of only English or without knowing any at all foreign language... Many universities in the world have long been practicing enrolling a student at a university, and then, already in the country, they send him to language courses.

    Being in a language environment and constantly attending special courses for foreigners, a student, most often, begins to study in his specialty after a year. Of course, it all depends on the specific person and on the language that he teaches, but this usually does not have problems.

    strong> Myth 4: Who needs me there? They have a lot of their own, like me.

    Yes many. But there are many students everywhere. Firstly, many universities are interested in bringing ethnic diversity among their students, and the guest from of Eastern Europe seeking knowledge at their university is attracting attention.

    Secondly, any university needs smart people. And here at foreign student there is an advantage. Citizens of the country who want to get an education in their own country and stay there to work a lot, and smart foreigners who know exotic languages ​​(why is Russian or Ukrainian not an exotic language?) Can be counted on one hand. Still in doubt that you are smart? See Myth 1.

    strong> Myth 5: It's a waste of time.

    em> “Education doesn't matter. Experience is the main thing, ”we often hear. And this is partly true, but only partly. This myth has developed due to the fact that for the most part, Russian education is based on a theoretical component, and in order to apply theory in practice, a person, of course, needs experience.

    But this very new experience is best obtained in and not in the enterprise. For a long time abroad, education largely takes place outside the walls of the university. Students have the opportunity, having received knowledge, immediately apply them in practice, which gives undeniable in the labor market in the future. And experience practical work, conducted under the supervision of knowledgeable teachers, subsequently turns out to be irreplaceable.

    Do not forget about the wide opportunities for communication. The student has many opportunities to make friends around the world, get to know a foreign culture, or find future business partners.

    We have listed five main myths about studying abroad. Now, many of you who have already thought about studying abroad will be able to put your doubts aside, and those who have not yet thought about it will be able to consider another option for higher education.

    strong> And remember, your future is in your hands!