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    Russian as a foreign institute. Learning Russian as a foreign language. Dear Foreign Students

    Program Head - Perfilian Natalia Petrovna, Dr. Philol. Sciences, professor at the Department of Modern Russian Language FGBOU VPO NGPU.

    The relevance of the master's program "Russian as a foreign language"determined by the activation of international relations and an intense migration process related to peculiarity geographic location The Novosibirsk region and social processes that occurred and occur in Russia and on the former post-Soviet space.

    This master program is focused on the system of disciplines that ensure the training of specialists in the Russian language methodology as a foreign language: Russian, within the framework of this course, is considered non-foreign and foreign.

    The system of disciplines for this program includes learning

    • russian language in its functioning, comprising sociolinguistic, functional, cognitive, interpretational, lexicographic aspects;
    • foreign languages \u200b\u200bin their theoretical and practical development;
    • traditional and innovative teaching technologies to Russian as a foreign language, based on modern advances in linguistics (theory of linguistic personality, functional grammar, semantic syntax, etc.).

    The master's program provides for the development of the following cycles, modules and academic disciplines:

    Titled cycle (M. 1)

    1. Philology in the system of modern humanitarian knowledge

    2. Methods and techniques of philological studies

    3. Text as an object of philological research

    4. Communication theory

    5. Theoretical and applied aspects of modern lexicography

    Disciplines by choice

    1. Active processes in modern Russian and modern language situation / punctuation in a functional-semantic aspect: comparable aspect

    2. Preparation and editing of scientific texts/ Syntax text

    Professional cycle (M. 2)

    1. Information technologies

    2. Business Foreign Language

    3. Lingvodidactic description of the Russian language as a foreign

    4. Theory and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language

    5. Professional foreign language

    6. Theory and Practice of Lingvodidactic Testing

    Disciplines by choice

    1. Innovations in teaching Russian as a native, Russian as non-rigany, Russian as a foreign / professionally oriented Russian as a foreign language

    2. Comparative linguistics / Language painting of the world: comparable aspect

    3. Learning Russian as a business community / Russian language for civil servants

    4. Actual problems Intercultural Communication / Practical Lingucultureology

    5. Methods of teaching types of speech activities / Analysis of artistic text in a foreign audience

    6. Conflict management in a polyethic educational environment / pedagogical communication

    7. Modern literary process in the Aspect of the Russian language training as a foreign / Russian culture in the aspect of learning Russian as a foreign language

    8. Sociolinguistic aspects of language learning / psycholinguistic aspects of language learning


    Communicative and semantic syntax

    Brief characteristic of personnel composition

    The master's program is led by professors and associate professors of the Department of Modern Russian, the Department of the Theory of Language and Intercultural Communication, Russian Literature and theory of Literature, Theory and Methods of Teaching Russian Language and Pedagogical Rhetoric of the Institute of Philology, mass media and psychology NGPU (IFMIP). Professor data departments are experts of the Russian State Science Foundation.

    FGBOU VPO NGPU is a co-founder of the Siberian Philological Journal (Certificate of Media Registration PI No. 77-9496 dated July 23, 2001), which is included in the WAK list.

    The professorical members of the Master Program successfully cooperates with Russian and foreign universities and research centers: the International Research Center "Russia-Italy", University of Salerno (Italy), the University of RomeLa Sapienza. ", Jagiellon University (Poland, Krakow); Tomsk State University, Ural State University, Institute of Philology SB RAS, Institute of World Literature. A.M. Gorky, Institute of Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg), Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok), etc.

    The leading experts in the modern Russian language and Russian literature are included in various advice on the protection of dissertations, act as opponents of doctoral and candidate theses, work in the Expert Council of the RGNF.

    Under the guidance of professors and associate professors of the master's program "Russian as a foreign language" over the past 5 years, 23 candidate dissertations are protected, including foreign citizens.

    Possible places of work, practitioners and internships of undergraduates

    Master's program "Russian as a foreign language" has purpose Preparation of a graduate to pedagogical, as well as research activities.

    Graduates may work

    - as teachers of the Russian language in polyethnic grades high School;

    - as teachers of Russian as a foreign language in higher School, advanced training institutions;

    - as philologists of researchers in scientific institutions,

    - in the state office of education and culture, community institutions related to international activities, migration policies.

    Thus, graduates of the master's program are able to choose their career trajectory.

    During training, undergraduates undergo pedagogical practices both on the basis of NGPU and in other Russian and foreign universities. Currently, in the framework of the development of academic mobility, the internships of NGPA undergraduates are organized in the Milan Catholic University of the Holy Heart (Italy), Xinjiang State University (China).

    Opportunities to continue learning

    Persons who have mastered the master's program can continue training in graduate school in the specialty - 10.02.01 Russian language at the department of modern Russian language.

    At the Institute of Philology, Mass Information and Psychology, NGPU operates the dissertation council for the protection of candidate and doctoral dissertations in the specialties: Russian, Russian literature, theory of literature and textology,which determines the possibility of further education and development scientific directionstated in the master's program.

    Preparation of a modern teacher with professional knowledge and the latest technologies in the field of teaching Russian language and literature in a foreign language environment.

    The development of the personal qualities of the teacher, professed by the spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200bof the domestic culture capable of self-development, open to dialogue and interaction.

    Features of the educational program

    Always be in the form, look good, to be a model and an example for others? Right and beautiful to speak, teach this others? If you dream about it, then your path is extremely clear - this is a training in a magistracy under the program "Teaching Russian Language as Foreign."

    It is here that you will mastered the secrets of your native culture and language, you can open a Russian soul and Russian literature to the whole world.

    Communicate with people of different nationalities and at the same time stay in the hometown - only in the Master of Rock.

    Go abroad and be the ambassador of your homeland? Magistracy RCI is the shortest path on the stairs of your career.

    1. The program is practiced. Starting from the first semester, undergraduates are included in educational process: Linguistic support of foreigners, testing practice; Practice in groups by profession; management practice;
    2. Severe modern technologies teaching the Russian language in the foreign language audience, including scenic speech technologies; audiovisual technologies.
    3. get the opportunity to participate in teachers' workshops with a unique experience of studying and attachment to culture, language and literature of other countries (China, Poland, Austria and Germany).
    4. Cooperation of NGPU them K. Minin and Faculty humanitarian Sciences from educational institutions China and Europe are an opportunity for students to acquire the competence of the Russian language teacher as a foreign language based on the experience of foreign technologies.

    Description of the educational program

    The educational program provides for the study of the disciplines of the total cycle:

    • business foreign language;
    • information technologies in professional activities;
    • methodology and methods of scientific research;
    • modern problems of science and education.

    The significant part of the study time is assigned to the disciplines of specialization in the training program:

    • "Theory and technology teaching Russian as a foreign language,"
    • "Design electile courses in Russian philology ",
    • "Integrative technologies in teaching Russian literature",
    • "Stage speech technologies in the teaching of the Russian language as a foreign language,"
    • "Actual interference problems in a modern language situation",
    • "The dialogue of cultures in teaching Russian as a foreign language",
    • "Theory and Translation Practice",
    • "Main scenes in Russian literature",
    • "Archetypes of Russian Literature",
    • "Country studies of Russia."

    Essential attention is paid to ownership foreign languageswho are intermediaries in the teaching of the Russian language in an input, polycultural environment ( english, chinese, Slavic languages \u200b\u200b/ Polish).

    The best teachers

    doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Philology. Director of the Scientific and Educational Center "Axiology of Slavic Culture". Member of the International Commission of the Emigrantology of Slavs at the International Committee of Slavistics (Poland, Opole).

    Yustova Polina Sergeevna

    graduate student of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, a teacher of the Polish language and Slavic literature, translator from Polish and Czech languages, synchronist.

    Our graduate can

    Professional competences

    1. Develop and conduct classes in Russian as a foreign language, both in the process of auditing work and in extracurricular activities
    2. possesses knowledge of the history of the Russian language; Receives and analyzes historical and linguistic phenomena, including in a comparative-typological aspect.
    3. possesses knowledge of the history of culture and literature of their country

    Acquires additional competencies

    1. can carry out management activities of the field of education;
    2. able to design new, including information conditions, to ensure the quality of education;
    3. knows how to create and implement cultural and educational projects with various groups of the population;
    4. it can use the media to solve cultural and educational problems in a modern polycultural dialogue.

    Employment prospects

    Upon completion of the education program for the training program "Teaching Russian as a foreign language", Magista acquires ample opportunities for their professional activities.

    Before moving to another country, I received an additional specialty "Lecturer of Russian as a foreign language." After analyzing the market, I found that for me it could be a good opportunity to work remotely, namely in the stay of stay (and here I tell about). Of course, the most ideal option is not Russian, but English is very in demand in almost any country of the world. But if you, like me, feel that for this you need a lot of time and effort, pay attention to Russian as a foreign one. Now I will tell my experience.

    Most of all in the world I do not like to sit on tedious lectures and long study what you can learn quickly. Therefore, when I decided to learn, the main criteria for choosing a place of study were:
    - Quite a short period of study,
    - Education certificate in English, which will be quoted abroad.

    First of all, I looked at what was offered in Minsk - the city in which I planned to be 3-4 months. But right now learning nowhere began, and its duration was everywhere at least 6 months.

    I started looking for in Moscow and found the ideal option for myself. Fully distance learning with the issuance of a decent type of certificate of Moscow State University - That very, which foreigners know at least. I studied at the center of the Russian Language of Moscow State University (abbreviated MSU Cry) - I chose this option based on external view and text in the testimony, training timing and cost. By the way, due to the fact that the Russian ruble fell to the dollar and the euro, in terms of these currencies, the cost of training, in my opinion, is extremely pleasant (500 dollars instead of 1000 to the collapse of the ruble).

    The second option from the MoscowSA - training in the center of international education of Moscow State University (abbreviated CMS MSU) - if you pay approximately two times more expensive, that is, the opportunity also to go through the practice and get no evidence, but a diploma, but I decided that I have enough testimony . Moreover, the Cho diploma is at a very similar specialty.

    There is another Russian language center as a foreign language, in the address they also indicate their binding to Moscow State University. But there is really no reviews about them, and in general, confusing quick promises and a little crumpled approach.

    This is how one of the sheets with tasks and a piece of my abstract looks like (it was not necessary for it, but I feel so easier):

    About the course: Tasks and deadlines

    The course, which I passed, is declared as a three-month, but you can go a little faster. The main task is to make two test work with a practical task at the end of each. According to my subjective assessment, the first is more complicated. Tasks of the controls are made up very competent - to each question is a list of books with specific pages where you can find the answer. A wider list of references is also indicating pages given at the beginning of each section. In fact, if the goal is just a diploma, the control can be done quite quickly. I wanted to get more knowledge, so I tried to read all the sources offered and wrote short abstract - Each checks took me a month.

    My fears

    Recalling for the course, I was worried that the concept of remoteness is all different and that will need to visit webinars at a certain time. Fortunately, my fears were not justified. Webinars were really conducted, but they could be perfectly browsed in the record. All questions could be asked to the teacher or by mail at any time, or on Skype, as a rule, twice a week at the agreed consultation time. I never used it, because due to the thoughtful structure of the course and test work (I really liked how it was all presented and how easier thanks to the competent structure was to make tasks), the unsolvable questions did not arise. However, it is very nice when the teacher is in touch, and you know that you can ask any question.

    All books needed for work and additional can be downloaded in the Special Library of Moscow State University, the right to access which is given immediately after the start of the course and forever. There is also an option to order a set of paper books, but I regretted the place in the apartment and $ 100, and as it turned out later - I did it right - everything is in the library.

    IN electronic library MSU is really a lot and textbooks for teaching RCCs both adults and children, and a variety of benefits for the teacher.

    And the result!

    Most recently, I received a testimony (by the way, send EMS-mail), and now after a month, I plan to try to teach. Let's see what happens!

    UPD: In the comments and in the mail, I ask a rather many of the same type of questions. I decided to highlight the three most frequency and answer them in the item itself.

    1. - I have a diploma of non -umanitarian discipline, will these courses suit me?

    My answer: if everything was fine with the language, you write correctly and know the basic terminology - why not? But different organizers of the courses are different about this, so about some specific courses should be clarified directly there.

    2. I'm already teaching English, is it worth expanding my activities?

    My answer: in my opinion, teachers of English have so many opportunities and options for the development, which would be better to use them. As a rule, the salary of the English teacher is still higher. In general, it is important to understand for what purpose you want to get this new specialty and how you will use it. If this is "just in case" or "to earn more" - think about feasibility again.

    3. How big is the chances of finding a job, how much is this profession in demand?

    It seems to me that the most important problem of all these courses on a new specialty is that there are no clients to search for a customer. And of course, formally, this is not their concern, but how many times I have already heard stories about how a person, full of hope, spends money for training, happily gets a diploma and then finds out that he does not take it anywhere concerns so many "free" Professions: Tutor, Guide, Masseur, etc.

    My opinion is exactly the same amount of energy as you spend on the development of a new profession, you need to spend on self-promotion. IN modern world Without it, nowhere, and whether you are at least a brilliant teacher, if no one knows about you, then you will sit without work. Therefore, learn to promote yourself, and then there will be no such questions.

    Russian language is a great heritage of both domestic culture and global culture as a whole. And our university pays primary attention to participating in the state policy of Russia to support the Russian language abroad, on receiving education in Russian, to promote Russian culture in the global educational space through the "Great and Mighty" Russian language.

    The structural units of MGOU, specializing in the training of foreign citizens Russian language, are the Department of Russian as a foreign and cultural speech of the Faculty of Russian Philology and.

    MGOU exercises foreign citizens in Russian as part of a wide range of basic and additional educational programs, which, in particular, includes:

    • implemented in the Center for International Education on Additional Communication Programs:
      • "Previronmental preparation: Russian language and general educational items for foreign citizens";
      • "Preparations: Russian language and Scientific Style Speech for Foreign Citizens";
      • "Russian language for foreign citizens."
    • :
      • Under the undergraduate program: preparation direction - Teacher Education, Profile "Russian as a foreign language",

    direction of training - pedagogical education, profile "Literature and Russian as a foreign language", the direction of training - pedagogical education, profile "Geography and Russian as a foreign language", the direction of training - philology, "Russian as a foreign language" profile;

    • According to the program of magistracy: the direction of preparation is philology, the program "Russian as a foreign language".
    • , including the Summer School "Modern Russian Language" (Additional Educational Program).

    Previronmental training of foreign citizens

    MGOU is trained by foreign citizens Russian language from scratch and within one school year Prepares them for admission to undergraduate programs, magistracy and graduate school.

    Additional educational programs focused on learning foreign citizens for whom relatives are the most different languages, no similar to each other.

    "Preparations: Russian language and general educational items for foreign citizens"

    "Previronmental preparation: Russian language and scientific style of speech for foreign citizens"

    "Russian language for foreign citizens"

    Citizens study in the program preparation programs in the Center for International Education different countries, including Turkmenistan, China, the Republic of Korea, Syria, Pakistan, Iraq.

    Problems of the methodology for training foreign citizens Russian language on the preparatory department regularly discussed with colleagues from other universities of the country and from foreign countries. In particular, MGOU specialists in the Russian language as a foreign language have permanent scientific contacts with the Department of Russian Philology for Foreign Citizens of the Kazakh National pedagogical University The name of Abay (Almaty), which is a unusive MMO. In addition, a draft cooperation between MGOU and universities of the Czech Republic and Slovakia on joint scientific research in the field of teaching the Russian language of carriers of other Slavic languages \u200b\u200bis being developed (Prof. Markova E.M.)

    For all issues of admission to the program of the Previronmental training of foreign citizens, you can contact.