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  • The pedagogical process includes products. Scientific electronic library. The pattern of stimulation. The productivity of the pedagogical process depends on

    The pedagogical process includes products. Scientific electronic library. The pattern of stimulation. The productivity of the pedagogical process depends on

    Pedagogical process- This concept includes a method and method of organizing educational relations, which are to be in a systematic and purposeful choice and the use of external factors for the development of learning entities. Under the pedagogical process is understood as the process of learning and education as a special social function, for the implementation of which the environment of a certain pedagogical system is necessary.

    The concept of "process" occurred from latin words Processus and means "forward movement", "change". The pedagogical process determines the constant interaction of subjects and objects of educational activities: educators and educated. The pedagogical process is aimed at solving this task and leads to changes in advance, to transform properties and students' qualities. In other words, the pedagogical process is a process where experience turns into identity quality. The main feature of the pedagogical process is the presence of unity of education, upbringing and development based on the preservation of the integrity and generality of the system. The concepts of the "pedagogical process" and "educational process" are unambiguous 2.

    The pedagogical process is a system. The system consists of various processes, including the formation, development, education and training, inextricably linked with all conditions, forms and methods.

    As a system, the pedagogical process consists of elements (components), in turn the location of the elements in the system is a structure.

    The structure of the pedagogical process includes:

    1. The goal is to identify the final result.

    2. Principles are the main directions in achieving the goal.

    4. Methods are the necessary work of the teacher and the student for the purpose of transferring, processing and perceiving the detention of training.

    5. Funds - ways of "work" with content.

    6. Forms are a consistent obtaining the result of the pedagogical process.

    The purpose of the pedagogical process is to effectively predict the result and the result of the work. The pedagogical process consists of various purposes: goals directly teaching and learning goals in each lesson, each discipline, etc.

    Regulatory documents of Russia are represented next understanding goals.

    1. The system of goals in typical provisions on educational institutions (the formation of a common culture of personality, adaptation for life in society, creating a basis for a conscious choice and development of professional educational program, raising responsibility and love for homeland).

    2. The system of diagnostic purposes in certain programs, where all objectives are divided into stages and levels of learning and represent the content of the content of certain training courses. In the education system, such a diagnostic goal can be training to professional skills, thereby preparing a student for future vocational education. The definition of such professional education goals in Russia is the result of important processes in the education system, where attention is drawn, first of all, the interests of the younger generation in the pedagogical process.

    Method (From Greek. Sheshokzh) of the pedagogical process is the ways of the relationship between the teacher and the student, these are practical actions of training and students who contribute to the learning and use of the content of training as experience. The method is a specific designated way to achieve a given purpose, a method for solving problems resulting in the resolution of the problem 3.

    Different types of classification of the methods of the pedagogical process can be determined as follows:

    by source of knowledge:

    verbal (story, conversation, instruction), practical (exercises, training, self-government), visual (display, illustrating, material presentation),

    based on the personality structure: Methods of formation of consciousness (story, conversation, briefing, showing, illustrating), methods of formation of behavior (exercises, training, game, instruction, requirement, ritual, etc.), methods of formation of feelings (stimulation) (approval , praise, censure, control, self-control, etc.).

    Components of the system are teachers, students and learning conditions. As a system, the pedagogical process consists of certain components: goals, tasks, contents, methods, forms and results of the relationship between the teacher and the student. Thus, the system of elements is a target, meaningful, activity, efficient component 4.

    Target component The process is the unity of all the diverse goals and objectives of educational activities.

    Activity component - This is the relationship between the teacher and the student, their interaction, cooperation, organization, planning, control, without which it is impossible to come to the final result.

    Executive component The process shows how effective the process was effective, determines the successes and achievements depending on the goals set and tasks.

    Pedagogical process - This is a necessarily a labor process that is associated with achieving and solving socially significant goals and tasks. The peculiarity of the pedagogical process is that the work of the teacher and the student is combined together, making up an unusual relationship between the objects of the employment process, which is a pedagogical interaction.

    The pedagogical process is not so much a mechanical combination of the processes of education, learning, development, how much is a completely new high-quality system that can subordinate objects and participants with its laws.

    All components of the components are subordinated to a single goal - preservation of integrity, generality, unity of all components.

    The peculiarity of pedagogical processes is manifested in determining the influential functions of pedagogical action. The dominant function of the learning process - training, education - upbringing, development - development. Also, training, education and development are performed in a holistic process and other interpenetrating tasks: for example, education is manifested not only in educational, but also in the developing and educational function, and training is non-taxable associated with education and development.

    Objective, necessary, substantial bonds characterizing the pedagogical process are reflected in its patterns. The laws of the pedagogical process are the following.

    1. Dynamics of the pedagogical process. The pedagogical process involves the progressive nature of development - the total achievements of the student grow along with its interim results, which indicates the developing nature of the relationship between the teacher and children.

    2. Personality development in the pedagogical process. The level of personality development and the rates of achieving the goals of the pedagogical process are determined by the following factors:

    1) genetic factor - heredity;

    2) Pedagogical factor - the level of educational and educational sphere; participation in educational work; Means and methods of pedagogical influence.

    3. Management of the educational process. In the management of the educational process, the level of efficiency of pedagogical impact on the student is of great importance. This category is essentially depends on:

    1) the presence of systematic and value feedback between the teacher and the student;

    2) the presence of a certain level of influence and corrective impacts on the student.

    4. Stimulation. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process in most cases is determined by the following elements:

    1) the degree of stimulation and motivation of the pedagogical process by students;

    2) the appropriate level of external stimulation by the teacher, which is expressed in intensity and timeliness.

    5. The unity of sensual, logical and practice in the pedagogical process. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on:

    1) the quality of the student's personal perception;

    2) the logic of learning perceived;

    3) degrees of practical use of educational material.

    6. Unity of external (pedagogical) and internal (cognitive) activities. The logical unity of two interacting began is the degree of pedagogical impact and educational work of students - determines the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

    7. The condition of the pedagogical process. Development and summarization of the pedagogical process depend on:

    1) the development of the most distant desires of a person and the realities of the Company;

    2) available material, cultural, economic and other opportunities in humans to implement their needs in society;

    3) the level of conditions for expressing the pedagogical process.

    So, the important features of the pedagogical process are expressed in the basic principles of the pedagogical process that makes it general organization, content, shapes and methods.

    We define the main principles of the pedagogical process.

    1. The humanistic principle, which means that the humanistic principle should be manifested in the direction of the pedagogical process, and this means the desire to unity of the development goals and life attitudes of a particular personality and society.

    2. The principle of the relationship of the theoretical focus of the pedagogical process with practical activities. In this case, this principle means the relationship and mutual influence between the content, forms and methods of education and educational work on the one hand, and changes and phenomena occurring in the entire social life of the country - economics, politics, culture, on the other hand.

    3. The principle of combining the theoretical start of training and education processes with practical actions. The determination of the value of the embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200bpractical activity in the life of the younger generation suggests subsequently the systematic acquisition of public behavior experience and makes it possible to form valuable personality-business qualities.

    4. The principle of scientific relations, which means the need to bring the content of education with a certain level of scientific and technical achievements of society, as well as in accordance with the already accumulated experience of civilization.

    5. The principle of orientation of the pedagogical process on the formation in the unity of knowledge and skills, consciousness and behavior. The essence of this principle consists in the requirement of organizing activities in which the children would have the opportunity to see the truth of the theoretical presentation confirmed by practical actions.

    6. The principle of collectivism of training and education processes. This principle is based on the compound and interpenetration of various collective, group and individual methods and means of organizing the learning process.

    7. Systemativity, continuity and sequence. This principle implies the consolidation of knowledge, skills and skills, personal qualities that were learned in the learning process, as well as systematic and consistent their development.

    8. The principle of clarity. This is one of the important principles of not only the learning process, but also the entire pedagogical process. In this case, the laws and principles of study of the external world can be considered the basis of the visibility of learning in the pedagogical process, which lead to the development of thinking from figuratively concrete to abstract.

    9. The principle of the aesthetization of training and education processes in relation to children. The identification and development of the young generation of a beautiful, aesthetic attitudes towards the surrounding enableness makes it possible to form an artistic taste and see the uniqueness and value of public principles.

    10. The principle of the relationship of pedagogical management and independence of schoolchildren. It is very important from the children's years to teach a person to fulfill certain types of work, encourage the initiative. This is facilitated by the principle of combining effective pedagogical management.

    11. The principle of consciousness of children. This principle is intended to show the value of the active position of students in the pedagogical process.

    12. The principle of a reasonable attitude towards the child, in which the demands and promotion in the reasonable ratio are combined.

    13. The principle of combining and unity of respect for his own personality, on the one hand, and a certain level of demanding to yourself, on the other hand. It becomes possible when there is a fundamental support on the strengths of the person.

    14. Accessibility and Possibility. This principle in the pedagogical process involves the correspondence between the construction of the work of students and their real possibilities.

    15. The principle of influence of individual characteristics of students. This principle means that the content, forms, methods and means of organizing the pedagogical process are changed in accordance with the age of students.

    16. The principle of the effectiveness of the learning process. The manifestation of this principle is based on work mental activity. Sturdy, as a rule, become those knowledge that are mined independently.

    Thus, determining the stages of the unity of upbringing and training in the pedagogical process, the goal as a system-forming component of the educational system, overall characteristic Education systems in Russia, as well as features, structure, patterns, principles of the pedagogical process, we were able to reveal the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe lecture and find out how the education process, being a fundamental, systemic, targeted and unifying education and training processes, has an impact on the development of the personality, And, it means to the development of society and the state.

    In order to achieve the target target, training and education should be organized. In other words, learning and education must be given the form of a managed process in which the interaction of teachers and students (educators and pupils) will be properly connected. Such a process is called educational or pedagogical.

    Pedagogical process - This is an organized and focused activity of people (training and trainees, educators and pupils) in order to form the necessary knowledge, practical skills and skills, the moral and political, psychological and physical qualities of the person and group. This activity is inextricably linked with all other public processes: the economic, political, moral, cultural, and others. Essence, content and direction of such activities depend on the state of society, the real interaction of productive forces and production relations.

    During the pedagogical process, there is a phased processing of experience, knowledge and efforts of the teacher in advance planned personal qualities of the student. A prerequisite for the pedagogical process is its integrity under which the preservation of all components of the process is understood.

    The essence of the pedagogical process consists in an interconnected aggregate of training, education and education aimed at achieving a common goal for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. All components of the pedagogical process are in close relationship, without losing its autonomy, features inherent only to this internal process. Thus, the dominant education function is education, education function - education, and the learning function, respectively, training. However, it is impossible to become an educated person without having received due education, the learning process is generally closely associated with education and education, exercising developing activities and cognitive activity man. By exercising a pedagogical process, it is necessary to clearly allocate that part of the pedagogical impact that dominates the current moment. When learning, where the main goal is to transfer certain knowledge to students, teacher must clearly realize that the training acquired in the learning process will have a direct impact on education, and especially human self-education. The education of a person largely determines its attitude to education, gives rise to motivation to the latter, forms the goals to which the desire to obtain education may also relate.

    Integrity, generality, unity - the main characteristics of the pedagogical process, emphasizing the subordination of all components of its processes of a single goal. The complex dialectic of relations inside the pedagogical process is: 1) in the unity and independence of the processes, its generators; 2) the integrity and coinlands of separate systems included in it; 3) the availability of the total and preservation of the specific one.

    The pedagogical process must be controlled and manageable. At each stage and for each direction, control and management are carried out using appropriate methods that have its own specifics. Each of the internal processes pursues one general global goal - the formation of a person who has the specified qualities inherent in the process by methods, methods and using specially prepared materials.

    Exist common laws Pedagogical process.

    • 1. The pattern of dynamics of the pedagogical process. The magnitude of all subsequent changes depends on the amount of changes in the previous stage. This means that the pedagogical process as a developing interaction between teachers and educated has a gradual, "step" character; The higher the intermediate achievements, the more weeding the final result. The consequence of the action of the law can be seen at every step: higher common achievements have the student who has better intermediate results.
    • 2. The pattern of personality development in the pedagogical process. The pace and the achieved level of personality development depend: 1) from heredity; 2) educational and educational environments; 3) inclusion in educational activities; 4) applied tools and methods of pedagogical impact.
    • 3. The pattern of management of the educational process. The effectiveness of the pedagogical effect depends: 1) on the intensity of feedback between educators and educated; 2) the values, nature and validity of corrective impacts on educated.
    • 4. The pattern of stimulation. The productivity of the pedagogical process depends: 1) from the action of internal incentives (motifs) of educational activities; 2) intensity, character and timeliness of external (public, pedagogical, moral, material, etc.) incentives.
    • 5. The pattern of unity of sensual, logical and practice in the pedagogical process. The effectiveness of the educational process depends: 1) on the intensity and quality of sensual perception; 2) logical

    compreation of perceived; 3) practical use of meaningful.

    • 6. The pattern of unity exterior (pedagogical) and internal (cognitive) activities. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends: 1) on the quality of pedagogical activities; 2) the qualities of their own educational activities raised.
    • 7. The pattern of conditionality of the pedagogical process. The course and results of the educational process depend: 1) from the needs of society and personality; 2) opportunities (material and technical, economic, etc.) of society; 3) the conditions for the flow of the process (moral and psychological, sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic, etc.).

    Wherever the pedagogical process be behind, no matter how the teacher is created, it will have the following structure: Objective - principles - components - methods - means - forms.

    purpose Reflects the final result of pedagogical interaction to which the teacher and the student are string.

    Pedagogical goal - This is the foresight of the teacher and students of the results of their interactions in the form of generalized mental formations, in accordance with which the other components of the pedagogical process are then correlated with the pedagogical target.

    There are the following types of pedagogical purposes.

    • 1. Regulatory state objects - These are the most common goals defined in government documents and state standards of education.
    • 2. Public goals - Objectives of various layers of society, reflecting their needs, interests and requests on training.
    • 3. Initiative goals - These are the goals directly developed by the teachers themselves and their students taking into account the type of educational institution, the profile of the specialization and the educational subject, the level of development of students, the preparedness of teachers. Each such goal has its own subject, i.e. What is supposed to develop a pupil. On the basis of this, three groups of goals are allocated:
      • goals of the formation of consciousness and behavior those. goals of the formation of knowledge, skills, skills;
      • the objectives of the formation of relations to the most different parties of life: society, labor, theme lesson, professions, friends, parents, art, etc.;
      • goals of creating creative activity Development of abilities, departures, interests of students.

    Organizational goals put in a teacher in its management function (for example, the goal is to use self-government in the organization learning activities Students).

    Methodical goals associated with the transformation of learning technology and extracurricular activities students (for example, changing teaching methods, the introduction of new forms of the organization of the educational process).

    The functions of the teacher are to form a procedure for targets in students; Study and know the goals of each of them, contribute to the realization of useful goals.

    The goals of students should be included in the pedagogical process on a par with the goals supplied by the teacher. The coincidence of the goals of the teacher and students is the most important condition for the success of the pedagogical process.

    Developing a goal - the logical-constructive process, the essence of which is to:

    • 1) compare, summarize certain information;
    • 2) make the choice of the most significant information;
    • 3) based on the latter to formulate the goal, i.e. Determine the object and object of purpose and the necessary specific actions;
    • 4) make a decision to achieve the goal, implement the purpose of the goal.

    Object of pedagogical goal A specific student or a group of students in certain role-playing positions.

    The subject of pedagogical goal - This is the side of the personality of the pupil, which should be transformed into a given pedagogical process.

    To determine the main directions of achieving the goal of the pedagogical process are intended principles, among which, in particular, you can allocate the following.

    • 1. The principle of socially significant target direction of the educational process, Supporting the comprehensive development of each child, the preparation of all children to participate in the reorganization of society, to life in a democratic legal state.
    • 2. The principle of an integrated approach to the organization of children's activities, allowing to build the last in organic links with the worldview forming in schoolchildren, socially valuable behaviors, moral attitude To the study, work, nature, yourself, other people.
    • 3. The principle of holistic and harmonious personality formation in the learning and education process, Ensupping its simultaneous development both in accordance with public needs and demands, and relatively laid in it, physical and spiritual features.
    • 4. The principle of training and education of children in the team, providing for a consistent combination of mass, collective, group, individual forms of working with them.
    • 5. The principle of unity of demandingness and respect for children, I mean that active participation in important public affairs and liability contributes to self-affirmation, towers the child in their own eyes, they paint and inspire it.
    • 6. Principle of combining the leadership of the life of children with the development of their initiative and creativity in training and upbringing, Converting the elemental social formation of a person in a targeted pedagogical process.
    • 7. The principle of giving the aesthetic orientation of life, training and education of children, Giving the opportunity to know the true beauty of public aesthetic ideals.
    • 8. The principle of the leading role of training and education of schoolchildren in relation to their development, Inappropriate to develop the challenges laid in the child in a wide variety of abilities.
    • 9. Principle of bringing methods and techniques for children in line with the objectives of their training and education, providing inclusion in the current system of work of new, innovative methods and techniques that correspond and meet the objectives of educational work.
    • 10. The principle of accounting age and individual features children in the process of educational work, contributing to the formation of each of them unique active and creative individuality.
    • 11. The principle of sequence and systematics in training and education, Giving the opportunity to clearly build a pedagogical process, increase its efficiency.
    • 12. Principle of availability facilitating work with children, making it for the latter more understandable.
    • 13. The principle of strength, allowing the pedagogical process more productively and efficiently.

    The pedagogical process has its own structure.

    First components of the pedagogical process are its subjects and objects (teacher and student) forming a dynamic "teacher - student" system at the leading role of the teacher.

    As a subject of the pedagogical process, the teacher receives a special pedagogical education, is aware of himself in charge of society for the preparation of the younger generations. The teacher as an object of the pedagogical process as a result of continuous education, self-education, communicating with students is subjected to educational effects and strives for self-improvement, forms its pedagogical culture.

    Culture The teacher (educator) is such a generalizing characteristics of his personality, which reflects the ability to persistently and successfully exercise educational activities in combination with effective interaction with students and pupils. Outside culture, pedagogical practice is paralyzed and ineffective.

    The teacher's culture (educator) performs a number of functions including:

    • a) the transfer of knowledge, skills and skills, formation on this basis of the worldview;
    • b) the development of intellectual forces and abilities, emotional-volitional and effective-practical spheres of the psyche;
    • c) ensuring conscious assimilation by trainee moral principles and behavior skills in society;
    • d) the formation of aesthetic attitude to reality;
    • e) strengthening the health of children, the development of their physical forces and abilities.

    Pedagogical culture suggests:

    • - pedagogical focus in the personality of the teacher (educator), reflecting its predisposition to educational activities and the ability to achieve during the last significant and high results;
    • - a wide horizon, psychological and pedagogical erudition and competence of the teacher (educator), i.e. its professional qualities that allow good enough and efficiently understand the educational activities;
    • - the aggregate of the teacher's personal qualities of the teacher (educator), i.e. His features such as love for people, the desire to respect their personal dignity, respectfulness in action and behavior, high performance, excerpt; calm and dedication;
    • - ability to combine educational work with the search for ways to improve it, allowing it to be constantly improving in his own activity and improve educational work;
    • - harmony of developed intellectual and organizational qualities of the teacher (educator), i.e. a special combination of high intellectual and cognitive features formed from him (the development of all forms and methods of thinking, the latitude of imagination, etc.), organizational qualities (the ability to encourage people to action, influence them, rally them, etc.) and the ability show these characteristics for the benefit of the organization and to improve the effectiveness of educational activities;
    • - Pedagogical mastery of the teacher (educator), assumed the synthesis of highly developed pedagogical thinking, professional-pedagogical knowledge, skills, skills and emotional-volitional means of expressiveness, which in relationship with the highly developed qualities of the teacher's personality and the educator allow them to effectively solve educational and educational tasks.

    Pedagogical skills is the most important and structure-forming component of pedagogical culture and is expressed in sustainable psychological and pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical demand and pedagogical tact of the teacher and educator. The main appointment of the pedagogical culture of the teacher and the educator is to contribute to the improvement of the educational process, the growth of its productivity.

    The student as an object of the pedagogical process is the individuality developed and transformed in accordance with the pedagogical purposes. As a subject of the pedagogical process, the student has a developing person, endowed with natural needs and tasks, seeking creative self-assessment, the satisfaction of its needs, interests and aspirations capable of active learning of pedagogical impacts or resistance to them.

    There is a continuous interaction in the "teacher - student" system, i.e. permanently recreated pedagogical situations which arise only as a result of a focused, meaningful, concerned interaction of students with a teacher, among themselves, with the phenomena of the surrounding world. This situation leads to the prescribed human practices provided for by educational changes: the formation of worldview, socially valuable material and spiritual needs, value orientations, motives, incentives, skills and habits of behavior, qualities and character traits. It is important to note that the pedagogical situation is always an active mutual combination and unity of the manifestations of all the main components of the pedagogical process, the actions of the teacher and the student, the specific historical content of life in the state, pedagogical and public environment.

    Second The component of the pedagogical process is its content that is carefully selected, exposed to pedagogical analysis, is summarized, it is estimated from the position of the worldview, is due to the age capabilities of children. The content of the pedagogical process includes the foundations of human experience in the field of public relations, ideology, production, labor, science, culture.

    The third The structural component of the pedagogical process is an organizational and managerial complex, the core of which are forms and methods of education and training.

    Fourth The component serves as pedagogical diagnosis - the establishment with the help of special methods of the state of "health" and the viability of the pedagogical process both in general and individual parts. Diagnostic methods and methods include: checking knowledge, skills, skills; The results of the labor, public activity of children; their manifestations in life, especially extreme situations, fixation of moral elections, deeds, behaviors; Fruits of independent productive work.

    Fifth Component - criteria for the effectiveness of the pedagogical process, which includes assessments of knowledge, skills and skills, expert assessments and characteristics of the invasions of beliefs, character traits, personality properties.

    Sixth structural component The pedagogical process is to organize interaction with the public and natural environment. Social life is the most important factor in education. The pedagogical process, inspiring in a special purposeful system, is not isolated from life. purpose this process It is to organize attitudes towards the last pupils, in the desire to spread their influences, pedagogyization of the public life environment. The pedagogically organized environment can be considered agreed with the pedagogical objectives, the activities of the family, public organizations, labor collectives, informal associations.

    Methods - These are the actions of the teacher and the student through which the content of the pedagogical process is transmitted and is taken.

    Funds As materialized subject ways of working with the content of pedagogical and educational activities are used in unity with methods.

    Forms The organization of the pedagogical process gives it a logical completion, completeness.

    The dynamism of the pedagogical process is achieved by the interaction of the three structures:

    • - pedagogical;
    • - methodical;
    • - psychological.

    To create a methodological structure, the target is divided into a number of tasks, in accordance with which the consecutive stages of the teacher and the student are determined.

    The pedagogical and methodological structure of the pedagogical process is organically interrelated.

    The psychological structure includes: processes of perception, thinking, understanding, memorization, assimilation of information; manifestation of students in interest, inconsistencies, the doctrine motivation, the dynamics of the emotional attitude; Lifting and decline in physical neuropsychic stress, dynamics of activity, efficiency and fatigue. Consequently, in the psychological structure of the pedagogical process, three substructures can be distinguished: cognitive processes; Motivation of teachings; voltage.

    In order for the pedagogical process "I came into motion", control is necessary.

    Pedagogical governance - This is the process of translation of the pedagogical situation from one state to another corresponding to the goal.

    Components of the management process are setting a goal; informational support (diagnosis of students' features); wording tasks depending on the purpose and characteristics of students; design, planning activities to achieve the goal; project implementation; control over the progress; adjustment; summarizing.

    The patterns of managing the pedagogical process are distinguished as the dependence of the effectiveness of the system of management of educational work on the level of structural and functional bonds between the subject and the control object; Conditions of content and methods for managing educational work in the nature of the content and methods of organizing the pedagogical process. Analyticality, feasibility, humanities, democratic management and the readiness of pedagogical leaders to various types of management activities are also called among the leading patterns of intra-digestic management.

    The pedagogical process is the labor process. It is carried out to achieve socially significant tasks. The specifics of this process are that the work of educators and educated merges together, forming a kind of participants' relations - pedagogical interaction.

    If the society's economic basis contributes to the development of productive forces, the level of production and culture and culture is progressively growing, the school process, the school, sensitively reflecting public needs, are able to play an active role in the development of production, culture and strengthening of advanced public relations. If production relations restrain the active manifestation of productive forces, they interfere with their normal development, there are phenomena of stagnation, decompositions, the contradictions negatively affect the pedagogical process, the need for decisive changes in the society and the reform of the school appears.

    As the economic reform, the democratization of social relations in our country is increasing the role of the school, the pedagogical process in the formation of the person, and therefore, in the improvement of all social life.

    The main stages of the pedagogical process are:

    • - preparatory;
    • - the main one;
    • - Final.

    On the preparatory Stage The following tasks are solved: goal-making, diagnostics of conditions, forecasting achievements, design and planning of the development of the process.

    Stage of the implementation of the pedagogical process (main) It can be considered as a relatively separate system, which includes important interrelated elements: formulation and explanation of the goals and objectives of the upcoming activities; interaction of teachers and students; the use of intended tools and forms of the pedagogical process; creating favorable conditions; carrying out various measures to stimulate schoolchildren's activities; Ensuring the communication of the pedagogical process with other processes.

    An important role at this stage is played feedback, Excerctors for the adoption of operational management decisions. Operational feedback In the course of the pedagogical process contributes to the timely administration of corrective amendments that make the necessary flexibility to pedagogical interaction.

    The cycle of the pedagogical process is completed the step of analysis of the results achieved (final).

    The pedagogical process is implemented due to pedagogical activitywhich presents a special type of socio-beneficial activity of adults, consciously aimed at the preparation of the younger generation to life in accordance with the economic, political, moral, aesthetic purposes.

    People and their groups that exercise pedagogical activities are her subjects, To which include:

    • society, those. that social environment (state, nation, classes, religious confessions), in which a pedagogical impact on people is carried out;
    • group, those. A small largest community of people, in the environment of which pedagogical activity is carried out;
    • pedagogue, those. A person who organizes and manages pedagogical activities.

    To the functions of pedagogical activity determining the main mechanisms Implementation, belong:

    • control, those. organization and implementation of pedagogical activities;
    • upbringing those. Formation of sustainable views of the surrounding reality and life in society;
    • training, those. Formation of knowledge of knowledge, skills and skills, taking into account the requirements of modern life and activities;
    • development, those. the process of functional improvement of mental and physical activity of people in accordance with the requirements of their activities and living conditions;
    • psychological training those. The process of formation in people internal readiness for overcoming the difficulties found on the way.

    Composite parts with which pedagogical activity is carried out, usually act as components of the latter. The following components of pedagogical activity are distinguished:

    • designer Inappropriate setting of such specific goals and objectives of pedagogical activity, as a result of which the achievement of which it is possible to form certain qualities of individuals in people;
    • organizational, involving the main directions on a thorough organization of pedagogical activities, the implementation of which depends on its effectiveness;
    • informative, ensuring the maximum productivity of the intellectual and cognitive activity of objects and subjects of pedagogical activity;
    • communicative, assumes a thorough organization and effective manifestation of communication and interaction of objects and subjects during pedagogical activities;
    • research, Supporting the study and improvement of the process of pedagogical activity.

    Objects Pedagogical activities are people and their groups, with individuals and social and psychological features inherent.

    Result Pedagogical activity is an impact on each particular person in the interests of its development and improvement in intellectual, procedural, emotional and moral, ideological spheres.

    Allocate defined circle problems Which are in the field of pedagogical activities and which are as follows:

    • 1) the degree of compliance of pedagogical activities to the requirements of the laws of education as a public phenomenon, as well as the content, forms and methods of training and education in the requests of the practical side of public relations;
    • 2) the relationship of pedagogical activities with laws and data of related sciences (physiology, psychology, philosophy), which allows you to control the knowledge of children, taking into account their interests;
    • 3) directly proportional to the dependence of successful pedagogical activities from the relationships of teachers and their pupils, which requires the pedagogy of constant study and correction of developing interaction;
    • 4) the presence of subjective-objective conditions for the effective flow of pedagogical activities that make it possible to formulate the initial recommendations for the effective use of all forms of organizing children's life;
    • 5) Getting, processing and transmitting feedback teachers, i.e. diagnosis in order to adjust pedagogical activities;
    • 6) the development of new training systems for educational and educational work, the organization of large-scale experiments;
    • 7) the study of advanced pedagogical experience, the conditions for its distribution and effective implementation operating in the modern life of a separate method, a set of educational interaction.

    The study of pedagogical activity is necessary to improve the entire system of upbringing and learning the younger generation.

    Specific manifestation of pedagogical activities is educational work - Direct embodiment of the goals and objectives of pedagogical activities, pedagogical process.

    The subject of educational work - a teacher who received a special pedagogical education, aware of himself in charge of the Society for the preparation of the younger generations, constantly developing its worldview and developing moral and aesthetic principles, continuously improving personal abilities to actively communicate with children, organizing their lives and psychological Pedagogical effect on them.

    The object of educational work is a student (pupil), which is an identity developed and transformed in accordance with the pedagogical objectives of training and education.

    The purpose of educational work is to ensure that it is based on the use of various forms and methods of learning and education to seek the comprehensive development of students, the formation of certain socio-political and psychological qualities, comprehensive and complete mastering of them with a complex of knowledge necessary for the life and knowledge, Skills and skills.

    In the course of educational activities are implemented pedagogical technologies , representing a combination of psychological and pedagogical plants, which determine the special selection and layout of forms, methods, methods, educational techniques and means, thanks to which students are much more efficiently learned knowledge, skills and skills.

    Pedagogical technology is used together with the overall methodology, objectives and content, organizing the entire educational process, and is implemented in technological processes that are focused on a specific pedagogical result. For example, technological processes are:

    • 1) organizing competitions;
    • 2) system of educational work at school;
    • 3) System forms and means of studying a specific learning course.

    Various technological approaches are used in educational activities:

    • 1) tests for measuring mental abilities;
    • 2) a variety of visual benefits and schemes for obtaining and testing skills;
    • 3) organizational structures of the formation of self-government, competition, uniform self-service requirements.

    Subject Pedagogical technology are specific interactions of teachers and students in any field of activity. As a result of these interactions, a steady positive result is achieved in the assimilation of knowledge, skills and skills.

    TO tasks Pedagogical technology I. technical processes It is customary as follows:

    • 1) development and consolidation of knowledge, skills and skills in any fields of activity;
    • 2) formation, development and consolidation of socially valuable forms and habits of behavior;
    • 3) Awakening of students in interest in mental classes, the development of abilities for intellectual labor and mental activity, to understand the facts and patterns of science;
    • 4) training actions with technological tools;
    • 5) the development of independent planning, systematization of its educational and self-education activities;
    • 6) Educating the habit of clearly follow the requirements of technological discipline in the organization of training sessions and socially useful work.

    Pedagogical technology has the following features:

    • 1) different pedagogical chains differ in educational potential; Some suppress the creative initiative due to the strict requirements for the sequence of the main elements of the program, the other create a favorable ground for the development of active conscious mental work;
    • 2) the ability of learning or education to be coding, without losing their educational opportunities at the same time; Introduction to the learning process of coded physical and chemical formulas increases the effectiveness of learning subjects;
    • 3) creative refraction of pedagogical technology through the personality of the teacher and students;
    • 4) each technological link, system, chain, receiving, we need to determine the appropriate place in the pedagogical process, but no technology will replace living human communication;
    • 5) pedagogical technology closely related to psychology; Any technological link is more efficient if it has a psychological rationale and practical outputs.

    In educational activities are productively implemented pedagogical tasks. There are three main approaches to their understanding:

    • 1) the pedagogical task is associated with progressive change in knowledge, relationships, student skills or pupil;
    • 2) the pedagogical task finds its expression in the planned effects of growth, development, promotion of students or pupils in which the ability to successfully solve life, educational and educational problems;
    • 3) The pedagogical task acts as some sign model of the pedagogical situation and changes in accordance with the logic of the goals of the pedagogical process.

    Classification Pedagogical tasks can be represented as follows:

    • 1) strategic tasks (ultrafasts that reflect the common goal of education are formed in the form of some reference ideas about the qualities of a person are given from the outside, follow from the objective needs of social development, determine the initial objectives and final results of pedagogical activities);
    • 2) tactical tasks (maintain their focus on the final results of education and education of students dedicated to any stage of solving strategic tasks);
    • 3) operational tasks (Current, coming, arising before the teacher in each individual moment of pedagogical activity).
    • 1) the tasks of the excitation (detection of the current state of the formed qualities of the individual and the team);
    • 2) the tasks of anticipation (predicting changes of the formed qualities of personality and the team);
    • 3) The tasks of transformation (translation) of the formed qualities of the personality and the team to a new, higher level of development.

    It is important to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat should be the process of solving pedagogical tasks, which in its development takes place a number of stages:

    • 1) analysis of the pedagogical situation, Increasing the assessment of the initial conditions of pedagogical actions, the explanation and foresight of pedagogical phenomena, the development and adoption of diagnostic solutions, the diagnosis of an individual or group act, the diagnosis of personality and the team, predicting the results of training and education, the possibilities of difficult responses of students and their responses;
    • 2) icobalizing and planning (goaling is sent by the analysis of available means to verify the initial assumptions and achievements of the result, design of pedagogical impacts);
    • 3) designing and implementing the pedagogical process (The pedagogical process involves a reasonable choice of various types of students' activity, programming the teacher's control actions and pedagogically expedient actions of pupils);
    • 4) regulation and correction, Thanks to which the evaluation of the success or failure in the implementation of the pedagogical process and pedagogical actions, their correction and processing are carried out;
    • 5) final control and accounting of results (The decision of the pedagogical problem ends with the final accounting and comparison of the results with the initial data, the analysis of achievements and deficiencies of pedagogical actions, the effectiveness of methods, means and organizational forms of educational work).

    The most important prerequisite for improving the content and improvement of the effectiveness of educational activities at school and other educational institutions is studying and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience. We highlight its main directions.

    • 1. Studying upbringing problems. In the process of learning and upbringing schoolchildren in various regions of our country, many problems arise, the experience of their decision is accumulated, new forms of training arise and are improved, innovators teachers appear.
    • 2. Studying the experience of education. Conference and summarization of the experience of pedagogical activities of teachers in all the subjects of Russia and teachers of innovators, its distribution to the entire education system of the country makes it possible to improve the quality of the educational process in the education system.
    • 3. Organization and management of the educational process In various institutions of education, in various regions, States have their own specifics, positive and negative sides. The purposeful and well-thoughtful understanding and generalization of this activity has tremendous value, and the dissemination of best practices in this area increases the likelihood of overcoming such difficulties in other educational institutions.
    • 4. Improving the pedagogical culture of educators. Pedagogical culture of the teacher (educator) is the integrative characteristics of his personality, which reflects the ability to persistently and successfully exercise educational activities, combining it with effective interaction with students and pupils. Culture In this case, it assumes the presence of such components of its components, as a wide range of the psychological and pedagogical erudition and competence of the teacher and the educator, the effective manifestation of the aggregate of the educational work of developed personal intelligent and organizational qualities, the ability to combine educational work with the search for ways Her improvement, pedagogical skill. Propaganda experience of improving teachers and teachers, the development of their pedagogical culture is the most important condition and prerequisites for improving the effectiveness of the educational process in the establishments of the country's education.
    • - in the study of the goals and objectives of pedagogical practice;
    • - collect materials for learning and education experience in many regions of the country;
    • - the implementation of theoretical analysis of the collected materials and nomination of scientifically based proposals on the ways of optimizing educational work;
    • - theoretical generalization of empirical and experimental materials and the development of scientifically-based recommendations for all categories of teachers and educators;
    • - implementation of the developed recommendations in the practice of learning and raising people.

    Methodological requirements for the study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience are always:

    • - study pedagogical phenomena is not isolated from other facts of public life, but in close connection and interaction with them;
    • - consider any pedagogical experience in development, movement and change, take into account the conditions, place and time of the implementation of pedagogical measures;
    • - penetrate into the inner essence of phenomena and facts, identifying significant links and relations between them;
    • - to study a new, relying on the fact of the fact, and not catching out individuals from the latter and building on them;
    • - remember that the pedagogical theory, being closely related to practice, should not be reduced to practicalism, ready and suitable for all conditions of recipes;
    • - properly determine the goals, objectives and methods of pedagogical studies and exercise them purposefully.

    Ways of distribution and implementation in practice The best practices of educational work can be:

    • - Conducting disquencement and instructing and methodical classes, open lessons, mutual visits to classes;
    • - use to disseminate advanced pedagogical experience of conferences, teachers and educators, training courses of teachers;
    • - provision of individual assistance to teachers from employees of education bodies;
    • - systematic control of work on the implementation of best practices, improving the quality and effectiveness of this type of pedagogical activity;
    • - organization of lectures, schools of best practices in the system of national education authorities of the country.

    Forms of introducing best practices The educational practice is usually:

    • - specially prepared and periodically conducted scientific and practical conferences;
    • - organization of advanced training of teachers and educators;
    • - exchange of advanced experience of teachers and educators on specific learning issues and schoolchildren;
    • - Training and retraining of teachers and educators in universities.

    The pedagogical process, educational activities cannot develop productively, if they do not provide and do not implement ways of improving teachers and educators in psychology and pedagogy, among which the following are distinguished.

    • 1. The study of psychology and pedagogy in the training and retraining system of teachers and educators. In our country, there is a slim training system for advanced training, i.e. Preparation and retraining of teachers, scientists and other categories of national education representatives, including pedagogical universities, Institutes Improving Teachers, Qualification Courses.
    • 2. Organization of special psychological and pedagogical lecturers. To share experiences between employees of public education, teachers, teachers of universities, lecturers are specially held, on which the most important modern problems of education, upbringing and education are discussed.
    • 3. Conduct conferences and seminars on psychology and pedagogy. For discussing the most important problems of constantly developing areas of scientific and practical knowledge - pedagogy and psychology - special scientific and practical conferences are held.
    • 4. Independent work of the teacher and the educator on the study of psychological and pedagogical literature. The teacher and the educator must constantly improve their knowledge and skills. The most effective way for this is to familiarize with the new literature and documents of education, exiting quite large quantities in our country.
    • 5. Study, generalization and distribution of advanced pedagogical experience. In Russia, in many of its regions, directly in public education institutions, as well as abroad, the pedagogical experience and the results of the specific educational activities of teachers and psychologists who are subject to centralized study and generalization are constantly accumulated, and then promoted in various ways.
    • 6. Attracting teachers and educators to research work on psychology and pedagogy issues. Russia has research institutions and organizations (for example, the Russian Academy of Education), which study pedagogical and educational activities within special scientific programs. The teachers and educators in the field are involved in this work, and the main research is carried out directly where these teachers perform their professional duties.
    • 7. The activities of psychologists and teachers to promote psychological and pedagogical knowledge. The folk education system in our country is built in such a way as to contribute to the effective distribution and propaganda of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, professional pedagogical experience. Pedagogues and psychologists working in the field, in specific educational institutions, on the one hand, are interested, and on the other hand are actively involved in the promotion of the newest achievements of psychological and pedagogical science, specific applied knowledge contributing to improving the effectiveness of their important labor.

    Pedagogical process - This concept includes a method and method of organizing educational relations, which are to be in a systematic and purposeful choice and the use of external factors for the development of learning entities. Under the pedagogical process means the process of learning and education as a special social function, to implement which the environment of a certain pedagogical system is necessary.

    The concept of "process" occurred from the Latin word Processus and means "forward movement", "change". The pedagogical process determines the constant interaction of subjects and objects of educational activities: educators and educated. The pedagogical process is aimed at solving this task and leads to changes in advance, to transform properties and students' qualities. In other words, the pedagogical process is a process where experience turns into identity quality. The main feature of the pedagogical process is the presence of unity of education, upbringing and development based on the preservation of the integrity and generality of the system. The concepts of the "pedagogical process" and "educational process" are unambiguous.

    The pedagogical process is a system. The system consists of various processes, including the formation, development, education and training, inextricably linked with all conditions, forms and methods. As a system, the pedagogical process consists of elements (components), in turn the location of the elements in the system is a structure.

    The structure of the pedagogical process includes:

    1. The goal is to identify the final result.

    2. Principles are the main directions in achieving the goal.

    4. Methods are the necessary work of the teacher and the student for the purpose of transferring, processing and perceiving the detention of training.

    5. Funds - ways of "work" with content.

    6. Forms are a consistent obtaining the result of the pedagogical process.

    The purpose of the pedagogical process is to effectively predict the result and the result of the work. The pedagogical process consists of various purposes: goals directly teaching and learning goals in each lesson, each discipline, etc.

    Regulatory documents of Russia represent the following understanding of the goals.

    1. The system of goals in typical provisions on educational institutions (the formation of a common culture of the personality, adaptation for life in society, creating a basis for the conscious choice and the development of a professional educational program, raising responsibility and love to the homeland).

    2. The system of diagnostic purposes in certain programs, where all objectives are divided into stages and levels of learning and represent the content of the content of certain training courses. In the education system, such a diagnostic goal can be training to professional skills, thereby preparing a student for future vocational education. The definition of such professional education goals in Russia is the result of important processes in the education system, where attention is drawn, first of all, the interests of the younger generation in the pedagogical process.

    Method (From Greek. Sheshokzh) of the pedagogical process is the ways of the relationship between the teacher and the student, these are practical actions of training and students who contribute to the learning and use of the content of training as experience. The method is a specific designated way to achieve a given goal, a method for solving problems resulting in the resolution of the problem.

    Different types of classification of the methods of the pedagogical process can be determined as follows: by the source of knowledge: verbal (story, conversation, instruction), practical (exercises, training, self-government), visual (display, illustrating, material presentation), based on the personality structure: formation methods Consciousness (story, conversation, instruction, display, illustrating), methods of formation of behavior (exercises, training, game, instruction, requirement, ritual, etc.), methods of formation of feelings (stimulation) (approval, praise, censure, control, Self-control, etc.).

    Components of the system are teachers, students and learning conditions. As a system, the pedagogical process consists of certain components: goals, tasks, contents, methods, forms and results of the relationship between the teacher and the student. Thus, the system of elements is a target, meaningful, activity, efficient components.

    Target component The process is the unity of all the diverse goals and objectives of educational activities.

    Activity component - This is the relationship between the teacher and the student, their interaction, cooperation, organization, planning, control, without which it is impossible to come to the final result.

    Executive component The process shows how effective the process was effective, determines the successes and achievements depending on the goals set and tasks.

    Pedagogical process - This is a necessarily a labor process that is associated with achieving and solving socially significant goals and tasks. The peculiarity of the pedagogical process is that the work of the teacher and the student is combined together, making up an unusual relationship between the objects of the employment process, which is a pedagogical interaction.

    The pedagogical process is not so much a mechanical combination of the processes of education, learning, development, how much is a completely new high-quality system that can subordinate objects and participants with its laws. All components of the components are subordinated to a single goal - preservation of integrity, generality, unity of all components.

    The peculiarity of pedagogical processes is manifested in determining the influential functions of pedagogical action. The dominant function of the learning process - training, education - upbringing, development - development. Also, training, education and development are performed in a holistic process and other interpenetrating tasks: for example, education is manifested not only in educational, but also in the developing and educational function, and training is non-taxable associated with education and development.

    Objective, necessary, substantial bonds characterizing the pedagogical process are reflected in its patterns. The laws of the pedagogical process are the following.

    1. Dynamics of the pedagogical process. The pedagogical process involves the progressive nature of development - the total achievements of the student grow along with its interim results, which indicates the developing nature of the relationship between the teacher and children.

    2. Personality development in the pedagogical process. The level of personality development and the rates of achieving the goals of the pedagogical process are determined by the following factors:

    1) genetic factor - heredity;

    2) a pedagogical factor - the level of educational and educational sphere; participation in educational work; Means and methods of pedagogical influence.

    3. Management of the educational process. In the management of the educational process, the level of efficiency of pedagogical impact on the student is of great importance. This category is essentially depends on:

    1) the presence of systematic and value feedback between the teacher and the student;

    2) the presence of a certain level of influence and corrective impacts on the student.

    4. Stimulation. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process in most cases is determined by the following elements:

    1) the degree of stimulation and motivation of the pedagogical process by students;

    2) the appropriate level of external stimulation by the teacher, which is expressed in intensity and timeliness.

    5. The unity of sensual, logical and practice in the pedagogical process. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on:

    1) the quality of the student's personal perception;

    2) the logic of learning perceived;

    3) degrees of practical use of educational material.

    6. Unity of external (pedagogical) and internal (cognitive) activities. The logical unity of two interacting began is the degree of pedagogical impact and educational work of students - determines the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

    7. The condition of the pedagogical process. Development and summarization of the pedagogical process depend on:

    1) the development of the most distant desires of a person and the realities of the Company;

    2) available material, cultural, economic and other opportunities in humans to implement their needs in society;

    3) the level of conditions for expressing the pedagogical process.

    So, the important features of the pedagogical process are expressed in the basic principles of the pedagogical process, which make up its overall organization, content, forms and methods.

    We define the main principles of the pedagogical process.

    1. The humanistic principle, which means that the humanistic principle should be manifested in the direction of the pedagogical process, and this means the desire to unity of the development goals and life attitudes of a particular personality and society.

    2. The principle of the relationship of the theoretical focus of the pedagogical process with practical activities. In this case, this principle means the relationship and mutual influence between the content, forms and methods of education and educational work on the one hand, and changes and phenomena occurring in the entire social life of the country - economics, politics, culture, on the other hand.

    3. The principle of combining the theoretical start of training and education processes with practical actions. The determination of the value of the embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200bpractical activity in the life of the younger generation suggests subsequently the systematic acquisition of public behavior experience and makes it possible to form valuable personality-business qualities.

    4. The principle of scientific relations, which means the need to bring the content of education with a certain level of scientific and technical achievements of society, as well as in accordance with the already accumulated experience of civilization.

    5. The principle of orientation of the pedagogical process on the formation in the unity of knowledge and skills, consciousness and behavior. The essence of this principle consists in the requirement of organizing activities in which the children would have the opportunity to see the truth of the theoretical presentation confirmed by practical actions.

    6. The principle of collectivism of training and education processes. This principle is based on the compound and interpenetration of various collective, group and individual methods and means of organizing the learning process.

    7. Systemativity, continuity and sequence. This principle implies the consolidation of knowledge, skills and skills, personal qualities that were learned in the learning process, as well as systematic and consistent their development.

    8. The principle of clarity. This is one of the important principles of not only the learning process, but also the entire pedagogical process. In this case, the laws and principles of study of the external world can be considered the basis of the visibility of learning in the pedagogical process, which lead to the development of thinking from figuratively concrete to abstract.

    9. The principle of the aesthetization of training and education processes in relation to children. The identification and development of the young generation of a beautiful, aesthetic attitudes towards the surrounding enableness makes it possible to form an artistic taste and see the uniqueness and value of public principles.

    10. The principle of the relationship of pedagogical management and independence of schoolchildren. It is very important from the children's years to teach a person to fulfill certain types of work, encourage the initiative. This is facilitated by the principle of combining effective pedagogical management.

    11. The principle of consciousness of children. This principle is intended to show the value of the active position of students in the pedagogical process.

    12. The principle of a reasonable attitude towards the child, in which the demands and promotion in the reasonable ratio are combined.

    13. The principle of combining and unity of respect for his own personality, on the one hand, and a certain level of demanding to yourself, on the other hand. It becomes possible when there is a fundamental support on the strengths of the person.

    14. Accessibility and Possibility. This principle in the pedagogical process involves the correspondence between the construction of the work of students and their real possibilities.

    15. The principle of influence of individual characteristics of students. This principle means that the content, forms, methods and means of organizing the pedagogical process are changed in accordance with the age of students.

    16. The principle of the effectiveness of the learning process. The manifestation of this principle is based on the work of mental activity. Sturdy, as a rule, become those knowledge that are mined independently.

    Thus, defining a phased unity of upbringing and learning in the pedagogical process, the goal as a system-forming component of the educational system, the overall characteristics of the education system in Russia, as well as features, structure, patterns, principles of the pedagogical process, we were able to reveal the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe lecture and find out how how The process of education, being a fundamental, systemic, targeted and unifying the processes of education and training, has an impact on the development of the personality, and, it means to the development of society and the state.

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    Determination of the concept of "pedagogical process". Objectives of the pedagogical process

    Component components of the pedagogical process. Effects of the pedagogical process

    Methods, forms, means of pedagogical process




    Pedagogical process is a complex systemic phenomenon. The high importance of the pedagogical process is due to the cultural, historical and social value of the process of cultivation of man.

    In this regard, it is extremely important to understand the main specific characteristics of the pedagogical process, to know which tools are necessary for the most efficient flow.

    A lot of domestic teachers and anthropologists are engaged in researching this issue. Among them should be highlighted by A.A. Rean, V.A. Slastinina, I.P. Podlavnoye and bp Barhaeva. In the works of these authors, various aspects of the pedagogical process in terms of its integrity and systemics are most fully consecrated.

    The purpose of this work is to determine the basic characteristics of the pedagogical process. To implement the target, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    analysis of the components of the pedagogical process;

    analysis of the goals and objectives of the pedagogical process;

    characteristics of traditional methods, forms and means of the pedagogical process;

    analysis of the basic functions of the pedagogical process.

    1. Definition of the concept of "pedagogical process". Objectives of the pedagogical process

    Before discussing the specific features of the pedagogical process, we present some definitions of this phenomenon.

    According to I.P. The podagogological process is called "the developing interaction of educators and educated, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a predetermined change in the state, transformation of properties and qualities of educated".

    According to V.A. Salazhenin, pedagogical process - "This is a specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils aimed at solving educational and educational tasks."

    B.P. Barhaev sees the pedagogical process as "specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils about the content of education using educational and education to solve the tasks of education aimed at meeting the needs of society and the person in its development and self-development."

    Analyzing these definitions, as well as related literature, the following characteristics of the pedagogical process can be distinguished:

    the main subjects of interaction in the pedagogical process are the teacher, and the student;

    the purpose of the pedagogical process is the formation, development, training and education of the student: "Ensuring the unity of learning, education and development on the basis of integrity and generality is the main essence of the pedagogical process";

    the goal is achieved through the use of special funds during the pedagogical process;

    the purpose of the pedagogical process, as well as its achievement is due to the historical, public and cultural value of the pedagogical process, education as such;

    the purpose of the pedagogical process is distributed in the form of tasks;

    the essence of the pedagogical process is traced through special organized forms of the pedagogical process.

    All this and other characteristics of the pedagogical process will be considered by us in the future.

    According to I.P. Pedagogical process is built on target, substantial, activity and efficient components.

    The target component of the process includes all the diversity of the goals and objectives of pedagogical activities: from the general purpose - the comprehensive and harmonic development of the person to the specific tasks of the formation of individual qualities or their elements. The meaningful component reflects the meaning invested both in the common goal and in each specific task, and the activity is the interaction of teachers and educated, their cooperation, organization and management of the process, without which the final result cannot be achieved. The resulting component of the process reflects the effectiveness of its flow, characterizes the achieved shifts in accordance with the goal.

    The formulation of goals in education is a fairly specific and complex process. After all, the teacher meets with living children, and goals, as well reflected on paper, can diverge with the real state of affairs in an educational group, class, audience. Meanwhile, the teacher is obliged to know the common goals of the pedagogical process and follow them. In understanding the objectives of great importance, I have the principles of activity. They allow you to expand dry formulations of goals and adapt these goals to each teacher at yourself. In this regard, the work of B.P. Barhaeva, in which he is trying to make the basic principles in the construction of a holistic pedagogical process. We give these principles:

    In relation to the choice of target formations, the principles act:

    humanistic orientation of the pedagogical process;

    links with life and production practice;

    connections of training and education with difficulty in general benefit.

    The development of means of representing the content of training and education is sent by the principles:

    scientific relationship;

    availability and accuracy of learning and education of schoolchildren;

    connection of visibility and abstractness in the educational process;

    the aesthetization of all childhood life, primarily training and education.

    When choosing the forms of organizing pedagogical interaction, it is advisable to be guided by the principles:

    learning and raising children in the team;

    continuity, sequence, systematic;

    consistency of the requirements of the school, family and the public.

    The activities of the teacher are regulated by the principles:

    combinations of pedagogical management with the development of the initiative and independence of pupils;

    supports on a positive in man, on the strengths of his personality;

    respect for the identity of the child in combination with reasonable demanding to it.

    The participation of the students themselves in the process of education is sent by the principles of consciousness and the activity of schoolchildren in a holistic pedagogical process.

    The choice of methods of pedagogical impact in the process of teaching and educational work is directed by the principles:

    combinations of direct and parallel pedagogical actions;

    accounting for age and individual characteristics of pupils.

    The effectiveness of the results of pedagogical interaction is ensured by the following principles:

    focus on the formation in the unity of knowledge and skills, consciousness and behavior;

    the strength and effectiveness of the results of education, upbringing and development.

    2. Composite components of the pedagogical process. Effects of the pedagogical process

    As noted above, among the purposes of the pedagogical process, as a holistic phenomenon, the processes of education, development, formation and development are distinguished. Let's try to figure out the specifics of these concepts.

    According to N.N. Nikitina These processes can be defined as follows:

    "Formation - 1) The process of development and formation of a person under the influence of external and internal factors - education, training, social and natural environment, selfish personality; 2) The method and result of the internal organization of the personality as a system of personal properties.

    Training is the joint activity of the training and training, aimed at the formation of an individual through the organization of the process of mastering the knowledge system, ways of activity, experience creative activity and experience of an emotional and value attitude to the world. "

    At the same time, the teacher:

    ) Teaches - purposefully conveys knowledge, life experience, ways of activity, the basis of culture and scientific knowledge;

    ) manages the process of mastering knowledge, skills and skills;

    ) Creates conditions for the development of the personality of students (memory, attention, thinking).

    In turn, the student:

    ) learns - seizes the transmitted information and performs learning tasks with the help of a teacher, together with classmates or independently;

    ) Trying to observe yourself, compare, think;

    ) Clears the initiative in finding new knowledge, additional sources of information (directory, textbook, Internet), is engaged in self-education.

    Teaching is a teacher's activities:

    organization of educational and educational activities of students;

    assistance in difficulty in the process of teaching;

    stimulating the interest, independence and creativity of students;

    assessment of students' learning achievements.

    "Development is a process of quantitative and qualitative changes inherited and acquired properties of a person.

    Education is a targeted process of interrelated activities of teachers and pupils aimed at the formation of valuable relations among schoolchildren to the world and oneself. "

    IN modern science Under the "upbringing" as a public phenomenon, the transfer of historical and cultural experience from generation to generation is understood. At the same time, the teacher:

    ) transfers the experience gained by mankind;

    ) introduces culture into the world;

    ) stimulates to self-education;

    ) helps to understand difficult life situations and find a way out of the current situation.

    In turn, the pupil:

    ) mastering the experience of human relations and the foundations of culture;

    ) works on himself;

    ) learned how to communicate and manner behavior.

    As a result, the pupil changes its understanding of the world and attitude towards people and oneself.

    Concretioning for themselves these definitions can be understood as follows. The pedagogical process as a complex systemic phenomenon includes all the variety of factors surrounding the process of interaction between the student and the teacher. So the process of education is associated with moral and value installations, training - with categories of knowledge, skills and skills. Formation and development also have two key and basic ways to include these factors into the student's interaction system and teacher. Thus, this interaction "is filled" by the content and meaning.

    The goal is always associated with the results of activities. While not stopping on the content of this activity, we are going to expectations from the implementation of the goals of the pedagogical process. What is the image of the results of the pedagogical process? Based on the formulation of goals, you can describe the results with the words "lupileness", "Training".

    As criteria for assessing a person's pupils accept:

    "Good" as a behavior for the benefit of another person (groups, team, society as a whole);

    "Truth" as a guideline in assessing actions and actions;

    "Beauty" in all forms of its manifestation and creation.

    The learningability is "acquired by students (under the influence of training and education) internal readiness for various psychological restructuring and transformations in accordance with new programs and future learning goals. That is, the overall ability to absorb knowledge. The most important indicator of the trainee is the number of dosage assistance, which is necessary for a student to achieve a given result. Training is a thesaurus, or the stock of the learned concepts and ways of activity. That is, the system of knowledge, skills and skills corresponding to the norm (specified in the educational standard expected result) ".

    This is not the only wording. It is important to understand not the essence of the words themselves, but the nature of their occurrence. The results of the pedagogical process are associated with a variety of expectations of the effectiveness of this process. From whom these expectations come from? IN general You can talk about cultural expectations related to the resulting, developed and trained person in the culture. In a more specific way, public expectations can be discussed. They are not so common as cultural expectations and are tied to a concrete understanding, ordering subjects of public life (civil society, church, business, etc.). These understandings are currently formulated in the form of an educated, moral, aesthetically despicable, physically developed, healthy, professional and hardworking person.

    An important in the modern world is seen by the expectations formulated by the state. They are specified in the form of educational standards: "Under the standard of education is a system of basic parameters taken as the state norm of education, reflecting the public ideal and takes into account the possibility of a real personality and education system to achieve this ideal."

    It is accepted to share federal, national-regional and school educational standards.

    The federal component determines those standards that ensures the unity of the pedagogical space of Russia, as well as the integration of the individual into the system of world culture.

    The national-regional component contains regulations in the field native language and literature, history, geography, art, labor training et al. They relate to the competence of regions and educational institutions.

    Finally, the standard establishes the scope of the school component of the content of education, reflecting the specifics and orientation of a separate educational institution.

    The federal and national-regional components of the Education Standard include:

    requirements for the minimum necessary such preparation of students within the framework of the specified amount of content;

    the maximum allowable scope of schoolchildren by year of study.

    The essence of the general secondary education standard is revealed through its functions that are diverse and closely related to each other. Among them should be the functions of social regulation, humanization, management, management, improvement of the quality of education.

    The function of social regulation is caused by the transition from the unitary school to the manifold educational systems. Its implementation involves such a mechanism that would prevent the destruction of unity of education.

    The function of humanization of education is associated with approval using the standards of its personal-developing entity.

    The control function is associated with the ability to reorganize the existing system of control and evaluation of the quality of learning outcomes.

    Governmental educational standards allow you to carry out the function of improving the quality of education. They are designed to fix the minimum need for the content of education and set the lower permissible border of the level of education.

    pedagogical process pupil training

    3. Methods, forms, means of the pedagogical process

    The method in education is "the ordered activities of the teacher and students aimed at achieving a given goal"].

    Verbal methods. The use of verbal methods in a holistic pedagogical process is performed primarily with the help of oral and printed words. This is explained by the fact that the Word is not only a source of knowledge, but also a means of organizing and managing educational and educational activities. This group of methods includes the following methods of pedagogical interaction: a story, explanation, conversation, lecture, training discussions, disputes, work with a book, the example method.

    The story is a "consistent presentation of the mainly actual material carried out in a descriptive or narrative form."

    The story is of great importance in organizing the value-indicative activities of students. Impacting the feelings of children, the story helps them understand and assimilate the meaning of the moral assessments and behaviors prisoners in it.

    The conversation as a method is "a carefully thought-out system of issues gradually undermining students for obtaining new knowledge."

    With all the variety of their thematic content of the conversation, they have their main appointment to attract students themselves to the assessment of certain events, actions, phenomena of public life.

    Teaching discussions are also related to verbal methods. The situations of the cognitive dispute with their skillful organization attract the attention of schoolchildren to the conflict of the world around them, to the problem of the cognition of the world and the truth of the results of this knowledge. Therefore, for the organization of discussion, it is necessary to put forward a real contradiction before students. This will allow students to activate their creative activity and will put them before the moral problem of choice.

    The method of working with a book also includes verbal methods of pedagogical exposure.

    The ultimate goal of the method is the admission of a schoolboy to independent work with educational, scientific and fiction literature.

    Practical methods in the holistic pedagogical process are the most important source of enrichment of schoolchildren experienced public relations and social behavior. The central place in this group of methods occupy exercises, i.e. Systematic organized activities on the multiple repetition of any action in the interests of their consolidation in personal experience Student.

    A relatively independent group of practical methods make up laboratory work - a method of a peculiar combination of practical actions with organized observations of students. The laboratory method makes it possible to acquire the skills and skills of handling equipment, provides excellent conditions for the formation of skills to measure and calculate, process results.

    Cognitive games are "specially created situations that model reality, of which students are invited to find a way out. The main purpose of this method is to stimulate the cognitive process. "

    Visual methods. The demonstration lies in sensual acquaintance of students with phenomena, processes, objects in their natural form. This method is mainly used to disclose the dynamics of studied phenomena, but is widely used and for familiarization with the appearance of the subject, its internal device or location in a number of homogeneous items.

    The illustration involves showing and perceiving objects, processes and phenomena in their symbolic image using schemes, posters, cards, etc.

    Video meter. The learning and raising functions of this method are determined by the high efficiency of visual images. The use of video music provides the opportunity to give students more complete and reliable information about studied phenomena and processes, liberate teachers from a part of technical work related to the control and correction of knowledge, to establish effective feedback.

    The means of the pedagogical process are divided into visual (visual), which include original items or their various equivalents, diagrams, maps, etc.; Audial (auditory), including radio, tape recorders, musical instruments, etc., and audiovisual (visual hearing) - sound cinema, television, partially automating training process Programmed textbooks, didactic machines, computers, etc. It is also accepted to divide training tools for the teacher and for students. The first are subjects used by the teacher to more effectively implement education goals. The second is the individual means of students, school textbooks, notebooks, written accessories, etc. The number of didactic means include those related to both the activities of the teacher and students: sports equipment, school botanical sites, computers, etc.

    Training and education is always carried out in the framework of this or that form of the organization.

    All sorts of ways to organize the interaction of teachers and trainees found their consolidation in the three main systems of organizational design of the pedagogical process. These include: 1) individual training and upbringing; 2) Cool-grateful system, 3) lecture-seminar system.

    Traditional is the class-grade form of the organization of the pedagogical process.

    The lesson is such a form of organization of the pedagogical process, in which the "teacher for exactly the set time leads the collective cognitive and other activities of the permanent group of students (class), taking into account the characteristics of each of them, using types, means and methods of work, creating favorable conditions for So that all students seize knowledge, skills and skills, as well as for education and development. cognitive abilities and the spiritual forces of schoolchildren. "

    Features of the school lesson:

    the lesson provides for the implementation of learning functions in a complex (educational, educational and raising);

    the didactic structure of the lesson has a strict construction system:

    a certain organizational principle and setting the tasks of the lesson;

    actualization of the necessary knowledge and skills, including checking homework;

    explanation of the new material;

    fixing or repetition studied in class;

    control and evaluation of students' learning achievements during the lesson;

    summing up the lesson;

    home task;

    each lesson is a link in the lesson system;

    the lesson corresponds to the basic principles of training; In it, the teacher applies a certain system of methods and learning tools to achieve the lesson purposes;

    the basis for building a lesson is the skillful use of methods, training tools, as well as a combination of collective, group and individual forms of working with students and accounting for their individual psychological features.

    I highlight the following types of lessons:

    lesson familiarization of students with new material or communication (study) of new knowledge;

    lesson consolidation of knowledge;

    lessons for developing and securing skills and skills;

    summarizing lessons.

    The lesson structure consists of three parts:

    Organization of work (1-3 min), 2. main part (formation, assimilation, repetition, consolidation, control, application, etc.) (35-40 min.), 3. Summing up and job task (2- 3 min.).

    The lesson as the main form is organically complemented by other forms of organization of the educational process. Some of them developed in parallel with the lesson, i.e. In the framework of the URACE system (excursion, consultation, homework, training conferences, additional classes), others are borrowed from the lecture-seminar system and adapted to the age of students (lectures, seminars, workshops, tests, exams).


    In this paper, it was possible to analyze the main scientific teaching studies, as a result of which the basic characteristics of the pedagogical process were allocated. First of all, these are the goals and objectives of the pedagogical process, its main components that have fun functions, meaning for society and culture, its methods, forms and means.

    The analysis showed high importance of the pedagogical process in society and culture as a whole. First of all, this is reflected in the special attention from society and the state to educational standards, to the requirements for the projected teachers, ideal human images.

    The main characteristics of the pedagogical process are integrity and systemity. They manifest themselves in understanding the goals of the pedagogical process, its content and functions. So the processes of education, development and training can be called the uniform property of the pedagogical process, its components, and the basic functions of the pedagogical process - the raising, training and educational.


    1. Barhaev B.P. Pedagogy. - M., 2001.

    Bordovskaya N.N., Rean A.A. Pedagogy. - M., 2000.

    Nikitina N.N., Kislinskaya N.V. Introduction to pedagogical activity: theory and practice. - M.: Academy, 2008 - 224 p.

    Sub-clause I.P. Pedagogy. - M.: Vlados, 1999. - 450 p.

    Slostin V.A. and others. Pedagogy studies. Manual for studies Higher. Ped. studies. institutions / V. A. Salayenin, I. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov; Ed. V.A. Salazhenina. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 576 p.

    1.Pedagogical process is a holistic process.
    The pedagogical process is a holistic educational process of unity and the relationship of education and training, characterized by joint activities, cooperation and the creation of its subjects, contributing to the most complete development and self-realization of the individual.

    What should be understood under integrity?

    In pedagogical science, there is no unambiguous interpretation of this concept. In the general philosophical understanding, the integrity is interpreted as an internal unity of the object, its relative autonomy, environmental independence; On the other hand, under the integrity, the unity of all components belonging to the pedagogical process understand. Integrity is an objective, but not constant property. Integrity may occur at one stage of the pedagogical process and disappear on the other. This is characteristic of both pedagogical science and practice. The integrity of pedagogical objects is designed targeted.

    The components of the holistic pedagogical process are processes: upbringing, learning, development.

    Thus, the integrity of the pedagogical process means the subordination of all the processes of its generators of the main and unified goal - the comprehensive, harmonic and integral development of the personality.

    The integrity of the pedagogical process manifests itself:

    In the unity of learning, education and development processes;
    -In the cooding of these processes;
    - The presence of the overall preservation of the specifics of these processes.

    3.Seadagogical process is a multifunctional process.
    The functions of the pedagogical process are: educational, educational, developing.


    • implemented primarily in the learning process;
    • in extracurricular work;
    • in the activities of additional education institutions.

    Educational (manifests itself in everything):

    • in the educational space in which the process of interaction between the teacher and the pupil is going on;
    • in the person and professionalism of the teacher;
    • in curriculum and programs, forms, methods and means used in the educational process.

    Development in the process of education is expressed in qualitative changes mental activity Human, in the formation of new qualities, new skills.

    • The pedagogical process has a number of properties.

    The properties of the pedagogical process are:

    • the holistic pedagogical process enhances the components of its processes;
    • a holistic pedagogical process creates opportunities for penetrating training and education methods;
    • the holistic pedagogical process leads to the merger of pedagogical and student teams into a single community team.
    • Structure of the pedagogical process.

    Structure - Location of elements in the system. The structure of the system is the components isolated on a specific criterion, as well as the relationship between them.

    The structure of the pedagogical process consists of the following components:

        • Stimulically motivational- the teacher stimulates the cognitive interest of students, which causes them needs and motives for educational and educational activities;

    This component is characterized by:

    • emotional relations between its subjects (educators - pupils, pupils-pupils, educators, educators, parents, parents' parents);
    • motives of their activities (motives of pupils);
    • the formation of motives in the right direction, the initiation of socially valuable and personally significant motives, which largely determines the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.
        • Target - awareness of the teacher and the adoption of the goals, tasks of educational and cognitive activity;

    This component includes all the diversity of goals, tasks of pedagogical activity from the general purpose - "comprehensive harmonic development of the individual" to specific tasks of forming individual qualities.

        • Meaningful - reflects the meaning invested in a common goal, and every specific task; Determines the entire set of formed relationships, value orientations, experience and communication, knowledge.

    Associated with the development and selection of the content of education.
    The content often offers and regulates the teacher, taking into account the learning goals, interests, students' inconsistencies;
    The content is specified in relation to both a separate personality and certain groups, depending on the age of the subjects, the features of pedagogical conditions.

        • Operating and effective - most fully reflects the procedural side of the educational process (methods, techniques, funds, forms of organization);

    Characterizes the interaction of teachers and children, is associated with the organization and management of the process.
    Means and methods depending on the characteristics of educational situations add up to certain forms of joint activities of educators and pupils. So the desired goals are achieved.

        • Control and regulative - includes a combination of self-control and control by the teacher;
        • Reflexive - Self-analysis, self-assessment, taking into account the assessment of others and determining the further level of its educational activities by students and pedagogical activities by the teacher.

    6. Pedagogical process as a system:

    The scientific literature contains about 40 wording the concept of "system". At the same time, two main approaches to its formulation are distinguished:

    • specifying its integrity as a significant sign of any system;
    • understanding the system as a variety of elements that are in certain relations between themselves.

    Leading Domestic System Theorist VG Afanasyev allocates the following signs of the system:

      • the presence of composite elements (components, parts), of which the system is formed. The element is the minimum system with the main properties of the system. The minimum permissible number of elements in the system is two;
      • the presence of structure, i.e. defined relationships and relationships between elements. Communication is such an interaction at which a change in one component of the system leads to a change in other components;
      • the presence of integrative qualities, i.e. such qualities that none of the separately taken elements forming the system do not have;
      • availability functional characteristics systems in general and its individual components;
      • the purpose of the system. Each system is created to achieve a specific purpose. In this regard, the functions of its components must correspond to the purpose and functions of the entire system;
      • the presence of communicative properties that are manifested in two forms:

    · In interaction with the external environment;

    · In the interaction of this system with lower or high-order systems;

      • the presence of historical, continuity or communication of the past, present and future in the system and its components;
      • availability of management.

    The listed features are the basis for formulating the concept of "system".

    Under the system means the purposeful integrity of interrelated elements, which has new integrative properties associated with the external environment.
    A systematic approach is the direction of the methodology of scientific knowledge and social practice, which is based on the consideration of objects as systems.
    This approach orients the researchers to disclose the integrity of the object to identify the diverse types of links in it and their information into a single theoretical picture.
    Under the pedagogical system, the socially determined integrity of interacting on the basis of cooperation among themselves is understood, environmental Participants in the pedagogical process aimed at the development of the individual.

    Anyone educational institution Considered as a complex socio-pedagogical system. The learning process, the education process is the pedagogical process subsystem, the training session is the subsystem of the learning process.