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  • Motor transport, road construction and road repair troops. Technical equipment of road troops reality and prospects Road construction troops

    Motor transport, road construction and road repair troops.  Technical equipment of road troops reality and prospects Road construction troops


    Technical equipment of road troops: reality and prospects

    Head of the Central Automobile and Road Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

    lieutenant generalTHEM. TSYGANKOV

    At the present time, motor roads are one of the most important components of the country's transport complex. As dual-purpose objects, they are used "both in peacetime and in wartime and provide a solution not only to national and regional socio-economic problems, but also to ensure the national security of Russia. The role of highways is essential. but it increases due to the great vulnerability of other types of transport facilities, as well as to a significant increase in the number and importance of tasks, the solution of which directly depends on the availability, condition and development of the road network. the position of Russia.

    Today, the total length of highways in the Russian Federation is almost two times less than the needs of the state and amounts to 1,140 thousand km. Only 84-85% of the roads are paved to ensure year-round use. Accordingly, the density of the road network does not exceed 44 km per 1000 sq. km of territory. This is significantly lower than in the economically developed countries of the world (in the USA - 600 km, in Canada - 300 km). In relation to the population, the density of paved roads in Russian Federation is about 5.3 km per 1,000 inhabitants, while in Finland this indicator is about 10 km, in the USA - 13 km, in France - 15.1 km.

    Along with ensuring the life of the country, highways ensure the deployment of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies in the event of a threat to the security of the state, regrouping and movement of troops on their own, the supply of material resources and the implementation of evacuation transportation in the required volumes. For effective use highways of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to prepare in advance the governing bodies, forces and means designed to perform the tasks of operation, technical cover and restoration of highways, their improvement, consistent development and accumulation, reservation, maintenance of road infrastructure facilities ...

    The solution of problems of road transport and road support in the Rear of the Armed Forces is entrusted to the Central Automobile and Road Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which is subordinate to automobile and road troops. Today, these formations, equipped with special equipment of the road service, are able to perform the tasks of the road commandant service on their own, using sets of service tools, restore, and build new bridges from the building materials available on the ground, carry out road repairs in any conditions setting.

    The modern concept of the development of road troops equipment is based on the state of the country's economy, changes in the set of troops (forces) in the regions (in strategic directions) and the volume of tasks to be solved. At the present time, the modernization of existing and the development of new models of road troops equipment is organized and carried out on the basis of general principles development of rear services as a single system, unification of technical means of road service, development of modular structures.

    The average shelf life and operation of road and road equipment is 15-20 years. Today, the road troops are mainly packaged with samples produced by the industry of the USSR. In this regard, certain difficulties arose in carrying out repair and restoration work of this equipment, since individual components and spare parts are no longer produced in the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, it is necessary to achieve a reduction in the multi-brand technical park by developing promising models of automotive and road equipment, mainly as part of highly standardized families of Russian production. To implement the principle of unification of technology, it is planned to carry out research and development work, providing for the replacement of the chassis of pile-loading installations used in the construction of road bridges, the development of universal bridge structures, the modernization of the structures of existing road folding bridges, improvement and creation of new floating means, allowing to perform the whole range of works on water obstacles.

    Optimization of the range of equipment is carried out through the development of complex (combined) road vehicles for summer and winter road maintenance on the basis of a car with different functions of removable attachments and trailed equipment. Updating the composition of the fleet of equipment based on increasing the productivity of machines and equipment will sharply reduce their number for the construction, repair and maintenance of highways, as well as reduce the time for building bridge crossings with minimal use of manpower and resources.

    All this makes it possible to form a technical park corresponding to the future needs of the road troops and prepare them for functioning in a single logistic support system.

    To solve the problems of road support, the Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have road commandant and bridge connections and units. The existing states of these formations and units provide for the presence of various service road technical means, designed to solve emerging problems.

    Until the 70s of the XX century, the road troops were mainly equipped with equipment, which was also equipped with engineering units and units. First of all, these are pontoon-bridge parks, which are in service with pontoon-bridge battalions of bridge and road commandant brigades, sets of bridge-building equipment available in bridge battalions, and light and heavy pontoon parks.

    Until the beginning of the 80s, the creation of road-technical means was based on the search for optimal technical solutions, differentiated by areas of technology.

    V last years for a number of reasons, military bridge building turned out to be significantly weakened. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, seven large metalwork factories operated in the interests of the Office, such as Dnepropetrovsk, Toytepinsky, Mariupolsky, Borisovsky, Kashirsky, Kulebaksky; two experimental mechanical ones - Artyomovskiy and Kazanskiy; Zolotonosha repair and engineering plant; Ashinskiy plant of lighting products; Riga plant "Straume"; Jelgava Experimental Enterprise; Vakhtansky timber industry enterprise. Placing orders for road-technical equipment at these enterprises in the interests of the Department, their stable financing made it possible to annually replenish stocks and update obsolete samples to the required level. The loss of the main production capacity could not but affect the staffing of the troops with road nomenclature equipment. At the same time, studies carried out in the Rear Services of the RF Armed Forces in recent years indicate that, on average, every five to seven years, the material needs of the troops increase by 20-25%. Significantly increased volumes and tasks solved in the new conditions of the situation lead to the complication of the organization of transport support.

    For the development of road maintenance, it is necessary to improve road technical means. The main directions for solving this problem should be: first, a radical improvement in the tactical and technical characteristics and indicators of road technical means; secondly, ensuring the uniformity of bridge structures both in the manufacturing process and in the course of development in a variety of geographic and climatic conditions. Since 2003, work has been resumed on the creation of a unified tool designed for laying floating bridges, using collapsible high-water bridges as floating supports and performing the entire range of installation works, as well as universal bridge structures that are going to replace existing samples of high-water road bridges ... The solution of these complex problems presupposes conducting research in a very wide range. It is also envisaged to carry out a large complex of research, experimental and design work to create machines, various equipment for the mechanization of manual labor both during installation work and when laying road surfaces.

    The process of creating technical means covers a large complex of interrelated issues, the quality of samples depends on the timely solution of which. Their development is carried out in military educational institutions, in scientific and technical committees, military institutes, in industry, at test ranges and, finally, in the troops. However, the terms of coordination of developments in various instances exceed all reasonable limits. The amount of time spent on the passage of all links can be judged by the following figures. The average development time for a single-span demountable road bridge is 160 days, and coordination with various authorities is 350 days. When developing a machine such as a pile screwing installation, from 25 to 35 approvals of component assemblies or parts are required, and the creation of a technical system such as a cable-stayed bridge requires 400-600 approvals, which takes from three to five years.

    In these conditions, in order to ensure the combat readiness of the Armed Forces Logistics, the technical policy for the development of road forces should be aimed at solving a number of problematic issues, first of all: ensuring the mobility and maneuverability of road technical equipment, unification of transportation means and chassis for installation, ensuring maximum mechanization of labor-intensive processes.

    When creating stocks of road-technical equipment, priority will be given primarily to those that determine the combat readiness of troops, i.e. road dismountable bridges, pile-driving equipment and pile-driving ferries.

    A comparative tactical and technical analysis of domestic vehicles of the road and road service with analogs of the armies of developed countries in terms of survivability, reliability, constructive and technological perfection allows us to conclude that the technical level of existing and promising Russian models basically corresponds to modern requirements and in terms of basic indicators is not inferior to similar foreign funds.

    At present, it is important to correctly correct the ways of further development and improvement of technical means of the road service, taking into account domestic and foreign experience, as well as the requirements of the Military Doctrine. For this, in our opinion, the main efforts in carrying out research and development work should be directed at consolidating the results achieved, improving the technical, economic, technological and operational indicators of road equipment, expanding the scope of its application. in various hydrological and soil-geological conditions of the area, as well as the modernization of existing samples.

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    Soviet military miracle 1941-1943 [Revival of the Red Army] Glantz David M


    On the eve of the war, the road network in the Soviet Union was extremely poorly developed, and road transport played a much less significant role in the strategic and operational transfer and deployment of troops, weapons and other heavy equipment than railroad. Nonetheless, road transport was essential for the tactical transport of fighters and equipment - especially the few main paved routes that the Russians called highway, and the Germans - rollbans... In addition, other roads leading from the near rear to the front lines, which were usually only unpaved, were extremely important for tactical transfers.

    As in the case of the railway troops, by the beginning of the war there was no central body responsible for the construction, repair and protection of roads or the training and management of road troops. Responsibility for repairing roads and providing transport was shared between the Road Department of the Department for Logistics and Supply and the Armored Directorate of the Red Army. The People's Commissariat of Defense was in charge of the road construction troops, and the NKVD troops responsible for protecting the roads.

    On the eve of the war, the road troops of the Red Army included road transport, road construction, and repair troops. The first consisted of 19 automobile regiments, 38 separate automobile battalions (including four training ones) and two separate automobile companies; 9 of these regiments and 14 battalions were located in the western military districts. Since the NPO kept the number of these troops in Peaceful time at the staff level and has not yet decided what kind of organization they will be in war time The Tony had only about 41 percent of the wartime equipment required and an extremely diverse fleet of vehicles and other equipment. For example, regiments could have from 180 to 1,090 vehicles, battalions - from 113 to 610 vehicles, companies averaged 62 vehicles each. In addition, 65 automobile training units operated under the auspices of the Armored Directorate, which were supposed to form new automobile battalions with the beginning of mobilization.

    At the same time, the army's road construction and repair troops consisted of 43 road maintenance regiments and 8 road maintenance training regiments, 23 of which were located in the western military districts. In peacetime, the NPO kept the number of these regiments at the level of the standard for peacetime, so each regiment had only one active battalion. In the process of mobilization, these regiments were supposed to form new road units - such as road maintenance, road and bridge building regiments, as well as advanced road bases to fulfill the tasks set by the NCO and the Main Directorate of the Main Highways under the NKVD. Upon completion of mobilization, these regiments, battalions and bases were given responsibility for building, repairing and maintaining militarily important roads. However, with the outbreak of the war, the NPO was unable to decide what exactly should be the organization of these troops in wartime, and as a result, none of the road units received the required amount of equipment.

    The partial mobilization of the Red Army, which the GKO began before June 22, and the subsequent rapid Wehrmacht offensive during Operation Barbarossa, caused chaos in the Red Army's road transport and road construction forces, inflicting heavy damage on many of their units and forcing the rest to fight as infantry.

    Trying to rectify the situation, on July 16, the State Defense Committee reorganized the management of motor transport and road troops, at the same time ordering the formation of a wide range of new motor transport and road units and units. The General Staff created a new Automobile road management (GADU), which was headed by Major General Z. I. Kondratyev. At the same time, the State Defense Committee formed new automobile and road departments under the general leadership of Kondratiez as part of the active fronts of the Red Army. In addition, six key operational areas were organized military highways (VAD), and the NPO was ordered to form, by July 25, 35 automobile battalions, 8 road maintenance regiments and 11 road and bridge battalions, as well as four auto repair bases for the repair of tractors, tractors and other vehicles attached to other new troops. Finally, Kondratyev was given responsibility for the formation and preparation of new road units and units. Still later, on August 1, the State Defense Committee subordinated GADU to the head of the rear of the Red Army, and soon after that raised his status to the status the main management.

    Immediately after the establishment, GADU began to mobilize civilian vehicles. During the summer of 1941, it created 120 motor transport and road construction regiments, battalions and companies, using many of them to form new brigades. It also created - in addition to those created in July - new military highways (VAD) and several new military road directorates (VDU), which were responsible for the maintenance and regulation of these roads.

    Later, the GADU and the VDU subordinate to it, together with the directorates from the other commissariats, in an effort to more effectively support the operating fronts and armies, continued to create a complex network of VAD subordinate to the Headquarters, fronts and armies. To link this entire system of military roads into a single network, GADU also created a central VAD deep in the Soviet Union, directly connecting the most important economic regions of the country with active theaters of war.

    In order to establish order in this huge road transport system, the GADU at the end of 1941 and in 1942 subdivided the VADs into separate sections of road commandant's offices, each of which consisted of a specific (but different) number of separate road commandant companies whose task was to regulate traffic on these military roads. These road commandant companies were used to control the flow of two-way traffic by personnel from traffic control teams and road service (operational) regiments of the GADU, deployed mainly at traffic control points.

    On May 8, 1942, the State Defense Committee ordered the NCO to establish a new Main Directorate of the Motor Transport and Road Service of the Red Army (GUADSKA), as well as the corresponding motor transport departments and departments of the road service and repair bases as part of the operating fronts and armies. The new directorate was in charge of all the troops and the tasks of the transport and road services. On May 12, GADU and all related directorates and departments in the fronts and armies, as well as a number of NKVD directorates in charge of road services and bases, were included in it. As a result of this reorganization, GUADSKA in 1942 and 1943 was able to provide from three to six separate automobile transport battalions for each of the active fronts, as well as one or two battalions for each army.

    At the beginning of 1943, the NCO assigned the GUADSCA responsibility for the restoration and repair of all military roads, and the GUADSCA Main Road Administration, raised in status, expanded part of its motor transport battalions to full regiments, giving each such regiment a training battalion.

    The GKO crowned his efforts to reform the road service on June 9, 1943, when, on his order, GUADSKA was subordinated to the chief of the rear of the Red Army, while the corresponding road departments and departments were created in the fronts and armies. By order of the NGO of July 17, GUADSKA was divided into two parts: the Main Automobile Directorate of the Red Army and the Main Road Directorate of the Red Army. Although they performed completely different tasks, both main directorates worked closely until the very end of the war.

    During this June restructuring, the NCO also began to form additional vehicle brigades, one for each active front. These brigades consisted of three regiments with up to six battalions each, and in some cases several separate automobile battalions. At the same time, the NPO raised the status of automobile training battalions by creating training regiments of three battalions in each front and giving each active front and army a separate auto repair battalion. By this time, each field army consisted of two to three motor transport battalions.

    In 1943, the NPO also improved the military road system. First, he organized the deployment of numerous individual detachments obliged to carry out road works on specific road sections. In June, many of the older and cumbersome road service operational regiments were replaced by larger and better organized road service battalions. In this way, the NPO was able to create by December 31, 1943, a much larger and more efficient structure of automobile, road construction and repair troops. The massive expansion of the Red Army road service in 1943 and throughout the rest of the war was made possible in large part by the increasingly generous flow of trucks supplied The Soviet Union under the Lend-Lease program (see below).

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    The road forces are military units that are part of the armed forces that are responsible for performing tasks related to road support. In other words, for the construction, preparation, operation, repair, and, if necessary, restoration, located on highways and bridges located in the operational rear.

    An additional task of the road troops is also to carry out the road commandant service in the areas entrusted to them. In some countries, the road troops are called differently - the transport corps or the transport troops.

    What do the road troops do in peacetime?

    The road troops boast a very good technical equipment... Therefore, in peacetime, they are often involved in the reconstruction and construction of new highways, as well as the construction of bridges over difficult-to-pass sections and ensuring the protection of individual sections of the path.

    In the event of an emergency, the forces of the road troops carry out the liquidation of the deplorable destructive consequences.

    The history of the road troops

    Even in ancient times, during the first military campaigns, military personnel had to engage in building crossings, building bridges, as well as laying transport routes.

    Therefore, back in 1014, Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich came up with an idea when carrying out preparatory measures for the campaign against Novgorod: in front of the main troops, send a special unit to the places of the alleged battles. It was formed from specialists in bridge works and road craftsmen, whose task was to provide the main military detachments with comfortable transport routes and strong bridge ceilings.

    The road troops were especially widely used among the military forces of most European states during the First and Second World Wars.

    Celebrating Road Troops Day

    In our state, of course, we could not do without professional holiday dedicated to employees who are part of the road troops. The holiday is called the Day of Military Road Workers and is celebrated on September 23. It was on this day (according to the old Russian calendar, it was September 11) in 1812, by order of the commander-in-chief of Field Marshal Prince Kutuzov, the first five army units were formed, called up in the interests of the Patriotic Army to engage in military road work in wartime.

    This order served as the starting point in the emergence of the official units of the road troops of Russia as a separate structure.

    Even in ancient campaigns, the troops were forced to carry out road works, build bridges and build crossings. In preparation for the campaign against Novgorod in 1014, Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich ordered to "pull the path and bridge the bridges." For this purpose, specially prepared and sent forward prefabricated detachments, which included artisans for construction and bridge works.

    With the organization of the regular Russian army, a system of road support for the troops was created. In 1724 in St. Petersburg, on the basis of the united engineering school, training of specialists in road and bridge works began.

    In 1809, the position of director of military communications was introduced in the army, whose duties included: managing the organization of the movement of convoys along military roads; interaction with a military engineer on the issues of laying, repairing and maintaining roads, building and maintaining bridges.

    At the same time, the status of a military road was established, on which stations for servicing military transport were set up at certain distances.

    January 27 (February 8, new style) 1812 Emperor Alexander I approved the "Establishment for the management of the Large Field Army", in accordance with which a harmonious system of military command was drawn up. Part three of this law, called "Formation of the quartermaster office with all parts belonging to it", contained a special section " General rules on military roads ", where the definition of a military road was formulated, a classification of military roads was given, the requirements for laying sites were set out, the procedure for establishing military roads was stipulated, and duties were established officials on their equipment and maintenance, other issues were covered. Thus, it can be considered that the legislative act introduced by Alexander I regulated the functions of the road troops. However, as such, the troops themselves, i.e. special units to carry out road support tasks have not yet been created.

    Particular importance is attached to road safety with the appearance of the first domestic cars in 1896. A year later, tests of cars were carried out at the Bialystok maneuvers, and in 1906 the first car teams of 10-15 cars were created in the troops, which became the prototype of the car troops.

    The first world war The Russian army entered with five separate automobile companies, and ended up with twenty-two divisions and a total fleet of almost 10 thousand vehicles of various carrying capacities. The number of road troops was 240 thousand people. In the conditions of hostilities, the automobile units of the regular army carried out a hasty transfer of personnel, transported food and other goods. The road units and institutions, together with the engineering troops, carried out the operation, restoration and technical cover of the existing highways, and carried out the construction of new ones in all directions of the troops' actions.

    A special page in the history of the automobile and road troops is occupied by the Great Patriotic War... Difficulties associated with the transport support of hostilities in the initial period required the adoption of emergency measures. On July 15, 1941, the State Defense Committee adopts decree No. 163 "On the organization of a road service on highways and dirt roads and the formation of motor transport battalions." According to this decree, a large number of automobile and road units are being formed, and the first ten military highways of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command are being deployed. To manage road transport and road support, a road and road administration of the Red Army is created, which is transferred from the General Staff under the jurisdiction of the Rear of the Red Army. Further strengthening the role of road transport and road support in offensive operations The Red Army identified the need to reorganize the Main Directorate of the Motor Transport and Road Service. GKO decree No. 3544 of June 9, 1943 created the Main Road Administration of the Red Army, and the road transport administration became part of the newly created Main Automobile Directorate of the Rear Services of the Red Army with the corresponding structures in the fronts, armies and military districts.

    Not a single operation during the Great Patriotic War it was not prepared and was not carried out without the participation of specialists of the motor transport and road services, soldiers of road and road formations and units.

    One cannot but admire the feat of the road warriors and motorists, who laid and ensured the operation of the famous "Road of Life", which allowed not only to withstand the besieged Leningrad, but also to bring the Victory over fascism closer. Historical fact The construction at the beginning of the war of a 125 km long ring road around Moscow to ensure the regrouping of troops and maneuver with material means. This road connected all the roads of the radial direction, laid to the capital, played an important role in the defense and in the offensive of our troops near Moscow.

    During the war years by road more than 145 million tons of cargo were transported, road troops built and restored 100 thousand km of roads, more than 700 km of bridges, 800 thousand cars were repaired at service points.

    In the post-war period, road troops were involved in the restoration and construction of the main highways destroyed during the war, defense roads, roads on the territory of the Tsimlyansk hydroelectric complex, the Kuibyshev hydroelectric power station, the oil fields of Tatarstan and Bashkiria, the mica mines of Transbaikalia. To carry out these works, a special road construction corps (ODSK) was formed. In the period from 1946 to 1956, he alone built 3244 km of paved roads, bridges with a total length of 17 km, and laid 2.7 km of reinforced concrete pipes.

    Automotive parts management from 1949 to 1969 carried out by the relevant departments of the MCC VOSO (Central Directorate of Military Communications). In February 1969 g.

    The motor transport department was decommissioned, MCC VOSO and transformed into the Motor Transport Service of the Logistics of the Ministry of Defense, renamed in 1976 into the Motor Transport Service of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

    Automobile and road troops were active in Afghanistan. Military motorists were assigned a decisive role in providing the troops of the 40th Army with all types of materiel. Automobile units and subdivisions carried out the transportation of goods not only for the troops, but also for the civilian population of the country. During the resolution of this conflict, the road commandant brigade organized the maintenance of the Hairaton-Kabul-Puli-Charkhi road. The most difficult section on this road was the Salang Pass. Day and night, in cold and hot weather at an altitude of 3 thousand meters above sea level, road warriors ensured uninterrupted movement on this transport artery of the country, and warriors-motorists transported vital goods along it. In 1988, during the next reorganization of the Armed Forces, on the basis of the road transport service of the Ministry of Defense and the Road Administration, single body control of automobile and road troops - the Central Road Administration of the Ministry of Defense, on August 16, 1992, renamed into the Central Automobile and Road Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Today the automobile and road troops are subordinated to the Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Automobile connections and parts are transported annually over 10 million tons of various military cargo. More than 100 thousand vehicles are involved in transportation. With the forces and means of the road troops, the restoration of bridges over water barriers is carried out in the areas of military operations and in the elimination of natural disasters.

    The Central Automobile and Highway Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation acts as a customer and fund holder of road technical means, materials and property of more than 450 items. Among them: collapsible road bridges, floating road bridges, pile driving and erecting ferries, pile loading facilities, traffic control centers, collapsible road surfaces, traffic control devices, sets of road technical equipment, combined road vehicles for road maintenance, machines for earthworks, machines for road maintenance, road machines for overhaul of roads, asphalt concrete plants and asphalt mixing plants, asphalt pavers, auto asphalt distributors, machines for the extraction and processing of stone materials, small mechanization means for the repair and maintenance of roads, means of transportation bitumen, means of transporting mineral powders, traffic control devices.

    Management organizes the full life cycle, development, timely replacement, accumulation and separation of stocks of road-technical means. The existing road bridges and pile-driving equipment in service in terms of their tactical and technical characteristics and constructive solutions have no analogues either in Russia or abroad.

    Development of road technical means is being conducted in several directions. First of all, these are: extension of the storage time of the available technical means; modernization of existing road bridges; development and delivery of advanced models to the troops to replace obsolete ones; creation of a scientific and technical reserve for next generation funds.

    Road troops successfully carry out assigned tasks in the context of resolving local conflicts and counter-terrorism operations. On the territory of the Chechen Republic, personnel of road troops have restored bridges across the Terek river in the region settlement Chervlennaya, r. Argun and r. Sunzha - in Petropavlovskoe.

    Road troops take an active part in liquidation of the consequences of floods. In 2002, by the forces of road warriors in as soon as possible were restored bridges across the river. Argun in Shatoi and across the river. Kuban to road federal significance in the city of Nevinnomyssk.

    The road troops include road commandant and bridge brigades, separate road commandant, road, bridge, bridge procurement battalions, other units, institutions and organizations. Automobile troops are composed of automobile brigades and separate battalions.

    Training of specialists for road and automobile troops is carried out at the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport (St. Petersburg), as well as at the faculties of military training of civilian universities of the Russian Federation.