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  • Shanghai Tower Constructive Solution. Shanghai Tower is the highest skyscraper in Asia. The symbol of nation with limitless capabilities

    Shanghai Tower Constructive Solution. Shanghai Tower is the highest skyscraper in Asia. The symbol of nation with limitless capabilities

    Shanghai Tower is the newest skyscraper of the Chinese megalpolis. This is not only the highest building in Shanghai, but also the highest tower of all China, and indeed the third highest structure in the world. The 632-meter tower has been many years old for many years as the dominant of the main Shanghai type has become.

    During a trip to China, I rose to the viewing platform in this tower to look at Shanghai from a height of 550 meters. However, the weather in the city is not simple, and I once again experienced the features of Shanghai Smog ...

    1. The Shanghai Tower (632m) is inferior only to the Bourge Califa in Dubai (830m), and Tokyo Skytree in Japan (634m - here the separator is only two meters!) At the same time, Skytri - TV bashnya and not a skyscraper, so many call the Shanghai highlight second in The world is building.

    2. The highlight was completed in 2015, and gradually discovered throughout 2016. It is adjacent to two other Shanghai ultrahigh buildings: Dzinmao (left) and the World Financial Center, famous for the "Opener" (in the middle).

    3. These three skyscrapers, as well as the "Eastern Pearl" television bag and make up the main species of Shanghai, his business card. In the evening, all these buildings are highlighted with bright lights, and they are reflected in the waters of the Huangpu River - they will not be surprised if this is the most photographed frame in all of China.

    4. My story with the Shanghai Tower began in 2013, when I visited China for the first time. Then, having arrived at the end of the trip to Shanghai, I saw a huge, still under construction a skyscraper, standing next to two already impressive alights.

    5. The unfinished tower looked very impressive, and a little sinister, especially closer to the evening. The structure that looms uneven silhouette was similar to something from Star Wars, Acknowledged the powerful fortress of some cosmic villain.

    If you remember, next year, a lot of noise made a video, where two Russian-speaking rufe penetrate into the tower under construction, and on foot climb to the very top, and then in the construction crane arrow. Here is this video (carefully, I got my head from watching a little!):

    6. Then, when I arrived in Shanghai in early 2016, the tower was already completed, but unfortunately, the authorities could not open it to my arrival. And I did not manage to take a picture normally: the top was hidden among the thick clouds.

    7. I saw the workers submit the last details of the building before the discovery, but unfortunately inside then they were not allowed. The tower officially opened later in 2016.

    And now, a couple of years later, I finally fell a chance to visit at the top, on the observation site (after all, where is such a significant skyscraper without observation?!)

    8. My hotel and office were in the next opener (... Spoiler: The way to work was not so short, as I expected.) It turns out that the opener and the Shanghai Tower are interconnected by a futuristic underground transition. Seeing him, I was first frightened that someone would come and fond me from this beautiful space. But then it turned out that this is just an ordinary transition by which people from the neighboring metro station get to the main skyscraper of the city.

    9. Although we managed to go to such a transition, to buy tickets on the viewing you need to go outside to a specially equipped ticket office. The basic price of the ticket for adults is 180 yuan (this is about $ 26). In addition, you can buy a ticket to the 25th floor (about this later)

    10. Almost all the observation platforms of the main skyscrapers of the world make the visitor first go down on the escalator. The talismans of the events are sitting on the entrance to the viewing, two bears are very intelligent.

    11. Canon genre: Before climbing up, the visitor must pass through the Framework Metal Framework, and then he falls into the Mini Museum of Construction of this and other skyscrapers of the world. Here, a tourist can learn various facts about the Shanghai Tower in various multimedia installations.

    12. Presented other towers-congratulations. For example, .

    But about Tokyo Skytri, they decided to silend. Well, in the end, what two meters difference? ..

    14. But in one of the corners with the Talismans, the Cathedral of Basil Blessed, who is identified abroad with all of Russia is drawn. I didn't quite understand what he was here ...

    15. I come to the elevator ...

    16. And immediately I find out that it is not just so an elevator, but the most high-speed elevator in the world, which goes at speeds up to 20 meters / second. Near his doors even hang grades from the Guinness Book of Records. This is the luck -!

    17. Of course, inside the cabin there is a screen showing speed. Unfortunately, I could not remove the maximum speed of this elevator. Stupidly did not have time.

    18. And so, I'm upstairs. This is 118 floors, 546 meters above the ground. Here on the look now there is not a lot of people ...

    19. And those who are, stand at the side, and try to see something and take a picture.

    20. It turns out they are not very, since the view from the window is now this:

    21. The entire landscape is hidden by the famous Shanghai could. We can barely discern
    the outlines of the closest buildings, but in general, nothing can be seen. We can assume that I was not lucky with air quality, although in my experience, about 30% of days in Shanghai, just such.

    22. Next to the panoramic windows is a mockery display showing what a picture could be, I arrive on the other day. In fact, it is difficult for me to imagine such a clear sky over Shanghai.

    23. The only thing that appears through this gray curtain is neighboring skyscrapers. Here is the Dzinmao (built in 1998, the height is 421 meters):

    24. Next to him World Financial Center (2008, 494 meters):

    25. Few Visitors to the Renchers walk along the windows, trying to find a normal frame. No wonder they spent money on a ticket here. Must be at least one good photo!

    26. Mostly this photo is the "Opener" frame outside the window. She has not yet completely merged with fog.

    27. One of the most popular entertainment of high skyscrapers is an attraction "Transparent floor". Since there is no such thing in the Shanghai Tower, the designers put in one place in the floor special sensory monitors, which begin to give cracks if they stand on them.

    28. Soon the pieces of the building are falling off, and the visitor is offered to stand on a glass surface at an altitude of 450+ meters, and experience it would be, wager over the earth at the same height. True, the picture quality leaves much to be desired.

    29. Visitors of the tower with curiosity look at the fake holey floor.

    30. You can climb the stairs to 119 floor.

    31. Here is a height of 552 meters. I remind you that the height of the observation in the Bourges Califa is 555m, just three meters above. The network write that there is still an observation on the 121st floor in the Shanghai Tower, and its height is 561 meters, that is. But at the time of my visit, they were not allowed there - it seems she has not yet been open from the moment the tower is completed.

    32. At observation there is a souvenir shop. Here you can buy all sorts of uninteresting baubles made in the image and likeness of the tower.

    33. To whom the pad with a color view of all pudun? .. inexpensive! (Although, perhaps, expensive, I am not ascent.)

    34. If you bought in a souvenir postcard, you can send it right here - there is a mailbox on the observation. Only do not forget the brand (it is also possible to buy it in the souvenir shop).

    35. Since this is still China, here. In the listening lobby there is a charging for phones, and in general the entire electric.

    36. And here I saw a collection - I used to come across for me only in Japan!

    37. For some reason, an artificial tree was built here, which visitors to abolish hearts. The barrel and branches are made of papier-mache, while the leaves are all plastic. The tree stands on the green "lawn" from the photo wallpaper.

    38. But there is a bench with a real living greens. Could because when they want.

    39. You can sit here and wait until the air fell a little (I actually left, and returned in the evening of another day).

    40. When it was possible not so thick, there is a good view of the bending of the Huangpu River, including the old buildings of the beginning of the 20th century on the far shore. In the evening twilight ignitions of Shanghai's fools.

    41. Two neighboring skyscrapers are also clearly visible, and at the bottom of the streets of the city turn into a river of warm light.

    42. On the far shore, numerous tasteless of the high-rise Chinese architecture can be seen. Here it is to you, Slim City ...

    43. For an additional fee, the visitor can rise by 125 floors. There is no view from there (there are no windows in this room), but here something else is interesting.

    44. A huge multiple load is suspended here, which stabilizes the Shanghai Tower from the vibrations in the wind and in the event of an earthquake. This cargo is made in the form of bending petals, and from 125th floors it is not very good. But this is the highest place where you can climb on ordinary tickets (you need to pay extra at the checkout from the very beginning.)

    45. They say, there are private tours (they cost more than $ 100), which will lead tourists for 126 floor to see this thing in all its glory. I was not there, so I show you a photo from the network:

    Here is such an interesting skyscraper. Do not miss when you can visit it in Shanghai.

    The Shanghai Tower is one of the highest (in the literal sense) of China's heying symbols. This is a real lighthouse in the world of economic growth and cultural prosperity.

    More recently, in the historical plan, China was not the most advanced, ordinary agricultural country. But in recent decades, he did not seven, but rather sevencommal steps in its development. China's economy today is perhaps the locomotive of the development of the entire planet. The symbols of the rapid growth of the country became numerous skyscrapers.

    In particular, in Shanghai, the second largest city of China, there is an area in which three giant spiers are located at once from each other. This Tower Jin Mao (translated "gold prosperity") 421 meters high. Shanghai World Financial Center 492 meters high (sometimes for appearance It is called "Opener"). And finally, the crown of the Chinese triad is a skyscraper at 632 meters high - the Shanghai Tower. It is about it that we will tell now.

    This is the highest building in the country, and the third in the world in height. While the leader in this nomination remains the famous needle of Burj Califa in the United Arab Emirates (828 meters high). And the Shanghai Tower was not reached very little to the honorable second place, he is occupied by the "Heavenly Wood" in the capital of Japan Tokyo (634 meters in height).

    Shanghai Tower on the map

    • Geographic coordinates (31.235391, 121.501402)
    • Distance from the capital of China Beijing is about 1100 km
    • The nearest airport is Shanghai Pudong Airport about 30 km in southeast (the airport is located in the eastern part of the city)

    All three skyscrapers are a complete ultra-modern composition, symbolizing the power, progress and prosperity of the city in particular, and the country as a whole. The chief architect of the project, Jun Xia, said that, thanks to the construction of the Shanghai Tower, the composition of three skyscrapers will serve as a terrific idea of \u200b\u200bthe past, present and limitless future of China.

    With all due respect to the other rest of the skyscrapers, we note that the Shanghai Tower looks the most harmonious and graceful, and significantly towers over their fellows (well, or sisters).

    From left to right: Shanghai Tower, Jin Mao and the Shanghai World Financial Center. In the background, the Eastern Pearl Television is visible.

    Shanghai Tower in Figures

    • Height - 632 meters
    • Number of floors - 127
    • Number of underground levels - 5
    • The total area of \u200b\u200bthe premises of all floors above the ground is 410,000 m 2
    • The cumulative area of \u200b\u200bthe underground part of the building - 164,000 m 2
    • The tower is capable of accommodating up to 16,000 people daily
    • At the lower levels there is parking for 1950 cars
    • The base area is 30370 m 2

    Construction and design of the Shanghai Tower

    The decision on construction was made back in 1993, but only on November 29, 2008, the foundation laying ceremony took place, after the tower has been studied by environmental impacts.

    To strengthen the land, the engineers first set the 980 foundation piles to the ground to the depth of 86 meters, and then flooded 61,000 cubic meters of concrete to set the thickness of the foundation of 6 meters.

    In the construction of the foundation in March 2010, 450 concrete mixers were involved, so this volume of concrete flooded in just 63 hours. This is a record for the speed of the foundation of such sizes.

    The main framework of the building was completed on August 3, 2013. The exterior finish was completed in the summer of 2015, and the entire construction process was completed in September 2015. Initially, the official opening of the Shanghai Tower was scheduled in November 2014, but the actual date was significantly shorted. The opening of the skyscraper took place on February 18, 2015.

    The first viewing platforms were open to visitors in July 2016. The period from July to September 2016 is considered the so-called "trial run" or "commissioning". From April 26, 2017, access to the open viewing platform on the 118th floor is allowed.

    The tower has a unique balanced design. In fact, it consists of a central building and surrounding it, the outer shell. The Shanghai Tower was designed by the American architectural company Gensler with the Chinese architect Jun Sia, heading the designer team.

    Constructive tower is nine cylindrical buildings laid on each other. The entire building is surrounded by the inner layer of the glass facade. Nine inland zones are located between it and the outer layer, which represent an interesting space for visitors. His width ranges from 90 cm to 10 meters.

    Each of these nine areas has its own atrium with gardens, cafes, restaurants, shopping squares and panoramic views of the city.

    Both layers of the facade are transparent. Such a solution has become a unique design feature, since most buildings have only one facade using high-reflecting glass to reduce heat absorption, but the dual layer of glass of the Shanghai Tower eliminates the need to cladding it with reflective materials. 20589 glass panels took to cover the outside of the building.

    Why were the Shanghai Tower twisted?

    A distinctive novelty of the Shanghai Tower became its "twisted" facade. You probably paid attention to it. The outer part of the structure as the height increases is spinning, as a result, turning out to be twisted by 120 o. So, such a design not only gives the building an amazing and fantastic look, but also performs a number of functions.

    • First, it is a uniform distribution of the load generated by the wind, and even decreased by 24%. In terms of sustainability, the Shanghai Tower occupies a leading position in the world
    • Secondly, the quantity (and, accordingly, the weight) of steel structures decreased by a quarter, which made it possible to save about 58 million dollars on it.
    • Thirdly, the use of a round facade made it possible to reduce the number of glass panels by 14% (that is, it would take more on the facing of the square building of the same area of \u200b\u200bthese panels)

    Shanghai Tower as a symbol of environmental safety

    At the time of construction, the Shanghai Tower is recognized as the "green" skyscraper, that is, a building that practically does not harm the environment. Modern materials, innovations and technologies made a skyscraper in the safest building (at least at the time of its construction). Alternative energy sources are used to create an optimal climate inside the building. The skyscraper is even awarded the most green Rating Leed Platinum.

    Engineers have placed 200 wind generators on top of the tower (these are the highest turbines in the world in the building). They generate about 10% of electricity consumed by all building.

    Skyscraper collects rainwater and reuses wastewaterIt has a combined cooling and heating system, and also uses 43 different energy-saving measures. These activities, according to the calculations of designers, annually reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 34,000 tons, and also reduce energy consumption by 21%.

    Plus, there is a "green space" between the inner and external cladding, presented in the form of 24 so-called "heavenly gardens". Summary oasis among glass and concrete. Although they are small, but very pleasant to the eye.

    Additional features of the tower

    At the top of the building on the 125th floor there is an inertial damper (it is a harmonic absorber), which allows to reduce the rocking of the skyscraper. At the time of construction, this device was the largest in the world, its weight is 1000 tons.

    In September 2011, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Won a tender for the construction of the Shanghai Tower elevator system. The company installed 149 lifting mechanisms in the building. Of these, 108 elevators, including 3 high-speed, capable of moving at a speed of 64.8 kilometers per hour (this is 1080 meters per minute or 18 meters per second). The maximum speed of these elevators is 20.5 meters per second. This is a confident first place in the nomination "Maximum speed ever achieved by a passenger elevator installed in a functioning building". And here the Shanghai Tower bypassed Burj Khalifa.

    The building also broke the record of the highest passenger elevator in the world. Here, the elevator is able to rise to a height of 578.5 meters, again by breaking the record registered in Burj Khalifa (there is a lift to reach only up to 504 meters).

    Small clarification - the elevator cannot rise to an infinite height, do not forget about the weight of its cable.

    Shanghai Tower View from the inside

    This is a huge complex, which includes shopping areas, offices, entertainment and informative centers. Restaurants and cafes, exhibition and conference rooms.

    And, of course, exciting spirit, viewing platforms, the highest of which is located on the 118th floor 546 meters from the ground. Access to this platform is paid, children 90 yuan, adult 180 yuynei. Work time from 9:00 to 21:00.

    We need to be available at this observation platform. From here, completely incredible views of the city are opened, especially in the evening. Panoramic glazing creates an illusion of absolute flight. It happens that the clouds close the entire city below, and then the feeling of flight is repeatedly enhanced.

    How to get

    • Metro: You need a Local Metro NO2 line. Go out at Lujiazui stations (use the NO4 output). Polkilometer remains to the tower
    • Bus: If you go on the No583 bus, you need to get out at the intersection of the Huayuan Shiqiao road and Middle Yincng, and then get to the tower. If on the no791, no961 bus, then go out at the crossroads of Lujiazui Circle and Dongtai roads, on again on foot
    • Ferry: Use Dongjin Line or Dongfu ferries and exit Dongchang Road.
      Considering the size of this attraction, you definitely do not get lost
    1. In February 2014, Russian Vatim Makhorov and Ukrainian Vitaly Raskalov from the OnHeroofs team climbed to the unfinished Shanghai Tower and sneak into the crane on her top. They posted on a network of video and photos of their adventures, shot from the top of the tower. Nobody gave any permission to the passage and shooting to the guys. Their video on YouTube looked at more than 65 million people. You can also look at these desperate guys on video just below.
    2. In early 2012, cracked appeared on the roads near the construction site of the Shanghai Tower. Builders were accused of settling the soil, but it was probably caused by the excessive extraction of groundwater in the Shanghai region, and not weighing the tower itself
    3. Initially, it was planned to make a facing of a pale green glass building. But then the whole of the construction would merge with the surrounding landscape, so they stopped on transparent glazing
    4. In 2016, the height of the Shanghai Tower was planning to exceed the International Financial Center Pinan under construction in Shenzhen. As a result, technical considerations, its height did not exceed 599 meters
    5. The cost of the tower building is estimated at different sources in the amount of from 2.4 to 4.5 billion US dollars
    6. Recall the records of the Shanghai Tower
      The most "high-level" in the building wind generators
      The highest and high-speed elevator
      The most "green" skyscraper
      Record in the speed of fillings of the foundation of large sizes
    7. According to the project from 84 to 110 floors, a 258-bedroom J-Hotel hotel was supposed to be located. He had to become the highest (from the surface of the Earth) the hotel in the world. But there is no data that he still appeared. If you have such information, please let us know
    8. It is noteworthy that the developers did not begin to experiment and called the attraction simply Shanghai Tower (which means simply "Shanghai Tower")
    9. An elevator delivering visitors from the first floor to the observation deck on the 118th floor, it makes this way for about 55 seconds.

    Shanghai Tower photo

    It's again their photos

    The Shanghai Tower is the highest building in the Chinese city of Shanghai and the third in height of the building in the world (the first place is occupied by Burj Khalifa in the UAE, the second is the Heavenly Tokyo Tree). It left far behind the Shanghai World Financial Center and Tower Jin Mao. Height of the Shanghai Tower 634 meters, and the area is 380 thousand square meters.

    Construction of the Shanghai Tower

    The highest tower of Asia was built only a few years. In June 2009, the pit was died, and began the construction of the first floors. In August 2013, a solemn ceremony was held in Shanghai on the construction of the last beam at an altitude of 632 meters, that is, the skyscraper was brought to the roof level. Facing facing was completed in September 2014, and all internal work - in 2015.

    The construction of the Shanghai Tower from the very beginning caused a lot of disputes, whether the city need another skyscraper. Since 1993, it was planned that in the financial district of Shanghai Ludgiazi will be an architectural group of three skyscrapers.

    That is why the tower has been erected, and today it symbolizes the power of the city together with the Shanghai World Financial Center and Tower of Jin Mao belonging to the Unsemble.

    The structure is divided into nine vertical zones and is closed in a transparent glass sheath, which protects it from bad weather and provides natural ventilation.


    The tower is located in the center of the Business Quarter. From the moment of discovery, it attracts the attention of all - and not only with its dimensions, but also by the architectural design, which is no longer repeated on the planet. The appearance of the skyscraper organically combines traditional Chinese concepts and modern technology.

    At the base of the tower there are reinforced concrete cylinders, nine cylinders installed on them are on top of them. The internal volume is the building itself, and the external facade forms a shell that rises up, turning to 120 degrees.

    Thanks to this, the Shanghai Tower received a curved appearance and protection against wind loads, it was also possible to save up to 25% steel on structures.

    Using modern technologies made the Shanghai Tower most secure for ambient Skyscraper. Alternative energy sources are applied for heating and cooling.

    What is inside

    The lowest floor of the Shanghai Tower is highlighted under the historical museum of the city. His unusual interior and wax figures reflect the life of local residents. Genre episodes are recreated with the help of emeralds, jade, agate, jasper and pearls on a huge shirma, to create a natural stone.

    In each sphere of the tower there are shops and galleries. The "Space City" is open among them - an entertainment center, where you can plunge into the world of science fiction and evaluate the technological achievements of China. In the middle of the building there is a hotel. Also inside there is a restaurant, the feature of which is that he rotates around his axis, a concert hall and club.

    In the Shanghai Tower you can see gardens that collect rainwater and transform it into the energy needed for the heating of the building and the operation of air conditioners.

    Viewing platforms

    Immediately after the construction of the Shanghai Tower in China, became the main symbol of the city and an interesting tourist object. Every year, the skyscraper attracts about 2.8 million travelers. Inside for visitors, optimal conditions are created: shops, souvenir shops and other institutions that allow fun to spend time.

    In addition, the tower has several viewing sites. Unforgettable impressions can be obtained already in the lifting process. From the highest point opens fascinating view of the city. Especially beautiful Shanghai looks in the evening. And with clear and cloudless weather, you can consider the Yangtze River.


    In the Shanghai Tower installed high-speed elevators, rising up at a speed of eighteen meters per second. The building is equipped with 106 elevators from Mitsubishi Electric, three of which are high-speed and rise to a record height - 578 meters, by breaking the record of Burj Khalife elevators, rising at a height of 504 meters.

    Between 84 and 110 floors, the Four Seasons Hotel is located - the highest on the planet. There are 260 rooms in it. Shanghai Tower provides a unique opportunity See the city from a height of 557 meters.

    The Shanghai Tower is built on the project of the American Architectural Bureau Gensler.

    Construction began in 2008 and ended in 2015. According to the initial project, the skyscraper should have 580 meters in height, but later the tower was increased to 632 meters. It has 121 floors. By the way, despite the fact that the construction is completed, the tower is not yet open, there are recent preparations.

    The tower is located in the center of the Shanghai Financial Zone, which is called Lujiaju. The skyscraper has posted a luxury hotel, shopping and entertainment centers, office space and cultural spaces, as well as underground floors, which are parking and outputs to the metro stations.

    The Shanghai Tower is the third on the list of the highest buildings in the world. Almost the Dubai Tower, which rises above the ground by 828 meters, and the Tokyo Heavenly Tower Tower (634 m).

    Chinese scientists opposed the construction of the tower, fearing that a large number of skyscrapers on the banks of the river will lead to the drawdown of the soil. "The problem of flooding has always been one of the most sharp for Shanghai. Today, when the density of the city's building is close to a critical level, it is impossible to exclude the likelihood that the land on which the city is built will see, and Shanghai will be under water, "said Okeanology Wenng Pencsian professor. But so far nothing terrible happened.

    In 2014, Vadim Makhorov and Vitaly Raskalov came into their way to the construction site of the Shanghai Tower and climbed to a construction crane. They removed the video about their rise to a height of 650 meters, which at one time endowed a lot of noise.

    Such species open from the height of the skyscraper. These are the towers: Shanghai World Financial Center (right) and Jin Mao (left).

    This is how it looks in cloud weather.

    The Shanghai Tower consists of nine cylindrical sections folded on each other. In the whole skyscraper, double walls, in the space between which atriums are located at the sections level.

    Flowers and trees are planted in each atrium.

    The empty space between the walls of the skyscraper provides inland rooms with a coolness in summer and warm in winter. The walls themselves are transparent, due to this daylight penetrates the building, and people save on lighting. The problem is only that there will be no normal view from the window. Because of the outer shell, you will not see anything but the design.

    The tightened tower design levels wind power and allows the building to withstand the gusts of the hurricane wind to 51 m / s.

    The skyscraper is the fastest elevators in the world, the cabins for which the designers of Mitsubishi were designed. Thanks to the technologies designed specifically for the Shanghai Tower, they rise at a speed of 64 km / h.

    Spiral chute, which stretches over the entire height of the building, collects rainwater. It is used for heating and air conditioning systems.

    At the base of the tower there is a podium platform, in which stores and public areas are located.

    The tower of old regions looks very cool.

    In the meantime, the Shanghai Tower did not open, you can climb the next skyscraper - the Shanghai financial center whose height is 492 meters. Upstairs there is an observation deck where you can climb if there is money for a ticket. If there is no money, but I want to look at the city, you can climb the Hayatt's lobby on the 87st floor and admire the views of the cup of coffee.

    View from 87 floors

    Well, and a few more species

    In Shanghai, the magnificent Shanghai Tower was completed. Have not yet discovered, but it seems to be from day to day. This is the most beautiful skyscraper that I saw. Magnificent elegant building 632 meters high.

    01. The Shanghai Tower is built on the project of the American architectural bureau Gensler.

    02. Construction began in 2008 and ended in 2015. According to the initial project, the skyscraper should have 580 meters in height, but later the tower was increased to 632 meters. It has 121 floors. By the way, despite the fact that the construction is completed, the tower is not yet open, there are recent preparations.

    03. The tower is located in the center of the Shanghai Financial Zone, which is called Lujianzi. In the skyscraper there were office space, entertainment and shopping centers, luxury hotel and cultural spaces. The tower still has underground floors, which are parking and outputs to the metro stations.

    04. Shanghai Tower is the second on the list of the highest buildings in the world. Above only Dubai Tower, it rises above the ground by 828 meters.

    05. Chinese scientists opposed the construction of the tower, fearing that a large number of skyscrapers on the banks of the river will lead to the drawdown of the soil. "The problem of flooding has always been one of the most sharp for Shanghai. Today, when the density of the city's building is close to a critical level, it is impossible to exclude the likelihood that the land on which the city is built will see, and Shanghai will be under water, "said Okeanology Wenng Pencsian professor. But so far nothing terrible happened.

    In 2014, Vitaly Raskalov raskalov_VIT. And Vadim Makhorov dedmaxopka. Shot into the construction site of the Shanghai Tower and climbed to a construction crane. They removed the video about their rise to a height of 650 meters, which at one time endowed a lot of noise.

    Such species open from the height of the skyscraper. This is the Jin Mao Tower (left) and the Shanghai World Financial Center (right).

    Photo Vadim Makhorov

    This is how it looks in cloud weather.

    Photo Vitaly Raskalova

    06. The Shanghai Tower consists of nine cylindrical sections folded on each other. In the whole skyscraper, double walls, in the space between which atriums are located at the sections level.

    07. Flowers and trees are planted in each atrium.

    The empty space between the walls of the skyscraper retains inland rooms in the summer and warm in winter. The walls themselves are transparent, due to this daylight penetrates the building, and people save on lighting. The problem is only that there will be no normal view from the window. Because of the outer shell, you will not see anything but the design.

    Photo Gensler

    08. The swirling tower design levels wind power and allows the building to withstand gusts up to 51 m / s (this is a hurricane wind).

    09. The skyscraper is the fastest elevators in the world, the cabins for which Mitsubishi designers designed. Thanks to the technologies designed specifically for the Shanghai Tower, they rise at a speed of 64 km / h.

    Photo Gensler

    10. Spiral chute, which stretches over the entire height of the building, collects rainwater. It is used for heating and air conditioning systems.

    Photo Gensler

    11. At the base of the tower there is a podium platform, in which stores and public areas are located.

    Photo Gensler

    12. The tower looks very cool, especially from the old regions.

    13. In the meantime, the Shanghai Tower did not open, you can climb the next skyscraper - the Shanghai financial center, whose height is 492 meters. I already wrote that there is an observation deck at the top there, where you can climb if you have a lot of money on the ticket. If there is no money, but I want to look at the city, you can climb the Hayatt's lobby, which is located on the 87th floor. Go to the entrance to the hotel. It is located around the corner, to the right of the entrance to the viewing. There are 87 storey in the lobby of the hotel and admire the views. You can drink coffee overlooking the city. Great place, I recommend.

    14. View from 87 floors

    15. Not the best, but will come down)

    16. And these are views from 81 floors, from my room.










