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  • Learning how to pull the desired ticket on the university? Tips and signs. Signs for good luck on the exam: What you need, and what you can not do how to mark tickets

    Learning how to pull the desired ticket on the university? Tips and signs. Signs for good luck on the exam: What you need, and what you can not do how to mark tickets

    So, the semester passes, and the examination session comes, what all students are afraid much more than schoolchildren are afraid of their GIA and EGE. Everyone says that only the necessary and useful items are taught in universities for the future specialty, but in fact it is completely wrong. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with such troubles as an exam on the subject that does not cause anything other than fear and disgust. So that you still get a diploma and complete education, you have to study all these items and take exams on them. . . And you can not do anything about it.

    Suppose that a couple of days remained to the exam, a lot of tickets remained, and during the semester, the items ignored completely and unconditionally. For those who even count on themselves, we will still advise you to choose some of the most difficult tickets and try at least remember what we are talking about. It is not as difficult as it seems. You just need to take a quiet place with good lighting, air temperature and the possibility of airing, turn off all phones, players and tablets and completely surrender to work. And do not hysterically rewrite someone's abstracts, but to highlight the main questions of the ticket, to find a brief information on them, record gently on a sheet of paper and put it separately, signing exactly what this is the ticket. Such blanks can be made exactly as much as time for time. And now we go to the second part of the plan, in which we will tell how to pull the desired ticket.

    In order to take exactly the same ticket, it is not at all to know how the tickets lay out on the exam, because each teacher has its own system. Someone posts tickets just in order, someone generally instructs to lay out the tickets for the exam for their favorite students or any random person who will fall at hand. This will eventually, it may happen that the teacher will instruct the student to post the tickets, then you need to look at them and mark your own symbol and go to take it if not first, then the second, or just to watch, whether some student took a marked ticket.

    Pull out the desired ticket will also help other students! If the exam drops one specific group, you can negotiate with one-logs so that they say which ticket was handed over, and ask them not to take those that managed to learn or at least a crib. Yes, they may not agree so, but everyone can always agree, the question is only in what efforts it is given. Well, if there will be agreed students, in principle, they rarely come across those who do not want to help their brother in misfortune.

    If none of the tips on how to pull the desired ticket on the exam, is not suitable for certain reasons, there is a win-win. You need to refer to the signs and superstitions. If they had not worked, they would not be passed from generation to generation! When choosing a ticket, you need to take the one that immediately liked. At first glance, they may seem the same, but one thing is sure to say "Yes, I'm the same." Also worth choosing a ticket with your hand, which is considered happy, beloved. Someone believes that a happy ticket is always the one that the third left. Controversial statement, but you can try. Before the exam, you need to visualize the situation and understand that it will be exactly the necessary ticket, repeating "I pull such a ticket and answer absolutely correct." Strongly hit in fantasy about the ideal answer and lifelong respect after that the professor is not worth it, but I need to say "I'll take and rent". Not to the detriment of the preparation, of course.

    In the end, going to the exam, you need to give yourself the right psychological installation. Well, one exam will not surrender from the first time, but no one will die from it, and teachers are rarely not allowed to reassemble. With such an installation, unnecessary excitement will be discarded, and the tickets will be easier and pull out and remember. It remains only to wish good luck in the exams!

    Session is an inevitable event in the life of any student. Everyone understands that for the successful passing of the exam, you need to know the answers to the questions of tickets. But it is not always possible to prepare well, so in critical moments, many are ready to believe anything and are not even looking for rational methodsHow to pull the desired ticket on the exam. Student folklore stores a rich anthology and conspiracy, which help to successfully pass the session. The chances of pulling the desired questions are small, but when there is no other way out, they say, and the straw helps.

    Signs, conspiracies for good luck, talismans

    As practice shows, light ticket It only comes across those who are diligent preparing for exams. Those who could not learn all the material can take advantage of the signs that will give confidence in their own power, configure to good luck and help pull the desired ticket to the exam.

    Some teachers lay out tickets ascending or checked, so you can try to predict or understand how tasks are located.

    Take a ticket that I liked at once without thinking and not guessing.

    IN the top 10 examination will adopted by Rosstudency based on the results of the survey of students of universities, except for flooded generations of students in the heel, by the way, of different ages of emissions and, accordingly, the actual nominal and the innovation of the Internet era, such as saving the file with the answers to the exam questions called, for example, "Sociology is excellent."


    Some students for complete confidence use talismans for good luck, believing that it will help pull out a happy ticket on the exam.
    • Already, no one generation puts a five-air coin into the left shoe, believing that the metal is safely affected by certain zones on the heel and allows you to activate intuition.
    • The mascot in the form of a small toy or figurines in the form of a snake and owl increases the intelligence, adds wisdom.
    • You can also use a simple thread or lace in the form of a bracelet on the left wrist, pre-toning nine nodes.

    The talisman can be any thing or an object that is associated with a student with luck and luck - some put on "happy socks" or go to the exam with your favorite handle.


    If you still do not know how to choose the desired ticket on the exam, use the rules of numerology - science (some argue that it is necessary to add the prefix pseudo-) on the relationship of numbers and physical objects.
    1. Try forever to calculate what the account you will take the exam. The best option is odd figures, especially three and seven.
    2. A ticket under an odd number will be happy.
    3. Choosing a ticket, give preference to what lies in an odd row. Never pull questions from an even series located in an even place.

    Numerologists argue that even values \u200b\u200bhave a negative energy.

    Help one-laugherpnikov

    Relying only for good luck and otherworldly forces are not worth it. Guess which ticket will fall on the exam, you can with the help of alignments - this path looks much more promising.
    1. Ask the comrade "by chance" pull two tickets. One he must leave himself, and the other remember and mark for you, which will allow you to prepare the necessary cribs in advance, repeat the ticket material.
    2. A very productive option to find out which ticket will fall on the exam, it is among the latter. This method can be used if all elongated tickets are postponed and not returned back to the table. Ask the one-logs that have already passed the exam that they caught, strike out the numbers from the list and prepare the remaining tasks.

    Nevertheless, the most reliable way to pass the exam is good - thoroughly prepare for it. If you learn only a few questions every day, then most of them will be learned by the beginning of the exam, which significantly increases the likelihood of pulling out a ticket, the answers to whose questions are known.

    Going to the exam, is definitely the most excellent to believe in personal forces and learn everything. But it happens that the student literally lives a dream about in order to pull the definite ticket . Chances, final, not so much, but trying to.


    1. In numerology, joyful are odd numbers, especially 3 and 7. Incidentally pulling out ticket , Distribute it to consider. Do not take the 2nd, fourth or some other even ticket on the edge. Even numbers own negative energy, for personalities of particularly susceptible, they may even block the information, which before that was stored in memory correctly. Rely on intuition, invariably take one ticket , the one that liked the first time.

    2. In order to pull out the superior to you ticket , I need not easy to want, but to know that you will get it. Imagine that you get closer the necessary question, more often repeat about yourself phrase: "I have such ticket ". If you know his number, then before pulling ticket Try to clearly and clearly imagine the desired number.

    3. This method is not tightly true, but sometimes it works (exclusively if your class or group exams the exam first). It is absolutely permissible that the examiner primitably decompose everything in order, without biting himself with stirring ticket s. Some originals can decompose them in a checker order. If you know that it is permitted from a person to wait for a similar act, try to risk. Permissible, the success will smile!

    4. It is permissive to believe in good luck, and allowed to go to a small trick, but for this you need support for comrades. Those who know the subject class (or have excellent cribs) enter the audience first. Pulling ticket Your friend must notice the questions in one of the tables lying on the table. ticket OV and somehow mark it (bend corner). Later, he writes to you SMS, in which it tells what questions are contained in the bent ticket e. You are here to refresh the necessary information and brave to pass the exam. This method is classified if you are able to retell any of the exam questions, tea to learn from scratch that you are perfectly understandable enough.

    With a weak preparation for the exams, it is allowed to believe only on Divo - the likelihood of pulling a joyful ticket. Students generations have been developed by tricks and whole rites, helping to devour luck on the exam. However, as practice shows, a joyful ticket is more often those who make the exam prepared for the exam. Nevertheless, the signs even the prepared student will give additional conviction in themselves.

    You will need

    • - record book
    • - Exam preparation materials
    • - Pens and paper
    • - tickets with questions for the exam


    1. The 1st method in the evening before the exam take the test book and go to the balcony (attic, roof, in the extreme case, drop out the window). Expand the credit book and shock three times loudly: I come! After that, rapidly slam the back and put under the pillow. Do not open until the exam. Entering the audience where the exam passes, open the counters and pull the ticket.

    2. The 2nd method determine what account in the queue you will take the exam. Distribute the odd places: 1, 3, 5, 7. If you did not get to these places, then go in any order. As soon as you find yourself in front of the examiner, take a look at the tickets offered to you. Do not take those that lie on an even place, counting on the left. If tickets are located in two rows, consider the left-bottom and select odd numbers.

    3. Staying before the ticket interested you, pretend that you are going with thoughts, and imagine a ticket number (counting the odd left-bottom). Having done this, pull the ticket with your left hand. Tilt it and look at the printed number. If all the numbers are fine or odd more than even, the ticket should bring you good luck. If all the numbers are odd either their equal, make every effort to successfully pass the exam.

    4. The 3rd method before passing the exam, ask the student, the one that goes in front of you, allegedly inadvertently pull 2 \u200b\u200btickets. One he has to take himself, but on another to survive the questions, mark and inform you. As soon as SMS comes with questions in a marked ticket or a student who came out of the audience will tell you them, take the materials to prepare for the exam and rapidly look at the results.

    5. Go to the audience to take the exam. Inspecting tickets, choose marked. Take the same as in order to turn the label to hand, and pull it out. Try to remember that you have been taught on these issues, and prepare the result.

    6. Fourth method Prepare for the exam. Take a list of questions to him and prepare results on them. Explore all the day a few questions like that in order to start exams to learn many of them. To the occurrence of the session, you must know the results for the majority of issues. This will increase the likelihood of pulling a joyful ticket independently from its location. Before passing the exam, use the above signs and pull the ticket.

    Teachers dozen do not like when students are waiting and spoiled tickets, decide to mark or choose a marking ticket caution.


    To pull the desired ticket on the exam, you need to have a number of abilities. First, intuition. She still did not interfere in life, which is about exams. Try to rely a couple of times on your "sixth": Going to the audience, pull the paper on which the eye drops at once.

    Of course, in order for such a windy lady as intuition, it is better to enlist the support of knowledge - knowledge of where what is the ticket. Often the examiners do not particularly pay attention to this: the ticket numbers are shusted through paper or tickets lie in a specific sequence. Only you need to take into account two points: first, often questions in tickets do not coincide with those questions that were in your list, secondly, you need to catch the moment when the teacher comes out to mark this very sequence or see the numbers and formulating questions.

    Try to spend another maneuver. Go to answer the last and put on all those who have passed, which tickets are already collected in a bunch on the edge of the teaching table, and choose from those that remained lying, neatly laid out by row. But be attentive: Often, the examiners with a shortage of questions take tickets right from the same handcachk and let them back into the knowledge lottery. Therefore, the dexterity and intuition will be needed to you in any case.

    It is better to find out in advance among students who have already been dealing with this or that examiner how he has students on the exam selection tickets. It is unlikely that you have a chance to peer if the teacher gives you to pull a thin piece of paper from the piles, which he keeps in his hands, or if the questions distributes himself, without finding the cutting of tickets.

    There is another way, but the chances of resorting to it will be even less. It happens that the teacher launches several students at once, and everything happens in a close audience, and the examiner does not have the opportunity to keep track of everyone. Then - Caution! - Turn a few pieces of paper and select the one that the nice to your heart. "Hand agility and no fraud!" (c) But if you find yourself ... you are unlocking.

    As you can see, the listed methods are subject to such ephemeral abilities, as a dexterity, intuition, attentiveness ... They are far from all, but those that are gifted, sometimes do not know how to use the gift. Of course, both, both, and the third can be developed, but it will take no one year of study at the university, and if you need everything right away? .. Therefore, the most faithful and the simplest way Pull out the desired ticket is good to learn the material. Then any ticket will (at least more or less) necessary and successful.

    During the session, many students try to be fully armed: Cookies are preparing, crank material and, of course, signs and rituals are observed for successful exam passage, they are equipped with a whole set of talismans. It is about the signs, superstitions and happy talismans for study and will be discussed.

    Is there any benefits from all these magical techniques before passing the exam? Of course, there is! Observing the customs and traditions of the current centuries, students set themselves to positive emotions. Having enjoying the support of the highest strength, they are more confident. In this case, the chances of success increase. Here are the most common signs for good luck during the session:

    Before the exam you can not wash your head, cutting, cut your nails and shave. Everything learned may forget.

    For exams you need to be in the same clothes. For example, if the first exam is done well, then the second one needs to wear the same clothes, as it is already charged with the energy of success.

    Exactly at midnight before the exam, you need to go to the balcony or look out the window, wave a dutch and squeeze three times: "Halewa, catching." After that, the dutch must be slammed, tied up with a red ribbon and do not open until the exam itself. After doing this ritual, the easiest ticket comes across.

    The attraction of freebies is achieved by another equally interesting way. In order for the exam easily, it is necessary to pour on the desired page of the bombing crumbs, or smear it with alcohol. Thus, Halyava honors the bait and herself will look at you in the publication.

    To assimilate the material, many students put their abstracts and textbooks under the pillow before bedtime, so that all knowledge is transmitted in a dream.

    In the morning, before the exam, you need to get up in the left leg. From the same leg you need to get out of the house and enter the audience.

    True ticket too need left hand. In order to pull the light ticket, you can count on a specific number of tickets. The numbers 3, 5, 7 and 9 are considered happy. Many count 13 ticket.

    There is a belief that if in front of the exam grade hands with something sticky, for example, honey or jam, then the ticket that you know well will stick to you.

    For the successful examination of the exam, you need a couple of seconds to hold for an excellent student who has already passed the exam.

    On the way to the exam, you need to pay attention to people coming to meet. If a man got caught - to good luck, if a woman is to failure. Pregnant woman goes to meet - the exam will be delivered successfully. If the first meeting will be a police officer or homeless - wait for trouble from the teacher.

    In order for the teacher to lose vigilance on the exam, you need to put on the left shoe on the right leg, and the rightmost to the left.

    There are many talismans that attract good luck on the exam. To attract the fortune, you can put in the left shoe Pyatk. The essence of this talisman is likely that the metal affects certain points on the foot and, thereby enhances intuition.

    In order not to forget everything learned and correctly use knowledge on the exam, you need to take a talisman with you in the form of owls or snake. These animals since ancient times are considered symbols of wisdom, mind and intelligence.

    Attracts good luck on the examination of the lace or thread, tied with nine knots on the left hand. The nodes since ancient times were considered a powerful faucet and promoted the concentration of positive energy.

    There are still many different attacks and rituals for passing exams. Using signs and talismans, you should not forget that all this is only a means to increase self-confidence and get rid of fear. If there is really nothing in the head, then any magic will be powerless.

    And what signs helped you pass exams? We are waiting for your comments! And if you click on, the session will be perfectly!

    29.10.2013 16:09

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