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  • Mystical disappearances of ships. The Bermuda Triangle: Secret Disappearances and Scientific Explanations. Causes of disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle

    Mystical disappearances of ships.  The Bermuda Triangle: Secret Disappearances and Scientific Explanations.  Causes of disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle

    Here ships disappear without a trace and planes mysteriously disappear. Expeditions that go in search of missing sea and air liners never return. Sailors prefer to bypass the disastrous place, and airliners prefer to fly around it for many hundreds of kilometers. For more than half a century, no one has been able to unravel the mystery of the dangerous and mysterious anomaly called the "Bermuda Triangle".

    One of the first documented cases mysterious loss people in Bermuda Triangle happened back in 1840. Then the ship "Rosalia" was discovered near the Bahamas, but there was not a soul on board. No signs of a pirate attack, no traces of damage on the ship were found: it was completely safe and sound. Even supplies of fresh water and food were left untouched.

    Unable to really explain what happened, the authorities of the Bahamas put forward a very eccentric hypothesis. They announced that the ship's crew had fallen into mass insanity and thrown themselves overboard in full force. And among the people, "Rosalia" was christened a ghost ship. Since then, a whole chain of ghostly disappearances of sea vessels began in the Bermuda Triangle.

    It is noteworthy that in the XX century, the loss of ships began to acquire even greater mystery. In 1918, a cargo ship naval forces USA "Cyclops" seemed to vanish into thin air, heading from South America to the shores of the United States. The search for the ship, which was carrying 306 crew members, did not bring any results. Tellingly, the crew did not send a distress signal. Whatever happened at the moment of disappearance, one thing is clear - the team was taken by surprise. It was not that she did not have time to rescue - she was not even able to report the incident. Subsequently, this will happen with many ships that ended up in the Bermuda region.

    But the devil's triangle was not only swallowing ships. On December 5, 1945, a squadron of five torpedo bombers took off from the US Naval Airfield at Fort Lauderdale. On that day, there was a clear sky over the Atlantic, calm at sea, and the planes were under the control of experienced pilots. Nothing extraordinary should have happened.

    However, the pilots suddenly failed their navigation equipment. Moreover, both the main devices - magnetic, and additional - gyroscopic ones were out of order. The crews have completely stopped navigating in space, and the last words recorded in radio communications still baffle even experienced pilots. The disappeared crews reported that the ocean did not look the same as usual, and they were sinking into white waters.

    The disappeared "Cyclops"

    Other aircraft were sent in search of the squadron, but this did not bring any results. Moreover, one of the search engines - the Martin Mariner seaplane - disappeared without a trace.

    25 years later, in 1970, an event occurred in the sky over the Bermuda Triangle that enveloped the Bermuda anomalies in even greater fog. A light single-engine aircraft under the control of pilot Bruce Gernon flew from the Bahamas to Florida, to Palm Beach International Airport. There were two more passengers on board. At 160 kilometers from Miami, the weather deteriorated sharply, and Bruce Gernon decided to get away from the rapidly approaching thunderstorm front. The pilot did not have time to turn the steering wheel when he saw a real tunnel in front of him. The plane was wrapped in spiral rings, and the passengers experienced a feeling of weightlessness. As in the case of the squadron, all navigational instruments of the winged aircraft failed, and the plane disappeared from radar. Later it turned out that this happened exactly at the moment when Bruce Hernon was passing through a mysterious tunnel.

    But even more surprising was the fact that three minutes later the car was over Miami. Incomprehensible, but for such a short time a single-engine propeller-driven aircraft covered a distance of 160 kilometers. No one could explain what happened, because the cruising speed of the Beechcraft Bonanza 36, ​​piloted by Bruce Hernon, did not exceed 320 kilometers per hour.

    After that strange incident, the public in the United States remembered another mysterious incident that happened in 1928. The famous American test pilot Charles Lindbergh was flying over the Bermuda Triangle when suddenly a dense cloud enveloped the plane. Like a thick fog. All attempts to fly out of it did not lead to anything, and the compass arrows seemed to go crazy and began to rotate in all directions at the same time. Only high skill helped Lindbergh stay whole and tell the world about a strange phenomenon.

    Scientists have been trying to solve the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle for decades. One of the hypotheses says: aliens are hiding at the bottom of the ocean. This version is adhered to by the famous UFO expert David Spencer. He believes that aliens formed a colony at the bottom of the ocean and began to kidnap people, ships and planes. Radio amateurs testify in favor of this assumption. Once they caught the conversation of the crew commanders and heard a strange voice say to someone: "Don't follow me."

    It is curious that forces from space can have an impact not only from the seabed. Charged particles from solar storms can bombard electronic equipment in ships and cause damage.

    A number of researchers urge to look for a clue in the history of Atlantis that went under the water. Have ancient civilization there was a huge crystal that now sends infrasound to the crews of ships and aircraft. As a result, people go crazy and lose control over sea and air liners. Or thrown overboard in full force, as suggested by the authorities of the Bahamas. It is noteworthy that they were not far from the truth, because science speaks in favor of this version.

    Infrasound is fraught with another threat: it can have a destructive effect on the human psyche, - says Boris Ostrovsky, a Russian scientist, researcher of the Bermuda Triangle. - In other words, being under the influence of infrasound, pilots and sailors could lose their minds and commit rash acts. This can explain the ships found in the Bermuda Triangle, abandoned by their crews.

    According to another hypothesis, the lost ships could have been swallowed up by a wandering wave. For a long time, scientists refused to believe in a strange phenomenon and ranked it as supernatural. But numerous facts of meeting with a wandering wave have left no trace of the skepticism of scientists. According to eyewitnesses, the height of such a wave can reach 30 meters, but it appears literally out of nowhere. However, the phenomenon, mysterious at first glance, has a simple explanation. Several waves converge in the ocean, resonate and form one giant wave. And in the Bermuda Triangle, conditions are such that it is precisely conducive to the formation of such monster waves.

    But what about the fact that the missing ships cannot be found? Perhaps the matter is in the complex bottom topography and the enormous depth of the ocean in the anomalous zone. The triangle is crossed by a depression, the depth of which reaches eight kilometers. In addition, the Gulf Stream sea current, passing near the place of disappearance of ships, can carry away the wreckage of ships hundreds of kilometers from the place of possible death. So to find at least something in such conditions is almost impossible.

    However, neither the monster waves, nor the difficult topography of the seabed explain the loss of the aircraft. Therefore, scientists have put forward another assumption, according to which the reason for the disappearance of ships and winged machines lies in methane bubbles. They form at the bottom of the ocean and rise to the surface from time to time. The density of such bubbles is extremely low. So much so that the ships cannot stay afloat and instantly go under water. When methane is released into the air, the density of the air masses drops sharply. The plane suddenly loses its lift and crashes. The ocean literally swallows ships and airliners, leaving no trace.

    But how to explain the facts of incredible movement in space, which the surviving pilots told about? Some theoretical physicists believe that the Bermuda Triangle is clear evidence of Albert Einstein's general and special theory of relativity, on which the building rests. modern physics... In other words, space here gets a curvature, and planes seem to pierce it, falling into a space-time cataclysm.

    Be that as it may, none of the hypotheses has yet been confirmed. Renowned science fiction writer Arthur Clarke predicted that the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle will be solved by 2040. Well, wait and see.

    The mysterious Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic Ocean, bounded by Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, is world famous for the disappearance of planes and ships. There are various hypotheses explaining these anomalies, up to the tricks of aliens and inhabitants of Atlantis. Scientists, however, adhere to more prosaic explanations - for example, they point to the abundance of shoals in this area, as well as the frequent occurrence of storms and cyclones, which causes navigation problems.

    The Bermuda Triangle was first talked about in the press in 1950, and it got its name at the suggestion of the writer Vincent Gaddis in 1964. Since then, between skeptics and supporters of existence abnormal phenomena there is a fierce debate about the causes of the disappearances of ships and aircraft in the region.

    Research team from University of Southampton in Great Britain found a new explanation for the disappearance of ships in the Bermuda Triangle. In their opinion, the 30-meter "killer waves" are to blame for everything.

    “There is no doubt that high waves are generating in this area,” said oceanographer Simon Boxall, one of the team members. "They appear wherever multiple storms occur at the same time."

    These waves are very steep and high, they look like a wall of water and appear unexpectedly, experts from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration explain. For example, certain regions of South Africa are predisposed to them, where they are generated by storms coming from the Indian, South and Atlantic oceans. Boxall said there have been similar ship and aircraft disappearances over the years.

    To test their guess, the researchers recreated models of some of the missing ships, and then, in a special container, simulated the movement of water in the Bermuda Triangle. It turned out that high waves are really capable of quickly sinking a ship, and the larger it is, the faster this happens. Small ships could get out on the crest of a wave, and large ones simply broke in two.

    The researchers also commented on other hypotheses that could lead to the disappearance of ships, such as magnetic anomalies.

    “They're not there,” explains Boxall succinctly. Magnetic anomalies do exist and are associated with the movement of the Earth's mantle under the crust, but the nearest of them is located more than 1500 km south, near Brazil.

    Another theory is associated with accumulations of explosive gas lurking in air pockets under water. Due to the movement of water, it can rise up and flood the ship. However, according to Boxall, it has not yet been experimentally proven.

    “In theory, this is possible, but there are many places in the world where it can happen,” he says. "Not only in the Bermuda Triangle."

    Boxall cites human error as the most likely reason for the disappearance of ships and aircraft.

    So, he cites the example of the disappearance of five American military aircraft in 1945 during a training mission - most likely, they simply ran out of fuel.

    About a third of all registered and privately owned ocean going vessels in the United States are located in states and islands near the Bermuda Triangle, he explains. At the same time, according to the Coast Guard, 82% of incidents in this area occurred with people who did not have the skills to work in the ocean and did not receive appropriate training.

    “We take a third of all US ships and send them to the Bermuda Triangle - here are mystical disappearances,” Boxall throws up his hands.

    In addition, not all vessels have radios or navigation devices.

    “Several times, working at sea, we came across people who are guided by road map... Some relied on their mobile phones for navigation and communication, but when you sail 50-60 kilometers from the coast, the signal is lost, ”says the scientist.

    Variable weather conditions also contribute - a sudden storm can confuse inexperienced sailors, or even completely flood the ship. Shoals pose an additional hazard. So, finding themselves in the heart of the storm without the ability to align a course or call for help, unlucky sailors have every chance of being killed.

    “The Bermuda Triangle can be extended to cover the entire globe,” says Boxall. "Waves arise everywhere, underwater pockets of dangerous gas are found everywhere and where amateurs are concentrated without any experience, we will get a large number of mysterious disappearances."

    A sailor is one of the most romantic professions. Just imagine - you wake up in the morning, and instead of a boring gray city in front of your eyes there is an immense ocean space, clean air. Comrades are always ready to keep you company in raids on taverns, and in each port they expect a beautiful girl ... This is the profession seems to any uninitiated.

    But there is also back side medals - anything can happen to the ship during a long voyage. You can get caught in a storm or be captured by pirates, who, oddly enough, have not died out in the 21st century. And sometimes it happens mysterious disappearances ships, and then the ships disappear without a trace. Some blame supernatural forces and legendary inhabitants of the deep sea for this, such as the giant octopus kraken, while others blame the Maelstrom maelstrom, the Bermuda triangle and other natural phenomena.

    1943 - disappearance of the ship Capelin (SS-289)

    Capelin (SS-289) - submarine launched on January 20, 1943. On November 17, 1943, the vessel patrolled the waters of the Selebs and Molucca Seas, with special attention paid to the Davao Bay, the Morotai Strait, as well as the trade routes located near the island of Siaoe.

    An American submarine was last seen on December 2, 1943, reported by the Bonefish (SS-223). The official reason for the disappearance of the ship is believed to be enemy minefields, which could be located in the patrolling area of ​​the submarine. There was no exact confirmation of this fact.

    There is another version of this catastrophe, which official sources rejected due to its fantastic nature. According to her, Capelin (SS-289) could have become a victim of an unidentified sea monster, which was repeatedly reported by local fishermen. According to the sailors, the animal resembled the enormous size of an octopus.

    1921 - the disappearance of the ship SS Hewitt

    This dry cargo ship flew along the coast of the United States. On January 20, 1921, a fully laden ship left the Texas city of Sabin. The ship was under the command of Captain Hans Jacob Hensen. The last signal from this vessel came on January 25th, and the radio call reported nothing unusual. The ship was then sighted 250 miles north of Florida-based Jupiter Inlet. Further, the thread breaks, and SS Hewitt, like other disappeared ships, became a part of history.

    A thorough check was carried out along the entire route followed by the ship, but it did not give any results - the mystery of the disappearance of the SS Hewitt ship has not yet been solved. There were many rumors and speculations about this incident. It was even suggested that the ship's crew was the victim of a rare natural phenomenon, as curious as the Maelstrom maelstrom - the voice of the sea.

    for reference: the voice of the sea is a natural phenomenon that affects the psyche and human health. The sea generates infrasound, which is below the limit of a person's auditory perception, but affects his brain. Infrasound can have a variety of effects, from auditory and visual hallucinations to nausea and other symptoms of motion sickness. Strong exposure to infrasound can be fatal - vibrations lead to cardiac arrest.

    Who is responsible for the disappearance of the ships?

    It is considered one of the most dangerous areas on the sea surface is the Maelstrom whirlpool. Literary sources describe this natural phenomenon as possessing terrifying power and detrimental to any ship that finds itself in its zone. In fact, Maelstrom's danger is somewhat exaggerated.

    If this whirlpool was dangerous for ancient ships - wooden sailing boats, then modern ships, once in these waters, do not receive any damage. The flow velocity of the Maelstrom whirlpool does not exceed 11 km / h. And yet, one should not be careless about this phenomenon of nature - the direction of movement of water can change in the most unpredictable way. Therefore, even modern ships avoid the strait located to the north of Moske Island, there is a danger of crashing against the coastal stones.

    The Maelström Maelstrom is located between the islands of Moskenesøy and Førø. It is formed at certain hours due to the collision of ebb and flow waves; the formation of a whirlpool is facilitated by a complex bottom topography and a broken coastline. Maelstrom is a vortex system in the strait. But despite all the dangers, tourism in Lofoten is very popular. The guidebooks state that "winter fishing in the archipelago is an incomparable pleasure."

    Bermuda Triangle - secrets of the deep sea

    The Bermuda Triangle is one of the most famous anomalous zones located between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami in Florida. Its area covers over a million square kilometers. Until 1840, this zone was unknown to anyone, until the mysterious disappearance of ships and then aircraft began.

    For the first time they started talking about the Bermuda Triangle in 1840, when the crew completely disappeared from the ship "Rosalie", which was drifting near the capital of the Bahamas - the port of Nassau. The ship had all the rigging, the sails were raised, but the crew was completely absent. True, as a result of checks, it was established that the ship was called "Rossini" and not "Rosalie". The ship ran aground while sailing near the Bahamas. The crew was evacuated in boats, and the ship was carried out to sea by the tidal waves.

    The greatest activity of the Bermuda Triangle in terms of the disappearance of ships or crew falls on the 20th century. So, for example, in the Atlantic Ocean on October 20, 1902, the German four-masted merchant ship "Freya" was sighted. The ship was completely absent from the crew. There is still no explanation for this incident.

    In 1945, scientists became interested in the water space of the Bermuda Triangle. The data obtained by the researchers did not solve the mystery of this anomalous zone, but only added questions. Since the beginning of the tracking, there have been more than 100 cases of the disappearance of ships and aircraft, both civilian and military aviation... Most of the equipment disappeared in the most mysterious way - no oil stains, no debris, no other traces.

    Yet scientists have managed to do one thing important discovery... A giant pyramid was discovered in the ship's disappearing zone, in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle. It was discovered by American researchers in 1992. It seems incredible, but its dimensions exceed the dimensions of the Egyptian Great Pyramid of Cheops by more than 3 times. The pyramid is interesting not only for its size. Its surface is in perfect condition - sonar signals showed that there are no algae or shells on the surface. It is likely that the ocean e could have any effect on this mysterious material from which the pyramid is made.

    The Devil's Sea - Another Mystery of Nature?

    Scientists - oceanologists believe that our planet is surrounded by a certain zone called the "Devil's Belt". It includes five "dead" places - the Afghan anomalous zone, the Bermuda Triangle, the Hawaiian anomalous zone, the Gibraltar wedge and the Devil's Sea. This sea is located about 70 miles from the east coast of Japan.

    What are the characteristics of anomalous zones, and what is their danger? A person present in such a zone is prone to unreasonable panic attacks, it seems to him that he is being watched. At times he is seized by attacks of insomnia, which are replaced by deep sleep. Abnormal zones also negatively affect plants - the extremes of yeast respiration undergo changes, the germination of beans, cucumbers, peas, and radish seeds stops. Mice raised in such places are distinguished by numerous deviations - the development of tumors, underweight and even devouring their offspring! Moreover, in abnormal zones the disappearance of ships and aircraft is observed.

    Sailors became fearful of the Devil's Sea after a series of mysterious disappearances occurred in the area. At first, government officials were skeptical about the reports, as only small fishing boats were missing. But in the period from 1950 to 1954. in the Sea of ​​the Devil there were 9 cases of disappearance of ships. They were massive cargo ships equipped with reliable radios and powerful engines. A number of ship disappearances occurred against the backdrop of fine weather.

    Such natural phenomena as Maelstrom are quite explainable from a physical point of view. And the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle or the Sea of ​​the Devil has not been solved to this day. Who knows - technological progress will win, or the mysterious disappearances of ships will continue in the future? And who guilty of these disappearances - jellyfish - killers , anomalous natural phenomena or otherworldly mystical forces?

    Many of them disappeared without a trace, and some were found, but not a single living soul remained on board. All crew members seemed to have disappeared into thin air or were dead. The reasons for the disappearance or death of the team still remain a mystery. The only version is that the missing ships fell victim to horrible supernatural phenomena. There is no other rational explanation yet.


    An unusual find at the end of the 19th century was discovered by the inhabitants of the coastal regions of Rhode Island (USA) - the ship "Seabird", crashing into the rocks. When eyewitnesses of the incident decided to inspect the ship, they were amazed: despite the fact that there were traces of the recent presence of people on board (food boiling on the fire, fresh food leftovers in plates), none of the crew members were found on the sailing ship. The only living thing is a frightened dog. It seemed that the sailors in a hurry left the ship. But what made them flee and where they disappeared is not clear.

    "Maria Celeste"

    The ship, which was named earlier "Amazon", from the first days of its existence was considered cursed. Tragic events haunted the sailors who worked on the ship. For example, the first captain of the Amazon died accidentally falling overboard. In order not to tempt fate, the ship was renamed. However, the ship, now "Mary Celeste", was doomed. In 1872 he mysteriously disappeared. The missing ship was found a month later, but there was not a soul on board. All the sailors' belongings remained in place. But where have their owners gone?


    The story of the cargo ship is reminiscent of the story of the mystical Flying Dutchman. From 1911 to 1931 the ship made nine very successful voyages. But, one day, he got stuck in the ice of the Arctic. The team decided to wait out the bad weather in the nearest settlement of the Eskimo. Leaving the ship, the captain hoped to return there as soon as the situation returned to normal. But after another winter storm, the ship was not in place. Assuming that "Beichimo" sank, the command stopped searching for it. However, there were eyewitnesses who claimed that they not only saw a mysterious ship in the waters of the Arctic, but even boarded it. Their testimonies were very plausible, as they could accurately describe what "Beichimo" looked like. For many decades, the ship has disappeared, then reappeared in the field of vision of sailors. How a ship without control was able to cruise in the waters of the ocean for so many years - no one can explain.

    An Australian fishing yacht that set sail in the spring of 2007 was found abandoned a week later. There was no damage to the vessel, but all three crew members disappeared. Items found on board (radio turned on, a working computer, a set table) indicated that no one was going to leave the yacht. The search for the team did not bring any results. According to the official version, one of the fishermen suddenly began to drown, and his two friends rushed to help the drowning comrade. All three were killed. But no direct evidence of this version has been found. Any explanations for the incident have no confirmation.

    Have you ever heard of the mysterious incidents during which the passengers of planes and ships went missing? At best, people were found in a few days, and at worst, news of their fate never appeared again. No remains, no wreckage ...
    Sometimes a long-awaited vacation seems like a real fairy tale, from which you really do not want to return home and to work, but be careful in your desires, because sometimes they turn into real disasters. Here is a list of 10 of the most mysterious cases of mass disappearances of people.

    10. Amelia Earhart's plane

    Our first paragraph focuses on one of the most high-profile disappearance cases in American aviation history. In 1937, the brave Amelia Earhart set out to do something unimaginable - to fly around the globe in her Lockheed Electra aircraft, starting from sunny Florida, and planning to follow the equator. On such a long and dangerous journey, the girl went with her partner - Fred Noonan. The ship disappeared, flying somewhere over The Pacific Ocean... All searches for the plane were unsuccessful, which gave rise to many different theories about what exactly happened to the brave pair of pilots.
    In 2017, a version appeared that Amelia and Fred actually survived, but were captured by the Japanese military in the Marshall Islands. This assumption came about thanks to an old photograph taken in 1937. The photo showed a barge towing an unidentified plane. The frame also includes a European-looking man resembling Fred and a female figure from the back. This version has not been confirmed in any way, but the most amazing thing is that even almost 80 years later, people are still trying to find an answer to the question about the fate of travelers who disappeared so long ago and completely without a trace.

    9. Ship "Madagascar"

    In 1853 Madagascar embarked on its next flight from Melbourne to London. It was an ordinary ship carrying passengers and cargo. The ship disappeared without a trace, was never seen again, and not even the wreck was found! Like any other missing ship, Madagascar has also attracted public attention. There are many theories about what exactly happened to this ship, but there is something special in this story - the events that happened right before the departure of the flight from the Australian port are of interest.
    Before the disappearance of the ship, 110 passengers boarded, and containers of rice and wool were loaded. However, the most valuable cargo was 2 tons of gold. Three passengers were arrested just before sailing, and the incident led experts to speculate that there might be more criminals aboard the ship than the police could have guessed. Perhaps, at sea, the attackers decided to rob "Madagascar" and killed all the passengers so as not to leave witnesses. However, this does not explain why the investigators were never able to find the ship itself.

    8. Plane "Stardust"

    In 1947, the British South American Airways' Stardust took off as scheduled and en route through the famous Argentine Andes. A few minutes before disappearing from radar, the pilot of the aircraft sent a strange message encrypted in Morse code. The message read: "STENDEC". The disappearance of the plane and the mysterious code have greatly puzzled the experts. Rumors of alien abduction even spread among the people. After 53 years, the mystery of the missing flight "Stardust" was still revealed.
    In 2000, climbers discovered the remains of an aircraft and the bodies of several passengers at a remote summit of the frosty Andes at an altitude of almost 6,565 meters. Investigators believe that the plane crash could provoke a powerful avalanche, which covered the body of the colossus and hid the traces of the rest of the victims, which is why they were never found. As for the cryptic word STENDEC, the most likely version is considered to be an error in the STR DEC code, which means a common abbreviation for the phrase "starting descent".

    7. Steam yacht "SY Aurora"

    The history of the SY Aurora clearly demonstrates the power of such ships, but its ending was still quite tragic. A steam yacht is considered to be a sailboat with an additional primary or secondary steam engine. This yacht was originally built for whaling, but later it began to be used for scientific travel to Antarctica. There were as many as 5 voyages of such expeditions, and each time the ship proved to be reliable. vehicle capable of withstanding the most severe weather and successfully protecting crew members from northern frosts. Nothing could break his power.
    In 1917, the SY Aurora disappeared while en route to the coast of Chile. The ship was carrying coal to South America, but it was never able to complete its mission and deliver the cargo to its destination. Historians believe that the yacht could have become a victim of the First World War. The wreckage of the ship was never found, so experts can only guess about the true reasons for the disappearance of the ship.

    6. Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571

    Unlike several previous stories, this plane did not just crash and sank into oblivion ... Several crew members survived and went through a real nightmare until rescuers found them. In 1972, Flight 571 flew from Argentina to Chile and carried 40 passengers and 5 crew members. The charter was supposed to take a team of athletes, their relatives and sponsors to the city of Santiago. The aircraft disappeared from radar somewhere in the Argentinean Andes. During the crash, 12 passengers died immediately, and the rest had to struggle for 72 days to survive in the harshest conditions, which are practically incompatible with life without special equipment. Although it would be more accurate to say that 72 days for most of them turned out to be too long ...
    It is impossible to imagine how scared all these people were. In the first days of the disaster, 5 more people died from the cold and severe injuries. On one of the following days, the group of survivors was covered by a powerful avalanche, which killed 8 more people. The freezing passengers had a faulty walkie-talkie with them. She allowed to listen to the conversations of the rescuers, but could not transmit messages from the victims. So people who survived the plane crash learned that their search had been stopped, and the victims themselves were recognized as dead in absentia. This deprived them of almost the last hope, although it is almost impossible to kill the lust for life. Desperate and exhausted athletes and pilots were forced to eat the frozen bodies of their friends, and as a result, out of 45 people, only 16 survived for 2 and a half months, these people were in the real ice hell!

    5. Submarine "USS Capelin"

    This time it will not be about an airplane or a ship, but about a submarine. The submarine "USS Capelin" was listed on the account of the American army during the Second World War. On its first military voyage, the submarine sank a Japanese cargo ship, after which it was sent to the Australian coast for repair and maintenance before the second mission. On November 17, 1943, the submarine set off on its second mission, and has not been seen since.
    As far as experts know, the vessel's route ran through a real sea minefield, so the most likely version is related to the submarine being blown up. However, the wreckage of "USS Capelin" has never been found, so the version with mines will remain just a guess. When the warship embarked on its last mission, it had 76 crew members aboard whose fate their families never learned.

    4. Flight 739 by Flying Tiger Line

    In 1963, a Lockheed Constellation passenger aircraft was on flight 739. There were 96 passengers and 11 crew on board, all bound for the Philippines. Flying Tiger Line was the first American cargo and passenger airline to operate scheduled flights. After 2 hours of flight, communication with the pilots of the ship was interrupted, and nothing else was heard from them. Probably, the crew did not have time to transmit any message, because the incident was too sudden, and the pilots simply did not have time to send a distress signal.
    An American oil corporation tanker was sailing in the same area that day. The crew of this vessel claimed that its members saw a flash in the sky, and they immediately assumed it was an explosion. According to one of the theories, sabotage took place on board the disappeared plane, or they tried to hijack it, which led to the most tragic consequences. However, the wreckage of the plane was never found, so investigators can only guess what actually happened to flight 739 of the Flying Tiger Line.

    3. Ship "SS Arctic"

    In 1854, the American ship SS Arctic collided with a French steamer. After the impact, both ships remained afloat, but the incident still ended rather sadly. During this accident, almost 350 people died, and for some reason only men survived on board the American ship, and all women and children died during the collision. In addition, the injured SS Arctic continued on its way to the shore, but never reached it.
    As it turned out, the American ship was still too damaged to continue sailing safely, and it was because of this that it sank on its way to land. In honor of those who died that day in Brooklyn, a monument was subsequently erected.

    2. Malaysian Airlines Flight 370

    In 2014, a Malaysian Airlines plane flew to Beijing with 239 people on board. An hour after takeoff, communication with this aircraft was lost, but no distress signal had been received before. Before the disappearance of Flight 370, the radar showed that the plane had lost its course - for some reason, it headed west instead of northeast.
    After the disappearance of the airliner, numerous rescue teams were sent in search of it, which carefully combed the alleged crash site in the Indian Ocean. Only a small piece was found. The search was also resumed in 2018, but again to no avail, despite all the efforts and funds expended. What exactly happened to this flight is still a big mystery.

    1. Steamer "SS Waratah"

    Since November 2008, the SS Waratah has started regular flights from England to Australia via South Africa. The ship could take on board up to 700 passengers and had a hundred first-class cabins. In July 2009, on the way back to Europe, the liner disappeared without a trace, and no one else saw it.
    The last port in which the ship was stationed was in Durban, South Africa. After this stop, the steamer was supposed to sail for Cape Town, but never appeared there. Experts have established that the weather deteriorated greatly during the route from Durban to Cape Town, and they suggest that it was the storm that caused the alleged crash and mysterious disappearance of "SS Waratah".