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  • Occupation: Differentiation of consonants according to the principle: hard and soft. Sounds -. Abstract of GCD in the senior speech therapy group. Topic: "Travel to the land of sounds. Speech therapy task for sound.

    Occupation: Differentiation of consonants according to the principle: hard and soft.  Sounds -.  Abstract of GCD in the senior speech therapy group. Topic:

    Topic: Differentiation of sounds "P" - "P"

    Target : to consolidate the ability of children to differentiate by ear and in pronunciation

    Sounds "П" - "Пь"

    tasks: - to consolidate the pronunciation and distinction of sounds "P" - "P"; - continue to teach children to determine the number of syllables in a word; - formation of the skill of sound analysis and synthesis; - to train children in the formation of plural plural verbs. future numbers and

    Time; - develop visual perception, logical thinking.

    The course of the lesson.

    I. Organizational moment.

    II. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

    Today we have a pronunciation lesson What do we learn in a sound pronunciation lesson? (learning to listen, distinguish sounds, syllables, glory)

    What sounds are there? (speech and non-speech).

    What speech sounds do you know? (vowels and consonants, consonants - soft and hard, voiceless and voiced).

    III. Getting to know the topic.

    Two guests will come to us today. In the name of one of them, we will hear a hard consonant sound, and in the name of the other - a soft consonant sound. And what sounds you will guess yourself now.

    Listen and tell me if I will say the same or different words:"To dust - to saw".

    These words are different.

    These words are twins. They are very similar, but not the same. How are these words different? (In the word "dust" - at the beginning of the word the sound "P", and in the word "saw" - the sound "P")

    Who guessed what sounds we will hear in the names of our guests?

    Characteristics of sounds "П "," Пь ":" П " - consonant, voiceless, hard;"Pi" - consonant, voiceless, soft.

    IV. Securing the material

    Today two more twins came to visit us - two gnomes: Pin and Pon. (Pictures with images of gnomes are displayed: one in a blue suit, the other in a green one) These are kind gnomes from the land of words. They brought us a gift. But we can only get it when we complete the tasks that the guests have prepared.

    1. Distinguishing sounds P-Pb aurally. Exercise "Show with your hand"

    We are in the land of sounds. Do you think we hear or see sounds? We hear.

    Get ready to listen carefully to syllables, words. As soon as you hear the sound "P" - show your palms with widely spaced tense (firm) fingers. And when you hear the sound "P" - show your palm folded into a soft pinch (brush down).

    Pa, pi, py, po, py, poo, ap, op, op, poo ...

    Dust, five, top, drink, desk, spider, rooster, heel, letter, steamer ...

    2. Game "Teasers"

    Pa - pya pu - pyu pa - ap un - ip

    Po - pyo py - pi up - up op - op

    3. Differentiation of sounds "P" - "Пь" in pronunciation by pictures

    3.1. Place words (pictures) in the corresponding houses.

    The gnomes have built houses and offer us to put pictures in them, in the name of which there are the sounds "P", "P". But what kind of picture, in what house you will have to guess for yourself.

    Children are invited to consider the pictures, choose one of them, determine the presence of the sound "P" or "Pb" in its name, determine the number of syllables in the word and "settle" it in the appropriate house. For example, in the word palm we hear the sound "P" at the beginning of the word; there are two syllables in this word, which means we will settle the word in a house with a blue roof with two windows.

    3.2. The use of plural verbs. h. future tense with a prefix on-

    Ball game. “Say first on "

    I'll tell you what the gnomes are doing now, and you tell me what our friends will do next.

    They run - along run, ride -, do -, wash -, shout -, drag -, dance -,

    They sing -, drink -, jump -, carry - ...

    3.3. Exercise "The fourth extra"

    Look, they didn't bring two envelopes from Ping and from Pong. Let's see what lies there.

    1st envelope from Pona: pelican , sailboat, windowsill, coat.

    Guys, what did the gnome confuse? (I put a picture in my envelope, the name of which has the sound "Пь")

    2nd envelope from Pin: five, parrot, tree stump, heel and

    What did the gnome confuse? (put it in an envelope with the sound "P" in the name)

    3.4. Sound Analysis and word synthesis. Exercise "Guess the word"

    Our friends have prepared another assignment. Look at the pictures. Use the first sounds in the name of each picture to guess the intended word. If you guess right, a picture will appear.

    1. Penguins, turkey, donkey, notes - pion . (A picture is displayed)
    2. Pony, orange, dill, sneakers, hut - spiders. (A picture is displayed)Who will we present this picture to? Why?

    V. Summary. - Guys, our guests really liked the way you are doing. They

    Make sure you are good at distinguishing sounds. And in order for you

    The gnomes also knew letters well and knew how to read and give us the alphabet. On

    Saying goodbye, let's once again remember the words with the sound "P", and with the sound "P".

    Abstract of a group speech therapy lesson No. 38


    FULL NAME. teachers: Bartko Olga Nikolaevna

    Class: 2

    Theme: Differentiating sounds [b], [b ’] - [n], [p’]

    Targets and goals: reinforce knowledge of sounds[b] - [b ’] - [n] - [p’],to learn to differentiate sounds by deafness-voicedness, softness and hardness in isolation in syllables, words, sentences and text; writing their own names with a capital letter;

      develop visual and auditory attention, voluntary attention, spatial imagination, fine motor skills of the fingers, coordination of movements, phonemic processes;skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis, logical thinking; carry out work to prevent dysorphography, spelling vigilance

      instill a love for nature and the animal world, interest in speech therapy, form perseverance

    Means of education: letters B - P (writing on the board); written letters B - P, "profile" of sounds; symbols for designating sounds B - B ", P - P" (headphones and bells); presentation on the topic, noisy pictures, individual cards with assignments, didactic game "City of Sounds", checkered leaves for each student, pencils, laptop.

    Course of the lesson

    I . Organizational moment .

    1. Greetings.

    The one who is the first to name the animals that hid in the picture will sit down.

    2. Recording the date.

    II. The main part of the lesson

    1 . Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

    (Repetition of pure phrases (slide 2,3)).

    Ba-ba-ba - there was a pipe on the hut.

    Boo-boo-boo - we whitewashed the pipe.

    Be-be-be - a white dove on a pipe.

    Would-be-would - the pigeon flew off the pipe.

    What is the most common sound?

    Lay out the letter "be" from the sticks.

    Pa-pa-pa - cereals are falling on the floor.

    Poo-poo-poo - I'll sweep the cereal now.

    Py-py-py - we no longer have cereals.

    What is the most common sound?

    Lay out the letter "pe" from the sticks.

    2. Communication of the topic of the lesson.

    3. Work in notebooks

    a) graphic dictation "Squirrel".

    Who did you get it?

    What letter will we write at the beginning of a word?

    Describe it?

    b) recording the topic of the lesson

    c) explanations of the spelling of letters

    G) letter letters b, n with pronouncing to the end of the line.

    4. Characteristics of sounds by articulation and acoustic characteristics.

    a) clarification of the articulation of sounds (labial, explosive);

    b) the "profile" of sounds in the figure is shown;

    c) clarification of acoustic signs of sounds:

    B - consonant, voiced, solid, for designation we use a blue bell, in a letter we denote it with a blue open circle.

    B * - consonant, voiced, soft, for designation we use a green bell, in the letter we denote it with a green open circle.

    P - consonant, deaf, solid, for designation we use a blue earpiece, in writing we denote it with a blue filled circle.

    II "- a consonant, deaf, soft, for designation we use a green earpiece, in writing we denote it with a green filled circle.

    d) a figurative comparison of sound is found6

    n - the steamer puffs

    b - the drum is playing

    e) their place in the sound-letter city is determined.

    5. Differentiation of sounds.

      1. Development of phonemic perception.

    Raise the symbols if you hear sounds corresponding to them.

    Sounds: b, b, NS, b, NS, NS, b, NS, NS, b.

    Syllables: BA, BO, PO, PY, PI, PE, BY, PYA, BY, BI ...


      1. Highlighting sounds [b] - [b ’] - [n] - [p’] at the beginning of a word (slide 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11)

    Answer the questions and identify the first sound in the words.

    What is left of the cut down tree?(Stump.)

    What is the name of the musical instrument that is "beaten"? (drum)

    What is the name of a tree with a white trunk?(Birch.)

    What does the postman bring?(Mail.)

    5.3. Development of phonemic perception.

    Guess the riddles and write down from the answers only the syllable in which the sound of the lesson is heard (slide 12-29)

    Stirred by the flower They swooped down on raspberries,

    All four petals. They wanted to peck her

    I wanted to rip it off, but they saw a freak -

    And he took it and flew away. And rather from the garden.

    (Butterfly) Scarecrow

    They planted a grain that I will pour into the pan

    Have grown the sun. And will I roll it four times?

    (Sunflower) (Pancakes)

    5.4. Moving physical minutes

    5.5. Independent work in notebooks.

    (The letter ran away ( slide 30.31))

    Insert the missing letters "b" and "p".

    ok,… ar,… yl,… mustache,… macaw,… art,… ot,… yelling,… olya,… ant,… lot,… uket,… aket,… food,… ol, for… yl, for… lyl, s ... al, s ... grew.

    (The syllables ran away. (slide 32.33)).

    Insert missing syllables "ba" or "pa".

    Liu ..., ry ..., la ..., whether ..., tru ..., lam ..., su ..., .... wounds, ... patch, ... lets, ... zar, ... bush, ... rus.

    Lo ... that, when ... fork, for ... you, ... .ket, ... years, ... .name.

    5.6. The exercise "Correct the sentences. "

    ( Work on individual cards)

    - Correct the sentences:

    A spider's web weaves a spider.

    The bud sits on a bee.

    Brother bought boots.

    A birch appeared on the buds.

    5.7. Didactic game"City of Sounds"

    There are pictures in front of you. Name them.

    Identify the first sound at the beginning of a word and place the picture in the appropriate house.

    Soft sounds will live in a green house under the letters "be" or "pe", and solid sounds in a blue house under the letters "be" or "pe".

    5.8. Work on cards. Work with text.

    Insert the missing lettersb and whether NS .

    Got lost

    _ Orya and Olya went to the Gris. All day they were born and lost. In their hands were _full baskets with _white griffins_, _od_rezoviks and o_yats, and the three were lost. They began to haunt. To each other, the children heard the voice and barking of the so_aki. The guys were lucky. Soon, together with a neighbor, Yetr Arkhi_ovich, and a co-worker, we went to the village.

    III. Lesson summary

      Speech therapist questions

    What did we do in class?

    What sounds did you learn to distinguish?

    What tasks did you perform in the lesson?

    2. The game "Noisy animals"

    Consider the picture carefully.

    Color only those animals whose names contain sounds[b] - [b ’] or [n] - [p’],

    How should animals be treated?

    1. Phonetic: to clarify and compare the articulations and sounding of the sounds [P], [Pb] and [B], [Bb].

    2. Phonemic: select sound from the beginning and middle of a word, develop phonemic analysis and synthesis of words with sounds [P], [Pb] and [B], [Bb].

    3. Lexical: to clarify and expand vocabulary.

    4. Educational: accuracy, mutual assistance, independence.

    Equipment: cards with letters (A, O, U, Y, E) in red houses, a letter from guests, chips, mirrors, cards for characterizing sounds, individual cards, cards with sounds B, P in green and blue houses, cards with letters P, B.

    Course of the lesson:

    1. Organizing time

    Hello guys.

    We begin our lesson with kinesiological exercises, which are aimed at developing mental abilities.

    1. "Ring"

    Alternately, we touch the fingers of the hand from the little finger to the thumb, to the pads and back, with tension.

    2. "Fist-rib-palm"

    We start with the palm, put our hand on the table, squeeze it into a fist, put it on the edge, pronounce it, accelerating the pace.

    3. "Lezginka"

    We start with the left hand - into a fist (turn to yourself), thumb to the side; the right hand touches the little finger of the left hand; change the movements at the same time; accelerating the pace.

    4. "Ear - nose"

    We start with the left hand - by the tip of the nose; right - for the opposite ear; cotton; change to a mirror position.

    These exercises will help you cope with further difficulties in class.

    II. Repetition of the past

    In the last lesson, we finished working with vowels and sounds. And now we will repeat everything that we know about them.

    How many vowels are there in Russian? (10)

    Read these letters:

    A, O, U, Y, E

    I, Yo, Yu, I, E

    How many vowel sounds do you know? (6)

    Pronounce these sounds? (A, O, U, S, E, I)

    Why were they called vowels? (they are sung, there is no barrier, only a voice)

    What helps to make sounds? (organs of the speech apparatus)

    Our speech apparatus will now work. Each of you will tell clearly, distinctly, without haste, your rhyme about vowel sounds and will show you how to pronounce these sounds correctly.

    The vowel sounds we know

    We can easily distinguish them:

    [A], [Y], [O], [S], [E], [I] -

    These are all of them.

    There is no barrier for them anywhere,

    We are happy to sing these sounds.

    Calling in order

    Our sounds for charging.

    - [A]! Open your mouth wide!

    Don't be lazy and sing louder!

    He pulls in surprise:

    "Ah ..." What a forgetful!

    pouted capricious lips,

    He pulled them out like pipes.

    That's how fussy he is -

    Will sulk until dinner!

    [AND]- smile, merry fellow,

    He laughs so loudly!

    Wide tongue

    Rides past the windows!

    Here's a wistful doubt

    expresses an opinion:

    “Uh-uh ... I don't know what to say.

    Maybe it's better to keep quiet? "

    Rounding big lips

    covered his teeth a little,

    I pulled my tongue deeper,

    I arched my back.

    "Oh-oh-oh ..." - sighed.

    even a vowel, but quiet,

    He yawns all awake:

    "S-s-s ... Sleep for another hour ...

    Or maybe drink some juice? .. "

    Well done! You all told the verses about vowel sounds well. They are very important because they help us to read, and they serve to form a syllable.

    III. Message new topic classes

    1. Letter from Petrushka

    Children, I received a letter. Listen to what it says:

    Dear children! We went to visit you, and on the way we met a witch who bewitched us. We will appear when you solve the riddle of the witch, her spell will dissipate:

    Friends come to visit us,
    You can't spill them with water,
    Two funny toys
    Guess who? ... (Parsley)

    Hear, someone is knocking ... (children in Petrushka's costumes come in)

    Parsley visiting guys

    What is the first sound in the word PIE? ([Nb])


    In the house, what color does this sound live? (green) hung on the board

    He is the same in BISCUITS.
    What is your opinion?
    We also have PIE,
    Impossible unification!
    The first sound in it is soft, melting,
    Like fluff flying in through the window.
    -The sound has changed a little,
    I apologized to you.
    Became different in words: PAMPUSHKI,

    What is the first sound in the word PAMPUSHKI, DAD? ([NS])

    Is this sound hard or soft? (solid)

    (blue) hung on the board

    Got it? He became hard
    Important, puffing, proud!

    Well done! You are good at picking out the first sound in words and hearing it hard or soft.

    2. Characteristics of sound P.

    Let's characterize the sound P in front of the mirror.

    Lips are closed

    Air jet (hot)

    Consonant sound

    Sounds P, Pb can be written in a letter ... (letter)

    Who can help you name it? (Peh) the letter is hung on the board

    And I haven't finished reading the letter, listen to the riddle:

    This is so very strange
    Wooden man
    On land and under water
    Looking for a golden key
    Everywhere he sticks his nose long
    Who is this ... (Pinocchio)

    Our guest is Pinocchio.

    I am cheerful Pinocchio.
    I have a basket in my hands.
    In it you will find BANANA,

    Who will tell me quickly
    The sound that lies at the bottom?

    What is the first sound in the word BANANA, BANKA? ([B])

    Is this sound hard or soft? (solid)

    In the house, what color does this sound live? (blue) hung on the board

    He broke through the dam of the lips,
    Became as loud as the voice of trumpets!
    Once an obstacle is in the way -
    He is willing. Repeat!
    Bah! Yes, there is still BERET,

    What is the first sound in the word BANDAGE, TICKET? ([Bb])

    Is this sound hard or soft? (soft)

    In the house, what color does this sound live? (green) hung on the board

    Well done! Together with Pinocchio, you well distinguished the first sound in words. Now let's characterize this sound.

    3. Characteristic of sound B (in front of the mirror)

    Lips are closed

    Air jet (hot)

    Consonant sound

    Sounds B, bb can be written in a letter ... (letter)

    Who can help you name it? (Bae) the letter is hung on the board

    - Today in lesson we will practice distinguishing between these sounds.

    IV. Securing the topic of the lesson

    So our first game "Who is more attentive"

    Before you are the letters BE and PE. I will speak the words, and you pick up the letter that is in the word. Those who work actively will receive tokens.

    We will count them at the end of the lesson.

    steam, shine, bath, barrel, stick, coat.

    To complicate things: I show a picture, and you show the letter that is in this word.

    Well done! You can distinguish sounds B and P well.

    Today we talked about the sounds P, Pb and B, Bb, which in the letter are denoted by the letters PE and BE.

    What row do we use to denote softness in writing? (vowels 2 rows, b)

    V. Work in notebooks.

    Listen carefully to the assignment.

    Exercise 1.

    I pronounce syllables with the sounds П, ПЬ. You write down only syllables, where ПЬ.

    pa, pya, poo, pyu, po, pyo, py, pi (check)

    Well done! You have mastered this building.

    Task 2.

    Be careful. I pronounce syllables with the sounds B, Bb. You write down only syllables, where B is hard.

    ba, bya, boo, bu, bo, bё, would, bi. (examination)

    Well done! You can very well distinguish the sounds P, Pb, B, Bb. But it's time to rest.

    Vi. Fizminutka

    Hamster, hamster hamster
    Striped barrel.
    Homka gets up early
    Washes her cheeks, rubs her neck.
    Homka sweeps the hut,
    And goes out to charge.
    Homka wants to be strong

    (inhaled) 1,2,3,4,5 (exhaled).

    Together with Khomka, we rested.

    And now we will continue to distinguish between the sounds B and P.

    Task 3.

    There are sentences written on the board that are not finished. Your task is to make sentences, choosing the word you need in meaning from the data below the line.

    Read the words given below the line.

    What does the word SHINE mean, explain?

    What does the word SPLASH mean, explain?

    Read the sentence that came out.

    Did you all understand the task?

    And now work in pairs.

    Make sentences, choosing the word you need for the meaning.

    We need logs whitewash
    We need walls to nag
    Cucumbers are salted in kidneys
    In the spring the trees swell barrels
    Spring plowed with a plow the tower
    Built from stone arable land

    Everyone did the job well.

    Now we will work on our own. Everyone has a task card on their desk. Read the assignment carefully. What should be done in this assignment?

    Now write these words yourself in a notebook, underlining the missing letter.

    Task 4. Written by cards

    LA ... S ... ARAN
    ZU ... S ... AKET

    And now everyone will compare the words in the notebook with those written on the blackboard.

    Let's check how we distinguish between sounds B and P.

    You need to complete the last task yourself. We read and execute.

    Task 5. in writing

    Read the sentence by inserting the letters B, P.

    Write it down in a notebook. Outline the sentence by emphasizing the vowels.

    ... oris ... went to ... op for the gri ... s.

    What sentence you got, read it.

    Well done! You did a good job in class

    Vii. Lesson summary

    What are the sounds that we met and that we learned to distinguish?

    Let's count the tokens. Who has the most? Well done! This concludes our lesson.

    Elena Denisenko
    Occupation: Differentiation of consonants according to the principle: hard and soft. Sounds [P] - [P ’]


    in the preparatory speech therapy group

    Theme classes: "Travel to the country sounds» .

    Differentiation of consonants according to the principle: hard and soft. Sounds"NS"- "Пь".

    Target: Teach children differentiate sounds"NS"- "Пь".


    Correctional educational:

    1. Learn to give comparative characteristics sounds"NS" - "Pi";

    2. Discrimination sounds"NS" - "Пь" on the material of syllables, words, development phonemic hearing and perception;

    3. Case constructions - the formation of nouns

    instrumental plural numbers;

    4. Drawing up sentences based on a model with a complex preposition - because.

    Correctional and developmental:

    5. Kinesitherapy: coordination of speech with movement, development of digital motor skills, prosodic side of speech, facial muscles, grapho-motor skills;

    6. Development of visual and auditory perception;

    7. Learn to navigate in the body scheme, in space;

    Correctional and educational:

    8. To educate children in self-control over speech.

    Equipment: 2 dolls, 2 hats in blue and green, elastic bands, an envelope, color pictures-treats (with sounds"NS"- "Пь", black and white pictures-gifts (with sounds"NS"- "Пь", blue, green pencils for shading, blue, green squares, a Gnome toy, cards with 2 houses and paths to them, Su-Jok balls, tape recorder.

    The course of the lesson.

    Teacher speech therapist:

    Guys, let's cheer ourselves up and start class with fun gymnastics.

    Hmurilka lives here, (children frown, index fingers near pinched eyebrows)

    The Teaser lives here (exercise "Buratino", children show tongue)

    Smeshilka lives here (index fingers on cheeks, children smile)

    The Scarecrow lives here (eyes are wide open, arms are extended forward, fingers are spread, mouth is open)

    This is Bibka's nose! (index fingers are drawn together at the tip of the nose)

    Where is your smile? (children smile)

    Teacher speech therapist:

    Guys, a Dwarf Graduate from the city came to visit us Sounds(toy show)... He wants to see how you can play with sounds... We have the sounds that you can sing. Look, Dwarf Literate and listen.

    Calm music sounds.

    The exercise "Stretch marks".

    Each child holds a rubber band and stretches with the index and thumb of one hand. Stretching the rubber band in our hands and singing the vowels the sounds with an increase and decrease in tone on the instructions of a speech therapist.

    Teacher speech therapist:

    What is the name of the sounds that we sang? - These are vowels the sounds, they can be sung, pulled, the air comes out freely from the mouth, there is no obstacle.

    Teacher speech therapist:

    Children, Gnome Grametey sent me a letter by email, (we get the letter) what is written here?

    Dear children!

    We do not know how to distinguish sounds П-ПЬ, teach us. We will arrive by train on Wednesday. Dolls Petya Polya.

    Teacher speech therapist:

    Let's remember in order days of the week. Guys, yesterday was Tuesday, so today is what day of the week? (Wednesday)... Fields, and Petya have already arrived.

    Teacher speech therapist:

    Guys, we will learn to play with sounds, we will learn to listen and distinguish between them. Say 3 times, firmly P-P-P sound after me.

    The lips are compressed and prevent the release of air, do not release it, if there is an obstacle, then such sounds are called - consonants... Find a blue square on your trays and lift it up. This is how we will denote solid consonant"NS".

    Have sound"NS" have a brother sound"Пь", he too consonant, but soft... Lift up the green squares.

    Place your right hand on the neck and say without voices P-P-P, Pb-Pb-Pb the neck does not tremble. They are deaf the sounds.

    Teacher speech therapist:

    Now I will pronounce syllables and words, and you will determine whether it sounds solid or soft consonant sound and raise the square of the desired color.

    (Puppets Petya and Paul are at the speech therapist's table).

    Teacher speech therapist:

    Guys, Polya will wear a blue hat, and Pete will have a green hat. Dwarf Literate asks you why? Because in the name of Paul we hear a firm sound"NS", and in the name Petya we hear soft sound"Пь".

    Teacher speech therapist:

    Guys, our guests need to treat them with sweets. You have pictures on your tables with sounds"NS" - "Пь" who wants to treat guests should say So: “I want to treat Petya with cookies, because the word contains cookies sound"Пь"(pictures orange, peach jam, marshmallow, pie, cake, crumpet, gingerbread, compote, donut).

    Physical education. "Deer"... Coordination of speech with movement.

    The deer has a big house.

    He sits looking out the window.

    The bunny runs across the field.

    You, deer, open the window!

    There is an evil hunter in the forest.

    Bunny, run in bunny!

    Give me a paw!

    Teacher speech therapist:

    Guys, the Gnome Gramotey reminds that Fields and Petya are leaving soon and ask you to give them gifts-pictures as a keepsake (children have 1 picture with Sounds"NS" "Пь"). It is necessary to determine which sound"NS" or "Пь" hid in the title of the picture and shade the picture with either blue or green pencil. ( Pictures: spider, letter, light bulb, dress, button, number five, heel, rooster, boot, shovel, palm tree, pepper).

    The game "Who is the most attentive?".

    Teacher speech therapist:

    "Do what I say, not what I show"... The task is to learn to navigate in the body diagram.


    Finger motor development - Su-Jok balls. (Children perform actions with the ball in accordance with the text)

    I roll circles with a ball,

    I drive him back and forth.

    I will stroke my palm with it.

    It's like I'm sweeping away a crumb

    And I will squeeze it a little,

    Like a cat squeezes its paw

    I will press the ball with each finger

    And I'll start with the other hand.

    The exercise "Lezginka"... (Squeeze your left hand into a fist, put your thumb to the side, turn your fist with your fingers towards you. With your right palm, touch the fist with your left. After that, simultaneously change the position of your right and left hands. Repeat 6-8 times).

    The exercise "Clown"... Joint movements of the eyes and tongue. With your tongue and eyes extended from your mouth, make joint movements from side to side, rotating in a circle. After that, multidirectional movements are worked out.

    The exercise "Ear-nose".

    Grasp the tip of the nose with your left hand and the opposite ear with your right hand. Release ear and nose at the same time, change hand position "Exactly the opposite". Complication: clap your hands between changing hands.

    Teacher speech therapist:

    Fields and Petya forgot their way home, do you need help getting to the right house? Pick yourself a pencil and lead the path to the desired house without losing your way. Paulie's house is blue, Petit's house is green.

    Teacher speech therapist:

    Guys, do you think we taught Petya And Paul to distinguish the sounds"NS" "Пь"? Gnome Literary wants to treat you for what you did well, learned to distinguish the sounds"NS"- "Пь".(cookies on a tray)... Saying goodbye to guests

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    1. Phonetic: to clarify and compare the articulations and sounding of the sounds [P], [Pb] and [B], [Bb].

    2. Phonemic: select sound from the beginning and middle of a word, develop phonemic analysis and synthesis of words with sounds [P], [Pb] and [B], [Bb].

    3. Lexical: to clarify and expand vocabulary.

    4. Educational: accuracy, mutual assistance, independence.

    Equipment: cards with letters (A, O, U, Y, E) in red houses, a letter from guests, chips, mirrors, cards for characterizing sounds, individual cards, cards with sounds B, P in green and blue houses, cards with letters P, B.

    Course of the lesson:

    1. Organizing time

    Hello guys.

    We begin our lesson with kinesiological exercises, which are aimed at developing mental abilities.

    1. "Ring"

    Alternately, we touch the fingers of the hand from the little finger to the thumb, to the pads and back, with tension.

    2. "Fist-rib-palm"

    We start with the palm, put our hand on the table, squeeze it into a fist, put it on the edge, pronounce it, accelerating the pace.

    3. "Lezginka"

    We start with the left hand - into a fist (turn towards you), thumb to the side; the right hand touches the little finger of the left hand; change the movements at the same time; accelerating the pace.

    4. "Ear - nose"

    We start with the left hand - by the tip of the nose; right - for the opposite ear; cotton; change to a mirror position.

    These exercises will help you cope with further difficulties in class.

    II. Repetition of the past

    In the last lesson, we finished working with vowels and sounds. And now we will repeat everything that we know about them.

    How many vowels are there in Russian? (10)

    Read these letters:

    A, O, U, Y, E

    I, Yo, Yu, I, E

    How many vowel sounds do you know? (6)

    Pronounce these sounds? (A, O, U, S, E, I)

    Why were they called vowels? (they are sung, there is no barrier, only a voice)

    What helps to make sounds? (organs of the speech apparatus)

    Our speech apparatus will now work. Each of you will tell clearly, distinctly, without haste, your rhyme about vowel sounds and will show you how to pronounce these sounds correctly.

    The vowel sounds we know

    We can easily distinguish them:

    [A], [Y], [O], [S], [E], [I] -

    These are all of them.

    There is no barrier for them anywhere,

    We are happy to sing these sounds.

    Calling in order

    Our sounds for charging.

    - [A]! Open your mouth wide!

    Don't be lazy and sing louder!

    He pulls in surprise:

    "Ah ..." What a forgetful!

    pouted capricious lips,

    He pulled them out like pipes.

    That's how fussy he is -

    Will sulk until dinner!

    [AND]- smile, merry fellow,

    He laughs so loudly!

    Wide tongue

    Rides past the windows!

    Here's a wistful doubt

    expresses an opinion:

    “Uh-uh ... I don't know what to say.

    Maybe it's better to keep quiet? "

    Rounding big lips

    covered his teeth a little,

    I pulled my tongue deeper,

    I arched my back.

    "Oh-oh-oh ..." - sighed.

    even a vowel, but quiet,

    He yawns all awake:

    "S-s-s ... Sleep for another hour ...

    Or maybe drink some juice? .. "

    Well done! You all told the verses about vowel sounds well. They are very important because they help us to read, and they serve to form a syllable.

    III. Post a new lesson topic

    1. Letter from Petrushka

    Children, I received a letter. Listen to what it says:

    Dear children! We went to visit you, and on the way we met a witch who bewitched us. We will appear when you solve the riddle of the witch, her spell will dissipate:

    Friends come to visit us,
    You can't spill them with water,
    Two funny toys
    Guess who? ... (Parsley)

    Hear, someone is knocking ... (children in Petrushka's costumes come in)

    Parsley visiting guys

    What is the first sound in the word PIE? ([Nb])


    In the house, what color does this sound live? (green) hung on the board

    He is the same in BISCUITS.
    What is your opinion?
    We also have PIE,
    Impossible unification!
    The first sound in it is soft, melting,
    Like fluff flying in through the window.
    -The sound has changed a little,
    I apologized to you.
    Became different in words: PAMPUSHKI,

    What is the first sound in the word PAMPUSHKI, DAD? ([NS])

    Is this sound hard or soft? (solid)

    (blue) hung on the board

    Got it? He became hard
    Important, puffing, proud!

    Well done! You are good at picking out the first sound in words and hearing it hard or soft.

    2. Characteristics of sound P.

    Let's characterize the sound P in front of the mirror.

    Lips are closed

    Air jet (hot)

    Consonant sound

    Sounds P, Pb can be written in a letter ... (letter)

    Who can help you name it? (Peh) the letter is hung on the board

    And I haven't finished reading the letter, listen to the riddle:

    This is so very strange
    Wooden man
    On land and under water
    Looking for a golden key
    Everywhere he sticks his nose long
    Who is this ... (Pinocchio)

    Our guest is Pinocchio.

    I am cheerful Pinocchio.
    I have a basket in my hands.
    In it you will find BANANA,

    Who will tell me quickly
    The sound that lies at the bottom?

    What is the first sound in the word BANANA, BANKA? ([B])

    Is this sound hard or soft? (solid)

    In the house, what color does this sound live? (blue) hung on the board

    He broke through the dam of the lips,
    Became as loud as the voice of trumpets!
    Once an obstacle is in the way -
    He is willing. Repeat!
    Bah! Yes, there is still BERET,

    What is the first sound in the word BANDAGE, TICKET? ([Bb])

    Is this sound hard or soft? (soft)

    In the house, what color does this sound live? (green) hung on the board

    Well done! Together with Pinocchio, you well distinguished the first sound in words. Now let's characterize this sound.

    3. Characteristic of sound B (in front of the mirror)

    Lips are closed

    Air jet (hot)

    Consonant sound

    Sounds B, bb can be written in a letter ... (letter)

    Who can help you name it? (Bae) the letter is hung on the board

    - Today in lesson we will practice distinguishing between these sounds.

    IV. Securing the topic of the lesson

    So our first game "Who is more attentive"

    Before you are the letters BE and PE. I will speak the words, and you pick up the letter that is in the word. Those who work actively will receive tokens.

    We will count them at the end of the lesson.

    steam, shine, bath, barrel, stick, coat.

    To complicate things: I show a picture, and you show the letter that is in this word.

    Well done! You can distinguish sounds B and P well.

    Today we talked about the sounds P, Pb and B, Bb, which in the letter are denoted by the letters PE and BE.

    What row do we use to denote softness in writing? (vowels 2 rows, b)

    V. Work in notebooks.

    Listen carefully to the assignment.

    Exercise 1.

    I pronounce syllables with the sounds П, ПЬ. You write down only syllables, where ПЬ.

    pa, pya, poo, pyu, po, pyo, py, pi (check)

    Well done! You have mastered this building.

    Task 2.

    Be careful. I pronounce syllables with the sounds B, Bb. You write down only syllables, where B is hard.

    ba, bya, boo, bu, bo, bё, would, bi. (examination)

    Well done! You can very well distinguish the sounds P, Pb, B, Bb. But it's time to rest.

    Vi. Fizminutka

    Hamster, hamster hamster
    Striped barrel.
    Homka gets up early
    Washes her cheeks, rubs her neck.
    Homka sweeps the hut,
    And goes out to charge.
    Homka wants to be strong

    (inhaled) 1,2,3,4,5 (exhaled).

    Together with Khomka, we rested.

    And now we will continue to distinguish between the sounds B and P.

    Task 3.

    There are sentences written on the board that are not finished. Your task is to make sentences, choosing the word you need in meaning from the data below the line.

    Read the words given below the line.

    What does the word SHINE mean, explain?

    What does the word SPLASH mean, explain?

    Read the sentence that came out.

    Did you all understand the task?

    And now work in pairs.

    Make sentences, choosing the word you need for the meaning.

    We need logs whitewash
    We need walls to nag
    Cucumbers are salted in kidneys
    In the spring the trees swell barrels
    Spring plowed with a plow the tower
    Built from stone arable land

    Everyone did the job well.

    Now we will work on our own. Everyone has a task card on their desk. Read the assignment carefully. What should be done in this assignment?

    Now write these words yourself in a notebook, underlining the missing letter.

    Task 4. Written by cards

    LA ... S ... ARAN
    ZU ... S ... AKET

    And now everyone will compare the words in the notebook with those written on the blackboard.

    Let's check how we distinguish between sounds B and P.

    You need to complete the last task yourself. We read and execute.

    Task 5. in writing

    Read the sentence by inserting the letters B, P.

    Write it down in a notebook. Outline the sentence by emphasizing the vowels.

    ... oris ... went to ... op for the gri ... s.

    What sentence you got, read it.

    Well done! You did a good job in class

    Vii. Lesson summary

    What are the sounds that we met and that we learned to distinguish?

    Let's count the tokens. Who has the most? Well done! This concludes our lesson.