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  • Which icon determines the consonant sound. Hard and soft consonants. The designation of the softness of the consonants in the vowels i, e, e, u, i

    Which icon determines the consonant sound. Hard and soft consonants. The designation of the softness of the consonants in the vowels i, e, e, u, i

    Targets and goals:

    • repeat acquired knowledge about vowels and consonants;
    • teach children to differentiate sounds;
    • develop skills sound alphanumeric analysis  and synthesis;
    • consolidate knowledge of linguistic norms;
    • contribute to the development of coherent speech, higher mental processes (the development of voluntary attention, auditory memory, motor skills).

    1. Organizational moment.

    2. Setting the theme and purpose of the lesson.

    Guys, today we will make a trip to the country of Grammar and learn about one wizard-boaster and what miracles vowels can do.

    3. Tale "Two Bears"

    Once upon a time there were two bears. Both bears loved to sing songs. They sat on a stump and sang. One bear sang: "Ta - ta - ta", and the other: "Cha - ta - ta".

    What do you think the bears looked like?

    • Say the sounds [p, c, l, s, b, d] in the voice of a big bear. (children say "in the chain"
    • Say the same sounds in the voice of a little bear cub.

    Are the sounds made by the big bear different from the sounds made by the little bear? Than?

    4. And now, let's remember what we know about vowel sounds?

    Let's say the sounds "a, o, y, s, e" in front of the mirror. Watch how they are pronounced: the air in the mouth does not meet obstacles, we sing sounds in our voices.

    This sound is always sung
       This sound, like a song, is pouring
       Sound, you fly freely
       There is no barrier on the way!

    Air flows freely through the mouth
       There are no different obstacles.
       A voice is involved, a voice is calling
       The sound is a vowel

    5. And what do we know about consonants?

    These are the vowels of our vowels and they are called CO - vowels. What are the characteristics of consonants? When they are pronounced, the air stream always encounters an obstacle.

    All consonants agree
       Rustle, whisper, whistle,
       Even snort and creak
       But I don’t feel like singing to them

    So guys, today we will work with vowels and consonants. Listen to the consonant poem:


    there is soft sounds and solid sounds
       They can be easily mixed
       But so that this kind of thing doesn’t happen,
       Learn to distinguish between them.
       Soft sounds sound higher
       The sound of them is more tender.
       And solid ones - as if coarser and lower,
       As if solid - evil.

    Listen to how soft the soft sounds are:

    Spruce, drops, blizzard and stranded.
       They are like gentle mother's hands
       What an affectionately made bed.
    Solid sound  breaks off sharply.
       Listen: Table! An injection!!
       For tenderness not in this the sound of the place,
       Rather, he is even angry.

    6. And now I will tell you a tale of two letters, little sisters, they live, of course, in our magical country Grammar. One is a vowel and the other is a consonant. And what wonders they do!

    Once upon a time there were 2 sister letters. They were very similar.

    They were written almost the same way. Only the letter th (Fig. 3) had a beret on top, and u and (Fig. 2) did not. They sounded almost the same. Only long, but th short, jerky. They were often confused, and the letter th was very unpleasant.

    Once the letter th came to visit the vowels of the first row (a, o, y, e, s) and offered to sing together. I started, but picked it up. Their sounds merged, and a new letter was obtained - n. Then the remaining letters o, y, e also began to sing along with y. And the new letters e, y, e began to be obtained. The new letters took place in the second row. The letter and joined them. And so the vowels of the second row turned out.

    Vowels of the first row a, o, y, s, e

    Vowels of the second row I, e, y, and, e

    If we hear in the word 2 sounds [th "a], [th" o], [th "y], [th" e], then we should write instead of them one letter I, e, y, e.

    7. Let's get back to our wonderful bears!

    It turns out that one bear was big and loved to sing songs in a solid voice with vowels of the first row. The second bear was small and sang in a thin voice with vowels of the II row.

    • Sing the syllables in the voice of a big bear:, du, se, us.
    • Sing the syllables in the voice of a teddy bear: me, sho, lu, ve, di.
    • Sing Songs of a Bear: Sing Songs of a Bear:
    doo doo du du du
    to - to - to de - de - de
    de - de - de de de de
    yes Yes Yes dya - dya - dya
    dy - dy - dy di - di - di

    Read the syllables of column I. Read the syllables of column II. How do consonants sound? (soft and firm)

    8. A famous magician lives in our wonderful country. His name is Soft Sign. Once he comes to a word, it becomes completely unrecognizable: the word "eat" turns into "spruce", and the tin can has become a warm bathhouse.

    Soft sign boasted: "I, they say, the most magical." But some residents from the country of Grammar (and these were the second row vowels) began to laugh: "We can show tricks without you. Look: there was a bow, it became a hatch, it was small, it became crumpled. So the vowels the second row put in place a boaster. (According to G. N. Sorokin.)

    And the queen of the country Grammar formulated the rule:

    Vowels of the first row a, o, y, e, s are written after strong consonants.

    The vowels of the second row are I, e, y, e, and are written after soft consonants.

    The softness of the consonants is indicated on the letter by the letters i, e, u, e, and a soft sign.

    • Say the words: Kolya, Varya, Valya, will, heel, spots,

    In these words there is soft sign? (The softness in front of the consonant here stands for the letter I.)

    And here the letters of the II row tried and changed the words:

    Read a couple of words and compare them in meaning.

    9. Training exercises:

    Raise the blue circle if you hear a consonant:

    Raise the red circle if you hear a consonant:

    C, a, o, y, d, b, a, y, e, e, s, t, s, d, s

    Yasha, hedgehog, needles, spruce.

    Lingerie, floors, Sasha, digging.

    10. The result of the lesson.

    What letters we spoke about today. Which I row vowels do you know? Which II row vowels do you know? What do vowels in row II give to consonants?

    List of references:

    1. Zubareva L.V. Correction of the letter in the classroom. 1-2 grades. - 2nd ed., - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008, -86 p.
    2. Efimenkova L.N. Correction of oral and written speech of students primary school: manual for a speech therapist, M .: Vlados, 2006 .-- 335 s.
    3. Zhirenko O.E. Literacy tutorials. - M .: VAKO, 2010, - 368 p.

    Letter designation of the hardness / softness of consonants

    Paired hard and soft consonant phonemes, except / f /, / h "/, / c /, are transmitted in the letter with the same letter: / b - b" / - b  / in - in "/ - in,  / t - t "/ - t  etc. The hardness / softness of the consonant phoneme in this case can be indicated on the letter by another letter following the consonant, or by another graphic sign.

    The hardness / softness of such consonant phonemes facing vowels is indicated in vowel letters. The consonant hardness before the vowel is indicated by the letters but,  about, y, s, e: small  / small /, soybeans  /sleep/, bow, sir.  The softness of the consonant before the vowel is indicated by the letters i, y, u, and: crumpled  / m "al /, honey  /Maud/, people  / l "ud" and /.

    The letter e does not indicate the quality of the previous consonant phoneme: spelling those  may correspond to / t "e / (dough)  and / te / (tennis) ", de  - / d "e / (a business)  and / de / (model) ", fairy  - / f "e / (coffee)  and / fe / (a cafe) etc. Before in the hardness / softness of the consonant remains ns indicated on the letter.

    At the end of the word, the softness of the consonant phoneme is indicated by the letter b  hardness - space: strike  /R"/, hit  /R/; all  /from"/, weight  /from/; mole  / l "/, they say  / l /.

    Before the consonant, in addition to /) "/, the softness of the consonant phoneme is denoted by the letter b, the hardness by the second consonant: bathhouse  / n "/, bank  / n /; believe  / p "/, in envelope  /R/; chain mail  / l "/, quiver  / l /.

    After the consonants, separating 5, b are written before / 5 /, which serve to clarify the meanings of the letters i, / o, e, e, and, but do not indicate the hardness / softness of the previous consonant. Wed same pronunciation by most first consonant spoken words entry  and vietnamese,  pronunciation of soft [d "] in the word adjutant  etc. Hardness / softness of the consonant before /)/   It is associated with specific sounds and morphemes and is not transmitted on the letter.

      Vowels after hissing and c

    Letters W w, h, u, c  transmit the entire contents of the corresponding phonemes. Therefore after w w, h, u, c  vowels mean only vowel phonemes.

    Phonemes / a /, / y /, / o /, / and /, / e / are transmitted in letters by letter a - i, y - u, o - e, s - u, e - e.  From each pair of letters of the graph, "selects" for the position after hissing and c  one letter - а, у, о, и, е: heat, tar, thicket, king, bug, noise, miracle, pike, father, hedgehog, rustle, prim, rattle, face ", fat, spike, clean, cabbage soup, figure ", gesture, pole, honor, gap, workshop.  After sizzling are also written ё  and yellow, walked, bangs, cheeks; brochure, jury, parachute ",  after c  is written s: gypsies, sisters, fathers,  but these spellings are the result of the "interference" of spelling in the field of graphics.

    Letters a, y, o, and  used after sizzling and c  because they only transmit phonemes / a /, / y /, / o /, / and /, as at the beginning of a word and after a vowel, where you do not have to indicate quality

    previous consonant. The letters are i, u, y, s  in addition to designating the corresponding vowel phoneme, they have additional functions: i,  /about, ё  denote yet /)/   or the softness of the previous consonant phoneme, and s -  her hardness. After w, w, h, u, c  letter is written e  because the letter uh  established itself in the Russian alphabet only in the XVIII century. and after the consonant, it additionally indicates the hardness of this phoneme. Letter e  appropriate in this position because it denotes only the vowel phoneme and after other consonants.

      Letter meanings

    In the graph, the meanings of the letters are determined by the significatively strong positions of the corresponding phonemes. The meanings of b to c are the correlation of letters with phonemes or with their parts (differential features), as well as clarification of the meaning of neighboring letters. All letters except th, b  Mnogoznach.

    Letters I, o e, ё  denote phonemes /] a /, /] y /, /) e /, /) o /  at the beginning of a word, after a vowel and after b, b: poison, stand, sons, embrace.  Letters I yu  after the consonant, vowel phonemes and the softness of the previous consonant phoneme are indicated: nanny  - /"but/, to sniff  - / "y /. Letter ё  has the same meaning after consonants, except for hissing: carried -  / "o /. In addition, the letter ё  after sizzling means only / o /: went black.  Letter e  after consonant means / e /. In the preceding consonant phoneme, hardness / softness either remains unmarked: dash, hay,  either transmitted by consonant - hissing or q: victim, sliver, target,  either is not a differential sign and therefore should not be indicated: foyer.

    Letter and  may denote as / and / (game, search, life),  and / "and /, i.e. the vowel phoneme and the softness of the preceding consonant (force),  and /) and / (whose).

    Letters a, o, y, e  at the beginning of the word and after the vowel indicate / a /, / o /, / y /, / e /: army, veil, vacation, wag, morning, fool, echo, duet.  The same meaning in letters a, o, y  after sizzling and c  the letter o also after th: tea, glutton, face, iodine.  After the rest of the consonants a, o, y, e  denote the corresponding vowel phonemes and the hardness of the previous consonant phonemes: myself -  / a / and hardness / s /, scrap  - / o / and hardness / l /, oak, mayor.

    Letter s  after a consonant means / and / and the hardness of the previous consonant phoneme: was  / beat /, we  / mi /. In cases where the letter s  written after c  (transmitting and hardness / c /), it means only / and /: fathers, scanty.

    In most positions, letters th, w, w, h, w, c  denote /) /, / w /,  / w /, / h "/, / w" /, / c /, letters b  c, d<3, а, к, л,м, //, p, p, s  tl, x convey the general part of the content of phonemes / b - b "/, / c - in" / etc. - place and method of education, deafness / voiced. The hardness / softness of these phonemes is indicated by a subsequent letter or space or remains unmarked.

    All consonants after consonants (but not after w, w, Chu Shchu Tsu y  and not in combinations nbsp)  transmit, in addition to its basic meaning, the hardness of the previous consonant phoneme: watermelon - b  denotes hardness / p / (cf. wrestling), hetman - m  indicates hardness / t / (cf. darkness)  (cf. get on), thickness  (cf. fan), chalcedony  (cf. ring).  In combinations nbsp  Where b  never spelled ( deceitful, belt-driven, domain manager, daily life),  the letters h, uh  do not indicate hardness / softness / n - and "/.

    Letter b  has several meanings:

    1) denotes the softness of the previous consonant phoneme: take, radish, "

    2) acts as a separator: whose, pour, polu, judge, family; here b  indicates that e, e, u, i, and  denote / p /, / knot / y /) y / y  /Per/, /)and/;  the separator delimits the vowel from the previous consonant, while e, e, y, i  have the same meaning as at the beginning of a word; lack of b  would lead to a different meaning of vowels (cf .: whose raid, field, judging, seven) ",

    3) a combination of letters b  denotes /)about/  in borrowed words: broth, medallion, lotion  and etc.

    There is an opinion that the letter b  after hissing at the end of the word and before the consonants, it has a morphological meaning - indicates the feminine noun: rye mascara  2nd person singular verb: go, wash, "  imperative form: cry cut; infinitive: keep it safe, "  adverb: completely jump; particle: only you.  In fact the letter b  it is written here only by tradition, and these words and forms require memorization.

    Letter b  used only in the function of the separator: subject, trans-European, go round, cringe, pre-anniversary, inter-tier, bilingual.

    Separation b  does not indicate the softness of the previous consonant, but b -  on his hardness. And before b  and before b  consonants can be pronounced firmly, semi-softly and softly: snowstorm -  [vZuga], [v ^ uga], [v ^ uga]; congress -  [c ^ est], [cfst], [cfst]; adjutant  [hell "Iutant]; sew  [coming]. In words volume  and beat monkey  and without flaw  the consonant before the separation mark is pronounced the same way by many speakers. Thus, hardness / soft-

    consonant phoneme bone dividing b y  on the letter is not indicated. Dividing b, b  perform the same graphic function: they specify the meaning of the multivalued letters following them i, u, e yo, yo  indicating that these letters denote two phonemes - /)/   and the corresponding vowel (/] a /, /]about/  etc.). Therefore, they are sometimes called warning signs. The use of separation b  or b  defined by spelling rules. Performing the same function as b  letter b -  superfluous in the Russian letter.

    Thus, a letter can denote a part of a phoneme, part of one and part of another phoneme, one phoneme, one phoneme and part of another phoneme, two phonemes, two phonemes and part of another phoneme, may not have a phoneme value. A letter can specify the meaning of a neighboring letter.

    Phonetics  - This is a branch of the science of language in which sounds and their alternations are studied, as well as stress, intonation, and syllabus.

    Graphic arts  - This is a branch of the science of language in which we study the styles of letters of the alphabet and their relationship with the sounds of speech.

    Modern Russian alphabet  consists of 33 letters, 10 of which are created to indicate vowels and are respectively called vowels. 21 consonants are used for consonants. In addition, in the modern Russian language there are two letters that are not   sounds do not mean: b(solid symbol) b  (soft character).

    Vowels and consonants

    The sounds of speech in a letter are square brackets. This is transcription. In transcription, it is not customary to write lowercase letters and put punctuation marks. See carefully: The rules of Russian transcription at school.

    All sounds of the Russian language are divided into vowels and consonants.

    1. Vowel sounds  - these are the sounds that are formed with the participation of the voice. In the Russian language there are 6 of them: [a], [e], [and], [o], [y], [s].

    2. Consonants  - these are sounds that are formed with the participation of voice and noise, or only noise.

    but)Consonants are divided into   hard and soft. Most of the hard and soft consonants form tver-reach-softness pairs: [b] - [b "], [c] - [c"], [g] - [g "], [d] - [d"], [h] - [h "], [k] - [to "], [l] - [l"], [m] - [m "], [n] - [n"], [n] - [n "], [p] - [p"], [s] - [s "], [t] - [t"], [f] - [f "], [x] - [x"] (the apostrophe in the upper right indicates   softnessconsonant sound). For example, a bow - [bow] and a hatch - [l "uk].

    b)In some consonants there are no corresponding pairs, however, hardness-softness, in other words, in the language unpaired solid consonants  [g], [w], [c] (that is, they are always only solid) and unpaired soft consonants  [sh "], [th], [h] (that is, they are always only soft).


  • for sounds [th], [h] it is not customary to designate softness with an apostrophe, although in some textbooks it is indicated;
  • the sound [w "] is indicated on the letter by the letter u;
  • the bar above indicates double (long) sound. For example, a cheek - [sh "ika], a thicket - [cup" a], a bath - [van], a ticket office - [casa]. In some textbooks denote long consonants  so: [van: a] - bath.
  • in)The consonants formed with the participation of voice and noise are referred to as echoing  (for example, [d], [d "], [h], [h"], etc.); in that case only noise is involved in the formation of sounds, then such sounds are called deaf  consonants (for example, [t], [t "], [s], [s"], etc.). Most of the booming and deaf consonants in the Russian language form voice-deafness pairs: [b] - [n], [b "] - [n"], [c] - [f], [c "] - [f"], [g] - [k], [g "] - [to "], [d] - [t], [d"] - [t "], [h] - [s], [h"] - [s "], [g] - [w]. Cf .: beat - drink, year - cat, live - sew.

    d)Sounds [th], [l], [l "], [m], | m"], [n], [n "], [p], [p"] do not form a relative pair with deaf consonants, as they are unpaired echoing(unpaired echoing consonants are also referred to as sonorous, these are sounds in the formation of which both voice and noise are involved). Conversely, deaf consonants that do not pair with echoing ones are unpaired deaf. These are the sounds [h], [c], [x], [x "].

    3. In the flow of speech, the sound of the first sound can be likened to the sound of another sound. This phenomenon is called assimilation. So, in the word life, the sound [z], standing next to the soft one [n "], is also softened, and we get the sound [z"]. Hence the pronunciation of the word a life  is written like this: [zhiz "n"]. Approximation of sound can also be in paired for voiced-deaf sounds. So, the echoing consonants in the position in front of the deaf and at the end of the word sound closer to the paired deaf. As it happens stun  consonants. For example, a boat - lo [t] ka, parable - ska [s] ka, carriage [s]. There may also be a reverse phenomenon, when deaf consonants in a position in front of the ringers also become echoing, in other words voiced. For example, mowing - ko [z "] ba, a request - about [z"] ba.

    Designation of soft consonants in a letter

    In the Russian language, the softness of consonants is indicated by the following methods:

    1. Using a letter  b  (soft symbol) at the end of the word and in the middle between the consonants: utility - [gender "for], moose - [los"], etc.

    Note.  A soft symbol does not mean softness of consonants in the following cases:

    a) in that case serves to separate consonants, the second of which   th(iot): leaves - foxes [t "ya], belle - be [l" yo];

    b) to distinguish between grammatical categories: rye (3 scl., z.r.) - a knife (2 scl., m. R.);

    c) to distinguish the forms of words (after hissing): you read (2 l., singular), cut (imperative), help (indefinite verb-la), also adverbs: gallop, back.

    2. By means of lettersand,e, e, u, i, indicating the softness of the previous consonant sound and transmitting vowels [i], [e], [o], [y], [a]: wood - [l "es], honey - [m" from], lil - [l "silt], hatch - [l" yk], crumpled - [m "al].

    3. Using the following soft consonants:  a screw - [in "in" t "ik], plum - [with" l "willow].

    The sound meaning of the letters e, e, y, i

    1. The letters e, e, y, I can denotetwo sounds: [ye], [yo], [yu], [ya]. This happens in the following cases:

  • first words: for example, spruce - [ye] l, hedgehog - [yo] w, yula - [yu] la, yama - [ya] ma;
  • after the vowel sound: washes - mo [ye] t, sings - according to [yo] t, provide - yes [yu] t, bark - la [ya] t;
  • after dividing b, b: eat - eat [ye] m, drink - drink [yo] t, pour - ль [yu] t, zealous - ry [ya] n.
  • In addition, after the separation b  two sounds will indicate a letter and: nightingales - the nightingale [yi].

    2. The letters e, e, y, i indicate the gentleness of the preceding consonant  in the position after the consonants, paired in hardness-softness: fur - [m "eh], carried - [n" os], hatch - [l "yk], wrinkled - [m" al].


  • Sounds [th], [l], [m], [n], [p] - echoing (do not have a pair of voiced-deafness)
  • Sounds [x], [c], [h], [w "] - deaf (do not have a pair of hard-achievable softness)
  • Sounds [W], [W], [C] are always solid.
  • The sounds [th], [h], [w "] are always soft.
  • Phonetic parsing

    Phonetic analysis of a word is an analysis of a word, which consists in characterizing syllabic structure  and sound composition of the word; phonetic analysis of the word implies elements of graphic analysis. The word for phonetic analysis in school textbooks is indicated by the number 1: for example, the earth 1 .

    When conducting phonetic analysis of a word, you must certainly pronounce the word aloud. You cannot automatically translate a letter recording into audio, this leads to errors. It must be kept in mind that not letters are characterized, but the sounds of a word.

    From time to time to do phonetic record of the whole sentence or text. See more about this: Standards for transcribing sentences.

    The order of phonetic analysis of a word (according to school tradition):

    1. Write down this word, divide it into syllables, orally indicate the number of syllables.

    2. Stress the word.

    3. Write down the phonetic transcription of the word (we write the word in letters in a column, next to each letter we record the sound in square brackets).

    4. Describe the sounds (put a dash in front of each sound and write its properties, separating them with commas):

  • properties of a vowel sound: indicate that the vowel sound; percussion or non-percussion;
  • properties of consonant sound: indicate that the consonant sound; hard or soft, echoing or deaf. It is also possible to indicate paired or unpaired Tver-reach-softness, voiced-deafness.
  • 5. Indicate the number of sounds and letters.

    Standards of phonetic parsing(base level)

    Earth - Earth
    h [h "] - consonant, soft, echoing
    e [and] - vowel, unstressed
    m [m] - consonant, hard, echoing
    l [l "] - consonant, gentle, echoing
    e [e] - vowel, stressed
    5 letters, 5 sounds

    Blacken - blacken
    h [h] - consonant, gentle, deaf
    e [and] - vowel, unstressed
    p [p] - consonant, hard, echoing
    n [n "] - consonant, soft, echoing
    e [e] - vowel, stressed
    yu [y] - consonant, gentle, echoing
      [y] - vowel, unstressed
    t [t] - consonant, hard, deaf.
    7 letters, 8 sounds

    See carefully: The rules of phonetic transcription for in-depth students of the Russian language.


  • What are the rules of Russian transcription at school?
  • Where to find patterns of transcription of Russian words?
  • Where can I find templates for transcribing sentences?
  • What characters are used in Russian transcription?
  • How to record vowels in Russian transcription?
  • How to record consonants in Russian transcription?
  • Where can I find signs of Russian transcription for in-depth students of the language?
  • Where can I find signs of Russian transcription for higher education?