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  • Consult sounds ringing rocket flag war victory. Ring consuming sounds. Paired on the bells-deafness consonants

    Consult sounds ringing rocket flag war victory. Ring consuming sounds. Paired on the bells-deafness consonants


    1 - b; 2 - in, e; 3 - a, r; 4 - b, d; 5 - b; 6 - r; 7 - b; 8 - 1) a, 2) a, 3) b, 4) b; 9 - but; 10 - b; 11 - 1) b, 2) a, 3) b, 4) b, 5) a; 12 - in; 13 - but; 14 - b, in; 15 - 1) b, 2) b, 3) in, 4) a, 5) b, 6) b; 16 - r; 17 - in, d; 18 - in.

    Lesson №11 Verification work number 2 on the topic "Phonetics"


    Option 1

    1. In which words all the consonant sounds are ringing?

    a) coast; c) again;

    b) sinky; d) seaside.

    a) Mezhinskitsky; to the circus;

    b) to the outcome; d) purely.

    3. In what word four sounds?

    a) sew; c) sing;

    b) flax; d) core.

    4. In what word is the sound [d]?

    a) case; c) horseshoe;

    b) dropped; d) seventeen.

    5. In which elephant there is no sound [s]?

    a) pass; c) I go;

    b) riding; d) station.

    6. In which elephant there is no consonant sound [ j.]?

    a) postman; c) sings;

    b) flight; d) pour.

    7. In which elephant is increasing increasing? Correct the mistake.

    a) began; c) ávgustovsky;

    b) tsement; D).

    8. In what word dedicated consonant is pronounced firm?

    a) Academy; c) trend;

    b) term; d) tenor.

    9. Divide words to syllables.

    T-shirt, discovery, classmate, epic, preditionable.

    Specify all possible options for transferring the word "discovery".

    10. Perform a phonetic analysis of the following words.

    Shine, shop, soft.

    Option 2.

    1. In what word all consonants are ringing?

    a) frost; c) suddenly;

    b) deep into; d) offense.

    2. In what word or combination of words there is no sound [s]?

    a) Circular; c) personal;

    b) at the Institute; d) live.

    3. In which row of sounds are more than letters?

    a) Byrian, only; c) rain, southern;

    b) at night, south; d) singing, fierce.

    4. In which row in all the words there is a sound [K]?

    a) suddenly soft; c) circle, mileage;

    b) throw, to the house; d) to business, ride.

    5. In the words of which row there is no sound [F]?

    a) life, book; c) landscape, friendship;

    b) the rank, waggered; D) spread, juggle!

    6. In what word there is no sound [ j.]?

    a) jasper; c) to solder;

    b) take; d) Jamaica.

    7. In what word attention is wrong? Correct the mistake

    a) providing; c) to delete;

    b) freshenenet; d) cheeper.

    a) terrace; c) test;

    b) timbre; d) sandwich.

    9. Divide words to syllables.

    The outline, Saturday, revealed, Licken, take.

    Specify all possible options for transferring an elephant "Outlines".

    Easy, sled, whirlpool.

    Option 3.

    1. In which words, all the consonant sounds are deaf?

    a) coast; c) swing;

    b) sinky; d) write.

    2. In what word or combination of words there is no sound [s]?

    a) chlipsky; c) nonsenseless;

    b) Body; d) nation.

    3. In what word letters are greater than sounds?

    a) meat; c) fight;

    b) drinks; D) Christmas tree.

    4. In what word is stunning?

    a) match; c) globe;

    b) herb; d) to do.

    5. In what word there is no sound [d]?

    a) a gift; c) doorway;

    b) approach; d) disaster.

    6. In what word there is no consonant sound [sh]?

    a) loader; c) pilot;

    b) cab driver; D) PILLY.

    7. And what word is increasing increasing? Correct the mistake

    a) Mizénny; c) Ávgustovsky;

    b) catabouch; d) ringing.

    8. In what word dedicated consonant is pronounced gently?

    a) Academy; c) disorientate;

    b) deck; d) thesis.

    9. Divide words to syllables.

    Departure, steel, beasts, vintage, prehistory.

    Specify all possible options for transferring the word "prehistory".

    10. Perform a phonetic analysis of the following words.

    Singing, book, swim.


    Skill No

    Checked ability

    Quest Number

    Determine ringing consonants

    Determine in what word there is no sound [s]

    Determine in what word 4 sounds

    Determine the word in which there is sound [d]

    In which elephant there is no sound [s]

    Determine what word is not [y ']

    Correct the error

    Determine in what word highlighted consonant pronounced firm

    Split words on syllables

    Perform phonetic words

    Analysis scheme

    Quest Number

    Surname, student name

    Student actions

    Determined ringing consonants

    Defended the absence[s]

    Determined the word with 4 sounds

    Determined the word with sound [d]

    Determined the word without sound [s]

    Determined the word without sound [y ']

    Corrected a mistake

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    • Classes
    • Discussion
    • About the course


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    Ring and deaf consonants

    Recall how sound sounds are born. When a person begins to speak, he exhales the air from the lungs. In the respiratory throat, he runs to a narrow larynx where there are special muscles - voice ligaments. If a person pronounces consonant sounds, it closes (at least a little bit) mouth, because of this there is noise. But they are no more consonant in different ways.

    We will experience: I will climb the ears and say the sound [P], and then the sound [b]. When we uttered the sound [b], the ligaments stretched and began to tremble. This trembling turned into a voice. In the ears a little rang.

    You can spend similar experience, putting hands on the neck with the right and left side, and pronounce the sounds [d] and [t]. Sound [d] pronounced a lot of call, more sound. Such sounds scientists called ringing, and sounds that consist only of noise - deaf.

    Paired on the bells-deafness consonants

    Let's try to divide the sounds into two groups by the method of pronunciation. Spell phonetic houses in the city of sounds. We agree: on the first floor there will be deaf sounds, and on the second - ringing. Residents of the first house:

    [B] [d] [s] [g] [in] [F]
    [P] [t] [from] [to] [F] [Ш]

    These consonant sounds are called parn By calling - deafness.

    Fig. 1. Paired ringing and deaf consonants (source)

    They are very similar to each other - real "twins", and they are pronounced almost the same: lips are equally folded, the language is equally moving. But they have couples and softness - hardness. Add them to the house.

    [B] [B '] [d] [D '] [s] [s'] [g] [g '] [in] [in'] [F]
    [P] [P'] [t] [T '] [from] [from'] [to] [to'] [F] [f '] [Ш]

    Sounds [F] and [sh] no paired soft sounds, they always hard. And they are called hissing Sounds.

    All these sounds are denoted by letters:

    Unpaired ringing sound sounds

    But not all consonant sounds and letters form a couple. Those consonants that steam do not have, called unpaired. Set the unpaired consonant sounds in your houses.

    In the second house - unparalleryring consistent Sounds:

    Recall that the sound [y '] always just soft. Therefore, in our house it will live one. These sounds indicate letters in the letter:


    (and brief)

    Sounds of the second house called more sonornos because they are formed by voice and almost without noise, they are very sound. The word "sonorous" translated from the Latin Sonorus means ringing.

    Unpaired deaf consonants

    In the third house we settle unpaired deaf consonants Sounds:

    [x] [x '] [C] [h '] [LE ']

    Recall that the sound [C] is always solid, and [h '] and [sh'] - always soft. Unpaired deaf consonants denote in letter letters:

    Sounds [ch '], [sh'] - shipping sounds.

    So we settled our city of consonant sounds and letters. Now it is immediately clear why consonant letters - 21, and sounds - 36.

    Fig. 2. Write and deaf consonants (source)

    Consolidation of knowledge in practice

    1. Consider the pictures and turn one word to another, replacing only one sound. Tip: Recall the pairs of consonant sounds.

    d. point - Point

    b. point - kidney

    sh aR - Fire

    fishing rod - duck

    2. There are riddles, the meaning of which is concluded in the knowledge of consonant sounds, they are called charaks. Try to guess them:

    1) with a deaf consonant in the field,
    With a ringing - myself link I'm on the detriment . (Colos - Voice)

    2) with a deaf - herb she cuts off,
    With ringing - leaves essay. (Spit - goat)

    3) with Em - pleasant, goldist, very sweet and soul.
    With the letter "El" in the winter, and the spring disappears . (Honey)

    In order to develop the ability to pronounce some sounds, especially hissing, taught patter. Spear toll first slowly, and then accelerate the pace. Let's try to learn speigned:

    1. Six mice in the reeds rustle.
    2. Hergehog is hedgehog, hard is horror.
    3. Two cheek puppies to the cheek broke the brush in the corner.

    So today we learned that the consonant sounds can be ringing and deaf and as indicated by these sounds.

    In Russian 21, the consonant letter and 36 consonant sounds. The consonants and consistent sounds corresponding to them:
    b - [b], in - [in], g - [g], d - [d], g - [z], y - [th], z - [z], k - [k], l - [l], m - [m], n - [n], p - [p], p - [p], c - [s], t - [t], Ф - [Ф], x - [x ], C - [C], h - [h], sh - [sh], sh - [Sh].

    The consonants are divided into ringing and deaf, solid and soft. They are paired and unpaired. Only 36 different combinations of solid and soft, deaf and voiced, deaf - 16 (8 soft and 8 mild), ringing - 20 (10 soft and 10 solid).

    Scheme 1. Consult letters and consonant sounds of the Russian language.

    Solid and soft consonants

    The consonants are solid and soft. They are divided into paired and unpaired. Steam hard and paired soft consonants help us distinguish words. Compare: Horse [Kon '] - con [Kon], onions [Bow] - Luke [L'UK].

    For understanding, explain "on the fingers." If the consonant letter in different words means either soft, or a solid sound, then the sound refers to the pair. For example, in the word cat letter K denotes a solid sound [K], in the word whale letter K denotes soft sound [to']. We obtain: [K] - [K '] form a pair of hardness-softness. You cannot belong to the pair of sounds for different consonants, for example [B] and [K '] do not constitute a pair of hardness-softness, but is a pair of [in] - [in']. If the consonant sound is always solid or always soft, then it refers to the unpaired consonants. For example, the sound [F] is always solid. In Russian, there are no words, wherever he was soft [f ']. Since there is no pair [F] - [f '], then he belongs to the unpaired.

    paired unparallery solid soft only hard only soft [b], [in], [g], [d], [z], [k], [l], [m], [n], [p], [p], [s], [t ], [F], [x] [B '], [in'], [g '], [d'], [z '], [k'], [l '], [m'], [ n '], [p'], [p '], [c'], [t '], [f'], [x '] [z], [Ш], [C] [C], [ LE '], [y']

    Ring and deaf consonants

    The consonants are ringing and deaf. Thanks to the ringing and deaf consonants, we distinguish words. Compare: ball - fever, count - goal, house - Tom. The deaf consonants are pronounced almost with the mouth covered, with their pronunciation, voice ligaments do not work. For ringing consonants, you need more air, voice ligaments work.

    Some consonant sounds have a similar sound according to the method of pronunciation, but are pronounced with different tonality - deaf or ringing. Such sounds are combined into pairs and form a group of steam consonants. Accordingly, steam consonants are a pair of deaf and calling consonants.

    • farm consonants: Bd, VF, Mr., Dr., Z - C, J.
    • unpaired consonants: l, m, n, r, y, c, x, h, uch.
    paired unparallery ringing deaf only bellows only deaf [b], [b '], [in], [in'], [g], [g '], [d], [d'], [z], [z], [z '] [p], [p '], [φ], [f'], [k], [k '], [t], [t'], [Ш], [С], [s'] [th '], [l], [l'], [m], [m '], [n], [n'], [p], [p '] [x], [x '], [c], [h'], [sh ']

    Sonorny, noisy and hissing consonants

    Sonorny - ringing unpaired consonant sounds. Sonorny sounds 9: [th '], [l], [l'], [m], [m '], [n], [n'], [p], [p '].
    Noisy consonant sounds are ringing and deaf:

    1. Noisy deaf consonants (16): [K], [K '], [p], [p'], [s], [s '], [t], [t'], [F], [f '], [x], [x'], [c], [h '], [sh], [sh'];
    2. Noisy ringing sound sounds (11): [b], [b '], [in], [in'], [g], [g '], [d], [d'], [g], [s ], [s'].

    Hissing consonant sounds (4): [F], [h '], [sh], [sh'].

    Paired and unpaired consonant sounds

    The consonants (soft and solid, deaf and ringing) are divided into pair and unpaired. Above the tables show the division. Generalize everything with a scheme:

    Scheme 2. Paired and unpaired consonant sounds.

    To be able to make a phonetic analysis, in addition to consonant sounds you need to know the vowels and the rules of phonetics.

    Words with the letter E is necessarily email through it. Phonetic analysis The words "Hedgehog" and "Yozh" will be different!

    In Russian, there are words consisting only of belling consonants, for example: howl, suitable, knowledge, vase, fence, courtyard, courtyard, frozen, ice cream, plenty, friendship, clockwork, distributed.

    You can add words to this list, in which the sponsor of deaf consonants occurs:

    selection, chop, down, collect, giving out, featherland, couch, station, spin.

    In Russian, many words in which all the consonant sounds are ringing. These are words such as, for example, ship, ballerina, comb, vision, lemon, lemon, wood, wooden, dawn, young, and many others.

    Words in which all consonant letters are ringing There will be the following (examples):

    • gallery
    • real
    • grimm
    • iron
    • wood
    • log
    • banner
    • storm
    • cities, beard
    • fashion, model
    • puddle, meadows
    • shin
    • wife, toad,
    • sparrow
    • war
    • fashionable
    • tan
    • lemon
    • collection (zbor)

    In Russian, there are many words that consist only of ringing consonants. We give examples of such words: knowing, shin, lemon, sea, lemon, tan, meadow, tree, iron, bazaar, fashion, ice cream, knowledge, thunder, ballerina, fence, ship.

    We give examples of words in which all consonant letters will be ringing:

    It is probably referred to in mind that vowels then the sounds in these words are still present, just consonants - only ringing. There are a lot of such words in our language, they are very different, I will give a few of them for example: lawn, howl, rose, mimosa, thunder, goded, clamp, slaughter, log and many others.

    In Russian, the calls are the following consonants: b, in, g, d, z, z, y, l, m, n, r. From some consonants, of course, the word can not consist, but there are words that contain only ringing consonants : Fight, year, verb, zombie, district, etc.

    In Russian, there are words consisting of ringing consonants. As an example, we give the following words: fence, courtyard, frozen, tan, banner, friendship, clockwork, thunder, thunderstorm, sparrow, wife, sea, nora, gallery.

    In Russian, there are quite many words in which only ringing consonants, for example: ringing, howl, dawn, knowledge, fish, mountain, fence, courtyard, ice cream, friendship, gallery, sparrow, wife, thunder, thunderstorm, fashion, bazaar.

    In Russian, the mass of such words. You can even come up with the algorithm for their creation. Do not form couples calling consonants - l, m, r, th. That is, these letters can stand at the beginning of the word, and at the end without vowels and not to launch.

    For example: Mom, Lama, Sea, Rum, Roy, Scrap, Lai.

    And you can also take other ringing consonants, just follow so that there is no sound did not become a deaf - bazaar, mountain, fashion, ice cream.

    All consonant sounds in Russian are divided into solid and soft and deaf and ringing. What are the difference between ringing sounds? Our article is responsible for this question.

    How to call bell sounds

    In the process of forming the consonant sound, not only the voice is involved, but also various noises. They arise due to the fact that various barriers are formed in the mouth, then overcome by the flow of air. For example, when pronouncing the sound [b], we wash the lips, and the exhaled air with strength breaks this barrier.

    The guys studying the Russian language in the third grade, distinguish sounds by deaf-belling only in the specified way. But sometimes schoolchildren in 5-6 classes allocate still sonorous (very sound) and hissing. In the latter there is no voice at all - only noise (with the exception of g).

    For example, a ringing consonant sound at the beginning of the word "lynx" sonoro, and deaf at the beginning of the word "pike" - hissing.

    Sonorny consonants "L" and "P" can even take on some functions of the vowel and to form a syllable. This happens, for example, in the word "meaning" (therefore, it is sometimes mistakenly written "meaning").

    How to distinguish a ring sound

    There are several signs that can be distinguished by ring consonants.

    You can say the sound out loud, putting your hand on the throat in the area voice ligaments; If vibration is felt, the sound is ringing.

    You can simply memorize deaf and ring consonant sounds. Or remember, leaning on a pair of deaf-belling.

    There are mnemotechnical formulas that allow me to remember the deaf and ringing. This is a phrase or word where all the sounds are either deaf or ringing. We give examples of such formulas.

    • Deaf: Stepka, do you want a shank? - Fi. (In this phrase all sounds deaf)
    • Ringing: Normal (only sonorny)

    Paired and unpaired ringing consonants

    Most of the voiced consonants form a pair of deaf-belling. In the table below, the table in the top row shows all the bell sounds, and in the bottom - the pair of the deaf. If a row is a fiber, then the sound is unpaired.

    Sviscondium and stunning

    In the speech stream, the sounds depend on their "neighbors", so they can change their quality under the influence of the environment.

    In Russian, several phenomena are possible:

    • Stunning
    • Assimilation(like) by deafness-belling.

    Stunning occurs at the end of the word. Corresponding consonant in the absolute end of the word is pronounced as its deaf pair. for example, [grid] (mushroom).

    Assimilation occurs in the middle of the word. In Russian, the neighbor is affected by the neighbor on the sound. Most often call sound It becomes deaf due to the fact that it is adjacent to another deaf sound. Examples of assimilation: Cloud, mystery. Less frequent becoming "for the company" ringing. For example, please [Pros'bba].

    Such processes occur in different languages, but differently. For example, in the Chuvash language, a deaf consonant, being between two vowels, becomes ringing.

    How to check dubious consonants

    Because of these language processes, consonants in some positions are being made to themselves. Therefore, they must be checked.

    To determine which sound, deaf or ringing, it is necessary to write in this word should be changed the word or pick up a one-called, so that there is a vowel after the consonant. for example, Post-pillars, skew-mow, pointer-indicate.

    The absolute end of the word is not a strong position that allows you to distinguish consonant in deafness-belling.

    There are words that cannot be checked. for example, football, backpack, etc. They must be remembered or look in the dictionary.

    What did we know?

    From the article, we learned that the consonants in Russian are ringing and deaf. To form a ringing consonant, you need more votes than noise. We learned what sounds make up a pair of deaf-belling, and which - no. I learned that there are sonorous and hissing sounds.

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