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  • If coal could speak. Where did the father of the industrial revolution come from? Scientists have known for a long time that mammals and many birds have vocal cords. In monkeys, they are even similar to the Scientist.

    If coal could speak.  Where did the father of the industrial revolution come from?  Scientists have known for a long time that mammals and many birds have vocal cords. In monkeys, they are even similar to the Scientist.

    The technology of implanting chips in people and the danger of chipization
    Do you know that starting in 2012, Russian citizens are planning to issue a single microprocessor card that will replace all basic documents and become the only document: a passport, a driver's license, a pension, a medical certificate, a bank payment card, etc.?

    Did you know that soon these cards will be replaced by electronic chips implanted into the human body with digital human identifiers (TIN) inserted into them? According to the Strategy for the Development of the Electronic Industry of Russia for the Period up to 2025, it is planned to implant into a person “built-in wireless nanoelectronic devices that ensure constant contact of a person with the intellectual environment around him, and the means of direct wireless contact of the human brain with the objects around him will become widespread.” In the same strategy, a person is directly referred to as a biological object, and in the law under discussion “On the Basics of Health Protection of Citizens of the Russian Federation”, a child is called a “product of conception”.

    It is also planned to “program the abilities and characteristics of children ... the abilities of the child can be increased through genetic modification and chipization” (project “Childhood 2030”). What was condemned by the Nuremberg Tribunal as a crime against humanity is today presented by our enemies as a great blessing. The fact that this will be done in the very near future was confirmed by one of the most influential leaders of the world elite - Rockefeller. He said that for total control over the whole world, their ultimate goal is to implant an electronic chip into the body of every person of the earth.

    This article tells about the general chipization, presented to society as a "new technical breakthrough", about how they are going to use this technology in people's lives. The article will tell you about the basic principles of the technology and the possible consequences of its use. The consequences can be not only positive, as advocates of this technology claim, but also purely negative. The main focus is on getting people interested and thinking about the value of the proposed technology.

    Discussions on the topic of chipization of the population periodically take place on television, in which there are many disputes and debates about the safety of this procedure. Nowadays, medical chips are already used in the world, which are a small transmitter sewn under the skin. Such a transmitter has a protective shell, under which the microcircuits of the chip itself are located. This medical chip is sewn into the skin using a special syringe. The chip can be sewn not only under the skin; options were considered for inserting the chip into the muscle of the forearm of the right hand or under the right hand, between the fingers. The chip has only one function - to issue the number of the person in which the chip embedded in it is located.

    The developers of universal chipization believe that chips will help people move to a new level of technological progress, that such a chip will be very useful for humanity and it will be used for good. Proponents of chipization call one of the advantages of this technology the ability to provide quick help to sick people (for example, epileptics or hypertensive patients). With the help of a special scanner, the doctor can identify the patient in the database, which will indicate chronic diseases, allergic reactions, contraindications and other information that is very important for treatment. As soon as a person becomes ill, such a chip is obliged to signal an ambulance call, where doctors will certainly be able to provide assistance.

    Thanks to the sensor built into the chip, you can be found anywhere in the world, which makes this invention invaluable for finding missing people. The chip, in its essence, is just the carrier of your code in the database and the owner of the location sensor.

    In further development, it is planned to significantly expand the model of the device, add many useful functions to it. In the near future, with the help of the implanted chip, it will be possible to pay for purchases, open the door of your house, go online, the chip will have to replace all the existing documents of a citizen. Among such documents: passport, insurance certificate, driver's license, compulsory health insurance policy and many, many others. Considering that in the future it is planned to transfer all the money into electronic form, the idea of ​​paying for purchases using a chip sounds quite real.

    All this briefly describes the capabilities of the embedded chips. It's time to talk about the dangers of this technology. Of course, all this sounds very attractive: there will be no paper documents, no cash, doctors will be able to provide assistance more efficiently, constant communication of the chip carrier with the Internet and other useful innovations. These chips will be able to show your location on a map at any time of the day or night. You will not be able to hide from the satellite anywhere, and you will be under constant control.

    Scientists have known for a long time that every human organ works at its own frequency, and any organ can be disabled, knowing its weak point. Thus, by sending with the help of a chip that connects to the brain through neural connections, the necessary vibrations to a weak or diseased organ, you can simply disable it. Such an organ can be the liver, heart, and even the brain. Considering that the world has long been developing psychotropic weapons that will be able to inspire people with different emotions and sensations, up to hallucinations; you can easily imagine what kind of weapon your personal chip will be.

    At any moment, a feeling of strong aggression or complete apathy, deep disappointment or eternal happiness can be created for the carrier of the chip, and the carrier will not be sure of the artificial origin of such strange emotions. The person is more likely to think that this is happening spontaneously. Someone stepped on your foot, and it threw you off balance, or you drank coffee, and suddenly you felt so good in your soul, as if you had found the love of your life. Although, in fact, you are influenced by an attitude, a kind of generator of emotions.

    Such things rather sound from the realm of fantasy, but now there is quite a lot of unconfirmed information regarding psychotropic weapons, so that one can assume this option. Even if psychotropic weapons are used, we will certainly not be given to know about it. After all, as a rule, such projects are strictly classified from the broad masses. Imagine that you did not pay for the fine or were guilty in some way and your solvency was turned off. Considering that there will be no cash, where can you get money at least for bread? And if you are a person who disagrees with the government on something and one of your organs is cut off, after which you die ...

    Science and technology is developing very quickly and it remains only to guess what will be implemented in the development of a radio frequency identification chip (RFID). In good hands, the chip turns out to be an extremely useful asset, but what if a tyrant was in control of this entire system? It's just the perfect device for establishing total control. Totalitarianism is distinguished by the ability to control society and each person individually. To implement such control, the chip can come in handy.

    On many sites you can find information regarding the world government, as they are also called the "Bilderberg Group" - the creators of the conspiracy theory who will be behind the management of the world. The Bilderberg Informal Annual Conference has approximately 130 attendees, most of whom are highly influential people in politics, business and banking, as well as heads of leading Western media mass media... Any meeting of the bilderbergers, the date of which is not advertised, despite the complete secrecy, arouses great interest of the world community. It is very difficult to hide a large number of people coming to one place famous people among them - presidents, kings, princes, chancellors, heads of the world's largest corporations, prime ministers, bankers. They already have their own memorial stone with their code of fundamental laws, which states that the population of the earth should not exceed 500 million people. I wonder where they'll get the rest? Will kill?

    According to some information, it is the Bilderberg Group members who want to introduce the chipping of the population and enslave mankind. We know the words of one of the members of the new world government, the heir to the most influential world financial clan, Nick Rockefeller: “Our final goal- to implant a microchip for everyone and control the whole society. For the elite (bankers and several rulers) to control the whole world. "

    We'll have to take these chips for granted, become something like cyborgs. It is planned to introduce chips voluntarily, with the consent of the person, but this does not mean at all that if you give up the chip, you will not wear it. The point is that in modern world without such documents as at least a passport you are nobody, there are no guarantees that the chips will acquire the same capabilities. Today you are still a person who gave up the chip, and tomorrow you are nobody, until you put it in. If the money is only in electronic form and the means of payment is solely a chip, then you will not be able to make purchases. Sooner or later you will be forced to implant the chip, not forcibly forced, but forcing you to do it.

    Chipization is already gradually being introduced into different countries the world. For example, Brazil and Mexico were the first to begin implanting radio frequency microchips that send radio signals at a frequency of 125 kilohertz under the skin of children, ostensibly to make it easier to find them in case of theft or if it is lost. Microchip manufacturer Verichip is Applied Digital Solutions (ADS). Thus, the implantation of radio frequency microchips, starting in hospitals and prisons, is becoming more widespread. It is not hidden that even now such a microchip can be connected to the existing database and provide full information about its owner, including financial and medical (how much money is in the account, what purchases in the store he made, where he went, etc.). As a result, the introduction of a radio frequency chip under the skin will allow, if desired, those who will exercise control, simply erase you from this society with a light press of one button ... One single button will close all doors for you in all modes of transport, all buildings, all shops, access to information and electronic networks. One single button will control your entire life from birth to death ... and how long your life will last also depends on how quickly the button is pressed to destroy you.

    In the language of the Holy Scriptures, to bear a seal (or mark) on oneself means belonging or subordination to someone. The activities of the false prophet, described in the 13th chapter of the Apocalypse, convinces that the kingdom of the beast will have a religious and political character, when no one will be able to buy or sell, except for the one who has this mark (Rev. 13, 17). Therefore, submitting to the Antichrist (taking the "mark of the beast" on your forehead or on your right hand for the sake of gaining temporary advantages) will be tantamount to renouncing Christ, which will entail the deprivation of the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Revelation of Saint John the Divine:
    “And it was given to him to put spirit into the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would speak and act in such a way that everyone who would not worship the image of the beast would be killed. And he will do what everyone, great and small, rich and poor, free and slaves, will be entitled to a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and that no one will be allowed to buy or sell, except for the one who has this mark. , or the name of the beast, or the number of his name "(Rev. 13: 15-17).

    It is known that some lizards can exist, having discarded ... It is known that some lizards can exist, having discarded their

    tail. Can a monitor lizard survive without a tail? Why?

    It is known that some lizards can exist, throwing their tail in a moment of danger. Can a monitor lizard survive without a tail? Why?

    (cytosine), if it is known that 880 = 20%

    HELP I beg !!!: 3 I beg you! Final: \ 1) Explain the relative position of veins and arteries relative to each other inside the limbs? 2) It is known that

    most often, an increase in temperature during diseases is caused by inflammatory processes. Taking this into account, explain in what situations it is not worth bringing down the temperature by artificially lowering it with medications? Explain your answer in detail. 3) It is known that people with low blood calcium levels can have blood clotting problems. Explain this phenomenon. What then should calcium be? 4) Describe how the difference in the Rh factor of the blood of the fetus and the mother can lead to problems in subsequent pregnancies? AT LEAST SOMETHING HELP PLIZ OR I HAVE A PROBLEM :(

    WHO KNOW, HELP! :) 1. How long is the part of the DNA molecule that encodes the insulin molecule, if it is known that the composition

    this molecule contains 51 amino acids, and linear length one nucleotide in a nucleic acid is 3.4 angstroms?

    2. What is the mass of the part of the DNA molecule that encodes the insulin molecule, if it is known that this molecule contains 51 amino acids, and the average molecular mass one nucleotide is 345 a. O. m.

    1. It is known that the duration of the cardiac cycle is 0.8 s. How many seconds will the atrial contraction phase last if in one cardiac

    cycle 3 phases?
    A) 0.1 s
    B) 0.3 s
    B) 0.5 s
    D) 0.7 s
    2. At the time of contraction of the left ventricle of the heart
    A) the butterfly valve opens
    B) the butterfly valve closes
    D) the position of the bivalve and semilunar valves does not change
    3. At the time of contraction of the right ventricle of the heart
    A) the tricuspid valve opens
    B) the semilunar valves close
    B) the tricuspid valve closes
    D) the position of the tricuspid and semilunar valves does not change
    4. What formation of the heart prevents the reverse movement of blood from the left ventricle to the left atrium?
    A) pericardial sac
    B) two-piece valve
    D) semilunar valves
    5. What formation of the heart prevents the movement of blood from the left side of the heart to the right?
    A) pericardial sac
    B) tricuspid valve
    C) the septum of the heart muscle
    D) semilunar valves
    6. It is known that the duration of the cardiac cycle is 0.8 s. How many seconds will the general relaxation phase last if there are 3 phases in one cardiac cycle?
    A) 0.4 s
    B) 0.5 s
    B) 0.6 s
    D) 0.7 s
    7. Which of the following is the source of automatism in the work of the human heart?
    A) the nerve center in the thoracic spinal cord
    B) nerve cells located in the pericardial sac
    C) special cells of dense fibrous connective tissue
    D) special muscle cells of the cardiac muscle conduction system
    8. Which part of the heart has the thickest wall?
    A) left ventricle
    B) the right ventricle
    C) left atrium
    D) right atrium
    9. What is the role of the valves between the atria and ventricles?
    A) moisturize the chambers of the heart
    B) provide the movement of blood in the heart
    C) contract and push blood into the vessels
    D) prevent the movement of blood in the opposite direction
    10. Why does the frog heart, removed from the body, continue to contract in saline for several hours?
    A) The leaflet valves work in the heart.
    B) The fluid of the pericardium moisturizes the heart.
    C) Excitation periodically occurs in the fibers of the heart muscle.
    D) The cells of the nerve nodes located in the heart muscle contract.
    11. The reason for the fatigue of the heart muscle is
    A) the ability to automate
    B) alternating contraction and relaxation
    C) features of the structure of its cells
    D) non-simultaneous contraction of the atria and ventricles
    12. At what stage of the cardiac cycle does the maximum arterial pressure occur?
    A) relaxation of the ventricles
    B) contraction of the ventricles
    C) relaxation of the atria
    D) atrial contraction
    13. Heart valves provide
    A) regulation of blood pressure
    B) regulation of heart rate
    C) automatism in the work of the heart
    D) movement of blood in one direction

    Option No. 3336823

    When completing tasks with a short answer, write in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, word, sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Answers to tasks 1-26 are a digit (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers).

    If the variant is set by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to the tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of the assignments with a short answer and will be able to rate the uploaded answers to the assignments with a detailed answer. The points given by the teacher will appear in your statistics. The length of the essay is at least 150 words.

    Version for printing and copying in MS Word

    Indicate the numbers of sentences in which the MAIN information contained in the text is correctly conveyed. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

    1) According to the hypothesis of Robin Canap, Saturn's rings, which are 93% ice, arose as a result of the destruction of satellites and meteorites, consisting of minerals, in orbit.

    2) About four billion years ago, a huge satellite fell on the surface of Saturn, which lost its ice shell during the fall.

    3) According to Robin Canap, the cloud orbiting Saturn, which we observe from Earth through a telescope, is made of ice.

    4) Robin Canap was able to formulate a hypothesis about the origin of the ice rings of Saturn: they were formed from the ice shell of a satellite that left orbit about four billion years ago.

    5) According to the hypothesis of Robin Canap, the rings of Saturn were formed approximately four billion years ago as a result of the departure from orbit of a huge satellite with a thick ice shell.


    Which of the following words (word combinations) should be in place of the gap in the first (1) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

    Despite this

    for example,


    (1) Scientists have long known that Saturn's rings are 93% ice; until recently, this fact did not give in scientific explanation: such rings could not have formed as a result of the destruction of satellites and meteorites in orbit, which are composed mainly of relatively heavy minerals. (2) Only in 2010, Robin Canap put forward a hypothesis according to which the ice rings were formed about four billion years ago as a result of the departure from orbit of a huge satellite covered with a thick ice shell. (3) Kanap's calculations show that during the fall, the light ice component separated from the heavy minerals that fell on

    planet, as a result of which an ice cloud appeared, which gradually took the form of a ring observed by us through a telescope from the Earth.


    Read the fragment of the dictionary entry that describes the meanings of the word FORM. Determine in what sense this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

    THE FORM, -y, f.

    1) The way of existence of the content, inseparable from it and serving as its expression. Unity f. and content.

    2) Outline, outward appearance of the object. The earth has f. ball. Square f. Curved object

    3) A set of techniques and visual means artwork. Narrative f. F. verse.

    4) Installed sample of something. Give information on f. Finished medicinal products (ready-made medicines).

    5) A device for giving something. certain outlines. Foundry f. Ham in f. (compressed in such a device).

    6) Clothes of the same cut and color (for the military, for employees of the same department, for students). Officer f. Front f. School f.

    (1) Scientists have long known that Saturn's rings are 93% ice, until recently this fact defied scientific explanation: such rings could not have arisen as a result of the destruction of satellites and meteorites in orbit, which consist mainly of relatively heavy minerals. (2) Only in 2010, Robin Canap put forward a hypothesis according to which the ice rings were formed about four billion years ago as a result of the departure from orbit of a huge satellite covered with a thick ice shell. (3) Kanap's calculations show that during the fall, the light ice component separated from the heavy minerals that fell on

    planet, as a result of which an ice cloud appeared, which gradually took the form of a ring observed by us through a telescope from the Earth.


    In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the formulation of the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is WRONGLY highlighted. Write this word down.

    Review (ambassador)

    tuberculosis dispensary


    One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

    As a result of the sociological survey, the rating of BUYING demand was revealed.

    For the first time, the idea of ​​obtaining ARTIFICIAL fabrics was expressed by the French scientist R. Réaumur back in 1734.

    The Romanov chambers in Zaryadye will be restored for the 400th anniversary of the ROYAL dynasty.


    In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

    Lie down on the floor

    Their work

    hot soups




    Usta-no-vi-those co-answer between gram-ma-ti-ti-ti-ti-s-ka-mi and pre-lo-same-ni-i-mi, in which-ryh they are available: to each position of the first column under second-ro-th column.


    A) disruption in the construction of the preposition with a partial revision

    B) disruption in the construction of the preposition with the non-co-gla-co-van

    C) disruption of the connection between the under-lying and ska-zu-e-my

    D) a mistake in the construction of a complex proposition

    D) improper use of the pas-dezh-nay form of a substance with a pre-log

    1) I lifted my eyes and saw that you, so-ko in the sky, didn’t hop over a hundred birds.

    2) I successfully coped with for-yes-no-it, blah-go-da-rya pro-de-lan-noy at home ra-bo-te.

    3) It took us a long time to get to the pri-i-te-lyu, who lived at the other end of the city.

    4) Osmat-ri-vaya each ku-stick to the very best of the sun, our hunters did not find the snakes.

    5) Pi-sa-tel brought a lot of knowledge to the de-kabr-sts' case, expressing the confidence that it will be continued by that-ka-mi, by-la-yu-u-see-do Russia free.

    6) Modern youth for the physicist self-co-ver-shenstvo-va-nia you-bi-ra-yut fit-ness− centers at the place of residence.

    7) The house, in which we lived in the first years after arriving in Peter-burg, na-ho-dil-Xia on the shore of the Red-no-ka -na-la.

    8) One of the most notable achievements of res-pub-li-can-sko-rome art was the port-ret.

    9) The main character of roman-na F.M. gi-chen, like Don Ki-ho-tu, with whom he is as-so-tsi-i-ru-et-Xia.

    For-pi-shi-those in response to numbers, ra-in-lo-live them in a row, co-with-vet-stvu-yu-you-you:



    Identify the word missing the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.


    to differentiate




    Identify a row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

    be..noisy, be..sound;

    pr..revolution, pr..visual;

    by..skat, you can..may;

    pre..suppose, oh..tilt;



    Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the pass.

    twisted ... on

    I am learning

    tortured ... on


    Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the pass?

    outlined ...


    treat ... you are

    throw ... you


    Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write this word out.

    Some exercises are (not) completed.

    You can take upon yourself the organization of the show of a still (not) written, but ingeniously conceived picture.

    The dovecote is (not) painted.

    Vyvolochnov was one of Tolstoy's followers, in whose minds the thoughts of a genius (not) knowing peace were irreparably shallow.

    The ice crust will crack, covering the (not) deep but wide swamp, and again quietly.


    Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

    The brothers remained (ON) ONE and (FROM) THE BEGINNING only looked at each other.

    Even in his half-asleep existence, Ilya Ilyich could not, according to him, indifferently recall the aria from the opera by V. Bellini, which HOW (WOULD) merged with the image of Olga Ilyinskaya, and SO (SAME) with the dramatic result of Oblomov's love for her.

    The seller is ALSO liable to the buyer for damage or breakage of the goods (OUT) FOR improper packaging, as well as the buyer to the seller for the timely payment of the goods.

    Nikolay (V) was silent during the whole dispute and only V (SEX) VOICE asked Marina to remove the samovar.

    WHAT (SAME) need to be done, WHAT (WOULD) I could count on your favor?


    Indicate all numbers in the place of which one letter H is written.

    The fragile (1) th silhouette of the image (2) of the person in the picture of the girl (3) stands out against the background of the white (4) wall, along which pearlescent shadows run.


    Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

    1) The fruits of this plant are healthy and tasty and have a wonderful aroma.

    2) It became unbearably stuffy and had to open all the windows.

    3) From the window you could see the trunks of cherries and a piece of the alley.

    4) The study of the growth of unusual crystals has both theoretical and practical and general scientific significance.

    5) Ancient Spanish craftsmen used either stone or brickwork in the construction of castles.


    Having greeted Dmitry (1) and (2) passing him the parcel (3) tightly tied with a string (4), the guest immediately left.


    Place all not-up-to-a-hundred-th -s pre-p-n-nia signs: indicate the number (s), in place of the swarm (s) in the preposition of the should (s) stand for the fifth (s).

    In my opinion, special-ci-a-list-stov (1) foreign-language words, falling into our language, po-ste-pen-no as-si-mi-li-ru-yut -sya: for-for-example (2) they pri-spo-sab-li-va-yut-sya to the sound of the system of the Russian language, sub-chi-nya-yut -sya pra-vi-lam of the Russian word-in-ob-ra-zo-va-nia and the word-of-me-not-niya, morning-chi-vaya (3) in pen-but (4) features of his own non-Russian pro-origin.


    Arrange all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

    Before the traveler's eyes there was a river (1) on both banks (2) of which (3) small houses were crowded.


    Arrange all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

    Suddenly a thick fog (1) and (2) fell in order not to get lost (3), I decided to return to the path (4), which should have been on the left.


    Which of you-say-zy-va-nii co-answer the content of the text-hundred? Indicate the numbers from-ve-tov.

    1) In someone else's go-ro-de, the hero ras-ska-za felt himself alone.

    2) According to the mother of the hero, a person is alone when he does not love anyone.

    3) After talking with mother, the story-teller felt joy in his soul.

    4) The devil-to-ryst-naya love can evoke good-ro-tu in people.

    5) This was the only preserved letter from mother.

    (According to I.A.Ilyin.) *


    Which of the following statements are true? Indicate the numbers from-ve-tov.

    Indicate the numbers in the order of age.

    1) Propositions 3-5 contain a description.

    2) In the pre-lo-w-n-y, 9-10 represent-a-le-no-vest-in-va-nie.

    3) In the pre-lodges 33-35, it is presented-le-no-vest-in-va-tion.

    4) In the case of 17-20, it is presented-but-judged.

    5) In the case of 8-10, the description is presented.

    (1) This was several years ago. (2) Everyone, going to celebrate Christmas, prepared trees and gifts. (H) Shop windows and windows of houses shone with festive lights. (4) Garlands and huge colored balls were hung everywhere. (5) A crowd of townspeople, colorful, noisy and cheerful, filled the streets.

    (6) And I, a homeless wanderer, was lonely in a foreign country - no family, no friend, and it seemed to me that I was abandoned and forgotten by everyone. (7) There was only emptiness around and there was no love: a distant city, strangers, cold hearts. (8) Once, in longing and despondency, I suddenly remembered a stack of old letters, which I managed to save through all the trials of the dark days. (9) For the first time in the past year, I took it out of my suitcase, untied it ... (10) Then I opened the first of the letters - it was a letter from my mother, written twenty-seven years ago.

    (11) “My dear child, Nikolenka! (12) You complain to me about your loneliness, and if you only knew how sad and painful your words are to me. (13) With what joy I would come to you and convince you that you are not alone and cannot be alone! (14) But you, of course, know that I cannot leave my dad, because he suffers a lot and constantly needs my care. (15) And you need to prepare for exams in order to successfully graduate from the university. (16) Well, let me at least tell you why I never feel lonely.

    (17) You see, son, a man is lonely when he does not love anyone. (18) And if he loves, then it does not even occur to him to think about whether he is alone or not. (19) In love, a person forgets himself, he lives in others. (20) And this is happiness.

    (21) I can already hear your objection that happiness is not only to love, but also to be loved. (22) But whoever really loves does not count and does not beg: what will my love bring me? .. (23) Will reciprocity await me? (24) Or maybe I love more and love me less? (25) A person who measures and weighs does not love. (26) Let your love go free, let its rays shine and warm in all directions. (27) And you will soon feel that streams of reciprocal love are flowing to you from everywhere. (28) Why? (29) Because your immediate, unintentional kindness, your unselfish love, will invisibly evoke kindness and love in people in return. (30) And then you will perceive this return flow not as a long-suffering happiness, which had to be demanded and achieved, but as undeserved earthly bliss ”.

    (31) I finished reading my mother's letter with tears in my eyes. (32) From the distance of the past years, I again heard her warm voice, which brought me love and consolation, as "undeserved earthly bliss."

    (33) And then I thought that our love is a thread with which we are attached to a loved one. (34) He who loves, his heart blooms and smells sweet, and he gives his love as a flower scent. (35) Such a person does not feel lonely.

    (According to I.A.Ilyin.) *

    Text source: MIOO: Diagnostic work 12.12.2012 option 1.

    (3) Garlands and huge colored balls were hung everywhere. (4) A crowd of townspeople, colorful, noisy and cheerful, filled the streets.

    (5) And I, a homeless wanderer, was lonely in a foreign country - no family, no friend, and it seemed to me that I was abandoned and forgotten by everyone.


    What word is used figuratively in the text? Write it down.

    tremendous (offer 4)

    noisy (offer 5)

    black (proposal 8)

    disinterested (offer 29)

    (1) This was several years ago. (2) Everyone, going to celebrate Christmas, prepared trees and gifts. (H) Shop windows and windows of houses shone with festive lights. (4) Garlands and huge colored balls were hung everywhere. (5) A crowd of townspeople, colorful, noisy and cheerful, filled the streets.

    (6) And I, a homeless wanderer, was lonely in a foreign country - no family, no friend, and it seemed to me that I was abandoned and forgotten by everyone. (7) There was only emptiness around and there was no love: a distant city, strangers, cold hearts. (8) Once, in longing and despondency, I suddenly remembered a stack of old letters, which I managed to save through all the trials of the dark days. (9) For the first time in the past year, I took it out of my suitcase, untied it ... (10) Then I opened the first of the letters - it was a letter from my mother, written twenty-seven years ago.

    (11) “My dear child, Nikolenka! (12) You complain to me about your loneliness, and if you only knew how sad and painful your words are to me. (13) With what joy I would come to you and convince you that you are not alone and cannot be alone! (14) But you, of course, know that I cannot leave my dad, because he suffers a lot and constantly needs my care. (15) And you need to prepare for exams in order to successfully graduate from the university. (16) Well, let me at least tell you why I never feel lonely.

    (17) You see, son, a man is lonely when he does not love anyone. (18) And if he loves, then it does not even occur to him to think about whether he is alone or not. (19) In love, a person forgets himself, he lives in others. (20) And this is happiness.

    (21) I can already hear your objection that happiness is not only to love, but also to be loved. (22) But whoever really loves does not count and does not beg: what will my love bring me? .. (23) Will reciprocity await me? (24) Or maybe I love more and love me less? (25) A person who measures and weighs does not love. (26) Let your love go free, let its rays shine and warm in all directions. (27) And you will soon feel that streams of reciprocal love are flowing to you from everywhere. (28) Why? (29) Because your immediate, unintentional kindness, your unselfish love, will invisibly evoke kindness and love in people in return. (30) And then you will perceive this return flow not as a long-suffering happiness, which had to be demanded and achieved, but as undeserved earthly bliss ”.

    (31) I finished reading my mother's letter with tears in my eyes. (32) From the distance of the past years, I again heard her warm voice, which brought me love and consolation, as "undeserved earthly bliss."

    (33) And then I thought that our love is a thread with which we are attached to a loved one. (34) He who loves, his heart blooms and smells sweet, and he gives his love as a flower scent. (35) Such a person does not feel lonely.

    (According to I.A.Ilyin.) *

    Text source: MIOO: Diagnostic work 12.12.2012 option 1.


    Among sentences 31-35, find the one (s) that are related to the previous one using a demonstrative pronoun. Write the number (s) of this offer (s).

    (1) This was several years ago. (2) Everyone, going to celebrate Christmas, prepared trees and gifts. (H) Shop windows and windows of houses shone with festive lights. (4) Garlands and huge colored balls were hung everywhere. (5) A crowd of townspeople, colorful, noisy and cheerful, filled the streets.

    (6) And I, a homeless wanderer, was lonely in a foreign country - no family, no friend, and it seemed to me that I was abandoned and forgotten by everyone. (7) There was only emptiness around and there was no love: a distant city, strangers, cold hearts. (8) Once, in longing and despondency, I suddenly remembered a stack of old letters, which I managed to save through all the trials of the dark days. (9) For the first time in the past year, I took it out of my suitcase, untied it ... (10) Then I opened the first of the letters - it was a letter from my mother, written twenty-seven years ago.

    (11) “My dear child, Nikolenka! (12) You complain to me about your loneliness, and if you only knew how sad and painful your words are to me. (13) With what joy I would come to you and convince you that you are not alone and cannot be alone! (14) But you, of course, know that I cannot leave my dad, because he suffers a lot and constantly needs my care. (15) And you need to prepare for exams in order to successfully graduate from the university. (16) Well, let me at least tell you why I never feel lonely.

    (17) You see, son, a man is lonely when he does not love anyone. (18) And if he loves, then it does not even occur to him to think about whether he is alone or not. (19) In love, a person forgets himself, he lives in others. (20) And this is happiness.

    (21) I can already hear your objection that happiness is not only to love, but also to be loved. (22) But whoever really loves does not count and does not beg: what will my love bring me? .. (23) Will reciprocity await me? (24) Or maybe I love more and love me less? (25) A person who measures and weighs does not love. (26) Let your love go free, let its rays shine and warm in all directions. (27) And you will soon feel that streams of reciprocal love are flowing to you from everywhere. (28) Why? (29) Because your immediate, unintentional kindness, your unselfish love, will invisibly evoke kindness and love in people in return. (30) And then you will perceive this return flow not as a long-suffering happiness, which had to be demanded and achieved, but as undeserved earthly bliss ”.

    (31) I finished reading my mother's letter with tears in my eyes. (32) From the distance of the past years, I again heard her warm voice, which brought me love and consolation, as "undeserved earthly bliss."

    (33) And then I thought that our love is a thread with which we are attached to a loved one. (34) He who loves, his heart blooms and smells sweet, and he gives his love as a flower scent. (35) Such a person does not feel lonely.

    (According to I.A.Ilyin.) *

    Text source: MIOO: Diagnostic work 12.12.2012 option 1.


    Read the excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some of the terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list in the spaces of the blanks.

    An excerpt from IA Ilyin's story "Christmas Letter" is distinguished by the confidential simplicity and emotionality of speech. The author makes extensive use of syntactic means of expressiveness in the text, including (A) _____ (sentences 11, 17) and (B) _____ (sentences 22, 23, 24). The text also contains lexical means of expressiveness, for example (B) _____ (“tremendous” in sentence 4, “times” in sentence 8). In some cases, paths are used, first of all (D) _____ (“streams of reciprocal love flow” in sentence 27, “the heart blooms and fragrant” in sentence 34).

    List of terms

    1) rhetorical exclamations

    2) metaphor (s)

    3) series (s) of homogeneous members

    4) colloquial vocabulary

    5) synonyms

    6) appeal (s)

    7) comparison (s)

    8) interrogative sentences

    9) book vocabulary

    Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


    (1) This was several years ago. (2) Everyone, going to celebrate Christmas, prepared trees and gifts. (H) Shop windows and windows of houses shone with festive lights. (4) Garlands and huge colored balls were hung everywhere. (5) A crowd of townspeople, colorful, noisy and cheerful, filled the streets.

    (6) And I, a homeless wanderer, was lonely in a foreign country - no family, no friend, and it seemed to me that I was abandoned and forgotten by everyone. (7) There was only emptiness around and there was no love: a distant city, strangers, cold hearts. (8) Once, in longing and despondency, I suddenly remembered a stack of old letters, which I managed to save through all the trials of the dark days. (9) For the first time in the past year, I took it out of my suitcase, untied it ... (10) Then I opened the first of the letters - it was a letter from my mother, written twenty-seven years ago.

    (11) “My dear child, Nikolenka! (12) You complain to me about your loneliness, and if you only knew how sad and painful your words are to me. (13) With what joy I would come to you and convince you that you are not alone and cannot be alone! (14) But you, of course, know that I cannot leave my dad, because he suffers a lot and constantly needs my care. (15) And you need to prepare for exams in order to successfully graduate from the university. (16) Well, let me at least tell you why I never feel lonely.

    (17) You see, son, a man is lonely when he does not love anyone. (18) And if he loves, then it does not even occur to him to think about whether he is alone or not. (19) In love, a person forgets himself, he lives in others. (20) And this is happiness.

    (21) I can already hear your objection that happiness is not only to love, but also to be loved. (22) But whoever really loves does not count and does not beg: what will my love bring me? .. (23) Will reciprocity await me? (24) Or maybe I love more and love me less? (25) A person who measures and weighs does not love. (26) Let your love go free, let its rays shine and warm in all directions. (27) And you will soon feel that streams of reciprocal love are flowing to you from everywhere. (28) Why? (29) Because your immediate, unintentional kindness, your unselfish love, will invisibly evoke kindness and love in people in return. (30) And then you will perceive this return flow not as a long-suffering happiness, which had to be demanded and achieved, but as undeserved earthly bliss ”.

    Please comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important to understanding the problem in the original text (avoid overquoting). Explain the meaning of each example and indicate the semantic connection between them.

    The length of the essay is at least 150 words.

    A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated 0 points.

    Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

    (1) This was several years ago. (2) Everyone, going to celebrate Christmas, prepared trees and gifts. (H) Shop windows and windows of houses shone with festive lights. (4) Garlands and huge colored balls were hung everywhere. (5) A crowd of townspeople, colorful, noisy and cheerful, filled the streets.

    (6) And I, a homeless wanderer, was lonely in a foreign country - no family, no friend, and it seemed to me that I was abandoned and forgotten by everyone. (7) There was only emptiness around and there was no love: a distant city, strangers, cold hearts. (8) Once, in longing and despondency, I suddenly remembered a stack of old letters, which I managed to save through all the trials of the dark days. (9) For the first time in the past year, I took it out of my suitcase, untied it ... (10) Then I opened the first of the letters - it was a letter from my mother, written twenty-seven years ago.

    (11) “My dear child, Nikolenka! (12) You complain to me about your loneliness, and if you only knew how sad and painful your words are to me. (13) With what joy I would come to you and convince you that you are not alone and cannot be alone! (14) But you, of course, know that I cannot leave my dad, because he suffers a lot and constantly needs my care. (15) And you need to prepare for exams in order to successfully graduate from the university. (16) Well, let me at least tell you why I never feel lonely.

    (17) You see, son, a man is lonely when he does not love anyone. (18) And if he loves, then it does not even occur to him to think about whether he is alone or not. (19) In love, a person forgets himself, he lives in others. (20) And this is happiness.

    (21) I can already hear your objection that happiness is not only to love, but also to be loved. (22) But whoever really loves does not count and does not beg: what will my love bring me? .. (23) Will reciprocity await me? (24) Or maybe I love more and love me less? (25) A person who measures and weighs does not love. (26) Let your love go free, let its rays shine and warm in all directions. (27) And you will soon feel that streams of reciprocal love are flowing to you from everywhere. (28) Why? (29) Because your immediate, unintentional kindness, your unselfish love, will invisibly evoke kindness and love in people in return. (30) And then you will perceive this return flow not as a long-suffering happiness, which had to be demanded and achieved, but as undeserved earthly bliss ”.

    (31) I finished reading my mother's letter with tears in my eyes. (32) From the distance of the past years, I again heard her warm voice, which brought me love and consolation, as "undeserved earthly bliss."

    (33) And then I thought that our love is a thread with which we are attached to a loved one. (34) He who loves, his heart blooms and smells sweet, and he gives his love as a flower scent. (35) Such a person does not feel lonely.

    (According to I.A.Ilyin.) *

    Text source: MIOO: Diagnostic work 12.12.2012 option 1.

    Solutions for items with a detailed answer are not automatically checked.
    On the next page, you will be asked to test them yourself.

    Finish testing, check answers, see solutions.

    Scientists have known for a long time that various structures and objects buried underground emit a so-called "thermal signature". They are clearly visible from the air if special equipment is installed on the aircraft, but this method is very expensive.

    But with the advent of drones, everything has changed - with their help, archaeologists can look into the most remote corners of the world. And there are already many valuable discoveries on the drones' account.

    1. House of the Dead


    In July 2017, researchers discovered a 5,600-year-old "House of the Dead" in the Salisbury Plain in England. Located halfway between Avebury and Stonehenge, the site has been plowed. Aerial drone footage revealed a hidden structure under the plowed field: a long burial mound.

    Dating back to the Neolithic era, the ancient burial site may have contained the remains of the ancestors of the builders of Stonehenge. The House of the Dead was created during the introduction of agriculture and the construction of megalithic monuments in Britain.

    Researchers still do not know why so many ancient structures are concentrated in the Salisbury Plain. Some believe that the absence of a modern settlement in the area prevented their destruction. Others believe that the Avon and Kent river valleys were of particular importance to the ancient inhabitants of Britain.

    2. Ancient geoglyphs in the Amazon


    In early 2017, researchers discovered ancient earthen structures in the Amazon Valley (in the Brazilian state of Acri). Hidden underground and trees, the 2,000-year-old structures were only seen thanks to unmanned aerial vehicles. The interior walls and exterior design of the ditches are of virtually the same design as Stonehenge during its early stages of construction.

    Researchers suggest that these ancient earthen structures had a similar purpose to their European counterparts, serving for ritual purposes and serving as public gathering places. To date, 450 earthen structures have been discovered.

    The discovery casts doubt on the theory that the Western Amazon is a "pristine ecosystem." Researchers now believe that indigenous peoples practiced deforestation long before the arrival of Europeans and their destructive farming practices.

    3. The Lost City of Alexander


    Declassified photographs of satellites from the 1960s gave the world Kalataga Darband. But this city, lost for centuries, at the time of its discovery in 1996, remained inaccessible, since it was located in Iraqi Kurdistan controlled by Saddam Hussein.

    However, in 2017, improved security in the region allowed a team of Iraqi and British archaeologists to confirm the location of the lost city of Calataga Darband, founded in 331 BC. Alexander the Great.

    “Drones were critical to locating the ruins,” said project leader John McGinnis. "We got pictures of the entire place of the unique city thanks to the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle." The abundance of stone presses found indicates that the fortified settlement flourished thanks to the lucrative wine trade in the region.

    4. Blue Jay

    In June 2013, archaeologists used an unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with thermal cameras to study an ancient Native American settlement in New Mexico. For 1000 years, 60 of the ancestral homes of the Pueblo Indians in the Blue Jay Village were hidden under the sand and vegetation. The site was originally discovered in the 1970s and has only been partially explored.

    Subsequently a new group Scientists re-examined the Blue Jay and discovered previously unknown structures hidden underground based on the obtained heat maps, taken from the air by drones (stones retain heat in a different way, compared to soil).

    Inside the excavated walls, researchers discovered a dark circle that may be the remains of a kiva, a circular structure used for rituals and public gatherings. Monumental large houses and underground kivas are hallmarks of the Puebloan Chaco era.

    5. Hidden platform in Petra


    Located in southern Jordan, the city of Petra is the ancient capital of the Nabataeans. It was built in the middle of the second century BC and abandoned towards the end of the Byzantine era. Until 2016, archaeologists did not know that a building twice the size of an Olympic swimming pool was hidden in plain sight.

    The outline of this structure, carved out of sandstone, was noticed in a photograph taken from a drone 0.8 km from the ancient caravan city. The large platform measuring 56 meters by 49 meters includes a smaller platform that was once paved with tiles. On the east side were columns crowning a massive staircase.

    The inner platform housed a small structure of 8.5 square meters, to which a staircase led from the east. Such structures have never been encountered in Petra before, and its purpose remains a mystery. The surviving pottery from the middle of the 2nd century BC suggests that the building may date from the early construction period of Petra.

    6. Samnites of the Tappino Valley


    Archaeologists have long known about the ancient Italian Samnite people who once inhabited the Apennine Mountains in Italy. However, the highly rugged and rugged terrain made excavation and aerial photography nearly impossible, and much of their culture remained a mystery, at least until recently.

    In September 2016, researchers reported the footprints of the Samnite community in the Tappino Valley, discovered using unmanned aerial vehicles. According to Tesse Stack of Leiden University, "today scientists have a complete overview of the organization of this settlement, including its location, roads, storage facilities, hinterland, and more."

    Researchers were surprised to discover how organized the Samnite settlements were. Previously discovered during construction, Samnite "temples" continue to discourage archaeologists. Some theorize that these ancient sites were simply road stations and places where goods and information were exchanged.

    7. Moche cards


    Peruvian Vice Minister of Cultural Heritage Luis Jaime Castillo believes that the unmanned aircrafts represent a "turning point in archeology." Thanks to Castillo, a pioneering aerial excavation began in the country. Today, unmanned aerial vehicles are used to compare data on the Moche civilization, which existed from the 1st to the 8th century along the coast The Pacific from San Idelfonso to San Jose del Moro.

    2D images provided by unmanned aerial vehicles allow researchers to create high-precision 3D maps that clearly show the remains of walls, roads and settlements. The use of drones to collate data on Moche is critical, as there are now traces of ancient civilization are endangered.

    8. Secrets of shakers

    Archeology professor Jess Kasana of Dartmouth uses drones to uncover the secrets of the Shaker Village in Anfield, USA. The Shakers were an extreme Protestant sect with a celibate and communal lifestyle. Their name comes from the word "shake" ("shaking"), because it is the shaking and convulsions that accompanies the expression of ecstasy, which sometimes overtakes believers. Kasana first started experimenting with drones in 2012.

    However, in last years these machines became better, more reliable, cheaper and easier to use, after which they decided to use them to explore the former village of shakers. Thanks to this, it became possible to find out the location of the buildings of this settlement, which was unknown until then. In addition, the foundations of buildings, old historical paths and roads through the village and several underground water pipelines were discovered from the air. ”

    9. Castle of the Kings of the Sea Land


    In March 2017, a British-Iraqi team of archaeologists discovered the ancient city of Tell Khyber using unmanned aerial vehicles. Until recently, the Sea country or Primorye, which during bronze age(between 1730 and 1460 BC) conquered large areas in modern Iraq, were known only thanks to the scanty written records left by other rulers.

    Despite the domination of these mysterious rulers over the swampy coast of the Persian Gulf, researchers have never found archaeological evidence of their existence until now. Tell Khyber is almost invisible from the ground. Centuries-old sedimentary deposits made the settlement look like an "inconspicuous bulge" in brown mud.

    However, drone photos have revealed the outlines of ancient settlements, as well as a massive mysterious structure at their center. A defensive wall surrounded by closed watchtowers protected over 4,400 square meters of land.

    10. Idols of Idumea


    In November 2017, researchers discovered a mysterious structure in the Negev Desert in southern Israel using drones. Located on a former military test site, the structure is 2,200 years older than the Hellenistic period. During the excavations, walls, closed rooms and underground fonts were found.

    On many artifacts, images of bulls were found - the sacred symbol of the civilization of Idumea. If this was indeed an Edomite palace or temple, then this is an extremely rare and stunning find. Similar structures of this ancient country can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The Edomites are a Semitic people from southern Jordan who settled in the foothills of Shefela.

    When the Hasmoneans conquered the area in 112 BC, the Edomites were assimilated by the Jews. Curiously, there is evidence of a fire and deliberate dismantling of the structure. Experts suggest that this may have happened during the conquest of the region by the Hasmoneans.

    The story of one of the most important sources of energy in the history of mankind - coal. It was he who became the driving force behind the industrial revolution and radically changed life on the planet. Scientists have known for a long time exactly when coal appeared, but the question of why at a certain period it was formed in such an excess is still being discussed by the scientific community. The publication analyzes various hypotheses.

    How it all started

    Dead wood gave life to coal. It all began about 360 million years ago in a period not without reason called the Carboniferous. Dead trees under the pressure of marsh masses, experiencing a lack of oxygen and heating from the heat of the earth itself, gradually turned into carbon. Why did coal appear in such quantities at that time, after all, the forest appeared in the previous Devonian period?

    The first hypothesis proposed by scientists is that due to the lack of oxygen in the marsh masses, the activity of wood-destroying organisms slowed down. This seems to be true, but the problem is that the swamps existed in other periods. It is believed that it was in the Carboniferous period that the plants had such a composition that did not allow the microorganisms that existed then to decompose the wood. Scientists at Stanford University - Kevin Boyes and his colleagues - are trying to figure out this theory. Their report was recently released The National Academy sciences.

    Lignin or not lignin? That is the question

    What was so special about the structure of plants at the beginning of the formation of coal? Vessels appeared inside them, which allowed them to grow upward, maintaining access to liquid to all parts of the plant. This provoked a real race among plants to surpass everyone else in the consumption of light. It lasted throughout the Devonian and led to the formation of massive, tall forests.

    Some scientists see the reason for carbon formation in the appearance of lignin molecules in the composition of plants. Along with cellulose, he was responsible for the strength required for such tall plants. At the same time, lignin, in contrast to the same cellulose, was difficult to decompose. Therefore, as more and more dead wood accumulated in the swamps, lignin also accumulated and eventually became coal. However, Dr. Boyce and his colleagues are skeptical of this theory and suggest that another coincidence be drawn.

    The massive formation of coal coincided with the heyday of lyciform plants. They just, unlike their predecessors and followers, did not contain so much lignin. At the same time, according to scientists, it was they who produced much more coal. This clearly shows the absence of a relationship between the presence of lignin in the composition of the plant and the formation of carbon from it.

    If not lignin, then what?

    Continental shifts, replies Dr. Boyce and his Stanford colleagues. Shifts were common in the Carboniferous period and led to significant deformation of the continents, during which mountains and lowlands were formed. The latter, obviously, were often flooded, and as a result of soil subsidence at their bottom, the coal did not undergo erosion and has survived to this day.

    Previously, in the study of the origin of coal, attention was always paid precisely to questions of biology. Now scientists from Stanford are focusing on the geological aspect. And if their hypothesis is correct, it turns out, writes The Economist, that we owe the industrial revolution and everything that we now have to the continental shifts in the Carboniferous period.

    Anastasia ZYRYANOVA