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  • New Year planning preparatory group. Scheduling. Topic: "New Year's Miracle". Theme: Christmas tree decoration

    New Year planning preparatory group.  Scheduling.  Theme:

    Calendar-thematic planning of educational and educational work (preparatory group)

    Topic of the week: New Year.


    Tasks : To acquaint with the peculiarities of the New Year's holiday. Instill love and respect for folk traditions. Develop imagination. Learn to create collective buildings.

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction


    Topic: Folk holidays in Russia.

    Target: Continue to introduce Russian folk holidays.

    Instill love and respect for folk traditions.


    Topic: New Year's Adventure.

    Purpose: To fix:

    1. the ability to compare adjacent numbers;
    2. the ability to equalize sets.

    Learn to independently choose a way of proving that one set is larger than the other: by making pairs, positioning opposite each other, connecting with arrows or replacing real objects with symbols. PIiP (C) D

    Topic: Winter town.

    Purpose: To develop:

    Design skills;

    Ability to model on a plane;

    Build diagrams and make sketches of future objects;

    Creativity and ingenuity.

    Exercise in the quick solution of problem situations.

    d / and "Choose the right" - to consolidate knowledge about nature. Develop thinking, cognitive activity.

    d / and "Where are the snowflakes" - to consolidate knowledge about the various states of water. Develop memory, cognitive activity.

    d / and "Don't be mistaken" - exercise in the account within 10

    Games with building materials - organize the use of previously mastered skills by children in the construction of structures for various purposes.

    Sasha - to develop the ability to build a diagram and make a sketch of the future object

    A selection of illustrations on the topic

    Communication Tasks:Develop creative storytelling skills, the ability to adhere to the chosen line in creative storytelling.

    Continuous direct educational activities

    Joint activities of the educator with children

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction


    Theme: Winter's Tale. Target:Develop the ability to understand the meaning of figurative expressions of the riddle. Exercise in the selection of definitions for a given word, learn to form adjectives from the stems of nouns and possessive adjectives (meaning of belonging). Develop the ability to build coherent statements such as reasoning, use various means of connecting parts of a sentence.

    Conversation on the painting "Around the Christmas tree" - to train in drawing up proposals for demonstrating actions. To consolidate the skills of constructing a simple sentence according to the model: noun + verb + adverb.

    Examining books and illustrations about the New Year's holiday

    Ksyusha - to exercise in the correct use of polysemous words, to facilitate the assimilation of their meanings.

    Folder for parents "Learn with the children"

    Conversation "Letters for Santa Claus"


    Tasks: To learn to distinguish the genre features of the story, to tell verses with expression.

    Continuous direct educational activities

    Joint activities of the educator with children

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction


    Topic: S. Topelius. "Three rye ears" (Lithuanian fairy tale).

    Purpose: To teach:

    Distinguish the genre features of the story; comprehend the content
    read; coherently transmit the content of the read by means of the game.

    To form an evaluative attitude towards the heroes of the tale.


    "The Snow Queen",

    I. Surikov "Childhood";

    A. Block "Winter"

    Repeat verses for the matinee, develop memory, teach expressively telling poetry.

    Working in a book corner: viewing illustrations by topic

    Invite parents to pick up books on the topic

    Artistic creation

    Tasks: Develop imagination and creative imagination.

    Continuous direct educational activities

    Joint activities of the educator with children

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction

    Drawing Theme: The Snow Queen (cover creation).

    Target: Consolidate knowledge of the role and characteristics of the book cover.

    Improve the desire to create images of fairy-tale characters in the drawing, using a certain color scheme. To achieve the correspondence of the plot of the drawing to a certain moment of the literary work.

    Drawing Theme: New Year's card (drawing by design).

    Target: Continue to teach yourself to think over the content of the greeting card, to carry out the plan, using the acquired skills and abilities. Develop a sense of color and creativity.


    Topic: Decoration for the Christmas tree.

    Target: Continue teaching children how to use different materials when performing the application; train children in cutting out silhouettes along the contour.

    Crafts from salt dough for jewelry - the development of fine motor skills and a sense of color.

    Free visual activity - invite children to complete a drawing on the theme “Winter. New Year ”, to reflect the brightest memories and impressions in it. Learn to use various techniques and materials to implement the idea.

    Coloring illustrations from coloring pages.

    Kolya - to improve the techniques of modeling.

    Selection of coloring pages


    Tasks: Develop independence in organizing games. Develop communicative and regulatory functions of speech.

    Continuous direct educational activities

    Joint activities of the educator with children

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction

    s / r game "Family" plot "Guests have come to us" - to form a culture of behavior in children, teach them to act in various communication situations, act as guests and hosts. Learn to use knowledge of the rules of behavior at the table, away from home in the game.

    Games with snow: building a city - teaching children to create various buildings out of snow according to verbal instructions, to develop communicative and regulatory functions of speech.

    Independent play activity: board games - teach children to negotiate interaction, discuss play actions. Develop independence in organizing games.


    Tasks: Stimulate the development of children's musical abilities.

    Continuous direct educational activities

    Joint activities of the educator with children

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction

    See plans of muses. the head

    Singing game "Seek" - to stimulate the development of children's musical abilities: modal feeling, musical and auditory performances and a sense of rhythm. Teach children to perform game actions (players standing in the outer circle run out to the center of the circle. Move in hops in a circle).

    Create conditions for musical and game creativity

    Vadim-m / d / and "what do I play" - to develop timbre ear

    Physical education

    Tasks: Form the need for daily physical activity. Develop courage, endurance.

    Continuous direct educational activities

    Joint activities of the educator with children

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction

    See plans nat. the head

    “Freeze! "- attention.

    "Snow - blizzard - blizzard" - be able to perform movements in accordance with the command.

    Relay games at the choice of children - teach children to follow the rules of relay games: start moving after the partner passes the relay. Observe the sequence of players' participation in the game. Develop courage, endurance.

    Milava-train in jumps on 1 leg with forward movement.


    Tasks: Form the ability to use a pattern.Teach children to create volumetric toys using origami technique.

    Continuous direct educational activities

    Joint activities of the educator with children

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction

    Paper masks - develop fine motor skills; develop the ability to see environmental objects in the craft.

    Origami "Christmas tree" - to teach children to bend a square sheet of paper using a sample drawing.

    Introduction of schemes for the manufacture of masks, volumetric toys using the origami technique.

    Sasha S.origami "Flashlight" - to learn how to make a craft based on a cylinder.


    Tasks: To update and clarify children's ideas about the concept of "health".

    Continuous direct educational activities

    Joint activities of the educator with children

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction

    Conversation "Our Health" - to update and clarify children's ideas about the concept of "health"; to form a conscious attitude to health, the desire to take care of it. Consider typical situations that can be hazardous to health, discuss how you can avoid them.

    Work in the corner of physical education: independent activity - to form health-preserving competencies in children: expand motor experience, form the ability to use it in the organization of active rest and leisure.

    Sliding folders "All about winter", "Winter walk with a baby."


    Tasks: Educate children about dangerous activities.

    Continuous direct educational activities

    Joint activities of the educator with children

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction

    Conversation: "In order not to spoil the holiday" - to educate children about dangerous entertainment, the inadmissibility of using sparklers, firecrackers, and firecrackers on their own. Explain the dangers of using open flames and electrical appliances. Formulate and display the rules of safe behavior using symbols.

    Examining books and illustrations about the New Year's holiday

    Elena Sidorova
    Calendar-thematic planning "New Year" (preparatory group)


    Morning exercises.

    Conversations with all children: New year - turn by spring.

    CGN formation exercise "Find your towel"

    Walk: Tree watching

    Outdoor games "Beware, I will freeze" (21, page 134) "Who Will Give Up Next"


    Barto A. "It was in January"

    Didactic game "Winter Words"

    "Fold the pattern" (modeled on the Christmas tree made of counting sticks)

    Role-playing game "Hare family"

    Cognition "Where did the tree come from?"

    Software content: Formation among preschoolers of ideas about the appropriate interaction of the forest and humans. Expand and clarify children's ideas about the spruce coniferous tree, its meaning for humans; to fix the rules of behavior on the roads; To foster an ecological culture in preschool children

    Receptions: Creating motivation - conversation, problem situation, riddle, lead dialogue, surprise moment, slide show.

    Search and research, Solving problem situations - didactic puzzle games; "Which tree does the cone belong to?" Conversation, guessing riddles "Guess the type of transport", "What does the color of a traffic light mean?", "What does this sign mean?" leading dialogue, game situation in transport, dynamic pause, psycho-gymnastics. Independent activity of children - didactic game "What is made from spruce?",

    Painting "Children are walking on the street"

    Software content: Teach children to portray a simple plot. Strengthen the ability to draw a human figure, convey the shape, proportions and location of its parts, simple movements of the arms and legs. Exercise in drawing with a simple pencil, felt-tip pens, paints. Develop creative activity, independence. instill a love for a healthy lifestyle and sports.

    Material: reproduction of painting by V. Surikov "Taking the Snow Town", illustrations depicting winter sports; A4 paper; simple pencil, oil pastels, watercolor paints.

    Roiema:: view a reproduction of a painting, illustrations depicting the Winter Games, listen to an excerpt from a poem by A.S. Pushkin "Winter morning"... Conversation "Winter fun

    Physical education "We will build a snow house"

    a story about two palms that help children draw! Demonstration of drawing techniques, independent drawing by children

    admiring the finished work.


    Morning exercises.

    Conversations with all children: A good snowball will save the harvest.

    Breathing exercise "Let's blow on a snowflake"

    Conversation "How to behave on the hill"

    CGN formation exercise "Do not be afraid to wash your water cleaner"

    Work on fostering a culture of behavior

    Walk: Watching the weather

    Outdoor games "Snowflakes and Wind" (21 page 134) "We are funny guys"


    Reading fiction

    Round dance "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

    Didactic game Didactic game "Guess what's in the picture"

    Role-playing game "Animals in the forest" FEMP

    Software content: continue to learn to measure the volume of bulk solids using a conditional measure. Continue to introduce the clock, teach how to set the time on the clock layout. Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage. Consolidate ideas about the polygon; introduce him to private cases: pentagon and hexagon.

    Receptions: play exercise "Cooking flour for baking cookies", game exercise "Determine the baking time", game exercise "Determine the shape of the cookie", work in notebooks in a cage.


    Morning exercises.

    Conversations with all children: In December, winter lays canvases, and frost builds bridges.

    Experiment with water "What will happen to the water if you put it out in the cold?"- Learn that water freezes from frost and melts from heat

    Formation of CGN Game "Name the items of personal hygiene"

    Work on fostering a culture of behavior


    Watching snowflakes

    Labor collecting toys

    Outdoor games "Run and not hit" "Freeze"


    "Christmas tree", "About Christmas trees";

    Didactic game "Yes and no".

    Building game "Building bridges" Cognition

    Who is the fir-tree friends with? Ecological fairy tale game

    Knowledge level: to clarify and expand knowledge of winter subjects, winter months; that spruce is a coniferous, evergreen plant. Features, habitat of squirrels, wood mice, hares, woodpeckers, crossbills. learn to distinguish spruce from other trees and recognize it;

    think logically, analyze, draw conclusions. find a relationship in nature; anwser the questions.

    through emotional perception to educate love and respect for the surrounding world, nature; the ability to listen to peers.

    tricks: Organizing time (psychological attitude) game situation travel

    rules of conduct in the forest - Game "Not really"

    Listening to a poem. conversation, hero -Ekokolobok fairy tale Game "Guess the fir" riddle, the teacher's story about the spruce

    Conclusion - generalization


    Morning exercises.

    Conversations with all children:

    How and where are Christmas tree decorations made

    Formation of the CTG conversation "Why teeth can get sick"

    Work on fostering a culture of behavior

    Walk: Watching the weather

    Labor clearing tracks

    Outdoor games "Beware, I will freeze" (21, page 134) "Two frosts"


    Fairy tale show "What kind of winter is there?" (table theater)

    Didactic game "All year round"

    Role-playing game "How to meet guests"

    acquaintance with fiction Reading a poem by I. Surikov "Winter"

    Software content: to help children feel the lyrical nature of a poetic work.

    stimulate the cognitive activity of children and an adequate understanding of the meaning of a literary text;

    clarify and expand children's ideas about winter and winter phenomena;

    enrich the children's vocabulary, exercise in the selection of epithets, comparisons;

    develop auditory perception, creative imagination, hand-eye coordination, memory;

    to form the ability to act according to the model and instructions of the teacher.

    tricks: Organizational moment and introduction to the topic of the lesson

    Didactic task "Find a picture"

    Examining illustrations, conversation

    Reading a poem by a teacher "Winter"

    Software content: Introduce the rules for measuring liquid substances using a conditional measure. To consolidate the understanding of the relationship between the numbers of the integral series, the ability to increase, decrease the number by 1 within 10. To develop "Sense of time", learn to distinguish the duration of time intervals within 5 minutes. Develop the ability to model geometric shapes.

    Techniques: game exercise build numbers in a row ", game exercise "Let's help the cat Matroskin", game exercise "Modeling figures"


    Morning exercises.

    Conversations with all children:

    Telling children about their favorite winter fun

    CGN formation exercise "Do not be afraid to wash your water cleaner"

    Work on fostering a culture of behavior

    Walk: Watching the weather

    Labor clearing tracks

    Outdoor games "Jack Frost"


    Reading fiction Suteev V. "Christmas tree", "About Christmas trees";

    Round dance "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

    Didactic game "Collect the picture"

    Building game "Palace of the Snow Queen"

    speech development "A descriptive story based on a painting "Winter evening"

    program content: the development of a coherent, grammatically correct dialogical monologue speech.

    Teach children to compose descriptive stories based on the picture, consolidate the ability to coherently, consistently tell about the picture; to clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic "Winter"... To develop a monologue and dialogical form of speech, to improve the skills of viewing a picture. To cultivate goodwill, endurance, the ability to listen to a friend.

    Receptions: (motivation) Music from the album of P.I.Tchaikovsky sounds "Seasons" on the topic "Winter".

    poem by E. Bulgakova (see Appendix 1)


    Suggests to consider a reproduction of P. Ozhgibesov's painting "Winter evening"

    conversation Fizkultminutka "White winter" (see Appendix 2)

    with musical accompaniment "I'm not afraid of winter at all" (music by I. Kadomtsev, lyrics by N. Bakai)

    Practical stage:


    Didactic Game "Compose a proposal".

    The final stage:

    (pedagogical assessment, analytical conversation, peer assessment)

    Painting "Winter evening"

    program content: Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with the materials necessary for the image of snowflakes, trees in non-traditional ways of drawing.

    Develop the creative abilities of children (use the received ideas, visual and technical skills for independent selection of the content of the picture within the proposed topic).

    Evoke an emotional response to the works of artists and poets.

    To foster an aesthetic attitude towards winter nature and its image.

    To form the ability to compose a collective story based on pictures.

    Activity progress game "Choose a snowflake" problem situation, game situation

    The game "Magic transformation"

    Poem by E. Trutneva "First snow":

    (Show sample, explain all drawing methods)

    finger gymnastics. N.V. Nishcheva "Snowball".

    Children's work. Individual assistance.

    Admiring finished works.


    Morning exercises.

    Conversations with all children:

    Consideration of plot paintings: "On the river in winter" "Ice"

    CGN formation game for attention "Whose towel is missing"

    Work on fostering a culture of behavior

    Walk: Observing the sun

    Labor to give the children brooms, sweep the veranda

    Outdoor games "Two frosts" "Smooth circle"


    Reading fiction "How the Christmas tree was decorated" L. Voronkova

    Didactic game "Say it kindly"

    Role-playing game "A family"

    Cognition « New Year walks the planet»

    Software content: To form ideas of children about the celebration of the New Year. Create an atmosphere of festive mood.

    To deepen the knowledge of children about celebrating the New Year in our country. To acquaint with the customs and traditions of different peoples to celebrate the New Year holidays.

    Develop the dialogical speech of children.

    To foster cognitive interest and curiosity in holding a national holiday - New Year.

    tricks: riddle, conversation “How the holiday is celebrated presentation “How do they celebrate New year in other countries ".

    - poem:

    "Now that twelve strikes",the game "WITH New Year Reading "The Legend of the Christmas Tree" Finger game "Present" Reading a story by N. Petrova "Bird's Tree"


    Morning exercises.

    Conversations with all children:

    Conversation about the rules of conduct near the Christmas tree "The lights on the Christmas tree are on, don't touch them, but look"

    Examining Christmas tree decorations

    CGN formation exercise "Soap Gloves"

    Work on fostering a culture of behavior

    Walk: Tree watching

    Work with shovels to shovel snow into piles so that it thickens and you can build buildings from it

    Outdoor games "Snowflakes and Wind" (21 page 134) "We are funny guys"


    Reading fiction "Live the Christmas tree" I. Tokmakova

    Didactic game "Pick a sign"

    The game "Fold the pattern" (garland of geometric shapes)

    Role-playing game "Walk around the New Year's city"

    Software content: to improve the ability to decompose a number into two smaller ones and to make a larger number from two smaller ones within 10. To consolidate ideas about the sequence of time and months of the year. To develop the ability to construct geometric shapes by verbal description and enumeration of characteristic properties. Exercise in the ability to combine parts into a whole set, compare a whole and a part of a set.

    Receptions: play exercise "We get together", game exercise Show the numbers, game exercise "Putting together a year", game exercise "Making geometric shapes"


    Morning exercises.

    Conversations with all children:

    “How are people in new congratulate each other for a year "

    CGN formation exercise "What first, what then" (washing)

    Work on fostering a culture of behavior


    Watching the wind

    Labor to give the children brooms, sweep the veranda

    Outdoor games "Two frosts" "Hit the target"


    Reading fiction Klokov M. "Father Frost";

    Round dance "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

    Didactic game "Arrange the trees by height"

    Role-playing game "Shop" (buying gifts, decorations for the Christmas tree)

    cognition "The story of a New Year's toy"

    program content: Clarify ideas about the history of the emergence of a New Year's toy; To systematize the knowledge of children about the variable materials necessary for the manufacture of New Year's toys;

    Stimulate creative activity in conditions of free experimentation with artistic material and tools;

    To actualize the need to observe holiday traditions in kindergarten and family.

    Receptions: a surprise moment - a letter under the Christmas tree, a problematic situation - the animals in the forest want to dress up Christmas trees, but they have no toys, exercise "Name a winter fairy tale", the exercise "Describe the toy by performance", story presentation "The story of a New Year's toy", Independent work of children (making a Christmas toy).


    Morning exercises.

    Conversations with all children:

    "If there were no winter"

    CGN formation exercise "Do not be afraid to wash your water cleaner"

    Work on fostering a culture of behavior

    Walk: Watching the snow

    Labor clearing the site

    Outdoor games "Run and not hit" "Two frosts"


    Reading fiction Druzhinin "New Year gifts";

    Didactic game "Find a pair of mittens"

    Software content: to consolidate the ability to decompose a number into 2 smaller numbers and make up of two smaller numbers a larger number within 10.

    Develop the ability to name the previous, next and missing number to the named one. Reinforce ideas about the sequence of days of the week. Improve the ability to navigate a sheet of paper in a cage. Develop the ability to modify geometric shapes.

    Receptions: play exercise "Ball game" play exercise "Drawing points" outdoor game "Find a Pair", game exercise "Change the shape", outdoor game "Live week"

    Speech development Creative storytelling "We compose a fairy tale about Santa Claus"

    Software content: activate children's imagination, preparation to literary and verbal creativity; the use of syntactic constructions, the use of agreed nouns and verbs.

    Receptions: riddle about winter, artistic word « New Year» , riddle about Santa Claus, game motivation - to come up with a fairy tale?


    Morning exercises.

    Conversations with all children:

    Conversation "Why do people give gifts to each other?"

    CGN formation game "What first, what then" (dressing)

    Work on fostering a culture of behavior

    Walk: Watching the weather

    Labor collecting toys

    Outdoor games "Beware, I will freeze" (21, page 134) "Snowflakes and Wind"


    Reading fiction Ushinsky K. D. "The pranks of the old woman of winter".

    Didactic game "Collect a snowman"

    Role-playing game "A family"

    Acquaintance with fiction Reading a fairy tale "Snow Maiden"

    program content: teach to perceive fiction and expand vocabulary through familiarity with fabulous words and expressions. to acquaint with the creativity of the Russian people, to teach to characterize the characters of a fairy tale by their actions, to expand the idea of ​​old Russian customs, to foster love for loved ones, to consolidate the ability to draw a human figure correctly, to evaluate their work, to choose paints for drawing on their own, to foster the desire to bring the work started to the end ...

    Materials and equipment: exhibition of collections of Russian folk tales, illustrations for the fairy tale "Snow Maiden", laptop, projector, CD with an aria from the opera "Snow Maiden", albums, brushes, paints, napkins.


    The organizational moment is a mystery.

    Screening of paintings by V. Vasnetsov "Snow Maiden" (1899)

    The teacher accompanies the reading of the fairy tale by showing illustrations by M. Malkus “Snow lesson Fizminutka.

    An excerpt of the Snow Maiden's aria from the opera by Rimsky-Korsakov is played.

    Painting "Snow Maiden" Guessing the riddle Surprise moment: letter

    Examining the portrait of the Snow Maiden Mixing paint Drawing the Snow Maiden

    Physical education "We sculpt from the snow" Reflection

    Yulia Pozdnyakova
    Planning the regime on the topic "New Year" in the preparatory group

    December - 4 weeks

    Theme: "New Year"

    Monday -


    Situational conversation about the main symbol of the new of the year:

    Deepen the understanding of the traditions of celebrating the new year; continue to develop speech as a means of communication.

    Examination of photo illustrations and pictures about the New Year's holiday.

    Making a riddle:

    Name - ka guys

    A month in this riddle:

    His days are shorter than all the days,

    All nights are longer than night.

    To fields and meadows

    Snow fell until spring

    Only our month will pass

    We are meeting New Year


    Work in the corner of nature: "Island of Kindness".- caring for indoor plants - invite children to inspect indoor plants, determine what actions to take care of them are necessary, tell what knowledge about the life of plants and the rules of caring for them was useful to the children. Discuss utterance: to do really good deeds, you need not only kindness, but also knowledge, skills, experience.

    Board print game "When does this happen?"

    To update the knowledge of children about the parts of the day; to learn to correlate the images in the pictures with a certain time of day, to give an answer using the constructions of the assumption, to argue your opinion.

    D / FEMP game: "How many colored balls on the Christmas tree" - to teach to correlate number with quantity, to improve knowledge about the composition of the number, to develop logic.

    Move. the game: "Ice figure" - to acquaint with a new game and the rules of the game, arouse interest, the development of physical activity.


    Observation - ice on puddles:

    To form in children the ability to establish a connection between air temperature and the state of water. Update their knowledge of the properties of ice (transparent, fragile).

    Sports exercise: sliding on icy tracks.

    Ice decoration tracks:

    Offer the children of ice what knowledge about the properties of water was useful to them. Develop aesthetic taste, cognitive interest.

    Outdoor games: "Third wheel", "Two Frosts"- to teach to independently organize familiar games.

    Work: cleaning the area from twigs and sticks - revive the love of work, help the janitor to keep the area in order

    Individual. work on ATS with children Stepa Z., Eley G., Seryozha O., Masha L., Yaroslav B. - exercise in jumping on one leg with moving forward.

    2 HALF DAY:

    Reading the poem by O. Chusovitina "When New Year? "- Conversation by content.

    Examination of New Year's cards.

    Manual labor: "New Year's card" - making postcards from colored paper, continue to learn how to use templates, cut around the office, be creative and add your own elements.

    Work in notebooks: stroke, shading - preparing your hand for writing.

    Individual work with children: Dasha K., Yegor E., Masha T., Ilya B. - learning a scene for a New Year's party.

    Games with counting sticks "The Biggest Christmas Tree", "Palace for D. Moroz" - the development of creative imagination.

    Conversation with parents - to involve parents in the participation of the competition "Father Frost's Mitten"


    Conversation: "Who is the most important at the New Year's holiday? Why do you think so? Without which there can be no New Year's holiday?"

    Examination of illustrations of the residence of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug.

    Labor - dusting the play area.

    D / game: "What do you need to celebrate the New Year? - to close the knowledge of children about the holiday, to activate the dictionary.

    Nast. /games: "Collect the picture", "Mosaic", "Walkers".

    Individual work on the development of speech "Describe Santa Claus" with Matvey S., Yana Yu., Sveta M., Denis M. - activation and enrichment of the vocabulary with adjectives.

    Round dance game: "Like a thin ice"


    Observing the length of the day - to generalize the ideas of typical winter phenomena in inanimate nature, to revive interest in winter phenomena in nature.

    Reading the poem by I. Surikov "Winter"

    Labor is to collect small stones.

    Laying out "Christmas tree-beauty" from pebbles - to continue teaching to embody your imagination and to convey it in compositions.

    P / games: "Zhmurki", "Frost-red nose" -development of quickness and dexterity.

    Individual work on ATS with Dasha K., Polina G., Yegor E., Vladik K. - exercise in throwing "bumps" at the target, correctly take the starting position.

    Independent play activity of children with portable toys.

    2nd HALF DAY:

    Reading the poem by E. Mikhailova "What is New Year?"

    Learning poems with children for the New Year's party.

    Developing situation: "Writing a letter to Santa Claus" - to introduce you to the rules for writing a letter and discuss what kind of gift you can get from D. Moroz.

    Manual labor - making an envelope for a letter to D. Moroz.

    Board games at the request of children.

    Nast. theater - "Think of your New Year's fairy tale" - to teach yourself to choose the right characters for your fairy tale, to convey their image with the help of voice and actions.

    Individual work in mathematics notebooks with Bogdan P., Eley G., Nazar K. - complete the missed assignments (the reason for the absence is due to illness)


    Examination of illustrations depicting Santa Claus from different countries.

    Conversation on questions: "What is Santa Claus called Santa Claus, Papa Noel? How did you guess? How are they similar? How are they different?"

    Labor is to feed the aquarium fish (individual assignment, pour water into the watering cans so that the water settles and is at room temperature.

    Ind. work with Polina G., Arina K., Styopa Z., Ilya B. - to teach how to cut snowflakes out of paper.

    D / game: "Guess by description" - vocabulary development.

    Educational games: "Nikitin's cubes", "Letters on a string"

    P / game: "Hunters and hares" - a time of physical activity.


    Observation: clothing for adults and children.

    To systematize the knowledge of children about winter clothes, invite the children to tell why it is important to dress for the weather, how clothes protect from the cold.

    Recreational walking on the territory of the kindergarten.

    Exercise children in continuous brisk walking for 1.5-2 minutes, develop motor skills, contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

    Labor assignments: helping kids.

    Offer children to help the youngest children group clean the area of ​​unnecessary debris, sweep the veranda.

    Under. /games: "Santa Claus and Children", "Ice Figures" - invite children to repeat the rules of the game, teach them how to organize themselves and not break the rules.

    Ind. work on ATS with Masha L., Yaroslav B., Eley G., Sveta M. - exercise in balance (walking on a log)

    Independent play activity of children with portable toys.

    2- I HALF DAY:

    Reading the story of A. V. Smirnov "Why does the tree need needles?"

    Board print game "What time is it now?"- to organize the application in the game of children's knowledge about the parts of the day, phenomena that occur in nature and in human activities at different times of the day.

    Role-playing game "A family": plot “Guests have come to us for New Year» - to form a culture of behavior in children, teach them to act in various communication situations, act as guests and hosts (include Styopa Z., Vladik K., Polina G. in the game) Individual work on teaching literacy with Artyom P., Albina K., Sofia T., Diana V. - exercise "Telegraph" - to improve the skills of syllabic analysis of words, to teach "Transfer" word by syllable.

    Building games material: "Palace for Santa Claus"-to teach children to create models of a building, to use the previously mastered skills of working with building materials. Develop creative imagination, the ability to unite in the game.

    Manual labor - making jewelry for group(paper garlands).


    Conversation: "How do they prepare for the New Year in kindergarten and family?"

    Game situation: "How to dress a doll Masha for a holiday?"

    Coloring pictures by topic of the week"New Year"at the choice of children - to improve the skill of coloring without leaving gaps, once the motor skills of the hand.

    Labor - to sharpen pencils, to put things in order in the corner of art.

    Duty in a corner of nature: work with the weather calendar.

    Didactic game "Who will pick up more?"

    To actualize in the speech of children and clarify the meaning of concepts "word", "sound", "letter"... Learn to select words for a given letter, sound. Form a sound culture of speech.

    Board games of the choice of children.

    An imitation game "New Year's toys" - to teach how to convey an image and show imagination.


    Observing the spruce on the territory of the d / garden - why is the spruce in winter and summer the same color? What is it similar in shape? What is the smell of the needles? New Year(remember and sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" with the children)

    The work of decorating the trees with garlands made by children is the work of little designers.

    P / games: "Hunters and Hares", "Frost-Red Nose"

    Drawing with twigs in the snow on the theme of "New Year's chores"

    Individual work on ATS with Dasha K., Yana Yu., Artyom K., Denis M. - to exercise in the race for the race, "Who will run faster to the tree."

    2nd HALF DAY:

    Reading the fairy tale by G. H. Andersen "The Snow Queen" - a conversation on the content of the tale.

    Telling the learned verses for the New Year's matinee - to teach expressiveness.

    Role-playing game "Atelier", " New Year in the family" plot "Festive costumes for the New Year"- to improve the ability of children to complicate the game by expanding the composition of roles, to establish relationships in joint play.

    Individual work on FEMP with Seryozha O., Vladik K., Bogdan P., Diana V. - to exercise children in increasing and decreasing the number by one (within 10, to consolidate the ability to read and write down the simplest numerical expressions using the sign «+» .

    Manual labor - making crafts using origami technique "Santa Claus"

    Decoration group for the New Year's holiday "Little Designers" - to teach to decorate the interior group, listen to the choice of children, use the designer's rule - "a lot is not good"

    Psycho-gymnastics "Guess what my mood is?" - the development of the emotional sphere.

    Independent play activity of children.

    Working with parents: "Invitation to New Year's party"


    Conversation: "Gifts for family and friends for New Year... How to give gifts. "

    Children composing stories on theme: "New Year's miracles. A fairy tale."

    Labor - to put things in order group room(dust off the shelves, put toys in their places)

    Puzzle game "Magic Snowflake" - to teach to lay out an image from geometric details.

    Repetition of poems and scenes for the New Year's party.

    Didactic game: "Listen and tell" - development of attention and memory.

    US. / printed games of the choice of children.

    Finger gymnastics "New Year's toys" - to learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.


    Experiment: identifying the mechanism of frost formation.

    Lead children to understand the mechanism of education frost: take out the thermos with hot water outside, hold the plate over the steam, then let it cool down. Frost forms on the plate, and hair and collars are also covered with frost on a frosty day. Invite the children to talk about the experiment and its results.

    Labor assignments: feeding the birds - invite those who wish to take responsibility for cleaning and filling the feeder, teach how to select food, taking into account which birds fly to the site. Encourage commitment to caring for birds.

    Acquaintance with signs:

    If in December the snow rolls close to the fences, the summer will be bad; if there remains a harvest gap; dry December_ means to be dry in spring and summer.

    Under. /games: "Snow Woman", "Two Frosts" - invite the children to tell the rules of the game, explain how the players need to act in different game situations, choose the drivers with the help of counting rhymes.

    Movement improvisation "Dance of the Snowflakes"

    Winter fun "Run and not get stuck".

    2nd HALF DAY:


    (reading poems by children about the New Year, games: "Santa Claus's mitten", "And there are balls on the tree", "Snow, ice, commotion - hello winter - winter"; dances - "Oriental beauties", "Savages", "Snowflakes"; New Year's round dances and songs. presenting gifts).

    The most joyful, merry holiday not only in Russia, but also in other countries - of course, the New Year! Older preschoolers are always anxiously awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus, write letters to him and make gifts to family and friends. With great interest, the children will listen to stories about how children from different countries celebrate the New Year, and if the story is accompanied by photographs and New Year's games, future first-graders will enjoy and remember this information for a long time. Interesting facts about how the New Year is celebrated in different countries, how foreign Santa Clauses are called, can be found in the appendix to the plan "Thematic week" New Year in different countries ".

    Social and communicative development

    In the field of social and communicative development, work continues on the formation of the desire to go to school, the development of social communication skills. The teacher introduces children to the history of television and invites everyone to try themselves in the role of a correspondent, to compose a report about the New Year.

    Cognitive development

    Solving the tasks of cognitive development, the educator prepares a number of presentations and conversations about the traditions of different countries when celebrating the New Year, continues the cycle of observing conifers and working with the New Year's calendar.

    Speech development

    Preschoolers organize contests for reading poems, compete in composing New Year's stories, and learn how Santa Clauses are called in other countries, which contributes to the speech development of children.

    Artistic and aesthetic development

    Together with the teacher, the children decorate the rake - according to the Japanese tradition, they need to rake in happiness in the new year, they work in the New Year's workshop, which contributes to the artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers, as well as the production of cards for the game "Magic Snowflake", the ecological poster "Take care of the Christmas tree" ...

    Physical development

    In the field of physical development, New Year's attractions are planned, games with simulators for the development of eye muscles and the respiratory system, reviewing albums.

    Check out a snippet of the thematic week


    OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
    1 p.d.Morning greeting. Goal: Create a positive attitude for the whole day.A joint letter for children of other countries with the best wishes. Purpose: to foster friendly feelings between children of different countries, to activate the vocabulary.Consideration of the plot picture "How children decorated the Christmas tree." Purpose: to teach you to carefully consider the picture, to compose stories on behalf of the characters.Physics "Winter". Purpose: to promote the development of coordination of speech and movement.
    Game "Collect a portfolio". Purpose: to expand knowledge about school supplies, to contribute to the formation of social school readiness.Conversation "How Our Family Celebrates the New Year". Purpose: to expand knowledge about the tradition of celebrating the new year, to introduce them to the festive culture.Learning the poem "Santa Claus" A. Barto. Purpose: to develop a sense of humor through literature.Independent games in the theater corner. Purpose: to teach to unfold the plot of the New Year's performance.P. and. Fox and Chickens. Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to jump off objects, landing on bent knees on toes. P. and. "Pass silently." Purpose: to continue teaching children to pass through the gate or crawl silently, not to stand still.
    2 p.p.Game "Magic pillow". Purpose: to promote the development of communication between children.Cognitive research activity "How not to burn yourself." Purpose: to show the dependence of the heating rate on the material from which the object is made.Homemade preparations "Where does Santa Claus live". Purpose: create a festive mood, activate monologue speech.Game "Artists - restorers". Purpose: to consolidate the names of painting genres.Game "Ice, Wind and Frost". Purpose: to please children.


    OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
    1 p.d.S.r. game "The family is preparing for the New Year." Purpose: to develop independence in the organization of games, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards each other.Consideration of encyclopedias about space, stars. Purpose: to develop attention and thinking, the ability to find the necessary information.Coming up with a fairy tale based on key words (Santa Claus, deer, etc.). Purpose: to consolidate the ability to compose stories, to activate vocabulary and thinking.Making a poster "Take care of the Christmas tree". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distribute responsibilities in teamwork.Independent games in the sports corner. Purpose: to create conditions for physical development.
    Socially useful work. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to perform efficiently and accurately their work, to evaluate the result of their work.The teacher's story about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries. Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about traditions, to arouse interest in the holiday.Finger gymnastics "Snowflakes". Purpose: to develop motor skills and speech.Making cards for the game "Magic Snowflake". Purpose: to attract children to the manufacture of play equipment, to consolidate the ability to make symmetrical applications from geometric shapes.P. and. "Two Frosts". Purpose: to consolidate the rules of the game, the technique of catching players. Throwing snowballs into the distance. Purpose: to develop accuracy and accuracy.

    Calendar-thematic planning of educational and educational work (preparatory group)

    Topic of the week: New Year.


    Tasks: To acquaint with the peculiarities of the New Year's holiday. Instill love and respect for folk traditions. Develop imagination. Learn to create collective buildings.

    Continuous direct educational activities

    Joint activities of the educator with children

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction


    Theme:Folk holidaysin Russia.

    Target: Continue to introduce Russian folk holidays.

    Instill love and respect for folk traditions.


    Topic: New Year's Adventure.

    Target: Fix:

    • the ability to compare adjacent numbers;

    • the ability to equalize sets.
    Learn to independently choose a way of proving that one set is larger than the other: by making pairs, positioning opposite each other, connecting with arrows or replacing real objects with symbols. PIiP (C) D

    Topic: Winter town.

    Target: Develop:

    Design skills;

    Build diagrams and make sketches of future objects;

    Creativity and ingenuity.

    Exercise in the quick solution of problem situations.

    d / and "Choose the right" - to consolidate knowledge about nature. Develop thinking, cognitive activity.

    d / and "Where are the snowflakes" - to consolidate knowledge about the various states of water. Develop memory, cognitive activity.

    d / and "Don't be mistaken" - exercise in the account within 10

    Games with building materials - organize the use of previously mastered skills by children in the construction of structures for various purposes.

    Sasha - to develop the ability to build a diagram and make a sketch of the future object

    A selection of illustrations on the topic

    Communication Tasks: Develop creative storytelling skills, the ability to adhere to the chosen line in creative storytelling.

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction


    Theme: Winter's Tale. Target: Develop the ability to understand the meaning of figurative expressions of the riddle. Exercise in the selection of definitions for a given word, learn to form adjectives from the stems of nouns and possessive adjectives (meaning of belonging). Develop the ability to build coherent statements such as reasoning, use various means of connecting parts of a sentence.

    Conversation on the painting "Around the Christmas tree" - to train in drawing up proposals for demonstrating actions. To consolidate the skills of constructing a simple sentence according to the model: noun + verb + adverb.

    Examining books and illustrations about the New Year's holiday

    Ksyusha - to exercise in the correct use of polysemous words, to facilitate the assimilation of their meanings.

    Folder for parents "Learn with the children"

    Conversation "Letters for Santa Claus"


    Tasks: To learn to distinguish the genre features of the story, to tell verses with expression.

    Continuous direct educational activities

    Joint activities of the educator with children

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction


    Theme: S. Topelius. "Three rye kogloss "(Lithuanian fairy tale).

    Target: Learn:

    - to distinguish the genre features of the story; comprehend the content
    read; coherently transmit the content of the read by means of the game.

    To form an evaluative attitude towards the heroes of the tale.


    "The Snow Queen",

    I. Surikov "Childhood";

    A. Block "Winter"

    Repeat verses for the matinee, develop memory, teach expressively telling poetry.

    Working in a book corner: viewing illustrations by topic

    Invite parents to pick up books on the topic

    Artistic creation

    Tasks: Develop imagination and creative imagination.

    Continuous direct educational activities

    Joint activities of the educator with children

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction

    Drawing Theme: The Snow Queen (creation aboutspoons).

    Target: Consolidate knowledge of the role and characteristics of the book cover.

    Improve the desire to create images of fairy-tale characters in the drawing, using a certain color scheme. To achieve the correspondence of the plot of the drawing to a certain moment of the literary work.

    Drawing Theme:New Year card (drawingby design).

    Target: Continue to teach yourself to think over the content of the greeting card, to implement the plan using the acquired skills and abilities. Develop a sense of color and creativity.


    Topic: Decoration for the Christmas tree.

    Target: Continue teaching children how to use different materials when performing the application; train children in cutting out silhouettes along the contour.

    Crafts from salt dough for jewelry - the development of fine motor skills and a sense of color.

    Free visual activity - invite children to complete a drawing on the theme “Winter. New Year ”, to reflect the brightest memories and impressions in it. Learn to use various techniques and materials to implement the idea.

    Coloring illustrations from coloring pages.

    Kolya - to improve the techniques of modeling.

    Selection of coloring pages


    Tasks: Develop independence in organizing games . Develop communicative and regulatory functions of speech.

    Continuous direct educational activities

    Joint activities of the educator with children

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction

    s / r game "Family" plot "Guests have come to us" - to form a culture of behavior in children, teach them to act in various situations of communication, act as guests and hosts. Learn to use knowledge of the rules of behavior at the table, away from home in the game.

    Games with snow: building a city - teaching children to create various buildings out of snow according to verbal instructions, to develop communicative and regulatory functions of speech.

    Independent play activity: board games - teach children to negotiate interaction, discuss play actions. Develop independence in organizing games .


    Tasks: Stimulate the development of children's musical abilities.

    Continuous direct educational activities

    Joint activities of the educator with children

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction

    See plans of muses. the head

    Singing game "Seek" - to stimulate the development of children's musical abilities: modal feeling, musical and auditory performances and a sense of rhythm. Teach children to perform game actions (players standing in the outer circle run out to the center of the circle. They jump in circles in a circle).

    Create conditions for musical and game creativity

    Vadim-m / d / and "what do I play" - to develop timbre ear

    Physical education

    Tasks: Form the need for daily physical activity. Develop courage, endurance.

    Continuous direct educational activities

    Joint activities of the educator with children

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction

    See plans nat. the head

    “Freeze! "- attention.

    "Snow - blizzard - blizzard" - be able to perform movements in accordance with the command.

    Relay games at the choice of children - teach children to follow the rules of relay games: start moving after the partner passes the relay. Observe the sequence of players' participation in the game. Develop courage, endurance.

    Milava-train in jumps on 1 leg with forward movement.


    Tasks: Form the ability to use a pattern. Teach children to create volumetric toys using origami technique.

    Continuous direct educational activities

    Joint activities of the educator with children

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction

    Paper masks - develop fine motor skills; develop the ability to see environmental objects in the craft.

    Origami "Christmas tree" - to teach children to bend a square sheet of paper using a sample drawing.

    Introduction of schemes for the manufacture of masks, volumetric toys using the origami technique.

    Sasha S.origami "Flashlight" - to learn how to make a craft based on a cylinder.


    Tasks: To update and clarify children's ideas about the concept of "health".

    Continuous direct educational activities

    Joint activities of the educator with children

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction

    Conversation "Our Health" - to update and clarify children's ideas about the concept of "health"; to form a conscious attitude to health, the desire to take care of it. that can be hazardous to your health, discuss how you can avoid them.

    Work in the corner of physical education: independent activity - to form health-preserving competencies in children: expand motor experience, form the ability to use it in the organization of active rest and leisure.

    Sliding folders "All about winter", "Winter walk with a baby."


    Tasks: Educate children about dangerous activities.

    Continuous direct educational activities

    Joint activities of the educator with children

    Independent activity

    Individual work

    Family interaction

    Conversation: "In order not to spoil the holiday" - to educate children about dangerous entertainment, the inadmissibility of using sparklers, firecrackers, and firecrackers on their own. Explain the dangers of using open flames and electrical appliances. Formulate and display the rules of safe behavior using symbols.

    Examining books and illustrations about the New Year's holiday