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  • Phonetic analysis "connecting vowels"

     Phonetic analysis

    Theme :   Percussion and unstressed vowels. Emphasis

    Objectives: To form the ability to find percussion and unstressed vowel sounds in words.

    Fix the ability to find the stressed syllable.

    To promote the development and correction of spelling vigilance, thinking,

    attention memory, speech and writing.

    Develop the need to monitor and evaluate the learning activities themselves


    To promote the development of interest in the Russian language, as well as activity and

    discipline in the classroom.

    Type of lesson :    combined.

    The form of the lesson:  traditional.

    Equipment: TSO, punched cards, envelopes with letters, cards for differentiated work, illustration and reference words for oral creative work, cards for reflection.

    During the classes.

    I Organizational moment.

    Hello guys. Sit down. Now the lesson of the Russian language.

    See if you have everything you need for the lesson.

    Well done!

    II Emotional attitude.

    Look at the picture. What time of year is depicted? (Consider the picture, positively tune in to further work).

    Use auxiliary words to determine your mood.

    I hope this mood will be your whole lesson.

    (I love to learn everything,

    In life, everything is useful to me.

    I go to school with joy -

    I can not otherwise).

    III Setting the theme and objectives of the lesson.

    Look at the tape of letters, remember and tell me what topic you worked on in the last lesson.

    (Vowels and sounds).

    Tell me, what are the two groups divided vowel sounds?

    (Percussion and unstressed sounds).

    Right. Today in the Russian language lesson we will work on the topic:

    “Percussion and unstressed vowels. Emphasis. (The topic opens on the board).

    Today in the lesson we will learn to identify the percussion and unstressed vowel sounds,

    And also remember what stress is, how to find a stressed syllable.

    Raise your hand to those guys who want to improve their knowledge on this topic.

    This is the main goal of our lesson today.

    And for this you must be attentive, active and disciplined.

    IV Minute penmanship.

    What work do we begin with each lesson in Russian? Why do you need to do this work?

    Listen carefully to the riddles, guess them:

    At the marshes flies: enough frogs. (Stork)


    And in the winter will find shelter.

    He is not afraid of colds

    With the first snow right there. (Bullfinch)

    He just jumps, jumps like a ball.

    Jump, jump, gray side. (Sparrow)

    The words appear on the blackboard: AIST, SNOWPER, SPARROW.

    Name the first letter of each word. (A C D)

    Think and tell, what letter is superfluous? (BUT)

    Why? (Indicates vowel sound)

    So, what letter will we write for a minute of calligraphy?

    That's right, today for the minute of penmanship we will write upper and lower case

    the letter Aa. Consider the sample of this letter, its elements. In the next line write this letter nice and neat.

    When writing, sit correctly. Watch your posture.

    Well done.

    V  Dictionary work.

    How can you call in one word all the words that you see on the board.

    Who is it? (Birds)

    What can you say about the word sparrow? (This is a dictionary word)

    So what work will we do now?

    Why do you need to do vocabulary work? (To spell words that we cannot verify).

    Work with punch cards.

    Before you punch card. You need to insert the missing letter, put an accent,

    Underline the letter to remember.

    Work is done independently. Check in pair.

    Change your notebooks, check the dictionary work on each other's model.

    If you did not make mistakes, check 5, if you made 1, 2 errors - 4, 3 errors-3. Work with a pencil.

    Raise your hand who got 5, 4, 3.

    Well done.

    VI Work on the topic of the lesson.

    What are the words in which the letter a ? (Magpie, crow)

    Write them in a notebook.

    Name the vowels in these words. (oh well)

    What vowels do you know more? (see letters of letters)

    What you need to do to put in the word stress? (Highlight voice shock sound, call the word.)

    Slide. Stress

    Which syllable stress falls? (2 syllable, vowel o)

    What is the name of the vowel on which the stress falls? (Shock)

    How many shock vowels can be in one word? (One)

    What are the other vowels called? (Unstressed)

    How many can there be in a word? (Some)

    Well done! Let's read about this rule in the tutorial on page 63.

    Applying the studied rule, we will execute exercise 10, on page 62.

    (1 student works at the blackboard, the rest in a notebook).

    Well done! Conclusion.

    VII   Fizminutka .

    And now let's have some rest with you.

    Imagine that you are walking in the autumn forest and listening to the birds singing.

    Slide. Autumn

    Viii   Consolidation of the material studied.

    Oral creative work.

    Consider the illustration on the board, what do you see in this picture?

    Listen, I will read the phrases, you need to insert the missing letters into words using letters in envelopes, explain the orthograms.

    Autumn leaf si, the first moro sh atgum den shappy birds chkand.

    Will we put emphasis on the word - day funny? Why?


    Verbally compose a story about this picture using these phrases.

    What benefits do birds bring?

    How can we help the birds in the fall and winter?

    Well done.

    Differentiated work.

    1 group  works on the cards.

    2 group. The task: to make a sentence on the picture, write down, put an accent in words, underline vowels.

    Frontal check.

    What are the vowels called stress?

    On which stress does not fall?

    Well done.

    IX Homework.

    Page 63 rules, ex. 13. Draw a picture at will.

    X Summary of the lesson.

    What topic did you work on in class today?

    A brief summary.

    What was necessary and useful for yourself from this lesson?

    Why do you need this knowledge?

    Well done!

    XI Reflection.

    I see that today you worked with pleasure in class. Here are pictures with the help of which I invite you to evaluate your work in class.

    Well done. Thank you for the lesson.

    Summary of the lesson in the Russian language

    for 5 correctional class

    Topic: Percussion and unstressed vowels.


    Teacher: Kostrova Olga Alexandrovna

    Theme of the lesson: Unstressed vowels, their designation in writing. Purpose:   show the difference between the algorithm for explaining the spelling of the letters of unstressed vowel sounds, verified by stress and not verified by stress.Planned results:

      Know the vowels and letters; Know how to define the stressed syllable in a word; To be able to distinguish the algorithm for explaining the spelling of letters of unstressed vowel sounds, verified by stress and not verified by stress; Determine the purpose of educational activities in finding and explaining the spelling and use of the algorithm for its verification; To control the method of checking the solution and the result of the training task according to the previously drawn up plan when finding and explaining the orthogram and using the algorithm for checking it; Express your opinion in the process of completing assignments, form your thoughts orally and in writing;
      Organizing time. Now we will repeat all the rules we have learned to play in  game "My friends"
    In get cards with words. Each of you will play the role of the word printed on his card.My friends- two-syllable words - monosyllabic words - three wordsMy friends are words denoting the action of an object. - words denoting a sign of the subject - words denoting the subject and answering the question of KTO? - words denoting the subject and answering the question WHAT?My friends are words in which sounds are more than lettersMy friends have words with an unstressed vowel checked by stress - words with unstressed vowel are not verifiable by stress
      Minute penmanship
    Game "Yes-no" Letter sh SHYShka potato krachechka Pushkin CHAShKA haShaSho
      Word spelling
        - Guess the riddle:
    There are exactly seven brothers of them. They are known to everyone. Every week, the brothers go after each other. The last one will be forgiven. (Days of the week )
    - Name the days of the week in order. - I made one of these days, try to guess which one. Here's a hint: there are 4 syllables in the name of this day and there are more letters than sounds. ( monday)Explain why there are more letters than sounds? (letter b does not indicate sound) - Find this word in the dictionary and write it down. What dictionary will we use? (Spelling “Write correctly”) - Put an emphasis, underline unstressed vowels. Is it possible to check their spelling? - The second day, which I made, comes the fourth in a row. ( Thursday) - Do a similar work with this word. - And the next word I think looks like this: [p′atn′itsa] ( Friday)- Write out this word from the dictionary and do a similar job. - Which of these days is your favorite? Why?. Iii. Self-determination to activities.- Listen to the story.

    Difficult word

    The guys wrote vocabulary dictation. The teacher called the last word - tomato. Sveta wrote correctly, and then she thought about it and decided to look at her notebook to her neighbor Vitalik. He has written pamidor. Sveta took a pen and corrected O with A.- And now, once again check the words and turn in your notebooks, the teacher said. Sveta decided to check with Vova, just in case, and looked into his notebook. And he had written pamedor. Sveta took a pen and corrected And on E. The next day Sveta learned that she had two mistakes in this word. “It always happens when a person does not hope for himself,” said the teacher. V. Volina- Could Sveta get a five for dictation? ”“ What prevented her from doing that? ”“ Sveta could check out dubious vowels? ”What would you advise Sveta? subject “Untestable unstressed vowel” Iv. Work on the lesson.

        - What do our interlocutors think about this? Read the conversation of Ani, Vanya and Professor Samovarov in the textbook on page 102
    Vanya: Can you check all unstressed vowels? How to find out which letters to write, for example, in words attendant, dishes Anya: I think there are no verification words here. And what to do? Professor Samovarov: Writing words with unchecked unstressed vowels should be remembered or checked in a dictionary. -Guys, do conclusion  (Not all unstressed vowels can be checked - the matching words cannot be selected. Therefore spelling of words with unchecked unstressed vowels must be remembered or checked according to the dictionary).Fizminutka  2. Exercise 156, p. 102 “Settling” Game There are a lot of objects in front of you. You will need to divide these objects into groups (to settle in houses). Each object must have its own group (ie, its place of residence). Which groups will divide all the objects? Vegetables School supplies Days of week 1 row 2 row 3 row Write down   these words in groups. Underline the letters of unchecked unstressed vowels. Remember the spelling of these words. 3 students from each row at the blackboardWords from the exercise: Monday, pencil case, Saturday, notebook, pencil, cabbage, potato, Thursday, peas, textbook, Friday, carrot, Tuesday, diary, ruler, vegetable. 3) Fizminutka 5) ex. 158, p. 103 Independent work.- Add sentences. Underline words with unverifiable spelling. Type of urban transport -…. . Morning meal - .... .The tool that chopped wood - .... . The machine for agricultural work - ... ... Words for reference: tractor, ax, breakfast, tram. MUTUAL TESTING V. Summing up the lesson- Can all unstressed vowels in a word be checked? - How to clarify the writing of unchecked unstressed vowels? Homework: Workbook: p. 50, exercise. 89

    Monosyllabic words: borscht class circus snowDouble-complex words: furniture boy words owl yards doctors teach glue a hedgehog to glue Three words syllable: a fragrant ginger cow a duty apple spruce trees circus snow furniture boy owl doctors hedgehog cow cookies apple duty utensils Words with an unstressed vowel verifiable stress: words of an owl courtyards doctors devjevsAn word with an unstressed vowel not inspected by impact iem: Boy Furniture duty apple dishes.

      Scherbakova Svetlana Petrovna
      MBOU of Abakan "Secondary school No. 12"
      2015-2016 academic year. Abstract
      The methodical development of the lesson is intended for students of the 2nd grade of students for the teaching materials "Perspective". The lesson is built in the technology of the system - activity method of teaching, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the class.
      Subject: Russian language.
      Lesson: 52
      Theme of the lesson: Unstressed vowels. Their designation on the letter.
      Type of lesson: lesson discovery of new knowledge.
      Technological map of the lesson
      The purpose of the lesson: the formation of the ability to correctly mark the letter unstressed vowels.
      The goal for students is to find out how the unstressed vowels are indicated in the letter.
      Planned results:
      Personality management systems: to show interest in studying a topic, striving to take a meaningful approach to studying a native language, to motivate one’s actions, to express a positive attitude to the process of cognition.
      Cognitive learning devices: determine the range of your knowledge; to reproduce their real learning activities in solving educational problems and determine the cause of the difficulty; generalize, make a comparison; to determine the means for the discovery of new knowledge and record the result of the discovery of new knowledge, to make a standard; compose an algorithm and extract information from it.
      Regulatory CRAs: Accept and maintain a learning task; determine the purpose of performing tasks in class with the help of a teacher; perform the training task in accordance with the purpose; check the correctness of the task performed when working in pairs, groups; perform the learning action as planned.
    Communicative EDS: comment on your own actions during the assignment; to build statements that are clear to the partner in the framework of the educational dialogue; adequately use speech tools to present the result of the work; negotiate with classmates with the teacher about the rules of behavior and communication, assessment and self-assessment and follow them.
      Subject UUD: to find in letters the letters of unstressed vowel sounds; match the sound and the letter that this sound is marked with; create an algorithm for checking the unaccented vowel sound in a word; match check words by changing the shape of the word.
      No. pp Lesson stages Teacher activity Student activity Expected results
      1. Motivation (self-determination) to learning activities. There is a verse from the song "Terribly interesting."
      There are many things in the world, About which they know nothing, Neither adults nor children. And it is not a secret at all, When there is no secret at all, Everyone is bored. But why? Yes, because! ..
      Chorus: Awfully interesting All that is unknown! Horribly unknown, All that is interesting!
      - Guys, what do you think is waiting for you in class today?
      -What qualities of a student will be useful to you in the lesson? - Probably, we will find out today something new, something unknown to us.
      -We need to be diligent and very attentive. LOUD: to show interest in the study of the topic, to express a positive attitude to the process of knowledge.
      Regulatory CRAs: Accept and maintain a learning task.
      2 Actualization of trial educational action and fixing individual difficulties. -Before learning something new, we must repeat what we already know.
      1) Grammatical warm-up.
      - I will call different statements, and you will need to show the desired signal:
      a) in Russian, sounds are vowels and consonants;
      b) words can consist of 1, 2 or more syllables;
      c) how many sounds in a word, so many syllables;
      d) vowel sounds are always percussive;
      e) percussive sounds are consonants;
      e) the stressed vowel is pronounced stronger;
      g) in Russian, the emphasis falls only on the first syllable;
      h) there can be only one stressed syllable in a word;
      and) in the word rays unstressed vowel in 1 syllable.
      2) Vocabulary work.
      - Read the words.
      Plto, mchi, lpata, ptuh, rsunok.
      What is unusual about them?
      - What sounds are not marked by letters?
      -Read the words again. What word is superfluous?
      3) Monitoring the inconsistency of spelling and pronunciation of unstressed sounds.
      - Write vocabulary words. Mark the spelling.
      - Check the spelling of words.
    [a] / [a] / [and] / [and]
      Coat, shovel, rooster, drawing.
      - What sounds were not marked by letters?
      - What are the letters designated sound ah?
      - What are the letters designated sound and?
      A scheme appears on the board:
      Unstressed vowel sounds
       [a] [and]
      denoted by letters
       oh and i
      - Why does the unstressed vowel sound and the letter do not match in all the words?
      - Compare your answer with the textbook (p.92).
      - In what other cases vowel sounds are denoted by the same letters. Why do their pronunciation and spelling match?
      4) The task for a trial action.
      - I suggest you work in pairs. Write down the “extra” word.
      -Who could spell this word correctly?
      - What rule did you use? Who will explain how to test the unstressed vowel?
      - What is the next step you will need to do? Signal their agreement or disagreement with the help of red and green cards.
      Frontal work.
      - Individual sounds are not indicated by letters.
      - Unstressed vowel sounds are not indicated by letters.
       - The extra word is balls, because all other words are vocabulary.
      Write down the words. Put stress. Emphasize unstressed vowel.
      Check the correctness of the execution of the sample.
      - Unstressed vowels.
      - Letters about, and.
      - Letters e, and, i
      - The same unstressed vowel sounds can be marked with different letters.
      - These are percussive vowels.
      Work in pairs.
      Write the word m ... chi.
      “We cannot say whether the word was spelled correctly.”
      - It is necessary to change the word so that the stress falls on the unstressed vowel.
      -Discover what the difficulty is. DMPP: make a comparison; build logical reasoning.
      RUUD: check the correctness of the task.
      KUUD: comment on your own actions when performing the task; to build statements that are clear to the partner in the framework of the educational dialogue; carry out self-esteem.
      Subject UUD: to find in letters the letters of unstressed vowel sounds; match the sound and the letter that this sound is marked with.
      3 Identifying the location and causes of difficulty.
      -What task you had to perform?
      - What sound is not marked by a letter?
      -What is the difficulty?
      - Why did the difficulty arise?
      - We had to write the word in which the sound is not marked with a letter.
      - Unstressed vowel sound.
      - We don’t know if the correct word was chosen.
      - We do not know how the unstressed vowels are indicated in the letter. LOUD: the desire to intelligently approach the study of the native language.
      PUD: determine the range of your knowledge.
      4. Targeting and building a way out of the difficulty.
    -What goal you set for yourself in class?
      - Formulate the topic of the lesson.
      The topic is written on the board. - Learn how the unstressed vowel sounds are indicated on the letter. Print the algorithm.
      -An unstressed vowel sounds and the designation of their letters. RUUD: accept and save the learning task; determine the purpose of the assignments in class with the help of a teacher.
      5. Implementation of the constructed project. - So that you can discover the rule yourself, I suggest you listen to one story:
      On the clearing in the forest we met ... (image of a goat):
      - I came to school.
      I decided to write my name,
      But I do not know, but il oh.
      Can anyone help you out?
      Our Wise came to the rescue ... (image of an owl):
      - When alone, I am an owl,
      And in the class all owls.
      - I understood how to write! (image of a goat):
      When we are many goats,
      if alone, then I am a goat!
      - I suggest you, working in groups, examine the owl-owl, goat-goat word pairs, explain how the goat understood what letter to designate the unstressed vowel in a word and draw up an algorithm for testing the unstressed vowel in a word.
      - Compare your algorithms with the Wise Owl algorithm.
      1 step. I utter a word with stress; I hear an unstressed vowel [a] or [and].
      2 step. Finding out where this sound is in the word.
      3 step. I change the form of the word, using the words one - a lot so that the emphasis falls on this vowel.
      4 step. I am writing the same letter in the verified word as in the verification word.
      (A standard is posted on the board)
      The standard selection spelling:
    __________ - __________
    __ __
      - In the word owl we hear an unstressed vowel [a]. We know that it can be indicated by vowels a or o. In order not to be mistaken in choosing a vowel, it must be checked. To do this, you need to change the word so that the unstressed vowel becomes under the stress. What letter stands under the stress is written in unstressed syllable.
      -Make a conclusion, as denoted unstressed vowel in words?
      - Compare your conclusion with the textbook (p.93) Work in groups.
      One group represents the algorithm, the other groups complement.
      - The unstressed vowel in words is denoted by the same letter as under the stress. PUD: determine the range of your knowledge; make a comparison; compose an algorithm and extract information from it.
      RUUD: accept and save the learning task; check the correctness of the assignment when working in a group.
      KUUD: comment on their own actions when performing the task.

      6. FizminutkaWe kicked top-top-top,
      We clap claps clap clap,
      We nod our heads, waving our hands together,
    And there - and turn here without difficulty.
      We jump high, jumping together is so easy
      And there - and turn here without difficulty. 7. Primary consolidation with commenting in external speech. - What is the next step in our work?
      -Let's go back to our word m ... chi. Explain what letter you need to designate the unstressed vowel in this word.
      - The teacher suggested that Anya and Vanya should add pairs of words and explain the spelling of unstressed vowels (exercise.140, p. 92).
      - Who would like to help our friends?
      -Read the words that were given to Vanya. Are these test or verifiable words? Explain why?
      - How will you perform the task?
      -How many items mean the words to be checked?
      -What method of checking used Vanya?
      -What words helpers did he use?
      -Using this method, check the remaining words.
      -Read Anna's words.
      - These are test or verifiable words.
      -How many items do the check words mean?
      -What method did Anya use when selecting the test word?
      -Change the remaining words using this method. -We will learn to apply the new rule.
      One student works at the blackboard and comments on each step of the algorithm.
      Emotionally react.
      Frontal work.
      - These are verifiable words, because there are “dangerous” places in them - unstressed vowels.
      Call the steps of the algorithm.
      -Many items.
      - He changed the word so that the stress fell on this vowel. For this, I used the words - many assistants - one.
      Perform with an oral explanation.
      - These are verifiable words, because There are unstressed vowels.
      -Used the words - one helpers - a lot.
      Perform with an oral explanation. LOUD: the desire to intelligently approach the study of the native language.
      PUD: determine the range of your knowledge - not knowledge; to build a logical reasoning: the development of the ability to create an algorithm and extract information from it.
      RUUD: perform the learning action as planned.
      KUUD: comment on your own actions during the assignment; to build statements that are clear to the partner in the framework of the educational dialogue; adequately use speech tools to present the result of the work. Subject CRAs: compile an algorithm for testing an unstressed vowel sound in a word; match check words by changing the shape of the word.
      8. Independent work with the self-test on the standard. Inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition. - And now you have to complete the task yourself on the cards.
    1. Say the name of the items in the pictures out loud. Choose the word with the spelling “Unstressed vowel sound” and explain its spelling according to the algorithm.

    2. Record words in pairs: first the test word and then the test word. Mark the spelling.
      -Check by reference: hour — clock, nests — nest, feathers — feathers, eye — eyes, rings — ring, traves — grass.
      - Evaluate the correctness of the assignment on the scale of success. Perform work on the cards themselves.
      Carry out self-control and self-esteem.
      LOUD: the desire to intelligently approach the study of the native language, to motivate their actions.
      RCD: perform the training task in accordance with the purpose; check the correctness of the task.
      KUUD: exercise self-control and self-esteem.
      Subject UUD: to find in letters the letters of unstressed vowel sounds; match the sound and the letter that this sound is marked with; match check words by changing the shape of the word.
      9. Reflection of learning activities in a lesson (lesson outcome) -Remember the lesson topic.
      -What goal set?
      -What rule did you find out?
      -Which algorithm will we act?
      - Evaluate your work in class on the bulletin board. Attach a sticker to the announcement that describes your result in the lesson:
      1. I did not understand the rule.
      2. Hurray! I understood (a) the rule and can work on the algorithm.
      3. I understood the rule and can explain it to others. Contact me for help! - Unstressed vowels and their designation in writing.
      - Learn how the unstressed vowel sounds are indicated on the letter.
      - A word with unstressed vowels needs to be checked, for this you need to change the word so that the unstressed vowel becomes stressed.
      Call the steps of the algorithm.
      Perform self-esteem. LOUD: to express their attitude to the process of knowledge.
      10 Homework Upr 141, p.93 (optional task: Write words in pairs, inserting the missing letters;
      Distribute words into groups)

    In order to recall already completed topics on the Russian language, solve the crossword puzzle. To do this, we will vertically record the words in the empty cells, having guessed them by meaning.

    Fig. 1. Crossword

    1. Sounds I hear, and the letters will be? ...
    2. Highlighting a syllable in a word by force of voice or by raising the tone
    3. The sounds that make up the syllable.
    4. Icons for recording sounds.
    5. We write and read letters, and we pronounce and hear ...?
    6. The smallest pronunciation unit.
    7. The collection of words arranged in alphabetical order, with explanations, references, interpretations, translation into other languages.

    Check yourself.

    Fig. 2. Filled crossword with a code word

    Horizontally in the selected cells we got the word RULE.

    To repeat: speech consists of sounds. Sounds are vowels and consonants. They help each other. Vowel sounds combine consonants into syllables. And from syllables, like bricks, words are built. In each word, one brick is the most important. This is a stressed syllable. If the stress is wrong, the word is difficult to understand.

    Shock and unstressed vowels

    Perform the task: consider the photo and call what is depicted on them.

    Flowers, pine, balls.  We put stress in the words and show the vowels that are in the unstressed position, emphasizing them. Tsve you, with sleep, mea chi.  Let's read these words not by syllables, but quickly. It is noticeable that unstressed vowels were pronounced less distinctly.

    Vowels under the stress - shock vowels - are in strong position.   Vowels without stress, they are called unstressed, - in weak position . Letters that denote sounds in weak positions are called orthograms. Orthogram - (from the Greek. Orthos - correct and gramma - letter) - spelling of words according to any spelling rules.

    Spelling   - (from the Greek words: "orthos" - correct, and "grafo" - "write") - the rules of written speech (i.e., the spelling of words). In Russian they say "spelling".

    Pronunciation of unstressed vowels

    Observe the words:

    mushrooms, flowers  - I hear And what to write? And or E?

    water, grass  - I hear And what to write? A or O?

    balls, rows  - I hear a vague sound And what to write? I? E? AND?

    Conclusion - in an unstressed position, we do not hear a clear sound and can make a mistake when writing.

    In modern Russian, there is a law - in unstressed syllables, the sound O is not pronounced. Instead, the sound of A. works. And it will return to its place only when it becomes a shock. So the sounds work in turn. Compare : sea - seas, table - tables, elephant - elephants. Other vowels also behave in the same way: in unstressed syllables, each of them is replaced by some other.

    In unstressed syllables there is no vowel sound E. Say the word floors.It is not pronounced as spelled. It is not difficult to notice that the sound Y in the words is not dangerous, it is well and clearly pronounced even in the unstressed position.

    For a literate letter, it is very important to learn to identify unstressed vowels by hearing without errors in order to foresee a place in the word where you can make a mistake. Sometimes they say - to find a wrong place in a word. We write the sentences.

    The squirrel was a bitch.Unstressed sounds are heard clearly and we understand all the words.

    Children play with a ball.It is not clear what the children play: ball or sword.

    Check unstressed vowel

    To understand written language, it is important to learn how to write words without error. In Russian, there is a law: to check a weak position by a strong one.

    We will read the sentences and find a hint in them.

    Do cats - to? Tyat. Cat - Oh, so the kittens are also O.

    Do tigers? gryata. Tiger - And, it means tigers too I.

    Here is an elephant. Does he have a cl? nyata. Elephant - Oh, then the elephant is also O.

    Remember the rule:  To check the spelling of a weak position, you need to change the word. How to do it?

    Step 1: Say the word to be verified.

    Does it have vowels in unstressed syllables?

    If there is - what are they?

    Step 2: Pick up the test word, change the word so that the sound to be checked is under the stress.

    Step 3: Write the vowel letter in accordance with the sound that is heard under the stress.

    Step 4: Check what is written, read the word by syllables.

    Now we go to the zoo. All animals are listed here so that visitors know who they are viewing. Here are different birds. We will sign their names.

    it owl.   Shock sound A. How to write without error - owl   or sava ? How are we going to act? Let's pick up the check word, change the word owl  on with aboutyouNow under the stress Oh, so we write owl. Further we act the same.

    Crossbones? Thrushes? Cranes? Rooks?

    How to deal with words sparrow, nightingale, crow, magpie?

    Using spelling dictionary

    Worth taking spelling dictionary , with which you can check the spelling.

    Fig. 17. Spelling dictionary ()

    You just need to know the secrets of the dictionary and remember the alphabet well. Very often, short spelling dictionaries can be found at the end of textbooks on the Russian language. If there was no dictionary at hand, ask the adults for writing, the teacher. Remember, the main thing - do not write a mistake. It is better to leave space for the letter, marking it with a dot and enter the letter when there is no doubt at all.

    We conclude.  The position of an unaccented consonant sound in a word is a danger that requires proof. Unstressed vowels cannot be trusted. Today in the lesson, we learned to check them in different ways: by a strong position, i.e. by selecting a test word, and by dictionary if there is no test word. Remember this:

    Unstressed vowel sound
      Causes a lot of agony.
      So that there is no doubt
      We put the sound under stress. Or check in the spelling dictionary.

    Fig. 18. Check unstressed vowel ()

    1. Andrianova TM, Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. M .: Astrel, 2011. ().
    2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language 1. M .: Ballas. ()
    3. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Textbook on teaching literacy and reading: ABC. Academicbook / Textbook.
    1. ().
    2. Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open lesson" ().
    3. ().
    1. Andrianova TM, Ilyukhina V.A. The Russian language 1. M .: Astrel, 2011. Pp. 26, exercise. 2; Page 28, exercise. 3
    2. Agree on a word. What letter will you insert? Fur hat - which hat? (m.khovaya- E).  Here sad, strawberries grow there what? ( garden  - BUT). Here les, what strawberry there? ( forest- E).
    3. Read words with unstressed vowels. Choose the test words, name the vowel:, zv.zd, sh.ry, b.lnoy, ts.pochka. ( - the word- Oh, the stars - the stars- E, sh. Ry - ball- And, b. The pain- Oh, ts.chka - chain- E.)
    4. * Using the knowledge gained in the lesson, make up 5 sentences with the unstressed vowels missed in the words, explain the spelling.