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  • The work program of the school psychologist 8

    The work program of the school psychologist 8

    Ministry of General and Professional

    education Rostov region

    state public educational

    establishment of the Rostov region   "Kamensky special school number 15"


    Director SSEU

    "Kamenskaya special

    school number 15 "

    ________________ T. A. Leshinskaya


    Order of _________ № _______


    on psychological correction

    Levelgeneral education: primary, class: 1

    Number of hours per week: 1, per year: 33;

    Teacher: Svetlana Rudakova

    The program is based on:

    Provisions on the work program of school subjects in accordance with the requirements of the approved GEF education of students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) ; basedan adapted basic educational program for students with intellectual disabilities (intellectual disabilities);   basedrequirements of the federal state educational standard   education; educational and methodical complex.

    2016-2017 academic year

    Table of contents

    1. Planned subject results of the course …………………. S. 3

    2. The content and structure of the school subject, course.

    2.1.Content of the subject ...................................... 4-5

    2.2.Structure of the course …………………………………………………… p. 6-7

    3. Thematic planning, schedule and types of monitoring the development of the subject.

    3.1. Calendar-thematic planning .......................... 8-10

    3.2. Schedule and types of monitoring the development of the academic subject ... ... ... ... p.11

    The planned results of mastering students with easy

    mental retardation (intellectual disability)

    adapted basic general education program

    Subject results:

    Minimum level:

    have know   primary colors;know know have be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to   navigate in your own body (right / left / hand / leg).

    Enough level:

    have   ideas about the functional purpose of the ISO - accessories;know   primary colors;know plane geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle);know   seasons and their sequence;have ideas about contrasting temperatures;be able to   identify emotions on the graphic image of the face;be able to   use writing materials;be able to   mark the word color, shape, size of objects;be able to   distinguish primary colors, objects in shape and size;be able to   compare items on two grounds;be able to find common and distinctive signs of objects;be able to   purposefully perform actions and movements according to the instructions of the teacher;be able to   distinguish between musical sounds and environmental sounds;be able to   follow the rules of the game, the sequence of actions;be able to   take instruction from the teacher;be able to   use the knowledge gained in the classroom and in extra-curricular activities;be able to   to be guided in one’s own body (right / left / arm / leg), in the school building, to use the notion “further” - “closer” in speech.

    Personality results:

    developed a positive attitude to learning, to the teacher, a sense of the need for learning; awareness of the social role of the student;

    sociability in interaction with the teacher; the desire to perform the task of the teacher, as best as possible;

    ability to listen to the interlocutor; need for communication.

    I . Comprehensive survey.

    Determination of the primary level of development:

    The study of the general awareness and outlook of the student. Research of small and large motility of hands. Dynamic, static coordination. Dexterity and accuracy of movements.

    The study of sensory processes. The study of perception (shape, color, size, material, space and time). Representations of the external properties of objects. Emotions.

    II .

    1. Acquaintance with proper breathing techniques:

    Acquaintance with the elements of techniques of correct diaphragm breathing. Training proper breathing. Stages of proper breathing "Breath - Exhalation" Practical mastering of stages (duration 2-4 seconds) breathing. Perform breathing exercises.

    2. Optimization of tone and learning relaxation techniques:

    Acquaintance with relaxation techniques. Practice relaxation and tension. Stages of relaxation. Practical mastering the stages Performing exercises to relax body parts.

    3. Correction of large motor skills:

    General developing outdoor games. Purposefulness of performance of actions and movements according to the instruction of the teacher (throws into the goal, etc.). Development of accuracy of movements. Development of the ability to control the turnover of actions. The development of agility movements. The development of sustainability. Coordination of actions and movements of different parts of the body (turns and throws, bends and turns). The development of auditory and tactile coordination.

    4. Correction of fine motor and grafomotor skills:

    The development of coordination of movements of the hands and fingers. Finger gymnastics. The study of dashed lines. Development of hand and eye coordination (stringing beads, tying knots). Drawing, hatching, stroking, stencilled. Connect lines by points. Contour application from plasticine and pieces of colored paper. The development of motor coordination. Exercises with massage balls.

    III .

    1. Perception of form, size, color; construction of objects. Visual and auditory perception:

    The formation of sensory standards of plane geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle) in the process of doing exercises. Purpose of the main forms. Description of items. Living - non-living. Selection of the form attribute; comparison of the sizes of two objects, contrasting in height, length, width, thickness. Distinction and selection of primary colors (red, yellow, green, blue, black, white). Compilation of the whole of the parts on the split visual material

    2. Perception of space:

    Orientation on your own body: differentiation of the right (left) arm (legs), right (left) part of the body. Determining the location of objects in space (right - left, above - below, etc.). Movement in a given direction in space (forward, backward, etc.). Orientation indoors according to the instruction of the teacher. Orientation in a linear series (order). Spatial orientation on a sheet of paper (center, top, bottom, right (left) side); the location of geometric figures on the voice instructions, moving them on the plane of the sheet. Drawing on a sheet of paper combinations of strips, geometric shapes.

    3. The perception of time:

    The study of time indicators: the seasons. Sequence of events. Earlier - later.

    4. Tactile and motor perception:

    Definition of touch items. The definition of the touch size of objects from different materials.

    IV .

    The perception of human emotions:

    Acquaintance with the emotional world of man. Joy. Fear Sadness / sorrow. Anger. Calm Anger. Surprise.

    V . The final diagnosis.

    The structure of the subject of the course

    Comprehensive survey

    Study   level of psychomotor development of mental and sensory processes.

    To reveal   problems of development of large and fine motor skills, grafomotor skills, sensory processes, emotional sphere.

    The development of large and fine motor skills, grafomotor skills.

    Development and the correction of elementary general and subtle motor abilities that children with intellectual disabilities cannot independently master;correction   irregular motor patterns;formation arbitrariness and purposefulness of movements; development of basic motor skills.

    Develop exercises fine and large motility.

    Develop spatial orientation.

    Develop visual and auditory perception, sense of rhythm,

    attention, memory, thought processes and operations,

    Develop   coordination of movements, large and small muscles of hands, speed, accuracy, plasticity and dexterity of movements.Meet with proper breathing techniques. Proper use of writing materials.

    Correction of sensory processes.

    Stimulation   a child to the perception of the world in all the richness of his colors, smells, sounds, to help him master a variety of practical actions that will be useful in everyday life; development of perceptionformation   ideas about the external properties of the subject and it is consistently plannedfamiliarization   child with the sensory culture of mankind.

    Develop through exercises and games, visual and tactile sensations.Enrich   the student's sensory experience by differentiation with varying degrees of subtlety of sensations of the same modality and the same species,teach compare   in one way or another, be able to compare and classify according to a common feature. Consistent consistentfamiliarization   child with the sensory culture of mankind. Sensory culture is based on the assimilation of sensory standards, which are allocated to all five senses (colors of the spectrum, geometric figures, phonemes of the native language, scale of sounds, etc.). The assimilation of the sensory standard and its active use in the subject-practical actions


    The development of the emotional sphere.

    The study of the child's personality, behavior and activities, relationships with people around him, the characteristics of his experiences, worldview and personality traits,ccreating conditions for familiarizing children with the world of emotions and ways to adequately express their emotional state.

    Will introduce l children with basic emotions, promote awareness of their own emotions,to form   ability to understand the emotions of other people
    develop the ability to express your emotions verbally and non-verbally,
    to form   the ability to express your negative emotions in socially acceptable ways,
    The development of reflection.
    To shape   adequate self-esteemto train   ways to relieve muscular and emotionalabout tension.Develop main emotions by the method of "pictograms".


    The final diagnosis.

    Revealing   problems of insufficient development of mental processes in the student.

    To reveal   problems of development of arbitrary mental processes, learning difficulties, independent work; psycho-emotional sphere, development of psycho-motility.

    Total :

    Calendar and thematic planning

    Comprehensive survey



    General awareness. Fine motor skills.


    Dynamic and static coordination, plasticity and ease of movement.


    Perception. Facial expressions. The main emotions.


    The development of large and fine motor skills, grafomotor skills.


    Acquaintance with the techniques of proper breathing. With breath hold for 2-4 sec.


    Optimization and stabilization of the overall tone; learning relaxation techniques. Game "Knots"


    The development of agility movements. The game "Dwarfs in the circus", "Throws into the goal", exercises with massage balls.


    Stencil stroke. Hatching. Application from plasticine.


    Connect the dots. Color the pattern. Application from pieces of paper.


    Correction of sensory processes.


    Shape, size, color. Constructing items. Purpose items. Game "What we take to school"


    Big small. Game "Make a whole of the parts"


    Simple form. Design by sample. Design from paper strips.


    Signs of form. Classification of items. Constructing from r. Figures.


    The colors of the items. ART-Training "In the country of color":


    2) "The Snow Kingdom", 3) "In the Land of Night"


    4) "Sea voyage", 5) "Forest kingdom"


    6) "Little Red Riding Hood", 7) "Sunny Bunnies".


    ART Training: "Color Fairy Tale"


    World of sounds Animation: "Echo"


    "Sounds of Nature" - guess what sounds.


    Perception of space. Orientation on the human body.


    The location of the object in space. Right left. Higher lower. Movement in a given direction. Game workshop.


    The perception of time. Seasons. Sequence.


    Today, tomorrow, yesterday.


    Tactile and motor perception. Work with different types of materials.


    Definition of objects to the touch. Game "Magic Bag"


    The development of the emotional sphere.


    Acquaintance with emotions. Pictograms.


    Emotion "Joy", game training.


    Emotions “Sadness-Sadness”, “Calmness”



    Emotions "Surprise", "Fear-Fright", fairy tale therapy "Three Little Pigs"


    Emotion “Angry”, fairy tale therapy “Zayushkina izba”


    The final diagnosis.


    The study of psychomotor and sensory processes.General awareness. Fine motor skills. Dynamic and static coordination, plasticity and ease of movement. Perception. Facial expressions. The main emotions.

    Schedule and types of control of the school subject

    Comprehensive survey



    The final diagnosis.


    meeting minutes deputy director for SD

    methodical association ___________________ signature

    teachers _______________ mf Mukhaeva

    ________ № ____________

    Date ___________

    Signature of the head of MO


    V.I. Nadezhina

    Working programm   "Psychological workshop" for students enrolled in the program S (K) OU VIII type.

    The purpose of the program:   optimization of the mental development of adolescents with disabilities and more effective socialization in the educational environment and society.

    The goal can be achieved by solving a series of tasks:

    The development of cognitive activity of students

    The development of memory, thinking, speech, imagination;

    Formation of general intellectual skills: methods of analysis, comparison, synthesis, skills of grouping and classification;

    Improving sensory-perceptual activity;

    Formation of an adequate teenager behavior;

    Formation of skills of positive communication.

    The work program is designed for adolescents aged 13–16 years enrolled in the program of a special (correctional) school of the VIII type. Classes are held 1 time per week (34 classes per year) in the form of combined classes in the sensory room. The session lasts 25-30 minutes. Invaluable learning, without homework.





    Explanatory note

    2 pp.

    5 pages

    7 pp.

    3. Thematic planning with the number of hours devoted to the development of a specific topic.

    9 pp.


    Calendar - thematic planning in grade 9

    Explanatory note

    Today, in connection with changes in various spheres of life, issues related to preparing the younger generation for independent living have become topical. A special approach in this regard requires children with disabilities.

    Recognition of the rights of such a child, his interests, needs, assistance in the process of his personal development, in choosing the appropriate professional activity is extremely important. The processes of democratization and humanization in modern society imply the need to create for each child, especially for people with impaired intellectual development, equal rights and opportunities to receive education, to develop their individual abilities, to integrate the individual in society.

    The basis of the intellectual impairment is organic brain damage (primary defect). Biological inferiority deprives the child of the opportunity to develop in a timely and fully developed manner, a persistent impairment in cognitive activity arises and an underdevelopment of the personality as a whole (secondary defect) is formed. Psychological and pedagogical practice confirms the position of L.S. Vygotsky that the mental gap covers the whole person as a whole. Thinking is organically connected with certain motives of the child, so it, like the action, is motivated and is almost always connected with the situation. Children with intellectual underdevelopment hardly realize their personal characteristics and capabilities, therefore they require special attention, need special psychological assistance, focused on correction, first of all sensory perception - sensory development.

    Sensory development is the basis of personal-motivational and mental development. How fully a child learns to perceive objects, objects, phenomena of reality, operate with this knowledge, the process of his “entry” into the world around him - the process of adaptation. Perception is formed on the basis of the synthesis of different sensations: auditory, visual, tactile, kinetic, kinesthetic, olfactory, etc. The physiological basis of perception is conditioned reflex activity of the intraanalyzer and interanalyzer complex of neural connections that ensure the integrity and objectivity of the reflected phenomena. The process of perception is associated with thinking, memory, attention, sensation, speech is guided by motivation and has a certain affective-emotional coloring. The image of the object or concept is formed on the basis of a complex of tactile, visual and kinesthetic sensations. For this reason, the program of correctional-developing classes includes games and exercises for the development of sensorimotor, psychomotor, mental processes, and creative activity.

    Knowledge of the surrounding reality begins with an analysis of the information that the child receives through the senses. The child’s awareness of his feelings, actions, and then his personal characteristics and capabilities is the basis of his positive development, the formation of life experience and socialization as a whole.

    The purpose of the program: optimization of the mental development of adolescents with disabilities and more effective socialization in the educational environment and society.

    The goal can be achieved by solving a series oftasks:

    • development of cognitive activity of students,
    • development of memory, thinking, speech, imagination;
    • the formation of general intellectual skills: methods of analysis, comparison, synthesis, skills of grouping and classification;
    • improvement of sensory-perceptual activity;
    • the formation of an adequate teenager behavior;
    • formation of positive communication skills.

    The work program is designed for adolescents aged 13–16 years enrolled in the program of a special (correctional) school of the VIII type. Classes are held 1 time per week (34 classes per year) in the form of combined classes in the sensory room. The session lasts 25-30 minutes. Invaluable learning, without homework.

    The structure of occupations.

    In the structure of each lesson, semantic blocks that are traditional for group work are distinguished:

    Organizational part:

    1. The ritual of greeting. The purpose of the greeting ritual is to set up a job, rally the group, create group trust, and repeat the lesson material.

    Main part:

    2. Announcement of the topic of the lesson, followed by a motivating exercise or discussion: thanks to which children get the opportunity to turn to personal experience related to the stated problem (integration).

    3. Work on the topic. The main content is a set of psychotechnical exercises and techniques.

    Final part:

    4. Summing up (summary)

    5. The ritual of the completion of classes.

    Work methods:

    1. Visual: the use of paintings, photographs, samples of works, crafts, slides, books, magazines.

    2. Verbal: conversations, questions, the use of riddles, poems, stories.

    3. Practical: word games, outdoor games, board games, didactic games and exercises, breathing exercises, physical exercises.

    The program includes several sections. Purposeful psychocorrectional impact on adolescents with special health opportunities is carried out through the psychocorrectional complex, which consists of four interrelated stages:

    Stage 1 - diagnostic.   The diagnostic stage includes the diagnosis of the psycho-emotional, intellectual development of the adolescent, the level of involvement in group-wide activity.

    Stage 2 - Corrective. This stage includes the following tasks:

    • assisting a teenager in resolving stressful situations;
    • the formation of productive types of relationships between the child and others (in the family, in the classroom);
    • raising the social status of the child in the team;
    • development of adolescent competence in matters of regulatory behavior;
    • the formation and stimulation of sensory-perceptual, mnemic and intellectual processes;
    • development and improvement of communicative functions, emotional-volitional regulation of behavior;
    • creating in the children's team an atmosphere of acceptance, goodwill, openness, mutual understanding.

    Group (individual) psychological correction is focused on three components:

    - Cognitive block.The task of the cognitive unit is: the adolescent's awareness of their intellectual, personal and emotional resources.

    - Emotional block.The emotional unit is responsible for the formation of a positive emotional attitude towards the teenager; experience and awareness of a teenager of past emotional experience: getting new emotional experiences.

    - Behavioral block.The behavioral unit is involved in the process of overcoming inappropriate behaviors; development and consolidation of new forms of behavior.

    Stage 3 - diagnostic. The unit for evaluating the effectiveness of corrective actions is aimed at analyzing changes in cognitive processes, mental states, and personal reactions in students as a result of psychocorrectional effects.

    Stage 4 - predictive. The prognostic unit of psychocorrection is aimed at designing the psycho-physiological, mental and socio-psychological functions of adolescents.

    1. The planned results of the study of the academic subject

    Personality results:

    • the formation of a respectful attitude to a different opinion;
    • development of adequate ideas about their own capabilities;
    • mastering the initial skills of adaptation in a dynamically changing and developing world;
    • communication skills and accepted social interaction rituals;
    • the ability to comprehend and differentiate the picture of the world, its tempo-spatial organization;
    • the ability to understand the social environment, its place in it, the adoption of age-appropriate values ​​and social roles;
    • the adoption and assimilation of the social role of the student, the formation and development of socially significant motives for learning activities;
    • development of skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations;
    • the development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of others.
    • development of the creative potential of the individual, creating a positive attitude, enhancing constructive behavior, the ability to express in words and realize the basis of their own actions, thoughts, feelings, development of productivity and contact in relationships with people.
    • development of cognitive activity; memory, thinking, speech, imagination.

    Subject results

    Minimum level

    • the ability to value, count and effectively use their time;
    • the ability to practically apply the rules of self-organization and self-regulation of the individual;
    • the ability to actively listen to others, to respect someone else's opinion, to defend their point of view;
    • the ability to objectively perceive and analyze the surrounding reality;
    • the ability to distinguish the essential properties of objects, phenomena;
    • the ability to detect and understand patterns of events, phenomena;
    • the ability to establish all possible connections and relationships of objects of the surrounding world, to identify causal connections between phenomena, events;
    • ability to compare, summarize, divide and classify concepts; establish links and relationships between concepts;
    • the ability to form concepts to formulate definitions of concepts;
    • the ability to find patterns and associations for better memorization;
    • the ability to carefully and competently treat their health and the health of others.

    Enough level

    • reasonably evaluate the actions of the heroes of classmates, peers and other people, taking into account the formed ideas about ethical norms and rules;
    • understand personal responsibility for their actions on the basis of ideas about ethical norms and rules of conduct in modern society;
    • to conduct a dialogue taking into account the presence of different points of view, to argue their position, to observe the ethics of relationships in the process of interacting with different people;
    • the ability to carry out the transfer of operations and methods of thinking from one area to another (in an altered situation);
    • the ability to critically approach the solution of a problem, a problem, to determine one’s own attitude towards the phenomena of life;
    • the ability to suppress involuntary switching attention to foreign objects;
    • the ability to use your imagination in the direction of progressive self-development, without being obsessed with passive reverie.

    Diagnostics. Diagnostics of switching and distribution of attention. Diagnosis of the level of development of attention and visual memory. Diagnostics of switching and distribution of attention. Diagnosis of sustainability and attentional distribution. Diagnosis of short-term memory.

    Games. "Brick", "Telegram", "Kaleidoscope", "Running Associations", "Domino", "Composer", "Ladder", "Search for analogues", "Exclusion of excess", "Mutual exclusion", "Logical connection", "Chain of words ", What word is encrypted", "Alphabet", "Fly", "Labyrinth", "Leapfrog", "Telepathy", "Fingers", "Focusing", "Tune in to my wave", "Lame Monkey", "Lost storyteller "," Lazy and hard worker "," Breathing "," Warmly "," Over-attention "," Carousel "," Acrobat "," Magic Pencil "," Thermometer "," Anti-Time "," Pulse "," Mnemotehnika ", “Running Associations”, “W yerkalo, high energy.

    Conversations. "Mind Training", "Comparison", "Similarity in relations between objects", "Generalization and limitation of concepts", "Determination of correct generalizations", "Memory", "Developing attention", "Imagination", "Developing imagination", "Thinking "," Developing logical thinking "," Developing fast thinking "," Generalization and limitation of concepts "," Essential and non-essential features of the concept "," Definition of concepts "," Logical relations between concepts "," Classification "," Multistage classifications ".

    Exercises. Exercises on the development of switching and distribution of attention. Exercises for the development of skills to highlight the signs of objects and other objects. Exercises to develop attention and visual memory. Exercises for the development of sustainability and distribution of attention. Exercises to develop the ability to compare objects between themselves. Exercises to develop the ability to find similarities not only in the objects themselves, but also in the relations between them. Exercises on the development of mental actions - a generalization and limitation of concepts. Exercises on the development of skills to find new properties of objects, the development of creative thinking. Exercises for the development of associative thinking. Exercises for the development of memory. Exercises on the development of an active dictionary. Krepelin's account (method of adding numbers with switching). "Fingers", "Focusing", "Tune in to my wave", "Lame monkey", "Lost story-teller", "Lazy and hard worker", "Breath", "Heat" , “Super-attention”, “Carousel”, “Acrobat”, “Magic Pencil”, “Thermometer”, “Anti-Time”, “Pulse”, “Mnemotechnics”, “Running Association”, “Mirror”, “High Energy”).

    Tasks. "Leather Gloves", "Pharaoh and the Gods", "Horse Farm", "Cats", "Footballers."

    Conversations. “My problems”, “Insults”, “Criticism”, “Compliments or flattery”, “A load of habits”, “The Alphabet of Changes”, “What does it mean to be polite?”.

    Exercises. “Geometric offenses”, “Letter to the offender”, “Fairy tale”, “Compliment”, “As far as I know them”, “Sculptor and clay”, “My problems”, “List of claims”, “Mountain from the shoulders”.

    Games. “Puppets”, “Failure”, “Leapfrog”, “It's hard to be a god.”

    Diagnostics. Diagnostics of studying pupils' school motivation. Diagnostics of school anxiety Phillips.

    Conversations. “What is responsibility?”, “Why do people respect?”, “Self-esteem”, “Feelings“ useful ”and“ harmful ”,“ What does communication mean in my life? ”,“ What does communication mean in my life? ”,“ Need to manage emotions? ”,“ What are “forbidden“ feelings? ”,“ Are you ashamed to be afraid? ”,“ Fears and horror stories ”,“ We ​​are overcoming all anxieties ”,“ Stress in a person’s life ”,“ Ways to combat stress ”,“ Anger and aggression "," How to cope with your own aggressiveness? "," Anger is good or bad? "Features of my anger: what are the causes of its generation and the ways of its manifestation?", "The Art of Contact", "How to find a common language with people?", "What is empathy?".

    Fairy tales. “Emelino mood” by V. Simonov, “Country of feelings” by T. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, “Easy treatment” by N. Pezyashin, “Tonino-invisible”, “Bear - lime foot” by A. Kozhevnikov.

    Exercises. "Miracles of technology", "Synaesthesia", "Synesthesia-2", "Reincarnation", "Reincarnation-2", "Reflection", "Treasure", "Choice", "Robot", "Robot-2", " Claw ”,“ Docking ”,“ Anabiosis ”,“ Tachistoscope ”,“ Stop ”,“ Scout ”,“ I Am Interested with You ”,“ What Happens to You? ”,“ Ball and Weight ”,“ Word ”,“ Mirror "," I - sayings "," Phantom "," Disaster relief "," Crystal Journey "," A Dream by the Sea "," Story "," Shoes "," Cocks "," Pyramid "," Candle of Trust " , "Confusion."

    Games. “Group picture”, “Group picture-2”, “Coin”, “Sherenga”, “Wall”, “Slalom”, “On Guard”, “Discussion”, “We Understand from the First Word”, “Guess”, “Guess by drawing "," Solving psychological problems "," Paper mirror "," Mask "," Piggy of emotions "," Scary "," Bedbugs ".

    3. Thematic planning

    indicating the number of hours devoted to the development of a particular topic

    payment order

    Section titles, lesson topics

    Number of hours

    Development of the intellectual sphere

    Development of constructive communication skills

    Correction of motivational - emotional sphere


    Calendar - thematic planning in grade 9 b

    Occupation number

    Occupation date





    According to plan

    In fact

    Development of the intellectual sphere (24 hours)

    Mind training

    Sign and properties of objects and objects

    Active dictionary

    Signs, properties and qualities of objects and objects


    Similarity (analogy)

    Decision non-standard tasks   according to the scheme


    Generic relationship. Relations. Determination of correct generalizations

    Generalization and limitation of concepts

    Generic relationship

    Significant and non-essential features of the concept

    Definition of concepts

    Definition of concepts

    Location of concepts from more specific to more general

    The system of generic relations

    Comparison of pairs of concepts and finding common signs in them

    Logical relationship between concepts



    Multistage classifications

    Development of constructive communication skills (8 hours)

    My problems



    Compliments or flattery

    Cargo habits

    ABC of change



    Correction of the motivational - emotional sphere (36 hours)

    I grow, I change

    My interests and hobbies

    My strengths and weaknesses

    We and our loved ones

    What is responsibility

    What a person is respected for

    Self esteem

    My dreams

    My goals

    That I love

    Love to motherland

    Love for family

    Feelings "useful" and "harmful"

    What does communication mean in my life?

    Do I need to manage emotions?

    What are "forbidden" feelings?

    What feelings do we hide?

    Is it a shame to be afraid?

    Fears and horror stories

    Conquer all anxieties

    What will they think about me?

    Stress in a person's life

    Ways to deal with stress

    Ways to deal with stress. Autotraining

    Anger and Aggression

    I got aggression

    How to cope with your own aggressiveness?

    Anger is good or bad?

    Features of my anger: what are the causes of its generation and how it manifests?

    Art of contact. How to find a common language with people?

    What is empathy? Why do I need empathy?

    Develop empathy. Empathy in action

    Ways of expressing feelings

    Training "I - statements"

    Compliments. Happiness is like a mood


    "The long-term work plan of the pedagogical psychologist MBS (K) OU Special (Correctional) General Education school VIII   view of the city of Michurinsk Sergeeva Olga Pavlovna for the 2014 - 2015 academic year SECTION..."

    I approve:

    Director of MBS (C) of the OS “Special (Corrective)”

    secondary school VIII species "

    V.A. Bayeva

    Order No. 3 of September 1, 2014

    Perspective work plan

    educational psychologist

    MBS (K) OU "Special (Corrective)

    secondary school VIII species "

    city ​​of Michurinsk

    Sergeeva Olga Pavlovna

    for 2014 - 2015 academic year

    GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR 2014 - 2015 academic year

    PURPOSE: to provide psychological assistance and support to all participants in the educational process, to develop a unified system together with the administration and teachers of the school in teaching, developing and educating students with disabilities.


    Identification of special educational needs of students with 1.

    mental retardation, due to the structure and depth of their violations, deficiencies in physical and mental development;

    prevention of problems with the development of a child with disabilities;

    assistance (assistance) to the child in solving actual problems of development, training, socialization: learning difficulties, problems with choosing educational and professional routes, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, problems of relationships with peers, teachers, parents;

    3. psychological support of educational programs;

    4. promoting the protection of the school's health-preserving educational space, the formation of psychological and pedagogical competence (psychological culture) of all participants in the educational process.


       for the 2014-2015 academic year.

    2.1. Organizational and methodical work.

    № Name of cases Dates Participants Preparation for the cabinet to a new academic August Psychologist of the year.

    Drawing up a long-term work plan for the year. August Psychologist Definition of the primary level of development September Psychological processes of newcomers Psychologist, students: diagnostics; drawing up psychological- October administration pedagogical maps.

    September Development and preparation for work of methods for diagnosing students: printing, preparation of forms by the psychologist, stimulus material.

    Processing, analysis, synthesis of results During the year Psychologist activity, interpretation of the data.

    - & nbsp– & nbsp–

    Duration of psychological diagnosis:

    Individual psychological diagnostics, processing of results, drawing up conclusions and recommendations: 6.0 hours for 1 person Group psychodiagnostics, processing of results; drawing up a psychological conclusion: 8.3 hours for a group of 10 people

    - & nbsp– & nbsp–

    Developmental classes for the correction of students' emotional and emotional sphere. Individual lessons, During the year 1 - 10 cells.

    elements of training, Circles of communication.

    - & nbsp– & nbsp–

    Individual conversations with students, consisting on 2 accounts, skipping classes without a good reason, Monthly 4-10 cells.

    committing offenses

    - & nbsp– & nbsp–

    Organization and holding of psychological and pedagogical practical seminars with the aim of increasing the psychological, medical and pedagogical literacy of teachers:

    1.Analysis of students' health monitoring in 2014.

    2. Analysis of the data bank 2014-2015 academic year by trainees and their families.

    - & nbsp– & nbsp–

    2. Methods of psychological correctional assistance in overcoming fears in children with autism.

    3. From work experience. Educating autistic children.

    1. Illness or norm? Identify signs of ADHD by questioning.

    2. Perpetuum mobile. How to help a hyperactive child.

    3. On the skill of professional and pedagogical self-actualization. As a teacher in the classroom, child hyperactivity, obstinacy and negativism should be tamed.

    - & nbsp– & nbsp–

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