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  • All the achievements of Batman: Arkham Knight. Guide to completing additional tasks or "catch villains together"

    All the achievements of Batman: Arkham Knight. Guide to completing additional tasks or

    Edward Nigma is a character from the DC universe who appears in the Dark Knight comics. Nigma first appeared in the 140th edition of Detective Comics as a supervillain called The Riddler. The character was so popular that he became one of Batman's main antagonists. Not only that, Edward Nigma featured not only in comics. He also appeared in animated series, films, computer games, etc. Perhaps the most successful interpretation of the Riddler came in the series called "Gotham." It is about this version of the character that we will discuss in this article. Want to learn more about Edward Nigma and his activities? Read the material.

    The series "Gotham"

    Recently, the genre of superheroes has gained immense popularity. This trend was picked up by large comic book publishers. Thus, the Marvel company literally occupied the cinemas with its Avengers and Iron Men. But the competitors from "DiSi" are not bastard. While the cinema is being bombed with their films, DiC decided to take over the television. And how else to explain the release of a number of superhero TV shows like Green Arrow, Flash, Heroes of Tomorrow, etc.?

    Against the backdrop of the above projects, Gotham stands out. This series, although based on comics, but tells the story of ordinary people who fight evil. This is what attracts the audience. It's pretty hard to empathize with the same Flash. After all, he has incredible abilities that make him almost invincible. “Gotham”, in turn, tells the story of an honest policeman Jim Gordon, who wants to cleanse the city from crime. Jim does not have superpowers and fights dangerous maniacs on his own. One of these maniacs is Edward Nigma. You can learn more about this character from this article.

    Riddle Man Edward Nigma

    The role of Edward Nigma in the series "Gotham" is performed by an actor named Corey Smith. Initially, Nigma played the role of a semi-cristo-semi-statistician. However, over time, this character gained incredible popularity among fans. It is for this reason that the role of Nigma in the plot of the series was significantly expanded. Why is Riddler Edward Nigma so popular?

    Everything is pretty simple. Firstly, the actor playing Nigma copes with his task one hundred percent. Corey Smith fits perfectly in the role. Secondly, Edward Nigma is an interesting character in itself. Watching his evolution from a botanist to a brutal maniac is incredibly interesting.

    First season

    Edward Nigma appeared in the first episode of the series. According to the plot, he works as a forensic expert in the police department, which Jim Gordon falls into. The creators from the first frames try to show us that Nigma is a guy with oddities. Edward loves bothering his colleagues with various puzzles and puzzles. It is for this reason that Nigma is not treated in the best way in the area. They constantly make fun of him and make fun of him.

    Also, one cannot fail to mention the love interest of Nigma - Christine Kringle, who works in the police archive. Edward repeatedly tried to invite the girl on a date. But she ignored Edward's courtship in every way. Later, Christine and completely struck up a relationship with policeman Tom Dougherty, who did not respect the girl and often beat her. This freaks Nigma out of himself, and in a fit of rage he kills the cop. This was Edward's first step in embarking on the path of a brutal killer.

    Second season

    In the second season, the character of Corey Smith was developed. Edward Nigma begins to suffer from a split personality: within him, cruelty and humanity are fighting. In addition, Nigma begins dating Miss Kringle, who believes that the ex-boyfriend left her and left the city. And everything seems to be good.

    Nigma suppresses its mental disorders, relations with Christine are developing quite rapidly. However, terrible things soon happen. Miss Kringle finds out who killed Tom. Edward tries to calm the girl, but inadvertently strangles her. This was the last straw for Nigma. His alter ego takes over, and Edward becomes the Riddler.

    Riddles of Edward Nigma from the series "Gotham"

    The main feature of Nigma is puzzles. Throughout the series, he puzzled both the audience and other characters in the series with his puzzles. Moreover, a certain trend is noticeable. In the first season, Edward's riddles are extremely harmless and are designed to inform the interlocutor of an interesting fact or event.

    In the second season, Nigma puzzles take on a more sadistic character. Recall at least the moment after the murder of Miss Kringle. The Riddler prevails over Edward, crushing his identity. While the body of Nigma was controlled by his alter ego, the Riddler dismembered his girlfriend and hid parts of her body in the police station. When the identity of Edward regained control of the body, he had to find the corpse of his lover with the help of puzzles that the Riddler had left.

    In addition to the main plot, in any self-respecting game, there will also be a bunch of sideways that you need to perform. And you can not do it, and then you will deprive yourself of the extra 10 hours of pleasure. In our Batman, these side effects, perhaps even more than the plot itself! And they allow us to meet face to face with the next batch of enemies, which are not even mentioned in the main storyline.

    And there are only 6 such enemies: Deadshot, Hash, Bane, Zsasz, Mad Hatter, Riddler. + additional side effects without a significant enemy: track down a mysterious stranger, help Frieze in search of his wife, complete all AR training. + any trifle without which the game will not be passed 100% and about which I will also say. We go straight through the list:

    Shot in the Dark (Deadshot)

    Guide to completing additional tasks or "catch villains together"

    Guide to completing additional tasks or "catch villains together"

    Guide to completing additional tasks or "catch villains together"

    Guide to completing additional tasks or "catch villains together"

    ... or Arkham's best hitman. An excellent sniper, carrying in his arsenal a large-caliber sniper rifle and pistols mounted on his wrists. The side kick starts when the SOS signal icon from some roof appears on your batcomputer. We fly there, talk with a frightened prisoner who says "about a psycho who chases after him and wants to kill." In the middle of the conversation, this prisoner receives a bullet in the forehead, and we are obliged to scan the area for evidence. The evidence will be the bullet by which Batman determines the killer - this is the Deadshot (it will be necessary to track the trajectory of the shot, as it was with the Joker).

    What to do next? We fly to the area marked on the map by number 2. At some point, you just hear the echo of the shot, and the Oracle tells you that in another * such-and-such * area another victim of an evil sniper is noticed. The difficulty here is simply to find this victim, because the area is rather big. I will simplify this task for you: the victim on the bridge. We scan the terrain, track the trajectory of the bullet, we get the next evidence - stand for the rifle. According to her, Bats determines the quality of the metal. The third victim is easier to find - bandits gathered above her. Three or four bandits - is this a problem? We scan the area, find out that the bullet ricocheted off (finding the trajectory is not very difficult), we follow the trail and get the last evidence - the thermal trail. We contact the Oracle, we get a series of locations "a possible deadshot lair" (or something like that). The right choice is the location located in the northeast of the map. There we will find the CCP killer, hack it and find out about the next victim, which we must save in the allotted time. We save and observe the first and last miss in the career of Deadshot. Next, the battle begins directly with him.

    The battle will be on the roof, in the center of which is Deadshot himself. If he gets in sight, he will kill us. Here you just need to sneak up on him quietly, hiding behind objects (while he is looking for us on the other side of the roof). Sneaking up, cutting down - the quest has passed.

    Search for the Thief (Khash)

    Guide to completing additional tasks or "catch villains together"

    Guide to completing additional tasks or "catch villains together"

    Guide to completing additional tasks or "catch villains together"

    Guide to completing additional tasks or "catch villains together"

    At the places marked on the map (one of ..) we find a corpse whose face is cut out and wrapped in a towel, we scan it. A trace appears, which we must follow and which will lead us to a frightened policeman who, at the sight of Batman, will impose a bunch of bricks. This is not our "kidnapper", and after a boring conversation with him, we are waiting for the search for the following victims. This is very, very difficult, because they are not indicated on the map in any way, and looking for them in Arkham is the same as looking for a needle in a haystack. The second victim in the park street, next to the AR training (fly to the left gargoyle and jump down). Scan the area and find fingerprints on the knife. Then, SUDDENLY, it turns out that these are fingerprints of Batman himself, and we are forced to look for a third victim. A reference to the third victim is the huge green billboard “ACE Chemicals”. The third corpse is next to the building on which this billboard is located. We scan and again follow the trail that leads us to the next bastard bastard who convinces us that none of this is Bruce Wayne. Well, we know that this is not so. A marker appears on the map (next to the courthouse), and we go there. There we fall into a trap and meet Khash, who, from pieces of taken faces, changed his appearance to look like Wayne (not to be an exact copy of him). And this is where the quest ends ... do you feel who will be the enemy in the next part of the game?

    Fragile Alliance (Bane)

    Guide to completing additional tasks or "catch villains together"

    Guide to completing additional tasks or "catch villains together"

    One of the easiest side effects. As soon as the signal light icon on one of the roofs appears on the betcomputer, we fly there. We go into the room and see Bane pumped by the titan. From there we learn that 12 containers with titanium are located throughout Arkham, which, although blood from the nose, must be destroyed. Six takes Bats and six takes Bane. It is worth noting that these same containers are available before the start of the quest. So they will only appear on the map, and the whole problem of the quest will be "fly in, scatter enemies, blow up containers (with explosive gel)." After all the containers are blown up, we return to Bane, we learn that he has nothing good on his mind, and gracefully isolate him in the cell. There will not even be a fight - we will limit ourselves to one video.

    The Cold-blooded Killer (Zsasz)

    Guide to completing additional tasks or "catch villains together"

    Guide to completing additional tasks or "catch villains together"

    Well, the name, seriously! Zsazz appears in Arkham Asulym, but there his role is minimal and he is cut down with one blow. Here he is assigned a much larger role - he has become a real "telephone" maniac! Every area in Arkham has a telephone that can ring if you fly by. After the start of the quest, you will need to complete a series of 5-6 classes of the same type: in a certain time, fly from one point to another (all this, of course, is Zsasz’s game, which makes us rush from phone to phone). To track a call in talk mode, move the cursor so that it does not go beyond the marked area. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times and you will track down the maniac. The neutralization procedure is quite simple - you need to go through a kind of labyrinth (with a constantly changing water level, more in the video). Do not forget that you can cling to the ledges and use a cable thrower (I always forget about it).

    Through Magnifying Glass (Mad Hatter)

    Guide to completing additional tasks or "catch villains together"

    Guide to completing additional tasks or "catch villains together"

    The quest begins next to the theater in which the Joker was tragically killed. On the roof of one of the buildings you can find the medicine dropped by Alfred (it is marked on the map). After application, Batman faints, and then a series of events takes place, which without a mat is generally very difficult to describe. The hero begins to fight the effects of the drug that the Hatter injected into him. Face ... environment ... it must be seen! By the way, in this mission you can score the maximum combo for the entire game (not counting the trials in a separate mode).

    Enigma's riddle (Riddler)

    Guide to completing additional tasks or "catch villains together"

    Guide to completing additional tasks or "catch villains together"

    In my opinion, the most difficult villain. To defeat him, you need to collect 400 (!) Trophies and save the five hostages.

    The mysterious enjoys   use riddles and puzzles   in their crimes, nigma often leaving them as a hint   for the police and Batman.


    Edward Nashton was raised in Waterbury. He looked for the answer to every question that surfaced in his head, Edward constantly asked endless questions to adults, who were often annoyed by it. Once at school, Edward heard about the contest from his teacher. The competition was to assemble the puzzle in the least amount of time, and the winner will receive a prize. Not only strive to win and get a reward, he wanted to get attention and popularity, Edward in no way intended to win the competition. Every night, he infiltrated the school and searched for a solution to the puzzle. He trained and as a result managed to solve the puzzle in fifteen seconds. After winning the competition, Edward received a book of puzzles and riddles. However, after winning the contest, he attracted the attention of hooligans, not those he wanted.

    Years passed and Nashton found himself among the working class population. He described it as being in hell. Edward began to engage in crime in order to somehow have fun, but realized that he was not satisfied with the simple commission of crimes. He wanted to create excitement and gain fame by becoming the Riddler (he even changed his last name to Nigma). The first crimes of the Riddler were ignored by the police. In turn, the Riddler is planning his next crime, but only this time he was convinced that his intentions were known. In his first encounter with Batman, he was defeated, but the Riddler managed to escape, and despite the failure, his fascination with riddles only increased. In his next crime, he needed helpers, but they were hard to find. Riddler tried to raise funds for his next crime himself, this leads him to a meeting with his future assistants, Question and Echo, who eventually became faithful to his allies.

    In their next crime, the Riddler used much more complex riddles   and tricks to knock the police off their trail. Despite what Batman saw through his tricks, Nigma had already committed his crime by this time and had fled to cover. Batman eventually caught up with him and was able to catch the Riddler and his assistants, though not for long. The Riddler escaped and later met with his assistants. Although he lost most of the money he stole from the bank, the Riddler made a reputation for himself. When committing another crime, the Dark Knight still managed to stop him and send him to Arkham Hospital.


    The Riddler has outstanding originality in solving and formulating all kinds of riddles. He has brilliant deductive and investigative skills that can compete with the skills of the Dark Knight. In addition to this, the Riddler has a huge financial condition, which he acquired during the years of his criminal life.

    Like most of Batman’s opponents (as well as Batman himself), the Riddler does not have any superhuman abilities, but is a very outstanding and insidious strategist. He is not a particularly outstanding melee fighter, he also sometimes uses weapons, for example, exploding parts of a daub, a cane in the form of a question mark (which includes several types of weapons   and computer technology). The Riddler has knowledge of engineering and technology. Nigma used holograms to confuse his pursuers. He is also known as Batman's smartest opponent.

    In the media


    The Riddler appears in the animated series "Batman and Superman Hour" released in 1968, the character voiced by Ted Knight.

    The Riddler appears in the animated series Super Challenge Friends, a character voiced by Michael Bell. He is a member of the Legion of Doom, he usually provides puzzles for Super friends to deter them from interventions in the plans of the Legion. The Riddler appears in   episode   called "Monolith of Evil" .

    Riddler appears in the animated series "Super Friends" released in 1980, the character was voiced by Michael Bell. In the episode "Around the World for 80 Mysteries", he uses his new spray (which slowly reduces intelligence to a 2-year-old child) on Batman and Robin, where he gives different riddles / clues so they can find the antidote.

    Riddler appears in the animated series "", the character was voiced by John Glover. The mystery man is dressed in a green suit with a purple mask on his face. He made his debut in an episode entitled “If you're smart, why aren't you rich?” In which Edward Nigma takes on the image of The Riddler. Despite the fact that Batman solves his riddles, he manages to remain unaccounted for, he later appeared in the episode “What is Reality?”, Where he locked Commissar Gordon in the virtual reality world, but Batman outwitted him and defeats the villain. Unlike other villains who escaped from Arkham, Riddler was released for good behavior. He returns in the episode "The Better Riddler," where he works for a toy company and uses his image as the Riddler to advertise and earn millions. However, the Riddler cannot live without a criminal life and makes a trap for Batman, but the Dark Knight managed to survive and caught him.

    Riddler appears in the animated series "", the character was voiced by John Glover. In this version, the character design is changed: without hair and dressed in overalls with the image of a large question mark on the chest.   In the episode "Beyond the Bound", The Riddler was spotted on a talk show with other Batman villains. In the episode "Doomsday," the Riddler was among the victims of the vigilante, known as the Judge.

    • Riddler appears in the animated series "", the character was voiced by John Glover. He appears in an episode entitled "The Night Knight's Time", he is allied with and hope to use Batman's absence as an advantage in his plans. However, when Superman (dressed as Batman) and Robin appear, he is quickly caught by them.

    The Riddler appears in the animated series "" released in 2004, the character was voiced by Robert Englund. This version has a gothic look. In this episode called "The Riddler's Revenge"it was shown that Nigma and his partner Julie worked at the university on a device to increase activity human brain. Nigma is approached by a man named Gorman who offered to buy rights to inventionbut Nigma refused. After device   broke right at the presentation, Nigma accused Gorman of sabotage. A few years later, Nigma tried to kill Ripley, but Batman saved him.

    The Riddler appears in the animated series "", the character was voiced by John Michael Higgins. He appears in a teaser episode   "The bat is split!", Nigma TV game host   in which participates Gold booster, he must guess riddles, and if he does not give the correct answer, then Batman is shocked. In the endBatman frees himself and   they are together   Booster fight againstThe Riddler and his henchmen.

    The Riddler appears in the animated series "", the character voiced by Dave Franco. In an episode called "Horror," he is a prisoner Belle Reve from which successfully withrunning around. IN   episode "Wrong place", Clarion Boy the SorcererWotan Blackbriere Thorneand the Wizard break Earth into two dimensions with a spellthat is a distraction for   so that the Riddler and Sportmaster could steal organism from the STAR Laboratory. He also appears in the episode   "Usual suspects", The Riddler joinsCheshire, Mammoth and Shimmer who lureto ambush the Young League.

    The Riddler appears in the animated series "", the character voiced by Brent Spiner.

    Animated films