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  • Riddles about furniture and household appliances are complex. Riddles about household appliances

    Riddles about furniture and household appliances are complex.  Riddles about household appliances

    Riddles about Appliances

        (Answer: Tape recorder)

        We have a robot in our apartment, -
        He has a huge trunk,
        The robot loves cleanliness,
        And it buzzes like a liner: "Tuu-u"
        Eagerly swallows dust,
        But he does not get sick, does not sneeze.

        (Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

        He swallows indiscriminately
        Everything that lies in the way.
        If there is a lot of dust, litter -
        All trembling with joy.

        (Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

        He willingly inhaled dust,
        Didn't get sick or sneeze.

        (Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

        He has a rubber trunk,
        With a canvas stomach.
        How his motor will hum
        He swallows both dust and dirt.

        (Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

        If I see dust, I grumble
        wrap up and swallow.

        (Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

        Pulls the trunk
        And the robot itself.

        (Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

        Walks-wanders on carpets,
        Leads his nose in the corners.
        Where I went - there is no dust,
        Dust and debris is his lunch.

        (Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

        Lives without a language
        Doesn't eat or drink
        And he speaks and sings.

        (Answer: Radio)

        They say in Moscow, but we can hear it.

        (Answer: Radio)

        Not a human,
        And he talks.

        (Answer: Radio)

        Wave, wave
        Music floats to me.

        (Answer: Radio)

        This is how the house is: One window,
        Every day In the movie window.
        The whole Universe lives in it,
        And the thing is ordinary.

        (Answer: TV)

        The whole Universe lives in it,
        And the thing is ordinary.

        (Answer: TV)

        On my friends screen
        The seas are rustling in the fog
        The garden shakes the fruit.
        There are programs for children.

        (Answer: TV)

        Turn the magic circle
        And my friend will hear me.

        (Answer: Phone)

        (Answer: Phone)

        In the linen country
        A sheet along the river
        The steamer is sailing
        Back and forth
        And behind him is such a smooth surface,
        Not a wrinkle to be seen.

        (Answer: Iron)

        Here comes the steamer -
        Back and forth
        And behind him is such a smooth surface -
        Not wrinkles to be seen.

        (Answer: Iron)

        Strokes everything that it touches
        And if you touch it, it bites.

        (Answer: Iron)

        Smooths out wrinkles
        Hot man.

        (Answer: Iron)

        Back and forth
        The steamer is sailing.
        Stop - grief!
        Make holes in the sea!

        (Answer: Iron)

        I'm not bragging about saying:
        I will rejuvenate all my friends!
        They come to me sad -
        With wrinkles, with folds,
        Very cute go away -
        Fun and smooth!
        So I am a reliable friend

        (Answer: Iron)

        In this little thing
        A warm wind settled.

        (Answer: Hairdryer)

        South wind
        Necessary for the household.

        (Answer: Hairdryer)

        It will light up with a bright flame.

        (Answer: Lantern)

        House is a glass vial
        And the light lives in it.
        During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up,
        It will light up with a bright flame.

        (Answer: Lantern)

        What will this eye look at -
        All the picture will be transferred.

        (Answer: Camera)

        This eye is a special eye.
        He will quickly look at you,
        And will be born
        The most accurate portrait of you.

        (Answer: Camera)

        Feeds the house
        Ice cabinet.

        (Answer: Refrigerator)

        In the belly - a bath, in the nose - a sieve, on the head - a navel. One hand, and that one on the back. What is it?

        (Answer: Kettle)

        He has a big belly
        Not a hippopotamus at all.
        He raised his trunk-nose,
        But, nevertheless, not an elephant.
        And he puffs through his nose
        On the stove like a locomotive.

        (Answer: Kettle)

        In the woolen glade
        Dancing thin-legged -
        From under the steel shoe
        Stitch creeps out.

        (Answer: Sewing Machine)

        There is a boy in my house
        Three and a half years.
        It ignites without fire
        There is light throughout the apartment.
        He will click once -
        It's light with us.
        He will click once -
        And the light went out.

        (Answer: Electric Bulb)

        He climbed onto the table
        From under the bench
        Looked around
        On a stand,
        Flexible tail
        Tie pleats
        Licked it off.

        (Answer: Electric Iron)

    Natalia Nagovitsyna
    Electrical Appliance Quiz

    The course of the lesson.

    Children sit in a semicircle on high chairs.

    Educator: Children, today we will talk with you on an interesting topic. Which one? You will have to find out by solving my riddle. Listen to the riddle:

    "To distant villages, cities

    Who is on the wire?

    Bright majesty!

    This is (electricity).

    Right. Today we will talk about electricity and electrical appliances - complex devices that are powered by electricity, they, like good wizards, perform various homework... Without them, it would be difficult for a person. Guys, do you have electrical appliances at home? Which? Name them (children list electrical appliances).

    Carlson runs in with a bandaged hand, gasps, gasps.

    Carlson: "Hello guys!"

    Educator: Hello, Carlson. What happened to you?

    Carlson: “What, what? You know that I like to play pranks. So so many things happened to me: firstly, I rode on the chandelier, but it broke off, and I almost got an electric shock when I wanted to go down the wires.

    Secondly, I really like to drink tea with pompoms, I put the kettle on and forgot about it, but it boiled, boiled and boiled away all over and almost started a fire.

    And thirdly, I got burned on the iron. And a lot more happened to me. "

    Educator Karlson, how could you do that? Children, do you think Carlson did good deeds? (children's answers) Well, you see, our children don't do that, because they know how to use electrical appliances correctly and always do them. It's good that you came to our class. We are now talking about electrical appliances. Sit down, please, and the children will explain everything to you and teach you how to use electrical appliances correctly so that nothing happens to you in the future.

    Educator: “Ah, now I want to see how children know electrical appliances well. I will ask riddles, and if you find out what kind of electrical appliance it is, raise your hand and answer. "


    1) Ironing dresses and shirts,

    He will iron our pockets.

    He is a faithful friend on the farm -

    His name is…. (iron)

    2) Admire, look -

    North pole inside!

    There is snow and ice sparkling

    Winter itself lives there. (fridge)

    3) I have a robot in my apartment

    He has a huge trunk.

    The robot loves cleanliness,

    And it buzzes like a Tu-liner.

    He willingly swallows dust,

    Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze…. (vacuum cleaner).

    4) Not radio, but speaks

    Not theater, but shows ... (television).

    5) Hanging pear - you can't eat ... (bulb).

    6) Only me, only me,

    I'm in charge in the kitchen

    Without me, how do not work

    Sit back without lunch…. (plate).

    7) If you press the button

    Music will sound…. (record player).

    Educator: Well done, the children guessed all the riddles correctly. And now I suggest you play the game "Who is in charge?"

    The teacher gives the children object pictures, and they describe the object, what it is for, and end the story with the words: "I am the most important."

    1) I am a vacuum cleaner, I am the most necessary one.

    I clean everything in the apartment

    I love dust and debris "

    (I am in charge).

    2) I am a fan.

    “It's good that the fan is helping us guys.

    Like a bee it will hum

    The breeze will refresh us. (I'm in charge).

    3) And I am a washing machine.

    "The main thing is mine

    Wash linen cleanly "

    I not only know how to wash,

    I can rinse, squeeze. (I am the main one)

    4) I am a refrigerator.

    “It's a problem without a refrigerator.

    The heat will spoil the food.

    And even our hungry cat

    It will not work with such food ”(I am in charge).

    5) I am an electric stove.

    “Electric miracle, miscellaneous prepares a dish.

    Boil borscht or pickle, and fry eggs.

    Stew meat, chicken

    And dry the crackers. (I am the main one).

    6) I am an iron.

    “The iron is like a steamer,

    It floats smoothly on the linen,

    Is your dress wrinkled? - nothing!

    He will smooth it out quickly. (I am in charge).

    7) I am a hairdryer.

    “I was in a hurry for the matinee, drying my hair with a hairdryer.

    And then she took out the tongs, curled the strands in curls.

    I did a great job and turned into a princess! " (hairdryer is the main one).

    8) I am a microwave oven.

    Without microwave oven

    It's hard to cope in the dining room

    I will cook and warm

    I eat lighter and faster. " (I'm in charge).

    9) I am a mixer.

    “He's instantly no problem

    We'll get some cream for the cake. ”(Main mixer).

    10) I am an electric kettle.

    “You plug me in,

    When you want to have tea. " (I am in charge).

    Educator: All participants in the dispute are needed and useful.

    Children, what needs to be done to make electrical appliances work?

    (children's answers)

    In order for the devices to work, they are plugged into an outlet - the entrance gate to the electrical network.

    And what is it that is invisible sitting in the outlet and making home machines work (children's answers).

    Educator: That's right, electricity runs along the wires and makes electrical appliances work. An electric current is somewhat similar to a river, only water flows in the river, and very small particles - electrons - flow through the wires.

    Now let's play. Imagine that you are small particles of current that are running along wires.

    Game "The current runs through the wires."

    Children, intercepting the knots on the rope with their right and left hands, say the words:

    The current runs through the wires

    Light brings us into the apartment.

    So that the devices work

    Refrigerator, monitors.

    Coffee grinders, vacuum cleaner,

    The current brought energy.

    Educator: but electrical appliances can be dangerous things. It all depends on how you handle and store them. Otherwise, the electric current turns into a beast.

    It's very dangerous to play with him, buddy!

    The beast is called electric current.

    Do not rush to poke your fingers into the socket.

    If you try to joke with the current,

    He will get angry and can kill.

    Current - for electrical appliances, understand

    Better never tease him!

    Listen to one cautionary story that happened to a little girl.

    Poem by M. Monakova "Rosettes are not interesting to me!"

    Girl: A neighbor came to visit us,

    We frolicked with her for half a day,

    The needle was inserted into the socket,

    From the socket - a pillar of fire!

    My neighbor and I barely

    We managed to jump to the side.

    My dad, a great connoisseur,

    He told us:

    Boy: "There is a current in the socket,

    I do not advise you to touch this outlet,

    Never grab irons and wires!

    An invisible current without hands can suddenly hit you! "

    Guys, what this poem teaches us (the current is dangerous, you can't play with the socket).

    But what can happen if you do not follow the safety rules when using electrical appliances?

    That's right, trouble can happen.

    Children, let's show and tell Carlson how to behave with electrical appliances so that trouble does not happen.

    (We show plot pictures on the screen with dangerous situations, and the children talk).

    To consolidate the rules for the use of electrical appliances, I suggest you play the game "You can - you can not"

    I ask the children, if this is what I will call it possible to do, then they clap their hands, and if it is not possible, then they squat down.

    Insert foreign objects, especially electrical objects, into the electrical outlet. (it is forbidden).

    Turn on a table lamp. (can)

    Touch bare wires with your hands. (it is forbidden)

    Turn on the electric kettle. (can)

    Touch the switched on electrical wires with wet hands. (it is forbidden)

    Leave switched on electrical appliances unattended. (it is forbidden)

    Use faulty devices. (it is forbidden)

    Turn on the light in the apartment. (can)

    Plug many appliances into one socket. (it is forbidden)

    Turn on the electric stove yourself. (it is forbidden)


    And, you know, guys, electricity is safe, quiet, imperceptible. It lives everywhere, by itself, and if you catch it, you can play with it very interestingly. I want to invite you to the land of "Magic Objects", where we will learn how to catch electricity. We must close our eyes, count to 10. Here we are in a magical land.


    Now I will take a balloon in my hands and try to turn it into a magic one. Now I will show you how to do this. I invite any child to be an assistant.

    An experience. I touch the small pieces of paper with the ball.

    What do you see? (the papers lie quietly).

    But now Liza and I will turn an ordinary ball into a magic one and I will show you how to do it. Rub the ball on Lisa's hair and again apply it to the pieces of paper with the side that you rubbed.

    So the balls became magic.

    Why did the ball attract the pieces of paper?

    This happened due to the fact that electricity lives in our hair, and we caught it when we began to rub the ball against our hair. He became electric, so he pulled in pieces of paper.

    Conclusion: electricity lives in the hair.

    Now you guys try to make other items magical.

    Take plastic sticks from the tray and touch the paper balls. What do you see? (lie quietly).

    Now we will make these ordinary wands magical, electric, and they will attract to us.

    Take a piece of wool scarf and rub it on a plastic stick. Slowly bring the stick to the balls and slowly raise it. The balls will also rise. Why?

    The sticks became electric and the balls stuck to them, attracted.

    How did the sticks become electric? They were rubbed with a piece of scarf.

    Conclusion: electricity lives not only in hair, but also in clothes.

    I have a musical toy in my hands. I press the button, but it doesn't sound. What happened (children's answers). Indeed, there is no battery in it. Now I'll put the battery on - plus to plus, minus to minus. The toy worked. Why?

    What kind of power is hidden in batteries? (children's answers).

    When we put the battery in, an electric current went through the toy, and it worked.

    Conclusion: non-hazardous electricity lives in the battery. Toys are very fun and interesting to play with.

    What kind of battery-operated toys do you have? (children's answers).


    You guys are great! Today you learned how to make objects magical. It's time for us to say goodbye to the magic land and return to Kindergarten... Close your eyes now.

    One, two, three, four, five - here we are in the kindergarten again.


    Well, Carlson, made sure that our children know the rules for using electrical appliances?

    Carlson: Yes, guys, you are great. Well, I, too, will now follow the safety rules.


    That's right, Carlson, safety rules must be followed.

    Thank you guys, now I remember the safety rules well. I have to go, see you guys.


    So our lesson has come to an end.

    Follow all the rules for using electrical appliances and electricity will be your friend. And so that you do not forget these rules, I give you reminders. Watch them and don't forget what you can't do.

    Used Books.

    3. "The unknown is near"

    He swallows indiscriminately
    Everything that lies in the way.
    If there is a lot of dust, litter -
    All trembling with joy.

    Answer: Vacuum cleaner

    He willingly inhaled dust,
    Didn't get sick or sneeze.

    Answer: Vacuum cleaner

    He has a rubber trunk,
    With a canvas stomach.
    How his motor will hum
    He swallows both dust and dirt.

    Answer: Vacuum cleaner

    If I see dust, I grumble
    wrap up and swallow.

    Answer: Vacuum cleaner

    Pulls the trunk
    And the robot itself.

    Answer: Vacuum cleaner

    Walks-wanders on carpets,
    Leads his nose in the corners.
    Where I went - there is no dust,
    Dust and debris is his lunch.

    Answer: Vacuum cleaner

    Lives without a language
    Doesn't eat or drink
    And he speaks and sings.

    Answer: Radio

    They say in Moscow, but we can hear it.

    Answer: Radio

    Not a human,
    And he talks.

    Answer: Radio

    Wave, wave
    Music floats to me.

    Answer: Radio

    This is how the house is: One window,
    Every day In the movie window.
    The whole Universe lives in it,
    And the thing is ordinary.

    Answer: TV

    The whole Universe lives in it,
    And the thing is ordinary.

    Answer: TV

    On my friends screen
    The seas are rustling in the fog
    The garden shakes the fruit.
    There are programs for children.

    Answer: TV

    Turn the magic circle
    And my friend will hear me.

    Answer: Phone

    Answer: Phone

    In the linen country
    A sheet along the river
    The steamer is sailing
    Back and forth
    And behind him is such a smooth surface,
    Not a wrinkle to be seen.

    Answer: Iron

    Here comes the steamer -
    Back and forth
    And behind him is such a smooth surface -
    Not wrinkles to be seen.

    Answer: Iron

    Strokes everything that it touches
    And if you touch it, it bites.

    Answer: Iron

    Smooths out wrinkles
    Hot man.

    Answer: Iron

    Back and forth
    The steamer is sailing.
    Stop - grief!
    Make holes in the sea!

    Answer: Iron

    I'm not bragging about saying:
    I will rejuvenate all my friends!
    They come to me sad -
    With wrinkles, with folds,
    Very cute go away -
    Fun and smooth!
    So I am a reliable friend

    Answer: Iron

    In this little thing
    A warm wind settled.

    Answer: Hairdryer

    South wind
    Necessary for the household.

    Answer: Hairdryer

    It will light up with a bright flame.

    Answer: Lantern

    House is a glass vial
    And the light lives in it.
    During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up,
    It will light up with a bright flame.

    Answer: Lantern

    What will this eye look at -
    All the picture will be transferred.

    Answer: Camera

    This eye is a special eye.
    He will quickly look at you,
    And will be born
    The most accurate portrait of you.

    Answer: Camera

    Feeds the house
    Ice cabinet.

    Answer: Refrigerator

    In the belly - a bath, in the nose - a sieve, on the head - a navel. One hand, and that one on the back. What is it?

    Answer: Kettle

    He has a big belly
    Not a hippopotamus at all.
    He raised his trunk-nose,
    But, nevertheless, not an elephant.
    And he puffs through his nose
    On the stove like a locomotive.

    Answer: Kettle

    Riddles about household appliances, how could it be without her modern world... Each apartment of a modern person has a TV, or even more than one, a refrigerator, a washing machine, which is very helpful for mothers, an iron, a vacuum cleaner, a camera, a hairdryer, a hob and much more. All these devices make our life easier. We have collected riddles about all these assistants on this page. Guessing them will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults. Riddles will come in handy in the classroom, educational events, at themed holidays.

    TV riddles
    Looking at the screen in the apartment
    We see what is happening in the world.

    In the center of the room stands
    Or hanging on the wall.
    Brings news to us
    And the films are more interesting.

    There is a large and magical screen in the house.
    In it you can see the beasts of distant lands,
    Cartoons and news. Even
    He will tell you how to cook something!
    My dad often watches football.
    But the screen is black this day.
    As long as there is no one around -
    Not yet turned it on!

    What a miracle, what a box?
    Himself a singer and himself a storyteller,
    And besides, at the same time
    Demonstrates cinema.

    On my friends screen
    The seas are rustling in the fog
    The garden shakes the fruit.
    There are cartoons for the guys.

    I'll go to the box
    I'll press the button.
    The box will wake up
    This will start:
    Cartoons will show
    He will tell you about the weather.
    Everything is interesting!
    Isn't it cramped for them there?

    Refrigerator riddles

    Even in the July heat
    It is as cold as in winter.

    Technical progress for us
    Gave a chest of wonders -
    There is darkness of all kinds of products,
    Winter protects them.

    Technical progress for us
    Gave a chest of wonders -
    There is darkness of all kinds of products,
    Winter protects them.

    Here is a large cold cupboard.
    It is as frosty as in winter.
    And the products are stored in it:
    Meat, vegetables and fruits.
    If they forgot to close the door,
    It will get cold in the apartment.
    Will sound like an alarm clock
    About this for us ...

    It looks like a house outside
    But there is such a cold inside!
    No, just look:
    North pole inside!
    What a cold house!
    How do the products live in it?

    I have a big belly.
    It contains sausages, cheese, compote.
    If you want to eat, do not be shy
    Open up your belly soon!

    Washing machine riddles
    There is a box in the bathroom,
    It looks transparent and round.
    It’s interesting to look into the eye when
    Water bubbles in this box.

    Turns and turns the drum
    Mom's assistant.
    She has a sheet, a sundress
    Rinse cleanly.

    What a car - just a marvel!
    After her, everything is clean, beautiful ...
    She washed away all the stains and dirt
    She squeezed everything herself - rinsed.

    Buzzed, buzzed -

    Washed and wrung out.

    Got shirts clean

    Dresses, trousers and vests.

    Iron riddles

    I am sleepy in matter,
    I stick my sharp nose everywhere.
    Oh, and I'm angry and hiss.
    I really don't like crumpled ones.

    Strokes everything that it touches
    And if you touch it, it bites.

    I'll walk a little hot
    And the sheet will become smooth.
    I can fix imperfections
    And point the arrows on the trousers.

    Riddles about a vacuum cleaner, floor polisher

    He willingly inhaled dust,
    Didn't get sick or sneeze.
    (vacuum cleaner)

    I have a year
    The hedgehog lives in the room.
    If you wax the floor
    He will rub it to a shine.
    (floor polisher)

    Walks-wanders on carpets,
    Leads his nose in the corners.
    Where you have gone - there is no dust,
    Dust and debris is his lunch.
    (vacuum cleaner)

    If I see dust, I grumble
    Grumble and swallow
    (vacuum cleaner)

    I really like to wander on carpets,
    On soft sofas, in dark corners.
    There I always find delicious dust
    And with pleasure I buzz loudly.
    (vacuum cleaner)

    Mechanical elephant
    Buzzing with electricity
    Long thick proboscis
    Gathers dust all around.
    What will fall under the trunk,
    Everything flies into his belly.
    (vacuum cleaner)

    Guess who I am, children?
    Long Nose, and in the belly - the Wind.
    The belly walks across the carpet
    Eats wrappers, peels.
    (vacuum cleaner)

    An elephant walks around the apartment
    And he swallows garbage.
    (vacuum cleaner)

    Mom does not know grief with him,
    He rushes that sail in the sea,
    On carpets, as on waves,
    In the mornings and evenings.
    Dust swallows like a pump
    Have you guessed? ...
    (vacuum cleaner)

    Riddles about the camera

    This eye is a special eye.
    He will quickly look at you,
    And will be born
    The most accurate portrait of you.

    You look at me
    And just freeze for a moment.
    I have filmed your portrait.
    Who am I?

    A magic thing, no doubt -
    instantly stops time.

    Where have you been, he will tell his friends
    He will show all the details.
    Bring happiness back
    Maybe …

    Of course it will come in handy for everyone
    This is a tricky thing.
    It is worth pressing a button,
    You can catch up with everyone
    And make me freeze
    And take a closer look
    Take memorable pictures
    And remember everything on the SIM card.
    There is a manual and an automatic machine,
    It -…

    Light bulb riddles
    I brought the sun
    For your little window.
    Suspended from the ceiling -
    It was fun at home.

    She's like a pear on the outside
    Hangs around during the day
    And at night it lights up the house.

    A pear hangs from the ceiling
    And don't think about eating a pear!
    Glows like the sun
    If you drop it, it will break.

    Riddles about the hairdryer

    In this little thing
    A warm wind settled.

    Dries dry wind
    My mom's curls.

    Riddles about a flashlight, flashlight

    House is a glass vial
    And the light lives in it.
    During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up,
    It will light up with a bright flame.

    I am a magic candle
    I twirl it this way and that in my hands.
    It does not burn with fire
    Full of batteries.

    Riddles about the stove and hob
    I always live in the kitchen
    There's a frying pan on me
    Saucepan, ladle, kettle -
    I am the boss over them!
    The whole family is full with me,
    Well, guess? I AM …

    Fries meat, cooks soup,
    He bakes pies.
    She has here and there
    Very hot.
    (stove or hob)

    Sewing machine riddle

    Will strike like a machine gun
    Sew a new dress.
    (sewing machine)

    Razor riddles
    I can mow the grass
    But not at all in the meadow.
    I want to walk on my cheeks.
    Hey stubble beware!

    In the minds of every adult, riddles are invariably associated with childhood, fun, imagination and observation. In the preschool and primary school period, kids are often made to guess, forcing them to remember, reflect, imagine and fantasize. Among the favorite tasks of schoolchildren in grades 4-5 is to independently invent riddles or find new answers instead of well-known ones.

    Modern options

    This old genre lives on, develops, does not lag behind the times. And now, to the riddles from past centuries, there are new modern versions of the answers. And our life has long been equipped not only with a needle and thread, scissors and a broom, a lock and a saw.

    From birth, the life of modern children includes electrical appliances, a computer, a TV, a refrigerator, and gadgets. Therefore, the kids are now asking each other riddles about the washing machine, about the TV, about the computer and other household appliances.

    About home helpers

    When composing or choosing riddles for children, try to get the children to see the object from different points of view. The refrigerator is both a freezer, and the house of Santa Claus, and a place where winter hides in summer. The refrigerator is our helper and keeper, it is a deliverer from spoilage of food. Making riddles about the refrigerator, you imperceptibly introduce the child to the rules of use, pay attention to a certain system of food distribution, etc. Do not forget about our favorite delicacies that the refrigerator keeps for us: ice cream, cakes, jellies, desserts. So riddles about an ordinary refrigerator will cheerfully and naturally prepare the kid for the accurate and correct use of these household appliances.

    Do not ignore other household helpers. With the help of a riddle, you can make a child think: what is the difference between a TV and a computer, why a washing machine is called a machine, for which we use our home appliances. The riddle will turn communication into fun and entertaining game, and the kid will not notice what an important lesson he has learned.

    We develop speech

    It is very entertaining to come up with riddles about home helpers ourselves. Even describing a refrigerator or TV, you expand the child's vocabulary, teach you to choose the most accurate word, and develop your imagination. And now the computer and the TV turn into good storytellers, or a box of cartoons, or an interesting guide. Puzzle the child, let him ponder the answers and take great pleasure in finding the right option. Speak these long, difficult words together, teach your tongue to obey and take your time.

    If adults can see in ordinary household appliances not just electrical appliances, but wizards - assistants, then children will grow creative individuals... Riddles will turn an ordinary refrigerator, computer and TV into good friends who also need care and attention.

    A selection of materials on the topic

    About the refrigerator

    In this box - the cold lives,

    He guards our products

    The White House is filled with good

    It contains products of different loads.

    There are no windows in the house

    And the owner in it is frost.


    In our kitchen all year round

    Santa Claus lives in the closet.

    In this white chest

    We store food on the shelves.

    It's hot in the yard

    And in the chest - cold.

    In the summer, dad brought us

    There is frost in the white box -

    And now the frost is dry

    We have both summer and winter

    Protects products:

    Meat, fish, fruits.

    Inside he is cold, cold,

    Hungry opens it.

    About TV

    What a miracle, what a box?

    Himself a singer and himself a storyteller,

    And besides, at the same time

    Demonstrates cinema.

    On my friends screen

    The seas are rustling in the fog

    The garden shakes the fruit.

    There are programs for children.

    There is a large and magical screen in the house.

    In it you can see the beasts of distant lands,

    Cartoons and news. Even

    He will tell you how to cook something!

    My dad often watches football.

    But the screen is black this day.

    As long as there is no one around -

    Not yet turned it on!

    He will show his brother a movie

    Tell daddy the news

    Grandfather a collection of incidents,

    Travel club for you

    Mom is all about the garden,

    How do they celebrate the New Year,

    Happy grandma TV series,

    So as not to annoy us,

    The competition is new for the sister,

    Fashionable how to weave pigtails.

    And the presentation of even a prize

    Everything will show ...

    About computer

    This is joy, this is laughter

    On paper, without blemish,

    What box does it come out of

    The text to the surprise of everyone?

    On the board, line by line

    Buttons were placed

    Guess boys

    How to poke your finger here?

    There is a chest on the table

    There is a window in the chest,

    You can see miracles

    If you know a little.

    What a miracle unit

    Can do everything -

    The most best friend become?

    What kind of friend is this? - Iron,

    Interesting and helpful.

    Home is boring, there is no comfort,

    If disabled ...

    Miracle Yudo suitcase

    Lamp, button yes pocket.

    It's wrapped in wires

    Like the city of Amsterdam.

    About the microwave

    Warms, not the sun.

    It is shining, not a lamp.

    Standing in our kitchen

    Magic box.

    Today for lunch we

    The soup is heated in it.

    She helps a lot

    Complements the stove in the house,

    The food will warm up quickly

    He knows how to fry and cook.

    Defrost meat, fish

    And asks to take out the products,

    Ringing a bell

    What is this? Who found out?

    Not a stove or oven,

    These are kids,-…
    < /noindex>

    About the oven

    < noindex>
    Our dough hit

    To a hot place.

    Not lost

    It became a rosy bun.

    Pizza, chicken, cutlets

    Fries us in winter and summer.

    Jack of all trades

    Mom's friends praise.

    He bakes pies so cleverly

    Modern ...

    About household appliances and electrical appliances

    • Our aunt was leading a line across the field. Line to line, line to line, your daughter will dress. (sewing machine)
    • Will stitch like a machine gun, sew a new dress. (sewing machine)
    • The dry wind dries my mother's curls. (hairdryer)
    • This automatic washerwoman washes everything for us. (Washer)
    • Boils from the inside and blows bubbles. (kettle)
    • The giant clenched his fist, made an orange juice. (juicer)
    • The tail is made of bone, and on the back there is a bristle. (toothbrush)
    • It looks like a hedgehog, but does not ask for food. It will run through the clothes - and the clothes will become cleaner. (clothes brush)
    • Our dancer is happy to dance on the floor all day. Where he dances, where he waves, not a speck to be found. (floor brush)
    • I have a hedgehog in the room for a year. If you wax the floor, it will rub it to a shine. (electric polisher)
    • I will want and fly to the twelfth floor. If you want, I will rush you and your luggage there. (elevator)
    • They go on a hike - they take a house, in which they don't live at home. (tent)
    • Two straps hang on me, there are pockets on the back. If you go on a hike with me, I will hang behind my back. (backpack)
    • This box is not simple - it traveled around the globe, there are shirts and pants in it - they travel. (suitcase)
    • When I lie on the spot, without opening my mouth, in me, to be honest, there is such emptiness! Hurry, sooner summer! And people will put travel items in my big mouth. Apparently, such a character is given to me from birth that I love movement, that's why I ... (suitcase).
    • My assistant will immediately solve a million problems for me, he has one huge eye and a square head. (a computer)
    • He multiplies two numbers faster than a person, the library could fit in it a hundred times, only there it is possible to open a hundred windows in a minute. It is not at all difficult to guess what the riddle is about ... (computer)
    • They gave me the far-sighted one, they gave me closer to me. (binoculars)
    • What a funny incident! A cloud settled in the bathroom. Rain is pouring down from the ceiling onto my back and sides. How pleasant it is! The rain is warm, warmed up, there are no puddles on the floor. All guys love ... (shower)
    • The rain is warm and thick, this rain is not easy, it is without clouds, without clouds, ready to go all day. (shower)
    • A warm wave splashes into the shores of cast iron. Guess, remember: what is the sea in the room? (bath)
    • The borders are wooden, and the fields are glass. (window)
    • It is all made of iron, wires and microcircuits, and it will help a person in solving difficult cases. (robot)
    • You put me on the floor in the apartment. The main thing is not to forget to knock out the dust in time. (palace)
    • I lay down in a field of roses, I could not pick a rose. Roses bloomed, but their secret is this: each flower has a hundred knots. (carpet)
    • A huge tube is directed to where the stars and planets, rockets and comets. (telescope)
    • The day has passed, it's time to go to bed, I'm waiting in the bedroom ... (bed)
    • Two abdomens, four ears. What is it? (pillow)
    • Under the stress, the first syllable - and you will get an ancient house, there will be a second stressed syllable - the barn lock on the door. (lock)
    • The house is a glass vial, but a light lives in it! During the day he sleeps, and when he wakes up, he will light up with a bright flame. (bulb)
    • I spent the sun behind my window, hung it from the ceiling, it became fun at home. (bulb)
    • It looks like a pear on the outside, hangs around during the day, and illuminates the house at night. (bulb)
    • It looks like a ball from a distance, it hangs from the ceiling, but, like a ball, it does not jump at a gallop, but shines with a light. (bulb)
    • We know how to light this sun above us. (bulb)
    • The house is a glass vial, and a light lives in it. During the day he sleeps, and when he wakes up, he will light up with a bright flame. (bulb)
    • And in the center of the ceiling, the sun hangs, as soon as darkness falls - a light is on in it. (chandelier)
    • At night, if I want, I will click once and turn on the day. (switch)
    • Who passes, who leaves - everyone is taking her by the handle. (a door)

    He walks back and forth, never gets tired. (a door)

    She does not offend anyone, but everyone pushes her. (door) Will go back and forth two hundred times, although it has been standing still all day. (a door)

    • I know the darkness, I cannot count them myself, because whoever passes will shake my hand. (doorhandle)
    • The door itself will not swing open - it remains closed. What do you need to cling to in order to force the door to open? (by the doorknob)
    • Laughing Yegorka took up the cleaning, danced around the room, looked around - the floor was clean. (broom)
    • A close relative of the broom in the house will sweep the corners. He's certainly not a bum. The litter will help to remove ... (broom)
    • He was born in the forest, but he manages the house. (broom)
    • Twisted, tied, belted with bast. I rustle under the window, circle around the yard, shuffle, shuffle while working hot! (Broom)
    • Looking at the screen in the apartment, we see what is happening in the world. (TV)
    • A miracle box, there is a window in it, in that window there is a movie. (television)
    • The whole universe lives in it, but the thing is ordinary. (television)
    • In a small window there is a blue sun. I sit at the window, I look at the whole world in it. (television)
    • There is one in our room magic window... That window is full of miracles, what is this window? (television)
    • My friend lives with me in an apartment, does not travel around the country, but everything that is done in the world, he will tell me before anyone else. He will pick me up in the morning for exercises, then he will sing a song to me, he will ask me a riddle and wait for an answer from me. (radio)
    • He lives without a language, does not eat or drink, but speaks and sings. (radio)
    • On a wave, a wave, a wave, music floats to me. (radio)
    • There is a beautiful chest, you will not touch it - it is silent, but if you turn the knobs, it will speak and sing. (Radio)
    • Let's point a glass eye, click once and remember you. (camera)
    • What this eye does not look at will convey everything in the picture. (camera)
    • In our kitchen, Santa Claus lives in the closet all year round. (fridge)
    • In this box we store food on the shelves. It's hot in the yard, cold in the chest. (fridge)
    • Admire, look! The North Pole is inside, snow and ice sparkle there, winter itself lives there. Forever this winter was brought to us from the store. (fridge)
    • In the summer, dad brought us frost in a white box, and now the frost is gray with us in summer and winter, protects food: meat, fish, fruits. (fridge)
    • Even in the heat of July it is as cold as in winter. (fridge)