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  • Why too lazy to clean up. How to keep the apartment clean? Making work easier with household appliances and cleaning ladies

    Why too lazy to clean up.  How to keep the apartment clean?  Making work easier with household appliances and cleaning ladies

    We will tell you how to start cleaning, what to look for and how to turn a tedious process into a pleasant experience.

    Decide who will do the cleaning

    The first impulse you will have is cowardly shoving the cleaning onto someone else. No one will lick your apartment for free, so it's better to contact a cleaning company. On average, general cleaning of an apartment with a cleaner will cost 3,000 rubles. For the majority of Russians, this is not profitable. So it's better to buy shoes or a coat by spring, and deal with cleaning on your own.

    However, if in one hour you earn more than 1000 ₽, it is better not to strain. Your time is worth more. For 4 hours of work of the cleaner, you will earn from 4000 ₽, and give only 3000.

    Make a cleaning plan

    If you decide that you will do the cleaning yourself, we do not recommend taking up the heroism right away. First, develop a plan. Take a piece of paper and break it down into stages. If you don't know where to start, take our list as a basis. It has seven points.

    • Start by sorting out old and unnecessary items. Get rid of rubbish that you probably won't need, collect small rubbish and unnecessary papers around the apartment.
    • Inspect hard-to-reach and heavily soiled areas. This is a bathroom, toilet, stove and extractor hood. Spray the surfaces with a spray bottle with detergent, fill the toilet with anti-rust liquid - and leave it alone to take effect.
    • Remove dust from your apartment. You will need a vacuum cleaner with furniture attachments and microfiber cloths that will not stain smooth surfaces.
    • Deal with the bathroom. Before rubbing the plumbing with a sponge, be sure to wear rubber gloves - detergents dry your hands pretty much. Wash surfaces with horizontal strokes to avoid streaking. Purchase a separate brush to clean your toilet.
    • Start your kitchen: stove, range hood, sink and oven. Do not forget to wash the refrigerator not only outside, but also inside. To avoid unpleasant odors in the refrigerator, put a diffuser or a few activated charcoal tablets inside.
    • Wash windows and mirrors by sprinkling some product on the surface, then wiping vigorously with a microfiber cloth. If there are white streaks, wipe the surface with a paper towel.
    • Clean the floors. Take responsibility when choosing a floor cleaner: otherwise you can ruin an expensive floor covering. If you have parquet, choose a wood cleaner, if linoleum or laminate, use regular liquid soap, if you have carpet, buy a carpet cleaner like Vanish. So that after washing the floors in the apartment, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the bucket of water. The main thing is not to overdo it; otherwise headache.

    Tune in to cleaning

    If you perceive cleaning as a tedious and unpleasant task, it will be so. Try to change your perception - if possible, the process will be painless.

    Cleaning can be done by the whole family, sharing responsibilities. Turn cleaning into a game or competition if children are involved. If you are renting an apartment with someone, agree to put things in order together - this is both more fun and somehow more honest.

    If you have to do the general cleaning alone, do not be discouraged. At least no one will interfere, and sometimes it is important to be alone. Create a playlist with your favorite music on Youtube or find a ready-made one in Apple Music or Yandex.Music. The right tracks will help you relax.

    To make things go even more vigorously, appoint yourself some kind of reward. If you are cleaning up with your family, agree that after that you will go to the cinema or a cafe, if with friends, arrange a small party as a result. In the end, you can promise yourself that if you don't break down and put everything away, buy a long-awaited book, game, shirt, or treat yourself to a delicious dinner at a restaurant.

    Choose the right detergent

    Where would James Bond be without his boat car, camera ring, hidden pistol and saw watch? Most likely, he could not get out of those troubles, into which he was driven by the service on the guard of Her Majesty. We do not claim that for general cleaning you are obliged to purchase fancy gloves with built-in brushes on each finger or a Japanese robot, but it is still worth preparing.

    Buy a basic product kit: dust rags, bath and toilet sponge rags, anti-plaque and rust remover, simple scouring powder, floor cleaner, and glass cleaner. Don't forget two pairs of gloves - you'll need a second in case the first breaks.

    So that you don't forget anything, we have compiled a list:

    Treat cleaning as an important job

    You endlessly postpone spring cleaning because you perceive it as torment. But by putting off the inevitable, you only make things worse. Treat cleaning like an urgent project that you got hung up on at work. Set a specific date and don't dare to change it, even if you are invited to the party of the year or the Oscars.

    Hint: set frames. Any project must have a deadline. Make an important appointment an hour after the deadline to make sure you are on time.

    However, do not forget about your well-being. If you feel dizzy from harsh chemicals, your blood pressure has jumped, or you get tired quickly, take a break. No goal in the world is worth your health.

    Rely on someone else's experience

    Find out from your acquaintances how they usually do spring cleaning and what difficulties they face. Someone else's experience helps to avoid mistakes. We interviewed our friends to save your time.

    It turned out, for example, that SMM star Andrey Frolchenkov believes that "it makes no sense to tie general cleaning to any time of the year." He says: “Dirty - clean up! Everything. Point. I very rarely have to do a general cleaning of the house, since it is almost always clean here. My mom was turned on cleanliness and this passed on to me. I start general cleaning with a vacuum cleaner and dusting, knocking out carpets, then washing windows, plumbing, bath and toilet. And so on. I finish everything with wet cleaning and airing the house. I always work in tandem with my wife. The two of us are quite enough for our apartment. We simplify the task by taking breaks for a snack or simply sticking to the phone. The main thing is not to get carried away. Sometimes we turn on music. In general, we have one secret: if you start general cleaning, get out to the end. "

    Writer and procrastinologist Maxim Dorofeev claims that “cleaning, by the way, is very well done when you need to procrastinate something. That is, you are waiting for the session, the time for filing a tax return, drawing up a tax report ... And then there is a desire to clean up. I somehow do not do this feat. I clean when my wife makes. And we haven't had general cleaning for a hundred thousand years. We are somehow a little bit and evenly. "

    Journalist Lesya Ryabtseva says: “Sometimes the tools at hand can be a good alternative to cleaning tools. For example, I often use my grandmother's methods - soda, vinegar, lemon, toothpaste to whiten surfaces. And in general, I try to limit myself and my family as much as possible from chemistry, I read the compositions of sprays and gels, I do not buy anything that contains alkali and possible allergens. But you also need to get used to such detergents, they foam worse, and after soap nuts, which I used to use instead of washing powder, in general, the clothes had a specific smell, I had to give up the nuts. By the way, I am very worried about cleaning drains and washing machines. I know that some do not even think about the fact that the machine needs additional help, because it is, as it were, constantly in the water. In fact, due to the fact that washing machines pass through all this mass of scale and soap, they need help - every 3 months I use special tablets to wash the insides of the equipment. "

    Check list

    Print out and go through all the steps before starting the general cleaning.

    • Make a detailed cleaning plan
    • Set a date and deadline
    • Collaborate with family or neighbors
    • Make a playlist
    • Assign a reward
    • Buy powder, rags and mop
    Today is an article for those who do not like to clean their homes, who have no interest in creating coziness in the house.

    Why do we resist working in the home?
    Why should a woman create comfort in the house?

    Despite the large number household appliances, modern women have no less problems with cleaning and tidying up. Assistants are hired, cleaning itself is not fashionable. And even those who cannot hire assistants following this fashion simply do not clean up.

    Life is so glittering and shimmering from the pages of glossy magazines that most women are poisoned by it. The house is not cleaned, not comfortable, things are lying around. Women hate cleaning, especially washing the floor, they hate ironing, what's the point if there are sheets with elastic bands and still the next day they will be wrinkled. They hate washing dishes with all their hearts, and some hate taking out the laundry from the washing machine or putting things in their places. In order to take up cleaning, some need a "special attitude", for many, the need to clean up the house causes an attack of depression " because there are few wardrobes, a lot of clothes, you don't know where and what to stick, right up to a headache ".

    Cleaning and tidying becomes burdensome and terrible. Housework is considered a waste of time as there are so many other interests in life. The only question is - what interests does a married mature woman have? For such a woman, the question is - How to create a loving, clean and comfortable space for yourself and your loved ones? - comes first.

    The woman is so childish that she does not want to burden herself with such boring activities. We are impatient, we believe that today desires should be quickly satisfied. We would like that order would be restored by himself or someone would come and do it for us. After all, everything is so beautiful in magazines, and no one washes the dishes. Life should only be "PLEASANT", everything unpleasant for unnecessary is excluded.

    Modern women know how to work, draw up business plans, marketing strategies, but they do not know how to establish daily life and everyday life.

    We talk about this in the lessons, and this also applies to the symptoms of rejection of femininity. And it was a discovery for me that so many women do not like to take care of their home. These are the reports I get:

    “I have no interest in creating coziness in the house. I have no time, I am doing something else. And I also caught myself thinking that it sometimes annoys me. Let me explain: I am washing the bath, and I think, “I wish I could hang the shelf here, which my husband and I have already discussed, to which he agreed. It would be nice, comfortable, clean "And then I remember that it's been 2 years already, but there is still no shelf."

    “I have always resisted working at home. I thought it was not mine. I avoided being at home altogether, now it weighs on me Homework... I have never created comfort at all. Before, I didn't cook at all, almost restaurants every day. "

    “The house is not doing very well with order. We have few closets and it is very difficult to keep things in order by constantly moving things from one place to another. "

    The woman "pushes" herself out of the house, so the house eventually becomes a stranger, and the hearth dies out. The house becomes a dwelling place, a shelter not only for the woman herself, but also for all family members.

    A woman takes her energy, her soul and her plans - all of herself out of the house. At home, a woman can no longer move again, do something once again, everything becomes a burden and causes depression.

    What kind of space of love are we talking about if a woman is annoyed and enraged by everything? What kind of real relationship are we talking about if a woman is too lazy to make an extra move, and even more so, to create coziness or bake pies?

    I know a businessman who built a two-story apartment according to an individual project. His wife works, so the maid came to clean up every other day. When I entered this luxurious house, I immediately felt that there was no woman in it, there was no female energy in it. That's when I intuitively realized that things were bad, the maid would not be able to cope with it, she would not fill the house with comfort, warmth and love. This can only be done by a woman. The man did his job - he built a house, but the woman did not, because she had other concerns - work. Two years later, I found out that they had divorced.

    If your house is empty, unfilled, then you are a bad wife. You may be a good worker, but you are a bad wife! And no maids will help.

    This is a special art, this is a special female Magic and Wizardry - to take care of your home, space and make it happy and fulfilled. If you don't feel anything behind these words, then you have swum very far from your feminine essence into male achievements or into an infantile fairyland.

    Chronic disorder, unwashed dishes, lack of desire to engage in everyday life, suggests that you were late in childhood. Deep down, there is a hope that someone else will do it for you, or that these problems will go away on their own. You broadcast to your husband and your loved ones complete helplessness and failure as a wife. And this is your RESPONSIBILITY.

    Order in the house is an internal natural need of a mature woman. A cozy home is the foundation of a woman's life, on which a happy, correct and mature relationship with a man is built, as well as happy children grow up.

    A woman who does not want to create coziness due to laziness or fatigue is no longer capable of anything, especially to build relationships with a man.

    Home is the main creativity of a woman, it should become the main source of strength and inspiration for you and the whole family. Coziness and order in the house gives strength to a woman, therefore it is the woman who is more interested in this than anyone else.

    Your home is your mirror. It reflects very truthfully what you live by, what you think about, what you feel, where your energy flows - to or from your family.

    If your home needs male hands, then you do not know how to build a relationship with a man, which means that you do not know how to interact with him as a woman. For some reason, you decided to rely on yourself and keep everything under your own control, or you eliminated the man for no need.

    I have a married friend who has been opening the kitchen tap with a wrench for several years. When I asked her why they wouldn’t fix the tap, she thought and answered that, firstly, she was busy, and secondly, it would probably be expensive. Then I asked her why she didn’t ask her husband. She thought about it and shrugged. She forgot about him, forgot that he can and should be asked about it. How often do we accumulate all the power in the house, rely only on ourselves. Naturally, we energetically do not pull this kind of problem, since they are male, and we do not allow a man to come in, suddenly he will make a mistake, do it wrong, and all this will fall on our shoulders. The next time, when I came to visit her, the faucet was made, my husband bought it, and installed it himself, and what a mixer with a flexible hose. As my friend said: - This is my "microphone", I wash and sing. Two years with a wrench, and now a microphone.

    The solution to everyday problems is, first of all, your relationship as a husband and wife, it is your solvency as a woman, your ability to ask and accept help.

    Home doesn't have to be calvary, yours bad mood, this is your inspiration, your Magic, your Magic - to fill the house with happy energy.

    How to fill your home with coziness:

    You need to start not with cleaning, but with your thoughts.

    • What I want?
    • And how do I want to live on?
    • As before or ...

    First, the house is alive, and it has not forced itself on you. He is the foundation on which YOUR LIFE is built. I will definitely write an article about rented housing, about the lack of my own housing. All this is also not just like that, not a coincidence. There is a very deep psychological reason behind it. In order not to miss, subscribe to the newsletter.

    Treat the house where you live today as a living being. By changing your attitude towards home, you will change your life.

    Any housework should be deliberate. You have to invest a part of yourself, your love. Do you iron, cook, or mop the floors. This is the only way to create ENERGY AT HOME with LOVE, and not from a state of laziness and depression. And this is the feminine power - to make your home energetically charged, and not empty and cold. A woman can do much more at home than at work.

    Remember where you should direct your attention and your energy, to your home or from home? Taking care of your home, cleaning it, you fill your life and the life of your family with MEANING.

    Treat your home with care and respect. Feel it. This interaction can be very healing for a woman. After all, a house for a woman is a sacred space, it gives peace, harmony, so it cannot get littered, remain uncleaned and defiled by negativity, quarrels and abuse. Do not allow yourself to be untidiness, desolation and filth. Do not indulge yourself and remember that women's connivance has a high price. Such a house has no future, because without a woman there is no home.

    You do not just wipe the dust, but set the energy in motion, the energy should not stagnate. You don't just wash the windows, you open and clear the horizon for your husband and family's plans and goals. The woman is the keeper of the hearth. And the hearth is the life of the family, there will be no hearth, there will be no family, there will be cohabitation or economic marriage.

    Homework can take on a different meaning, and no longer seem empty and unnecessary. Household chores should become pleasant, should energize and make happy, above all, the woman herself. So she shares her love and affection with those close to her. When ironing linen, because the most dear and beloved will sleep on it, when she cooks, when she washes the floors. And loved ones will definitely feel it. It is impossible not to feel it. And you will no longer do it demonstratively and sacrificially, bending over under the weight of household chores. There is no love in such an action, and no one needs it.

    The man may not notice your new tablecloth, but he will feel your energy and your interest in the hearth. Remember yourself as a child, when you ran home from a walk, it didn't matter what tablecloth your mother put on, but it was important that there was comfort at home and that mother was at home. What a feeling of happiness, security and joy it gives. A man in this sense is a child, he comes and it is important for him to get this state of comfort, coziness, care and home.

    A woman should not be a cook and a scrubber, but a HOSTESS. She must transform her home, play in a space where everything is subordinated to her thoughts, her desires and her energy. Where every corner gives strength and gives an amazing feeling of warmth, light, care and beauty.

    ATTENTION! The material is protected by copyright law. Any use of this material (publication, quoting, reprinting) is NOT PERMITTED without the written consent of the author. For questions about the publication of this material, please contact: [email protected]

    Tatiana Dzutseva

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    The feeling of laziness or unwillingness to do anything is inherent in any person.

    Such a feeling can spread both to work or study, and to ordinary household activities, from ironing clothes and cooking, to cleaning your own house or apartment.

    It can be very difficult to reverse the state of laziness, and if we have to go to work or school regardless of our desires, then such things as cleaning the house can be constantly put on the back burner.

    As a result, the apartment or house gradually comes into a state of chaos, and you have to spend much more time and effort in order to put the apartment in order.

    How to force yourself to clean the apartment, what methods and means of motivation you can think of for this, will be discussed in my article today.

    What can motivate you to clean the best? These are some circumstances that induce us to start cleaning. Such circumstances, let's call them factors, can be conditionally divided into two main components. These are external factors that force us to do cleaning, and internal factors, with the help or under the influence of which we begin to do this.

    External factors or what might make us do the cleaning

    It is the influence of external factors that has the greatest motivation for home cleaning.

    Arrival of guests

    This is perhaps the main reason that can force a somewhat lazy housewife to clean the apartment.

    Agree, it is not very pleasant to invite friends into a house in which "everything is tumbling" and a thick layer of dust.

    Invite guests as often as possible, and this will be a great motivation for both regular cleaning and keeping the apartment in perfect order. On the pages of our site, the site you will find a lot of useful information for busy housewives and housewives on cleaning the house, home cleaning products, as well as numerous life hacks for home saving and housekeeping.

    Emergency arrival of guests or unplanned arrival of relatives

    It will be very unpleasant if guests suddenly come to you, and you have a mess in your house.

    But it will be even more unpleasant if relatives suddenly arrive. Well, how can a mother show that she has such a non-economic daughter ?!

    In fact, you will be very lucky if there is little time before the guests actually arrive, at least half an hour. During this time, you can have time to do an express cleaning, that is, shove uncleaned things into the closets, sweep away the dust and vacuum the floor. Most likely, there will be no time left for wet cleaning.

    And so, if you do not know how to force yourself to clean the apartment, invite guests. And you will simply have to do it. Otherwise, your guests will snort at how untidy and unkempt you are.

    The more often you invite guests to your home, the cleaner you will be forced to maintain it.

    Intrinsic motivation for cleaning

    Intrinsic motivation, by and large, depends only on your physical and mental condition.

    By the way, if you are in a state of depression and nothing pleases you, start cleaning the house, throw out all unnecessary things, free up space, and your mental state will instantly improve. Better yet, make some minor cosmetic repairs, or at least change the curtains - this will also improve your well-being and lift your spirits.

    And so, what internal factors motivate us to clean the house.

    Pursuit of purity

    Any person has a desire to live in a clean and bright home. In other words, the cleaner the house is, the more pleasant it is to be in it.

    Agree, after you have done the cleaning and admire the results of your work, you yourself become more comfortable and more pleasant. And this feeling can become a very strong internal motivator.

    Useful tips for rational distribution of time: How to keep up with everything at work and at home, step by step instructions.

    Cleanliness is the key to health

    If you want to be healthy, if you do not want to constantly breathe dirt and dust while at home, which not only over time "clog" your lungs, but also affect the performance of other organs. If your family has small children, or family members suffer from allergic diseases, then you simply have to carry out regular, including wet cleaning.

    Otherwise, after a year or two, or even less, your health will start to deteriorate. The problem is, you don’t understand why your health is deteriorating.

    Free space - freedom for creativity

    Have you ever wondered why it becomes difficult for you to do complex work at home that requires increased concentration or creativity? Why did you do the same work earlier as you do now, but in a much shorter time frame? Why do you become too lazy to think, too lazy to create, and when you come home you are drawn to just sleep?

    One of the reasons for this condition is the unkempt and cluttered house. Try to clean up all unnecessary things, clean up your work or study space, do a major cleaning in the house, and you will immediately see how the speed of completing your work tasks or lessons or homework will instantly increase.

    How does this relate to motivation to clean ?! Absolutely intimate connection - the cleaner the house, the better the performance.

    If you periodically or constantly visit a state of sleepiness in your own home, read the article Why you constantly want to sleep at home, about the reasons for this condition and how to deal with it.

    The hardest part about cleaning an apartment is forcing yourself to start cleaning. Then you are gradually drawn into, and by inertia you continue cleaning your house.

    In order to painlessly do this for yourself, I offer several tips:

    1. Start cleaning the kitchen. The kitchen, as a rule, is the most visited room of the apartment, in which all family members gather. You will definitely not want to eat at a dirty table or from unwashed dishes. Therefore, start cleaning by washing the dishes, gradually moving on to cleaning all work surfaces, tidying up cabinets, mopping the floor, etc.
    2. Divide the apartment into several conventional zones. For example, today you clean in one room, tomorrow in another, the day after tomorrow in the corridor zone, the next day in the bathroom zone. So you will save time for cleaning, and the apartment will always be in a clean condition.
    3. Create the most comfortable cleaning environment for yourself. For example, turn on pleasant music, which will make it more fun to clean.
    4. It's also a good idea to include an audio book. Listening to a book and cleaning the apartment at the same time, you combine business with pleasure: you listened to the book and cleaned up the house. An audiobook can be easily replaced with an audio textbook.
    5. Create a reward for yourself after cleaning. That is, after you clean the whole house, you can do something nice for yourself. What you like. For example, after cleaning, allow yourself to lie on the couch for two hours, watching TV shows, or eat a piece of cake, or go to get a manicure, or go buy yourself a new thing. Etc.

    Express order
    Take a basket, drawer or box and collect books, discs, cosmetics and other small things scattered around the rooms. The fewer unnecessary items are striking in the apartment, the neater it looks. And at the same time, think about whether to use similar containers for storing these very little things, so that the mess is created more slowly and at the same time you do not have to look for anything in the apartment. To avoid the eyes of a mountain of unwashed clothes, it is useful to buy a stylish and roomy laundry basket. In the kitchen and in the bathroom, remove all excess and dusty cosmetics, dishes and other cans and tubes in cabinets: the fewer objects are in sight, the more order will appear.

    Visibility of cleanliness
    If there is no dishwasher, load the dirty dishes into the sink and fill it with a stopper. hot water with the addition of detergent, then wipe the working surface of the stove. During the couple of minutes while you are working on the stove, the dishes will soak and quickly wash them is not difficult. If there is no time for normal wet cleaning and mopping, vacuum the floor (vacuuming all corners and even more so moving furniture for this is not at all necessary) and wipe the main surfaces with a microfiber cloth, dust and dirt on which are striking for everyone. As a rule, these are tables and nightstands on top, as well as panels of household appliances. Anything that is taller than human height, wipe it next time. If you have the time and desire to wash the floors, the easiest and most convenient way is to use a mop with the same microfiber: this ultra-modern material copes with dust and dirt much better than rags and does not leave streaks. Do not spare the money, buy a mechanical mop that can be wrung out with a simple movement of the lever, it will significantly save time and effort. Wipe the toilet with a disinfectant, let it sit for 2-3 minutes, and drain the water. Spray cleaner on the bathroom sink, turn on in the shower hot water and close the bathroom door for 2-3 minutes to fill it with steam. After turning off the water, run a sponge over the tiles, sink and bathtub: after the "steam treatment", the dirt is removed faster.

    Disguise and "polish"
    Spray windows and mirrors with window cleaner and wipe quickly with a dry microfiber cloth. Adjust the sofa bedspreads and pillows, napkins, curtains, if the window sills and windows have not been washed for a long time, curtain them by closing the windows. Change kitchen and bath towels - new ones will immediately give the bathroom and kitchen a neat and clean look. Remove stains from curtains, tablecloths and towels by soaking them for an hour with a chlorine-free stain remover, and machine wash with added stain remover on the delicate cycle - this will prevent the fabrics from wrinkling and will loosen easily during drying. And fabrics without stains and traces of wear are always a guarantee of their fresh appearance.

    Don't delay or get distracted: the sooner you get done cleaning, the better. It is useful to include some kind of dynamic music: it will create both the tempo and the mood. To learn how to quickly clean an apartment, it is also useful to adopt the FlyLady principle: no more than 15 minutes to clean one zone (a zone is a bedroom, living room, kitchen ...). You can even shorten this time! Turn on the timer. Have time - be sure to reward yourself for such zeal, for example, shopping.

    Or how to force yourself to “clean the apartment” and have fun?

    One of the most popular queries in the search: "how to clean the house with pleasure." No one wants to clean - everyone dreams that the dishes are washed, the linen ironed, and the housekeeper came to clean the apartment.
    But there are people in the world who say: you can do the cleaning with a smile. Who are these superheroes?
    The creator of the blog about minimalism and productivity zenhabits, Leo Babauta lives in San Francisco, enjoys self-discovery and running, writes books and raises six children. Most of the blogger's thoughts are about putting things in order. In particular, Leo recommends tidying up on the go: ate - washed a plate, saw dirt - swept, etc. In such a system, cleaning becomes a matter that you do not notice. In addition, Babauta believes that it is necessary to do less in order not to do unnecessary work. For example, to put things in order not in the whole room, but in the territory that you can hug, wrap your arms around. And so to move - from point to point, spending 10 minutes on each.
    When parsing the trash, Leo suggests sorting all things into three heaps: "leave", "throw out" and "maybe". It is forbidden to think for a long time. Things in a pile “maybe” are put into a closed box for six months. If you did not use them, the box is thrown away. The blogger allocates one evening for the analysis of each cabinet.
    It is desirable that half of the cabinet remains unoccupied, then it is easier to keep it clean. The blogger also advises leaving gaps between things and grouping them by color - this makes the space seem less cluttered. Leo recommends treating cleaning as a liberation, smiling and breathing evenly - then the process will be a joy. The main thing is not to fall asleep.
    One of the first to try to get pleasure from cleaning was "Jet Housewives". The Flylady system was invented by American housewife Marla Scilly in 1999. Today, the reactive community consists of about a million people. Marla's main suggestion was to forget the Saturday-eating nightmare of the weekly cleaning. Instead, the American offered to devote only 15 minutes to cleanliness of the house every weekday, and leave the weekend for herself. To do everything, you need to act as quickly as possible. To do this, a timer is started: if it rang, we stop work.
    During the week, cleaning is done only in one of five zones in a clear sequence: entrance and dining room, kitchen / laundry / storage room, bathroom / nursery / workshop, bedroom / bathroom / toilet, living room. In addition, there are obligatory "routines" and five minutes for parsing "hot spots" - hot spots where a mess starts in a particular room (shelves, boxes, etc.). On one of the days, an hour of weekly cleaning is scheduled - the Hour of Blessing at Home. At this time, for example, all floors are vacuumed. There are other techniques - you can get acquainted with them on the website of the movement.
    Flylady has a particularly reverent feeling for a sink - it must always be perfectly clean. Among other principles, there are those that are good for any person to take note of. For example, not letting yourself sit at the computer, not doing two things at the same time, and remembering to laugh.
    Tip: The mechanical timer, thanks to the rhythmic ticking, stimulates you to work better than the electronic one.
    Minimalist principles are also adhered to by Alison Hodgson, the author of a series of materials on relaxation of consciousness, published on the American Houzz. In 2010, her family's house burned down. The spouses managed to push the children out into the street, and only a camera and a laptop were saved from their belongings. Clothes, diaries, books, children's drawings, memorable trinkets and numerous boxes of toys were burnt - in general, everything that occupied the corners, but was considered priceless. This story prompted Alison to reconsider her views on the organization of space. “Ask yourself what you’ll grab in the fire,” is one of the exercises that Alison suggests doing to everyone who is busy sorting out the trash. Leave what you love, but what does not prevent you from maintaining cleanliness and order. This practice works especially well immediately after a vacation. First, the picture before the eyes changes, and hot spots are immediately visible. Secondly, breaking away from the usual way of life, we lose attachment to many things. There are a couple of days until she returns.
    In popularity, Flylady is rapidly catching up with the KonMari system. It was invented by the Japanese woman Marie Kondo, the author of the book “ Magic cleaning»And three more bestsellers about the organization of home life. Marie is sure that proper cleaning has a tremendous therapeutic effect: with its help, you can put not only things in order, but also thoughts.
    Every object in the apartment affects the mood of the tenants. The task of the owners is to leave only things that carry positive energy. One of KonMari's rules: when sorting out the rubble, take a thing in hand and ask yourself if it causes joy ("do I love her?"). If not, throw it out after thanking it. Dialogue with things - a Japanese tradition - is the basis of the Mari Kondo cleaning technique.
    In addition, Marie suggests cleaning not by zone, but by category: clothes, books, documents, etc. First, all things in each category are collected from all rooms into one pile. This gives an idea of ​​the scale of the disaster. Then the unnecessary is sifted out. A person conducts selection alone, without consulting anyone.
    All things of one function should be stored in one place. The KonMari Method promotes vertical storage, not only for documents and books, but also for clothing. It is folded into neat rectangles or rolled like sushi. It is suggested to hang things from dark and warm to light and light. Disliked clothes are prohibited from being transferred to home clothes.

    Japanese blogger Fumio Sasaki is an ardent adherent of minimalism and the author of the popular book We Don't Need Things Any More. He is sure that the habit of carrying everything into the house is the habit of previous generations, who were stunned by material abundance. It only hinders the modern person to be liberated. Fumio offers a radical way to tidy up your apartment: just don't buy things that you don't need to buy.
    The blogger's life is extremely ascetic. According to him, if there is an earthquake, he can easily leave the house with all his belongings, since they are placed in a small case. This theory - “have as much as you can take” - is popular in the West as well. For some reason, the number 15 is significant - so much a person should have large things, and no more.


    An interesting way of organizing cleaning "for the lazy" can be found on the Internet. All that is known about its author is that this is "a woman whose strength is limited for health reasons." First, all cases are entered into three to-do lists or circles. In a small circle, there are obligatory daily tasks (up to 10), on average - obligatory weekly (up to 21), in a large circle - all the rest (up to 60). After the tasks from the small circle, assigned for today, have been completed, you can move on to the middle one, and then to the large one. We didn't have time with the second and third laps - it's okay. The next day, start again with "small" things, and then move down the list of "medium". That is, if you didn’t have time to wash your bathtub yesterday, do it today. With this approach, you always do the necessary minimum, and the rest of the cases - according to the circumstances.

    This system also has another name: Sluts Anonymous. Its author, American Sandra Felton, put up with her disorganization in everyday life for a long time until she lost her dissertation in the rubble. The analytical mind helped to come up with a system whereby you can maintain cleanliness effortlessly. The basic principle is to find the right place for each item and always return it there. And not someday, but immediately. Anyway, any business that takes less than 30 seconds should be done without delay. It seems to be a simple principle, but it takes not a single month to develop a habit. But then the time for general cleaning is reduced significantly.
    There are three decluttering methods in the system: Mount Vermont, Vesuvius, and Rushmore. The first one resembles Leo Babauta's method - you need to take three boxes (“leave”, “throw out” and “think about”) and sort all the things in the apartment into them. With these boxes, "lazy anonymous" go around the whole apartment. Vesuvius is all the same, but for a limited time. "Rushmore" involves the division of responsibilities into several family members. The system is not limited to decluttering, it has its own cleaning calendar. And most importantly, an active support group, which you can turn to at any time for advice and sympathy. Therefore, lazy and anonymous, as the well-known community of alcoholics.

    The cleaning method described by Nancy Mitchell is one of the most controversial in terms of health care. This will end with moralizing. Nancy has always hated stroking. She was also cool about alcohol. Therefore, when a colleague said that she always buys a couple of cans of beer for ironing, she was very surprised. And in the evening I tried this method on washing dishes. According to the girl, she felt like she was in a bar - it was fun. Relaxation starts a meditation-like process while the hands perform mechanical actions. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so Nancy always limits herself to one or two drinks. And then you can get out of the insole.