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  • How to improve your child's performance at school? An unconventional view of the problem. School performance Good school performance

    How to improve your child's performance at school?  An unconventional view of the problem.  School performance Good school performance

    When a child goes to school, parents do their best to help them learn and contribute to their progress. However, they often do not know how to do it. This makes them stressed and anxious.

    It would seem that both parents and teachers make a lot of efforts to help the child learn successfully. Why do students still experience learning difficulties as a result, and parents feel frustrated and anxious?

    Often the problem is that parents incorrectly define their role in this process. While teachers clearly know which pedagogical methods need to be applied in certain situations, parents often simply do not know what to do.

    Many teachers will agree that it is easier for them to work with children who are ready for school. This fact seems obvious, but there are several nuances that parents sometimes misunderstand.

    If you ask parents what they mean by the phrase “the child is ready for school,” most of them will answer that the child must master all the necessary skills before going to school (that is, be able to write, read, count, have sufficient vocabulary, etc.).

    Unfortunately, sometimes this is not enough.

    School readiness is more about psychological qualities and skills, such as developed thinking, mental stability, a positive attitude towards learning, courage and self-confidence.

    The truth is that if a child is confident and willing to take risks and learn from their mistakes, the teacher can lead them to success more quickly. The likelihood that such a child will have high academic performance is initially higher.

    Under such conditions, it will be easier for the teacher to manage the educational process, provide support to the child and correct his mistakes.

    And, mind you, all these qualities are not associated with intellectual abilities child, but with his thinking and attitude to learning.

    For children, going to school can be challenging and exhausting. The situation is aggravated by the fact that every year children are forced to process more and more information. During the day, the child interacts with a large number of people - both adults and peers.

    From the first days of school, great expectations are immediately put forward for the child. Teachers, parents, friends - everyone expects certain behaviors or academic achievements from him. This can be tiring for a child, and he may not always understand what is expected of him. Especially if he is attending school very recently.

    When a child comes home from school, he needs a place to let off some steam. He needs a safe space where others know and understand his behavior and character traits.

    Have you ever noticed that a child, returning home, is unhappy, irritated and even aggressive? Perhaps this is not as bad as you think?

    Remember that the child has tried to behave in accordance with the expectations of those around him all day. And, if he considers home a safe and comfortable place, he can relax and not hide his emotions. The task of the parents in such situations is to teach him how to cope with his emotional stress without harming anyone.

    Our children need love and understanding. At school, the child cannot fully meet these needs. Therefore, when he comes home from school, he does not need a mentor or someone to remind him of the unlearned lessons.

    To understand what your child really needs, remember yourself after a hard day at work. You probably need:

    • a comfortable place where you can sit;
    • a comfortable environment in which you can talk to someone or express your emotions;
    • close person who will love and accept you as you are.

    Again, this has nothing to do with what parents usually do. Instead of letting the child relax, they constantly remind him that it's time to learn his homework and control him. When it comes to a child's performance in school, parents should first create a loving atmosphere at home and nurture their curiosity.

    When a child does not want to learn lessons, he usually objects: "How will this be useful to me in the future?" Parents must be patient and awaken the child's interest in everything he teaches at school.

    It is difficult for a teacher to teach a child if he is not ready for school. This is due not so much to a lack of necessary skills as to psychological readiness. If the child is mentally prepared, the teacher can help him develop skills.

    In turn, parents experience difficulties when a child returns from school tired and no longer wants to learn anything for the rest of the day.

    To prevent this frustration from building up, parents need to change the way they approach their child. On studying proccess you need to see how an exciting adventure and the opportunity to spend quality time with your child. Any failure in a child's studies should be perceived as an incentive for further research. Teachers also play an important role in this process, supporting parents in this endeavor. In addition, teachers should give just enough homework so that the child returns to school refreshed and full of energy for further study.

    You may need time to ensure this. But if you succeed, you can pique your child's interest in learning. In the future, he himself will strive to learn new things.

    To achieve this, remember one simple rule: do not aim for your child to learn perfectly.

    If all this seems like an insurmountable task to you, remember that even small steps in this direction are already good. It is even better if the child sees how we are gradually changing our attitude towards his studies. This means that we recognize before the child the right of everyone to experience difficulties.

    If you have lashed out at your child because of a difficult day, you must apologize to him. And believe me - the child will begin to do the same, because he takes an example from you. The main thing is that we use all our experience in order to strengthen our connection with the child, and not authority or power in the family.

    You don't have to be another teacher for your child. And you don't have to be perfect.

    Children don't need perfect you. They just want you as you are.

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    To the attention of parents!

    How to improve your child's performance at school

    Help your child organize the learning process by monitoring his homework. To a certain extent, this option is somewhat difficult for the parents themselves, since they must do this regularly, and not from time to time. In pursuit of good grades, it is important not to start writing assignments for your child. This will not lead to anything good. In addition, monitoring homework will allow parents to very clearly understand in which subjects or topics there is a gap that will need to be overcome with the help of additional activities.

    Go to school more often and talk with teachers about your child's progress and the steps that teachers think you should take to improve your child's performance. Of course, try to follow these recommendations. Also, do not forget about gratitude tokens of attention to teachers, which include sweets, bouquets and other material goods and services.

    Agree with the teachers about personal lessons with the child. Sometimes this is possible and free of charge, at the expense of intra-school reserves, but in most cases you will have to pay for it by hiring a teacher as a tutor. It will be especially positive for the child's academic performance in the subject if the same teacher who teaches the child at school becomes a tutor.

    Develop a child's memory, thinking, attention. This will allow him to more easily and quickly assimilate the educational material, which, of course, will lead to an increase in the child's academic performance at school and will increase his interest in the learning process itself. To do this, find out the address of the nearest cognitive development center and check the opportunities for your child there.

    Pay special attention to the child's regimen. If he does not get enough sleep, getting up early in the morning for school, then you should not expect him to crave knowledge during a light nap in the lesson. Make sure your baby sleeps for at least 8-9 hours.

    For high school students, the need for future admission to a university becomes a strong motivation. They are already trying to improve their academic performance by doing more hard work and independently finding approaches to teachers. The task of the parents is to help the child to decide on the university and to "warm up" the child's desire to go there. However, remember the reality of your choice.

    Sometimes parents stimulate their child's desire to learn by giving them money for good grades in school. This approach should be used with caution. This practice is usually quite effective at initial stage when a child, through significant efforts, improves his school performance. But if this process is not well organized, grades can get worse and overall performance will decline.
    When trying to improve your child's performance in school, remember to compare your child's performance with their own earlier performance, and not with the performance of other children.

    How can you help your child succeed in school?

    As a rule, a child's performance in school depends on the attitude of parents towards school. Unfortunately, it is difficult to make up for the material passed through if the student starts the subject, since further learning is based on what was previously learned. To avoid such situations, there are a number of recommendations for parents. Recommendations for parents of primary school students

    1. Take an interest in the school affairs of children on a daily basis, showing concern and patience: ask about feelings, mood, show emotional support.

    2. Do not forget to praise the child, even for the child's most insignificant, in your opinion, achievements, his feasible successes. When meeting with failures in studies, try to figure it out together, to find a way out. Do not intimidate the child, fear blocks his activities.

    3. Develop curiosity, encourage curiosity, satisfy its need for knowledge. Give your child as much information as possible and do not forget that before the age of 7, about 90% of the fundamental information about the world and about the same number of essential life skills are absorbed. The rest of your life accounts for 10%.

    4. Buy and donate books, CDs, paintings. Read aloud, invite your child to read to you, discuss books. Define with him a reading program for a week, a month and help to implement, encourage its implementation.

    5. Help your child complete difficult tasks, offer a way out of a difficult situation, but do not forget to give him the opportunity to independently find a way out, a solution, and take action.

    6. Be kind to classmates, do not forbid them to do homework together. It was noticed that the excellent students prefer to work individually, and the average and low-performing students like to work in pairs, groups. Moreover, it is known: the one who teaches learns himself.

    7. Actively listen to your child, let him retell what he read, what he saw, shares his impressions of what he has lived through.

    8. Do not speak badly about the school, do not criticize teachers in the presence of the child, create a positive attitude towards the educational institution.

    9. Take part in class and school life. Your child will be pleased if school becomes a part of your life. Your credibility will increase.

    10. Do not force to rewrite and repeat many times. Observe the peculiarities of your child's mental activity, find out what is easy and what is difficult. Talk to your teacher about how to improve your memory, how to develop focus, organization, etc.

    11. Provide the child with everything necessary for learning, create an atmosphere of respectful attitude to his work, things, textbooks, affairs, etc.

    12. Mental work is difficult and requires a lot of effort. Help your child maintain faith in himself.

    13. When doing homework with your child, do not supervise the teacher's activities. 14. Resist the temptation to immediately use any mistake the child makes to criticize him. When helping him do his homework, make sometimes deliberate mistakes so that the child has a chance to correct you, to experience the satisfaction of finding a flaw. Only in this way will he be able to understand the process of control and learn self-control.

    15. Check your homework, especially in the first stage of learning, while letting your child understand whether you are happy with the results or not. Next time, he will try very hard to earn your praise.

    1. Try to create conditions that facilitate the child's study: household: good food, sparing regimen, good sleep, calm atmosphere, cozy and convenient place for study, etc .; emotional: show faith in the child's capabilities, do not lose hope of success, rejoice at the slightest achievements, demonstrate love and patience in anticipation of success, do not insult him in case of failure, etc.; cultural: provide the child with reference books, dictionaries, manuals, atlases, books on school curriculum, disks; use a tape recorder for training sessions, watch educational programs on TV together, discuss what you have seen, etc.

    2. Listen to your child: let him retell what needs to be memorized, memorized, periodically dictate texts for writing down, ask about textbook questions, etc.

    3. Regularly familiarize yourself with the schedule of lessons, electives, circles, extra classes to control and provide possible assistance.

    4. Share knowledge with children from an area in which you have excelled.

    5. Remember that not only grades should be the focus of parents, but knowledge itself, even if it is impossible to use it today. Therefore, think about the future and explain to the children where and when the knowledge gained can be used.

    6. Help make your child's free time meaningful, take part in it.

    7. Do not compare your child with other children and their success, it is better to compare him to yourself.

    8. In middle school, adolescents can work together homework... This increases responsibility - after all, tasks are done not only for themselves, but also for others. Be patient when they are engaged on the phone: clarify, discuss, argue.

    9. Let the child feel that you love him regardless of academic performance, notice cognitive activity.

    10. Remember that according to the norms for completing all homework, students in grades 5-6 should work up to 2.5 hours, 7-8 grades - up to 3 hours, 8-9 grades - up to 4 hours. adhere to the recommendations: this is important for health, mental balance and good attitude child to study.

    11. Create family traditions and rituals that stimulate children's learning. Use the positive experience of your parents and acquaintances.

    Important! Watch out for the first warning signs. Be observant. If a child complains, says that he does not like a teacher or a subject, this is a cause for concern. Discuss the problem, however, going straight to the teacher without asking the child's permission - he may finally hate both the teacher and the subject.

    Mothers of schoolchildren are often concerned about the progress of their own children. Sometimes it even comes to mind that the words "school" and " parent-teacher meeting Did not sound so intimidating when they were students themselves.

    Now you have to keep your finger on the pulse of the progress of your son or daughter. The question of what to do if a child is not doing well in school is considered relevant for every third mother. Only now are many parents beginning to understand their elders, who were worried about their grades and unfulfilled lessons.

    Of course, a lot depends on the teachers, but without the influence of parents today, not even a single experienced teacher can cope. Homework, maybe, unfortunately, and maybe fortunately, no one has yet canceled. This means that the responsibility of teachers and parents in the matter of children's progress is divided approximately equally.

    How to improve your teen's school performance

    If a child begins to "grab" bad grades, then the logical question arises of how to improve the child's performance at school. And it is much more important to understand the reason for such a situation. Having carefully looked at her child and plunged into the entire educational process, as a rule, any mother will be able to determine exactly why this is happening. Sometimes there are several reasons for failure:

    1. Incomprehensible topic. It so happens that while the son or daughter was sick with the flu, the class moved ahead, and the topic remained unaddressed. And although it would seem that a lot of time has passed, there is still a weak link, and if this is mathematics, then such a problem can grow like a snowball, because in this science one thing clings to another.
    2. Conflict with the teacher and prejudice. It happens that the teacher and your child cannot find mutual language... There are children who need a special approach, there are those who do not like to “walk in formation”, there are those who require more attention than their peers. An experienced teacher, of course, will not allow such a situation. But all people are different, and teachers, alas, too. Therefore, underestimation due to personal bias towards the student is not so uncommon.
    3. The influence of classmates. Find out who your child is sitting with in class. What if he, and so not particularly attentive and thoughtful, is distracted? Does he see what the teacher writes on the blackboard?

    Having paid attention to this, the problem of how to improve the performance of a child in school does not seem so intractable.

    How to increase your child's interest in learning

    Naturally, the main point in teaching is the student's interest. It will seem to some that the question of how to increase the motivation for learning in a teenager, for example, or even a student of elementary grades, is entirely a problem for teachers. They should ask a similar question, then there will be fewer students.

    But parents can do their bit too. Find out what subjects he is really interested in. Someone is reaching for humanities, others are closer to precise subjects. But many will say, "mine is drawn to walk and play computer games." It is necessary to negotiate here. Then, having done all the lessons, retelling oral subjects to you, and having learned the poem, your child will be able to go to friends, go to the skating rink, sit at the computer for a while.

    The main thing is not to let everything go by itself, but to control this process... Remember that young children, and even most adolescents, do not yet have responsibilities. This responsibility must be brought up, by the way, and by example, as well.

    How to increase the attentiveness of a student

    The problem of how to increase the attention and concentration of a student is also solvable. It is enough to pay attention to the following points:

    1. Student mode. Your child should get enough sleep, walk and rest in moderation. Do not overuse TV and gadgets.
    2. Adequate nutrition, oddly enough, also affects mindfulness and memory. In iodine deficiency, for example, distracted attention is a common history that is resolved by additional use of this drug.
    3. Neighbor's party. Make sure that the classmate who sits with your child in the lesson does not distract him. It is difficult, but possible. If your child is a follower, then it is not recommended for him to sit with a poor student, a talker or a bully. Ask the teacher to transplant him.

    My husband:

    "How to improve your child's performance at school.

    A couple of centuries ago, life on the planet was measured, and technological progress was just beginning to ripen. At that time, people also strove for knowledge, but education was far from accessible to everyone.

    In our time, and you will probably agree, the development of technological progress is developing so rapidly that we involuntarily catch ourselves thinking, and draw attention to the fact that the technology available in everyday life, which science fiction writers described in our childhood, have long been with us everyday life.

    Naturally, in the education system, there are also rapid changes, including teaching methods, programs, auxiliary materials, and - only children remain unchanged - especially - when we take them out of the hospital.

    At the moment, the teaching system in schools is very dynamic, and when a child enters the first grade, as a rule, he is not ready for the high rate of perception of the information that the modern program gives him. However, there are children who study well and perfectly, there are not many of them, but they exist, which means that other children can be trained and brought to this level, or, at least, their level of education can be increased.

    I am the father of five children, at the same time the son of a teacher and the husband of a teacher. In addition, I studied at school, like all of us, in which, by the way, until the eighth grade I studied - only for 4 and 3, but the last two years I finished with excellent marks, not counting two fours. Next, I will tell you what exactly prompted me to do this.

    It so happened that my first son and daughter studied at school - and at the initial stage, I did not participate in the learning processes of my children until I noticed that the academic performance of my children was below average, i.e. except for fours, more and more triples began to appear. And, once, once again, when I saw the troika in my son's diary, I was puzzled at one moment and immediately lit up! - I had an idea - which was later replenished with additional methods, and which, within two months, brought my son and daughter to the highest level. I have developed a strategy on how to improve the performance of the child in school.

    I will tell you - who does not dream that his son or daughter would study excellently? - I became a happy father !!! Most importantly, I didn't spend a lot of time reorienting and improving my children's performance.

    Now my third and fourth children go to school - the result is the same! - My technique works, - I want to add - my technique was reflected in my niece, with whom I talked in comparison with my children - generally rarely, - the result is the same.

    I decided that it was necessary to scientifically convey my methodology to the general public - I know that any parent will be happy, and some just dream that their child will start to learn better or better.

    This prompted me to write a book, albeit a small one, but very important and necessary for all of us - parents, which describes in detail my child, my secret and the technique that made me happy.

    My eldest son is currently attending a technical college and is the only excellent student in the group.

    My eldest daughter, studying in the tenth grade, is an excellent student, at the last olympiads in English language and the Russian language - took 1st and 3rd places, respectively, and the Olympiads were held on the same day.

    The most important thing! When, or - the sooner the secret is conveyed to the children and the method is conducted through them, - the result obtained - later, in the older grades, goes at the same level! It will be enough for everyone to see the successes of their children, and to rejoice in them.

    There is a note - the most effective age for raising this method is from 7 to 13 years old - I personally checked this. Another age - I have not experienced it, but as a person with experience in this direction - in my book I give recommendations to parents of older children. Now you, too, can learn how to raise an excellent student (tsu).

    Having received the book, in the future you will save significant money on your time, as well as on training. You will get peace of mind and confidence in the future of children.

    I send the book for free. May she help many families and children. May the level of education and happiness increase all over the world !!!

    After reading the book and understanding the main idea - a kind of "method" for the development of the child's motivation - in the future you will save significant money on your time, as well as on training. You will get peace of mind and confidence in the future of children. It cannot be calculated in money.


    Methodology for improving children's performance at school .

    (Family Inceklopedia)

    This book will not look like, like many books - methods in one direction or another. The writing style will be presented to you simply - in a family way - in the form of a story, with notes and explanations, as well as recommendations. Your task is to fulfill them!

    Before you begin to present the entire methodology to you, you yourself need to be prepared for this and ready to convey and convey in the appropriate form to your child or your children.

    Please note that our child is a complex mechanism that perceives everything that he sees as it is, so he needs to be prompted. He feels what he feels - at ease - in a natural way, so he needs to be explained how to relate to this or that situation. A child always wants to play, sometimes, to rage, or just to do something, in our opinion, useless - but this is a child - let him play, but under your control and care.

    I want to draw your attention to what is called the psychology of a child. In order for the child to perceive what you will tell him, you must first of all be friends. For a child you don't need much, take him somewhere, fulfill his any desire, and he will be disposed towards you. If there is any resentment, be sure to try to make amends, so that the child is in the "trust in you" mode.

    Only after the child is in the "trust in you" mode, you can start your plans.

    Pick a time when you are having fun, or when everyone is happy together, as a rule, this happens after a delicious dinner, taken in turn after a friendly walk. Children - there must be at least two, if not your own, then invite classmates or a neighbor's child.

    So, you have eaten, the children are happy and disposed to you - and you ask them with a smile: "Do you want me to tell you a secret - how to get A's at school?" Of course, they will answer yes. And here, revealing the "secret", you must say very convincingly - "If you - when the teacher asks - will raise your hand - then she will give you fives!" - It should look very simple for children. You say - "Try it!" This will take you the first step towards improving the performance of your child (s).

    The most important thing is that you yourself must believe in it! Of course, this is not the end of your role, you need to follow the grades in the diary one after the second day, - do not miss this moment - they will definitely have A's, and if they do not appear, then the grade will definitely be higher than the one previously received.

    So, two days later, after receiving the first results, you will definitely cheer up your children and unobtrusively agree with them that they will definitely tell their teacher - that he (she) wants to study for A's. It is very important here that the child himself tells the teacher about this, well, as a last resort, you can tell yourself, but it is imperative that the child hears it.

    So, I will explain two points - the first one: when you say that you “raise your hand” and the teacher gives an A. - you do not say that you need to prepare and know the material or that you need to answer the teacher, keep in mind - this should work - “by - default ". If you say this to a child, he will boot up and will not do it - or he will simply give up. The "secret" will be visible to the child for now - only that "raise your hand" and get five.

    On the first day after school, ask - "did you raise your hand?" Ask on the second day, you can watch for a couple more days. If a child decides to raise his hand, he himself will begin to prepare both internally and psychologically and in fact.

    The second point: When a child walks, comes up to the teacher and tells her personally that he wants to study for grades, two positive changes occur: firstly, the teacher is pleased to hear this from the child studying with her - and in the future, she will definitely be treat him not as an inveterate C grade student, but will look at him with hope; secondly, when a child tells his teacher about this, he will surely have a feeling of naturalness - for his academic performance. It is imperative to make sure that he says this to three or four teachers. But, in no case "put pressure" on the child, you need to do it technically, or let's say unobtrusively - in this case you know better, this is your child.

    These two points are key in the initial stage. Remember to give your child encouragement and encouragement.

    It will take some time, you can choose the period yourself - I recommend, for example, two weeks.

    Pay attention to the diary - if you notice that the child is slowing down, then he needs help.

    Here it is already necessary to make the child work - you can even imagine - that this is so. I mean, for example, how it was in my family. I told the children that on one day in the diary there should be at least one grade in any subject, otherwise he does not learn "You can sound like that", "if you do not have a grade, then you did not study that day" and shame him ... In this case, in the future, motivate, with a toy at the end of the week, a trip somewhere, a cake and many other things.

    Do not forget to say, “if you study well, you can buy a jeep, (an airplane or something else - if a boy) - (if a girl - come up with it yourself), the child must be constantly interested and receive rewards, then he will like it.

    Make it clear to the child that you and the grandmother or anyone else are very interested in the child's good grades. He should know that his progress is constantly monitored, and someone needs it.

    Gradually, when the teachers get used to this, that he is constantly prepared, they will be tuned in to the fact that your child is doing well, and the child will also gradually get used to this. He will get used to the fact that every day he has to receive marks, and this is what we strive for so much.

    My children brought diaries a week before 15-20 ratings and, of course, mostly fives, while proudly waiting - what will be the reaction for overfulfilling the plan - and the reaction of the parents is only positive.

    Be sure, constantly the first year - until the end of the year - keep everything under control and help him, encouraging and showing concern and interest in academic performance. Be sure - next year - your child will already be at the start - to study perfectly well, just "start" him, telling him about your interest in his progress, without losing control.

    Academic performance of older children.

    I want to note that children are the same everywhere, no matter what country they are in, therefore, regarding older students, I can give advice that can help you, and if you want real results, then you will need to pay a little attention not only to children, but also to connect your creativity to actions that will definitely help you, the main thing is not to sit idly by or, more precisely, not to live the routine life that we usually lead and do not notice - how our children grow up.

    Before I give you advice, I want to tell you about myself - at the beginning of my book I announced that I myself studied in the middle mode until the 8th grade, I was 15 years old, when what I want to advise you had an effect on me and the last two classes at school, I finished with excellent marks, not counting two fours. But it was a high result - I think no one will argue with me on this score.

    So, after finishing the eighth grade, my class and I went to a summer labor landing, where we helped agricultural workers weed beets for two weeks - in our time, all schools did this, this was the policy of the state.

    And one day, let's say "beautiful" day, we talked with our class teacher Nina Maksimovna, who was very strict, but by nature, but could "sneak" very close to the psyche of the child, thereby trying to achieve a positive result in his upbringing, directing positive direction.

    I do not know - for what reason, during the conversation, as if in jest, I told her - that I will finish grades 9-10 perfectly. At that moment, she really liked it, and she said that I would take your word for it. I digested for a long time what was said, right up to the very beginning of the school season.

    And when the training sessions began, I bypassed the teachers with whom I thought it would be the most difficult and said that I wanted to study perfectly well.

    Let's take a look - firstly, I felt responsible for what was promised to my teacher, and secondly, after I bypassed some teachers, I took on additional responsibility and began to try.

    I know that at an older age there are many problems with studying, and sometimes it seems that it is hopeless - but tell yourself - No! Everything is possible!

    As you understood, first of all it is necessary to increase the level of the child's responsibility for his actions, deeds and promises. And, of course, you must have a trusting relationship with your child. Then, somehow, get a promise from him that he will try to learn. And only then inform the teachers about your intention - and it will be better if the child does it himself.

    Further, observe, give him a plan, encourage and "live and study together" - for high school students, if they did not have time at a younger age, - compared to lower grades, if you want to get a result, you will need to devote much more time.

    Everything is actually in your hands. I am sure that if you bought this book from me, you will definitely get the result.

    With great respect, to all parents in the world!

    Nurlan B i rles. Asia

    Request, - from the father of five children to you :

    We have a big family, we live in a big house that I built in 2006. But I unsuccessfully invested it in the business - a fatal mistake, but if I knew about the nature of crises ... the crisis (2007) broke my business, and now, although I work, we do not have enough funds to pay for the house, we fear that he will be taken away.

    If you are sure, after reading the book, that my experience will help you, and if there is any opportunity to send some small money by mail in gratitude for the book, or maybe you have something that is already unnecessary, but useful for our family - we will be grateful to you. Your kindness will bring you additional happiness. (ind. 040707, Kazakhstan, Almaty region, Ili district, village Boraldai, Tynyshbai street, building 39)

    And if there is no such possibility, then it's okay, you can not send. We sincerely wish you well-being and prosperity !!! And let your kids study perfectly !!!

    Regards, Nurlan B i rles, Gulzhan Zhantueva, Nurzhan (18 years old), Asem (15 years old), Serzhan (9.5 years old), Gulnur (8 years old), Aruzhan (5 years old)

    Please, if you want to thank us additionally and help your friends and acquaintances in improving the level of academic performance of children, send this book to at least five addressees. This is the only way we can increase the level of success and happiness around the world !!! Thank you and good luck! Write, I am always ready to give advice "

    Why do some children learn with pleasure on some A's, while others graze the back ones? And if the existing system school education works correctly, then why do poor and C students often achieve greater heights in life than excellent students?

    The answer is Doctor of Psychological Sciences Alexander Lobock, who has been working for two decades to get children out of educational depression.

    “A child's academic performance comes from the word“ be in time ”. Therefore, we are not talking about the mind, but about the speed of perception of the teacher's tasks, about the ability to keep within the allotted time, ”explains Alexander Lobok.

    “It is known that Albert Einstein studied poorly. Andrei Sakharov had a reputation for being slow-witted, he did everything slowly. Of course, this does not mean that every unsuccessful child outside of school will reach the heights of Einstein or Sakharov, but poor performance is often inherent in deep children. "
    “And imagine what would happen if such a deep child gets to the teacher, for whom academic performance is speed. The student will begin to live in constant stress. Worst of all, if at the same time the parents begin to get nervous, because then the child will read their emotions, convinced of his own inferiority, that he is worse than others. "

    “And it’s unnatural for a child not to believe in himself. Imagine that a six-month-old baby has lost faith in his own abilities. In this case, he would live in constant fear, he would be afraid to know the world, he would not learn to walk. But he believes in himself and very aggressively masters the world. And it helps him to progress incredibly quickly. "
    “A child is always charged with the energy of achievement, and it's good when there are adults nearby who encourage, praise for micro-successes and raise the bar. If they don’t believe in the baby, then his belief in himself will disappear ”.
    “If a two-month-old child is taken and transported to Vietnam, he will still easily master the most difficult language there and in a couple of years will babble in Vietnamese. But if a two-year-old child was placed in school, distributing educational material for lessons, forced to cram words from morning to evening and scolded for mistakes? Then he would not have mastered either Vietnamese, Russian, or any language in general, "Alexander Lobock is sure.

    “When a child begins to speak the first words, parents are really delighted, and it never occurs to them to scold for incorrect pronunciation. Therefore, mastering the language turns into a great joy for all sides of this process. Although each child has his own trajectory and his own speed of learning. "
    “But coming to school, the kid understands that literacy here is something else. It's the constant pressure that makes every mistake a nightmare. And to get rid of the nightmare, the child begins to avoid school. Modern methods of teaching schoolchildren cause rejection, not interest. "

    “As a result, many children at school simply cannot read. Yes, they know letters, they know how to put words out of them, and they sound it all together. But to read means to see what is hidden behind the text, to generate a picture in your own head. "
    "And if a student does not know how to comprehend what he has read, then he cannot understand the condition of the problem, he cannot understand the page he has read, he cannot keep up with the program, which is endlessly overloaded at a time when children stumble over elementary things."
    “School does not develop imagination, does not teach to imagine. But the imagination of a child is a saving thing. If he can turn lines from books into visual images, then reading becomes a great pleasure for him, and not hard labor. "