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  • Methods of pedagogical learning. Stimulating the role of all learning methods

    Methods of pedagogical learning. Stimulating the role of all learning methods

    Continuing the topic of the past lesson, we want to introduce you to those learning methods that appeared relatively recently and the active implementation of which in the pedagogical process only begins to be implemented. If we talk about the traditional educational system, In the appropriate institutions, modern teaching methods can be found extremely rare, but as for private schools, training centers and other similar organizations, then in their activities, new techniques appear increasingly. About why these methods are attributed to more efficiency than traditional methods, you will learn from this lesson. But besides the advantages, we mention and the main disadvantages of innovative methods that should be paid for no less attention.

    To begin with, we note that modern teaching methods, in contrast to traditional, are characterized by several other signs, namely:

    • Modern teaching methods already in the development process are adapted to a special pedagogical intent. The basis of the development is a concrete methodological and philosophical view of the author
    • The technological sequence of actions, operations and interactions is based on target settings, which are a clear expected result.
    • The implementation of methods involves the associated activities of teachers and students, which has a treaty basis and in which the principles of differentiation and individualization are taken into account, as well as the optimal use of human and technical potential. Communicable constitues should be communication and dialogues
    • Pedagogical methods are planned in stages, but are embodied consistently. In addition, they must be performed by any teacher, but guarantee each students
    • The indispensable component of the methods are diagnostic procedures that contain the instruments, indicators and criteria for measuring the results of students.

    Modern teaching methods in many cases may not have a psychological and pedagogical justification, due to which it is quite difficult to classify them in some way. But this does not interfere not only to apply them in training activities, but also does not have any significant impact on the success of this application.

    Modern teaching methods

    Among the most sought-after today, modern teaching methods can be allocated:


    The lecture is the oral form of information transfer, in the course of which the means of visibility are applied.

    The advantages of the lecture are that students are focused in large arrays of information, there is a large number of students in classes, and the teacher can easily control the content and sequence of its presentation.

    The lack of lectures include the fact that there is no feedback from students, it is not possible to take into account their initial level of knowledge and skills, and classes are hardly dependent on schedules and graphs.


    The seminar is a joint discussion by teacher and students of the studied issues and search for ways to solve certain tasks.

    The benefits of the seminar are able to consider and control the teacher level of knowledge and skills of students, to establish a connection between the theme of the seminar and the experience of students.

    The disadvantages of the seminar are considered a small number of students in the classroom and the requirement for the presence of a teacher.


    Training is a method of learning, the basis of which is the practical side of the pedagogical process, and the theoretical aspect has only secondary importance.

    The advantages of the training will be able to study the problem from different points of view and catch its subtlety and nuances, prepare students for actions in life situations, as well as increase them and create a positive emotional climate.

    The main and major lack of training is that, at its end, students should be accompanied and obtaining support, otherwise the acquired skills and skills will be lost.

    Modular learning

    Modular learning is a breakdown of educational information into several relative to independent parts, called modules. Each of the modules implies its goals and methods for submitting information.

    The positive characteristics of the method of modular learning are to be elected, flexibility and the possibility of rearrangement of its categories - modules.

    The negative sides are that the educational material can be absorbed separately and becomes unacceptable. The logical connection of information modules can also be lost, as a result of which knowledge will be fragmented.

    Distance learning

    Under remote learning it is understood to use in pedagogical process Telecommunication facilities allowing the teacher to train students, being from them at a high distance.

    The positive characteristics of the method are the possibility of engaging a large number of students, the possibility of learning at home, the ability to select students most for classes and the ability to transfer the results of the learning process to various electronic media.

    The disadvantages here can be called high requirements for the technical equipment of the pedagogical process, the lack of visual contact of the teacher and the student and, as a result, reduced motivation by the latter.

    Value orientation

    The method of value orientation is used to prolong the values \u200b\u200bof students and familiarize them with social and cultural traditions and rules. Usually, the instruments reflecting these rules and traditions are used during operation.

    The positive characteristics of the value orientation are its promotion of adaptation of students to the conditions of real life and the requirements of society or activities.

    The weak moment of the method is expressed in the fact that the student, if the teacher embellished any moments, can be disappointed in the received information when it collides with the actual position of things.

    Case Stadi.

    Collapse of "dawn"

    The development method is to model situations that often arise in real life and are distinguished by a large amount of work, as well as in developing the most effective ways to solve problems caused by such situations.

    From the positive side, the presented method is distinguished by the high motivation of students, their active participation in the process of solving problems and impact, developing analytical abilities and systemicity of thinking.

    The disadvantage can be called the fact that students should have at least basic skills and skills that allow you to solve the tasks.

    Work in parach

    Based on the requirements of the pair work method, one student makes up a pair with another, thereby ensuring that feedback and evaluation from the country in the process of mastering new activities. As a rule, both parties have equal rights.

    Work in pairs is good because it allows the student to get an objective assessment of its activities and come to understand their shortcomings. In addition, communication skills are developing.

    The disadvantage is the possibility of difficulties in connection with the personal incompatibility of partners.

    Reflection method

    The reflection method involves the creation of the necessary conditions for independent reflection of the material by students and their ability to enter into an active research position in relation to the material being studied. The pedagogical process is made by step by students of tasks with systematic verification of the results of their activities during which mistakes, difficulties and most successful solutions are noted.

    The advantages of the reflective method are that students develop the skill of independent decision-making and independent work, is exhausted and, increases the sense of responsibility for their actions.

    But there are also disadvantages: the scope of students' activity, which is a problem with the subjects of them or discipline, is limited, and the receipt and exhaustion occurs solely by experimental way, i.e. through.

    Rotation method

    The rotation method is to consolidate the students in the process of occupation or lesson of different roles, so that they can get a versatile experience.

    The advantages of the method are that it is favorable on the motivation of students, contributes to overcoming the negative effects of routine activity and expansion of the horizons and the circle of communication.

    Of the minuses you can call the increased voltage of students in cases where new and unfamiliar requirements are presented.

    The leader-slave method

    According to this method, one student (or group) joins a more experienced student (or group) in order to master unfamiliar skills and skills.

    The advantages of the method consist in its simplicity, faster adaptation of students to new activities and exhaust communicative skills.

    The complexity is that the student is not always able to realize the deep psychological reasons for making decisions with their more experienced partner.

    Failure method

    An uncomplicated word is a method in which currently currently matched issues of the topic under study or problems are solved by exchanging information and opinions, as a result of which the opportunity to increase students' skills appears.

    The advantages of the method under consideration are to be binding to real situations in the learning process, as well as to provide students with the opportunity to use the emotional-volitional and meaningful-problematic approach when making decisions.

    The shortcomings are that the teacher or leader of the discussion should be able to sharpen attention on important details and make competent generalizations that it will offer students. In addition, the likelihood of distracted discussions, including those having a negative emotional color, is great.


    The method of mythology implies search unusual ways solutions to problems that arise in real conditions. Such a search is carried out on the basis of a metaphor, in other words, a non-existent scenario is being developed, similar to existing ones.

    The positive characteristics of the method are the formation of the installation in students on creative search for solving problems, and a decrease in the level of anxiety of students in their collision with new tasks and problems.

    The negative points include reduced attention to and rational calculated actions in real conditions.

    Experience exchange

    The exchange method of experience implies a short-term translation of the student to another training place (including other countries) and the subsequent return back.

    The presented experience contributes to collective cohesion, improving the quality of communication and expansion of the horizon.

    The lack of the method lies in the likelihood of the emergence of stressful situations due to the difficulties of the personal and technical plan in a new place.


    Spends joint work in small groups, the main purpose of which is to search for solving a given problem or task. The ideas offered at the beginning of the assault are collected together, originally without any criticism, and in subsequent stages are discussed, and one most productive is chosen.

    Brainstorming is effective in that it allows for participation of even students with a minimum level of knowledge and a set of competencies, does not require solidary training, develops in students the ability to operational thinking and inclusion in group work, has a minimal stressful impact, hesitates the culture of communication and develops skill participation in discussions.

    But this method is not very effective for solving complex problems, does not allow to determine clear indicators of the effectiveness of solutions complicates the process of determining the author of the best idea, and also differs in spontaneity capable of leading students away from the topic.

    Thematic discussions

    The method of thematic discussions is to solve certain problems and tasks in the specific area of \u200b\u200bany discipline. This method is similar to a brainstorm, but differs from it that the discussion process is limited to specific framework, and any, initially seemingly unpromising solutions and ideas are immediately discarded.

    The advantages of the method can be called that the information base of students relative to the discipline discussed is expanding and the skill of solving specific tasks is formed.

    The disadvantage can be called the complexity of finding a solution to the problem due to the fact that this goal can be achieved only if the teacher or the discussion leader has a skill of accurate and expanded reporting information to less informed participants.


    Consulting or, as elsewhere is called, counseling reduces to the fact that the student is addressed for information or practical help to a more experienced person on issues relating to a particular topic or research area.

    The positive feature of this method is that the student receives targeted support and increases its experience in both the studied area and in interpersonal interaction.

    The negative side lies in the fact that the method is not always applicable, which depends on the specifics of pedagogical activities, and in some cases requires for the implementation of material costs.

    Participation in official events

    Participation in official events involves visiting students of exhibitions, conferences, etc. The essence is to evaluate the event and draw up a brief report with the subsequent presentation of his teacher. It is also implied by preliminary preparation and study of thematic issues and problems related to the topic of the event.

    The positive aspects of the method are the mobilization of the student of the participatory information of the information, the development of business communication skills, improving analytical abilities.

    The disadvantages include the fact that emotions and impressions received after visiting the event can distort a real objective assessment.

    Use of information and computer technology

    The essence of the presented method is clear from the name - modern high-tech information transfer tools are used in the pedagogical process, such as computers, laptops, digital projectors, etc. The information mastered by students is presented in combination with visual-shaped data (video materials, graphs, etc.), and the studied object itself, the phenomenon or process can be shown in the dynamics.

    The advantage of the method is that the demonstration of the educational material may be dynamic, individual elements of the material or it can be repeated at any time, the teacher can provide students with a copy of the materials, and therefore, for the subsequent study, there is no need for special conditions, for example, in the audience or class.

    The shortcomings are that in most cases there is no interactive connection, in the process of using the method there is no accounting individual features Pupils, and the teacher does not have the opportunity to provide a stimulating impact on their students.

    And individually, as an independently method, it should be said about special educational simulators.

    Educational simulators

    In the process of creating simulators, certain pedagogical tasks are simulated or related to the discipline of the situation. This is done by means of special equipment, which is in the premises intended for this.

    Students seize complex skills, algorithms for solving problems, psychomotor actions and mental operations for making decisions relating to the most serious situations and issues within any discipline.

    There are a number of requirements for effective simulators:

    • The simulators should be developed taking into account the psychological characteristics of a particular discipline, because Targets must meet the tasks that will be found in real life, in its functional and subject matter.
    • Educational tasks running on the simulator should be aimed at providing students with operational feedback, on the basis of which it will be possible to judge the quality of the actions performed by students.
    • The simulator must be intended for repeated repetition of tasks with students, because It is necessary to achieve automatism of the correctness of actions. About the correctness of actions, in turn, can speak comments of teachers, as well as the feeling of students received by them through senses and experiences.
    • Training tasks that are performed using the simulator must be selected so that the complexity of the implementation increases. This allows the student not only to properly master the practice, but not to lose

    Any learning method that is planned to be applied in the pedagogical process can give the maximum result if it is established that it is really suitable for use. This can be set only with the help of analyzing features and students and the area in which they receive knowledge, skills and skills.

    It is also possible to evaluate the effectiveness of a method of learning, using the analysis of a meaningful part of educational tasks and methods that are offered by students based on whether they comply with current issues and situations.

    The productivity of the pedagogical process during the development of new knowledge and the acquisition of new skills requires the development of the orientation system in each discipline under study. Creating the optimal content of educational programs allows you to form systemic thinking in students, which will be a guarantee of their successful learning, and development, the presence of cognitive interest, motivation to follow the training and development of any knowledge, skills, subjects and disciplines.

    But there is no pedagogical activity and, perhaps, there can be no universal method or system of methods. It is important to be able to apply an integrated approach, which means to give preference in our work teachers should not only with modern or traditional methods of learning, but to use each of them individually and together, setting itself the task: to develop the most optimal and effective educational program.

    In this lesson, we talked about modern training methods and indicated their main advantages and disadvantages. Of course, we did not disclose all of their features (we did not actually set themselves such a goal), but already available information should be enough to help you decide which method to impress you to a greater extent that you wanted to It would be possible to figure out more objectively and that apply subsequently in your pedagogical activities.

    As for the following lesson, in it we will raise an equally serious topic regarding the direct interaction of the teacher and students - we will talk about the methods of pedagogical impact on the identity of students.

    Check your knowledge

    If you want to test your knowledge on the subject of this lesson, you can pass a small test consisting of several questions. In each question, only 1 option can be correct. After choosing one of the options, the system automatically moves to the next question. The points you receive affect the correctness of your answers and spent time spent. Please note that questions every time are different, and the options are mixed.

    1. The concept of learning methods and their classification.

    · Main groups of methods

    · Verbal teaching methods

    - Story

    - Training lecture

    - Conversation

    · Visual learning methods

    · Practical learning methods

    · Inductive and deductive learning methods

    · Reproductive and problematic search methods


    2. Methods for stimulating educational activities in the learning process

    · The role of motivation in training

    · Stimulating the role of all learning methods

    · Methods of formation of cognitive interest

    · Cognitive games

    · Teaching discussions



    3. Methods of control and self-control in training

    · Oral control methods

    · Machine control methods

    · Written control methods

    4. Choosing the optimal combination of learning methods




    1. The concept of learning methods and their classification.

    The method (literally the path to something) means a way to achieve the goal, in certain way ordered activities.

    The method of learning is called the method of ordered interrelated activities of the teacher and trainees, activities aimed at solving the tasks of education, education and development in the learning process.

    Training methods are one of the most important components of the educational process. Without the appropriate methods of activity, it is impossible to realize the goals and objectives of training, to achieve the assimilation of the learners of a certain content of educational material.

    Major groups of methods.

    Of these, three main groups of learning methods should be distinguished: 1) methods of organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activity; 2) methods of stimulating and motivating learning activities; 3) methods of control and self-control over the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activity.

    1 group of methods

    By the source of transmission and perception of educational activities

    According to the logic of transmission and perception of information

    By the degree of independence of thinking

    By learning management




    Under the guidance of the teacher




    Independent work learners


    2 group of methods

    Methods of stimulating interest in the teaching

    Methods for stimulating responsibility and debt

    Cognitive games

    Belief in importance

    Teaching discussions

    Consider requirements

    Creating emotionally moral situations

    Organizational and activity

    Promotion and punishment

    3 Group of methods

    Oral control and self-control methods

    Methods of written control and self-control

    Practical control and self-control methods

    Individual survey

    Written test work

    Machine control

    Frontal survey

    Written standings

    Control and laboratory control

    Oral tests

    Written exams

    Oral exams

    Written works

    The proposed classification of learning methods is relatively holistic because it takes into account all the main structural elements Activities (its organization, stimulation and control). It intersects such aspects of cognitive activity as perception, comprehension and practical application. It takes into account all the main functions and parties of the methods identified to this period by pedagogical science, without discarding not one of them. But it does not just mechanically connect the well-known approaches, but considers them in relationships and unity, requiring the choice of their optimal combination. Finally, the proposed approach to the classification of methods does not exclude the possibility of supplementing it with new private methods that arise during the improvement of the learning process in modern school.

    Before switching to the characteristic of individual learning methods, it should be noted that each method can be imagined consisting of a set of methodological techniques. On this basis, sometimes methods are determined as a set of methodological techniques that solve the learning tasks.

    Let us turn to a more detailed description of all major groups of training methods.

    Verbal teaching methods

    The verbal methods of training include a story, a lecture, a conversation, etc. In the process of their clarification, the teacher is subject to a word, explains the educational material, and the studied by hearing, memorization and comprehension is actively perceived and absorbed.

    Story.This method involves an oral narrative statement of educational material, not interrupted by questions to the trainee. This method involves an oral narrative statement of educational material, not interrupted by questions to the trainee.

    Perhaps several types of stories - a story-joining, a story-presentation, a story. The purpose of the first is to prepare students for the perception of a new educational material, which can be conducted by other methods, for example, conversation. This type of story is characterized by relative brevity, brightness, emotionality of the presentation, allowing to cause interest in the new topic, to initiate the need for its active learning. During such a story, the tasks of the student's activities are reported in an accessible form.

    During the story-presentation, the teacher discloses the content of a new topic, exercises on a certain logically developing plan, in a clear sequence, with the dissection of the main, significant, with the use of illustrations and convincing examples.

    The story is usually held at the end of the lesson. The teacher in it summarizes the main thoughts, draws conclusions and generalizations, gives tasks for further independent work on this topic ..

    In the course of applying the story method, such methodical techniques are used as: statement of information, activation of attention, memory acceleration techniques (mnemonic, associative), logical comparisons, comparison, allocation of the main, summarization.

    For teaching in the distance learning model, an effective way is a rather effective way, although not too advanced computer speech data can affect the quality of the educational process, which is more than the audio cassettes can be replaced. What is very effective for the educational process.

    The conditions for the effective application of the story is a thorough thinking of the theme, a successful selection of examples and illustrations, maintaining the proper emotional tone of the presentation.

    Training lecture.As one of the verbal teaching methods, the learning lecture implies an oral statement of educational material, which is characterized by a large capacity than a story, a great complexity of logical constructions, images, evidence and generalizations. The lecture, as a rule, takes all the occupation, while the story takes only it part. As one of the verbal teaching methods, the learning lecture implies an oral statement of educational material, which is characterized by a large capacity than a story, a great complexity of logical constructions, images, evidence and generalizations. The lecture, as a rule, takes all the occupation, while the story takes only it part.

    During the lecture, techniques are used to maintain attention for a long time, intensifying the thinking of listeners, techniques for ensuring the logical memorization, convictions, arguments, evidence, classification, systematization and generalizations, etc.

    The conditions for an effective lecture is a clear thinking and report of the lecture plan, a logically slim and consistent presentation of one after another paragraphs of the plan with a summary and conclusions after each of them and logical links during the transition to the next section. It is equally important to ensure the availability, clarity of the presentation, explain the terms, choose examples and illustrations, pick up means of visibility. The lecture is read at such a pace so that the listeners can make the necessary records. Teachers Therefore, it is clear to allocate what should be recorded, unambiguously repeat if necessary to facilitate the records.

    A similar method is easiest to use with the help of audio cassettes, as well as using video technology, as well as satellite television, however, you can still make a lecture with the help of an abstract book and computer package.

    Conversation.The conversation method involves the conversation of the teacher with students. The conversation is organized with the help of a carefully thought-out system of questions, gradually undermining students to assimilate the system of facts, a new concept or pattern. The conversation method involves the conversation of the teacher with students. The conversation is organized with the help of a carefully thought-out system of questions, gradually undermining students to assimilate the system of facts, a new concept or pattern.

    In the course of applying the conversation method, methods of formulation of issues (basic, additional, leading, etc.) are used to discuss the discussion and opinions of students, acceptance of evidence of responses, techniques for the formulation of conclusions from the conversation.

    Questions to the conversation should be sufficiently capacious for holistic perception. Too much crushing the topic on questions destroys its logical integrity, and too large questions become inaccessible to discussion by trainees. Questions should not require one-step responses from students. The teacher can use auxiliary, leading questions, allowing to continue discussion of the problem under study.

    Conversations are possible, during which the students recall, systematize, summarize the previously learned, draw conclusions, look for new examples of using the phenomenon studied earlier. Such conversations are mainly explaining and are designed mainly to operate previously learned, to enhance the memory of the students.

    At the same time, it is possible and very desirable with sufficient preparedness of the studied conversations, during which they, under the leadership of the teacher, find out possible answers to problem tasks themselves. Such learning methods in this case can only be represented by a sufficiently active core of the teacher with trainees. Otherwise, this method is possible when remote learning Only for the session. But it should be borne in mind that some learners simply need such learning methods.

    Visual learning methods

    Visual methods are sufficiently important for students who have visual perception of reality. Modern didactics Requires the most rational options for the use of clarity means, allowing to achieve a greater educational and educational, as well as a developing effect. It focuses teachers to such an application of visual learning methods to simultaneously be able to develop and abstract thinking learned.

    A feature of visual learning methods is that they are necessarily offered to one way or another with verbal methods. The close interconnection of the word and clarity follows from the fact that the dialectical path of knowledge of objective reality involves the application in the unity of living contemplation, abstract thinking and practice. Teaching I.P. Pavlova on the first and second signal systems shows that with the knowledge of reality phenomena, they should be applied in relationships. Perception through the first signal system must organically merge with the operating in the word, with the active functioning of the second signal system.

    L.V. Zankov studied several basic forms of combining words and visibility, which should be taken into account when remotely learning:

    With the word through the word, the teacher manages the observation, which is carried out by trainees, and knowledge about the appearance of the subject, its directly perceived properties and the trainee relationships are removed from the most visible object in the process of observations;

    With the word, the teacher on the basis of the learned observing observations of visual objects and on the basis of their knowledge of their knowledge leads to understanding such connections in phenomena that cannot be found in the process of perception;

    Information about the appearance of the object, the student directly perceived properties and relationships receives from verbal messages of the teacher, and visual means are confirmed or concretizing verbal reports;

    Going away from the learned observation of a visual object, the teacher reports such connections between the phenomena, which are not directly perceived by students, or makes a conclusion, unites, summarizes individual data.

    Thus exist diverse forms Communication words and clarity. To give some of them the complete preference would be erroneous, since, depending on the characteristics of the tasks of learning, the content of the topic, the nature of the visual means, as well as the level of training of the trainees, is necessary in each particular case of choosing the most rational combination.

    Practical learning methods

    Practical training methods cover a very wide range different species Learning activities. During the use of practical learning methods, techniques are applied: setting the task, planning its implementation, operational incentive, regulation, and control, analyzing the results of practical work, identifying the causes of shortcomings, correction of learning to fully achieve the goal. . During the use of practical learning methods, techniques are applied: setting the task, planning its implementation, operational incentive, regulation, and control, analyzing the results of practical work, identifying the causes of shortcomings, correction of learning to fully achieve the goal.

    Practical methods include written exercises, where in the course of the exercise the learned applies in practice the knowledge they received.

    The practical methods also include exercises performed by students with sound recording, sound-reproducing equipment, computers also include computers.

    Practical methods are applied in a close combination with verbal and visual learning methods, as practical work on the implementation of practical work should be preceded by a guidance explanation of the teacher. The verbal explanations and display of illustrations are usually accompanying the work of the work, as well as the analysis of the work done, which is most favorable to make personal contact with the trainee.

    Inductive and deductive teaching methods.

    Inductive and deductive teaching methods characterize an extremely important feature of the methods - the ability to disclose the logic of the movement of the tutorial. The use of inductive and deductive methods means the selection of a certain logic of the disclosure of the content under study - from the private to the general and from the common to the private.

    Inductive method. When using the inductive training method, the activities of the teacher and trainees proceeds as follows: when using an inductive training method, the activities of the teacher and trainees proceeds as follows:



    1 option

    Option 2

    Presents first facts, demonstrates experiments, visual benefits, organizes exercise performing, gradually leading students to generalizations, determining concepts, formulating laws.

    Initially, private facts are absorbed, then draw conclusions and generalizations of a private nature.

    2 options

    Option 2

    He puts troubled tasks before students, requiring independent reasoning from private provisions to more general, to conclusions and generalizations.

    Independently reflect on the facts and make accessible conclusions and generalizations.

    Inductive study of the topic is especially useful in cases where the material is carried out mainly, actual character or is associated with the formation of concepts, the meaning of which can be clear only during inductive reasoning. Inductive methods are widely applicable to study technical devices and perform practical tasks. Many mathematical tasks are solved by an inductive method, especially when the teacher considers it necessary to independently bring the learned to the absorption of some more generalized formula.

    The weakness of the inductive method of learning is that they require more time to study new material than deductive. They at least contribute to the development of abstract thinking, as they rely on concrete facts, experiments and other data.

    Deductive method. When using a deductive method, the activities of the teacher and students are the following:

    The deductive method contributes to the rapid passage of the educational material, is actively developing abstract thinking. Its use is especially useful in studying theoretical material, when solving problems requiring detection of consequences from some more general provisions.

    So for mathematical concepts, the general basis is the common relationship of magnitude, for grammar, the role of such a general foundation is performed by the form of the form and the meaning of the word. Since these general bases of communication can be expressed in the form of models (schemes, formulas, laws, rules), then students teach these models. This approach allows students to re-assimilate the knowledge of a common and abstract nature and already output more private and specific knowledge. But this does not mean that it is necessary to move to the deductive study of the entire material. Its rational combination with an inductive approach should be found, since without an inductive approach, it is impossible to successfully prepare students to solve more complex tasks.

    As can be seen from the characteristics of the work of the teacher and trainees, when using deductive or inductive teaching methods, previously described verbal, visual and practical methods are used. But at the same time, the content of educational material is disclosed in a certain logical manner - inductively or deductive. Therefore, we can talk about the inductively or deductive conversation, about the deductive and problematic constructed story, about reproductive or search engined practical work. The learning method is a multidimensional concept. In the system actually used at the moment, the training methods are combined somewhat conventionally allocated in the classification of methods. And what we are talking about the use of a deductive or inductive method in this situation is determined by the leading didactic task assigned to the teacher at this stage of training. If, for example, the teacher decided to focus on the development of deductive thinking of a generalized nature, then it uses a deductive method, combining it with a problem-search, realizable through a specially constructed conversation.

    Noticing that in this paper is limited a list of logical training methods with two species - deductive and inductive. This is done only for greater availability of a holistic classification of learning methods. In principle, this subgroup of the organization's methods includes methods of educational analysis, investigative synthesis, educational analogy, identifying causal relations.

    Reproductive and problematic search methods

    Reproductive and problematic searching methods of learning are designed primarily on the basis of an assessment of the degree of creative activity of students in the knowledge of new concepts, phenomena and laws. Based primarily, on the basis of the evaluation of the degree of creative activity of students in the knowledge of new concepts, phenomena and laws.

    The reproductive nature of thinking implies an active perception and memorization of a reported by the teacher or other source of information. The use of these methods is impossible without the use of verbal, visual and practical methods and teaching methods, which are the material basis of these methods.

    A lecture is similar in the same way, in which certain scientific information is described by listeners, appropriate entries recorded by listeners are made in the form of short abstracts.

    The reproductive organized conversation is carried out in such a way that the teacher in the course of it relies on the famous learned facts for previously gained knowledge. The tasks of discussing any hypotheses, assumptions are not put.

    Visuality with a reproductive learning method also applies to better and more active learning and memorizing information. An example of visibility, for example, are used in the experience of the teacher V.F. Shatalova reference abstracts. They consistently displayed especially bright, activating the storage of the material, words and sketches.

    The practical work of a reproductive nature is distinguished by the fact that during their students apply the sample earlier or just learned knowledge. At the same time, in the course of practical work, students do not carry out independent gains of knowledge. Reproductive exercises particularly effectively contribute to the development of practical skills and skills, as the transformation into the skill requires repeated sample action.

    Reproductive methods are particularly effectively used in cases where the content of the educational material is predominantly informative, represents a description of the methods of practical actions, is very complex and fundamentally new in order for the students to carry out knowledge.

    Based on reproductive methods, programmed training is most often carried out.

    In general, reproductive teaching methods do not allow themselves to develop thinking, and especially independence, flexibility of thinking; To form at the studied search engines. With excessive use, these methods contribute to the formalization of the learning process. One reproductive methods are impossible to successfully develop the qualities of the individual, as it is impossible to develop such qualities of individuals as a creative approach to business, independence. All this requires to apply along with them and learning methods that ensure active search engines of students.

    Problem-search learning methods

    Problem-search learning methods. Problem methods are used during problem learning. When using problem-search methods of training, the teacher uses such techniques: Creates a problem situation (sets questions, it proposes a task, an experimental task), organizes a collective discussion of possible approaches to solving the problem situation, confirms the correctness of the conclusions, puts forward a ready-made problem task. The students, based on the previous experience and knowledge, arouse assumptions about the paths of solving a problem situation, summarize previously acquired knowledge, identify the causes of phenomena, explain their origin, choose the most rational solution to solve the problem situation.

    Problem-search learning methods are very effective for distance learning for they are often used in practice using visual, verbal and practical methods. In this regard, it is customary to talk about the methods of problematic presentation of educational material, about problematic and heuristic conversations, about the use of visual methods of problem-search type, about carrying out problem-search practical work research species. According to I.Ya. Lerner, this type of methods includes such special cases such as a problem of problem presentation, partially search, or heuristic, research methods. Special cases of the problem search method are the proposed M.I. Makhmutov binary methods: explanatory and prompting and partially search, encouraging and search. All this is how specific levels of manifestation of the problem-search method in its broad sense, as well as combinations of various methods with a gradual increase in the search element in the exercise.

    The presentation of the training material by the method of a problem story and a problematic lecture suggests that the teacher reflects the teacher, proves, summarizes, analyzes the facts and leads to the thinking of listeners, making it more active and creative.

    One of the methods of problem learning is the heuristic and problem-search conversation. In the course of her, the teacher puts a number of consecutive and interrelated issues before trained, responding to which they must express any suggestions and try to independently prove their justice, thereby carrying out some independent promotion forward in the assimilation of new knowledge. If during the heuristic conversation such assumptions usually concern only one of the main elements of a new topic, then during a problem-folding conversation, students solve a whole series of problem situations.

    Visual manuals for problematic learning methods are not used no longer in order to enhance the memorization, but for the formulation of experimental tasks that create problem situations in classes.

    Problem-search exercises are used in the case when the learners can independently perform a teacher to perform certain types of actions that summarize it to the absorption of new knowledge. Problem-search exercises can be used not only when approaching the learning of a new topic, but even during its fixation on a new basis, that is, when performing exercises, deepening knowledge.

    Valuable species especially for distance learning are research laboratory work, during which trained, for example, they independently find out the laws of melting bodies or any other laws. Such laboratory works It is held before studying the theoretical material and put students before the need to do some training discoveries.

    Problem-search methods in remote learning are used mainly to develop the skills of creative educational and informative activities, they contribute to a more meaningful and independent mastering knowledge. These methods are particularly effectively used in cases where it is necessary to achieve the formation of concepts, laws and theories in the relevant field of science, and not a message of actual information. The proportion of distance learning is much better if the problem-search methods will be combined with reproductive for greater efficiency.

    2. Methods of stimulating educational activities in the learning process.

    The role of motivation in training.

    A variety of studies of human activity structure invariably emphasize the need for a component of motivation. Any activity proceeds more efficiently and gives quality results, if the personality has strong, bright, deep motives, causing the desire to act actively, with full recycling of forces, overcome the inevitable difficulties, adverse conditions and other circumstances, persistently moving towards the target. All this is directly related to learning activities, which is more successful if the student has a positive attitude towards educational activities, if they have cognitive interest, the need to gain knowledge, skills and skills, if they have been ragged, responsibility and responsibility and Other exercise motives.

    Stimulating the role of all learning methods.

    In order to formulate such motives of educational activities, the entire arsenal of the methods of organizing and implementing training activities is used - verbal, visual and practical methods, reproductive and search methods, deductive and inductive methods.

    Thus, each of the methods of organizing training activities at the same time has not only informative-learning, but also motivational effects. In this sense, we can talk about the stimulative-motivational function of any method of learning. However, the experience of teachers and science has been accumulated by a large arsenal of methods, which are specifically aimed at the formation of positive exercise motives, stimulate informative activity, while simultaneously contributing to the enrichment of training educational information. In this case, the stimulation function seems to be on the fore, contributing to the implementation of the educational function of all other methods.

    As noted above and in the works, a group of methods of incentive and motivation can be conventionally divided into two large subgroups. In the first of them, to present methods for the formation of cognitive interests among students. In the second - methods, mainly aimed at the formation of a sense of debt and responsibility in teaching. Describe in more detail each of these subgroups of methods of stimulating and motivating teachings.

    Methods of formation of cognitive interest.

    Special studies devoted to the problem of forming cognitive interest show that interest in all its views and at all stages of development are characterized by three mandatory moments: 1) positive emotion in relation to activities; 2) the presence of the cognitive side of this emotion; 3) the presence of a direct motive coming from the activity itself.

    It follows that in the learning process, it is important to ensure that positive emotions have the emergence in relation to training activities, to its content, forms and methods of implementation. The emotional state is always associated with the experience of mental excitement: response, sympathy, joy, anger, surprise. That is why the processes of attention, memorization, comprehension in such a state are connected by the deep internal experiences of the individual, which make these processes intensively flowing and be more effective in the sense of the goals achieved.

    One of the techniques included in the method of emotional stimulating teachings can be called the reception in the occupation of the exercise situations - the introduction into the educational process of entertaining examples, experiments, paradoxical facts. Many teachers use an analysis of excerpts from fiction dedicated to life and activities of outstanding scientists and public figures to increase interest in teaching. Such techniques are also successfully applied to the increase in training, as stories about the application in modern conditions of certain predictions of scientific science fiction, show entertaining experiments.

    In the role of admission, which is included in the methods of formation of interest in the teaching, acting and entertaining analogies. For example, a very positive response is caused by the studied analogies in the course of physics based on the principles of bionics. When studying location phenomena, analogies are carried out with the methods of orientation of volatile mice. When considering the lifting force of the aircraft wing, analogies are carried out with the shape of the poultry wings, dragonfly.

    The emotionality of the experience is caused by applying surprise, for example, Pascal's paradox, at the persuasiveness of these examples invariably causes deep emotional experiences from the student.

    One of the techniques of stimulation is a comparison of scientific and everyday interpretations of individual natural phenomena. For example, trainee is invited to compare the life and scientific explanation of the phenomenon of weightlessness, the laws of falling, the laws of navigation.

    In all the above examples, it is shown as part of the methods of formation of artistry, imagery, brightness, enormity, surprise, which in turn causes a positive attitude towards educational activities and serves as the first step towards the formation of cognitive interest. At the same time, among the main points characterizing interest, not just the initiation of emotionality, but the presence of these emotions of the actual side itself, which manifests itself in the joy of knowledge.

    The main source of interests to the educational activity itself is, first of all, its content. In order for the content to provide a particularly strong stimulating effect, it must meet a number of requirements formulated in the principles of training (scientific relations, communication, systematics and sequence, complex educational, raising and developing influence). However, there are some special techniques aimed at increasing the stimulating effect of the detention of the exercise. To them, first of all, it is possible to attribute the creation of a situation of novelty, relevance, approaching the content to the most important discoveries in science and technology, to the phenomena of socio-political internal and international life.

    Cognitive games. The value of informative games can be called a valuable method of encouraging interest in the teachings, which relies on the creation of playing situations in the educational process. The game has long been used as a means of excitement of interest in the teachings. In the practice of teachers, desktop and gyms are used, with the help of which history is being studied, animal world, Types of aircraft and ships. The value of informative games can be called a valuable method of encouraging interest in the teachings, which relies on the creation of playing situations in the educational process. The game has long been used as a means of excitement of interest in the teachings. In practice, teachers are used desktop and gym, with the help of which history, animal world, types of aircraft and ships are studied.

    Training discussions. The method of creating a cognitive dispute situation is also related to methods of encouraging and motivating teachings. It is known that truth is born in the dispute. But the dispute causes and increased interest in the topic. Some teachers skillfully use this method of activating the exercise. They, first, skillfully use historical facts Fight scientific points of view on a particular problem. However, the situation of the dispute the teacher can create at any time, asking the most trivial question "and who thinks otherwise?". And if such a reception causes a dispute, then the students themselves are divided into supporters and opponents of one or another explanation and are waiting for the argued conclusion of the teacher with interest. So the educational dispute acts as a method of stimulating interest in the teaching. Large results in this area are achieved using electronic discussions.

    Stimulation by analyzing life situations

    Analysis of life situations is often used as an intake of stimulation. This method of learning directly stimulates the doctrine due to the maximum specification of knowledge.

    Creating a situation of success in teaching

    One of the effective techniques of stimulating interest in the teaching is to create a situation of success at trainees who experience certain difficulties in school. It is known that without the experience of joy of success, it is impossible to truly count on further success in overcoming educational difficulties. Therefore, teachers should be chosen by some learners who need to be stimulated, they would receive the task accessible to them at the appropriate stage, which would give them confidence in themselves, and they could continue their learning activities in a more favorable pace. SUCCESS SUCCESS CREATE AND DIFFERENCY OF AIDS OF EDUCATIONAL IN THE MANUAL OF TRAFFUL OPTIONS of the same complexity. Success situations are created by a teacher and by encouraging the interim actions of the trainee, that is, by special prubing for new efforts. An important role in creating a success situation plays the provision of a favorable moral and psychological atmosphere during the implementation of certain learning tasks. A favorable microclimate during training reduces the feeling of uncertainty and fear. The state of anxiety is replaced by the state of confidence.

    3. Methods of control and self-control in learning.

    Oral control methods.

    Oral control is carried out by individual and frontal survey in classes, which can be said quite difficult in distance learning. With an individual survey, the teacher puts a few questions before trainee, responding to which it shows the level of learning material. With a frontal survey, the teacher selects a series of logically interconnected and puts them in front of the entire audience, causing to a brief response of certain trainees.

    Machine control methods

    The most common method of control in remote learning. Programs for control can be several types of controlling, gyms and learning-controlling. Control programs are usually according to the method of control programmate exercises. Answers are recruited or numbers, or as a formula, or using a pointer. Each program complies with a high degree of control objectivity. Also with the help of a computer network, many questions can be solved using correspondence or modems. The most common method of control in remote learning. Programs for control can be several types of controlling, gyms and learning-controlling. Control programs are usually according to the method of control programmate exercises. Answers are recruited or numbers, or as a formula, or using a pointer. Each program complies with a high degree of control objectivity. Also with the help of a computer network, many questions can be solved using correspondence or modems.

    Written control methods

    In the process of learning, these methods suggest test work, writings, written tests. Such works can be both long and short-term.

    4. Choosing the optimal combination of learning methods.

    Criteria for choosing training methods

    Most of the researchers of the problem of learning methods, it comes to the conclusion that since the concept of "method" multidimensional, multilateral method of learning in each particular case should be designed as a teacher. In any act of training activities, several methods are always combined. Methods always seem to penetrate each other, characterizing the same parties to the same interaction of teachers and trainees. And if we are talking about the application of a certain method in the data, this means that it dominates at this stage, making a particularly great contribution to the solution of the main didactic problem. It comes to the conclusion that since the concept of "method" multidimensional, multilateral method of learning in each particular case should be designed by the teacher. In any act of training activities, several methods are always combined. Methods always seem to penetrate each other, characterizing the same parties to the same interaction of teachers and trainees. And if we are talking about the application of a certain method in the data, this means that it dominates at this stage, making a particularly great contribution to the solution of the main didactic problem.

    In the didactics set the following pattern. Than in more Aspects was justified by the teacher the choice of methods of training (in perceptual, gnostic, logical, motivational, assessment, etc.), the higher and strong educational results will be achieved in the learning process, and in less time.

    When choosing and combining teaching methods, it is necessary to be guided by the following criteria:

    Compliance of methods of training principles.

    Compliance targets and learning tasks.

    Compliance with the content of this topic.

    Compliance with educational opportunities: age, psychological; The level of preparedness (education, educational and development).

    Compliance with the existing conditions and reserved learning time.

    Compliance with the capabilities of auxiliary learning tools.

    Compliance with the possibilities of teachers themselves. These opportunities are determined by their previous experience, level of perseverance, specific features of the dominance of power, pedagogical abilities, as well as personal qualities of teachers.

    Levels of decision on choosing training methods

    Conditionally, you can allocate several decision-making by teachers about the choice of training methods:

    Name solution

    Characteristics of this level of decision making

    Stereotypical solutions

    The teacher invariably prefers a certain stereotype of the application of training methods, regardless of the specifics of the contents of the content, the characteristics of the trainees.

    Sample solutions and errors

    The teacher is trying to change the choice of methods, taking into account specific conditions, but does this by natural samples, allowing mistakes, choosing a new version and again without a scientific substantiation of choice.

    Optimized solutions

    Solutions that are accepted by scientifically based choice rational methods For these conditions from the point of view of some specific criteria.

    That is why it is important to master the ability to make an optimal solution when choosing training methods.

    Slible methods

    Visual methods.

    Practical methods

    In the formation of theoretical and actual knowledge

    For the development of observation, increasing the attention to the issues under study.

    For the development of practical skills and skills.

    When the material is predominantly theoretical information.

    When the content of the educational material can be presented in a visual form.

    When the content of the topic includes practical exercises, conducting experiments.

    When the students are ready to assimilate information with the corresponding verbal method.

    When the interface is properly decorated.

    When trainees are ready to perform practical tasks.

    When the teacher speaks well this type of verbal methods.

    When the teacher is prepared in the most thorough way and used an individual approach to each trainee.

    When the teacher has the necessary material for experiments and exercises.

    Reproductive methods

    Search methods

    When solving which tasks this method is applied particularly successfully.

    For the formation of knowledge, skills and skills.

    For the development of independence of thinking, research skills, creative approach.

    With what content of the training material is especially rational to apply this method.

    When the content of the topic is too complicated or quite simple.

    When the material has a medium level of complexity.

    Under what features of students rationally use this method.

    When the students are not yet prepared for the problem study of this topic.

    When the trained are prepared for the problem study of this topic.

    What opportunities should have a teacher to use this method.

    Here, problematic methods can be used by learners selectively.

    When the teacher has time for the problem of studying the topic and speaks well in search methods.

    Inductive methods

    Deaductive methods

    When solving which tasks this method is applied particularly successfully.

    For the development of the ability to generalize, carry out conclusions from private to a common one.

    For the development of the ability to make conclusions from common to particular, the development of the ability to analyze phenomena.

    With what content of the training material is especially rational to apply this method.

    When the content is set out inductively or should be stated so.

    When the content of the topic is set out deductive or should be stated so.

    Under what features of students rationally use this method.

    When the students are prepared for inductive arguments or are difficult in deductive arguments.

    When the students are prepared for deductive arguments.

    What opportunities should have a teacher to use this method.

    When the teacher owns inductive methods

    When the teacher owns deductive methods and has appropriate didactic developments.

    The lesson is a collective form of training that is inherent in the constant composition of students, a certain framework of classes, the strict regulation of academic work on the same for all educational materials.

    An analysis of the conducted lessons shows that their structure and technique depends largely on those didactic objectives and tasks solved in the learning process, as well as from the tools that are available at the disposal of the teacher. All this allows us to talk about the methodological diversity of lessons, which, however, can be classified by type:

    1. Lectures lessons (practically is a monologue of a teacher on a given topic, although with the famous mastery of the teacher such lessons acquire the nature of the conversation);

    2. Lab (practical) classes (such lessons are usually devoted to the development of skills and skills);

    3. Lessons of verification and assessment of knowledge (test work, etc.);

    4. combined lessons. Such lessons are carried out according to the scheme:

    - Repetition passed - reproduction by students of previously passed material, check homework, oral and written survey, etc.

    - Mastering a new material. At this stage, the new material is set out by the teacher, or is "mined" in the process of independent work of students with literature.

    - testing of skills and ability to apply knowledge in practice (most often - solving problems in new material);

    - issuing homework.

    Optional classes as a form of training was introduced in the late 60s - early 70s. In the process of another unsuccessful attempt to reform school education. These classes are designed to give a deeper study of the subject to everyone, although in practice, they are very often used to work with lagging learners.

    Excursions - a form of training organization in which work work is carried out as part of direct familiarization with the objects of study.

    Homework is a form of training organization, in which learning work is characterized by the lack of direct leadership of the teacher.

    Extracurricular work: Olympiad, mugs, etc., must contribute to the best development of individual abilities of students.

    In world and domestic practice, a lot of efforts have been made to classify learning methods. Since the method of the category is universal, "multidimensional education", has many features, they act as grounds for classifications. Different authors use different bases for classifying learning methods.

    A lot of classifications are proposed, which is based on one or more signs. Each of the authors leads arguments to justify its classification model. Consider some of them.

    1. Classification of methods on the source of the transfer and nature of the perception of information (E.Ya. Galvan, E.I. Perovsky). The following features and methods are allocated:

    a) passive perception - listen and watch (story, lecture, explanations; demonstration);

    b) active perception - work with a book, visual sources; Laboratory method.

    2. Classification of methods based on didactic problems (MA Danilov, B.P. Esipov.). The classification is based on a sequence of acquisition of knowledge at a particular stage (lesson):

    a) acquisition of knowledge;

    b) the formation of skills and skills;

    c) application of acquired knowledge;

    d) creative activity;

    e) consolidation;

    e) checks of knowledge, skills and skills.

    3. Classification of methods on sources of information transfer and acquisition of knowledge (N.M. Verryilin, D. Lordsinnidze, I.T. Ogorodnikov, etc.). The methods of this classification are:

    a) verbal - the living word of the teacher, work with a book;

    b) practical - study of the surrounding reality (observation, experiment, exercises).

    4. Classification of methods for type (character) of cognitive activity (M.N. Shotkin, I.Ya. Lerner). Character of cognitive

    the activity reflects the level of independent activities of students. The following methods are inherent in this classification:

    a) explanatory-illustrative (informational reproductive);

    b) reproductive (borders of skill and creativity);

    c) problem statement of knowledge;

    d) partially search (heuristic);

    d) Research.

    5. Classification of methods that combine teaching methods and the corresponding teachings or binary methods (M.I. Makhmutov). This classification is represented by the following methods:

    a) teaching methods: information-reporting, explanatory, instructive and practical, explanatory-prompting, prompting;

    b) Teaching methods: executive, reproductive, productive and practical, partially search, search.

    6. Classification of methods for the organization and implementation of educational and educational activities; methods of its incentive and motivation; Methods of control and self-control (Yu.K. Babansky). This classification is represented by three groups of methods:

    a) methods of organization and implementation of educational and educational activities:

    verbal (story, lecture, seminar, conversation), visual (illustration, demonstration, etc.), practical (exercises, laboratory experiments, labor actions and D.R.),

    reproductive and problem-search (from private to general, from common to particular),

    methods of independent work and work under the guidance of the teacher;

    b) methods of stimulating and motivation of educational and educational activities:

    methods of stimulating and motivating interest in teaching (used the entire arsenal of the methods of organizing and implementing training activities for the purpose of psychological setting, encouraging to the teaching), methods of stimulating and motivating debt and responsibility in


    c) Methods of control and self-control for the effectiveness of educational and educational activities: methods of oral control and self-control, methods of written control and self-control, methods of laboratory and practical control and self-control.

    7. Classification of teaching methods in which in unity combines sources of knowledge, the level of cognitive activity and independence of students, as well as the logical path of training modeling (V.F. Palamarchuk and V.I. Palamarchuk).

    8. The classification of methods in combination with the forms of cooperation in training is proposed by the German Didakt L. Klinberg.

    a) monologic methods:




    b) Forms of cooperation:





    c) Dialogical methods: - conversations.

    9. Classification of Methods K. Sosnitsky (Poland) involves the existence of two teachings methods:

    a) artificial (school);

    b) Natural (Ockezal).

    These methods correspond to two training methods:

    a) preventive;

    b) search.

    10. Classification (typology) of teaching methods set forth in "Introduction to the General Didactic" V. Window (Poland) is represented by four groups:

    a) methods of learning knowledge based mainly on the cognitive activity of reproductive nature (conversation, discussion, lecture, work with a book);

    b) Methods of independent mastering knowledge, called problem, based on creative cognitive activity during solving problems:

    The classic problematic method (on Dewey), modified under the Polish education system, there are four important points in it: creating a problem situation; formation of problems and hypotheses of their solution; streamlining and application of the results obtained in new objectives of theoretical and practical nature;

    The method of accidents (England and the USA) is relatively simple and based on a small group of students describing any case: the wording of the issues of explaining this case, search for an answer, a number of possible solutions, making decisions, detect errors in reasoning, etc.;

    A situational method is based on the introduction of students in a difficult situation, the task of understanding and take the right decision, to anticipate the consequences of this decision, to find other possible solutions;

    Bank of ideas is a brainstorming method; based on the group formation of ideas to solve any task, verification, evaluation and choice of necessary ideas;

    Micro-teaching - the method of creative training of complex practical activities is used mainly in pedagogical universities; The VCR is recorded, for example, a fragment of the school lesson, and then a group analysis and evaluation of this fragment is carried out;

    Didactic Games - the use of game moments in the educational process serves as a process of knowledge, teaches respect for adopted norms, contributes to cooperation, teach both to win and lose. These include: insistenced fun, i.e. games, simulation games, business games (they did not get much spread in Polish school);

    c) Methods estimated, also referred to as exhibiting with the domination of emotional-artistic activity:

    Impressive methods;

    Expressive methods;

    Practical methods;

    Training methods;

    d) practical methods (methods for the implementation of creative tasks), which are characterized by the predominance of practical and technical activities, changing the world and creating its new forms: they are associated with the implementation of various types of work (for example, on wood, glass, growing plants and animals, fabric manufacturing and etc.), the development of models of work (drawing), forming approaches to solving and choosing the best options, building a model and checking its operation, designing specified parameters, individual and group assessment of the task.

    The basis of such typology of methods is at V. Window the idea of \u200b\u200bconstant development of the creative basis of the person through the structuring of the knowledge and teaching methods. "The information that man needs is always intended for some purpose, namely, for the knowledge of the structure of reality, the mistake of the world around the world around us, society, culture. Structural thinking is such a thinking that combines the elements of this world well-known. If, thanks to the successful learning method, these structures are stacked into the consciousness of a young man, each of the elements in these structures has its own place and is associated with other structures. Thus, a peculiar hierarchy is formed in the student's representation - from the simplest structures of the most general nature to complex.

    Understanding the basic structures that occur in a living and inanimate nature, in society, in technology and art, can contribute to creative activities based on the knowledge of new structures, selection of elements and establishing links between them. "

    11. Based on the fact that a holistic pedagogical process is provided by a single classification of methods, which in generalized form includes all other classification characteristics of methods B.T. Likhachev calls a number of classifications as partable classification classification. Behind her base, he takes the following:

    Classification for the compliance of methods of teaching the logic of socio-historical development.

    Classification According to the compliance of methods of teaching the specifics of the material being studied and forms of thinking.

    Classification of training methods for their role and value in the development of essential forces, mental processes, spiritual and creative activity.

    Classification of teaching methods for their compliance with the age characteristics of children.

    Classification of training methods for methods of transmission and receipt of information.

    Classification of teaching methods for the degree of efficiency of their ideological and educational impact, "influence on the formation of the consciousness of children, internal motives" and incentives of behavior.

    Classification of training methods in the main stages of the educational and cognitive process (methods of perception of the primary absorption; methods of the stage of absorption-reproduction; methods of the stage of the educational and creative expression).

    In the highlighted bt.likhache classifications, the latter is preferred as a scientific-practical, synthesizing in a generalized characteristic of the training methods of all other classifications.

    In a number of these classifications of learning methods, you could still add a dozen two or three. All of them are not dedicated, and at the same time have a lot positive Parties. There are no universal classifications and can not be. The learning process is a dynamic design, it should be understood. In the living pedagogical process and methods are developed, adopt new properties. An association

    they are not justified into the group on a stiff scheme, as it constrains the improvement of the educational process.

    Apparently, it should be followed along the path of their universal combination and use in order to achieve a high degree of adequacy to solved learning tasks. At each stage of the educational process, some methods occupy the dominant, others - subordinate position. Some methods in greater stealth, others in less ensure the solution of educational tasks. We also note that the inconction of at least one of the methods even in its subordinate position in solving the tasks of the lesson significantly reduces its effectiveness. Perhaps it is comparable to the lack of at least one of the components, even in a very low dose, as part of the drug (this reduces or changes its healing properties at all).

    The methods used in the educational process are performed their functions. These include: Educational, developing, raising, prompting (motivational), Control of but-correctional functions. Knowledge of the functionality of certain methods allows you to consciously apply them.

    1. The concept of learning methods and their classification.

    The method (literally the path to something) means a way to achieve the goal, in certain way ordered activities.

    By learning They call a way of ordered interrelated activities of the teacher and trainees, activities aimed at solving the problems of education, education and development in the learning process.

    Are one of the most important components of the educational process. Without the appropriate methods of activity, it is impossible to realize the goals and objectives of training, to achieve the assimilation of the learners of a certain content of educational material.

    Major groups of methods.

    Of these, three main groups should be methods : 1) methods of organizing and implementing educational and educational activities; 2) methods of stimulating and motivating learning activities; 3) methods of control and self-control over the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activity.

    1 group of methods
    By the source of transmission and perception of educational activities According to the logic of transmission and perception of information By the degree of independence of thinking By learning management
    WonderfulInductiveReproductiveUnder the guidance of the teacher
    VisualDeductiveProblem-search Independent work learners
    2 group of methods
    3 Group of Training Methods
    Oral control and self-control methods Methods of written control and self-control Practical control and self-control methods
    Individual survey Written test work Machine control
    Frontal survey Written standings Control and laboratory control
    Oral testsWritten exams
    Oral examsWritten works
    Offered classificationtraining methods It is relatively holistic because it takes into account all the basic structural elements of activity (its organization, stimulation and control). It intersects such aspects of cognitive activity as perception, comprehension and practical application. It takes into account all the main functions and parties of the methods identified to this period by pedagogical science, without discarding not one of them. But it does not just mechanically connect the well-known approaches, but considers them in relationships and unity, requiring the choice of their optimal combination. Finally, the proposed approach to the classification of methods does not exclude the possibility of supplementing it with new private methods that arise during the improvement of the learning process in modern school.

    Before switching to the characteristic of individual learning methods, it should be noted that each method can be imagined consisting of a set of methodological techniques. On this basis, sometimes methods are determined as a set of methodological techniques that solve the learning tasks.

    Let us turn to a more detailed description of all major groups of training methods.

    Verbal teaching methods

    To verbal training methods The story, a lecture, conversation, etc. In the process of their clarification, the teacher is subject to a word, explains the educational material, and the studied by hearing, memorization and comprehension actively perceive it and absorb it.


    This method of training involves an oral narrative statement of educational material, not interrupted by issues to trainees. This method involves an oral narrative statement of educational material, not interrupted by questions to the trainee.

    Perhaps several types of stories - a story-joining, a story-presentation, a story. The purpose of the first is to prepare students for the perception of a new educational material, which can be conducted by other methods, for example, conversation. This type of story is characterized by relative brevity, brightness, emotionality of the presentation, allowing to cause interest in the new topic, to initiate the need for its active learning. During such a story, the tasks of the student's activities are reported in an accessible form.

    During the story-presentation, the teacher discloses the content of a new topic, exercises on a certain logically developing plan, in a clear sequence, with the dissection of the main, significant, with the use of illustrations and convincing examples.

    The story is usually held at the end of the lesson. The teacher in it summarizes the main thoughts, draws conclusions and generalizations, gives tasks for further independent work on this topic ..

    In the course of applying the story method, such methodical techniques are used as: statement of information, activation of attention, memory acceleration techniques (mnemonic, associative), logical comparisons, comparison, allocation of the main, summarization.

    For teaching in the distance learning model, an effective way is a rather effective way, although not too advanced computer speech data can affect the quality of the educational process, which is more than the audio cassettes can be replaced. What is very effective for the educational process.

    The conditions for the effective application of the story is a thorough thinking of the theme, a successful selection of examples and illustrations, maintaining the proper emotional tone of the presentation.

    Training lecture.

    As one of the verbal teaching methods, the learning lecture implies an oral statement of educational material, which is characterized by a large capacity than a story, a great complexity of logical constructions, images, evidence and generalizations. The lecture, as a rule, takes all the occupation, while the story takes only it part. As one of the verbal teaching methods, the learning lecture implies an oral statement of educational material, which is characterized by a large capacity than a story, a great complexity of logical constructions, images, evidence and generalizations. The lecture, as a rule, takes all the occupation, while the story takes only it part.

    During the lecture, techniques are used to maintain attention for a long time, intensifying the thinking of listeners, techniques for ensuring the logical memorization, convictions, arguments, evidence, classification, systematization and generalizations, etc.

    The conditions for an effective lecture is a clear thinking and report of the lecture plan, a logically slim and consistent presentation of one after another paragraphs of the plan with a summary and conclusions after each of them and logical links during the transition to the next section. It is equally important to ensure the availability, clarity of the presentation, explain the terms, choose examples and illustrations, pick up means of visibility. The lecture is read at such a pace so that the listeners can make the necessary records. Teachers Therefore, it is clear to allocate what should be recorded, unambiguously repeat if necessary to facilitate the records.

    A similar method is easiest to use with the help of audio cassettes, as well as using video technology, as well as satellite television, however, you can still make a lecture with the help of an abstract book and computer package.


    The conversation method involves the conversation of the teacher with students. The conversation is organized with the help of a carefully thought-out system of questions, gradually undermining students to assimilate the system of facts, a new concept or pattern. The conversation method involves the conversation of the teacher with students. The conversation is organized with the help of a carefully thought-out system of questions, gradually undermining students to assimilate the system of facts, a new concept or pattern.

    In the course of applying the conversation method, methods of formulation of issues (basic, additional, leading, etc.) are used to discuss the discussion and opinions of students, acceptance of evidence of responses, techniques for the formulation of conclusions from the conversation.

    Questions to the conversation should be sufficiently capacious for holistic perception. Too much crushing the topic on questions destroys its logical integrity, and too large questions become inaccessible to discussion by trainees. Questions should not require one-step responses from students. The teacher can use auxiliary, leading questions, allowing to continue discussion of the problem under study.

    Conversations are possible, during which the students recall, systematize, summarize the previously learned, draw conclusions, look for new examples of using the phenomenon studied earlier. Such conversations are mainly explaining and are designed mainly to operate previously learned, to enhance the memory of the students.

    At the same time, it is possible and very desirable with sufficient preparedness of the studied conversations, during which they, under the leadership of the teacher, find out possible answers to problem tasks themselves. Such learning methods in this case can only be represented by a sufficiently active core of the teacher with trainees. Otherwise, this method is possible when remotely learning only during the session. But it should be borne in mind that some learners simply need similartraining methods .

    Visual learning methods

    Visual methods are sufficiently important for students who have visual perception of reality. Modern didactics requires the most rational options for the use of clarity means, allowing to achieve a greater educational and educational, as well as a developing effect. It focuses teachers to such an application of visual learning methods to simultaneously be able to develop and abstract thinking learned.

    A feature of visual learning methods is that they are necessarily offered to one way or another with verbal methods. The close interconnection of the word and clarity follows from the fact that the dialectical path of knowledge of objective reality involves the application in the unity of living contemplation, abstract thinking and practice. Teaching I.P. Pavlova on the first and second signal systems shows that with the knowledge of reality phenomena, they should be applied in relationships. Perception through the first signal system must organically merge with the operating in the word, with the active functioning of the second signal system.

    L.V. Zankov studied several basic forms of combining words and visibility, which should be taken into account when remotely learning:

    With the word through the word, the teacher manages the observation, which is carried out by trainees, and knowledge about the appearance of the subject, its directly perceived properties and the trainee relationships are removed from the most visible object in the process of observations;

    With the word, the teacher on the basis of the learned observing observations of visual objects and on the basis of their knowledge of their knowledge leads to understanding such connections in phenomena that cannot be found in the process of perception;

    Information about the appearance of the object, the student directly perceived properties and relationships receives from verbal messages of the teacher, and visual means are confirmed or concretizing verbal reports;

    Going away from the learned observation of a visual object, the teacher reports such connections between the phenomena, which are not directly perceived by students, or makes a conclusion, unites, summarizes individual data.

    Thus, there are a variety of forms of communication words and visibility. To give some of them the complete preference would be erroneous, since, depending on the characteristics of the tasks of learning, the content of the topic, the nature of the visual means, as well as the level of training of the trainees, is necessary in each particular case of choosing the most rational combination.

    Practical learning methods

    Practical teaching methods Encompasses a very wide range of various activities of the student. During the use of practical learning methods, techniques are applied: setting the task, planning its implementation, operational incentive, regulation, and control, analyzing the results of practical work, identifying the causes of shortcomings, correction of learning to fully achieve the goal. . During the use of practical learning methods, techniques are applied: setting the task, planning its implementation, operational incentive, regulation, and control, analyzing the results of practical work, identifying the causes of shortcomings, correction of learning to fully achieve the goal.

    Practical training methods include written exercises, where during the exercise the learner applies to his knowledge in practice.

    The practical methods also include exercises performed by students with sound recording, sound-reproducing equipment, computers also include computers.

    Practical teaching methods are applied in a close combination with verbal and visual learning methods, as practical work on the implementation of practical work should be preceded by a guidance explanation of the teacher. The verbal explanations and display of illustrations are usually accompanying the work of the work, as well as the analysis of the work done, which is most favorable to make personal contact with the trainee.

    Inductive and deductive teaching methods.

    Inductive and deductiveteaching methods characterize the exceptionally important feature of the methods - the ability to disclose the logic of the movement of the training material. The use of inductive and deductive methods means the selection of a certain logic of the disclosure of the content of the topic under study - from the private to the general and from the total to the private

    Inductive learning method.

    When using inductivetraining method The activities of the teacher and trainees proceeds as follows: when using an inductive training method, the activities of the teacher and trainees proceeds as follows:

    Teacher Student
    1 optionOption 2
    Presents first facts, demonstrates experiments, visual benefits, organizes exercise performing, gradually leading students to generalizations, determining concepts, formulating laws. Initially, private facts are absorbed, then draw conclusions and generalizations of a private nature.
    2 optionsOption 2
    He puts troubled tasks before students, requiring independent reasoning from private provisions to more general, to conclusions and generalizations. Independently reflect on the facts and make accessible conclusions and generalizations.

    Inductive study of the topic is especially useful in cases where the material is carried out mainly, actual character or is associated with the formation of concepts, the meaning of which can be clear only during inductive reasoning. Inductive methods are widely applicable to study technical devices and perform practical tasks. Many mathematical tasks are solved by an inductive method, especially when the teacher considers it necessary to independently bring the learned to the absorption of some more generalized formula.

    The weakness of the inductive method of learning is that they require more time to study new material than deductive. They at least contribute to the development of abstract thinking, as they rely on concrete facts, experiments and other data.

    Deductive learning method.

    When using a deductive method of learning, the activities of the teacher and students are the following:

    The deductive method contributes to the rapid passage of the educational material, is actively developing abstract thinking. Its use is especially useful in studying theoretical material, when solving problems requiring detection of consequences from some more general provisions.

    So for mathematical concepts, the general basis is the common relationship of magnitude, for grammar, the role of such a general foundation is performed by the form of the form and the meaning of the word. Since these general bases of communication can be expressed in the form of models (schemes, formulas, laws, rules), then students teach these models. This approach allows students to re-assimilate the knowledge of a common and abstract nature and already output more private and specific knowledge. But this does not mean that it is necessary to move to the deductive study of the entire material. Its rational combination with an inductive approach should be found, since without an inductive approach, it is impossible to successfully prepare students to solve more complex tasks.

    As can be seen from the characteristics of the work of the teacher and trainees, when using deductive or inductive teaching methods, previously described verbal, visual and practical methods are used. But at the same time, the content of educational material is disclosed in a certain logical manner - inductively or deductive. Therefore, we can talk about the inductively or deductive conversation, about the deductive and problematic constructed story, about reproductive or search engined practical work. The learning method is a multidimensional concept. In the system actually used at the moment, the training methods are combined somewhat conventionally allocated in the classification of methods. And what we are talking about the use of a deductive or inductive method in this situation is determined by the leading didactic task assigned to the teacher at this stage of training. If, for example, the teacher decided to focus on the development of deductive thinking of a generalized nature, then it uses a deductive method, combining it with a problem-search, realizable through a specially constructed conversation.

    This paper limits a list of logical methods of training with two species - deductive and inductive. This is done only for greater availability of a holistic classification of learning methods. In principle, this subgroup of the organization's methods includes methods of educational analysis, investigative synthesis, educational analogy, identifying causal relations.

    Reproductive and problematic search methods

    Reproductive and problematic searching methods of learning are designed primarily on the basis of an assessment of the degree of creative activity of students in the knowledge of new concepts, phenomena and laws.

    The reproductive nature of thinking implies an active perception and memorization of a reported by the teacher or other source of information. The use of these methods is impossible without the use of verbal, visual and practical methods and teaching methods, which are the material basis of these methods.

    A lecture is similar in the same way, in which certain scientific information is described by listeners, appropriate entries recorded by listeners are made in the form of short abstracts.

    The reproductive organized conversation is carried out in such a way that the teacher in the course of it relies on the famous learned facts for previously gained knowledge. The tasks of discussing any hypotheses, assumptions are not put.

    Visuality with a reproductive learning method also applies to better and more active learning and memorizing information. An example of visibility, for example, are used in the experience of the teacher V.F. Shatalova reference abstracts. They consistently displayed especially bright, activating the storage of the material, words and sketches.

    The practical work of a reproductive nature is distinguished by the fact that during their students apply the sample earlier or just learned knowledge. At the same time, in the course of practical work, students do not carry out independent gains of knowledge. Reproductive exercises particularly effectively contribute to the development of practical skills and skills, as the transformation into the skill requires repeated sample action.

    Reproductive methods are particularly effectively used in cases where the content of the educational material is predominantly informative, represents a description of the methods of practical actions, is very complex and fundamentally new in order for the students to carry out knowledge.

    Based on reproductive methods, programmed training is most often carried out.

    In general, reproductive teaching methods do not allow themselves to develop thinking, and especially independence, flexibility of thinking; To form at the studied search engines. With excessive use, these methods contribute to the formalization of the learning process. One reproductive methods are impossible to successfully develop the qualities of the individual, as it is impossible to develop such qualities of individuals as a creative approach to business, independence. All this requires to apply along with them and learning methods that ensure active search engines of students.

    Problem-search learning methods

    Problem methods are used during problem learning. When using problem-search methods of training, the teacher uses such techniques: Creates a problem situation (sets questions, it proposes a task, an experimental task), organizes a collective discussion of possible approaches to solving the problem situation, confirms the correctness of the conclusions, puts forward a ready-made problem task. The students, based on the previous experience and knowledge, arouse assumptions about the paths of solving a problem situation, summarize previously acquired knowledge, identify the causes of phenomena, explain their origin, choose the most rational solution to solve the problem situation.

    Problem-search learning methods are very effective for distance learning for they are often used in practice using visual, verbal and practical methods. In this regard, it is customary to talk about the methods of problematic presentation of educational material, about problematic and heuristic conversations, on the use of visual methods of problem-search type, on the conduct of problem-search practical work of the research species. According to I.Ya. Lerner, this type of methods includes such special cases such as a problem of problem presentation, partially search, or heuristic, research methods. Special cases of the problem search method are the proposed M.I. Makhmutov binary methods: explanatory and prompting and partially search, encouraging and search. All this is how specific levels of manifestation of the problem-search method in its broad sense, as well as combinations of various methods with a gradual increase in the search element in the exercise.

    The presentation of the training material by the method of a problem story and a problematic lecture suggests that the teacher reflects the teacher, proves, summarizes, analyzes the facts and leads to the thinking of listeners, making it more active and creative.

    One of the methods of problem learning is the heuristic and problem-search conversation. In the course of her, the teacher puts a number of consecutive and interrelated issues before trained, responding to which they must express any suggestions and try to independently prove their justice, thereby carrying out some independent promotion forward in the assimilation of new knowledge. If during the heuristic conversation such assumptions usually concern only one of the main elements of a new topic, then during a problem-folding conversation, students solve a whole series of problem situations.

    Visual manuals for problematic learning methods are not used no longer in order to enhance the memorization, but for the formulation of experimental tasks that create problem situations in classes.

    Problem-search exercises are used in the case when the learners can independently perform a teacher to perform certain types of actions that summarize it to the absorption of new knowledge. Problem-search exercises can be used not only when approaching the learning of a new topic, but even during its fixation on a new basis, that is, when performing exercises, deepening knowledge.

    Valuable species especially for distance learning are research laboratory work, during which trained, for example, they independently find out the laws of melting bodies or any other laws. Such laboratory work is carried out before studying the theoretical material and put the trained before the need to make some training discoveries.

    Problem-search methods in remote learning are used mainly to develop the skills of creative educational and informative activities, they contribute to a more meaningful and independent mastering knowledge. These methods are particularly effectively used in cases where it is necessary to achieve the formation of concepts, laws and theories in the relevant field of science, and not a message of actual information. The proportion of distance learning is much better if the problem-search methods will be combined with reproductive for greater efficiency.

    2. Methods of stimulating educational activities in the learning process.

    The role of motivation in training.

    A variety of studies of human activity structure invariably emphasize the need for a component of motivation. Any activity proceeds more efficiently and gives quality results, if the personality has strong, bright, deep motives, causing the desire to act actively, with full recycling of forces, overcome the inevitable difficulties, adverse conditions and other circumstances, persistently moving towards the target. All this is directly related to learning activities, which is more successful if the student has a positive attitude towards educational activities, if they have cognitive interest, the need to gain knowledge, skills and skills, if they have been ragged, responsibility and responsibility and Other exercise motives.

    Stimulating the role of all learning methods.

    In order to formulate such motives of educational activities, the entire arsenal of the methods of organizing and implementing training activities is used - verbal, visual and practical methods, reproductive and search methods, deductive and inductive methods.

    Thus, each of the methods of organizing training activities at the same time has not only informative-learning, but also motivational effects. In this sense, we can talk about the stimulative-motivational function of any method of learning. However, the experience of teachers and science has accumulated a large · th arsenal of methods, which are specially aimed at the formation of positive exercise motives, stimulate informative activity, at the same time facilitating the enrichment of training educational information. In this case, the stimulation function seems to be on the fore, contributing to the implementation of the educational function of all other methods.

    As noted above and in the works, a group of methods of incentive and motivation can be conventionally divided into two large subgroups. In the first of them, to present methods for the formation of cognitive interests among students. In the second - methods, mainly aimed at the formation of a sense of debt and responsibility in teaching. Describe in more detail each of these subgroups of methods of stimulating and motivating teachings.

    Methods of formation of cognitive interest.

    Special studies devoted to the problem of forming cognitive interest show that interest in all its views and at all stages of development are characterized by three mandatory moments: 1) positive emotion in relation to activities; 2) the presence of the cognitive side of this emotion; 3) the presence of a direct motive coming from the activity itself.

    It follows that in the learning process, it is important to ensure that positive emotions have the emergence in relation to training activities, to its content, forms and methods of implementation. The emotional state is always associated with the experience of mental excitement: response, sympathy, joy, anger, surprise. That is why the processes of attention, memorization, comprehension in such a state are connected by the deep internal experiences of the individual, which make these processes intensively flowing and be more effective in the sense of the goals achieved.

    One of the techniques included in the method of emotional stimulating teachings can be called the reception in the occupation of the exercise situations - the introduction into the educational process of entertaining examples, experiments, paradoxical facts. Many teachers use to increase interest in learning analysis of passages from fictiondevoted to the life and activities of outstanding scientists and public figures. Such techniques are also successfully applied to the increase in training, as stories about the application in modern conditions of certain predictions of scientific science fiction, show entertaining experiments.

    In the role of admission, which is included in the methods of formation of interest in the teaching, acting and entertaining analogies. For example, a very positive response is caused by the studied analogies in the course of physics based on the principles of bionics. When studying location phenomena, analogies are carried out with the methods of orientation of volatile mice. When considering the lifting force of the aircraft wing, analogies are carried out with the shape of the poultry wings, dragonfly.

    The emotionality of the experience is caused by applying surprise, for example, Pascal's paradox, at the persuasiveness of these examples invariably causes deep emotional experiences from the student.

    One of the techniques of stimulation is a comparison of scientific and everyday interpretations of individual natural phenomena. For example, trainee is invited to compare the life and scientific explanation of the phenomenon of weightlessness, the laws of falling, the laws of navigation.

    In all the above examples, it is shown as part of the methods of formation of artistry, imagery, brightness, enormity, surprise, which in turn causes a positive attitude towards educational activities and serves as the first step towards the formation of cognitive interest. At the same time, among the main points characterizing interest, not just the initiation of emotionality, but the presence of these emotions of the actual side itself, which manifests itself in the joy of knowledge.

    The main source of interests to the educational activity itself is, first of all, its content. In order for the content to provide a particularly strong stimulating effect, it must meet a number of requirements formulated in the principles of training (scientific relations, communication, systematics and sequence, complex educational, raising and developing influence). However, there are some special techniques aimed at increasing the stimulating effect of the detention of the exercise. To them, first of all, it is possible to attribute the creation of a situation of novelty, relevance, approaching the content to the most important discoveries in science and technology, to the phenomena of socio-political internal and international life.

    Cognitive games.

    The value of informative games can be called a valuable method of encouraging interest in the teachings, which relies on the creation of playing situations in the educational process. The game has long been used as a means of excitement of interest in the teachings. In practice, teachers are used desktop and gym, with the help of which history, animal world, types of aircraft and ships are studied. The value of informative games can be called a valuable method of encouraging interest in the teachings, which relies on the creation of playing situations in the educational process. The game has long been used as a means of excitement of interest in the teachings. In practice, teachers are used desktop and gym, with the help of which history, animal world, types of aircraft and ships are studied.

    Training discussions.

    The method of creating a cognitive dispute situation is also related to methods of encouraging and motivating teachings. It is known that truth is born in the dispute. But the dispute causes and increased interest in the topic. Some teachers skillfully use this method of activating the exercise. They, firstly, skillfully use historical facts of the struggle of scientific points of view on a particular problem. However, the situation of the dispute the teacher can create at any time, asking the most trivial question "and who thinks otherwise?". And if such a reception causes a dispute, then the students themselves are divided into supporters and opponents of one or another explanation and are waiting for the argued conclusion of the teacher with interest. So the educational dispute acts as a method of stimulating interest in the teaching. Large results in this area are achieved using electronic discussions.

    Stimulation by analyzing life situations

    Analysis of life situations is often used as an intake of stimulation. This method of learning directly stimulates the doctrine due to the maximum specification of knowledge.

    Creating a situation of success in teaching

    One of the effective techniques of stimulating interest in the teaching is to create a situation of success at trainees who experience certain difficulties in school. It is known that without the experience of joy of success, it is impossible to truly count on further success in overcoming educational difficulties. Therefore, teachers should be chosen by some learners who need to be stimulated, they would receive the task accessible to them at the appropriate stage, which would give them confidence in themselves, and they could continue their learning activities in a more favorable pace. SUCCESS SUCCESS CREATE AND DIFFERENCY OF AIDS OF EDUCATIONAL IN THE MANUAL OF TRAFFUL OPTIONS of the same complexity. Success situations are created by a teacher and by encouraging the interim actions of the trainee, that is, by special prubing for new efforts. An important role in creating a success situation plays the provision of a favorable moral and psychological atmosphere during the implementation of certain learning tasks. A favorable microclimate during training reduces the feeling of uncertainty and fear. The state of anxiety is replaced by the state of confidence.

    3. Methods of control and self-control in learning.

    Oral control methods.

    Oral control is carried out by individual and frontal survey in classes, which can be said quite difficult in distance learning. With an individual survey, the teacher puts a few questions before trainee, responding to which it shows the level of learning material. With a frontal survey, the teacher selects a series of logically interconnected and puts them in front of the entire audience, causing to a brief response of certain trainees.

    Machine control methods

    The most common method of control in remote learning. Programs for control can be several types of controlling, gyms and learning-controlling. Control programs are usually according to the method of control programmate exercises. Answers are recruited or numbers, or as a formula, or using a pointer. Each program complies with a high degree of control objectivity. Also with the help of a computer network, many questions can be solved using correspondence or modems. The most common method of control in remote learning. Programs for control can be several types of controlling, gyms and learning-controlling. Control programs are usually according to the method of control programmate exercises. Answers are recruited or numbers, or as a formula, or using a pointer. Each program complies with a high degree of control objectivity. Also with the help of a computer network, many questions can be solved using correspondence or modems.

    Written control methods

    In the process of learning, these methods suggest testing of tests, written offices. Such works can be both long and short-term.

    4. Choosing the optimal combination of learning methods.

    Criteria for choosing training methods

    Most of the researchers of the problem of learning methods, it comes to the conclusion that since the concept of "method" multidimensional, multilateral method of learning in each particular case should be designed as a teacher. In any act of training activities, several methods are always combined. Methods always seem to penetrate each other, characterizing the same parties to the same interaction of teachers and trainees. And if we are talking about the application of a certain method in the data, this means that it dominates at this stage, making a particularly great contribution to the solution of the main didactic problem. It comes to the conclusion that since the concept of "method" multidimensional, multilateral method of learning in each particular case should be designed by the teacher. In any act of training activities, several methods are always combined. Methods always seem to penetrate each other, characterizing the same parties to the same interaction of teachers and trainees. And if we are talking about the application of a certain method in the data, this means that it dominates at this stage, making a particularly great contribution to the solution of the main didactic problem.

    In the didactics set the following pattern. The more aspects were justified by the teacher the choice of methods of training (in perceptual, gnostic, logical, motivational, assessment, etc.), especially the highest and strong educational results will be achieved in the learning process, and in less time.

    When choosing and combining teaching methods, it is necessary to be guided by the following criteria:

    Compliance of methods of training principles.
    Compliance targets and learning tasks.
    Compliance with the content of this topic.
    Compliance with educational opportunities: age, psychological; The level of preparedness (education, educational and development).
    Compliance with the existing conditions and reserved learning time.
    Compliance with the capabilities of auxiliary learning tools.
    Compliance with the possibilities of teachers themselves. These opportunities are determined by their previous experience, level of perseverance, specific features of the dominance of power, pedagogical abilities, as well as personal qualities of teachers.

    Levels of decision on choosing training methods

    Conditionally, you can allocate several decision-making by teachers about the choice of training methods:

    Name solution Characteristics of this level of decision making
    Stereotypical solutions The teacher invariably prefers a certain stereotype of the application of training methods, regardless of the specifics of the contents of the content, the characteristics of the trainees.
    Sample solutions and errors The teacher is trying to change the choice of methods, taking into account specific conditions, but does this by natural samples, allowing mistakes, choosing a new version and again without a scientific substantiation of choice.
    Optimized solutions Solutions that are accepted through the scientifically based choice of the most rational methods for these conditions from the point of view of some specific criteria.

    That is why it is important to master the ability to make an optimal solution when choosing training methods.

    Slible methods Visual methods. Practical methods
    In the formation of theoretical and actual knowledge For the development of observation, increasing the attention to the issues under study. For the development of practical skills and skills.
    When the material is predominantly theoretical information. When the content of the educational material can be presented in a visual form. When the content of the topic includes practical exercises, conducting experiments.
    When the students are ready to assimilate information with the corresponding verbal method. When the interface is properly decorated. When trainees are ready to perform practical tasks.
    When the teacher speaks well this type of verbal methods. When the teacher is prepared in the most thorough way and used an individual approach to each trainee. When the teacher has the necessary material for experiments and exercises.
    Reproductive methods Search methods
    When solving which tasks this method is applied particularly successfully. For the formation of knowledge, skills and skills. For the development of independence of thinking, research skills, creative approach.
    With what content of the training material is especially rational to apply this method. When the content of the topic is too complicated or quite simple. When the material has a medium level of complexity.
    Under what features of students rationally use this method. When the students are not yet prepared for the problem study of this topic. When the trained are prepared for the problem study of this topic.
    What opportunities should have a teacher to use this method. Here, problematic methods can be used by learners selectively. When the teacher has time for the problem of studying the topic and speaks well in search methods.
    Inductive methods Deaductive methods
    When solving which tasks this method is applied particularly successfully. For the development of the ability to generalize, carry out conclusions from private to a common one. For the development of the ability to make conclusions from common to particular, the development of the ability to analyze phenomena.
    With what content of the training material is especially rational to apply this method. When the content is set out inductively or should be stated so. When the content of the topic is set out deductive or should be stated so.
    Under what features of students rationally use this method. When the students are prepared for inductive arguments or are difficult in deductive arguments. When the students are prepared for deductive arguments.
    What opportunities should have a teacher to use this method. When the teacher owns inductive methods When the teacher owns deductive methods and has appropriate didactic developments.

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    Pіznіsh Buli Spratobi Clasifіkuvati Metodi Invortenna. Didactitzі Vіdomі dozens of clasifіkatsey. Methods inhibition of clasifіkuli і. Lerner, M. Skatkin, M. Danilov, B. єSipov, S. Petrovsky, V. Palamarchuk, V. Palamarchuk, M. Makhmutov, A. Alekusuk, Vashchenko, Yu. Babachsky, І. Kharlamov ta Іnshі.

    Niposhirenіshі in Pedagogіtsі and Klasifіkatsії Method Method

    • for Jerell Transmail Ta Sprichmannia Inincidences Іnformazії - Wordless, Nauchnі, Practical (S. Petrovsky, є. Galvan);
    • behind the character of Pisalostelliya Dyalnosti, scientists - explanatory-andstrative, reproductive, problem of Vikaldannya, Pedigo-Třodykoviy, Dzlіdnitsky (І. Lerner, M. Skatkіn);
    • based on the basis of the main didactically, Meti I Zadanan - Methods of Ovolodnnynna Novyimi, Formulavna Vmіn І Navichka, Perekrki Tu Otsіnuvannya Knins, Umіn І Navice (M. Danilov, B. єSipov); Methods of Usin Vikklada Knozn, Skryplennnya Motherly Material, Samostinoino Roboti School of School of New Material Roboty Robotnya ІЗ Poskuvannya Vosnika at the Persian Ta Vysrichnna Vmіn і Navichka, Perekrika Tu Otsіnovnya Knins, Umіn І Navice (І. Kharlam);
    • clastifіkatsіya z point zor zor zіlіsnya Підодуку to DYYALNOSTІ in the process of Invortenna - Methods of the Organizatsії T. Zdіysnennya internally-pіznostivaliii Dіlnosti; Stimulavannya Motivatsiya Uchіnnya, control, self-control, integrocontrol and self-controlling, samokorektzії, USOKOREKTSIKI in Invortnі (Yu. Bancansky).

    Nab_lsh wider in Didactitis of the remains Rockіv, Yak showing an analis, є ClausIfіkatsiya Method of Invortenna, Yaku regards the Valid Didakt Y. Bangaxky. For yogo pіdhodov, doctiously visible Chotiri Great Grup Method of Interest.

    І Grupp methods

    Methods of the Organizatsії T. Zdіysnennya internally-pіznasya Diyalnosti.


    Methods stimulavannya Motivatakia internally-pivatives Dіlnosti.

    ІІІ Grupp methods

    Methods of control (self-control, integrocontrol), Korkortsії (samokorektzії, vs. Mokorektzії) for ETEFETINISTY IN EARLY-PIZNOMAVALY DYYALNOSTІ.

    IV Grupp methods

    Bіnarnі, іntygodі (universalnі) Methods.

    Ale Zhodna Izparrowing clasifіkatsіyi is not scored for void. For the practitioners of the vinched group, the Methods of the Rіzni Group, Evitenuyu, Neezornia (Universalnі) Metodi Invortenna, Yaki Take the Otimalni Shati Holy Movement Inincidences.

    Rosovano Methods of the skin.

    І Підгрупа на інфореції інфореції інформаїние на инфорой форемкії:

    • wordless Methods - Rippovіd-cobweb, Besidu, Letsіyu.

    Rippovіd-izvasnna whistle horseshtvnuzu під под товучника Стачива at the pivotchiki schools. For the method, you can see such a video from Rospevіdі: Rippovіd-entry, Rhodepovі-ignorance, rosepovіdo-owned. Extraction of the resultant method to searmed by the Roshimnaya Nіd Uminnya Perepovіdati Vytemnnya, Duch_dvostі Ta Available IntoFormsії, Vіdnannya Yochi, in Intelligence.

    Bes_da to find to find found і niposhiren methods Didactic Roboti. ЇМ Majysterovo Wicked Socrates. Providy funkiюyu method є Motivatsіyno-stimulayuch. Bes_da - Tseta Dialog Mіzh Teacher, teaching, Okaykaya Daeє Mozhvystyst for the completion of the corresponding Ts_lovyovyovaniy, the formulation of the Highness of the School of Education to the Active Vanniki. Scientifics are visible to _ndukivnu one deductive Besidu.


    Leccіia in 9-12 classs serve for the extension of the same coexpension; її typey, meaning, transferring z whitewasho, є trivial_nignation plan that recommended by L_Teaturi, enclosed the characteristic of Novych to understand, Poskrittya Ta Detail Material, completed wanders of the woofer, Vіdpovіdi to the power.

    Most Jerelo in redeploying methods - the word of the woofer. Movna culture of the woofer is one of the incorporation of the minds of the thyroid professional. "Good Vmієє Rospovіdati", "you can dear to" - often talk to scientists about Vchitelіv, Yaki thoroughly Volodya in the methods of incenthe.

    • naughne Methods, Demonstice

    Estuary - Doping Method for the verbal method, їїn. Polyaguє in Yaskravіshoya Vosmkinnі O. Diffasures of the ILStarsi (pictures, tables, models, Muulazhі, Malyuni, Tischo) є Nerukhomy, Wony Majut "Reliable" in Rospovіdі Pader. Didactics are not recommended Wivіshuvati Abo Vistavati Square Lyastricії Zezdales (on the cheating lesson), the bus does not come to nahai, the Schoshtsya will not Bula's a complete time before the moment, if the wizard is an hour for an hour.

    Demonstrathiya characterized by Rumorstiy Warm Demonman: Incortable by the television program Abo Kino-Vіdeofilm Chi Yogo Fragment; Dіyucha model, doselіd z fіziki Abo xіmії; Socsenedown for the weather (at the staff of school); Domelіdi at Shkіlnіy Teplitsi, a robot on the ninjalnye dіlyanka.

    • practical methods: Dzlіlіdi, Introduced, insecable Pricia. Laboratory Ta Practical Roboti, Create, Refocacy Scientive

    Tsi Methods do not bear newly in incretion-pivarilation, but to serving your believer, I will form myself, formulating practical umіn with a knast-whale ripier Nabutih know. Bіlshіt D_tei actively produce practical methods, nіzh wondered.

    ІІ Підгрупа (S. Shapovalenko) - for the log of the transfers of the SPRIMENNA of the Inincidence of Ukraine. Tsi Methods are available on the іnduktvenі ta deductive.

    • Іnduktvenі Methods. Thermian "індукція" be like Latinskiy Inductio - Zapodennya, view of Uzagalnennya, Prya-like "Jazes Із Reduces a ride of that Eksperimіv on the basics of Dia Diavіdda. In practical Pedagogіці Іnduktsіyu Vtіlulyuyu at the principle: Vіd Pescious to the tanning, Vіd specifically before abstract.
    • Deductive method, Yak respected by scientists-didakti, active jelly, Abstract Mislennia, Springєє in the basics of inaccuing Material on the basics.

    ІІІ PІDGRUPA (M. Danilov, B. єSipov) - for the step of self-in-law Misennya Shkolyarіv in the process of the Ovolodnunnna, the Navichniki omnica. Danaya Vipadka Methods have been lying on the reproductive ta point, problem-troops:

    • reproductive Methods - Vіdodnizniyia Yak Socyb Reperenage prepared zrazkіv Abo robot for ready-made zrazkov, thermalismically enhanced in Didactitzi, and th in the extension of Mussettvi, the architectures, and the types of creature
    • creative, problem-free methods Methods (M. Skatkin, І. Lerner) promiscuity Porvnyannoye Yeshubel proceed in Intelligence, especially there, de Vine Organizations on Vizhomi, Nіzh at Masivi Schools, Rivnі (G_mnazi, Lіziai, Flagіums, Keezhej). Problem-ducova Methodology, on Vіdmin Vіd Reproductive, explanatory-ivustivno, Maєє Sprati on Samostіin, Cottage Sperevalna Dyalnіst School. Yak Vіdomo, the clear "Creative" is the setting of a new, original, suction-cinema motionless Abo of the spiritual product. Creation of scientists of Maє reproductive character, the fact that the creative will be stolen to Skolyarіv to be stamped with estate.

    Zvitch, turn on scholars in the Class of PIKOMATING DYYALNIST THE CENTER TIVA TIVA TO THE PEDAGGOR, PERSONY MAYS WISTUKY PROFITE MAYSTERNYT, YOU SCIATE COMPANY І Love. On Dumka A. Makarenka, "those who are caught by Vokoku Kvalіfіkatsіюu, I am honored by the famine, my hands, Uminnya, Maisternist, Golden Hands, Nebalaakchіst and Tsіlkovita VіdStnіsti Phrazi, postіin ready to Roboti - Scho Scho-D_tya Nib_lsha axis.

    Problems The method of intensity is closer to Cotture, Vіn Nisbit, to the Interi Mіzh Reproducіюu, Rosumov, formuvians І Creative.

    IV Pіdgroupe (P. Pіdkacisatiy, V. Palamarchuk, V. Palamarchuk) - For the steps of Kerivniktv, internally, the robot is about two videos:

    • the robot of Pіd Kerіvnittva Teacher - Samostіin Robot in Clasi. Before not to carry Klasni Class, the walladian tasks, Samostіinі letters of Roboti, geographenium Zaporozhі. Vlasna Kazhuchi, Elementei Samostіinoi Pratsi Schools here about "It is necessary to have an intertwine, at the result of Kholar Skolyari to Navich Navich Samostіynosti, Zakrіmpluti Іndivіdualny style Dyalnosti;
    • samostіin Robot Socialized Pose by Teacher's Control - Samostіin Robot in Vomom. Mova Ida about the domestic downtown - Usn_ letters. Proti homemade Sankuang Vistuyat Tat Ta Gigієnіsti, Ranzhayuchi ї ї Jerelely Perevitzhenna School. Order іz Tsym domestic downtown Majut positive fourth on Rosumovy Distilite, Vikhvennaya Tu self-selfiching dithini, Sick up the vicinity of the Navice of Samostіinoi, Diyalnosti.

    ІІ GROUP. Methods stimulavannya Motivatsi Incountal-pivatives Diyalnosti

    Ї ї You can arrive at the two pіdgroupi.

    І Підгрупа - Methods stimulavanya Intters before inhibition:

    • situratsia Intrèsa's coefficient at the Vikladnі Choshi Material (Vikristannya Pivarovalnna Igor, Tsіkavih, Gumori Urivkiv, overwhelming television, KinoFilmіv). The ignition of Intters in the scholars - Ts_B Aktіzatsya region, Scho Spring, the edge of the famously knowledge. Ts_kavo teaching - Tsіkavo z them. Baiduzhіst in inhibition is negatively published on the SIM participation in the inaccessible process;
    • пізановані ігри как Method Navigate the great meaning for stimulavanya Ta Formulavna Intters to Knins (Іgri-Zaporozhі, Vіthorini Something). Valid Pedagog Batko B. Nіkіtіn Slawl for your D_Tee Ponad 500 didactive Іgor. Пізановані ігри Mozhuta Nabuvati by the character of Rolovikh Іgor, Yaki Correcting with the Starshoklasnikіv (Vivchennya course "Based on Econichny Knins", "Lyuba і Suspili", "Schika" Susko). GRI ObO "Yazkovo Monta Boothie, Vikonavtsi, Eksperti, Glyadachi.

    Rіznіi ihgori mіstyatihhhhhhhhhhh:

    • list of Fabuli (Zm_styi Mind of Myster
    • pіdyovyih OSISB for Viconney's own roles;
    • pіdtain scientists-Ekspertіv, a guide.

    Orthershnika Toschplennі Intrèsa to know the Nadi-Speed \u200b\u200bSpeed \u200b\u200bSnumber є Gumor Pedagogue, Scho Spirals on Yogo Pedagoghnu Schuka, Інтелект стовів Tus.

    • invortally Discusії us, I might Vikkikati Intters before the subject, if the voni vnіlo organіzovanі (ale is not burned). Teacher across Gotoє the topic, Patten, Shah to revitalize. Scientifics are read by rіznanіtn the L_tera of the problems. Increased role in the rules of the discussion of the discussion, Inіtsіativ Purchase of the leader. Discus_ya Usіshnіsh is carried out by mіzh parallel classes;
    • analiz Zhittєvih Situratsi Viklikaє Intters Scientiv Yak Method Gosuvanny Theoretical Knins on Persian.

    The Minds demokratizatsії that gumanіzatsії Process navchannya th digit vihovannya role vіdіgrayut diferentsіyovany that іndivіdualny pіdhodi, situatsіya of Success in navchannі for uchnіv serednogo rіvnya scho Yea incentive for uchnіv Yakimov teacher dopomagaє viyti on vischy rіven The Teaching dosyagnen, provodyachi іndivіdualnі konsultatsії, dodatkovі zanyattya.

    ІІ Підгрупа - Methods stimulavanya Obov "Izku Vіdpovіdalnostі. Ідельновна подванника Surrected by Lishe on Inttersi, without Otsіnok, cranked Ontsinovnya. An innovator in such a pіddhodi to inhibit the Georgian teacher S. Amonasvіlі.

    He headed in the center method - to bring Ditin Life not Tilki behind the stimulus "I want", but for the incentive of "Treka", "necessary";

    • roses "Ancholynya Meti Increasing Item - Method of Stimulavanny, Best Rule of Pleasant є:" In order to go in Zhisticti "," without Cyozhnaya I can not unreasonable by the culture of people "," With the Maybutsky Tset, Tobі need ";
    • vimoga to Vivchennya Item (Orphographic, Disciplіnarnі, Organizatsіin-Pedagoghnі). Ї Vincannya Prichuє schistribov to disciplіnostі, Шо є є є є є є Vikaristannih method, I want Denmark aspect Vivcheno to Didactitz's lack of money;
    • saochlennya is stripped in Invorte: Otsіnka is a teaching for the Usihi, asna collapsed by the acute teacher. Internal Act of Skin Templary - Not Corringer Anti-Speeding Priomes: Vybolenna Z lesson, Mustovnny Negative Otsіnki for the behavish, Fіzichna Pleed Musto.

    ІІІ GROUP. Methods of control, self-control, carembontrol, korkortsії, samokorektzії


    Vіdpovyody to the central sideline, I pіsіnyuvannya in the foresight of the hoping of the Scholyariv. Otsіnuvannya Maєґhuvatsya on the positive principle, Scho, Nasampered, heavily, the rotor of the rivnya smogania, and not the steps of Yochi Nevdach.

    Kurtetsia Yak Pedagogichna Kathagoria - Tsga Zagalna Zdatnіsti, Shaho Based on the values, Doslovіdi, Tsіnniki, Zdibanniki, Nabutih Rodiyaki Incutment. Countess, Competsia does not starry to know the novice, but to rush to Sfera's swelling um_in and the disobility of the pests.

    The main loads of the compets, the need for the shortness of Life, є:

    • socinalnі, pov "Yasanі s is ready to bring to himself vіdpovіdalnіst, Bethi is active at the Priynyattі Rіshin at the suspension of Zhisticti, in the vroyvyvnі confline, the non-violent shyhah, at the function of the function of the Democratic and Suspiti
    • polіkulturnі - Rosuminnya disaboured by people, mutualopovaga to іїxeno, Movy, Relіgії, Culturi Tusko;
    • komunіkatnі - Advanced Outwannounted in the robot-like suspilnaya zhitti of the urendy piven Spelkovnya, Orekomnnya Kіlkom Mova;
    • Informazіinі, zoomovleni at the rostbers of the role of Rin Formaki in the short-term suspension of the Ovolodnnya of the IFFormazine technologi, the uminnya of Zdobuvati, critical Osmisvyuvati Tu Vikriertovati Riznanіtnu Іnformaki;
    • samorevitka that self-links, referring to "Yasanі z, I need that will be ready to postіino in the vocabulary at the profession, so in the disobilization of that suspilnaya zhittі;
    • competetsy, Shah Realizuyu in Pragnennі etate, to rackіonial productive, creativity.

    Competetsії є Іntigrovatnoy the result of inaccuing Diyalnosti Sochenivіv і to formulate me to the basics of Obanuannya Zm_sti Zagalinoi Sewitney. Begunii Rivenny Otanuvannya Poklikan Otsіnuvannya.

    About "єKto Otsіnivnya Inviltern Movement Summary" Valvnna, Uminnya Ta Navichichiki, Dosvіd Creative Diyalnosti, Emotsіino-Tsіnnіsnnya to Navokolishhanoї Dіisnosti.

    The main functions of the Otsіnuvannya internally, skewed the scientist є:

    • control, Shaho Pesubaching Vernaculum R_VNY Movement of Oblast (Claus, Grup), the wedroom of the Rivne prepared by the new Materiali, Scho Daє Schiteliev's Vіdpovy and Planouvati, Tos Vickdati Increasing Material;
    • increasingly - Zumovulu Taku organіzatsіyu Otsіnuvannya internally sieved schistribor, if I spent the stench by repenter, clarifying the systematizatsiya Motherly Materiali, a declaration of pіdybody (class, Grup);
    • stimulato-Motivatsіyna, Scho Vernachaє Topic, Taku Organiza Otsіnuvannya Invilient Movement Sociality, Kolya Yogo Conducted Stimulus Bazhennya Paint Your Wheel, Relivivaє Vіdpovіdalnіst І Spring Zmagalnosti Scientiv, Forms Motiv Invortenna;
    • vikhovna, Shaho, Formovyna Namnnya Vіdpovidally, Zosenzhenzheno Putsevati, stammerous to pretty control of the self-control, the ignition of the disobility of the Osshistosti: Pracelyubnosti, ACTING, OKHAYNOTІ Sometimes.

    Such, the problems of control, Koruktskії Docіliti, Vibiti Seli Elementei:

    • the system of principles VIUGI I rule;
    • see control;
    • zMІST control over the raisni types of inaccuing Dyalnosti;
    • cementing ratio of such tweezeniiblia Systems of Ontsinovnya.

    Qia System of Spirals on the cage of the didactic principle of Mіtsnosti Knins, Umіin І Navice, Ichly basy on such vimogues:

    • systematichno region control;
    • all-oxide (HSEBIKHNIST, MANAGE) Oblіku is the control;
    • dieferencing_novіst (for the ointment object) is іndivіdualnіst (behind the style of І forms of control);
    • about "єkivnіst ontsіnyvnya;
    • urisonanninna Vi_VIV І forms of control in the Dyalnosti Purd;
    • єDnіst Vimogu before controlling the side of the vast teacher.

    Bіnarnі - Zipіnі, if the II method is the form that is choking in єdin Tsіle Abo, two methods are in one. TSI Methods - Buli Priynyatі Ta characterized by 20-TI Rocky by Pedagogic Pedagogic, A. Pіkevich (1925).

    In the 1950s of M. Verzіlіn Women's Zescho, Obluntuvannya Tsієї Kathegoria Methods.

    Український Didakov A. Alegusuk Claspіkuvav Tsyu GOOP Names by the names of the author's authors for Jerell Knag: Wordless, Naochenі Ta Practical, about "єднивши ї ї ідповіднимимимы и и и и саскишный:

    • on the INFORMACINY, ABO Dogmatic, Rivnі verbal shape of Nabuwaє in the nature of the verbal-Іnformazine method;
    • on the problem, the Aquitichny, Rivni, the shape of Nabuwa, the binary nature of the verbal-problem method;
    • on the EURISTICH, ABO Tupka, Rivnі verbal form Nabuvє character of a verbal-eristic method;
    • on the village of Rivnі, the shape of Nabuvyє is characteristic of a verbal-ductnitsky method.

    Narrin, the naughty method of the naughty method, the urtilization method of the Navy, which is distinct, is a variety, such as practical.

    Binarna Clasifіkatsіya є Nairealnіshu in Practical Didactitzi.

    Інтеграний (невіversalnі) - Це поднаннанна трох-п "Yati Methods in din Tsіd Pіd Hour of Organizatsії in Invortenna. Tsi Methods of Docіlish Vicarovyvati PID HOUR HOUR OF VICTANDANNYY ARTEGROOVATIONS IN EXCHANGE CRIATIV (" Istorіya Svіtovo Bulchi "," Svіtova Wrongly "Lescho).

    Methods Incorted Wickwork Practically Yak Sukupnіst Somnantiy Diy Teacher - Priomiv.

    Priomi Invoillannya - Tseok Opertskії, Rosumovii Chi Practical Dіїstrik Abo Scientiv, Yaki Discover Abo Dop-on Speosib Looksuzhnnya Materiva, Shah Virazhє Denmark Method. Fort, Priomi Active Rosumovoi Diyalnosti, with Usnovnoy Vygodi, Knins (Porivnyannya, Ultown); Visible stimulavane, control, intertwine self-control; The Besidi method is included in this Priomy: Vagina Informazії, the asset area of \u200b\u200bUvagi Tom Misennya, Priomy, the insert "Yativannya, Ilastricії, demonstrations.

    Ukrainian Pedagog V. Shatalov is not unimportant to Scho in Yochi Arsenali in the midst of Tishychі Priomiv, at the same hour of Vikaristovu, at Vyaldann_ Lishe 30 methods, indicated by the Tsim on those whi Priomomy є warehouse method. Skin teacher is folded low by the hatch of the character of the І Vіdbourie of Naverief, Vіkdayuchi TI, Šoe do not expire with the teachings. Teacher Cravdly Sviy Vlasnaya Handwriting Zaduyaki grousing іndivіdualny arrivals.

    Methods Incorted Not Tіlki Tychniva, Umіn і Navichnna, and Ya Majun I knowically knowingly becoming more vigorous in the functions of the whole process: Oswiet, Dovnіyiy.

    Osprita Funkt Ski Basis Before Poshuvnyy Keruvannya Invilitally Dyalnіsti School, Yaki Spring Usi Uskuzozhnnu Znigns, Umіn, Skytoglyada Ta Yoy Vіdpovіdnyy Werevikh - Scoring, Yak Upvanenosti in the correctness of your knowledge. It was stated by the whole Palitra method, Scho Clasifіkovі wig. Osprit funchi serve for Zdіysnenna Sanuary Creative Character, artistic-naturally pronounced to Javishki, the approach of such suspension.

    Vikhovna Fuccіya є Nіddddіlo Vіd Ovіtnyoїї is recognized for the єdnosti in an inadequacy. Kohdi in the inclusion of the Zadyaki wounded by the widths of the Ts_VOVNYE Method of the Obov "Obok, Vіdpovіdalnosti, to join the Izkuzka, to the chosen object, Shaho ІNKOLI PILLY on the Maybutni Viber's specific profession.

    RESPONSIVAL FUNCHIA MAITS PSYCHOLOGICAL-PEDAGOGOHNY ZMIST. In 70-80-ki rocks, Pedagogіchni L_teurі Authori was brought, Scho Rosumoviya Socialist School of Curable Breakdown with a School of Proximity Grupping Method, Scho Kitlilyist І Springt ї ї Duma Strong Soviet, Kolya Diti Smokalki Dove Not Tils to Burn Materially, and Romirkowavati over him , Ts_lysopsovano to form abstract Mislennia. The process of Vikaldannya Ukrainian, Rosіyskoy Lіteraturi, to join the culture of Tu Moralіt. In the process of Vivchennya, the Izinnuno Movy, I am tavern to the singer of Zdobyvkіv Svіtovo culture. With Vivchenni Mathematics - Logishna Mallennya, Staigner.

    Sweet, essentially, Triolet Funki Pіdtsih) Funki Fered Troyzhuyvnnya, Vikhvennia, Vivodnia, Vikhvennnya.

    Such a rank, the clasifіkatsіyia method of inhibition є Nab_lsh is the same. Kiruchi do not, skin teacher Vnatchaє TІ NEPTIMALNIKI Methods, Yaki, you can make a teaching of Sprodhimat's schuri, Bethoi is in active in the process of inhibition.

    Podalіy Pіramіdі Zavokuєnnya Knagnii Vіdographenі Docіlnіst І Argentatsey Vikrustannya Tih Chi of the Method of Methods in the process of Vykaldanna internally.

    Training methods in pedagogy are designed to transmit knowledge from the teacher to the student. To achieve the best results in the process of upbringing and learning, a prerequisite is a combination of basic methods with non-traditional.

    Training Methods are the process of interaction between the teacher with students, the result of which is the transfer and learning of knowledge, skills and skills, which were provided for by the content of training.

    Training tools in pedagogy These are objects used by the teacher in the process of learning knowledge of students. In other words, these are any materials that the teacher uses in the learning process and education.

    Objects that perform the function of learning are divided into material (textbooks, tables, illustrations) and ideal (knowledge and skills of the teacher and students).

    Training methods in pedagogy

    Modern pedagogy involves the classification of learning techniques based on the source of obtaining knowledge.

    The main are:

    • verbal;
    • practical;
    • .

    Alternatively, alternative ways of learning, imposing contribution to the process of a significant share of creativity.


    Its foundation is the word, and the task of the teacher is to present information to students through words. The verbal reception is leading in the learning system, since it allows you to transfer a large amount of information to a minimum period of time.

    The verbal learning method includes: a story, lecture, explanation, conversation, discussion, and independent work with a textbook.

    Unlike the story and lectures (monological methods), the conversation and discussion (active methods) imply the inclusion of students in the discussion of the material, which develops their interest in the cognitive process.

    In addition, the discussion teaches to listen to someone else's opinion and objectively assess the significance of different points of view.

    Work with printed materials is aimed at developing student attention, memory and logical thinking. Also working with the textbook helps it is better to remember the material passed.


    This technique involves the active practical activity of students. Practical learning methods can be represented as:

    • exercise (execution of mental learning or practical actions, the purpose of which is mastering a certain skill in excellence);
    • laboratory and practical work, during which students study any phenomena with the help of equipment or training machines;
    • didactic games - modeling studied processes or phenomena.


    Implies application in the learning process visual manuals Or other means that reflect the essence of the objects studied, processes or phenomena.

    Visual funds are closely related to the sensual perception of the material, due to which the learning of information occurs in the form more accessible to understand and is securely fixed in the memory of students.

    Visual methods can be divided into two groups:

    1. Illustrations (drawings, tables, cards);
    2. Demonstrations (it belongs to the viewing of movies and experiments).

    The latter is considered the most effective, since it has wider exposure to human consciousness. The use of a computer and modern technology allows you to implement all new funds into a visual method system.


    The heuristic or partially search method of training involves the formulation of a teacher of any question and search for students with a response to him. Thus, students do not receive "ready-made" knowledge, but actively participate in the search for solutions, thereby developing their abilities to thinking.

    Thanks to the active activity of the brain and the passion for the task, students receive more conscious and strong knowledge.

    The methods of heuristic training include various contests, research, essays. The heuristic forms of classes are heuristic lesson, the Olympics, intellectual games, creative protection, interactive forms of training.


    Under the problematic, learning that occurs in the form of resolving the problematic situations. The problem should activate the mental processes of students and encourage them to actively find a solution.

    In addition to learning knowledge, the method of problem learning allows students to master ways to receive them:

    • prospective practice;
    • analysis skills;
    • independent research activities;
    • layout received information.

    Problem learning implies the use of non-standard ways to solve the tasks, therefore develops the creative abilities of students, requires them manifestations of intellectual, as well as personal and social activity.


    The essence of this method is that the teacher does not report knowledge of students, they must earlier them in the process of active study of the problem.

    The teacher forms the problem, and her students independently realize, put forward a hypothesis, make up a plan for its inspection and draw conclusions.

    As a result, knowledge gained during the search differ in their depths, the educational process passes intensively, and students show interest to the problem.

    Unfortunately, due to the long time, the research method cannot be applied in the lessons often and should be combined with other methods of learning.


    According to this method, knowledge of students will be communicated already in the "finished" form, the teacher also explains them. To absorb knowledge, the teacher gives the tasks that students are performed on the sample previously discussed.

    Criterion for mastering knowledge - the ability to reproduce them correctly. Multiple repetition of the material allows students to learn and remember it.

    The main advantage of the reproductive method is its practicality, but the learning process should not be based solely on it.

    Explanatory illustrative

    This method is one of the most economical training methods, and its effectiveness has been verified by centuries-old practice. The essence of the method is that the teacher presents information with the help of combined funds: oral and printed words, visual and practical materials.

    Students perceive information and perform the actions necessary for her assimilation - listen, look, read, compared with the material previously passed and memorized.

    The explanatory and illustrative method is widely used in the pre-school education system.

    Fastening the material being studied

    The explanation of the material teacher is the initial level of learning. No less important component of the learning of knowledge of students is the subsequent work on the assimilation of the obtained information, which includes the consolidation, memorization and understanding of the material stated in the lesson.

    The main methods for fastening the material is a conversation, a survey and work with a textbook;

    In addition to reproductive consolidation, the creative method is very effective. It may include various practical tasks, such as search for examples to confirm any theory in literature and life.

    Gaming methods in pedagogy also serve as an excellent platform for fixing the material: intelligent or role-playing games Successfully applied in educational institutions.

    Independent work of students on the assimilation passed

    Experienced teachers believe that only independent work of students contributes to deep mastering knowledge and development of thinking. For independent work, the teacher gives a task, but does not accept himself active participation In the process of learning to students.

    The main methods of independent assimilation of the material:

    • work with a textbook (thoughtful study and understanding of the material);
    • training exercises (for example, solving mathematical tasks or memorization of historical data);
    • laboratory classes.

    The prerequisite for the preparation of students to work on the independent assimilation of the material is to conduct a detailed explanation teacher. The teacher needs to make sure that the material is understood by everything and does not cause special difficulties.

    Also, the tasks should not be too complicated so that students do not have the feeling that they are not able to cope with the task.

    Verification and assessment of knowledge

    An important component of learning is a regular check and assessment of knowledge throughout the academic year. So the teacher can estimate the degree of learning the material by students, and if necessary, adjust the course of the educational process.

    The main methods of verification and evaluation:

    • current (in the course of training sessions);
    • fourth (according to the graduate quarter);
    • annual (by results);
    • translation and final exams.

    Current check can be carried out in the form of observation of students, and in the form of oral - individual, frontal or compacted, and written survey.

    Also, knowledge testing methods include conducting control work, homework assessment and modern tracking forms, such as programmed control - testing of knowledge using tasks with several response options.

    All listed learning tools are practiced as a common education system, as well as special pedagogy, one of the main industries of which is a correctional pedagogy, developing the basis educational process For children with development deviations.

    Family pedagogy also advises parents, resorting to the methods of teaching children, use not one or two adhesives, but to include in the process of upbringing and learning as many different methods and funds.

    Video: What is the innovative teaching techniques