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  • Message on the topic of biosynthesis of carbohydrate photosynthesis. Biology in a lyceum. Type of lesson: Combined

    Message on the topic of biosynthesis of carbohydrate photosynthesis. Biology in a lyceum. Type of lesson: Combined

    On the topic "Synthesis of carbohydrates - photosynthesis"


    Purpose: To form knowledge about the essence of the carbohydrate biosynthesis process - photosynthesis.

    Tasks lesson:

    Identify the conditions necessary for photosynthesis;

    Consider the light phase of photosynthesis, the mechanism of using the energy of light in the grains of chloroplasts, the splitting of water, the formation of oxygen, ATP, the dark phase of photosynthesis, the restoration of carbon dioxide to the carbohydrate;

    Justify the cosmic role of green plants;

    Check the primary learning of knowledge with the help of didactic materials.

    Equipment: Tables in general biology, "Photosynthesis process" scheme, cards, presentation.

    Type of lesson: Studying a new material.

    During the classes

    Organizing time: Hello, who is ready to look at me for a lesson, thank you, sit down.

    Check availability to the lesson.


    Slide 1.

    Motivation: Pay attention to the topic of our lesson, now you will hear the story and, most likely, guess: what process is we talking about?

    I study listened


    Slide 2-6

    About 5-7 billion years ago In a circular vortex of gases and space dust, sun, land and other planets were formed Solar system. The Earth gradually cooled, its hardened Cra was surrounded by gases - ammonia, methane, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide - water vapor. They formed the primary atmosphere of the planet. Cooling pairs, dropped the rains and created the primary ocean of the Earth. In its upper layer, 4 billion years ago, the first organisms appeared, they received energy and material to build their body only from organic food. Over time, their number grew, competing for food began. During this period, a miracle appeared - molecule in some cells, its appearance caused a real biochemical revolution on Earth.

    With the participation of this molecule of ordinary water and carbon dioxide in the cells of organisms, an independent formation of an organic matter for building a body and energy was accounted for. And the water in the light decomposed to hydrogen and oxygen. As a result, the atmosphere was saturated with oxygen.

    A lot of millions have passed before scientists became interested before this process.

    Slide 7.

    In 1630, the Dutch doctor Yang Baptist Van Galmont discovered that Iva, growing in a pot, increased weight by 74 kg for 5 years, and the scholar weight decreased by 57. The scientist concluded that the plant itself forms organic matter.

    1752 - was the first one who began to understand the role of a green plant on our planet, but did not have time to experimentally test his thoughts.

    English Chemist D. Priestley in 1771 collected a gas that distinguish plants and proved that this gas supports life.

    From 1835 to 1840, the chemistry of this process was studied, the French academician Bususengo was the final reaction of the process, it also found that CO2 in the plant falls through the dust.

    Slide 7.

    And only in the 60s. 19th century Russian scientist Klimenttey Arkadyevich Timiryazev proved that chlorophyll molecules play a decisive role in this process. He very figuratively described this phenomenon. "Give the best cook as much as much fresh air, how much sunshine and a whole river of clean water and ask that he prepared sugar, starch, fats and grain from all this, - he will decide that you are over They laugh. But what seems like a completely fantastic person, freely performed in the green leaves of plants. " Clement Arkadyevich The first summarized all the data on this process, which were known in science to the beginning of the 20th century and formulated scientific concept This process in the book "Life of Plants". So what kind of process is we talking about?

    Slide 8.

    Answer: Photosynthesis.

    Pupils: Record the topic in the notebook: "Space Process - Photosynthesis".

    Slide 9.

    Before us today is a goal: find out where photosynthesis (localization, under what conditions), as (process chemistry), for which (its value)

    Pupils: Scheme in notebook.

    Teacher: We have already studied this process in the 6th grade, at the lessons of botany, let's remember the definition, what is photosynthesis?

    Pupils: answer questions.

    Slide 10.

    We remember the definition, (Greek. photo - light, synthesis - Education, creation).

    Photosynthesis- Education process organic substances From the inorganic with the participation of sunlight, well done!

    Teacher: Recall what organisms according to the power method this process is characteristic? What kind of kingdom of wildlife they belong?

    Slide 11.

    Answer: for plants, i.e. autotrophov - organisms capable of themselves to synthesize organic substances from inorganic (Greek. Outos - self, tropho - meal).

    Slide 12.

    Teacher: Well, now pay attention to the reader's poem by reading it, you will find the conditions that are necessary for photosynthesis. Attachment 1

    Pupils: Perform a task.

    Water, on the stems climbing
    Goes to a green leaf
    And with CO2 connecting
    Gives us sugar in the light.
    This is how the creation of nature -
    Useful, kind chlorophyll
    Capacitive peoples
    Although in the evening without strength.

    Slide 13.

    Pupils: write down in a notebook.

    Conditions of photosynthesis:


    Carbon dioxide.

    Teacher: We learned from poems that light and water are necessary for photosynthesis, and the experimental group found out this experimental way

    Slide 14-21

    Report of the Slide Group, with demonstration of results.

    Slide 22.

    The group makes conclusions for its work.

    Teacher: We found out, photosynthesis is characteristic of vegetable organism, and where exactly flows? Which plant organ is adapted to it: contains chlorophyll, absorbs sunlight, absorbs water and carbon dioxide

    Answer: Sheet.

    Teacher: True, it is the main photosynthesizing organ of higher plants, let's remember its structure, as it is closely related to the functions, make sure that it. Table . Slide 23.

    Uch-Xia: Message.

    Slide 24.

    Fixtures of sheet to photosynthesis:

    Transparent skin (epidermis),

    Stroll parenchyma with a large number of chloroplasts,

    Ustian for gas exchange,

    Veil for water and mineral salts,

    Flat sheet form for increasing sunlight spare area,

    Sheet mosaic

    Turning sheet on a pet for the sun (phototaxis).

    Teacher: So, they found an aircraft organ, really leaf adapted to photosynthesis, there is chlorophyllon fabric. In which orientations the whole process is carried out?

    Answer: In chloroplasts.

    Slide 25.

    Teacher: Remember which the structure has chloroplasts (§ 11, Fig. 16), as their structure matches the function they perform? (Disk, two membranes, the inner membrane bends are formed by tylakoid bags, laid in stacks-grains. The chlorophyll molecules are built into the thylacoid membranes, it catches the energy of light; in tylacoids there is a transformation of light energy into the chemical energy of ATP)

    Student's story about the structure of chloroplasts.

    Slide 26.

    The main substance of photosynthesis is a green pigment - chlorophyll. This is a complex organic matter, in the center of which is a magnesium atom. Chlorophyll is located in the Tylakoid membranes of the Gran, which is why chloroplasts acquire a green color, and thanks to chloroplasts and the rest of the cell and the entire sheet becomes greens.

    The name of the chlorophyll molecule (from Greek. "Chloros" - green and "Filon" - leaf).

    Slide 27.

    With localization, found out. Now we will analyze the conditions in more detail, will answer the question: how is photosynthesis? Read the chemistry of photosynthesis.

    Teacher: Photosynthesis - the process of forming carbohydrates from inorganic substances - CO2 and H2O when using the energy of sunlight.

    General equation of photosynthesis.

    During this process from substances, poor energy - carbon dioxide and water, carbon glucose C6H12O6 is formed - rich in energy substance, moreover, molecular oxygen is formed.

    The equation shows only the quantitative ratios of the substances involved in photosynthesis. We will analyze the entire chain of the reactions of this process.

    Slide 28.

    Pupils: Straighten the table in the notebook.

    Phase photosynthesis

    Reaction equation

    Source of energy

    Outcome. The essence of the phase

    According to modern data, photosynthesis includes two types of reactions: light (light-dependent) and dark (independent of light). Light reactions are geographically tied to space bounded by thylacoids. Darks pass in the stroma of chloroplast.

    You will get acquainted with the chemistry of photosynthesis according to the "Photosynthesis process" scheme.

    Slide 29.

    Picture 1

    Light phase

    Its meaning is to turn the light energy of the Sun into the chemical energy of ATP molecules and other molecules rich in energy. These reactions proceed continuously, but they are easier to study, dividing into three stages:

    Uch-Xia: work with the table.

    Attachment 1

    1. a) the light, falling on chlorophyl, tells it enough energy in order for one electron from the molecule; b) electrons are captured by carrier proteins, built-in, along with chlorophyll, in tylacoid membranes and are taken over to the side of the membrane facing in stroma; c) In stroma, there is always a substance that is a hydrogen carrier, by its nature it is a dinucleotide and is called abbreviated NPF + - oxidized form (nicotine-amide adenine-dinucleotide phosphate). This connection captures excited by light e. and protons that are always in stroma, and is restored, turning into the NADF · H2.

    2. Water molecules decompose under the action of light (water photo gallery): electrons, H + and O2 are formed. Electrons replace e.Lost chlorophyll in stage 1. Protons replenish the proton reservoir to be used in step 3. Oxygen goes beyond the cell in the atmosphere.

    3. Protons accumulating inside the thylacoid form a positively charged electric field. From the side facing in a stromb, the membrane is charged negatively. Gradually, the potential difference on both sides of the membrane increases and when it reaches a critical value (? 200 Milvololt), it is time for the enzyme embedded in the Tylacoid membrane (the enzyme is called ATP synthetase). Protons rushed along the proton channel in the enzyme outward - in stroma. At the exit of the proton channel, a high level of energy is created, which goes to the synthesis of ATP (ADP + FN\u003e ATP). The resulting ATP molecules are moving in stroma, where they are involved in the reactions of carbohydrate formation.

    So, the result of the light phase is the formation of molecules rich in energy ATP and NADF · H2, and by-product - O2?.

    Square Phase

    This phase passes in the stroma of chloroplast, where CO2 is entered from the air, as well as the products of the light phase ATP and NADF · H2. Here these compounds are used in a series of reactions, "fixing" CO2 in the form of carbohydrates. Follow the scheme: CO2 is joined by a five-carbon sugar (ribulonezodiphosphate), which is in stroma. The generated hexagonal molecule is unstable and immediately split into two three-bone molecules, each of which joins the phosphate group from ATP. The molecule enriched with the energy becomes capable of attaching hydrogen from the carrier NAPF · H2. At the fifth stage, the fate of three-carbon molecules may be different: some of them are connected to each other and form hexagonal molecules, for example, glucose, and they are further combined into sucrose, starch, cellulose and other substances. Other three-carbon molecules are used to synthesize amino acids, connecting nitrogen-containing groups. Finally, others are involved in a long series of reactions, the main result of which is reduced to the conversion of five three-carbon molecules into three five-carbon molecules of ribulonezodiphosphate. It joins carbon dioxide, increasing the total number of fixed carbon in the plant. In other words, the process is a Calvin cycle (Nobel Prize 1961 g).

    To create one glucose molecule, the cycle should be repeated six times: it is added to the reserve of fixed carbon in the plant in a single carbon atom from CO2.DF, FN and NADF + from the Calvin cycle are returned to the membrane surface and turn into ATP and NADF · H2.

    In the daytime, while the sun shines, the active movement of these molecules does not stop in chloroplasts: they will be blown there and here as ships, connecting two independent rows of reactions. These molecules in chloroplasts are slightly, therefore ATP and NADF · H2, formed by the day, in the light, after sunset are rapidly spent in carbon fixation reactions. Then photosynthesis stops until dawn. With the sunrise, the synthesis of ATP and NADF · H2 begins again, and the carbon fixation will soon be resumed.

    Slide 30.

    Check table on the slide.

    Uch-Xia: Mute in pairs.

    Slide 31.

    Despite the spatial and temporal localization of the light and dark phases, they are interconnected. In the scheme, specify the substances by which they are connected.

    Uch-Xia: Perform a task.

    Answer the question: Is there a dark phase in the light?

    Uch-Xia: answer the question.

    Slide 32.

    Teacher: So, as a result of photosynthesis, the transformation of light energy into energy chemical ties In organic matter molecules. And plants are thus the intermediaries between space and life on Earth. "

    argued that photosynthesis plays a space role on the planet Earth, do you agree with him? What is the cosmic role of photosynthesis?

    UTI: work with a textbook page 39, answer questions.

    Slide 33Check with a slide.

    Uch-Xia: Answers are checked.

    Space role of photosynthesis:

    1) selection of oxygen for breathing living organisms,

    2) absorption of carbon dioxide, maintaining a permanent gas composition,

    3) the formation of organic matter - food of heterotrophs,

    4) pumping solar energy from space to earth (energy resources - oil, coal, peat),

    5) the formation of the ozone layer, the protective screen from UFL.

    Teacher: Thus, we can conclude that without photosynthesis, living organisms on Earth cannot exist, this is the greatest process.

    Slide 34.

    Uch-Xia: write down the output to the notebook.

    Slide 35.

    Teacher: Let's summarize the lesson, let's return to the goal for this. We needed to know where? as? And why is photosynthesis? Learned? (voice the slide), the goal is made.

    Uch-Xia: Perform a task.


    Slide 36.







    light, CO2, water



    Slide 37.

    Teacher: And now imagine such a situation, your friend gives the exam on biology, and he caught a question about photosynthesis, how to help him? You can send him a short SMS message, no more than 10 words, within 2-3 minutes.

    Uch-Xia: work.

    I hear a few messages, we evaluate.

    Additional task.

    Uch-Xia: Perform a task.

    Slide 38.

    3. Teacher: Based on the conditions of photosynthesis, offer measures to increase yields.

    Slide 39.

    Uch-Xia: write down in a notebook.

    Measures to increase yields:

    1) Lighting Regulation (Spectrum),

    2) Regular watering (temperature),

    3) CO2 concentration (sawdust, cylinders, H2CO3),

    4) Mineral nutrition.

    Slide 40.

    Homework: § 10, Table, prepare for test. Appendix 2.

    Summing up the lesson.

    Purpose: To form knowledge of student on the biosynthesis of carbohydrates as a complex biological process.

    Tasks: 1. To introduce students to photosynthesis processes occurring in light and dark phases;

    2. Develop the ability to produce experiments, draw conclusions about the resulting result; continue the formation of skills and skills of independent work with a textbook, the ability to allocate the main thing;

    3. to bring up a responsible attitude to the fulfillment of the assigned tasks; show the role of plants and the need for their protection.

    Equipment: Presentation "Photosynthesis", Equipment for the demonstration of experience, projector, laptop.


    1. Organizational moment

    2. Public survey

    Card survey

    I. Option

    Give the definitions of terms: metabolism, assimilation, dissimilation, transcription, codon.

    II. Option

    Give definitions of terms: anabolism, plastic exchange, energy exchange, broadcast, opera.

    Conversation with class on questions:

    Where recorded information about the synthesis of the necessary protein molecule? (on DNA)

    In which organo is protein synthesis? (in Ribosome)

    DNA is in the kernel and never goes beyond its limits, and the ribosomes in the cytoplasm. How is information about what protein molecule needs to be synthesized? (Information on the ribosoma transmits the IRNK. It writes it off with the DNA gene, and TRND is supplied in the amino acid ribosome).

    Synthesis What organic matter is carried out in chloroplasts? (glucose)

    What is the name of the process of the synthesis of carbohydrates in the green leaves of plants in the light? (photosynthesis)

    3. Business game

    Teacher: With the process of photosynthesis, you acquainted in the course of plants biology in grade 6. Today we will consider this process more deeply. Our lesson will be held in the form of a business game. It is present: historian, biographer, biochemist, biologist, forestry, cytologist, archivist.

    Historian: About 400 years ago, the scientist Yang Bath Gelmont did an experience with the Yves branch. He took a big clay pot, which placed 80 kg of soil. In this soil put a branch of Willow. The surface of the soil in the pot was carefully covered so that dust did not get there. They watered the branch only with rainwater, so it does not contain salts. After 5 years, the branch turned into a tree that weighed by 65 kg more than before planting. Weighing the ground, from where Iva took the nutrients, its mass decreased by only 50g. Where did Iva take 64kg 950g, of which she built her body?

    Ya. Gelmante decided that Will had increased its size due to rainwater, which was watered.

    Archivist . Looking through old books, I found interesting records of Chemist Joseph attracted. He wrote: "I took a certain amount of air completely spoiled by the breath of the mouse, which in it died; By dividing it into 2 parts, I introduced one into a vessel with water, to another part of it, also enclosed in a vessel with water, introduced the mint branch. This was done in early August 1771. After 8 - 9 days, I found that the mouse could well live in the part of the air in which the mint branch grew, but instantly died in another part of him ... within 7 days of staying in a vessel with a spoiled air, the mint escape grew by almost 3 inches and , In addition, several new ones were formed on old branches. "

    Teacher. Neither Gelmont nor priestly, could not fully explore the amazing phenomenon of photosynthesis. Russian scientist KA Timiryazev proved that, thanks to chlorophyll, the plants are able to absorb the energy of sunlight and from water and carbon dioxide to form organic substances.

    Timiryazev has a great statement, which proves the great value of plants: "Give the best cook as much as much fresh air, how much sunshine and a whole river of clean water and ask you to make sugar, starch, fats and grain from all this, - He will decide that you laugh above it. But what seems to be a completely fantastic person, freely performed in the green leaves of plants. "

    Biographer. K.A.Timiryazev was born in 1843 in a rich nobility family, but from 15 years he independently earned at his existence, which I wrote: "From the fifteen-year-old age, my left hand did not spend a single penny, which would not have earned the right."

    The scientific work of Timiryazev is associated with the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy. Currently this educational institution Called the Agricultural Academy and carry the name of the scientist.

    In 1898, one English scientist physicist estimated that all oxygen will be consumed on Earth in 500 years, and all the lives threaten death. K.Timiryazev in his article "Is it sure that a person threatens close death?" Proved that this can not be due to the fact that the green leaves of plants absorb the carbon dioxide and isolated oxygen into the atmosphere.

    The scientist devoted his whole life with green leaves of plants, which considered the unique laboratory of nature, where the amazing transformations of inorganic substances, poor energy, in organic, rich in the energy of the substance occur. In this case, the plant cleans the air absorbing carbon dioxide and highlighting oxygen from it. The source of energy of this complex chemical process is the sun.

    Biologist. In front of today's lesson, I was laid down several experiments, the results of which I will imagine. This plant, geranium was delivered for several days into a dark cabinet, after which one piece was attached from two sides strip of black light-tight paper. Then this plant was put on the light. After 10 - 12 hours, the sheet was broken, boiled in water, then in alcohol. The alcohol was painted chlorophyll in green. Sheet discolored. Capped on this sheet after washing in water with a weak solution of iodine. On a leaflet of the plant, a yellow band remained in the part where there was black paper, the edges of the leaflet were crushed, since the photosynthesis took place here in the light and starch was formed, which shines in the presence of iodine. With this experience, we proved that the process of photosynthesis occurs only in the light. The second geranium and a glass with an eating alkali that absorbs carbon dioxide, put under a glass cap. The edges of the cap and glass under it were wrapped in vaseline, due to which carbon dioxide does not penetrate the cap. The plant under the cap was put on the sunlight. Within two days, the cap was removed, cut off the sheet and carried out experience to determine the presence of starch in the sheet as in the first case. When processing a sheet of iodine, there is no formation - it means that photosynthesis did not occur, the starch was not formed. With this experience, we have proven that the process of photosynthesis occurs only in the presence of carbon dioxide.

    Cytologist. When considering the leaves of the plant with the help of a light microscope, chloroplasts are clearly visible in the form of spherical formations, they are sometimes called "chlorophyllular grains." Chloroplasts have a size of 5 - 10 μm, and with a large magnification, their shape of a bicon-like lens is visible. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll.

    The electron microscope makes it possible to look inside the chloroplast and find out its structure. Outside, chloroplast is covered with a double membrane that separates it from the cytoplasm. This membrane has election permeability. The inner layer forms a folding, which goes into the cavity of chloroplast - strom. These folded formations of the inner membrane are called thylacoids, chlorophyll is located on them. Tylacoids can form connections among themselves and clusters in the form of a stack of books, which are called marins. The number of the Grand in the leaves of different plants can vary from 40 to 150.

    Biochemist. Photosynthesis is a complex multistage process in which the 2 stages distinguish: light and dark.

    Total equation Photosynthesis represents

    6SO 2 + 6N 2 O \u003d C 6H 12 O 6 + 6O 2

    Consider the processes occurring in the light phase. Solar energy is absorbed by chlorophyll and translates it into an excited state. The electron of the chlorophyll molecule as a result of this occupies a higher energy level. Further, this electron returning to his orbit, gives an excess energy that goes into the body (about 20%), the other serves for phosphorylation ADP and ATP. Part of the energy is transmitted by hydrogen ions H +, which always has in aqueous solution Communication with photolism (photocosis) of water, decomposition of it under the action of light. The formed hydrogen ions are attached to a substance capable of transporting it. This substance is NADF (nicotinomyndaenindinucleotide phosphate). Attaching hydrogen Nadf turns into Nadf-n. When water decomposition, besides hydrogen, oxygen is formed, which is released into the atmosphere.

    All reactions of the light phase are carried out on the membranes of chloroplasts. As a result, the value of the light phase is to ensure the biosynthesis of carbohydrates by the energy of ATP and the reducing compound of NADF-N.

    The second phase is dark, it occurs between the membranes in the stroma of chloroplast. Thanks to the energy of ATP and NADF-H, the carbon dioxide of simple carbohydrates and the formations of monosaccharides occurs. Their education occurs with the participation of a large number of enzymes. In the future, as a result of the polymerization reaction, monosaccharides turn into polysaccharides: cellulose, starch.

    K. Timiryazev wrote about the meaning of photosynthesis "This is the process of which all manifestations of life on our planet depend on the ultimate instance." This is true, only thanks to photosynthesis formed organic compounds On our land, the atmosphere is purified from carbon dioxide and enriched with oxygen.

    Created by photosynthesis The atmosphere protects everything alive on the planet from destroying short-leavet ultraviolet rays.

    Forestish. It is not by chance that the forest is called light planets, the wealth of land, a green friend.

    I will give specific evidence. In the summer, the forest site in 1 hectare in 1 hour is absorbed by 8 kg of carbon dioxide, which was allocated to 200 people.

    In one year, the green plants of our planet absorb 600 billion tons of carbon dioxide, isolated 200 billion tons of oxygen into the atmosphere forming 15 billion tons of organic matter.

    This is despite the fact that the productivity of photosynthesis is very small. Plants assimilate only 1% solar energy falling on their leaves. From 1 to 15g organic matter is formed by 1 sq.m. Leaf surfaces. But at photosynthesis of plants, oxygen is released at 20 - 30 times greater than absorb it when breathing.

    3.5 billion years old photosynthesis is the basis of life on Earth. Take care of the forest, planet, take care of all living on Earth.

    Breeder. The highest efficiency at photosynthesis - 28%.

    But if you refer to the data of the absorption of sunlight by cultivated plants, it will be very low.

    Plant Absorption of sunlight,%
    Beet fodder 1,91
    Potatoes 2,38
    Rye 2,42
    Wheat 2,68
    What is the matter? Plants are in conditions when they cannot maximize their capabilities. They are darkened by weeds, other plants of this species.

    The problem of breeders is not only in obtaining high-yielding disease-resistant and climatic conditions of varieties, but also in the removal of varieties with a large surface of the leaves and lengthening the timing of their active life.

    4. Summing up the lesson

    So, at the lesson, we learned no little interesting factors about the biosynthesis of carbohydrates, listened to the reports of various representatives of science.

    5. Homework: Prepare a presentation dedicated to the role of biosynthesis of carbohydrates in a living cell.

    I. Yu. Shentsova, Mobu Sosh №1 G. Labinsk, Krasnodar Territory

    Subject. Carbohydrate biosynthesis - photosynthesis Type of lesson: Combined Purpose: To form knowledge about the essence of the carbohydrate biosynthesis process - photosynthesis. Tasks: 1) to form students an idea of \u200b\u200bthe light and dark phases of photosynthesis; 2) develop the ability to allocate the main thing, compare, apply knowledge to solve biological problems; 3) carry out patriotic education of students. Equipment:electronic presentation "Photosynthesis", PC, multimedia projector, screen, tables with images of plant cell, light and dark phases of photosynthesis. During the classes I.. Actualization of knowledge. 1. Explain how the role of cytoplasm in protein biosynthesis. 2. Describe the role different species RNA in biosynthesis. 3. Why can the biosynthesis of protein molecules can only be carried out in a living cell? II.. Studying a new material. 1. History of opening photosynthesis. 17th century. - Van Gelmont (Willow's mass in 5 years increased by 74.4 kg, and the mass of soil loss to 57g). 1771 - Joseph attracted (plants correct air). 1778 - Ya. Ingenhauses (plants do it only in the light). Why? 1903g. - K.A. Timiryazev opened the photosynthesis process "... This is the process of creating organic substances from carbon dioxide and water in green parts of plants under the action of sunlight." 2. The concept of photosynthesis. In the biosynthesis of protein, the polymer molecule is built of ready-made monomers - amino acids that have already been in the cell. This process is carried out due to the internal energy of the cell - ATP. The biosynthesis of carbohydrates is otherwise, in the cells of plants, the monomers of carbohydrates - monosaccharides - are formed from inorganic substances (carbon dioxide and water). This process is carried out using the light energy entering the cage from the external environment. This process is called photosynthesis. Created in a cell monosaccharide (glucose, fructose) as primary photosynthesis products are then used for biosynthesis of various polysaccharides, complex protein compounds, fatty acids, nucleic acids and many other organic compounds. Photosynthesis is a process, important for the entire living population of the planet. It occurs in the cells of green plants with the help of pigments (chlorophyll and others) located in plasts. Chloroplasts - Organoisians who, thanks to the Pigment, chlorophyll painted in green. Photosynthesis is a complex multistage process. The beginning he sets the light. Photosynthesis includes two stages: light and dark. 3. The light phase of photosynthesis. Under the action of the energy of light, the chlorophyll molecule is excited and electrons lose. Part of the electrons captured by enzymes contributes to the formation of ATP by attaching the residue of phosphoric acid to ADP. Another part of electrons takes part in splitting water to molecular oxygen, hydrogen ions and electrons. The hydrogen ion formed during the splitting of water with electrons is attached to a substance capable of transporting it within the chloroplast. Such a substance is a complex organic compound from the NADF enzyme group. By attaching hydrogen, the NADF is restored to N.N. Energy is in such a chemical bond, and this ends the first stage of photosynthesis. The participation of light here is a prerequisite. Therefore, this stage is called light. Oxygen formed at the first stage of photosynthesis as a by-product of water splitting, is displayed outside or used by a respiratory cage. Thus, the light reactions of photosynthesis in addition to molecular oxygen give two rich energy of the compound - ATP and NADF N. 4. An dark phase of photosynthesis. Here are used products formed in the light phase. With their help, there is a conversion of carbon dioxide into simple carbohydrates - monosaccharides. Their creation goes through a large number of reactions of CO2 reduction due to the energy of ATP and the restoration possibility of NADPH N. As a result of these reactions, glucose molecules C6H12O6 are formed, from which polymerization is created by polymerization-rye - cellulose, starch. Since these reactions go without the participation of light, they are called the dark phase. The light phase passes on the inner membrane of chloroplast - in thylacoids, and in the dark in the stroma of chloroplast. The speed of the photosynthesis is influenced by external environmental conditions: lighting intensity, carbon dioxide concentration and temperature. If these parameters achieve optimal values, photosynthesis is gained. Thanks to photosynthesis of 1-1.5% of the energy of the Sun, obtained by green plants, is intensified in organic Molecules. 5. The value of photosynthesis. Independent work with a textbook. Task: What is the Space Role of Green Plants? III. Consolidation of knowledge. Filling the "Photosynthesis" table in the working notebook. Homework: § 11.
    Baryshnikov Alexey Dmitrievich

    This video language illuminates the theme "Biosynthesis of carbohydrates. Photosynthesis". In this lesson, we will continue to study the biosynthesis process, considering how carbohydrate formation occurs. You will get acquainted with the definition of photosynthesis and consider the two stages of this process. Examine the structure of chloroplasts, learn what role solar light plays in this complex process.

    Biology grade 9.

    Subject: cellular level

    Lesson 12. Biosynthesis of carbohydrates. Photosynthesis

    Stepanova Anna Yurevna

    to. B.N., Doc. MGUEE


    Hello, the topic of our today's lesson is "bioosynthesis of carbohydrates. Photosynthesis". In the previous lesson, we talked about protein biosynthesis. They talked about the fact that the protein is formed from amino acids in the presence of ATP molecules. The synthesis of carbohydrates is fundamentally different. In the cells of plants, monosaccharides are formed from carbon dioxide and water under the action of the energy of sunlight. This process is called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process of synthesizing organic substances from inorganic due to the energy of sunlight.

    The primary product - glucose produced as a result of photosynthesis - is used to synthesize polysaccharides. Photosynthesis occurs in the cells of green plants, algae and some bacteria. It is carried out with the help of pigments (for example, chlorophyll). In plants, most chlorophyll is in the leaves of plants in chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are intracellular organoids (plastides), which, thanks to chlorophyll, painted in green.

    Let's talk about the structure of chloroplasts. From cytoplasm, chloroplast is separated by a double membrane that possess election permeability. The internal space of chloroplast is filled with colorless content, stroma. In the stroma of chloroplast, DNA molecules, RNA, proteins and ribosomes are found. There is also a primary deposition of spare polysaccharide - starch - in the form of starch grains. The inner membrane of chloroplast is growing in a stromb, forming bag-shaped-flatted structures - thylacoids. The chlorophyll molecules and other auxiliary pigments (carateinoids) are placed on tylacoid membrane. Tylacoids are collected in packs and are located on each other, like a stack of coins, - marriage. All chloroplast margins are interconnected by lamelala - single thylacoids.

    Photosynthesis - the process is complex and multistage. Studies have shown that photosynthesis includes two main stages: light and dark. The light stage is a red quantum, absorbed in chlorophyll, translates the electron into an excited state. It acquires a large stock of energy and moves to a higher energy level. It can be compared with a stone raised to the height, gaining potential energy. He loses her, falling from the height. Moving from one stage to another, the electron loses energy that is used to synthesize the ATP molecule. This electron is replaced by the electron of water, as water under the action of light is subjected to photo gallery. Photoliz occurs in the cavity of Tylacoid. The participation of light at this stage is a prerequisite, so this stage is often called the stage of light reactions. Oxygen formed as a result of splitting (photolysis) of water is a by-product of the reaction and is removed from the cell or is partially spent on respiratory processes. In addition, at this stage, a rather large amount of energy is formed in the form of an ATP molecule, which is then consumed in dark reactions.

    The second stage of photosynthesis is dark. In the dark stage, the products formed in the light stage are used. There is a conversion of carbon dioxide into simple carbohydrates - monosaccharides. Their creation goes through a large number of reactions due to ATP energy. As a result of these reactions, glucose molecules are formed, of which polysaccharides are formed (for example, starch). Since these reactions occur without the participation of light, the stage is called the dark. It passes in the stroma of chloroplasts.

    So, the first stage of photosynthesis (light) passes on the chloroplastic membrane (thylacoids), and the second stage passes in the stroma of chloroplasts. The total photosynthesis equation is as follows:

    6CO2 + 6H2O ---\u003e C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6O2

    The speed of photosynthesis affect the external conditions: light, temperature, carbon dioxide concentration. If these parameters reach optimal values, then photosynthesis is gaining. Thanks to photosynthesis, 1-1.5% of the energy of the sun is in the form of organic molecules.

    Photosynthetic organisms give food heterotrofams, as well as oxygen necessary for breathing to all living beings on the planet. It has been established that 21% oxygen in the atmosphere is mostly product photosynthesis.

    Photosynthesis is a unique process of creating organic substances from inorganic, which can proceed both on land and in water. Annually, the plant records 1.7 billion tons of carbon, forms 150 billion tons of organic matter and allocates 200 billion tons of oxygen.

    Photosynthesis is the only process in which the transformation of solar energy into the energy of chemical bonds of organic compounds is occurring. Thus, the energy from the space accumulates in the form of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, ensuring the processes of the vital activity of all organisms on the planet Earth.

    In conclusion, I would like to bring the words of K. A. Timiryazev, who spoke about the cosmic role of green plants: "Once a ray of the sun fell somewhere on the ground, but he fell not on the infrequent ground, but on the green epics of wheat sprout or, it is better to say , chlorophille grain. Having hit about him, he won, stopped being light, but he did not disappear, he only spent on the inner work. It broke the connection between carbon and oxygen particles connected in carbon dioxide. Freed carbon, connecting with water, formed starch. He entered the bread, which we use. He was transformed into our muscles, our nerves, in our movements, perhaps, and at that moment he plays in our brain. "

    Thus, we reviewed the process of photosynthesis and its stage. On this, our lesson is over, you all are good, goodbye!

    The biosynthesis of protein creates a polymer molecule from ready-made monomers - amino acids already available in the cell. This process is carried out due to the internal energy of the cell (ATP).

    Biosynthesis of carbohydrates It goes fundamentally differently. In the cells of plants, monomers - monosaccharides are formed from inorganic substances (carbon dioxide and water). This process is carried out using the light energy entering the cage from the external environment. This process is called photosynthesis (from Greek. photos. - "light" and synthesis - "Connection").

    Created in a cell monosaccharide (glucose, fructose) as primary photosynthesis products are then used for biosynthesis of various polysaccharides, complex protein compounds, fatty acids, nucleic acids and many other organic compounds.

    Photosynthesis is a process that is extremely important for the entire living population of the planet. It occurs in green plants with pigments ( chlorophylland others) located in plasts.

    Chloroplasts - These are intracellular organoids (plastides), which, thanks to the Pigment, chlorophyll is painted in green. The plant cell is usually contained from 15 to 50 chloroplasts.

    Photosynthesis is a complex multistage process. The beginning he sets the light. Perennial studies of photosynthesis have shown that it includes two stages: light and dark.

    The first stage of photosynthesis - light. Under the action of the energy of the light of the chlorophyll molecule (and other connections, called carriers) are excited and electrons lose. Part of the electrons captured by enzymes contributes to the formation of ATP by attaching the residue of phosphoric acid (f) to the ADP. Another part of electrons takes part in splitting (decomposition) of water to molecular oxygen, hydrogen ions and electrons. Water decomposition occurs inside chloroplast.

    Hydrogen formed by splitting water with electrons is attached to a substance capable of transporting hydrogen within the chloroplast. Such a substance is a complex organic compound from the group of enzymes - oxidized nicotinamedadenin-dinucleotid phosphate, or NADF. By attaching hydrogen, the NPF is restored to N. N. In such a chemical bond, the energy is supplied, and the first stage of photosynthesis ends.

    The participation of energy of light here is a prerequisite. Therefore, this stage is called yet stage of light reactions.

    Oxygen formed at the first stage of photosynthesis as a by-product when the water splitting is displayed outside or used by a respiratory cage.

    The second stage of photosynthesis is dark. Products formed in the process of light reactions are used. With their help, there is a conversion of carbon dioxide into simple carbohydrates - monosaccharides. Their creation is through a large number of reactions of CO 2 reduction due to the energy of ATP and the reductional possibility of NADF N. As a result of these reactions, glucose molecules are formed (from 6 H 12 ° C. 6), of which polymerization creates polymerisacarides - cellulose, starch, glycogen and others by polymerization Complex organic compounds. Since all reactions at this stage are going without the participation of the world, it is called stage of Dark Reactions.

    All light reactions (the first stage of photosynthesis) occur on chloroplast membranes - in thylacoids, and the dark (second stage of photosynthesis) - between the membranes inside the chloroplast - in stroma.

    The complex phased process of photosynthesis is continuous until the green cells receive light energy.

    The speed of the photosynthesis is influenced by external environmental conditions: lighting intensity, carbon dioxide concentration and temperature. If these parameters achieve optimal values, photosynthesis is gained. Thanks to photosynthesis, about 1-1.5% of the energy of the Sun, obtained by green plants, is inhibited in organic molecules. Photosynthetic organisms give food heterotrofams, as well as oxygen necessary for breathing to all living beings on the planet. It has been established that 21% of oxygen in the modern atmosphere of the Earth is mainly created by photosynthesis.

    Photosynthesis is a unique process of creating green cells of organic substances from inorganic, and with a huge scale on land and in water. Annually, the plants associate 1.7 billion tons of carbon, forming more than 150 billion tons of organic matter and highlighting about 200 billion tons of oxygen.

    Photosynthesis is the only one on our planet transformation of the energy of sunlight into the energy of chemical bonds of organic substances. In this way, the energy of the Sun, received from the space, is converted and inhibited by cells of green plants in carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, ensuring the vital activity of the entire heterotrophic population of the living world - from bacteria to humans.

    That is why the outstanding Russian scientist naturalist K. A. Timiryazev this role of green plants for life on Earth called space.