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  • Cook is the most delicious and creative profession

     Cook is the most delicious and creative profession

    What you need to take to the pastry chef for ... What exams are needed ... Professions after grade 9; What subjects you need to take to the cook after grade 9, I decided to go to a professional ... ... pass to the cook after 9 ... grade 9 what exams should I pass to the cook of the confectioner what ... I want to go after the 9th grade to the cook-pastry chef ! please tell me what exams are needed ... All answers to the question: What exams should I take for the cook ?. At Come faster! What items to hand over to the cook? ... there are some exams for ... after the 9th grade ... ... what exams you need to take for the cook after 9 ... the confectioner after the 9th grade ... ... leave after the 9th grade .. on the cook or pastry chef. ... What exams to take ... What exams you need to take for a cook. Cook Who doesn’t like to eat tasty food? Rarely ... A pastry chef makes dishes, so to speak, for a sweet table. The main ... Graduate of grade 9 will be somewhat more difficult. November 5, 2016 ... It has already been said that not in all cases you have to think about what exams you need to take for a cook after grade 9 ... Find out what to do and what exams to pass here! ... Education for the pastry chef is possible after the end of grades 9 or 11 of the general education ... What exams for the OGE do you need to pass to enter the College or ... to pass exams after the 9th grade to enter the pastry chef? The confectioner can also create his own business. ... Immediately after graduation, the pastry chef receives 3rd or 4th grade. ... Admission without exams. ... After 9th grade, you don’t have to take anything, but you just need to bring ... Can I do after 9th grade? And what subjects do you need to know? A pastry chef specializes in the manufacture of confectionery, ... G9 world chefs, organized in 2010, consists of 9 people. .... Career guidance for students: who to become after school, what ... After the 9th grade or after the 11th grade. Colleges do not need to take exams. A detailed description of the profession of a pastry chef. Her story ... You can start learning to be a pastry chef after graduating from grade 9 in high school. The profession is ... One must adore cooking and be able to do it. Is it possible to go pastry chef after 9th grade, in Minsk? ..... Tell me what exams you will need to take on admission, and which ones ... I could leave after grade 9 without passing any additional ... I unlearned as a pastry chef and I think that this is a great profession, ... Tell me what subjects you need to know to go to this profession ... Jan 12, 2014 ... What can I do after 9 for a pastry chef in Kazan ?? ... is there an exam ?? what exams do you need to pass at school, after Gia, to go there ... Admission · Admission to secondary secondary education after grade 9 in 2014. What exams you need to take for the cook. Cook Who doesn’t like to eat tasty food? Rarely ... A pastry chef makes dishes, so to speak, for a sweet table. The main ... Graduate of grade 9 will be somewhat more difficult. November 5, 2016 ... It has already been said that not in all cases you have to think about what exams you need to take for a cook after grade 9 ... Find out what to do and what exams to pass here! ... Education for the pastry chef is possible after the end of grades 9 or 11 of the general education ... What exams for the OGE do you need to pass to enter the College or ... to pass exams after the 9th grade to enter the pastry chef?

    Anna Chukseeva

    Educational institutions prepare cooks of the broadest profile. Upon receipt, the commission will pay attention to whether the entrant has an artistic taste, imagination, because the preparation and decoration of each product is a creative process.

    Profession specifics

    • Advantages of the profession: Stable income and demand in the labor market.
    • Cons of the profession: a lot of physical activity to stand for eight to ten hours at the stove is not as easy as it seems; constant tension of attention to relax, when you need to cut a salad and follow the two pots on the stove is unlikely to succeed.

    Students are given the opportunity to apply their knowledge in cafes, restaurants, bars and canteens of the city. Many already during practice find a future job.

    Must have an aesthetic taste, imagination, creative inclinations, otherwise he will not go beyond sandwiches and fried eggs.

    Education: College majoring in "Cook", after training 3 categories are assigned.


    Cooks, college graduates are assigned a third category. With her, you can go to the assistant chefs, gradually reach the right hand of the chef, and finally, to the chef himself. This is already 5-6 digits. Recently, many graduates of colleges and lyceums are eager to go to personal chefs and dining rooms of private firms.

    Study "with taste"

    In medieval Europe, cook boys were accustomed to the kitchen from the age of five. Today, the development of this profession begins after 9 or 11 classes. In the first case, you will have to study two to three years, in the second - a year or two, depending on where you go: to a professional lyceum or college.

    As a rule, there are no entrance exams for the specialty "Cook". To become a student, you just need to go through an interview, where you will be asked why you chose this profession, you may be interested in a circle of interests, hobbies. It is important for teachers to understand how well you imagine what awaits you while studying and working, and how prepared you are for it. The cook must have an aesthetic taste, imagination, creative inclinations, otherwise he will not go beyond sandwiches and fried eggs.

    Do not be surprised if the teachers at the interview look at your grades in the school certificate - they will not take slobs with a strict selection.

    Those who want to become a cook should be ready:

    • to great physical exertion - to stand for eight to ten hours at the stove is not as easy as it seems;
    • constant tension of attention - to relax, when you need to chop the salad and follow the two pots on the stove is unlikely to succeed.

    And they will probably tell you that being a cook is a vocation. True how selection committee   it’s hard to say whether you are called to this craft, perhaps experienced teachers have professional secrets.

    What is taught in the specialty "Cook"

    • to cook tasty and healthy food - from ordinary dishes to culinary masterpieces;
    • to make out dishes in an original way;
    • lay the table;
    • make a diet professionally;
    • make a list of necessary products for the purchase;
    • select quality products;
    • make a menu.


    Admission is one thing, and study is quite another: in the classrooms one fantasy and ingenuity will not be enough. We will have to recall biology and chemistry - these subjects underlie many professional cook disciplines: culinary, merchandising, sanitation and hygiene, and confectionery technology.

    For cooks, cooking and merchandising is the same as reading and arithmetic for first graders. In cooking classes, you will get acquainted with the preparation of appetizers, salads, soups, hot dishes, etc. And commodity teachers will teach you to understand what a product should be like - taste, color and smell, touch.

    Theory necessarily alternates with practice. Students are given the opportunity to apply their knowledge in cafes, restaurants, bars and canteens of the city. Many already during practice find a future job.

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    •    HSE

      National Research University Higher School of Economics

    •    IGSU

      Institute public service   and management

    •    SHFM

      Higher School of Finance and Management

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      St. Petersburg campus

    •    RPMU

      Russian state University   justice

    •    Ibda

      Institute of Business and Business Administration

    •    Perm branch

      Perm branch

    •    Nizhny Novgorod branch

      Branch in Nizhny Novgorod

    •    SSEU

      Samara State University of Economics

    •    SPbGUP

      St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions

    •    NI TSU

      National Research Tomsk State University

    •    Mining University

      St. Petersburg Mining University

    •    SPbGASU

      St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

    •    KGASU

      Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

    •    RGUTIS

      Russian State University of Tourism and Service

    •    Leningrad State University named after Pushkin

      Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin

    •    NGPU them. K. Minina

      Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin

    •    Moscow Polytechnic

      Moscow poly technical University

    •    FEFU

      Far Eastern Federal University

    •    TUSUR

      Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

    •    RSSU

      Russian State Social University

    •    MGRI-RGGRU them. Sergo Ordzhonikidze

      Russian State Geological Exploration University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze

    •    SSU named after N.G. Chernyshevsky

      Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky

    •    IFAA

      Moscow University of Finance and Law

    •    South State University

      Ugra State University

    •    MIP

      Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis

    •    University at IPA EurAsEC

      University at the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the EurAsEC

    •    IGUMO and IT

      Institute of Humanities Education and Information Technology

    •    NWTU

      Northwest Open Technical University

    •    B&D

      Institute of Business and Design

    •    VShKU

      Graduate School of Corporate Governance

    •    SPbUTUE & E

      St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics

    •    IEAU

      Institute of Economics and Crisis Management

    •    MBI

      International Banking Institute

    •    MIPT

      Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)

    •    PSPbGMU named after ac. I.P. Pavlova

      First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov

    •    REU them. G. V. Plekhanova

      Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov

    •    MGIMO

      Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    •    Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

      Ministry of Foreign Affairs Diplomatic Academy Russian Federation

    •    SPbSU

      Saint Petersburg State University

    •    NRNU MEPhI

      National Research Nuclear University MEPhI

    •    RANEPA

      Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

    •    VAVT

      All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

    •    Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

      Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

    •    SZGMU named after Mechnikov

      North-West State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

    •    Gos. IRY them. A.S. Pushkin

      State Institute of the Russian Language A.S. Pushkin

    •    MGMSU them. A.I. Evdokimova

      Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A. I. Evdokimov

    •    Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafina

      Moscow State Law University named after O. E. Kutafin

    •    KSMU

      Kazan State Medical University

    •    Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

      Saint-Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

    •    RPMU, North-Western branch

      Russian State University of Justice, Northwest Branch

    •    RNIMU

      Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov

    •    SPbGPMU

      St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

    •    Financial University

      Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

    •    VSMU them. N.N. Burdenko

      Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko

    •    St. Petersburg Institute (branch)

      St. Petersburg Institute (branch)

    •    MSLU, Linguistic University

      Moscow State Linguistic University

    •    GBOU VPO KubGMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia

      Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia

    •    NGLU

      Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after N. A. Dobrolyubova

    •    KrasGMU them. prof. V.F. War-Yasenetsky

      Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after professor V.F. War-Yasenetsky

    •    RGAIS

      Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property

    •    KGK them. N.G. Zhiganova

      Kazan State Conservatory named after N.G. Zhiganova

    •    NSU

      Novosibirsk National Research State University

    •    PSMU them. I.M.Sechenova

      The first Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenova

    •    PTA

      Russian Customs Academy

    •    UMMU

      Ural State Medical University

    •    St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee

      St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

    •    BSMU

      Bashkir State Medical University