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  • Primary school student achievement portfolio as a means of success. Regulations on the portfolio of achievements of a student of the Mou of the Nazarev secondary school

    Primary school student achievement portfolio as a means of success. Regulations on the portfolio of achievements of a student of the Mou of the Nazarev secondary school

    Every child has a sun
    just let it shine!

    According to the GEF NOU, the portfolio of achievements becomes an urgent pedagogical tool to support the development and assessment of student achievement, focused on innovation and improving the quality of education. Student Achievement Portfolio primary school   included as a mandatory component in determining the final grade in the Main educational program   elementary general education and is mandatory for all students in elementary school studying in the Federal State Educational Standards of IEO. Based on the portfolio of achievements, the final grade of the graduate is created elementary school   and a decision is made about the success or failure of continuing education of each student at the next stage of general education.

    The portfolio of achievements, as a new and modern form of extracurricular activities, allows you to study individual route   personality development during all years of training in various fields of activity, which allows us to trace the dynamics of success development and the depth of interests. Also, maintaining a portfolio of achievements allows you to identify interests and evaluate the student’s abilities more accurately than the traditionally used ball testing system. Working with a portfolio of achievements activates the student to self-discipline, the desire to achieve great results, adequate self-esteem and analysis of their achievements.

    The “paper” method of student achievement portfolio is used in many regions. However, the “paper” option is inconvenient, the assessment of the “paper” option is not without subjectivity, the data is inconvenient to present for presentation, to send to various authorities. In the recommendation document of the Higher School of Economics “Recommendations for Building different models   and the use of a portfolio of students basic and complete high school"There is a mention of the electronic form of the portfolio of achievements:" New portfolio forms based on the use of modern information technologies - electronic portfolio ... are actively used. " But at the same time, there are no further explanations in the document, which may constitute an electronic form of a student’s achievement portfolio.

    The electronic portfolio of achievements has practically no differences from the paper version. Any document placed in a traditional paper portfolio of achievements can be easily translated into electronic format. If the portfolio of achievements contains text documents - it is enough to make scanned images of such pages, possibly with text recognition (or take the primary sources of printed documents - text files). If drawings or photographs are presented in the portfolio of achievements, it is enough to scan drawings or photographs on a digital camera.

    Other elements of school creativity (handicrafts, projects, creative and educational activities, etc.) are presented in a paper portfolio of achievements, and, therefore, can also be translated into electronic format. A traditional paper student achievement portfolio is formed at school. Therefore, it is possible to assume that an electronic document will also be generated on the school’s website.

    However, the problem of presenting a portfolio of achievements is not limited only to the translation of documents into electronic format. In order for collections of creative works (audio and video fragments) to be available for study, evaluation, comparison, search organization, a uniform scheme (structure) of descriptions should be proposed. This requirement is completely natural, it follows from the technology of creating information systems.

    The student’s digital portfolio of achievements is a great opportunity to present information about yourself and your achievements. This is a unique “calling card”, which will reflect all the talents, skills and interests of the student. Creating a portfolio of achievements is not only not difficult, but also interesting, you can use Word and PowerPoint.

    This becomes especially important because, in connection with the latest data, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation will create an electronic talent search system among schoolchildren. The corresponding order was given by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets. “I’ll ask the Ministry of Education to finalize the topic of electronic portfolio and make the electronic portfolio system become life ... Today it is not in demand anywhere, so no one takes it seriously. We must understand that in some ways a child can be uniquely talented. It should be noticeable, ”she said during a meeting to identify talented students. The vice speaker also added that all the children are talented in their own way and the electronic portfolio is a way to record their merits so that they can then be presented to the university upon admission.

    A survey was conducted among practicing primary school teachers in Novosibirsk. Only 12% of teachers chose to use an electronic achievement portfolio. This begs the bewilderment of why such an innovative form of maintaining a portfolio of achievements is not successful with modern educators.

    Application of the electronic portfolio of achievements

    In addition to convenient means of organizing your documents, an electronic portfolio of achievements allows you to automatically evaluate the basic competencies of the student; development of thinking (flexibility, rationality, originality); ability to solve methyl abstract problems; the formation of applied skills (the ability to solve practical problems, apply existing knowledge to solve practical problems); development of communicative skills; the formation of self-control and self-esteem skills; formation of interests in specific areas of knowledge, future profession.

    Trenina N.A.

    MBOU "NOSH№31"

    Organization of a cumulative assessment system.

    Portfolio of Achievements.

    In the modern educational space, such qualities as independence, responsibility, initiative are becoming relevant and personally significant.

    Innovative technologies, adequate to the task of forming key competencies, are distinguished by the following principle being the paramount condition for their implementation - the student, as part of the work on this technology, is the subject of his activity. And this provision is not considered as the final goal, but as a prerequisite. One of the educational technologies supporting a competency-based approach in education, the development of independence is the technology of working with a portfolio of achievements.

    2 What is a portfolio for?

    "Each student will have a" portfolio ", that is, an individual" portfolio "of educational achievements - the results of district and regional competitions, interesting independent projects and creative work. This is very important in determining the student’s readiness for in-depth study of a number of subjects."

    (Minister of Education V.M. Filippov "Komsomolskaya Pravda" 01/14/2003)

    The main function of this innovation is to help high school students in choosing a profile class, as well as the opportunity to present their achievements when entering universities.

    3 The portfolio of achievements is a way of recording, accumulating and evaluating individual achievements of a student in a certain period of his education. The portfolio of achievements allows you to take into account the results achieved by the student in various types of activities (educational, creative, social communicative, etc.) and is an important element of a practice-oriented approach to education.

    The goal of the portfolio of achievements is to fulfill the role of individual cumulative assessment and, along with exam results, to determine the rating of graduates of a primary school.

    We all have to get used to the formula:

    In pedagogical literature, the portfolio of achievements is characterized as:

    A collection of student work that comprehensively shows not only him learning outcomes, but also the efforts made to achieve them;

    An exhibition of student's academic achievements in a given subject (or several subjects) for a given period of study (a quarter, a half year, a year).

    4 The philosophy of the training portfolio of achievements involves:
    - a shift in emphasis from the fact that the student does not know and does not know how to what he knows and can do on this topic and this subject;
    - integration of quantitative and qualitative assessments;
    - transfer of pedagogical stress from assessment to self-esteem;
    - the main meaning of the portfolio of achievements: "Show everything that you are capable of."

    5 The portfolio of achievements is not only a modern effective form of assessment, but also an effective tool for solving a number of important pedagogical tasks, which allows:

    1. maintain high learning motivation   students;
    2. to encourage their activity and independence, to expand the possibilities of learning and self-learning;
    3. to develop skills of reflective and evaluative (including self-evaluating) activities of students;
    4. to form the ability to learn - to set goals, plan and organize your own educational activities.

    The portfolio of achievements may include results achieved by the student not only during learning activities, but also in other forms of activity: creative, social, communicative, physical-health-improving, labor activity, which takes place both within the framework of everyday school practice and beyond.

    What does the portfolio of an elementary school student look like?

    There are currently no strict requirements (state standard). And it pleases! After all, work on a portfolio is a good opportunity to prove yourself, be creative in this task, and come up with something of your own, original. As a rule, the school administration gives advice, recommendations on design. The only thing to be afraid of is that the portfolio of the elementary school student is not called the “Portfolio of my achievements” (“My achievements”, etc.) and that the section documenting these achievements (all kinds of letters and certificates).

    Different types of portfolio.

    There are three types of portfolios:

    “PORTFOLIO DOCUMENTS” - a portfolio of certified individual educational achievements . Such a model implies the possibility of both qualitative and quantitative assessment of materials. The final document is presented as an insert in the certificate and contains the final score, as well as a list and assessment of the certificates included in its composition. Documents or their copies can be placed in the annex to the portfolio.

    Possibility of both qualitative and quantitative assessment of portfolio materials.

    Not visible process   the individual development of the student, the diversity of his creative activity, his educational style, interests, etc.

    "PORTFOLIO WORKS" (portfolio of the process or indicative) is a collection of various creative and design works of the student, as well as a description of the main forms and directions of his educational and creative activity: participation   in conferences, competitions, training camps, elective courses, various practices, sports and artistic achievements. This portfolio option involves a qualitative assessment of the parameters of completeness, diversity and credibility of the materials of the submitted works, focus on the chosen training profile. It is made out in the form of a student’s creative book with the application of his works presented in the form of texts, electronic versions, photos, videos.

    Qualitative assessment, according to the parameters of completeness, variety and persuasiveness of materials, the quality of the submitted work, focus on the chosen training profile; an idea of \u200b\u200bthe dynamics of educational and creative activity, focus of interests, the nature of pre-profile training.

    A qualitative assessment of the portfolio complements the results of the final certification, but cannot enter the student’s educational rating as a total component.

    "PORTFOLIO REVIEWS" includes characteristics of the relationship   schoolchildren to various activities represented by teachers, parents, system employees additional education, as well as a written analysis of the student himself of his specific activity and its results. It can be presented in the form of texts of conclusions, reviews, reviews, essays, resumes, letters of recommendation.

    The ability to enable the student’s self-esteem mechanisms, which increases the degree of awareness of the processes associated with learning and choosing a profile direction.

    The complexity of formalizing and accounting for the information collected.

    Today is widespread comprehensive portfoliowhere the types listed above are its main sections.

    1. Where to start?
    Portfolio compilation is, indeed, the most relevant in high school and elementary school. And the question is: does the portfolio have a right to exist in elementary school, and if so, in what form can it be presented?
    2. Goals and objectives.

    One of the main tasks of training and education in primary school is the identification and development of the individual creative abilities of the child.

    Creating a success situation for each student, increasing self-esteem and self-confidence;
    - maximum disclosure of the individual abilities of each child;
    - development of cognitive interests of students and the formation of readiness for independent knowledge;
    - the formation of attitudes to creative activity and the skills of creative activity, the development of motivation for further creative growth;
    - the formation of positive moral and moral qualities of the individual;
    - acquisition of reflection skills, the formation of the ability to analyze their own interests, inclinations, needs and correlate them with existing opportunities ("I am real", "I am ideal");
    - the formation of life ideals, stimulating the desire for self-improvement.

    To solve these problems (according to many experts), it is necessary to shift the emphasis, focusing not on the portfolio of documents, but on the portfolio of creative works. In other words, the “CREATIVE WORKS” section should become the main and main one, the “Official Documents” section should recede into the background and be used only as an application!

    The motto of working with a portfolio of a primary school student should be the phrase:"The student’s daily creative process must be fixed.".

    1   Reflection is a tendency to analyze one’s experiences, to think about one’s inner state. Thinking about yourself, cognition and analysis of your own mental processes and conditions. It violates a person’s life and reduces his adaptation both with excess and with a lack of self-knowledge.

    3. The main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation!

    The unconditional value of the portfolio lies in the fact that it helps to increase the student’s self-esteem, maximally reveals the individual capabilities of each child, and develops motivation for further creative growth. Therefore, it is extremely important to learn for yourself and explain to the child that compiling a portfolio is not a race for diplomas and all kinds of letters! The process itself is important   participation in educational activities or creative work, and not its result.

    Long-term research by psychologists has led many educational professionals to accept the view that the leading characteristic of a creative personality should be considered not “outstanding abilities” (high intelligence, creativity, etc.), but its motivation   (life goals) . It is she who is considered by many as a decisive factor in the realization of the creative potential of the individual.
    2   Motivation - motivations that cause activity and determine its direction.

    5. A possible option for compiling a portfolio of a primary school student.


    It contains basic information (surname name and patronymic; educational institution, class), contact information and photo of the student.

    We consider it important to let the child choose a photo for the title page. Do not put pressure on him and persuade him to choose a strict portrait. Give him the opportunity to show himself as he presents himself and wants to introduce himself to others.


    Here you can put any information that is interesting and important for the child. Possible sheet headers:

    · "My name"   - information aboutwhat does the name meancan write aboutfamous people who wore and bear this name. If the child has a rare or interesting surname, you can find information about what it means.

    · "My family"   - here you can talk about each family member or make a short story about your family.

    · "My city"   - A story about his native city (village, village), about its interesting places. Here you can place the drawing with the childroute diagram from home to school   It is important that dangerous places are marked on it (road crossings, traffic lights).

    · "My friends"   - photos of friends, information about their interests, hobbies.

    · "My hobbies"   - A short story about what the child is fond of. Here you can write about classes in the sports section, studying at a music school or other educational institutions   additional education.

    · "My school"   - A story about the school and teachers.

    · "My favorite school subjects"   - small notes about your favorite school subjects, built on the principle "I like ... because ...". Also a good option with the name"School items". In this case, the child can speak about each subject, having found in it something important and necessary for itself.


    In this section, the headings of the sheets are dedicated to a specific school subject. The student fills this section with successfully written test papers, interesting projects, reviews of books read, graphs of reading speed growth, and creative works.


    All activities that are conducted outside the framework of educational activities can be attributed to community service (assignments). Maybe the child played a role in the school play, or read poems   on the solemn line, or designedwall newspaper   for the holiday or performed at the matinee ... There are a lot of options. Designing this section is desirable using photographs and short messages on the topic.


    In this section, the child places his creative work: drawings, tales, poems. If volumetric work (crafts) is done, you need to put her photo. Parents need to give full freedom to the child when filling out this section!

    Important! If the work participated in the exhibition or participatedin the competitionIt is also necessary to give information about this event: name, when, where and by whom.

    It would be nice to supplement this post with a photograph. If the event was covered in the media or on the Internet, you need to find this information. If carried out by the Internet portal, print out thematic page


    In primary school, children take active participation   in excursion and educational programs, go to the theater, to exhibitions, visit museums. It is necessary to offer the child creative homeworkperforming which, he will not only remember the contents of the tour, but also get the opportunity to express his impressions. If this is not practiced at school, it makes sense for parents to come to the aid of the teacher and develop and propagate the standard form of the "Creative assignment". At the end of the school year, it is possible to hold a presentation of creative assignments with the obligatory rewarding of the best works in several categories.


    Letters, certificates, diplomas, letters of thanks, and also the final certification sheets are placed here. Moreover, in elementary school one should not distinguish between the importance of academic success (commendation list) and success, for example, in sports (diploma). It is better to choose a location not in order of importance, but, for example, in chronological order.


    This section is not often included in the portfolio of an elementary school student. It's a pity! Nothing improves a child’s self-esteem so much as a teacher’s positive assessment of his efforts. Unfortunately, schoolchildren’s diaries are full of either unpleasant remarks like “Not ready for the lesson!” Or nothing reflecting praise like “Well done!”. But what if instead of the same "Well done!" give a little review in the portfolio? For example: "He took an active part in preparing for the extra-curricular event" Price of Victory. "He learned and perfectly told the poem. He independently prepared a wall newspaper, and at the same time involved his comrades in the design."

    We consider it important to add a review sheet, as well as a form where teachers can express their recommendations and wishes, for example, according to the results of the school year.


    Do not get carried away with the design of this sheet, as it will have to be updated quite often.

    6. It is important to remember.

    In the first grade, when a child is just starting to work on compiling a portfolio, he cannot do without the help of his parents. But as he grows older this help must be minimized. Try from the very beginning to build the child’s work in such a way that he himself makes certain efforts to form the portfolio. In the process of work, there is inevitably a process of comprehending your achievements, the formation of a personal attitude to the results and awareness of your capabilities.

    Have you noticed that gradually “man for society” gives way to “man for himself”? That is why it is now proposed to direct the main efforts in the field of education to the development, first of all, of those abilities that do not stem from some abstract "social needs", but are required by the person himself for successful self-actualization and self-realization, for moving towards the goals that the person has set for himself myself.

    There is something to think about

    The very idea - to teach a child to summarize his experience, to summarize knowledge, to be able to "present yourself" is not bad. But, unfortunately, very often the student receives instructions on what to do, but does not receive recommendations on how to do this. And what is the result? "We wanted the best, but it turned out as always" ...

    1. Mom or I - Novikov Ilya?
    The well-known poem by Agniya Barto perfectly demonstrates the most common mistake: collecting materials by adults, not by a child. Instead of support (on the basis of an advisory vote) in the collection and execution of the portfolio, which, of course, is needed, parents completely replace the child in this process. In this case, instead of helping the child in self-determination, you will reduce the work on the portfolio to the principle of “Vasya’s dad” and will be forced to spend 11 school years in the race for diplomas. Adults should not rely solely on their preferences and their opinions on the abilities and interests of the child. Unfortunately, we adults have a bad habit of believing that we know better than our child what he needs.

    2. Better less, but better.
    Watching the parents discuss the "portfolio problem", I noticed that many tend to collect the maximum number of documents and materials placed in the portfolio. It is important to remember that the main thing in portfolio technology is to help the student figure out what the true ones are.
    interests   and the student’s ability, and not at all to create a formally weighty folder of documents. The student must be aware offor what purpose he puts this or that document in the portfolio folder.

    Achievement Portfolio is a new way to track student achievement.

    Introduction Fintegral Gstate ABOUTbargaining FROMstandards requires teachers to take a new approach to assessment. The main thing in the assessment is to adhere to the system-activity approach. To do this, remember a few rules:

    1. What are we evaluating? We evaluate the results  subject, meta-subject and personality.

    2. Who is rating?   The teacher and student together determine the grade and grade.

    3. How many marks? By the number of tasks solved.

    4.When to put marks? Ongoing - optional, for thematic verification work - required.

    5. What are the criteria to evaluate? On the grounds of three levels of success.

      The required level (basic) is the solution of a typical problem, similar to those that have been solved many times already, where worked-out actions were required

      Elevated level(program) decision custom task

      Maximum level(Optional) the solution of the “super-task” that was not studied in the class, which required either independently acquired, not studied knowledge, or new, independently acquired skills and actions required at the next stages of education.

    6. How to determine the final grades?

      Quarterly Grades / Gradesdetermined by the tables of objective results (arithmetic mean points).

      Final grade for the level of training–based on all the positive results accumulated by the student in his portfolio of achievements, and on the basis of the final diagnosis of subject and meta-subject results.

    7. Where to accumulate mark grades? In the tables of educational results (subject, meta-subject, personality) and in the “Portfolio of student achievement”.

    What is“ACHIEVEMENT PORTFOLIO”? - this is a collection of works and results that show the student’s efforts, progress and achievements in various fields (study, creativity, communication, health, useful work for people, etc.), as well as the student’s self-analysis of his current achievements and shortcomings, which allows him to determine goals of its further development.

    The main sections of the Achievement Portfolio:

      indicators of objective results (tests, data from the results tables, samples of design, creative and other works in various subjects);

      meta-subject outcome indicators;

      indicators of personal results (primarily in extracurricular activities).

    The student must replenish the “Portfolio of Achievements” and evaluate its materials.

    The teacher replenishes only a small mandatory part   (after tests), and the rest   teaches a student how to replenish a portfolio with a basic set of materials and evaluate them on a qualitative scale: “normal”, “good”, “almost excellent”, “excellent”, “excellent”.

    Sample Portfolio of achievement for students of the 5th grade of school No. 15 of Chelyabinsk

      Student performance

    BUT)   in subjects for the quarter and year

    B)   extracurricular activities for the year

      Effectiveness of participation in the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

    BUT) School stage

    B)Municipal stage

    IN)   Regional stage

      The effectiveness of participation in the Intellectual Cup of the Head of Administration of Chelyabinsk

    BUT) School stage

    4 . Effectiveness of participation in Intellectual competitions at various stages of its holding BUT)   Step into the Future


    IN)   Regional Conference "Heritage"

    D)   City contest "Homeland, forever beloved" (My first report)

    D)   "From antiquity to the present" (city and regional stages)

    E)   City competition "History of the museum exhibit"

    G)   Intellectual and creative potential of Russia “Cognition and creativity” “Constellation of talents”. All-Russian competition

    H)   Competitions of the Center for Humanitarian Development "Perspective". All-Russian competition

    5 . Indicators of personal results in educational activities

      Russian language

    Presentations on the following topics have been prepared.

    Messages prepared, speeches on the following topics




    Presentation of educational material in other classes on the following topics






      English language




      Social science

    6 . Indicators of personal results in extracurricular activities

    Students put their certificates on the results of participation in a particular competition

      Russian language

    - All-Russian game - competition "Russian teddy bear - linguistics for all"

    All-Russian contest "Mother tongue"


    Literary contest "Pegasus"

    All-Russian competition "Olympus"


    All-Russian competition "Olympus"

    All-Russian contest "Kangaroo"

      English language

    All-Russian competition "Olympus"

    All-Russian contest "English Bulldog"


    All-Russian competition "Olympus"


    All-Russian competition "Olympus"


    All-Russian competition "Olympus"

    All-Russian competition "Chronicler"

      Social science

    All-Russian competition "Olympus"

    All-Russian competition "Chronicler"

    7 .   Indicators of meta-subject (universal) results(The Diagnostic book “The system for assessing the achievements of the planned results of the development of the LLC Program LLC program. Initial Diagnostics” was used. Authors NN Titarenko, publishing house Chelyabinsk Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of educators)

    Write your results in the table. In the column “Dynamics”, mark with the “+” sign those results that you were able to improve, and with the “-” sign those that you need to continue working on (see Appendix No.


    Result No. 1

    Result No. 2


    Integrated work

    Russian language and literary reading


    Science subjects

    Social science subjects

    Write down which tests you have achieved success


    Think what difficulties still remain. Write down


    8.   Publications

    Students attach certificates, certificates of publication of materials in print media and the Internet space to this file.

    9.   Our interesting, eventful, informative life in the classroom

    In this table, students mark their participation in certain class events (Appendix No. 1)

    10 . Indicators of personal results in extracurricular activities

    In this file, students enclose certificates, certificates, diplomas, diplomas on the participation of students in extracurricular activities: sports sections, theater groups, a music school, etc.

    Here is such an option for creating a “PORTFOLIO OF ACHIEVEMENTS” of students I tested with this student in the 5th grade this school year

    (Appendix No. 1)

    Participation in the activities of his class of students of the 5th grade ________________________

    in the 2013-2014 academic year

    Event Name

    the date of the

    during a year

    Literary workshop of Natalia Krupina

    during a year

    Book and reading holiday "Book Boulevard" CHOUNPB

    Presentation of his candidacy for the position of “President of the class”

    september 2014

    School competition of children's creativity "City of the Young"

    september-October 2013

    Collage "My favorite city"

    september-October 2013

    FlashMOB for Teacher's Day

    october 2013

    The game "What?" Where? When?"

    november 2013

    The program "Nuclear icebreaker fleet." DP and Sh them N.K. Krupskaya

    november 2013

    Rally "Pugachev's List"

    october 2013

    Sports "Dad, Mom, I - Sports Family"

    october 2013

    Conference "History in Faces: Emelyan Pugachev and Others".

    Excursion to Sysert (Porcelain factory, house - P.P.Bazhov Museum, Pugachevsky places)

    Car tour "My city Chelyabinsk"

    october 2014

    Starry Hour: Faster! Higher! Stronger!"

    New Year's play “Vivat, Hercules!”. Hall to them. S. Prokofiev

    december 2013

    New Year's (school) performance

    december 2013

    Ballet "Sleeping Beauty" Theater named after F. Glinka

    Availability of publication in the book “The Most True Stories”

    april - May 2014

    Participation in the project "My TANKOGRAD"

    march-April 2014

    Excursion to the library named after A.S. Pushkin.

    Creating a collage "Our parents"

    february - March 2014

    The game "Russian World"

    april 2014

    Walk around Kirovka (the story of the sculpture)

    Presentation of the III South Ural Literary Prize. CHOUNPB.

    Concert dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Rainbow dance group

    A lesson in courage. CHOUNPB

    Poetic collage "We are on the Boulevard of Glory ..."

    Photo and video shooting   of events

    during a year

    Newspaper Creation

      New Year's

    • Cosmonautics Day

    Fulfillment of the assignment of the class teacher

    during a year

    Student Achievement Portfolio Statement

    IOU Nazarevskaya secondary secondary school

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. “Achievement portfolio” is an obligatory component of determining the final grade in the main educational program, supplementing the Federal State Educational Standard.

    1.2. Purpose of creating a Portfolio:

    To collect the student’s work and results, which show the student’s efforts, progress and achievements in various fields (study, creativity, communication, health, useful work for people, etc.),

    To motivate the student to self-analyze his current achievements and shortcomings, allowing himself to determine the goals of his further development.

    1.3. Tasks for creating a Portfolio:

    Save the results of ALL student achievements - educational and extracurricular - for all four years of primary school. During the year, a similar task is solved by the Tables of Results and the Diary of the student, and the “Portfolio of Achievements” can collect and accumulate it;

    To save information about the student’s problem-solving process, about the dynamics of his achievements and mistakes, which are not able to display the result tables and the more so the official journal, where the marks save information only about the final result of the decision;

    To develop the student’s ability to learn: independently think over the motives of their actions, set a goal, plan and organize its achievement, independently evaluate the result; confirm the effectiveness of the teacher’s work during its certification, when the materials of the “Portfolio of Achievements” can undergo an external assessment that records the student’s progress through a comparison of the initial and final results.

    1.4. Participants Tasks educational process.


    Learn to replenish and evaluate the materials of your portfolio, teachers:

    Teach the student how to replenish the portfolio with the basic set of materials and evaluate them on a qualitative scale: “normal”, “good”, “almost excellent”, “excellent”, “excellent” (Appendix No. 1),

    Use the tables of results after the final control work in subjects (once a trimester) and diagnostics of meta-subject results (approximately once a year),

    To help the child in the collection and design of portfolio materials,

    To help the child in the analysis and self-assessment of their achievements,

    To help the child to think over the motives of his actions, to teach to set a goal, to plan and organize its achievement, to independently evaluate the result.

    Indicators of objective results (tests, data from the results tables, samples of design, creative and other works in various subjects);

    Meta-subject outcome indicators;

    Indicators of personal results (primarily in extracurricular activities).

    2.1. Portfolio Section Names:

    1) "Who I am and what I want."

    This section contains the student’s personal reflection, including based on the materials of the “Portfolio” itself, this is part of his personal results.

    2) “What I learned in ALL subjects”: working with information, communicating with people, organizing my own affairs, choosing and evaluating actions.

    This section reflects personal meta-subjects and results - universal training activities: regulatory, cognitive, communicative.

    3) "What I learned on DIFFERENT subjects."

    This section presents the subject results of the student (Appendix No. 3)

    4) "Achievements OUT of study."

    This section reflects personal results   student.

    5) “Rules for maintaining the Portfolio of achievements and evaluating its materials”.

    This section is needed to determine the final grade.

    2.2. The presentation form of the “Achievement Portfolio” is a folder with files storing materials on paper and on electronic media (disks, flash drives).

    At the same time, the “Portfolio of Achievements” can exist in electronic form. It can automatically receive data from electronic Results Tables and from the Electronic Diary. The student can freely replenish it and from time to time (at least once a year) his materials can be copied and transferred to the folder - “official” “Portfolio of achievements”

    2.3. The order and terms of replenishment of the portfolio.

    The student can at any time place in any section any material about his successes: drawings, letters, photos of performances, sheets of completed assignments, awards, etc.

    Starting from the 2nd grade, a student (trained by a teacher) carries out a self-assessment of the materials of his achievements portfolio on a qualitative scale: “normal”, “good”, “excellent”, “excellent”. Self-assessment of materials can be carried out at the choice of the student at different times: simultaneously with the placement of the material (for example, a picture) in the portfolio; at the end of the trimester or school year - all or some of the materials at once. If a student ceases to consider any material his achievement, he can remove it from the folder at any time, except for the results of the required part.

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    The teacher replenishes only the obligatory part: once in the trimester he places the subject tests in the student’s folder and reminds him to put a copy of the Diary page with the Results Table there.
      At the end of the school year, the teacher puts in the folder diagnostic meta-subject papers (except for personal results) and their systematized data - a copy from the Results Table.

    2.4. The procedure for determining a comprehensive assessment based on the materials of the “Portfolio of Achievements”

    Mandatory materials (replenished by the teacher): subject control, diagnostic meta-subject work fall into the "Portfolio of Achievements" already with ready-made qualitative assessments on a scale of success levels.

    Tables of results systematize these estimates in the form of conclusions.

    Materials that are replenished by the student are evaluated on the same scale of levels of success by the student.

    Maximum level


    Advanced (software) level




    Known task solved completely independently


    A well-known familiar problem is solved, but with errors or with someone's help

    The procedure for determining the integrated accumulated assessment of educational results

    A comprehensive accumulated assessment is a conclusion based on all materials of the “Portfolio of Achievements”, which should contain answers to the questions in the questionnaire “Expert integrated accumulated assessment of student's achievements”



    On the grounds of three levels of success.

    The required level (basic) is the solution of a typical problem, similar to those that have already been solved many times, where worked-out actions were required (the section “The student will learn” of the sample program) and acquired knowledge (included in the reference knowledge system of the subject in sample program) This is enough to continue education, it is possible and necessary for everyone. Qualitative assessments are “good, but not excellent” or “normal” (solving a problem with shortcomings).

    Advanced level (software) - solving a non-standard problem, where it was required:

    Or an action in a new, unusual situation (including actions from the section “The student can learn” in the sample program);

    Or the use of new, currently acquired knowledge (including those that go beyond the framework of the support system of knowledge on the subject).

    The ability to act in a non-standard situation is a difference from the level that everyone needs. Qualitative assessments: “excellent” or “almost excellent” (solution to a problem with shortcomings).

    The maximum level (OPTIONAL) is the solution to the “super-task” that was not studied in the class, which required either independently acquired, not studied knowledge, or new, independently acquired skills and actions required at the next levels of education. This demonstrates the exceptional success of individual students on specific topics beyond school requirements. Qualitative assessment - "excellent."

    Qualitative assessments of success levels can be translated into marks on any scale: traditional 5-point (rethought and preferably refined with the help of pluses), 10-point, 100-point, 6-point, etc.




    1) “Who I am and what I want” (reflection on the materials of the “Portfolio” - part of the personal results)

    Brief information about the student about himself at the beginning of the 1st grade (filled with parents).

    For example: photo; my name is my parents, my friends ...

    Most of all I love (business, activities) ...

    Before school, I had a lot of success, for example: ...

    At the beginning of each school year, a student, with the help of adults, fills out the sheet “My achievements, goals and plans”.

    For example: “Scrolling through the Portfolio of Achievements, I can say that:

    My main achievements now are ...

    I want to achieve ..., become ...

    I need to learn to do better ....

    This year I will try to learn first of all: ...

    I can achieve this if I do this:

    1. ... 2. ... 3. ... ".

    At the end of the school year, on the sheet “My Achievements, Goals, and Plans,” the student (with the help of adults) evaluates whether they have achieved their goals.

    Starting from the 3rd grade, by the decision of the teaching staff and with the consent of the parents, the following section may appear:

    “Fill only what you can and want to tell - to others: My ancestors are ________. Remembering them, I feel _________ because __________.

    My people are _______. Feeling my connection with him, I feel ___________,

    because__________ ________________________________________________. I live in Russia, and _______________ connects with my country. Remembering that I am from Russia, I feel _______________ because ____________________________________________.

    With all the people of planet Earth I’m connected by what ___________________________________________.

    2) "What I learned in ALL subjects."

    Mandatory part of the section (updated by teachers):

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    a) data of the input and output diagnostics of the ECM in each class (the student’s work itself and their systematic results - Table of results from the Diary);

    b) possible (but optional) materials of teachers' observations of mastering the ECM:

    Primary school teacher and GPA teacher - all UUD according to the results of daily observations (once a year according to the Results Tables - copies of the Diary page);

    School psychologist - personal-motivational sphere, personal self-esteem (only positive conclusions from observations and testing);

    Any teacher - observation of participation in group work (communicative UUD - only positive results are presented).

    Example of the sheet “Monitoring Participation in a Group Work” * (for one lesson, monitoring is per student, per week - all students in the same group, per month - all students in the class)

    Scheme for recording observation results:


    The number of answers (thoughts) of the student during the discussion
    ("+/-" - logical / no

    Number of student questions during the discussion
    («+ + +»)

    Discussion Behavior
    (politeness, rudeness, attention / inattention to the opinions of others)

    Conflict of action clash of opinions and interests
    (reaction to criticism, a form of criticism of someone else’s opinion, a manifestation of the ability to compromise, develop and recognize a common solution, etc.)

    Petya M.

    + + - + -

    Lena S.

    Evaluation of observation results:

    Maximum level

    "The true leader"

    It can resolve an acute conflict, calm and attract everyone to work, lead the group to a result

    Program level

    “Great member”

    Long-term and steadily active in the process of deciding and presenting results, constantly correct, takes into account the opinions of others

    Required level

    "Good member"

    Active, logical, polite in the decision process (but not always when presenting the result); listens to others, but may not reckon with their opinions, may become furious, offended, refuse to work

    “I still have a lot to learn”

    Not very active, reacts only to familiar material.
    Speaks himself, but does not hear others, violates the rules of courtesy, tries to impose his opinion on others

    “I am at the beginning of the journey”

    Almost does not speak out, agrees with any opinion or does not react in any way

    The part replenished by the student in the section “What I learned in all subjects”.

    a) self-esteem by the student of the development of their UUD - copies of the pages of the Diary:

    Selected Weekly U-Turn Pages: “My Success This Week.” Examples - any, very different: "learned to peel potatoes"; “There were fewer mistakes in the control in mathematics”, “she performed at a concert”, “he went a new level in a computer game”, “he repaired a stool”, “mother praised that she washed the dishes”, “I never had a fight”, etc. .,

    Diary page “What I learned in all subjects this year”;

    b) materials of student over-subject projects: research, crafts, events, solving a real life problem or its model (the whole set of UUD).

    Materials may include: research work itself; recordings of the solution to the problem, photos, videos, presentation materials of crafts and implemented activities - everything that the CAM student considers necessary to include here. But for him to do this, he should be regularly offered to do it and remind him of such an opportunity. Each material or group of materials may be accompanied by a sheet “Self-assessment of a subject project”. It is also necessary to remind students from time to time about the necessity and usefulness of evaluating their achievements: “Is it interesting to look at your achievements? Try to evaluate your success yourself. ”

    Example sheet “Self-assessment of a subject project”

    1. At the beginning of this project I had a goal ....

    4. I can evaluate my result as follows (to choose)

    Maximum level


    Unusual result, it will be difficult to repeat

    Program level





    3) “What I learned on DIFFERENT subjects”

    Indicators of objective results are samples of children's works (formalized and creative) for subjects and electives, as well as systematic estimates for them (Tables of objective results from the Diary).

    The obligatory part, replenished by the teacher: Shows the required level of action from all, is placed in the "Portfolio of achievements":

    Starting diagnostics on a subject (the first control work on a subject at the beginning of each year);

    Tables of subject results from the Diaries (paper or electronic copies) with the student's answers to the self-analysis questionnaire about their current achievements and shortcomings;

    Final standardized work on the subject (at the end of the 4th grade). Part that is replenished by the student: each material accompanies the “Self-esteem Sheet”.

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    An example of a “Self-Assessment Leaf of Substantive Achievements”

    1. My task (task) was to: ....

    2. I coped with the task / failed.

    3. The task was completed without errors (or there are some shortcomings): ...

    4. The task was completed independently (or with the help of (whom) ...

    5. My work by me and the teacher was evaluated as follows (words-characteristics and, possibly, mark):

    Maximum level


    Solved a new, completely unfamiliar task

    Program level


    Unusual, somewhat new problem solved



    A familiar problem is solved completely independently


    A familiar problem has been solved, but with errors or with someone’s help

    Examples of materials on subjects:

    Russian language, Literary reading, Foreign language: expositions, essays, dictations, audio recordings of monologues and dialogues, reader's diary, written creative works of children, etc.

    Mathematics: records of solving problems, created mathematical models (drawings, diagrams), audio recordings of mathematical reasoning and evidence, mini-studies, etc.

    The world around us: completed tasks of a workbook, audio recordings of oral answers, subject mini-projects, results of mini-studies, observation diaries, creative works, etc.

    Fine Arts, Music and Technology: audio-video recordings and photographs, illustrations, products of one's own creativity, audio recordings of monologues-descriptions, etc.

    Physical education: photos, videos of performing activities, diaries of self-monitoring of physical development, self-compiled daily routine and complexes of physical exercises, etc.

    4) “Achievements OUT of study” (personal results). It can be:

    Any creative work of the student, photos, videos of his various performances, crafts, etc .;

    Each or most of them is accompanied by a sheet “Self-esteem of creative work”.

    Example sheet "Self-esteem of creative work":

    1. At the beginning of this business, I had a goal ....

    2. I was especially good at ...

    3. Next time I will try to do better ...

    4. I can evaluate my result as follows (optional):

    Maximum level


    Very high result, it will be difficult to repeat

    Program level


    Very satisfied, as the result is different from the usual



    Satisfied, similar to what I usually do


    The goal is achieved, but next time I will do a lot differently



    The teacher begins to use the tables of results only after conducting the final control work in subjects (once per trimester) and diagnostics of meta-subject results (approximately once a year). After carrying out such work, the teacher puts marks for each of the tasks in the table of results. In the current work, when filling out the official journal, the teacher is guided by the usual rules. Marks in the table of results are set:

    In the 1st grade, in the form of a “+” (standings, solution of a problem, completion of a task) or absence of “-” (a task is not solved, a task has not been completed),

    In grades 2-4, marks are put on the traditional 5-point scale. This data is used to track how specific students cope with program requirements (how successful they are). The teacher transfers only these data to the Student's Portfolio of Achievements. The student replenishes the remaining materials in the portfolio of achievements independently (in consultation with the teacher).

    Thanks to these efforts, students will acquire the ability to self-esteem, a number of qualities of control and evaluation independence; the administration, teacher and parents will be able to track the real successes and achievements of each student, receive the necessary data for a comprehensive cumulative assessment. However, since an incomplete set of assessment rules is used, indicators of comfort and a conscious attitude of students to learning activities will not change so significantly.

    Portfolio of Achievements.

    The optimal way to organize an accumulative assessment system is the student's portfolio of achievements (portfolio).

    Portfolio is not only a modern effective form of assessment, but also an effective tool for solving a number of important pedagogical tasks, allowing:

      maintain high educational motivation of students;

      to encourage their activity and independence, to expand the possibilities of learning and self-learning;

      develop skills of reflective and evaluative activities of students;

      to form the ability to learn - to set goals, plan and organize your own educational activities.

    Creating a portfolio is a fascinating, collaborative, painstaking work of children and their parents, under the guidance of a teacher. Its creation should be taken carefully and seriously - after all, this is the face of a child.

    The portfolio of students in my class consists of 6 sections. This structure is included in the main educational program of elementary general education of our school in the section "System for assessing the achievement of the planned results of the development of PLO NOO

    Section 1: “It's me! We will be familiar ”   familiarization, in which the child talks about himself, beautifully draws up the title page with a photograph, puts in all kinds of postcards and greetings donated by the beginning of the school year.

    “My name” the child gives a transcript of his name, who and why exactly called him that.

    “My family” here tells about each member of the family or makes a short story about his family.

    “My friends”, a small essay is written about their friends, what they are, what they like to do. If there are photos, then they are attached. (This section is formed by the student himself with his parents).

    "My achievements"   This section contains letters, certificates, diplomas, letters of appreciation, as well as final certification statements. Moreover, in elementary school should not be divided by the importance of academic success and success, for example, in sports.

    Section 3: “My studies”. An obligatory component of this section is the materials for starting diagnostics, intermediate and final administrative work in individual subjects. The rest of the work should be selected so that their combination demonstrates the growing success of the student.

    “Learning to study”This section reflects systematic materials for observing the process of mastering meta-subject skills (primary school teachers, other subject teachers, school psychologist, and other direct participants in the educational process)

    "My art"   In this section, the child places his creative work. If voluminous work is done, you need to put her photo. Parents and teachers need to give full freedom to the child when filling out this section.

    Section 6: "Reviews and suggestions."   At the end of each school year, the teacher writes the student a characterization that is embedded in this section. Here, the child himself can write his wishes to teachers and his native school, how he would like to see them and what would change. This section reflects only the positive dynamics in the development of the student, plans for a new academic year.

    Evaluation of certain achievements included in the portfolio can be both qualitative and quantitative.

    The motto of working with a portfolio of a primary school student should be the phrase: "The student’s daily creative process must be fixed.".

    The undoubted value of the portfolio lies in the fact that it helps to increase the student’s self-esteem, maximally reveals the individual capabilities of each child, and develops motivation for further creative growth. Therefore, it is extremely important to learn for yourself and explain to the child that compiling a portfolio is not a race for diplomas and all kinds of letters! The process of participation in educational activities or creative work is important.