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  • What children are included in PMDK dow. Material on the topic: pmpk protocol

    What children are included in PMDK dow. Material on the topic: pmpk protocol

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    Experience on the topic: "ORGANIZATION OF WORK PMPK in preschool" Vyksa 2013. MBDOU kindergarten №34 "Teremok" sa №34 "Teremok"

    1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation. 2. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. 3. The law of the Russian Federation "On education". 4. The Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child". 5. Law No. 181-ФЗ “On Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”. REGULATIONS:

    6. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “Organization of work of a psychological, medical and pedagogical consilium in educational institutions” dated March 27, 2000 No. 27/901 - 6. 7. Instructive letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2000. No. 2 “On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center of a general education institution” 8. The charter and local acts governing the organization of the educational process in pre-school educational institutions. 9. Regulations on the PMPK MDOU d / s №34 "Teremok". REGULATIONS:

    Creating a complete system that provides optimal pedagogical conditions for children with learning difficulties in accordance with age and individual characteristics, level of intellectual development, the state of somatic and neuropsychic health of children. The purpose of psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation

    Timely detection and comprehensive examination of children of preschool age with disabilities. Survey of children of preschool age in order to identify their readiness for learning and determine the content, forms and methods of their training and education in accordance with the characteristics of their physical and mental development. Diagnostic and correctional work with children on the basis of MBDOU. Identification of the level and characteristics of the development of cognitive activity (memory, speech, attention, performance and other mental functions), the study of emotional and volitional and personal development. Identify the child's reserve capabilities, develop recommendations for teachers. Choosing the best curriculum for child development. Determination of the nature, duration and effectiveness of special (correctional) assistance within the framework of the opportunities available in this educational institution. Prevention of physical, intellectual and emotional overloads and disruptions, the organization of therapeutic and recreational activities. Preparation and maintenance of documentation reflecting the actual development of the child, the dynamics of his state, the level of success in training. Organization of interaction between the teaching staff of the institution and the specialists participating in the work of the council. PMPK tasks

    The main functions of the MPSP: 1. Conducting an in-depth psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnosis of the child throughout the entire period of his stay in the kindergarten. 2. Diagnostics of individual features of a personality, programming the possibilities of its correction. 3. Providing a general and individual correctional and developmental orientation of the educational process. 4. Creating a climate of psychological comfort for all participants in the educational process.

    The structure of the organization of the activities of PMPK

    The structure of the MPSP includes: The chairman of the MPSP: - senior educator. PMPK members: - educational psychologist; - teacher speech therapist; - medical worker; - teachers working with children. The structure of the organization of the activities of PMPK

    Stages of the creation and organization of the activity of the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation of the preschool educational institution. The order on the pre-school educational institution. The establishment of the PPSC. The provision on the PTPC. The agreement on interaction with the municipal PMPC. Responsible: head of preschool educational institution, chairman of PMPK DOW Schedule of work of MPPK

    Admission of children to the council. at the request of parents on the initiative of teachers Written consent of the parents to the examination of the child. for medical reasons unscheduled: at the request of participants in the educational process

    The agreement between the DOE and the parents (legal representatives) of the pupil of the DOU The register of children at the PMSP The stages of creation and organization of the activity of the psychological and medico-pedagogical consultation of the DOU

    The first specialist of the group is appointed as the leading specialist in the correctional and developmental work with the pupil, but another specialist may also be appointed. Discussion of the child at the consultation is planned for two weeks before the meeting. The chairperson of the POMPK informs the parents and experts of the consultation about the need to discuss the problem, organizes the preparation and conduct of the meeting of the POMPK. The leading specialist of the child under discussion shall agree with the chairperson the list of specialists participating in the consultation. Specialists working with a child are required 3 days prior to the MPSP to provide the leading specialist with a description of the child’s developmental dynamics since the last consultation. A psychological, medical and pedagogical support card, containing recommendations of an individual approach to working with him, is established on a child discussed at a consultation. The map excludes the possibility of acquaintance with its content by unauthorized persons. Preparing PMPK

    PMPK is conducted under the direction of the chairman of the consultation. At the PMPK meeting, the leading specialist, as well as all the specialists participating in the examination or remedial work, present the conclusions on the child and recommendations. The conclusion of the experts, the collegial conclusion of the PMSP are brought to the notice of the parents in an easily understandable form, the proposed recommendations are implemented only with their consent. When sending to the MPSP, a copy of the collegial conclusion of the council of the educational institution is handed out; Copies of expert reports are sent only by mail or are accompanied by a representative from the PPSC. To other institutions and organizations of the opinion of specialists and the collegial conclusion of the POMPK may be sent only upon official request. The protocol of the PMPK is made out by the secretary of the council no later than 3 days after it is held and signed by the chairman and all members of the MPPK. The chairperson and members of the VIPP are personally responsible for the confidentiality of information about the child obtained during the work of the council. The order of the PMPK

    Pedagogical presentation (characteristic), which reflects the problems arising from the teacher working with the child Extract from the history of the development of the pupil (history) Presentation: psychological - teacher - psychologist; speech therapy - teacher - speech therapist; medical - medical specialists. Stage 2 - individual examination of the child by experts of the consultation. Responsible specialists PMPK

    Stage 3 - collegial discussion. Determining the educational route and remedial assistance. Minutes of the consultation. Journal of registration of the conclusions and recommendations of experts and the collective conclusion and recommendations of the PMPK. The final conclusion with the recommendations of specialists, participants in educational activities. Documentation.

    Documents: a copy of the collegial conclusion of the PMPK; referral with the conclusions of doctors; speech therapy presentation; psychological performance; psychological and pedagogical characteristics; drawings and other results of the productive activity of the child; a copy of the disability certificate (if available). According to the results of the PMPK, the 4th stage - referral of the child to the municipal psychological, medical and pedagogical commission of the group of compensatory orientation of the DOE. Consultative assistance of specialists.

    Documentation: child development map; plans for remedial and developmental activities of all experts of the consultation. Responsible: the child’s curator, all experts of the consultation. Stage 5 - coordination of the activities of specialists in correctional and developmental work.

    Specialist documents: register of individual and group classes; consultation log. Specialists of the consultation fill out the card of child development. Stage 6 - implementation of the recommendations of the consultation. Stage 7 - evaluation of the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work.

    Psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations Planned Unscheduled Conducted at least 1 time in a quarter according to the results of diagnostics. They are collected at the request of participants in the educational process.

    identification of ways of psychological, medical and pedagogical support of children with developmental problems; development of coordinated decisions on the definition of the educational correctional-developing route of the child; dynamic assessment of the child’s condition and correction of the previously scheduled program. The tasks of organizing the activities of the planned consultation.

    deciding whether to take any emergency measures due to the identified circumstances; change of the earlier correctional development program in case of its inefficiency. The tasks of organizing the activities of an unscheduled consilium.

    In the course of the PMPK activity, the following documentation is issued: 1. Annual plan and schedule of scheduled meetings of the MPSP 2. Journal of children's enrollment in the MPSP. 3. The journal of registration of opinions, recommendations of experts and collegial conclusions and recommendations of the PMPK. 4. Pupils development cards. 5. The list of experts of the consultation, the schedule of their work. 6. Maps of psychological, medical and pedagogical support for children. 7. Minutes of the PMPK meetings. 8. The log of the archive of the PMPK.

    Integration of specialists and legal representatives of the child during the correctional and developmental work

    Thanks for attention!

    Minutes of the meeting №1

    MBDOU kindergarten №43

    Results of the adaptation of the newly arrived preschoolers. Determination of the content of the program.

    From 01.09.2014



    1. Consideration of the regulatory and legal documentation governing the activities of the POMPK.
    2. Adoption of the work plan for the 2014-2015 academic year.
    3. Determination of the composition of the specialists of PMPK and the organization of their interaction.
    4. Results of adaptation;
    5. Determination of methods and timing of examination of children at risk by MBDOU specialists.

    Listened to:

    1. Stepkin N.M. with the plan of work of the program for the 2014-2015 academic year.
    2. Balandinu TS with the proposal to include the following teachers in the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation for the 2014-2015 academic year to accompany students with special needs: Kuzmenko EV, Kovalchuk NG, Buzinu A.A., Kvashinu V .G. - Art Nurse, the chairman to appoint the tutor Stepkin N.M.
    3. Buzinu A.A. , Kuzmenko E.V., Kovalchuk N.G. with the results of the adaptation of the newly arrived preschoolers. Particular attention was paid to the reserve development opportunities for preschoolers.
    4. Stepkin N.M. with the proposal to organize the examination of children at risk by MBDOU specialists.

    The decision of the PMPK:

    1. Take note of the Regulations on the POM.
    2. Approve the proposed work schedule and work plan of the consultation to accompany pupils with special needs.
    3. Approve the proposed composition of the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation on the support of pupils with special needs. Appoint N.M.
    4. Prepare the necessary documentation of the program, reflecting the development of the child, the dynamics of his condition as necessary during the 2014-2015 school year.

    PMPK members:

    Buzina A.A.

    Minutes of the meeting number 2

    psychological - Medico - Pedigagical Consilium (PMPK)

    MBDOU kindergarten №43

    Analysis of the results of examination of children by specialists.

    From 04.03.2015

    Chairman of the MPPK Stepkina Nadezhda Mikhailovna

    PMPK members:

    Kuzmenko Elena Vladimirovna tutor

    Kovalchuk Natalya Grigorievna educator

    Buzina Anastasia Anatolevna tutor

    Kvashina Valentina Grigorievna Art. nurse


    1. Discussion of the results of the examination of children by MBDOU specialists;
    2. Determining educational routes and the nature of assistance for these children;
    3. Analysis of pre-readiness for school.

    Listened to:

    1. Kvashinu V.G. with a report on the results of the examination of children by specialists of MBDOU.
    2. Kvashinu V.G. with suggestions about the nature of care given to children.
    3. Kovalchuk N.G. with an analysis of the prior readiness of children of the preparatory group of schooling.

    The decision of the PMPK:

    1. According to the results of the survey, children in need of accompanying MPSP for educational needs were not identified.
    2. The teachers of the preparatory group take into account in their work the individual characteristics of the development of the child, his / her abilities, needs and build the educational process in accordance with it. Build relationships with children based on emotional control and contact.

    The Chairman of the PMPK ________________ Stepkina N.M.

    PMPK members:

    Kuzmenko E.V.

    Kovalchuk N.G.

    Buzina A.A.

    Kvashina V.G.

    Minutes of the meeting number 3

    psychological - Medico - Pedigagical Consilium (PMPK)

    MBDOU kindergarten №43

    Correctional psychologically-pedagogical work with children with developmental problems. Advisory classes for parents.

    From 04.03.2014


    Chairman of the MPPK Stepkina Nadezhda Mikhailovna

    Present: Balandina Tatiana Sergeevna Head

    Kuzmenko Elena Vladimirovna tutor

    Kovalchuk Natalya Grigorievna educator

    Buzina Anastasia Anatolevna tutor

    Kvashina Valentina Grigorievna Art. nurse


    1. Analysis of the results of diagnostics and determination of the dynamics of work with children who need correction.
    2. Analysis of the final diagnosis of the child to school (state of health and physical development of children at risk).
    3. Preparation of recommendations for parents and teachers to further accompany children at risk.
    4. Formation of collegial conclusions.

    Listened to:

    1. Stepkin N.M. on the results of diagnostics of children in need of correction, and the definition of further work with children.
    2. Kovalchuk N.G. on the results of the readiness of children of the preparatory group for school, health diagnostics, the physical condition of children
    3. Buzinu A.A. on the preparation of recommendations for parents and teachers to further accompany children at risk.
    4. Kuzmenko E.V. about the formation of collegial opinions.

    The decision of the PMPK:

    1. According to the results of diagnostics, to organize educational work with children in need of correction.
    2. In working with children of the preparatory group, to take into account the individual characteristics of the child, and the same his physical and somatic condition.
    3. Prepare the necessary advice for parents and teachers about working with children in need of correction.
    4. Issue a collegial conclusion.

    The Chairman of the PMPK ________________ Stepkina N.M.

    PMPK members:

    Kuzmenko E.V.

    Kovalchuk N.G.

    Buzina A.A.

    Kvashina V.G.

      Marina Aleksandrovna Sergeeva
    Organization of PMPK in pre-school. Experience.

    Organization of work  in MBDOU kindergarten of the combined type No. 3 "Stream"  Vyksa

    In the complex structure of disorders in children a significant place is occupied by speech disorders, which have organic nature. One of them is general speech underdevelopment. General speech underdevelopment (I, II, III level)  in our children is observed in the most complex forms of children's speech pathologies: alalia and dysarthria. Some children have phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment. Therefore, in addition to medical and social assistance, such children also need psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy correction. Children with imprisonment PMPK: general speech underdevelopment, phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment, mental retardation need special conditions learning: in our garden desk, this is a compensating group for children with severe speech disorders.

    In this regard, the main task of our preschool educational institution becomes the task of providing comprehensive social, psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance and support to children with ONR. Therefore, the issues of interaction of specialists of educational support services for us are particularly relevant.

    One of the steps to systematizing the support of the educational process was the use of this form workas a psychological, medical and pedagogical council.

    Purpose of the activity PMPK DOW: organization  helping children with disabilities and (or)  behavioral abnormalities, conducting their complex examination and preparing recommendations for the provision of psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children.

    The work of the PMPK is organized in accordance with

    RF Law "On Education"

    Federal Law "On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation" (№124-ФЗ from 07.24.1998)

    Federal Law "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation" (№181-ФЗ from 11/24/1995)

    By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On the approval of the provision on the psychological - medical-pedagogical commission" (№95 from 03/24/2009)

    Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On the creation of conditions for the education of children with disabilities and children with disabilities" (No. AF-150/06 dated 04.18.2008)

    Charter MBDOU

    Regulation on PMPK

    Us developed by:

    Plan pMPK works

    Plan for joint activities of preschool specialists

    Individual correctional development routes for disabled children, according to the opinion of the IPR

    Survey map (development)  child

    Journal of advisory assistance to parents of pupils

    The register of children not attending preschool with disabilities

    We considered that this is a necessary minimum package of documents, reflecting the entire pMPK work  and helping the interaction of preschool specialists.

    I bring to your attention the material from work experience  psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation of our preschool.

    All activities PMPK  governed by the Regulation on the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation of the preschool educational institution and is carried out according to developed programcomprising several stages:

    Scheduled meeting (September)

    Discussion of the results of the examination of children in need of remedial help;

    Determining ways of corrective impact on children;

    Approval of a complete set of a compensating orientation group for children with severe speech disorders;

    -Production  strategies of interaction of preschool educational institutions;

    Scheduled meeting (October November)

    The educational psychologist presents the results of a diagnostic examination.

    The conditions and ways of corrective impact on children are determined.

    Forms of documents are filled

    -Development of development maps, individual development routes for children with disabilities.

    They include:

    Purpose correctional work

    Scheduled meeting (January)

    Analysis of the dynamics of the development of children on the basis of the results of the intermediate survey

    Scheduled meeting (March, April)

    Discussion of the results of the examination by preschool specialists of children with speech and psychophysical developmental disorders

    The speech therapist and group tutors introduce the members of the consultation to the results of the diagnostic examination of children.

    Medical worker  provides information about the health of the child. The teacher-psychologist, on the basis of screening diagnostics, reveals children whose mental development levels do not correspond to the age norm. Each specialist fills out his package of documents.

    - Medical part: anamnesis, anthropometry, past diseases, expert opinion, health group, physical development, particularization of lateralization.

    - Pedagogical part: appearance, behavior in a group, play and communication, social and everyday skills, attitude to classes, motor development, tempo characteristics of activity, features of mastering a program, features of upbringing in a family.

    - Speech therapy unit: structure of the articulatory apparatus, mobility, general sounding of speech, sound pronunciation, syllable structure, vocabulary, grammatical structure, phonemic hearing, related speech.

    - Psychological part: features of perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination. Emotional-personal and social-volitional sphere. The nature of interpersonal relationships. Performance.

    After discussion and analysis of the information provided tsya:

    Collective conclusion; children's performances on the district PMPK

    Scheduled meeting (May)

    Results, the results of correctional and developing work for the academic year;

    An assessment of the dynamics of learning and correction of children is given.

    Report on the progress of experts work;

    Prospects for further work

    Unscheduled meetings

    At the request of specialists;

    At the request of parents (legal representatives)

    Reason for the unscheduled PMPK  is the negative developmental dynamics of the child and the need to change the previously conducted correctional work.

    Scheme of meetings PMPK

    1. Organizing time

    2. Hearing of the characteristics, representations of experts, their addition from the doctor, other members of the council

    3. Establishing a pedagogical diagnosis taking into account the recommendations of the IPR

    4. Exchange of views and suggestions for the correction of development

    5. Selection of educational programs optimal for the child.

    7. Development  individual correctional programs work with the child

    General leadership PMPK  rests with the head of the kindergarten, the senior educator is the chairman PMPK, appointed by order of the head of MBDOU.

    Part PMK included: head of preschool, senior educator, speech therapist, educational psychologist, senior honey. sister, preschool teachers, educators.

    One of the steps towards systematization of the educational support of our pre-school was a clear, well-coordinated the work of specialistswhich contributes not only to the timely identification of children in need of remedial development, but also helps to ensure the interaction of specialists in the process of remedial work  and monitoring the implementation of their recommendations.

    Corrective job  Dow specialists are conducted in all five areas of child development. For educators, monthly recommendations are made on individual work with childrenwhich are entered into a special sheet.

    We believe that in order to improve the learning of pupils, it is not necessary to get involved in detailed written characteristics. It is important to focus on collective discussions of the views of preschool teachers, and most importantly, on developing  measures of individual approach to individual pupils.

    So correctly organized work PMPK  allows you to coordinate activities and ensures the interaction of all specialists of DOE.

    After each meeting PMPK the secretary draws up the protocol, which is signed by all members of the council. The documentation is kept by the chairman. The information contained in it is strictly confidential. Based on protocol PMPK  the head of the institution issued an order.

    Chairman PMPK:

    Coordinates activities PMPK

    Provides interaction of all preschool staff

    Contact with parents (legal representatives)

    Responsible for the confidentiality of information about children who were examined

    Interaction PMPK  with parents pupil:

    The interaction is carried out on a contractual basis between MBDOU and parents (legal representatives)

    The examination of the child by specialists is carried out on the initiative of the parents.

    Changes in the conditions for receiving remedial assistance are carried out at the conclusion PMPK  and the statement of parents

    Conclusions of specialists, collective conclusion PMPK  communicated to parents (legal representatives)  and the proposed recommendations are implemented only with their consent.

    Krivosheeva I.V.

    Highest category speech therapist

    Municipal educational institution №1 of Kurganinsk

    Krasnodar region

    Preparing the younger generation for life in modern society requires that preschool educational institutions determine the psychological, emotional, physical, and social readiness of a child to school at different levels of upbringing and education. These requirements can be implemented with a differentiated approach to the goals and content of the correctional-educational process. The structural and informative design of the system of correctional and speech therapy education clearly indicates the problem of early prevention, diagnosis and correction of negative features and deficiencies in children's development as a priority and requiring the search for effective measures and methods for its solution.

    The sharp decline in the psychophysical, psycho-neurological health of children against the background of socio-pedagogical neglect and the deterioration of the social status of children in low-income families, families at risk has led to an increase in the number of children with developmental problems and to the creation of pre-school psychological and medical counseling councils. .

    Our time places high demands on kindergartens, according to which in the system of preschool education the psychological and pedagogical support of all participants in the educational process becomes the most popular. Therefore, concern for the realization of the child’s right to full and free development is today an integral goal of any kindergarten and school.

    After analyzing the state of physical and mental health of pupils of preschool educational institutions, we came to the conclusion that it was necessary to create conditions for organizing quality pre-school education for children with individual needs, in connection with which a council was created in pre-school education.

    The basis of the activities of the psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation are the following regulatory documents:

    1. Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    2. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

    3. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "Organization of the work of the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation in educational institutions" dated March 27, 2000 No. 27/901 - 6.

    4. Regulations on the PMPK

    The purpose of the MPSP is to provide the system of professional activity of the “team” of specialists aimed at creating social and psychological conditions for the successful development of each child, regardless of the level of his abilities in a particular social environment.

    As experience shows, in order for the activity of the SMPP to become effective, it is necessary to introduce an integrated approach to solving the problems of the child, to ensure the cohesion of the actions of the council experts and parents of children.

    • The development of the individual educational route for each child has become the focus of the activity of the program;
    • ensuring continuity and consistency in working with him;
    • making recommendations on the main areas of work with children;
    • advisory assistance to the family in matters of correctional and developmental education and training;
    • organizing and conducting methodological consultations with the specialists of the company.

    To accomplish these tasks, the MPSP specialists, DOW teachers and parents needed:

    • develop common views on the concepts and principles of support for the child in kindergarten. Readiness for perception of such a type of assistance as a consilium primarily consists of readiness for new views and activities:
    • be able to give and make decisions of a recommendatory nature;
    • responsibility for solving the child’s problems remains with his parents;
    • strive to solve every problem situation with the maximum benefit for the child;
    • provide continuous support at all stages of help in solving the problem;

    PMPK’s activities are carried out according to a developed plan, which includes three stages:

    • Preparatory (September)
    • Intermediate (November, February)
    • Final (May)

    During the year, scheduled (four meetings according to work stages) and unscheduled PMPK meetings are held. Unscheduled meetings are held at the request of specialists organizing correctional and developmental education with children, as well as at the request of parents (legal representatives) of pupils of the DOE.

    In September, at the scheduled preparatory meeting of the PMPK, forms of primary documents are issued. Children with complex disorders in speech and psychophysiological development are sent to the consultation. With each of their parents, an agreement is signed between the preschool educational institution and the parents (legal representatives) of the pupil of the pre-school educational institution about its psychological, medical and pedagogical examination and support, and a statement of consent of the child’s examination is completed. As a rule, this is done by the head of DOW. According to the signed contract, he informs the pupil's parents about the conditions of his psychological, medical and pedagogical examination and support by the council experts.

    This meeting also includes:

    • The journal of children's records on the PMPK, in which later the full name, birth date of children sent to the council, occasion and initiator of the appeal are entered.
    • The register of the conclusions and recommendations of the PMSP specialists, which is filled in at each meeting.
    • Journal of information about the development of pupils, which is filled before the re-examination at the PMSP

    The speech therapist and the educational psychologist acquaint the members of the consultation with plans for working with children who have particular peculiarities of speech and psychophysiological development. Jointly drawn up a work plan for the MPSP, a schedule of meetings, a complex system of remedial work in the DOE is approved.

    In order to provide comprehensive support for children, we have included the following specialists in the composition of the pre-school institution;

    • Head;
    • Senior Speech Therapist;
    • Senior caregiver;
    • Speech therapist;
    • Educational psychologist;
    • Health worker;
    • Educators senior and preparatory groups.

    The consultation is conducted under the guidance of the chairman (senior speech therapist)

    In the course of at least 2 weeks, the chairperson of the VIPP informs parents (legal representatives) and experts of the council about the need to discuss developmental problems of a particular child, organizes the preparation and holding of the session of the VIPPK.

    Each specialist draws up the necessary documentation to the council. For example, a pedagogical psychologist, based on the results of diagnostics of older preschoolers, identifies children with a level of mental development that does not meet the age norm. Further, he conducts in-depth diagnostics of the mental sphere (memory, attention, perception, thinking), the development of emotional-personal, motivational-volitional spheres. After that, the presentation of the educational psychologist is filled in for each child.

    The speech therapist, in turn, conducts a speech therapy examination of children, identifying preschoolers with complex speech disorders, and fills in a speech therapy presentation on them.

    Educators make up for children with deviations in psycho-speech development, pedagogical characteristics, which reflect the difficulties experienced by a particular pupil in various situations; features of the individual characteristics of their training and education.

    The health worker presents an information sheet on the state of health of preschoolers and an extract from the history of development.

    The head supervises the activities of the PMPK.

    The results of the diagnostic examination are submitted to a consultation, where we invite: the head, parents, educators, doctors, teachers. The meeting takes place in a very friendly atmosphere, in an atmosphere of emotional comfort, each meeting participant is given the opportunity to speak.

    Tutors of preschool educational institutions, medical workers are heard. The information received from conversations with parents is voiced. Presents the results of the diagnosis of neuro-psychological development of children. The results of the episodic control of the manager and senior educator are heard. A psychological and pedagogical analysis of the state of affairs is carried out, specific difficulties and the reasons causing these difficulties are determined.

    This conversation is necessary in order to coordinate the actions of specialists in remedial work, develop a plan of work with the child for a year, draw the attention of parents to development problems, enlist their support, suggest a set of activities at home.

    Consilium allows solving issues with parents about consulting other specialists, working out a general pedagogical strategy for teaching and educating each child, taking into account diagnostic data and systematic observations

    In November, at the second scheduled meeting (interim stage), the results of the examination of children with psycho-speech development presented by specialists are discussed.

    The chairman gives the opportunity to speak to all specialists in each of the pupils, identifying the individual difficulties of the children and offering their recommendations for further remedial development work. After discussion and analysis of the information provided, a collegial conclusion of the MPSP is completed, which contains a generalized description of the structure of the developmental disorder of the child (without specifying the diagnosis) with general recommendations. Then an individual development program is developed for each child in accordance with the capabilities of the DOW. An individual program involves the joint determination of the content of correctional and developmental work, taking into account the individual characteristics of the development of each child, its main goals and directions. If you need more in-depth diagnostics, we recommend parents to contact the district psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (PMPK).

    The collective opinion of the commission is communicated to the parents in individual consultations in an easily understandable form. Only after this the correctional-developing work with children is carried out.

    In February, the third scheduled (intermediate) meeting is held, at which specialists analyze the dynamics of the child’s condition based on the results of the intermediate survey. All data is recorded in a journal of information about the dynamics of the development of pupils. For children with low rates, the recommendations of the program of individual development are modified and supplemented.

    In May, at the fourth scheduled (final) meeting, the members of the MPSP analyze the results of correctional and development work for the academic year and summarize the results.

    Such work is laborious, but it gives a complete picture of the dynamics and results of medical, psychological and pedagogical correction.

    The sequence of work to accompany the child is the following algorithm:

    Posing problems. It starts with the receipt of a request, awareness of the essence of the problem, the development of a plan for collecting information about the child and conducting a diagnostic study.

    Analysis of the information received.  Evaluation and discussion with all interested parties of possible ways and ways to solve the problem, discussion of the positive and negative sides of different solutions.

    Develop an integrated care plan. Determining the sequence of actions, the distribution of functions and responsibilities of the parties, the timing of implementation: the joint development of recommendations for the child, teacher, parents, professionals. Counseling for all escorts about ways and ways to solve child problems.

    Implementing a problem solving plan. The implementation of the recommendations of each participant escort.

    Understanding and evaluating performance  the escort assumes answers to the questions: What did you manage? What failed? Why? Solving a specific problem or conducting a further analysis of the child’s development. Answer to the question:

    The main functions of the program are diagnostic and methodical (consulting).

    The diagnostic function assumes timely (from the first days of the child’s stay in the preschool) the diagnosis of developmental disabilities, as well as the identification of reserve developmental opportunities. In addition, the MPSC monitors the developmental dynamics of children with disabilities throughout the school year, carrying out an interim and final diagnosis. In the activities of the Consilium, it is not so much the qualification of the child’s condition that is important as the determination of the main directions, forms and terms of the correctional-developmental process.

    The methodical (consulting) function is associated with the provision of advice to teachers and parents on the organization of the educational process, taking into account the structure of the child’s defect and the dynamics of its individual development.

    Based on the priority areas identified by the members of the PMSP for work with children, the content of the methodological work of the DOW specialists is determined. The annual work plans of an educational psychologist, a speech therapist teacher, and an educator highlight the topics of speeches at meetings of methodical associations of teachers and parent meetings, the list and terms of group and individual consultations for educators and parents.

    As practice shows, for full-fledged speech development,

    schoolchildren need close interaction between kindergarten and family. In our kindergarten, work with parents is carried out in different forms and according to a certain system.

    Individual counseling parents

    Throughout the school year, individual counseling of parents by PMSP specialists is systematically carried out.

    Neuropsychiatrist  advises parents on:

    - the selection of drugs;

    - selection and adjustment of treatment regimen in accordance with the dynamics of learning (or lack thereof).


    - explores the personal characteristics of children;

    - advises parents on the results of the diagnostic examination;

    - helps to adjust the conditions of family education.

    Speech therapist:

    - at the beginning of the year, reports on the results of a speech therapy examination, on the peculiarities of the speech development of each child, emphasizing strengths and weaknesses;

    - draws the attention of parents to possible complications in the process of remedial education;

    - shows the techniques of working with the child: teaches how to correctly perform articulation and finger exercises, fix the sounds set;

    - emphasizes the success and difficulties of the child, shows what you need to pay attention to at home.

    The task of a speech therapist is to help parents realize their role in the child’s development process, choose the right direction of home schooling, equip them with certain knowledge and skills, methods and techniques to overcome speech impairment, fill them with homework with children. knowledge.

    Group forms of work with parents

    • Open days.
    • Questioning.
    • Thematic consultations.
    • Parent meeting with viewing fragments of classes with children.
    • Registration of informational and methodical exhibitions for parents.

    We build work with parents of children enrolled in special groups in stages and begin not with a traditional parent meeting, but with Open House Day. Parents know that there is a speech therapist, a psychologist in the garden, but they do not fully understand what these specialists are doing. Parents will be able to pass not only in groups, but also visit, for example, a medical office, where they will be introduced to a program of children's rehabilitation, a speech therapist, a psychologist, a music director.

    Questioning allows you to identify real parental requests, build work taking into account the difficulties encountered when dealing with children, to assist them.

    Developed questionnaires for parents of children attending speech therapy groups. Weekly in the parent corner is updated selection of thematic materials:

    - “We train the tongue”;

    - “We train fingers - we develop speech”;

    - "Friends of the book";

    - “How to learn poetry playfully”;

    - “I learn to observe and memorize”;

    - “Speech therapist advice”;

    - “What you need to know and be able to child entering the school”;

    - “I learn to tell, retell”;

    - “Games for teaching literacy”;

    - "Left-handed child."

    For parents of children attending the older groups of the kindergarten, the parent club "Soon to school" is organized. Speaking to parents, a speech therapist tells about the features of working with children in special (correctional) groups, gives advice to parents of children with speech disorders,

    organized viewing of open classes, followed by discussion. At the beginning of the year, classes for developing speech and literacy are shown in the classroom, and at the end parents can see what the children in the correctional group have learned. All this contributes to the formation of parents adequate assessment of the development of their children.

    In addition, thematic consultations are offered to parents:

    - "Correction of speech disorders, mental retardation";

    - "Problems of preparation for school."

    Acquaintance of parents with the correctional and improving environment.

    Speech defects are increasingly difficult to correct by traditional methods. Therefore, we began to practice not only articulation gymnastics, but also speech therapy massage. It includes a massage of the tongue, lips, cheeks and cheekbones. Parents teach articulation and finger gymnastics. During classes, children and parents learn self-massage of the hands, gymnastics for the eyes, elements of breathing exercises, relaxation skills

    In May, we will acquaint parents with the results of children's education over the past term. This acquaintance can take the form of a business game, a round table, a parent living room. Sometimes we hold an open lesson on sound pronunciation or a lesson - entertainment (for example, “The Feast of Sound P”) or invite parents to discuss the experience of individual families in teaching and raising children.

    Parents are happy to make contact with teachers and follow their recommendations, because they are convinced of the effectiveness of our work, of our professionalism and good intentions. And we all understand that only through the introduction of an integrated approach to solving the problems of the child, the joint efforts of parents, doctors and teachers can achieve positive results in working with our children.

    Email. Also join our speech therapy group at

    The tasks of the consultation are determined by the Regulations on the MTPP.

    The tasks of the consultation include:

    • Timely identification and comprehensive examination of children of preschool age who have deviations in physical, intellectual and emotional development in order to organize their development and training in accordance with their individual abilities.
    • Survey of children of preschool age in order to identify their readiness for learning and determine the content, forms and methods of their training and education in accordance with the characteristics of their physical and mental development. Formation on the basis of a preschool institution of specialized groups for the preparation of children with particular developmental features, readiness for schooling, both in the basic educational program and in the correctional and developmental programs.
    • Diagnostic and correctional work with children on the basis of an e-school.
    • Identification of the level and characteristics of the development of cognitive activity (memory, speech, attention, performance and other mental functions), the study of emotional and volitional and personal development.
    • Identification of the child’s reserve capacity, development of recommendations for teachers to ensure a reasonable differentiated approach in the process of training and education.
    • Choosing the best curriculum for child development.
    • Determination of the nature, duration and effectiveness of special (correctional) assistance within the framework of the opportunities available in this educational institution.
    • Prevention of physical, intellectual and emotional overloads and disruptions, the organization of therapeutic and recreational activities.
    • Preparation and maintenance of documentation reflecting the current development of the child, the dynamics of his state, the level of success in learning. Long-term planning of correctional development work, evaluation of its effectiveness.
    • Organization of interaction between the teaching staff of the institution and specialists involved in the work of the consultation.

    Admission of children to the council is carried out both on the initiative of parents (legal representatives) and on the initiative of a kindergarten teacher. In this case, the written consent of the parents for the examination of the child is filled out and entered into the Child Development Card. If parents (legal representatives) do not agree with them, psychological work can be carried out to create an adequate understanding of the problem.

      There are the following stages of the creation and organization of the activity of the KPPM DOW.

    The organizational stage, the content of which is the organization of the activity of the program in the educational institution. Responsible for the organization of the documentation of the order for the pre-school on the establishment of the PMPK, the provision on the MPPK, the schedule of work of the MPPK, the agreement on cooperation with the regional MPPK, are the head of the educational institution, the chairman of the MPPK DOE.

    1 Preparatory stage the content of which is the definition of the request of the initiator of the appeal, drawing up an agreement between the kindergarten (represented by the head) and the parents (legal representatives) of the pupil of the kindergarten;

    Stage 2 organization of workThe content of the activity is the individual examination of the child by the experts of the consultation, the clarification and addition of anamnestic information. The documentation for this stage is an individual survey plan for the child:

    • Pedagogical examination of the child is carried out by educators and pedagogical characteristics of children with deviations in the psychoverbal development, which reflect the difficulties experienced by one or another pupil in various situations; individual characteristics of development, training and education. Educators fill out the child.
    • Psychological examination is conducted by a pedagogical psychologist. Based on the results of diagnostics of older preschool children, it reveals children with a level of mental development that is not appropriate for the age norm. Next, he is carried out an in-depth diagnosis of the mental sphere (memory, attention, perception, thinking), the development of emotional-personal, motivational-volitional spheres. After that, a pedagogical psychologist fills in each child’s presentation for each child.
    • Speech therapy examination conductor-speech therapist. He identifies preschoolers with complex speech disorders and fills them with a speech therapy presentation.
    • Medical examination is the responsibility of a medical professional. He presents an information sheet on the state of health of preschoolers and an extract from the history of development.

    Responsible for examining the child are all experts of the consultation.

    Stage 3 is a peer discussion.: definition of educational route and remedial assistance. The content of the activities of the stage: to develop a unified understanding of the nature and characteristics of the development of the child; determine the overall forecast of its development; determine the complex of correctional and developmental activities; choose an educational route. Documentation of this stage: protocol of the consultation, final conclusion, with recommendations of specialists, participants of the educational process, magazine of registration of conclusions and recommendations of experts, collegial conclusion and recommendations of the program. Responsible all members of the council.

    Stage 4 is the direction of the child to the zonal PMK (if necessary). The content of the activity is the preparation of documents for sending the child to the zonal PMPK. All members of the council prepare documents: a copy of the collegial conclusion of the POMP; referral with the conclusions of doctors; psychological and pedagogical characteristics; drawings and other results of the productive activity of the child; a copy of the disability certificate (if available). According to the results of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, children can be sent to groups of compensatory orientation of DOU, a group of pre-school training (lekotek), receive advice from specialists.

    Stage 5 - coordination of activities of specialists in correctional and developmental work. The content of this stage is the coordination of the activities of specialists in the situation of joint support of the child. Responsible curator of the child and all the experts of the consultation for filling out documentation: a map of the child’s development, plans for remedial development activities of all the experts of the consultation.

    Stage 6 - implementation of the recommendations of the consultation.  Correction and development activities by the experts of the consultation in accordance with the coordinated plan. Consulium specialists should have the following documents: a log book of individual and group classes; consultation log.

    Stage 7 - evaluation of the effectiveness of correctional and developing educational activities.  At this stage of the work of the program, a change in the state of the child and the need for further work with him are assessed. Specialists of the consultation fill out the child development map (sheet of corrective occupations of specialists, sheet of dynamics control).

    The development of the individual educational route for each child has become the focus of the activity of the program; ensuring continuity and consistency in working with him; making recommendations on the main areas of work with children; family counseling on correctional development; organizing and conducting methodological consultations with the specialists of the company.

    All these stages are implemented at meetings PPPk DOW. The Consilium is chaired by the Chairman of the Consilium, and in his absence by the Vice-Chairman.

    In order to provide comprehensive support for children, the composition of the pre-school educational institution consists of the following specialists:

    • Deputy Head of OIA;
    • Speech therapists;
    • Educational psychologist;
    • Health worker;
    • Educators correction groups.

    Children with complex disorders in speech and psychophysiological development are sent to the consultation.

    Consilia are divided into planned and unscheduled.

    During the year, scheduled (four meetings according to work stages) and unscheduled PMPK meetings are held. Scheduled consultations are held at least once every six months following a diagnosis.

      Activity of the planned consultation  focused on the following tasks:

    • identification of ways of psychological, medical and pedagogical support of children with developmental problems;
    • development of coordinated decisions on the definition of the educational correctional and developmental route of the child;
    • dynamic assessment of the child’s condition and correction of a previously scheduled program.

    Unscheduled meetings  held at the request of specialists organizing correctional and developmental education with children, as well as at the request of parents (legal representatives) of pupils of preschool institutions. The reason for the unscheduled PMPK is the negative dynamics of the child’s development and the need to change the previous remedial work.

    The tasks of the unscheduled consultation are:

    • deciding whether to take any emergency measures due to the identified circumstances;
    • change of the earlier correctional development program in case of its inefficiency.

    To improve the effectiveness of correctional developmental work, a child undergoing consultation and taken on correctional developmental education is assigned a leading specialist, primarily the group educator, but any other specialist conducting correctional developmental education can be appointed.

    In May, at the fourth scheduled (final) meeting, the members of the MPSP analyze the results of correctional and development work for the academic year and summarize the results. According to the results of correctional work, a report of pre-school educational institutions is compiled.

    Such work is laborious, but it gives a complete picture of the dynamics and results of medical, psychological and pedagogical correction.

    After each meeting of the POMPK, not later than 2 days, the secretary draws up a protocol. The documentation is kept by the chairman. The information contained in it is strictly confidential. As practice shows, for the full development of preschoolers with disabilities, close cooperation between kindergarten and family is necessary.

    In September, at the scheduled preparatory meeting of the PMP, forms of primary documents are formed. With each of their parents, an agreement is signed between the preschool educational institution and the parents (legal representatives) of the pupil of the pre-school educational institution about its psychological, medical and pedagogical examination and support. A statement of consent of the child’s examination is completed. As a rule, this is done by the head of DOW. According to the signed contract, he informs the pupil's parents about the conditions of his psychological, medical and pedagogical examination and support by the council experts.

    This meeting also includes:

    • The journal of children's records on the PMPK, in which later the full name, birth date of children sent to the council, occasion and initiator of the appeal are entered.
    • The register of the conclusions and recommendations of the PMSP specialists, which is filled in at each meeting.
    • Journal of information about the development of pupils, which is filled before the re-examination at the PMSP

    The speech therapist and the educational psychologist acquaint the members of the consultation with plans for working with children who have particular peculiarities of speech and psychophysiological development. Jointly drawn up a work plan for the MPSP, a schedule of meetings, and a comprehensive system of remedial work in the DOE.

    Consilium is held under the guidance of the chairman (deputy head of the OIA)

    In the course of at least 2 weeks, the chairperson of the VIPP informs parents (legal representatives) and experts of the council about the need to discuss developmental problems of a particular child, organizes the preparation and holding of the session of the VIPPK.

    By the second meeting (November), each specialist draws up the necessary documentation to the consultation. For example, psychological,

    The speech therapist, in turn, conducts a speech therapy examination of children

    During the examination at the consultation the following documents should be submitted:

    • pedagogical presentation on the child, which should reflect the problems arising from the teacher working with the child;
    • detailed extract from the history of the development of the child with the conclusions of doctors
    • birth certificate, drawings and other types of independent activities.

    At the third meeting, the results of the diagnostic examination are submitted for consultation, where the following are invited: manager, parent with child, educators, doctors, educators. The meeting takes place in a very friendly atmosphere, in an atmosphere of emotional comfort, each meeting participant is given the opportunity to speak.

    Tutors of preschool educational institutions, medical workers are heard. The information received from conversations with parents is voiced. Presents the results of the diagnosis of neuro-psychological development of children. The results of the episodic control of the manager and senior educator are heard. A psychological and pedagogical analysis of the state of affairs is carried out, specific difficulties and the reasons causing these difficulties are determined.

    This conversation is necessary in order to coordinate the actions of specialists in remedial work, develop a plan of work with the child for a year, draw the attention of parents to development problems, enlist their support, suggest a set of activities at home.

    Consilium allows solving issues with parents about consulting other specialists, working out a general pedagogical strategy for the development, training and education of each child, taking into account diagnostic data and systematic observations.

    After discussing and analyzing the information provided, a collegial conclusion of the MPSP is completed, which contains a generalized description of the structure of the developmental disorder of the child, indicating and (without specifying a diagnosis) with general recommendations. Then, children who have undergone PMP consultation are sent to the zonal PMPK.

      The main functions of the PMPK are diagnostic and methodical (consulting).

    The diagnostic function assumes timely (from the first days of the child’s stay in the preschool) the diagnosis of developmental disabilities, as well as the identification of reserve developmental opportunities. In addition, the MPSC monitors the developmental dynamics of children with disabilities throughout the school year, carrying out an interim and final diagnosis. In the activities of the Consilium, it is not so much the qualification of the child’s condition that is important as the determination of the main directions, forms and terms of the correctional-developmental process.

    The methodical (consulting) function is associated with the provision of advice to teachers and parents on the organization of the educational process, taking into account the structure of the child’s defect and the dynamics of its individual development.

    Based on the priority areas identified by the members of the PMSP for work with children, the content of the methodological work of the DOW specialists is determined. The annual work plans of an educational psychologist, a speech therapist teacher, and an educator highlight the topics of speeches at meetings of pedagogical associations and parent meetings, the list and terms of group and individual consultations for educators, parents