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  • Child 7 months. The seventh month of a child’s life: development, nutrition, sleep, teeth, walks, speech

    Child 7 months. The seventh month of a child’s life: development, nutrition, sleep, teeth, walks, speech

    Looking at a 7-month-old baby, it is already difficult for parents to remember that some six months ago he was a completely helpless creature whose desires and emotions were very difficult to understand. Now, with each passing day, the crumb is becoming more independent and more confident in himself, he has new skills, and the world around him begins to be presented to him all the more interesting and exciting.

    Child development at 7 months, his height, weight, skills and abilities - it all depends on many factors and is very individual. But there are certain norms that parents need to be oriented to, having babies and striving for their child to grow and develop fully and correctly.

    Physical development at 7 months

    By 7 months, almost all children can sit fairly confidently without support, but sometimes, from fatigue or simply lack of confidence, they can still fall backwards or fall on their side. Lying on the stomach, the child may try to kneel and crawl, but usually at this age children try to crawl just lying, but this requires an incentive - the desire to get something interesting, located in front.

    From a sitting position, many babies at this age try to get up, while using some kind of support. It is especially good to stand with the support of an adult. Many, using the help of adults, are already trying to walk.

    Perhaps it is in this month that the baby will have its first teeth - usually it is the lower incisors. And for those children who have already managed to “get” these teeth, by the end of the seventh month, the upper incisors can begin to grow.

    Insofar as physical development of a child at 7 months  the pace is quite active and the child literally learns something new every day; parents should take extra care about the safety of the baby. It is at this age that many children are injured by falling out of bed or hitting the edges of furniture, and can open cabinets and drawers with contents that are dangerous to their health.

    Indicators of a child at the age of 7 months

      By the end of the seventh month of life, the average weight of the child should be about 8 kg, and height 65-66 cm. During this month the baby recovered by about 400-600 grams and grew by 2 cm. These data are average and most often doctors consider the child's growth and increase in his body weight from those indicators with which he was born. So, from the beginning of his life, the 7-month-old baby should have recovered by about 5 kg and grow by 17 cm.

    There are two more important indicators by which doctors evaluate the health and growth of the child - this is the circumference of the head and the circumference of the chest. By 7 months, the chest circumference should be approximately 45.5 cm, and the head - 43.5 cm.

    The growth and development of each child takes place according to his personal individual program, so any deviations from the norm of weight and height gain are not always a cause for concern, but may be a reason to consult a pediatrician who can correctly interpret data on height and weight.

    Skills and abilities in 7 months

      A seven-month-old baby already knows a lot and copes with many tasks without the help of an adult. If earlier he took into his hands only what adults offered him or were nearby, now he can choose something, reach out to objects of interest to him, strive to get something located all the areas of his reach. All that is in the hands of the child, he will check for taste, as well as trying to knock it on the floor, bed or other objects, while receiving various sounds.

    The child learns to shift toys from one hand to another, he likes to carefully examine objects and feel them. For many, throwing toys on the floor becomes a favorite activity.

    Every day the baby's actions are becoming more conscious and non-random. Now he remembers many things and objects, recognizes his clothes, toys and food. He can bring the bottle to his mouth, pick up and bite off a cookie.

    The child distinguishes intonation and mood of speech, becomes afraid of strict phrases, begins to understand the prohibition. Funny songs, sounds and laughter make him laugh and he wants to hear them as often as possible, so various sound toys become loved ones.

    To attract the attention of the mother, the baby is used not only sounds, but also facial expressions and gestures, begins to pronounce the first syllables, as yet unconsciously.

    How to play with a baby at 7 months

    For the development of the baby, who is already 7 months old, you can use a variety of games - useful and exciting. For games it is necessary to equip a separate place and it should not be a bed. Playpen is also undesirable. It is much better to just spread a large blanket on the floor.

    Hide and seek

    Show the kid how to hide the toy under a piece of cloth. At first, he may not understand where she has disappeared, but over time this game will become clear to him and very interesting. You can also hide your face by covering it with a cloth or just with your hands - the baby will be happy to look for his mother, laughing merrily.

    Dirty games

    For the development of the child will be useful so-called "dirty" games, for which you can use both special products offered in stores, or simply any edible products. Pour some kefir on the table and let the kid clap his hands on it, let him play with boiled macaroni, which he will knead, tear, and maybe taste. Such classes are very useful for the development of motor skills and tactile sensations of the child.


    At this age, the list of toys that are interesting to the baby begins to expand. He still likes to play with rattles and other objects that emit various sounds. Now is the time to show the child cubes and balls, to show him how to collect pyramids and roll round objects. Interesting for the child will be the various developmental complexes recommended for this age.

    You can already buy books for your child with cardboard or other dense pages and bright large pictures.

    What can you teach a child in 7 months

    7 months is more than a good age for learning. And let it first appear that the baby does not understand well what exactly they want from him, with time the result will definitely manifest itself. Somehow it is not necessary to teach a child anything. At this stage of development, it will be enough just to constantly comment on your actions, to name objects, body parts, colors, forms. The main task now is to teach the baby to understand speech and memorize names. Communicating with the child, you need to speak clearly and all the words to pronounce correctly.

    Already, the baby must learn to make decisions. Give him a toy in each hand, and then offer to take another one. At first it will be difficult for him to figure out how this can be done, but soon he will understand that he just has to put one toy in place.

    At this age, many children learn the simplest gestures - to wave the palm “Bye-bye”, to show the palm “Give”. Also, kids learn to express their love, hugging mom.

    Mental development

    The main stage of a child’s mental development at the age of 7 months is that he develops a long-term memory - favorite toys and clothes appear. He begins to memorize some games, to remember that which caused him discomfort and was unpleasant.

    Now the child is well aware of their loved ones and may begin to be afraid of strangers or unfamiliar people.

    He reacts to speech and her intonation, can laugh in response to something funny and be afraid of loud speech or sounds.

    When the baby is comfortable and the crumb feels confident, he begins to “rattle”, uttering the sounds “ma-ma-ma”, “dya-dya-dya”, “ba-ba-ba” in a singing tone. This is not speech yet, but only preparation for it and the child’s desire for communication, which at this stage is of great importance to him.

    Baby nutrition at 7 months

    By the age of seven months, the baby's diet is becoming more diverse, new products and dishes appear in it. If possible, it is not worth while to give up breastfeeding, which plays an important role for the baby, helps him not only grow healthier, but also makes the bond between mother and baby stronger.

    By the age of 7 months, almost all babies have already mastered vegetable and fruit puree, cereals, and drink juice in small quantities. After 6.5 months, many are already beginning to gradually get meat broth, and by 7 months you can try to give your baby meat, as well as egg yolk.

    It is recommended to start meat lure with lean chicken or veal. If the consumption of these types of meat has not caused negative reactions, then you can gradually include lean pork in the diet, as well as such a valuable product as liver.

    Many modern mothers prefer to buy special baby food, but if you wish, you can cook for the baby yourself. The first option is simpler, but the second is more budget and allows the mother to take maximum care of her child.

    The pediatrician will help to make a specific diet of the baby, taking into account the peculiarities of the development and growth of the child, as well as how the supplements were previously introduced.

    The approximate diet of a 7-month-old baby who continues to receive breast milk may look like this:

    • 6-00 - 7-00 - breast milk;
    • 10-00 - 11-00 - vegetable soup, cooked with meat broth - 20 grams, vegetable puree with ½ yolk - 150 grams, meat puree - 20-30 grams;
    • 14-00 - 15-00 - breast milk;
    • 18-00 - 19-00 - milk porridge - 150 grams, cottage cheese - 20 grams, fruit puree - 50 grams;
    • Before bedtime - breast milk.

    For babies who are bottle-fed, the diet is offered a little different. It will be different from the one proposed above in that it is proposed to postpone the intake of milk porridge with cottage cheese and fruit puree at 10-11 am, vegetables, meat and soup should be offered to the child at 14-15, in 18-19 hours - milk formula or kefir . In the morning after waking up and in the evening before bedtime, the child should receive milk formula.

    The regimen and diet may vary slightly and depend on the individual characteristics, health status and needs of the baby.

    Still: six months ago, he was an absolutely helpless baby, and today he is almost an “adult” person, almost an interlocutor, and most importantly, a real explorer of the outside world. And you need to be ready for this.

    Physiology and health of the baby

    For this month, the child should gain about 600g. and grow another 2 cm in this way, the growth of a baby in 7 months should be about 68-71 cm, and weight - from 7600 to 8100 g. However, if he grows or gains weight more slowly, that's okay: the children are different happen

    But the main event in the life of a child of seven months is appearance first. The first lower incisors usually come out first, the upper ones follow them, the lateral incisors follow next (first the upper, then the lower), and then comes the turn of the canines. The last molars appear on the light. Naturally, all this gives the baby discomfort: the gums itch, the child is naughty. So, at this time it is worth taking care of items for chewing. Ideal - a dental ring with water inside. Cool it and give it to the child: and the pain will relieve and switch the attention of the child from irritated gums.

    What can a baby?

    At this age, the child can have a lot. For example, to understand the meaning of many words, stand firmly and step over the support, put small objects into larger ones, drink from a cup and eat from a spoon, roll over from the back to the tummy and back, remember the procedures for tidiness and even “remind” mom, play "Ladushki" ... But he alone learns to sit down and crawl. At this age, the child is very attached to the mother emotionally and feels when she breaks up with her.

    How to check whether the child is developing correctly?

    1. Rattle a rattle from the side and see if it turns from back to side, if you can get it when turning.

    2. We sit at the table, we keep the crumb on our knees. Does he grab the edge of the table, does he hold him? Does the hand slap on the table imitatively? Shifts things on it, throws them on the floor?

    3. We stand at the crib, and, without showing attention to the baby, we avoid meeting with his gaze. Does he try to make contact, babble, catches mother's eyes?

    4. Before making contact with an adult, the child attentively examines him, after which it is replaced by interest.

    5. Keep the baby in your arms and turn over around a luminous object or a bright toy. Does he look after her, does he turn around behind a bright object?

    6. Put it on your tummy and cover your head with a diaper. Is he free from her hands?

    7. He already knows how to show the nose or eyes of another person, and babble with simple sound combinations like “give-and-give”

    8. Confidently reaches for the subject of interest to him and rejoices at receiving it.

    What can you teach him?

    The kid enters the age of great explorations and discoveries, so that before teaching him something, carefully examine the apartment for the presence of dangerous objects, household chemicals, small and sharp objects, sources of electric current, bulky and heavy objects. In addition, at 7 months the baby already understands the meaning of the words “no” and “can”, but the word “no” can be used no more than three times a day. In addition, the constant remarks will make him nervous, and if he is constantly forbidden to go somewhere, he will certainly climb there in the absence of parents. Now the task of the mother is to help him get comfortable in the world.

    At this age, the most important thing to tell the child about everything is: what you do, what to feed him, what you wear, what toys you give him to play, listing all the characteristics of food or toys (warm, soft, round, hard.)

    Stimulate his physical activity, put toys of interest to objects, and toys should be different in shape and texture: he knows the world.

    What games to play with a miracle chad? Developing! Will fit gestures with jokes and jokes, but do not worry if he does not repeat gestures behind you: the fine motor skills of pens are not yet developed and he will learn this only in a year. It is also possible and necessary to play ladies and educational music games, collect pyramids, play scenes with toys (for example, feed them or put them to bed). By the way toys need to offer the baby in the boxso that he learns to get them. Some advise to buy a playpen for a child of seven months. You can, of course, but most importantly, do not lock him in this arena for the whole day. How will he explore the world, standing or sitting in four walls. If a child in 7 months throws toys out of the crib or the same playpen, he develops correctly, but does not prank him. At seven months, the baby can already be explained what is good and what is bad.: he is already able to understand it.

    Speech development

    And this is a long time ago: he, after all, already distinguishes his name, realizes that he is hailed ... If he is busy, and you call him, the baby will tear himself away from his business and turn around to see who has called him. Therefore, when playing with a baby, call him by name as often as possible, and point your finger at yourself and your relatives and tell them their names (mom, dad, grandmother, brother, Kohl ...). Learning speech skills begins with rhythmic rhymes. At the same time, we focus on those syllables that are best for the kid.

    You may also notice that some sounds have disappeared from the child’s speech, but at the same time he repeats some specific sound combinations for a long time and with great pleasure. And a child at 7 months, not without pleasure, listens to adult conversations and behaves calmly when mom and dad talk about something side by side and sometimes turn to him.

    And at this age children copy not only the actions of the mother, but also all her emotions. So, we rejoice and grieve with him if something did not work out, but after failing with toys or anything else, show him “how to properly” - after all, the child learns to imitate.

    At seven months, the child may receive the first book: a large, with bright pictures, perhaps even voluminous. Yes, it is necessary to teach a kid to read already from that age. Read together, look at the pictures, let the child touch the book, and do not be surprised if he tries it on the first or second tooth: the process of knowing the world happens differently to everyone.

    Hello, friends! That flew the first six months of your crumbs life. Now your child has ceased to be a helpless newborn, and has become a real restless researcher. The seventh month of a child’s life is a very interesting period, because from this moment your child will delight you with his new achievements and skills every day.

    Seventh month of life: child development

    Your baby has gained about 400-600 grams in the past month and weighs about 9 kg. By this time he should already master such skills as: sit without support and crawling. Also, if the baby is put on the legs near the support, then he will stand confidently enough. By the end of the month, he begins to walk along the side of the bed or playpen.

    Scarce significantly expands its living space by crawling. In no case do not interfere with its movement, because these exercises help strengthen muscles, press, enrich the body with oxygen and thereby improve the blood supply to all organs.

    A child at seven months is already eating from a spoon and you can begin to teach him to drink from a mug. Now your little one is already adhering to the daily regimen and can show by gestures that it’s time to wash or comb if mom suddenly forgot about it. At this stage of development, the child is likely to show where the nose, ears, hands, or other items that he is told about.

    The seventh month of life: food

    Right now, on the recommendations of leading pediatricians, meat should be introduced into the child’s diet. This product is very important for the full development of man, but it is worth noting that until the seventh month of life, the gastrointestinal tract was not able to digest this food.
      What is so useful meat? Firstly, it is a source of animal protein, amino acids and vitamin B groups. Secondly, it has a high content of iron, which is very easily absorbed by a small organism.

    The first portion of meat puree should be small - a quarter of a teaspoon, within a week you should walk up to 1 teaspoon. If your child is suspicious of new dishes, then you can mix the meat puree with vegetable.

    A baby of seven months needs to form habits, such as: washing hands before eating and washing or wiping with a napkin after. In order to create an idea of ​​beauty, it is necessary to feed the child with beautiful and bright dishes, perhaps, in this case, the baby’s appetite will increase.

    Seventh month of life: teeth

    The most significant event of this month is the appearance of the first tooth. For some, this happens a little earlier, for someone later, but it is at this time that the first tooth cuts through, as a rule - the lower incisor. Do not worry if there is no tooth yet, all children are individual. On the state of health of the child says not the presence of teeth, and the order of their growth.
    During normal development, the lower incisors appear first, then the upper two incisors, then the lateral incisors (the first upper ones, and then the lower ones). The next are cut by one root from above and below, then the upper canines and the lower ones and at the end the last pair of molars. Since the growth of teeth causes a child’s discomfort, the task of parents to relieve the child of these unpleasant feelings. What can you do:

    1. Purchase special rings with some water in the store. Before use, they should be cooled in the refrigerator and then given to the baby. Due to the cold, the inflamed gums will calm down a bit, and the baby will forget about the pain for a while, because he has a new toy that can be chewed.

    2. Gel for teeth. It is sold in a pharmacy and contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic substances. Before use, be sure to consult a pediatrician.

    In the period of the appearance of teeth, pay attention to the elementary safety technique. The child is trying to "scratch" the gum on any items, watch what he takes in his mouth. If you give him crackers, then look, so that the bread does not soften, because the baby can choke on crumbs.
      Many people associate the growth of teeth with fever, diarrhea, runny nose and other diseases. Remember, in some cases this happens, but children's dentists are convinced that this is not related to teething! Just against the background of reduced immunity, deterioration of sleep and appetite, the child becomes susceptible to various kinds of infections. Therefore, if the baby's temperature exceeds 38 degrees and there are signs of disease, it is better to call the doctor.

    Seventh month of life: sleep

    Children at this age have a need for sleep lasting 14-15 hours a day. Note that a regular day regimen helps to improve sleep skills. Normally, the baby should sleep 10 hours at night and about 3 times 2 hours a day. If a child sleeps 2 times during the day, then there is nothing scary about it, just one of his daytime dreams is longer.

    Seventh month of life: walking in the fresh air

    The best option for children of this age are walks on the street in the winter season of 2 hours in the morning and evening, and in the summer - all possible time. You should not take walks on a very windy day and walk in the sun.

    Seventh month of life: gymnastics

    The physical activity of the child has increased. Let's look at the basic exercises that are suitable for a baby of seven months.

    1. Put the baby on his back. In each hand, give him a ring. If he holds them tight, then grab them too and make crumbs with a couple of circular movements.

    2. Be sure to massage the abdomen. Remember, it is done only in a clockwise direction.

    3. Bend and unbend legs at the knees, thus necessarily fix a hand a knee.

    4. Massage your feet and feet.

    5. Twist back from back to belly 2 times.

    6. Breast massage.

    7. Bend the arms of the child in the elbows. If the child is able to sit, do this exercise while sitting.

    8. Pull up the lying child by the hand, prompting him to sit down.

    9. Turn from the abdomen to the back 2 times.

    10. The child is lying on his stomach. Take the baby under the arms and put it on your knees at the expense of "one", put it on your legs on "two", and put it on your stomach on "three".

    11. Put the baby on his back and help him sit down, while holding him only by one hand.

    12. The child is lying on his stomach, and at a half-meter distance from him is a bright, favorite toy. Task crumbs crawl to her.

    13. Put the baby in front of you, while holding it under your arms, and let it take 5 steps.

    This is an exemplary set of exercises. The most important thing is the positive emotions of your baby. If the child does not want to exercise, do not insist on it.

    Seventh month of life: speech

    Now the child listens to his intonation, tries to repeat what he heard, draws attention to facial expressions and lip movement. Speech therapists say the more diverse the sounds that a child makes, the less worrying the parents are about the child’s future speech activity.

    It is very important to develop babble in children. To do this, read the rhythmic poems and focus on the syllables that the baby speaks best. You will notice how the child will repeat the combinations of sounds he likes. Also, the baby is happy to listen to the conversation of parents and is very happy when they turn to him.

    Seventh month of life: games

    At this stage of development, children are interested in everything without exception, and if you take the child in your arms, he will surely touch your clothes, pull your hair and earrings. In order to give him the pleasure of hanging colorful beads - delight will be the sea!

    In addition to tactile feelings in a child, the perception of sounds is exacerbated, so be sure to play with bells, bells, rattles, rustle with foil, bags and other improvised materials.

    You can play with the child in “Ladushki” and “Soroka-ravenu” - this contributes to the development of motor skills.

    In no case can not force the baby to do something or play in what parents want. Always listen to the opinion of a small family member!

    Seventh month of life: skills

    1. Playing with toys. Right now, the first interest in colorful books is waking up. Please note that books must be made of thick cardboard, non-toxic and durable materials. Drawings should be large and with a clear outline. Such books will be studied with great pleasure.

    2. Plays with large dice, balls, Montessori frames and special bath toys.

    3. Baby knows his name. This is very important for the formation of your own "I."

    4. The child is able to find the called object.

    5. Babbling a lot, and repeat certain syllables.

    6. Adapts to the new food. Naturally, breast milk remains an indispensable part of the diet. Do not forget that you can not force feed children!

    7. The first teeth appear, and from this point on they should be monitored, so that they do not have to put up and carry out expensive treatments.

    8. Understands the meaning of many words.

    9. Fears at parting with mom.

    10. Able to invest in large items small.

    11. Standing firmly at the support, steps over the legs.

    13. Creeps.

    14. Toss from the back to the stomach and back.

    15. He likes to play Ladushki and various finger games.

    16. Remembers the sequence of actions.

    17. Is interested in people, attentively considers strangers.

    18. If you do not pay attention to the baby, then he tries in any way to attract him.

    19. Upon request, may show the nose, mouth and other parts of the body.

    During this time, the main task of the parents is to ensure the safety of the child. After all, he begins to crawl, and for his speedy physical and intellectual development it is worthwhile to lower him to the floor.

    Be sure to pay attention to the upbringing and development of the child. Our daily life requires certain rules of behavior and it is time to teach your baby to understand the meaning of the words “No!” And “Yes, you can.” For this it is worth a gentle or angry response to certain intentions of the crumbs. Do not think that you will immediately teach the child obedience, but you do not want to raise a weak-willed robot! Give your baby freedom, but learn basic household communication skills and never forget about his safety. Remember that at any age for the child the most important thing is parental love!

    A new stage of development of the baby comes into force. The child is preparing to become your constant companion and companion.

    This time is extremely interesting, because now the baby develops not only physical activity, but also mental abilities. Constantly watching the crumbs, you can see that now his actions have become much more meaningful.

    The child confidently practices already acquired skills and is actively learning new skills. His body begins to prepare for "verticalization", because soon the baby will be able to stand on his feet.

    All that is required of the mother is to follow all the achievements of the child, and if he doesn’t succeed in something like we would like, correct them with the help of developmental activities.

    At 7 months, the child gains about the same weight as in the previous month - 550-600 grams. Normally, babies of this age should weigh at least 8-9 kg.

    This ends the phase of rapid weight gain, because the older the child becomes, the less weight he needs for harmonious development.

    Also, a few centimeters increases the growth of the baby. At 7 months, girls are 65-70 cm tall, and boys are 68-71 cm. The change in body size is noticeable: the head circumference increases by only half a centimeter, but the chest becomes wider by 1.3-1.5 cm, which makes the child's figure more proportionate.

    The kid is still actively interested in what is happening around.

    Most of the children at this age are already quite confidently sitting without support, which allows them to observe the actions of adults.

    Moreover, when the baby is sitting, he already practically does not lean on the handles.

    This means that in parallel, he can perform a lot of other important things: consider toys, shift them from one handle to another, throw them, and hold a cup or spoon while feeding.

    At this stage, it is already possible to trace which handle is more convenient for the child to control - left or right.

    Nutrition and feeding regimen at 7 months

    The child has already managed to get acquainted with the first types of complementary foods, and now his diet may well become even more diverse. What will be the new product for the baby, depends on how successful was the introduction of the previous one.

    If it was decided to begin the introduction of complementary foods with cereals, and with their assimilation the baby did not have any problems, then you can safely treat him to vegetable puree. Conversely, after the introduction of the first vegetable foods can be followed by gluten-free porridge.

    It is better to boil the cereals on a water basis, as the child’s digestive system is still quite vulnerable and can reject animal protein.

    Also, kids at this age can already try their first fruit desserts. For this perfect apple or pear puree without added sugar.

    However, the main food for the baby is still breast milk or adapted mixtures.

    Complementary food as an additional food is given to the child several times a day, preferably in the daytime, and can replace only one feeding.

    The intervals between feedings should be at least 4 hours.

    Try not to give your child any food after 20.00.

    While feeding a child with various foods, it should be understood that “adult” food for him is not only a source of nutrients, but also a form of the game. Do not be discouraged if the baby takes the food with his hands and soils everything around it - this is also a peculiar research moment. Considering this, still try to teach your baby to eat “correctly” in parallel, let him hold the spoon on his own.

    Massage, gymnastics and educational games for a child at 7 months

    Exercises for children of 7 months are somewhat different previously performed. Now all physical activities are aimed at strengthening the musculature of the child as best as possible for later development on the legs. It is also important that now the crumb can also perform the commands of an adult, as it already recognizes speech quite well.

    Very useful exercises focused on the development of the muscles of the limbs. Here are some of them:

    1 Crawl. In the usual pose for the child, lying on the stomach with the support on the bent handles, gently bend the legs at the knees one by one, grabbing the baby's foot with the thumb and index finger. The child will push off the legs of your hands, and crawl forward.

    2 Lifting legs. Starting position - lying on his back. Grasp the child's kneecaps with your hands in parallel, holding your lower legs with your thumbs. Slowly lift the baby's legs up to the maximum vertical position. It is enough to repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

    3 Raising the torso with circular rotation of the arms. The starting position is the same. Put your index fingers in the palm of your child - he should grab them right there. Make sure the baby holds you tightly enough, and bring him to a sitting position with a pulling movement towards him. If the kid does a good job with the exercise, then proceed with cautious slow circular movements to the sides.

    Continue to give your baby a regular massage. Pay special attention to the area of ​​the back and buttocks: the tone of the muscles that create support for the spine is very important when walking. As usual, start the massage with a few strokes. Massage for a child of 7 months includes rubbing, tapping, tingling techniques.

    Games conducted with a child must include elements of intellectual development.

    Communicate with your child as much as possible on an equal footing, accompany your speech with visual additions: pictures, cards, toys.

    Try to use as few diminutive expressions as possible in speech, help shape the correct speech of the child.

    It is important for the baby to be aware that he can in one way or another influence the course of the events surrounding him. Choose for him not only soft and pleasant to the touch toys, but also dynamic, developing ones that react in one way or another to touch.

    Contribute to the formation of the logical thinking of the child. Take a toy that makes a distinctive sound when pressed, and hide it behind your back or under a blanket. Let the baby see how you do it. Having found it, the child will begin to understand that things that have disappeared from sight, do not disappear forever.

    How much does a baby sleep at 7 months?

    The seven-month-old baby’s sleep pattern is the same as at 6 months. The total amount of time spent in a dream varies from 12 to 14 hours. Try not to depart from the established mode of the day.

    Allow the child to go to bed during the day when he wants. But too long a day's sleep can disrupt the regime, so it can last no more than 3 hours.

    Why is a baby crying at 7 months?

    The anxiety of the baby is associated with physiological and psychological factors. At this time, the painful teething process can only begin or continue. Also, some health problems are sometimes associated with the introduction of complementary foods. Abdominal pain, colic and other unpleasant things are witnessing that some of the new products cause an undesirable reaction.

    A seven-month-old child is already fully aware of what “scary”, “fun”, “interesting”, “boring” is. Any thing with which the child has bad associations can cause his reaction in the form of crying. A child can be unpleasant and strangers.

    Crying is still a demanding signal. Not yet learned to pronounce distinct sounds, the child, not having received a reaction from adults to his demanding gestures, begins to cry. Sometimes kids, realizing that crying causes an instant reaction from their parents, begin to manipulate this skill.

    If you see that the baby is abusing its powers, talk to him like an adult. When a child was able to develop such a simple strategy, then your words will not remain empty for him.

    At 7 months, the child already knows how:

    Sitting without the support of adults for quite a long time (in the process of playing or feeding).

    Able to track the actions of objects and create logical chains: a rattle rings, if you shake it.

    He remembers individual images and forms his attitude towards them. Screams if he sees a stranger; smiles if he sees mom and dad.

    Strives to communicate with adults, but while his speech is still in the babbling stage. Repeats syllables, changing the tone and strength of voice.

    Looks at her reflection in the mirror. The kid does not yet associate the little man from the mirror with his own person, but he willingly studies the structure of the face and the body.

    A seven-month-old baby sharpens crawling skills. Few kids succeed in becoming full on all fours, because the muscles of the arms and legs are not strong enough to support the entire body weight of the baby. But on the tummy and “in the cradle of the child” the child moves quite quickly and confidently, especially if he sees before himself a certain “target” - the desired toy.

    This, in fact, is an excellent confirmation of the fact that the baby can already to some extent plan actions, and is looking for ways to achieve its goal on its own, without resorting to the help of seniors.

    Watch the space where the child moves. Get rid of everything that could potentially harm it.

    Safe conditions for the development of the baby are necessary not only for reasons of possible injury. A large role in this issue is the psychological aspect.

    Frightened by a fallen or crashed object that, in addition to everything else, and caused physical pain, a natural process of motor development may stop for a while in a child.

    With improved baby sitting skills, you can gradually accustom to the pot. Of course, the child does not yet have conscious control over his excretory system, but planting at this age will help to form the simple habit of using the pot in the future.

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