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  • The hardest jock in the world. The hottest people in the world

    The hardest jock in the world. The hottest people in the world

    Able to protect themselves as well as their families. That is why, from the point of view of cultural studies, men are called the stronger sex, and women - the weak. Without a doubt, physical strength combined with the strength of the spirit is good, but some guys thoughtlessly turn their figure into a hypertrophied pile of muscles! The best people in the world are a vivid example. We will talk about them.

    The most powerful people on the planet - who are they?

    To date, there are several challenging the right to the title of the main pitching of the planet Earth. Among them - Ronnie Coleman and Mustafa Ismail.

    "Mr. Olympia"

    Since childhood, nature has awarded this man a beautiful sports figure. In this case, Ronnie himself did not even think about bodybuilding. The future bodybuilder, like all teenagers, loved football, basketball and baseball. After graduating from the American University, Mr. Coleman worked for some time as an accountant. He quickly got tired of it, and he decided to become a policeman. After graduating from the police academy, our hero became what he wanted. He was very fond of his work. To maintain his physical fitness, Ronnie signed up for a gym. This is where his bodybuilding career begins.

    "Mr. Biceps"

    His name is Mustafa Ismail. He got into the main Book of Records (Guinness) as a person with the world's largest forearms. Imagine, the size of his right bicep is 63.5 cm, and the size of his left one is 64.7 cm! Today, the Egyptian bodybuilder has set a goal to get into the nomination "The Most Inflated People in the World" and get the top prize!

    Today, a 24-year-old young man lives in the US in the town of Milford Mustafa has been training for 3 hours every day for the past 10 years. According to the record holder himself, this special result is also influenced by a special diet, the secret of which he, of course, does not reveal. Many envious and just skeptics claim that Mustafa uses whole steroids and synthetic drugs in whole banks. Some even say that his biceps are ordinary implants, since a huge imbalance between his figure and his hands can be seen even with the naked eye.

    The hottest people in the world in history

    In order to call the name of the most pumped person in the world, you will have to make a small excursion into history. So, in the courtyard the middle of the last century - comics with muscular heroes are in fashion. Looking at the painted athletes, the youth began to pay maximum attention to their body.

    It was then that the first competitions among the most pumped people began to be held - and since then the best bodybuilders have competed for the title - “Mr. Olympia”. We will tell you today about the brightest men who have ever taken part in this competition.

    Date of birth - 02.22.1972. Germany - Darmstadt. Since childhood, the boy grew up surrounded by loving relatives and friends. Bodybuilding young man carried away rather late - at age 19. He didn’t have any objective reasons, like trying to fend off offenders or asserting himself. And he came to the rocking chair, rather out of curiosity. After four years of intense training, Marcus wanted to take part in the Championship, held in Hesse, however, a shoulder injury prevented the young man’s plans.

    Rule received his first medal in '95 at competitions in Babenhaus. Four years after this event, the athlete was invited to take part in "Mr. Olympia." True, in the end, Rule did not make it to the top ten, but Marcus, who has a cheerful disposition, did not consider this a loss, but, on the contrary, considered that the fact of an invitation to such an event was an achievement.

    Thanks to the support of family and loved ones, in 2002 Marcus won the first place in the “Night of Champions”. As fans and critics later recalled, as soon as Rule appeared on the scene - all doubts disappeared - only he could become the winner of this tournament. Marcus then said: “This is the only time when judges have appreciated me and put me in a well-deserved place.”

    This athlete, despite all his hard work and perseverance, rarely stood at the top of the pedestal, but wherever he participated, he presented himself as a worthy competitor and a serious opponent.

    Anthropometric data of the most pumped person in the world:

    • Height -177
    • Weight - 127
    • Chest -148
    • Biceps - 57
    • Thigh - 84

    Date of birth - 11.11. 1959. South Carolina - Spartanburg. This most pumped-up man in the world managed to climb to the top of the Mr. Olympia pedestal eight times! That he belongs to the exercise aimed at the work of the back of the deltoid muscles - "Haney traction."

    Lee was fond of sports from early childhood - at first football became his love, but then the boy thought and decided that he wanted to be big and strong - and at the age of 19 he won the first victory in the youthful “Mr. America”.

    I must say that the boy grew up in a religious family and was very pious himself - at the age of 17 he promised the Almighty to devote all his victories to him. And since then, the higher forces have always been on the side of the athlete.

    In 1983, Lee received the status of a professional bodybuilder, and from 1984 to 1991, Haney took all the first places, "Mr. Olympia." At the age of 32, Haney ended his career as a competitive bodybuilder and went into coaching, acquiring several fitness centers. He is now married and has two children.

    • Height -180
    • Weight - 112

    Date of birth - 05/13/1964. Louisiana - Monroe. Another eight-time holder of the title "Mr. Olympia." This man showed himself as the owner of an iron will power, endurance and decisive character.

    Since childhood, the boy devoted all his time to football, baseball and basketball. Thanks to his regular studies, at the age of twelve, he looked very impressive. Once making a choice in favor of higher education, Coleman threw a rocking chair. However, receiving a degree in accounting, Ronald realized his mistake and went to the police.

    Working at the police, Coleman liked much more and in order to maintain his form, he returned to the simulators. And in the gym decided his fate - the owner of the hall asked Ronald to try his strength in "Mr. Texas". The proposal was accompanied by an annual subscription to a free visit to the fitness center, and the young policeman did not hesitate for a long time. That tournament opened to the world the newest inflated person in the world.

    After that there was a series of victories - the photographs of Ronald Dean Coleman began to decorate the pages of the most popular sports magazines. Two films were shot on the athlete's career - they tell about the course of daily trainings and the process of preparation for Mr. Olympia.

    Ronald retired from professional sports eight years ago, now a reserve officer lives in Arlington, with his wife, Vicki Grace, and two daughters.

    Date of birth 08/03/1973. Massachusetts. Jay is the son of a farmer, and from his early years he is familiar with hard physical labor. So the base for building muscle was more than decent. The future champion began at the age of 18 seriously engaged in bodybuilding. But the first year of training did not give tangible results - many mistakes were made.

    Realizing that a huge number of exercises and their repetitions do not give a visible effect, Cutler began to study the theory. The results were not long in coming - in his 20 years he won the NPC Iron Bodies Invitational. After a couple of years, Jay won first place in the "Night of Champions" tournament and thus attracted the attention of the right people - Jay Cutler set foot on the path of professional bodybuilders.

    Hard work and regular training did the trick - in 2006, the most sophisticated man in the world removed the mighty Ronnie Coleman from the pedestal. Subsequently, Jay won three more times on "Mr. Olympia."

    Date of birth 12/18/1979. USA - Seattle. The first hobby of young Phil was basketball - admittedly, he had reached certain heights in him. However, the professional career of a basketball player can be hindered by his short stature - Heath decides to leave basketball and directs his feet straight to the rocking chair. Enlisting the advice of experienced people, a 23-year-old athlete became the winner in his weight category during the Northern Colorado Championship. Mentor and a good friend of the future of the most pumped up man in the world was Jay Cutler.

    One year after a successful performance, Phil becomes the owner of the title “Mr. Colorado” and then the winner of the Junior Nashionals 2005. Three years later, Phil tries his hand at “Mr. Olympia”, where he is third.

    In 2011, the student surpasses his teacher and becomes the champion of Olympia. To this day, Phil is the current champion, every year, since 2011, confirming his title.

    This is not a complete list of the most pumped people - it will still be supplemented. Someone gets out of shape and leaves, someone else has everything ahead. New people come to bodybuilding annually, but only those who devote their whole life to this sport become the best.

    The power is there, the mind is not necessary. This saying was popularly popular at all times. However, few people think that it is very difficult to develop record-breaking physical parameters.

    Here we need a competent approach, good knowledge in medicine, biology, chemistry and physics. Moreover, you need to be able to correctly calculate the load during training, make diet and much more. In other words, besides texture, brains are also needed.

    The most powerful person among celebrities

      One of the most famous bodybuilders in the world is Arnold Schwarzenegger. Being engaged in bodybuilding, with a growth of 188 cm, he weighed 115 kg.

    The actor popularized a healthy lifestyle and bodybuilding through his films and magazine columns. At the age of 19, he won the contest “Mr. Europe”, also in his piggy bank 5 titles “Mr. Universe” and 7 victories in the competition “Mr. Olympia”. In the late 80s, the actor organized his “Arnold Classic” competition, which takes place annually in February.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger - wins the title of the most pumped person in the world

    The most pumped up people in the world

      Another recognized bodybuilder on the planet is Jay Cutler. He became “Mr. Olympia” four times, moreover, he was still able to make a brilliant career in Hollywood. Therefore, in the eyes of many, he is the most powerful man in the world. For the first time, Jay won the Mr. Olympia competition in 2006, displacing current champion Ronnie Coleman.

    Since childhood, Jay was engaged in heavy physical labor, worked in construction. The athlete’s brother and father worked in the same field. And Cutler began his way from the bottom. Work has become a kind of platform for physical development, building muscle and mass. Cutler studied at a law college and spent his free time building his own body (the term bodybuilding is translated as body building). Perseverance and desire helped the athlete to achieve high results and overcome all difficulties.

    Now Jay Cutler is the only athlete-bodybuilder who regained Olimpia after victory and subsequent defeat (2010). But at the competition in 2013, he took only 6th place. Maybe he still lucky.

    The most pumped up in the world

    The phrase sounds like an honorary title, title or prize. The way it is. Since in order to recognize a person as a hero, one must go to the gym for years, limit oneself to almost everything and, in fact, give one’s entire life to bodybuilding. So did the German athlete Markus Rule. His colleagues dubbed "bodybuilding watermelon." And there is a reason. The athlete has huge biceps in his arms, which eerily roll under the skin. When Marcus prepares for competitions, he sits on a special diet, draining the body, that is, expels water from it. After restrictions on food, there is a feeling that the skin on the body of an athlete is about to burst, unable to withstand the pressure of giant muscles. By the way, Rule won the title of the most pumped person in the world in 2009. He also owns the title of the biggest shoulders in the history of bodybuilding.

    Impressive reliefs and indicators were quite difficult for Marcus. He took a systematic lead from the age of 19. Although it is believed that novice bodybuilders athletes at this age are already old. Because the younger the body, the easier it is to train it. Professional bodybuilding, as a rule, adolescents begin to engage in 15-16 years.

      “The German Beast”, another nickname of Marcus, survived a lot of disappointments and serious injuries before he climbed to the top of Olympus bodybuilding. He tries to keep on it now, he trains and performs at prestigious contests and competitions. As long as it allows both health and physical form. Today, with an increase of 177 centimeters, the athlete’s biceps volume is 57 centimeters. Weight - during competitions - 127 kilograms, and breast volume - 148 centimeters. The goggle of the record holder is 84 centimeters. Well, when the most pumped person rests from the competition, he allows himself to gain extra weight up to 145 kilograms.

    The strongest pumped man in the world

      A suitable candidate and Lithuanian heavyweight Zydrunas Savickas. He was the only one on the planet who could sit down with a four-kilogram barbell in his hands. And the award for the victory he handed himself Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    Since his childhood, an athlete was fond of sports and strength exercises, which helped him become a winner of many power competitions. And in 2003, he received the title “The Strongest Man of the Planet” for winning the Arnold Classic tournament. Savickas is the most powerful person in the world in 2009, 2010 and 2012. Many of his achievements are listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

    The most pumped man in the world

    Who is the most powerful man in the world today? An unequivocal answer to this question is almost impossible. This title corresponds to many athletes. The most suitable candidate is professional bodybuilder Ronnie Coleman, 8-time winner in the international bodybuilding championship "Mr. Olympia."

    Ronnie's real name is Ronald Dean Coleman. He was born on May 13, 1964. From early childhood, Coleman loved sports. He devoted any free time to the game of football, basketball and baseball. And already at the age of 12, he had an impressive torso that others believed: the boy goes to the gym. However, they were wrong, Ronnie did not even see the barbell in his eyes. Only a little later, he decided to go in for sports simulators, but after entering university he left a rocking chair.

    In 1986, Ronnie Coleman graduated state University  Granbling in America. He learned a degree in accounting. But during training, the athlete did not leave football and training. He played for the university team. After receiving the diploma, the future record holder went to work as an accountant in a network of fast food restaurants. But the post did not last long. Already in 1991, the sport took over the young man, and he decided to start a career as a professional bodybuilder. It is worth noting that Coleman worked for some time as a police officer and now is in the position of a reserve officer in the police of the Texas city of Arlington.

    After numerous victories in contests at the end of his career, in 2007, Ronnie took only fourth place in the Mr. Olympia competition. Immediately after such a defeat, the eight-time champion announced his decision to end his career.

    Ronnie Coleman - the victories of the most powerful man on the planet

    However, after two years, Ronnie Coleman changed his mind and decided to go back to bodybuilding. In 2010, he took part in the competition Mr. Olympia, but could not even overcome the qualification. However, the athlete did not despair, because his wife Christine Achcher and two daughters Jamelia and Valencia Daniel are waiting and supporting him at home.

    It is worth noting that the weight of Ronnie Coleman in competitions is about 135 kilograms, and in the offseason - about 150 kilograms. The height of the champion is 180 centimeters.

    The power is there, the mind is not necessary. This saying was popularly popular at all times. However, few people think that it is very difficult to develop record-breaking physical parameters.

    Here we need a competent approach, good knowledge in medicine, biology, chemistry and physics. Moreover, you need to be able to correctly calculate the load during training, make diet and much more. In other words, besides texture, brains are also needed.
      The most pumped man in the world - Leaps and bounds to the record The most pumped man in the world. The phrase sounds like an honorary title, title or prize. The way it is. Since in order to recognize a person as a hero, one must go to the gym for years, limit oneself to almost everything and, in fact, give one’s entire life to bodybuilding. So did the German athlete Markus Rule. His colleagues dubbed "bodybuilding watermelon." And there is a reason. The athlete has huge biceps in his arms, which eerily roll under the skin. When Marcus prepares for competitions, he sits on a special diet, drains the body, that is, expels water from it. After restrictions on food, there is a feeling that the skin on the body of an athlete is about to burst, could not withstand the pressure of giant muscles. By the way, Rule won the title of the most pumped person in the world in 2009.

    The most pumped man in the world - Markus Roel

    Impressive reliefs and indicators were quite difficult for Marcus. He took a systematic lead at the age of 19. Although it is believed that novice bodybuilders athletes at this age are already old. Because the younger the body, the easier it is to train it. Professional bodybuilding, as a rule, adolescents begin to engage in 15-16 years.

      “The German Beast”, another nickname of Marcus, survived a lot of disappointments and serious injuries before he climbed to the top of Olympus bodybuilding. He tries to keep on it now, he trains and performs at prestigious contests and competitions. So far it allows both health and physical form. Today, with an increase of 177 centimeters, the athlete’s biceps volume is 57 centimeters. Weight - during competitions - 127 kilograms, and breast volume - 148 centimeters. The goggle of the record holder is 84 centimeters.

    Well, when the most pumped person rests from the competition, he allows himself to gain extra weight up to 145 kilograms.

    Recognized idol

    Another recognized bodybuilder on the planet is Jay Cutler. He became Mr. Olympiae four times, moreover, he was still able to make a brilliant career in Hollywood. Therefore, in the eyes of many, he is the most powerful man in the world.

    Since childhood, Jay was engaged in heavy physical labor, worked in construction. The athlete’s brother and father worked in the same field. And Cutler began his way from the bottom. And the work has become a kind of platform for physical development, muscle building and mass. Cutler studied at a law college and spent his free time building his own body (the term bodybuilding is translated as body building). Perseverance and desire helped the athlete to achieve high results and overcome all difficulties. Now Jay Cutler is the only athlete-bodybuilder, who regained "Olympia" after the victory and the subsequent defeat.

    Jay Cutler - Considered a Super Bodybuilder

    Star american

    Another athlete who left a significant contribution to the development of athleticism and bodybuilding - Art Atwood. However, he died very early. He passed away at the age of 37.

    The debut of the athlete, as a professional, came in 2001. Further Art every year not once spoke at prestigious competitions. His performance: weight 111 kilograms, height 180 centimeters.

    A real record holder

    Who is the most powerful man in the world today? An unequivocal answer to this question is almost impossible. This title corresponds to many athletes. A suitable candidate and Lithuanian heavyweight Savickas. He was the only one on the planet who could sit down with a four-kilogram barbell in his hands. And the award for the victory he handed himself Arnold Schwarzenegger. Professional bodybuilder Ronnie Coleman, a multiple winner in this field, also claims this award.

    Ronnie's real name is Ronald Dean Coleman. He was born on May 13, 1964. And now he is a professional bodybuilder, and besides, an eight-time winner of the prestigious contest “Mr. Olympia” and a number of other competitions.

    Ronnie Coleman - the most powerful man in the world

    From early childhood, Coleman loves sports. He devoted any free time to the game of football, basketball and baseball. And already at the age of 12, he had an impressive torso that others believed: the boy goes to the gym. However, they were wrong, Ronnie did not even see the barbell in his eyes. Only a little later, he decided to engage in sports units, but after entering the university he left the simulators.

    In 1986, Ronnie Coleman graduated from Granbling State University in America. He learned a degree in accounting. And during training, the athlete did not leave football and training. He played for the university team. After receiving the diploma, the future record holder went to work as an accountant in a network of fast food restaurants. But the post did not last long. Already in 1991, the sport took up over the young man, and he decided to start a career as a professional bodybuilder. It is worth noting that Coleman worked for some time as a police officer and now is in the position of a reserve officer in the police of the Texas city of Arlington.

    After numerous victories at competitions, in 2007, Ronnie took only the fourth place on “Mr. Olympia”. Immediately after such a defeat, the eight-time champion announced his decision to end his career.

    However, after two years, Ronnie Coleman changed his mind and decided to go back to bodybuilding. In 2010, he took part in the competition Mr. Olympia, but could not even overcome the qualification. However, the athlete did not despair, because at home his wife Kristin Achkar and two daughters Jamelia and Valencia Daniel are waiting and supporting him in case of failure.

    It is worth noting that the weight of Ronnie Coleman in competitions is about 135 kilograms, and in the offseason - about 150 kilograms. The champion's weight is 180 centimeters.