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  • Games with a sound "with" for children. Games with sounds and letters for children and their parents.

    Games with a sound

    Moving educational games with sound P can be conducted after or separately from our speech classes in sound P or on a walk, on the road, etc. They will help your child learn to distinguish between sounds P and L (this is called “differentiation of sound P and L”), which children often confuse, and fix the correct articulation of sound R.

    Games on the sound of P are interesting to the child, do not bother him. This allows you to repeatedly repeat the sound of R. So imperceptibly for the child, the correct pronunciation of the sound of R.

    Water, sugar and yeast are placed in a bowl and mixed. Wait two or three minutes for the yeast to soften. Then add a cup of flour, oil, salt and, after mixing well, put the rest of the flour. Sprinkle flour on the bottom of the tree, and then knead the dough. After the dough is finished, place it in a bowl and cover it, then let it grow for about 45 minutes. Then separate the dough into small migraines. Using plastic knives and forks, type the desired letters. Preferably write the name of the child, mother or father for the first contact of the child with the rules of the game.

    Here are a few games on the sound of P from my game piggy bank.

      Game 1. Speech mobile game with sound P "Airplane and Tiger" (sounds of L and P).

    Explain to the child that the tiger roars "РРРРР" - loud, rolling, angry. The plane flies high in the clouds, we hear it badly and buzzes in a different way “LLLL”.

    The first version of the game: Stand behind the door (or behind the screen) so that the child will not see you. If you do not want to go out the door, you can simply cover your face with a sheet of paper or a newspaper. Suggest that the child listen carefully to the sound and guess that it is a tiger of “rrrr” or an airplane of “llll”. You alternately utter sounds, alternating them, for example, “rrrrr - llll - llll - rrrrr, etc.”. If it is a "tiger", then the child depicts a tiger (arrange as), if it is a "plane" - the child depicts a plane, stretching out the sides of the hand or in any other way that you agree with him in advance.

    Over time, you can write the names of your family members or pets, as well as write sentences in 2-3 words. Place the letter on a baking sheet. Leave in the oven for 15 minutes. What your child can do: Measure and mix ingredients. Check the brewer's yeast with your finger to make sure it is soft. Squeeze the flour on a wooden bottom and knead the dough. Decide what forms of letters he makes. Make the shape of the letters with a fork and a plastic knife. Follow the growth of the test after hours. This can be done only by explaining where the language of the clock should be when the dough is ready.

    The second version of the game:  If in the first variant the baby accurately determines the sound, then it is possible to complicate the game and pronounce not the sounds, but the words with these sounds. Ask your child to determine which sounds live in these words: “rrrrrrrak, lllllokad, arrrrrrbuz, jollyllka, llllllozhka, morrrrrkovka, bellkah, korrrrrrov”. Be sure to draw the necessary sounds in the word to make it easier for the kid to pick them out from your speech by ear. If the child hears "Lll", he shows the plane with a gesture or runs around the room, depicting a plane. If in the word the child hears the sound "rrrr", then he depicts a tiger.

    He can play an Alphabet song with you while the letters bark. It is important to remember that you are the best teacher of your child in the first years of his life. The biggest responsibility is to turn everyday activities into learning opportunities. The game plays a fundamental role in the emotional and intellectual development of the child. It is very important to adapt the game approach and toys used to meet the needs of the child, depending on the age and stage of development.

    To play with a child, you do not need long periods of time or difficult games. It is important for him to make the most of his time.

    Monday: take the various containers with light lids to put and pull out, and urge the child to put and remove the lids, attach the pots with the lids. Thus, he will develop a sense of touch and the ability to solve problems by free research, learn about the concepts of "coincidence", "on", "on Tuesday": sit with your child on a smooth surface and give Take a small ball that can catch a small ball.

    The game can be used as a useful speech warm-up with movements during any activities with the baby.

    This game will greatly help the child in the future when he learns to write. Many children who, instead of “p”, said the sound “l” are further confused when writing words. In the game with the sounds of L and R, kids will learn to distinguish between them, which will prevent mistakes.

    Encourage him to catch and throw the ball. He gets acquainted with the chase and catch the ball, develops his skill and self-confidence; Wednesday: Spread a 1, 5 meter straight line on the correct line. Come on line, making sure that your child is watching you. Encourage him to walk along the line and think that he is a bridge across the water. Show them how to put one foot on top of each other and how to maintain balance with your hands. This game develops focus and language interaction, helps coordinate body parts; Thursday: buy a riribal and make soap bubbles that a child can break with his hands.

    Game 2. Speech mobile game with sound P "Storm"

    You can play this game by the sound of P, both together and together, and even with a group. One person - leading. He portrays the wind. It is necessary that the child in this time sat on a chair (this will avoid unnecessary distractions) and portray the wind. Wind can be represented in two ways:

    This will stimulate attention and strength of concentration, help coordinate hands and eyes; Friday: look at books with flowers and trees, grass, name them and take the opportunity, take her to the park and show her the flowers and trees in the book. Encourage his smell, smell them. Tell them what they saw in the book, there were just pictures, and those in the park were living things. He will improve his vocabulary, he will have a different perception of the world outside and on flowers, he will easily connect the photos of the book with what she learned.

    Saturday: take 3 spice jars and let the child smell each one of them. Pour a little each on cotton wool and ask him to identify the jar from which they are taken. Tell them that the nose is the one that helps us breathe and smell. It will develop a sense of smell, the ability to associate smells, is aware of the existence of the nose and enrich your vocabulary. Sunday: take a T-shirt, draw a cardboard mannequin and help the children's dress and divide the mannequin with a shirt.

    • "Start a motor - drrrr" (sound P with vibration). РРРРР - the storm has begun.
    • mouth open, wide tongue behind the upper teeth on the alveoli. The child blows on the tongue - a deaf sound is obtained, which is called the "p-p".

    All other players are trees. When the wind blows, the trees sway to the sides (raise your arms up and swing your torso). As soon as the wind stopped blowing, the trees should instantly stop and freeze. Who did not have time to stop - becomes the wind. If everyone is attentive and stops in time, then you need to switch roles in 3-4 repetitions of the game.

    This game will help him to understand the shape and parts of the body, as well as the usefulness of his clothes. Monday: Take the ball and the can and explain to the child that they need to throw the ball into the can. When you say two, lift two fingers. And when he says, "I love you," hug him. Poetry will help him realize his name, gender and age, the concept of "two" and rhythmic words: environment: look at the child's clothes and show a certain color. Call the color and ask him to indicate an object in the room with the same color. Thus, they perceive colors better, develop the ability to name colors and find the same color in a different context, develop their ability to listen and observe; Thursday: Draw the border on the drawing sheet and draw with your child in the frame.

    Game 3. Speech mobile game with sound Р “Crows”.

    An adult performs movements with his hands - wings, depicting a crow, and says these words:

    "Like under the green Christmas tree

    Jump, caw crows.

    Because of the crust had a fight,

    They shouted loudly.

    Here is a dog running,

    And the crows fly away! ”

    The child, depicting a dog, growls loudly "rrrrr" and tries to catch up with the crow. The crow flies into its nest (discuss in advance where this place in the room will be). If the dog caught the crow, they change places. The crow can run away only after the PPPP sound and not before !!! When pronouncing the sound p, you can help your finger to achieve the vibration of the tongue.

    Encourage him to tell the story while he draws. He stimulates his work, helps him to realize the structure, develops his imagination and language to describe his painting; Friday: read a simple story and ask questions. He develops his ability to pursue consistency, attention and memory, enriches his vocabulary; Saturday: play in the park. Identify the numbers with your child and explain how to jump in one leg and land on two legs, how to return. He is more aware of the order of numbers, develops motor coordination, develops ease of maintaining balance.

    The game can be played with the whole family and with friends of the child.

    When a child learns to speak the sound P in words and phrases, then he will be able to pronounce the text of the rhyme. In the meantime, it does an adult.

    Game 4. Speech music game with syllables with P "Trumpeters".

    An adult invites the child to play trumpeters. The child depicts how he plays the trumpet with his hands and at the same time says: rrra-ra-ra, ru-ru-ru, ro-ro-ro, ry-ry. You can play on a big pipe that sounds low, harsh. And on a small trumpet that sounds high, gently, gently.

    Gives confidence and strengthens independence; Sunday: take a set of magnets with letters of the alphabet. Insert the magnets in order on the fridge, playing with the child an alphabet song. Teaches the alphabet, understands the order of letters, the difference between lowercase and lowercase letters, develops the ability to connect sound with a letter. Monday: Empty two socks and scarves. You explain the difference between them and tell them that in each box we store special things. Then ask him to wear socks and scarves on scarves. Thus, you are aware of the idea of ​​order, sorting things and habits of the same or different ways; Tuesday: take a bowl set and challenge the child to aim and shoot.

    Play Guess the Melody. One player makes a song “playing it on the pipe” i. singing a melody without words on the syllable of ra-ra-ra. The other player guesses what the song is. Then swap roles. In "Guess the melody" play well on the road.

    Game 5. Movable speech game with sound P "Wolf".

    For the game you need to discuss in advance where the “wolf's den” will be, and where “our house” will be. Leading - the wolf - sits in his lair. Other players leave the “house” and approach the “wolf's den”. They start to tease the wolf:

    Count the stagnant and broken boots. This game will help you to understand the concept of "up" and "down", to improve your ability to target and count, to increase self-confidence. Wednesday: select a picture of a girl or boy and encourage the child to show the body parts with a topless pencil and then detect them. Activity develops the identification of body parts, the ease of listening and finding parts of the body; Thursday: put the rope on the ground and tell the child to skip the rope. Then set the rope a few centimeters of the floor and ask him to jump over the stretched string.

    Wolf - top

    Gray flank!

    Do not lie on the stove!

    Give us some rolls!

    “PPP,” growls the wolf angrily. On this signal, the players run away to their "home", and the wolf catches them. If a wolf touches a player, it becomes a wolf.

    Game 6. A mobile speech game with syllables with R “Koni”.

    Put a ribbon or rope in the middle of the room (or draw a line on the ground if you are playing outside). Ribbon or dash we divide the space of the room into two halves. Stand with the child facing each other so that you are in one half and the child in the other.

    Gradually increase the height of the string to allow the child to jump comfortably. Riding will help you realize the object in motion, better understand the concept of “above”, develop coordination of coordination, and on Friday: take a wall clock and teach it to recognize a clock. Explain the difference between pointers. Because the language takes an hour to move around the clock and return to the same place. Thus, you get the concept of time and time; Saturday: do the puzzle with the child. This will help you to understand the whole concept of the parts, place the figures in a given space, develop their ability to coordinate the problem, ability and coordination of the eye mark; Sunday: Prepare your child’s baggage for travel.

    One partner in the game plays the role of a horse, the other - leading.

    You begin to say the phrase, and the child persuades the last syllable. The child’s speech is given in brackets.

    "Ta-ra- (ra),

    Ta-ra- (ra).

    The horses with the pair (pa) are gone.

    And the guys (caught)

    And stronger (tied). "

    With these words, the horse runs away (with his tongue at the same time). And the driver catches and shouts "Tpru". If the horse is caught, the players switch roles.

    Tell him that he is empty and light, and help him choose clothes and toys and personal items and put them into it. When baggage is ready, tell him that the backpack is full and a little more difficult. He understands the concepts of “empty” and “full”, “easy” and “hard”, develops his interaction with the language and helps him to understand the preparation for certain types of activities.

    Guide to the daily activities of Betty Squibb and Sally Deutz. People came to read this material. Obedience is important for the following instructions and the development of memory concepts taught in the classroom. Games are an interesting way to teach children to effectively listen, develop their hearing and social skills. Being a good listener means being able to focus your attention on your message and view important information.

    All games with sound P listed in this article are conducted after the first stage of work with sound -

    How to automate the sound of P, including it in words and phrases, you will learn from the article in which you will find games, pictures, poems, tongue twisters.

    In this article I talked about six games by the sound of R. But these games are much more. Games for the sound of P, you can invent yourself. Surely you and your child will have their favorite games. Sound P is now not so terrible for a baby R!

    Guess the musical instrument - collects more musical instruments that emit different sounds. Give your child all the tools to get acquainted with the emitted sounds. The child closes his eyes, and the parent makes sound with the instrument. Tiny guy must guess the tool. The challenge is to focus on the sound without visual cues. The game develops active listening, attention, concentration.

    Find the order of the instruments - the child has his back, and we use 3 or 4 instruments to compose a song. The child will carefully listen to the types of instruments, and then it will be his turn to play the sounds in the order in which he listened, taking into account the intensity, duration of the sound, etc.

    More about the development of the speech of children you can find interesting and useful information in the articles:


    "The development of speech from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

    In Montessori kindergartens, much attention is paid to the development of hearing in children. Here are a few games that will help teach your child to distinguish between sounds and determine their source. Dry beans (1.5-4 years) Take a large glass or ceramic salad bowl and fill it with half dry beans. Choose a large bean: the child will not stick it in the nose or ear, and when it is poured from a large spoon into a bowl it will turn out ...

    Start with simple patterns: beat your hands three times and have your child reproduce what you hear. Then increase the difficulty by including more types of moves and rhythms. We need double quantities of rice, coffee beans, sand, pebbles, etc. fill two boxes of the same contents, then ask the child to find two sounds that sound the same when they shake them. Under the seat we put the key.

    The parent should take the keys without noise, and the child should listen carefully and hear the least noise to avoid the keys disappearing. When he hears the red word, he will have to stop and not move until he turns green. The faster he perceives verbal prompts, the faster he manages to complete the route.

    Reading and writing in the Montessori method: cards with letters and words

    Learning to read: what do you need to be able to preschooler


    My older children were not ready to learn to read before school, somehow mastered this science in the summer before school

    Everything has long been decided by those who actually govern the country. all power is purchased. the election is a farce. I have not believed in democracy and freedom for a long time. More freedom from someone who has more money. So everywhere in Ukraine and in Britain and in the USA.
    I say that. Because I know. I want to tell about this world a little more than the authorities or the corrupt media say about it. Come on Sing a blog on the website Policy online [link-1]. I have recordings, videos, petitions and a lot of other useful information here.
    My principle of authorship is truth and justice ....

    Find the treasure by listening to the instructions - we will hide the object that the child begins to search. We will tell him different instructions to go through the search: take two steps to the left, run to the door, walk on one foot on the edge of the carpet, etc. And you will get there. Stresses that the search for treasure depends on its ability to listen.

    As soon as he catches the ball, he will call the appropriate animal. This activity, while listening and identifying, strengthens the connection between sounds and symbols, develops the child’s perception and language. The story is a detective. We will tell the child that we will read the story. There is a special word, and when he hears this, he has to knock. We can increase the difficulty of the game and choose 5 special words with 5 corresponding moves.

    We offer several games that introduce the child with the letters. In order to write letters, the child must be able to control the work of the muscles of his hand. The following tasks will help the child to learn to control the hand with greater accuracy and strengthen the fingers - after all, they will have to hold the writing tool firmly in the future. You can offer your child very early to do exercises that ...
    ... The repetition of sounds is a very important moment. And now invite the child to run his fingers over the letter, while uttering a sound. Thanks to this, he will be able to perceive the letter at once in all sensory parameters: audially (he pronounces the sound, therefore, hears it), tactile (he touches the letter) and visually (he looks at the letter). Remove from the basket an item whose name begins with a sound indicated by the selected letter. Let's say it will be mandarin. Say: “[M] - the word“ Mandarin ”begins with this sound” and place the mandarin in front of you. Work in the same way with the child the second, and then the third letter of your choice. Hold these classes daily - and every day, before ...

    Preparing a child for reading: playing at home, walking, on the road
    ... Only having mastered them, it is worth moving on to the study of letters. Playing with syllables Choose in the room where you are engaged with the child, five items: three of which you use often, and two - the names of which are rarely pronounced (for example: a candlestick, a puppet). Put or place these items in front of you in a row and name the first on the left. At the same time, clap your hands whenever ...

    The letters on the cards. You can make several sets with the same cards, each of which write one letter. You take a set of cards with a child (start literally from 2-3 letters, and first from vowels), make a sound, for example, “O” and show such a card. The kid is looking for the same. Then you pronounce the sound, and he himself is looking for the right card. Then you can play "silent movie" - round your mouth, as if you want to say "O", and the baby guesses what kind of sound you were going to make. Pulling the lips with a straw, as if you are going to say “U”, and the baby says “U” and is looking for a card with this letter. What letter begins? We mastered this game in three years. First, I specially issued ...
    ... Pulling the lips with a straw, as if you are going to say "Y", and the baby says "Y" and is looking for a card with this letter. What letter begins? We mastered this game in three years. At first, I specifically singled out the first letter (more precisely, the sound): “Aaaaa watermelon, what begins? And on which letter does uu duck begin? And what about the sh-sh-hat?” Guess what I said? At about three years old we started to play games with syllables. In order to read by syllables, it is useful to be able to break any word into syllables and then assemble it into a whole. I spoke first with small pauses, then with medium ones, then with large ones: “Ma. Ma. What is the outcome? Right, Mama!” Why this game? And then, that sometimes children who are intensively taught to read, can pronounce a word by syllables, but not by ...

    Is your child ready to learn?

    Montessori The teaching didactic material for reading consists of several parts. The logic of his presentation of the child is simple: from the concrete, tangible - to the abstract, to the symbols. At the same time, the principle of expanding the child’s word stock, as well as their classification and ordering, grouping, analysis and synthesis are always and always observed. All material is divided into several groups: Classification of words and subject games with sounds. Pink series - material for the first reading. Blue series - the material for the correct reading of difficult words. Reading text. Definitions Analysis of parts of speech. Characters Analysis of the proposals. Characters Next chapter Table of Contents ...

    On the way, you read to the child any inscription encountered vice versa. For example, "BELH" means "BREAD", etc. The child must "translate" an incomprehensible word and find this inscription. And we play "cats" - who first saw the cat, the cat too :) And the favorite game we usually play in minibuses is to make words from any word written in a minibus, for example, who will come up with more words from the word "STOP" and t ....


    My daughter knew all the letters somewhere to 2 years. It turned out this way. I was fascinated by the book Doman in which it is written that it is necessary to write words on cards. As a result, I cut all the letters of the alphabet out of cardboard, so that they were the same size and, encircling them, wrote different words on the cards, then painted over the resulting outline. With these very cardboard letters, my daughter began to play. She took a pencil, felt-tip pen, circled them, repeating after me, just decorated them, scattered them. At the same time, naturally, I called her the letters that she played, of course, I did not tell her BE, ME, PE, but called the sound .. I had to make a second set of letters, because the letters were crushed, torn. By one and a half years or earlier the cards were ready, by that time I had replaced her cardboard letters with beautiful, dense, carved floor tiles, which is a type of linoleum. But they were no longer interested in her. We worked a little on the cards I had enough for 2.5 months. Thanks to the cards, she learned well how to pronounce complex words, such as excavator and others. From the cubes with letters she just built the pyramids. Until a year, even before my hobby for making cards, I actively read various cardboard alphabets to her. After she stopped playing with letters and we had already abandoned cards with words, we again began to read new alphabets. My daughter easily called me all the letters in these alphabets.
      In the strict sense of the letter, we did not teach her. Just played and read together.


    The article also seemed strange to me. First of all
    1. What we learn to listen to this characters and images, and only then frets.
    2. Even in kindergarten, by the age of 4 years, more demands are made, and parents, as is known, should give their children a little more.
    Here is the article "Children's musical development" in my opinion more adequate.

    14.05.2008 09:39:26, Teacher musician

    on the phrase "Suggest your baby to compare the sounds of different rattles" I was stuck.

    In general, the idea to go from the noise tools is incomprehensible to me. At an early age it is very easy for a child to form an absolute ear; it is enough just to include in the daily routine of listening to the songs sung by the ear training, naming the notes. Now there are many such songs: both Kiryushin and Zheleznov. The children's brain assimilates thousands of new concepts: the objects, the color, the taste, and the only reason for which the pitch of the sound is not absorbed and its name - because the child is not called this height. Mom will tell the child a cube / ball / apple of RED color a hundred times, and each time she will say that it is RED. And the baby will learn this information. During this same time, the child will hear the note "fa" a thousand times in children's songs, but each time it will have a different syllable. Take for example the same song "a grasshopper was sitting in the grass." Notes will be la-mi-la-mi-la-salt-salt. Three times for the first phrase the note "la" is repeated, but it is called "tra" - "si" - "ku". Will the child be able to remember the red color, if they call him either blue, then sweet, or prickly? Can not! so why are we surprised that children often have a hearing problem? And instead of using this age for the development of hearing, the development of what a person already has is suggested: rhythm. Man is by nature rhythmic: the heart beats rhythmically; breath and gait are also rhythmic. Why should a preschooler poke a drum and demand ANALYSIS, when this age is the age of eidetics, perceptions at the level of feelings, and feelings need to be loaded with impressions, but not the brain, which does not need to be analyzed yet.

    Where is the music? Cover the sound source with matter, turn on the music (well, if the music is classical, light in character) and ask the baby: "Where is the music?" The crumb approaches or creeps, breaks matter (at this moment music should be turned off) and is glad that the meaning of what is happening is clear to him. The game connects with listening to music and is therefore particularly useful. Many children, considering the play and movement moment, especially if they liked the music, are ready to play this game again and again. The game can be complicated by moving the source sound to another room. But do not forget that the music should not sound too loud. From 1.5 to 3 years What instrument sounded? Before the child are two tools. P...
    ... The game is connected with listening to music and is therefore particularly useful. Many children, considering the play and movement moment, especially if they liked the music, are ready to play this game again and again. The game can be complicated by moving the source sound to another room. But do not forget that the music should not sound too loud. From 1.5 to 3 years What instrument sounded? Before the child are two tools. Suppose a tambourine and a drum. Ask your child to turn away and knock on one of the tools. If the kid guesses what instrument you are knocking on, it gets your approval and applause ....


    Everything here is written correctly, but my daughter used to study music at a music school only from under the lash. Until she began to find notes on the Internet for such songs, which would be interesting and familiar to her. Her favorite site with notes [link-1] She plays the flute with us. There she downloads the music includes a midi backing track (from the same site) and makes us happy by playing her favorite tunes. Therefore, it is necessary to play musical instruments not only effortlessly, but also so that the child himself is interested! Thank!

    I give piano and solfeggio lessons for children of any classes of music school, as well as for adults. Have experience with children in the music school.
    I graduated from the College of Music and at the moment I am studying in the Orthodox St. Tikhon University in the Faculty of Philology.
    I have experience composing music.
    If my proposal interested you - my phone number: 89267361044 and email. post office: [email protected]

    Nowadays, developmental activities with kids are very popular, especially from 3 years old. Every mother has her own money box with “development”. These are notebooks with hatching, colorings and other tasks, counting points, scraps, crafts, etc. But modern technologies also keep up with the times. After all, for kids from 3 years old, specially developed educational games and applications on the most popular topics: score, colors, shapes, letters, etc. They are colorful, animated, with sounds. Therefore, as a company representative ...

    The alphabet, which will help not only learn letters and sounds, but also teach them to feel Poetic alphabets are different: simple and clear, fascinating and fun, inventive and witty. “The ABC” of Viktor Lunin - tuned, lyrical, poetic, not only in the literal meaning of the word, but also in the figurative - emotional, captivating. Here the letter "A" is not a stork, a watermelon, an orange. “A” is August, when sunset is glowing red, coloring everything around with scarlet - this is a pacifying picture ...