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  • The meaning of the phrase speak so I saw you. Annual literary contest of children's works

    The meaning of the phrase speak so I saw you. Annual literary contest of children's works

    March 26th, 2017, 12:33 pm

    All successful people have a habit at the first contacts. listen carefully to the words that you say and how you articulate your thoughts.

    Just listen to a person a little to understand what is really in his head.


    Because what is happening in your subconscious is projected through your speech, especially when you are calm, not interested, or in a state of anger.

    By letting a person into your life, remember that you are letting in a part of your destiny.

    Avoid communicating with “toxic” people who have “deficient” thinking, but at the same time know how to communicate and deal with it correctly without interfering in unnecessary conflicts.

    Such people are at a low level of vibrations, their "disease" is contagious. You do not have to be a “trash pit” for their problems.

    They do not think about the fact that if one repeats the same thing, then this “one and the same” will constantly happen to them. There are many people in the world who do not want to get rid of problems and alien programs, and you are not responsible for the results of their lives.

    Your behavior and way of thinking is almost completely controlled by your environment.
    You become like those with whom you are most in contact. You are a psycho-energetic average of three to five people with whom you most often communicate.

    Consider: Who surrounds you? What kind of music do you allow yourself to listen to? What movies do you watch? What information and emotions do you let in, do you watch the news, which ones? Are you an “appendage” to your TV, if this is your permanent environment? What and who do you spend your free time on?

    The environment has a big impact on another aspect of your life - your energy security.

    Your power is determined by the amount of energy that you are able to receive from the Universe, to accumulate, save and realize.

    Energetically interacting with other people, we are faced with different types of emotional vibrations, both positive and negative, and these vibrations can upset your energy balance.

    Therefore, try to avoid "incorrect" communication, or at least minimize it. In such cases, remember to control your emotional reactions, listen to the interlocutor "half-heartedly", distract yourself with thoughts about something else, read a prayer about yourself.

    Do not let anyone eat your energy, stop trying to take it away from you ... (c)

    “Speak for me to see you.”
      How accurate and perspicacious is this statement of Socrates, the famous ancient Greek philosopher. Indeed, speech is an indicator of the erudition, intelligence, inner culture of a person. But do we often think about simple questions: “How do we say?”, “Do others around us easily understand?”, “Do we make mistakes in our speech?” Do we try to warn them, because error, like trouble, does not come alone . Grammar pulls the style, ignorance of the facts necessarily spoil the punctuation.
      I consider one of the most important advantages of a person to be able to see and correct their mistakes. Our whole life is a complete work on mistakes. And who does this work, he wins, and who does not, he makes the same mistakes again and again - and loses.
      The problem of literacy remains relevant to this day. Scientists puzzled over it, mastering new methods of the teacher, parents are looking for recipes for their children.
      In the meantime, it is worth looking back in order to once again convince ourselves and others that knowledge and literacy presuppose, above all, hard work. Let us recall the popular wisdom: “Literacy is taught - they scream to the whole hut”. Probably, A.S. Pushkin would never have become a great poet if he had not studied language skills in a lyceum, had not learned to think and create.
      And perhaps we did not know anything about A. S. Griboyedov if it were not for the ambitious dreams of mother Nastasya Fedorovna, related to the future of children. She decided not to spare the money for the education of her son, for she understood that if he quickly achieved a high position, their name would shine in the light, and everyone would begin to speak with envy about his mother.
    The Russian writer I. S. Turgenev surprised his contemporaries with extensive, versatile knowledge. A good home education helped him at the age of fifteen to enter Moscow University. And then he continued his studies at St. Petersburg University, after which he improved his knowledge of philosophy in Germany, at the University of Berlin.
      Turgenev could become a scientist, his knowledge would be enough to get the title of professor of philosophy.
      And if you recall the history to refer to the personalities of Peter I and Catherine II, then you can find "speaking" examples, testifying to their care, attention, interest in the problem of literacy in Russia.
      Peter I had great respect for knowledge and knowledgeable people. He studied all his life and demanded it from others. He knew several languages, spoke Dutch, understood French and German. According to archival sources, the king perfectly mastered fourteen specialties.
       Education Peter put at the forefront of all reforms. In Moscow, opened one after the other schools - Navigation, engineering, artillery, medical, German. It was from the time of Peter the Great that the custom of sending children to study abroad began. The “delights” of overseas education turned around for students in the form of homesickness and homesickness. And the school day in Russia lasted eight to nine hours. The holidays were short - Christmas holidays in the winter and one month in the summer. We studied for a long time - ten years or more.
      German by birth, Catherine II (Princess Sophia Augusta Frederick Anhalt Zerbet) during her reign (34 years!) Did everything to be considered Russian. She not only changed her name, but also learned Russian well, although she still had some difficulties with spelling. In a word of three letters, she used to make four mistakes: instead of “more,” she wrote “ischo”. It is not difficult to imagine how much patience she had to stock up in order to learn Russian. But the great dedication and rare diligence of Catherine made her mind flexible and receptive. It is also well known that already at the age of fifteen she read Plutarch, Cicero, Plato, Voltaire, Montesquieu.
      In addition, the empress herself loved to shine with a pen. Twelve volumes and essays contain interesting autobiographical notes. Several plays, political pamphlets, articles on magazines and numerous letters, including letters to Voltaire and Diderot. To the credit of Catherine, I must say that she appreciated smart people and brought them closer to her.
    Recalling once again how ordinary people through their own efforts, efforts, help of parents and teachers became educated, I think it makes sense to think about this and us. And, perhaps, to begin the road to knowledge with conscientiously learned homework.
      Do not forget that Yuri Gagarin taught suffixes before he flew into space, and Pushkin sat at the school desk, only then became the founder of the Russian language, the poet and the writer.
      After all, only strong knowledge elevates a person to a superlative degree! And knowledge is inherent in human speech.
      So, what should be the speech of a modern educated person?
      I’m not mistaken if I say that speech must be correct, clear, beautiful and relevant. It would seem simple words, but very deep.

    “Talk to me, so that I see you,” Socrates once said. A person can be dressed in any kind of clothes, surrounded by objects that create an illusion about his tastes, views on life, the inner world; a person can be given a brilliant education - but his essence will not escape the attentive interlocutor. Strangely enough, it is intangible words that, like steam, come out of a person’s mouth and dissolve - and are actually carefully preserved - somewhere in space and time, “say” everything about a person.

    We rarely have to think about the essence of the concept of "word". Is that at a time when we teach our children to speak. Sometimes this need arises quite unexpectedly, as, for example, in connection with my daughter’s session. The Faculty of Philology, the same one that I myself graduated once ... And now we are already two of us leafing through the textbooks on linguistics, which we managed to get, and write the answers to the questions.

    First you need to characterize the word as a language unit.

    Any native speaker can distinguish separate words in his or someone else’s speech stream - philological education is not necessary for this. At the same time, none of the definitions given by linguists takes into account all the nuances of this concept. Some scientists believe that it is impossible to characterize it with the help of a word, that the concept of a word is incompatible with our understanding of a particular unit of language. Words are very different within the same language, but what can we say about the comparison of words that belong to different languages ​​(compare: school, learn, and, for, ku-ku, eng. A, the).

    But you have to give an answer, and we choose the most appropriate - “a sound or a complex of sounds with a certain lexical meaning,” and happily we begin to fill the white field, trying not to think that the definition is inaccurate, it is also suitable for morphemes and for offers. And why in the Ukrainian "salary" is one word, and "railroad" two? And what then to speak about English "to rise" - to get up? How many words are there: one, two, maybe three? Great, and this is only the beginning! The emergence of language ...

    Again a few textbooks - and versions, versions, versions ...

    I remember how once in school I was very much waiting for us to begin teaching biology. The fact is that I was sure: it is in this lesson that the secret of life will be explained to us, how else can such a subject begin! The difference between life and death for me was completely incomprehensible. Like most children, I could not formulate the question so that I understood. The biggest mystery was the work of the heart. Why is it knocking? What makes it work? Of course, then I did not find the answer. But biology had to clarify everything. And finally, the first lesson ... Unfortunately, I will not be able to intrigue the reader: everyone was in this lesson and heard everything themselves.

    I experienced the disappointment, similar to the childish one, by examining some hypotheses about the origin of the language. But let us leave the topic of the exams, because in ordinary life there is something to think about. The most common words that we use daily are sometimes seen in a completely different light. Take at least onomatopoeic words. Our speech has this property: with its external sound side, a combination of vowels and consonants, it characterizes the object, regardless of the meaning that is embedded in the content of the word. In the words “croak”, “buzz”, “meow”, “cuckoo”, “laughter”, “tramp”, the sound form indicates that the frog croaks, the cat meows, the cow moos and so on. If the student of the Russian language knows the meaning of the words “frog”, “cat” and “cow”, then he will guess the meaning of the above predicates by one sound form, since these words carry an element of imitation in themselves. How can we not recall the alliteration - the repetition of identical or homogeneous consonants, which give special expressiveness to what has been said. Thus, in the saying “From the hoof of hoofs, dust flies across the field,” the word “trampling” is imitative of imitation: the sound of “t”, “n”, “t” conveys the idea of ​​auditory sensation; in the word “hoof”, taken separately, this idea does not exist, but it is enhanced by the repetition of the consonants and the new consonant “to”. And here is another example of the use of the word “tramp”, but already from Ukrainian literature:

    Offensive indulgence. Go ahead and kill.
       Tupit Chobit.
       Near Duzhchaє. Glibšaє. Heavyweight
    (N. Bazhan)

    The repetition of the consonants "p", "t", "b", "f", "sh" creates an expressive sound image of the notorious march of the German army.

    And since we have touched on the Ukrainian language, let me give you a few examples from phraseology, which I really like to give to my students. To begin with, answer the question: what should I do to be told about you, that you are behaving, “yak chumatska vosha”? In fact, everything is very simple - to be important. Here is another phraseological unit that is not so easy to understand. What quality of a person is meant if we say about him that he is “to the cat by the institute head”? He is also “from the cooked krashanki kurcha to see”, “from the bottom of the standing stand to the vipore”, and in him “in the stupa, do not stand up”. Now it is clear that we are talking about an intelligent man. In opposition to him, a stupid man is “no tso ni tsabe”; if everything is really bad - “on the head”, if simply frivolous - “on the next day in the head”.

    But we will be more serious. There are many concepts that we habitually express in words, but are not able to comprehend, to imagine. Creator, infinity, love, heaven, hell - the first thing that comes to mind from this series. I think that these words are still waiting for our understanding. Once a renewed person will see everything differently, wider. In the meantime, we have what we have. I really like the aphorism of Socrates, which I first recalled. But, in my opinion, it is not acceptable for a philologist. To talk? Yes please! Words can be played, manipulated, it is convenient to hide behind them. They can be dragged in such a way that it will be awkward and banal to use them. Remember the samples of the essays of high school students from Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. The author himself described them as follows: “One of the signs that distinguished these works was conscious, lovingly cherished melancholicity; besides, the wasteful and impetuous influx of “high words”, further - a stupid manner to sculpt wherever possible especially “vivid” expressions and turns, besmirching them to the most nowhere; and especially it was striking and struck by annoying and unbearably miserable morality, which every time waved its scrawny tail at the end of each such work. ”

    How often we forget that conciseness is a sign of perfection. No wonder editors like to repeat that a fully edited text is an aphorism.

    Our long-time ancestors used very few words. But with what awe they treated them! One of the theories of the emergence of such a folklore genre as a riddle claims that it owes its appearance to a taboo: people did not dare to name certain objects or phenomena so as not to cause their spirit, they did not dare to disturb. Therefore, they were spoken of metaphorically. For us, a riddle is a concise, allegorical description of events, phenomena that need to be solved. We only smile when we hear that the ancestors did not call the creature that they were hunting for, “so that it would not hear”, and we don’t think: maybe they were smarter than us in some ways. We turn to God, using ordinary words, and not only believe, but also know that we are heard - that is, we realize this important function of the word. At the same time, we ourselves do not consider it necessary to follow what we are saying. We call upon the Lord to be witnesses to her "by God", and we do this not only when we speak the truth. And to utter the name of the Creator in vain to us, "God Himself commanded." If a man could always remember that he would be judged just by the words by which he judged others, that in his own words he actually creates a court for himself - he would be somewhat more careful.

    The tree of our language has grown, intertwined with other trees growing near it. But for the fulfillment of the basic task of a person - for the salvation of the soul - not so much is needed. In the end, you can do with two words: "Lord, have mercy."

    It is a huge responsibility for a person to use such an incomprehensible word. Of course, the philologist more often than others has to think about the essence of this concept, so I really want to be concise, seasoned, careful with words. Diligently try them on before using, rather than raking up in a heap before confession, noting with annoyance that this heap does not differ at all from its older sisters. And you know that in this situation calms the anxious conscience? Correct words.

    In this case, the words of Shakespeare: "It is easier for me to teach twenty people how to act, than to be one of these twenty and follow my own teachings."