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     Intense pulse of the city

    Having visited the duty unit of the State Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow and carefully observed the precise, well-coordinated work of the staff, the correspondents of Petrovka, 38 were convinced that this service is not only important for the system of internal affairs bodies, but is literally indispensable.

    Mirror of law enforcement officers

    The duty unit is not only a specialized emergency response service for appeals and communications from citizens, but also, by and large, a mirror of the city’s law enforcement officers. After all, as a rule, in complex, critical situations connected with criminal or other incidents, and often in the event of some acute, problematic everyday situations, the townspeople and guests of the megalopolis first turn to the Service "02" of the capital on duty for help. And on how professionally the specialists of such a profile perform their duties in the department, not least the opinion of the public on the activities of the police as a whole.

    At the end of this year, a significant anniversary will be celebrated - half a century of the Duty Section of the Main Directorate, formed in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Public Order Protection (RSEP) of the RSFSR of October 11, 1967, will be celebrated. At present, there are several structural subdivisions in the DCA of the State Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, which employs about 400 people, including its core operational duty officers in the city; Service "02"; radio service outfits; document service; the group for the preparation of the operational report of the State Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow; the KUSP case management group (crime reporting book); Separate platoon service attendant.

    There are no random people here. Management is very scrupulous about the selection of candidates. Only a professional in his field who has worked on the “ground” for at least five years, with an impeccable reputation and high stress tolerance, can be appointed to the duty station.

    Using high technology

    On average, over 500 reports of incidents requiring immediate response are monitored daily by the duty attendants in the city. It should be emphasized that Service “02” is the primary source of information about incidents and crimes, to which the corresponding units of the territorial divisions of internal affairs organize the appropriate response. Monitoring the timeliness and completeness of the necessary operational and investigative measures at the scene of accidents is carried out by the duty unit of the Main Directorate, explains police colonel Ilya Malkov.

    In total, in 2016, the Service “02” registered more than 4 million 177 thousand messages requiring prompt response - more than 2 million 829 thousand, including more than 261 thousand of criminal ones. During the twelve months of last year, about 98,500 telephone messages from medical institutions were processed and more than 661 thousand traffic accidents reports were received, about 300 reports of explosive devices.

    Employees of Service “02” of the duty station of the central board also receive information about illegal acts committed by the police, which arrive at the “helpline” of the State Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow. This “helpline” of the Main Department is included in the “Hotline” system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    “The use of high technologies and modern methods of controlling the operational environment increases the efficiency of the city’s law enforcement agencies in solving crimes during the day on duty,” continues Illya Borisovich. - For this purpose, innovative technologies are used to monitor the location of official vehicles using the GLONASS system (global navigation satellite system), urban video surveillance systems. In particular, the highest departmental standards are met by a well-equipped outfit service room. Of course, in the duty section of the central board there is a focused work to strengthen the accounting and registration discipline.

    The tense pulse of the city is felt in the unit since the beginning of the current year. Only in January-February, the Service “02” of the Duty Unit of the State Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow registered more than 615 thousand messages demanding prompt response, including about 36 thousand of a criminal nature.

    Alexander TARASOV,

    Photos of Nikolay Gorbikov and Alexander Nesterov


    Vladimir Karpovich, Police Colonel of Police, who has served in the internal affairs bodies since 1989, heads the Duty Unit of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow. Vladimir Vasilyevich has been working directly in the subdivision since October 2005: he was an operational duty officer in the city, then a shift supervisor, and ten years after transferring to this responsible service station, that is, in the second autumn month of 2015, he was appointed head of the head office of the central board.

    One of his deputies is police colonel Ilya Malkov. Ilya Borisovich, who has been in the ranks of law enforcement officers since 1995, was confirmed in this position in August 2013. Previously, he served in the divisions of the search department of the Traffic Police Directorate and was the deputy head of the Operations Department of the main board.

    The position of Deputy Head of the Duty Unit of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow — Chief of the Service “02” is occupied by Lieutenant Colonel of Police Anna Gorskaya. Anna Yurievna, who was recruited for service in the internal affairs bodies in 2000, has gone from the post of assistant to the operational duty service “02” of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the city of Moscow to her current leadership post.

    Police officers on duty are the most trained officers, whose hand is constantly on the pulse of city life and the safety of citizens. Perhaps that is why the duty part is called the "heart" of the police. And on how this “heart” works, the trust of citizens in law enforcement bodies depends.

    “Employees of the duty unit are engaged in collecting, summarizing information, receiving messages from citizens, organizations and enterprises by telephone or in person, by facsimile or via the Internet,” said Sergey Kuznetsov, head of the duty unit of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs Serovsky, a police major. - It should be noted that the number of incoming calls (messages) sometimes reaches eight to nine dozen per day. For the processing of a large array of messages, daily on duty days are intercepted by two investigative and operational teams consisting of an investigator or investigator, officers of operational services, a forensic expert, a canine police officer with a service dog, and if necessary, additional forces join the work - inspectors for juvenile precinct authorized. On duty, there are always patrol and patrol service outfits, the traffic police, and, on duty, an immediate response team.

    For each of the messages on duty of the ATS, it is necessary to organize the relevant work: to promptly and correctly direct outfits, to promptly assemble and direct the investigative team to the scene, if necessary, to connect other interested departments to the response to the message. Inform timely about the message and the work done to the parent body. In addition, employees of the duty unit provide temporary maintenance of detained citizens for committing administrative offenses. And this is a certain specificity, when the outfit brings, for example, a rowdy. Many citizens, being in such a state, begin to behave, to put it mildly, inadequately: they do not fulfill the legal requirements of a representative of the authorities, they try to inflict bodily injuries. It is necessary in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to use physical force and special means. Such facts are recorded. This is only a small list of tasks facing staff on duty.

    Probably not without reason the main requirements for a candidate for duty service are: having work experience in operational units, in positions related to making procedural decisions, personal and business qualities that contribute to maintaining employee health are also important, since stress is often to make decisions quickly in conditions of force majeure situations, a person must have a large amount of memory, concentration of attention, since it is necessary to simultaneously to keep and “recycle” considerable streams of information, have good physical training, be balanced, treat everyone who applied with respect, politely and correctly, no matter what - stress, a storm of emotions or, on the contrary, an inert state of the applicant, including intoxication, answer all your questions.

    4 phones  work around the clock, all requests are recorded.
    More than 17 thousand hits  taken by officers on duty of Serovskiy OVD since the beginning of 2016, taking into account the signals received at the duty units of the villages of Sosva, Vostochny and Gary, today there are more than 20,000 of them.

    In the duty units of the service area of ​​the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “Serovskiy”, and there are 4 of them in the town of Serov, the villages of Sosva, Gary and Vostochny - more than 20 employees serve as shift supervisors, senior operational duty officers, electronics assistants. Many of them are old-timers, whose period of service in the unit is more than 15 years. Accordingly, each of them went through a large training school for the right to serve in the subdivision, rightly called "Service - days and nights."

    “I would like to emphasize that the duty unit works around the clock, without weekends and holidays,” notes Sergey Mikheyev, deputy chief of police at the Serov Department of Internal Affairs, lieutenant colonel of police. - Employees, at times, hear the following comment: “We didn’t apply on Saturday, we decided to come on Monday, because we thought that on Saturday and Sunday you had holidays.” The result of such behavior of the applicants is as follows: precious time for solving the crime and, for example, the possibility of returning the stolen property to the owner is lost. The attacker takes advantage of the interruption created by the victim himself (untimely appeal to the police), manages to sell the stolen property, which is later difficult to return to the owner, or is impossible at all. Once again we urge citizens to contact the police in a timely manner.

    Over 10 months of 2016, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “Serovskiy” registered more than 1,800 crimes, of which over 800 were revealed on duty days, which is about 47.0% of the total.
    Photo: Serov police

    - Any signal received by the duty officer is received, registered in the book of registration of applications and messages, checked, and subsequently the relevant procedural decision is made. When receiving a message, the employee finds out all the necessary data, the circumstances of the incident. It is clear that citizens who are in a state of stress, excitement, questions seem superfluous, but it is extremely important to correctly respond to the message: send an investigative-operational group or duty officer to curb the offense, - continues Sergey Mikheev. - It is worth noting that the duty officer takes response measures, even at the stage of conversation with the citizen. At the time when the applicant tells about the incident, the duty officer is already sending an outfit to check the information.

    The main shaft of the reports of crimes are the theft of property, injury to health. Many citizens, especially in a state of intoxication, leave property unattended, do not control their behavior, trying to resolve disputes with their fists, besides, they themselves provoke citizens into conflict. In the course of the investigation, the investigative-operative group establishes that the sober participants in the conflict do not remember what caused it, but the damage to health has already been caused, criminal cases are initiated. Offenders are subject to criminal liability. Especially a lot of such facts are recorded on weekends and holidays, as well as 2-3 days after the holidays.

    A large number of messages comes on the facts of fraud with various schemes of deception. Fortunately, many of them today remain only reports of non-response of citizens to the proposals of scammers. But on average, one - two victims per month still have a place to be. One of the last: a local resident, wanting to remove the damage, responded to the proposal of a woman of Gypsy nationality, who stopped and spoke to her on the street. As a result of the manipulations, a woman stole more than 20 thousand rubles from the victim. In fact a criminal case. Investigative and operational activities are underway.

    Another example, literally, yesterday, a woman made a statement who purchased a cell phone through the Internet. However, after she sent the money and bought the treasured box at the post office, inside instead of a mobile device, she found an ordinary glass cup. Currently, the question of a criminal case against an unidentified person (!) Is being resolved. The damage amounted to about 6,500 rubles.

    - Such crimes are extremely difficult to solve. Therefore, you should be careful when purchasing goods over the Internet. The calculation should be made only if the goods are present, so as not to get the cat in the bag, - Sergey Mikheev continues the conversation.

    - Your work is probably not without curiosities?
    - Due to the fact that we have to work with different categories of the population, there are curiosities. Often there are messages like: “A neighbor gasses,” “Mosquitoes bite me,” “Geese cackle at neighbors.” It happens that people call to talk themselves out, for example, they inform the duty officer of the police station what medicines they take, what helps and what does not. Older citizens call and ask what time it is, specify what day it is, month, year. Nevertheless, all appeals are recorded and recorded by the registrar, - says Sergey Kuznetsov.

    More than half of all crimes in the current year were disclosed on duty days - on “hot pursuit”. The police say that such indicators were achieved in many respects, thanks to the coordinated, coordinated work of the duty officer and police attire.

    - Correct, precise organization of the activity on solving a crime on duty days is practically a 100% certainty that it will be revealed in the shortest possible time, the attacker will be installed and will receive a well-deserved punishment. According to this principle, the work of the duty officer is monitored daily by the management of the Department of Internal Affairs, the interlocutors summarize.


    It is no coincidence that the duty unit is the very heart of the internal affairs bodies. Without this unit it is impossible to imagine the work of the entire police of the city. It is here that the first calls are received about the incidents, and the competent actions of the staff on duty depend on the further disclosure of many crimes.

    On the eve of the celebration of the Day of the Interior Affairs Officer (it is celebrated today, November 10), we went to the duty unit of the Russian Interior Ministry’s Directorate for the city of Ivanovo. To overestimate the importance of this department is simply impossible. In this division, the correspondent of "RK" was to spend several hours of a working shift.

    The heading "Tested on Myself", an analogue of the famous subject "Journalist changes profession", allowed our newspaper reporters to try themselves as representatives of various professions. But perhaps the most interesting thing was just to be on duty. Many people for some reason think that when they dial the number 02, they go directly to the investigator, the district police officer, and the police chief for a particular district. All these assumptions are misleading. Calls received by this number from residents of the city of Ivanov are addressed first to the duty station of the city government. Only then the operator on line 02 looks at which area of ​​the city the incident happened, communicates with the officer on duty at the area. The outfit of the patrol and inspection service is sent for many calls, the duty officer informs them about the incidents. But first things first.

    From nine in the morning to nine in the morning

    It is impossible to get to the duty room without a special pass. And the matter is not even in the secret data (for the whole part there are monitors to which data from all video cameras installed in the city are broadcast). It is important not to disturb the shift staff and distract them from hard work. They have to act very quickly, sometimes they have only a few seconds to make a decision. The presence of extra people in the duty unit is unacceptable.

    As the deputy chief of police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Ivanov, Mikhail Ivanov, told me, a total of 90 police officers serve in the duty units of the regional center. At first glance, it seems like a lot. But these courageous and selfless people have to do a truly tremendous job. It is striking how the staff on duty of all time. The shift lasts exactly one day - from nine in the morning to nine in the morning.

    The shift employs five people - the shift supervisor, his assistant, two assistants of the operational duty officer on line 02, and a patrol officer. While employees are on duty, they must be alert and extremely attentive. Sometimes the safety of the whole city depends on their actions. And I must say, all the police of this unit brilliantly cope with their work. Each person in the shift has its own special mission. All responsibility always lies with the shift supervisor. I had to work with police major Oleg Varentsov. Even at the first acquaintance with this unshakable and courageous person, it becomes clear: he is ready to take responsibility for any decision and any situation. He is demanding and at the same time fair with his subordinates. He loves his job and is serious about business. Oleg Igorevich says that work on weekdays and weekends is very different. From Monday to Friday there are usually more incidents in the longest - Leninsky district of the city. On weekends, something happens more often in the Oktyabrsky district: there are a lot of entertainment facilities, restaurants, and nightclubs. This is quite logical and explainable. You can also analyze which calls are more often received at one time or another. For example, after ten in the evening, a significant proportion of calls to the police are calls about the hooliganism of the neighbors. In the on-duty section, such calls are kindly called "loud-hearted": most often they are connected with the fact that someone from the neighbors turns on loud music in the evening or continues to make repairs. But, according to shift supervisor Oleg Varentsov, sometimes in a particular incident or call, which seems seemingly insignificant, there may actually be a danger and a threat. That is why the shift supervisor takes control of almost all calls.

    "Citizen - Police"

    In the on-duty part of the city administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs there are two control panels on duty. On my shift, the namesakes - Anna and Yuri Kiseleva worked behind them. They are the assistants of the operational duty officer on line 02. What, then, is the famous attendant console? In fact, it is a whole complex of various equipment. There are computers in front of the operators - in order to monitor information on different databases, special telephones with several lines and a monitor to which calls are transmitted from an emergency two-way video console. They are also called "citizen - police": this equipment provides an emergency connection for an ordinary person and a police representative. There are several such remotes with cameras in Ivanovo: they are installed on the main streets of the city, as well as on Lenin Square, in the town of Leninsky Route, in Pustosh-Bor, on the streets of Nekrasov and Leningradskaya. If something happens, you can go to such an apparatus, press a button, and the officer on duty will answer your call and even see you. However, as Yevgeny Kadykov, the assistant shift supervisor, explained to me, it happens that people (especially teenagers) are hooligans and press the call button for good reason. You shouldn’t do that, because something can really happen somewhere, and your fake call will simply distract the policeman on duty. Evgeny Viktorovich is also responsible for all reports in the shift. He receives telegrams that the city is planning to hold one or another event. He notifies all units - so that they ensure the protection of order. The operator of the outfit management center, Alexey Moroshkin (staff member of the faculty), coordinates the work of the patrol and inspection service. On the radio, he communicates with the battalion and monitors the movement of police officers using the positioning system (GLONASS).

    Every day is different from the previous one.

    Assistant operational duty on line 02 - Senior Sergeant Anna Kiseleva has served in the duty unit since 2012. She first came to work as a civilian police officer, and then she was certified and remained in the duty unit. All my life, this charming and fragile girl wanted to become a police officer, felt - this is her profession. In Anna's family, before her, no one was associated with service in law enforcement. She is so passionate about her work that she is interested in her and those around her. Anna's six-year-old daughter already dreams that when she grows up she will definitely become a police officer. I confess, and the thought flashed through me that if I were not a journalist, I would like to work in the duty room. However, I don’t know if it would work for me or not. Not everyone can do this kind of work. Here we need a special mindset and a special character, patience and a sharp mind, quick reaction and devotion to the profession. Anna Kiseleva says: "It happens that every new working day is completely different from the previous one. But it happens and vice versa: similar incidents, applicants are similar." Sometimes she even has a feeling of deja vu. But in any case, work on duty is never boring and routine.

    Police Captain Yury Kiselev also talks about his work with great enthusiasm. Not so long ago, he worked in the regional department of internal affairs, but fell under the reduction. Service in the duty of the approached him by nature. “It’s necessary to work very quickly. It’s important to figure out, make a decision, find out all the most important facts that will then help solve the crime,” says Yuri. The charming and very kind employee tries to calm and support everyone who turns to the police. However, he very quickly collects information about the call, trying not to miss any detail. All data received by phone, employees are recorded in a special log book. Write down the name of the applicant, phone number (it is necessary to inform the applicant that the police arrived at the scene), basic information about the incident. A little later, append to the log and the result of the departure of police officers.

    Do you wish the police a Happy New Year?

    The shift supervisor, Oleg Varentsov, says: "It happens that calls are being made that police officers do not even know how to respond. For example, worried grandmothers call - a plane has flown past. They were scared. Or asked:" Tell me, please, what date is it? "

    Of particular concern to police officers are calls with congratulations on the New Year. People are grateful to the police and understand that they have to work even on holidays. Call just to support and congratulate. But do not do this. Time after the chiming clock is dangerous, anything can happen in the city.

    When I was called several times by users of one of the mobile operators. People bother SMS with obtrusive advertising. Police officers politely explain: you need to call the mobile operators, not the police. Such useless calls only distract the police, and in the meantime, someone may actually need help.

    "Wait, you went to"

    During my work, there were various calls: realtors threatened someone by phone, teenagers threw firecrackers from the roof, a guard died at one of the city’s enterprises. On Nagovitsynaya-Ikryanistova Street, a window was broken in the car. But, perhaps, one of the most "high-profile" crimes of this evening was the case when a lieutenant-worker kidnapped 120 thousand rubles from a pensioner. Now the fraud is looking for the police. Note that there are seven lines at once on the remote control, and two operators. While the policeman is talking to one person, someone can wait for his answer. Therefore, if you are not answered immediately, call back.

    The crying girl also called: her stepfather did not let her out of the house. But by the time the policeman arrived at their apartment, the relatives were able to resolve the conflict on their own.

    My curators said that, unfortunately, not always everything ends so well, and therefore they can not ignore any challenge. It was these employees who had to be on duty on the day when a two-year-old girl was abducted and killed in Ivanovo. This tragedy shook the whole country, but the first to know that the miracle did not happen were found by the assistants of the operational duty officer on line 02 - Anna Kiseleva and Yuri Kiselev. All the staff until the last hoped and believed. Perhaps it is on such days that we understand how important this profession is in our lives - the policeman. As long as such brave and brave people are on guard of order, the city can sleep peacefully.