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  • How to put the baby to sleep. We put the newborn correctly to sleep after feeding in the crib

    How to put the baby to sleep. We put the newborn correctly to sleep after feeding in the crib

    Putting a newborn baby to sleep is not an easy task. Because it is necessary that the baby not only complied, but also slept well for joy and for the sake of the calmness of its young parents. How to achieve this will tell in this article!

    Exploring the topic of children's sleep, I attended several lectures by specialists at leading clinics. That's what the experts said.

    Sleeping for newborns is one of the basic needs. She is on par with food, my mother's warmth and care. And agree that a mother, if she slept well, can give her family much more tenderness and care.

    In words, it all sounds beautiful, but in reality it goes something like this: the third day passes, my mother’s eyes are already beating and her knees are bent from fatigue, and the mission to “put the baby to sleep” seems to be only superwomanly.

    Why do babies fall asleep so badly or do not sleep at all?

    The causes of sleep disorders may be several:

    1. Physiological: for example, when a child is disturbed by colic or his teeth are cut
    2. Important stages of development: when the child is ready to go or talk, and this is a kind of transitional period.
    3. Not obvious diseases or pains: for example, ICP - intracranial pressure.
       Suppose that all of the above is excluded, and the baby is capricious, he does not sleep and does not give you. He falls asleep in the morning, wakes up at lunch and walks again until the morning. Here, in my opinion, it is worth remembering that children are guests in our life. And guests must adapt to the host mode. Therefore, you have the full right to accustom the child to such a regime that suits you and is already adopted in the family.

    Of course, it will take some time and effort, but everything is real. Therefore, we offer you a selection of proven ways to put your baby to sleep and to accustom him to a particular regime.

    Method number 1 - Lukoshko

    In the first days of life, the child still remembers himself at the mother’s tummy and it is worthwhile to attach the handles to his head and buttocks, as his lap presses his legs and falls asleep almost instantly. Therefore, if you put the baby in a small basket, or a child's cradle that will remind him of his mother, he will sleep peacefully. This is one of the best methods for newborns, quite effective in the first months of life, which allows you to accustom the child to the regime from the very beginning.

    Method number 2 download

       The favorite way of Soviet moms, in my opinion, is still working. There are several options here. You can choose the most convenient for yourself or try different variations: on the handles, in the cradle, cot, sling, on the fitball.

    It is also an effective way for the smallest, it gives a feeling of comfort and security. However, choosing this method, it is important to be careful - you did not pump or pump it, it was unsuccessfully transferred from the hands to the bed and everything - “our song is good, start over”. Well, it does not hurt significant physical training mom

    Method number 3 Feeding

       Eat-sleep: having satisfied one need, you can switch to another. Therefore, often babies fall asleep immediately, or even during feeding, especially in those mothers who are breastfeeding. First, newborns make a lot of effort to eat. For them it is hard work, and they manage to get tired. And secondly, after eating well and sleep. The main disadvantage of the method, the baby can wake up when it is shifted or taken away from the chest or bottle.

    If you want your child to sleep more at night and fall asleep more quickly in the evening, we advise you to underfeed a little on the penultimate feeding, and before the main sleep you have to eat enough. For 3-5 days, babies have already developed a certain mode. Of course, it will change over time, but this will help to leave the main day and night sleep practically unchanged.

    Method №4 Joint dream with mom and dad

       More and more parents make a choice in favor of sleep with the baby. It is not surprising. This is convenient for both mom, especially if the children are breastfed, and for the baby. After all, mom's safe, and mom's heartbeat and smell calms. This method works especially well for a night's sleep and is emotionally the best for a baby. There is a risk that dad might not like the idea.

    Method №5 Lullaby

    Mum's voice the baby recognizes from birth, and from a month - already its smell. That is why it is so difficult for someone else to soothe your child. Therefore, even if you do not have a “voice”, you do not know how to sing and you will simply repeat “aaaaaaaaaa”, the child will fall asleep quickly enough. If you develop an association "lullaby = sleep" in a child and add a certain mode, then success will be guaranteed.

    Method number 6 Rituals

       Calm I'm not talking about sacrifice. Each mom and dad can develop certain habits, rituals that will be associated with sleep in babies. For example, reading fairy tales; quiet conversations when you tell that the time is already in bed, because the day was long and everyone was tired; farewell to the sun, tummy massage and the like. This is especially suitable for children of six months and older, with whom you can already try to negotiate.

    Method №7 Bathroom

       Usually a warm bath is good for babies. Especially if they can flop there enough. You can add decoctions of calming herbs to the water, but first consult your pediatrician. Because some believe that calendula and a series of dried skin. Watch the reaction - if the children begin to rub their eyes, then it remains only to feed and lay.

    Method number 8 White noise

       Monotonous noises have a very positive effect on children: the sound of water, a vacuum cleaner, a hairdryer, a radio, quiet music without words and emotional bursts and a lullaby without words. Find your option and turn on the sound when laying baby. The only thing you need to remember is that the sound should be very quiet.

    Method # 9 Clock

       This is a fairly effective way if you want to change or adjust the already established baby mode for yourself. Watch a few days when the baby falls asleep and wakes up, and wake him up half an hour earlier, until your biorhythms equalize.

    If you have a dormouse, do not hesitate to wake him up earlier. However, it should be noted that this is a rather long and painstaking process. You need to follow the regime. Otherwise, the child will start to fall asleep and wake up randomly, and you will need to start all over again.

    Method number 10 for the "iron lady"

       If you have an iron extract, a full cupboard of valerian and tea with melissa, then you can try this method. Suppose that with the regime you are already doing well and the baby is used to falling asleep at about the same time. You will need: one mom or dad, one baby or two, one cot. When the kid starts to rub his eyes, yawn and act up - the time has come.

    Take small (if before that you played with him, then you need to calm the child, but do not pump up and not give to eat), and put him in the crib. Humor or talk about something, standing by the bed so that the child can see you, warning tears and crying. If in 10-15 minutes the tears are transformed into a tantrum, take it on the hands, calm it down, but do not let us fall asleep in your arms, put it in the crib again. Stay near the bed until the baby falls asleep. On average, the process can take 45-60 minutes, not more.

    And 11 more ways! sequencing

       Teach the child to certain actions that precede sleep every time. For example: ate, massage, lullaby, sleep or bathing, eat, fairy tale, sleep. Do it at the same time every day. Subsequently, the baby will get used to falling asleep at the same time, after certain sequential actions.

    Do not forget to involve dad in the process, otherwise then you will have to constantly stack the child. At 3 months, the baby already clearly recognizes the smell of mom and dad, their voice and body temperature. Therefore, if the father at this time will be "behind the scenes", the crumb will get used only to the mother.

    Remember that the child should adapt to you, not you to him. Despite the fact that talking to the baby: “you have 5 minutes, go wash and sleep” - it makes no sense, so you have to make some effort to develop joint habits.

    With the appearance of a newborn in the house, the life of a young family changes in the most radical way. It is necessary for a raid to master new, hitherto unknown knowledge and skills in order to provide the baby with proper care. Among other things, inexperienced parents are interested in how to properly put a baby to sleep after feeding.

    10-15 minutes before feeding the newborn should be put on the tummy.

    In order for the child to sleep peacefully and not disturb him, it is necessary to adhere to certain recommendations:

    • 10–15 minutes before the beginning of the baby’s meal lay on tummy .
    • After feeding, the newborn must be kept upright, but in no case do not immediately lay on the surface   - so he will burp much less consumed milk or mixture. To get all the air out, you have to hold the baby with a “column” for at least 20 minutes.
    • When artificial feeding is important to choose the most appropriate mixture. . It is better to consult your pediatrician for a consultation.
    • After the child ate, do not distract him to active games . It is enough to calmly hold it upright, and then, fed and satisfied, put it to sleep.

    Cause for concern

    If the child has severe vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    If all recommendations on feeding technique are observed, and the baby continues to abundantly burst milk in the form of a fountain (more than two tablespoons after one meal), or the child is worried about vomiting, you should immediately contact a pediatrician.

    Sometimes these symptoms can signal the development of a serious illness.

    Optimal posture for sleeping for a newborn

    In order to feel as comfortable as possible, and nothing would cause him inconvenience, you should know how to properly stack a newborn. He needs to help, because at that age he still cannot roll over from one side to another.

    • It is necessary to change the pose of the child in a dream . So, if he sleeps on the right barrel, then after a while it should be turned over to the left, but do it as carefully as possible, trying not to wake the sleeping baby. The same should be done during the daytime sleep.
    • When the child reaches six months, it can already be safely laid back . Previously, it is not recommended to do this for the reason that the baby will not be able to roll over by itself if a squeezing of the nostrils happens. As well as a great danger for proper breathing during sleep is mucus in the nasal passages, which, with dry and hot air in the room, quickly turns into crusts that block access of air. Therefore, as a preventive measure, the child should go before bedtime.
    • If practiced   swaddling a newborn, then there is a risk that during sleep he may face his face in the mattress and suffocate. To avoid this, it is necessary to put pillows or rollers on both sides, thereby fixing the child in a safe position.
    • Most babies enjoy sleeping on their tummy. . Only with this you need to ensure that the head of the baby was turned on its side, as well as periodically change its position. Do not worry - in this position the baby will not burp and will not choke. Moreover, with regular vykladyvanii on the tummy of the children are less worried.
    • If the baby sleeps in the crib, he must sleep on a special hard mattress without a pillow, even very thin.

    It is necessary to change the position of the child in a dream.

    Burp at newborn

    Belching from a newborn is a normal physiological phenomenon.

    Beginning from birth and about six months of age, the infant is concerned about belching after eating.

    It's perfect normal physiological phenomenon characteristic of all newborns. At such a tender age, the digestive system only adapts to new conditions. Often food, getting into the stomach, begins to move in the opposite direction. As the gastrointestinal tract of the newborn develops and forms, the regurgitation worries the infant less and less, and after a while it goes away.

    Causes of burping

    Most often, the problem of burping mothers face during the over-feeding of the crumbs with milk.

    Belching occurs due to overfeeding of the newborn.

    The body of the child gets rid of excess portions of food, and this is considered to be a completely normal process. In order not to provoke regurgitation, feeding should be made more frequent, but less abundant.

    Tears in a newborn after feeding

    If during a burp the child has tears, this means that the gastric juice is thrown into the esophagus.

    If tears appeared after belching, it means that gastric juice is released into the esophagus.

    Acid blends can cause irritation of the tender esophagus , causing the baby soreness.

    We lay out the baby on the tummy

    It is necessary to take a habit before each feed for a while to lay out the baby on the tummy.

    During feeding, and immediately after it is recommended to make clockwise massaging stroking movements . This will allow free to go to the formed gazikam, which put pressure on the tummy, causing disorder.

    You can not immediately put to bed the newborn!

    It is not necessary to put the child to sleep immediately after he is fed - the baby will experience severe discomfort, belching in a horizontal position.

    It is not necessary to put the baby to sleep immediately after feeding.

    In addition, it can be dangerous - the newborn can choke in their own vomit, especially if they are abundant after overfeeding.

    Hiccups after feeding

    After feeding, many babies start to hiccup immediately after eating, which is why, naturally, they will not be able to sleep properly.

    Many babies start to hiccup after feeding.

    A similar body reaction is caused swallowing air while sucking , as well as with a sharp cooling of the child, which is much less common.

    To reduce the likelihood of hiccups, it is necessary to ensure that the baby immediately after feeding had the opportunity to burp. An important role is played by the feeding technique itself, which influences many reactions on the part of the child’s body.

    Feeding position

    Thus, the position of the child while feeding with a mixture or breast milk should be such that the upper part of the body was slightly elevated.

    And after the end of the meal it is necessary to keep the child in the so-called posture, that is, vertically. Enough 15–20 minutes  to get all the air swallowed.

    After eating, you must hold the child upright.

    It is also necessary to ensure that the clothes are not too narrow and do not squeeze the tummy. It is important not to overfeed the child - it is necessary to adjust the daily diet in such a way that the portions are not large, but frequent.

    Video on how to put a newborn to sleep

    It is difficult to overestimate how important healthy full-fledged sleep is for a baby. At this time, the brain of the newborn develops, the growth hormone is produced, the nervous system is strengthened and resting. But the kid is not always able to fall asleep by himself, he may need help. And then the parents have to decide for themselves the question of how to put the child to sleep easily, quickly and without whims.

    An orderly change of periods of rest and wakefulness means a lot to a child. This contributes both to the strengthening of the general physical condition and mental health. That, in turn, will positively affect the further development of the baby.

    Choose a pose

    For a good sleep, the position in which the newborn is laid to sleep is of great importance. There are several convenient positions.

    Pose Benefits disadvantages
    On the side (semi-sided) Suitable for children, often belching and suffering from colic.

    Contributes to the discharge of gases.

    On the stomach Prevention of intestinal colic. Requires constant monitoring of infant breathing
    On the back Physiologically correct.

    There is no additional load on the airway.

    Danger of flooding with frequent regurgitation.

    Aggravates colic

    In any position, it is necessary from time to time to turn the baby on the other side or to change the position of the head to avoid deformation of the skeleton and squeezing of the veins.

    What else should mom know about:

    Each child has individual characteristics. On kids, which helps to sleep one of the methods, may not act at all the other. Each mother, having passed through her own experience, should decide for herself which method is optimal for her child. Do not forget that any habit, according to experts, is formed in 21 days. Only after this period can it be determined whether it is suitable for a particular child.