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  • Additional education in kindergarten examples. Dow Further Education Program

    Additional education in kindergarten examples. Dow Further Education Program

    Today, the additional education of children is a single, purposeful process that unites the upbringing, training and development of the individual. Additional education is rightfully regarded as the most important component of the educational space, socially demanded as education that organically combines upbringing, education and development of the child’s personality, most openly and freely from the standard approach: its content, methods and forms of work with children are constantly updated, creative , the author's position of the teacher.



    Program additional education  "Waiting for a miracle" municipal pre-school educational institution kindergarten "Fairy Tale"




    the program is designed for children aged 3-7 years

    Bolshakova Olga Nikolaevna

    with. Bogovarovo, 2010

    1. Explanatory note…………………………………………………………………..3

    2.1.The purpose of the program…………………………………………………………………..6

    2.2.Tasks ……………………………………………………………………………… 6

    2.3.Prints ………………………………………………………………………….6

    2.4. Stages ……………………………………………………………………………….7

    2.6. Technology program………………………………………………………...10



    3.1.Methodic support……………………………………………………...12

    3.2.Methods, techniques and forms of the educational process…................12

    3.3.Material-technical and didactic support………………….13


    3.5.Expected Results…………………………………………………………13

    3.6.Evaluation and analysis of work………………………………………………………......13

    3.7.Forms of summing up……………………………………………………...14

    3.8. Control ………………………………………………………………………….14

    4. Literature ………………………………………………………………………………..15


    1. Explanatory note

    Childhood is a time of amazing and unique. Everything is possible in it, everything is allowed. Weak and defenseless can become strong and omnipotent, boring and uninteresting can be fun and entertaining. You can overcome all the blunders and failures, make the world a bright, colorful, kind. To do this, it is enough just to be just a child and have a smart, talented, kind adult next to it.

    Preschool childhood is a big responsible period mental development child According to A.N. Leontyev, this is the age of the initial formation of the personality. During the preschool period, the child not only intensively develops all mental functions, forms complex activities, such as playing games, communication with adults and peers, but also creates a common foundation for cognitive abilities and creative activity.

    Today, the additional education of children is a single, purposeful process that unites the upbringing, training and development of the individual. It is intended for the free choice and mastering of additional educational programs irrespective of the mastered or basic educational program.

    Additional education in contrast to educational process, is not regulated by standards, but is determined by the social order of children, parents and other social institutions. The content of modern supplementary education for children expands the possibilities for the personal development of children by expanding the educational space of the child based on their needs. Additional education is also a means of motivating the development of an individual to knowledge and creativity in the process of a wide variety of activities in various educational fields. It is characterized by a variety of substantive aspects of activity (theoretical, practical, experimental, research, applied, etc.) and forms of educational associations (circle, workshop, studio, club, school, laboratory, section, etc.).

    In addition, additional education contributes to the timely self-determination of the child, increasing his competitiveness in life, creating conditions for each child to form his own ideas about himself and the world around him. In additional education, the teacher himself defines the “standard” of mastering the subject or activity.

    Today, additional education is successfully implemented not only in institutions of additional education of children, but also in kindergarten. In recent years, the activities of preschool institutions have mainly focused on the development and implementation of new programs that correspond to the individual abilities of children and develop their intellectual, emotional, and practical potential. Therefore, along withmajor educational programs in pre-school began to occupy an important place in additional education programs for preschoolers.

    Additional education of children preschool age  is the current direction of development preschoolA certain positive experience of its organization has been accumulated, system monitoring is being conducted. It is rightfully considered as the most important component of the educational space, socially demanded as education, organically combining the upbringing, training and development of the child’s personality, most openly and freely from the standard approach: its content, methods and forms of work with children are constantly updated, author's position of the teacher. Its role in the activities of preschool educational institutions of all types and kinds is increasing.

    Additional education for children of preschool age is a new and relevant direction in the development of a preschool institution, and is based on the following regulatory documents.

    Regulatory framework for additional education

    payment order

    Title of the document

    RF Law "On Education"

    In ed. Federal Law dated January 13, 1996 No. 12-ФЗ; dated November 16, 1997 No. 144-FZit.d.

    National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation

    Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.10.2000 №751

    The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010

    Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2001 No. 1756-P (Section 2)

    Federal Program for the Development of Education, Section 3, Subsection 2, Section 3 “Additional Education for Children”

    Appendix to the Federal Law of April 10, 2000, No. 51-FZ

    Education Development Program in the Russian Education System

    Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 193 of January 25, 2002

    Regulations on the licensing of educational activities

    Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1079 of October 18, 2000

    Regulations on the procedure for certification and state accreditation of educational institutions

    1 Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 22.05.1998, Ns 1327; changes and additions from 11.08.2000 1. V .4 I)

    Requirements for educational institutions of additional education of children, and the criteria for their assignment to the appropriate type, type and category

    Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 03.05.2000 № 1276

    Letter No. 631 / 28-16 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2000

    Letter No. 28-02-484 / 16 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of June 18, 2003


    Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Part 4, Section XII, Chapter 52 "Features of the regulation of the work of pedagogical workers," Art. 333, 334.

    Federal Law No. 197-FZ of December 30, 2001


    The list of posts in which work is included in the length of service, giving the right to a pension for service in connection with pedagogical activity  in schools and other institutions for children

    Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1999 No. 1067; Changes and additions from 1.02.2001, №79


    The concept of modernization of additional education of children in Russia until 2010

    It is approved by the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 06, 2004.


    On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid services in the field of pre-school and general education

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 505 dated 07.07.2001.

    2. The program of additional education

    The program of additional education is designed for children aged 3 - 7 years  directed on specific types of circle work that are in demand. For each mug a program has been developed by the authors, who are the leaders of the mug.

    2.1. The purpose of the program:

    Creating psychological comfort and conditions for self-realization of the child.Formation of artistic and aesthetic culture of pupils as an integral part of spiritual culture, development of needs and opportunities for self-expression in artistic activities, familiarizing with common human values, mastering the Russian national cultural heritage, ensuring and enhancing the health of children in DOW conditions.

    This is a goal that includes:  training, education and development: the formation of new concepts and methods of action in children, a system of scientific and special knowledge; the formation of a spiritual and moral outlook and a system of universal values; development of the individuality of the child, all the essential spheres of his personality (intellectual, motivational, volitional, practical, emotional, etc.).

    2.2. Tasks:

    1. Provide favorable conditions to meet the needs of children in creative activity in various activities.
    2. Create conditions for the emotional well-being of the child in the process of joint activities and communication: the child is a child, the child is a teacher, the child is a parent.
    3. To develop creative abilities in preschool children through classes in clubs.
    4. Strengthen the health of preschool children
    5. To develop interest and love for the artistic word of preschool children through the improvement of various forms of oral speech.
    6. Develop constructive interaction with the family to ensure the creative development of the preschooler child.
    7. Satisfy the needs of children in the interests of interest.
    8. Develop additional content  education that meets modern requirements.

    2.3. Principles:

    Work on the formation of a harmoniously developed creative personality through circle work builtbased on the following principles:

    1. Comfort: the atmosphere of goodwill, faith in the strength of the child, the creation of success for each situation.
    2. Immersion of each child in the creative process:realization of creative tasks is achieved by using active methods and forms of training in the work.
    3. Reliance on internal motivation:taking into account the experience of the child, the creation of his emotional involvement in the creative process, which provides a natural increase in efficiency.
    4. Graduation: transition from joint actions of an adult and a child, a child and peers to independent ones; from the simplest to the final, most complex task; “Discovery of new knowledge”.
    5. Variability: creation of conditions for the child to independently choose the ways of work, types of creative tasks, materials, equipment, etc.
    6. Individual approach:the creation in the creative process of relaxed, stimulating the creative activity of the child of the atmosphere. The individual psychophysiological features of each child and the group as a whole are taken into account. The basis is the complex development of all mental processes and personality traits in the process of joint (children - children, children - parents, children - teacher) productively-creative activities, as a result of which the child learns to think differently, remember, invent new things, decide non-standard tasks, chat with different people and more.
    7. Principle of mutual cooperation  and benevolence: communication with the child is based on a benevolent and trusting basis.
    8. Principle of integration: integrative nature of all aspects of the development of the personality of a child of preschool age: general cultural, socio-moral, intellectual.

    2.4. Stages:

    We have conditionally divided all work onstages:   (see attachments)

    Stage - preparatory:

    The main task at this stage is the preparation and organization of work on this topic.At this stage, the choice is not only important, but also who will lead it. From the first minutes the teacher needs to find the right emotional wave of communication with children. It should be easy, easy communication, bringing mutual pleasure to children and adults. A major role here is played by pedagogical intuition, the experience of the teacher. He must unmistakably “feel” the level of difficulty of the task, whether the interest will be in the children, whether it will rise or fall.

    It is important to note that the organization of circles involves the voluntary (without psychological coercion) inclusion of children in activities, therefore, in addition to selecting interesting content, there are a number of specific conditions:

    The organization of the working space, i.e. places for children are not rigidly fixed, children can move freely around the room, have the right to refuse to participate in the study group, etc.

    The possibility of a child choosing a target from several, i.e. The teacher “offers” or the children choose who will do what, according to their strengths and interests.

    Open "time end of class, allowing each child  at any time finish the job.

    Stage - modeling the system of work on this topic:

    DOW teachers at this stage strive to achieve specific goals when interacting with children, usingvarious tools, methods and techniques of teaching.

    Stage of improvement of creative expression:

    At this stage the following tasks are solved: the development and improvement of special qualities and skills,the development of expressiveness and artistry, the development of abilities for self-expression, creativity, the acquisition of experience in performing at festivals, concerts, competitions, exhibitions. Children are given the opportunity and conditions to gain a sense of self-confidence in their abilities, to increase self-esteem and independence. Cooperation and co-creation of teachers and children is based on:

    Understanding by all participants of the meaning of the activity, its final result;

    The presence of an intelligent, creative leader who organizes joint activities, skillfully allocates responsibilities in accordance with the capabilities of its participants;

    Clear setting of specific and understandable objectives for the lesson;

    Demonstrations by the tutor of the sample (standard) of human interaction with the world of nature, art, people, folklore, the man-made world, etc .;

    Voluntary participation in the classroom;

    The contact between the participants of the class in the circle, providing an exchange of actions and information;

    The emergence and manifestation in the process of interpersonal relations, the nature and color of which affect the achievement of the final result;

    Understanding that an adult is only an intermediary between a child and the world of "big art";

    The playful nature of the presentation of any material;

    Creating adult child-friendly problem situations, setting creative tasks.

    So that children with desire and willingness, without any coercion, create, we believe that it is necessary to fill their lives with bright, beautiful, joyful, capable of naturally activating them from the inside with impressions and help them to express themselves in a variety of ways. To do this, we surround children with beauty, art, nature, tell them about the amazing and the great, able to delight them, not to leave indifferent, give the means of expression available to age and will certainly do everything and live together. In our joint creative activity there are no weak and strong, skillful and inept - all of us, as we can, in a single aspiration, passionate about the process of creativity, draw, model, play, help, each other, share our impressions and results, rejoice in joint successes and comfort each other's failures.

    The active form of encouraging children in the classroom is the approval of their actions, attention tojudgments, patience pending the outcome. Personality-oriented approach to the child in the classroom,setting to enhance its experience helps in the disclosure of creative potential. In solving the problemteachers do not impose their views on children, but participate in the joint search for truth, building dialogue andsumming up each participant's classes to independent actions, to emotional livinginformation to express your thoughts.

    Mug work in kindergarten gives our pupils a lot of vivid, unforgettable impressions. Joyful experiences raise the vitality, support the vigorous mood of adults and children. The child begins to appreciate the beautiful, and, feeling respect for himself as an equal, gradually begins to liberate himself, and begins to create.

    Each teacher of our kindergarten considers - every child is a person with his own character, needs, and potential. We seriously monitor the health and physical development of children. Children go to our kindergarten with affectionate name “Fairy Tale” with pleasure: every day spent here brings them joy.

    2.5. Content of the program

    Today, there are more and more children with a bright overall intellectual development, their ability to comprehend a complex modern world manifests itself very early - in 3-4 years.

    The concept of an additional education program at the forefront places the idea of ​​developing the personality of a child, shaping his creative abilities, bringing up important personal qualities. Organization of work with children under construction  on the basis of the concept of development of abilities, adopted in Russian psychology.Psychologists distinguish three types of cognitive abilities:

    sensory abilities for visual modeling, which allow children to solve not only figurative, but also logical tasks (to classify objects, establish mathematical relationships, build causal relationships);

    symbolic mediation abilities that help the child to express his attitude to the events of the surrounding life, fairy tale characters, human feelings, and by the end of preschool age, children begin to use the traditionally accepted symbolism to express their attitude to themselves, to life situations;

    the ability to transform, which allows children to create new images by transforming their existingideas about   familiar, ordinary objects and objects of reality.

    This is especially vividly represented in the visual activity, when preschoolers paint unusual fairy animals and plants.Therefore, this program  provides an opportunity for differentiated and variable education, allowing the child to independently choose the path of mastering the type of activity that is currently most interesting for him, i.e. individual and student-centered approaches are being implemented.

    The priority is to ensure free of charge and equal access of children to additional education.Content of the program  based on children's interests and the requests of parents and is implemented in the following areas:

    1. Artistically - aesthetic orientation - mugs “Mukasol”, “Magic world of origami”, “Magic beads”, “Merry plasticine”, “Tale visiting children”, vocal ensemble “Solovushki”

    2. Intellectual-cognitive orientation - circles “Svetloushka”, “Visiting a fairy tale”, experimental activity “Touch nature with your heart”

    3. Sports and fitness orientation - Finger gymnastics clubs, sports section "Recreational gymnastics".

    The structural feature of the program isblock - thematic planning. Each unit is represented by the work of certain circles.Planning the work of the circle, the teacher can choose for eachthemes various forms of work, given the equipment and the specifics of creative activity.

    All the topics of study groups included in the program are selected according to the principle of increasing the complexity of the didactic material and creative tasks, which allows the child to distribute his forces evenly and get the desired result. It is possible to make changes to the substantive part of the program for the subsequent years of implementation, taking into account the interests of the children and the wishes of the parents.

    2.6. Technology program

    The numerical composition of associations is determined in accordance with the psychological and pedagogical expediency of the type of activity; class schedule is compiled taking into account the interests and abilities of children in the mode of the day in the evening; the duration of classes is established on the basis of educational tasks, psychophysical expediency, sanitary and hygienic norms.

    Features of the organization of childrendefined orientation, functions of additional educational plans.

    These are various circles with the union of children of a certain and mixed age, of different numbers.

    Circle - an association of a group of people with common interests for permanent joint studies, solving subject-practical tasks aimed at generating knowledge and skills on a specific profile of activity.

    The section is an association of children and adolescents according to their interests, in which the following pedagogical tasks are prioritized: the organization of children's leisure, physical development and development of physical qualities, communication skills. A distinctive feature of the section is the presence of its own symbolism and attributes, collective creative activity, and the communication of members.

    Organizing work in the framework of additional education, teachers take into account:

    The interests of children in the choice of a group, section, leisure activities;

    Voluntary choice of their children;

    Age features of children;

    The solution of educational and educational tasks in unity with the main program of the kindergarten;

    Leading activity, and building on its basis the content of additional education;

    Creating a comfortable environment conducive to the development of a free creative personality;

    The load on the child.

    Classes can be held in a group room or in a specially equipped kindergarten room. The forms of work should be mobile, diverse and vary depending on the tasks.

    Circle work is carried out with a subgroup of children (8-10 people) of middle, older preschool age (from 4 to 7 years). Duration of work - 20 - 30 minutes in the evening. Circle classes are complex, integrated, do not duplicate any of the classes. general program. They are supra-program and lay the foundation for successful activity in any field, in the process of systematic study, gradually, with a constant change of tasks, material, etc. This approach provides an opportunity to interest the child and create motivation to continue classes.

    In the classes in circles there is a less rigid system for developing the creative abilities of each child, launching mechanisms of self-development for further self-realization in the chosen field.

    The program involves the extensive use of illustrative, demonstration material; using methodological manuals, didactic games, performances, essays, handicrafts and works of children, teachers, parents to create thematic exhibitions, theatrical performances, which are the motivation of children's creativity and the result of the work of the teacher. (In addition, children's work, performances, composers - this is not only the work of the child, but also visual information for parents and interior decoration.)

    The program involves the systematic work of circles, held 1 Week.

    The program can be used both in the system of preschool education (circle, club work), andinstitutions of additional education.

    2.7. Conditions for classes and sections

    1. Pass in the equipped room.

    2. Selection of traditional and non-traditional material and tools for children's creative activity.

    3. Systematization of literary and artistic material: poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings - with the aim of activating the activities of children, expanding ideas about the environment.

    4 . Making attributes for different types of theaters,  games to prepare your hands for work, relaxation, strengthen the small muscles of the hand.

    5. Compilation of the library - selection of classical works, children's repertoire for a musical background that accompanies the creative activity of children (dance, singing repertoire in accordance with the developed themes).

    6. Selection of developing, relaxation, mobile games for the work of circles and sections.

    7. Continuity, i.e. sequence of learning tasks throughout the process of mastering creative skills.

    A variety of methods and techniques for working with preschoolers are used in conducting circle work: children are given more freedom and independent creative initiative with the benevolent and competent participation of adults. Such methods as game, research, creative tasks, experimentation help children to be creatively realized.

    Tracking the results of additional education of children is carried out according to the following indicators:

    The performance of the group, section on the levels of child development;

    Participation in exhibitions of creative works;

    Creating a bank of achievements of each circle.

    The result will be qualitative if it corresponds to the goals, content, forms of organization of the activity and is provided with the necessary equipment and benefits.

    Experience shows that children who study in circles continue to study well at school, successfully continue their education in the system of additional education, art, music, and sports schools.

    Thus, this program can take a more solid place in the educational and educational process of preschool education. It allows you to solve many problems of the effective development of the child, since it is focused on his individual characteristics  and allows you to determine the prospects of his personal development.

    This program can assist teachers and heads of preschool institutions in the organization of additional education in the institution.

    3. Program implementation conditions

    3.1.Methodic support

    1. Availability of an approved program.
    2. Methodical development of the program modules.
    3. Visual aids, product samples.
    4. Special literature (magazines, books, manuals, reference books).
    5. Diagnostic toolkit.

    The leaders of the circles use educational materials of teaching aids (the literature used is indicated in the annexes). Syllabus  designed for 1 year of study. The curriculum of the modified course is designed for 3 years of study. Classes are held no more than 1 time per week for children of the second junior and middle groups and 2 classes for children of older and preparatory groups  after noon. The duration of classes for children is individual: 2-3 years, 8-10 minutes, 4-5 years - 15 - 20 minutes, for children 5-7 years, 35 minutes. Classes are held in the form of a game. In classes where children work with piercing and cutting objects, strict adherence to safety regulations is necessary.

    The educational process in the circle direction is carried out in accordance with the educational preschool program. The course is designed for 8 months (from September to April). The topic of classes, methods and techniques for solving problems, the choice of practical material are adjusted, vary depending on the abilities of children, their interests and desires, time of year, choice of topic, etc.

    3.2. Methods, techniques and forms of the educational process:

    Explanatory illustrative method The program is used when reporting educational material to ensure its successful perception. It is revealed through the use of such techniques as conversation, story, work with illustrations, demonstration of experience.

    Reproductive method  - the formation of skills and abilities to use and apply the knowledge gained. The essence of the method consists in multiple repetition of the method of activity on the instructions of the teacher.

    Partial search or heuristic. The main purpose of the method is the gradual preparation of trainees for self-posing and solving problems.

    Important in working with children are usedmethods of education -  methods of stimulation and motivation: creating a situation of success helps the child to remove the feeling of insecurity, fear of embarking on a difficult task. The method of encouragement, the expression of a positive assessment of the child’s activity, includes both material incentives (in the form of prizes) and moral (verbal encouragement, presentation of certificates and diplomas).

    The methods used contribute to ensuring a high quality of the educational process and the effective mastering of knowledge and skills by students, and the development of creative abilities.

    When planning an educational process, variousforms of education:

    1. practical classes (aimed at trainingskills to perform various activities).
    2. creative workshop  (for the production of art products)
    3. tours
    4. contests
    5. exhibitions
    6. concerts

    3.3.Material-technical and didactic software.

    1. Cabinet (well lit), music (sports) hall. Facilities for conducting classes must meet sanitary standards.
    2. Training equipment (furniture set).
    3. Visual aids (product samples).
    4. Didactic material (drawings, diagrams, sketches, handouts, albums)
    5. Selection of information and reference books.
    6. Materials for work (individually for each mug).
    7. Illustrations, work samples, diagrams (technique of filling figures), poems, riddles.

    3.4.Organizational support

    1. The necessary contingent of pupils.
    2. Involvement of specialists (music director, instructor on physical culturesenior tutor).
    3. Corresponding to the schedule of classes.
    4. Parental assistance.
    5. Communication with the school, the House of Culture, with the House of creativity.

    3.5.Expected Results:

    1. Development of an effective integrated system for the formation of health of preschool children, improvement of physical development.
    1. Development of children's creative abilities.
    2. Positive - the emotional state of the child in the classroom.
    3. Teach to understand and love Russian folk culture.
    4. Mastering the artistic qualities, the disclosure of the creative potential of children.
    5. Create prerequisites for further improvement of children's musical education.
    6. Mastering the technique of manufacturing products.
    7. Enrichment of active and passive vocabulary of children.

    3.6.Evaluation and analysis of work:

    Evaluation and analysis of the work of the group for a certain time (year) helps the teacher to identify positive and negative results in the work, to assess themselves and the possibilities of children.

    The result of mastering the curriculum is a series of collective works on the topic, which will be presented at the exhibition, as well as performances of children both inside the kindergarten and at regional events. In assessing and analyzing work, the child’s age, his or her ability, and achievements over a specific period of time are taken into account.

    Ability Formation Indicators:

    1. Completeness - mastering all the step-by-step actions of a single process.

    2. Awareness - as far as the task is clear and how thoughtfully it is carried out.

    3. Rolling and automatism - in the process of mastering the activity, some actions can be performed at the subconscious level.

    4. Speed ​​- the speed of work.

    5. Generalization - the ability to transfer their skills to other tasks. The data obtained are processed to obtain a complete and accurate assessment of the work of the teacher and children.

    When selecting children's works for the exhibition are taken into account:

    1. The originality of the plot, collection, color solution, the development of details.

    2. Independence of work performance.

    3. High degree of imagination.

    4. Accuracy of the work.

    5. Literacy in the performance of work, compliance with all technologies.

    3.7.Forms of summing up:

    1. design of the exhibition stand in pre-school;
    2. participation in regional and regional exhibitions and competitions;
    3. performance at parental meetings.

    3.8. Control

    The pedagogical control of students' knowledge and skills is carried out in several stages and provides for several levels.

    Intermediate control.

    1. Test control, which is a check of the reproductive level of mastering theoretical knowledge using task cards on the topics of the course under study.
    2. Frontal and individual conversation.
    3. Performance of the differentiated practical tasks of various levels of complexity.
    4. The solution of situational problems aimed at testing the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practice.
    5. Game forms of control.
    6. Intermediate control involves participation in competitions and exhibitions of decorative and applied arts at various levels.

    Total control

    The final control is carried out according to the sum of indicators for all the time of training under the additional program, and also provides for the implementation of complex work, including the manufacture of the product according to the single proposed scheme and creative work.

    The end result of the program is expected to participate in exhibitions, reviews and competitions of various levels.

    4. Literature

    1. Agalova I. Crafts for the holidays. M .: ed. - Lada, 2009. - 235s.
    2. Apolozova L.M. Beadwork - M., Enlightenment, 1997. -261с.
    3. Bazulina L.V. Beads. M .: 2000. 327s.
    4. Barsukova L.S. Guidance games for children in preschool. - ed. - M .: Enlightenment, 1985. - 104s.
    5. Bekina S.I. Holidays and fun in kindergarten. - ed. - M .: Education, 1982. - 320s.
    6. Berlin N.A. Toys. - M .: 2000.- 214с.
    7. Bozhko L. Biser. - M., 2000.
    8. Burenina A.I. Rhythm
    9. Wenger Lua. Sensory culture of the child. - ed. - M .: Education, 1987. - 143s.
    10. Vetlugina N.A. Aesthetic education in kindergarten. - M .: Education, 1984. - 199s.
    11. Dolzhenko G.I. 100 origami. - Yaroslavl. Academy of Development: 2000.- 207с.
    12. Dolzhenko G.I. One hundred paper crafts. - Yaroslavl. Academy of Development: 2000.- 207с.
    13. Preschool education №8 / 1990. №11 / 2009. №7 / 2002. № 8/1990.
    14. Dybina O.V. Unknown near.
    15. Health of the preschool child №1 / 2008, №2 / 2008, №4 / 2008, №5 / 2008, №6 / 2008
    16. Instructor in Physical Education №1 / 2009.
    17. Karemanenko T.N. Puppet theater for preschoolers. - ed .- M .: Enlightenment, 1973.– 223 p.
    18. Kobina I.I. Work with paper. M .: Enlightenment, 1999. - 209s.
    19. Komarova TS Methods of teaching visual activity and design. M .: Enlightenment, 1991. - 257s.
    20. Kudryavtsev V.P., Egorov B.B. Developmental pedagogy of recovery. 2000
    21. Kulikova L.G. Flowers from beads. - M .: Publishing House, 2001
    22. Kupriyanava L.L. Russian folklore
    23. Kutsakova L.V. Designing and manual labor. - M .: Education, 1998. - 203s.
    24. Musical life №1 - №12
    25. Musical palette №1 - №12
    26. Musical Director №1 - №12
    27. Nagibina M.I. From simple paper we make like magicians. - Yaroslavl. Academy of Development: 2000.- 207с
    28. Nagibina M.I. From simple paper we make like magicians. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1998.
    29. Naumenko G. Lark
    30. Nikitin B.P. Steps of creativity or educational games. - ed. - Enlightenment, 1989. - 158s.
    31. Rytov D.A. Our yard has no end to the fun.
    32. A tale in the life of a child.
    33. Companion head physical education preschool. Ed. Philippova S.O.
    34. Suvorov G.I. Dance rhythm.
    35. Tkachenko, T.B. The fabulous world of beads. Weave on the wire. - Rostov - on - Don 2004.
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      Elena Timchenko
      Planning and organization of additional education in pre-school

    In our kingdom - the state

    All wizards live

    Everyone draws, everyone dances,

    Everyone plays and sings.

    Just cross the threshold -

    You fall into paradise,

    One hundred roads to you open

    You choose any.

    Kindergarten - the first step of the overall system of educationwhose main goal is the comprehensive development of the child.

    Of great importance for the development of preschooler has organization of the system of additional education in pre-schoolwhich is able to provide a transition from the interests of children to the development of their abilities. The development of each child’s creative activity is the main task of the additional education in pre-school and the quality of education in general.

    Additional education

    - is “an independent, self-valuable, person-centered view of educationcapable of meeting the individual and creative needs of the individual, to active participation  in solving the socio-cultural problems of the region ”(Buylova L.N., Klenova N.V. How organize additional education of children in preschool)

    purpose additional education  - the introduction of new forms of preschool of education  to improve quality educational  process and meet the demands of society.

    Quality additional educational  The process in preschool will be determined by the following criteria:

    the level of health savings of pupils and teachers;

    subjective satisfaction of all participants educational  the process of its performance and conditions;

    conformity educational  process of state standards, the conditions of its organization and management;

    adaptability and continuity, focused on features age development  pupils and at the level of advancement educational program(modules, projects, forms of working with information);

    matching content of education  consolidated order for rendering educational services.

    Additional education  can be sent on:

    creating conditions for the development of the child's personality;

    the development of the child's motivation to knowledge and creativity;

    ensuring the emotional well-being of the child;

    strengthening the mental and physical health of children;

    teacher interaction additional education with family.

    Additional educational  services can be divided into paid and free. In kindergarten, children can receive them, both those who attend and those who do not attend it. The peculiarity is that additional educational  services are integrated with the main kindergarten educational  a program to expand the content of the base component of education  and reduce the educational load on the child.

    To paid educational  services are those services that are not included in the basic preschool education plan, services that are not funded by the city or federal budget. Such services are provided only on request, at the request of the parents.

    Value supplementary education isthat it enhances the variable component of the total of education, contributes to the practical application of knowledge and skills acquired in preschool educational institution , stimulates the cognitive motivation of students. And most importantly - in terms of additional education  children can develop their creative potential, skills of adaptation to modern society and get the opportunity to complete leisure time organizations

    Forms additional education in pre-school:

    Organization of additional educational  services in kindergarten is carried out in the form of circles, sections, studios, clubs.

    Job planned  by thematic sections of the main general education program.

    So wayThe knowledge and skills obtained in the framework of compulsory occupations are consolidated and expanded.

    TO additional educational  programs of various directivity:

    artistic and aesthetic cycle


    cultural studies

    intellectual developmental

    communicative speech,


    health and fitness,

    various correctional orientation, etc.

    In some cases, as additional  partial preschool programs can be used of education.

    One form additional education  in our institution there are circles in preschool that can be opened with various goals:

    Deepening and expanding basic knowledge, advancing the development of the child or compensating activities (for children with developmental delays).

    2. Acquaintance with areas of knowledge beyond the state program (work with gifted children).

    3. Acquaintance with areas of knowledge and skills, including the development of self-knowledge, self-regulation, self-development, the formation of skills of interpersonal communication.

    Mugs in kindergarten perform several functions:

    educational  - each pupil has the ability to satisfy (or develop)  your cognitive needs, get additional skills development, skills in its type of activity;

    socially adaptive - classes in groups allow pupils to get socially significant experience of activity and interaction, to experience "Situation of success"learn to assert yourself;

    correctional-developing - educational educational processimplemented in the classroom, allows you to develop the intellectual, creative, physical abilities of each child;

    educational - the content and methods of work in circles has a significant impact on the development of socially significant personal qualities, the formation of communication skills, education of social responsibility, collectivism, patriotism.

    The activities of any circle is regulated by regulatory documents:

    Charter DOE;

    DOW educational program;

    Regulations on the circle;

    Program mug (goal and objectives, intended end result);

    Plan  work mug for a year;

    List of children;

    Children's attendance sheet

    Statements from legal representatives

    Activity schedule;

    Quality control materials (effectiveness)  work mug (diagnostic cards).

    Algorithm activities of the teacher to create a circle (sections, studios):

    1. The study of the regulatory framework.

    2. Identifying the needs of parents and children additional educational services.

    3. Analysis of the effectiveness of work on the assimilation by children of the state preschool program of education.

    4. Development (selection)  program circle.

    5. Development plan  mug for the school year.

    6. Approval of the program plan  the work of the head of the preschool circle.

    7. Implementation plan  work mug in practice.

    8. Analysis of the performance of the circle.

    9. Protection of work results in front of the parent and pedagogical community. (corners of circle work, exhibitions, participation in contests, shows, etc.)

    Circuit Program Development Scheme

    Title page.

    Explanatory note (relevance, goals and objectives).

    Expected results (expected result).

    Educational and thematic planning

    Diagnostic cards, diagnostic methods.


    In our institution, there are 5 circles in the artistic and aesthetic direction and 1 circle in cognitive development children:

    1. Naughty palms - 1 younger group

    2. Naughty heels - preparatory group

    3. Tili-tili dough - preparatory group

    4. Klyaksochka - medium group

    5. Actors workshop - medium group

    6. Young ecologist - preparatory group

    Modern school every year more and more exactingly to knowledge of children who go to the first class. The mechanical method of mastering, that is, memorization, is not the most effective way for replenishing intellectual baggage for adults, and is not suitable for kids. Submitted additional programs  Pre-school education, based on a conscious acquaintance with a new one, will help each child to accumulate knowledge with interest in order to feel confidently at the desk very soon.

    The program of additional education for preschoolers is a document reflecting the pedagogical concept of work in a children's team, aimed at achieving certain learning goals. The program prescribes the conditions, methods, resources and technologies for obtaining the indicated results, indicates the sources of information support of the learning process.

    Required qualities

    The program of additional education in pre-school should have a set of properties that confirm its suitability for use in learning process. Five main characteristics of high-quality teaching materials:

    • Relevance -solving urgent learning problems.
    • Pragmatism -compliance with the requirements of not only today, but also tomorrow, and changing conditions over time.
    • Realism  - A practical opportunity to implement the program in all aspects.
    • Controllability  - the ability to track the achievement of certain goals or results in the process of passing the program of additional education.
    • Crash Sensitivity  - adaptability to potential changes that may be required in case of deviations from the planned plan.

    Work programs for additional education for preschoolers

    Familiarization of preschool children with nature on the ecological path

    The formation of environmental culture and ecological outlook must begin at a very early age, so that every child can realize that the well-being of the world in which he lives is directly dependent on his actions. This program of additional education in pre-school helps to lay the foundation for the further development of respect for the environment in children.

    As numerous studies show, children show care and guardianship only to those objects alive or inanimate naturewhich they are well aware of. In other cases, they demonstrate absolute indifference, and sometimes a negative attitude.

    The purpose of the program: the formation of ecological consciousness, feelings and activities.

    Want to know everything

    The purpose of this course is to teach children, at a very early age, competent speech, accurate and articulate thoughts, as far as possible.   unleash their creative potential and develop a genuine interest in knowing the world. Another goal of this program of additional education is to foster respect for others and their work, instilling artistic taste.

    The peculiarity of the project is the combination of training and developmental functions. The knowledge and skills obtained in the process of work is not a goal, but a means of successfully developing psychological and personal qualities.

    The objectives of the program: the creation of a child’s integrated system of priorities in further education.

    Ladder of success

    Since their childhood, modern children dream of having a significant status in society, driving an expensive car and working in a prestigious company. But success is achieved by a combination of many factors, one of which is a strong leadership position.

    Forming the ability to make independent decisions and take responsibility for them is the main feature of the “Ladder of Success”, which, like other additional programs of preschool education, gives the child a unique experience and knowledge.

    Objective: to identify and develop leadership skills, prepare children who can become an active part of any work system, and develop the necessary skills for successful self-realization.


    Defects of speech interfere with the normal social adaptation of children. This program will become an invaluable assistant teacher working on correcting phonological flaws or dealing with the development of coherent speech in children. The objective of the course is the formation of an active, creative and inquisitive personality, the optimization of external conditions for the successful correction of the pronunciation of sounds in preschool children.

    The ability to speak clearly and articulately valuable not only in the adult world, but also in the children's team. Improving the work of the articulatory apparatus, fine motor skills of hands, observation and spatial orientation - children will learn all this.

    The purpose of the program: the development of competently delivered speech, clear articulation, bringing to the automaticity of pronouncing sounds in syllables, words, sentences and related texts.


    Each program described is relevant, proven by many years of experience and is still ideally suited to make further education in a kindergarten or study group diversified and effective.