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  • The work program of the defectologist teacher. Adapted work program of the defectologist teacher

    The work program of the defectologist teacher.  Adapted work program of the defectologist teacher

    KEI VO "Bobrovskaya special (correctional) general education school - boarding schoolVIIVIIItype for orphans and children left without parental care, with handicapped health"

    Speech at a joint meeting of the methodological association of the defectological cycle with teachers of preschool groups

    on the topic of:"The activity of a defectologist teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education»

    defectologist teacher

    I.V. Davydov

    March 2015

    The activities of a teacher-defectologist

    in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education.

    In connection with the transition to new standards of preschool education and a qualitatively different paradigm educational process, is undergoing changes and the content professional activity a specialist of an educational institution working with children with disabilities - a teacher-defectologist.

    The standard takes into account the educational needs of children with disabilities, it is supposed to create special conditions in educational institution for their development, providing correction and overcoming (full or partial) of violations in the development of the child.

    The addressee of the help of a teacher-defectologist are children with disabilities. Children with disabilities have physical and mental development disorders of different nature and severity, ranging from temporary and relatively easily remedied difficulties to permanent deviations that require an individual program adapted to their abilities. Therefore, individualization is the main criterion when planning the activities of a defectologist teacher.

    Thus, we are talking about a wide range of children whose developmental problem can be solved by the interaction of a number of specialists, while an important factor is special conditions development and extended periods corrective work.

    The activity of a defectologist teacher is aimed at solving the problems of teaching and developing children whose difficulties are persistent and require observation and specialized assistance at different age stages. The purpose of my work is to provide timely specialized assistance to children with disabilities who experience developmental difficulties. Correction-developing work, which is based on the principles of correctional pedagogy, built taking into account age and individual features children, in accordance with the structure and nature of violations, their impact on general development child.

    The content of my activity as a teacher-defectologist within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is implemented in the following areas, providing an integrated approach to its organization: diagnostic and analytical, correctional and developmental, consultative and educational and preventive, organizational and methodological.

    DIAGNOSTIC AND ANALYTICAL DIRECTION I carry out through a comprehensive study and dynamic monitoring of the development of each child.

    Conducting primary diagnosis development of pupils, I determine the structure and severity of their defect, record the results of the examination, which helps me plan group and individual remedial classes.

    In order to visually reflect the results of monitoring, I have developed special diagnostic tables, in which data are entered from the results of a comprehensive examination of children, which are included in the folder “Monitoring the level of development of preschoolers with disabilities”.

    Also developed special cards individual development of the child, where I record the data of primary and final diagnostics, which allows me to implement another important principle of defectological science - the principle of dynamic study of the development of the child in the process of his educational activity.

    Diagnostic folders have been created in all areas of correctional and developmental work with a clear indication of diagnostic methods, and a system of quality indicators has been developed learning activities child (understanding of instructions, pace of work, working capacity, learning ability: susceptibility to help, ability to transfer to similar tasks, etc., motivation for learning activities, features of the HMF, speech, motor skills, emotional manifestations, etc.), which allows you to comprehensively study the personality child and track not only the result of his development, but also the process: to see the progress of each student in comparison with himself at all stages of education, to anticipate difficulties, determine their causes, highlight ways and means of prevention and correction.

    Based on the results of the examination, I draw up a conclusion, where I give a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the studied parameters, determine the structure of the identified violations, indicate the preserved functions that can be relied upon in further work, clear goals and the tasks of correctional and developmental work with the child, ways and means of achieving them, I develop a general approach adequate to the child's condition on the part of all adults, I give specific recommendations to educators andrelatives of pupilsduring the consultation process.

    The result of the study of the child is an analysis of the course of his development, an assessment of the results pedagogical work, tracking the developmental effect of their activities and determining development prospects for the next academic period.

    Thus, a comprehensive diagnosis of a child's development is important not only in itself, but because it ensures the maximum efficiency of correctional and developmental work, because only by studying and understanding the child can one determine individual route escorts.

    CORRECTIONAL DEVELOPMENT DIRECTION involves a set of measures that affect the personalitychild with disabilitiesin general, normalization and improvement of the leading type of activity, stimulation and enrichment of all types of activity (cognitive, playful, productive, labor), correction of individual developmental deficiencies.

    The solution of these problems is possible only with the use of special(adapted)programs remedial education, which provide thegood learning for childrenprogram material that meets the requirementsGEF preschool education to knowledge,skillsand student skillswith HVD.

    As part of the implementation of correctional and developmental programs, I conduct frontal, group and individual classes. I organize the recruitment of groups on the basis of diagnostic data, taking into account the current level of development. Groups (subgroups) have rolling stock.

    In the classroom I use both traditional and non-traditional forms of conductingI widely use combined and integrated classes based on the principles of correctional and developmental education. I try to achieve high productivity through adequate saturation of classes, development cognitive activity and stimulation of learning interests through the use of tasks with elements of a creative nature, posing a problem, creating gaming and competitive moments, using computer technology, a variety of methods and techniques that ensure the variability of the educational process. All classes are focused on the psychological security of the child, his comfort and the need for emotional communication with the teacher.

    In individual remedial classes, I implement the solution of the following number of tasks: increasing the level of general development of children with disabilities, filling in the gaps in previous development and learning, developing insufficiently mastered educational skills and abilities, correcting deviations in the development of the cognitive sphere and speech, purposeful preparation for the perception of a new educational material.

    In progress individual work I try to proceed from the capabilities of the child - first I offer tasks of moderate difficulty, accessible to the student, because at the first stages, he needs to provide a subjective experience of success against the background of a certain amount of effort. In the future, the difficulty of the task is increased in proportion to the growing capabilities of the child.

    Great importance I attach to the evaluation of children's activities as the key to increasing their educational motivation, development, learning and upbringing. To this end, I create situations for achieving success through the use of verbal and non-verbal means based on the psychological aspect expressed, for example, by a friendly smile, an approving look, praise, gratitude, appreciation, etc., as well as a system of conditional qualitative and quantitative assessment of the child's achievements ( chips, stars, etc.).

    Individual educational route onIquarter (September, October, November)


    child's name


    Leading corrective tasks (directions)

    The content of the work

    Bardakova Maria


    1. Pedagogical correction should be directed to the removal of psychomotor disinhibition through the use of special techniques (fairy tale therapy, art therapy, object-practical activities, colorful visualization, etc.)

    2. Soothe the child with touch, verbal praise, protect from excitement, develop a positive stereotype of behavior.

    3. Expand the scope of speech understanding.

    4. Stimulate cognitive interest, productive activity through the use of gaming techniques, through encouragement, praise, which will increase the tone of the cerebral cortex.

    5. Do not allow excess loads so that there is no disorganization of brain activity.

    6. Due to the slow pace of mental activity, give explanations at a leisurely pace, in a more accessible form in the form of a step-by-step explanation,

    breakdown of instructions.

    7. Activate thought processes by using a complex of c / r tasks, stimulating speech regulation of activity.

    8. To form methods of activity based on the poppy use of the system of analyzers.

    9. Form generalized techniques using different educational material, t.s. having a significant impact on the mental development of the child.

    10. Develop strong-willed abilities.

    11. Provide all types of assistance (organizing, stimulating, teaching, visual-acting), to carry out phased control.

    1. Development of voluntary attention

    2. Development of memory

    (auditory and visual)

    3. The development of visual-effective thinking (the formation of ideas about the use of auxiliary tools in a problematic practical situation, the formation of the trial method as the main way to solve visual-effective problems).

    4. Development of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination.

    5. Development of color perception (correlation by color, recognition: red).

    6. Development of perception of the form (correlation by form, recognition: circle).

    7. Development of perception of space (orientation: in the scheme of one's own body, in space).

    8. Development of the perception of time.

    9. Development of elementary mathematical concepts.

    10. Constructive activity: according to the model (verbal instructions).

    “Find 2 identical objects”, “Who is more attentive?”, “Show the object”, “Putting out of sticks”, “Labyrinth”, “What do you hear?”, “Recognize by voice”.

    « Yes AndNo ”, “Perform the movement”, “Remember the words”, “Remember the pictures”, “What toy is not there?”, “Find the same object”.

    “Let's move the toys”, “Get the ball to the bear”, “Decorate the room”, “Balloons”, “Build a fence”, “Feed the rabbit”, “Airplanes are flying”, “Secret task”, “Show with an arrow”.

    Actions with objects: stringing buttons, beads; thread winding; tying knots; button fastening.

    Actions with various materials: knead plasticine, crush foam balls (sponge); compress

    "magic toys"

    “Show the same”, “Pick up the balls to the string”, “Hide the mouse”, “Help the fish”, “Red balls”, “Make a bouquet”.

    “Red circles”, “Collect beads”, “Hide the figures from the rain”, “Russell the figures into houses”.

    “Repeat after me”, “Show me, don’t make a mistake”, “Help the Bunny”, “Top-Bottom”, “Forward-Back”, “Right-Left”.

    What and when do children do? (parts of the day), “When does this happen? (season: autumn)

    Quantitative and number representations: “Big-small”, “High-low”, “Many-few”, “One-many”, More-less”, “Equally”.

    Account in ex. 2; correlation with fingers (by word, by pattern).

    "Do the same", "Repeat after me", Make a stick pattern"

    Within the framework of group and individual classes, I use organizational and methodological tools, the following technologies:

      gaming technologies;

      technology "Pedagogy of cooperation", based on a humane-personal approach to the child.(S.T. Shatsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A.S. Makarenko,

    K. D. Ushinsky, N. I. Pirogov, L. N. Tolstoy);

      technology of level differentiation, individualization of training;

      information Technology;

      developmental learning technology(I. G. Pestalozzi, K. D. Ushinsky, L. S. Vygotsky, L. V. Zankov, D. B. Elkonin, V. V. Davydov);

      adaptive pedagogy technology(E. A. Yamburg, B. A. Broide and etc.);

      technology of integrated interaction (combined classes);

      health-saving technologies (dynamic pauses, physical minutes, finger, respiratory, eye gymnastics, self-massage, kinesiology gymnastics);

      innovative technologies (fairy tale therapy, music therapy, psycho-gymnastics, color therapy).

    The use of the above technologies allows to achieve an increase in the level of cognitive interest of children in the classroom. However, this does not mean that every single child perceives the proposed material with a high degree of readiness. There are guys with a low level of motivation for learning activities. And we have to work hard on this, first finding out the causes of this phenomenon. Collection of anamnestic data, dynamic observation, the use of various diagnostic techniques, consideration of the issue at the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of the institution makes it possible to develop an individual educational route, adjust it if necessary, and, ultimately, draw conclusions about the reasons for the insufficient level of cognitive interest of certain children.

    Thus, the use of maximum individualization of teaching methods, multi-level tasks, the optimal combination of individual and frontal forms of educational activity, the use of special methods for the formation of a hierarchy of motives that activate cognitive interests and positive activity of children, the mechanism of psychological and pedagogical influences (psychological effects), the assessment of knowledge and achievements pupils on the basis of level differentiation, providing children with various types of assistance (organizing, stimulating, teaching, visual-effective), allows me to fully realize the psychological-pedagogical and social-adaptive aspect of correctional and developmental work.

    The above system of work contributes to the creation of a psychotherapeutic development environment for children with disabilities based on the combination of educational tasks with the tasks of moral development, emotional saturation of the child and his inclusion in successful personally significant activities.

    I consider the positive dynamics in the development of children with disabilities to be the basis for assessing the success of the results of my work. The main positive features include: an increase in communication opportunities, the formation and development of cognitive interests, an increase in the level of development cognitive processes, HMF, as well as increasing educational activity and social adequacy of behavior.

    In the process of learning, children constantly rise to a new stage in their development, move to a qualitatively new, higher level, maintaining a connection with the previous one and entering a new cycle of their formation.

    Data analysis on tracking former preschoolers in progress already schooling indicates that my graduates quickly adapt to school conditions and their education is more psychologically safe.


    AndPREVENTIVE DIRECTION It involves the provision of assistance to teachers in the upbringing and development of the child, as well as work on the prevention of secondary developmental disorders. As a defectologist teacher, I develop recommendations for teachers in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of children.

    with disabilities

    1. In the first two weeks of September, the educator, in parallel with the teacher - defectologist (speech therapist, teacher), conducts a survey of children to identify the level of knowledge and skills of the child for each type of activity. The survey should be conducted in an interesting, entertaining way, using special playing tricks accessible to children of this age.

    2. An educator working with children with disabilities should individualize the educational process as much as possible, take into account psychophysical, speech features and opportunities for children in this category.

    3. Based on the knowledge of the individual characteristics of each child, implement the basics of a differentiated approach in the education and upbringing of children with disabilities.

    4. All correctional and developmental work of the educator is built in accordance with the plans and recommendations of the teacher, teacher - defectologist and teacher - speech therapist of the group.

    5. When conducting any type of class or game, the educator must remember that it is necessary to solve not only tasks general educational program, but also (first of all) to solve correctional tasks along all lines of the child's development with the maximum use of the system of analyzers.

    6. Priority in educational work are exercises for the development of HMF: various types of thinking, attention, perception, memory. It is necessary to widely use comparisons of objects, highlighting the leading features, grouping objects according to their purpose, according to their characteristics, etc.

    7. In corrective work with children with disabilities, the educator should use didactic games and exercises as widely as possible, since under their influence the best assimilation and consolidation of the studied material is achieved.

    8. The work of an educator in the development of speech should provide the necessary cognitive and motivational base for the formation of speech skills.Do not miss the slightest opportunity to discuss something with the child. Just to discuss. One-sided "speaking", without dialogue - is of little use. It does not matter who is silent at the same time: a child or an adult. In the first case, children do not develop active speech, in the second - passive (the ability to listen, hear, understand speech; timely and correctly follow the speech instruction; enter into partnerships; empathize with what they hear).

    9. The speech of the educator himself should serve as a model for children with speech disorders: be clear, extremely intelligible, well intoned, expressive, without violating sound pronunciation. Avoid complex grammatical constructions, turns, introductory words that complicate the understanding of the teacher's speech by children.

    10. All the work of the educator is built depending on the planned lexical topic of the teacher-defectologist (speech therapist). Each new topic should begin with an excursion, gaining practical experience, viewing, observing, talking about the picture.

    11. When studying each topic, it is planned, together with a teacher-defectologist (speech therapist), that vocabulary minimum (subject, verb, dictionary of signs) that children can and should learn in impressive and expressive speech. The vocabulary intended for understanding should be much wider than for active use in the child's speech. Also, grammatical categories, types of syntactic constructions that need to be fixed by the educator in the wake of correctional classes of a speech therapist teacher (defectologist) are specified. Encourage any speech activity of the child.

    12. Individual correctional work with children is carried out by the teacher mainly in the afternoon. A special place is given to consolidating the results achieved by the teacher-defectologist (speech therapist) in the frontal and individual correctional and developmental classes.

    13. It is necessary to constantly exercise systemic control: not a single incorrectly pronounced sound, not a single incorrectly spoken word, incorrectly performed action should be left unattended and corrected, of course, provided that the child has learned this in special (correctional) classes. Wherever the child is: at a lesson, for a walk, in the dining room, etc. one should not miss the opportunity to consolidate and automate one or another skill: be sure to ask the child to correct his mistake, repeatedly pronounce a difficult word, repeat the action being fixed.

    14. An important direction in the work of the educator is the development of cognitive activity, game and educational motivation, correction and development of emotional volitional sphere, the formation of social adaptation mechanisms - all this contributes to the preparation for further education at school and the formation of school maturity.

    15. The task of the educator is to create a friendly, comfortable environment in children's team, strengthening faith in one's own strengths and capabilities, smoothing out negative experiences and preventing outbreaks of aggression and negativism, forming the foundations of socially acceptable norms and rules of behavior.

    ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL DIRECTION includes preparation for consultations, meetings of the MO, seminars of the school of defectological knowledge (SHDZ), pedagogical councils, etc., participation in these events, paperwork, organization of examinations of individual children at the PMPK to remove or deepen recommendations. A defectological presentation is drawn up, which contains the main diagnostically significant characteristics of the developmental features of the child.

    Thus, the work of a teacher-defectologist in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education is built taking into account the general Concept, principles and approaches underlying the Standard.

    The conditions for the implementation of all of the above ensure the full development of children with disabilities in all educational areas.

    Correctional course program

    speech therapy classes

    The program was developed on the basis of:

      Federal State Educational Standard for Primary general education;

      Instructional letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2000 No. 2 "On the organization of work speech therapy center educational institution";

      Instructive - methodical letter "On the work of a teacher - a speech therapist with general education school edited by Yastrebova A.V., Besonova T.B.

      Adapted basic general education program of primary general education for children with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities)

    The program is aimed at providing a systematic approach, which is the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, and is designed to contribute to the realization of the developing potential of general secondary education, the development of a system of basic learning activities which serves as the basis of the educational process and provides students with the ability to learn, the ability for self-development and self-improvement. All this is achieved by both developing correct, clear, expressive coherent speech in students, mastering specific subject knowledge and skills within the framework of phonemic representations, pronunciation norms, oral and written speech and reading, and conscious, active appropriation of new social experience by them.

    This program was developed based on the analysis of the results of in-depth diagnostics speech development students according to the test method of T. A. Fotekova, Volkovskaya T. N.

    One of the reasons that does not allow a child to successfully learn already in the 1st grade is the lack of formation of the components of oral speech, which, to one degree or another, affect the assimilation of writing and reading.

    As a result of a speech therapy examination of children entering the first grade of the MKOU Toguchinsky district "Toguchinsky school for students with disabilities", it was revealed that 4 students have 1 level of speechdevelopment, 2 children have the 3rd level of speech development. These speech disorders tend to interfere with successful literacy and can lead to general school maladaptation. Violations of oral speech in first-graders impede full-fledged literacy. To prevent reading and writing disorders, preventive work is needed, including the correction of existing speech disorders and the development of mental functions necessary for the successful development of a program for writing and reading in elementary school.

    Many children with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) experience great difficulties in mastering writing and reading, in the condition and understanding of texts, in logical mental operations, in understanding complex oral and written speech texts. Failure at school often causes in this group of children a negative attitude towards learning, towards any kind of activity, creates difficulties in communicating with others, with successful children, with teachers and parents, leads to conflict situations. Violations are increasingly systemic in nature, causing changes in behavior, deforming the personality.

    In the upbringing and education of children, the most relevant and priority issues are the provision of speech therapy assistance. In this regard, the importance of a comprehensive examination of children in order to identify possible deviations in development, as well as the identification of compensatory mechanisms for building the most productive learning strategy, is increasing.

    Speech is an indispensable condition and a necessary component of the implementation of any activity, the most important means of mastering knowledge, a necessary prerequisite for the learning and development of the child.

    Characteristics of students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities)

    Children with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) studying at the MKOU Toguchinsky district "Toguchinsky school for students with disabilities" have various speech disorders: its underdevelopment, dysarthria, motor alalia. Severe speech disorders are systemic in nature: speech suffers as a holistic functional system, all its components are violated (phonetic-phonemic side, vocabulary, grammatical structure, vocabulary, as well as violations of the tempo and fluency of speech).

    The presence of even slight deviations in phonetic and grammatical development among first-graders leads to serious problems in mastering the program. Especially important correct pronunciation sounds and words in literacy. Younger schoolchildren write mostly as they say, therefore, among the underachieving schoolchildren of the lower grades (primarily in writing and reading), there is a large percentage of children with phonetic defects. This is one of the causes of dysgraphia (writing disorder) and dyslexia (reading disorder).

    Students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities), in whom deviations in speech development relate only to defects in the pronunciation of one or more sounds, as a rule, study well. Such speech defects usually do not adversely affect the assimilation of the school curriculum. Children correctly correlate sounds and letters, do not make mistakes in written work associated with shortcomings in sound pronunciation. There are practically no underachievers among these students.

    Schoolchildren with an unformed sound side of speech (pronunciation, phonemic processes), as a rule, replace and mix phonemes that are similar in sound or articulation (hissing - whistling; voiced - deaf; hard - soft, r-l). They experience difficulties in hearing close sounds, do not take into account the semantic meaning of these sounds in words (barrel - kidney). This level of underdevelopment of the sound side of speech prevents mastering the skills of analysis and synthesis sound composition words and causes the appearance of a secondary defect (dyslexia and dysgraphia as specific disorders in reading and writing).

    In schoolchildren, along with violations of the pronunciation of sounds, there is often an underdevelopment of phonemic processes and lexical and grammatical means of the language ( general underdevelopment speech). They experience great difficulty in reading and writing, leading to persistent failure in writing and other subjects.

    In such children with mental retardation (intellectual impairments), the pronunciation of sounds is more often blurred, indistinct, they have a pronounced insufficiency of phonemic processes, their vocabulary is limited, the grammatical design of oral statements is replete with specific errors; independent utterance within the limits of everyday everyday topics is characterized by fragmentation, poverty, semantic incompleteness. Deviations in the development of oral speech create serious obstacles in teaching literate writing and reading correctly. The written works of these children are full of various specific, spelling and syntactic, spelling and syntactic errors.

    Often, persistent speech underdevelopment in children is complicated by various neurological, psychopathological syndromes, autonomic functions suffer. Therefore, the problems of learning for them in the new conditions increase significantly. Such children have a weakness of motivation, a decrease in the need for verbal communication, an originality in the formation of central psychological neoplasms, including the ability to voluntarily communicate with an adult, i.e. ability to act within a task.

    Children with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) with systemic speech disorders are not capable of long-term learning activities, they are stubborn, and in some cases negativism is manifested. They have a tendency to mood swings, transitions from an impulsive state to a inhibited one.

    Children with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities), with speech disorders need correction of deficiencies mental development and speech therapy impact. It is in speech therapy classes that one can make the transition from the leading gaming to learning activities.

    The main form of organizing speech therapy work is frontal (group and subgroup) classes. The groups are selected children with a homogeneous structure of the speech defect. The group form of work helps to overcome negativism, isolation and other character traits of children with speech development problems, arouse their interest in classes by organizing various game and educational-cognitive situations, which improves the quality of speech therapy work. In these classes, all students perform the same work. Sub-group classes provide differentiated classes for children with more severe disabilities. Individual sessions carried out with one child. For this, individual programs are developed taking into account the structure of the speech defect of a particular student.


    diagnostics, correction and development of all aspects of speech (phonetic-phonemic, lexical-grammatical, syntactic), coherent speech, the formation of verbal communication skills.

    Directions of speech therapy work:

    Diagnosis and correction of sound pronunciation (staging, automation, and differentiation of speech sounds);

    Diagnostics and correction of the lexical side of speech;

    Diagnostics and correction grammatical structure speech (syntactic structure of speech statements, inflection and word formation);

    Correction of dialogical and formation of monologue forms of speech;

    Development of the communicative function of speech;

    Correction of violations of reading and writing;

    Expansion of ideas about the surrounding reality;

    The development of the cognitive sphere (thinking, memory, attention).


    Identification of special educational needs of students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities);

    Organization of individual and group lessons for children, taking into account individual and typological characteristics;

    Development and implementation of individual curricula(if necessary);

    Implementation of a system of measures for social adaptation;

    Providing parents with counseling and methodological assistance.

    The specifics of the organization of corrective work

    Corrective work is carried out:

    Within the framework of the educational process, through the content and organization of the educational process (individual and differentiated approach, reduced pace of learning, structural prostate content, surface in learning, activity and consciousness in learning);

    As part of extracurricular activities in the form of specially organized individual and group speech therapy classes.


    Directions of corrective work:

      Diagnostic work ensures the identification of the characteristics of the development and health of students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) in order to create favorable conditions for them to master the content of the main general education program.

    Carrying out diagnostic work involves the implementation of:

    1.Psychological - pedagogical and medical examination in order to identify their special educational needs:

    - development of the cognitive sphere;

    Emotional-volitional spheres;

    Definition social situation development and conditions of family education of the student.

    2. monitoring the dynamics of the development of students, their success in mastering the AOOP.

    3. analysis of the results of the survey in order to design and adjust corrective measures.

    In the process of diagnostic work, the following forms and methods are used:

    - collection of information about the child from teachers, parents (conversations, questionnaires);

    Observation of the student during educational and extracurricular activities;

    Interviews with students, teachers and parents;

    Studying the work of the child (notebooks, drawings, crafts);


      Correctional and developmental work ensures the organization of speech therapy activities that contribute to the personal development of students, the correction of deficiencies in speech development, the development of the content of education by them.

    Correctional and developmental work includes:

    Drawing up an individual program of speech therapy support for the student (together with teachers);

    Organization of extracurricular activities aimed at developing the speech interests of students;

    Development of optimal for the development of students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) group and individual speech therapy programs (methods, methods and teaching methods) in accordance with their special educational needs;

    Organization and conduct of individual and group speech therapy classes necessary to overcome speech disorders.

    Forms and methods:

    Individual and group speech therapy classes;

    Games, exercises;

    Speech therapy methods and technologies;

    Organization of activities (play, work, construction).

      Advisory work ensures the continuity of special support for children with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) and their families on the implementation of differentiated psychological and pedagogical conditions for training, education, correction, development and socialization of students;

    Advisory work includes:

    Psychological and logopedic counseling for teachers on solving problems in speech development

    Advisory assistance family

    Forms and methods:





    Questioning of parents;

    Development teaching materials and advice to teachers and parents.

      Outreach work is aimed at explanatory activities on issues related to the peculiarities of the educational process for this category of children, with all participants in the educational process, students, their parents (legal representatives), and teachers.

    Outreach activities include:

    Conducting thematic presentations for teachers and parents;

    Design of logopedic stands, printed and other materials.

    Correction - speech therapy work built according to the following principles:

    1. Priority principle

    Provide speech therapy assistance to each student;

    Structured and dynamic observation of students' speech activity;
    -systematization of educational and methodological material;

    Use new information technologies as a promising means of correctional and developmental work with children with speech disorders: flash mob games, video classes.

    2. The principle of consistency ensures the unity of all elements of correctional work: goals and objectives, directions for implementation and content, forms, methods and techniques.

    3. Continuity principle provides for corrective work throughout the student's education, taking into account changes in their personality.

    4. The principle of variability involves the creation variable programs correctional work with children, taking into account their special educational needs and opportunities for psychophysical development.

    5. Unity principle psychological, pedagogical and medical means, which ensures the interaction of specialists in the integrated solution of problems of correctional work.

    6. The principle of cooperation with the family is based on the recognition of the family as an important participant in correctional work, which has a significant impact on the development of the child and the success of his integration into society.

    Mechanisms for implementing the corrective work program

    The interaction of specialists of the Toguchin school for students with disabilities in the process of implementing the AOEP is one of the main mechanisms for implementing the program of correctional work.

    Interaction of specialists requires:

    Creation of a program of interaction of all specialists in the framework of the implementation of corrective work;

    Implementation of a joint multi-aspect analysis in order to identify existing problems;

    Development and implementation of complex individual programs in speech therapy.

    Interaction of specialists of the Toguchin school for students with disabilities with organizations and government bodies related to the solution of issues of education, health protection, social protection and support, employment of students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities).

    The work program includes three stages of correctional and developmental work.

      The development of the phonetic-phonemic aspect of speech.

    1 period. Formation of phonemic processes.

    2 period. Elimination of defects in sound pronunciation.

      The development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech.

    3 period. Formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

    4 period. Refinement and expansion of vocabulary.

      The development of connected speech. Formation of a full-fledged independent oral and written speech.

      period. Formation of a full-fledged independent speech.

      Stage. Development of the phonetic-phonemic side of speech.

    Formation of phonemic processes. Development and improvement of phonemic representations ( Formation of general ideas). Speech. Offer. Phrase. Word. Syllable. stress. Vowels and consonants. Hard and soft consonants. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Designation of sound with a letter.

    Analysis and synthesis of the sound-syllabic composition of the word. Sound analysis and word synthesis.Syllabic analysis and word synthesis.

    Sound-letter connections. Differentiation of sounds (letters). Differentiation of sounds (letters) that have acoustic and articulatory similarities on the basis of deafness - sonority, hardness of softness. Differentiation of vowel sounds (letters), on the basis of stress - unstressed. Differentiation of letters that have optical similarity (the topic does not apply to the correction of phonemic processes, but if necessary it is given in this section).

    Elimination of defects in sound pronunciation (does not have a timing; planned in parallel with the formation

    phonemic processes; taking into account the dynamics of the correction of a particular student. The value of speech in human life. Acquaintance with the articulatory apparatus.

    Creation of an articulatory base for staging sounds. Formation of articulatory structures necessary

    for normal pronunciation. Development of directed speech exhalation.

    Production of defective sounds. Whistling sounds (s, s ', s, s ', c). Hissing sounds (w, w, h, u). Sonorant sounds (l, l ', p, p '). Other sounds.

    Automation of delivered sounds. In isolated form. In syllables. In words. in verse texts. in the speech stream.

    2. Stage. The development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech.

    Formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

    Word composition. Word formation. Word parts. One-word words. Attachment word formation. Suffix word formation. Ending.

    Parts of speech. Coordination and management. Noun. Verb. Adjective. Coordination of nouns with adjectives by gender, number, cases. Coordination of nouns with verbs by numbers, tenses.

    Service parts of speech. Meaning of prepositions. types of suggestions. Differentiation of prepositions and prefixes different and identical in spelling.

    Offer. The composition of the proposal. Analysis and synthesis of the proposal. main members of the proposal. Types of sentences and intonations. Common and non-common offers. Making proposals. Offer scheme.

    Expansion and refinement of vocabulary (planned in the structure of topics on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech).

    Thematic activation and enrichment of the dictionary. Classification of prepositions, Generalizing words (vegetables, fruits, berries, trees, mushrooms, flowers, dishes, clothes, shoes, hats, furniture, electrical appliances, food, fish, insects, birds, animals). The object and its parts. Baby birds and animals. Professions. Seasons, natural phenomena. temporary concepts. Form. Color and shades. Holidays. My city. Other topics.

    The semantics of the word. Homonyms. Synonyms. Antonyms. Multiple words.

    In close connection with the study of phonemic and grammatical material, work is underway to develop students' speech. Correction, clarification, ordering of the oral speech of schoolchildren precedes and accompanies the study of all the main sections of the Russian language. The vocabulary of students is being refined and expanded. Enrichment of the dictionary occurs at the expense of words denoting natural phenomena and social life, generic and specific concepts. This work is directly related to the expansion and refinement of children's impressions and ideas about the world around them. In addition, the purposefulness and logical sequence of statements, the accuracy and variety of the use of words are formed and improved, the grammatical structure of speech is enriched.

    The tasks used in the classroom are arranged in such an order that familiarization of students with individual sounds or their sequential selection from words is combined with work to clarify and enrich the vocabulary of students, to familiarize themselves with prepositions and their use, to develop the ability to build sentences, distribute and reduce them, separate them from the speech flow. Thus, in parallel with the study of the main topic of the lesson, the meaning of the words available to children is clarified and the vocabulary is further enriched.

    3. Stage. The development of connected speech. Formation of a full-fledged independent speech.

    Refinement of ideas about the text. Signs of a connected statement. Comparison of text and a set of words, text and a set of sentences, text and its deformed variants.

    Text analysis. The sequence and coherence of sentences in the text. The semantic relationship between

    offers. Definition of the topic of the text. Drafting a text plan.

    Construction of an independent connected statement. Drafting a text according to a plan. Compilation of the text according to its beginning or end. Drafting an introduction and conclusion to the text. Text retelling. Writing a text on a specific topic.

    Despite the stage-by-stage planning of correction, the work is built in an integrated way, covering all stages simultaneously, but directing its attention to solving the problems of the current stage of correction work. For example, in the process of solving the main problemIstage - the ordering of the phonetic - phonemic side of speech - the prerequisites for the normalization of the lexical - grammatical means of the language and the formation of coherent speech begin to be laid. And vice versa, during the passage of program materialIIIstage, the main tasks of which are the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech and the formation of coherent speech, the tasks and skills acquired at the stage of development of the phonetic and phonemic side of speech are fixed. The formation of phonemic processes takes place simultaneously with the correction of sound pronunciation, that is, the second period is woven into the first. At this stage of work, it is permissible subgroup lesson split into individual lessons (for example, when staging sound). The formation of the grammatical structure of speech goes simultaneously with the expansion of vocabulary. Lexical Topics are not given separately, they are planned in the structure of topics on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

    The number of classes on each topic is determined by the composition of a particular group of students, the level of formation of one or another speech component in them. Some topics are given ahead of the main educational program, thus creating the basis for more successful assimilation of educational material in the lessons of writing and reading. Other topics, on the contrary, systematize and deepen the knowledge gained in the lessons. When selecting speech material, the age and individual characteristics of children, the specifics of speech impairment of children in this group are taken into account.

    Corrective work to eliminate defects in sound pronunciation is carried out in individual classes, automation and the introduction of corrected sound into spontaneous speech is also carried out in group classes.

    To achieve the best results in the correction of speech disorders in students, it is necessary to work with parents, their Active participation in the learning process.


    The timing of the implementation of the program material.

    The program for the correction of speech disorders in students with SRS is designed for 4 years of study. Classes are held individually, in subgroups and groups of students from September 15 to May 15.

    The timing of correction may vary depending on a number of factors: the severity of speech underdevelopment, the compensatory capabilities of the child, the psychophysiological characteristics of the child, the state of his intelligence, the regularity of the child's attendance at classes, doing homework, etc. With various speech disorders correction covers different stages and periods of work and has different duration.


    The program for the formation of basic educational activities (BCA) for students with mental retardation specifies the requirements of the Standard for the personal and subject results of mastering the AOOP and serves as the basis for the development of programs of academic disciplines.

    Maintarget the implementation of the program for the formation of the BUD consists in the formation of a student with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) as a subject of educational activity, which provides one of the directions of his preparation for an independent life in society.

    tasks program implementations are:

    formation of the motivational component of educational activity;

    mastery of a complex of basic educational activities that make up the operational component of educational activity;

    development of skills to accept a goal and a ready-made plan of activity, plan familiar activities, control and evaluate its results based on the organizational assistance of a teacher.

    The composition of the basic training activities:

    Personal BUD :

      determine and express, under the guidance of a teacher, the simplest rules of communication common to all people;

      in the situations of communication and cooperation proposed by the teacher, based on the simple rules of behavior common to all, make a choice, with the support of other group members and the teacher, what to do.

      to realize oneself as a student interested in attending school, learning, classes, as a family member, classmate, friend;

      show independence in the performance of educational tasks;

      understanding of personal responsibility for one's actions based on ideas about ethical norms and rules of behavior in modern society.

    Regulatory BUD :

    enter and exit the classroom with a call;

    navigate in the classroom space (hall, classroom);

    use educational furniture;

    adequately use the rituals of school behavior (raise your hand, get up, leave your desk, etc.);

    work with educational supplies and organize workplace;

    move around the school, find your class, other necessary premises;

    accept goals and voluntarily engage in activities, follow the proposed plan and work at a common pace;

    actively participate in activities, monitor and evaluate their own actions and the actions of classmates;

    correlate their actions and their results with given samples.

    Cognitive BUD:

    navigate your knowledge system:differ new from already known with the help of a teacher;

    highlight the essential, common and distinctive properties of objects;

    make simple generalizations, compare, classify on visual material;


    2. Psychological center "Adalin"

    3. Portal "Speech"




    9. Speech therapist


    I - III level of speech development

    for first grade students

    the program is designed for 83 hours (3 hours per week)

    The group training program includes three sections:

      Filling gaps in the development of the sound side of speech;

      Enrichment of vocabulary;

      The development of grammatical structure and coherent speech.

    All of the above areas of work are carried out simultaneously, that is, in one lesson, work should be done both to correct gaps in the development of both the sound side of speech and phonemic perception, and enrichment of the vocabulary and development of the grammatical system.

    Sound. The structure of the articulatory apparatus. Methods for the formation of various sounds.

      Vowels of the first row. Isolation of first row vowels from syllables and words. The difference between vowels and consonants. Development various forms sound analysis, starting with the extraction of a sound from a word. Learning begins with the recognition and selection of vowel sounds from the word, their comparison and distinction. Children distinguish the vowels A, O, Wiz of the beginning of the word under stress and in an unstressed position, the vowels A, O, U, E, S from the middle of the word and from the end of the word under stress.

      Vowels of the second row. Formation of vowels of the second row. Differentiation of vowels of the first and second rows. Distinguish between hard and soft consonants. Vowels are introduced, with the help of which the softness of consonants is indicated: I, E, E, Yu, b (softener).

      Dividing words into syllables. The syllabic composition of words. Syllabic role of vowels.

      Soft sign. Denoting the softness of consonants with b. Separating soft sign.

      consonant differentiation. Differentiation of deaf and voiced consonants in oral speech and their corresponding letters in reading and writing. All 6 pairs of deaf and voiced consonants are considered: P - B, T - D, K - G, F - C, C - Z,III- G. Unpaired in deafness - voiced consonants and the letters X, C, Ch, Sh (deaf), Y (voiced), as well as the letters b and b. Sounds close in acoustic-articulatory properties.


    III level of speech development

    (first year of study)

    - the ability to express their requests, desires;

    Pronunciation of consonants that are simple in articulation, clear pronunciation of vowels;

    Distinguishing the sounds of the surrounding reality;

    Correlation of sounds with a real object;

    Recognition and naming of specific objects, these objects depicted in the pictures;

    Correlation of learned sounds with the letters denoting them;

    Copying from a sample of individual letters, syllables, words.


    Vowels of the first row


    Second row vowels


    Dividing words into syllables


    Soft and hard sign


    Consonant differentiation

    Total hours


    The content of the program for the correction of CHP III level of speech development

    for second grade students

    The program is designed to work with 2nd grade students at the stage of filling gaps in the sound structure of speech.

    The main tasks of work at this stage are:

      Formation of a full-fledged sound-letter analysis with the establishment of a relationship between letters and sounds in a word;

      Differentiation of letters mixed in writing, denoting sounds similar in acoustic and articulatory properties;

      Clarification and generalization of information about the sound-letter composition of the Russian language;

      Enrichment of vocabulary and accumulation of ideas about the world around.

    The program has the following sections;

      Sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words;

      Syllabic analysis and synthesis of words;


      Hard and soft consonants;

      Voiceless and voiced consonants and letters;

      Whistling and hissing sounds, affricates;

      sonorous sounds.

    Sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words. Generalization of information on the sound-letter composition of the Russian language. The semantic role of the phoneme. Sound-letter analysis of words with the establishment of the relationship between sounds and letters.

    Syllabic analysis and synthesis of words. Syllabic role of vowels. Dividing words into syllables. Transfer rules.

    stress. Working off orthoepic norms. The semantic role of stress.

    Enrichment of vocabulary. Cross-cutting topic.

    Hard and soft consonants and letters. Distinguishing consonants by hardness - softness. Distinguishing vowels of the letter a - i, o - e, y - u, s - i, e - e, letter b - space. Unpaired soft Y, Ch, Shch, as well as unpaired hard Zh, Sh, Ts consonants. Spelling of the syllables ZhI - SHI, CHA - SCHA, CHU - SCHU.

    The content of the program for the correction of CHP II III level of speech development

    third year of study

    the program is designed for 84 hours (3 hours per week)

    Sections of the program are cross-cutting and are studied throughout the course of study

    Letter sounds. Development of sound-letter analysis. Distinguishing sounds in a word by ear: correct and clear articulation of sounds. Sounds vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonants, their articulation and sound; comparison of paired sounds by articulation and sound (hard and soft; voiced and deaf).

    Sequential selection of sounds. Sequential selection of sounds and monosyllabic words consisting of reverse syllables, or two-syllable words consisting of two vowels (such as mustache, ay): in monosyllabic words with closed syllable, without a confluence of consonants (such as poppy); in disyllabic words, the first syllable of which consists of one vowel (such as a hand); in disyllabic and monosyllabic words with a closed and open syllable (such as duck, cuckoo); in monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants in a syllable (such as a wolf, an elephant). Self-checking the correctness of the task. Associating sound with letter.

    stress. Practical exercises in highlighting in a word percussive sound. Placement of the stress mark in the schemes of the sound composition of words.

    Suggestion, word. Practical introduction to the sentence and the word in the sentence. Oral exercises in the preparation of non-common and common sentences. Compilation of sentences with prepositions in, on, for, over, under, before. Use in sentences and phrases of nouns in the genitive plural (such as many notebooks, a box of chocolates) and nouns in the instrumental singular (such as I admire Moscow, I feed grain).

    Lowering the voice pause at the end of a sentence; correct and distinct pronunciation of the whole sentence. Selecting a sentence from a story consisting of two or three sentences. Dividing sentences into words, sequential selection of words in a sentence, definition from a number. Clarification of the meanings of words. Distinguishing the terms "words", "sentence".

    The content of the program for the correction of CHP, II - III ur.speech development

    fourth year of study 87 hours (3 hours per week)

    Sounds and letters. Further development of sound-letter analysis.

      The ratio of the number of sounds and letters in a word. Designation of the softness of consonants with vowelsIIrow. A soft sign to indicate the softness of consonants at the root and in the middle of a word. Spellingzhi, shi, cha, scha, chu, shu .

      Alphabet. Knowledge of the alphabet. Finding a word in the dictionary of the textbook and in the spelling dictionary, the distribution of words in alphabetical order.

      Syllable. Dividing words into syllables. Transferring words by syllables, transferring words with lettersy, y.

      Stress. Oral exercises in isolating the stressed vowel in a word. Pronunciation of words with the correct

    stress. Designation of a stressed vowel in written words. Isolation of unstressed vowels in words with several unstressed vowels. The difference in the sound of vowels in a stressed and unstressed position. Isolation in words of orthograms containing unstressed vowels. Observation of the uniformity of writing stressed and unstressed vowels in the root of single-root words as a preparation for studying the rule on the spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word.

      Paired voiced and deaf consonants. Distinguishing them in isolation and in words (orally and in writing). Double consonants in the most commonly used words. Dividing e. Writing under the dictation of words and sentences. Copying from handwritten and printed text.


      Preparatory exercises in using the names of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, their signs and actions. Refinement and enrichment of vocabulary by using words denoting plants, animals, natural phenomena, people's professions, their family relationships, objects of labor, etc., properties and signs of objects according to color, shape, size, according to the material of manufacture.

      Objects and their names. Words denoting objects and answering the questions Who? What? Transformation of the form of words denoting an object into the initial form.

      Actions and their purposes. Words denoting actions and answering questions What does it do? What did it do?

      Signs and their names. Words denoting signs of an object and answering the questions What? What? What? What? What? Connection of the names of signs with words denoting objects.

      Related words. Selection of related words. Highlighting their common part. General concept of the root of a word.

    Single-root words. Observation of the uniformity of writing vowels and paired voiced and deaf consonants in single-root words.

      Practical exercises in the use of the names and surnames of classmates, the names and patronymics of teachers, the name of the hometown, street, nearest river, animal names.

      A capital letter in the names, patronymics and surnames of people, in the nicknames of animals, in the names of cities, villages and rivers.

      The practical use of words with the most common prepositions (in from, to, on, from, to, from, y). Separate writing of prepositions with words.

      Words with unchecked spelling.


      The main members of the sentence: subject and predicate. Secondary members of the sentence (without division into types)

      Preparatory exercises in compiling phrases. Selection from sentences of pairs of words without prepositions and with prepositions, making sentences with words denoting objects, actions, signs. Distribution of sentences.

      Writing under the dictation of sentences and texts, including the studied spelling. Punctuation marks indicating the end of the sentence.

    Related speech

      Exercises in connected speech are carried out in the process of studying the entire program material.

    Oral answers to questions united by a theme. Drawing up sentences on plot pictures. Description

    subject. Title for a short text.

    Thematic planning of speech therapy classes for the correction of CHP, III level of speech development

    (second year of study)

    clearly pronounce all the sounds of the Russian language in the speech stream, name the differences between vowels and consonants; spell sounds correctly produce sound - syllabic analysis and word synthesis; differentiate sounds that have subtle acoustic-articulation differences, correctly designate them in writing; determine the place of stress in a word; correctly designate letters in writing that have optical-mechanical similarity. divide words into syllables; mark the boundaries of the offer; select a test word for a word with an unstressed vowel in the root


    Syllabic analysis and synthesis of words




    Hard and soft consonants and letters




    Enrichment of vocabulary. (cross-cutting topic)

    Total hours


    Thematic planning of speech therapy classes for the correction of CHP, III level of speech development

    (third year of study)

    Sections of the program are cross-cutting and are studied throughout the course of study.

    There is no clear time limit.

    Learn: the structure of the articulatory apparatus; acoustic - articulatory differences and similarities of sounds; about the importance of proper breathing; main grammatical theremin: speech, sentence, phrase, word, syllable, stress, vowels and consonants, voiced and unvoiced consonants, hard and soft consonants, the position of a sound in a word, the designation of a sound by a letter.

    Learn: clearly pronounce all the sounds of the Russian language in the speech stream; name the differences between vowels and consonants; spell sounds correctly produce sound - syllabic analysis and word synthesis; differentiate sounds that have subtle acoustic and articulatory differences, correctly designate them in writing, determine the place of stress in a word; correctly designate letters in writing that have an optical-mechanical similarity.

    Get to know: values ​​of many units; rules for linking words in a sentence; capital letter, dot, sentence scheme.


    Sequential selection of sounds




    sentence, word

    Total hours

    Thematic planning of speech therapy classes for the correction of CHP, III level of speech development

    (fourth year of study)

    Section name

    Number of hours

    Main types of educational activities

    Items. Object and words, its name. The accumulation of words denoting objects, natural phenomena and people's lives. Grammar questions: Who? What?

    Learn: basic grammatical terms: speech, sentence, phrase, word, syllable, stress.

    Get to know: the meanings of many lexical units; rules for linking a word in a sentence; basic grammatical terms: word root, suffix, prefix, ending, noun, adjective, verb, numeral, pronoun; unions,

    prepositions; capital letter, intonation pause, exclamation and question mark, dot, comma, sentence scheme, main members of the sentence, text.

    Will be able to: quickly find right word, which most accurately expresses the idea; use various methods of word formation and inflection; comprehend words in speech, be able to clarify their meaning; analyze speech (at the level of text, sentences); use different parts of speech when making a sentence; grammatically correctly connect words in a sentence; compose a text on a specific topic; use sentences of complex syntactic constructions in speech; intonation to shape the statement.

    Actions. Action name words. Clarification and accumulation of words denoting actions. Grammar questions: What does it do? What are they doing? What did they do? What will they do? What will he do?

    Phrases are nouns and adjectives. The main and dependent word.


    related words. Generalization of knowledge about related words. The concept of "one-root words". Connection of words in a phrase. Main

    and dependent


    Total hours



    Educational - methodical and information support.

    Book production.

      Amanatova M. M., Andreeva N. G., Tosunidi O. M. Reference book of a school speech therapist. – Ed. 2nd. -Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2010. - 318 p.

      Arkhipova E. F. Correction and speech therapy work to overcome erased dysarthria in children. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 254, p.: ill. - (Graduate School).

      Borisova E. A. individual speech therapy classes with preschoolers

      Golubeva G. G. Overcoming sound disorders syllabic structure words for preschoolers: Educational - Toolkit. - St. Petersburg: TsDK prof. L. B. Baryaeva, 2010. - 175 p.

      Zhukova N. S. I write correctly. From the "Primer" to the ability to write beautifully and competently. – M.: Eksmo, 2011. – 80 p.

      Kozyreva L. M. Secrets of adjectives and secrets of verbs. Tetr. For log. Classes. - M. : Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006.

      Speech therapy: a practical guide / ed. - comp. V. I. Rudenko. – Ed. 9th.–Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2011. - 287 p.

      Mazanova E.V. I am learning not to confuse letters. (2 albums). Exercises for the prevention and correction of optical dysgraphia. - M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2006. - 32 p.

      Mazanova E.V. I am learning to work with the word. Album of exercises for the prevention and correction of agrammatic dysgraphia. - M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2008. - 48 p.

      Mazanova E.V. I am learning not to confuse sounds. (2 albums). Exercises to correct acoustic dysgraphia in junior schoolchildren. - M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2008. - 32 p.

      Mazanova E.V. I am learning to work with text. Album of exercises for the correction of dysgraphia on the basis of violations of language analysis and synthesis. - M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2008. - 32 p.

      Paramonova L. G. Prevention and elimination of dysgraphia in children. - St. Petersburg: Lenizdat; Publishing house "Soyuz", 2001. - 240 p.

      Complete guide. Handbook of a speech therapist / M. A. Povalyaeva. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 608 p.


      Cash registers of letters;

      Magnetic alphabet;

      Card file of exercises to improve the skills of sound analysis and synthesis and literacy;

      Patter for the development of speech;

      Didactic games and exercises aimed at developing the ability to distinguish between words that are similar in sound composition;

      Breathing exercises;

      Card file didactic games on the development of the vocabulary of adjectives;

      Card file on the formation of the syllabic structure of the word;

      Card file on the automation of sound pronunciation.

    Thematic dictionary in pictures

      "Fruits vegetables";


      "Wild animals";

      "Pets and birds";


      "Polysemantic words";


      "Word Formation"

    Technical training aids


    Screen and audio aids

      "Merry logorhythm";

      "Home speech therapist";

      Computer developing games;

      "My mother is a speech therapist";

      "Finger Gymnastics";



      speech therapy lotto;


      "Smart laces";

      "Playing with sounds";

      "Where what grows";

      "We play with words."

    Cabinet equipment

      Student tables;


      Teacher's desk;


      Wall mirror;

      Table mirrors;

      Logopedic probes,

      Cotton wool;

      Latex gloves;


    A more detailed description of the equipment can be found in the passport of the speech therapy room.


      Danilov I.V. System of exercises: Development of skills of educational activity of younger schoolchildren.-M., 2001.

      Instructional letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 14.12.2000. No. 2 "On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center of a general educational institution."

      Ishimova O.A., Bondarchuk O.A. Logopedic work at school>>. A guide for speech therapists, teachers of additional education, educators and parents-M .: Education, 2012.

      Kozyreva L.M. Program and methodological materials for speech therapy classes with younger students. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006.

      Kozyreva L.M. And whistling, hissing, and the most sonorous.

      Kozypeva L.M. Riddles of sounds, letters, syllables.

      Kozyreva L.M. Secrets of hard and soft consonants.

      Kozyreva L.M. We distinguish between voiceless and voiced consonants.

      Kozyreva L.M. Programming and methodological materials for speech therapy classes with younger students. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006.

      Konovalenko V.V. Unstressed vowels at the root of the word: a workbook for children aged 6-9.-M.: GNOM, 2011.

      Mazanova E.V. Correction of dysgraphia on the basis of violations of language analysis and synthesis. Abstracts of classes for a speech therapist. - M .: ed. Gnome and D, 2006.

      Mazanova E.V. Learning to work with the text. Album of exercises for correcting dysgraphia on the basis of violations of language analysis and synthesis. - M .: ed. Gnome and D, 2007.

      Mazanova E.V. Learning not to confuse sounds. Album of exercises for the correction of acoustic dysgraphia (in two parts). - M .: ed. Gnome and D, 2007.

      Mazanova E.V. Learning not to confuse sounds. Album of exercises for the correction of acoustic dysgraphia (in two parts). - M .: ed. Gnome and D, 2007.

      Appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russian Federation dated August 26, 2011N761 n. Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees. Section "Qualification characteristics of positions of education workers".

      Programs for elementary school in Russian UMK language"School of Russia", UMK "Perspektiva". - M .: "Enlightenment", 2011.

      Program and methodological materials. Correction and developmental education. Primary school: Russian language. The world around us. Natural history / Compiled by S. G. Shevchenko.

      Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education: Textism.idop.for 2012 / Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Russian Federation.

      Yastrebova A.V., Bessonoa T.P. Instructive-methodical letter on the work of a speech therapist teacher at a general education school.-M.: Kogito-Center, 1996.

    Regional State Educational Budgetary Institution
    "Elizovo boarding school for students with disabilities"
    "The work of a defectologist teacher in a general education (correctional) school in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of a new generation, taking into account the requirements for a modern lesson"
    The federal state educational standard is one of the main instruments for the implementation of constitutional guarantees of the human and citizen's right to education.
    The main task of the Federal State Educational Standard is to teach schoolchildren the ability to learn, to form a position among students successful learning.
    The ideological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO is the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of the Personality of a Citizen of the Russian Federation.
    In connection with the transition to the new Standards, changes are also taking place in the content of the professional activities of a defectologist teacher.
    The activity of a defectologist teacher in a general education (correctional) school is aimed at solving the problems of teaching and educating children whose difficulties are persistent and require further monitoring and specialized assistance at different age stages.
    The addressee of the help of a defectologist teacher is children with disabilities (HIA).
    The purpose of the teacher-defectologist:
    Providing timely specialized assistance to students with disabilities who experience learning difficulties in mastering the mandatory minimum content of education.
    The correctional and pedagogical work of a defectologist is built taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students, in accordance with the structure and nature of violations, their impact on educational activities and the overall development of the child.
    The teacher-defectologist not only conducts remedial classes, but also provides holistic correctional pedagogical (defectological) support in the form of monitoring the training and education of each student in need, which includes dynamic monitoring of the development of the child and the assimilation of knowledge in accordance with the mandatory minimum content of education, advisory work with parents , teachers.
    The content of the activity of a teacher-defectologist is implemented in the following areas of work, providing an integrated approach to its organization:
    - diagnostic,
    - corrective,
    - advisory and educational
    - preventive, organizational and methodological.
    Each of the directions in the work of a specialist has its own characteristics, ensuring the satisfaction of the special educational needs of the category of students in question.
    diagnostic direction.
    The diagnostic work of a teacher-defectologist is an integral part of the comprehensive study of the child by specialists of the school PMPK.
    The diagnostic area of ​​work includes:
    - primary defectological examination;
    -systematic stage-by-stage observations of a specialist for the dynamics and correction of mental development;
    - checking the compliance of the chosen program, methods and techniques of teaching with the real achievements and level of development of the child.
    The main task of this direction is the forecast of possible learning difficulties at its initial stage, determination of the causes and mechanisms of educational problems that have already arisen.
    corrective direction.
    The system of corrective influence on the educational and cognitive activity of the child in the dynamics of the educational process.
    Classes are correctional-developing and subject-oriented.
    The main areas of correctional and developmental work include:
    - sensory and sensorimotor development;
    -formation of space-time relations;
    -mental development (motivational, operational and regulatory components; the formation of age-appropriate general intellectual skills, the development of visual and verbal forms of thinking);
    - the formation of universal educational activities, the normalization of the leading activity of the age;
    - the formation of versatile ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, the enrichment of the dictionary, the development of coherent speech;
    readiness for the perception of educational material;
    -formation of the skills and abilities necessary for the assimilation of the program material.
    The main time in the correctional work of a defectologist teacher is devoted to classes with children of primary school age.
    Analytical direction.
    Conducting an analysis of the process of corrective impact on the development of the student and assessing its effectiveness, as well as analyzing and evaluating the interaction of specialists.
    Here the following tasks are solved:
    1) system analysis of personal and cognitive development child.
    2) creation of complex individual correctional and developmental programs.
    3) providing specialized support for the education and upbringing of students. those specialists in whose help the child needs;
    4) interaction of specialists within the framework of the school psychological-medical-pedagogical council.
    Consultative - educational and preventive direction.
    It involves the provision of assistance to teachers and parents of students in matters of upbringing and education of the child, the preparation and inclusion of parents in solving correctional and educational problems.
    Recommendations developed by a specialist are of a particular and general nature.
    Organizational and methodological direction.
    Includes preparation for consultations, meetings methodical associations, pedagogical councils, participation in these events, as well as the preparation of documentation, the organization of a survey of individual students at the PMPK of the city, district for the removal of needy students in special (correctional) institutions.
    The correctional work of a teacher-defectologist is based on programs for general education (correctional) institutions using correctional methods for each area of ​​work.
    The main form of organization of defectological work is group and individual lessons.

    “The lesson is a mirror of the general and
    teacher's pedagogical culture,
    measure of his intellectual wealth,
    indicator of his outlook and erudition "
    V.A. Sukhomlinsky
    For both students and the Teacher, a lesson is interesting when it is up-to-date in the broadest sense of the word.
    Modern is both completely new and not losing touch with the past, in a word - relevant, effective, modern, directly related to the interests of a living person today, urgent, existing, manifesting itself in reality. In addition, if the lesson is modern, then it certainly lays the foundation for the future. Modern lesson should teach the child to learn, to communicate, to help him realize himself.
    The teacher's task is to help a student with disabilities acquire such a range of educational and professional knowledge, skills and abilities that he can apply in a social environment.
    When organizing educational process The teacher should be guided by the principles:
    -training should be aimed at alleviating shortcomings in cognitive activity and on the formation of personal qualities
    -use of problematic situations in the classroom
    - diversify the methods and types of educational activities
    -usage different methods. Visual, verbal, action
    -all work should be carried out on the basis of a clinical and psychological-pedagogical study of the child. Based on an individual and differentiated approach
    The requirements for the lesson are also put forward:
    1. The teacher must be proficient subject, teaching method.
    2. The lesson should be educational and developing.
    3. At each lesson, correctional and developmental work should be carried out.
    4. The material should be scientific and accessible, should be related to life and based on the past experience of children.
    5. Each lesson should have an individual and differentiated approach.
    6. In the lesson, intersubject communications should be carried out.
    7. The lesson should use:
    - didactic materials (maps, posters, diagrams, reasoning algorithms, punched cards…)
    8. It is necessary to introduce computers into the learning process.
    9. Protective mode must be observed
    - taking into account the age load on the student
    - physical minutes (grades 1-4, 2 physical minutes, high school-1)
    - matching furniture
    -compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements
    10. The lesson should contribute to the solution of the main tasks
    - provide comprehensive pedagogical support to a child with disabilities
    - contribute to the social adaptation of the child
    Special requirements:
    1. Slow pace of learning
    2.Strengthening the structure of ZUN in accordance with the psychophysical capabilities of the student.
    3. The implementation of repetition in teaching at all stages and links of the lesson.
    4.Maximum reliance on the sensory experience of the child
    5.Maximum reliance on the practical activities and experience of the student.
    6.Reliance on more developed abilities student.
    There have been changes both in the wording and in the content of the types of lessons.

    Approximate structure of each type of GEF lesson
    1. The structure of the lesson of mastering new knowledge:
    1) Organizational stage.

    3) Actualization of knowledge.

    6) Primary fastening.
    7) Information about homework instructions for its implementation
    8) Reflection (summing up the lesson)

    2 The structure of the lesson for the integrated application of knowledge and skills (reinforcement lesson).
    1) Organizational stage.
    2) Checking homework, reproduction and correction of students' basic knowledge. Knowledge update.

    4) Primary fastening
    in a familiar situation (typical)
    in a changed situation (constructive)
    5) Creative application and acquisition of knowledge in a new situation (problem tasks)
    6) Information about homework, instructions for its implementation

    3. The structure of the lesson for updating knowledge and skills (repetition lesson)
    1) Organizational stage.
    2) Checking homework, reproduction and correction of knowledge, skills and abilities of students necessary for the creative solution of the tasks.
    3) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.
    4) Actualization of knowledge.
    in order to prepare for the control lesson
    in order to prepare for the study of a new topic

    6) Generalization and systematization of knowledge

    4. The structure of the lesson of systematization and generalization of knowledge and skills
    1) Organizational stage.
    2) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.
    3) Actualization of knowledge.
    4) Generalization and systematization of knowledge
    Preparing students for generalized activities
    Reproduction at a new level (reformulated questions).
    5) Application of knowledge and skills in a new situation
    6) Control of assimilation, discussion of the mistakes made and their correction.
    7) Reflection (summing up the lesson)
    Analysis and content of the results of the work, the formation of conclusions on the studied material

    5. The structure of the lesson for the control of knowledge and skills (verification and assessment of knowledge)
    1) Organizational stage.
    2) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.
    3) Identification of knowledge, skills and abilities, checking the level of formation of students' general educational skills. (Tasks in terms of volume or degree of difficulty should correspond to the program and be feasible for each student).
    Lessons of control can be lessons of written control, lessons of a combination of oral and written control. Depending on the type of control, its final structure is formed.
    4) Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

    6. The structure of the lesson for the correction of knowledge, skills and abilities.
    1) Organizational stage.
    2) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.
    3) Results of diagnostics (control) of knowledge, skills and abilities. Identification of typical mistakes and gaps in knowledge and skills, ways to eliminate them and improve knowledge and skills.
    Depending on the diagnostic results, the teacher plans collective, group and individual ways of teaching.
    4) Information about homework, briefing on its implementation
    5) Reflection (summing up the lesson)

    7. The structure of the combined lesson.
    1) Organizational stage.
    2) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.
    3) Actualization of knowledge.
    4) Primary assimilation of new knowledge.
    5) Initial check of understanding
    6) Primary fastening
    7) Control of assimilation, discussion of the mistakes made and their correction.
    8) Information about homework, instructions for its implementation
    9) Reflection (summing up the lesson)

    The main correctional and developmental tasks
    -correction and development of attention (voluntary, involuntary, stable, switching attention, increasing the amount of attention)
    -correction and development of coherent oral speech
    -correction and development of coherent written speech
    -correction and development of memory
    -correction and development of visual perceptions
    -development of auditory perception
    -correction and development of tactile perception
    -correction and development of fine motor skills of the hands
    -correction and development mental activity
    -correction and development of personal qualities of students, their emotional-volitional sphere
    Teaching methods:
    - visual methods (showing, illustration, demonstration, observation)
    So, the lesson is an integral part of the educational process, which still remains one of the main forms of organizing learning. The time for “ready-made” lessons is slowly running out. The novelty of modern Russian education requires the personal beginning of the teacher, which allows him to give a lesson, developing an understanding of knowledge, skills and abilities, creating conditions for filling them with meaning, as well as the ability for the student himself to obtain this knowledge, skills through problem situations and independent searches for them. solutions.
    I would like to say in the words of the poet Nikolai Rylenkov:
    Even if you don't go out into the white light,
    And in the field outside the outskirts, -
    While you're following someone
    The road will not be remembered.
    But wherever you go
    And what a mess
    The road that he was looking for
    Will never forget!!!


    Explanatory note

    Adapted working programm compiled on the basis of a diagnostic examination of the cognitive sphere of the child. Children with general underdevelopment of speech or unsharply expressed general underdevelopment of speech experience difficulties in the formation of writing, there is a lag in the development of the so-called introductory skills necessary for successful learning, including speech. Speech skills include the ability to clearly, in accordance with the norm, pronounce all the sounds of speech, distinguish them by ear, separate them from the word; the presence of sufficient vocabulary and complete formation of the grammatical structure; the ability to speak coherently on topics accessible to the understanding of the child. Inadequate speech activity leaves an imprint on the formation of sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres in children. There is a lack of stability of attention, limited possibilities of its distribution. With a relatively preserved semantic, logical memory children have reduced verbal memory, memory productivity suffers. They forget complex instructions, elements, and sequences of tasks. In the weakest children, low recall activity can be combined with limited opportunities for the development of cognitive activity.

    Decreased visual functions inevitably lead to a decrease in the speed and accuracy of perception. Children perceive in fragments, distortedly, both single objects and group compositions; find it difficult to establish causal relationships between objects and phenomena. This negatively affects the development of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.) of younger students, which greatly complicates their educational and cognitive activity. Children with visual impairment experience serious difficulties in determining the color, shape, size and spatial arrangement of objects, in mastering practical skills, in orienting themselves on their body, work surface, in space.

    In the course of educational and cognitive activities, children with visual impairments experience difficulties associated with both the pace of educational work and the quality of the performance of educational tasks.

    A. Stepan has the following characteristic features:

    Low level the ability to holistically, in detail and consistently perceive the content of the plot picture, composition, including a large number of characters, details; highlight the first, second plans;

    Low level of ability to recognize objects depicted in various versions (contour, silhouette, model);

    Low level of development of hand-eye coordination, which underlies the acquisition of writing and reading skills;

    Poor memorization of letters and numbers;

    The impossibility of distinguishing between configurations of letters, numbers and their elements similar in spelling;

    Omission or appearance of new (extra) elements;

    Low level of mastery of writing and reading skills; the presence of serious difficulties in copying letters;

    The appearance of mirror writing of letters, which is persistent, etc.

    The presence of these difficulties in a child (A. Stepan) with ONR and visual impairments inevitably leads to a decrease in academic performance. The constant situation of failure, especially manifested at the initial stage of learning, is a constant source of negative emotions, often develops into negative emotional states, crying, tantrums, which reduces the positive motivation for learning activities and can cause the formation negative qualities.

    Visual impairment is caused by a lack of interest in academic work. This is due to lethargy, inertia, inactivity due to difficulties in spatial orientation, impaired motor skills and coordination of movements, and poor ideas about the world around.

    Mental processes - memory, attention, thinking are poorly developed. The child with difficulty keeps the two-step instruction, finds it difficult to analyze the work done. There is a lack of formation of spatial orientation. On the basis of this, the child hardly holds the line when writing, confuses the outline of individual letters similar in outline. Vocabulary is low. Difficulty making sentences from pictures. The pronunciation of individual sounds is not automated. The processes of mathematical analysis and synthesis have not been formed.

    Target: development of the abilities of a (visually impaired) student and correction of difficulties in mastering the basic general education program.


    1. Sensorimotor development in order to develop visual analysis and spatial perception.
    2. Formation of temporal and spatial orientations.
    3. The development of mnemonic processes in order to form the ability of visual and auditory perception of objects.
    4. The development of inter-analyzer systems and their interaction in order to develop auditory-motor, visual-motor, auditory-visual and visual-motor coordination.
    5. Formation of the function of programming and control of their own activities.
    6. Improvement of mathematical and linguistic analysis and synthesis.

    Based on this, in the zone of promising development, the directions of corrective work on academic year.

    Directions of correctional work with a student of grade 1 A. Stepan

    1. Sensorimotor development:

      development of visual analysis and spatial perception of letter elements;

      development of subtlety and differentiated analysis of visually perceived objects;

      development of tactile sensations;

      development of the ability to organize and control the simplest motor programs;

      development of subtlety and purposefulness of movements;

      development of kinesthetic foundations of movement;

      development of interhemispheric interaction.

    Facilities: didactic games and exercises (recognition of contour, silhouette, crossed out images, underdrawn objects; figurative-background distinction of objects, letters; analysis of a complex sample: finding similarities and differences between two images; establishing correspondence between background elements, patterns (game "Pick up a pattern"); isolating visually perceived element of a letter in figures of complex configuration; finding repeating figures, letters, their given combination in rows; finding letters with a given element; finding a given element in a series of letters; graphic dictations; redrawing figures point by point; a set of exercises for the development of interhemispheric interaction, motor development: "Ring", "Fist - palm - rib", "Mirror drawing", "Ear-nose", "Snake"; game "Magic bag"; game "Learn and write" (a modified alphabetic version of the game "Magic bag" ).

    2. Formation of spatial representations:

      formation of orientation skills in the scheme of one's own

      formation of orientation skills in the immediate environment (classroom);

      formation of orientation skills on the plane (notebook,

      development of spatial praxis;

      development of the skill of differentiation similarly located in
      object space.

    Facilities: didactic games and exercises (orientation in the scheme of one's own body; orientation in the space of a room, on a plane; determination of the spatial arrangement of letter elements; spatial praxis (visual and speech versions of Head's tests); determination of correctly and incorrectly written letters; graphic dictations).

    3. Development of mnemonic processes:

      training random memorization visually perceived objects;

      arbitrary memorization of the auditory series: numbers, sounds,
      words, sentences, multi-step instructions;

      development of tactile and kinesthetic memory.

    Facilities: didactic games and exercises (auditory dictations; the game "Remember sounds"; the game "Forgotten object (letter)"; visual dictations; memorization and reproduction of multi-link instructions; memorization of letters).

    4. Development of interanalyzer systems, their interactions:

      development of auditory-motor coordination;

      development of hand-eye coordination;

      development of auditory-visual and visual-motor coordination.

    Facilities: didactic games and exercises (motor reproduction of rhythmic structures; graphic dictations (according to verbal instructions); selection from the proposed options for conditional graphic images of rhythmic figures of one corresponding to an auditory sample (test by X. Birch and L. Belmont); percussion of a rhythmic structure on a visual (graphically presented) to the sample; graphic display (record) of the rhythmic structure perceived by ear; drawing samples of patterns, points; drawing symmetrical images of letters, objects; drawing a series of images from semi-ovals and lines according to the model, from memory (method of S. Borel-Maisonni).

    5. Formation of the programming and control functionnatural activity:

      regulation of the simplest motor acts;

      formation of skills of orientation in the task;

      formation of the ability to plan the stages of the task;

      the formation of the main ways of self-control of each
      stage of the task;

      formation of the ability to carry out a verbal report on the action taken and the result.

    Facilities: didactic games and exercises (analysis of the instructions for the task, sample: "What do I need to do?"; definition of each step of the upcoming work: "What will I do first? What will I do next? What do I need to do next?"; Checking the work: " Compare with the model "; finding and correcting errors: "What needs to be corrected?"; speech regulation of actions: "How did I do the work?"; games "Find and correct errors (according to the model, independently)"; "Help the guys cope with the work" , attention games).

    6. Formation of writing skills.

    Mastery of literacy, basic speech forms and the rules for their use. Mastering the initial ideas about the norms of Russian and native literary language(orthoepic, lexical, grammatical) and rules speech etiquette. Development of the skill of copying, the skill of working according to a given model; memorization of graphemes, correlation with the corresponding sound of speech; actualization and consolidation of the skill of sound-letter analysis of the word; visual-auditory dictations (writing words and sentences after reading the analogue); auditory dictations. Development of oral and written communication, the ability to read and write meaningfully. Mastering the ability to use oral and written speech to solve age-appropriate everyday tasks. The ability to choose adequate language means for the successful solution of communicative tasks.

    7. Formation of reading skills.

    Facilities: memorization of letters, correlation of a letter and sound, differentiation of letters similar in outline; reading syllable tables; composing syllables, words from the proposed letters; reading words, sentences illustrated with an image; making sentences from words; graphic dictations (schematic notation of words, sentences).

    8. Formation of mathematical representations.

    Mastering the principles of mathematics (the concept of numbers, calculations, solving simple arithmetic problems and etc.). Acquisition of initial experience in the application of mathematical knowledge to solve educational and cognitive and educational and practical problems. The use of basic mathematical knowledge to describe and explain the surrounding objects, processes, phenomena, as well as assess their quantitative and spatial relationships.

    Possession of the ability to use mathematical knowledge in solving age-appropriate everyday problems (orient and use measures of space, time, temperature, etc. in various types everyday practical activities, it is reasonable to use pocket money, etc.). The ability to perform oral and written arithmetic operations with numbers and numerical expressions, explore, recognize and depict geometric figures. Mastering the basics of logical and algorithmic thinking, spatial imagination and mathematical speech, measurement, recalculation, estimation and evaluation, visual representation of data and processes, recording and execution of algorithms.


    Defectological examination of students was carried out using standardized methods. These are practical materials for conducting a psychological and pedagogical examination of children by Zabramnaya S.D., Zabramnaya and Borovik O.V., examination materials by Strebeleva E.A. and etc

    Pedagogical examination builds on:

      identifying difficulties in the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities

      determining the stage at which these difficulties arose

      determining the conditions for their overcoming

    For this, the following are carried out:

      study of the level of mental development of the child

      analysis of written works (qualitative characteristics of errors)

      observation of students in educational activities

    Primary diagnosis. Diagnostic testing is carried out during September ( tentative dates September 1-15) determination of optimal conditions for individual development, enrollment in individual classes. The defectologist draws up an examination protocol, a defectological presentation for the student.

    Dynamic Learner Learning (in December). It is carried out in order to track the dynamics of the child's development, to determine the compliance of the selected forms, techniques, teaching methods with the level of development of the student.

    Final dynamic observation examination is carried out at the end of the academic year.

    The main form of organization of defectological work with a child with learning difficulties are individual classes. Individual classes are held 2 times a week, during hours free from lessons, taking into account the school regime. The number of sessions depends on the severity and nature of the violations.

    Protocol for examining a child of the 1st grade.

    Date of_________

    F.I. child age

    Teacher-defectologist _________________________________________________________

    Researched parameters



    partially formed

    not formed

    V i s t e l p r e c t i o n


    integrity, meaning


    Recognize and name "Noisy" images, "Overlay" images, "Unfinished" images, "Chimeras".

    Perception of the plot image

    Self compilation descriptive story on the picture in question. Establishment of causal relationships. A series of plot pictures.

    Part and whole

    Compose "Cut pictures", conduct spatial analysis and synthesis of pattern elements. Fill in the plot drawing with the missing elements.

    Acquaintance with the surrounding world, spatio-temporal orientation

    Orientation in the nearest space

    Know and name body parts and their spatial arrangement; use spatial terms, prepositions in speech.

    Temporal orientation

    Name the seasons, their signs, the months of the seasons. Know the parts of the day.

    Information about the environment

    To have knowledge and ideas about oneself and the immediate environment, to navigate the events taking place, to have ideas about the main sections of the surrounding world “Man”, “ Animal world”, “Nature”, etc.

    Development of fine motor skills

    Graphic skills

    Possession of a pencil, felt-tip pen, brush.

    Calligraphy skills.



    Ability to make precise coordinated movements with both hands; possession of the skill of following the action of the hand with the eyes.

    General motor skills

    General coordination of actions, accuracy, dexterity.



    Fold patterns from cubes, design sticks according to the demonstrated pattern.

    Causal dependencies

    Establish and observe patterns between objects, perform a series of plot pictures. Make up a logical story based on a series of pictures.

    Understanding hidden meaning

    Understand and explain the hidden meaning of the plot, text, metaphors, available proverbs.


    Make generalizations. Highlight the "4th extra" subject on a non-verbal and accessible verbal level. Explain your choice.

    Identification of essential features

    Draw analogies, classify according to a basis independently found, compare worldly concepts.

    Program knowledge


    Counting, composition of numbers up to 10, counting operations of addition and subtraction, solving simple problems.


    Perform a letter according to the model of words, observe elementary spelling rules.




    Dynamic Surveillance Map

    FULL NAME.__________________________________________________
    Date of birth _______________________ Date of completion ____________________

    Beginning of the school year

    Dynamic Surveillance

    Final dynamic observation

    A stock of general ideas about others

    Motor skills, orientation in space




    Formation of social
    moral behavior

    Sound-letter analysis and synthesis

    Cheating (number and nature of errors)

    Writing under dictation (number and nature of errors)

    Reading technique (method, pace, nature of errors)

    Reading comprehension

    Computing skills

    Problem solving

    geometric material

    Prospective plan of corrective work
    on the development of cognitive activity of a student of grade 1 A. Stepan



    Program content

    Number and count

    Numbers from 1 to 10. Number 0

    Counting objects and their image, movements, sounds, etc. The order of the numbers in the count.

    Obtaining a number by adding 1 to the previous number, subtracting 1 from the number immediately following it when counting. Writing and reading numbers from 1 to 10.

    The number "zero". Its acquisition and education. Equality, inequality.

    Relations "is equal", "greater than", "less than" for numbers, comparison signs. Comparison of numbers (based on the order of the numbers when counting). Composition of numbers 2, 3, 4, 5.

    Name and write numbers from 1 to 20.

    Representation of a number as a sum of bit terms.

    Decimal composition of numbers from 11 to 20.

    Relations "equal to", "greater than", "less than" for numbers, comparison signs. Comparison of numbers (based on the order of the numbers when counting, using subtraction operations).

    Grouping numbers. Number ordering.

    Compilation of numerical sequences.

    Simulate situations requiring the transition from one unit of measure to another.

    Compose number model.

    Group numbers according to a given or independently established rule.

    Observe: establish patterns in a numerical sequence, compose a numerical sequence according to a given or independently chosen rule.

    Research situations requiring comparison of numbers and quantities, their ordering.

    characterize phenomena and events using numbers and quantities.

    Evaluate the correctness of the numerical sequence.

    Arithmetic operations

    Working with text tasks

    Addition and subtraction

    Addition. Term, sum. Addition sign. Addition table. Addition with zero. Permutation of terms in the sum of two numbers.

    Permutation and grouping of terms in the sum of several numbers.

    Subtraction. Reduced, subtracted, difference. subtraction sign. Zero subtraction.

    Relationship between addition and subtraction.

    Table of addition and subtraction within 10. Corresponding cases of subtraction. Addition and subtraction with the number 0.

    Addition of two single-digit numbers, the sum of which is greater than 10. Using the studied methods of calculation. Addition table and corresponding subtraction cases.

    Relationships "more by ...", "less by ...". Finding a number that is several units (one digit) more or less than the given one.

    Compare different ways of computing, choose the convenient one.

    Simulate situations illustrating an arithmetic operation and its progress.

    Use mathematical terminology when writing and performing an arithmetic operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).

    Simulate studied arithmetic dependencies.

    Predict calculation result.

    Control and implement step-by-step control of the correctness and completeness of the execution of the arithmetic algorithm.


    Condition and question of the problem.

    Establishing the relationship between the quantities presented in the problem. Planning the course of the solution and answering the question of the problem.

    Solving text problems in an arithmetic way

    Tasks in the solution of which are used: the meaning of the arithmetic operation (addition, subtraction). The concepts of "increase by ...", "decrease by ...". Solving problems in one, two steps for addition and subtraction. Problems for finding an unknown term, an unknown minuend and an unknown subtrahend.

    Solving problems of a logical nature.

    To plan the solution of the problem. Choose the most appropriate way to solve a text problem.

    Explain choice of arithmetic operations for solutions.

    Act according to a given and independent plan for solving the problem.

    present various ways of reasoning (on questions, with commenting, drawing up an expression).

    On one's own choose a way to solve a problem.

    Use geometric images for solving the problem.

    Control: detect and eliminate errors of a logical (during the solution) and arithmetic (in the calculation) nature.

    Observe for changing the solution of the problem when its conditions change.

    Choose Yourself way to solve the problem.

    Fulfill a short record in various ways, including using geometric images (segment, rectangle, etc.).

    Spatial Relations

    Description of the location of an object in space and on a plane. Mutual arrangement objects in space and on the plane: above - below, left - right, above - below, closer - farther, between.

    Comparison of objects in size (bigger - smaller, taller - lower, longer - shorter) and shape (round, square, triangular).

    Movement directions: left - right, right - left, top - down, bottom - up).

    Temporal representations: first, then, before, after, earlier, later).

    Comparison of groups of objects: more, less, the same, more (less) by ...

    Geometric figures

    Recognition and naming of a geometric figure: point, line (curve, straight line), segment, broken line (closed and open), polygon.

    Simulate various situations of the location of objects in space and on a plane.

    to make(construct) models of geometric shapes, transform models.

    Research objects of the surrounding world: compare with geometric shapes.

    characterize properties of geometric shapes.

    Compare geometric shapes in shape.

    Cut length. Perimeter

    Units of length: centimeter, decimeter, ratios between them. The transition from one unit of length to another.



    Program content

    Characteristics of the student's activity
    (universal learning skills and actions)



    Types of speech.

    speech requirements. Speech is dialogic and monologue.

    Analyze speech of people (when analyzing texts)

    Distinguish oral, written speech and talk about yourself.

    Differ dialogic speech from monologue, use in speech.

    2. Text

    Parts of the text.

    Know the signs of the text.

    Differ text from other entries by its features.

    Define theme and main idea text, match text and heading, pick up title to the text. Compose story according to the drawing, given beginning and supporting words.

    3. Offer


    Logical stress in a sentence. Relationship of words in a sentence.

    Differ a sentence from a group of words, define its boundaries. Compose word sentences. Install connection of words in a sentence. Compose sentences from deformed words.

    4. Words, words, words...

    The word and its meaning. Syllable. stress. Hyphenation.

    A word is a general name for things. Verbal and logical stress. Transfer rules.

    Be able to classify words by thematic groups explain the lexical meaning of the word. Divide words into syllables, determine the number of syllables. Define stress, distinguish between shock and unstressed syllables. transfer words by syllable.

    5. Sounds and letters.

    isolate sounds from a word, pronounce them correctly;

    distinguish between vowels and consonants and letters;

    correctly name soft and hard consonants in the word and outside the word;

    designate the softness of consonant sounds in writing with vowels e, e, u, i, and and soft sign;

    divide the word into syllables;

    highlight in a word stressed syllable;

    move the word in syllables;

    isolate words from sentences;

    clearly, without distortion, write lowercase and uppercase letters, compounds, words;

    correctly write off words and sentences written in printed and handwritten font;

    write words, sentences of 3-5 words under dictation;

    use a capital letter at the beginning, a period at the end of a sentence.

    write with capital letter names and surnames of people, nicknames of animals;

    orally compose a text of 3-5 sentences on a specific topic.

    Distinguish sounds and letters. Name the letters correctly and arrange them in alphabetical order. Find in the word, distinguish and correctly pronounce vowel sounds. correlate sound and letter composition of words.

    Individual thematic plan

    for _____________ academic year

    F.I. student ___________________________________________________________

    Conclusion of the teacher-defectologist __________________________________________


    1 semester.

    Directions of corrective work


      Formation of spatio-temporal representations and orientations

      Formation of versatile ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality

      Formation of methods of mental activity

      Correction to eliminate difficulties in mastering the Russian language

      Correction to eliminate difficulties in mastering mathematics

      Formation of differentiated ideas about the value

      Work on the development of fine motor skills of the hand and fingers

      Development of mental activity (comparison, comparison)

      Formation of cognitive skills (shape, color, number of objects)

      Formation of elementary mathematical representations

      Formation of constructive skills

    Dynamics for the first half of the year ___________________________________________________
