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  • Why does a person with a clear goal achieve less. Goal Setting: Why Don't People Set Goals? Your environment prevents you from developing

    Why does a person with a clear goal achieve less.  Goal Setting: Why Don't People Set Goals?  Your environment prevents you from developing

    We are far from realizing all the goals we have set - and often it’s not laziness and weakness, but the inability to correctly formulate tasks and determine priorities. Mann, Ivanov & Ferber has published a book by self-improvement consultant Robert Sype on how to use brain science to improve productivity and focus on putting your ideas and desires into practice. Theory and Practice publishes a chapter from the book.

    Reduce the number of goals

    Write down the 5-6 most important goals you want to achieve in the next 90 days. Why exactly so many? The main thing at this stage is to shorten: the term and the number of items on the list. Why? There are five to six goals, because, as we already know, consciousness is not able to effectively cope with an excess of information. It is easy for him to focus on only a few tasks at a time. Of course, there is a suitable time and place for the so-called dream-making, when you get rid of all the limitations of thinking and time and indulge in bold and crazy thoughts. This exercise is useful for expanding the horizons and possibilities of your mind, but for now we will do something else. Take a calendar and determine the closest checkpoint in about 90 days. Ideally, this is the end of the quarter, the end of the month is fine too. If the endpoint comes after 80 or 100 days, that's fine; the main thing is to be close to 90. Why is it important? Because for about such a time, a person can be very focused on one important goal, without pressing the "reset button", and still see real progress.

    It's not for nothing that almost all diets or training programs are designed for about 90 days. The insanely popular P90X home fitness program is a great example. P stands for power and X stands for Xtreme. Essentially just a marketing trick. But behind the figure "90" there are serious scientific reasons. The program is not called P10X, because you cannot achieve great success in 10 days, but neither is P300X: no one can stick to the program for so long without interruption. Why do you think Wall Street places such importance on quarterly financial statements of companies?

    Because it is within this time frame that significant changes can be implemented without losing focus. In any important endeavor, a timeframe much shorter than 90 days is too short to see real progress, and much longer is too long to clearly see the finish line. Study the next 90 days and write down the numbers 1 through 6 on a piece of paper. You will write down the 5-6 most important goals you want to achieve in 90 days. Now analyze all areas of your life: work, finance, physical health, mental / emotional state, family, community involvement - so that your list is comprehensive.

    While you are writing down the most important goals for the next 90 days, review what makes the goal effective. In the previous chapter, we covered in detail the five essential characteristics of your goals, and here I will list them again briefly.

    1 . What you write should be meaningful to you. These goals are yours and nobody else's, so be sure to document what you really want to achieve.

    2. What you write should be concrete and measurable. We're talking about a 90-day program with an explicit deadline, so general phrases like “increase income,” “lose weight,” or “save money” are inappropriate. Be clear about what you intend to achieve over this period. How much money to earn or save? How many kilograms to lose weight? How many kilometers to run? What will your sales be (define specific numbers)? Your numbers or details themselves are not important to me, but specificity is needed. By neglecting this step, you will miss out on most of the opportunities this process gives you.

    3. Goals must be of the right scale: challenging, yet achievable from your point of view. Remember: you have about three months to do everything about everything, and then you will have to hang up. So choose the right scale for your goals. While doing this exercise, you will have to choose between the options "the goal is bolder, so you have to tense up" and "more modest, to play it safe." The choice depends on your experience and previous successes. If you are used to achieving the main thing easily or you are a little bored, then choose a more daring goal. If you are doing this for the first time, then you should choose a more modest goal.

    4 . Even if it's obvious, I'll emphasize that goals need to be written down. You will be doing both yourself and me a disservice if you read all this and do nothing. I didn't say "think about what you want to achieve in the next 90 days," I said, "write it down." I assure you that the coordinated work of the eyes, hands and the brain raises the choice and design of goals to a qualitatively new level. So, write down the goals with pen on paper, not just in your head.

    5 . You will regularly review what you are writing now, so be honest with yourself and create goals that will be interesting for you to achieve. Once you have laid the groundwork, we will develop an entire plan for accountability to ourselves and the programming elements, so keep in mind that you will be interacting with these goals.

    Enough descriptions - it's time to work! Take a pen and paper and write down your 5-6 most important goals for the next 90-100 days. Take as long as you need to do this, and then return to reading.

    Define a key goal

    Now you need to determine which of these goals is key for you. You may ask, "What is a key goal?" And that's great, because you've probably never considered your goals that way before. Your core goal is one that seriously supports most of your other goals. Looking at your short list, you will probably notice that there are connections between many goals; you may even find that some are in competition with each other. But I have found that in almost all cases, there is one goal that persistently pursuing is likely to help achieve the desired results in all areas. I don't want to overcomplicate. You may already know which of your goals fits this description.

    Often, when a person reaches this stage, one of the goals they have written down catches his eye and seems to shout: “Hey! Make me come true! " If you have already found this goal, just check it in the list and only then continue reading. If the key target isn't immediately visible, that's okay too. I myself often had to figure out which of my goals was the key, where to direct the main efforts. You want the one that is most likely to help reach the rest.

    There are several options. Sometimes the achievement of a key goal indirectly causes the implementation of the rest, almost automatically. It happens that a key goal requires the achievement of others as a milestone or auxiliary tool. And sometimes a key goal can affect your life in such a way that you will gain the strength, confidence, and energy to crush any wall you come across. Here's an example. Recently, I began to figure out what I want to achieve in the remaining 100 days of the year, and I deduced the following:

    1 . Personal sales.

    2. Personal income.

    3. Pay the debt off.

    4 . Run 355 km and do 35 strength training.

    5 . Meditate at least 50 times.

    6. Take 14 days of guilt-free vacation, disconnected from everything.

    These were the most important goals. Please note that they are all specific and measurable. I knew that I needed to reduce them to one and seriously tackle it. Strictly speaking, there is no correct answer; none of them was better or worse than the rest. It was entirely up to me to decide where the main effort would bring the greatest return. Guess which target I have chosen? Sales. The figure itself would not tell you anything, but I will describe my line of reasoning. By fulfilling the sales plan, I would thereby receive income and ensure the repayment of the debt. Achieving my goals would also allow me to find time for vacation. What is the connection with training and meditation? I knew that maintaining physical, mental and spiritual health would give me the energy I needed. So all these goals are interconnected.

    If the main effort is directed towards a key goal, the subconscious mind actually accepts all these goals and the likelihood of achieving them increases significantly. Do you understand? Your next step is to do this with your goals: determine which one is the key to the rest. If you have not yet selected it, then choose slowly. Make sure you are confident about your key goal before moving on.

    Confirm the reason

    Now that you have one goal to focus on, it's time to answer the most important question: why? Why is it important for you to achieve it? The answer may come from intuition. Sometimes the stars fold in such a way that it dawns on you. You say to yourself, “I don’t need unnecessary reasoning. I have never felt such enthusiasm, I am eager to fight! " If so, great! Just write down your thoughts as a guide. If the insight does not happen, try to stimulate your thinking with these questions:

    Why do I want to achieve this?

    What will achieve this goal for me?

    How will I feel when I make this goal a reality? Self confidence? Delight, appeasement? Inspiration? Strength?

    How will achieving this goal help me become better or stronger? What do I need to grow in?

    What else can I do with this result?

    There are no wrong answers to the “why” question, and the more you have, the better.

    Visualize goals

    To focus and "tune" your mind, you need to visualize goals. So far, all your actions have been related to making plans. Most don't even get to this stage when thinking about their goals, so you've already taken the lead. But there is still a lot you can do to speed up the process. Your subconscious mind is billions of times more powerful than your conscious mind. It thinks and works in many ways. As we said, one important key to the subconscious is to understand that it operates with images. Consciousness controls coherent, linear thoughts that go one after another (which even sound like sentences in your mind), and the subconscious, in fact, just sees pictures and stubbornly strives for them.

    Take advantage of this: let your brain have something to see! Give him images to work with. Sometimes I suggest clients store images in a notepad or folder. Sometimes it's to create a dream board and hang it in your workplace so you can see all the images at once. Many of my clients post pictures of their goals on cards along with affirmations. There are many ways to visualize your goals. Experiment and choose what works best for you.

    Create auxiliary rituals

    You don't have to sing hymns or sacrifice a lamb. To create a ritual, you will deliberately build some kind of automatic behavior that will become anchorage to your goals. This is not just a trick I made up. Here are three books that have convincingly proven its benefits to me:

    The first two books helped me understand the science behind habits, and the third helped me create a step-by-step program that now benefits me and my clients immensely. Do you know that most of your thoughts have become a habit? Dr. Deepak Chopra claims that over 99% of the thoughts we have today are a repetition of yesterday's, and 99% of tomorrows will be a repetition of today. Actions are determined by thoughts, and many of them - at work, in relation to health, finances - are performed by force of habit. They are brought to automatism. Think about what you do in the morning from the moment you wake up to going to work: how often is one morning like another? You put your feet on the floor, stand uncertainly, brush your teeth, shower, drink coffee, get dressed, have breakfast (maybe), drink coffee again, check your email, drink coffee again, wake the children up, make them breakfast, drink coffee again and leave ...

    Track your morning activities for several days, and it may come as a surprise to you how similar one day is to another. So, you already have automatic behaviors; I advise you to do them consciously for a while, and then replace them with new ones. There are two periods during the day when this will need to be done.

    The first is as soon as you wake up in the morning. The first hour - more precisely, the first few minutes - is a great time to program your brain for success. At this time, it passes from sleep to wakefulness, and its waves have such a configuration that your subconscious mind is extremely receptive to the "seeds of thoughts" that you sow. Have you noticed how the first minutes after waking up can set the tone for the day? Have you ever got up on the wrong foot? Pay attention and you will begin to see practical connections between getting an effective start in the morning and your results throughout the day.

    Most miss this opportunity: in the morning we are either nervous for various reasons, or we move as if in a fog, not fully understanding what is happening. And many successful people purposefully use the beginning of the day to tune their minds to focus on their dreams and goals.

    The second period when you need to program yourself is the last few minutes of your day. They are important for much the same reasons as the first waking hour: this is a transitional phase for the brain. During the last hour before bed, find an opportunity to visualize your goals and some affirmations, and then express gratitude for all the good things that happened during the day.

    How to achieve your goal: Setting a goal is only half the battle. It is necessary to achieve its implementation, and only then can we talk about any obvious successes. Statistics based on research from leading psychologists claim that only three percent of people without special training, knows how to achieve the implementation of their plans.

    Much more, up to ten percent, can fulfill their plans after attending trainings and classes with literature. But, unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of people still cannot bring their plans to a victorious conclusion. There are many reasons why goals are not being achieved, and you should definitely familiarize yourself with them.

    What forces people to set goals

    “If you want to lead happy life, you should be attached to a goal, not to people or to things "
    Albert Einstein

    A person who plans to change himself, his vision of the world, must make the only correct decision about setting goals. He defines his main tasks and directions of activity, and develops comprehensive plan carrying out work on yourself.

    Goals in life, if one wants to succeed in professional activity, then others want to change their appearance, get an excellent sports form. Still others, in turn, plan to raise their intellectual level and engage in self-education, including reading books.

    To move along the path of progress to be effective, such people set goals for short periods, a day or a week, and for more distant prospects, for a month or a year. They write down all their successes and failures in the journals of work on themselves, conduct analysis, clarify tasks, and adjust their plans.

    There are two categories of people, those who set a high standard for themselves and strive to accomplish what they have planned, no matter how difficult it is, and those who, after the very first setbacks, “leave the race”. The result is the same for them, their tasks remain unfulfilled, and they themselves wonder why the goals are not being achieved.

    How to achieve your goal: How to relate to the choice of your goals

    If we talk about those people who are accustomed not to give up, but to fight for their ideas and plans to the end, they can be perfectionists in their own way, and try to fulfill everything conceived “perfectly”. In the course of their activities, they do not calculate efforts, or simply overestimate their capabilities.

    The difference between perfectionists and other people is that they continue to achieve certain results, instead of reconsidering their plans and abandoning some altogether. If they do not succeed, they become irritable, get into a state of stress, and further work becomes even more difficult.

    If you have circumstances in such a way that some plans are very difficult for you, or impossible to fulfill, you need to take courage and admit to yourself that they are somewhat premature for you. Perhaps you have not yet the same level of training, or simply lack the ability for these areas of activity.

    You need to be very critical of your data, otherwise working on yourself will not bring any effect. After all, no matter how hard you try, you will act in vain, which will reduce all your efforts to zero. The choice of tasks must be approached carefully, and it is necessary to understand why the goals are not being achieved.

    If a young man wants to learn to play the guitar without having a hearing, then no matter how hard he studies, no matter how much time he spends on rehearsals, he still will not become a musician. A person who has never gotten up on skis will not become a true master in this sport in one season. Such people will ask themselves why the goals are not being achieved, and will not be able to give the only correct answer.

    All goals must be set in proportion to their own strengths, and at the same time be able to critically adjust them. If you realize that you cannot master some directions, try to focus on something else. You should not consider yourself a failure, or acquire unnecessary and destructive complexes.

    Achieving Goals: What You Should Know When Setting Goals

    Never set yourself too many varied tasks for yourself. You will begin to dissipate your forces, and you will exhaust all internal resources for nothing. It is much more practical to choose one or two directions and focus on them. Then there will be much more opportunities to complete tasks.

    If you keep your goals in your head, there will be only a fifty percent chance of achieving them successfully. All your plans should definitely be entered into the journal. This will discipline you, and you will be able to enter your results and your own grades there. You yourself will be able to answer the question why the goals are not being achieved.

    Goals in life should be specific, for example: "to get rich", "to surprise the whole world", "to have many friends" - these are vague formulations that do not provide for any specific actions. Oddly enough, but there are such naive people who write down such goals in their diary, and firmly believe that they will come true on their own.

    Very often people set goals not for themselves, but for others. For example, buying an expensive car that they don't really need, or becoming the winner of a competition, for which they have no chance. Why people don't achieve their goals is because they have no personal motivation. Impressing others is not self-development, and not self-realization, and therefore such people should not be surprised why goals are not achieved.

    Some people so want them close person, a family member or friend has made career growth, appointments to a position, or victories in competitions that set this ... as a goal for themselves, and do not think that such events do not depend on them.

    If you have set yourself a task, you should not look for mental excuses to skip at least one step in completing your programs. Neither laziness, nor poor health, nor other things should distract you from the fulfillment of your strategic tasks.

    If you start to doubt your own success, then you will not see it. Very often, such people who get weak results begin to be intimidated by the next steps, and this uncertainty dooms them to another inevitable failure.

    The biggest enemy of every person is their fear. It begins to grow from a seed of uncertainty, and sometimes grows to such a size that any undertaking for its successful implementation causes only alarm. Instead of looking for new methods and ways, a person simply gives up and refuses to further fight for himself.

    To fulfill your goal, you need to provide tools, ways to implement it. What is the task if you do not know how to even start it. No need to wonder why the goals are not being achieved.

    Why most people fail to meet their goals

    "If you are heading towards your goal and stop along the way to throw stones at any dog ​​barking at you, you will never reach your goal."
    Fedor Dostoevsky

    1. The irrelevance of the goal. This is the case when the task itself does not contribute to the concentration of forces, and does not motivate the person.
    2. Lack of correct accents. You always need to start with the main thing, and not waste resources on the secondary.
    3. Impossible plans. It is unlikely that anyone reading these lines will be able to become a Nobel Prize laureate or win the jackpot in the lottery. Such tasks will only inflame the imagination, and nothing more.
    4. Replacing your own goals with someone else's plans. If a person begins to fulfill the will of others, perceiving these efforts as a solution to his own problems, he will never realize his purpose, and will never achieve his goals.
    5. Lack of control over the process of working towards achieving goals. If you do not keep a record of the intermediate results obtained, it may turn out that you have long gone down the wrong path. For example, deciding to lose weight, you should weigh yourself at least once every two days and write down the results in a notebook. It may seem to you that you are losing weight, but this will be just self-deception. You will be disappointed and quit this activity.
    6. Incorrectly set goals. If you set yourself the task of getting a salary increase, then you need to know what can and cannot depend on you.
    7. Inability to perceive the world and assess the accompanying circumstances. A person who decides to go jogging in the morning should not go to the stadium in the pouring rain, get sick and abandon their plans. You should not only blindly carry out the planned tasks, but also take into account circumstances beyond your control.
    8. Lack of a well-thought-out reward system. Every little success should be celebrated, and small prizes should be given to yourself. This will be a very good stimulus for raising your own self-esteem.
    9. Weak feedback between the vision of the result and the current state. You must vividly and expressively imagine how and how much the subject of your dreams depends on the efforts that you make today.
    10. Insufficient theoretical training. Perhaps you should attend trainings, read some useful books about successful people... There you can find competent answers to a number of questions that relate to self-development and raising self-esteem.
    11. An irrational ratio of integral and private self-efficacy. You can have great business skills, character strengths, and be confident in your abilities in general, but you lack professional training to solve some specific problems.
    12. The desire to find excuses and ascribe to oneself the role of the victim. If you treat yourself with excessive pride and pity, then you will not have enough firmness in the ability to admit your own mistakes. You will explain every failure with anything, but not your own mistake.

    If you carefully analyze why it is not possible to achieve the desired goal today, now, then you will certainly draw constructive conclusions for the future, and achieve excellent results.

    Most people fail to achieve their goals because they never really put them first. (Denise Veitley, psychology coach in the field of mental capabilities)

    Everyone hears about the need to set goals from childhood. This advice has become so familiar that it is no longer perceived as useful. And the need for goal-setting loses its relevance over time for the majority.

    And really, why set goals for yourself? Is the goal capable of making our life better, and ourselves even a little happier?

    American writer Chuck Palahniuk once said: "If you don't know what you want, you end up with what you definitely don't want." A clear understanding of what we really need allows us to take concrete steps to get what we want. A life in which there are goals becomes meaningful and fulfilling, and achievements, even the most modest ones, bring moral satisfaction and quite tangible material results.

    In fact, goals, albeit unconscious and illusory, are set by any person. Many people like to speculate about what they would like to have, what to change in their environment and in themselves. Some do not like them the physical state, others would like to devote more time to loved ones and favorite activities, others dream of a career and material well-being... But at the same time, few take the liberty of clearly formulating what exactly they want, what needs to be done for this and which paths should be chosen to achieve the desired result.

    Often times, people are simply afraid to make plans and set clear-cut goals for themselves. You know the saying: "If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans." Probably, it was invented by an incorrigible fatalist who is not used to taking responsibility for himself and his life.

    Indeed, why plan and dream something when the whole life depends on the circumstances in which we find ourselves, full of obstacles and difficulties? A much easier solution seems to be to simply wait for something good to "happen." But it is, this is good, for some reason "happens" extremely rarely. As a result - a sea of ​​negative emotions and dissatisfaction with their own destiny.

    But a person who sets clear goals for himself lives in a different way: he perceives difficulties and obstacles on the way to his dream not as fatal bad luck, but as interesting tasks that really decide and move on. His life is filled with vivid impressions, he is proud of himself and his achievements. From a passive extra, he turns into a director and builder of his own destiny.

    To make sure that goal setting really helps make life better, let's try to articulate what specific benefits smart goal setting can provide.

    1. Control over the situation

    The comparison of human life with a fast river flow is not new, but it is quite graphic. Imagine that you need to cross from one side of a river to the other. A person who has no goal gives himself up to the flow of events and waits for the flow to carry him anywhere. Of course, he would ideally like to get to the other side, but everything depends on the circumstances, i.e. from where the river will take him.

    A person who is clearly aware of his goal - to get to a specific place on the opposite bank - will make every effort to get closer to the intended point: fight the current, row with all his might, calculate the trajectory of movement, etc. Which of these two do you think is more likely to reach the opposite shore? Undoubtedly, the one who maximally seeks to control the situation in accordance with a clearly set goal.

    2. The meaning of life

    While it may make some people smile, having clear goals can really help you find meaning in your life. And not only because a person knows exactly where to go. If everyday life turns from expectation into a path on which each step brings one closer to something concrete and definite, it cannot be called empty.

    At the same time, every moment of existence acquires meaning, which makes the dream a little more real and closer, because the meaning of life is not so much as a result, but in the process. You yourself will be surprised what new emotions and unexpected pleasant surprises await you on this road, what opportunities will open before you when implementing even such simple plans as daily hiking, gaining harmony, mastering the wisdom of sewing or knitting or studying foreign language... The only thing you lose by clearly defining tasks for yourself is the feeling that your life is wasted.

    3. Productivity

    By clearly articulating exactly what you want to achieve, you will be able to identify specific tasks on the way to achieving the goal. Many of them will be quite realistic to solve in the very near future, and some - right now. Instead of abstract dreams, you will move on to concrete actions, you will step by step overcome specific difficulties and solve specific problems - which means that you will really start moving in the right direction and get tangible results almost immediately.

    4. Self-confidence and enthusiasm

    By solving clearly formulated tasks, you can easily evaluate the results of your efforts. For clarity, it is useful to record achievements in the form of a table or graph - so you can make sure at any time that your actions are bringing tangible results. It inspires and gives strength to move on.

    Of course, you can keep records in a regular notebook or in a file on your computer. But it is much more convenient to do this with the help of our service, designed specifically to help anyone clearly articulate their goals and make a plan to achieve them. Our professional coaches and community members will help you not to stop halfway, who will surely find words of support, advise how to increase motivation, and, of course, will rejoice with you on new successes. By the way, the recognition of your achievements by other people is a really powerful source of increasing self-esteem and gaining faith in yourself.

    Such a system for compiling mini-reports and recording intermediate results will clearly demonstrate that you are really capable of a lot and will help you analyze what else is worth working on. Even one goal realized will make you realize that dreams can come true, you just have to make an effort. The fear of making "huge plans" and doubts about their own abilities will give way to calm confidence and a desire to solve new problems.

    5. Realization of the "impossible"

    Dreams that seemed completely unrealizable are turning from castles in the air into real projects that are quite possible to realize. To do this, you just need to correctly determine which small steps can ultimately lead to the goal, determine intermediate tasks - and consistently work according to the planned plan. At the same time, perseverance and daily work are much more important to obtain results than a flight of inspiration or a one-time "breakthrough" at the limit of possibilities. And such a dubious thing as luck generally recedes into the farthest plan.

    6. "Feeling of deep satisfaction"

    Jokes aside, clear goal setting allows you to really achieve a lot in life and, most importantly, to realize your successes and fully get satisfaction from what you have achieved.

    This is confirmed by numerous studies, as well as examples from the life of famous successful personalities. People who purposefully move towards certain results rightfully take pride in their achievements and strive for new ones. Why don't you follow their example?

    7. Self-realization

    Sometimes a person is not even aware of his capabilities and talents. From day to day, almost mechanically performing habitual actions, solving problems "as they become available," he is confident that he is simply not capable of more.

    The desired goal helps to expand the framework of routine existence, to get out of the so-called "comfort zone" - after all, you have to do something unusual every day, learn new things, which means change and develop, realize the hidden potential inherent in everyone.

    Non-standard solutions necessary for the full realization of our plans, meeting new people who can inspire or teach us something, the joy of realizing our own strengths and abilities - all this and much more becomes possible for a person working to make his dreams come true.

    Life should not be governed by desires to achieve goals that are momentary and contradict each other, creating internal conflict and suspension, and the habits of living right, enjoying.

    Can you write all your goals for the next three years in all significant areas of your life in one minute?

    I think that only a small percentage of readers will cope with this task. Have you ever thought about why it is so difficult to achieve your goals, which seem to be understandable, close, achievable - you just have to systematically apply efforts for a certain period of time to achieve a result? Why is there not enough motivation to realize what, it would seem, we want the most? Where does it go? Why is it generally so difficult to set goals and understand what we really need?

    Why don't people do the main thing in their lives - don't set goals for themselves, although success is equal to the goal, and we all want to be successful?

    There are nine main reasons why people don't set goals:

    1. Frivolity

    Life never waits for anyone, in the cycle of events and deeds it is very difficult to stop and think about what place we occupy in it and whether we really ended up where we want. We don’t set goals for ourselves because we don’t take this issue seriously. In principle, for each of us there is already a written plan: school, college, career, family, children, apartment, dacha - well, give or take something else. This standard plan is even good and can work for anyone if they don't think about it. But all people are different, and everyone's needs cannot be the same either. The problem of frivolity can be seen in the example of many companies. Looking around, you can list a huge number of quite successful small companies that bring a stable income. There are many that exist from time to time. The main word here is exist. Have you seen at least one multi-million dollar company that has become such without ambitious plans in its arsenal at the beginning of the path? Of course, there is some chance, luck, but isn’t luck a reward for fanatical faith and astounding perseverance in the work?

    In fact, the origins of a frivolous attitude towards yourself and towards your life lie in the second reason:

    2. People don't take responsibility for their lives

    To be free implies the ability to make choices, and the right to make a decision always goes hand in hand with responsibility. If we follow the generally accepted standard of living, then in case of failure we can always justify ourselves by the circumstances, and in this case we avoid criticism from our environment, since our actions fully fit into their worldview. Indeed, in fact, it is not our failures that cause us great pain and fear, but the condemnation of our society. This is the next reason why we do not set goals for ourselves:

    3. Fear of criticism of your environment

    For the existence of any society, rules and norms of behavior are necessary, which its members follow, otherwise chaos will arise. Thus, any individual who begins his life path has the opportunity to satisfy all his basic needs, following the standards already accepted in society, first of all to satisfy the need for security. But at the moment when an individual overcomes the first two obstacles - begins to take his life seriously and takes responsibility for it - he risks incurring the condemnation of his society, since his behavior, most likely, does not meet the established standards, which have turned into stereotypes. And at the moment he has to make a decision: does he manage his own life, realizes his desires, achieves his goals and takes responsibility for his failures, is ready to accept condemnation and misunderstanding, or shifts responsibility for his life to society and is always protected his stereotypes. However, taking the first path entails accepting a willingness to fight constantly. And here the following problem appears:

    4. The environment does not support purposefulness

    When a person begins to consciously approach his life, set goals for himself and achieve them, he causes changes in environment... In addition, the redistribution of benefits is initiated: if someone received something, it means that it went away from someone else. In addition, a person who realizes the value of his time and his life is much more difficult to manage, since he does not go with the flow, but consciously and deliberately makes decisions that can be directed only in one direction - improvement and development. Both of these factors threaten the very existence of the system, and any system has self-preservation mechanisms. From childhood, we are imposed on the rules of behavior and standards of life, if we deviate from which, we will be punished or alienated. Thus, very many people develop well-fortified properties from childhood, which are the following reasons:

    5. We are hampered by feelings of guilt and low self-esteem.

    Due to low self-esteem, lack of faith in ourselves, we are not only not trying to realize our desires, we are even afraid to voice them and turn them into concrete and achievable goals, we are pursued ...

    6. Fear of failure

    The fear of failure is present in absolutely any undertaking. No one can guarantee that the probability of a certain event occurring, even taking into account all factors, will be 100%. There is always some chance, unforeseen circumstances and miscalculations. But after all, in the implementation of absolutely any project, obstacles and problems arise, since our world is built on contradictions of interests, and all of them are also surmountable, otherwise the life of society and all processes would be simply impossible. Absolutely any problem has a solution, the only question is the resources that will be needed to implement this solution.

    The problem is that people do not know the technology for achieving goals.

    7. No skill to achieve goals

    8. There is no way to define goals due to an overabundance of desires

    The first seven problems are not so difficult to overcome, you only need a desire and some work on yourself, but to understand yourself and your desires is much more difficult. All the problems identified earlier and especially the last one are directly related to our values, which form our ideology, the concept of our inner self.

    Values ​​were formed during our life, from early childhood, under the influence of many external factors: the culture and traditions of the country, the rules of behavior in society, schools, families and parental relationships, literature, films, and so on. The result is a big mess in which the most difficult things can be combined. Very rarely, we consciously work on building our own value system that would help us develop and provide peace of mind and balance.

    But in practice, it turns out that it is the contradiction of our value attitudes or even the presence of negative values ​​that prevents us from setting and achieving goals and being happy.

    Therefore, the first step to transforming your life is to study yourself, realize your values ​​and work on your attitudes. This is a complex and lengthy process, but without this work it is impossible to achieve inner balance. Your values ​​are the basis for the birth of your desires and goals.

    If your goals are contradictory, then you will never succeed, but will keep thinking about what to do. And starting to move towards one goal, come into conflict with another.

    Another reason why people do not set goals for themselves is laziness: a person is not used to working, and any achievement of goals requires hard work.

    We each have a set of our own truths. Some of them we inherited, some we borrowed or discovered ourselves. What matters is not so much what these truths are or how we got them, but how we deal with them and how we use them. Our truths shape the beliefs and values ​​that guide our life, stimulate and support our right actions. How well they work for us is determined by the depth of our conviction and dedication to these truths. The set of these truths is called the "inner constitution" and each of us is responsible for the set of truths that we select and form and in accordance with which we decide to live.
    - Frank David Cardell

    The trouble with many people who do not have goals is that they spend their entire lives "running around" - they run back and forth without a definite life plan and a clear understanding of what they really want and what kind of results they are want to achieve. Home-work-home is probably the only plan they have.

    A person will not build a house for himself without a plan, will not open a business without goals. But often a person tries to build his life, doing without it.

    Do you set goals for yourself? What are your goals for the next 12 months? How about 3 years? 5 years? 10 years? What are your aspirations when you look to the future?

    By setting goals in life, you are laying the foundation for your successful advancement. This can be said to be your first point to success. This is what turns your life into concrete, real action. Without the first step, other steps towards achieving the goal will have no basis and may simply be meaningless.

    Have you ever come across people who have a passive attitude towards life? They never play any, and just “live”. You see them after a year, after a few years, and their lives are largely unchanged, with the exception of a few changes that are more the result of other people's actions than their own.

    Why you need to set goals in life: the benefits

    Let's take a look at the main reasons why goal setting is so important in our lives:

    • Setting goals in life gives you clarity.

    If you do not have a purpose in life, you will run all your life and will never achieve anything for yourself. You will have the illusion that you are doing a lot of things in life, but in reality they are not at all what you want. You are just busy doing a lot of tasks, and you have no time to think about your life. You may have worked your entire life in a job that you dislike, even if it is well-paid and reliable.

    How are you supposed to achieve what you want if you haven't even set specific goals?

    Setting goals in life gives you clarity about what you ultimately want. It helps you articulate your desires floating in your mind. This ensures that you put your time, energy, and effort into what really matters to you. It makes you live more consciously.

    Everything in this world is created from the inside out. Without the spiritual principle, there would be no physical creation. So it is with goals - first you create them in your head, then they appear in reality. If you have bet, you have already completed the first part. You have set the creative force in motion and are ready to see it in reality.

    • Setting goals in life propels you forward.

    Your goals are a reflection of your inner desires that motivate you in life. Your innermost desires are a powerful source of motivation. Goals in life serve as a constant reminder of your source of motivation. They are a kind of fuel to keep you going, even in difficult situations.

    If you lose motivation at some point in life, focus on the most important goals in life, especially goals for personal development.

    • Goal setting keeps your attention focused.

    Goals help you focus all of your energy on where to spend your time. Goals guide you through life.

    When there is no goal, you float around the same thing every day. Your energies and powers are scattered randomly. You are taking part in something that does not play any role in your life. You can have a general idea of ​​what you want to do. But until you clearly articulate this, you will "scatter" your efforts. You will often be distracted because you have no goal to keep you in check.

    It's very easy to get carried away by the current Everyday life simply because there are so many incentives around us in our environment. Without focused attention, your life, so to speak, becomes more "random".

    • Setting goals in life makes you accountable.

    Goals encourage you to take responsibility for your life. Now you are not only talking about what you want - now you have to take action. You take this responsibility upon yourself, rather than placing it on someone else. By accepting responsibility, you actually stay true to your goals.

    • Setting goals will help you become better than you could possibly be.

    Goals in life are the path to achieving high potential. Without goals, it will be difficult for you to grow. It will prevent you from becoming a better man who you can be. It keeps you from unlocking the potential that is within you. Goals in life will create new conditions and new situations that put you in growth mode. This will force you to rise above "normal" and reach new heights.

    Without goals, you will follow the path of least resistance by simply doing something. However, goals will give you a face and help you overcome countless obstacles. You’ll learn a lot more about yourself and your talents than if you didn’t have these goals at all.

    • Goals in life will help you live your life in the best possible way.

    This will happen for the following reasons. In the process of achieving your goals, you will become a better person, you will gain new knowledge and abilities, and gain valuable experience. You will learn to overcome and win. Your worldview will change. You will look at life with much greater clarity and depth than you have in the past.

    Ask yourself - what are mine for the next 1, 3, 5, 10 years? Take your time (although it is not a waste) to set your goals and articulate your aspirations, and within a year you will experience more progress in your life.

    Is it important to you in your life?