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  • Why Shoigu was baptized at the parade. After the victory parade, Shoigu became the most beloved minister in Russia. Russian and Chinese brothers forever

    Why Shoigu was baptized at the parade.  After the victory parade, Shoigu became the most beloved minister in Russia.  Russian and Chinese brothers forever

    Russia, together with other countries, solemnly celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Victory. In Russia, the main celebrations were held on May 9 - the anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War. In other countries, mourning and commemorative events were mainly held on May 8 - this day is traditionally celebrated as Victory Day in Europe. (For information on why Victory Day in different countries falls on different days, read the material Federal News Agency). In Russia, the May 9 celebrations began early in the morning, but, without a doubt, the highlight of the morning part of the holiday was the military parade, the most spectacular and large-scale in all post-Soviet times. At the same time, in addition to the chased step of the regiments and the amazing imagination of military equipment (), bloggers drew attention to some unusual moments.

    Baptized Shoigu

    The parade started from an unusual moment: Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, who, in a special car, drove out of the gates of the Spasskaya Tower to the columns lined up for the solemn march, suddenly took off his cap and crossed himself on the icon above the gate. Not a single Minister of Defense of Russia, and even more so of the USSR, did this before him. At that moment, there was even a small hitch in the ideal, if not ingenious broadcast of the parade - the operator, out of surprise, moved the camera up too slowly to show what exactly the Minister of Defense was baptized on.

    Russian and Chinese brothers forever

    Another feature of the parade was the increased attention that was given to the main guest - the leader of China. Xi Jinping who is in Russia on a visit during which serious issues of bilateral economic cooperation are being resolved. As observers noted, perhaps paying special attention to the Chinese guest, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin tried to send some important signal to Western leaders who supported anti-Russian sanctions and did not come to Moscow on May 9. The leaders of Russia and China are talking animatedly Everyone noted that during the parade, the leaders of Russia and China were sitting side by side and were talking animatedly almost all the time. The conversation went through an interpreter, presumably from the Chinese side. The “interpreter” was behind the backs of the leaders and translated, bowing respectfully to Putin and Xi Jinping. Also, many noted that during the parade, the Chinese unit that took part in it distinguished itself by the best training among representatives of foreign armed forces. However, representatives of the armed forces of Azerbaijan, who marched across Red Square in scary black glasses, and spectacular Indian grenadiers, also made a vivid impression ...

    Putin's speech and a minute of silence

    One of the key moments of the parade was the speech of the President of Russia, Supreme Commander Vladimir Putin. Noting that the world initially underestimated the threat of Nazism and fascism, the President emphasized the main role of the USSR in defeating the brown plague. The head of Russia also noted the feat of the allies, the first to name Great Britain, whose soldiers, as you know, fought the Nazis like lions during the Second World War. "Dear friends! The Great Victory will forever remain a heroic milestone in the history of our country. But we also remember our allies in the anti-Hitler coalition. We are grateful to the peoples of Great Britain and France, the United States of America for their contribution to the Victory. We are grateful to the anti-fascists of different countries who selflessly fought in partisan detachments and the underground, including in Germany itself. We remember the historic meeting of the allies on the Elbe, the trust and unity that became our common heritage. An example of the unification of peoples for the sake of peace and stability,” the President noted. The head of Russia also noted the contribution to the victory of the peoples of the former Soviet republics, which are currently independent states, as well as other countries. “Today we welcome all our foreign guests and express special gratitude to the representatives of the countries that fought against Nazism and Japanese militarism. Together with the Russian military, ceremonial crews of 10 more states will pass through Red Square. These are representatives of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan. Their grandfathers and great-grandfathers were shoulder to shoulder both at the front and in the rear. These are the envoys of China, which, like the Soviet Union, lost many, many millions of people in this war, and through which the main front of the war against militarism in Asia passed. The soldiers of India bravely fought against Nazism. Firm, implacable resistance to the Nazis was offered by the Serbs. Throughout the war, our country was actively supported by Mongolia. And now the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the military generation are already in the same parade formation,” the President said. Alas, the speech of the head of state did not mention the feat of the citizens of Ukraine, although it is known that in terms of the number of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Ukrainians are in second place after the Russians, and the Victory was forged, among other things, by the efforts and feats of arms of four Ukrainian fronts. Kiev has already paid attention to this feature of the speech of the President of Russia, addressing its bewilderment to the heroes of the highly valued film in Ukraine “Only “old men” go to battle” (by the way, shown on the evening of May 9 on Channel One). Observers also noted that for the first time a moment of silence was announced already during the parade, without becoming a separate mourning event on Victory Day, which in previous years emphasized not only the solemnity of the holiday, but also mourning for the multimillion victims.

    surgeon and others

    Among the guests of the parade, one of the heroes most in demand by the media, the leader of the Night Wolves motorcycle club, attracted special attention of bloggers. Alexander Zaldostanov(Surgeon), who was especially eagerly photographed by journalists. So the Surgeon lit up on the podium together with the Khakass senator, causing increased interest in the press Valentina Petrenko, as well as with a man whom the official media accidentally called a veteran. The TASS photo was widely circulated on the Web, and bloggers noted that the person sitting next to the Surgeon is not a veteran, and his awards are most likely fake. It is reported that the photo captured Vladimir Kochetov, born in 1935, who calls himself "colonel-general of the Cossack troops" and is the editor-in-chief of the International Association of Cossack Journalists. Bloggers note that, due to his age, Kochetov could not take part in the Great Patriotic War in any way: in the victorious 1945, he was barely 10 years old. Despite the fact that these two photos have been widely shared on social networks, we cannot provide them due to the lack of copyright, but inquisitive readers, if they wish, can easily find them on their own. However, despite the noted nuances, the parade itself, which was extremely spectacular and spectacular, aroused genuine delight and pride in the country among most Russians.

    I watched the Victory Parade today and saw some oddities. During my service, I myself had to participate in military parades more than once, and I know what a military parade is.

    Firstly, at any military parade there are always two major military commanders: one commands the military parade, the second hosts the parade. Secondly, in the army, in accordance with the Charter, it is customary to address servicemen by military rank. Thirdly, the military commander who receives the parade speaks to the troops with a short speech.

    These rules were valid for all the parades that I saw both in person and on TV. Even in the chronicle of the military parade of the Victory of 1945, where Marshal Rokosovsky is in command of the parade and Marshal Zhukov accepts the parade, and Generalissimo Stalin stood on the podium of the mausoleum, Zhukov, and not Stalin, made a speech to the troops.

    What did I see that struck me in 2013? I don't know, maybe it's not the first time - I haven't followed the parades in recent years.

    I'll start from the beginning: the military parade is being hosted by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Hero of Russia, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, the commander of the parade is the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, Colonel General Vladimir Chirkin. The beginning does not portend any oddities: two high rand commanders - one takes over the parade, the other commands the parade. But oddities began immediately with the meeting of the Minister of Defense. Colonel General Chirkin addresses Army General Shoigu: "Comrade Defense Minister ...". I remind you once again that, according to the Charter, servicemen must address each other by military rank, for example, Comrade Captain, Comrade Sailor, Comrade General of the Army, etc. Yes, and the troops responded to Shoigu's greeting: "I wish you good health, Comrade Minister of Defense." I could still accept this somehow if Shoigu considered himself a civilian defense minister and did not wear a uniform. But in this case, the parade, in my opinion, should have been hosted by another acting military commander (fortunately, we have enough generals).

    The second oddity: after the detour of the troops, Shoigu began to report to Putin that the troops were lined up for the parade (???). Colonel General Chirkin has already reported this to General of the Army Shoigu. If Shoigu accepts the parade, then he does not have to report anything to anyone. If Putin accepts the parade, then it was he who had to go around the troops and congratulate them. And after that (the third oddity), Putin began to make a speech ... So what role did Shoigu have in this parade? If he hosted the parade, then why didn't he deliver a congratulatory speech?

    Being 18 years old at the head of the Soviet Union L.I. Brezhnev never gave a speech at military parades, although he was always on the podium of the Mausoleum and NEVER the military leaders hosting military parades made any reports to Brezhnev. At the same time, Brezhnev was greedy for various honors. But even he did not have the idea to change the centuries-old traditions of military parades. Apparently because Brezhnev really served in the army and fought. But neither Shoigu nor Putin served, and military traditions are an empty phrase for them.

    Sergei Shoigu is the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, one of the most popular ministers in the government of the Russian Federation. After the Victory Parade in Moscow, the Russians began to respect Shoigu even more.

    The parade held in Moscow on May 9, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War, became the largest and most grandiose in history. The parade on Red Square was attended by 17,000 military personnel from different branches of the armed forces, modern military equipment (flagship), in total, 194 units of military equipment drove across Red Square, 143 various aircraft and helicopters flew over the square. Before the opening of the Victory Parade, Minister of Defense, General of the Army, Hero of Russia Sergei Shoigu bowed his head and crossed himself. This peaceful gesture greatly impressed the Russian people.

    Sergei Shoigu headed the Russian Ministry for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (EMERCOM of Russia) for many years, at that time he was already one of the most popular ministers in Russia. Now the rating of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu is at a record level, having won millions of hearts with one peaceful gesture.

    Sergei Shoigu and youngest daughter Xenia.

    On May 9, Sergei Shoigu was at his best, the athletic and handsome General of the Army opened the Victory Parade, medals and orders sparkled in the May sun. Many people wondered what medals and orders Shoigu had, let's take a closer look at them.

    1. Badge for the honorary title "Honored Lifeguard of the Russian Federation"
    2. Badge of a graduate of the Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

    3. Breastplate to the Diploma of the Government of the Russian Federation
    4. Sign of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland, II degree"

    5. "Gold Star" of the Hero of the Russian Federation
    6. Order of Alexander Nevsky
    7. Order of Honor
    8. Order "For Personal Courage"
    9. Medal "Defender of Free Russia"

    10. Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
    11. Medal "For Merit in Conducting the All-Russian Population Census"
    12. Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg"

    13. Medal "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan"
    14. Medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth"

    15. Medal "200 years of the Ministry of Defense"
    16. Medal "For the return of the Crimea"

    17. Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called
    18. Star of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree

    Pistol Yarygin - premium named weapon

    This is the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    The parade in Moscow, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, has become the largest in history. 17,000 servicemen from 11 countries and 194 units of military equipment passed through Red Square, 143 planes and helicopters took to the air. But the holiday was remembered not only for this. The Russian people were greatly impressed by the most peaceful gesture that the Minister of Defense is capable of. Leaving to receive the parade, Hero of Russia, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu bowed his head and crossed himself.

    For many years, since the time of the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Sergei Kuzhugetovich was constantly among the three most popular ministers of Russia. But now people's love for him has broken all records - he conquered the country with one movement of his hand. "Express newspaper", like everyone else, admired the Minister of Defense and his awards sparkling in the May sun. We managed to find out what insignia adorned the general's chest.

    Modesty adorns

    Not all awards hung on the dress uniform of the Minister of Defense - two dozen orders and medals remained at home.

    * Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 3rd class

    * Two medals "For Strengthening Military Commonwealth"* Medal "For Merit in the Fight against Terrorism"* Medal "For Merit in Ensuring National Security"* Medal "For Diligence in Performing Engineering Support Tasks"* Medal "200 Years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia"* Medal of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation "For Distinction"* Medal of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation "For Interaction"* Cross of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation "For Valor"* Medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation "For Impeccable Service"* Medal Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation "For Distinction in the Elimination of the Consequences of an Emergency" * Order "Buyan-Badyrgy" I degree of the Republic of Tyva

    Foreign awards

    * Order of the Serbian Flag * Order of National Security Merit (Venezuela) * Medal "Grand Cross of the Army of Nicaragua" * Order of the Danaker (Kyrgyzstan) * Medal "Dank" (Kyrgyzstan) * Noble Order of Merit pro Merito Melitensi of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta

    Church awards

    * Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, I degree (ROC) * Order of St. Sava, I degree (Serbian Orthodox Church)

    Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu - Minister of Defense of Russia. I will allow myself here to recall Orwell and ask the question why the aggressor needs the Department of Defense. Defense from whom? And how many people remember that the famous Pentagon, that is, the American Department of Defense, was called the Department of War until 1947?

    Shoigu is a very interesting person. First, he is often cited as one of Putin's possible successors. Of course, in countries such as today's Russia, Turkey of the 16th century, which we know from the TV series "The Magnificent Century", or North Korea, the phrase "popular successor" contains an internal contradiction: a popular person does not become a successor, but loses his head. Even in a democracy or semi-democracy (the words with the prefix “semi-” have recently become popular in the language of political science, which more learned people replace with the word “hybrid”), an overly popular politician who threatens the leading role of the head of state or party usually ends up not too well, although he saves his life.

    Secondly, Shoigu is seen as a neutral and capable technocrat. Of course, in a country where you can convince citizens in one day that Duchess Kate Middleton adopted an orphan and not gave birth to a princess, this opinion is not based on facts known or unknown to us. In any case, Shoigu was the Minister for Emergency Situations in 1991-2012. A very curious career for Russia. He served under 12 prime ministers and gained popularity by appearing on television as a specialist on floods, then on plane crashes, then on two wars in Chechnya, then on terrorism.

    Thirdly, Shoigu is a holder of more than 20 orders and medals, including "Defender of Free Russia" and "For the Return of Crimea." Of course, the latest award may make one wonder why the Minister of Defense received the medal if the Russian army did not take part in the “return of Crimea to its native bosom”: after all, it was a supposedly democratic act of expressing the will of the Russian population of the peninsula. But in Russia, no one asks this question, because everyone knows everything there, and in the West, as I already mentioned, Shoigu is considered non-partisan and decent.

    Fourth, although Shoigu was responsible for the Russian military (in uniform or not) illegally on Ukrainian territory, and he was prosecuted in Ukraine, he did not appear on any list of Russians who are denied entry to the European Union or the United States. At the same time, several dozen small fish appear on the lists, which, like Vladimir Zhirinovsky or Ramzan Kadyrov, do not differ in their love of travel.

    Fifthly, Shoigu founded the International Fire Rescue Sports Federation, which includes 20 countries, including Poland, and until 2012 he was the president of this federation. I'm not making this up, you can check it online.

    And sixthly, Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu is a person familiar with the world. He is a civil engineer by profession, and spent the last 10 years before the collapse of the USSR abroad, doing what is said to be large construction projects. In a country where many hardly speak the same language, he speaks nine. In a country where many cut sausage with a rusty knife, he owns the largest collection of samurai swords worth several tens of thousands of dollars. And the people are proud of it.

    What to finish? On May 9, Shoigu, adorned with orders, opened the Victory Parade in Moscow, with a serious face, signed himself with a wide sign of the cross. This caused a positive reaction in the civilized world. See, he's not that bad. It is not for me to assess the degree of religiosity of people and their faith, but I asked a Russian friend how to explain this unusual gesture of a former member of the CPSU and a current member of Putin's Unity party ( so in the text, - approx. per.). “Pay no attention,” L told me. “He had to do it. Because lately there have been rumors that he is a Jew.”

    Shoigu has always been presented as a Buddhist, an example of Russia's racial and religious openness: a Tuvan of Mongolian origin or a Tuvan Mongol. A curious coincidence: in 1944, Tannu-Tuva, under vague circumstances, joined the Soviet Union. And Shoigu's father, a Tuvan, was an active communist there: maybe he passed on the technology of annexation to his son? The minister's mother was Russian, and although her name was Alexandra, her middle name still let us down - Yakovlevna. After a while, we will see if the sign of the cross helped.

    In one of the interviews with Shoigu