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  • Ege statistics. How do USE scores differ by region: results of schoolchildren and regional inequality USE results for a year

    Ege statistics.  How do USE scores differ by region: results of schoolchildren and regional inequality USE results for a year
    On the Don, the number of 100-point students in computer science has increased

    On June 13, the results of the Unified State Examination in three subjects became known: computer science, geography and mathematics of the basic level.

    Thus, more than 14,000 Donetsk residents took part in the basic-level math exam. The results of the exam are comparable to the results of the previous year. The number of participants who did not overcome the minimum threshold of three points was 3.5%. They will retake the mandatory core math exam on June 28.

    More than a thousand graduates took the Unified State Examination in Informatics and ICT. Ten residents of Donetsk scored 100 points, and 165 children wrote an exam with 80 or more points. The quality of training of schoolchildren has improved - only 10% of graduates did not overcome the minimum threshold of 40 points, which is 5.8% less than last year.

    The exam in geography was written by more than five hundred graduates. The average score of participants in the geography exam increased by 3.05 points compared to last year. The minimum for this subject was 37 points. 12 guys scored 80 or more points.

    It is very important that during the receipt of the results of the Unified State Examination, parents treat graduates with care, support the child, and do not make excessive demands, - emphasized the Minister of Education Larisa Balina. - We must not forget that each graduate has the opportunity to apply to several universities.

    Recall that graduates can contact their school or educational authorities to receive official results of the Unified State Examination. Preliminary results of the exam can be found on the Internet on a special service and a single portal of public services.

    Until June 16, the Regional Conflict Commission accepts appeals of disagreement with the scores from USE participants in computer science and ICT, geography and mathematics of the basic level from 9.00 to 18.00 at the address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Lenin, 92.

    Results of the Unified State Examination and OGE GBOU School No. 218 for the 2016-17 academic year

    The results of the final attestation of 11th grade students testify to the mastery of school graduates with the necessary level of knowledge in subjects.

    Students in grade 11 took two mandatory USE (Russian language and mathematics (basic and/or profile levels)). Those who wished to take the exam in subjects of their choice. All 63 graduates were able to overcome the minimum threshold in both compulsory and elective subjects.

    100 points in the Unified State Examination were received by two graduates in the Russian language, one graduate in specialized mathematics and one in biology.

    number of those who passed in 2017

    number of those who passed in 2016

    min score in 2017

    max score in 2017

    min score in 2016

    max score in 2016

    basic math

    profile mathematics

    Russian language




    social science


    English language

    As in previous years, graduates take all possible subjects at the final certification (except for German, French, Spanish and Italian). At the same time, it is noteworthy that in 2017 attention to the subjects of the natural science cycle and exact disciplines (mathematics of the profile level, physics, biology and chemistry) increased significantly compared to 2016, and attention to the subjects of the humanitarian cycle (history, English and social science). The number of students choosing computer science for the exam is about the same as in the previous year. Geography is traditionally taken by one or two people at school.

    A comparative analysis of the minimum and maximum scores in subjects over two years shows that in most subjects the minimum score has increased, in some cases significantly (in chemistry by 17 points, in computer science by 22 points), this is due to the fact that both subjects were studied in the graduation 2017 at a higher level. The only subject in which the minimum result for the USE in 2017 is significantly lower than in the previous one is English (12 points lower). The reasons for this result will need to be analyzed. As for the maximum results, they are approximately the same in both parallels. True, in 2017 it is significantly lower than 100-point results (4 instead of 9).

    Most of the graduates who took the exam, gaining from 60 points and above in each passed subject.

    The number of graduates who scored 220 points or more in three exams is 47 people.

    The number of graduates who scored in the three exams in the range from 191 to 219 points is 10 people.

    The number of graduates who scored in the three exams in the range from 161 to 189 points is 2 people.

    Three students took only two exams, not counting the basic mathematics, their total scores for 2 exams, ranging from 161 to 189 points.

    One student did not score 160 points.

    Grade 9 students took four OGEs: two compulsory (mathematics, Russian) and two optional subjects.

    One student was not allowed to the final certification of the 9th grade due to the presence of academic failure (non-certification in all academic subjects).

    79 students of grade 9 successfully passed the exams in the OGE format, demonstrating a good quality of preparation.

    Pupils of the 9th grade received the maximum scores for 6 subjects:

    - ten students in Russian language ,

    - one student of literature ,

    - three students in informatics ,

    - three students in chemistry ,

    - one student of social science.

    Among the subjects of choice, students were divided into 9 different subjects (all of the possible subjects that are taught at school).

    Not a single student in any subject of the OGE not received rating "2".

    number of handing over


    Russian language




    social science



    English language



    If we analyze the results based on the 4th exams, then:

    20 points out of 20 were scored by 26 students (33% of the total number of those who took the test);

    19 points out of 20 were scored by 18 students (23% of the total number of those who took the test);

    18 points out of 20 were scored by 16 students (20% of the total number of those who took the test);

    17 points out of 20 were scored by 8 students (10% of the total number of those who took the test);

    16 points out of 20 were scored by 5 students (6% of the total number of those who took the test).

    Thus, 73 students scored from 16 points and above in 4 exams, which is 93% of 9th grade graduates.

    Preparation for passing entrance examinations to all faculties of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, to other universities, to the Unified State Exam (USE), the State Final Attestation of Graduates of Grades 9 (GIA) and an essay in literature. Recruitment of students in grades 11, 10 and 9 for the 2017/18 academic year. Classes are taught by teachers
    Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov. High level of preparation of applicants.

    The results of the exam>>

    The results of the exam 2017.

    The main period of the Unified State Exam-2017 was held from May 29 to July 1. About 703 thousand people took part in the exams, of which about 617 thousand people are graduates of the current year.

    Exam participants Russian language became almost 617 thousand people. The Russian language is traditionally the most popular subject taken by USE participants. The USE in the Russian language is one of the compulsory subjects for obtaining a certificate of secondary general education. The minimum number of points for obtaining a certificate is 24 points. In addition, the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language must be submitted upon admission to a university for any area of ​​training (specialty). Universities do not have the right to set the minimum passing threshold for this subject below 36 points.

    The average score on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language in 2017 is comparable to last year's result. The minimum threshold for obtaining a certificate of 24 points was not overcome by 0.5% of the exam participants (in 2016, their number was 1%).

    Total participation in the exam in basic mathematics 543,000 people were admitted this year. The average score on the USE in basic mathematics in 2017 differs slightly from the result of the previous year: it amounted to 4.24 points (in 2016 - 4.15 points).

    The results of the USE in basic mathematics showed a decrease in the number of participants who failed to overcome the minimum threshold for obtaining a certificate (get at least 3 points out of 5). In 2017, their number decreased to 3.4% from 4.6% a year earlier.

    In the exam for specialized mathematics about 391 thousand participants took part. The established minimum score in mathematics at the profile level was 27 points. The average score of participants increased by almost 1 point compared to last year and amounted to 47.1 points. The number of participants who failed to pass the minimum threshold of 27 points decreased by 1%.

    The most popular elective exam social science. About 318,000 participants took the Unified State Examination in social studies during the main period.

    Preliminary USE results for geography indicate that the average score of participants has not changed significantly, the increase was 1 point - up to 55.1 points, which is comparable to 2016. The number of participants who failed to pass the minimum of 37 points in this subject fell to 9.3% from 13% in 2016. In total, about 14 thousand people took the exam in geography this year in the main period.

    USE results for informatics and ICT are also comparable to last year's results. The average score increased by almost 3 points to 59.2 in 2017 from 56.6 in 2016. The number of participants who did not overcome the minimum threshold of 40 points decreased by 2.5% - to 9.3% (in 2016 - 12.4%). The total number of participants in the USE in informatics was about 53 thousand people.

    Unified State Examination physics handed over more than 155 thousand participants. The established minimum score for the exam in physics is 36 points.

    Unified State Examination literature handed over more than 41 thousand participants. The established minimum score for the exam in literature is 32 points.

    Exam on biology handed over about 112 thousand people. The number of exam participants who failed to pass the minimum threshold of 36 points fell to 18% from 18.3% in 2016. The established minimum score for the exam in biology is 36 points.

    Application for participation in the written examination English language filed about 76 thousand people. Written exam in German in the main period, 1.8 thousand participants wanted to take French- Over 1,000 participants Spanish– 179 participants. The established minimum score for the USE in foreign languages ​​is 22 points.

    Approximately 76.5 thousand participants applied for the oral part of the Unified State Examination in English on both scheduled days. About 2 thousand participants wanted to take the German language, about 1 thousand French - about 1 thousand, Spanish - about 200 participants. The established minimum score for the USE in a foreign language is 22 points.

    history handed over about 110 thousand participants. The established minimum score for the exam in history is 32 points. The number of USE participants in history who failed to overcome the minimum threshold of 32 points decreased by 2 times compared to last year and amounted to 8.7%.

    According to the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsov, in the next academic year it is planned to conduct mandatory test work on history in 5 grades, voluntary - in 6 grades. Perhaps the test work will also be required for 11th graders who have not chosen history for passing the exam.

    Chemistry handed over about 74 thousand. The established minimum score for the exam in chemistry is 36 points.

    Source: Data from the website of the Official Information Portal of the Unified State Exam from June 01 to July 1, 2017.

    The results of the exam 2016.

    Based on the results of the Unified State Exam in 2016, Rosobrnadzor prepared a document that clearly reflects the dynamics of passing the USE compared to 2015, the range of test scores in all subjects, and also presents many other statistical data:

    Among the features of this year's examination campaign, the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov called a significant increase in the interest of graduates in passing natural science subjects. Also, according to him, in general, the level of preparation of USE participants for exams has increased, which manifested itself both in an increase in the average test score in a number of subjects, and in a significant decrease in the number of those who could not overcome the established minimum level.

    The results of the exam in 2015.

    On June 29, the head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, S.S. Kravtsov, summed up the preliminary results of the 2015 exams at a press conference at the Situational Information Center on the conduct of the Unified State Examination.

    USE statistics 2015:
    the average test score in nine subjects increased compared to last year.

    In 2015, the Unified State Examination was held in 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in 52 foreign countries (for schools at embassies, military units of the Russian Federation and others).

    In total, 725 thousand people took part in the Unified State Examination (in 2014 - 733,368), of which 650 thousand people are graduates of the current year (in 2014 - 684,574).

    For the USE, 5,700 PES were organized (in 2014 - 5,872).

    Over 20,000 people have been accredited as public observers.

    To ensure the transparency of examination procedures, 150 federal inspectors and 2,000 federal observers were sent to some regions. Exams were monitored on the SMOTRIEGE.RF portal by over 10,000 on-line observers.

    The most popular elective subjects, as in the previous year, were:

    - social science (passed by 51.2% of USE participants);
    - physics (22%);
    - history (20%);
    - biology (17.4%).

    The total number of hundred points in all subjects of the Unified State Examination in 2015 is 3,922 people (in 2014 - 3,705 people).

    Thanks to the functioning of a multi-level system designed to ensure the objectivity and transparency of the Unified State Exam and prevent violations, this year it was possible to avoid the Unified State Examination tourism, leakage of control measuring materials and many other problems that accompanied the unified state exam in previous years.

    Source: Rosobrnadzor official website


    USE results 2014

    According to the materials of the press conference "USE-2014: final data", held on July 02, 2014 at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

    The number of those who did not pass the compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics) in 2014 decreased by 24% compared to 2013.

    The number of hundred-pointers decreased three times.

    This year the minimum score in compulsory subjects has been lowered. If this had not happened, 28,000 students would not have received certificates.

    From the materials of the July press conference on the results of the USE 2014, held in Rosobrnadzor:

    Average test score in USE subjects in 2014 and 2013

    Read more on the official website of Rosobrnadzor:

    USE results 2013

    The average test score of USE participants in the context of general education subjects in 2013

    Source: Official information portal of the Unified State Examination

    USE results 2012

    (Based on materials of a press conference with the participation of the head of Rosobrnadzor L.N. Glebovoy. Source: Official website

    Results statistics and features:

    In total, 843,766 people took part in the main stage of the USE. Of these, school graduates in 2011 - 712,383.

    3.25 percent of graduates of the current year (25,068 people) did not pass the final state certification. Last year there were 2.5 percent of such guys.

    The number of appeals about the results has increased - more than 71,000. Of these, 40 percent are satisfied with a change in the result. However, the number of appeals about violations of the procedure for conducting the exam has decreased - only 19 cases.

    Among the features of the USE in 2012, L.N. Glebova noted the tightening of requirements for exam reception points, the introduction of a ban on carrying and using mobile phones, the emergence of new degrees of protection for CIMs, the organization of operational control over the Internet space, etc.

    The minimum number of USE points in 2012:

    English - 20 points;
    Biology - 36 points;
    Geography - 37 points;
    Informatics and ICT - 40 points;
    Spanish - 20 points;
    History - 32 points;
    Literature - 32 points;
    Mathematics - 24 points;
    German language - 20 points;
    Social science - 39 points;
    Russian language - 36 points;
    Physics - 36 points;
    French - 20 points;
    Chemistry - 36 points.

    Scores of USE participants in 2012:


    Russian language







    Social science

    English language




    Computer science

    The results of the USE in 2011 >>

    USE results 2011 by subjects

    Russian language

    The minimum USE score in the Russian language is 36.
    The average USE score in the Russian language is 60.02.
    In total, people passed the Unified State Examination in the Russian language in 2011 - 760618.
    They did not score the minimum score - 4.1%.
    The number of hundred points is 1437.


    The minimum USE score in mathematics is 24.
    The average USE score in mathematics is 47.49.
    In total, people took the exam in mathematics in 2011 - 738746.
    They did not score the minimum score - 4.9%.
    The number of hundred points is 205.

    Social science

    The minimum USE score in social studies is 39.
    The average USE score in social studies is 57.11.
    In total, people passed the Unified State Exam in social studies in 2011 - 280254.
    They did not score the minimum score - 3.9%.
    The number of hundred points is 23.


    The minimum USE score in physics is 33.
    The average USE score in physics is 51.54.
    In total, people passed the exam in physics in 2011 - 173574.
    They did not score the minimum score - 7.4%.
    The number of hundred points is 206.


    The minimum USE score in history is 30.
    The average USE score in history is 51.2.
    In total, people passed the exam in history in 2011 - 129354.
    They did not score the minimum score - 9.4%.
    The number of hundred points is 208.


    The minimum USE score in biology is 36.
    The average USE score in biology is 54.29.
    In total, people passed the exam in biology in 2011 - 144045.
    They did not score the minimum score - 7.8%.
    The number of hundred points is 53.


    The minimum USE score in chemistry is 32.
    The average USE score in chemistry is 57.75.
    In total, 77,806 people took the exam in chemistry in 2011.
    They did not score the minimum score - 8.6%.
    The number of hundred points is 331.

    English language

    The minimum USE score in English is 20.
    The average USE score in English is 61.19.
    In total, people took the exam in English in 2011 - 60651.
    They did not score the minimum score - 3.1%.
    The number of hundred points is 11.

    Computer science

    The minimum USE score in computer science is 40.
    The average USE score in computer science is 59.74.
    In total, 51,180 people took the Unified State Examination in Informatics in 2011.
    They did not score the minimum score - 9.8%.
    The number of hundred points is 31.


    The minimum USE score in literature is 32.
    The average USE score in literature is 57.15.
    In total, 39,317 people took the exam in literature in 2011.
    They did not score the minimum score - 5.0%.
    The number of hundred points is 355.


    The minimum USE score in geography is 35.
    The average USE score in geography is 54.4.
    In total, 10,946 people took the exam in geography in 2011.
    They did not score the minimum score - 8.0%.
    The number of hundred points is 25.


    The minimum USE score in German is 20.
    The average USE score in German is 48.99.
    In total, people passed the exam in German in 2011 - 2746.
    They did not score the minimum score - 6.6%.
    The number of hundred points is 2.


    The minimum USE score in French is 20.
    The average USE score in French is 62.97.
    In total, people passed the exam in French in 2011 - 1317.
    They did not score the minimum score - 1.2%.


    The minimum USE score in Spanish is 20.
    The average USE score in Spanish is 70.09.
    In total, 143 people took the Unified State Examination in Spanish in 2011.
    They did not score the minimum score - 1.4%.
    The number of hundred points is 0.

    The end of school is the beginning of a new stage in everyone. Many people want to continue their education in higher educational institutions and acquire a certain profession. According to the requirements, school graduates must pass exams in relevant subjects. The USE statistics make it possible to evaluate test results by year and identify the weakest ones in the country.

    Basic Information

    The USE is a unified state exam, which is held in secondary educational institutions (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums). Rosobrnadzor is responsible for their implementation. The language used is Russian. The first exams were held in 2001 in the Samara and Rostov regions. In 2008, the USE statistics numbered more than 1 million students taking exams in the country. A year later, the exam became mandatory for admission to.

    The results are set on a 100-point system. It is necessary to overcome the minimum level, which is approved every year in all subjects. USE (minimum) by years:

    Does the law provide for age limits? No. According to statistics, the age of those who pass the exam is different. For example, in 2016, a 78-year-old applicant wanted to enter the journalism department.

    An important factor is the psychological preparation of students. There are cases when students committed because of the exam. In 2016, in the Volgograd region, a 16-year-old schoolgirl committed suicide after passing mathematics. In her suicide note, she asked to cancel the exam and no longer torture.

    Required subjects

    To get a certificate, students must pass the Russian language and mathematics. The remaining subjects are chosen by the students voluntarily. USE statistics by years (Russian):

    Since 2015, mathematics has been divided into profile and basic levels. The first is needed for admission to universities. What are the statistics for passing the exam in mathematics? More than 6% of graduates fail to achieve the minimum score in this subject. Whereas the minimum level of the Russian language is incomprehensible for 3.7% of schoolchildren.

    Application Rules

    You can find out about the places of registration on the official website of local governments. Applications must be submitted by February 1st. The exam consists of 3 stages:

    • early;
    • basic;
    • additional.

    Early exams are usually taken by graduates of previous years who want to improve their results. Pupils of the current year can take exams ahead of schedule with the consent of the pedagogical council of the school.

    The USE statistics for 2017 include 86,000 graduates from previous years. Individuals who do not achieve the minimum passing score in compulsory subjects may retake the exams.

    How to view results

    When the results are ready, they can be viewed online at It is enough to enter the following data:

    1. Registration code.
    2. Passport data (number).
    3. Region.

    Knowledge level

    To understand whether the level of knowledge of the new generation has improved, it is necessary to compare the results of graduate exams. Statistics of USE results by years (2016–2017):

    The head of Rosobrnadzor said that thanks to systematic work with weak schools, there is a decrease in the number of participants who did not overcome the minimum threshold in all subjects.

    In 2017, the statistics of those taking the exam counted 703 thousand people, of which 617 thousand are students of the current year. Profile mathematics was passed by 391 thousand students.

    The USE statistics for 2017 in Russia also show an improvement in results. The average score in specialized mathematics increased by 1 point and amounted to 47.1. The number of students who did not cope with the subject decreased by 1%.

    The statistics of average USE scores show that of the compulsory subjects, mathematics is the most difficult for students. For the past five years, the average score has been below 49 points. The maximum result was in 2013 - 48.7. In Russian, the best results were recorded in 2016. The average score was 68 points.

    However, the average scores for the rest of the subjects were classified. Official sources publish little data. The USE statistics for schools and lyceums in Moscow (2015-2016) marks the top ten educational institutions:

    The USE statistics for schools gives the first place to the lyceum of the Research Institute Higher School of Economics. In second place - Lyceum No. 1535. The top three in terms of the number of graduates is closed by center No. 57.

    Indicators by region

    The USE statistics by region show different results. The economic condition affects the level of knowledge of students. Not many people can afford to study with a tutor. In some regions, schools are poorly funded. Therefore, qualified teachers leave from there.

    This trend is observed not only in Russia. For example, according to the results of the EIT in Ukraine, only 28.4% of city school graduates have a high level of knowledge. While in rural areas the figure is 8%. The statistics of the USE results show that economic and educational characteristics determine the final scores by 64% in the Russian language and by 53% in mathematics.

    The lowest grades are received by students from schools in the Far East. Profile mathematics is well passed in the Perm Territory and Udmurtia. But the highest scores in the Russian language are received by graduates of the Orenburg region. Good grades are also received in St. Petersburg and Perm. Whereas in Dagestan the number of students who scored 100 points increased.

    The results of the Unified State Exam in 2017, as before, are set on a 100-point system. Since 2009, these results have not been recalculated into a standard five-point system, although anyone can match according to the table.

    The USE scores are displayed in the USE certificate in a 100-point format. To obtain a certificate, you need to score more than the minimum score in two compulsory subjects.

    The minimum score is the grade corresponding to the school triple. A graduate who passed this score is considered to have satisfactorily mastered the educational programs of secondary (complete) general education.

    The minimum score for each subject is approved annually.

    When passing the Unified State Examination (USE), a special place is occupied by the minimum score of the USE. This is the minimum threshold of knowledge in USE scores, upon overcoming which a USE certificate is issued in compulsory subjects. Or in other words, this is the USE score corresponding to a satisfactory mark. In case of receiving a score less than the minimum in subjects of choice, nothing is entered into the certificate. The minimum USE score in all subjects is set annually after passing the USE and before the announcement of the results.

    For admission to universities:

    • Russian language - 36
    • Mathematics - 27
    • Informatics - 40
    • Biology - 36
    • History - 32
    • Chemistry - 36
    • Foreign languages ​​- 22
    • Physics - 36
    • Social studies - 42
    • Literature - 32
    • Geography - 37

    To get a certificate:

    • Russian language - 24
    • Mathematics - 27
    • Mathematics base - 3 (assessment)

    The results of the Unified State Exam 2017 are available on a special service.

    The Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation has launched a special service with which you can get the preliminary results of the Unified State Exam on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services.

    All users of the public services portal can access this service for free. On the portal you can get general information on all exams, as well as detailed information on each of them.

    In order to get the results of the exams, you need to register or enter the Unified Portal of Public Services and send an application electronically. According to the Ministry of Communications, « in the application it is necessary to pay attention to the correctness of the data: first name, last name and patronymic, passport data (without specifying the series) and region, or enter the registration code of the Unified State Examination "

    You can get acquainted with the results of the exam on the official website of the Unified State Examination, where you need to enter the passport data of the student, the registration code for the exam, as well as select the desired region and indicate consent to the processing of the entered information.

    Also, the results are available on regional websites, at the points of delivery of the exam and on information boards in each school.

    Graduates became aware of their results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language for 2017, the site reports. As noted in Rosobrnadzor, this year the number of students who did not score the minimum 24 points for obtaining a certificate has decreased:

    “The share of graduates who were left without certificates has decreased by almost 1.5 times, and this is without taking into account the results of the upcoming retakes,” said Sergey Kravtsov, head of the department. — This happens due to our work with schoolchildren and teachers in the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District and others. There is no improvement in the field of high-scoring works, but this is understandable - scores cannot grow indefinitely. The level of difficulty of the exams is comparable to last year.

    Almost 617,000 people across Russia took part in the exam.

    The minimum threshold for obtaining a certificate (24 points) was not overcome only by 0.5 percent of those who passed, while last year they accounted for one percent. To enroll in a university, students had to score at least 36 points. This failed to do 1.6 percent of the participants in the exam. A year earlier, 2.5 percent did not overcome this threshold.

    Thanks to new scanning technology, jobs were reviewed and processed ahead of schedule. Exam participants will be able to find out their result five days earlier - from June 22 on the official website of the Unified State Exam.

    The USE in mathematics was divided into basic and specialized levels in 2015. Successful completion of the basic level exam allows you to get a school leaving certificate, as well as apply to those universities where mathematics is not in the list of entrance tests. The profile exam must be passed for admission to universities in the specialty, where mathematics is one of the entrance exams.

    The head of the department, Sergei Kravtsov, whose words are quoted in the message, explained that the level of complexity of the Unified State Exam in mathematics at the profile level in 2017 did not change.

    “The preliminary results of the exam show that the participants did better this year. We can also state a more conscious choice of the USE level in mathematics by graduates: fewer participants signed up for both exams at once, the profile USE was chosen mainly by graduates who need mathematics to enter a university,” he said.

    Graduates of Russian schools in 2017 coped with the USE in specialized mathematics better than their predecessors a year earlier. The average score of participants increased by almost 1 point compared to last year and amounted to 47.1 points. The number of participants who failed to pass the minimum threshold of 27 points decreased by 1%. In total, about 391,000 participants took part in the USE in specialized mathematics.