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  • Presentation of the emergence of Slavic writing. Presentation on the theme "the creators of Slavic writing" The creators of Slavic writing

    Presentation of the emergence of Slavic writing.  Presentation on the topic

    “In the beginning was the word…” Cyril and Methodius Cyril and Methodius, Slavic educators, creators of the Slavic alphabet, preachers of Christianity, the first translators of liturgical books from Greek into Slavonic. Cyril (before becoming a monk in Constantine) () and his older brother Methodius () were born in Thessalonica in the family of a military leader. Cyril and Methodius, Slavic enlighteners, creators of the Slavic alphabet, preachers of Christianity, the first translators of liturgical books from Greek into Slavonic. Cyril (before becoming a monk in Constantine) () and his older brother Methodius () were born in Thessalonica in the family of a military leader. The boys' mother was Greek, and their father was Bulgarian, so from childhood they had two native languages ​​- Greek and Slavic. The characters of the brothers were very similar. Both read a lot, loved to study. The boys' mother was Greek, and their father was Bulgarian, so from childhood they had two native languages ​​- Greek and Slavic. The characters of the brothers were very similar. Both read a lot, loved to study.

    Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius, Enlighteners of the Slavs. In the years the brothers were sent to Great Moravia to present the Christian teaching in a language understandable to the Slavs. The great teachers translated the books of the Holy Scriptures, based on the Eastern Bulgarian dialects, and created a special alphabet - Glagolitic - for their texts. In the years the brothers were sent to Great Moravia to present the Christian teaching in a language understandable to the Slavs. The great teachers translated the books of the Holy Scriptures, based on the Eastern Bulgarian dialects, and created a special alphabet - Glagolitic - for their texts. The activities of Cyril and Methodius had a common Slavic significance and influenced the formation of many Slavic literary languages. The activities of Cyril and Methodius had a common Slavic significance and influenced the formation of many Slavic literary languages.

    So here they are - our origins, Floating, glowing in the twilight, Solemnly strict lines, Cast Slavic ligature. So that's where, so that's where for the first time I found at the foot of the mountains Under the fiery sign of Sophia The diamond hardness of the verb. The great mystery of sound, Despised corruption and death, On the blue bends of the Dnieper, The motionless firmament rocked. And Rus' over foamy water, Open to free winds, "I am!" - declared the Universe, "I am!" - declared for centuries.

    The Old Slavonic alphabet was compiled by the scientist Cyril and his brother Methodius at the request of the Moravian princes. That's what it's called - Cyrillic. This is the Slavic alphabet, it has 43 letters (19 vowels). Each has its own name, similar to ordinary words: A - az, B - beeches, C - lead, G - verb, D - good, F - live, Z - earth and so on. Alphabet - the name itself is formed from the name of the first two letters. In Rus', the Cyrillic alphabet became widespread after the adoption of Christianity (988). The Slavic alphabet turned out to be perfectly adapted to accurately convey the sounds of the Old Russian language. This alphabet is the basis of our alphabet. Cyrillic

    In 863, the word of God sounded in the Moravian cities and villages in their native, Slavic language, letters and secular books were created. Slavic chronicle writing began. In 863, the word of God sounded in the Moravian cities and villages in their native, Slavic language, letters and secular books were created. Slavic chronicle writing began. The Soloun brothers devoted their entire lives to teaching, knowledge, and serving the Slavs. They did not attach much importance to either wealth, or honors, or fame, or career. The Soloun brothers devoted their entire lives to teaching, knowledge, and serving the Slavs. They did not attach much importance to either wealth, or honors, or fame, or career. The younger one, Konstantin, read a lot, meditated, wrote sermons, and the older one, Methodius, was more of an organizer. Konstantin translated from Greek and Latin into Slavonic, wrote, having created the alphabet, in Slavonic, Methodius - "published" books, led the school of students. The younger one, Konstantin, read a lot, meditated, wrote sermons, and the older one, Methodius, was more of an organizer. Konstantin translated from Greek and Latin into Slavonic, wrote, having created the alphabet, in Slavonic, Methodius - "published" books, led the school of students. Konstantin was not destined to return to his homeland. When they arrived in Rome, he fell seriously ill, took tonsure, received the name Cyril, and died a few hours later. With this name, he remained to live in the bright memory of his descendants. Buried in Rome. Konstantin was not destined to return to his homeland. When they arrived in Rome, he fell seriously ill, took tonsure, received the name Cyril, and died a few hours later. With this name, he remained to live in the bright memory of his descendants. Buried in Rome. The beginning of the Slavic chronicle.

    Monument to the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Brothers Cyril and Methodius in Moscow on Slavyanskaya Square "Death of Cyril" Rome rang the bells, Bronze sounds floated. Slavic children in front of him, Reading slowly: az, beeches, Vision rose visibly, And the miracle of thin lines floated ... And the wise sower said: "Seeds sprouted in the field And virgin soil became a field, Sowed by a generous hand." Liliana Stefanova. Per. Irina Panova

    The spread of writing in Rus' In ancient Rus', reading and writing and books were revered. Historians and archaeologists believe that the total number of handwritten books before the 14th century was approximately 100,000 copies. After the adoption of Christianity in Rus' - in 988 - writing began to spread faster. The liturgical books were translated into Old Church Slavonic. Russian scribes rewrote these books, adding features of their native language to them. Thus, the Old Russian literary language was gradually created, the works of Old Russian authors appeared, (unfortunately, often unnamed) - "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", "Instructions of Vladimir Monomakh", "The Life of Alexander Nevsky" and many others. In ancient Rus', letters and books were revered. Historians and archaeologists believe that the total number of handwritten books before the 14th century was approximately 100,000 copies. After the adoption of Christianity in Rus' - in 988 - writing began to spread faster. The liturgical books were translated into Old Church Slavonic. Russian scribes rewrote these books, adding features of their native language to them. Thus, the Old Russian literary language was gradually created, the works of Old Russian authors appeared, (unfortunately, often unnamed) - "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", "Instructions of Vladimir Monomakh", "The Life of Alexander Nevsky" and many others.

    In a narrow monastery cell, In four blank walls, A monk wrote about the land of ancient Russian Byl. He wrote in winter and summer. Illuminated by dim light. He wrote from year to year About our great people. Ancient chronicler Nestor Artist E. Dovedova. Historical narratives - chronicles There are many chronicles about life in Ancient Rus', in which records were kept by years. In the first place is the Tale of Bygone Years, written at the beginning of the 12th century. This chronicle includes songs, legends, traditions, stories. The monk of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery Nestor is traditionally considered the author of this chronicle. There are many chronicles about life in Ancient Rus', in which records were kept by years. In the first place is the Tale of Bygone Years, written at the beginning of the 12th century. This chronicle includes songs, legends, traditions, stories. The monk of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery Nestor is traditionally considered the author of this chronicle.

    Yaroslav the Wise Grand Duke Yaroslav “loved books, read them often both at night and during the day. And he gathered many scribes and they translated from Greek into Slavic and they wrote many books ”(Chronicle of 1037) (Chronicle of 1037) Among these books were chronicles written by monks, old and young, secular people, these are “lives”, historical songs, "teachings", "messages". Yaroslav the Wise

    “The ABC is taught in the whole hut shouting” (V.I. Dal “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”) V.I. Dal chants. The names of the letters were learned by heart. When learning to read, the letters of the first syllable were first called, then this syllable was pronounced; then the letters of the second syllable were called, and the second syllable was pronounced, and so on, and only after that the syllables formed a whole word, for example BOOK: chants. The names of the letters were learned by heart. When learning to read, the letters of the first syllable were first called, then this syllable was pronounced; then the letters of the second syllable were called, and the second syllable was pronounced, and so on, and only after that the syllables formed a whole word, for example BOOK: kako, ours, ilk - KNI, verb, az - GA. That's how hard it was to learn to read.

    Proverbs about teaching literacy He graduated from the course of science, but he knows hell and beeches. He graduated from the course of science, but he knows hell and beeches. Jump with a letter, even cry without a letter. With a book, you'll get smarter. First, az yes beeches, and then science. A full belly is deaf to learning. A well-fed learning is a joy, a hindrance to a hungry. Stupidly shackled you can’t sharpen, stupidly born you can’t teach. Skill will find application everywhere. The scientist leads, the unlearned follows. A learned son is older than an unlearned father. Learning without skill is not a benefit, but a disaster. Alphabet - the wisdom of the step. Alphabet - the wisdom of the step. To teach the unreasonable is to pour water into a bottomless tub. To teach the unreasonable is to pour water into a bottomless tub. Who is much more literate, that will not be an abyss. Who is much more literate, that will not be an abyss. Teaching decorates in happiness, and comforts in misfortune. Teaching decorates in happiness, and comforts in misfortune. To study literacy - it will come in handy in advance. To study literacy - it will come in handy in advance. They give two unscientists for a scientist, and even then they don’t take it. They give two unscientists for a scientist, and even then they don’t take it. Learning is light, ignorance is darkness. Learning is light, ignorance is darkness.

    “So our ancestors said” The literary language of the Slavs is understandable to all Slavic peoples, but, of course, the Old Slavonic language was different, and first of all in such a sign as “dissonance”. For example, they said: hail (city), shore (shore), milk (milk). It also differed in the initial "e" - one (one), esen (autumn). The literary language of the Slavs is understandable to all Slavic peoples, but, of course, the Old Slavonic language differed, and first of all, in such a sign as “dissonance”. For example, they said: hail (city), shore (shore), milk (milk). It also differed in the initial "e" - one (one), esen (autumn). The Old Slavonic language made a great contribution to the development of the Russian language: it enriched it with interesting and necessary words. Some Old Slavonicisms began to use frequently: time, Wednesday, flame, holiday, others left our language. Recently, such words as mercy, generosity, blessed have been revived. The Old Slavonic language made a great contribution to the development of the Russian language: it enriched it with interesting and necessary words. Some Old Slavonicisms began to use frequently: time, Wednesday, flame, holiday, others left our language. Recently, such words as mercy, generosity, blessed have been revived. "Branch" of Slavic languages

    "Revival of the Slavic holiday" Macedonia Ohrid Monument to Cyril and Methodius Already in the 9th - 10th centuries, the first traditions of glorification and veneration of the creators of Slavic writing began to emerge in the homeland of Cyril and Methodius. But soon the Roman Church began to oppose the Slavic language, calling it barbaric. Despite this, the names of Cyril and Methodius continued to live among the Slavic people, and in the middle of the XIV century they were officially ranked among the saints. Already in the 9th - 10th centuries, the first traditions of glorification and veneration of the creators of Slavic writing began to emerge in the homeland of Cyril and Methodius. But soon the Roman Church began to oppose the Slavic language, calling it barbaric. Despite this, the names of Cyril and Methodius continued to live among the Slavic people, and in the middle of the XIV century they were officially ranked among the saints. In Russia it was different. The memory of the Enlightenment Slavs was already celebrated in the 11th century; here they were never considered heretics, that is, atheists. But still, only scientists were more interested in it. Broad festivities of the Slavic word began in Russia in the early 60s of the last century. In Russia it was different. The memory of the Enlightenment Slavs was already celebrated in the 11th century; here they were never considered heretics, that is, atheists. But still, only scientists were more interested in it. Broad festivities of the Slavic word began in Russia in the early 60s of the last century.
    28 The feast in honor of Cyril and Methodius is a public holiday in Russia (since 1991), Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the Republic of Macedonia. In Russia, Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia, the holiday is celebrated on May 24; in Russia and Bulgaria it bears the name of the Day of Slavic Culture and Literature, in Macedonia the Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the holiday is celebrated on July 5th. The holiday in honor of Cyril and Methodius is a public holiday in Russia (since 1991), Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the Republic of Macedonia. In Russia, Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia, the holiday is celebrated on May 24; in Russia and Bulgaria it bears the name of the Day of Slavic Culture and Literature, in Macedonia the Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the holiday is celebrated on July 5th.

    Hymn "Cyril and Methodius" Get up, people, take a deep breath, hurry to meet the Dawn. And the ABC, presented to you, Write the future fate. Hope. Faith warms the soul. Our path is thorny - the path forward! Only that people does not perish, Where the spirit of the Fatherland lives. Having passed under the sun of enlightenment From a long glorious antiquity, Even now, Slavic brothers, We are faithful to the First Teachers! To the highly glorious apostles Holy love is deep. Cases of Methodius - Cyril In the Slavs will live for centuries! Stoyan Mikhailovsky (translated by Vladimir Smirnov)

    Pre-Christian writing of the SlavsAt our ancestors, among the Slavs,
    Between matters of great importance
    Always to speeches and words
    There was special respect
    Slavic writing
    I.I. Kobzev

    Introduction to the issue

    Until recently, the question of the pre-Kyrillovian
    (pre-Christian) Slavic writing. Only as a result of recent
    works of Soviet and Bulgarian scientists, as well as in connection with the discovery of new
    ancient monuments, the existence of writing among the Slavs in the pre-Cyril
    period is almost proven. Fewer materials to address the issue that
    was the original Slavic script and how it arose.
    In Russian works until the mid-40s of the current century, and in
    most foreign works - and still the existence of writing in
    Slavs in the pre-Cyrillic period was usually denied.

    What are pre-Christian languages?


    Evidence of Existence

    from a letter from Catherine II to Voltaire and Diderot:
    “... creating the “Russian Grammar”, Mikhailo Lomonosov, of course, knew well “earlier
    grammatical instructions that were common among Russians before Cyril, but “not
    ventured to reveal this out of fear of persecution by the Synod"


    Etruscan master. Two dancers. wall painting

    Determining the type of writing

    From the second half of the 40s to the end of the 50s, many Soviet authors
    the reverse trend was manifested - to excessively reduce the role of external
    influences on the emergence of Slavic writing, consider that the letter
    independently arose among the Slavs from ancient times. Moreover:
    even suggestions were put forward that the Slavic letter repeated
    the whole path of the world development of writing - from the original pictograms and
    primitive conventional signs to logography, from logografin - to syllabic
    or consonant-sound and, finally, to vocalized-sound writing.

    "Features and cuts"

    Semiradsky G. The funeral of a noble Russian. 1892
    Titmar of Merseburg

    "Features and cuts"

    Distribution of burial grounds
    Chernyakhov culture (according to G.F.
    a - 100 or more burials;
    b - 50 or more burials;
    c - 20 or more burials;
    d - 10 or more burials;
    e - single burials;
    e - monuments, the relation of which to
    Chernyakhov culture was placed under

    "Features and cuts"

    Proto-Cyrillic writing

    Proto-verbal writing


    The use by the Slavs of writing such as "devils and cuts" is relegated to the 3rd-4th centuries. n, e.; in that
    period, as evidenced by the materials of the Chernyakhov Culture, the tribal system among the Slavs
    has already reached such a high level of development that the need to create a letter like "hell and
    cuts "became quite urgent. The beginning of widespread use by the Slavs
    Greek writing and formation on the basis of its proto-Cyrillic alphabet should be attributed no earlier than
    than by the 7th and no later than by the 8th century, i.e. by the time when the first Slavs formed
    early feudal principalities, and in connection with this, there was a need for an accurate alphabetic script. In the conditions of insufficient development in the second half of I
    millennium n. e. political and cultural ties between the Slavic
    tribes, the formation of each of two or three possible species
    pre-Christian Slavic writing should have occurred among different tribes
    different ways. Therefore, we can assume the existence of the Slavs not only
    these two or three types of writing, but also their local varieties.

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    Slides captions:

    The history of Slavic writing Nikitina Elena Anatolyevna, teacher of Russian language and literature, MKOU Buchalskaya secondary school

    How is the alphabet different from the alphabet? The alphabet is much older than the alphabet. In the 9th century there was no alphabet, and the Slavs did not have their own letters. And so there was no writing. The Slavs could not write books or even letters to each other in their own language. The word "alphabet" comes from the names of the first two letters of the Slavic alphabet: A (az) and B (beeches): ABC: AZ + BUKI and the word "alphabet" comes from the name of the first two letters of the Greek alphabet: ALPHABET: ALPHA + VITA

    Tale of Bygone Years

    In the 9th century in Byzantium, in the city of Thessalonica (now the city of Thessaloniki in Greece), there lived two brothers - Constantine and Methodius. They were wise and very educated people and knew the Slavic language well. The Greek Tsar Michael sent these brothers to the Slavs in response to the request of the Slavic prince Rostislav to send "teachers who could tell about book words and their meaning." And so the brothers Constantine and Methodius came to the Slavs to create the Slavic alphabet, which later became known as the Cyrillic alphabet (in honor of Constantine, who, having become a monk, received the name Cyril). This happened in 863. This is where Slavic writing originates from. Cyril and Methodius

    Glagolitic is one of the first (along with Cyrillic) Slavic alphabets. It is assumed that it was the Glagolitic alphabet that was created by the Slavic educator St. Konstantin (Kirill) Philosopher for recording church texts in Slavonic.

    Glagolitic and Cyrillic The oldest inscription found in Bulgaria: it is made in Glagolitic (above) and Cyrillic.

    Letters on birch bark


    Charter Semi-charter

    Cursive Ostromir Gospel, 1057

    alphabet prayer

    Slavic alphabet

    Guess riddles about the letters of the alphabet 1. What is not in Russia, can be found in Moscow, not in St. Petersburg, but can be seen in the Neva? B 2. A man has one, a raven has two, a bear has none. A 3. What is between the door and the wall? And 4. In old age I meet once, in youth - three times, I will not burn in the fire and I will not drown in the water. ABOUT

    Linguistic tasks In the old spelling (before 1918), two letters were used instead of the modern one: and and i, for example: p i anist, near i th, building i e, million i he, Mar i i. How were the words June, blue written in the old spelling? (A) i June, blue i th (B) June, blue i th (C) i June, blue (D) i June, s i n i d (E) i june, s i ny

    In one of the works of the 19th century writer M. N. Zagoskin we read: “He entered the long hall from the living room into two lights. The dining table was set in peace.” What does the word peace mean here? (A) without haste (B) so that everyone is comfortable and comfortable (C) for a commemoration (D) in the form of the letter P (D) with a long tablecloth

    Old Russian initial letters - evidence of respect for the book

    If the people are deprived of the right or opportunity to speak their native language, then this will be the most severe blow to their native culture. If a person is deprived of books in his native language, then he will lose the most important treasures of his culture.

    May 24 - the day of memory of Cyril and Methodius - became in Russia a national holiday of Slavic writing and culture. Moscow


    MKOU Buchalskaya secondary school Nikitina E.A.Lesson - conversation "Where did the Slavic writing come from"


    "Where did the Slavic writing come from"

    History of Slavic writing

    (Lesson dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture)

    Nikitina E.A.


    The purpose of the lesson: to intensify students' interest in Slavic writing.

    Equipment : computer, projector, handouts (texts for translation, proverbs), interactive presentation.

    Decor : the topic of the lesson is written on the board, images (old books, Old Slavonic alphabet, brothers Cyril and Methodius) on A4 sheets, the entire course of the lesson is accompanied by an interactive presentation (the presentation contains theoretical information and material of a linguistic nature; consists of twenty-five slides, the last one indicates the sources).

    Preliminary preparation:recommendations for the preparation and execution of messages to students.

    During the classes .

    1. Introductory part.


    The tombs, mummies and bones are silent, -
    Only the word is given life:
    From the ancient darkness, on the world churchyard,
    Only letters are heard.

    And we have no other property!
    Know how to save
    Though to the best of my ability, in the days of anger and suffering,
    Our immortal gift is speech.

    I. A. Bunin

    With this poem, we open a lesson on the history of Slavic writing.

    1. We will make a fascinating journey through the pages of Slavic writing and talk about the history of our Cyrillic alphabet.(Slide 1)
    1. Do you know how the alphabet differs from the alphabet?(Slide 2) (Students make guesses)

    The word "alphabet" comes from the names of the first two letters of the Slavic alphabet:

    A (az) and B (beeches): ABC: AZ + BEECHES

    and the word "alphabet" comes from the name of the first two letters of the Greek alphabet: ALPHABET: ALPHA + VITA

    The alphabet is much older than the alphabet. In the 9th century there was no alphabet, and the Slavs did not have their own letters. And so there was no writing. The Slavs could not write books or even letters to each other in their own language.

    1. Historical reference.
    • The beginning of Slavic writing -student's message (in the application - slides 3,4).
    • Glagolitic and Cyrillic -student's message (in the application - slides 5,6,7)
    • Cyrillic - student's message (in the application - slides 8,9,10,11)
    • ABC prayer -student message
    1. Here are proverbs about learning to read and write and Cyrillic. Explain how you understand their meaning. Try to write some proverbs using the Cyrillic alphabet (slides 11, 12 in the appendix).
    2. Here is an excerpt from the text of the XIII century, try to read and translate it (slide 13 in the appendix).
    3. And now a little warm-up: guess riddles about the letters of the alphabet (slide 14 in the application)
    4. Linguistic tasks

    A) In the old spelling (before 1918) in place of the modern And two letters were used: and and i , for example: pianist, neighbor, building, million, Maria.

    How words were written in the old spelling June, blue

    (A) June, blue (B) June, blue

    (C) June, blue (D) June, blue

    (D) June, blue

    b) In one of the works of the 19th century writer M. N. Zagoskin we read:

    “He entered from the living room into a long hall with two lights. It was covered with peace

    Dining table. What does the word mean here peace?

    (A) without haste

    (B) to make everyone feel comfortable and comfortable

    (B) for the wake

    (D) in the form of the letter P

    (E) a long tablecloth (in the appendix slides 15,16).

    1. Consider the old Russian letters. Why do you think they were always decorated like that in books? (This is a sign of respect for the book). Try to draw such an ornate letter. (Slide 17)
    2. Read the statement, think, tell me, do you agree with it? “If the people are deprived of the right or opportunity to speak their native language, then this will be the most severe blow to their native culture. If a person is deprived of books in his native language, then he will lose the most important treasures of his

    Cultures". (Slide 18)

    1. About the holiday of Slavic writing

    May 24 - the day of memory of Cyril and Methodius - became in Russia a national holiday of Slavic writing and culture.

    The celebration does not have any once and for all approved scenario. Typical events over the 20 years of the Days in Russia have become scientific symposiums or conferences devoted to the problems of culture, civilization, the Slavic world, as well as concerts, meetings with writers and poets in parks, gardens, libraries, houses of culture and thematic screenings of feature films, and exhibitions, competitions and festivals.

    Days of Slavic writing and culture also include divine liturgies, religious processions, children's pilgrimage missions to the monasteries of Russia. Monuments to Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius have been erected in many cities. This is not only a tribute, but also a reminder to posterity of the brothers who gave us the alphabet. (Slides 19, 20, 21, 22, 23)

    Final word.

    The greatest value of a nation is its language, in which it writes, speaks, and thinks. After all, this means that the entire conscious life of a person passes through his native language. The Russian language is one of the most perfect languages ​​in the world, a language that has been developing for over a millennium, giving rise to the world's best literature and poetry in the 19th century. ListenSTATE CHAMBER CHOIR Artistic director and chief conductor - Vladimir KONTAREV 1997 TCHAIKOVSKY P.I. "Hymn in honor of Cyril and Methodius" (Slide 24)

    Material used.

    Our information about Slavic runes is very poor and fragmentary. Russian scientists did not do this. One thing is certain: they existed. In Scandinavian sources, they are called "Venda Runis", that is, "Vendian runes." The inscriptions themselves in Slavic runes have also been preserved. Their number is small. Firstly, they wrote with runes a very long time ago and they went out of use many centuries ago, so the objects that carried runic writings perished due to the prescription of time. Secondly, few people were engaged in Slavic runes in the broadest sense of the word. However, not every "runist" scientist could take up the Slavic runes: one had to know the Slavic languages ​​well, so the inscriptions in Slavic runes remained simply unread. Thirdly, there was no literature in runic writing: runes were used only for brief inscriptions on gravestones, on boundary markers, on weapons, jewelry, coins, and very rarely on linen or parchment. Where the runes come from, who is their inventor, what the word itself means and what language it is is unknown. D. Zhunkovich even suggests that the very word "runes" of the Slavic root: "rune", "runya" supposedly means "furrow", "cut", and "rugi" - "embed", "engrave", that is, rock inscriptions .