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  • Presentation Agriculture of the Leningrad region presentation for the lesson (preparatory group) on the topic. Agriculture of the Leningrad region. Brief overview Pig production in the Leningrad region

    Presentation Agriculture of the Leningrad region presentation for the lesson (preparatory group) on the topic.  Agriculture of the Leningrad region.  Brief overview Pig production in the Leningrad region

    Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture engaged in breeding farm animals for the production of livestock products. The scientific basis of animal husbandry is zootechnics.

    Historical information Animal husbandry is the most ancient human trade after hunting, gathering and fishing, mastered along with agriculture. The emergence of animal husbandry was preceded by the process of domestication of certain types of wild animals that could live next to a person, while bringing him certain benefits - as a source of food (meat, milk, bird eggs), a source of raw materials for making clothes or building huts (for example, skins), as workers (for example, pulling a plow) or mounts, as animals for protecting property (dog, cat).

    Like agriculture, animal husbandry allowed for a more stable and predictable subsistence and thus reduced the amount of time spent searching for food compared to hunter-gatherer societies. In addition, the breeding of certain types of animals made it possible to transport goods over long distances and marked the beginning of an extensive trade. Many scientists agree that these facts served as a powerful impetus for the development of culture, new household inventions, as well as larger societies and nationalities that arose on the basis of their common identity.

    Cows, goats, sheep, pigs, camels, deer and many other animals turned out to be suitable for domestication and obtaining livestock products.

    pig breeding horse breeding Cattle breeding Small cattle breeding (sheep breeding) beekeeping Livestock breeding branches rabbit breeding poultry breeding fish farming

    General information about agriculture in the Leningrad region The agro-industrial complex of the Leningrad region is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the regional economy and has demonstrated stability and progressive development of all branches of agricultural production over the past 12 years. All this allows us to maintain high production volumes and increase them in conditions of economic instability. The composition of the agro-industrial complex of the Leningrad region is 526 large and medium-sized enterprises of various forms of ownership. Of these: 256 agricultural enterprises, 10 feed mills, 113 enterprises of the food and processing industry, 147 enterprises of the fishery complex. The region also has 5 agricultural consumer cooperatives, almost 1,000 peasant (farmer) households, and more than 104,000 personal subsidiary plots. The specialization of agriculture in the Leningrad Region is animal husbandry, which accounts for 68% of the gross output. The main branch of agriculture is dairy farming; for many years, consistently high results have been achieved in poultry farming; pig breeding also has great prospects.

    Cattle The Leningrad region has one of the best breeding bases in the country - 62 livestock enterprises for the production of milk are breeding farms, including 2 breeding enterprises have a breeding status for 2 breeds: Holstein and Black-and-White. Today, there are just over 3,050 animals of the Aberdeen Angus and Hereford breeds in the farms of the Vsevolozhsky, Kingisepp, Kirishsky and Priozersky districts.

    Small cattle Small cattle are sheep and goats. These animals have been domesticated since ancient times. Now there are two independent branches of animal husbandry - sheep breeding and goat breeding.

    Valuable raw materials are obtained from sheep and goats - wool, down, sheepskins, astrakhans and various food products - meat, fat, milk. Sheep wool, due to its special technological properties (elasticity, strength, extensibility, etc.), is widely used for the manufacture of knitwear, fabrics, and carpets. Sheepskins, sheepskin coats, sheepskin coats are sewn from sheepskins of coarse-haired sheep. The skins of lambs of Karakul sheep have a beautiful pattern of curls, they are used for various fur products, as well as the skins of fine-fleeced and semi-fine-fleeced sheep, which are dressed as an otter, seal, etc. Goat skins are used to make fur products and valuable varieties of leather - chevro , suede, morocco.

    Pig breeding in Russia has existed for a long time, but in agriculture it has not become a leading industry. In our country, there are more than a dozen breeds of pigs. The most common breed is the Large White. In Siberia, the Kemerovo breed is bred. 15 large agricultural enterprises are now engaged in industrial pig breeding in the region. The total livestock is 172 thousand heads.

    Pork has long been recognized as a valuable food product. This is explained not only by its taste, but also by the ability to maintain its high quality during canning and processing into sausages, smoked meats, ham and other products. Leather products are also made.

    Poultry farming The main activity is the cultivation of poultry. The farm has its own incubators and is engaged in breeding and rearing young animals. There are about 10 farms specializing in poultry farming in the Leningrad Region. The company has three production divisions and a breeding poultry farm. The largest poultry farm in the Leningrad Region is the Russian-Dutch company OAO "POULTRY FACTORY" SEVERNAYA".

    Poultry gives us tasty and nutritious products - meat, eggs, in addition, feathers and down are obtained from them. A laying hen produces 200-220 eggs per year. Ducks can lay up to 300 eggs. Poultry and game processed and preserved.

    Horse breeding Despite the mechanization of most processes in agriculture, horse breeding remains an important and necessary branch of animal husbandry. State farms and collective farms require a large, strong horse with good movements, which can supplement the work of mechanical engines in agriculture and transport. Need a large, strong and fast horse and developing every year equestrian sport. Russia has a variety of valuable breeds of horses.

    Depending on the economic use and specialization, horse breeds are divided into three main groups: riding, light-duty (trotting) and working. In addition, a group of local non-specialized breeds of horses is distinguished. For many eastern regions, horse breeding is also important as a branch of beef cattle breeding. The meat of young horses is not inferior to beef in terms of nutritional value and taste, and its cost is lower than the cost of beef.

    Rabbit breeding Fur farming The largest rabbit farms are: animal farm "Sosnovskoye", "Roshinsky" fur farm, "Pioner" animal complex, "Komsomolskoye" SZAO (Leningrad region) and others. Leningrad region. In addition to the main production - a breeding fur farm - it includes a fur dressing shop, a furrier's section, rabbit breeding, pig breeding and trout farms. The largest livestock in the fur farm is mink. Ferrets, arctic foxes and foxes are also raised.

    50% of all furs produced by the Leningrad region (and these are eight large stable working fur farms) are accounted for by the Sosnovskoye CJSC. About 15% of all semi-finished fur products in the SAOST are processed by themselves at a small factory. Men's and women's hats, fur coats and sheepskin coats are sewn here of excellent quality. The rest (over 50 thousand skins per year) is sold by the farm to processing industries and private entrepreneurs. Today, the profitability of the fur farm is 11%. This is not bad when compared with other industrial and agricultural enterprises in the region, but leaves much to be desired.

    The benefits of rabbit meat are known to many and are especially appreciated by those who are on a diet. The meat does not contain allergens, it is used for baby food. Russia's performance in the production of rabbit meat is more than modest. Hats, fur coats and sheepskin coats are sewn from rabbit skins.

    Beekeeping This is a branch of agriculture that breeds honey bees to produce honey and beeswax. The bee product is used in medicine, cosmetology, as well as for pollination of agricultural crops in order to increase their productivity. The profession of a beekeeper is very interesting because a person is closely connected with nature. The work of a beekeeper requires special attention in the warm season. But not forgotten in winter.

    two breeds of bees are bred in the region - Central Russian and Carpathian. The latter has survived the winter much more successfully over the past few decades, is more resistant to diseases and has a greater productivity.

    Previously, beekeepers were in demand on collective farms and state farms; at present, these agricultural sectors do not exist. Unfortunately, this profession is not prestigious at present, only amateurs are engaged in beekeeping. Used: honey, wax, royal jelly, propolis, bee venom.

    Fish farming The key concept is aquaculture. This is, in general, the cultivation of fish and seafood in conditions that are somehow controlled by man. Aquaculture can be freshwater - this is fish farming, in the first place, and marine (mariculture). We are interested in freshwater fish farming, and commercial fish farming. This is when the result of the fish farm is a fish that can be eaten. The fact is that there are also "fish hatcheries" where planting material is grown for sale on commercial farms. The largest enterprises combine these cycles - they grow fish from eggs to serving.

    Raise fish in a variety of ways. There are three options: in ponds, in pools and in cages. A pond is an artificial body of water into which fish are launched and, depending on the purpose, allowed to grow and feed on their own or intensively fed. Pond fish farming in the Leningrad region is underdeveloped. For pond farms, the cultivation of carp is most characteristic. Basin fish farming is a method that involves maximum human control of the ecosystem: it is an artificial reservoir that can be located in any room, artificial water circulation, temperature and food. This is a very expensive method because it requires a significant amount of energy. Cage farming is a method in which a mesh container is located in a body of water and fish are grown in it. The cages can be located in different reservoirs: for example, heated wastewater from large industrial facilities can be used to grow heat-loving fish species. In cages on wastewater from Leningrad NPP, in Sosnovy Bor. sturgeon was raised. For all the seeming strangeness, this method is no worse than others: the ecological situation around such objects is controlled much more closely than anywhere else. However, this option is an exception for the region.

    There are 1,800 lakes on the territory of the Leningrad Region, their total area is 12,000 kilometers. With such a rich resource, it is natural that the most common type of fish farms (or rather, the absolute majority) are cold-water cage farms. The size of the water fund is the most important factor determining the potential of the industry. For cold-water cages, the most typical inhabitants are trout and whitefish. In the Leningrad region, 95% of all farmed fish is rainbow trout. The remaining 5% is distributed among other species, which include: whitefish, carp, sturgeon and Clai catfish (up to 60 tons of which are grown annually on a single farm in Volosovo, where pool fish farming is practiced).

    About 40 fish farms operate in the Leningrad region. 10 of them can be called medium and large - more than 100 tons of products per year. They produce 90% of all products. The remaining 10% is produced by small enterprises. Petersburg and the Leningrad region love fish. At the moment, this figure is about 18 kilograms of fish per year per person.

    In other regions of Russia, livestock industries are developed or at the initial stage of development: Camel breeding Maral breeding Mule breeding Reindeer breeding Donkey breeding Ostrich breeding

    The agriculture of the Leningrad region is actively developing, despite the fact that its lands are located in the zone of risky farming. The leading sectors of the agro-industrial complex are dairy and meat animal husbandry, potato growing and vegetable growing. In addition, fur farming is developing in the region: mink, muskrat, blue and black-and-silver fox and other animals are bred. In total, there are over 200 large and medium-sized agricultural enterprises.

    Addresses, activities, phone numbers of companies in the agro-industrial complex of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region (LO).

    Addresses, types of activities, phone numbers of companies in the agro-industrial complex of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region (LO).

    Building materials for agriculture

    Building materials for agriculture - Saint-Petersburg and Leningradskaya oblast (LO): addresses, phone numbers, maps, photos, working hours. Greenhouse polycarbonate, sandwich panels, insulation, bricks, rolled metal, windows.

    For the construction of a high-tech barn or an economical building for keeping chickens, geese, turkeys and other birds, special building materials are required in their properties that are optimally suited for the specifics of agricultural construction. In the section you will find information about organizations involved in the sale, supply and manufacture of building materials for agricultural facilities in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region - corrugated board, channels, hangar frames, corners, aluminum stained-glass windows and doors.

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    Agriculture of the Leningrad region livestock sector Prepared by: Ukolova N.V. State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 19 of the combined type of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg

    The agriculture of the Leningrad region has a pronounced suburban specialization, the leading industries are dairy and meat animal husbandry and vegetable growing. At the same time, livestock production noticeably prevails over crop production.

    In each region, animal husbandry has its own characteristics, some animals are bred more, others are not bred at all. Animal husbandry of our region is divided into several components - branches: Breeding of cattle Pig breeding Poultry farming Fur farming

    Wild chickens had tough meat, laid 5-6 eggs per year. People managed to breed chickens with tender, tasty meat; laying hens, which lay 300 or more eggs a year. Humans also changed other domesticated animals. Breeding of new breeds of domestic animals continues now. In the distant past, many thousands of years ago, all animals were wild. Gradually, people tamed, domesticated some of them. And they did not just domesticate, but bred many breeds of these animals, with such properties that their wild ancestors did not have.

    Poultry farming Domestic birds are chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys. Especially a lot of chickens are bred in the Leningrad region. At large poultry farms, hundreds of thousands of eggs are placed in incubators at the same time. Fans supply warm air to the incubator. A special mechanism turns the eggs over from time to time so that they warm up evenly. All this is necessary for the proper development of the embryo.

    The hatched chicks are sent to the rearing shop. From there, the already grown chickens are transferred to the cage laying workshop - the main workshop of the poultry farm. Hundreds of millions of eggs a year come from it to stores. Usually, poultry farms are built near large cities in order to supply the population with eggs and meat all year round. Of course, poultry is bred not only in large poultry farms, but also in smaller poultry farms and in household plots.

    Cattle are primarily cows. In our region, different breeds of these wonderful animals are bred. All breeds are divided into dairy, meat and meat and dairy. Think about why animals of these breeds are bred?

    PIG BREEDING Pigs are not at all dirty, on the contrary, they are very clean. Anyone who has seen a pig lie down in the mud in the heat should know: she does this in order to cool her skin and get rid of annoying insects. Pigs need to be washed and cleaned more often. They must be kept in clean rooms. There are more than a dozen breeds of pigs in our region. The most common breed is the Large White.

    Mink, muskrat, blue and black and silver fox are actively bred in the Leningrad region. Fur farming is a branch of livestock breeding in captivity of valuable fur-bearing animals for skins.

    The role of agriculture in the country's economy can hardly be overestimated, since it is the main industry producing food for the population of the country, as well as raw materials for processing in other industries. But the main task of agriculture is to meet the needs of the population in food.

    Different regions of the country specialize in the production of various agricultural products. The focus and specificity of each region, first of all, depends on the geographical location, and therefore, on the climatic conditions in a particular zone.

    So, for example, agriculture in the Leningrad region is represented mainly by dairy farming, potato farming, poultry farming, and here, as in other regions of the country, more than half of the national consumption is met by agricultural resources. (including the Leningrad region) is the main supplier of raw materials for food, feed, light industry and other sectors of the economy.

    On the other hand, for example, agriculture in the Leningrad region is a major consumer of industrial goods. Industry supplies equipment for the needs of the village: cars, trucks, tractors, combines, equipment, as well as combustibles and lubricants, animal feed and Statistics claims that the share of industrial goods in the cost structure of agricultural production is almost 40%, so the development of individual industries is essential. depends on agriculture, and, in turn, the successful development of industry determines the effective functioning of agricultural producers.

    Like any other sector of the national economy, agriculture also has some characteristic features that must be taken into account when doing business in this sector. For example, the agriculture of the Leningrad region, its structure, the level of development of certain areas directly depends on the soil and climatic conditions characteristic of the area. Therefore, the yield of grain, for example, in this region will differ from the crop in the North Caucasus region of the country. Also, due to the obvious dependence of the results of activities in this sector of the national economy on natural conditions, there are certain risks in agriculture.

    In agriculture, land is the main means of production. Unlike other means of production, land does not wear out with proper use, and can retain its qualities. But land resources can differ dramatically in fertility, as well as location, which determines producers with better conditions (soil, proximity to markets) can make a profit.

    Living organisms act as specific means of production in agriculture: these are animals and plants that develop according to biological laws.

    The specificity of agriculture also lies in its dispersal in various climatic conditions, which determines the selection of crop varieties, animal breeds, as well as the mechanization of individual production processes in agriculture and land reclamation. In addition, the method of chemicalization of agriculture also depends on the specifics of soils in a given region.

    A feature of agriculture as a sector of the economy is seasonality. Since some crops ripen and grow only at certain times of the year, the seasonality of agricultural work is especially noticeable when growing, for example, winter cereals. The difference between production time, on the one hand, and the working period, on the other, is clearly manifested precisely in the production of these crops. After all, the period of growing winter grains begins, as a rule, in July-August, with preparation and sowing, and only in July of the next year ends with harvesting. During this time, the fields are prepared, sowing, fertilizing and caring for the crop, harvesting - that is, the working period is resumed several times, while the production period continues uninterruptedly and represents the growth and development of plants, and is determined by natural environmental conditions.

    Agriculture of the Leningrad region- an analytical article prepared by experts of the Expert and Analytical Center for Agribusiness "AB-Center". The materials of the article include the following data on the region's agriculture: the total volume of agricultural production in value terms, the size of the sown area and the gross yield of the main crop crops, the number of livestock, the production of the main types of livestock products, the place and share of the Leningrad Region in the production of agricultural products by mind in Russia.

    The situation in agriculture in other regions of the Russian Federation, Russia as a whole, as well as the trends in key food markets can be found by clicking on the link -.

    Agriculture of the Leningrad Region in 2015 provided the volume of production in the amount of 99.0 billion rubles in actual prices. According to this indicator, the Leningrad region is on the 17th position among the regions of the Russian Federation. The share of the region in the total volume of agricultural products produced in Russia in 2015 amounted to 2.0%.

    The production of agricultural products per capita in the Leningrad region amounted to 55.7 thousand rubles. (this is the 16th place among the regions of the Russian Federation). Recall that in Russia in 2015, on average, this indicator was at the level of 34.4 thousand rubles.

    Specialization of agriculture in the Leningrad region

    In 2015, the structure of agriculture in the Leningrad Region was dominated by the livestock sector, the share of which in the total value of agricultural products in the Russian Federation was at the level of 69.5%. The share of crop production was 30.5%.

    At the end of 2015, the Leningrad Region ranked 1st among Russian regions in terms of egg production, and 3rd in terms of poultry meat production. The region entered the top 20 largest milk producers (18th place).

    The greenhouse industry is well developed in the Leningrad region. The region ranks 9th in industrial cultivation (in agricultural organizations and peasant farms) of open and protected ground vegetables.

    Animal husbandry of the Leningrad region

    Animal husbandry plays an important role in the agriculture of the Leningrad Region. In 2015, according to preliminary data from Rosstat, the value of livestock products in the region amounted to 68.8 billion rubles. The share of the Leningrad Region in the total value of all livestock products produced in the Russian Federation amounted to 2.9%. According to this indicator, the region took the 8th place in the rating of regions of the Russian Federation.

    In 2015, the structure of meat production by type in the Leningrad Region is as follows. The total production of meat of all types in live weight reached 371.3 thousand tons (272.9 thousand tons in slaughter weight). Of this volume in the structure of meat production in slaughter weight, poultry meat accounted for 82.0%, pork - 11.9%, beef - 6.0%, mutton and goat meat, as well as other types of meat - less than 0.2 %. Let's consider in more detail.

    Poultry farming in the Leningrad region

    Poultry meat production in the Leningrad region is growing. In 2015, it amounted to 299.9 thousand tons in live weight (223.7 thousand tons in terms of slaughter weight). Important! Here and below, the comparison of production volumes of various types of meat is presented in slaughter weight. By 2014, this indicator increased by 0.7%, by 2013 - by 5.0%, by 2010 - by 72.8%. The share of the region in the total volume of poultry meat produced in the country in 2015 was 5.0% (3rd place in the ranking of regions producing this type of meat).

    In 2015, the Leningrad Region took the leading position (1st place) among the regions of Russia in the production of eggs of all types of poultry with a production volume of 3,060.9 million eggs (7.2% of the total production in the Russian Federation). By 2014, the volume of egg production in this region decreased by 1.7%, by 2013 - by 3.5%, but compared to 2010 it increased by 15.4%.

    Pig breeding in the Leningrad region

    The number of pigs in all categories of farms in the Leningrad region at the end of 2015 amounted to 195.3 thousand heads (0.9% of the total herd of pigs in the Russian Federation). In the past few years, the size of the pig herd in the region has been stable and shows a slight increase. By 2014, the livestock increased by 2.7%, by 2013 - by 2.4%, by 2010 - by 7.2%.

    Pork production in the Leningrad region grows more dynamically. In 2015, in all categories of farms, it amounted to 41.7 thousand tons in live weight (32.4 thousand tons in terms of slaughter weight). Over the past year (compared to 2014), volumes increased by 5.9%, over 2 years - by 24.4%, over 5 years - by 53.2%. The Leningrad region is in 33rd place in terms of pork production among the regions of the Russian Federation with a share in the total volume of pork production at the level of 1.0%.

    Cattle breeding in the Leningrad region

    The total number of cattle (cattle) in the Leningrad region at the end of 2015 amounted to 179.8 thousand heads (0.9% of the total number of cattle in Russia, 39th place among the regions of the Russian Federation). Including, the number of cows amounted to 77.7 thousand heads (this is also 0.9%, 39th place). In relation to 2014, the number of cattle increased by 1.3%, over 2 years - by 1.5%, over 5 years - by 1.7%.

    In terms of beef production in 2015, the Leningrad Region ranked 37th among the regions of the Russian Federation with a share in the total Russian production at the level of 1.0%. In physical terms, beef production amounted to 28.7 thousand tons in live weight (16.3 thousand tons in terms of slaughter weight). By 2014, beef production increased by 0.7%, by 2010 - by 6.5%.

    Milk production in the Leningrad region in 2015, it reached 588.7 thousand tons (1.9% of the total volumes in the Russian Federation), according to this indicator, the region took 18th place in the ranking of milk producing regions. The dairy industry in this region as a whole shows a positive trend. Over the year (compared to 2014), milk production increased by 3.7%, over 2 years - by 5.7%, over 5 years - by 7.5%.

    Sheep and goat breeding in the Leningrad Region

    The total number of sheep and goats in the region at the end of 2015 reached 26.3 thousand heads (0.1% of the total number of sheep and goats in Russia). According to this indicator, the Leningrad region took 62nd place in the ranking of regions. Over the past year (compared to 2014), the number of sheep and goats increased by 5.2%, over 2 years - by 11.8%, over 5 years - by 27.7%.

    The production of mutton and goat meat in the Leningrad region in 2015 amounted to 0.6 thousand tons in live weight (0.2 thousand tons in terms of slaughter weight). The share of the region in the total volume of production in the country amounted to 0.1% (67th place in the ranking of regions producing mutton and goat meat).

    Crop production in the Leningrad region

    In terms of output in terms of value, the Leningrad Region ranked 30th among the regions of Russia. In 2015, this figure amounted to 30.2 billion rubles there. (1.1% of the total value of crop production in the Russian Federation).

    Sown area in the Leningrad region

    The structure of sown areas in the Leningrad region in 2015. The total area under crops in the Leningrad Region in 2015 amounted to 229.9 thousand hectares (0.3% of all areas under crops in Russia). The region was in 57th place in terms of sown area.

    In the structure of the sown areas of the Leningrad Region, the largest share was occupied by fodder crops (71.0% of all areas in the region), winter and spring barley (10.0%), winter and spring wheat (3.8%), oats (3.1 %), potatoes of industrial cultivation (2.5%), winter and spring triticale (1.3%) and vegetables of open ground of industrial cultivation (1.3%). The area under winter and spring rapeseed, leguminous crops and winter and spring rye was less than 1.0%. Other areas accounted for 6.8%.

    Crop production in the Leningrad region

    Vegetable production in the Leningrad region. Gross yields of industrially grown open and protected ground vegetables in the Leningrad Region in 2015 amounted to 163.6 thousand tons (3.1% of the total volume in the Russian Federation). Of this volume, 137.2 thousand tons accounted for open ground vegetables (3.0%) and 26.4 thousand tons for protected ground vegetables (3.5%). In general, in the region there is a decrease in the production of open-ground vegetables (by 4.8% over the year, by 1.3% over 2 years, by 11.6% over 3 years) and an increase in the production of greenhouse vegetables (by 4.8% over the year). 18.3%, for 2 years - by 16.9%, for 3 years - by 57.6%). The Leningrad region took the 9th place in the production of open and protected ground vegetables among the regions of the Russian Federation.

    Triticale production in the Leningrad region. In 2015, the harvest of winter and spring triticale in the Leningrad region amounted to 11.7 thousand tons (2.1% of the total volume in the Russian Federation) - this is the 15th place among the regions of Russia. In relation to the indicators of 2014, the production of this grain crop increased in the region by 22.2%, in 2 years - by 73.3%, in 5 years - 2.3 times. The area under crops in 2015 was at the level of 2.9 thousand hectares (1.1% of all triticale areas in the Russian Federation) - this is the 22nd place in the ranking of regions.

    Potato production in the Leningrad region. In the industrial sector of potato growing (data on agricultural organizations and peasant farms) in 2015, the gross harvest of potatoes in the Leningrad Region amounted to 133.4 thousand tons (1.8% of all harvests in the Russian Federation) - this is 19th place in the ranking of regions . The area under crops was at the level of 5.8 thousand hectares (1.6% of all areas in the Russian Federation). In terms of potato sown area, the Leningrad region took the 20th place among the regions of the Russian Federation.

    Barley production in the Leningrad region. Harvests of winter and spring barley in 2015 amounted to 83.6 thousand tons (0.5% of all barley harvests in the Russian Federation). The region ranks 39th in terms of barley harvest and 44th in terms of area under this crop.

    Production of rapeseed in the Leningrad region. In 2015, the collection of seeds of winter and spring rapeseed here amounted to 0.7 thousand tons (0.1% of the total collection in the Russian Federation), according to this indicator, the Leningrad Region ranked 48th among the regions of the Russian Federation. The sown areas of winter and spring rapeseed amounted to 0.4 thousand hectares (less than 0.1% of the total area in the Russian Federation) - this is the 50th place in the ranking of regions.

    Oat production in the Leningrad region. In 2015, the gross harvest of oats in the Leningrad region amounted to 19.4 thousand tons (0.4% of the total in the Russian Federation). According to this indicator, the region ranked 50th. In terms of sown areas of oats - 54th place (0.2% of all areas in the Russian Federation).

    Production of leguminous crops in the Leningrad region. The collection of leguminous crops in this region in 2015 amounted to 0.6 thousand tons (less than 0.1% of all collections in the Russian Federation) - this is the 56th place among the regions of Russia. Including the collection of peas, the region took 63rd place. In terms of the area under crops of legumes, the Leningrad Region ranked 60th (less than 0.1%).

    Wheat production in the Leningrad region. The gross harvest of winter and spring wheat in the Leningrad region in 2015 reached 30.5 thousand tons (less than 0.1% of the total volume in the Russian Federation). The region took 61st place in terms of wheat harvest in the Russian Federation and 65th place in terms of sown area of ​​this grain crop (less than 0.1% of the total wheat sown area in the Russian Federation).

    Rye production in the Leningrad region. In 2015, harvests of winter and spring rye in the Leningrad Region amounted to 0.02 thousand tons (less than 0.1%), which is the 61st place among the regions of the Russian Federation. The region also ranked 61st in terms of sown area.