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  • A16 Personal verb endings
  • A16 Personal endings of verbs. Participle suffixes. Spelling of the verb and verb forms Spelling of suffixes of present tense verbs

    A16 Personal endings of verbs.  Participle suffixes.  Spelling of the verb and verb forms Spelling of suffixes of present tense verbs

    reference Information

    In order to get around the "pitfalls", prepare for task 11 step by step. Just three steps will guarantee you from mistakes.

    Step 1. Choice of vowels in unstressed verb endings.

    Personal verb endings

    In the personal endings of present and future tense verbs

      in the endings of the verbs of the 1st conjugation write vowels e, y (u): you have, It has, we have, you have, have

      in the endings of verbs of the 2nd conjugation - and, a (i):look, look, look, look, look

    So, for the correct spelling of vowels in unstressed endings, you need to be able to accurately determine the conjugation of the verb!


      The 2nd conjugation includes verbs:

      with suffix -And based on indefinite form: love Exception: Shave, lay - verbs of the 1st conjugation: shave, shave, shave, shave and their derivatives: lay down, cover, re-lay and others.

      7 exception verbs with suffix -e based on an indefinite form. Remember them: endure, twirl, offend, depend on, hate, And see, And look and their derivatives, for example: look, inspect, look out, see through, see enough, stare and others.

      4 verbs with suffix - A.

    Remember them: drive, hold, hear, breathe and their derivatives: drive away, catch up, expel, drive out and others.

      The 1st conjugation includes other verbs with unstressed endings: play, draw, pull, throw and others.


    Verbs want to run And honor special. Them and all derivatives of them, for example: run, run, run, run, run etc., refer to dissonant verbs. The peculiarity of the verbs of this group is that in some forms these verbs have endings of the 1st conjugation, and in others - of the 2nd. Let's conjugate these verbs:

    Want - I want, you want, you want, you want, you want, you want (in the singular of the end of the 1st question, in the plural - the 2nd).

    Run - run, run, run, run, run, run (in all forms, except for 3 l. pl., the end of the 1st ref., in the 3rd l. pl. - the end of the 2nd ref. .)

    Honor - honor, honor, honor, honor, honor, honor (in all forms, except for 3 l. pl., the end of the 1st ref., in the 3rd l. pl. - the end of the 2nd ref. .)

    Only on the verb want in the form of a unit endings in an unstressed position.


    Verbs There is And give and derivatives from them do not belong to any conjugation. They have special sets of endings. They do not present problems for the USE task, since their endings are under stress.

    Step 2. Choice of vowels in present participle suffixes.

    Present participle suffixes

    Participles can be different: active and passive, present and past tense. The realization that the present participles are formed from the stem of the present tense verb, and the past participles from the stem of the indefinite form of the verb, will help to avoid mistakes in their spelling. Therefore, when choosing suffixes for present participles, determine the conjugation of the verb. This will help you choose the right suffix. And for the unmistakable writing of past participles, it is important to know the suffix at the base of the indefinite form of the verb.

    The Russian language is quite difficult to learn. Therefore, it is very important to constantly update the memory, remembering the school curriculum, in order to maintain the level of language proficiency. Even if at school you studied for one five, repeating the rules of your native language is necessary. And those for whom Russian is a foreign language should pay great attention to complex topics, for example, the topic of spelling personal endings of verbs and participle suffixes.

    But first you need to understand the concepts themselves.

    What is a verb?

    Verbs act as an independent part of speech. Verbs are characterized by such questions as: "what to do?", "what to do?". As a rule, the verbs of the Russian language act as a predicate in sentences and express the action or state of a certain object or being.

    It is important to note that verbs are transitive and intransitive, as well as reflexive and non-reflexive.

    and writing rules. Russian language: personal endings of verbs

    Verb endings play a very important role in our native language. But first you need to figure out what function they perform. help determine the conjugation of a particular verb.

    So, the conjugation of the verb of the Russian language is a direct change in numbers and persons. There are only two conjugations.

    Verbs of the first conjugation have the following endings: -u(-u), -et(-et), -eat(-eat), -ete(-ete), -eat(-eat).

    The second conjugation is characterized by the following endings: -u(-u), -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at(-yat).

    Knowledge of verb conjugation is necessary for the correct spelling of the letters "e" and "i" in unstressed endings.

    It is also important to note that in this topic there are exceptions that you need to know. So, to the second conjugation of verbs with unstressed personal endings belong:

    • verbs that end in -it. The exception is: shave, lay, build;
    • seven verbs ending in -et: depend, offend, endure, twirl, see, look, hate;
    • this includes four verbs that end in -at: hold, drive, breathe, hear.

    The verbs of the first conjugation include the rest of the words (verbs) that end in -at, -yt, -et, -yat, -ut, -ot.

    Now the main task is to determine which conjugation a particular verb belongs to and which vowel should be written in the word. To find out, you need to determine where the stress falls in the word. This is very simple to do, because if the stress is on the end of the word, then, as a rule, there is no doubt. Because if the ending is stressed, then the conjugation is easily determined by the personal ending of the verb. But if the emphasis is not on the end of a definite verb, then it is necessary to put the verb directly into the indefinite form, and then see which vowel comes before -t.

    What is a sacrament?

    The participle is often called a special form of the verb, acting as a sign of the subject. And also the participle answers the same questions as the adjective. However, sometimes one can also come across the assertion that the participle does not act as a special form of the verb, but is directly an independent part of speech. But it's not that important. It is important to know the rules for writing participles and their features. Participles are of two types - perfect and imperfect, and are also used in the present and past tenses. Most often in sentences they act as a definition, in more rare cases they can occur as a predicate.

    The topic of participles and verbs in the Russian language is given quite a lot of attention, because mastering the spelling of personal endings of verbs and participle suffixes is a guarantee of language proficiency at a fairly high level.

    Common mistakes in the use of participles

    Participles are a particularly incomprehensible topic for foreigners in Russian, because they are not present in all languages. That is why Russian language learners are often confused about this topic. The main reason for errors is a misunderstanding of the very structure and nature of the origin of the sacrament.

    The most common mistakes in participles are expressed in the incorrect use of the form, its incorrect formation. It is also a mistake to replace the verb with a participle.

    Participles and their suffixes

    The spelling of personal endings of verbs and participle suffixes is considered one of the most difficult topics in the Russian language. Because very often there are errors in this category of rules.

    As for participles, they have such features as: aspect (perfect and imperfect), past and present tense, active and passive voice and reflexibility.

    So, -usch, -yusch are participle suffixes indicating the first conjugation of the verb from which they were formed.

    And the participle suffixes -ash, -ash indicate that the verb from which this word form was formed belonged to the second conjugation.

    Active pledge of participles

    Participles are used extremely often in Russian speech and writing. After all, they make the sentence much softer and simpler in sound, give it a more artistic look, which helps to make the speech smooth and beautiful.

    The active voice indicates the sign of a certain animate or inanimate object that independently performs an action. For example: "a girl who loves her mother."

    But in order to correctly formulate sentences using participles, it is necessary to know the suffixes of present participles. So, the suffixes of the present tense include: -usch, -yushch, -ashch, -yashch. For example: singing, blooming, standing, loving.

    There is also the use of the active voice in the past tense. Such participles are characterized by the following suffixes: -vsh, -sh. Example: "a boy reading his father's magazine" or "a father taking his daughter to the forest."

    Passive voice

    The participles of the passive voice contain a sign of a certain animate or inanimate object, to which the direct action is directed.

    Such participles in the present tense are formed by suffixes: -em, -om (for the 1st conjugation) and -im (for the 2nd conjugation). For example: loved, kept, read, revered, etc.

    As for the spelling rule for passive participle suffixes in the past tense, they are formed using suffixes such as: -n (n) - from verbs ending in -at, -yat, -et; -en (n) - is formed from words with the stem -it; -t - from verbs with stem ending -nut, -ot, -eret.

    There are a certain number of exceptions. For example, verbs such as: revenge, sew, beat, write, etc. - do not have passive participles in the present tense.

    In the past tense, such verbs: love, seek, take - passive participles, as a rule, are not formed.

    Suffixes of short participles

    It is important to note that participles in Russian have two forms. This is the full form of participles and short. As for the short form, such participles can only be in the passive voice. For example, adored - adored.

    In the present tense, short participles are almost never used. As a rule, they are replaced by a more simplified construction with a verb. There is an opinion that short participles in the present tense do not exist in modern Russian. They were willingly replaced by participles.

    Short participles have the same functions as the adjective. They don't change at all. Short participles change by number, and if such a participle is in the plural, then they change by gender.

    As for the suffixes of the participles of the short form, they include: -n and -en. For example, burned - burned, applied - applied, etc.

    In conclusion, it must be said that the correct use of participles in oral and written speech indicates a decent level of knowledge of the Russian language. And with the help of them you can decorate your speech. Therefore, the spelling of personal endings of verbs and participle suffixes is a necessary topic for study in Russian. Because verbs and participles play a huge role and are used very often.

    In order to get around the "pitfalls", prepare for task 11 step by step. Just three steps will guarantee you from mistakes.

    Step 1. Choice of vowels in unstressed verb endings.

    Personal verb endings

    In the personal endings of present and future tense verbs

    • in the endings of the verbs of the 1st conjugation write vowels e, y (u): you have, It has, we have, you have, have
    • in the endings of verbs of the 2nd conjugation - and, a (i): look, look, look, look, look

    So, for the correct spelling of vowels in unstressed endings, you need to be able to accurately determine the conjugation of the verb!


    1. The 2nd conjugation includes verbs:

        with suffix -And based on indefinite form: be in love
        Shave, lay - verbs of the 1st conjugation: shave, shave, shave, shave and their derivatives: lay down, cover, re-lay and others.

        7 exception verbs with suffix -e based on an indefinite form.
        Remember them: endure, twirl, offend, depend on, hate, And see, And look and their derivatives
        For example: look, inspect, look out, see through, see enough, stare and others.

      • 4 verbs with suffix - A.

        Remember them: drive, hold, hear, breathe and their derivatives: drive away, catch up, expel, drive out and others.

    2. The 1st conjugation includes other verbs with unstressed endings: play, draw, pull, throw and others.


    Verbs want to run And honor special. Them and all derivatives of them, for example: run, run, run, run, run etc., refer to dissonant verbs. The peculiarity of the verbs of this group is that in some forms these verbs have endings of the 1st conjugation, and in others - of the 2nd. Let's conjugate these verbs:

    Want - I want, you want, you want, you want, you want, you want (in the singular of the end of the 1st question, in the plural - the 2nd).

    Run - run, run, run, run, run, run (in all forms, except for 3 l. pl., the end of the 1st ref., in the 3rd l. pl. - the end of the 2nd ref. .)

    Honor - honor, honor, honor, honor, honor, honor (in all forms, except for 3 l. pl., the end of the 1st ref., in the 3rd l. pl. - the end of the 2nd ref. .)

    Only on the verb want in the form of a unit endings in an unstressed position.


    Verbs There is And give and derivatives from them do not belong to any conjugation. They have special sets of endings. For more on this, see: They do not present problems for the USE task, since their endings are under stress.

    Step 2. Choice of vowels in present participle suffixes.

    Present participle suffixes

    Participles can be different: active and passive, present and past tense.
    The realization that the present participles are formed from the stem of the present tense verb, and the past participles from the stem of the indefinite form of the verb, will help to avoid mistakes in their spelling. Therefore, when choosing suffixes for present participles, determine the conjugation of the verb. This will help you choose the right suffix. And for the unmistakable writing of past participles, it is important to know the suffix at the base of the indefinite form of the verb.

    1. Suffixes -yushch (-yushch), - ashch (-yashch) in the real participles of the present tense: knowing, loving

    Determine the conjugation of the verb.

    In participles formed

    • from verbs of the 1st conjugation, write the suffix -usch (-yusch): knowing, reading.
    • from verbs of the 2nd conjugation - -ash (-ash): loving, seeing

    Pay attention:
    The real participles of the present tense are formed from the stems of the present tense verbs:

    zna no, zna ut- 1st conjugation, base zna + suffix -yush →znaing,
    love it, love yat - 2nd conjugation, base love+ suffix -box loving.

    2. Suffixes - eat (-om), -im in the present passive participles: lifting eat oh, view them th

    Determine the conjugation of the verb.

    In participles formed from verbs

    • 1st conjugation, write the suffix -em -om: lifted, led,
    • 2nd conjugation - -im: favorite, visible

    Pay attention:
    Passive present participles are formed from the stems of present transitive verbs:

    lifting no, lifting ut- 1st conjugation, stem lifting + suffix -em lifted,
    love it, love yat - 2nd conjugation, base love + suffix - -im → Darling.

    Step 3. Choice of vowels in past participle suffixes.

    Past participle suffixes

    1. Vowels before suffixes - wsh, -sh in the real participles of the past tense: seen, heard, walked

    In real past participles before suffixes -vsh, -sh write the same vowel that is written in the base of the indefinite form of the verb: view e former ← view e uh, listen A former ←hear A th.

    2. Distinguishing vowels of the suffix of the verb stem -and I) before the suffix nn and suffix - enn in the passive past participles: lost, seen

    Identify the final vowel in the base of the indefinite form of the verb.

    If passive participles are formed from the stem of the indefinite form of verbs

    • with the suffix -а- -я-, before the participle suffix -nn- write letters and I): lost ← lose,
    • with suffixes -i- or -e- , in the suffix -enn- write the letter e:filled ← fill.

    Complete tasks

    Task from the demo version of FIPI 2015:

    Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

    • disbanded ...
    • look ... look
    • broken... broken
    • washing ... my


    1. Put the verbs in the personal form into the indefinite form: stare ... look - stare.

    2. Define the conjugation: stare - verb 2 sp. This is a derived verb from the verb look, so this is an exception.

    3. Knowing the conjugation, determine unstressed vowels in personal form: view And sewing. The letter I is missing.

    4. Define the vowels in the participle suffixes: transformed, debauched, broken and washed.

    1), suffer. incl. present vr., therefore, it is necessary: ​​to know the conjugation of the verbs from which they are formed: from convert(1st question), washing ... my- from wash(1st question), write a vowel e:transformed, washed.

    2) loose ... broken, broken ...- suffer. incl. past vr., therefore, it is necessary to know the indefinite form of the verb from which it is formed, and the suffix of this form: dissolute... from dissolve, break ... ny - from break. Since in the passive past participles formed from the indefinite form of the verb with the suffix And, spelled suffix enn, That write a vowel e: disintegrated, broken.

    5. Compare all the data received and draw a conclusion: the correct answer was found correctly.

    1. Personal endings of verbs;
    2. Soft sign in verb forms;
    3. Suffixes of verbs;
    4. Spelling of endings and suffixes of participles;

    Verbs of the first conjugation in the present tense in the first person singular have the ending -у, -ю;
    In the second person singular -eat, -eti; in the third person singular

    You go, eat; goes, sings.
    Let's go, let's eat; go, sing go sing;

    verbs of the second conjugation have the letter I in personal endings, and in the 3rd person plural AT and YAT.
    I hurry, I stand; you hurry, you stand; hurry And t, one hundred And T;

    If the verb has an unstressed ending, then its conjugation is determined by the infinitive. The verbs of II conjugation include verbs on IT, except for Shave, lay. all other verbs belong to 1 conjugation.

    Verbs with the prefix YOU have an accent on the prefix, but belong to the same conjugation as the non-prefixed ones.
    For example Pour - pour - pour (1 ref.)

    Transitive verbs with the prefix OBES are conjugated according to the 2nd conjugation.
    To debilitate (someone).
    You will debilitate him.

    In contrast, intransitive verbs have the endings of the first conjugation.
    Exhaust (oneself).

    It is necessary to distinguish between similar-sounding endings of the future tense - ETE and the imperative mood ITU: Exit - exit; choose - choose.

    Verbs with a common stem but different types may not match in conjugation.

    For example: offer.

    The letter b is written in the indefinite form of the verb (bathe-bathe; take care-beware).
    At the end of the second number of the singular of the present and future tenses.
    Wash - wash.

    In the indefinite form and in the past tense, the suffixes OVA EVA are written, If in the first person singular. numbers of the present and future tense, the verb ends in UYu and YuYu. I preach.

    If in the first person singular numbers, the verb ends in unstressed YVAYU and IVAYU, then in an indefinite form and past. times the same suffix is ​​retained.
    Report - reported.

    Spelling of endings and suffixes of participles - independent.

    Spelling participle suffixes

    1. In real participles of the present tense, suffixes are written:

    a) -usch-, -yushch-, if the participle is formed from the verb I of the conjugation, for example: going (go, go), drawing (draw, draw), laughing (laugh, laugh);

    b) -ash-, -yash-, if the participle is formed from the verb of the II conjugation, for example: screaming (shouting, shouting), flying (flying, flying), building (building, building).

    2. In passive participles of the present tense, suffixes are written:

    a) -eat-, if the participle is formed from the verb I of the conjugation, for example: performed (perform, perform), drawn (draw, draw);

    b) -im-, if the participle is formed from the verb of the II conjugation, for example: stored (keep, store), audible (hear, hear).

    Note. In book speech, a few passive present participles with the suffix -om- are used, formed from verbs of the first conjugation, for example: lead - lead - led.

    3. In the passive past participles, a or I is written before nn, if in the indefinite form of the verb before -t there is a or I, for example: detain - detained, shell - shelled. If in the indefinite form of the verb before -тъ stands and or e, in the passive past participles before nn is written e, for example: view - viewed, shoot - shot.

    Spelling endings

    The ending -E is written in the nouns of the 1st declension in the prepositional and obtrusive cases and in the nouns of the 2nd declension in the prepositional case (except for nouns in -i, -i, -i and -ya).
    The ending -И (-Ы) is written for nouns of the 1st declension in the generative case; for nouns of the 3rd declension, as well as for nouns with -ij, -ie, -ia and -me in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases.

    After hissing and C in the endings of nouns and adjectives, O is written under stress, E without stress.

    In the endings of nouns and adjectives, the letter Y is written after C.

    In the genitive, dative and prepositional cases of numerals from 11 to 19, the letter I is written in the endings.

    To find out which letter is written in the unstressed personal ending of a verb, you need to determine its conjugation in an indefinite form.
    The 2nd conjugation includes verbs with an unstressed personal ending in -it (except for shaving, laying);
    - seven verbs in -et: offend, endure, depend, twirl, see, look, hate;
    - four verbs in -at: hear, drive, breathe, hold.
    All other verbs with unstressed personal endings belong to the 1st conjugation.
    For verbs of the 1st conjugation, the letters E, U, Yu are written in personal endings; for verbs of the 2nd conjugation - I, A, Ya.
    Note. Verbs with prefixes belong to the same conjugation as the non-prefixed ones from which they are derived.

    DZ: use of punctuation marks.

    2 responses for CT.

    Photo in the phone (10 pages) - the first assessment;
    4 pages photos 2 topic.

    Spelling of personal endings of verbs and suffixes of present participles.


    ENN A-HH
    hung-enn-th (from the verb to hang up = close with a curtain) zavesh-ann-th (from the verb to hang up = hang on the whole space)
    hung-enn-th (from the verb hang = hang, put on smth.) hang-a-nn-th (from the verb hang = hang in large numbers)
    weighted-enn-th (weighted = cheat when buying) hang-a-nn-th (hang = hang on all sides, everywhere)
    hung (hang out = goods divided into parts by weight) hang-a-nn-th (hang up = hang in different places)
    overhanging (hanging = lowering down) hang-a-nn-th (hang = determine weight)
    (for-, re-, po-, s-) mesh-enn-th (from prefixed formations of the verb knead = knead, mixing) (for-, re-, on-, s-) mesh-a-nn-th (from prefixed formations of the verb to interfere = turn over, shake in a circular motion with the help of something)
    (you-, for-, at-, pro-) shot-enn-th (from shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot) (on-, about-, from-, re-, at-, shot-) shot-i-nn-th (from shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot = adjust aiming)
    rolled out (roll out) deflate-a-nn-th (deflate)

    Action algorithm.

    1. Determine the tense of the participle or verb.

    2. Put in the initial form.

    3. If the time is present or future, remember the conjugation and insert a vowel.

    4. If the tense is past, then insert the vowel that comes before -ТЬ in the infinitive.

    Parsing the task.

    In which row in both words is the letter Y (Y) written at the place of the gap?

    1) smart people don't brag about .. fighting with the wind

    2) full of .. healthy, brothers ..t firewood

    3) spreading .. fields to the horizon, they are offended ..

    4) they hate everyone ..t, re .. the banner

    In all variants, verbs and participles refer to the present tense, which means that it is necessary to determine the conjugation by putting or forming the infinitive.

    Option number 1.

    Don't brag..- brag, the verb in -IT, does not apply to exceptions, the second conjugation, insert - I.Struggling- fight, first conjugation, insert - YU.

    Option number 2.

    Lush..- puff, first conjugation, U.Qty..t – prick, first conjugation, YU.

    Option number 3.

    Spreading out- spread out, first conjugation, YU.Resentment .. tsya - offend, exception, second conjugation, I.