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    Pewter is an exception.  Login.  Lexical meaning: definition

    The topic of the Russian language "Spelling "n" and "nn" in adjectives" is familiar to every student. However, after graduating from a general education institution, many people begin to forget the simplest rules and make a large number of mistakes when creating any text. In this regard, we decided to remind you of the cases in which the suffixes "n" and "nn" are written in adjectives. Also, some exceptions to the existing rules will be presented to your attention. They should be remembered.

    Part of speech definition

    They call the significant, which denotes a non-procedural feature of the subject, and also acts in the sentence as a definition or nominal part of the predicate and answers the following questions: “what?”, “what?”, “what?”, And also “whose?” and what?".

    general information

    "The spelling of 'n' and 'nn' in adjectives" is a very important topic in Russian. Indeed, without knowledge of such simple rules, it is quite difficult to compose a competent text or even a letter.

    It should be especially noted that adjectives can be formed both from nouns and from verbs. Knowing these basics will allow you to better understand how many letters "n" you need to write in a particular case.

    Spelling "n" and "nn" in adjectives derived from nouns

    So, let's figure it out together, in what cases should you put -nn-:

    Which adjectives that are derived from nouns use "n"?

    Now you know in what cases the suffixes -nn- are written in adjectives (-onn-, -enn-, etc.), if they are formed from nouns. However, this is not enough for a competent drafting of the text. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the spelling rules for the suffixes -in-, -yan- and -an-:

    1. In adjectives that are derived from nouns using the above suffixes, only 1 letter "n" is always written. Let's give an example: leather (leather), sparrow (sparrow), clay (clay), pigeon (dove), waxed (wax), crane (crane), wood (firewood), nightingale (nightingale), etc. However, all rules have your exceptions. In this case, these are the words "glass", "wood" and "tin". 2 letters "nn" are written in them, and they should be remembered.
    2. In the names of adjectives that are formed without the use of any suffixes. Let's take an example: green (green). It is also necessary to remember the following words: spicy, ruddy, pig, young and united.

    How many letters "n" are written in the names of adjectives that are derived from adjectives?

    2 letters "n" are written if adjectives are formed from adjectives by adding the suffix -enn-, which indicates a large measure of any feature. Let's give an example: hefty, tall or wide.

    Important notes regarding the rules described

    The spelling "n" and "nn" in adjectives has the following features:

    Spelling "nn" in adjectives and participles derived from verbs

    So, 2 letters "n" should be written if:

    1. Adjectives are formed from verbs with prefixes. Moreover, the prefix non-almost never affects the spelling of "n" or "nn". Thus, in the adjective with, one should not write the same number of letters “n” as in the adjective without this prefix. Let's give an example: (connected, beveled, built).
    2. If there are suffixes such as -eva- or -ova-. Here is an example: an organized excursion, uprooted forest, etc.). Exceptions are the following words: chewed And forged. In this case, ov- and ev- are included in the root, and are not suffixes.
    3. If the sentence contains any dependent word (for example, woven from twigs).
    4. If the adjective is formed from a verb that has a perfect form (for example, solved). The exception is the word "wounded".

    Spelling "n" in adjectives derived from verbs

    One letter "n" is written in adjectives that are derived from verbs without the use of prefixes. Let's give an example: uncut, knitted. Exceptions are the following words: sacred, slow, unprecedented, unexpected, desired, unheard of, unexpected and unexpected.

    Letters "n", "nn" in short adjectives

    In addition to the full names of adjectives, there are also short forms in Russian. To understand how "n" and "nn" are written in short adjectives, you should remember the rules about full ones. After all, they are the same for both forms.

    Here's an example:

    Important notes on the material covered

    To finally figure out how to write adjectives (with "n" or "nn"), you need to consider the following features:

    1. Usually the suffixes -yang- and -an- give the meaning "intended for something" or "made from a certain material." For example: wood, clothes; sandy, clay.

    2. In order to correctly compose a text, one should distinguish between adjectives whose spelling is related to their meaning.

    Windy, that is, "with the wind" (windy weather). Windmill, that is, “driven by the power of the wind” (wind pump). In the phrase "chicken pox" the adjective is written 1 letter "n". This is due to the fact that this word comes from "windmill".

    Buttered, that is, “soaked in oil” (buttered porridge). Oily, that is, "flattering" (oily voice). Butter, that is, “diluted in butter” (butter cookies).

    Silver, that is, "subjected to silvering" (silver device). Silver, that is, "made of silver" (silver bottle).

    Salty, that is, "containing salt" (salted fish). Salt, that is, "consisting of salt" (salt pillar).

    So, first you need to determine from which part of speech the adjective is formed, since it can be a denominative adjective, that is, formed on behalf of a noun, and a verbal one - formed from a verb.

    Rule I. H-HH in adjective suffixes formed from nouns

    1. One letter n is written:

    • an, yang, in:skin - leather en th, clay - clay yang oh, nightingale - nightingale in th; exception: in words trees yann th, tin yann oh, glass yann th two letters n are written;
    • in primitive adjectives, or native adjectives: scarlet n oh, go n th, green n oh, beautiful n oh, swi n oh si n oy, straight n oh, blush n oh, yu n th. In given adjectives letters n included in the root.

    2. Two letters n are written:

    • in adjectives formed from nouns with a base on n And me with a suffix n: seed - seed n oh lemon lemon n th.

    In adjective seed n Ouch two suffixes - en And n so there are two letters in the word n. In a word lemon n th one letter n will refer to the root, and the second n- to the suffix, so two letters will also be written in it n.

    Note: adjective nameless formed from a noun Name, combined only with the word finger (bezim yann th finger); with other words, for example, station, height, hero, etc., the adjective nameless is used (bezim yonn th height);

    • in adjectives formed from nouns using suffixes onn-enn: celebration - celebrations enn th, lecture - lectures he N th; exception: in a word wind en th write one letter n, but two letters will be written in prefixed formations n: without wind enn th, about wind enn th, about wind enn th, etc.

    Rule II. Н-НН in adjective suffixes formed from verbs

      One letter n is written:

      • in adjective suffixes formed from imperfective verbs: smoke - kopch en th sausage, sluggish - sluggish en th fish; exception: in words affairs nn oh, wish nn oh, gem nn oh, slow enn oh, invisible nn oh, ugly nn oh, awesome n oh, bad luck nn oh, unheard nn ouch, nechaya nn oh, holy enn th, chwa nn oh, check nn th spelled two n, despite the fact that these words are formed from imperfective verbs, as well as in words landing en th(father or mother) name n th(brother or sister), smart en th.

      The verb asks a question: smoke(what to do?) - an imperfective verb, so the formed verbal adjective will be written with one n -kopch en ah sausage.

    Two letters n is written:

    • in adjective suffixes formed from perfective verbs: say - say nn oh word, buy - purchase enn th tickets; exception: in a word run en th write one letter n, in prefixed formations - two: from run enn th, By run enn th.

    From the verb, the question is asked: to say (what to do?) - a perfective verb, so the formed verbal adjective will be written with two n -skaz nn oh word;

    • in suffixes ovan-evn full and short forms of adjectives formed from verbs: excite - excite nn th actress, actress excited nn a, organize - organize nn students, students of the organization nn s ; exception: in words chewing n oh, cool n oh, cova n th write one letter n, So ova-eva are part of the root, and are not part of the suffixes ovan-evn, but two letters will be written in prefixed formations n: about chewing nn th , is biting nn th, under kova nn th.

    1. With one letter n are written:

    1). Adjectives with a non-derivative stem: red, young, blue. There is no suffix in these adjectives. The letter n is part of the root.

    2). Derivative adjectives with the suffix -n: winter (from: winter), summer (from: summer).

    3). Denominative adjectives with suffixes -an, -yan: sandy, silver (adj. with the meaning "name of material, substance"), and -in: mouse, sparrow (adj. with the meaning "belonging").


    wood, pewter, glass write with two letters nn.

    4). Verbal adjectives, if there is no prefix and explanatory word: fried meat.


    Write with two letters nn words from the list:
    given, swaggered, abandoned, desired, bought, seen, done, coy, captivated, deprived, sacred, read, desperate, minted, cursed, unheard of, unseen, unintentional, unguessed

    Do not confuse!

    The exclusion list does not include words uninvited, uninvited, named, which are consistent with the data above. Write them according to the rule: unsolicited advice, uninvited guest,sworn brother.

    5). Short adjectives in the masculine singular form: advice is valuable - (m.p.), as well as short adjectives in all other forms, if they are formed from full adjectives with one letter n: red girl (from the full form with one letter n: red), the sun is red, the girls are red.

    7). Adverbs in -o and -e formed from single-letter adjectives n: windy, neat.

    2. With two letters nn are written:

    1). Definitive adjectives with the suffix -н, if the root of the noun ends in a letter n: autumn, spring, sleepy.

    2). Derivative adjectives with suffixes -enn, -onn: literal, portioned.


    windy man, windmill, chicken pox, But windless day,lee side.

    3). Verbal adjectives with the suffix -nn: uprooted area, defective thing.
    Figure out how the word is formed: defective ← reject + nn.
    Write the suffix -nn in verbal adjectives formed from the generative stem with suffixes: -eva//-ova, -eva: uprooted←uproot, formed←form.

    It's easier to remember like this: adjectives in yeva + nn + yy, ova + nn + yy, eva + nn + yy.

    4). Exception adjectives:

    Exception: wood, tin, glass write with two letters - nn .
    Exception: the, swaggering, abandoned, desired, bought, seen, made, cutesy, captive, deprived, sacred, read, desperate, chased, cursed, unheard of, unprecedented, inadvertent, unexpected(see paragraph 5).

    5). Passive past participles, if there are prefixes or explanatory words: a written essay, mittens knitted (by whom?) by grandmother, as well as participles and verbal adjectives formed from perfective verbs without prefixes: bought, abandoned, given (the latter are included in the list of words for memorization in paragraph 5 along with other examples).

    6). Short adjectives formed from the full form with two letters nn(except for the m.s. singular form, in which there is always one letter n): the night is moonless, advice is valuable.

    7). Adverbs in -o and -e formed from two-letter adjectives nn: sincerely, deliberately, calmly.

    When studying spelling rules in the Russian language lessons, we often come across exceptions to the rules that we memorize automatically, without thinking about the nature of their origin. And teachers do not explain this phenomenon of Russian spelling, but simply offer it as a fact. I was also interested in the reasons for the emergence of exception words in Russian orthography. It seems that this material can be used by literature teachers in Russian language lessons, since knowledge of historical processes in the development of the language is necessary for more successful learning.

    I offer a small historical commentary, which I managed to find in various scientific works.

    1. Spelling: and, a, y after hissing.

    A striking example of historical spelling in Russian is the letterAnd after consonants w, w. We are speaking zhy, shy, but we write zhi, shi, because this is how these combinations were pronounced at the dawn of our writing, when consonantsw, w were soft. And just three words:jury, brochure, parachute, following the transliteration principle, they are written throughYu. The spelling of these words reflects both French pronunciation and spelling:jury - jury, brochure - brochure, parachute - parachute. If these words were still in the Old Russian language, then their spelling would fully and completely reflect the traditional principle of Russian spelling, sincew, w were soft. But these words came to us in the 19th century, whenw, w already hardened, and became exceptions to the rule.

    2. Spelling: letters oh - yo after hissing words at the root.

    Recall that in school textbooks this rule sounds like this: “At the root, after hissing under stress, it is written ё, not o. Exception words: rustle, gooseberry, seam, hood, etc. "But if you follow the mechanism of this rule, you will be convinced that the letter e - e is written when the stress in the word on this syllable is not constant and when new words are formed switches to another syllable: chewed - chew, wives - wife, bangs - forehead, etc. And in such words as rustle, seam, clink glasses, glutton, gluttonous, the root syllable, with all changes in the word, remains stressed and does not alternate with ё. (By the way, such scientists as K.I. Bylinsky, D.E. Rosenthal and others speak about this.)

    Shouldn't the wording of this rule in school textbooks be changed: “At the root, after the hissing ones, it is written ё, when the stress on the root is not constant; and it is written about, if the root remains stressed with all changes in the word "? Then students will not need to memorize a huge number of words that fell into the category of exceptions.

    But what to do with such words as driver, highway, chocolate, juggler, etc., which for some reason are also considered by compilers of school textbooks in this rule?

    They are all foreign-language and are written in accordance with the transliteration principle, falling into the category of dictionary words.

    And yet, I would like to separately talk about three more words, since their etymology is of particular interest: gooseberry, thicket, slum.

    Gooseberry. Etymologically, this word has two suffixes: -ov-, -nick-. In modern Russian, where the word kryzh has gone into a passive reserve, the root has grown together with the suffix -ov-. This makes memorize this word as an exception, while it consistently adheres to the rule of writing o - ё in suffixes after hissing.

    Slum. The word is also formed with the help of the suffix -ob- from an unpreserved slum - "brushwood, crackling". This means that the rule “O - e in suffixes after hissing” applies here too.

    The word thicket, formed from the well-known word thicket, obeys the same principle. It has a thicket root and a suffix -ob-.

    Of course, in modern Russian we do not correlate the words slum and crack, gooseberry and kryzh, and, perhaps, a simplification has occurred here. But by the word thicket, we still select a single-rooted thicket. Is it appropriate then to apply the rule “Letters o - e after words hissing at the root” here?

    3. Spelling: letters and - s after c.

    The spelling of letters and - s after ц developed spontaneously, but subsequently these spellings were attached to certain morphemes. Writing qi at the root is a historical phenomenon. Words with such a combination of letters are usually foreign. After c, it is also written in accordance with the soft or semi-soft pronunciation of those sounds that are transmitted in Russian by the letter c, for example: civilization from lat. civilis, quote - lat. citatum. In Russian, the letter ts conveys a solid sound, after which only [s] can be pronounced, but not [i]. Since the vast majority of borrowed words with qi at the root, Russian words with tsy at the root (gypsies, on tiptoe, chick, tsyknut, tsyts) were included in the exceptions.

    Paradox! But in Russian orthography, Russian words proper became exceptions.

    4. Spelling: letters e - and in the personal endings of verbs.

    In Old Russian, verbs were divided into 4 thematic classes. The verbs of the fourth class included verbs with a zero suffix in the stem of the present tense and with the suffix -i- in the infinitive, as well as with a stem on yat () in the infinitive, and after hissing and yot on -a. The fourth class of thematic verbs belonged to the second conjugation !

    For example:

    offend-ti - offend;

    vid-ti - you see;

    hear - hear.

    Thus, the verbs hear, see, hate, depend, endure, persecute, hold, breathe, offend, look, twirl were originally verbs of the second conjugation. And the modern wording of the rule "made" them exceptions.

    Lay. In modern Russian, there are two forms of this verb: lay (1st conjugation) and lay (2nd conjugation). But the present tense forms for both verbs in the literary language are usually used in common: stelesh, stelet, stele (that is, they change according to the first conjugation).

    We did not find any other grounds for this group of exceptions.

    5. Spelling: one and two letters n in adjectives.

    In the Russian language, morphological, word-formation and accentological changes have consistently occurred. But only in three words -glass, pewter, wood - these patterns intertwined and gave an amazing result.

    Initially, in the ancient period, all denominative adjectives were formed using suffixes-an- - -yan- , but at the same time received a different emphasis. And already from these suffixal adjectives, new forms could arise with an additional suffix-н- . According to this rule, the words were written like this:wood-yan-yn-ny, tin-yan-yn-ny. But due to the disappearance of the ultra-short soundb the stress moved to the previous syllable and fixed here, new words arosewooden, pewter.

    And the adjectiveglass, retaining the old stress on the suffix, at the same time left the “reinforcedn ” – and fell into the category of exceptions. This word, even receiving a suffix-н-, never transferred the stress to the root, because his root also consisted of an ultra-shortъ: stkln - the whole word consisted of only super-short vowels. After the loss of weak super-brief wordstkln gave shape glass, which is so difficult to pronounce that it has not been preserved in Russian.

    The origin of the word-exceptionwindy transparent. In the Old Russian language, it referred to verbal adjectives formed from an imperfective verb wind, and written with onen, and as soon as the prefix was ​​added(windless),the word was written with two letters -nn .

    today word windychanged to adjectives, but retained its old spelling.

    6. Spelling: soft sign in imperative verbs.

    In modern Russian, in the second person singular, the imperative mood can be of three types:

    a) with a final soft consonant:be, touch, drop;

    b) with a shock final-And: go, sing, cut;

    c) with a final th after a vowel: think, know, read.

    Thus, the forms of the imperative mood are formed from the pure stem of the present and future simple tenses, alternating between hard consonant and soft, and from the pure stem plus the suffix-And-.

    A form lie down became an exception due to its hard consonant at the end. In this case, the sound matter resists the graphic form. The set soft sign causes, when reading this form, the perception of a combination of signsgh . Meanwhile, soft posterior linguals, as a rule, cannot stand at the end of words: normally they are not used that way. In other words, the pronunciation norm of the Russian language "intervenes" here - and the word is pronounced in accordance with this norm.

    7. Spelling: o-e after hissing in adverbs.

    More.Few people know what the wordmore was originally an unstressed particle, in which, according to the rule, it was writtene. And only then this word acquired the meaning of “greater” and became an adverb. The spelling has been preserved.

    8. Spelling: soft sign after hissing in adverbs.

    Explain exceptionsalready, married, unbearable can be as follows: these adverbs are derived from the nounpersevere, husband,which belong to the second declension and are written without a soft sign.

    Another fact is interesting: the adverbwide open formed from a prepositiononand a noun of the second declensionstitch(obsolete) - “hook, pole”, however, this word was no exception and is written with a soft sign.

    9. Orthogram: suffix of passive participles of the present tense.

    Movable.This participle is derived from the old verbmove,related to the second conjugation, which means that the participle is written with the suffix-them-.

    10. Spelling: alternating roots.

    Why there were exceptions in this spelling - there is only fragmentary information about this.

    Plain.A plain is a horizontally flat place, that is, all its points are located on equal to distance from sea level.

    Canopy.In terms of meaning, this word is no longer associated with the rootlag - lies .

    Swim - swim.Linguistic flair intervened in writing. At one time, compound words appeared:floating crane, boats with two strokes. If they began to speak like that, then they began to write words with the rootmelt (swim, swimmer). So the new spelling was legalized.

    Unfortunately, the search on this topic stopped there, as no additional information could be found. But the collected material seems to me very useful.

    To work with spelling rules, we took the textbook by V.V. Babaitseva, L.D. Chesnokova Russian language. Theory”, textbooks for grades 5–9, authored by M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, as well as the textbook "Russian language" by D.E. Rosenthal for grades 10–11.

    Historical commentary on exceptions to spelling rules //
    "First of September. Russian language" - 2006. - No. 9.

    If there were twenty five tin soldiers in the world, all brothers, that was born from an old tin spoon. Towel on the shoulders, to marvel right in front of you, and the uniform is some kind of miracle - red and blue! The stench lay in the box, and if they took the lid, first, what the stench smelled, it was:
    — Oh, tin soldiers!
    Tse screaming little lad and splashing at the valley. They gave them to you on the day of the people's day, and immediately placed them on the table.
    All the soldiers appeared absolutely the same, and only one single letter of the troshka was not the same, like a moustache: the new bull had only one leg, the one that was left alone, and the tin did not stick out. Ale and on one foot of the veins standing so firmly, like a cross for two, and the axis with him is to traverse the miraculous story.

    Video: Fairy tales: Enchanted boy (Nils and geese)

    On the table, where the soldiers leaned back, there were a lot of other toys, and we ourselves commemorated the boogey palace from cardboard. A few short windows can be looked at right in the halls. In front of the palace, like a small looking-glass, it was as if a lake was imagining, trees stood, and wax swans swam on the lake and marveled at it.
    Everything was as nice as it could be, but the least was the girl who stood at the door of the castle. Vaughn was also woven with a paper, an ale bed on her bula with a thin cambric - over her shoulder there was a little knot of a black stitch, a scarf, and on her breasts there were sparkles no less than the head of the girl herself. The girl stood on one leg, stretching out her arms in front of her, - there she was a dancer, - and she lifted the other so high that the tin soldier didn’t bachiv її, but virishiv that she was one-legged, like wine.
    "From me to such a squad! - Thinking wine. - Only out, maybe, from the noble ones, live in the palace, but I have more than just a box, that and then there are twenty of us in this number twenty five soldiers, not a place Hey there! Ale, you can get to know!"
    I vіn prichaїvsya behind a snuffbox, yak stood right there on the table. Zvіdsi vіn vіdmіnno bachiv charіvnu dancіvnitsa.

    The funerals of all the other tin soldiers, one of them, were placed in a box, and the people went to sleep in a booth. And the toys themselves began to play - and on a visit, in a war, and in a ball. Tin soldiers thieves in the box - even if they wanted to grati - they could not lift the lid. The luskunchik was thrown over, the stylus was vibrating along the doshtsi. There was such a noise and din that the canary rushed over so as to whistle, and not just, but in verses! Only the tin soldier and the dancer did not destroy the mission. Vaughn, as before, stood on one shkarpettsі, stretching her arms forward, and vіn stood bravely on her single foot and did not raise her eyes.
    The axis struck twelve, i - click! - The lid of the snuffbox popped out, only a small black troll appeared in it, not a tyutyun. The snuffbox was a bula with a focus.
    “Tin soldier,” said the troll, “don’t wonder where you don’t need it!”
    Ale tin soldier boa constrictor, I don’t feel it.
    - Well, shave, the axis will rise early! Troll said.

    And it was early, the children got up, and the tin soldier was put on the podium. Raptom, by the grace of the troll, or else I’ll stretch it out, it’s like to be different, and the soldier is like to fly head down from the third on top! Tse buv zhahlivy watering. The soldier vzbros vlіst in poіtrya, vstroivsya with a helmet and a bagnet between the stones of the brukіvka, and so it got stuck upside down.
    The lad and the servant at the same time kicked the yogo, but they could not shake it, even though they hardly stepped on him with their feet. Shouting to them: "I'm here!" - Stink, singly, and you knew it would be better for a soldier to shout at the top of his lungs - even on a new uniform.
    Having hung the drops of the wood, the drops fell more and more often, and the spout of evil poured out. If I had vanished, two street cottonmen came.
    — Divi!

    How do you spell "glassy"?

    — Saying one. "He's a tin soldier!" Let's do yoga in swimming!
    And the stench smashed a boat out of a newspaper paper, put it in a new tin soldier, and poured wine into the gutter. The cotton boys ran in order and splashed in the valley. Fathers, like a wind, walked along the ditch, like a strimka was stretched out! More b pack, after such a piss off!

    The ship was tossed up and down and turned so that the tin soldier was all tremtiv, ale vin trimmed steadily - a towel on his shoulders, his head straight, his chest forward.
    With a raptom, the boat has pierced the river for a long time through the ditch. It became so dark that the little soldier ate again in the box.
    "Where are you taking me? - Thinking wine. - So, so, all the windings of the troll! Oh, just like that panyanka was sitting with me in the churn, if you want it to be darker, and that's nothing!"
    Then a great watery scour appeared, which lived under the mistki.
    - Passport? - Asked out. - Present your passport!
    Ale, a tin soldier, as if taking it into your mouth, typing and only a little more mіtsnіshe squeezing the towel. The ship carried everything forward and forward, and the patsyuk blew behind him backwards. Wu! How she gnashed her teeth, how she shouted plili nazustrich to friends and Solomina:
    - Trim yoga! Trim! Vin without paying the mit! Vin without a passport!

    The aloe stretched out stronger and stronger, and the tin soldier was already swaying in front of the light, like a raptom piercing such a noise that he would be grinning like a kind smiley. Let me tell you, at the end of the city, a drainage ditch flowed into the great canal. For a soldier, it was so unsafe, like for us to rush in a churn to a great waterfall.
    The axis of the canal is already close, it is impossible to zupinitis. The ship was carried by the s-pіd mіstka, the bіdolaha trimmed, like only a moment, and navit with an eye without blinking. The ship turned three times, smashed it, filled it with water to the brim, and became sinking.
    The soldier leaned up to the neck at the water, and the boat got more and more bogged down, the papyrus grew wet. The axis of the water covered the soldier's head, and then he thought about the charming little dancer - don't shake it anymore. Wuhah at the new one sounded:
    Forward pragni, warrior,
    You need death!

    Here the papyrus rose somewhat, and the soldier went down to the bottom, and then a great riba wove into the same plumage.
    Oh, how dark it was in the middle, even hotter, lower under the city through the drainage ditch, and even more closely to supplement! Ale, the tin soldier did not lose her masculinity and lay stretched out on the floor, not letting go of the towels from the hands ...
    The fish came in with stakes, began to vibrate marvelous jumps themselves. She froze with a raptom, as if a bliskavka hit her. Light shone, and someone shouted: "Tin soldier!" It appears that they fished the fish, brought it to the market, sold it, brought it to the kitchen, and the cook ripped it open with a great knife. Then the cook took the soldier with two fingers across and brought it into the room. Everyone wanted to marvel at such a wonderful man - more b pack, win more expensively in the ribeye! Ale tin soldier was not proud of anything. Yogo was put on the table, and such only miracles do not happen in the world! “While showing up in the same room, having wobbly the same children, the same toys stood on the table, that miraculous palace with a charming little dancer. Vaughn, as before, stood on one foot, raising her high, - there was also a stalk. Soldier buv zvorusheny і little without crying tin tears, but it would be bad. Win marveling at her, over there at the new one, but they didn’t say a single word to one.

    Raptome one of the little ones, having grabbed a tin soldier and chewed it into a coarse, though the soldier did not blame anything. Tse, obviously, a troll troll, who is sitting in a snuffbox.
    The tin soldier standing in the half-light, hoofing the stingy heat, or else fire or love - not knowing wine. Farba z new zovsim zіyshla, no one could tell why - it’s more expensive or it’s grief. Winning marveling at the little dancer, out at the new one, and wondering what the dancer, ale, and earlier trembling steadily, not letting go of the towels. The doors to the room opened at once, the dancer blew up in the wind, and there, like a Sylph, fluttered right into the pichka to the tin soldier, blew it away at once - and mute її. And the tin soldier, having opened his chest, and in the early morning, resting, digging up the ashes, the deputy of the soldier, the olive, knew the heart. And in the dancer's room, one more bliss was left, and the bula was burned and black, mute vugillya.

    Turn to the head side

    Lexical meaning: definition

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    Due to its neutrality, the gray color in clothes goes well with other colors, and therefore it is very much in demand by fashion designers. This color is not as defiant as white, nor is it as gloomy as black. It emphasizes softness and intelligence.

    Gray color and its meaning

    Gray does not exist by itself. It is an intermediate tone between black and white. By itself, it does not have any emotional impact, but it is an excellent background for other, more saturated shades.

    The semantics of gray are mostly negative. If they want to say about someone that he is uninteresting, boring, insipid, then they use the expression "gray mouse". Dullness is called limited stupid people. During a period of depression, a person’s production of hormones of joy is disrupted, and he sees the world around him in gray tones. This is the color of the poor, the color of the air saturated with cigarette smoke in poor neighborhoods, the color of the ashes of a burnt house. Antipathy to the gray color is also manifested in Slavic mythology. Gray wolf, gray-winged eagle - many negative characters of fairy tales were gray. Many poets and writers described their melancholy in gray: "No one's betrayal hurts me, and the ease of victories does not please me - those golden hay turns into gray" (S. Yesenin).

    Along with the Renaissance, gray acquired a positive meaning.

    A13. Н-НН in suffixes of words of different parts of speech

    The famous artists Salviati and El Greco began to actively use gray colors in their paintings, thereby emphasizing the drama of the storyline. Soon their tradition was adopted by other masters.

    After the industrial revolution, gray became the number one color in the world due to its practicality and versatility. The customs of the 19th century demanded modesty and chastity from ladies, and the gray color, like no other, depersonalized a woman, made her asexual. But Coco Chanel was able to make this color iconic, using it in almost every of her collections. The famous "houndstooth" is an absolute harmony of black and white, which has become an alternative to the classic gray color.

    It is believed that gray color is chosen by people who seek to subconsciously isolate themselves from others. Gray suits are the most popular office wear without attracting too much attention. But as a background, the gray color is simply amazing! It harmonizes with absolutely all shades, and gives them additional brightness. Experiment with gray and you'll have an unlimited number of looks.

    What are the shades of gray and who suits them

    Probably, none of the colors known to mankind contains such a number of shades as gray. You can divide all gray shades into three groups: pure gray, bluish gray and beige gray.

    Pure gray shades belong to the cold color group. One of the most beautiful "icy" tones of gray scales is steel shade. It is universal, suitable for blondes, brunettes, and redheads, but tanned golden skin will be dissonant with a steely tint. But the white-faced summer blondes seem to be created for him, their beauty will become even brighter.

    Tin is a shade similar to steel having a bluish undertone. Unlike its steel counterpart, tin will emphasize a beautiful tan and shine of dark hair. This shade is more saturated than steel, it is suitable for jewelry with transparent stones in white and blue tones in a silver frame. Restrained and aristocratic, pewter color is ideal for business attire.

    Shade "storm cloud" is a rich deep grey. Like a real thundercloud, this color covers everything and does not leave other shades. It is as self-sufficient as black and white. It can be worn without any decorations, or it can be combined with other shades of gray. The shade "thundercloud" will look good on brunettes and brown-haired women, but for cold-type blondes it will be heavy. It is absolutely contraindicated for "warm" spring beauties.

    If you have ever rested at sea, then on bad weather days you could watch how clouds thicken over the water surface, and the surface becomes darker and darker, gradually merging with the color of the sky. A shade of "gray harbor" has a similar artistic gloom. He is an introvert, completely closed off from the outside world. If you need privacy, rigor and indifference, choose clothes in a shade "grey harbor". It will give thoughtfulness and mystery. Being in this color, no one will come up to meet you, but on the other hand, you will seem to your business partners as a serious and work-minded person.

    Shade "iron" very deep, almost black. It is democratic and easily combined with other colors. For the most part, it is used in winter, because it has a cold energy. In the clothes of the "iron" color, the girl will feel like a kind of "iron lady", because such a heavy shade practically deprives her of femininity and flair. It can be worn by blondes, brunettes, and redheads, but you should not expect that the shade of "iron" will give its owner lightness and spontaneity. This color requires a certain image, otherwise it will make you gloomy and depressing.

    Shade "wet asphalt" known to almost every car owner, however, the gray color of this shade is actively used in high fashion. Bags, jackets, boots, gloves of this shade look much softer than if they were made in black. The shade "wet asphalt" cannot be called background, but I can use it to place the necessary accents in clothes. It is better to use it in the cold season, because in summer and spring it will look heavy.

    "Wet Stone" conditionally belongs to the warm color scheme, because it has a brownish undertone. Clothing of this color will wonderfully emphasize the beauty of autumn and spring beauties, set off the golden tan of swarthy skin, and also make cold skin brighter. This is a beautiful and rare shade that looks aristocratic, but not boring, restrained and at the same time dynamic.

    Warm colors include shade "gray fox" which has a reddish undertone. It is ideal for red-haired girls of the autumn color type due to the grayish-brown tints. "Gray fox" will emphasize the golden sheen of hair, sandy skin tone and brownish freckles on the face. Playful and intriguing, the gray color of this shade does not have a strict formal semantic load, and it can be used both for everyday wear and for an evening wardrobe.

    Aluminum shade has a warm beige-pink undertone, which is in harmony with the beauty of "spring" and "autumn" girls. It is very elegant, looks good both as a background for brighter colors, and on its own. It is not suitable for girls with cold skin, because it will make their complexion grayish and unhealthy.

    smoking coal- This is an ash-gray shade, specially created for girls of a cold color type. It goes well with white, blue, silver, it is used as accessories (bags, sandals). "Summer" blondes will simply blossom in clothes of this shade. Winter beauties will also love the "smoking coal" shade, but warm spring beauties will look like "gray mice" in it.

    Shade "river pearl" rare and unusual, and has coffee notes in its composition. Monochrome suits and dresses in "river pearl" color are self-sufficient and elegant, and accessories are in harmony with almost any "warm" shade. It is good for any girl, fair-skinned and swarthy, blonde and brown-haired. A string of river pearls will complete the image.

    "Grey Pearl", unlike its "river pearl" cousin, a cool and clean shade that is perfectly compatible with the bluish-blue color scheme. It can be combined or used on its own. He is self-sufficient, bright and sparkling. Great choice for evening wear.

    Shade "gainsborough" got its unusual name from the name of an English renaissance portrait painter, who displayed the wigs popular at that time with accurate color reproduction using unusual gray paints. Such a beautiful and pure shade will be an ideal choice for girls of autumn and spring color types.

    dove color is a combination of blue and grey. It resembles the color of the wing of a common dove. The shade is cold, bright and very beautiful. It is easy to combine with blue and blue tones, it is combined with denim, but it shows itself best in evening dresses. Suitable for girls of winter color type.

    Zircon is the lightest shade of grey. It makes the image light and airy, suits platinum blondes of the summer color type and looks beautiful in evening dresses.

    Table of combinations of gray in clothes with other colors

    gray and white

    Classics, harmony, calm image contrast. Gray in such a tandem can be a good alternative to black.

    Gray and black

    This combination is rather gloomy, official. However, for a business style, this is the perfect combination.

    Gray and blue/cyan

    The combination of gray and blue is noble and bright at the same time. With a blue tint, gray will sparkle with bright colors, emphasizing the saturation, for example, of denim.

    Gray and yellow

    gray color greatly enhances the saturation of yellow, so you need to act on the principle of "deep gray + mustard" and "cool gray + lemon yellow"

    gray and pink

    Cold shades of gray are combined with pastel shades of pink, and the result is quite a delicate look.

    Gray and fuchsia

    Bright shades of fuchsia will be a brilliant accent on a silver-gray background. At the same time, a rich pink dress will be balanced with gray accessories.

    gray and red

    The drama of red is best emphasized by a calm gray tint. Deep red tones and gray accessories are also a great tandem.

    Gray and purple/lilac

    Deep shades of gray are best combined with purple hues, and light gray tones look harmonious with delicate purple hues.

    Gray and green

    The neon green hue against the gray background simply glows, and the muted emerald hues become softer and quieter.

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