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  • The religion of the Baptists is the foundation of the doctrine. Who are the Baptists? What is the difference between Baptists and Orthodox

    The religion of the Baptists is the foundation of the doctrine.  Who are the Baptists?  What is the difference between Baptists and Orthodox

    Some even ask how Baptists differ from Christians. Unfortunately, the atheistic propaganda of the Soviet Union left its mark on the hearts and minds of people, and very little attention is paid to issues of faith. Therefore, such questions arise. Who are the Baptists, and how do they differ from Christians ... It is ridiculous for any knowledgeable person to hear such questions. Because Baptists are Christians. Because a Christian is a person who believes in Christ, recognizes Him as God and the Son of God, and also believes in God the Father and the Holy Spirit. The Baptists have all this, and moreover, they share a common apostolic creed with the Orthodox, and the Baptist Bible is no different from the Orthodox Bible, because the same synodal translation is used. But there really are differences, otherwise they would not be called Baptists.

    The first difference between Baptists and Orthodox is in the very name of this branch of Christianity.

    Baptist - comes from the Greek baptizo, which means to baptize, immerse. And the Baptists, based on the Holy Scriptures, perform baptism only at a conscious age. Infant baptism is not performed. The basis for this Baptists take from the following texts of the Bible:

    “So now we also have a baptism similar to this image, not a washing of fleshly uncleanness,
    but the promise to God of a good conscience saves by the resurrection of Jesus Christ” - 1
    Pet. 3:21.

    “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Who will believe and
    be baptized, he will be saved” - Mr. 16:15-16; Acts. 2:38, 41, 22:16.

    Water baptism according to the Word of God is performed on those who believe in Jesus
    as his personal Savior and experienced the new birth. What is the new birth, you can read in the Gospel of John in the third chapter. But the bottom line is that a person must believe in God, and then be baptized. And not vice versa, as is done in Orthodoxy. Because Baptism, according to the Baptists, is not only a sacrament, but also a promise, which is also written in the Bible. Pet. 3:21. .

    “Here, water: what prevents me from being baptized?.. If you believe with all your heart, you can. He answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And ordered
    stop the chariot: and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch; and baptized him” - Acts. 8:36-38, 2:41, 8:12, 10:47, 18:8, 19:5.
    Baptism is performed by ministers through immersion in water in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    “Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” - Matt. 28:19.
    The baptism of the believer symbolizes his death, burial and resurrection with Christ.
    “Do you not know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him by baptism into death, so that, like Christ
    raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too can walk in newness of life. For if we are united to Him in the likeness of His death, then we must be united also
    likeness of the resurrection" - Rom. 6:3-5; Gal. 3:26-27; Qty. 2:11-12. When performing baptism, the minister asks questions to the person being baptized: “Do you believe
    that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? Do you promise to serve God with a good conscience?” - Acts. 8:37; 1 Pet. 3:21. After the affirmative answer of the person being baptized, he
    says, "According to your faith, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." The word “Amen” is pronounced by the person being baptized together with the minister.

    The second difference between Baptists and Orthodox. Icons and saints.

    If you have been to the Baptist Houses of Prayer, then you must have noticed that there are no icons there. The walls may be decorated with gospel paintings, but no one prays to them. Why?

    There has been a theological debate in this area for centuries. But the most reasonable argument of the Baptists is that the icons depict saints. Saints are not God, but people. People cannot be omnipresent like God, who fills the whole Earth with the Holy Spirit. And when a person turns to another righteous person who lived a righteous life and even worked miracles and let him be in paradise, then how does the prayer get to the saint? The God who is Omnipresent will pass it on to the saint, so that this saint, for example Nicholas the saint, then again passes it to God!? Not logical. But few people think about how prayer gets to the saint. Also, few people think about whether prayer to a saint is communication with the dead, which is prohibited in the Bible. The Orthodox respond to this by saying that with the Lord everyone is alive. Well, they are alive. and those who are alive in hell, and those who are alive in heaven. And then why did the Lord give the ban ?! It turns out that the Orthodox are violating God's prohibition. Such is the difference. Therefore, Baptists do not pray to the saints who are depicted on icons. Baptists pray only to one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and there is no sin in this, even from the point of view of the Orthodox.

    Difference Third Orthodox from Baptists.

    Baptists don't drink alcohol. There is no direct prohibition in their teaching on this. But such a tradition has developed in order to be different from the sinful world and not allow the possibility of sinning, Baptists preach the rejection of alcohol, smoking, drugs and other addictions. Everything is permissible for me, but nothing should possess me, said the Apostle Paul. And the Baptists in this respect are great.

    Fourth difference.

    Baptists do not bury the dead. And they believe that if a person died and did not repent, then only God decides his future fate. In Orthodoxy, in this regard, the mentality of the Russian people is very well displayed, where God can send even a sinful person to heaven if the priest prays. Baptists are prone to personal responsibility in their worldview and, again, based on the Holy Scriptures, the story of the thief on the cross and the story of the rich man and Lazarus, they conclude that God instantly decides the fate of the human soul and no funeral services will help if the person himself has not repented , then no amount of nepotism will work.

    The fifth difference between Baptists and Orthodox.


    Baptists are more inclined than Orthodox to establish close church ties and fellowship. Brothers communicate in fraternal communication, sisters in sisterly, youth in youth, children in children, and so on. Staying in fellowship is one of the traits of Baptists, which helps them to learn about each other's needs and help solve emerging everyday and spiritual problems in time. The Baptist Church is somewhat similar to an Orthodox monastery. Any believer in Christ who joins the Baptist church can join and become part of the community, find friends, serve God and support from brothers and sisters.

    The sixth difference is worship.

    For Baptists, worship, meaning Sunday worship, is held differently than for the Orthodox.

    Of course there is also prayer, singing and preaching. Only now the prayer to God is made in understandable Russian, and not in Old Slavonic. Singing is almost the same, maybe choral, maybe universal. But it can be solo or trio. And maybe during the divine service a poem is told or a testimony from life is told, how God works. Sermons are given special attention so that a person does not leave the church empty. Baptists do not make the sign of the cross, although they have nothing against it.

    The seventh difference between Orthodox and Baptists is the worship of relics.

    Baptists respect the dead righteous, but do not make objects of worship out of their remains, because they do not find examples of such worship in the Bible. Yes, they say, there is a case in the Bible when, at the time of Christ's death, a young man who died was resurrected from contact with the bones of the prophet. But Christ was resurrected 2000 years ago. And nowhere is there a commandment to worship the bones of dead people. But it is written that only God is worshiped and served. Therefore, Baptists refrain from such dubious practices, considering them to be remnants of paganism that entered the church from forcibly baptized forefathers.

    These are the main differences that immediately catch the eye, there are others, but they are less interesting to the common man. And if someone is interested, you can look at the website of the Baptists or the Orthodox.

    Who are the Baptists

    Who are the Baptists? Baptists are Protestant Christians. The name comes from the Greek word words“βάπτισμα”, which is baptism from βαπτίζω - “I immerse in water”, that is, “I baptize”. Literally Baptists are baptized people.

    Christianity is many-sided, as the people living on earth are many-sided. Only in the time of Jesus Christ there were no differences of opinion between people among his followers. Or rather, they were, but Jesus solved them with his word. Then it was time for Christ to leave the earthly world and ascend to the Father. But Jesus did not leave Christians alone and sent the Holy Spirit, who lives in the hearts of believers. For the first three centuries, Christianity held on. There was no baptism of children, there were no icons, there were no statues. Christianity was persecuted and not up to splendor was the poor, wounded church, which kept the faith and the Word of the Lord. Through the centuries, the church has carried the undistorted gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. God kept his word.

    How did the Baptists appear?

    But people remain people. People are different from people. And Christianity, spreading across the face of the earth, absorbed the customs and traditions of peoples who believed in Christ, but did not completely leave their former customs and rituals. And they came up with something that was not in the Bible. In the West, they sold indulgences, such a kind of pass to paradise, for money. The Pope is mired in debauchery and burdened himself with secular power. In the east, as well as in the west, the Word of God became far from the language of the people to whom it spoke. Hebrew, Latin and Greek were considered sacred languages, the Russian Orthodox Church won the right to serve in Old Church Slavonic. But he was also incomprehensible to people. Ignorance, ignorance of people in God's word allowed the priests to retain the right to read and interpret the Scriptures as they pleased, which led to the emergence of what was not in the Bible. This went on for a long time. So far, one monk, having studied the languages ​​in which the Bible is written, did not dare to resist the desecration of the church. He wrote out as many as 95 outrageous points on which the church departed from the Bible. And he nailed them to the door of a church, believed to be in Wittenberg. He translated the Bible into German. People outraged by the impunity of the official church followed him. Thus began the reformation of the church. Then the Bible was translated into English, French. The state church fiercely resisted the desire of people to read the Bible in their native language. In every state, churches arose essentially reminiscent of the Baptists. in France, they were called Huguenots. Have you heard about St. Bartholomew's Night? 30,000 Protestants were killed for their faith. Protestants were also persecuted in England.

    Baptists in Russia

    And everything comes to Russia late. Peter the first tried to translate the Bible into Russian. But the Pastor who translated the Bible died under mysterious circumstances. And the translation business was frozen. The translation was resumed by Alexander the First. Several books of the New Testament were translated, and several books of the Old Testament. The translation became popular among the people and it was banned, for fear of shaking the political atmosphere in the country, since the translation of the Bible could lead people to move away from Orthodoxy, which was a connecting element of Russian statehood. Translation in other countries took place several centuries ago. For example, Luther, in Germany, translated the Bible in 1521. In 1611, King James translated it into English in England. In Russia, they did not allow translation to develop. Alexander II resumed translation. And only in 1876 the people received the Bible in Russian!!! Friends, please think about these numbers!!! 1876!! It's almost 20th century!! The people didn't know what they believed in! The people did not read the Bible. It was foolish and sinful to keep the people in ignorance for so long. When the people began to read the Bible, Russian Protestants naturally arose. They were not imported from abroad and were first called “Orthodox living according to the gospel”, but they were excommunicated from the church. But they organized themselves into communities and began to be called evangelical Christians. The evangelical movement grew, people turned to God. And as in other countries, the official church was outraged that someone pointed out to her its shortcomings and, with the support of the state, began the persecution of Russian Protestants. They were drowned, sent into exile, imprisoned. It is sad. People who believe in God, no matter what denomination they are, should not persecute other Christians who believe in the same God, even if they are different in some way. In the south of Russia, the evangelical movement is gaining momentum among ordinary people. In the North of Russia - among the intelligentsia. In England, the Protestants were called "Baptists", from the Greek and English word "baptiso", "bapize" - which means to baptize. Because one of the differences between Baptists and Orthodox is that Baptists are baptized at a conscious age.

    About Baptists.

    Baptists don't baptize babies. Evangelical Christians did not baptize them either. Then these two churches united and became known as Evangelical Christian Baptists. The emergence of this church was predetermined by the emergence of a Russian translation of the Bible. What did the Baptists find in the Bible that hindered the translation of the Bible for so long and kept the people in the dark. But the Russian people were not established in their faith, they were not a thinking people, and the revolution, with its promises of freedom, equality and fraternity, quickly changed the attitude of the Orthodox towards their faith. But it did not change the faith of the Baptists and Evangelical Christians, who went through the Soviet Union and carried their faith despite the stupid accusations of debauchery and sacrifice. Of course, the Baptists did nothing of the kind. Baptists are Christians who preach a chaste life according to God's word. It is the Bible, as God's word, that is the authority and foundation of their faith for Baptists. Baptists believe that just as Jesus Christ solved problems with his word, so the Bible has answers to questions that arise in the life of a believer. Baptists reject what came into the church after the Scriptures were written.

    And that is why our Russian Protestants try to imitate Christ in everything. Christ did not strive for wealth and pomp, and Baptist worship does not require gold and expensive attributes. Christ did not wear luxurious clothes, and Baptists do not strive for luxury. But they do not strive for poverty, they work with their own hands, conduct their own business if they can, as the apostle Paul taught. Baptists have large and strong families. Secular education is encouraged, and musical education is also encouraged. Therefore, Baptist worship services are full of music and sermons. At the divine service, a choir can sing, music play, solo performance or a musical group of believers. When it comes to serving God, Baptists are not conservative and can bring in a variety of creative elements. Baptists have a positive attitude towards the state. They serve in the army. They pay taxes. Because the Bible says that all authority is established by God and must be respected. Among all Protestants, Baptists are the closest to Orthodoxy theologically, And they believe in Christ as the Son of God and God. They believe in God the Father and the Holy Spirit. They believe in the resurrection of the dead and the forgiveness of sins through the atoning sacrifice of Christ. Therefore, the differences are in some moments of worship, external paraphernalia and what came to the church after the writing of the Bible, the differences are in what is not in the Bible. You can read the link below.

    Baptist social life

    What else can be said about the Baptists. As people, they are kind and sympathetic people. Hardworking. A Baptist priest is called a pastor or presbyter; usually, in addition to serving in the church, he also works at work. Therefore, Baptists cannot be accused of doing nothing for society. Baptists, like many believers of other denominations, feed the hungry and are committed to healing society by working with alcoholics and drug addicts, with God's help, returning them to work and normal social life. In general, the attitude towards Baptists among those who have come across them is positive, and their teaching inspires respect and surprises with its logic and simplicity. You can attend their worship by going to the House of Prayer at the appointed time and sitting in an empty seat to get to know them better.

    Who are BAPTISTS?

    1. They recruit unfortunate people who have grief so that they become their adherents and renounce everything that they have ... So that you walk along the street and carry the good news to those who spit on you ...
    2. Baptists are a sect of peculiarly lost people, which has nothing to do with the Church of Christ and the salvation of God. They, like all sectarians and heretics, study the Bible in a wrong, false and erroneous way. To turn to them and communicate with them is a sin that causes severe harm to the soul.

      I don't know if your prohibition will help in this case. We must try to explain their lies and point to the holy fathers of the Church as the only true source of spiritual enlightenment, including in relation to Holy Scripture.

      The Baptists are a Protestant sect that appeared in 1633 in England. Initially, its representatives were called "brothers", then "baptized Christians" or "Baptists" (Baptisto from Greek means I immerse), sometimes "Catabaptists". The head of the sect, at its inception and initial formation, was John Smith, and in North America, where a significant part of the followers of this sect soon moved, was Roger William. But here and there the heretics soon divided into two, and then into several factions. The process of this division continues to this day, due to the extreme individualism of the sect, which does not tolerate either obligatory symbols and symbolic books, or administrative guardianship. The only symbol recognized by all Baptists is the apostolic symbol.

      The main points of their teaching are the recognition of Holy Scripture as the only source of doctrine and the rejection of the baptism of children; instead of baptizing children, their blessing is practiced. Baptism, according to the teachings of the Baptists, is valid only after the awakening of personal faith, and without it it is unthinkable, has no power. Hence baptism, according to their teaching, is only an external sign of the confession of a person already “inwardly converted” to God, and in the action of baptism its divine side is completely removed, the participation of God in the sacrament is eliminated, and the sacrament itself is reduced to the category of simple human actions. The general character of their discipline is Calvinistic.

      According to the structure and management, they are divided into separate independent communities, or congregations (hence their other name - congregationalists); moral restraint is placed above teaching. The principle of unconditional freedom of conscience is the basis of all their doctrine and organization. In addition to the sacrament of baptism, they also recognize communion. Although marriage is not recognized as a sacrament, its blessing is considered necessary and, moreover, through the presbyters or in general the officials of the community. The moral requirements of the members are strict. The model for the community as a whole is the apostolic church. Forms of disciplinary punishment: public exhortation and excommunication from church communion. The mysticism of the sect is expressed in the predominance of feeling over reason in the matter of faith; extreme liberalism prevails in matters of dogma. Baptism is internally homogeneous.

      At the heart of his teaching is the teaching of Luther and Calvin about predestination. Baptism differs from pure Lutheranism in its consistent and unconditional implementation of the basic provisions of Lutheranism about the Church, on Holy Scripture and on salvation, as well as hostility towards Orthodoxy and the Orthodox Church, and an even greater inclination towards Judaism and anarchy than in Lutheranism.

      They lack a clear teaching about the Church. They deny the Church and the ecclesiastical hierarchy, thus making themselves subject to the judgment of God:

      Matt. 18:
      17 But if he does not listen to them, tell the church; and if he does not listen to the church, then let him be to you, like a pagan and a publican.

    3. So I think all these Christian communities want to have dominance in Europe. That is, just like the Catholic Church had in the Middle Ages. Orthodoxy is a church that has overtaken the Catholic Church. The main enemy of the Orthodox Church is the government and all reformed Catholic communities!
    4. Baptists are not a sect. Good Christians in general. They are divided into people like pastor Rogozin ("why didn't I.. "the author of the book.) and like Billy Graham. I prefer fellowship and prayer with the likes of Billy Graham. Baptists have done much to preach the gospel and protect human rights. M. L. King, for example, crushed negative attitudes towards blacks in the US South.
    5. One of the denominations of Christianity.
    6. Baptists are people who are baptized at random, from the word Baptiso - immersion, that is, in one immersion!
      "Don't be baptized into my death, but into life - in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit" - Christ.
      That is, it is placed in a triple immersion, in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

      I have a friend, he is friends with one Baptist who was baptized in a barrel in a barn in one immersion!

    7. Basically they write one nonsense. The Orthodox, this is the purest false teaching, have painted icons for themselves and bow to them instead of God. In the city of Rostov-on-Don, it is written on the temple: Candles bought not in the church are not a sacrifice for God. So now, worship is a business. But the Baptists, unlike many other teachings, are as close as possible to what is written in the Bible, and whoever doubts can study it. And in the photo posted by Gennady Karaulov - Pentecostals or charismatics, so as soon as they rage, they raise their hands up, fall on their backs, speak in languages ​​​​incomprehensible to anyone, as if under drugs.
    8. One of the largest Protestant denominations (about 100 million worldwide). Originated at the beginning of the 17th century. in Holland/England. The main difference from all other Protestants is the rejection of infant baptism and any form of super-church hierarchy. Briefly, their theology is formulated in the Seven Baptist Principles (I think at the beginning of the last century):
      1) Holy Scripture is the only source of authority in matters of faith.
      2) The church must consist only of spiritually regenerated people (i.e., converted people).
      3) The commandments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper apply only to regenerate people.
      4) Equality of rights for all members of the local church.
      5) Autonomy of the local community.
      6) Freedom of conscience for all.
      7) Separation of the Church from the state.
    9. Unlike Catholics, they act according to the gospel. They are like the first apostolic church, neither the Apostle Peter nor Paul, they were not baptized, they did not worship icons, they did not kiss the father’s hand, etc. If someone is familiar with the history of Christianity, then he knows that all these rites stuck around Catholic and Orthodox Church. I am writing this note with the fear that they will be imprisoned because a law has been issued that violates the constitution, on protecting the feelings of ONLY Orthodox.
    10. Unfortunate people are carried away by all these false teachings, because they have strayed from God and have come to darkness.
    11. read wikipedia
      and just do
      RS ECB
      MSC ECB
    12. Baptism (from other Greek: baptism; from I immerse in water, I baptize 1) one of the directions of Protestant Christianity 2.

      The Confession that Came Out of the Radical English Puritans 1. At the heart of the Baptist doctrine, which gave the whole movement its name, is the principle of voluntary and conscious baptism according to the faith of adults in the presence of firm Christian convictions and the rejection of a sinful lifestyle. Baptism of infants is rejected as inconsistent with the requirements of voluntariness, conscience and faith. Like other Protestants, Baptists recognize the Bible as part of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments as Holy Scripture, which has exceptional authority in everyday and religious life.

      In the practice of church life, Baptists adhere to the principle of universal priesthood, as well as the independence and independence of each individual church community (congregationalism). The presbyter (pastor) of the community does not have absolute power, the most important issues are resolved at church councils, general meetings of believers.

      Baptists have their main weekly worship service on Sunday 3, with additional weekday meetings specifically dedicated to prayer, Bible study and discussion, and other religious activities. Divine services consist of a sermon, singing accompanied by instrumental music, impromptu prayers (in their own words), reading of spiritual poems and poems 4.

    13. The Baptists are a Protestant Christian church. This is not a sect, but one of the denominations of the Protestant Church. The Ecumenical Council recognized only three confessions as Christian - Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox. All others are sects.
    14. this is a closed sect with its own rules and charter!
    15. In the photo - charismatics. I have some Pentecostal friends. Their married women all wear headscarves, and in general no one has short hair.
    16. And this photo, by the way, is not Baptists, but most likely some kind of Pentecostals or charismatics ... Modern Baptists, as a rule, are quite adequate people, although different communities come across ... You can easily read about the dogma in any Wikipedia.
    17. Baptists are True Believers, and they are not sectarians at all. I personally have Baptists I know well - These are Highly Decent People.
    18. Masters of hell intimidation.
    19. Haah, God is one therefore and one immersion in water
    20. some rubbish you littered here. I did not learn anything about them, plainly, from your comments. If you don't know, why post here?

    Sergiy Tretyakov, Rector of the Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, answers questions from readers.

    - Father Sergius, what is the difference between the Christian faith and the Baptist?

    Slightly incorrect question: Baptists are Christians. But there are many different Christians, and their religions differ. The Orthodox Church is very ancient, all the main dogmas of her dogma were formulated long before the advent of Baptism.

    So, Baptists are one of the oldest and most solid Christian sects (do not compare them with any Pentecostals, New Apostles or Evangelists, and even more so with Jehovah's Witnesses). Why a sect? This is the traditional classification: Lutherans, Anglicans, Calvinists and Reformed are usually called Protestant churches, the rest of the Protestant denominations are called sects.

    Baptism originated in England in the first half of the 16th century. The reason was the dispute about the form of the sacrament of Baptism: the Anglicans (among whom the Baptists appeared) baptized by sprinkling with water, they inherited this custom from the Catholics. But during the Reformation, interest in the language of the Bible became widespread, and in it the verb "baptize" comes from the Greek "baptiso" - completely immersed in a liquid. Baptists began to baptize by full immersion, and not only baptize, but also rebaptize those who had already been baptized by sprinkling.

    So what exactly is the difference between Baptism and Orthodoxy? Baptism, like all Protestant sectarianism, is a religion of external piety, all its aspirations are aimed at transforming society in accordance with the social gospel commandments (such as “do not steal”, “honor your father and mother”, “do not envy”, “help your neighbor” and etc.), but there is absolutely no striving for inner transformation, “deification” of a person. The ideal of Baptism is the good citizen who lives by the commandments. And the ideal of Orthodoxy is Holy. For Baptists, it is unthinkable to withdraw from the world into the wilderness, seclusion, silence, striving for poverty and lack of comfort. Such a person for them is an asocial type, a renegade. That is why Baptism has never produced a single Saint in its entire history. And Orthodoxy, meanwhile, is not conceivable without its Saints, it is they who are its pillars and teachers, starting with Christ Himself, and further through the Apostles to Ambrose of Optina, John of Kronstadt and the ascetics of our times.

    A saint is the fruit of Orthodox piety, and the fruit of Baptist piety is a respectable burgher. Do not think, I am not against a respectable person - this is wonderful, but Orthodoxy teaches that no integrity is lasting until the soul is cleansed by repentance and crowned with deep humility, and this is not the case in Baptism. Baptists read, but do not understand, the words of Christ that "He came to call not the righteous, but sinners to repentance", they are the righteous, already saved by Christ, as they themselves claim. But in Orthodoxy - alas: no one can consider himself saved until death, as the greatest among the Holy Ascetics used to say.

    The main task for Baptists is evangelization (attracting more and more new members to their community), they multiply their ranks. So, since the understanding of Christianity in Baptism is external, it does not know anything about the deep life of the spirit, Baptists do not even have an interest in such a life, and hence the denial of most of the manifestations of the Spirit of God, such as the Sacraments. For them, Baptism is not a sacrament, but a rite of admission to membership in the community, Communion is simple bread and wine, pastors are leaders from among the members of the community, and not priests appointed by the Grace of God, a temple is not a temple of God, but a house for prayer meetings, like Jewish synagogue, etc. And icons for them are just pictures, even more than that - pagan idols. They consider the Orthodox idolaters and are proud that they fulfill the commandment, but for some reason they do not notice that simultaneously with the commandment, Moses was given the command to build the Temple and decorate it, including images of Angels, in front of whom worship was to be performed (the veil and the Ark Testament). And in general, the theological teaching of the Baptists is very fragmentary: some places (especially those relating to the biblical text) are worked out very scrupulously, they are constantly researched, and somewhere there are solid white fields that escape the attention of researchers, there is no whole worldview. For them, it is as if the entire first millennium after the Nativity of Christ, the era of the Ecumenical Councils, did not exist. A sort of lapse in memory: the era of the Apostles immediately passes into the era of Baptism, and from the sources of the doctrine, only the Bible is left.

    The worship of the Baptists is also more of a school than worship itself. If in the Orthodox service people mostly pray (moreover, the prayers themselves are the fruit of the spiritual experience of the Psalmist David and the Holy Fathers), then Baptists mostly read the Bible, interpret and study its texts, listen to the pastor’s sermons, sometimes even watch films on a religious theme. Their spiritual singing is mostly self-composed hymns like “Let’s follow Christ as a friendly, joyful family ...”, and their prayers, although sincere, are spontaneous, arbitrary and very superficial ears). In general, the prayers of most Protestants are formal, short, and do not occupy a central place in their spiritual life.

    T. Karpizenkova

    What is the difference between the Christian faith and the Baptist faith?: 17 comments

    Hello Sergey! Baptism is one of the Christian movements. More precisely, Christians of the Evangelical Faith. The difference with Orthodoxy is that Baptists are based only on the Bible, while Orthodoxy often refers to traditions that do not correspond to Holy Scripture. This is what the Bible says about icons: 4 Do not make for yourself an idol and no image of what is in heaven above, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the water below the earth; 5 do not worship them and do not serve them, for I am the Lord your God God is jealous, punishing the children for the guilt of the fathers to the third and fourth [kind], who hate Me, 6 and showing mercy to a thousand generations who love Me and keep My commandments. (Ex. 20: 4-6). Orthodoxy refers to the Council of Nicaea, if I am not mistaken, 325. The Lord forbade making images - the cathedral allowed. Baptists do not baptize children because the Bible says that baptism requires repentance. 3 And he passed through all the surrounding region of the Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins,
    (Luke 3:3). 7 [John] said to the people who came to be baptized by him: You brood of vipers! who inspired you to flee from future wrath?8 Bring forth fruits worthy of repentance and do not think to say within yourselves, Abraham is our father, for I tell you that God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham (Luke 3:7,8). Children, because of their age, cannot repent or accept Christ. I myself was baptized as a child, but I lived in sin because I did not know the truth. And what is the meaning of such a baptism? Further, in Orthodoxy, especially in everyday life, such things take place that are close to idolatry. You have probably met in life how grandmothers bury icons with the dead, perform some kind of rituals with candles, etc. Recently, on Orthodox Christmas, at Christmas time, on the Orthodox TV channel they said that the Christmas week, the week of fortune-telling, had begun. But this is what the Lord tells us: 10 He who leads his son or daughter through fire, a soothsayer, a fortuneteller, a soothsayer, a sorcerer, 11 a charmer who calls spirits, a magician and questions the dead, 12 should not be with you, for everyone who does this is abominable before the Lord. and because of these abominations the Lord your God casts them out from before you (Deut. 18:10-12). Baptists, on the other hand, keep the Word of God uncorrupted. By the way, Baptism not only recognizes the sacrament, but never forgets it. The Lord's Supper in memory of participation in the Body of Christ, in His Church, is always held in Evangelical Churches. May the Lord bless you in your search for the truth. Study the Bible and the Lord will reveal to you!

    Good afternoon. I was interested in your answer "Hello Sergey! Baptism is one of the Christian movements. More precisely, Christians of the Evangelical Faith. ..." to the question http://www.. Can I discuss this answer with you?

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    The appearance in our time of a large number of sects and heretical teachings prompts us to give the Orthodox Christian the opportunity to get acquainted with the teaching of the Holy Orthodox Church regarding some of these errors.

    We bring to the attention of pious Christians this small pamphlet, published at one time by the Optina elders. We hope that it will help to establish oneself in the Holy Orthodox Faith and arm oneself against false teachers, who are especially intensifying their activities now - during the period of the spiritual transformation of society.

    May our Lord strengthen us all in all piety and purity.

    Their origin

    Their original name was Anabaptists, that is, re-baptists, since the baptism received in childhood was considered invalid by the sect and baptized again. This sect, one of the violent ones, is the offspring of the Western Reformation of the sixteenth century. Pastor Thomas Müntzer (1523) considered Catholicism and Protestantism not only useless, but even dangerous, because they distorted the commandments of God. Therefore, he called a new generation, enlightened by His Spirit. Müntzer's sermons flattered human passions, the people strove to listen to them, and Müntzer's followers were all rebaptized. Soon the farmers in Franconia, numbering more than forty thousand, rebelled against the owners, but the rebels were defeated. Müntzer is captured and executed. In 1533, the Anabaptists caused a new turmoil in Westphalia in the city of Münster, where, having overthrown the city government and seized the city, they proclaimed the apprentice tailor John of Leiden king of the new Zion. The army of the Bishop of Münster laid siege to the city, John of Leiden and his companions were taken prisoner and put to a painful death. Among the remarkable false prophets among the Anabaptists in the middle of the 16th century was Melchior Hoffmann, who gave his name to a particular sect; he spread many ravings about the millennium and died in Strasbourg, where he was imprisoned for his teachings. But the strongest and most lasting influence on his co-religionists was Simonides Mennon, a Friesian Catholic priest who accepted the teachings of Luther; he united the Anabaptists into a community and replaced their shaky beliefs with a positive doctrine.

    In addition to the Dutch and German Anabaptist sects, there is a Baptist sect in England, Scotland and North America. From the beginning of the 17th century, they could already unite in communities; their main imaginary ones: baptism only for adults and faith in Christ the Redeemer without deeds. Then they reject the Apostolic Council, the Sacraments, the Hierarchy, Holy Tradition, fasting, monasticism, and the whole church system in general; also the veneration of the Most Holy Theotokos, the invocation of saints, the veneration of relics, icons and prayers for the dead.

    The teaching of the Baptists originated from the Western Reformation, the era of the struggle of human passions. They appeared on the world stage as self-proclaimed preachers and teachers, thereby violating the divine order laid down by the Founder of Christianity, the Lord Jesus Christ; for he said to the apostles, and in the person of their successors: As the Father sent me, so I send you(), and as the apostle Paul says: No one accepts this honor on his own, but he who is called by God, like Aaron ().

    So, the Baptist sect is a phenomenon of the near future; they appeared with their sermon by themselves, without divine witness, which justified the words of the Savior: He who does not enter the sheepfold through the door, but crosses the other way, the same is a thief and a robber ().

    Here is the groundlessness of their teaching:

    About adult baptism only

    Baptists, without baptizing babies, forget that circumcision was established by God in the Old Testament Church, on the eighth day after birth with the name (). It was a sign of entering into a covenant with God, uniting with Him in spirit and the inheritance of His vows. It, as a great, necessary thing, was protected by the threat: "The uncircumcised on the eighth day his soul will be cut off from his people"(). It served as a prototype of baptism, which is rebirth into spiritual, holy life, about the omission of which it is strictly said: "Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God"(). Therefore, a baby who died before the age, that is, not baptized, remains outside the promises. In Holy Scripture there is no prohibition to baptize infants, on the contrary, there are clear indications of examples of baptism of children: “Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of sins; and receive the gift of St. Spirit. For the promise belongs to you and to your children."(). Sectarians say that children without baptism are pure from original sin, their sins are forgiven for the sake of the Name of Jesus (), they are holy (); but after all, the world was redeemed by the blood of Christ (), but can he be saved without baptism? No, as stated above ().

    On Faith and Works

    Faith is a person's heartfelt attraction to God: “Have the faith of God, therefore I say to you: whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you will receive and it will be for you” ().

    Faith is also the knowledge of God: “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.”(). Faith of the heart can also be among the Gentiles, such as, for example, the centurion () and the wife of the Canaanite (); good deeds can also be among the pagans, like the centurion Cornelius (). Therefore, whoever has faith of the heart and good deeds, but does not have true dogma, is like a good pagan, but is not a true Christian, and therefore sectarians who do not have true dogma cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven, for it is said: “that we should no longer be babies, tossed about by every wind of doctrine, by the craftiness of men, by the cunning art of deceit”(). And elsewhere the Apostle Paul clearly says: “If we, or an angel from heaven, announces to you more than a gospel, let him be anathema”(). And so, the Baptists self-confidently teach that the justification of man consists in faith alone without works, referring to the fact that Christ offered a sacrifice for the sins of people for all time, and thus pass over in silence the doctrine of the good works of the Savior and the Apostles. Christ in the Sermon on the Mount, instructing the people in good deeds, charged them with the duty to reach perfection in them: “Be therefore perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect”(), - and at the Last Judgment, according to the teachings of the Savior, only deeds will justify believers (). The Apostle James says: "Faith, if there are no deeds, it is dead about yourself"(). The Apostle Paul, instructing the Corinthians about good deeds, shows them the Apostolic deeds as an example: “In everything we show ourselves as servants of God, in great patience, in calamities, in needs, in difficult circumstances. Under blows in dungeons, in exiles, in labors, in vigils, in fasts.. The Apostle counts the same similar cases in the epistle to the Hebrews (). But the Baptists, against such clear and obvious truths, set up a lie, in truth: "Lie to yourself"(), that is, according to St. Athanasius: "untruth was exhausted."

    About the Church

    "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst"(). With this saying, the Baptists cover up their unauthorized assembly, but the composition of the Church is completely different: "And he(Christ) appointed some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists, others as shepherds and teachers. To the perfection of the saints, for the work of service, for the building up of the body of Christ"(). Eternity of the Church: “And I say to you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build mine, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” (); "I am with you all the days until the end of time"(). Unity of the Church: “And so you are no longer strangers and aliens, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God. Being established on the basis of the Apostles and Prophets, having Jesus Christ Himself as the cornerstone" (). "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism"(). Holiness of the Church: Holy because she was sanctified by Jesus Christ through His teaching, prayer, suffering and through the sacraments: “Sanctify them with Thy truth; your word is truth. Just as You sent Me into the world, so I sent them into the world. And for them I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified by the truth. I do not only pray for them, but also for those who believe in Me, according to their word; May they all be one: as You, the Father are in Me, and I in You, so may they also be one in Us.”(). But there can be sinners in the Church of Christ, as can be seen from the Apocalypse; for the Church of Ephesus is reproached for having left her former love (), - Pergamum for the fact that there are Nicolaitans (). Sacraments of the Church: John Chrysostom says: “As the Son of God is of our nature, so we are of His essence; and just as He has us in Himself, so we have Him in ourselves.” This is accomplished in Baptism and supported by repentance and communion. Blessed Theodoret also says: “As Eve was created from Adam, so we are from the Lord Christ. We are buried with Him and rise in baptism, eat His body and drink His blood: “Eat My flesh and drink My blood, have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day” (). There is no salvation outside the Church, as Christ said: “If he does not listen to the Church, then let him be to you, like a pagan and a publican”(). After this, what about the Baptist meeting? These are those who say that they are true Christians, but they are not such, but lie; this is a satanic assembly ().

    About Hierarchy

    Sectarians call themselves saints, referring to themselves the saying: "And he made us kings and priests to his God and Father"(); but it is said conditionally in the Old Testament: "If you keep my covenant, you will be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation"(). The hierarchy has a historical origin, its beginning was laid by God Himself, who called Aaron and his sons for priesthood in the Tabernacle (); her dignity is protected by a terrible punishment: "If any outsider approaches, he will be put to death"(). But the priesthood of the Old Testament, as imperfect, was replaced by the most perfect priesthood of Christ, which is irrevocable, eternal, for it is strengthened by the oath of God; "The Lord has sworn, and will not repent: You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek"(). Arranging the Hierarchy, Christ granted only the Apostles, and in the person of their successors, the right to teach people the faith, perform the sacraments for them, and rule them to salvation. Appearing to the disciples after the Resurrection, Christ said: “All power has been given to me in heaven and on earth; go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”(). In the Church of Christ, three degrees of priesthood have been established: episcopal (), presbyter (), deacon (). Self-appointed teachers are called by the Apostles false teachers, false apostles, crafty workers. Apostle Peter says: “There were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will introduce destructive heresies and, denying the Lord who redeemed them, will bring swift destruction upon themselves”(), also the Apostle Paul says: “False apostles, crafty workers, disguise themselves as the Apostles of Christ. And no wonder, because Satan himself takes the form of an angel of light.(). So, the Word of God deposes the teachers of the Baptists to the end, and the 6th canon of the Gangra Council also says: “If anyone, apart from the Church, makes up a special assembly and, despising, wants to create church, not having a presbyter with him at the behest of the Bishop, let him be under an oath.” Unfortunately, sectarians have ears and do not hear.

    About Sacred Tradition

    Moses fasted for forty days before receiving the law, did not eat bread and did not drink water ( ). Christ, teaching about the exorcism of evil spirits, said: “This kind is driven out only by prayer and fasting”(). The Savior showed the example of a great fasting and hermit as follows: "Truly, I tell you, of those born of women, John the Baptist did not rise again."(). The benefit of fasting is that it curbs carnality and promotes exercise in prayer, while the Baptists stand for the opposite, which only promotes bodily life. Monasticism is the highest spiritual life, likening the life of an angel; Jesus Christ showed her example, as it is said: And He was there in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan, and was with the beasts, and angels ministered to Him.(; ). So did monastic ascetics at all times of Christian history. “Those whom the whole world was not worthy wandered through the deserts and mountains and ravines of the earth”(). Truly these were men of high spirit; their deeds consisted in the glorification of God, in spiritual help and consolation of neighbors; besides this, they were seers and prayer books for the salvation of people, they were "light of the world, salt of the earth", their deeds are kept by history on their tablets.

    Baptists say that one Holy Scripture is enough for salvation, which everyone has the right to understand and explain according to his conviction; but under such a condition, is general agreement and unity possible? Doesn't Scripture say: “Strive to keep the unity of spirit in the union of peace. One Lord, one faith, one baptism"(), that is, the path to unity is opened by faith, which is the same for everyone, as if one-word. This concept follows from the words of the Savior: “May they all be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, so may they also be one in Us.”(). Can this be in a society where everyone has his own point of view, where the ability to understand is infinitely diverse? And such absurdity is called teaching! However, the whole teaching of the Baptists is a daring absurdity. “I am saved,” they say furiously, inspired by a flattering spirit, pleased with their blasphemy.

    Their prayer meetings are limited to singing, reading and preaching; at the end of everything there is a rite of breaking bread: bread and wine in this rite are nothing but a sign of the Body and Blood of Christ: crumbled bread and wine poured into glasses are placed on the table, and the elder of the brethren invites everyone to eat. Thus, the sacrament of the Eucharist, established by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper and commanded to the Apostles and in the person of their successors, with these words: "Do this in remembrance of me"(), the Baptists blasphemously depict at their meeting and blasphemously assume the form of the builders of the Mysteries of God.

    So, the Baptists are the natives of not distant times. They are not sent by God, but come by themselves, as self-appointed teachers. Their difference is clear: they did not enter by the door, that is, not by succession from the Apostles, but as thieves (thieves) and robbers () to kidnap and destroy the simple-minded and ignorant from the flock of Christ. The whole work of their false teaching consists in this. to deceive the listener that the path to heaven is close and calm: "You only believe that you have been redeemed by Christ, and you are saved." Silent what the Savior said: "Narrow is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life"(); but in their insolence, having a burnt conscience, the sectarians do not submit themselves to the Gospel, but the Gospel subject to their own false interpretation and, instead of true teaching, bring outrageous lies and crafty words, which they think to justify their evil thoughts. Comparing the Orthodox Church and the Baptist community, we see that the history of the Apostolic Church, at all times to the present day, has hosts of holy men and women who, like stars in heaven, shine with heavenly glory and miraculous power; while the past and present of the Baptists bear no divine witness; these are people living according to the elements of the world, calling themselves wise, went mad (); for by their pride they have fallen into an evil heresy and, apart from fanaticism, they can imagine nothing worthy of a life of a higher order. Therefore, brethren, know what a danger there is to listen to heretical teachings when the councils of the Holy Fathers forbid, even under the threat of an ecclesiastical ban, to pray with Jews in synagogues, or with heretics in their assemblies. . Sectarians cannot understand that the contradiction of a clear and proven truth, as well as the rejection of the Apostolic Church, that is, the Orthodox faith, is a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit - not forgivable in this and the next age. The Prophet David () prayed for deliverance from such people; but the Apostle Paul gave us a warning: “Even if we, or an angel from heaven, began to preach to you not what we preached to you, let him be anathema”(). Knowing that "The Apostolic Church is the pillar and ground of the truth"(), we run from people living and acting under an oath.