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  • How much is the state of Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Dmitry Hvorostovsky: biography and family. Hvorostovsky's disease. Flowers are brought to the Bolshoi Theater in memory of Hvorostovsky. Live Stream

    How much is the state of Dmitry Hvorostovsky.  Dmitry Hvorostovsky: biography and family.  Hvorostovsky's disease.  Flowers are brought to the Bolshoi Theater in memory of Hvorostovsky.  Live Stream

    The first signs of a fatal disease appeared in the famous Russian baritone in 2015. Worried about frequent headaches and problems with orientation in space, the singer turned to doctors for help. Unfortunately, the artist's most terrible assumptions were confirmed - the latest news about the health of Dmitry Hvorostovsky today confirms his many years of struggle with a dangerous disease.

    Periodically, the artist undergoes chemotherapy courses, doing concert activities in between treatments. As soon as the remission becomes long, the artist goes on tour and performs on world-class opera stages. The talent of the Russian star is applauded at London's Covent Garden and Italy's La Scala, at the Berlin State Opera and the New York Metropolitan Opera. The famous baritone, thanks to his wonderful vocal abilities and non-standard image, glorified his country far beyond the borders of Europe.

    Dmitry began to turn gray from the age of 17. Nothing is known about his trips to the doctor in connection with such a manifestation of changes in the body. Journalists suggest that the artist's father, whom Hvorostovsky looks like like two drops of water, had the same problems with his hair. The future artist grew up in an intelligent family; no data were found on the genetic predisposition of the Hvorostovskys to such oncological problems.

    At one time, the artist had a hard time breaking up with his first wife - according to rumors, she was a windy and fickle lady.

    Today, the latest news about the health of Dmitry Hvorostovsky at that time became known - after the scandal with the beating of his wife and lover, he had a stomach ulcer. The artist says that his mother then saved his life - she is a doctor by profession. I had to be treated and undergo a course of rehabilitation, after which it was necessary to get in shape as soon as possible. According to the singer, it was during that difficult period that he became addicted to meat and red wine.

    Gradually, the fame of the great baritone began to gain momentum - he became popular and in demand. A busy touring schedule, disorder in everyday life and strong feelings affected the health of a talented artist - the immune system began to fail Hvorostovsky.

    Healing with love

    Hvorostovsky gradually began to heal the mental anguish from the betrayal of his beloved woman with alcohol. The pride of the famous handsome man, a favorite of women and music critics, suffered so much due to the betrayal of his first wife that relatives and friends began to seriously fear the artist's attachment to alcoholic beverages.

    Today, when journalists in numerous interviews ask about the latest news and the state of health of Dmitry Hvorostovsky in 2017 from his mentor and relatives, from the artist himself and his colleagues, everyone unanimously thanks the artist's new muse.

    In the life of a talent tormented by jealousy, Flo appeared routinely - she had to play a minor role as one of Don Juan's many mistresses in the production of the same name. The young French beauty laid eyes on the Russian giant from the first rehearsal - the girl showed unequivocal attention to Hvorostovsky, despite his employment statement. As a result, the baritone gave up and in 2003 they got married.

    Being the wife of a famous artist, talented and spoiled by the public is a heavy burden. However, the young woman managed to adapt to the strict requirements of her husband.

    Moreover, she does not let Dmitry go on any tour or tour unaccompanied - unlike her predecessor, the resourceful girl understands that the great singer has a lot of temptations.

    She does not for a moment doubt the successful treatment of her husband and supports him in everything, providing her husband with the peace and comfort that is so necessary for a tormented soul.

    Hand and vision problems

    In 2017, a wave of anxiety swept over the Internet from fans of the talent of the famous baritone - the latest news in various media vied with each other about Dmitry Hvorostovsky's health problems. Today he canceled the concert, tomorrow he went on stage with an injured shoulder, the day after tomorrow he postponed the long-awaited concert for the summer in his homeland, in Krasnoyarsk. Something happened every month.

    The baritone suffered especially hard pneumonia, which, according to him, stole his lungs. The artist was so bad that he forbade his parents to visit him in the hospital. It was Florence who was the nurse at the bedside of the patient, passing on all the wishes of her husband to her relatives and controlling the process of recovery of her beloved.

    The year 2017 was especially stressful for the artist - as fans noted, Dmitry Hvorostovsky was photographed on social networks wearing glasses with strong diopters. There is no recent news about vision problems in the press today, but the artist's appearance leaves much to be desired.

    Support of relatives and colleagues

    After the announcement of the diagnosis, Hvorostovsky's colleagues in the workshop organized several concerts in his support, performing on stage in T-shirts with photographs of the artist and with appropriate inscriptions. Dmitry's accompanist, permanent friend and soulmate at rehearsals and solo concerts, claims that the Siberian has at least a dozen years of triumphal procession through the best stages of world opera. So strong is the spirit of the artist and his will to win.

    As of today, 2017, the artist's mother refuses to comment on the latest news about the health of Dmitry Hvorostovsky. She only tells how, in his childhood, the singer almost became deaf - the child was mistakenly vaccinated against tuberculosis twice. And how the whole family suffered for a long time with a painful firstborn, born prematurely.

    Looking at the mighty Siberian, who conquered the whole world with his most powerful timbre and amazing artistry, it is hard to believe that in moments of despair, those close to him more than once asked the question: why does a little person need such suffering?

    The patience and love of relatives were rewarded with the world fame of their only son. Their bloodlines, their boy. Looking at the passion with which the singer makes faces in front of the camera lenses after the concert at the request of his fans, the words of Pope Hvorostovsky become clear: “Men grow old, but do not grow up.” It is hard to believe that this healthy young man is approaching his sixty-year-old milestone and is undergoing complex complex procedures to get rid of a deadly disease.

    Composer Igor Krutoy, in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, urged everyone to pray for the health of a talented artist. According to him, Hvorostovsky is now in a constant struggle with the disease, ruthless and merciless. And this struggle, unfortunately, is too unequal.

    Hvorostovsky Dmitry: latest health news for today, autumn 2017

    At the end of the summer, the Internet exploded with a message about the singer's hospitalization in one of the Moscow clinics. Fortunately, this turned out to be untrue, as reported by the artist's friend Pavel Astakhov.

    In confirmation of the latest news about the improved state of health of Dmitry Hvorostovsky today, September 2017, the artist's parents spoke about their trip to visit their son.

    A celebrity lives in a huge mansion, renting half of the house. The artist starts the morning with strength exercises, trying to keep himself in shape no matter what. Most of all, Hvorostovsky does not want to be like other opera stars who are overweight and wrap their throats in all kinds of fur products. He has serious disagreements with his dad about this - a caring parent repeatedly quarreled with his obstinate son about his hobby for winter swimming.

    Then Dmitry goes to the procedures, after returning home he often feels uneasy - radiation therapy and stuffing the body with drugs that kill cancer cells make themselves felt. However, the restless temperament of the Siberian does not allow the patient to lie down in bed - he devotes days on end to children, chasing football with the boys or playing with his daughter.

    By the way, the first wife of the artist, who for a long time lived on alimony, sued from Hvorostovsky and did not make itself felt for many years, forgave the singer shortly before her own death.

    She allowed her twin sons to communicate with her father and even called her ex-husband with words of support. Prior to this, Svetlana answered all attempts of the good-natured Flo to be friends with families so that the children could maintain relationships, with a proud refusal.

    It is noteworthy that the spouse convicted of treason was forced to live the rest of her life alone - by a court decision that forced Dmitry to pay a decent amount as compensation for a divorce to his ex-wife, she loses money as soon as she remarries. Greed won, and the woman remained a wealthy housewife.

    Children from his first marriage are welcome guests in the artist's family - the hospitable Florence gladly accepts Hvorostovsky's firstborn in her house. Both she and her mother adore everything related to the artist - the rooms of the mansion are always cozy and full of flowers, the whole atmosphere in the family sets in a major way, creating not only the appearance of well-being, but also supporting the artist's hope for recovery.

    Dmitry had a particularly warm relationship with his mother-in-law - they are similar in temperament. Italian by birth, she loves to stand on the gate in family football tournaments and always succumbs to her beloved son-in-law, causing a flurry of indignation among other household members.

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky was born on October 16, 1962 in Krasnoyarsk. His parents, by the standards of the Soviet Union, had very prestigious professions: his father, Alexander Stepanovich, was a chemical engineer, and his mother, Lyudmila Petrovna, worked as a gynecologist in a hospital. But the main hobby of Alexander Stepanovich was still music. The father of the young singer had a deep baritone, which Dmitry inherited, and played the piano beautifully. In the evenings, the Hvorostovsky family gathered in the living room, where Alexander Stepanovich sang along with his wife, accompanying himself on the piano.

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky began to sing at the age of four, performing old romances and folk songs. His idols were Ettore Bastianini, Tito Gobbi, and Maria Callas, whose records were collected by the boy's father.

    When Dmitry went to a comprehensive school, which was literally in the next yard from his house, his parents decided to send their son to learn to play the piano in parallel. Studying was difficult for Dmitry, he could not boast of good grades. In the tenth grade, the future singer was written such an unflattering characterization that after graduation, Dmitry preferred not to remember his school years.

    After receiving a certificate of secondary education, Hvorostovsky entered the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College named after the music department. At the same time, the guy became very interested in the rock music style that was fashionable at that time. He became the soloist and keyboardist of the Raduga group, which played in various directions in restaurants and clubs in Krasnoyarsk. Dmitry sought to match the image of a rocker both in appearance and behavior: he was often a participant in fights and often went on a spree. At one time, the future singer even wanted to quit his studies, but changed his mind and successfully graduated from college, having received the specialty of a music teacher.

    In 1982, Hvorostovsky entered the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts at the vocal faculty. He got into the class of the best teacher Ekaterina Iofel thanks to the intercession of acquaintances, since there were simply no empty seats in the Iofel group. The first two years of study were quite difficult. In fact, he had to be retrained from choirmaster to soloist, which pretty much annoyed the impatient and quick-tempered guy. In the third year, things got better, and Dmitry Hvorostovsky began to understand his teacher literally from a half-word. During the training, the student never missed the classes of Ekaterina Iofel. In 1988, the singer graduated with honors from the Music Institute.


    In 1985 Dmitry was invited to the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theatre. First, the young soloist was entrusted with the performance of minor parts. Soon, thanks to his unique voice and incredible talent, Hvorostovsky became the main voice of operas, Verdi, Gounod and Leoncavallo. A year later, the young opera star became a laureate first of the All-Russian Vocal Competition, and a few months later - of the All-Union Competition.

    After graduating from the institute, Dmitry decided to focus on a Western listener and build his career in Europe. He actively participated in international competitions. In 1988, he visited France, making his debut on the stage of the opera house in Nice, and won the international competition, which was held in the city of Toulouse. In 1989, the singer went to the popular international vocal competition, which was held by the British television company BBC in the capital of Wales - Cardiff.

    For the first time in four years, a representative of the Russian opera participated in this festival. Khrovostovsky performed his favorite parts from operas by Tchaikovsky and Verdi, which won the hearts of the audience. One of the jury members even compared the opera singer with the legendary performer. Such high marks provided Hvorostovsky with an undeniable victory and recognition throughout the world. They started talking about him abroad and began to invite him to perform in the legendary opera houses of the world.

    In 1990, the singer made his debut on the stage of the New York Nice Opera theater in the production of The Queen of Spades by composer Tchaikovsky. Thanks to this concert, the record company Philips Classics drew attention to him, with which he signed a contract to record albums. In total, the company has released more than twenty records, including both the singer's solo programs and collections of arias from operas. The Black Eyes album, consisting of Russian folk songs and romances, has long been one of the soloist's most popular creations in the United States and Europe.

    In 1994, Hvorostovsky moved to London, where he bought a five-story house, and a few years later received British citizenship.

    Hvorostovsky continued his performances in the best opera houses in the world. Every year the singer tours all over the world with his solo programs, and also participates in numerous festivals and concerts. Dmitry signed a new contract with another American recording studio Delos, which still publishes his albums.

    The opera singer also does not forget about his homeland. In 2004, Dmitry Hvorostovsky performed with a symphony orchestra on the main square of Russia, his concert was shown on national television channels. The singer tours the cities of the country with programs whose topics are closely related to the history and culture of Russia.

    Hvorostovsky was awarded the titles of People's Artist of the Russian Federation and Honorary Citizen of Krasnoyarsk and the Kemerovo Region.


    On June 25, 2015, it became known that Hvorostovsky was temporarily suspending his concert activities until the end of August due to health reasons. On the official page of the famous opera singer, a message was published stating that due to a serious illness, Dmitry cancels all his performances until the end of August.

    Brain tumor. When exactly the artist found out about his illness is not known for certain, but a week before publication, he was forced to cancel his performance at the Vienna Theater. The performer's voice was not affected, but Hvorostovsky had problems with balance.

    Dmitry was determined to defeat the disease.

    Personal life

    Dmitry met his first wife, ballerina Svetlana Ivanova, at the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theatre. The young singer was crazy about the dancer, who at that time was divorced and raised the child on her own. This fact did not bother Dmitry at all, two years after the start of their romance, he moved her to his room in a communal apartment, and in 1989 they got married. Many friends and acquaintances of the singer were against this marriage, because Svetlana had a reputation for not being a very faithful girl.

    The couple moved to London, where in 1996 their twins Alexander and Danila were born. Soon the relationship of the spouses began to crack. Svetlana refused to learn English and help her husband with the development of his career, because initially he planned to make her his director. The couple began to move away from each other, and the famous singer began to gradually abuse alcohol.

    In 1999, during a rehearsal, Hvorostovsky met the Italian singer Florence Illy. The girl instantly fell in love with a talented singer and began to make attempts to get close to him. But Dmitry was still married then and could not reciprocate the girl. He filed for divorce in 2001. Svetlana sued her ex-husband for almost all of his property: a house in London, a car and the amount of 170 thousand pounds a year for the maintenance of herself and her children.

    Hvorostovsky was very upset by parting with his once beloved wife, he had a stomach ulcer, and health problems began. But Florence's help and support helped him get better and overcome the beginning problems with alcohol. In the same year, the lovers began to live together. In 2003, the couple had a son, Maxim, and in 2007, a daughter, Nina. Florence accompanied Dmitry on his tour, sometimes they performed together at concerts.


    On October 11, news appeared in Komsomolskaya Pravda that. The MP expressed her condolences to the singer's family on her Twitter account. After some time, the politician deleted the entry, but many media picked up the information, reporting the death of the artist.

    Later, the director of Hvorostovsky denied the information, saying that Dmitry was at home. The author of the fake article, journalist Elena Baudouin, hastened to apologize to the singer and his family. According to Elena, information about the death of Hvorostovsky was confirmed to her by insiders.

    “Hvorostovsky is ALIVE! Oh, of course I am very ashamed to talk about it, but it’s my fault for spreading the news about Dmitry Hvorostovsky and his alleged death. (...) An evil person published on the Web, insiders confirmed me, and I, as journalist, wrote without checking for the first time in her life. God forbid, may he live happily ever after and with our prayers..." Baudouin wrote on social networks.

    November 22, 2017 . After a long struggle with the disease, the famous artist died in Switzerland at the age of 56. Poet Lilia Vinogradova reported that Hvorostovsky died at 3:36 London time. The information was confirmed by the family of the artist.


    • Tchaikovsky and Verdi Arias
    • Russian Romances
    • dark eyes
    • Tchaikovsky, My Restless Soul
    • From Russia With Love
    • Songs and Dances of Death Symphonic dances
    • Moscow Nights
    • deja vu
    • Pushkin Romances

    Rare footage was published by the website of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. "The pictures were taken on October 16, 2017 at Dmitry's last birthday," Alexei Zarkhin explained.

    That day the whole family gathered in London. In the photo, Dmitry poses with children Maxim, Sasha, Nina and Maria, as well as with his mother Lyudmila Petrovna. “There were many guests from different countries, about 30 people. In a month, Dima will be gone,” said the artist’s brother.

    Although Hvorostovsky smiles in every picture, his appearance is terrifying: the artist has recovered greatly and seems swollen. An amazing similarity - shortly before her death, Zhanna Friske looked about the same.

    Earlier it was reported about similar methods in the treatment of Hvorostovsky's disease and Friske. Allegedly, both artists underwent a course of embryonic stem cell therapy.

    Recall that Dmitry Hvorostovsky died on November 22 in a circle of relatives in London. He was 55 years old. For two and a half years, the world-famous opera performer struggled with a brain tumor.

    The artist's body was cremated. Part of the ashes were buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow, the second capsule was sent to the performer's native Krasnoyarsk.

    The news about the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, which was circulated by many media on the night of October 11, 2017, turned out to be false.

    Friends and acquaintances of the outstanding singer, including the world-famous bass Ildar Abdrazakov, reported that Dmitry is alive.

    A few minutes later, on the official page of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, a refutation of the information circulated by the Russian press also appeared:

    “Despite several erroneous reports in the Russian press, Dmitry is alive and resting at home. He looks forward to his parents' visit to London this weekend to celebrate his birthday with them."

    According to Abdrazakov, when he received the first messages on the phone with questions that Khvorostovsky had died, he began to panic.

    “I started writing and calling Dmitry's friends and wife. She said that he was at home and everything was calm. All this is not true”,

    - states Abdrazakov.

    In addition, the people's artist believes that the media that spread such statements should be punished.

    “I would have fired whoever did this. I think if this actually happened, then the first thing that would be known about it was not journalists, but close people. It was bad PR.”

    Abdrazakov said.

    Information about the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky was also denied by Khibla Gerzmava.

    “He is alive! Wrong information!”,

    She posted on her Instagram page.

    Posted by Hibla Gerzmava (@hiblagerzmava) Oct 10, 2017 at 4:20 PDT

    Dmitri Hvorostovsky's manager also denied reports of the singer's death.

    “This is completely false!!! He is alive and at home.”

    Mark Hildrew, executive director of Askonas Holt, wrote in response to a request from the RIA Novosti agency.

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky is an outstanding contemporary opera singer.

    After winning in 1989 the International Competition of Opera Singers in Cardiff, Dmitry Hvorostovsky received invitations to perform and work in the best opera houses in the world: the Royal Theatre, Covent Garden, the La Scala Theatre, the Metropolitan Opera, the Mariinsky Theatre, the Moscow Novaya Opera Theater and others .

    Since 1994 he has lived in London.

    The singer's illness became known in June 2015, when he was forced to cancel several concerts. Dmitry underwent a course of treatment, after which he returned to the stage again after a couple of months.

    However, in the fall of 2016, the artist was again forced to undergo chemotherapy. He canceled his performance in the play "Simon Boccanegra", which was supposed to premiere on September 30 at the Vienna Opera.

    Leaving the clinic, the singer performed on the stage of the Old Opera in Frankfurt on his birthday, but doctors forbade him to participate on December 7 and 10 at the Bolshoi Theater in the play Don Carlos.

    On May 27, 2017, Hvorostovsky performed at a concert in St. Petersburg dedicated to the City Day, and on June 2, with an injured shoulder, he performed at the Big Concert Hall of Krasnoyarsk, after which the artist was awarded the title of honorary citizen of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

    A few weeks ago, on September 26, 2017, Hvorostovsky was unable to perform at the Great Hall of the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky.

    The world-famous and beloved opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky came to Russia - took part in a grand gala concert on Palace Square in St. Petersburg and gave a concert in his small homeland in Krasnoyarsk. This concert was postponed several times due to the singer's illness, but Krasnoyarsk residents faithfully waited and did not hand over tickets.

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky has been fighting a terrible disease for two years - a brain tumor. But his breathtakingly beautiful voice, phenomenal energy and wide smile are still mesmerizing. Although now it is impossible not to notice that every time he goes on stage, the singer does more than possible. But at the same time, it is obvious that he does not need familiarity encouragement or consolation. And the audience greets Hvorostovsky invariably standing up, with a standing ovation for a long time.

    After the speeches, Dmitry Hvorostovsky gave an exclusive interview to RG.

    Krasnoyarsk had to wait a long time for you...

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky: Krasnoyarsk is my native city. I had to come and give a concert. And he came, no matter what. And I was able to speak to my countrymen, whose love for me is incredible and very dear to my heart. I have not experienced such a shock, such grandiose feelings, on the verge of human capabilities, for a long time.

    But St. Petersburg also received you with admiration.

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky: Yes, I felt it, but I need to go around Peter. Everything bad happens to me in St. Petersburg. In 2015 and now, "Zusman" was creepy! But everyone sang well. I listened to Marcelo Alvarez, Veronika Dzhioeva - what a gorgeous voice, like a Rolls-Royce. She should sing at the Met and Covent Garden. But I was again unlucky in St. Petersburg. After the concert, I fell and hurt my shoulder. Now I have to walk with a bandage for two months.

    And how was the fake news about your hospitalization that frightened everyone born?

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky: I arrived in Moscow, stopped by the Sklifosovsky Institute to do an X-ray. But before I crossed the threshold of the clinic, my friend Pavel Astakhov, who was with me, said that the news was already reporting that I was in the hospital.

    Quickly "merges" information "Sklif". What about medical confidentiality and ethics?

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky: What ethics! They did an examination of my head without my consent. I ask: "Why?". - "We are interested," - they answer ... And I quickly ran away from there. I will move, practice, and in a few days my hand will work. Everything will be OK.

    After a pause of four months, you triumphantly returned to the stage at the end of April. In Toronto, you had a phenomenal concert with Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov, and your unannounced appearance in New York at the gala evening on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Metropolitan Opera caused a sensation around the world ...

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky: Yes, the concerts were great. I was pleased with them. And I'm glad that I was able to return to the stage. My doctor told me: "Work! This pleasure and happiness has turned up for you, do not miss it ... It's hard for you - overcome yourself!" I used to ride in a wheelchair. Now I can manage without a wheelchair...

    Last December, the day after the concert, again in St. Petersburg, I ended up in the hospital with severe pneumonia. Then I canceled the concert in Krasnoyarsk from the ambulance. I spent a month in the clinic. I WAS VERY ILL. I went through a major crisis. Then I even categorically did not allow my parents to come, because no one except my wife could see me in such a state. My Florence visited me all the time. I already give concerts, but the recovery process after this story is not over yet. I need to be patient for a few more months.

    Do you have a Miami or Mediterranean tan now?

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky: London. While I was sitting at home, I drank tea all day long, sitting in the garden in the yard. He tortured all his relatives with his tea parties.

    Do you like living in London?

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky: I love London very much. I lived there most of my life. And, unfortunately, today it's hard for me not to notice that the city has changed a lot in recent years. And not for the better. Day and night, the small streets, which are not well guarded, are filled with smokers and unsafe Arabs. They can do anything. And all these monstrous acts of terrorism are being carried out everywhere: in London, in Germany, in France, in Brussels. World War has already been declared! But my home is my favorite fortress.

    And do you like to live at home?

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky: Sitting at home, I work a lot: I vocalize, do sports and yoga, because my lungs were "killed" by this inflammation. But recovery depends primarily on a positive attitude and on the willingness to fight every day through pain, laziness and anything else! If you do not force yourself, the disease will triumph over you. Every day, hourly, you need to pull yourself out in all possible ways: exercises, children, smiles, love ... And grumbling a little is also not forbidden ... I, of course, have already become a little used to the home lifestyle. But it's better not to get used to it.

    Do children make you happy?

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky: The eldest son Danya recently introduced me to his music. And with my co-author. He no longer writes bard music, but more like jazz. They have a studio, a producer. They often perform in clubs, in a street format. I can't say that this kind of music is close to me, but it is very modern, quite complex and interesting. iTunes has several of their tunes. And I'm glad for that. Sasha, the eldest daughter, she is closer to me. But now she is severely depressed. She is very worried - she lost her mother a year and a half ago, her father is sick ...

    Fortunately, the younger ones still have the opportunity to remain children. Maxim, who will turn 14 on July 7, has not yet decided on his professional interests. He is passionate about football, Barcelona, ​​Messi. And Ninochka, she'll be ten, she's tearing up her soles as she walks. Everywhere and everything has time - he is engaged in music and dancing. Recently, together, Nina and Maxim, they made a portfolio, and a variety of offers immediately fell on them - cinema, television, advertising, fashion stores and magazines. Florence is strictly following this whole process, I don’t go into details. I'm just happy with their success.

    And what are your plans after the concerts in St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk?

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky: Private concert in London. Then two concerts with Aida Garifullina - in the Grafenegg Castle near Vienna at the famous music festival and in Sochi at the site of the Sirius Cultural Center. I am preparing and looking forward to these performances. Now after every concert that I give in my condition, I am truly happy. The human voice does wonders for us, our souls. When you sing beautifully, you soar above reality with your heart.

    The Vienna State Opera has officially announced that it is waiting for you next season in three Verdi productions at once - Un ballo in maschera in November, Othello in March and Rigoletto in May.

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky: And with the "Metropolitan" I had already signed a contract for Tomsky in the "Queen of Spades". And many other agreements were made with other theatres. But I refused all performances. I don't sing anymore or temporarily, I don't know, in the opera. I'd rather sing concerts. And at the Vienna Opera, I hope, there will be a concert, which in March was forced to cancel. True, I changed the program. Together with pianist Ivari, Ilya will perform old Russian romances. My father loves them very much. I want to please him. And sing a concert at Carnegie Hall. And definitely in Moscow. Just need to be more specific about the date. It will probably happen in December.

    And what is the most valuable for you personally from what you have done on the opera stage?

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky: I love Simone Boccanegra, Rodrigo in Don Carlos - I'm sure Carlos is the best opera that Verdi has ever written. Rigoletto is a role dear to me. I'm glad that I was able to record "Rigoletto", and it turned out amazing. I hope there will be a disk on Delos soon. I also had a wonderful "Eugene Onegin" with the fantastic Renee Fleming in the "Met". He was even nominated for a Grammy. Work on "Demon" with Dima Bertman, his "Helikon" and Misha Tatarnikov brought me a lot of joy. And there were many other wonderful things. Now, unfortunately, I can't sing like that anymore...

    What is the most important thing for you now?

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky: I had an amazing career. I continue it. My voice is part of me, part of the cause I serve. A huge cause that saves me today, without which I cannot live. But in any case, I understand that the best is behind us: youth, the best voice... What can I do? But I continue to fight the disease and hope. "Hope" is the most urgent word for me now! As they say, I still play checkers! My oncologist looks at me like a miracle: "Oh, how alive! Oh, how healthy!" They do not have, except for me, such patients - world-famous singers who sing everywhere and continue to work in spite of everything. Now I live not in the past and not in the future, as I have always been accustomed to. I am focused on today, tomorrow, so as not to deceive myself or others. To enjoy life every day and hour, and, like a rainbow, to be ready for everything.