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  • Experience in shaping the legal culture of students. Formation of legal culture of students in social studies lessons. Study of the level of formation of students' legal culture

    Experience in shaping the legal culture of students.  Formation of legal culture of students in social studies lessons.  Study of the level of formation of students' legal culture



    1.1. Legal culture: essence, content, structure, functions 21

    1.2. The process of forming the legal culture of students in the system of continuing education 48

    1.3. Social and psychological-pedagogical conditions for the formation of legal culture of students 79


    2.1. Experience of an experimental study of the level of formation of the legal culture of students 107

    2.2. Pedagogical foundations for the formation of legal culture of students 133

    2.3. Dynamics of formation of legal culture of students 153




    Introduction to the work

    The relevance of research

    The democratic transformations taking place in our country, the difficult processes associated with the formation of the rule of law, with the implementation of judicial, legal and administrative reforms, have identified one of the most serious problems of modern society - the extremely low level of legal culture of citizens.

    Being an integral part of culture, legal culture directly and indirectly influences the formation of consciousness and activities of people in various spheres of life. Most of the problems in the development of our society that we face in the transition to a market economy are associated with the need to improve the legal culture in general.

    Radical reforms in the legal sphere: recognition of natural human rights as the highest value, formation of the foundations of a legal state and civil society, awareness of the new, humanistic role of law and the entire legal system, search for peaceful ways to resolve emerging problems and conflicts - pose an important pedagogical problem for Russian society - to form the legal culture of a young person, which will contribute to the implementation of his effective legal activities and will allow him to evaluate this activity not only from the position of legal expediency, but also of moral value.

    When analyzing the state of educational practice and the requirements for a modern specialist, the following trends in social development deserve special attention: the general and comprehensive complication of the life of society, new content and tendencies towards the integration of its main processes: technological, economic, socio-legal, spiritual and cultural; a significant expansion of the range of activities of an adult; the increasing unpredictability of social change; rapid obsolescence of once acquired competence; increasing demand for creative activities. It is obvious that the era of the “one-dimensional” person is becoming a thing of the past,

    The personal potential of a specialist and his ability to be a competent subject of innovative activity acquires enduring value. The priority objectives of education are increasing the professional competence of a specialist, increasing his professional mobility, and developing social and legal activity. In the new conditions, it is highly qualified specialists who are able to positively influence the development of the entire society.

    At the present stage of restructuring the system of higher professional education in accordance with the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation, there is an intensive search for ways and forms to improve the quality of training of specialists with sufficiently deep scientific knowledge, research skills and techniques, communication technologies, and professional skills. One of the most important ways to solve this problem is to implement a targeted approach to professional training and the formation of the personality of future specialists, which should be realized through the intensification of training, optimization of practical training of students, strengthening of an individual approach, differentiation of the educational process, formation of a holistic personality of a specialist as a subject of culture, creation of conditions for the fullest realization of its potential.

    In the law of the Russian Federation "About Education" states that "state policy in the educational sphere should be based on the principles of humanism and the priority of universal human values. It should contribute to the free development of personality and the education of students in the spirit of high citizenship." Thus, a new concept of higher education in Russia is legally enshrined, where the emphasis is shifted from a narrowly professional approach to the training of specialists to the multifaceted intellectual and spiritual development of the student’s personality in accordance with the increased role that is destined for it in modern society.

    For higher education pedagogy, paradigmatic approaches that reflect in education the relationship between the values ​​of culture and the values ​​of civilization, the individual and society are of particular interest. It is in the context of preserving world civilization and culture when carrying out reforms in the field of education that the most important thing is a broad cultural approach to it, providing for the training of truly widely educated, creatively and critically thinking specialists, ready for free humanistically oriented choice and individual intellectual effort, capable of versatile, holistic vision and analysis of complex problems in the life of society, and therefore capable of finding new solutions to pressing problems.

    In this regard, humanitarian and socio-economic education acquires fundamental importance for all educational sectors and areas; there is a need to overcome its well-known isolation from the natural sciences and technical fields of knowledge, which on the threshold of the new millennium occupied a predominant position in the world. It is for these purposes that the main educational programs of humanitarian universities include a cycle of mathematical and general natural science disciplines, and a full cycle of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines is included in non-humanitarian university programs. Thus, the transition of domestic universities and higher education institutions to work according to new state educational standards (SES) opens up significant opportunities to improve the quality of professional training of future specialists.

    The strategic task of modern education is to educate a competitive citizen of the world, raised on Russian national soil, a spiritually developed personality, ready to answer the challenge of the time. In connection with the need to form a rule of law state, the problem of studying in modern conditions the subjective factor in the sphere of law and, in particular, the problem of forming a legal culture of the individual as a system-forming feature of the basic culture arises.

    6 personality. Legal training of students today has turned out to be ineffective in ensuring real professionalism and competence of future specialists. Consequently, a qualitative update of the system of legal training for students is required, which presupposes that they have not only a certain amount of knowledge and skills acquired in the study of legal disciplines, but also the development of a legal style of thinking, ways to effectively engage in new legal relations, that is, they have a developed legal culture .

    Scientists consider legal culture in a broad and personal, psychological sense. In the first case, legal culture is the qualitative state of the legal life of society, determined by the entire social, spiritual, political and economic development of society. This includes the law itself as a system of norms, legal relations (a system of social relations regulated by law), and legal institutions. Legal culture in the personal sense is a complex, complex property of a person, which largely determines the positive direction of his actions and actions in situations that have legal content; it is a close unity of legal knowledge, attitude to law and legal behavior.

    The absence in society of a developed legal culture, a legal worldview and, largely as a consequence of this, stable legislation, legality, and law and order in general do not provide an opportunity to effectively solve complex socio-economic problems of increasing the well-being of society, ensuring decent living conditions for people, their rights and freedoms .

    According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” the content of education should be focused “on ensuring the self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for his self-realization; for the development of civil society; to strengthen and improve the rule of law; integration of the individual into the system of world and national cultures" and is thus directly related to the problem of the formation of legal culture

    the younger generation, which is an integral component of a civilized legal state.

    The question of the legal culture of a student’s personality today acquires not only academic significance, but also, above all, practical significance. Legal culture in a practical aspect is necessary for the future specialist so that he can navigate well in the “new world”, find the right way out of the situation that he increasingly finds himself in due to a lack of basic legal literacy, know his rights and responsibilities well, and be able to implement them and through legal means effectively protect; so that he knows and respects the rights and obligations of his counterparties, be they citizens, labor collectives, state or public bodies, officials, and competently solves the problems of practical behavior in the legal field. Legal education, the formation of the legal culture of students and future specialists, is becoming an important state task. The responsibility of educational institutions of all ranks and levels is great for the formation of capable specialists, their social-role readiness for life in civil society.

    When analyzing issues of the formation of legal culture, we inevitably come to a complex of intersecting problems of philosophical, legal, psychological and pedagogical sciences.

    Foreign philosophers of the past attached great importance to the study of the problem of moral and legal development of the individual: V.F. Hegel, I. Kant, D. Hobbes, J.-J. Rousseau, B. Spinoza; domestic philosophers: L.M. Arkhangelsky, O.G. Drobnitsky, G.M. Mak, I.G. Ignatovsky, E.G. Fedorenko, G.L. Smirnov and others. The works of these authors provide a deep analysis of the problems of comprehensive development of the individual, revealing the role of morality and law in the process of human formation. In Russian philosophy of the 19th - early 20th centuries. the problems of searching for the spiritual foundations of society and the possibilities of realizing universal human values ​​in social life, including in the field of law, were considered by thinkers of various directions (B.N. Chicherin, P.I.

    Novgorodtsev, B.C. Soloviev, N.M. Korkunov, M.M. Kovalevsky, E.N. Trubetskoy, I.A. Ilyin, L.I. Petrazhitsky, P.B. Struve, N.A. Berdyaev, S.N. Bulgakov

    Legal scholars such as S.S. Alekseev, N.M. Keizerov, V.A. Malakhov, P.M. Rabinovich, E.A. Lukasheva, A.A. Molchanov, A.P. Semitko, V.V. Lazarev, V.P. Salnikov and others.

    Many famous scientists, such as N.L., spoke and wrote about the role and significance of legal culture for universal human culture and education. Granat, I.F. Ryabko, N.N. Voplenko, A.V. Mitskevich, S.A. Komarov, A.V. Malko, E.S. Markaryan, N.I. Matuzov, A.B. Vengerov and others, who made a great contribution to the study of the phenomenon of “legal culture”.

    The psychological and pedagogical foundations of the formation of the legal culture of the individual and society as a whole are revealed in the works of scientists, teachers and psychologists: K.N. Ventzel, P.F. Lesgafta, I.P. Pavlova, N.I. Pirogova, D.I. Pisareva, K.D. Ushinsky, P.D. Yurkevich, as well as in the works of B.G. Ananyeva, P.P. Blonsky, L.I. Bozhovich, O.S. Bogdanova, N.I. Boldyreva, L.S. Vygotsky, N.K. Goncharova, G.P. Davydova, V.I. Zhuravleva, I.F. Isaeva, I.S. Kona, A.S. Makarenko, V.P. Simonova, V.A. Slastenina, V.G. Stepanova, V.A. Sukho-Mlinsky, ST. Shatsky, P.M. Jacobson and others.

    The scientific and methodological foundations for the formation of the legal culture of youth were developed in the studies of T.V. Budilina, E.A. Zorchenko, N.P. Verbitsky, V.V. Golovchenko, Chikeyeva Z.Ch. The issues of forming the legal culture of a future teacher, civil servants, the personality of a Russian officer, students of internal affairs bodies are considered in the dissertation research of A.S. Salomatkina, I.L. Kiseleva, A.I. Zemlina, A.G. Arsentieva, SI. Karpushkina, Rudykh SA. A number of studies have been carried out to study the pedagogical conditions for the formation and development of legal

    culture of students at the university (V.N. Parshin, E.Z. Genisher, V.V. Bondurovsky, S.Nuzhnova).

    The problems of improving the professional, scientific, theoretical and practical training of students are among the most pressing in world and domestic higher education. The relevance of the cultural aspects of the comprehensive training of a modern specialist is determined by the increased objective requirements for the qualitative characteristics of a specialist’s personality and activities, which creates the need for an adequate policy for the development of higher education. In this context, it is necessary to rethink the content of education and training of a specialist, development and consistent implementation of the humanistic concept of teaching.

    The modern reform of secondary and higher schools has proclaimed a new educational paradigm, which is characterized by such priorities as scientific character, integrity, humanization, humanitarization, fundamentality, differentiation, student-oriented organization of the educational process (S.A. Amonashvili, V.I. Andreev, I. N. Antipov, V. V. Afanasyev, Y. K. Babansky, A. A. Bodalev, G. A. Bordovsky, L. G. Vyatkin, A. A. Grekov, V. A. Gusev, V. O.V. Davydov, B.P. Esipov, L.V. Zankov, I.F. Isaev, N.B. Istomina, L.M. Korotkova, A.V. Mudrik, V.A. Slastenin, V. .I. Strakhov, E.N. Shiyanov, etc.) This objectively requires filling the content of vocational education with humanistic values ​​and technologies for their formation, which creates a favorable situation for rethinking the essence of professional training of future specialists. In modern conditions, it is naturally considered not only as “mastery of a craft,” but as a process of formation and development of the student’s personality as a subject of culture, one of the modifications of which is legal culture.

    In the professional training of students, it is becoming increasingly obvious that expanding the scope of activity of future specialists requires an adequate change in the educational process so that every graduate of a non-law university has the necessary legal knowledge and elements of legal

    culture, primarily those that would facilitate effective communication of a specialist with various public institutions - with the state, in the first place. In parallel with this, it is necessary to conduct special training aimed at developing value systems regarding law as a phenomenon, which will contribute to the further improvement of the professional activity of a specialist.

    New organizational and legal forms of business entities, the legislative basis for their relationships, property relations, the procedure for considering disputes and claims, protection of consumer rights - all these issues of today require a qualitatively new level of legal culture of students. There is a sharp increase in the need to train specialists of a new type, capable of solving the problems facing them, based on new principles and in new socio-economic conditions. However, the traditional methodology of teaching law in university and school courses, in our opinion, does not allow us to fully achieve the goal of developing a high level of legal culture among school and university graduates.

    An analysis of the theory and practice of general secondary and higher vocational education leads to the conclusion that currently contradictions between:

    the increasing volume of legal knowledge necessary for future specialists to operate effectively in various spheres of socio-economic life and the real legal training of higher school graduates called upon to carry out this activity;

    innovative processes in public life and the lack of preparedness of schools and universities for the development of the most important components of legal culture - legal consciousness among schoolchildren and university students;

    new democratic legislation and low level of legal awareness;

    the need of society for the legal preparation of each individual for life in new economic conditions and, accordingly, in the new

    II in the system of business and interpersonal relations and the absence in the system of general secondary and higher professional education of targeted work on the formation of the legal culture of schoolchildren and university students;

    The objectively existing need for the formation of a legal culture among schoolchildren and students and the insufficient awareness of this need at all levels of the education system (ministry, university, school, teacher, parents, students).

    The problem of forming the legal culture of students is one of the poorly developed ones, since previously there was no goal to study the issues of the formed legal culture of future teachers, doctors, engineers, psychologists, economists, etc., their readiness to live and work in a legal, democratic state.

    Our research has shown that a significant proportion of schoolchildren and university students are characterized by a low level of legal culture and legal nihilism, which manifests itself not only in ignorance of the norms of the current legislation, but specifically in the non-recognition of law as a real social force, in disrespect for it. At the same time, the format and content of school education, formed mainly in the Soviet era, noticeably lags behind the needs of the modern stage of social development. Law has never been established as an independent school subject in the basic curriculum, and this creates a vacuum in the perception of legislation, legal nihilism.

    There is also an objective need to make significant adjustments to the system of higher professional education. The traditional system of training specialists, having significant inertia, turned out to be inadequate to the economic relations emerging in the country, which require much greater dynamism and flexibility. We are faced with the fact that graduates of universities and schools do not have a sufficient level of legal thinking; legal knowledge is of a purely theoretical nature, divorced from reality. This leads to inertia of thinking

    graduates, makes it difficult for them to model non-standard ways of professional activity, and does not lead to the formation of stable knowledge and skills in using the law in their professional activities.

    At the same time, it can be argued that now in the theory of pedagogy and teaching methods there are certain prerequisites that allow us to approach the solution of this problem. Today it is necessary to ensure that every graduate of a non-law university, regardless of what profession he acquired, masters the legal culture. It is important to develop a student’s personal and professional position that would allow him to make competent independent decisions in any situation.

    The high social significance of the issues of forming the legal culture of students, the continuously growing needs of society for specialists with a developed legal culture, insufficient theoretical and methodological development determined the choice of the research topic, problem which is formulated as follows: what are the social and psychological-pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of the legal culture of students?

    The solution to this problem is target research. Object research is the legal culture of students - future specialists.

    Subject research - the process of forming the legal culture of students.

    The progress of the study was determined by the following working hypothesis:

    The process of forming the legal culture of students in the system of higher professional non-legal education will be manageable and successful if it is:

    the essence, content and structure of the legal culture of the student’s personality were clarified;

    the content of legal education and legal education of students of non-legal universities has been determined;

    the model for the formation of a student’s legal culture is theoretically substantiated and experimentally confirmed;

    the basis of the technology for forming the legal culture of students will be problematic legal situations that actualize the manifestation of legal functions in their future professional activities;

    a set of social and psychological-pedagogical conditions has been implemented that optimize the process of forming the legal culture of students


    To achieve this goal and test the hypothesis, the following were solved: tasks:

      To clarify the essence, content, structure, criteria and levels of formation of the legal culture of the student’s personality.

      To identify and experimentally substantiate the psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the formation of the legal culture of students.

      To develop a model for the formation of the legal culture of students, to determine a program for diagnostic study of the level of formation of the legal culture of students.

      Based on the results of the study, develop practical recommendations for developing the legal culture of students.

    Theoretical and methodological basis of the study are:

    the main conclusions and provisions of legal science, philosophy, pedagogy, sociology, psychology on the issue of the formation of the legal culture of society, legal education, methods of teaching and learning law, as well as legal acts on the issue;

    philosophical provisions on the leading role of activity in the formation of personality; about the value approach to understanding culture and the dialectical relationship between culture and activity (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, V.S. Davidovich, L.A. Zelenov, M.S. Kagan, V.A. Kaidalov);

    a culturological approach that allows us to consider legal culture as one of the components of culture and civilization (culturological concepts of the 20th century: O. Spengler, P.A. Sorokin, A. Schweitzer, K. Jaspers, A.K. Adamov, A.A. Guseinov, P.S. Gurevich and others);

    theory of socialization and individualization of personality, understood as the inclusion of a child in the system of social relations (V.G. Bocharova, B.S. Vulfov, R.G. Gurova, I.S. Kon, A.V. Mudrik, A.V. Petrovsky , M.I. Rozhkova

    *>, and etc-);

    basic concepts of the general theory of law, multidimensional analysis of moral and legal phenomena and their influence on the legal consciousness of citizens (A.I. Dolgova, I.Ya. Duryagin, V.N. Kudryavtsev, G.A. Kuznetsov, E.A. Lukasheva, A. E. Taras and others);

    provisions on the individual and creative nature of pedagogical activity (V.I. Zagvyazinsky, N.V. Kuzmina, N.E. Mazhar, N.D. Nikandrov, L.S. Podymova, V.A. Slastenin, etc.);

    provisions on a systematic approach in psychological and pedagogical research and educational activities (V.P. Bespalko, V.I. Zhuravlev, N.D. Nikandrov, P.I. Pidkasisty, V.P. Simonov, etc.);

    ideas for the formation of social and legal activity of high school students in the process of studying the fundamentals of law and civics (V.V. Berman, A.F. Nikitin, V.M. Obukhov, Ya.V. Sokolov, N.G. Suvorova, etc.);

    the concept of education in the spirit of human rights and a culture of peace (A.Ya. Azarov, T.V. Bolotina, M.V. Kabatchenko, A.F. Nikitin, E.S. Sokolova, Z.K. Schneckendorf, etc.).

    To solve the tasks and check the starting points in the work, a complex was used methods research including:

    1. Methods of theoretical research - analysis of philosophical, sociological, psychological, legal and pedagogical literature; method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, synthesis of empirical mathematics

    rial, logical-historical approach in the analysis of phenomena, qualitative and quantitative approaches, personal-activity approach.

      At the empirical level of legal knowledge, when analyzing new models of legal education and their impact on the formation of legal culture, formal logical and comparative legal methods were used as research methods. Among private scientific methods, concrete sociological and system-structural approaches played a priority role.

      Methods of experimental research - study and generalization of teaching experience, observations, various types of surveys and assessments, studying the results of students' activities using ascertaining and formative experiments, methods of mathematical statistics.

    The study was carried out in three interconnected stages.

    At the first stage(1999 - 2001) literary sources were analyzed, the object, subject, scientific apparatus and research base were determined, a theoretical analysis of the problems of legal education and upbringing in the system of lifelong education (school, university) was carried out, the content of the concepts “legal culture”, “legal consciousness” was clarified , “legal education”, etc.; a program and methodology for empirical testing of the hypothesis are outlined; a base of experimental work has been created; pilot and test variants of the experiment were carried out.

    Second phase(2001 - 2003) was the main stage of the study, during which the methodological positions were clarified, the model of training and education was theoretically justified and built, ensuring the formation of the legal culture of students; experimental verification of the model was carried out).

    Third stage (2003 - 2004) was aimed at identifying factors for optimal functioning and development of the model. The analysis, systematization and generalization of the research results were carried out, the main theoretical conclusions and practical recommendations were formulated, the literary and graphic design of the dissertation research was completed.

    The experimental base for the study was made up of students of the Smolensk Humanitarian University of the following faculties: psychology, regional politics and international tourism, computer technology, and the Faculty of Economics. The total number of students covered by the study was 587 people.

    The most significant results obtained personally by the researcher, their scientific novelty and theoretical significance:

    the actual pedagogical aspect of the formation of the legal culture of students is determined;

    the essence of the legal culture of the personality of a student at a non-law university is revealed in the unity of its intellectual, motivational, value and regulatory characteristics;

    the criteria and levels of formation of the legal culture of students have been identified;

    a model for the formation of legal culture of students was built;

    the content of legal education and legal training aimed at developing the legal culture of students has been determined;

    the psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the effective formation of the legal culture of students are identified and experimentally substantiated;

    the methodology for forming elements of legal culture was carried out taking into account new educational ideas of reform of the education system based on the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation.

    Practical significance of the study. It is determined by the fact that the theoretical provisions, conclusions and scientific and practical recommendations contained in it make it possible to comprehend and effectively implement the process of forming the legal culture of students. Workshop programs have been developed (“Legal culture of a specialist”, “Bank of legal problems-situations”) aimed at developing the legal culture of students; methods, forms, means of forming the phenomenon under study, a system of diagnostic

    istic procedures to monitor the success of its formation. The results and materials of the study can be used in the development of training courses, special courses, workshops, electives and trainings in the educational process of higher education. The following are submitted for defense:

      The legal culture of a student’s personality as a multidimensional, systemic and dynamic personal education is a set of legal knowledge, attitudes towards law as a value and lawful behavior; as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon - we consider it as a measure and method of creative self-realization of an individual in the legal regulation of his future professional activity. It synthesizes the unity of legal thinking, legal consciousness and specific forms of behavior of subjects of legal relations; these are the abilities and skills of an individual to competently solve problems of practical behavior in the legal field, to turn to the rules of law and law to implement the problems facing him, resolve conflicts and disputes;

      The legal culture of a student’s personality, being an integrative component of human culture, is a holistic personal education characterized by:

    the constant desire of the individual to expand legal knowledge that is of socially significant value to him;

    conviction of the need to carry out professional activities in strict accordance with the law;

    manifestation of stable feelings of responsibility and involvement in subjects of law, confidence and self-sufficiency in defending and using subjective rights;

    the need for legal self-improvement, the desire to perceive legal guidelines and their practical implementation in specific actions.

    3. The structure of the legal culture of the student’s personality consists of the following

    cognitive (intellectual) - ensures the formation of the intellectual sphere, ideas about the images of the personal, moral, legal and professional “I”;

    motivational and value - presupposes the formation of humanistic life attitudes, the need for legal self-improvement and moral and value motivation in the process of mastering legal knowledge; forms an attitude towards the law as a value that is beyond competition in a democratic society;

    regulatory (behavioural) - is a “driving force”, directs the individual’s activities towards the creative development of the individual by stimulating his professional activity.

      The structural-functional model of the formation of a student’s legal culture includes the goals, essence, composition, structure and characteristics of the interaction of the components of legal culture in the system of continuous legal education, upbringing and legal activity, which ensures the individual’s assimilation of the legal experience accumulated in society, the formation of value orientations, and the development of characterological personality traits by which one can determine the level of its cultural development. Only in the complex process of interrelation and interaction of these blocks can a specialist with a high level of legal culture be formed;

      The technology for forming a student’s legal culture is represented by a consistent system of interconnected actions of teachers and students based on instrumental and didactic means. The teacher’s activities include monitoring the state of students’ legal culture; analysis and selection of the content of legal material, organization of a holistic educational process using active forms and methods, training students in methods of analyzing dynamically changing legislative acts;

      The formation of a student’s legal culture is ensured by observing a combination of the following pedagogical conditions: a quality

    the existence of the surrounding legal environment, which acts as a powerful determining factor in the legal education of the subject; a structural-functional model for the formation of a student’s legal culture has been developed and implemented; staffing the educational process at the university, special scientific and methodological training for law teachers; the focus of the process of professional education on the formation of a legal culture throughout the entire period of professional training of students; organization of subject-subject interaction in the “student-teacher” system; continuous improvement of the content, forms and methods of legal education and upbringing;

    7. The state of formation of the legal culture of the student’s personality is determined using selected criteria (the degree of legal awareness and legal consciousness; the degree of formation of the attitude towards the law as a value; the degree of formation of legal skills, skills of lawful behavior, socio-legal activity of the student’s personality) and levels (high, medium, low).

    Validity and reliability The results of the study are provided by the initial methodological positions associated with anthropological, axiological and cultural approaches to solving the problem; based on the theory of pedagogy and psychology, on the analysis of school and university practice; using a set of research methods that are adequate to its object, goals, objectives and logic; quantitative and qualitative analysis, representativeness and comparability of experimental data with mass practice.

    Testing and implementation of research results. The main ideas and results of the study were presented and received approval at international (Bryansk, 2003), all-Russian (Moscow, 2004, Smolensk, 1999, 2003) as well as at the annual Cyril and Methodius readings of SSU (since 1999), at meetings of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher School of SSU (2002, 2003, 2004). The results of the study were introduced into the educational process of Smo-

    Lena Humanitarian University and Smolensk Regional Institute for Teacher Training.

    Structure of the dissertation. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

    In administered the relevance, problem, goal, object, subject, tasks, hypothesis, methodology and methods of research, as well as its scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance are substantiated, the main provisions submitted for defense are formulated.

    IN first Chapter - “Theoretical foundations of the formation of legal culture of students” - an analysis of the phenomenon of legal culture in philosophy, legal theory, in the theory and practice of pedagogy was carried out; the main approaches to defining legal culture are given; the conceptual apparatus is defined; the structure, content, functions of legal culture are considered; evaluation criteria and a program for diagnostic study of the levels of formation of students' legal culture have been developed; a functional model for the formation of legal culture has been developed; the starting positions in modeling the dynamics of the process of its formation in the system of higher non-legal education are determined; the social, psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of the legal culture of students are identified and justified.

    In the second chapter- “Experimental work on the formation of the legal culture of students” - sets out the general concept of practical research; issues of organizing control and formative pedagogical experiments are covered in detail, the design, objectives and content of its main stages are presented; a component-by-component analysis of the process of forming the legal culture of students is carried out, and the psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure its effectiveness are revealed.

    IN conclusion The results of theoretical and experimental research are summarized.

    In applications Empirical research materials and long-term thematic plans for the developed workshops are presented.

    Legal culture: essence, content, structure, functions

    Legal culture is part of the culture of society. It mediates all the main spheres of the legal life of society: legislation, lawmaking, legal implementation, the rights and freedoms of citizens, the mechanism of the state, the principles and methods of its activities, legal consciousness in all its types and levels and, thus, is an important criterion for the quality of the legal life of society, which can be expressed by the concept of legal culture. This is the level and degree of progressive legal achievements embodied in human activity and its results.

    Legal culture determines the measure of legal civility of the state and society, their legal progress. This is an indicator of the height of the legal consciousness of society; it characterizes the most important cultural and legal values, which serve as a kind of “pass” to the family of civilized peoples of the world.

    The state of the legal culture of any state is an important indicator of the degree of maturity of a specific historical legal system.

    The level of legal culture reflects the historical development of the country and people. Therefore, each country has its own level, it combines the norms of yesterday and today, and at the same time lays the foundation for the future of legal development. This fully applies to modern Russia. Its legal system, like a mirror, reflects the level of progressive legal development of society achieved at the turn of centuries and millennia.

    Today Russia is in a radically new socio-economic, spiritual, moral and geopolitical situation, which requires a new understanding of the initial principles of our legal structure. As rightly noted by Doctor of Philosophy A.L. Dobrokhotov: “...if we consider the history of culture as a change of certain paradigms, then it is obvious that in each era there were some common paradigms, matrices for all knowledge; in the Middle Ages this role was played by religion, in modern times by science. Obviously, a paradigm shift is underway. I would dare to suggest that in the next future cycle, cultural activities will be based on an ethical and legal matrix. There is a special dimension where there is a world in which the formation of both man and the culture around him takes place not according to the laws of physics, not according to the laws of thinking, not according to the laws of tradition, but according to the laws of the postulation of certain moral principles. On this basis, I believe, the world, civilization, and era should be built.” According to N.N. Voplenko Russia needs a quick and decisive breakthrough into the legal cultural space; it needs a kind of assimilation of national and world achievements in the field of law. Hence the deserved attention to this problem.

    People's ideas about legal culture are as diverse and complex as general ideas about what culture is in general and how to understand it when considering the various manifestations of this phenomenon in real life.

    The concept of culture is a complex, multifaceted and very unique phenomenon. The word culture comes from the Latin “cultura” and means cultivating the soil, cultivating it, i.e. change in a natural object under human influence, as opposed to those changes caused by natural causes. . The word “culture”, which emerged in antiquity, has undergone many conceptual rethinkings. In the original meaning - cultivation, guardianship, care, first in relation to the land, objects, then to human souls. Over time, the concept also includes a set of skills and abilities that have been formed in society for a chosen purpose; finally, it acquires the meaning of the highest result of human activity. Gradually, its leading meaning becomes to cultivate, care for, protect people and society, and shape the moral character of the individual.

    In Russia, this term, first discovered in N. Kirillov’s “Pocket Dictionary of Foreign Words” in 1846, characterized activities to awaken dormant forces in a person. Culture is a specific human way of being and activity that goes beyond the framework of purely natural existence, the totality of all the achievements of people in their material, social and spiritual life, the most rational, aesthetically acceptable and morally worthy way of acting to obtain any results. Culture is based on reason, speech, creativity, moral and religious ideas and their consequences - knowledge, practical life and communication. It is not created alone - it is the fruit of the creative efforts of many people and the connection of generations. There are cultures of different historical eras, socio-economic formations, labor culture, artistic culture, political culture, etc.

    L.N. Kogan defines culture as the measure and method of realizing the essential forces of a person in his social activities. . Such well-known domestic cultural theorists as V. Vernadsky, N. Berdyaev, I. Ilyin, V. Rozanov consider culture as a set of real circumstances, phenomena, objects, lifestyles and activities that distinguish a person from the natural environment; this is all that is created by the hands and thought of man (the creation of human hands). The most general concept of “culture” means the totality of material and spiritual values ​​created and being created by people, the totality of all types of transformative activities for the production of these values, characterizing the level of development of society.

    The process of forming the legal culture of students in the system of continuing education

    The formation of a legal culture of an individual as a scientific problem has several approaches:

    general philosophical, revealing the general patterns of the formation of a person’s culture, its essence and manifestations;

    private scientific, describing on the basis of private scientific theories (pedagogy, didactics, psychology, theory of state and law, ethics, etc.) the features of the formation of personal culture;

    socio-psychological and concrete sociological, revealing the social functions, conditions and mechanisms of action of the individual’s culture in public life.

    Each of these approaches poses and solves specific problems and is studied by means of a specific social science.

    A productive solution to the problems of forming the culture of students is possible on the basis of an analysis of the experience of educational and organizational work, generalization of the conclusions of theoretical and sociological research at the intersection of higher education pedagogy, personality theory and culture. A solid theoretical and practical basis for solving pressing problems of forming culture and improving the quality of training of specialists was created by the works of Yu.P. Azarova, SI. Arkhangelsky, A.A. Verbitsky, I.F. Isaev, V.A. Sla-stenina, M.I. Dyachenko, E.F. Sulimova, E.A. Yakuba and others. In a number of dissertation studies, scientific-methodological and psychological-pedagogical foundations for the formation of the legal culture of youth have been developed (T.V. Budilina, E.A. Zorchenko, V.V. Golovchenko, V.N. Parshin, E.Z. Genisher, V.V. Bondurovsky, S.V. Nazhnova, etc.).

    At the same time, analyzing the current practice in the system of higher professional non-legal education, we can conclude that, despite understanding the importance of the problem under consideration, the technology of the formation process, the study of issues formed in the legal culture of students of non-legal specialties are not sufficiently developed.

    In our work, we made an attempt to analyze and summarize existing research on this topic and offer our vision of the problem of the process of forming the legal culture of students.

    Higher school prepares specialists for a variety of creative activities: professional, socio-political and socio-cultural; it lays not just specific knowledge of a certain range and volume, but the foundation of social initiative, the ability to work with and for people. By creating the cultural potential of a future specialist, it determines the way of his life and social existence. The culture of students, including the legal one, is formed by the entire system, image and style of life, while simultaneously influencing their development.

    The National Doctrine of Education and the Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010 put forward strategic goals and objectives of education, closely linked to the problems of the development of Russian society. This is, first of all: strengthening a democratic legal state and the development of civil society; staffing a developing market economy with high competitiveness; education of citizens of a legal democratic state capable of socialization in a civil society, respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual, possessing a developed moral, legal and political culture, as well as training highly qualified specialists capable of professional growth and professional mobility in the conditions of informatization of society and the development of new knowledge-intensive technologies technologies According to V.P. Salnikov, legal culture should be considered as one of the most important components determining the progressive development of social relations as a special social phenomenon, manifested in the qualitative legal state of society and the individual.

    Legal culture is built on stereotypes of consciousness and legal behavior inherent in a given particular social community. Legal stereotypes are formed in the mass consciousness in the process of historical development of society. Unstable political balance, in particular a large number of subjects, bearers of completely different ideological attitudes, does not allow us to generally develop a unified concept for the formation of a stable legal culture in society, an optimally high level of legal knowledge of citizens, and stable legal behavior. It should be noted that it is impossible to quickly and painlessly move from a society where too little space was allocated to law and legal culture, to a society where law would occupy its due place and citizens would have a high legal culture. The formation of a legal culture is a complex and lengthy process: this includes increasing the level of legal awareness, legal activity, legal knowledge of citizens, and increasing the efficiency of law enforcement, and carrying out judicial reform, and improving the culture of law enforcement and law-making, as well as the quality of legislation. Legal culture is formed by systematic, purposeful educational activities of the state and depends primarily on the level of development of the legal consciousness of citizens, on how deeply they understand the basic legal values.

    Experience of an experimental study of the level of formation of legal culture of students

    The purpose of the experimental work was to test the effectiveness of the complex of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the legal culture of students. In accordance with the general plan, the following tasks were solved in the experimental part of the study:

    1) develop and experimentally test a methodology for diagnostic study of the level of formation of students’ legal culture;

    2) experimentally test the criteria, indicators and levels of formation of the legal culture of students;

    3) explore the initial level of formation of students’ legal culture;

    4) implement in the experimental group a set of selected psychological and pedagogical conditions, check their effectiveness in the process of forming the legal culture of students;

    5) check the functioning of the model for the formation of the legal culture of students.

    The search for the main pedagogical conditions for the formation of the legal culture of students was carried out within the framework of the problem-activity concept of teaching. In accordance with the structure of our proposed model for the formation of the legal culture of students, a pedagogical research methodology was selected, which is a complex of theoretical and empirical methods, the combination of which makes it possible to comprehensively, with the greatest reliability, study the problem under study - the formation of the legal culture of students in the system of higher professional non-legal education.

    When using pedagogical research methods to solve specific problems, we were guided by the basic principles of choosing these methods: this is the principle of a set of research methods, meaning that not one, but several methods are used to solve any scientific problem; the principle of adequacy of the method to the essence of the subject being studied and to the specific result that should be obtained. In accordance with the purpose, objectives and program of experimental work, a system of interconnected and complementary pedagogical research methods was used.

    In the system of research methods, we consider the main method for diagnosing legal culture to be a psychological and pedagogical experiment, which allows us to most fully explore the patterns of development and formation of the legal culture of students in the conditions of training and education. According to the definition of V.A. Slastenin, a pedagogical experiment is “research activity with the aim of studying cause-and-effect relationships in pedagogical phenomena, which involves experimental modeling of a pedagogical phenomenon and the conditions for its occurrence; active influence of the researcher on the pedagogical phenomenon; measuring the results of pedagogical influence and interaction." The pedagogical experiment was carried out in natural (ordinary) conditions of the educational process of the university, both ascertaining, establishing the real state of affairs in the process of forming the legal culture of students, and formative (teaching, educating), in which the process of training, education and formation was carried out with the introduction of a new factor , namely the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the legal culture of students, determined the effectiveness of their application.

    587 people were covered in various forms of the study. The contingent of subjects consisted of students of the Smolensk Humanitarian University of the following faculties: psychology, regional politics and international tourism, computer technology, and the Faculty of Economics. All studies were conducted in the conditions of one university. This made it possible to stabilize the main components of the educational process, weaken the influence of unaccounted factors that could affect the reliability of the data obtained, and also achieve maximum purity of the experiment.

    The experimental work methodology included other methods of pedagogical research. Thus, the use of the method of pedagogical observation, which was carried out directly during the regular presence of the dissertation student in jurisprudence classes, as well as during personal conduct of legal training classes for students as part of a special course, made it possible to carry out a “living contemplation” of various elements of the legal culture of students, to establish connections and dependencies this pedagogical process, comprehend them and make changes to existing practice. Depending on the role of the researcher (as a witness or direct participant), an observation program and a technique for recording and accumulating facts were chosen. In all cases, an observation diary was kept, where the most significant facts were recorded, such as: the relevance of the educational material, its connection with the process of formation of legal culture, the teacher’s raising of problematic issues, the use of active teaching methods, the enthusiasm and nature of students’ attention during the lesson, the quantity and content questions asked by students, taking into account the individual characteristics and level of legal culture of students, and others.

    An important element of theoretical analysis is the consideration of legal culture in relation to general culture. The author takes the approach of the human-creative essence of culture as the basis for the analysis of the phenomenon of legal culture. It is this position that unites all existing approaches to the analysis of culture as a social phenomenon.

    Firstly, it allows us to reveal the essence and characteristics of culture, determined by the content and specificity of the activity. This understanding of culture involves identifying the positive and negative impact of activity on human development, its human-creative potential, the content and motives for engaging in it.

    Secondly, within the framework of this approach, a psychological and sociological study of culture is possible through the analysis of three structural blocks: cognitive, behavioral and praxeological.

    Thirdly, it has a humanistic orientation: culture is viewed through the prism of personality and is interpreted as the world of spiritual, physical, and material life of a person. For the psychological and sociological study of legal culture, this understanding of culture and the methodological principles of its study seem to be the most significant.

    The relationship between culture (general culture) and legal culture is determined by the fact that legal culture acts as a special type, a subsystem of culture. As an element of a larger system, legal culture has a structural similarity in relation to it.

    In terms of content, the concept of general culture is much broader, since the wealth of culture as a whole is formed by various types of legal cultures. The core that unites general and legal culture are universal human norms and values. They underlie the culture of any social community, and refracted through the peculiarities of legal activity, they form the core of the culture of a given social community.

    In turn, legal culture contains specific values ​​and norms. Legal values ​​and norms can be consistent with universal human ones, or they can contradict them. This thoroughly determines the nature of the relationship between general and legal culture. Legal culture can only act as a carrier of a number of characteristics of general culture.

    Legal culture orients the individual toward compliance with the laws, and in this sense, it limits the manifestation of individual creativity within the framework of legal norms and values. In this case, a person is able to create, but within the framework of the law existing in society. The presence of the same mechanism can be noted at the level of general culture. But due to the incomparably greater coverage of phenomena and spheres (art, religion, morality, politics, etc.) by general culture, it provides a person with much more opportunities for self-development, self-realization and creativity.

    In addition to the differences discussed, it is noted that in terms of content, general and legal cultures do not have distinctions by subject. The specific society in which they function and develop can act as a carrier of both general and legal culture. And in this case, we can talk about the culture of society, for example, the culture of the Soviet period, the culture of Antiquity (meaning the culture of ancient Greek and Roman society). Similarly, we can talk about the legal culture of Antiquity and the Soviet period. The carrier of both cultures can be a social group or an individual. The work notes that there are no hard boundaries between general and legal culture. They are constantly in the process of two-way exchange. Some of the values, norms, and knowledge of legal culture can become the property of general culture. And vice versa, the culture of society influences the formation and development of legal culture, transmitting new knowledge and values ​​into it.

    The legal culture of an individual is defined as the special interaction of an individual with legislative and executive authorities based on the internalization of legal knowledge, norms, and values ​​that ensure law-abiding behavior in all spheres of everyday life. This definition indicates:

    Firstly, the fact that legal culture is an important cultural phenomenon, since it includes a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that determine patterns of everyday practices carried out on the basis of current norms established by federal authorities.

    Secondly, it is always a movement, the individual’s striving for certain ideals, the development of the rule of law and civil society.

    Thirdly, legal culture is the result of the interaction of external predetermination (objective factors), which encourages a person to behave law-abidingly, and internal necessity (subjective factors) - interest, values, needs, attitudes related to ensuring one’s freedom on the basis of compliance with the rules of law.

    Therefore, legal culture can be considered as a special form of social interaction between individuals and authorities. Legal culture is a special subsystem of culture. We agree with those researchers who believe that the formation and development of a certain type of legal culture is closely related to existing laws in society, which characterize and determine the behavioral patterns of an individual. In the structure of each social system, there was a system of values, ideals, patterns of behavior, and laws that expressed the quintessence of the existing way of life and regulated the relationship between the state, society and citizen.

    Features of legal culture stem from the intensity of interaction of the individual with society, the state and its involvement in everyday practices. At the same time, legal culture acts as a form of awareness of the need to build a rule of law state as a whole and the most important indicator of its development. It is a product of a mature society, in it socio-legal experience is consolidated and transmitted and mechanisms are formed to ensure the expression and coordination of various interests and the adoption of general rules and decisions based on laws adopted in society.

    The unity of the social and legal relations contained in it gives culture a new quality and the ability to influence the functioning of the entire social organism. This finds expression in the formation of a certain type of personality and the reproduction and development of legal qualities. We are talking about developing legal consciousness and forms of legal behavior, social connections and methods of communication that contribute to the strengthening of the entire community.

    It is in the legal culture that a single set of fundamental legal values ​​and norms is presented, covering all spheres of society and determining their general civil orientation. Consequently, legal culture is a normative system that regulates and controls the activities of the individual, stimulating social life.

    Legal culture incorporates a specific legal code based not only on legal provisions, but also on moral standards and a general commitment to social principles and duty. A manifestation of the normativity of legal culture can, in particular, be considered active legal consciousness and behavior. Legal culture is adequate to society as a whole; it is, in one way or another, connected with all spheres of public life and expresses their synthetic characteristics. At the same time, legal values ​​and norms of behavior play a decisive role in it. All social views and attitudes of people are realized in them. The value component of legal culture can develop in unison with universal human values ​​and the individual’s personal value system (in this case, we can talk about the successful functioning of legal culture), or it can come into conflict with them, which negatively affects the development of legal culture.

    The conducted theoretical and methodological analysis allows us to determine the positions from which a psychological and sociological analysis of legal culture is possible:

    Firstly, legal culture can be considered as a special form of social interaction between the individual, society and the state.

    Secondly, there is a certain logic of the formation and development of legal culture - this is the influence of subjective and objective factors.

    Thirdly, consideration of legal culture as a characteristic of social activity, everyday practices of an individual or a social group. In this sense, the formation of a legal culture of an individual means mastering generally accepted standards of the best examples of social activity based on the legal norms and values ​​shared by the individual, mastering legal knowledge, skills and abilities.

    Fourthly, legal culture is a certain fragment of people’s consciousness, their interest in the legal sphere, orientation towards the subject of interest, or vice versa, indifference, lack of interest.

    Fifthly, the identification of three interconnected blocks in the structure of legal culture - cognitive, behavioral and praxeological - allows us to study its features, structure, and get the most complete picture of it. The first block of legal culture – cognitive – is formed by legal knowledge, skills and abilities, legal values, which serve as the basis of legal consciousness. The second - behavioral block of legal culture consists of elements that regulate the behavior and social activities of an individual, a social group - legal norms. These elements contain, in a generalized form in the form of law, the requirements of society for the individual. This block also includes motivational mechanisms - the needs and interests of the individual. The praxeological block is formed by institutions that form legal culture.

    Sixth, consideration of the functions and dysfunctions of legal culture.

    Research shows that students’ understanding of legal culture is vague, intuitive, and not systematized. Most of them put axiological (value), normative and knowledge (cognitive) aspects into the understanding of legal culture. The idea of ​​it is reduced to a certain aspect of it, that is, it does not represent a complete system. Desired sources of information about legal knowledge are: university, family, law enforcement agencies (lawyers), and the media. In practice, the main sources of knowledge are the media and the Internet, which does not contribute to improving the legal culture of students.

    The specificity of the legal culture of students in modern conditions is determined by internal (subjective) and external (objective) factors.

    The main objective factors in the formation and development of the legal culture of students are: education; the media, forming the “image” of a law-abiding citizen in public opinion; Internet; state (authorities); family; crisis of values ​​and norms in society; presence/absence of the rule of law

    The second group includes the following factors: presence/absence of legal qualities; presence/lack of interest in acquiring knowledge about the legal field, personal experience of interaction with the legal field.

    One of the important factors influencing the formation and development of students’ legal culture is the crisis of values ​​and norms in society. Since the legal culture of students is a subsystem of the general culture in society, the vectors of changes in the value system of both the whole and its parts are unidirectional. There is an active redistribution in the structure and hierarchy of value orientations of young people. In their eyes, the role and significance of the individual as an active, independent subject changes noticeably. On the other hand, the task of society becomes the formation of a special type of personality, characterized by legal consciousness and the need to carry out activities on the basis of the laws existing in society. Meanwhile, such values ​​as freedom, safety, and law-abidingness occupy far from the first places in the system of students’ life values. Family, health, education, love, friendship took first place among the significant values, i.e. universal human values.

    Two levels of legal culture of students are emerging - official, with a declaration of the legal consciousness and behavior expected from young people and the corresponding value orientation, and real, developing and conditioned by the absence of the rule of law and civil society, close to the needs and possibilities of the existing state of affairs.

    The next important factor influencing legal culture is education.

    Education here plays a dual role in the formation of a legal culture: firstly, when students receive an education, on the one hand, they reproduce accumulated knowledge, values, experience (including legal ones), and on the other hand, they lay the spiritual foundations of activity based on laws adopted in society. Getting an education is nothing more than the process of realizing the needs for the creation, consumption and dissemination of cultural values, including legal ones. Secondly, the educational institution (educational institution, teacher, lecturer, etc.) is the most important way of implementing the mechanism of social inheritance and continuity, which has a purely cultural (human, social) character. Despite the fact that the government and municipal education authorities have taken some steps in recent years to increase the role of education in shaping the legal culture of students, the degree of its participation is still at a low level. Education is an important factor in the formation and development of the legal culture of students, regardless of what specialty they acquire. However, at the present stage, the role of education in the formation of legal culture is insignificant.

    The primary factor in the formation of legal culture is the family. The essence of the family in the formation and development of legal culture is expressed in its functions, where leading importance is given to the function of socializing the individual, introducing him to the social experience that humanity has developed, which contributes to a person’s entry into society; cultural – a person’s entry into culture, familiarization with its values ​​and norms, including legal ones, etc.

    The next objective factor influencing the formation and development of the legal culture of students is the state (authorities). The state, through its institutions and organizations, must ensure a fundamental level of education of the individual, setting itself the goal: to form the appropriate type of law-abiding citizen. The state (authorities) are an important factor in the formation of the legal culture of students. The implementation of specific measures to improve this social phenomenon is required, however, today they remain desirable.

    In modern Russia, the greatest opportunities for developing the legal culture of students are concentrated in the hands of the Internet and the media. In market conditions, when the existence of the media depends not only on circulation, but also on the financial capabilities of sponsors, they are more interested not in providing objective and impartial information, but in the pursuit of sensations, scandals that can attract new readers, and even more - in fulfilling the social and political order of sponsors, this negatively affects the legal culture of students. There is an increase in the destructive impact of the media on the process of forming the legal culture of the younger generation, since models broadcast from television screens lead to further deformation of spiritual and moral values, erosion of moral and ethical standards, including legal ones. Of particular concern is the uncontrolled growth of information, which provokes violence, sexual promiscuity, cynicism, disrespect for the rule of law, and a consumerist attitude towards society and the state. An information-cultural person is a person who is able to clearly differentiate all the information passing through him and is able to use this information for the benefit of personal and public interests. The media and the Internet, which could influence the formation of legal values ​​and norms in society, do not fulfill their role and do not contribute to the formation and development of the legal culture of students.

    Research shows that the presence of legal qualities has a positive effect on the formation and development of students’ legal culture. For students who have these qualities, the importance of the value and normative components of legal culture increases, and the weakening of the knowledge component can be compensated by the acquired skills and abilities of acting on the basis of laws adopted in society. An equally important factor influencing the legal culture of students is the students’ interest in legal knowledge - the sustainable desire of the individual to master the wealth of legal skills and implement them in practical activities. Interest in acquiring legal knowledge has a beneficial effect on the formation and development of students' legal culture.

    Thus, the study of the legal culture of students as a social phenomenon made it possible to identify the essential characteristics and features of the legal culture of students from the point of view of the presence of legal knowledge about and role behavior in society; also helped to identify the diversity of manifestations of the legal culture of students in modern conditions; reproduce and describe some of its measurements. As a basis, the following judgment was adopted: if a person has legal knowledge, which is reflected in the presence of legal qualities, then he is characterized by appropriate role behavior in society.


    1. Agranovskaya E.V. Legal culture and ensuring individual rights. – M.: Nauka, 1988. – 120 p.
    2. Ananyev B.G. On the problems of modern human science. – M.: Nauka, 1977. – 380 p.
    3. Legal consciousness and Russian legal mentality // News of Universities. Jurisprudence. – 2000. – No. 3. – 112 p.
    4. Boer V.M., Pavelyeva O.G. Information law: Textbook. allowance. Part 1. – St. Petersburg, 2006. – 116 p.
    5. Bratus B.S. Psychology. Moral. Culture. – M.: Rospedagentstvo, 1994. – 60 p.
    6. Gulevich O.A. Psychological aspects of jurisprudence: Proc. manual for universities. – M.: MPSI, 2006. – 512 p.
    7. Gulevich O.A., Golynchik E.O. Legal awareness and legal socialization. Analytical review. – M., 2003. – 273 p.
    8. Nikolaeva O.P. Legal and moral maturity of the individual // Subject and social competence of the individual. – M., 1995 – 549 p.
    9. Applied legal psychology: Proc. manual for universities / Ed. prof. A.M. Stolyarenko. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2000. – 639 p.
    10. Farber I. Legal awareness as a form of social consciousness. M., 1963. – 481 p.
    11. Shikhantsev G.G. Legal psychology: Textbook for universities. – M.: Zertsalo, 2006. – 272 p.
    12. Yakovlev A.M. Legal consciousness as an object of concrete social research. – M.: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute SZ, 1976. – 128 p.

    To summarize, let's say that, firstly, one should not turn any theoretical concept into a model of practical behavior, one should not equate aesthetics with poetics. Secondly, the metaphorization of the educational process is becoming so obvious that it would be absurd to deny new trends that erode the existing structures, but provide the opportunity for the successful development of the humanities. Thirdly, we have to admit that a modern student is more informed than the student his teacher once was, so it is difficult to surprise him with something; rather, he needs to be taught how

    correctly manage the information received, immersing it in the continuum of the text. Fourthly, you need to get used to the idea of ​​the symbolism of existence around the individual and within him. Fifthly, there is an urgent need to reconsider personnel serving for the benefit of higher education. XXI century What is needed is not a performer, not a dictator, not a mass entertainer, but a thoughtful professional, open to dialogue and capable of realizing that he is wrong.


    1 The latest philosophical dictionary / comp. A. A. Gritsaiov. Minsk, 1998. P. 24.

    ")cp W. Joyce's Poetics / W. Eco; translated from the Italian by A. Koval. St. Petersburg, 2003. P. 311.

    Received 12/08/05.


    G. I. Aksenova, Head of the Department of General Psychology, Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service

    Russia, professor,

    T. I. Tsyganova, teacher of the Department of Speech Therapy and Medical Fundamentals of Defectology, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. M. E. Evsevieva

    The article is devoted to the problem of forming a legal culture among students of a non-law university. The role of legal culture in the system of professional training is determined. A number of problems in the process of its practical formation among students have been identified, and the main ways to solve them have been outlined.

    The question of the legal culture of a student’s personality today acquires not only academic, but also practical significance. Legal culture in a practical aspect is necessary for the future specialist so that he knows his rights and obligations well, and legally competently solves the problems of professional behavior. Legal education, the formation of the legal culture of students and future specialists, is developing into an important state task.

    In the professional training of students, it is becoming increasingly obvious that expanding the scope of activity of future specialists requires an adequate change in educational

    process, so that every graduate of a non-law university has the necessary legal knowledge and elements of legal culture, primarily those that would contribute to the effective communication of a specialist with various public institutions, and primarily with the state. In parallel with this, it is necessary to conduct special training aimed at developing value systems regarding law as a phenomenon, which will contribute to the further improvement of the professional activity of a specialist.

    New organizational and legal forms of economic entities, the legislative basis for their relationships, about

    <ЭХ. И. Аксенова, Т. И. Цыганова, 2006

    carrying property, the procedure for considering disputes and claims, protecting consumer rights - all these issues of today require a qualitatively new level of legal culture of students. However, the traditional methodology of teaching law does not allow us to fully solve the problem of developing a high level of legal culture among university graduates.

    An analysis of the theory and practice of higher professional education leads to the conclusion that currently contradictions between:

    The increasing volume of legal knowledge required by future specialists for effective activities in various spheres of socio-economic life, and the real legal training of graduates called upon to carry out these activities;

    Innovative processes in public life and the unpreparedness of universities to develop among students the most important component of legal culture - legal consciousness;

    Democratic legislation and low level of legal awareness;

    The need of society for the legal preparation of each individual for life in new economic conditions and, accordingly, in a new system of business and interpersonal relations and the absence in the system of higher professional education of targeted work on the formation of the legal culture of students;

    The objectively existing need for the formation of a legal culture among students and the insufficient awareness of this need at all levels of the education system.

    It is obvious that an objective need has arisen to make significant adjustments to the system of higher professional education. The traditional system of training specialists, having significant inertia, turned out to be inadequate for those emerging in

    country's economic relations, requiring significantly greater dynamism and flexibility. Very often, university graduates do not have a sufficient level of legal thinking; legal knowledge is of a purely theoretical nature, divorced from reality. This leads to inertia in the thinking of graduates and makes it difficult for them to model non-standard ways of professional activity.

    A study of the current practice in the system of higher professional non-legal education allows us to conclude that the issues of the formed legal culture of students of non-legal specialties are not sufficiently developed.

    To fill the gaps in this area, we have developed a model for the formation of a student’s legal culture (figure). The main components of the model are the goal, essence, structure, interdependence of the components: cognitive, motivational-value and regulatory-activity.

    The model is a descriptive analogue of the process of forming the legal culture of students and displays formalized and analytical structures of its most important components, and is predictive in nature. All its components exist in interconnection and unity. The degree of their relationship increases with the development of the individual and his ascent through the levels of the vocational education system. Each of the components of the model, having its own function, specific content and methodological features, is designed to solve a certain part of the general pedagogical task of forming the legal culture of students. The system-forming factor in its formation, in our opinion, is legal activity.

    The model we propose covers the entire process under consideration: from the acquisition of legal knowledge, skills,

    Cognitive Motivational-Regulatory-Active-

    value component value component

    Legal knowledge, legal views, legal consciousness

    Indicators Required minimum legal knowledge; developed legal consciousness; orientation in specialized literature; ability to use legal reference systems

    Legal motive, legal attitude, legal behavior

    Indicators Social responsibility for the results and consequences of its activities; humanism towards others; the need for self-improvement, the desire for self-realization in legal activity; attitude to the law as a value; adequate positive self-esteem; the formation of moral qualities that determine the general culture of the PERSON and its ability to live

    Legal skills, abilities, experience

    Indicators Independence, readiness to make decisions; the ability to argue and defend one’s legal rights and freedoms; initiative, entrepreneurship; readiness for legal activities; social and legal activity, lawful behavior

    Criteria Criteria Criteria

    Degree of legal Degree of formation Degree of formation

    awareness of attitude to law as legal skills

    and legal consciousness to the value and ability of lawful

    behavior; level



    Structural and functional model of the formation of a student’s legal culture

    skills, development of the value-legal orientation of the individual, legal views, ideas, motives, legal attitudes, value orientations, attitude to the law as a value before the manifestation of legal culture in lawful behavior and social-legal activity of the individual.

    We consider the process of forming the legal culture of students as an integral system in the interconnection of the following blocks:

    Social and psychological-pedagogical conditions, the implementation of which will contribute to the effective formation of a legal culture;

    Continuous legal education in the educational process;

    Legal education in conjunction with other areas of the unified educational process;

    Inclusion of students in real legal activities.

    Legal culture cannot have a specific meaning and certainty without the concept of “level”. The level of legal culture is a qualitative and quantitative characteristic that includes information not only about the volume and scale of legal “baggage”, the limits of mastery of the arsenal of legal culture, the number of mastered (or unmastered) of its elements or types of corresponding cultural values. This is also information about its content, the nature of spiritual values ​​(or “anti-values”), the social orientation of legal ideals, ideas, and norms accepted by the individual. This is a culture of legal thinking, a culture of legal feelings, a culture of legal behavior.

    In turn, each “level” is presented as a ratio of the actually achieved result and the corresponding norm. The level of formed™ legal culture of students can be specified in a 3-point system of assessment of the levels of formed™ cognitive, motivational-principal

    nal and regulatory-activity components and can be characterized as “high”, “medium”, “low”.

    The proposed model, in our opinion, not only reflects the levels of development of legal culture, but also forms the main strategic objectives for universities that purposefully implement the legal socialization of youth.

    Having examined the process of forming the legal culture of students, we came to the following conclusions:

    This is a complex, continuous, rather contradictory process, which is a set of educational, organizational, personnel, socio-economic activities and forms of interaction between teachers and students. The dynamics of accumulation of experience in this area at each stage of the formation of legal culture has its own characteristics, determined by the level of legal development of the student, specific goals and corresponding professional means of legal influence;

    It includes the formation of cognitive, motivational-value and regulatory-activity components that ensure the socio-legal orientation of the individual and increase his vitality;

    The structural elements of this process are in active interconnection and interaction, which ensures that the individual assimilates the legal experience accumulated in society, the formation of value orientations, and the cultivation of the characterological qualities of the individual, by which the level of his cultural development can be determined;

    It is carried out by ensuring the unity of legal training, legal education and legal activities, which are implemented in a culture of legal behavior;


    Chapter 1 Theoretical foundations for the formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of professional education.

    1.1. Formation of legal culture of college students as a pedagogical problem 15

    1.2. A set of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the legal culture of college students 37

    1.3.Model of formation of legal culture of college students in the process of professional education 61

    Conclusions on the first chapter 84

    Chapter 2. Experimental work on the formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of professional education 86

    2.1. Purpose, objectives and stages of organizing experimental work 86

    2.2. Methodology for implementing a set of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the legal culture of college students 100

    2.3.Analysis and interpretation of experimental data 133

    Conclusions on the second chapter 154

    Conclusion 156

    References 161

    Introduction to the work

    The relevance of research. Recently, the role and significance of legal knowledge in Russian society and in the minds of people has radically changed. This is explained by the fact that Russia has been declared a rule-of-law state, and the legal reform that has begun, carried out as part of updating legislation, is built on the principles of the rule of law, the priority of individual rights, awareness of the new, humanistic role of law and the entire legal system, the search for peaceful ways to resolve emerging problems and conflicts .

    However, as legislation is updated, the gap between the new democratic legislation and the low level of legal awareness and legal culture of the population is becoming increasingly clear. And this, first of all, applies to the younger generation. A significant portion of students treat law only as a means of solving personal and social problems in extreme situations, while legal culture implies a positive attitude towards law as a factor in the legal regulation of relations, a certain level of legal knowledge, skills, and the possibility of their implementation in practical activities, as well as the formation of lawful behavior.

    All this puts the problem of the formation of legal culture at the level of state policy and these are, first of all, the main tasks of vocational education, which require a systematic study of the existing processes of education of specialists in institutions of secondary vocational education, as well as the processes of formation of the personality of a specialist.

    Building a rule-of-law state is impossible without the simultaneous development of specialists’ appropriate legal knowledge and legal awareness, which depend on legal education. Legal education provides for the systematic activities of the state, its bodies, public associations, labor collectives and all educational

    4 institutions for the formation and improvement of legal culture. The success of students' legal education will largely depend on the correct determination of the target setting of this multifaceted activity. Law teachers must envision the ultimate goal of this work. From our point of view, such an ultimate goal is the legal culture of the individual.

    The problem of forming a legal culture remains relevant because there is no holistic concept of personal legal culture, and teachers of legal education and upbringing do not have clear conditions for its expression. Therefore, without establishing such conditions, the activities of future graduates cannot be successful.

    Legal culture should include those personal qualities that characterize the content of this type of culture: knowledge, understanding of the law, the habit of complying with the requirements of the rule of law, respect for legal regulations, conviction in their justice, an active life position in the legal sphere, i.e. cognitive, evaluative and behavioral elements.

    It is obvious that such important tasks of vocational education require a systematic study of the existing processes of education of specialists in institutions of secondary vocational education, as well as the processes of formation of the personality of a specialist.

    In the socio-pedagogical system of continuous education, secondary vocational education, together with general, primary and higher vocational education, ensures the progressive development of a person’s educational needs. Organizationally, secondary vocational education occupies only its own place and, together with other levels of education, performs the systemic function of education, ensuring its integrity, continuity, sustainable functioning and development.

    Secondary vocational education realizes the leading goal -

    5 training of competitive mid-level specialists who, on the one hand, have the skills of a certain working profile, and on the other, the ability to obtain higher professional education through an accelerated program and continue it. Implementing the ideas of progressive development of human educational needs, secondary vocational education is focused on training mid-level specialists on the basis of basic general, secondary (complete) general education and primary vocational education.

    The main task of institutions of secondary vocational education is the professional formation and development of the personality of the future specialist in accordance with their value choice, individual abilities, the social order of society, and the state’s needs for qualified personnel.

    An important factor in vocational education is the systematic approach, discussed in the works of V.G. Afanasyeva, V.P. Bespalko, M.E. Duranova, O.V. Lesher, A.Ya. Naina, G.N. Serikova, V.P. Simonova and others.

    The works of: A.G. are devoted to pedagogical support of the vocational educational process and the possibility of professional development of future specialists. Asmolova, V.A. Vodyanikova, N.A. Doronina, M.I. Dyachenko, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, E.F. Zeera, E.A. Klimova, B.F. Lomova, A.M. Novikova, Z.A. Reshetova and others.

    The managerial foundations of education and personal development are discussed in the works of V.G. Afanasyeva, A.G. Gosteva, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, N.Ya. Saygushev, V.A. Slastenina, R.Kh. Shakurova and others.

    In the works of V.A. Belikova, G.G. Granatova, R.A. Litvak, A.V. Mudrika, A.Ya. Naina, V.D. Semenov et al. examine the influence of the environment and other factors on the process of personal adaptation.

    The works of B.F. are devoted to a staged approach to the selection of management tools and methods. Lomova, A.I. Kitova, N.V. Kuzmina, V.A. Yakunina and others.

    The development of theoretical and methodological aspects of legal culture as a specific socially conditioned phenomenon that fulfills an important socializing, humanitarian mission, contributing to the development of an active life position, was carried out by such legal scholars as S.S. Alekseev, V.A. Malakhov, V.V. Lazarev, P.A. Lukasheva, A.A. Molchanov, A.P. Semitko, V.P. Salnikov and others.

    Many famous scientists, such as N.L. Granat, I.F., spoke and wrote about the role and significance of legal culture for universal human culture and education. Ryabko, N.N. Voplenko, A.V. Malko, N.I. Matuzov and others.

    The scientific and methodological foundations for the formation of the legal culture of youth were developed in the studies of T.V. Another one, V.V., woke me up. Golovchenko E.A. Zorchenko and others.

    The results of the analysis of these studies allow us to conclude that they do not address the problem of legal education and legal culture in the process of professional education of a specialist in the context of secondary vocational education.

    The traditional system of training specialists, having significant inertia, turned out to be inadequate in the new conditions of social development, which require greater dynamism and flexibility. We are faced with the fact that college graduates do not have a sufficient level of legal thinking; the acquired legal knowledge is theoretical in nature, divorced from reality. This leads to inertia of thinking, complicates professional development, and does not lead to the formation of stable knowledge and skills in using the law in one’s professional activities.

    At the same time, it can be said that in modern pedagogy and teaching methods certain prerequisites have developed that make it possible to approach the solution of this problem. It is important to ensure that every graduate, regardless of what profession he acquired, masters a legal culture and a high level of legal awareness.

    7 Thus, the relevance of the research problem is determined by the need to resolve contradictions between:

    The increasing volume of legal knowledge required by future specialists and the real legal training of graduates of secondary vocational education;

    The need for legal preparation of each specialist for life in new democratic conditions and, accordingly, in a new system of business and interpersonal relations and the lack of targeted work in the secondary vocational education system to develop the legal culture of college students.

    The problem of forming the legal culture of college students is not sufficiently developed, since previously there was no goal to study the issues of the formation of the legal culture of graduates of secondary vocational education, their readiness to work in a legal and democratic state.

    The need to resolve these contradictions, the insufficient development of the problem of forming the legal culture of college students in the process of professional education allowed us to substantiate its relevance and formulate topic dissertation research; “Formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of professional education.”

    Purpose of the study: development, theoretical justification and experimental testing of a set of pedagogical conditions for increasing the effectiveness of the formation of the legal culture of college students.

    Object of study: the process of professional training of students in educational institutions of secondary vocational education.

    Subject of study: pedagogical conditions for the formation of the legal culture of students of non-legal specialties in the process of secondary vocational education.

    The study is based on hypothesis, according to which the process of forming the legal culture of college students of non-legal specialties will be more effective when implementing the following set of pedagogical conditions:

    In accordance with the goal and subject of the study, the following were identified: tasks:

      Assess the state of the problem of the formation of legal culture in the theory and practice of secondary vocational education.

      To clarify the essence, content, structure, criteria and levels of the formed legal culture of the student’s personality.

      To identify, theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the features and components of the educational environment that ensure the effectiveness of the formation of the legal culture of students.

      To develop a model for the formation of the legal culture of students and to determine a program for diagnostic study of the level of formation of the legal culture of students.

      Based on the results of the study, develop a methodological guide for the formation of the legal culture of college students.

    Methodological and theoretical basis of the study compiled the main conclusions and provisions of legal science, philosophy, pedagogy, sociology, psychology on the issue of the formation of legal culture

    9 ry of society, legal training and education, teaching methods in teaching law:

    theory of vocational education (S.Ya. Batyshev, L.I. Mishchenko, P.E. Reshetnikov, V.A. Slastenin, A.N. Sergeev, etc.);

    provisions on a systematic approach in psychological and pedagogical research and educational activities (V.T. Bespalko, V.I. Zhuravlev, N.D. Nikandrov, V.P. Simonov, etc.);

    philosophical provisions on the leading role of activity in the formation of the legal culture of an individual; about the value approach to understanding culture and the dialectical relationship between culture and activity (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, V.S. Davidovich, L.A. Zelenov, M.O. Kagan, V.A. Kaidalov, etc.);

    a culturological approach that allows us to consider legal culture as one of the components of culture and civilization (culturological concepts of the 20th century: A.K. Adamov, A.A. Guseinov, P.S. Gurevich, T.A. Sorokin, A.N. Schweitzer and etc.);

    theory of socialization and individualization of personality, understood as the inclusion of a student in the system of social relations (V.G. Bocharova, B.S. Vulfov, U.G. Gurova, I.S. Kon, A.V. Mudrik, A.V. Petrovsky , M.L. Rozhkova, etc.);

    Basic concepts of the general theory of law, analysis of moral and legal
    phenomena and their impact on the legal consciousness of citizens (A.I. Dolgova,
    I.Kh.Dyuryagin, V.N.Kudryavtsev, G.D.Kuznetsov, E.A.Lukasheva, A.E.Taras and

    Provisions on the individual and creative nature of pedagogical activity
    body (V.I. Zagvyazinsky, I.F. Isaev, N.V. Kuzmina, N.E. Mazhar,
    N.D. Nikandrov, L.S. Podymova, V.A. Slastenin, V.A. Sukhomlinsky and

    The principle of the connection between education and culture (S. Gessen, G. B. Drach, I. F. Isa
    ev, N.B. Krylova, V.M. Rozin, E.V. Shorokhova, etc.);

    The importance of culture in personal development (V.E. Davidovich,
    Yu.A.Zhdanov, I.F. Isaev, E.S. Markaryan, V.M. Mezhuev, K.A. Svasyan, and

    Experimental base. The study was carried out on the basis of the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education “Beloretsk Metallurgical College”, Beloretsk, State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education “Magnitogorsk Vocational Pedagogical College”, Magnitogorsk. Individual components of the model and pedagogical conditions were tested at the representative office of the International Institute of Economics and Law in Beloretsk, Republic of Bashkortostan. In total, about 600 students of non-legal specialties of secondary vocational educational institutions (college) participated in the experiment.

    The study was carried out in three stages.

    At the first stage(2003-2004) literary sources were analyzed, the object and subject of research were determined, a theoretical analysis of the problems of legal education and upbringing was carried out, the content of the concepts “legal culture”, “legal consciousness”, “legal education”, etc. was clarified. A working hypothesis and identified research objectives. At this stage, we used theoretical research methods

    Analysis of philosophical, sociological, psychological, legal and
    pedagogical literature; method of ascent from abstract to concrete
    nomu, synthesis of empirical material, logical-historical approach in ana.
    lysis of phenomena, qualitative and quantitative approaches, personal
    active approach.

    At the second stage(2004-2005) the research hypothesis was clarified and adjusted, a model for the formation of the legal culture of college students was theoretically substantiated and built; the complex of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the legal culture of college students was clarified; a methodological manual was created; Diagnostic methods were selected to help track the levels of formation of legal culture based on selected criteria and indicators. Our main methods were

    11 methods of modeling, planning and design are defined; organizing a formative experiment; diagnostic methods; methods of observation and expert assessment of the manifestation of the qualities of legal culture by college students; method of comparative analysis of the results of the ascertaining and formative stages of the experiment, methods of mathematical statistics.

    At the third stage (2005-2007), the results of the theoretical and experimental research were analyzed and summarized, the logic of the presentation of the material was determined, the theoretical and practical conclusions were clarified, the results obtained were compiled, and the literary design of the work was completed. At this stage, we used experimental research methods - study and generalization of teaching experience, observation, various types of surveys and assessments, studying the results of students' activities using ascertaining and formative experiments, methods of mathematical statistics.

    Scientific novelty research is as follows:

      The features of the process of forming the legal culture of college students in the unity of its intellectual, motivational and regulatory characteristics are clarified.

      A model has been developed for the formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of professional education, including subsystems - goal-setting, content, functional, organizational, and evaluative.

      Pedagogical conditions that ensure increased efficiency in the formation of students' legal culture have been identified and experimentally substantiated.

    Theoretical significance consists in clarifying the characteristics of the concept “legal culture of a college student in the process of professional education”, in determining its essence, content, structure, criteria

    12 ries and levels of manifestation, taking into account the characteristics and principles of professional education of students of non-legal specialties of the college.

    Practical significance The research carried out is to develop a teaching aid for the course “Fundamentals of State and Law”, which, when used in the process of professional education of college students of non-legal specialties, helps to improve the level of their legal culture. The research materials can be used in the practice of teachers of secondary vocational education.

    Reliability and validity the results obtained are supported by methodological positions based on generally accepted ideas of domestic and foreign philosophers, psychologists, teachers developing the object and subject of research; using a set of complementary research methods that are adequate to the object, subject, purpose, objectives, and logic of the research; using mathematical statistics; implementation of the research results into the educational practice of the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "Beloretsk Metallurgical College".

    The following provisions are submitted for defense:

      The formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of professional education is most effectively carried out within the framework of a model in which interrelated subsystems are identified and implemented - goal-setting, content, functional, organizational and evaluative.

      Increasing the effectiveness of the formation of legal culture of students in the process of professional education is ensured by a set of pedagogical conditions:

    Creation of an educational environment based on problem-based learning of a legal nature;

    Formation of value and legal orientations of college students by introducing a special course;

    Purposeful inclusion of students in educational activities using active teaching methods aimed at updating legal functions.

    Approbation and implementation the results obtained during the dissertation research were carried out through periodic discussion of the materials and research results at the Beloretsk Metallurgical College; at the Department of Pedagogy of Magnitogorsk State University; presented at: regional scientific interactive conference “Humanization of education in Russia” (Magnitogorsk, 2006); 5th interregional correspondence scientific and practical conference “Modern educational technologies” (Magnitogorsk, 2006); 6th interregional correspondence scientific and practical conference “Modern educational technologies” (Magnitogorsk, 2006); scientific and technical conference of the branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "MSTU" in Beloretsk (Beloretsk, 2006); Russian scientific and practical conference “Formation of professional competence through the creation of an active learning environment in secondary specialized educational institutions” (Semiluki, 2007); scientific and technical conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (Beloretsk, 2007), by conducting diagnostic tests for students of experimental research groups; by publishing research materials in local publishing houses. Twelve printed works were prepared and published based on the research materials. Dissertation structure

    The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references.

    In the introduction the research problem is formulated and its relevance is justified; the object, subject and purpose of the study are determined; the initial hypothesis is formulated, the research problems are revealed, the methods and stages of their solution are indicated; scientific novelty and practical

    14 the significance of the work performed; provisions submitted for defense are formed.

    In the first chapter- “Theoretical foundations for the formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of vocational education” provides an analysis of legal culture in philosophy, legal theory, in the theory and practice of pedagogy; the main approaches to defining legal culture are given; the conceptual apparatus is defined, the structure, content, functions of legal culture are considered; evaluation criteria and programs for diagnostic study of the levels of formation of students' legal culture have been developed; a functional model for the formation of legal culture has been developed; the pedagogical conditions ensuring the formation of the legal culture of students are identified and justified.

    In the second chapter- “Experimental work on the formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of vocational education” sets out the general concept of practical research; issues of organizing a control and formative pedagogical experiment are covered in detail, the design, objectives and content of its main stages are presented; a component-by-component analysis of the process of forming the legal culture of students is carried out, ensuring its effectiveness.

    Finally The dissertation presents conclusions formulated on the basis of theoretical analysis and experimental work on the problem under study, and outlines the prospects for further work.

    Formation of legal culture of college students as a pedagogical problem

    Any research involves determining a system of its initial parameters, criteria, and assessments. The creation of such a system is possible provided that the essence of the phenomena being studied is identified, which is reflected and designated in the appropriate scientific apparatus. The key concepts for our research are the categories “culture”, “specialist culture”, “legal culture”. The concept of “legal culture” is specific in relation to a more general, generic category - culture.

    Culture is a complex phenomenon of humanity. The word culture comes from the Latin “cultura” and means cultivating the soil, cultivating it, i.e. change in a natural object under human influence, as opposed to those changes caused by natural causes. .

    Over time, this concept also absorbs the totality of skills and abilities formed in society, and hence a new meaning - cultivation, care, formation of the moral character of the individual.

    The definition of culture as a measure and method of realizing the essential forces of a person in his social activities is given by L.P. Kogan.

    The most general concept of “culture” means the totality of material and spiritual values ​​created and being created by people, the totality of all types of transformative activities for the production of these values, characterizing the level of development of society.

    The concepts of culture existing in the scientific literature allow us to combine them into four main groups, which have certain specifics in the approach to understanding its social role, nature and content.

    The first group of definitions considers culture as a set of integral subject characteristics that are organic to it.

    The second group of definitions draws attention to the properties of culture to produce, distribute and consume spiritual values. The main factor is human social activity (A.I. Arnoldov, L.N. Kogan, V.M. Mezhuev, N.E. Zelinsky, V.D. Popov, etc.).

    The third group of definitions defines culture as a system of ways and means, techniques, procedures and norms of human activity (V.E. Davidovich, Yu.A. Zhdanov, E.S. Markaryan, etc.).

    And the fourth group points to the socio-historical aspect (F.M. Burlatsky, A.A. Galkin, etc.).

    It can be argued that the concept of culture is used in a broad sense and a narrow sense. In the first case, we are talking about the concept of what was created by people in the process of physical and mental labor to satisfy various material and spiritual needs. In this context, this concept is used to characterize entire historical eras. In a narrower sense, culture is considered as the ideological and moral state of society, determined by the material conditions of its life and expressed in its way of life, ideology, education, upbringing, in the achievements of science, literature, and art.

    Culture is a set of forms and results of human activity, entrenched in social practice and passed on from generation to generation.

    Despite the variety of interpretations of the concept of culture, common characteristic features are noted: firstly, the main thing in culture is the labor activity of a person in society; secondly, culture includes the methods and results of human activity in society; thirdly, the essence of culture is humanistic, human-creative, uniting universal human values ​​in relation to each person.

    Identifying a theoretical study of the concept of culture allows us to understand legal culture.

    Legal culture is a type of general culture, but related to legal reality.

    At the same time, legal culture includes only what is relatively progressive, socially useful and valuable in legal phenomena. It is not only a result, but also a way of activity, and in this sense, spiritual legal culture is understood as a way of thinking, norms and standards of behavior.

    Legal, including professional legal culture, can be considered in two aspects: as an evaluative (axiological) category and as a substantive category.

    In the first case, it is understood as the qualitative state of the legal life of society at each given stage of its development. This allows us to cover and evaluate legal life in general and its main areas separately.

    The typical and most complete in relation to this approach is considered to be the definition of the concept of legal culture of society as a qualitative state of the legal life of society, expressed in the achieved level of perfection of legal acts, legal and law enforcement activities, legal consciousness and legal development of the individual, as well as in the degree of freedom of her behavior and mutual responsibility of the state and the individual, positively influencing social development and maintaining the very conditions of existence of society.

    A set of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the legal culture of college students

    The purpose of this paragraph is to describe a set of pedagogical conditions, in the presence of which the process of forming the legal culture of college students will proceed more effectively.

    To achieve this goal, it is first necessary to consider and clarify the specifics of the concepts “condition” and “pedagogical condition”.

    In philosophy, “condition” is interpreted as a category that expresses the relationship of an object to the phenomena surrounding it, without which it cannot exist. Moreover, the conditions constitute the environment, the setting in which the phenomenon arises, exists and develops.

    Conditions in theory and practice are considered as something external to a phenomenon, in contrast to the broader concept of “cause”, which includes both external and internal factors. Conditions, while not themselves the cause of events, at the same time strengthen or weaken the effects of the cause. From such a position, conditions are defined as factors and circumstances on which the effectiveness of the functioning of the pedagogical system depends.

    A number of researchers understand pedagogical conditions as: - a set of objective opportunities, circumstances and activities that accompany the educational process, structured in a certain way, aimed at achieving a goal; - the circumstances of the educational process that ensure the achievement of set goals, the environment in which pedagogical conditions arise, exist and develop;

    A set of circumstances that accompany the educational process and ensure a sufficient level of formation of the components of professional consciousness.

    V.I. Andreev defines pedagogical conditions as the result of “purposeful selection, design and application of content elements, methods, techniques, as well as organizational forms of training to achieve didactic goals.

    Summarizing the considered points of view, we can say that pedagogical conditions are an active element of the pedagogical system, a set (complex) of interrelated and interdependent pedagogical measures that ensure the achievement of a specific pedagogical goal.

    We clarify this definition in accordance with the topic of our research: a set of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of professional education, which represent a set of measures in the educational process, provide students with the necessary level of legal culture.

    Based on the above theoretical principles, analysis of our own experience and observation of the organization of the educational process of secondary vocational educational institutions, we have formulated a set of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the legal culture of college students:

    1.Creation of an educational environment based on problem-based learning of a legal nature;

    2.Formation of value-legal orientations of college students through the introduction of a special course;

    3. Purposeful inclusion of students in educational activities using active teaching methods aimed at updating legal functions.

    Let us take a closer look at each of the pedagogical conditions we have formulated.

    Creating an educational environment based on problem-based learning of a legal nature - it is necessary to first dwell on the concretization of the concepts of “environment”, “educational environment”, “problem-based learning”.

    The concept of “educational environment” has a long history. Already in the first half of the 20th century we found the prerequisites for interpreting the environment as a means of managing the process of personality formation.

    The encyclopedic dictionary gives the following concept of environment, “the social, material and spiritual conditions of his existence and activity that surround a person.”

    The environment around a person means “the totality of conditions and influences surrounding a person” (D. Z. Markovich)

    S.T. Shatsky claims that “... the entire pedagogical process as a complex phenomenon of social order is directed in one direction or another, changes qualitatively or completely depending on changes in the environment.”

    The environment is perceived not only as an objective factor in the development of personality, but also as an object of pedagogical influence, as a result of which it becomes a means of education.

    Purpose, objectives and stages of organizing experimental work

    Based on the theoretical principles that we considered in the first chapter of the dissertation research, in this paragraph we will reveal the program of experimental work: purpose, objectives, stages and content, criteria and indicators for monitoring the degree of formation of legal culture among college students

    The purpose of the experimental work has been formulated as follows: to test a set of pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of developing a legal culture among college students.

    The formulated goal determined the nature of the specific tasks that we solve in the experimental work:

    1) explore the initial level of formation of the legal culture of college students;

    2) experimentally test the criteria, indicators and levels of formation of the legal culture of college students;

    3) implement a set of selected pedagogical conditions in the experimental group, check their effectiveness in the process of forming the legal culture of college students;

    4) based on the results of the study, develop methodological recommendations for the formation of the legal culture of students during professional education.

    To achieve the set goal and solve the formulated tasks of the pedagogical experiment, we used a set of methods of scientific and pedagogical research: analysis and modeling of specific legal situations (problem seminars); thematic discussion; method of lawmaking; individual workshop; games (cognitive, professional-didactic, role-playing); observation of the behavior and activities of college students, methods of mathematical and computer statistical processing of results. In general, such diagnostic instrumentation and pedagogical interpretation of the results made it possible to determine the initial level of legal culture among college students, to identify a generalized picture of the level of legal culture among college students, and to track changes in results at all stages of the pedagogical experiment.

    The quality of an experimental study depends on the reliability of the information. Reliable information in a pedagogical experiment is understood as information in which there are no errors of a theoretical or instrumental nature. According to scientists, indicators of the criterion of information reliability are: validity of information, representativeness of information, stability of information, correctness and accuracy.

    The validity, correctness and accuracy of information were the main indicators of our experimental work in the correct selection of the measurement object, in identifying the criteria-evaluative research tools for eliminating measurement errors, in finding the necessary mathematical and statistical processing methods.

    The object of measurement in the experimental work was the legal culture of college students. As for the exact choice of criteria and indicators, we will pay attention to this issue in the future.

    The indicator of information stability is associated with the absence of random errors in measuring indicators and criteria at all stages of measuring the levels of formation of legal culture, as well as in establishing the timing of repeated cross-sections. In our work, three sections were carried out: the first section was the results of the ascertaining stage of the experiment, the 2nd section was the beginning of the formative stage of the experiment, the third section was the end of the formative experiment. The objectives of the first section are to justify the need to introduce pedagogical conditions based on the existing problem. The objectives of the second and third sections are to track the dynamics of the level of formation of legal culture by introducing certain conditions.

    The indicator of representativeness of information is associated with the absence of errors in the selection of research units; we took this into account, first of all, when choosing an experimental base, in determining the required size of the research sample and in the correct formation of experimental and control groups.

    As a manuscript

    Zavyalova Marina Sabitovna




    13.00.08 – Theory and methodology of vocational education

    dissertations for an academic degree

    candidate of pedagogical sciences

    Magnitogorsk – 2007

    The work was carried out at the Department of Pedagogy

    State educational institution of higher professional education "Magnitogorsk State University"

    Scientific adviser:

    Belikov Vladimir Alexandrovich

    Official opponents:

    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

    Gayazov Alfis Sufiyanovich

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

    Saveliev Denis Anatolievich

    Lead organization:

    State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Cherepovets State University"

    The defense of the dissertation will take place on May 24 at 10-00 at a meeting of the dissertation council D 212.112.01 at the Magnitogorsk State University at the address: 455038, Magnitogorsk, Lenin Ave., 114, room. 211.

    The dissertation can be found in the library of Magnitogorsk State University.

    Scientific secretary of the dissertation

    Council, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,

    Professor N.Ya. Saygushev


    The relevance of research . Recently, the role and significance of legal knowledge in Russian society and in the minds of people has radically changed. This is explained by the fact that Russia has been proclaimed a rule-of-law state, and the legal reform carried out as part of updating legislation is built on the principles of the rule of law, the priority of individual rights, and the awareness of the new, humanistic role of law.

    However, as legislation is updated, the gap between the new democratic legislation and the low level of legal awareness and legal culture of the population is becoming increasingly clear. A significant portion of students view law as a means of solving personal and social problems in extreme situations. This puts the problem of forming a legal culture in the vocational education system at the level of state policy.

    The construction of a rule-of-law state is impossible without the simultaneous formation in future specialists of relevant legal knowledge and legal awareness, which depend on legal education.

    The problem of forming a legal culture remains relevant because there is no holistic concept of personal legal culture, and teachers of legal education in the vocational education system often do not have clear conditions for its expression.

    The development of theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of legal culture as a specific socially determined phenomenon that fulfills an important socializing, humanitarian mission, contributing to the development of an active life position, was carried out by such legal scholars as S.S. Alekseev, V.A. Malakhov, V.V. Lazarev, P.A. Lukasheva, A.A. Molchanov, A.P. Semitko, V.P. Salnikov and others.

    Many famous scientists, such as N.L. Granat, I.F., spoke and wrote about the role and significance of legal culture for universal human culture and education. Ryabko, N.N. Voplenko, A.V. Malko, N.I. Matuzov and others.

    The scientific and methodological foundations for the formation of the legal culture of youth were developed in the studies of T.V. Budilina, V.V. Golovchenko E.A. Zorchenko and others.

    However, the results of the analysis of these studies allow us to conclude that they do not address the problem of legal education and legal culture in the process of professional education of the individual of a future specialist in the system of secondary vocational education, in the process of mastering non-legal specialties.

    Thus, in the theory and practice of professional education in general and the formation of the legal culture of students of non-legal specialties in secondary vocational educational institutions (college), in our opinion, there are contradictions between:

    The increasing volume of legal knowledge required by future specialists and the real legal training of graduates of secondary vocational education;

    The need for legal preparation of each specialist for life in new democratic conditions, in a new system of business and interpersonal relations and the lack of targeted work in the secondary vocational education system to develop the legal culture of college students.

    Thus, the need to resolve these contradictions , insufficient development of the problem of forming the legal culture of college students in the process of professional training allowed us to substantiate its relevance and formulate topic dissertation research : “Formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of professional education.”

    Purpose of the study: development, theoretical justification and experimental testing of a set of pedagogical conditions for increasing the effectiveness of the formation of the legal culture of college students.

    Object of study: the process of professional training of students in educational institutions of secondary vocational education .

    Subject of study: pedagogical conditions for the formation of the legal culture of students of non-legal specialties in the process of secondary vocational education.

    The study is based on hypothesis, according to which the process of forming the legal culture of college students of non-legal specialties will be more effective when implementing the following set of pedagogical conditions:

    In accordance with the goal and subject of the study, the following were identified: tasks:

    1. Assess the state of the problem of the formation of legal culture in the theory and practice of secondary vocational education.

    2. To clarify the essence, content, structure, criteria and levels of formation of the legal culture of the student’s personality.

    3. Identify, theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the features and components of the educational environment that ensure the effectiveness of the formation of the legal culture of students.

    4. Develop a model for the formation of the legal culture of students and determine a program for diagnostic study of the level of formation of the legal culture of students.

    5. Based on the results of the study, develop a methodological guide for the formation of the legal culture of college students.

    Methodological and theoretical basis of the study compiled the main conclusions and provisions of legal science, philosophy, pedagogy, sociology, psychology on the issue of the formation of the legal culture of society, legal training and education, teaching methods in teaching law:

    • theory of vocational education (S.Ya. Batyshev, L.I. Mishchenko, P.E. Reshetnikov, V.A. Slastenin, A.N. Sergeev, etc.);
    • provisions on a systematic approach in psychological and pedagogical research and educational activities (V.T. Bespalko, V.I. Zhuravlev, N.D. Nikandrov, V.P. Simonov, etc.);
    • philosophical provisions on the leading role of activity in the formation of the legal culture of an individual; about the value approach to understanding culture and the dialectical relationship between culture and activity (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, V.S. Davidovich, L.A. Zelenov, M.O. Kagan, V.A. Kaidalov, etc.);
    • a culturological approach that allows us to consider legal culture as one of the components of culture and civilization (culturological concepts of the twentieth century: A.K. Adamov, A.A. Guseinov, P.S. Gurevich, T.A. Sorokin, A.N. Schweitzer and etc.);
    • theory of socialization and individualization of personality, understood as the inclusion of a student in the system of social relations (V.G. Bocharova, B.S. Vulfov, U.G. Gurova, I.S. Kon, A.V. Mudrik, A.V. Petrovsky , M.L. Rozhkova, etc.);
    • basic concepts of the general theory of law, analysis of moral and legal phenomena and their influence on the legal consciousness of citizens (A.I. Dolgova, I.H. Duryagin, V.N. Kudryavtsev, G.D. Kuznetsov, E.A. Lukasheva, A. E. Taras and others)
    • provisions on the individual and creative nature of pedagogical activity (V.I. Zagvyazinsky, I.F. Isaev, N.V. Kuzmina, N.E. Mazhar, N.D. Nikandrov, L.S. Podymova, V.A. Slastenin , V.A. Sukhomlinsky, etc.);
    • the principle of the connection between education and culture (S.I. Gessen, G.B. Drach, I.F. Isaev, N.B. Krylova, V.M. Rozin, E.V. Shorokhova, etc.);
    • the importance of culture in personal development (V.E. Davidovich, Yu.A. Zhdanov, I.F. Isaev, E.S. Markaryan, V.M. Mezhuev, K.A. Svasyan, etc.);

    Experimental base. The study was carried out on the basis of the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education “Beloretsk Metallurgical College”, Beloretsk, State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education “Magnitogorsk Vocational Pedagogical College”, Magnitogorsk. Individual components of the model and pedagogical conditions were tested at the representative office of the International Institute of Economics and Law in Beloretsk, Republic of Bashkortostan. In total, about 600 students of non-legal specialties of secondary vocational educational institutions (college) participated in the experiment.

    The study was carried out in three stages.

    At the first stage(2003-2004) literary sources were analyzed, the object and subject of research were determined, a theoretical analysis of the problems of legal education and upbringing was carried out, the content of the concepts “legal culture”, “legal consciousness”, “legal education”, etc. was clarified. A working hypothesis and identified research objectives. At this stage, we used theoretical research methods - analysis of philosophical, sociological, psychological, legal and pedagogical literature; method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, synthesis of empirical material, logical-historical approach in the analysis of phenomena, qualitative and quantitative approaches, personal-active approach.

    At the second stage(2004-2005) the research hypothesis was clarified and adjusted, a model for the formation of the legal culture of college students was theoretically substantiated and built; the complex of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the legal culture of college students was clarified; a methodological manual was created; Diagnostic methods were selected to help track the levels of formation of legal culture based on selected criteria and indicators. The main methods we identified were modeling, planning and design; organizing a formative experiment; diagnostic methods; methods of observation and expert assessment of the manifestation of the qualities of legal culture by college students; method of comparative analysis of the results of the ascertaining and formative stages of the experiment, methods of mathematical statistics.

    At the third stage(2005-2007) the results of the theoretical and experimental research were analyzed and summarized, the logic of the presentation of the material was determined, theoretical and practical conclusions were clarified, the results were compiled, and the literary design of the work was completed. At this stage, we used experimental research methods - study and generalization of teaching experience, observation, various types of surveys and assessments, studying the results of students' activities using ascertaining and formative experiments, methods of mathematical statistics.

    Scientific novelty research is as follows:

    1. The features of the process of forming the legal culture of college students in the unity of its intellectual, motivational and regulatory characteristics are clarified.

    2. A model has been developed for the formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of professional training, including components - goal setting, content, functional, organizational, evaluative.

    3. Pedagogical conditions have been identified and experimentally substantiated to ensure increased efficiency in the formation of students’ legal culture.

    Theoretical significance consists in clarifying the characteristics of the concept “legal culture of a college student in the process of professional training”, in determining its essence, content, structure, criteria and levels of manifestation, taking into account the features and principles of professional education of students of non-legal specialties of the college.

    Practical significance The research carried out is to develop a teaching aid for the course “Fundamentals of State and Law”, which, when used in the process of professional training of students of non-legal specialties of the college, helps to increase the level of their legal culture. The research materials can be used in the practice of teachers of secondary vocational education.

    Reliability and validity the results obtained are supported by methodological positions based on generally accepted ideas of domestic and foreign philosophers, psychologists, teachers developing the object and subject of research; using a set of complementary research methods that are adequate to the object, subject, purpose, objectives, and logic of the research; using mathematical statistics; implementation of the research results into the educational practice of the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "Beloretsk Metallurgical College".

    The following provisions are submitted for defense:

    1. The formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of professional training is most effectively carried out within the framework of a model in which interrelated subsystems are identified and implemented - goal-setting, substantive, functional, organizational and evaluative.

    2. Increasing the effectiveness of the formation of the legal culture of students in the process of professional training is ensured by a set of pedagogical conditions:

    Creation of an educational environment based on problem-based learning of a legal nature;

    Formation of value and legal orientations of college students through the introduction of a special course;

    Purposeful inclusion of students in educational activities using active teaching methods aimed at updating legal functions.

    Approbation and implementation the results obtained during the dissertation research were carried out through periodic discussion of the materials and research results at the Beloretsk Metallurgical College; at the Department of Pedagogy of Magnitogorsk State University; presented at: regional scientific interactive conference “Humanization of education in Russia” (Magnitogorsk, 2006); 5th interregional correspondence scientific and practical conference “Modern educational technologies” (Magnitogorsk, 2006); 6th interregional correspondence scientific and practical conference “Modern educational technologies” (Magnitogorsk, 2006); scientific and technical conference of the branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "MSTU" in Beloretsk (Beloretsk, 2006); Russian scientific and practical conference “Formation of professional competence through the creation of an active learning environment in secondary specialized educational institutions” (Semiluki, 2007); scientific and technical conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (Beloretsk, 2007), by conducting diagnostic tests for students of experimental research groups; by publishing research materials in local publishing houses. Twelve printed works were prepared and published based on the research materials.

    Dissertation structure

    The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters (theoretical and experimental), a conclusion, and a list of references.


    In the introduction the research problem is formulated and its relevance is justified; the object, subject, purpose of the study is determined; a hypothesis is formulated, research problems are revealed, methods and stages of their solution are indicated; the scientific novelty and practical significance of the work performed is determined; provisions submitted for defense are formed.

    IN first chapter“Theoretical foundations for the formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of vocational education” analyzes the problem of forming the legal culture of an individual in philosophy, legal theory, and pedagogy. The main approaches to solving the problem are considered, the structure, content, functions of legal culture are considered, the concept of “legal culture of college students in the process of professional training” is clarified; a model for the formation of the legal culture of college students has been developed; the pedagogical conditions ensuring the formation of the legal culture of students are identified and justified.

    Despite the variety of interpretations of the concept of culture, we identify common characteristic features. Firstly, the main thing in culture is the labor activity of a person in society; secondly, culture includes the methods and results of human activity in society; thirdly, the essence of culture is humanistic, human-creative, uniting universal human values ​​in relation to each person.

    Legal culture is a type of general culture, but related to legal reality. At the same time, legal culture includes only what is relatively progressive, socially useful and valuable in legal phenomena. It is not only a result, but also a way of activity, and in this sense, spiritual legal culture is understood as a way of thinking, norms and standards of behavior.

    We consider legal culture in two aspects as an evaluative (axiological) category and as a substantive category.

    In the first case, it is understood as the qualitative state of the legal life of society at each given stage of its development, which makes it possible to cover and evaluate legal life as a whole and its main areas separately.

    In relation to the personality of each citizen in the aspect under consideration, we consider legal culture as knowledge and understanding of the law, conscious execution of its instructions.

    Systematic studies of legal culture were carried out by such scientists as S.S. Alekseev, N.L. Granat, I.F. Ryabko, A.L. Semitko, N.M. Kaizerov, A.V. Mickiewicz et al., who made a great contribution to the study of this phenomenon.

    According to these studies, the legal culture of an individual is a creative activity that corresponds to the progressive achievements of society in the legal sphere, due to which the individual’s constant legal enrichment occurs. It means a person’s legal education, including legal awareness, skills and abilities to use legal norms, and to subordinate one’s behavior to legal regulations. This behavior is manifested in the individual’s readiness for proactive, conscious, creative actions, both in the sphere of legal regulation and in the sphere of ensuring the implementation of the law, which is based on the conviction of the need to serve the law as the highest value. Legal culture is unthinkable without a person and his activities, without the progressive orientation of this activity and advanced thinking. It acts as a social phenomenon that has a clearly defined goal and covers the entire set of the most important value components of legal reality in its actual functioning and development.

    The legal culture of an individual is a component of the legal culture of society and a value dependent on it; it reflects the degree and nature of its development, thereby ensuring the socialization of the individual and the lawful activity of a person.

    The most difficult issue in the theory of legal culture is the question of its structure. In the structural structure of the legal culture of an individual, three components are distinguished.

    1. Cognitive (intellectual) component – ​​presented in the form of legal knowledge. This component provides students and future specialists with legal knowledge that contributes to successful life in new socio-economic conditions, and creates the basis for the formation of modern legal thinking. At the same time, the cognitive component is not only knowledge, but also an understanding of the essence of the requirements of the law, the ability to see the connection between the requirements between processes and phenomena occurring in the state; awareness of the place of law in the hierarchy of society’s values;

    2. Motivational-value component - the level of assessment and attitude, the presence of a positive or negative emotional-rational attitude towards perceived knowledge, as a result of which, on the basis of interest, a belief in the personal value of legal norms, respect for the law is formed, it provides for the introduction of students into the world of social, moral and legal values; assumes the formation of humanistic life attitudes, knowledge of laws and norms of business ethics, a formed need for self-improvement and moral and value motivation in the process of mastering legal knowledge; determines the degree of formation of the attitude towards law as a value characteristic of a democratic society. This component of legal culture includes an understanding of the moral meaning of the law and, based on it, the solidarity of the individual with the legal requirements of society.

    The motivational and value component of legal culture involves the development of legal awareness and legal thinking skills.

    3. Regulatory (behavioral) component – ​​experience in the manifestation of legal culture in communication, behavior, and belief. This component of legal culture presupposes the skills and abilities of students to adequately apply the provisions of the law in real life situations; in professional activities.

    The interconnection and interdependence of the substantive components of legal culture, in our opinion, characterizes the systemic, holistic nature of the object under study.

    The essence of legal culture and its place in the system of other phenomena is most fully revealed through its functions. We highlight the main functions of legal culture: cognitive, adaptive, regulatory, communicative.

    The cognitive function is realized through legal views and ideas aimed at deepening legal views and developing legal consciousness and legal thinking.

    The adaptive function is expressed in the socio-legal activity of the individual and its adaptation to environmental conditions (legal socialization of the individual).

    The regulatory function of legal culture allows us to correlate public and personal interests, realizing them within the framework of the rule of law.

    The communicative function ensures communication between citizens in the legal field; it exists through this communication and influences it.

    When developing a set of pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of the legal culture of college students, we took into account the humanistic principles of professional education and the requirements of modern societies for mid-level specialists; leading ideas of cultural and personality-oriented approaches; the essence of the legal culture of future specialists and the features of its formation; results of the ascertaining stage of the experiment.

    Based on the analysis of pedagogical literature and generalization of the experience of training specialists, we believe that the conditions ensuring the formation of a legal culture at a high level are:

    Creation of an educational environment based on problem-based learning of a legal nature;

    Formation of value and legal orientations of college students through the introduction of a special course;

    Purposeful inclusion of students in educational activities using active teaching methods aimed at updating legal functions.

    The first pedagogical condition is aimed at the formation of the cognitive (intellectual) component of legal culture. In our opinion, this is possible based on problem-based learning. The uniqueness of problem-based learning lies in its versatility and effective solution of certain legal problems.

    When organizing problem-based learning, we believe it is necessary to determine the feasibility of changing specific educational material within the framework of this technology. The content of the educational material highlights aspects that have a historical basis; containing ideological questions; having methodological and theoretical significance; being final and generalizing; including core, leading ideas of the course of legal disciplines; inextricably linked with previously studied; containing cause-and-effect relationships.

    Problem-based learning provides students, future specialists, with legal knowledge that contributes to successful life in new socio-economic conditions, and creates the basis for the formation of modern legal thinking.

    When highlighting the second condition - the formation of value-legal orientations of college students through the introduction of a special course, we took into account the fact that the educational environment, based on problem-based learning, makes it possible to obtain not only legal knowledge, but also an understanding of the essence of the requirements of the law, the ability to see the connection between the requirements and processes phenomena occurring in the state; awareness of the place of law in the hierarchy of society's values.

    Value orientations are formed during the assimilation of social experience and are found in goals, ideals, beliefs, interests and other manifestations of personality. The system of value orientations forms the substantive side of the personality’s orientation and expresses the internal basis of its relationship to reality.

    The legal culture of the future specialist is based on the corresponding values ​​(Table 1).

    Table 1

    Types and main characteristics of students’ legal values


    Personal legal values





    Political and legal


    the right to live;


    personalities; inviolability



    freedom of movement

    and choice of place of residence;

    freedom of conscience and religion.



    activities; right

    private property;

    opportunity to work;


    social protection

    (pensions, benefits, insurance);

    health care;

    favorable environment;

    getting an education.



    scientific, technical


    participation in cultural

    life of society;

    mastery of legal


    Participation in management

    affairs of state;

    participation in



    We consider the introduction of a special course as an element of additional education, as a form of organizing students’ activities aimed at the formation of value and legal orientations that cannot be realized in the process of general or professional education. The special course is a socially significant mechanism that allows not only to increase knowledge about legal and moral values, but also to turn them into personal beliefs.

    This pedagogical condition is aimed at the formation of a motivational and value component, which is reflected in the study of the special course “Fundamentals of State and Law.”

    It seems to us that the proposed pedagogical condition is aimed, first of all, at the formation of a regulatory (behavioral) component of legal culture.

    Regarding the third pedagogical condition, it is important to keep in mind the following. As the education system is reformed, the search for measures that can improve the quality of specialist training is expanding; all this requires the introduction of active teaching methods into the educational process. As part of modern innovative technologies, active learning methods allow the student to reveal himself as an individual and are an important factor in increasing the efficiency of assimilation and practical mastery of the studied legal material, contributing to the harmonization of the moral and pragmatic qualities of the student’s personality.

    With the help of active learning methods, skills and abilities are developed to adequately apply the provisions of the law in real life situations and future professional activities; develop the habit of complying with legal regulations; help to choose the right (legitimate) behavior; develop skills and abilities to defend their rights, interests, and demonstrate social and legal activity; ensure the readiness of students, future specialists, for activities in society, i.e. The identified results of legitimate characteristics coincide with the criteria of the regulatory component of legal culture.

    Taking into account the identified pedagogical conditions, we are developing a model for the formation of the legal culture of college students.

    The model we propose covers the process from the acquisition of legal knowledge, abilities, skills, development of the value-legal orientation of the individual, legal views, ideas, motives, values, to the manifestation of legal culture in lawful behavior and socio-legal activity of the individual.

    The structure of the model for the formation of students' legal culture is represented by interdependent components: cognitive (intellectual), motivational-value and regulatory (behavioural), which are formed in the process of legal education and legal upbringing. The model is based on the activity approach (legal education, upbringing, behavior) and the value approach (cognitive, motivational-value, behavioral components). The components of a student’s legal culture presented in the model exist in interconnection and unity. This is its fundamentally important feature. The degree of interconnection between the components increases as the individual develops and ascends the levels of the vocational education system.

    Consequently, we consider the entire process of forming the legal culture of students as an integral system in the interconnection of the components of legal culture and the introduction of a set of pedagogical conditions that we have identified.

    Analysis of the process of formation of the legal culture of college students, by introducing a set of pedagogical conditions, allows us to determine the levels and indicators of formation of not only its individual components, but also the model as a whole. From our point of view, to assess the level of formation of a student’s legal culture, it is advisable to use not one, but several criteria that characterize the qualitative manifestations of the selected components.

    We included the degree of legal awareness among them; the degree of formation of the attitude towards law as a value; high level of legal awareness and legal thinking; the degree of formation of legal skills and abilities of lawful behavior, the socio-legal activity of the student’s personality.

    The proposed model (Diagram 1), in our opinion, not only reflects the levels of development of legal culture, but also forms the main strategic objectives for educational institutions that purposefully implement the legal socialization of youth.

    Thus, increasing the effectiveness of the formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of professional training is possible by using the developed model for the formation of the legal culture of college students and introducing a set of pedagogical conditions.

    In second chapter dissertation “Experimental work on the formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of vocational education” - the goals, objectives and stages of the pedagogical experiment are determined, its abilities are described, its results are analyzed and processed using methods of mathematical statistics.

    The objectives of the experimental work were to highlight the stages and content of the formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of professional training; to test the developed set of pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of professional training; introduce the model into the educational process of the college.

    Scheme 1. Model for the formation of the legal culture of college students.

    The main goal of the ascertaining experiment was to diagnose the initial level of formation of the legal culture of college students, select experimental groups of students, identify the initial level of formation of legal knowledge, skills, and motivation to study law. A comparison of the experiment data at the ascertaining stage showed that most of the students had a low level of legal culture development (54 - 58% of the total number of students).

    At the stage of the formative experiment, we tested a set of pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of the legal culture of college students, and checked the effectiveness of the changes we made to the educational process in accordance with the developed model. This is the introduction of an educational environment based on problem-based learning of a legal nature, the formation of value and legal orientations of college students through the introduction of a special course; purposeful inclusion of students in educational activities using active teaching methods aimed at updating legal functions.

    The objectives of the methodology for the formation of legal culture at this stage are to create the basis for the formation of modern legal thinking; contribute to the formation of social, moral and legal values; to develop social and legal activity and skills in applying the provisions of laws; increase the level of legal consciousness; develop an active legal position.

    In our program, the material is divided into sections-topics; the procedure and methodology for working with them have been established; In each topic, content blocks, main concepts, and main ideas are highlighted; all forms of conducting classes are clearly structured; when studying the legal discipline, a connection is established between theory and practice; the principle of the subject of activity, which is especially important when stimulating the student’s internal potential.

    Guided by the purpose and objectives of the dissertation research, we developed a corresponding proprietary program for the special course “Fundamentals of State and Law,” which was studied with students from the experimental group.

    To form value-legal orientations, we tested the methodology for analyzing and modeling specific legal situations, thematic discussion, the method of lawmaking, etc.

    The creation of an educational legal environment provided a purposeful and systematic impact on the consciousness and culture of behavior of students, developing in them a sense of respect for the law and the habit of observing the law based on personal conviction.

    To form legal views, concepts, beliefs, we used methods of forming the legal consciousness of an individual. These methods are very important for successfully passing an important stage of the educational process - the formation of feelings, emotional experiences, knowledge of the relationship between law and morality, and the required lawful behavior.

    The organization of active legal activity of students in the experimental group through independent drafting of legal documents (civil contract, statement of claim, orders) contributed to the use of the law-making method. The results of using active learning methods showed that students learned legal norms better when they were directly involved in activities aimed at solving practical problems in the application of legal norms.

    The main forms of experimental work were collective, individual, and self-study.

    In the course of experimental training using active methods and forms, it was found that these forms and methods are an effective means of legal training, obtaining solid legal knowledge, skills, and habits of lawful behavior and, accordingly, an effective way to form the legal culture of students.

    A special place in our experiment was occupied by the method of analyzing specific problem situations of a legal nature, creating an educational environment based on problem situations, the essence of which was that we artificially created situations in the educational process borrowed from professional practice.

    During the experimental training, we reasonably came to the conclusion that the formed legal values, legal knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students in the process of studying a special course are personally significant, more significant, deeply experienced, and, therefore, more valuable for students.

    In the process of forming legal culture in the experimental groups, the main thing was the targeted impact on the identified structural components of legal culture in order to form the cognitive (intellectual), motivational-value and regulatory components of the legal culture of students.

    In order to increase the reliability of the experiment, three experimental groups and one control group were allocated. In the experimental group “EG-1,” the effectiveness of the model for the formation of the legal culture of college students as a whole was tested, taking into account the entire complex of pedagogical conditions we identified. In the experimental group "EG-2" - the effectiveness of the first and third conditions (creation of an educational environment based on problem-based learning of a legal nature, purposeful inclusion of students in educational activities using active teaching methods aimed at updating legal functions). In the experimental group “EG-3,” the effectiveness of introducing the second and third pedagogical conditions was tested (formation of value-legal orientations of college students through the introduction of a special course, targeted inclusion of students in educational activities using active teaching methods aimed at updating legal functions).

    During the experimental study, we analyzed changes according to certain criteria characterizing the level of formation of the legal culture of college students: legal knowledge, skills, respect for the law, level of moral and legal values; to form humanistic life attitudes, manifestations of legal culture in communication, behavior, belief, developing the habit of complying with legal regulations, choosing the right behavior and performing appropriate actions, from the point of view of the legal requirements of society; skills and abilities to defend their legal rights and interests (Table 2).

    table 2

    Distribution of students by level of legal culture formation during the formative stage of the experiment

    Levels of formation of legal culture

    Number of people in the group

    An analysis of Table 2 showed that at the end of the experiment in the experimental groups, on average, the majority of students on the main criterion already had a high level (52.97%), an average level - 28.87% of students, a low level - 18.16%. Moreover, in the control groups, the largest number of students at the end of the experiment had an average level (41.67%), a low level - 37.50%, a high level - 20.83%.

    A comparison of the results of students according to the level of formation of legal culture at the end of the formative experiment is clearly presented by us in histogram 1.

    Histogram 1. Comparison of results by the level of formation of legal culture among students at the end of the formative experiment

    We checked the reliability of the obtained data from the experimental work using Pearson's c2 criterion, since an increase in the level of formation of legal culture during the formative experiment could occur either due to random reasons or under the influence of a set of pedagogical conditions.

    According to the calculated data we obtained in EG-2 and EG-3, the advantage of the null hypothesis was proven with a probability of 0.05, as here. c2crit. >. c2obs (5.99 >4.98; 5.99 >5.21). However, in EG-1, with a probability of 0.05, the advantage of the alternative hypothesis over the null hypothesis was proven, as here. c2obs. > c2crit. (7.82>5.99). In this regard, we came to the conclusion: this cannot be explained by random reasons, but is a consequence of specially organized activities, that is, the introduction of a set of pedagogical conditions.

    The obtained experimental calculations confirmed our assumption that with a probability of 0.05, the introduction of a set of pedagogical conditions contributes to achieving the highest result - increasing the level of legal culture among college students, starting from the first year.

    The statistical calculations we obtained allowed us to conclude that the main goal of the study was achieved and the hypothesis was confirmed.

    Conclusions of the dissertation research

    1. The need to address the problem of forming the legal culture of college students in the context of secondary vocational education is determined by the need for new effective technologies of training and education aimed at developing the personality of a specialist, his formation as a subject of professional activity and the insufficient development of the problem in pedagogical theory.

    2. The starting theoretical principles in our research were the analysis of the concepts “culture”, “specialist culture”, “legal culture” and through them access to the author’s interpretation of the concept “formation of the legal culture of college students”. The formation of the legal culture of college students is an educational and upbringing environment organized by a teacher and purposeful activities that allow future specialists to freely navigate constantly changing life situations, work successfully in market conditions, achieve results adequate to the requirements of social and scientific and technological progress, and have the opportunity to future professional career.

    3. In the course of the study, we developed a model for the formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of professional education. The structure of the model mutually determines the following subsystems: goal-setting, content, functional, organizational, evaluative. The model reflects the connections and dependencies of the structural and functional elements of the legal culture of college students, integrates the goals, objectives, functions of the selected components of the legal culture of college students: cognitive (intellectual), motivational-value and regulatory (behavioral); includes content, organizational forms and technology of legal education and legal education.

    4. A set of pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of vocational education has been identified, justified and experimentally tested, including:

    Creation of an educational environment based on problem-based learning of a legal nature;

    Formation of value and legal orientations of college students through the introduction of a special course;

    Purposeful inclusion of students in educational activities using active teaching methods aimed at updating legal functions.

    5. The methodology for implementing pedagogical conditions that ensure the success of the formation of the legal culture of college students is substantiated, tested and presented, including active teaching methods, the creation of problematic situations of a legal nature, professional and creative tasks, games, etc.

    6. We have developed and tested a methodological manual for teachers of secondary vocational educational institutions on the formation of the legal culture of college students in the process of professional training.

    The conducted research does not exhaust the entirety of the problem being studied and shows the need for its further development. We believe that promising areas of research are solving the issues of methodological training of teachers of legal disciplines, systematizing pedagogical knowledge about the conditions for the formation of the legal culture of college students, and developing new information technologies for legal education of students.

    The main content of the dissertation is reflected in the following publications of the author

    1. Zavyalova, M.S. On the question of the characteristics of legal culture / M.S. Zavyalova // Problems of history, philology, culture No. 18 (2006): Publishing house of the Magnitogorsk State University, 2006. – P.293-298. (Register of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation)

    2.Zavyalova, M.S. Legal training and legal education are an integral component of the ideological function of the state / M.S. Zavyalova // Problems of education and personality development of students: a collection of scientific works of graduate students, applicants and teachers of the Department of Pedagogy of MaSU. - Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2005. - P.63-65.

    3.Zavyalova, M.S. Improving the methodology of training lawyers / M.S. Zavyalova // Humanization of education in Russia: collection of scientific papers of the regional scientific interactive conference. - Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2006. – P. 67-69.

    4. Zavyalova, M.S. Innovative pedagogical activity as an opportunity to implement modern conditions for the effectiveness of the educational process / M.S. Zavyalova // Humanization of education in Russia: collection of scientific papers of the regional scientific interactive conference. - Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2006. – P. 69-72.

    5.Zavyalova, M.S. Formation of legal culture as a factor in the professional adaptation of future specialists / M.S. Zavyalova //Education. The science. Production: Collection of materials of the scientific and technical conference of the branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "MSTU" in Beloretsk. Issue 2.-Magnitogorsk: State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "MSTU", 2006.- P.89-91.

    6. Zavyalova, M.S. Social and psychological characteristics of the professional activity of a lawyer / M.S. Zavyalova // Problems of education and personality development of students, part 1: collection of scientific works of graduate students, applicants and teachers of the Department of Pedagogy of MaSU. - Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2006. - P. 50-52.

    7. Zavyalova, M.S. Legal ideology and legal psychology as components of legal consciousness / M.S. Zavyalova // Problems of education and personality development of students, part 1: collection of scientific works of graduate students, applicants and teachers of the Department of Pedagogy of MaSU. - Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2006. - P.52-54.

    8.Zavyalova, M.S. From the experience of developing the legal culture of future jurists / M.S. Zavyalova // Modern technologies of education: collection of scientific papers of the 5th interregional correspondence scientific and practical conference. - Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2006. - P.28-30.

    9. Zavyalova, M.S. Educational training as a continuous relationship between the processes of purposeful formation of the legal consciousness of a future specialist / M.S. Zavyalova // Modern technologies of education: collection of scientific papers of the 6th interregional correspondence scientific and practical conference. - Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2006. - P.32-35.

    10.Zavyalova, M.S. Formation of moral and legal motives of behavior as an important and necessary part of the activities of future specialists / M.S. Zavyalova // Humanization of education in Russia: collection of scientific papers of the regional scientific interactive conference. - Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2007. - P.65-67.

    11.Zavyalova, M.S. From the experience of using active teaching methods in the process of forming the legal culture of future specialists” / M.S. Zavyalova // Formation of professional competence through the creation of an active learning environment in secondary specialized educational institutions" Russian scientific and practical conference. - Semiluki: SGTEK, 2007. - part 1. - pp. 101-105.

    12.Zavyalova, M.S. Fundamentals of state and law / M.S. Zavyalova // Methodological manual. - Ufa: RIO RUMC MO RB, 2007. - 86 p.