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  • Summary of the lesson-excursion: "Excursion to the autumn park" (grade 3 of the VIII type). Seasonal changes in wildlife Excursion seasonal changes in nature in winter

    Summary of the lesson-excursion:

    Seasonal changes in wildlife

    Prepared by Nilova Anastasia, a student of grade 10A

    Scientific adviser: Soboleva Tatyana Gennadievna


    “Autumn time, the charm of the eyes ...” this is how A.S. Pushkin spoke about autumn. There are also many folk proverbs and sayings about autumn, for example: “Autumn is eight changes; sows, blows, twists, stirs, tears, sapit, pours from above, sweeps from below.

    September reluctantly closes the summer. Signs of autumn are visible everywhere: the grass withers, the air cools down, the first yellow leaf breaks from the trees. This month was called "leaf fall", "summer seller", "spring" - another name for September. This is the time of flowering heather - an evergreen low shrub, often found in Polissya, in forests and sometimes in the forest-steppe. Indeed, with the onset of autumn, the leaves on the trees are painted in golden tones, it becomes colder, the length of the day changes. The sun is getting less and less and it is raining more and more. But why is this happening? Why do such changes occur in nature, the life of plants and animals?

    1. Changing weather conditions

    Annual temperature variation. The air temperature is constantly changing throughout the year. During the transition from summer to autumn, the temperature drops. First of all, the temperature changes due to a change in the angle of incidence of the sun's rays. The greater the angle of incidence of the sun's rays, the more solar energy per unit area of ​​the earth's surface, which means that the more it will heat up, and the more the air will heat up from it. In autumn, the angle of incidence of sunlight is less than in summer, so there is a noticeable decrease in air temperature.

    However, the change in air temperature can also be affected by the movement of air masses: the arrival of warm or cold air masses can significantly change the typical daily course of air temperature.

    Also, the change in air temperature during its descending and ascending movements largely depends on how much water vapor it contains.

    Precipitation. Precipitation is the amount of moisture in clouds that<#"227" src="doc_zip1.jpg" />

    Hoarfrost is particles of frozen dew. They look like prickly snowflakes, covering all surfaces with an uneven, prickly layer. As a rule, the appearance of a light ice cover indicates that negative temperatures and the first frosts have appeared.

    Daylight length. In autumn, daylight hours become shorter and nights longer. This is due to the speed of the Earth's orbit. The Earth's axis of rotation is tilted, so the length of daylight changes throughout the year. Its duration also varies with geographic latitude.

    Conclusion: Autumn is the time for the change of southern warm and northern cold air currents, which makes the weather sometimes rainy and rainy, sometimes warm and dry. The influx of solar heat is reduced. The weather in autumn is unstable, it often rains, but in the first half of September, good clear sunny days are not uncommon.

    Seasonal changes in plant life

    Herbaceous plants: most of the herbaceous plants, namely the stems and leaves die off for the winter, less often remain in the form of underground modified roots, tubers, rhizomes, bulbs in which there is a supply of nutrients, and can be used by the plant for the next year for a new vegetative period .

    Flowers: the withering of a flower means only the transition to a new stage in the life of the plant. In most cases, it depends on the temperature regime in autumn, as well as on excessive air humidity, lack of light.

    Leaf discoloration and shedding: In summer, the leaves are green in color due to the large amount of chlorophyll pigment they contain. However, along with chlorophyll, green leaves contain other pigments - yellow xanthophyll and orange carotene. In summer, these pigments are invisible, as they are masked by a large amount of chlorophyll. In autumn, as the vital activity in the leaf dies out, chlorophyll is gradually destroyed. This is where the yellow and red shades of xanthophyll and carotene appear in the leaf. The destruction of chlorophyll is more intense in the light, that is, in sunny weather. That is why in cloudy rainy autumn the leaves retain their green color longer. But if the "Indian summer" comes to replace the long rains, then the crowns of the trees turn into golden colors of autumn in 1-2 days. In addition to gold, the autumn dresses of trees contain crimson hues. This color is due to a pigment called anthocyanin. With a decrease in temperature, as well as in bright light, the amount of anthocyanin in the cell sap increases.

    Conclusions: Autumn is a turning point of the year: in a short period from September to November, nature undergoes a transition from heat to frost, from greenery to snow, from summer to winter. It takes only 3 months for the green-leaved forest with lush grass cover to take on a completely winter look - leafless, bare trees against a white background of snow.

    Seasonal changes in animal life

    Adaptations of cold-blooded animals for wintering. Cold-blooded animals endure the winter in an inactive state. In their body, changes occur that begin well in advance in the summer. By autumn, their nutrient reserves increase, due to which metabolism is maintained at a slow pace. The amount of water in their cells decreases. Despite this preparedness, many cold-blooded animals hibernate in shelters where the harsh conditions of winter are less pronounced.

    Adaptations of warm-blooded animals for wintering. Warm-blooded animals have less ability to hypothermia than cold-blooded ones. A constant body temperature is ensured by their high metabolic rate. To maintain the temperature at the same level, they have such features as heat-insulating covers, fat deposits, etc. To reduce heat transfer in winter conditions, they have an autumn molt - a change in summer fur in mammals and plumage in birds to thicker, winter. Warm-blooded animals do not go into winter dormancy if they can feed themselves in the winter. Mammals that are unable to forage in winter conditions hibernate. Before hibernation, animals accumulate nutrients in the body, mainly fats up to 40% of body weight, and settle in a shelter.

    Birds that are not able to provide themselves with food in winter conditions fly away to warmer climes, where they find abundant food.

    Conclusions: In the spring, when it gets warm, migratory birds arrive, mammals wake up from hibernation, cold-blooded animals come out of a state of stupor. In autumn, with the onset of cold weather, they have the opposite. It has been established that the main regulating factor of seasonal changes in the life of animals is not a change in temperature, but changes in the length of the day during the year.

    rainfall animal wintering seasonal

    Autumn is a magical time of the year. All paths in the park are covered with foliage and needles. Raindrops tap the ground in a muffled rhythm. And with the fall, step by step, we are approaching changes. Autumn is the harbinger of winter, the time of the onset of the first cold weather. Autumn is the time when the sky becomes dark and the day is short. Autumn is the time of learning. Autumn is the season of rains. Autumn is the time of poets. And autumn is the first snow. And that means winter is coming...


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    Our planet undergoes regular weather changes throughout the year. Such changes are called seasons. All seasonal changes in nature have their own separate name. It is winter, spring, summer and autumn. Changes in the weather and changes in the behavior of the animal world during these periods depend on the amount of solar radiation distributed to different regions of the globe. Of great importance is also the angle of incidence of the sun's ray on the surface of the Earth. The more the angle of inclination tends to a straight line, the hotter it becomes at a particular point of incidence of this beam. The length of the day also affects seasonal changes.

    Dependence of seasonal changes on territorial location

    In the northern and southern hemispheres, seasonal changes are completely opposite. It depends on the location of the Earth in relation to the Sun. An imaginary red line on the globe separates the two hemispheres exactly in the middle. This line is called the equator. Throughout the year, the sun's rays fall on this area almost at right angles. And therefore, in countries located on the equator line, there is constantly hot and dry weather. Traditionally, the winter period is considered the beginning of the year.

    Winter - cold and beauty

    It is located farthest from the Sun in winter. All seasonal changes in nature during this period freeze in anticipation of warming. A time of low temperatures, snowfalls, winds and abundant ice formation. Many animals hibernate to conserve vital energy. After the winter equinox, the Sun begins to rise higher above the horizon line, and the length of the day slowly increases.

    Winter time for nature is a period of struggle and beauty. Plants stop growing, some animals and birds move to warmer countries, and people escape the cold in sheltered areas. You can see abandoned bird nests, bare tree branches and large volumes of fallen snow.

    Changes in winter weather

    Winter weather is changeable and unpredictable. One week there may be severe frosts, and the next - an unexpected thaw. In the cold, you can hear how trees crackle in the frost, water freezes in rivers, lakes and ponds. Ice crystals form a solid upper layer of water on the surface of reservoirs, which reliably protects deep-seated inhabitants from the penetration of cold. In remote mountainous areas, snowstorms cover roads, and people have to stock up on food in advance.

    During thaws, seasonal changes in nature can be manifested by unexpected rains, which, when frost returns, create an ice crust on roads and plants. Trees, houses, cars and roads are covered with ice. This natural phenomenon is very dangerous for animals and people. The accumulation of ice breaks trees, damages power lines and renders bridges and roads unusable.

    Animal and plant life in winter

    Most are at rest. Among the snow-white snow blockages, only some types of evergreen trees, such as spruce, cedar, pine or fir, turn green. At the end of winter, when warming, the movement of juices begins, and the first buds appear on the trees.

    Many birds migrate to warmer regions, but more than 30 species remain in the Northern Hemisphere even during the most severe frosts. These are, as a rule, birds that feed on the seeds of certain plants. Birds also remain for the winter - scavengers such as crows, gulls and pigeons and hunters like hawks or owls.

    Winter is a time of long sleep for many animals, and seasonal changes in wildlife occur in different ways everywhere. Frogs go into hibernation and burrow into the mud, while small animals like voles and marmots hide in pre-excavated burrows. Earthworms, caterpillars and bumblebees also behave. Keep within warm lairs and bears. During hibernation, animals are in a state of suspended animation. Tolerate seasonal changes in nature and many other mammals. These are otters, muskrats, deer, hares and many other species of forest dwellers.

    Spring is the time of flowering

    From March 20, the length of the day increases significantly, the average daily temperature rises, the first flowers begin to bloom. Animals that wintered in the cold begin to molt, and those that hibernate begin to return to their former way of life. Birds build nests and begin to acquire chicks. Numerous offspring are born and various insects appear.

    In the Northern Hemisphere, spring arrives on the vernal equinox. The length of the day is compared to the length of the night. In spring, heavy rains and snowmelt begin. Water basins overflow and spring floods begin. The first flowers bloom, and their active pollination by emerging insects begins. The first flowers to appear are snowdrops, irises and lilies. Leaves appear on the trees.

    Awakening wildlife

    Gradually, the air is filled with the singing of migratory birds returning from hot countries. Toads and frogs wake up after hibernation and begin to sing their mating songs. Many mammals explore new territories.

    Spring seasonal changes in wildlife begin with the appearance of various insects. Very early you can see mosquitoes and flies. Other insects wake up behind them at the beginning of spring. Various bumblebees, wasps and the like are reliably protected from spring frosts by a fluffy striped fur coat.

    Summer is a ripening crop

    After June 21, real summer begins in the Northern Hemisphere. The development of all plants is rapidly going on, and for herbivores, the time of enhanced nutrition is coming. Predators, in turn, actively prey on lovers of green fodder. All seasonal changes in nature in summer occur very quickly. Excellent weather allows people to grow so many vegetables and fruits during the summer months that their stocks can last for a very long time. Perennial plants also gain their main power during the summer months.

    At the end of summer, the harvest of the ripened crop begins. Fruits ripen on many shrubs, trees and other plants. But summer production of vegetables and fruits is sometimes drastically reduced due to dehydration of the soil and the inability to provide plants with enough water.

    During the summer, many birds train their chicks and prepare them for the long fall migration. Summer and seasonal changes in nature in summer is a wonderful topic for studying the behavior of not only birds, but also many insects and other representatives of the animal world. The educational excursion "Seasonal changes in nature" will be very interesting for children.

    Autumn - picking fruits

    Since September 22, new seasonal changes have been taking place throughout the Northern Hemisphere, and a cold snap begins quite soon. There is a drop in temperature, and the midday sun no longer heats very much. The days are getting shorter and the life cycle of many plants is coming to an end. The animal world is preparing for migration to the south or building warm shelters for a long winter hibernation. Some animals and birds change summer outfits for warmer winter ones. Among many breeds of animals, the mating season begins. The grass withers, and the leaves on the trees change their color and fall off. The sun does not rise at all over the North, and the Arctic will be in complete darkness for the next six months. Autumn ends on the winter solstice.

    You can trace the most interesting seasonal changes in nature in autumn during the short Indian summer. The return of warm weather for a few autumn days allows animals and plants to finish preparing for the bitter cold. Gardeners and gardeners are closely watching the harbingers of frost in order to have time to complete the harvest of a bountiful harvest of vegetables and fruits.

    Animal world in autumn

    Many animals and birds are beginning to move south in search of milder temperatures and reliable food supplies. Some animal species hibernate. Bears go into deep winter sleep. In late autumn, a large number of insects die. Some insects burrow deeper into the ground or hibernate as larvae or pupae.

    A variety of seasonal changes in nature in autumn for preschoolers will be understandable if you explain what is happening to the children and supplement the story about autumn with illustrative examples. This is a demonstration of beautiful orange and red maple leaves, various crafts from autumn leaves and twigs, observations of the animal world. Children may also be interested in autumn seasonal changes in a corner of nature, which, as a rule, is created in any preschool institution.

    nature calendar

    To consolidate knowledge about the change of seasons and get to know nature better, nature calendars can be compiled together with preschoolers. These can be children's themed drawings or applications using summer or autumn natural material. Natural phenomena can be presented in the form of a schematic image or using a variety of thematic stickers.

    Various plot pictures are placed on the calendar in accordance with the passing season.

    In winter, these may be images of sleeping bears or animals with white fur. Spring can be illustrated with images and the arrival of migratory birds. There are many available ways to visually convey the summer season. This is a display of ripened fruits and the different autumn season is also shown visually with the fallen leaves of the trees.

    In general, the story about natural changes during different seasons and the creation of a calendar of observations of significant changes in the surrounding nature contributes to the development of children and instilling in them love for their native land.

    Seasonal changes in nature.« Admire: spring is coming ...»

    Snow lies on dead grasses for a long time,
    And their panicles preserved the seed,
    And in the snow, alive, it falls,
    And it freezes into ice, clean from dust.
    All the snow hides the veil,
    As if the world had calmed down from shocks.
    The earth fell asleep, full of seed,
    To wake up in the greenery of spring.

    P. Komarov


      Developing skills to observe changes in nature independent research.

      The development in students of the concept of the relationship of the plant organism with environmental conditions, the formation of skills to identify early flowering plants.

      Based on observations, the identification of the biological characteristics of early flowering plants.

      Formation of respect for nature.

      Development of dialectical-materialistic views on nature.


      Determine the signs of the onset of spring in living and inanimate nature.

      Introduce students to the different periods of spring.

      Establish the causes of early flowering of woody and herbaceous plants and the change of seasonal phenomena in plant life.

      To promote the aesthetic education of students by means of nature and art.

    Equipment and decoration:notepad (notebook) for notes, pencil (pen), instruction cards, sightseeing magnifiers.

    Location of the tour : forest biocenosis.

    Time spending: end of April - May.

    Age of students: 6th grade

    Preparing students for the excursion:

    1. Talk with students about the various periods of spring (weather features, changes in the flora and fauna, the beauty of awakening nature, and issues of its protection).

    2. Introduce three new concepts of spring and indicate the timing of their occurrence:

    "calendar spring" - March 1;"astronomical" - March 21 - the day of the vernal equinox throughout the globe (except for the polar regions), the day is equal to the night;"biological" the beginning of sap flow in the Norway maple (March 24), and then in the warty birch (April 8).

    3. The task for students to prepare the characteristics of each period of spring (March, April, May)

    4. Prepare children for the perception of nature, draw attention to the objects of the "forest" ecosystem. To form the ability to behave correctly in the forest.

    During the classes

    Goes - buzzing Green Noise,

    Green Noise, spring noise!

    Playfully divergent

    Suddenly the wind is riding:

    Shakes alder bushes,

    Raise flower dust

    Like a cloud everything is green

    Both air and water!

    Problem question: How does spring come?

    ON THE. Nekrasov

    Is it necessary to go far for a fairy tale?

    K. Ivanov

    What happens to plants in spring?

    The leaves are blooming, the first flowers are appearing, the grass is turning green...

    In most areas of the globe there is a constant change of seasons. Spring turns to summer, summer to autumn, autumn to winter. Every season is beautiful in its own way.
    We are infinitely dear to the green smoke of the birth of life, and the sad withering of plants entering a state of rest. We are pleased with the tiny lanterns of snowdrops, the yellow lights of dandelions, the bird cherry bushes wrapped in white shawls, the honey smell of linden, the aroma of Antonov apples, the first boletus we met in the forest, the golden glow of maples, the cold fires of rowan trees stripped by the October wind.

    The endless chain of changes in the face of nature is due to shifts in the physiological state of plants depending on the seasons. Look out the window. Now spring is coming, one of the most amazing times of the year - the time of the awakening of life.
    Winter... Whirlwinds of February snowstorms swirl across the fields. The trees in the February forest seem lifeless. But is it? Look at leathery dense catkins of alder or birch. They have been formed since autumn. The outer scales of these earrings reliably cover the rudiments of flowers from frost and winter evaporation. Having thoroughly frozen for 2-3 months, at the end of February, without waiting for warm days, they begin to slowly swell.

    In March, when there is still snow everywhere, the trees celebrate spring. Despite the frosty air, the dark trunks of trees warm up under the sun and melt the snow around them, thawed patches form with bare wet earth.

    The sun appears. Spring warm rays fall on the Snowdrop.

    A snowdrop peeped out in the semi-darkness of the forest
    Little scout sent in the spring
    Let snow reign over the forest
    Let sleepy meadows lie under the snow.
    Let the ice be motionless on the sleeping river -
    Once the scout has come, spring will come.

    E. Serov

    Oh, how pleasant these sunbeams are, I want to live: to blossom and please others.

    snowdrops the first spring plants are able to withstand frosts down to -10 ° C, because. there is a lot of sugar in the juice that fills them, and sugar solutions do not freeze in slight frosts. They can't do without this tool! There is still snow all around, but as soon as the first thawed patches appear, they are right there: blooming, in a hurry.

    Their time is short. The flowering of early spring plants lasts only a month and a half, until the trees unfurl their leaves and close the sky over them, light-loving.

    They are not only a snowdrop, but also a snow drop, a snow flower, a scout, a harbinger of spring, a bully ... And the Latin name Galanthus nivalis- white snowdrop.

    Why is this a bully?

    All because it argues with snow .. Listen to one old story that has become a legend.
    After being expelled from paradise, Adam and Eve were walking through a snow-covered forest, and then a few snowflakes fell on her cheek. They melted, and the droplets, falling to the ground, turned into flowers - snowdrops.

    Perhaps the most active preparation for spring takes place at this time under the thick snow of a broad-leaved forest. If you dig up the snow here, you can find pale yellow sprouts with folded leaves, and sometimes buds, breaking through the fallen leaves. But in autumn these sprouts were not here!
    The fact is that in the broad-leaved forest the soil does not freeze in winter due to the large amount of humus and deep snow cover, which create excellent thermal insulation. Due to this, the temperature of the soil here is kept around 0 ° C all winter, so it remains unfrozen moisture available to plants.
    As for the nutrients that are so necessary for growth, the under-snow development of plants occurs at the expense of previously deposited reserves. For example, in lungwort and anemone, these reserves are in rhizomes, in blueberries and goose onions - in bulbs, in chistyak and corydalis - in tubers.

    Intense respiration using these stored nutrients causes the plant to rise in temperature. Often the snow melts around it. For example, in February, shoots of coltsfoot, laid down in the fall, begin to grow under the snow. If you dig up a plant at this time, you can see that a tiny cave has thawed around it in the snow cover. Severe frosts are still cracking, and spring is already beginning under the snow ...

    Still, it happens that winter is angry,
    The last blizzards break the anger,
    But day by day the cold is getting weaker
    More and more often the sound of a drop is heard.
    Snow, having lost its diamond shine,
    Running down cold streams
    To the spring madness of noisy rivers
    And ice floes floating in water fields.
    As soon as the birches begin to sap,
    In a fluffy coat, felt boots,
    A purple flower is born
    On a silvery and short leg.
    And side by side are the same as him,
    Similar to little kittens
    Hiding from the cold in a sweet dream,
    His shot brothers are sleeping.
    Just enjoying the warmth of the sun
    Beautiful buds will open:
    Deep blue with topaz tuft
    Easter chimes will ring.
    Spring is long gone
    The eye pleases and tired not knowing
    Sleep-grass will bloom until summer
    A flower in which all the beauty of the earth!

    Lumbago. The sun doesn't always shine in spring. Often clouds cover the sky, and cold rain with sleet lashes the ground. And there are often frosts at night. This is where we, spring plants, come in handy with a fur coat bestowed by nature. Raindrops roll off my silky hairs, and I come out dry from the water.

    And why do they call you sleep-grass?

    This herb has a sedative, and in large doses, a hypnotic effect! And in the old days they put it at the corner of a house under construction. It was believed that he brings happiness to the house.

    At the edge - lights,
    A whole thaw.
    Shorty stalks
    And a little flower.
    There are no leaves - it blooms,
    Covered in cold.
    The earliest honey for bees
    Gives coltsfoot. L. Dunina

    Coltsfoot Likes open, well-lit places. In early April, I have cheerful yellow inflorescences-baskets, and only then leaves. They are special. The upper side of the leaf, turned to the sun, is smooth, dark green. The underside, facing the ground, is covered with white hairs, like felt. Apply the upper and lower sides of the sheet to your cheek, and you will feel that the lower side is warmer than the upper one.

    Lungwort is unclear. One of the best spring honey plants. In the inflorescences-umbrellas, you can simultaneously find half-blown flowers with a pink corolla, blooming - purple in color and already fading - blue. This helps the pollinating insects: they only visit the pink and purple flowers.

    April, May will pass, June will come. The petals of spring flowers will fall off, fruits with seeds will scatter. The stems and leaves of many of them will wither. But spring flowers are perennial. This means that every summer only the upper, above-ground, part of the plant dies. Roots, rhizomes, tubers and bulbs hid in the soil, in which the nutrients accumulated over the summer are deposited. They will come in handy next spring.
    Seeds hid in the soil. Freeze. We fell asleep. Waiting for a new spring.

    So year after year, century after century, the cycle of life takes place in nature. If you come across a clearing in the forest covered with flowers in the spring, do not touch them, do not collect a bouquet. Remember what a long harsh winter they survived. They must not disappear!

    Teacher: Guys, I suggest you go on an excursion to the spring forest.Let's remember what rules you need to follow when you come to the forest.

      It is impossible to kindle a fire in the forest during a fire hazardous time, it is necessary to carefully check before leaving the place where the fire burned, whether it was well extinguished.

      Being in nature, you can not pick plants for bouquets. Bouquets can only be made from those plants that are grown by man.

      You can collect medicinal plants only in those places where there are a lot of them. Some plants must be left in nature.

      You can not break the branches of trees and shrubs. Let beautiful plants, trees remain in nature.

      In nature, especially in the forest, you should try to walk along the paths so that the plants do not die from trampling.

    Again the birds fly from afar,

    To the shores that break the ice

    The warm sun is high

    And the fragrant lily of the valley is waiting.

    A. Fet

    What season is the poem talking about?

    How did you guess that the poem is about spring?

    What signs of spring did the author name in his poem?

    Today in the lesson we will go on a visit to spring and talk about what changes occur in nature with the advent of spring.

      Spring changes in inanimate nature. Listen to riddles about the spring months.

    A warm south wind is blowing

    The sun is shining brighter

    The snow is thinning, soft, melting,

    The loud-mouthed rook flies.

    What month? Who will know? (March)

    Furiously the river roars

    And breaks the ice.

    The starling returned to his house,

    And in the forest the bear woke up.

    A lark trills in the sky.

    Who came to us? (April)

    The fields are green

    The nightingale sings.

    The garden is dressed in white

    The bees are the first to fly.

    Thunder rumbles. Guess,

    What month is this?...(May)

    What signs of spring have you heard?

    Did the sun warm the earth in the same way in all spring months?

    - Which spring month is the coldest?

    The warmest? Why?

    - Now imagine the sky. What is it like in spring?

    What precipitation falls in the spring?

    Are there thunderstorms in spring? When?

    2. Spring changes in wildlife .

    It's time to talk about what changes occur in wildlife with the advent of spring.

    What happens to trees and shrubs in spring?

    What happens to herbaceous plants?

    - Name the herbaceous plants that bloom the very first?

    Usually early-flowering herbaceous plants are called snowdrops. Why?

    - Why do snowdrops bloom so early?

    What flowers bloom in late spring, in May?

    Many people collect bouquets of spring plants in spring. Is it good?

    During the excursions, you will have to complete the tasks for the links and provide a written report on today's excursion.

    3. Write an outline for a written report:

      the beauty of spring nature (it is desirable to take a photo of the first spring flowers);

      the life of herbaceous plants of the forest, meadow, yard;

      life of trees and shrubs;

      signs of spring in the animal kingdom.

      wish to create a presentation in the programpowerpoint

    4. Now let's have a contestthe most observant, most intelligent and organized friends of nature. Students are divided into units.

    Task for 1 link: students perform it in the forest, looking for a given number of species of flowering herbaceous plants; define them, and make notes in a notebook in the form of a table:

    plant name

    Features of the external structure

    Flower (sketch)

    Leaves (sketch)

    Task for 2 links: It is necessary to answer the questions: Neither cornflower, nor bluebell, nor chamomile bloom - why did spring chistyak, oak anemone, medicinal lungwort, goose onion and other primroses grow and bloom so quickly? What organs of these plants have nutrients? Why are primroses in a hurry to bloom?

    Task for 3 links: observe the flowers of early flowering plants and answer the questions:

      How often do insects visit these flowers?

      What adaptations have these flowers developed for cross-pollination?

      What causes the color of flowers?

      Do flowers have nectaries?

      Is it possible for these flowers to self-pollinate?

      How do these plants reproduce if pollinating insects are not enough during the flowering period?

    In answering these questions, students examine the primroses and take photographs of them.

    Task for 4 links: watch trees and shrubs bloom. Organize your entries in a table.

    Name of trees

    and bushes

    Appearance of inflorescences

    (schematic drawings)


    single or double





    5. Gathering students of all levels to complete the next task.

    cognitive tasks

    1. Flowering of plants is possible if there is a supply of nutrients. Where is the supply of nutrients in woody plants?

    2. Most trees bloom before the leaves open. What is the method of pollination in trees? How would fruit formation be affected by the flowering of trees during the period of full leafing?

    3. It is estimated that trees have more staminate inflorescences than pistillate ones. Explain this phenomenon.

    4. Why are the flowers of woody plants collected in inflorescences - an earring, panicle, brush, and not in inflorescences - a basket, an ear?

    5. When the trees are in bloom, the shrubs are in the budding phase. Why? Is wind pollination possible in shrubs?

    Discussion of cognitive tasks.

    Closing conversation: about the life of trees, shrubs, perennial herbaceous plants in spring. Paying attention to the correspondence of the structure of plant organs to the functions performed, to the development of plants in relation to the environment.

    Homework .

    1. Each link submits a report on the results of the excursion"Admire, spring is coming!", there you can put legends and poems about spring flowers, drawings or photographs.

    Summing up the lesson-excursion grading in the journal .

    And now, guys, think and tell me, having been on such an excursion, what did you get useful for yourself?


    Journals Biology at school

    Internet resources


    Topic: “Excursion to the forest. Seasonal changes in nature with the onset of autumn.


    Clarify students' ideas about seasonal changes in nature in autumn, expand their horizons;

    Correction of cognitive activity, development of skills to observe animate and inanimate nature, enrichment

    Vocabulary and development of coherent oral speech;

    Cultivate motivation for learning.

    Equipment: illustrations on the theme "Autumn", plot pictures on the theme "Autumn", a series of pictures on the theme "People's work in autumn", demonstration material "Seasons", correctional game "Seasons and weather", calendar of nature and labor, weather signs, notebooks , pencils and colored pencils, instructions on safety and rules of conduct on excursions, a ball, excursion sheets.

    During the classes.

    Structural parts of the lesson,

    Teacher activity





    1. Organizational moment.

    1.1.Checking readiness for the lesson.

    1.2. Correctional game "Seasons and weather".

    1.3. Determining the weather of the day.

    1.2. Repeat the names of the seasons, their main features and weather changes.

    1.3. In the classroom, on the stand "Calendar of Nature and Labor", in the "Weather of the Day" section, the weather characteristics of the current day are marked with signs.

    Demonstration material "Seasons", illustrations on the theme "Autumn"

    Calendar of nature and labor, basic weather signs

    II. Main part.

    2.1. Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    2.2. Acquaintance of students with the route of movement, excursions.

    2.3. Instructing students on safety and rules of conduct on excursions.

    2.4.Organized line-up and excursion.

    2.2. Take part in the discussion of the route of movement.

    2.3. Repeat the basic rules of traffic rules, behavior on excursions.

    2.4. They build and go on an excursion.

    The planned excursion route of the student's movement, a folder with instructions and rules on safety and the protection of life and health of the student

    III. Conducting an excursion.

    3.1. Movement along the route, identifying signs of the onset of autumn.

    3.2. Observation of changes in wildlife and inanimate nature in autumn, weather changes in autumn.

    3.3.Comments on filling out the excursion sheets.

    3.1. Follow the teacher along the chosen route.

    3.2. Observe the changes in nature in autumn.

    3.3. Orally answer questions during the tour, perform tasks.

    Tour sheets,

    simple pencils

    IV. The game "Big - small".

    4.1. They line up in a circle, randomly throw a ball to each other and name objects of animate and inanimate nature, natural phenomena, for example: “stone-pebble”, “stream-stream”, etc.

    rubber ball

    V. Final part.

    5.1. Return to school, class.

    5.2. Summing up the results of the excursion, registration of the results:

    5.2.1. Discussion of the results of the excursion, registration of records.

    5.2.2. Making drawings in notebooks.

    5.1. Follow the teacher back along the chosen route.

    5.2. Fill out the tour sheets.

    5.2.1. Take part in the discussion of the results of the excursion.

    5.2.2. Perform drawings on the topic of the excursion.

    Notebooks, illustrations on the theme "Autumn", plot pictures on the theme "Autumn", pencils and colored pencils

    Make captions under the pictures "The work of people in the fall"

    VI. Homework.

    Run the last drawing

    VII. Summary of the lesson.

    7.1. Workplace cleaning.

    7.1. They take away jobs.

    Type: Lesson-excursion

    Prepared by: Repchenko D.S.

    Class: 1

    Theme: "Nature in autumn."

    Target: Consolidation of knowledge about seasonal changes in nature with the onset of autumn.


      Educational: to acquaint children with the concept of "the world around"; expand students' understanding of the signs of autumn; to form in children the concepts of "living and inanimate nature."

      Developing: to develop the ability to observe autumn changes in nature, memory, thinking, attention, coherent oral speech of students, emotional and aesthetic responsiveness to the beauty of autumn nature.

      Educational: to cultivate love for the world around, the ability to work in a team, in a small group.

    Equipment: fallen leaves of different trees, reproductions of autumn landscapes, poems about autumn, colored crayons.

    During the classes:

      Organizing time

    Guys, the bell rang, but today we will not have a regular lesson, but a lesson-excursion. So we're going to the school yard. (We go outside in an organized manner.)

    Division into groups:

    - The appointment of a senior in the class who will be responsible for the order and execution of tasks.

    1 group - leaves

    Group 2 - fruits

    Group 3 - vegetables

    - In each group, select a commander who will be responsible for the discipline of the group as well.

      Knowledge update

    Guys, listen poem:

    Sad time! Oh charm!

    Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.

    I love the magnificent nature of wilting,

    Forests clad in crimson and gold…

    What season is this poem about? (about autumn)

    Today our lesson-excursion is dedicated to autumn. The theme of our lesson is "Golden Autumn".

      Work on the topic of the lesson

    Guys, look at our school yard. How beautiful it is around! This is all that surrounds us, what can we call it? (The world.)

    What do you see in our yard? (Children list.)

    And what of what you have listed is made by human hands? (Children list.)

    What is created by nature? (They call.)

    But after all, nature is also different, “living” and “non-living”.

    Let's go to the tree. Do you think it is alive or not? Prove it.

    (Children name the signs of a living thing: it grows, breathes, eats ...)

    And then a sparrow flew by. He is alive? Prove it. (Prove.)

    Look at the sky. What do we see? (clouds, sun) Are they alive? (No, they don't breathe, they don't grow, they don't die, they don't reproduce.)

    So we have identified the signs of living and non-living.

    Look around, name something that can be attributed to "living" nature.

    (trees, birds, flowers).

    Look around, name what can be attributed to "inanimate" nature.

    (sun, clouds, stone, sand, wind).


    So, nature is "living" and "non-living".

    Today we will observe nature with you. What season is it now? (Autumn.)

    How beautiful in autumn! Everything is changing. Both living and non-living things.


    1 group

    - Problem question.

    Tell me how the inanimate nature has changed? (The sun no longer warms, as in summer, the sky seems lower. The wind blows often. It rains. It's cold.)

    2 group

    - Problem question.

    How has wildlife changed? (Birds fly south. Leaves turn yellow, redden, fall off. Animals store supplies for the winter.)

    3rd group.

    And how has the life of people changed with the advent of autumn? (We dress warmer, in gardens and orchards, harvest in the fields.)

    All right. Well done!

    Well, now we'll rest.


    See what trees grow in our yard?

    For example(oak, birch, maple, apple, ash…)

      Didactic game "Guess the tree".

    And now we will play, I will show you the fallen leaves, and you will tell me the tree from which this leaf is (the teacher shows the children prepared leaves, the children guess).

    Does anyone know why leaves fall in autumn? (children's answers)

    Teacher's story

    Guys, the fact is that by shedding their leaves, the trees are preparing for winter. The earth under fallen leaves will not freeze deeply, will not compact under the weight of snow, will retain air, which is very important for the inhabitants of the soil, who loosen the earth and make it fertile. In the spring, under fallen leaves, the ground retains the moisture of melted snow for a long time. Fallen leaves are not garbage: they are very necessary for the soil and plants.

    Look how beautiful and unusual fallen leaves are.

    What colour? (children examine fallen leaves, naming their colors).

    Nature in autumn is extraordinarily beautiful. Many poets and artists sing of this beauty. We read a lot and memorized poems about autumn. Remember. (If the children find it difficult, the teacher reads prepared poems). The authors call autumn golden, crimson, beautiful ...

    Like poets, artists also admire autumn nature. See what wonderful paintings the artists paint (children look at reproductions, paintings by artists).

      Practical work

    Now, I want you to become artists too and draw autumn trees. Showed the beauty of autumn nature.

    To do this, you were divided into 3 groups (children, under the guidance of a teacher, draw selected trees on the pavement).

    After you draw we will choose the best drawing of the group.

      Summary of the lesson.

    Guys, what new did you learn today at the lesson-excursion? (children's answers).

    We considered what surrounds us. This is all that surrounds us, what can we call it? (The world.)

    What is nature like? (living and non-living).

    Recall the signs of wildlife, give examples.

    Remember the signs of inanimate nature, give examples.

    How does nature change with the advent of autumn?

    You did a great job in class today. Thank you guys. And now we're going to class. (Organized return to school).